The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 03, 1869, Image 3

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    r •. ( E; kV el tire
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Wednesday morning,,goh, ‘3 1869.
/11.1foriah lodge, No. 300, A. Y. N., meets second
Monday esentugut each munch, in Brown'o building.
Standing stone H. 10. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the
Ant Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's budding.
Juniata Lodge, Ne. 1 1 7, 10. 0. P., meets every Friday
livening. third floor, in Leisier's
Standing Slane odge. No. OF, 1. 0. C. I"-, meets every
Tuesday evening in third floor of Head's building.
Amiga/me Tethe, No. 68, I. Oof R. If.. meets every
Thursday evening, thii d Hoor, Leiner's
Toting Men's Christian Association moms the nrit slid
third Monday evenings each mouth, in Brown's
Post 33,G. A. Ir., meets 211 ird Monday of each mouth
in Court Ilunee. •
Town Cbuncit meets tho Hest Friday Meaning of each
!trier Item■
The Philipsburg ore miners are en a strike.
West Huntingdon is to have gas this spring
atellidaysburg is said to have the itch.
Advice for everybody-don't drink whisky
'Winter gave us a parting shake last week.
, ,
March came in like a lamb.
There are 1,250,000 Free 'Masons in the
Vnited States.
Northampton county has one hundred slate
.811ardn, Mercer county, during 1868, erec
ted buildings to the value of $200,000.
Willie. eiartof Mrs. Forester, near
Tipton, was drowned in the dam at Fostoria.
The Critwfdrd county system was adopted
in Blair county by 108 majority.
A slight fire occurred hardware es
tablishment of Messrs. Hartley 4- Metzger,
in Bedford, • -
Ten new ➢Methodist churches are dedicated
in the United States, upon an average, - every
week throughout the year.
• ,
i` - The' Willitunsbin 'Vindicator" last week
published the tayer,n lieense signers, in Al
toona. •-• "
The next session of the Juniata pirtvict
Temperance Convention will beln Bedford,
next May. , „ „
Bedford county will hold its first Republi
can primary election on the 10th of March.
They rote on the Crawford County System.
Exettrsinn . tickets to Washington will be
issued to persons deeirous of seeing Grant
inaugurated President:'
Martin = S.' Fteagle, of 'Clearfield county,
was recently killed by the accidental die
•cbarge of his-gun.
Captain Jiiseph Metcalf, the oldest member
of the 'lsilisenie Order in' 'tb - & United - States,
died in Erie, recently, aged 95 years.
Col. .Win.WII a tine aivointed Sher
iff of Mifflin e9unty". vice- 'S . T. IlleEsren,
resigned. - •
The man.Fopk.,.cbtr t ge4, scull robbing Mr.
ReOchis'etiirci;a l Ctlizabetti'Filinace, bee bein
The pitiable sight of a young man who was
.o drunk that he couldn't tell own name
was presented in Lewistown last week.
People who advertise only once in three
months; forget tliet most folks mitinifretimm
her anything longer than about seven days.
Reuben Stetler, of Decatur township,
flineounty, had his arm broken in three pia. 1111'66g - it caught iti.a °hirer machine.
Thursday is inauguration day. Many of
.our townpuion - will ttc; ?'11: "e)ty;Of
fieent distances" taking a perspective view
,ofPresidect Grant and Senator
The sign liner of a hotel in Itellitlaysburg,
.4 . 08 blown down whenk the dtied Templitre
seseiQp.. Was..that,a -good or bad
Mr„:N. - D.: , Eaatotan,- of .Catclifia:couritY,
went to Chicago lately and was.fieeced to the
;tutus of $420, by a couple of_ sharpers_ who
-mooted to show him 'the sights.
Blair coutityliaS been included in nn act
amending the jury law retiring the Piesident
Judge from the board and substituting the
Count] Coretnissiener oldest in office.
Itt a telt:mined@ ‘sehs6l. at Miffiintown the
ladies are requested to dispense with hoops
"as the price of admission is tnolowto_ad
3 slight war,nflitees .occurred in MAW
ditjahurg, last week, and brick bats and other
laird substitisces, , were thrown promiscumisly.
