Aube. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Molt. 10,1869. LOCAL Si PERSONAL. Meetings. MI. Pariah Lodge, No. 300, A. Y. M., meets second Monday ereningol each month, in Brown's buildldg. Standing Slone IL R. A. Chapter, No. 291, meets the first Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Juniata Lodge, No. II", 10. 0. f.„ meets every k'iidny evening. third floor, in Leister's Standing Stone Lodge. No. 02. J. V. G. T., meets every Tuesday evening in third floor of head's building. Arrapahoe 2Mbe, No. 6S, I 0 of It. M., meets every Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's Young Men's Christian Association moots the first and third Monday evenings each mouth, in Brosn'e building. Fort 33, C. A. It, meets Third Monday of each mouth to Court Ileum. Town Caudell meats do Drat Friday evening of each month. Brief Items. Signals of distress—coughs. It is a bad omen to owe the. printer. Chicago claims 10,000 rats to the acre. Gough lectures at Harrisburg on the 15th Next Wednesday is St. Patrick's Day. The last Sunday of this month is Easter The State -Medical Association meets in Erie nest Juno. North Carolina down to 1866 had produced $9,800,000 in gold. Again on the move—improvements. Keep the ball in motion. The houee•hanting amusement has now commenced. Horse-bills and sale-bills printed at this office on short notice. A she-bear was killed in Mifflin county the other week Plowing has already commenced in some parts of Chester county. 140 members have bean added to the Lu theran church in Lewistown 'since last fall. The total loss by fire in this country, for thirteen years, is estimated at $389,605,000. The issue at the recent borough election at Ebensburg, was hog and anti-hog. The lat ter won the day. There is a little "Injin" in Huntingdon called ingenuity. Ho is growing bigger ev- ery day An enlightened swindler—the moon; it borrows from the sun and then makes light of it. The Johnstown Democrat is enlarged to an eight column paper. Johnstown is big enough to support it and a daily beside. Huntingdon county paid nearly as much money on scalp orders as nino of the neigh boringeoimties. We never' imagined foxes, wild man, &c., had such precious scalps. Hon. C. - L. Pershing, of Johnstown, has been officially requested to pronounce the or ation at the commencement of Jefferson and Washington college. A man broke into Grove's store in Lewis town, and stole 500 pennies. That fellow wouldn't object to stealing more than he could oarry Abner C.Wood, of Littlellrihtin township Laucaiter county, drove to market, lately, eight head of fat cattle, averaging the extra. ordinary weight of 2,100 pounds each. Massachusetts ought to be a State in good standing, as she manufactures shoes and boots to the value of a hundred million dol- lore annually. The thimble, originally called "thumbell," and afterwards "thimble," is a Dutch inven tion, and was unknown in England until the year 1605. The statue for till Mexican monument at Harrisburg was shipped from Genoa last Monday. It is expected to arrive about the middle of the month. Dr. Harris, of the Nett- York health Bonrd reports that the small pox is rapidly spread. : ing inthat city, end 11. general vaccination is relommended. Johnstown is se far behind the age that it has neither its streets named nor its houses numbered, and yet it brags of its ten thousand inhabitants. About the meanest thing of the period was the recent putting of a powerful emetic in the sacramental wine at one of the Conneaut •ills, Crawford county, churches. The Chinese tad-plant is being very elm easefully cultivated in East TennesLe. The day is coming when Americans can drink their own tea without eending to China. The scarlet fever is fearfully prevalent in Harrisburg, and in many cases whole house holds hare been stricken down with the epi demic. A boy named Joseph Ilhodes, of West moreland county, died from the effects of be" ing struck in the abdomen with a solid gum ball. A base ball will do the anme. , ThilAltoim a. Tribun ehas been enlarged to an sight column paper. We hay* always admired thp appearance of our acqeiniporary, and we think its enterprise should be amply rewarded. Na have received - a copy of a monthly magazine, published at Pittsburgh, by 0. Dwyer & Co., at $2.00 a year. The number before WS for March is full of good articles, and contains a lifelike engraving and a bi ography of Senator John Scott. The Maga zine coats 25 cents a copy. A correspondent from Spring Valley sends us the following items F They had better wake up—the supervisors of Ted end Carbon and look out fur breakers. Still out on duty —our Superintendent. Rather puny—School No. Bof Tod. Yes, but few as there are, they are learning all the better. We are glad our business men are begin ning to see that they can get their printing done as cheap if not cheaper in Huntingdon than in the cities. The reason is obvious— country printers have no heavy rents to pay and aro not obliged to live so fast. This rule will apply in all the rarnifesations of business in the country. Patronise hems industry. Dubuque has throe applicants fur the post mastership.: chteelaires it-because