C4,c HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Mob. 24,1869, `HUGH ~ -rmreg r EDITORS 1-8.1•.1, 2'he Globs". luB • the tcwoest number ritiders of any Other paper published in the' cihintY. — littiertilers should remember this. To Our Priends'and Patrons. we gii , e - riotice to tite'contrary, we• Will issue to all paying 'us money on subscription tit 'Globe, advertihing, jeb work and old store bills, i chance checks "fOr pitsents Enterprise. Now is the time to „sabseribe, adver tise, have your bills, etc.„- printed, and for all indebtOtt to us to pay up. We *apt eyeilybodY to have a chance for tbebeautirol,and substantial Chamber Sett,of thirteen,pleces-worth $25.,., itigx:Robrt Al. Douglas, Esq., n son of.,the late Senator. Siephea A. Doug las; has been appointe4l=ono• of Presi dent Gratit's'Oivite SiTrotaries. • The lion. lir, d. Morrell has been bhairthan Of the Coramitttie and is alsO"iin..i,he I!.lfie Committee. : ,• , 11 ' 4.9..PresidentGrant refusea'te make tippointinonls to office, except in cases of. vacancy, until the tenure.of-offiee act le repealed, It will . be "repealed tir:.lr,suepen,ded7;the Present week.' ZEO;:Oar Cblumne.ate'npen to llepuh licane'`to.diik;un any par 'lineation they feel. an interest in. We do not intend to force- onr :opinions upon the party, hutiwill be governed by the will 0f the- majgrity , and the party organi zation. ite e .The President has approved and signed the bill for the farther.speurity of equal rights. in the District of Co- Intabia..-: This law removes altogether the : i di'slinottens lieeetofere existing I:;otween l whites and . ,plac4s 'as to n6...The'Presidont has ordered the discontinuance of the military guard at the White House, which has been on duty 'ftir the last four years, and that hereafter the protection of the premises be,in .charge of the doorkeeper and three police officers. , te..Washington correspondents toll usAhat there •are fifty applicants for every foreign mission within the gift of the President. For the Consulship . at Frankfort on-the-Hain, there are ono hundred and fifty-four aspirants. Don't all speak at once, gentlemen. tg-The Republican members of the Senate are divided in their opinions as to the disposition that should be made of the tenure-of-offtee bill. Some favor repeal and others think it should only be suspended. The friends of repeal,' feeltentlilent of their ability to carry it through vihen a vote is taken. 467-President Grant was quite kid's. posed on Saturday, and no visitors were admitted to the White House. The incessant labors since his inaugu•. ration have been too much for him, Ho will find that an army of office hun ters will be more difficult to manage than an army of Union soldiers. .Senator Sprague who favors the repeat of the tenure-of-office act de clares "that the great evil in both houses of Congress was that too many of the members were lawyers—men ed ucated only in one line, in one range of ideas and experience, and therefore incompetent to represent faithfully the divers interests and necessities of the great mass of the people." tus6..s.mong the important move ments now going on is the American Churches, the Lay Delegation move ment in the Methodist Episcopal- Church attracts special attention. The Methodist Episcopal Church, which is the most numerous Protestant body of the country, has thus far been noted for the exclusion of the laity from the legislative assemblies of the Church. In .Tune, the whole membership of the Church, male and female, will vote on the question, whether the former poli cy shall be'retained or whether- the principle of lay delegations shall hence forth be accepted. We notice that -mass meetings of the friends of the movement begin to be held in various parts of the country. le The ways and means commit tee paid an Official visit to Secretary Boutwell the other day. After the psual courtesies bad been-exchanged, tio Secretary informed the committee that ho found affairs generally, in a pretty good-condition. There was an abundance of money, and he indicated Ilia determination not to keep a large amount on band, and that he would use the . aurpins from thue to time for the purchase and pancelativo of bonds, claiming ample authority under exist ing legislation, to do so. Ile also sta ted that lie was opposed to the recent pales of gold, and that whenever be tact any for Sale, it. would be sold in open market, giving to everybody the same opportunity of buying. We are glut to , loom that the stock-jobbing speculators will...not . baanipulate the Treasury, as heretofore. iLeo . 's report of tire ., Gettysburg bat tle is now published for the first time. It shown that .f_lee's purpose in his march into Pennsylvania was to cross tho Suequchann# and-move 'Tog ;Tar fisburg and Phikdelphia. The Tenure of Office Bill. The Hon. John Scott delivered his maiden speech in the United' States Senate, on Friday last, on the, Tenure of Office bill. Tc he Associated; Press despatches gi'Ve'ua - but:' a Meagre re port of the speech, but enouglris given to understand-,the position -taken on the question by Mr. Scott. In his ar gument, ho shows "that the power of removal from (Ace is within the juris diction ef,Colgyess, and, may be.regu latodby legislation. The lloPubliean party was committed to that view by the tenure of office act, by the vote on the impeacbtuant trial, and by its par ty platforms. lie hoped; therefore, that the Senate -would stand upon principle, and refuse to repeal the law; but-be would vote fOr' its 'ftunltineion with proper qualifications and safe. raards." - This first effort of Mr. Scott has ,elicited the highestprahr from every body fortunate enough tojilear it, and the newspapers throughout the equn• try pronounce it able; eloquent and "replete with pointed argument." The Philadelphia Press :isaya that "Mr. ,Seoteti tipeeeli*s worthy of the inter. est manifested by his bearers, oven ifit bad been the effort of an -older Mom- 1 i ner, for it was . ,replete ar gument, and at :times remarkable for the brilliancy of, its ; rhetoric." The Pittsburg Commercial says that "Sen ator Scott's speech for - sttsponsion and againSt tko repeal was, one of the finest yet made in the dispussron." - 'ife . t.sstim.—There is lb' The hand's of membeiof the Legislature,aUd will probably be read in.place the present week, a petition from the citizens of•a portion of Springfield and Dublin town ships, this county, praying to be annex ed to Fulton county. We have seen the petition, examined the boundaries proposed, and find it to be the same as they presented to the Legislature in 1880.