The whiteaßrere worsted.
r'toe afford ail persons who are in arrears
for.eubscriptionjob work or advertising, a
Agnes to 'secure tickets for the chamber set,
11paying'up.: ;
bocets the meatiest man alive.—
Ho ha's brought snit for four dollars against
brcithe;ea estate for tiVe:al„l4ol to, have
been lost' in attending said broth'er's' funeral.
The woman who Wears the bleaches is in
..chitAbkslagrg,oWe ;AMA if . ) that such Avis
men are to be found almost everywhere. Let
'am vote and see. • • •
. .
fninibitun El'. if lijr'abil mired 'pal.
pitation of the heart•vrben quite young by
the application of aribthei"heart over the Part
:affected: , . ~ • -
, R. Bruce PetrilFen, of Huntingdon, and 0.
Trough, of Hollidaysburg, have Viten elec
ted Senatorial delegates to tho Democratic
State Convention, and instructed for Cass for
- As the Crawford county system is shortly,
to be !Mod on by the -Republicans of this
county, we will afford an opporttinity to the
frieads'or opponents of the system to express
their"vieWs'iridur columns.; Be brief. -
- According to the 4irard SpEiiator, a , lady
pf Srtrat, plitop,:one:dity ltst,j'eei,.prepared
/breakfast, than dinner, did- a two , rreeVe
jrpriing,smd - nade a bouncing:Contrlbutirm
,cults populAian — Of the town, and all before
foui; o'clock, P, rtf.
Theloungladies pfDayer, Wayne Counti,
nd„, have formed a ta;ciety fur the rodejnp
oyn 0r young men from bad habits. Each
of the members hqt Pledgediterself not to re-
ceive the attentions bf itny" young man who
tire litiultr,itobttecti orp . rofurke language.
TiM petV C • ••uitt House at Lack !raven wan
stedicaVd a itiw.ilaferitgoPt diteßtif the Mei
dettts Wllai the amrahing: into the" court.reom,
two hy two, of one. hundred , . and fifty ladies.
who rre,ented a reMongranee, signed hy fif
Pen' 14M/ilea' wonott of 'Clinton county,
against granting any !Manses for the sale of
intoxicating drinks. . • . •
A. Sidney Russell was elected to the port - ,
lion of Postmaster hy the 'citizens of Bedford.
ci.good way for a man to find nut how
Many friends ha has, and if the many candi-
Antes for that position in our Immix,' Trottld
only resort to the sane plan, they Would do
patter, and (save themselves much trouble in
Fepipr eignere toe pptition: Just try it,
, 'llho-PhilatielphiaOs says. that at
a recent meeting o he trustees of
,Franklin and Marshall College, it was
resolved to admit to the full course - Of
study in that institution one: student,
perpetually, for every five hundred
dollars contributed by any school dis
trict in PO U lleyiVlttlitl,. In other words,
by the present payment of five hun
dred dollars, a perpetual scholarship
may be secured by any school district,
to be filled at the nomination of the
school directors. One such scholarship
in every district, to be awarded to the
best boy- in the common schools there
in, would prove a powerful stimulus
to exertion,, and the reward would be
only appropriate and just:
, The funds raised by this
,plan will
bikapplicd to the better endowment of
the instituAitm,_the improvement of its
real estate - , -- and the extension of its
educational facilities. They thus in
_arc directly to the investors or buyers
of scholarships.
Substantially this makes collegiate
education in _Pennsylvania free, for
there is not a district in the State
which cannot afford a scholarship, and
thus send its most promising young
men to college without any expense to
Rare is an excellent chance to' se
cure ,11 perpetual scholarship in ,a,firSt
•elaiis College'. hUndred ilollars is
a small sum for, so great. a,privilege.