his wife is a cousin of Grant, another sayeho can "go him two nieces better," and the third. wants it because he is a tanner. We would like-to pee all the claims' of the dozen and one appli cants in this borough stuck up in a row, to ■ee how Many claim Grant as unclo. • Mr. John Freo has the foundation laid in West Huntingdon for a handsome two-story brick dwelling-house. The ground is being broken for several other buildings in the same place. The old borough is also looking up— Mr. Zech. Yenter and Mr. S. T. Brown being each about to build three-story bricks, and the preparations are snaking for the two-story /iris& fire-engine house, Proceedings of the Borough Council. Stated Meeting, March 5, 1869. Tho Council met. Present—Assis tant Burgess, Mr. Miller; Councilmen, Messrs. Artley, Black, Carmen, Cun ningham, Hefright, Jackson and Port. A petition of citizens Of tho borough complaining of the condition of Frank lin street and of the pavements along the same and praying that measures may be adopted to improve the same, was road and referred to the committee on streets. Tho committee appointed to settle with delinquent collectors of tax made report as follows: Nathaniel Williams to Huntingdon Borough, Dr. 1666. Nov. 8. To amount of duplicate, $1923 70 Cr. 1869. Jan.l. By amt. paid as per rec'ts, $1402 40 Exemption. or eXolieratione, 58 40 Percentage on $1865, 93 25 Gib yrla embankruont at 38 es per yd. 250 50 30 do., east mid Muddy Bun bridge, 11 40 3 days wash under Elm tzman, 4 50 1820 45 Balance due borough, $ 97 25 Kennedy M. King to liuntinglon Borough. Br. 1867. To amount of duplicate, special tax, $lB4 19 By amt. collected as per receipts $402 64 , that is said cannot he collected, 57 57 Percentage on $4Ol 24 at 6 per ct., 24 08 444 19 The Committee appointed by the Burgesses and Council of the borough of Huntingdon to settle with the late Collectors make the above reports as they stand stated ; that the account of Nathaniel Williams shows a balance duo the borough of $97 25; the account of Kennedy M. King appears settled, as per the above statement in full. GEO. JACKSON, A. ELLIOTT, Feb. 19, 1869. Committee. On motion the report was accepted, ordered to be recorded and the com mittee discharged. Bills were read and orders granted as follows:' To J. S. Cornman, advertining. $lO 50 Hunt. Gas Company, gas for Feb'y., 18 90 Shoemaker & Gahagin, blaeksmithing, 6 25 On motion it was ordered that the Street Commissioner shall proceed to break the stone on the road bed on the northern end of Washington street. The chairman announced the allot. mont of the contract for furnishing plank and sills for the cemetery walk. Mr. Black presented his resignation as a member of the Council which was road and was on motion accepted.— Mr. 8., after stating the circumstances which constrained him to resign, ex pressed his thanks for the uniform courtesy of his fellow-members, and hoped that in future as in the past, the deliberations of the Council would be conducted in peace and harmony and with the view of advancing the inter ests of the borough. Adjourned. homicide The Hollidaysburg Register publish es the following particulars in relation to the death of Henry Murphy, a for mer resident of this place: "Henry Murphy, the colored man who was injured in the fight on the 20th February, died on the 25th. An inquest was held on the 26th, before Justice Leet. It was proved before the jury that Murphy mot John Camp. bell in the street, between the United States Hotel and Kinports & Co's. store, and asked Campbell to treat.— Campbell said lie would give him this (striking him in the face) Murphy ran, Campholl after Lim, overtook him, and knocked him doWn, falling with the back of his head on a stone, from the effects of which he died. The jury rendered a verdict in accordance with these facts. ' The post mortem examination was made by Doctors Hays and Smith, with the following results, as near as we can learn them. The whole of the back part ot• the head was bruised, aed blood effused beneath the scalp—also a large quantity of blood was found ef• fused beneath the membranes over a greeter part of the brain, mid at the base of the brain, with the laceration of the brain substance. "Both men were under the influence of liquor. Campbell himself was badly injured afterwards in a fight with oth er parties." =I ileadquattors, Post No. 33, G. A. R., Euntiugdon, March 8, 1860. _ Comrades: A stated meeting of this Post will be held at the usual place, on Monday, the 15th inst., at 7 o'clock P. M. Several of the important committees appointed at last 'nesting will mako their reports, and after notion thereon this will be one of the most thoroughly organized Posts in the Department of Penneylvania. Recruits who have been duly nod fled of their election will present them selves fin• muster. nonombly discharged soldiers desi ring admission will forward their ap plications through the proper chatmels. By order of the Poet. - 31iraci S. LYTL6, Commander. M. M. LOGAN, Adjutatit. • • The Pittsburgh Female College Wo - clip the folio wing cothplimentary notice of this institution frinn the Pitta• burgh Chronicle. "The Pittsburgh Fe male College is enjoying marked pros (specially in the boarding de partment. ' There' is but a single va cancy. Philadelphia, in the East, and St. Paul, Wittily., and indepOndence, Missouri, in the West, and intermedi ate points, have sent representatives to our institution.. Arriong the num. bars are the daughters Of Bishops Simp son -and Kingsley. Unnsuhl fhcilities are afforded in all the solid and orna mental branches, and the College Fac ulty ranks among the very, best in the land. The spring term will commence March 23d." Send to Dr. I. C Perching, Prosiden of the College, for a catalogue. * DELICIOUSLY SiEDIOINAL.