„, The reasons cited in the peti tion for the proposed change are, that whilst the citizens of that locality are forty Miles froth the county' seat of Huntingdon, • they are only fifteen miles from the county seat of Fulton, &e., &e. We sincerely trust that the measure will meet the fate of its pro deeessor, notwithstanding the desire of our .Fulton county neighbors to get such a fat slice of our Republican ter ritory. New Bounty Law. The text of the new bounty la w pass ed finally by Congress on the 3d inst., reads as follows : Be it enacted by the Senate and House of _Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That when a soldier's discharge states that be is discharged by reason of "expira don of term of service," ho shall be held to have completed the full term of his enlistment, and entitled to bounty accordingly. SEc. 2. And be it further enacted, That the 'widow, minor children, or parents, in the order named, of any soldier who shall have died, alter be ing honorably discharged from the military servicc•of the United States, shall be entitled to receive the addi tional bounty to which such soldier would be entitled, if living, under the provisions of the twelfth and thirteenth sections of an act entitled '!An t.et ma king appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the year ending June thirty, eighteen huc dred and sixty-seven, and for other purposes,"approved3tly twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the said provisions of said act shall be so construed. SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That all claims for the additional boun- ties granted in sections 12 and 13 of the act of July 28, 1866, shall after the Ist day of May next, be adjusted and settled by the accounting officers of the Treasury, under the provisions of said act{. and all such claims as may, on the hit of May, be remaining in the office of the Paymaster General un settled, shall be transferred to the Second Auditor of the Treasury for settlement. SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That all claims for bounty under the provision of the act cited in the fore going section, shall bo void, unless pre sented in due form prior to the Ist day of December, 1869. ANOTHER MYSTERY SOLVED.—Cap tain E. Godfrey Rebrer, of Tremont, Schuylkill county, who so mysteriously disappeared in November last, turns up as a Sergeant in the Marine Corps, at Washington. He was discovered by a Mr. Cole, of Tamaqua. on the 4th of March, while forming with his com mand, to take part in the inauguration ceremonies. He denied that ho was himself when first accosted by Mr. Colo. He afterwards confessed that the motive for his decamping in the manner he bad done, was the fact that .he was heavily indebted to his father, father-in-law, and others, and that he saw no prospect of extricating himself from his pecuniary liabilities. He said that be first went to Treverton, where he worked as a laborer. From there he went to Baltimore, where he was employed in a similar occupation. One day, seeing in the streets of that city a citizen of Schuylkill county, Pa., he became fearful of being recognized, and left, suddenly without even wait ing to receive his wages. From Bal timore he 'went to Philadelphia, and enlisted in the Marine Corps, anticipa ting that he would soon be sent on *shipboard to some foreign station. In this he was mistaken, for his command was sent to Washington, wbero it has since been stationed. A. ease of "cruelty to animals," for the consideration of the society : 0 B 1) (A. little darkie in bed with nothing over him.) Q4Cier that Grant should put ;Moth er Fish in his Cabinet when ho had Adolph-in already, Botanical Survey of the State The need of a thorough, practical and scientific description of the indig enous Lind naturalized plants of Penn : sylvania, has long been felt, both by men of 'scienco'and by, the'whole agri cultural .commtinity. Such surveys have been in'epared and published by irnany of the State's, while Pennsylva nia seems to have 'entirely overlooked the Matter. The State Agricultural Convention, which mot bereyesterday, had this subject under discussion, and unanimously passed -a, resolution...urg ,iug the, ,*ibject upon the immediate attentinti cf the Legislature. It seems that some scientific gentleman hp.ye already made a complete survey Wile' State, arid _Professor T. C. Por ter, na.tive_of I.l.utitingdon county,. and (magi, the most distinguished nat uralists of the" 'coup has 'nearly Completed * .an elaborate' dem:T.lol:4 - 0f the entire flora,' embracing the lomat trees;',the grasses, • the weeds injtitions 'to Cultivated vegetation, and' also Ob servations on their geographiCal range and their economic value. This is the result of niiire than tWenty-five years of learned - labor on the part of this-dis ,tinguisheitsCholar, and 'he now 'offers the whole as. a' donatiOn to - his native State. The Philadelphia' Academy of Natural Science; 'composed of the most dlidingulshecl saVaas in tlio country, recently passed a resolutiori urging the Legislature to accept and publish.this _w,ork, and yesterday the practical men of,our State, representing "so largely its agricultural interests, also united in this request., We have no doubt it will be done. We are in favor' of a wise economy in the public expenditure, but no more judicious appropruition could be made than to publish the re sults of such investigation gratuitously offered to - the State, and - which from -their Scientific character reflect honor ori the community, while from their practical character they advahee two .material interests.--:State Guard, 18th. TRIAL LIST, • FOR APRIL TERIIIi 1869. FIRST WEEK. Samuel Ho['hermit, vs Henry Fodder. John F. Ilorron Vs DOM Blair. Robert Love'e athn'r. vs Wm. Owens and wife William A. 01 blioA ye Thomas Tur/eylr wife. Thomas Turley and wife vs McGrath and P. per. John Bell or al. vs John Morgan at el. tvilliam H. Wrigley vs John W. Haltom. Theodore 11. Cromer vs Penns, Railroad Company SECOND WEEK. Ann Eliza Long ' vs Ephraim liter, et el. The 'D0...11810p of 'bully, re tieerge Eby. Martin V. Miller le Lexie Etnewly, et at. Isaac Zitntuetnum for me vs Eleanor Baty, et at. William Weaver vs Joh% If. Weaver. Eamurl T. Fleuuer, vs Thu Donna it. It. Co. , • . Joseph hoes vs Same, Samuel O. Simpson vs Same. . Wilttaut Kerr Vs Samuel 11. t-boemnkor vs E. L. Benedict re limier Foust. Corn 11 fot nen, lc Thu Columbia inB CO . . Easton Blake vo W. F. Cunningham. John McCombo vs A. IL Bauman. .1. It. SIMPSON, Prothonotary. Prothonotary 8 Chico, liar. 17, 1103. Jury List--April Term 1869. GRAND JURORS. Jacob Bruner, drover, West Perry Benson, farmer, Tod Jacob Booher, farmer, Cromwell George Berketresser, farmer, Hopewell