We have the talent in our schools if'
properly 'cultivated to make first-class
statesmen'. By securing this scholar
skiVand holding it up as a.prize ; it
wbuld'be an incentive to our boys to
exert themselves for the coveted hon
or. All parents who have boys are in
terested in this matter,' and it would
cost each ono but a trifle to secure
this most liberal offer. Say there are
ono thousand families with boys in
this borough, it would cost but.fifty
cents each, and who would not give
that sum for a chance to send' there
boy to College: What Say the people ?
6. • MT.! WIMON trt, - SPedial Agent of
the _Equitable Life; nsnrance Society of
the United States, is in town, and may
he. feu ntl, for a fey, Op at the oince 9f
'Dr: R. It. Wie'siling; "MediOlit' Exariii
ner, for the Society,.from I. to 2, and
6 I.6I,'PAL - The sueoess - of the Seel
' etyhas been unprecedented, and by its
organization under the secure sgstent of
control of the State of New York, and
its adoption of the purely mutual cash
system, with annual and progressive div
idends, it offers superior advantages to
those seeking Life Insurance, either
for investment or protection. Tbo
amount issued last year was Fifty-two
Million Dollars. Mr. McNair will be
gladrto'eall on parties desiring reliable
information upon Life Insurance, at
their,residenco or' places of business,
and to meet any of the numerous Pol
icy Holders.of the Society. lt*
Shameful Conduct.
One of the m 6. 9 .1 aggiUvating species
of Maliciousness oecuried in this place
on Sunday night last that we have ev
er heard of. Rev. James Clarke had
two young dogs which he named re
spectively "Grant" and "Colfax." On
the night above statedsome malicious
individual seized . the dogs and the
next thorniug they were found stretched
on the front porch of Mr. Clarke's res
idence with their throats cut from ear
to silty )'Whether this cruelty was
duns poeauso the dogs were named--as
they were, pr from some other cause,
we thin% know, but we must say that
it shows very little humanity on time
part .of the person Who would ,thus
vent their spite on two innocent dogs.
Judgment Pi etas
Tho CommUsiiiner of .Ittt.orrtal,Reve
nue recently decided that a Judgment
note should be' stamped at the usual
rate. of prom:ssory notes, being five
cents for every $lOO, or fractional part
. theroof, with ,five cents additional, on
of the clause "without defalca
tion." This decision is made under
the clauses of the Internal Revenue
law, which provide that no btamp,du
ty shall be charged uPon'any warrant
of attorov, , ,accompanying a., bond or
note duly stamped. Tho knowledge
of this
• prove of value to a
largenumber of persona in this cluar-
Any. • ;- •
IIOUntle!”, ; Ffoldleria
The following bill has been introdu
ced ih Congress: , 9That•tbere shall
be paid to the widow, minor children,
or parents, in the order named, of any
soldier who served his full term of en
listment but died prior to the passage
of the act of July 28, 1866, granting
bounties to soldiers, the same bounty
614c:4:soldier would have beon'entitled
to under said act had he been living at
the time, of the passttge'tberoot."
Mrs. Anna T. Randall,. the instruc
tress ofElocution acid IL.etoric, in the
State ISrofrnal Sbho6l,-Oswego, NI Y.,
will read in the Court House, this
TUESDAY evening, March 2d, for
the benefit of the Young Men's Chris
tian Association of this place. The
selections will be from Standard Au
thors, and all lovers of the beautiful
should go and hear her.
Wednesday evening about 8 o'clock
p. in., sparks frOm a locomotive foci the
P.-11:1V,•set•fire to the feriae. and- dry
grass, •near the dwelling of Samuel
Miller, Esq., in Mount Union, and but
for the timely discovery - the barn of
John Dougherty, stable, and dwelling
of Samuel Miller, would have . , been
burned Union, News.
Special Notice.
jirst , :urrival of Spring goods at:the
Mammoth Store of Henry & Co. Bear
in mind that we can sell as good goods,
and as cheap as can be bought else
where The advantage at patronizing
us is apparent to all. Gifts, Gifts for
March IRth, , is increased to 55, value
895. It
tr-At the State arsenal at Harris
burg on IlldaY, while a salute was
be rig thea a premature discharge of
the cannon blow tllf theright-slimpd of
Ge(lrile Choi ell, ilielett: hand of a
111,11) nainvd MaisbAM Quay:
• 'g s, The at t tI o ers is called
to the advertisement of New Leather
House of Leas & litcViity, is to-day's
paper This is a reliable fine and-sat
isfaetion is goiarftateed.