---TiliS is the uni •ereal verdict pronounced upon Plantation Bitters by all who have tried them. The well-known health-promoting ingredients from; which they are made, and their invalu able merits as a remedy for indigestion and all its consequent aihnents,and the preventive qualities against diseases nrising from clima tic changes, miasmatic influences and imper fect secretions, are" ao Widely known and so honorably endorsed, that wo trust no one will forego the advantages of their use. MAGNOLIA WATEFL—Superior to the bee imported German Cologne, and sold et het the price. tf GARDEN AND FLOWER SDEDS.—Freels and genuine Garden and Flower Seeds, from ,Collies, Alderson & We Seed Farms and Gardens, New Jersey, for sale at Massey & Oa's, - Bateiprise Lleadquarters. tf IffrTbe only place in Huntingdon where the genuine "WHITE ELVER" can be bought is At Enterprise nead quarters, Where Doom the “Swlndlen Come In I Customers at Enteryise Headquar ters are not charged •prices to cover the value of presents. Call if you want to bo convinced that others do. It is the opinion of Mr. Corbin that a man 18 a blackguard if ho exposes the high prices of Sugar; Stove Dump ers and Jumping Jacks at the Beehive. Enterprise Headquarters gives more away in a week in the price of sugar alone than nine-tenths of all presents offered by the other enterprises aro worth. The "swindle" comes-in just where presents are offered and the peo ple are Charged . more for goods than they can be bought for at. other places. Enterprise Headquarters wants its customers .to compare its goods and prices with goods and prices at ether stores, especially at those stores run by the combination of "other business men." • . When the "other business men" com bined to break down Enterprise Head quarters and "quirk sales 'and small profits," they forgot 'to count the cost of the job they would have on hand. The beautiful Chamber Set to - be given away at. Enterprise Headquar ters is worth $25 It will be a hand. some and useful present for some one. Call and see it—buy 'goods cheap— and take a chance to receive a hand some- present. • MI who buy for cash, or trade, at Enterprise, Headquarters, save money and encourage liberality. An immense stock of beautiful styles of Wall Paper, Wholesale a'tid cheap, at Lewis' B3ok Store,' Eater prise Headquarters. Chance cards will be issued for sub seriptions to "Globe",,advertising, and job work, old accemits included. When sugar went up, Enterprise Headquarters retailed to customers in five days nine barrels of ' stock on hand at old prices. Other merchants raised the prices on their stock. A new stock on hand and selling cheaper than the cheapest. Enterprise Headquarters is helping the poor every day, by charging them less for goods than they can be bought for at other stores. A full assortment of fresh Spices, Bak ing Powders, Prunes, Raisins, Cranber ries, Currants, Citron, Dried Poaches and Apples, Beans, Rice, Hominy, Bar ley, Oatmeal, Mince Meat, etc, etc., the best Family Flour in the coun try, Corn Meal, 13uek w heat Flour, Sugar Cured and Country Hams, Shoulders and Flitch, Lard, Potatoes, Coal Oil, etc., etc., always on hand at Enterprise Headquarters. Still another lot of choice New York Goshen Cheese just received at Enter prise Headquarters. Half and quarter barrels No.l Shore Mackerel just received at Enterprise Headquarters. Enterprise Headquarters issue) over a thousand moro cheeks last month than it did the month previous. The people are not slow to find out whore to get the best and most for their mon ey. Very choice fat Bay Mackerel, by the pound, at Enterprise Headquar ters. The best smoked fiTh in the market, he Bloaters, at Enterprise Headquar ers. Shad . and furring in pickle, and Cod Fish, by the pound and dozen, at Enterprise E.endq ers. To CoRRESPONDENTS.—"QUiS," we sup pressed part of your last communicttion, not because it was too personal, lout because it had too close a relation to the free-puffing business, which publishers, you must know, are set against. "Audi Alternm Portent," whoever you only be, we would like to hear from you again; but please do not dread lotting the printer know who you are. . . "Carbon," we received no communication from you, but the other matter will be ettea• dcd to this week. LOCAL COE lIESPONDE'NCE. SUAVE GAP, March 4, 1869 DEAR GLOBE: To-day we have a slight change in the weather in the shape of a light fall of snow, just sufficient to make the roads, ,1 which were dry, muddy again. Well, I suppose A. Johnson will bo mus tered out to-day, and U. S. Grant mustered in. Although the latter liad a very responsible po sition as Commander-in-Chief,he will find that the one upon which he now enters is a still more arduous undertaking, namely, that of governing the most intelligent and enlighten ed people upon the globe. But I suppose he thinks he is equal to the emergency, or be would never have written his letter of accep tance. 