Andrew Crownover, merchant, Barree David Doaglass, farmer, Shirley John Dorm, agent, West Charles W. Evans, - farmer, Springfield W. A. Fraker, merchant, Shirleyshurg Michael Punk, former, Werriorsmark John B. Gregory, shoemaker, Alexandria Daniel 11. Grove, farmer ( Penn George Keith, farmer, Clay It. G. McNeal, farmer, Clay James Oliver, farmer, Franklin William Piper, laborer, Porter Livingston Robb, farmer, Walker Abraham States, blacksmith, Walker Mexander'Stewart, farmer, Franklin Milton Sang:tree, farmer, Walker Peter Tippory, farmer, Morris James F. Thompson, M. D., Clay John Tate, farmer, Brady W. A. Wakefield. laborer, Shirley TRAVERSE .11:11ORS FIRST WEEK. Daniel Abbot, miner, Carbon J. N. Appleby, merchant, Cromwell Jacob Auttsbaugh, farmer, Jackson Thomas Bell, carpenter, Barre° William Weber, farmer, Springfield William M. Bell, farmer, Shirley Jonathan Brindle, farmer, Lincoln Thomas Cruwnover, farmer, Barret, Peter Cornelius, laborer, Franklin Daniel M. Webs, plasterer, Shirley Alison Crum, farmer, Tod Samuel Douglas. farmer, Shirley Abraham Dean, farmer, Juniata Isaac E'nyeart, farmer, Cromwell William Gehrett, saddler, Cassville William 11. Green, farmer, Clny James Green, farmer, West Henry Grazier, farmer, Warrioretnark Jacob Glaze, shoemaker, Morris J, Dorsey Green, iron master, Porter L. A. GORE, farmer, Henderson Thomas Henderson, farmer, Warriorsmark E, A. Hudson, farmer, Clay Simpson Houck, teacher ' Carbon James L. Hunt, farmer, Clay George Jackson, gentleman; Huntingdon John Laporte, farmer, Franklin Washington Lang, butcher. Walker Samuel MoVitty, farmer, Clay William Madden, farmer, Springfield John Minnick, tanner, Dublin John H. Neff, farmer, West Joseph Painter, founder, Brady David M. Painter, manager, Brady William 11. Piper, clerk, Carhan James M. Piper, farmer, Morris David Rupert, farmer, Henderson Henry Shultz, farmer, Franklin Isaac Swoope, farmer, Mount Union Peter C, Snoope, gentleman, Huntingdon Christian Shontz, laborer, L'neoln William Taylor, farmer, Springfield Thomas Thompson, armor, Porter John Vandevander, J. P., Walker John Weston, carpenter, Warriorsmark John IL Wolverton, pumproaker, Henderson I. R. Wilson, farmer, West John Zoatmier, farmer, Porter TRAVERS& JURURS.-SECOND WEEK. John Booher, farmer, Shirley William Brown, merchant, Carbon George M. Bell, farmer, Jackson William Coulter, farmer, Tell Ralph Crotaley, farmer, Cass Reuben Cruni, farmer, Tod Henry Davis, farmer, West Franklin DeArmit, blacksmith, Alexandria George Estop, blacksmith, Porter Jeremiah Eyer, farmer, Warriorsmark Benjamin R. Foust, merchant, Brady IL G. Fisher, merchant, Huntingdon Samuel L. Glasgow, farmer, Clay John Goodman, teacher, Brady Peter Varnish, farmer, Morris George P. Hoffman, tanner, Mount Union Frank llefright, gentleman, Huntingdon Adam Lightner, farmer, West Myers Miles, shoemaker, Alexandria Robert Meßarney,. jr., elerk, Jackson David B. Mong, farmer, Warrioremark James McCracken, farmer, Henderson • John A. Nash, editor, Huntingdon Henry Peightal, farmer, Walker Gorge Price, farmer, Dublin David Shultz, laborer, Lincoln Andrew Smith, farmer, Union John W. Scott, mail contractor, Dublin Washington Shultz, farmer, Lincoln George Scott, fernier, Barree So'Omen S. Taylor, laborer, Brady Henry Wilson, farmer, Oneida Adana Warfel, blacksmith, Brady Lingle Wilson, farmer, Cromwell. David Weight, farmer, Juniata Samuel Watters, farmer, Tell A collision of velocipedes is apt to rosa4it, as Surn..Wspe,v-Fpuld say, in NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • • , icv-rry. don'tyoo-go to:lienry & Co. ohd by, your goods of every deptription at the 'very lowan price. and MOO the trouble or going from store to 'tote ttget what you want. tuch24-tt HENRY& (30. will do more to ae cantmodata their cuitontera than any other Home in Um netiatPoctivd• mch2l:tf LAP and Joint Shingles for sale by • mcb24-tf HENRY d; CO. • HARD and Soft Coal for,sale by ch 2.44 lIHNItY 6* CO. F OR' SALLr. -.T...,' riAbitls UH LIND IN SIOUX COUNTY, lOWA, Will be eold er exchanged for property in Huntingdon county. Sioux county &knot:Jo the Sioux rIVOI Which en j tete the 7119*outi et Sioux City. 31._ J, sivp.spx AP/iI9A. OvrAll ICS CREEK MILLS. As IL 11. Gardner, miller, haves the mill. the grain, ur, feed.lnd accounts were passed over to J. S.& J. 11. hat, on the 19th Met. All' perautte Indebted sail mill will pay to .1. 11. teat promptly Flour, Corn meal. feed and Ground pinker alwaye on band and will bidellfirel on oreer at the mill or at Morkiesaurgstatton, at I.volt - on& priers. March 24, '69, "J. S. & J. 11. ISHTT. FXECUTORIS -NOTICE.-- (Estate of EVE BUMGAIMER. dec'd.3 ettere testamentary, on the estate of 'Eve Uumgard , net., late of Union Huntingdon county, deed: herring been granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted to the estate aro requested tomato immediate poymeut, arid times having claims, to present thetn duty authentb eated for settlement. , " • RICHARD CHILCOTT, Colfax, Zilch. 24, '69-de •it . - Executor. EXECI3TORS' NOTICE. - , [Estate of lilf. C. HUI UV, dec'd :] Letters test:inlet/tory on the estate of William C. Right, Into or the borough or Iluntingasnolccensed., having been granted to the undersigned, al/ weeps indebted nre re quested to make payment and those haring claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. . K. ALLEN LOVELL, A. U. HIGHT, Huntingdon, itch. 22-60 Executers. pUBLIO SALE Of itLllltlt.4 / 10 DRE 9 , BROOD MARES, COLTS, CARRIAGES, WAGONS, &C. On Saturday, April 3, 1869. Will be oxPosed to public sale, commencing precisely all o'clock, P. M., at the stable of the undersigned, near the Baptist Church, in Huntingdon, Huntingdon county, Pa., 19 bead of valuable horse stock, comprised of lino young driving, riding, and farm horses," brood farm mares, several, of which- uremia) foal to the thorough bred Ilartibletonlan horse "Warwick." 4-superior colts, to 0 mouths old, aired by Ilarnbletonlan Warwick,2 !Yeah milrh coos with c.ilves„ Carriage and lluagy,l I wo.herse wagon, Cart with box and springs," single land double Immerse. , A. D. WILSON. March:23d, 1880, Et.* RAILROAD MEETING. There will be a meeting of the friends of the Stone Creek italicoad Company, at the Court Homo, in the bor ough of Huntingdon, on TUESDAY, the 13th day of April, next. at 7 o'clock, D. M., at which time and place books will be opened to metre subscriptions to the cap ital stock of the said Company. Nearly enough money has been subscribed to perfect the organization of the Company, end If Ito Woods of the entelpriso will attend and aubscribo according to their ability; the Company can be organized and Immediate steps taken to hare the road surveyed And plat older contract, ROBERT aIciIUENEY, HENRY CORNPROBST, JOHN JACKSON, CIEORGE TAYLOR. R. BRUCE tETIAIKIN, HENRY 5, WHARTON, J. SEWELL STEWART, main Commissioners. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Of, Valuable Real Estate in the Borough 5 Inn. Seam (Estnte of James Steel, drceasoil.] py virtue of an order of the Orphans ' .1) Court of Huntingdon County, them will be expo sed to public sale, on the promises, In the borough of Huntingdon, OW TUESDAY, APRIL 13th, 1839, at I o'clock, p m., the following dent Thal real °Mato, to nit: Thehalf lot of ground, having erected thereon A LARGE BRICK AND FitAME DWELLING IttAJSI . and situated in the borough of Iluutingdon, County of Huntingdon, fronting fifty feet on tho northern tide of Allegheny street, and extending Wok one hundred foot to lot of J. G. Miles, Esq., adjoining lot 01 J. :import Attie.t on the west, and on alley on the east. TERMS or SALE: One-thild of the pm chose money to no paid on connrwation of the ealo at April Conrt,when deed will be made, and the balance in two tgoul annual pat manta thoreatter, xith intere.t, to too secthal by On judgments of the purhoser. WILLIAM 9. ENTBERIN, inch2.l.td. Adr.iniqt,..wraLtmEs SfEEL, deed. Q'HERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of A writ of Vend. gx. directed to toe, I out expose to public e.ele, et the Court Donee, 00 311.)N. DAY, the 12th nay of APPAL, Haig, nt p. she lonotriog property to nit: All the deflnidant's right, tido and interest In a lot or parcel of land in the tillage of Smith field, beginning at is pod in the turn pike road and ex. tending back at nearly right angles to said road and slung the line ofa hautaett feet alley, one hundred and twenty-four feet to lauds of Josue and Alextuder Port, oud ['MAW by thelpittue ettetnitrdly filly lest to the pr. net of Lot N 0.2, thence one hundtcti nod twenty.four foot to tile said turnpike road, thence along said road to the piece of beginnutg; being tut No. I In the supplement to the village of trudihtleld, sewed. taken in eANCIIIIO6 . and to be bold so the property of Julia Dean. Dofendants right, title and interest of in and to the following described farm, tract or parcel of Mull aitunte lu Sldr ey township, Ilamtitagaion county, Papule. containing 70 acres, adjmecing lends of Sharing Marc:tar, John Alexander, Ueorge sisauttue, Jacob pie, anal others, and baring n einull log house nod lug barn thereon erected. - - . Seized. taken to execution and to be sold as the prop erty of Witham Young. • Nonce TO PURCIIASERB.—DidiIora at Sheriff's Sales wil take notice that Immediately up di the property being knocked down, fifty per cent, of all bide under $lOO. and tweuty-ave per cent, of alt hide over that cum, must be paid to the Shei di, or the Novo ty a ill be set tip again and cold to other bidders alto will comply nith Ito above terms. If court continues too weeks deed acknor,iedged op Wednesday of wood work, Ono week's court, property knocked down on Monday nod deed acknooledgpil on tbn following ilaturday. Sluane's Opnct. Ituutlugclou, Mel, 2:3, 1869. GRAND 811tC222 SMALL PROFITS ENTERPRISE HEADQUARTERS, ANOTHER NEW STOCK SUGARS, COFFEES, SYRUPS, Noe. 1 and 2 SEIORE MACKEREL, Lake TROUT and HERRING, Sugar Cured and Country HAMS, SIDES, DRIED BEEF, DRIED FRUIT, SMOKED FISH, eta., etc., etc., THE BEST FAMILY FLOUR, SOAPS of all kinds, S a' "I; IA I N" G. =a/19m, CHEAPEST pITERPAIS REAI)TARTgRO of EIUNTINGDOrf D. R. F. NEELY. gheriff. JUST RECEIVED AND CHEAP, MS VALUABLE PRO :111T? AND DESIRABLE BUSINESS STAND FOR SALE. TILE undersigned_ Executors of the Wlll of, John McGabon, late Of 00 borough of Huntingdon, dec'd. will offer, nt nublio sale, to the :Aral; House, Ia Huntingdon, at 10 o'clock, A. 01., on - Weddesday; „ the 21st day of April, 1869,. All that certain measuage and lot (or lots) of ground, un the south west corner of 11111 and Montgomery streets, In the borough of Huntingdon, having thereon erected a largo Btllsilt lloilall—occuitied non store Mau Sad d we:. ling by Josiah Cunningham—Lair offices or shops, amble, Sic. The above property will ho offered as a whole, or sap orate, as may seem beet to suit purchasers. Business men` na others - Wt . -Thing - WHY - red erste, viill hear In in oil that this is the beat, must vain eh lu and desirable business statubtfithe borough Orlisin tingdon. ALSO--It ill Ins offored at t h e same time and place, THREE TRACT 4 OP LAND, on Warriors bilge, Porter township, Adjoining lays of: It. It. lire an, Joseph liana and othellt. contahung. about MO nom. more or less, be ing eurveps in the hone. of Jan, Patton, Jacob Myers and ttarah killiott-upon par of which a term is cleared and u Wire and biro erected. Ho. , occupied by Samuel Moore. Thin bond Is well tintberedood- Ivill ,be sold in patrols to snit purchasers. , ALSO—Two (roots , of unircated4anil. on-qins-Wairior Budge, adjoining each usher, anrresod In the name of William Smith, O. la., adjoining land of 2 home Sieber and others. 13 log hetwoon Ilia Pulpit tita.hs and the Jnff Isla, river, containing two hundred tad, eirlsix acres, more or Los, all in dottier. ,which willtlio Sold as whole or in port., to snit puiehasets. Condition. will bell:114f known °odor of sale. JOHN K. MoCA 11 AN, JOHN CitEsSWELL. , nioh2Atd (Exe'entoro.a.iotan McColiots, deceased.] theTAvERN iffert•sstg.— Tito following persons hove filed in the office Of Clerk of Elio Court of Quarter Tooatono at Iluntingdon county, then. petitions for - licenses -Inns Or Tor eros in sold county and which will he presented to the Judge of said Court 1.114 rho second Monday or APRIL for allowance: Henry Chamberlain. Alexandria. • John L. Byrne, Barnet. Andrew & James O !Gaston. Basket. Joseph Peek, Broad Top City, llouck & Decker, Cosiville. Whiluat U. Kelly, Coahnout. • B. P. Brumbaugh, Coffee Nathaniel illoSebY, Coultston u. William Ryan. Dudley. George Lung, Huntingdon. George Thorns, do James Fleming • • do Joseph Morrison, do • • Henry Liester do, W. W, Hildebrand, ,de - William Long do • Abner 'Anderson, do William S. Mori Ism Manor 11111. John 5. Weston, Mapleton. Jacob OBbough, Alarkleaburg.' Henry Strom o, do Thomas Mrharroy, Hill Creek. Jesse E. .I.D Wlckers, Mount Union. Elijah Ardis, do Jacob F. Little, lifealavoys Fort. ” Washington Lang, McConnallstown. Abraham turothere, Orblsonia. Benjamin Atkinson. do Adain Srnearman, Petersburg. Abraham °radius, do Wilton 8. Hallman, Sauloburg. William Sri-Cowan, Shade Gap. Ephraim Eyler, shlrleysburg. Robert F. liaslett, Spruce Crook, Samuel Steil y, Stevensville, James Maul. Warm - Springs. James Chamberlain, Warrioremark. Leopold