—Two Qno. Levy' \ Ticl el
Plat.ina Double Pen 4 oi 4t3. i\n• sale
at Lewis' Book Store. Everybody ybetl.
ANswalts TO Coartaii:,NbENTS:—"Verat,"
we are hare-tolcrin a very modest
way more truths'Leilneernint your sex than
you intended. Wo. will try to, publish your
story _at an early day; You , mastuefdirstand
wo.den't return CoOßnanicatioao.l • ,
`• II: W. F., iv . e . Would like to pUblish your
communication, but , more applicable
to a G. 'P: lotlge'ifian , to'thepnblie eye. •
f•Elmer," your c ommunication is accepted,
blit eon% publish it this Week. It is good in
sentiment, but meagre in loud interest,
"A Story of the Plains," by:,a
,soldier will
appear in our next, providing grant's story
isn't too long. Truth is stranger than fiction.
SHADE GAP, Feb. 22, 1569
Dear Globe: This enterprising little vil
.lage is situated on the mail route from Mount
Utti4n iti Cliamberallekrg, 17 miles from the
former pile? and 32 from,the latter. ?assen•
.gers travelling this route either ,way, tire
obNed to stop over might at this, , place,
which the' can do very comfortably, at the
bfitntroml Il,itel, kept-by the, prince of 'land
, lad g , Wm. Mooiswan, ; John W: , !Scott,
(namesake of the .gentleman, lately: elected
11U., S. Senator), has charge:of the stage line
at present, and gives'general satisfaction., ,
Yes, Shade Gap Is rather a . lively little vil
lage, and will beeomaa ore AmPertant point
when the, propeied Huntingdon,Pulton
Franklin Railroad. passel through •it,
width it will'do.if it 'passes ekt'-nli, Shade
Gap will then he thelacalest .which
the products of Tusdarora-and Nth Valleys
can he carried.:, Our townie not largeorum-
I l liering only about4yve hentlreCinhabitant‘s,
yet there is riglii`etbarta latinness 'done hire
in a short space of time. 80M'sft:h4' call -it
I dull, b.utlicen o td alway i sifindeit lively.epough
for 'trio!. ' '
gip, be,sure, ;it hag net the gay
. .amusements
s of the etty c such as Tbeatres;
VaVe-13ankectiVdsite', Ed.
"llatnret," nbith'dr:didNis.' 'nein Wil
liams, ever take a banefit but
leaving those ant ,we have,a right lAel t y jittle
vjllitgc docialheroatriong , thk , hills: j'Our
zensare s all engaged some_ tiseful, ,oectipa
'tien' and - 1 ttiinkotir hamlet can boast of IL 9
limited ilf.nurnber yloyamers and dead
I heads" ns . any ut4e our county,
__You can seerflo`mingdipmgainst the west
ern sky, the gigantic propertienit of the far
famed Milnwood Academy, Prof. R. S. Kuhn,
_,The main bitilding is conetracted
of stone and is a model piece of _Mason work,
which reflects great credit upon'
Established in 1849, by Rev. J....Y.,firGinnis.
It has peculiar advantages, among which nro
its retired situation, its commodious' build
ings, daily mail, few, if any, temptations to
vice, incident to a large town, and lust,
but not least--its Vacuity. This is whore a
large number of the teachers of, Huntingdon
county are fitted for the profession of teach
ing. About twenty of the class of 1868 are
out teaching the young ideas how 'to shoot,
I this winter, and nearly all, with the excep
tion of two or three of that number are teach
ing in Huntingdon county. Quts., PA., Feb. 25, 1865
Messrs. Editors :—Tho weather has been
quite changeable during the past weak; first
a small snow-storm, then pleasant. and lastly
sery hard freezing, which niatiy say was the
hardest freezing weather that we hare had
this winter.