'We wish him well, and may it be said of hint in after days years, as of the he ro of old, contigit ut patriam vindicaret. - Our district schools will soon close for this term, which, in this township is very short, only four months, to say nothing of the sala ry paid the teachers, which is twenty five dollars, and n disgrace to the townships, and I sincerely hope the people's representatives, the school directors of this district will soon look at it in thisnlight and have it raised to at the least calculation, thirty or thirty five dollars. .The idea of teaching four months out of thci year, fur your'boarding and starv ing the remainder, eight months,. is enough to scare all good pedagogues out of the dis trict. Ido hope then, 'that the officials of Dublin School district will come to a realiz ing sense of their duty at en early date, and do the fair thing with teachers :who desire to teach in their district. This is not a very rich township to be stirs, but they could in crease the salary to the sum before mention ed, and not feel it scarcely, if they cannot lengthen the school term, The land around Us' hero is pretty much limestone and slate, ,yielding good crops when properly cultivated. Titers is not very much stock raised here, notwithstanding it is a pretty good Con'titry for grazing. The farnm are all well watere.l by quall streams running From the in up.m both sides of the valley. The mountains are covered with hemlock, rock and white oak, while up on timbered portions of the ra Hay grow fine specimens of yellow and white pine, black walnut, chestnut alai poplar, which finds its way to the numerous saw mills, both steam and water power, which are located here and there along the valley. Qui°. DIED, At Petersburg, February 20th, of congestion of the lungs, INEz MAY, only child of Captain J. C. M.. and Lizzie A. Hamilton, aged 5 months and 15 days. At Bell's Mills; Blair county, on the 20th February, ,1860, Mr. JOI/N LT AFRICA, aged 30 years. The - deceased was born in this place, and was beloved by all with whom lie became associated. lie went to reside . in Altoona where he was en - gaged in the mercantile busi ness. Ile soon won the esteem of those around him, and showed those,many quali ties of mind and heart that endeared Ilan:to all. He was a dutiful son, an affectionate brother, and a good citizen, and his loss is deeply felt by his many friends and relatives. Green be the full above thee, Friend of our better days ; None know thee' but to love the; - None moiled thee but to praise, STILL AIHEAD,_. ; In Presents, goods and Prices, OUR GIFTS FOR MARCH. They Cost You Nothin g . A beautiful Chamber sot, gold band, 13 pieces, $25.00 A new Boston Rocking Chair, 8.00 A beautiful Carriage and Doll, 10.00 A Farley Spittoon, 2.00 1 pair Vases, 2.50 1 Railroad, Depot and Train, 1 Doll Cradle, 1 Toy Basket, 1 Drum, 1 Box of Whitman's Confectionery, 1.50 1 Photograph Frame, 5.00 1 Sugar Box, . ' 30 1 Sack of Extra Family Flour, 2.25 2 Pieces of Olive Soap, ~ 20 1 Corn Broom, 50 1 Bucket, 1 Lady's Work Box, 1.50 1 Accordeon, 5.50 12 Bolts of beautiful Wall Paper and 'Border, 4.00 1 Trumpet, 38 And a number of smaller presents of more value than a Jewa Harp. If our sales during the month go above our estimate, wo will increase the number of presents. We pay a license to make us many presents to our customers as we please. Any person purchasing to the am ount of 25 Cunts, or over,- at either LEWIS' BOOK STORE, or MASSEY & Co's Grocery, Confectionery and Variety Store, from and including Monday, the Ist, to and including the 31ST DAY OS MARCH, 1869, will receive a numbered card for every 25 Cents worth purchased,•which will entitle the holders to as many chances as they have numbered cards, to re ceive one or more of the above pres ents. Numbered cards will also be issued for subscriptions to Globe, advertising and job work, old accounts included: The goods on hand consist of Books. of all kinds, Fancy Articles . Musical Instruments, Perfumery, Wall Paper, Groceries of all kinds, Whitman's cel ebrated Confectionery, common Can dies, Fruits of all kinds, Toys, Extra Family Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Mince Meat, Sweet Cider, Vine gar, Coal Oil, Tubs, Buckets, Baskets, Stoneware, Brushes, Brooms, Whisks, Apples, Potatoes, etc., etc., too numer ous to mention. Our prices will be as low if not love; than elsewhere ler the same goods. Now's your tilllC to'get Goods Cheap and Handsome Presents The Enterprise will be continued, and val. noble presents will be distributed the first day of every month. Public notice will be'given in the Journal & American and Globe, the first week in eve ry month of the numbered cards entitled to presents, (the Monitor having yielded to a combination