Bloom, Water Street. William Morris, Wllsontown. BATING HOUSES. • Anon Houck, Broad Top City. John Free, Huntingdon. Frederick Mobile, do Ilenry Africa, do B C ntmuners, do • Morris it ichter, Oneida Township. Thomas , Bri 'anger, Petersburg. John A. Wilson, do TO SEMI, BY THU QUART. Silas Lock, Brownsville. Felix Tools, Dudley. William Brown, tan Charles P. Pirkoss sky & Jae. M. Youns,lfuntingilsol. March 24, J. It. SIMPSON, Clerk. FOB, SALE 011EA.P. .A GOOD NEW STEAM ENGINE, 19 horse power For particulars address J. W. DICKERSON or E, F, lERR, nteltlTAl Bedford, Poulin, tiz)Philadelphia, March 13. DM, We beg leave to Inform you that we are pre pared to offer for your inspection, our usu tl as. aOrilllellf of MILLI NllllY GOODS, Con‘isting of the Newest Shapes in Straw, Silk and Gimp 11/as, 11,NNETS, Sr.; Velvets, dill: Goods, Ribbons Flow ers. Feathers. ii mites. Grapes, Illondes, 11l aide, Ornaments &c., Sc. We sh tit ho happy to wait on you at your store or receive your order. I'riCos low tar C tab. Yours. Ac, II WA RD, Nos. 103, 105 and 107 N. Second St., Philad'a. inettli-lut T P, MANGAN, Pl:ol..essoit cf. stusro, tin+located in Huntingdon and will Oro lessens in Mwnic upon the NMI°. Melodeon. CaMaet Orgou and Vi olin; also, LOISIIIIS in Vocal Alusic. The Professor has received a diploma front the InetitiP lion for the plied in Philadelphia, and feels binned! fully competent to impart lust) aellen in Vocal o r Insiv nmsnt nl iin.ic. lie expects to meet will, liberal patronage. VIA. Ile ig Ode prepared to lane Mario., ndill TO ALL PERSONS IN'rER,EST ED, Tithe notice that Henry T. Farnsworth, Commit tee of William it Lloyd. a has filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Huntingdon, his supplemental account as committee aforesaid, nod which will be presented to sahl Court on the second Monday of April next for confirma tion and allowance. and will too nu confirm, d and allowed unless exceptions are filed theca J. It. SIMPSON Prot'y. Proty's Office, llfar.l7, 18d9. rro ALL PERSONS INTERESTED. Take notice that Abraham Ilarnish. Committee of Sohn 0, Cassidy, a lunatic. by his Administrators hos Stud in the oMce of the P,othottotury of the Court ofCom• moo Pleas, of the County of Iluntingtion, Me account as committee aforesaid, and which will be presented to said Court, on the second Monday of April next, for con. Mmetiou and allowance, and n ill be so confirmed and allowed unless exceptions aro filed thebeto. J. It. SIMPSON, ProPy. Prot'y Office, Mar. 17, 1889. 1869. SPRING. 1869. Opening of NEW SILKS, Opening of NEW SHAWLS. Opening of NEW CHINTZES, Opening of NEW POPLINS Full eto,k of STAPLE and IF MY SPRING GOODS, EYRE k LANDELL, FOIIRTII AND ADM E,TDEETS, =I N. 11.—.10133 from AUCrION daily rocollea nichl7-6t P RO CLA MATION.---AVHEREAS, by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 2J of January, A. D. 180. ender the hands and seal of the lion. George Tay/or, Pt salient of the Court of Common Plena, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail deliv ery of the 24th Judicial District of Pennsylvania, minim. sed of Huntingdon, Blair and Cambria counties; and the Hons. Anthony J. Deaver and David Clarkson. hisaesoci ales, Judges of the county of Huntingdon, Justices as signed, appointed to hear, try and determine attend every indictments made or taken for or concerning an crimes. which by the laws of the State are made capital, or felon tee of death, and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been orehall hereafter be committed or perpe trated, for crimes aforesaid--I am commanded to make public proclamation throughout my whole bailiniek, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions. will be held at the Mondaye in the borough of Huntingdon, on the second (and 12th day) of APRIL, 1509. and those who will Prosecute the void prisoners, be then and there to prosecute them as it shall be Just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within Raid county, be than and there in their proper persons, at 10 o'clock, a. in. of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations and reinembran nes, to do those things which to their offices respectively appet tam. Dated at Unntingdon, lith day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nine, and the 03d year of American Independence. IL H. P. NE ELY, Sheriff. DROCLAMATION.--W HERE A S, by a precept to me directed by the Judges of the Com mon Pleas of the county of Huntingdon. bearing test the Old of January, A. D 1869, 1 MD comminuted to make public Proclamation throughout my whole bailiwick, that a Court of Common Pleas will bo held at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, on tho Ord Monday (and 10th day) of Al'ttlh, 1,161 M, for the trial of all is sues in said Court which contain undetermined berme the said Judges, when and abercoll,jurom, wituesses,and suitors, in dm trials of all issues are required. • Dated at Iltustinden, the 17th of Minch, In the year of our L or d one thousand eight bandied and eixtynine, • acid the 03,1 3 ear of American lodepen fence. D. P. NEELY, Sheriff. A URENE. [CONCENTRATED INDIGO.) , -c Or For the LAUNDRY. It in warranted not to Weak, or In any Insulter injure the finest fabrtca. DM FAMILY lISE Sold in FIVE cents, TEN cents, and TWENTY cents bases.. Each TW kNIY cords box; besides having FIVE TIMES as much blue as the Flirt cents box, contains a pocket pin cushion or emery bag. For Uotel and large Laundry use, it Is put up in $2 SO poxes. Bee that each Box has proper Trade Mark. For Sale ft,t MASSEY & CO. grocery fax64.m. Se - Harrison Seed Poiaioep for sale atgrq.erprise Headquarters, AGENTS WANTED FORTH STOUTS AND SECRETS t THZ NATIONAL CAPITOL The moat startling, id. a tructire. and entertaining book of the day. Send for circulars,. and eeo our thrum. Address 11. S. Publishing Co, Km 411 Moguls at N: Y. mel.244er. WE ARECOIWING ._ ; 3 •-,;....-- =.:i i ..-,----....:. ,' ! : ...,,, .•• ' t , ,r :; "4, 11 ,.."- 7.1 - .., . , • I tzwireiltl,r'' ottlt=4" fi. ''';',l—., '`• '':,,- fkNCE MORE MIPLI A. NEW SPRING STOCK IN our tj great One Dollar Sep cif Dry and Fancy JE:3 4 , a 50- CUTLERY; &C., PRRIIUCHATES' ;130(SilE,ETItik: For Club Thirty;' 21 Yds. Sheeting Si SA sixty, - 42 " One Ilundred, 82 " _ " MI Othetprenilurne eatrie r HO, 4 Enlarged Riclitoige Mai with n'tii and tisiful Sae new Circular and sempler. Sent to aoy , a.ldrese free ,a,"-Plenee send your Money by Neetiored Letter, ad dressed to J - .'S, HAKES C 6;, tc. LIU Federal Street, Roston, num wch24-8w P. 0. Box 0 CANCERS:-TUPIORS-41LCERS. pltcgil a !"