Mining is resuming its former briskneis.
Two of the mines on this region tom now on a
strike, known as the Union Mine and Moore
dale No. 1, and operated by Rickert Bros,—
,the object being to obtitiu,an advance in the
pries ormining. •
There is a sort of Miners' Union on this
region, every member being sworn not to re
veal any of its doings. It has five degrees
connected with the order, and is benevolent
in its character. This lirdon of miners is
causing quite an excitement here. Reports
have it that threes miners are dangerous fel
lows and are riot to be trusted. It is said if
a fellow•mitter does anything contrary to
their established rules, he gets a warning of
tinge day's notice to quit the region and if he
does not, he trill have to abide by the cones
qUellee, which is generally a hard beating.—
Oafs act of their overhearing character 1 will
zet.ttt On Feb. 15th, when Mr. Geo. Mean
gore the advance of ten cents per ton in the
price of mining, a great many of the men re
nowned their work as before, and among them
were men that did not to the M. P. U.
When this woe known to the members of the
M. P. U. they beld their meeting and on Tues
day night the lath, they entered one of Mr.
Mears' mines and smashed all the tools they
could find belonging to those mon not mem•
hers of the 31. P. U. Quite a number of the
boss miners and operators have taken a stand
and are determined to allow it to extend nu
farther at the present time. When I write
the excitement runs very high and a great
number of the miners, particularly of Powel
ton, Barnet and Dudley mines, are adverse to
the 31; P. U. and Unpleasant feelings now ex
ist between the misers of the above men
tioned mines and the Millers of the Back
switch mines.. , ,
In millistletter I said ,
that I would give
nn account of Broad-Top City, or es it should
be called, the City of Slender Spires. This
town is located on the top of Broad Top
Mountain and line a beautiful eight of the
surroimding - Seatitry; • Far health it is not
eurtatseed by any town in the State. The
buildings are very neat houses; some of them
costly, the most noted one being the Broad
Top Rouse, kept by W, T Pearson, Esq.,it
being the Bummer resort of the Philadelphia
folks. The next is A stone house across the
Street having a store-room in it; it is a fine
building and the mason work speaks well of
its executors. The lost building of note is a
new brick mansion built,by Mr. Jesse Cook
before he died ; it is situated on an elevation
commanding a very extensive view, but the
want of outside improvement is badly needed.
Broad Top City has one lodge of 1. 0. of 0.F.,
having some sixty members ; ono lodge of I.
0. of G. T., which has done a great • deal of
good, one church,.(Baptist,) three stores, two
hotels, two taverns. The reason I give it the
name of City of slender spires is from its
number of lightning rods with guilt taps.—
The want of room prevents me from giving
a larger account of it. Cannot.
e - A fine assortment of Rustic, Win.
dow Shade& just, reeefrod and for sale
CHEAP at Enterprise fleadguarters.
On the 16th"uIt., at the residence of
T. S. Robinson, Elq.,__Ebensburg, by
the Rev. 13. M. Lerr, Mr. CHARLES A.
ZIEGLER, ofPhillipiburg, Pa., to Miss
AMANDA P. OTT, of Ebensburg.
Feb. 12th, at the Lutheran Parson
ago in Mechanicsville, by Rev. J. M.
Steely, Mr. JAS. S. MrrenELL, and Miss
ELLENOR L. GALEW4Y, both of Hunt
ingdon county.
On the 2d of Feb. by Rev. L. D.
Steckel, Mr. IL S. COOLEY, of Belle
ville, Mifflin county, and Miss Is.taEr.
LA. J. MILLEft of Huntingclon.
On the 25th ult., at tho M. E par
sonage, by sev. $. B. Wilson, Mr. W.
EAKEN toMissELbisott E. BOOKS, all
of this'county.
On the 25th till,. at the Baptist
parsonage, Ely .13ev. J: W. Plannett,
Mr. Lrentm Stmck, io• Miss jiLNNIE
1t urrt: both of itilyStOiVil Branch.