of "other business men," would not advertise for our Enterprise ; ) and pes etas can be lifted any time after the let of each month, on presentation of numbered card. Revenue and Postage Stamps not included in the above. Huntingdon, March 1, 180 Mr. Christ. Decker will sell, oil Friday next, in West Huntingdon, one:cook stove, bedsteads, tables, look ing glasses, chairs, and a variety of household and kitchen furniture. FOR RENT —A house with fivo rooms on Alain street. Inquire at this of fice. mar 10, 1869. fie — lt will pay fiLrmers to raise white beans—good seed for sale by the quart at Enterprise Headquarters. Eno assortment of Rustic Win. dow Shades, just received and for sale cREAr at Enterprise Ileadq'ttarters. LIZ". Harrison Seed Potatoes for sale at Enterprise Headquarters. MARKETS: I=2 PUILADELVItIA, Mir 9, 1862, Sum fine Flour at $6,0 6,50: extra at $7.0 7,50; fancy Westein extras foully $8,0007, 75; Pennsylvania do do $10,50 and fancy brands $10,00012,50 according to quality Rye flour $7,000,7,25. • There is very littlo Prim Wheat offering, and this de scription is in study request 'at full prices. but inferior grades ate neglected. Sate, of 1.500 bushels new red at $1,7001,00, :tad 1000 bUSSOII amber at $lO4. Ryo is nit. changed. Sales of 450 'bushels new Western at $1,55. Corn is scare and advancing, yellow at, $l.OO Western, mixed at 9fictsatl,oo. - Oato ae in good request at an ad• intrlCO. Sales of 6000 bushels new Pen usylv.lnia at:0073 cents. Nothing doing in Ilarloy and Malt $2,00. ' , lrma/non, Mar. 8 —Flour.—Thu market is decreased Ito quote sales of spring m hest Flour at $7,:5,®5,00, %inter Flour at $5,5050.75 fancy at $1.2@12,50. Wheat. red, $1,6001,65 and for white, $2.0842,12 Cola from first handsaw $l,OO. ltye, $1,43 per bushel. Oats 61@6 c; Barley 1,85@51.90. Potatoes. roach Blow 6,00.1ab1 Laws 20c, Lard 42c. Butter 33@35c lb; Eggs 25 doz. FINANCIAL. • Now' YORK, Mar. 2.—Gold closed al $1,31 74 - HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORM:MD WEEKLY BY HENRY NTIIOLEStLE 1.111119. Ft.outt—Superfine Flour, per barrel, ' $6.50 Extra Flour, do 7.00 Family Flour, du 8.00 GRAIN—Red Wheat, per bushel, 1.60 Witito'Wheat, du 1.70 Rye, do 1.25 Corn, do 90 Oats, do 50 Barley, do 1.20 _ _ SEED—Timothy, do 3.00 Flaxseed, - do 2.25 Cloverseed, per 64 lbs. ' 8.00®8.50 PROVISIONS—Potatoes, per bushel, 00®,1.00 Dried Apples, do 2.25 Corn Meal, per cwt., 2.50 Dried Peashe?, per pound, 18 Boof, do 10 Liird," do 'Pork, do Butter, do Cheese, do Eggs; per dozen, Ilan), Side, ' Shoulder, Ili Conn—Hard coal, per ton, 0.50®8•00 Broad Top Coal, do 3.00 ',num; per 1000 feet, 12.00®30.00 SHINGLES—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00®13.00 Joint Shingles, - - do 6.50®8.00 MISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per cord, 8.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.25 Hops, per' pound. , 40 Wool, do 40@45 Hay, per ton, * - • 13.00 Slides, 6R,7 Green Apples, do 1.50 Onions, do ' 1.00 AGENTS WANTED-410 A DAY. TAVO SIO MAPS FOR SA. LLOYD'S PATENT RevoWin Double NAPS Of America and Europa, America and the United States of America. • Colerod— In 4000 Counties. • TII:ESE greht Maps, 'now just corn pleted, show every place of Importance, all Rail roads to ditto, mid the latest alterations Is the various European Stales, These Maps are needed in every School and family In the land—they occupy the space of ono Map, and by means of the Reverser, either side can be thrown front, and any part brought level to the eye. County,Rights and largo liiscolint given to good Agents krnly for Citimiers, Terms, and send money for Sam ple Slaps, tp, J. T. LLOYD, .41 Dertlendt Street, N. Y. SPECIAL NOTICES. ciAn Ounce of Priv Cation Ii Vetter Man a Peu - nd of cure This to the most sickly period of the year but there ie a [Many which Is a constant protection against the CAUSES of disease ;It enters swiftly into t::ri circulation of the blood, expets the morbitic substance cui:"tild there in during the winter-; corrects all morbid chung.".,.fl the blood; reghlates the supply- and qUality and mittzllzes the circulation of the blood;:promotes the operations the digestive organs ; acts as a. mild and afficactoue item• achic; strengthens the nerrone 'Three and cams the 11er(04.13 !spawn; promotes buoyancy of spirits and feel. Ing; revives the physical energies, and imparts vitality and elasticity to every ergs* of the human body. It is no less celebrated a preparation than MOHLER'S HERB BITTERS. lies it now—use It regularly ovary day—and prepare your oysters for the change in the season, and fortify it ugniust the dangers of disease,. math/loom. 40 70 1.40 PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTLIERS.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Company are new manufacturing the Best, Gheapeat and moat Du• ['able Paint lu use; two coats well put on, mixed wills pure Linseed Oil, will last ten or fifteen years; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, Mile or cream, to suit the taste of the-consumer. It is valuable for Hou ses, Fences, Barns, Carriage and Car makers, Pails and Wooden-waro, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Canvas, Metal and Shingle Hoofs. (it being File and Water proof,) Floor Oil Clothe, (ono Manufacturer having used 6.040 Ms. the past sear) and en a paint fur any purpose is man rpassed for body, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. Price $0 per bbl. of dOU lbs., which will supply a farmer for y.tro to come. Warranted to all cases as above. Fend fora cir cular which givea full particulars. None genuine unless branded in n trade murk, Grafton Mineral Paint. Per sons can order the Paint and remit the money on re ceipt of the goods. Address It. L. FAIINESFOOK: & CP., Pittsburgh, Agents for Pennsylvania. 4,3 - For sale by the pound or barrel at Lewis' Book Store. llothB Gm EA.FNESS, BLINDNESS and,CA TARICII. treated unit the utmost success, by J. MACS, M. D.. and Profe,por of Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of Penns Own ia,l2 yams taper, fence, (formerly of Leplen, Holland,) N... 805 ARCH St., Philadelphia. To.timonials can bo seen at this Mike,. The medical faculty aro Invited to accompany their pa • lients, as he line no secrets in his practice. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. June 1:,1888-1yhm. TIT.E.CELEBRATED GROVER & BAKER Sewing machines. se. THE EEST FAMILY SEWING MACHINE IN U3ll For Beauty and Elasticity of St telt, For Strength and Durability of Seam that will not rav el, as both threads aroused direct from the spools, and uo seams have to bo Mooned by band; no wasto of thread, For ehaplic ty and perfection of machinery. It stilettos, home fells, tucks, braids, cords, and em broider. beautifully. Machines fully Warranted and full inotructians glove. Sewing machine cotton, silk, &c.. on hand. For sale by - GREENE & BROTHER, feblnift 2d floor Leisteee Bulldog, llantlogdon, Pa. 3LaCCJoIDNTM Sewing Machines ARE TILE Oldest Established of any in the World Over 50,000 Sold in 1868 These unequaled machines are adapted to every wade tyof sawing for family wear, f,om the lightest muslius to the heaviest cloths, and to the use of Seamstresses, Dress Makers, Tailors, Manufactureis of ,Shirts, Collars, Wits, Cloaks, slnntillas, Clothink, linty Caps„Cprots, Ladies' Boots and Shoos, khan Goods, etc. They work equally c ell upon Bilk. linen, woolen and cotton goods, with silk, cotton'or linen thread. They will seam, quill, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind and perform every spccies of sewing, making a butu.iful and perfect stitch, tiliktion both sides of the article sowed. Os er 50,000 of these un rivalled machines were amonfactured and SOLD during tho year ISO. This is unprecedented In the history of sowing machines, and is another proof of the great popes lot Hy of the Howe M.mchino. They have invariably woe the highvst honors at the great Exldb:tious of the world, comet eating at the lute Exposit:, Universelle at Pads, a hero THE ORANDEST CO3IBINATION OF.:PRIZES EVER AWARDED AT TUI EXHIBITION TO ANY EXHIBITOR, FOR ANY GOODS WHATEVER EXHIBITED, was unsaid.' for VIII :LOWE MACHINE—the Miller. int Prize; the Crl/ 13 of the Legion of honor ; o Gold 01„ tho highest prizo within the gift of tho Jury, being the result of Ds EVIDI:NT EXCELLIINCLI. Our Interest not being e. cued to that of purchasers of in whines, In their succa nful operation, we hold our. solves in readiness to render any necessary and practica ble assistanco, by comspondenco or oaten% Ise, for thin purpo•o, and for faithtulnoss in this respect, reference is made to the tens or thousands now using those machine, SL LEY & STOOPS, GENERAL .ktIENTS Wit PIMNSYLVANI 4, Der:ll, SET, DELAWARE AND WEST VIRGINIA, Office 23 S. Eighth 6t., Phila'a, Pa xice-Willioni P. E otlelpti, sole agent for this c minty fel, 21 3ot. &WISES HIGHEST PREMIUM a ) (011 arlitg Sewing Machines, ------ 7- -- -- •-• 17 7 ::: 2 1 ...,,,5 :" - -,, +. ....... i _ r _ ; „ i - ---------. • ) : a- ic , i , ----- I 1 ''' ----4- • I _ --, -7_q_ - _= - _4l ri k: l4e; ,L -. -V r i i / / L4 S , :(114:4 532 -,:i0; 1,--,744.. r=zit Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSIT/ON, 1867. , • ~ They aro adaPted to all kinds of FaAilly Sowing, and to the use of Seamstresses, Dressmakers, T.dlore, Menu. fecturers of Shirts, Cellars, Skirts, Cloaks, Mantilla, Clothing, Hate, ('ape, Comm, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, l'atusels, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woolen and cotton goods, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seem, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, end perform orery-sbeciee of sowing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both sides of the article wowed. The qualities which recommend theni arc: 1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both tildes of the fabric sewed. 2. Strength, - firmness and durability of seam, that will not rip nor ravel.' S 3 Economy of Thread. 4. Attaelinients and wide range of application, to pure 800 and materials. '- 5. Compactness nod elegance of model nod finish. 