* o l ,, N is tl, ii o n r g tchuer,l,:holpd4oßtbp. nd University, new, process A CHEMICAL Conceit AnTIDOTE, that re moves the largest of chnc4rs'and tumors withont pain Or the use or the knife; 4vitinine caustic, eating or burnt, g meedcfnes, and without the loss of a drop or blood. For particulars, All or toldrese UAL KLINE, bt. U., Ne• 9 31 Arch Street, Phit.idniphia, - inch2l4W LICENSED BY THE UNITED STATES T.a - o RITY. S. C. THOMPSON & CO'S. G'Rh:AT ONE DOLLAR SALE Dry Goods, _Dress Goods, Linens. Cottons, FANCY GOODS, Albums, Bibles, Sil ver-Plated Ware, Cutlery, Leather and German Goods of every description, &c. These articlos robe told at tho uniform vies of ONE DOLLAR EACH, and not to be paid for until you know what you aro to ECM The moat popnlar_ana . l - e - C!;11 - onin.al method of doing business in the wintry. The goods Ito have for nate are described on printed idled , and wilt be tent to any address at the rate of 10 Cents each, to pay for portage, printing, &c, It is then et the optiocrof hold. s w bother they W ilt rend one_dol lar for the article or not. Br PATROXIZINI THIS SALE yon LIM. a chance to ex clump your goods, should the article inentioueil on the printed slip nut be desired The Smallest Articles sold for 04VE OL-. LAI? can Le exchanged for Silver-Plated, Five-Bottled Revolving Castor, or your Choke of a large Variety of other Articles ?Tog Ezehange comprinlng over 2:40 useful articles, not ono of teLleh could be bought at ony retail country store for nearly double the amount. TERMS TO AGENTS. Vie send ns co:um:salon to Agents For a Club of Thirty, and $3.00, one of ti.. follwing, articles t a musket, allot-gun, or Ausii ran Rifle 20 pods cotton. lady's fancy agnate wool Monet, Latvia4ter gojit, acco•deon, set of steel bladed knives and rocks, violin and bow, fancy dress pattern, pa•r extra quality cloth bunts, one dozen large size ii11(11 tOWCIS. ulbaatbra quilt, honeycomb quilt, cut- tage clock, witite goal blanket, 15 yards best quality 12 pude dentine, Otto doiou - Litton dinner nap kins, Se. For a Club of Sixty, and $6.00, one of the following articles: revolver, shot gun, or Springfield lido, 42 yardv of •beefing, pair honeycomb quilts. 03 hinder wale., 4 yards doublu width wet rproof clunking, lady's double neol shawl. Lancaster guilt, id pacca dense pette.m, eugtuved idiver+plated 11/X bdtdnd rev Icing cantor, not of ivotplintitilial knives, with silver plated Mika pair ol all wool blattliutv, puir of tillminbi it guilty iitryards pi int. ore mist WC., guilt, double eight- Roy ed aCcordeon Webster's National pictorial dictionary (iloo engravings 01.11 p doe kin far suit, &e. For a Club of One Hundred, $lO.OO, Double barrel abut gun rifle cane, or :lairs rifle, 0.5 ) eras sheeting. 111013 0090./11001 .111, 011111 e 111111.1 sect pat pattern (extra qiutaty), pair splendid 1.010 blankets, fun cy plaid hind long annul, 25 3110. hemp c tpeting, npleuv dill alpines Mors pattern, sliver hilutitlg cased a etch, stogie bun el abet gun, ',limp a MONO', one pair fie, 1111111/10( 111t110 corers, eitl, one dozen dinner napkins to match, Worcester's Illuetrated unabridged thetwouury, (IbUil page Oc. 44.6 - For additional fiat of cumuli 4310118, One Citcular. COmnit Mons full LIACILIt L 1.1111511( I'IIAROMION. Agents wilt pleats tithe notice of this. Do out send names, but number your clubs from unu upward. 1114ko 'our letters stunt and plain as possible. TAKE Particular Notice of THIS : ine - ile SURE and Send Money in ALL CASES by BEG ISTSEED LEWES, Ivbieb can So sent from any Poet Office. This way of sending money to prefered to any • Iter method n hater. r. Wo onobet be responetble for money )oat Unitas some precautions era token to secure Ito safety. BIND FOR CIRCULARS, Snnd your address in lull, Tone, County and Slat. S. C. THOMPSON, & CO., 136 FEDERAL STREET, mch24.4w. BOSTON, MASS AGENTS WANTED FOR TUB LIFE AND TIMES OF ST. PAUL, - $3.00 Complete Unabridged Edition, as arranged by CONY BEA RE and INIVeON, with an Introduction by Bishop sisirsoN, In conesquenco of the appearance of mutila ted cations of this great work, we bar,• been compelled to reduce the price of ear Complete hditlon irom Sb 10 to E B. TREAT A CO., Publisher, 654 Broadway New York. Inch24-4w. EGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, to all persons interested, that the tag noised persons linen settled their accounts in the Register's Office, at Lientingdon and that the said accounts Hill be presented for conllrmti r tion and allowance nt an Orphans' court, to be held at Illintingdon, in and for the County of fluntingdon. on Monday, the 12th day of Ariti b next, (1262,) to wit : 1 Admit:lst ration account of Jelin Cummins, adminiS• Bator of the estate of Sarah C. Adair, late of Jackson tp., deceas,ed. . . 2. Administration account of John A. Briggs, Execu tor of the last will and,testameut of Benjamin 'Briggs, late of Tell township, deceasnd, 3 Atinitutitretfou account of Fleury A. Mark, executor of the last will unit testament of Cloargo W. Mark, late of Juniata township, deftased, (so for as the same con he administered until after the death of his widow Mary Mark. 4 Administration account of JJIIn a. Weston and Mar. tlio Weston, executors of the last will and testament of Jolm ilnmpson, late of Union township. deceased. 5 Administration account of Wiliam Stewart, admin. 'show doibonis nw cum testament° 111111.0, of the estate or William Stewart, Sr., late of Dame toe/13.553p, deceased Administration account of Alexander Ale and Sam. ucl Ralston. executors of the last will and testament of Henry Hummer, late of Morris township, deceased. 7 Administration account of Henry S, Wharton ' ad• mithstmtur of the estoto of Susan (Lampoon, late of the borough of Huntingdon. deceased. 8 Account of J. 31. Otonebtalsor and Vfilitani Dice, ad. Withdrawn of the estate in John 11. Stonebroker, late of Franklin township, deceased. 9 AdnthilstratiOn Account of Willistia ?IL pen aifid J. Lowry Johnston. edmisaletratore of the estate of Samuel 11. Bell, late of ehlrley township, dceetwed. lb Administrial n sccount. of Jesse McClain, executor of tho !net will and testament of John !McClain, late of Tod township. deceased. 11 Final account ufJohn A. Ai r cPherran, ono of rho ex ecutor,, of the lest will nod testament olJolm McPherson, late of Franklin township. deceased. 12 Final account of Samuel It. 81ePhestan, one of the execute,. of the loot will and testament of John Mc- Viterran, lain of Fraidilin township. deceased. Ps Administration account of Oemge IV. Johnston and intneedlors, ,xeeuturs of the last will mid testomeut of Stinutel liars, Into of Jackson towwitip, deceased. 14 Athnieletretlen armlet ofJoines Ward, administra tor id the relate of Alexander buttes, halo 01 WallteK towttahm, deceased. 