On 1.',213 oth, by . G. w..7mhni
ser i ,Mr."JNo A. W,ESTBROOII, of C 10111•-•
&ill, to 11A.6. MARY u. OswALT, of
On Feb 23d, by the same, Mr. Wm.
M GILLILAND, of Harrisburg, to Mot,
lit tt It MApPerT, of 4Nefrs
CELirristapgh papers, please copy
. •
In this I.)orough; op the 27Lh ult„
Mr. Wm. U. UITT', ligtA yeap.
Read and Save Ilf coney, Eaterprlso
fluartpra atIII ,I.heatd-!. ( • , 1 ci : .
Th . ° beautiful :chafe ber : set t,o,;;be
given 'aWay.att Elitdrprise Headr4Uar
tors is worth .25. •It will be a hand
some and useful - oeseni_ for _some, one.
Call and see it—buy good cheap—
an,d•take a chance to receive a hand
some present.
MI who buy for cash, or trade, at
Enterprise headquarters, save 'money
and encourage liberality. •
An immense steek of beautiful styles
of Wall Paper, wholesale and retail,
cheap, at Lewis' Book Store; Buten,
priso headquarters.
Chance cards will,be issued for sub,
eetti,tions to " Globe ackrertifileg,iend
job work, old hceoubts inelecled.
When sugar wont up, Enterprise
Headquarters . retailed to customers in
five days nine barrels of stoek.,on
hand at. old prices. Other merchants
raised the prices on their stock. A
now stock on hand and selling cheap.
If you want good table Syrups, bak
ing Molasses and Honey, cheap, eall
at Enterprise Headquarters.
Enterprise Headquarters is' helping
the poor every day, by charging them
less for goods than they can be bought
for at other stores,
A full assortment of fresh Spices, Bak
ing Powders, Prunes, Raisins, Cranber
ries, Currants, Citrom"Dried, Peaches
and An.lles Beans, Rice,Hominy, Bar
ley, Oatmeal, Mince' Meat, , . etc., etc.,
the best Family , Flour : An the coun
try, Corn Real, Buckwheat Flour,
Sugar Cured and Country Hams,
Shoulders and Flitch, Lard; Potatoes,
Coal Oil, ete.,'ete., always on hand at
Enterprise Headquarters. '
, -
Still.ancilker lot of choice New - York
Goshen Cheese just received at Enter
prise'll.eadquarters. ,
As soon as arrangements can be
made for larger rooms to accommodate
,the increasing number of customers at
Enterprise, cudquarters, the other
merehants H of, town shall. ilia‘4l
situations as clerics ditcY can forget
their old fogy way or doing business.
•Half And quarter barrels _No'. 1 Shore
Mackerel just received at EpterPriso
Fmterprile lie,adquarter
,issued over
a thousand more chetke leak Anotith
than it did the month previous. The
people are not.slow to find out where
to got the best'and most for their mon
Very choice fat Bay Mackerel, by
the pound, at Enterprise 11.eadqaar
The best smoked fish in the market,
the Bloaters, at Enterprise Headquar
Shad and Ilorring in pickle, and
Cod Fish,. by the pound and dozen, at
Enterprise lleadquarTers.
'The Persona tiOldiel4- 'the' tolloWirig
numbersMn green:earde, :will- ball at
Enterprise headquarters and- get -
presents the numbers are entitled to:
1118 Corn Broom.
2258 25 pound souk of Flour
3479 Child's Corn Brown.
3780 Patent Top.
3752 New Accortleon
3860 Child's Choir
4176 two pound box Wldtman'a Candies
4800 China Tea Sett.
5303 Six pound box Raisins
5956 Cow and cot..
6057 A. chance to get "The Pust Office."
6320 Scrubbing Brush.'
6997 One Monkey.
6476 Mnmmoth Slintstiok
7028 Wining DA and Carriage.
7080 Ornamental French Cupboard.
7240 Doll“Curremm" $l5, or 11 Ibis. Flour
7103 111antle Ornaments.