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 7. Spold, door of operation and management, and_mdet- , nese of movetnent. Luh•nctiun free In aU. Machines kepi in repair one year hen of charge. U. B. LEWES, Agent, j,l" ly i Iir.CTIIVG, OF ENGINE-110IISE. Sealed proposals for Ilia erection of a two•stery Brick Engline.ifouse and Council Chamber, on Lot No. 97, fron- ting the southern side of Washington street, will be ro. cared until 6 o'clock, P. M:, do SATURDAY, the 13th day of MARCH, next, at which time the bids will bo opened and the contract awarded to tho lowest and best bidder. • A plan and specifications for the proposed building may be neon at the °Mee of the Secretary. - The auccesatul bidder will bo rentured to give sufficient security for the in °rapt and faithful performance of the contract. By order of the Burgesses and Town 01110Cii of the bo rough of Huntingdon. GRA PIUS MILLER A. ELLIOT, Feb24-lt Burgossok . PAIALWIS EVERY BIONTH, AT ENTERPRISE yEADQUARTERS $5OOO a year can be made by lire agents, leg my new and Valuable invention. Address ALIMAnN, 63 8e and St., Baltimore, Md. fy24411 • WANTED! WANTED 1! AGENTS of either lex, in miry town and. Tillage, for the largest ONE DOLLAR BALE in the country. The smallest articles sold can ho exchanged fora silver-plat ted five-bottled Revolving Castor, or your choice el articles upon exchange Vet. Commissions to Agitate lar ger than eves. Send for circular. E. C. 711031PSON.A CO., feb2 -1- w 136 Federal street, Doetion, Mese. IF YOU WISH Try thd Comhtootto? or ALLEN, ATWOOD A SATES' GREAT MAMMOTH. SALE I LICENSED BY TUE U. S. CIOYLIRMIENT luring h larger ezp•rienco q wo are eorillJent u 1 Ana cm in our ONC DOLLAR SALE. SW - NOTICE - We will pronent to any person s•nalng tie a club in our GREAT ONE DOLLAR BALD, Silk Dress l'sttorn, Pieco of Sheeting, Sewing Machina, a carpet, a Wately to, to. , ALL FREE OF COST. Greatest Imbuements ever offered. Circular./ and sample sent free to any address ALLEN, ATWOOD & BATES, 4w Noe. n Milk, 78 kB4 DoTonnbire St., Boston, Mats I want to rouse each sleepy hood, Who stand upon the brink, - Whsro yawning gulfs disclose the dead, Who might, hilt did not, think: I want to warn tho living ones Who blindly grape along, Ye fathers, daughters, mother., sons, What peril. round you throng I Leek out, my •eader, are you free, Or do you wear the mark I Moat all are blind and cannot one, Yea, groping in the dark.- Catarrh, a demon la the head, • ' C,oneomption b its .on; Rills hosts, yea, countless millions, dead, Nampa you may be one.; That backing, hawking, spitting, shows, Calarrh affects your head, Matter and alit. in throat or non, !tune down your throat instead. Your lungs and liter socni TIII show, Consumption has its birth; Catarrh, its sire, will feed it too, 'Till you return to earth. If colds affect your head and throat, AN:GEHL/010R buy; Now don't forgot what I have wrote, Or think thin subject dry. WOLCOTT'S ANKIHIL4TOIt cures Catarrh—the demon flies; It saves the lunge, good health insures, And Catarrh quickly dies. I want to gratify nay Monde, Who wish to understand About Pam PAINT, its 1190, its °Tula. And why Its great domand. I want to show you, plain fie day, Why PAIN PARIT stops all pain ; that you may never havo to say, "I'll not by paint again." PAIN PAINT will cool but flour stain ; Pumps iunammstion out; ' 'Tin harmless ou t h e breast or brain, A trial slops all doubt. When Inflammation leaves the frame,' All pain will cease at once ; Remove the cause, 'tie all the name; None doubts unless a dunce. The pores will ope and drink Pain PAINT; Abe...booty fill with ma; Restores the weal:, the sick, the faint, The greatest Skeptics please. Evapof all. cools the placo As inflammation fliei; • Hot blood at tho absefbent's base blokes Paivr in vapor rise., 'TN thus PAP! PAM removes all doubt, Removes the very cause Ily pumping inflammation out; Ou this We lest our cause. Wolcott'. Pain Pala la sold at all Drug Stores; also, Wolcott's Anolhl!ator, for tho cure of Catarrh and colds In the bead. Sent by express on receipt of tbo money, at 181 Chatham Square, N. Y. 11. L. Wolcott, Prop. 4w 150 Teachers Wanted. STS TO $l5O PER MONTH ; fur full particulars address "The Peeplo'r Journal." Philadelphia, Pa. 4w, WAN TED—Sidemen to frivol and sall by eamplo a now line or goods. :Fltnationi permanent. and good wager. Adders. with stamp, It. U. ItICIIAI1DS& CO, 413 Cheat nut Pt, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w. PMUSTS FOR FARMERS. Unsurpassed for nay par PLI•0. pa FOR a bbl. of WU I.lli. Fond for circular. ORAITON MINLRAL PAINT CO., 254 Pearl Street New Yolk. 4w. MOO to $2OO per month salary paiA to good Agents to sell our Patent Non. carrosire White IYiru Clothes Lines State ago and pant occupation, and mtdross the American Wire Company 75 Illiam St., N. Y., or 16 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111.4 w AGENTS WANTED.—For the only steel engraving of tit-newt and Ilia family pnblialted with their np- Koval. Eng* are.% by Sartain. Sizo 15 by 10, $2.00. 