15 Tile filet trust, and the several guardianship, nes cobble of stir nhal'er, Jr gUardion of Martha 91,0- vir, E. t,. ,flavor, Millard aliases. 8.1,c , 11 J .ditasers IleorY U. shaves and A. 31. :haver, Minor children of John oho. roe, late of Shirt. y totcnahip. deceased . in AdUtillistrailtill account of huou P. Stair, executor Of the lest wilt end lostlimotlt of Antlie Meg)°, 1010 of Tell thwtteltin,deeektacti, as Bled by Michael Otitls, ono of the executors of the said ZIOIOII P. S c um clecresech 17 Partial administration account oil AutHow (Indians and Ralph el °tale,. admi tor+ of the egg e of Jacob Crotsio, late of Cass tux lista it., decetisedo 18 Guardianship account ot William P. Obison, late , guardian of Natalie A. (Su rulites child oa f Alex. and Catharine (twin. lot, of Huntingdon borough, deco...it. 19 Final goardbumbip accent,[ of Win. P. Orbnion, Into guardian of Alex D. 11W1u, sun of Alex. and Catherine Uwe,, Into of Iluntingdun borough deceased, who is now i of full age. ultnett'Atleorr!.6lT,llcail WANTETA for trade or casts at "E torpr is fiend quarters, butter; eggs, lard, bacon, onions, 4ried apples, potatoes; etc., etc. I",I:I7XLTAX,P - OD 7111 . 4 Lands,- Corporate•llight&asul •PT anchises - • 7 ';; ; °VITA Broall-ToD.Coal as _Troll. Compri. By VIRTUE OF DECREE"o'r 4 the Supreme Court of the State of Peutleyivania, Miring lit cautty, the undersigned surviving trustees, In ,a mortgage given by the Broad Top Coal god trop Cont. pant to secure Its bonds to amount of one hundred thou. sand dollars,' will expose 'to public sale, at the •EXellankc" ;Salesroom: NM 11 413 roadway, in the olty of New York, on TIIIIRSDAIf, the 230, day of March, A1'174.1869; at '72 o'clock, or., or said day; by A. J. 01.1611C10bItt,' SON It auctionversdhe fullowlog real estate, cot porate rights and franchisee of said compalci; 011 of which two More fully described found by the corporate .mortgage retard. ed in• Huntingdon tuantyj'Pennsylvmda, 'in Olortkago • Book AU.S, pligu 105, Ac., nod In Rockford county, Penn sylvania, in blortgago BOOM o;pugo 552, AM, to which it cords porsoul desiring to pnrchatware referred( viz.: All tho.d id:an:lMo traotroflanil situate inaroad-Top towoship. fiedforittoitnty , Pbanst ~ ,• No, I. Kuldwo Us the Kalb iclinprovoment" adjoining lands futmerly of Enteok n and Wilson, 'Meshed: Rd - wards, Thomas J. Horton and Joseph grans, containing 1u2 , 1A anion and allay:J.llc%. no 12. Adjoins the tract krimimlas“"tl;e a oner , lll4osld adie survey" tract , Ne .1; land &rawly:of-Janina' remits ton, and count:us 48 acres and 55 perches oot measured' •N 0,4, Adjoins land forioarly of .51eshech Edwards on the eoutb, of Isaanßarnet on the east,, add Of Wadies }rain mon ou the northeast, and others, and contains S2O akes and 31 perches and allowance. •. No. 4, Is known.as the "Hamilton lands," adjohis lands formerly of Joseph Evans, of the Ilimtiogdon and Broad Top ittillroad and Coal Company, of the Lancaster an:la nai:ly, of Joseph Tat-, William P. ,shell dad Clpthm, Barnet, and contains 386 acres' net measure. . t r , .N 0.5. la all the coat and Other Ininemia, and thiorigol. 'to mind tho same, Including the, right of way and timber leave for mining purposes. with all privileges, as convey ed to the Huntingdon and Broad Top Mountain Railroad. and Coal Company( by Joseph livans and, wife, ,by , dosed dated 7 5th January, 1854, recorded in Bedford' county : Penna., lil ilicoid Book A: o,;page, 1368, as fully and largely, no said company held the sane by vlitue of , stald.„ deed or In and to a part of the "Thousand acto" , suretiy adjoining lands Into of Jesse Norton, Joseph -Evans, Aleneral A. P. Wilson and abllnal Entrekin, containing-SO. acres and 11, perchis Bet`rneasure:' • •. - S . 1 _No. 6. Adjoins lands formerly of Brodo and Berk-. stresser, of Jam'es Ihinillton and Philip Barnet, sink i Cantainb fifty -V.O acres and allowance. Also, all Moss amen tracts of land sitnato lu Carbon, township, Huntingdon county, Penn. o. 7. Adjoins Muds formerly of John Hamilton' Levi, Evans, William P. Schell and Christopher Itirmit, and contains 113% acres and allowance. • • • • • - No.B. Adjoins lands formerly of John Savage, William. P. schen,. Levi ilirana and the Lancaster ,Company, Mitt, cantatas 40 acres and 139 peiches and allowsuco.. . Am 9. Adjoins funds formerly of J . Sowell Ste Wart, Esq., 11 illfain P. Schell, John thuniltoriand Lir! Evans and contains 102 acres and alloWatice,Nicepting an¢ re serving therefrom a lot of giound not oxceeding,fwe acres in quail tfty, to ho taken off the neat corner; allie exciptitig a lot at the' iitairry; tmntaining 80 porches net measure, according to eat vey nude by Samuel trotter tram ; also excepting therers out lots in the town of Coal stout, numbered.: tile general 'Mau' of mid town as fol lows, viz.: Numbers, 1.2, 3,4, 5,6, 7, 8,14.15, 31, 32, 33,34, 35, 36,37 32(39,43;44,45, 40, 47, 48, 76;77, 78,79, 8a„81, 82, 83, 84,8 3 , 87, 89, 93, 194, 105, 100, 107,103, 109, 1131, RI, 112, 115, 110, 117,120, 121, 121,123,12 125, 120, 127,128,120, 132, DA 1.48, 141,113, 143, 141, 171, 28; 29 and 30. This Inlet orubraces a numbor'of 'lots yil-_ logo of Coaltnont, the uumber of which will be givan ou day of sale, atomic; them BMW haring on them 'Aimee houses, mid also a two-story fratiae hoist and tx,ppeuddgfr, 10. The undivided half of a small tract containing 26 acres and 80 perches, and allowance, adjoinlyg hinds formerly of P. Schell and Levi . No 11. Adjoins laud of the Huntingdon Mid orinid.Top. Mountain Railroad and Coal Company, Sands ftirmerl,r,UP John , •Favage and of Andiewlonaldson, contafningl36 acres and 1:37 perches, and allowance. „ No 12. Adjoins the tract in name of' land formerly of Andrew Donaldson; tract in name of_ Soho Singer, and tract in name, of tiraflus'iMiller, and contains 28 ar:IC3 28 porches mid allowance, surveyed on. a warrant to Somml Miller, of 26th July, A. D., ,7.1364. - N 0.13. A tract surveyed upOn'a warrant fdr 400 acres, dated 31et March, 1794, to John Singer, Containing 430, acres 87 perches. t No. 14. A tract surveyed upon a warrant of Slat arch,. 1791, to John Moteser, for 400 acres, coataiuiog 439 acres 33 perches. No. 15. A tract surveyed upon a warrant to liVillifuk Sheaf, Elated Mat March, 1701, for 400 acres 'cOntaiaing 4392;4 acres. 7.0. 10. A tract of land Mimeo partly In Broad Top township nod partly in emboli township atiresald, ad.. Joining lands formerly of Jonathan Barnet, Phelps A ilaratuel-, A. P; Wllson, W. P." Schell, Louis T. Wattson, David Blair, Wood 'ft Bacon nod Itruhmel Wilson, con taining 300 aces 110 perches, act measure ; known as the Chrfatfan Mullett hart, lowing house, barn and clear, ed t 0,,,. land upon it. _ - , . _ Also, all the cot porato right's and frit:WMsee of:said. ➢toed Top Coal and Iron Company, as held under their. charter of incorporation, granted In pursuance of the general law of the commonwealth of Pounsylivania. . A eolbhutlt railroad, connecting the coat lauds of the company with the Broad Top ltaiirowt; extends over tracts Son. 4, ii, 7,8, U and 10, named on the company's, at to of tlicirjaads as the ' . lfantilton lands" and '•dchell lands." litet e are also upon thoso tracts coal openings, platforms, houses and other appliances which would ena ble purchasers with but little equanlitura to commence the shipment of coal. Terms of male CABII. The property hill ()Jolt:red in separate tracts and as e Athol°. and after - hung so oittned trill be•'sold in such manner us will bat inonene the interest of the bond holders. MAIV/IN A. 11(.1WELL, aon.v zcorr, Sol vivius Trustees . Any inquiry b4fore day at sale mar be addressed to .11AltTIN A. HOWELL, No. 11l Liberty street, N. Y., or SCOTT, llltoWS &11.4/I.,NY, ll ugaingden, Pa. IMIXES3 4, - ,:iIIERIIT ; 'S SALE. . kj by virtue of a writ of Plur. 'Wail P.:: directed tome I will espase to public sale, ut the Court I.lunso, tin 310:11./A V, the 12th day of AP ,11., 18G9, at tivbo'clock, , . .. P. id., the follownig property, to wit :, All Lila t certain piece, parcel and tract of land at and 11.1 the village Of Coffeo lion, Lincoln township. bounded and described as itorayd,, to wit: Be• ginning at 0 post on the line of land formerly of John ilegeY, themo along said line south 48 degrees east 35 perchoi mid 80.100 of a pinch to a stone heap, thence by land of John Beaver north 50% degrees west "2 1400 perches to a post at the Broad Aa. Liar. ad, thence along tho same being a min eo or two degrees, the.chord of the arc heals south 22 degrees 10 mintnes west, and distance along -aid ,abroad 5,1 perches to a post, thence north 70yi degrees sent 20 mum perchea to the pineo - of beginning, containing twenty.a2res, more or lota, according to the draft made by J. Simpson Africa, Esq., o.lth,May, 1855, (exceptins Lots Noe. 1,2, 3,4, 5 and S from this doscrip• lion nod included in other conveyances to John 'cotton, Mrs, Foster and Simon Cohn) having thereon a wagon stied and corn crib, .t.e. Seim kl. taken in execution and to ba sold ae tbt prop erty ordiruou Cohn. • Matt. 14, 'CrAt AGENTS WANTED. A Book of general Io torost to nil clams. RECOLLECTIONS OF • A BUSY LIFE In one elegant octavo vointrio of over o'o pages, well printed on tine paper, and illustrated with an admirable. poi trait on creel of Mr Oreely, with pictures,of bin varl one homes his farm, &c, ac., together with a beautiful, portrait oeMargaret Fuller engraved by Linton, Mr. Greeley has said °fit : 6 .1 shall never write any thing elao into which I shell put so much of myself, my experiences, notions, convictions, and modes of thought, as these itecollections. I give, with small reserve, my mental history." The book embraces views of early New. England settlement, the author's own youthful life, eau., cation, apprenticeship, adventures, professional and po. HOW reminiscences, experience in Congress. newspaper. life in Now York, and much ueuUrl talk about farms and farming. It is a pecullurly entertaining and valuable, work,—n look behind the Kellen daring au Important pa. • clod of the coca try's history. For tortes, fir, address with stamp, OMAS.S.GREENF. & C 0.,. 413 Chestnut ot., Philadelphia, Pa, EIMEI NOTICE is hereby_ givengo nil per-. eons interested that the following Inventories of tan goods and Chattels net to widows, nailer the provis ions of the act of lath of April, 1851, bars been Bled in the oilleu of the Clerk of the orphans' Court of /tenting don county and will be presented for eapproval bZ thn Court" On Wednesday the 11th of APRIL, {BUN Inventory and appratsentent of the goods and chattehn which e roe of hlipiniz Bigelow, late of Cass Jaeksou town,- ship, decefted, as taboo by lee widow Leah Bigelow. Inventory wad appraiseinent of the goods aud, Orate!q which wore of 'Thomas Lock, of SpringAeld tonniship t deceased, as taken by his widow Hannah bock. Corrected inventory and appraiser:taut or 'qv) goods and chattels which were of Philip PlicasautJato of'Wis,: vine, deceased, taken by his widow Matilda Pheadant. lux entory mid appraisement of tbA genthiaad chattels which were of Thomas 8..516.411mA, late of Walker town ship, decomed, taboo by bin wide% &web 51cCahan. Inventory and appraisetneht of the goods sad chattels Which were of James Steel, Esq., late of Ilaotingden, de, ceased, as taken by his widow Eliza Steel. Inventory and appralseinent of the goods and chattoln which WerO of John lipily,pite of Dublin township, de etlasedt na taken tvklutv Elizahrth 4. E. SMUCKER, Clerk Orphans' Court • • 314. IT, ' 1869, NEW ii.ELITIAELI HOUSE.. T"vuoi or LEAS & McVITTY:, have leased the large five story Leather Route, heat James Naal4% NO. 4;32, NORTH T/lIRD STREET, PIJILADELPUTA, And sutemt doing a tilde and „Loather Commission Bust nerve, Their eons D. P.LE.N.9, and T. E. AIcVITTY, are there, and authorized to carry on the business for thorn—as 'boy are young neon of geed moral character, and fine (winless qualilicatiulle. They solicit the patronage of time brother Tanners la too COQ uty and elsewhere. ARt-They still cclii Ccontinuu to keep a good assortment of :vanish and Slaughter sots Leather ou sands, at their Mintier', near ThrekSprlngs, Huntingdon County, fa t taar34l. LLGAS & AMVITTY. TO THE PEOPLE OF HUNTING• DON COUNTY. aIniTIAGDON, December 23,1868. Au there appears to be cumuuutuble trouble about wb shall be appointed Post.lliester is our WMu , and at being , au calico toe a Men the person who may be app./Idea, axonal nuatillatto a libeini amount to Kann charitable purpose, 1 therefore Wier tujeelf as au opplacaut for the 1/0011100 ci rtut.Allaster t IlunUngelou, 1•u; stud I pro- pose nod wall ogles, giving thy hood with the Cokurals. d logien, of liunainvou comity fur the fulfillment of the sums, should! he appointed, to erect a Stummteut for de. ceased eoldture, toe the data of Two Thousand Dealers; pweat,all atau allowed to hold the °nice tor the term of lour)ears. uuldture alt the twenty, ur the friends of ou{• deowsoed eoldwre, wall Gunter a favor by circulating a po, Litton In Illy behalf,. a,a.t tuna the emote to too, De 04.341 E . O . bl/1111.KH.8. 4. I. &MUCH .Itiginter CRO WD IN ut Y 4 Cops ' "Ealterpride hea th quitrturs," it you want goon Sugars, Teats, Coffees, Syrups, Iff.ulasses, ey, Spices,Astel, etc., et9.—pheap. D. A. P. N EELY, Sheriff. Dy 1101IACE GREELNY