100 per cent to agents Aildiess 0001131'EED ik CO., Chi cago, or No. 37 Park Row, New York. NEW BOOK 200 ENGRAVINGS The Etrumr's nod ?ifechnule'd Manual, Mite l by Geo E. Waring, Jr.. outlier of ..Draining for Profit," 'elite menta of Agriculture," Sc. A book of great value t oery one. :end for I 6 page circular. Agent. wanted TEE :TA. O) , Pubilsbete,,63;. Breath, ay, N. Y. 4.7 THE CHRISTIAN, 60 Cents ! ! A huge, live, 9 page monthly religious and fasuily,pa. per, full of fuels, providences, incidents; music, poetry. tear stories, pictures, reading for young; old, saints. ners,one and all. No sectarianism, controversy, politica, pun. 'dila, or patent medicinos. &1 cts.a year; 10 copies $l. For il.unday Schools, 10 copies $4. bend 10 cents for three specimens before you forget it. Volume 4 be. gins Jan., 1869. 1000 pages new live tracts for $l. Ad dross 11, L. llssrisoe, Scriptural Tract Repository, 19 Lindell Street, Boston, Mass. 410. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE SIGHTS AND SECRETS OF THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, A wotk descriptive of Washington City Inside and WA RM° Unmasked and Exposed. The spiciest, most thril ling. most entertaining, instructive, and startling book of the slay. .eQ" -- Senol for Circulars, with terms, dm. Ad dress UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., 411 Brooms Street, New York thy. . fcbl7,-4w. Dr. 311'0. V. BURTON'S CCO ANTI 1 4 T.E. WARRANTED • REglirg. ALL DESI , WA. TOBACCO. Zs mthly sejdable 4 - harm:um par Oles and enriches the blood, invigorate the syst possesses grestnourish. lug end strain:: beaten. Ter. nu ercellent tools and op. palter, enables. the btol - digest the heartiest food, routes sleep reft ashler., • establishes robust health. B " , *k."s o•uf sinters 6i ears coral. Price Fifty cents per box, s fr. =. witho , log treatise on tho jurions effects oft • • • ecci, lists t , tutimontals. setts. vases, etc, eta RV. Agents wants., riders Da. T. 11. Aesorr, Jens • • (' i ts', N. J. .r•' SALE BY ALL• DRUGGI ••• of ID:41)4 Snits •s, • • • Trailimark - 5 roiiirighttela jan.2o,' 4 4 4, BOURDON'S & JOUVIN'S KID CLOVES, Ladias and Gentleman's Sizos,-. /lIINTLYGDON, PA The Tourist or Grant Hat Aidto]NriivE; To be found in the best stores In theplace,' all of 'which ho will sell at prima to cult the' times,- and hopes to re. carol. liberal shire of patronage froma generous public. Den't forget to glee too a , call and 'I .tvill - try to please you with (heeds and prlceek_ VIAEIPIA TA , tIILIOIia I Ees.,3o'lB6B' CORNER OF TEE DIAMOND, MO 'Ai o, ildiTlNalpN 7 TA. a.€3(5 , a. DRANK W. STEWART A .R,STEWART A. R. Stewart & Co. HUNTINGDON, PA., PEALSB IN HARDWARE, PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES, LAMPS, ROPES, OILS, FORIS, Scythes, Snaths, Grain Cradles, Sad• dleiy, and carOage Gands,.l4ln, and . Spokes.' NAILS AND, IRON, LOOMS, HINGES, SCREWS, ' DRAIN-PIPE, .15'JVC,ZIM - N7IiT.ELMLNII, and an endless variety of goods in his line We are receiving, goods ,almost every, dap from manufaeturere, and in view of late DECLINE IN'PRICES, and our experience in selecting best.brandi and reliable qualities of goods, purchasers will find it to their tuivatitt!ge to . e*emine our, stock THE NEW PATENT EGLIPS - 1] COOK STOVE, which throws all others in the shade, le' still increasing in popularity, and rileases so ~relt that everybody' wants , THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT THE BIG PADLOCK. SIGN, Huntingdon, Jau 13; 1869-H. Cheaper . than the Cheapest! BARGAINS END IVlziatruxactico. tc:o3rek /Trest End of Hnnyngdon,,Penn'a. We are now . offering our int= mense and 'ivell-assorted stock 'of Goods, ,at , thoroughly reduced, and unprecedented low prices; our superior facilities enabling us to compete successfully:with the cheapest. - - - Our stock consists of Groceries,' Dry GoOds, Notions, Hardware, Queensivare, Glassware, 'Willow and Cedar Ware, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets, Rugs 'and Door Mats, Crocks, Jugs, Stiries,, Tinware, ron Stee, Nails, Crlass, Putty, Oils, Iron'," Drugs, Flour, Feed, &c., &e., all in great variety, at prices that will'not fail to suit consumers. We are', also dealing in all kinds.of - Coati and Lumber, our'faeilities,,tin theaCcommodities being superikl to any other firm in .Huntingdon; We claim them. as spEcwlrigs in our, trade, i.n.„*Lich Po* :Oik compete with us. We buy - all kinds of Grain; Seeds,. Flour; and. 'Feed, aturthe highest market rates, and give the highest, prices in'. Goods Produce' of all' kind,s ; fail to call and .examine our Meek and, prices, as both are' sure to please: HENRY & CO:,; '''Hytiog,dorb oct2B BACK -AGAIN I NEW STORE and NEW GOODS?. B'pnlivilri JaCObs Respectfully Informs Ille•Old fileinh and the Inittfa generally, that he has again located in the borough of HUNTINGDON. and had bpoued Si vefy large and'entire now' etook of Goode in Sexton's Store Room oppoeitc Lents" Book Store, condoling of - DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTH ING, HATS and CAPS,- BOOTS • and SHOES, QUEENSWARE, and EVERY VARIETY OF • GOODS— ! • - Dsfi.l& UN JACODe VVI 11 4 5SEif61 ' FIEV ;!r5 0/4 " k' t V • Ethrtitojt. Oak Slaughter_ Sole -nud ; Belting : • -,'l.l4MAL'lLi3Eitiltil=ll:.:: . 500‘B oolzolo Mosteroi , g flair, for Falp. " ' • friF•lABll PAIR FOR urn.Es AND BAREMER. • .' . W. 11:1tOSENETERL &SON, Mapleton popot, ' Huntingdon Comity, Peocok , Dec..4 l , 1803-62.111: ::•; • CUTLERY,