7440 Giant's head.
8041 Tom Cat.
8135 Cednr Washtub.
Plantation Bitters combine rare medicinal
Virtues with ft delicious aroma, and a flavor
grateful to the palate. It is purely vegeta
ble, and its composition all the requisites of
science have been complied with It is suit
able for all ages and .sexes. It is gentle,
stimulating• and soothing. All dyspeptic
disorders aro cured by it, and it repairs anti
restores nature's wasted powers. Plantation
Bitters arc - Increasing daily in favor with all
classes. It relieves suff,rintr„ renders life. a
luxury, brightens the present,-and ; .throws a
hopeful Hied on the future. ? •'' • • '^ -
MAGNOLIA WATEI.—SUTIOrier ' t"o the beet
int . purtod German Cylokon, and sold at half
dais pricy; • • , j- if
It Is a common thing now-salvo to hear persons con
plain about their physical disabilities Mach bring so
much discomfort to both intuit and bode, that they had
no gratification In any thing around Wein, s ne Ins no
satisfying rest at night, another is always peevish and
despondent, still another talc s no delight to society. and
others again find no componsafing pleasures In • labor,
okercisealr even tile. No uistuo is given in pathology for
their illimentsi nevertheless the mows aro always pies
nut, They 'imply look vital poster, nod Prof, palter
says that -tho beat remedy for this class is
NLRB BITTERS," a bleb he tins •tosed for several )ears.
and with uniform success," as it tones tin Stomach and
Liver—the neat of time complaint—and recopstracts the
shattered constitulion. This vitalizing tont.: speedily
removes the causo of languor and discontent, imparts a
calm force to thrinbrvous system, rouses the dormant or.
gnus of the Maly, and blokes the letterer with perfect
and lasting health. ' feta
OTIUMbS.—The Grafton Mineral Paint ComltatlY
are now nutaufaetutim; the Best, Cheapest and most Du
rable Paint in use; two coats well put on, mired with
pare Linseed Oil, gill lost ten or fifteen years; It is of a
light brown or beautiful chocolate calor, ash can be
changed to green, lend, stone, drab, olive or cream, to
suit the lasts of the consumer. It Is Nalunbla for now
FM Fences, Darns, t arrlage and Car timbers, Palls and
Wooden.unro, Agricultufal Implements, Canal' Boats,
Vessels awl Ships' Bottoms. Canvas, rl evil and Shingle
Roofs (it befug, Firo and Water proof,) Floor Oil . Gloths,
(ono elanufact neer bay lag used 5.0d0 bbll. the past }ear)
and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for holy,
durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. Price $,6 per
bbl. of.ilki lbs., which u ill supply a Lama' for years to
coins. Warranted iu all cases as above. Fond for a eh-
Cular whirl, gives full istrticolors. Nona genuine unless
branded In a trade mark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Per
sons can order Um Paint and remit the money ou re
ceipt of the goods. Address
li. L. FAIINESTOCK &CO Pittsburgh,
gents rut PeUll4)lVan.R.
4" - For bale byltho pound or barrel at 'Lewis` Book
TA Mr treated with the ‘niniost itticcosa, by J.
IaAACS, M. D.. and PI proem. Of Diseasea of the Eye and
Aar in the Modicul Co five of t'ernisYlvank l:: years exPeri.
fente, (formerly or 1.0 den, flatland) N:. Altoll St„:,
PhD •doiphfa. T•,tiniontals Can be seen at this office,.
Thu medical faculty me Invited to accompany their pa •
*nits, as Ito line nu secrets In tits ptactice. Artificial
Eyes inserted a ititout pain. NO charge for examination.
.lane 17, 1808=1Ybal
A .
$5.00 GREEN BA.OK of value
/A_ epat•freo to any Book Agent. •
Matthew Halo Smith's New Book,
"Sunshine and Shadow in New York."
A %elk replete with anecdotes 11101 incidents of
I.oing ti MB ter of Now Ygrk . ,.v.fleAing the, , ,
' six:Rl:Ts OF Till: ti ILEA L CITY.
One Agent colt ',l:' in 0110 11.1 X. 0110 1 4er . 0 1 " d dotty
ertel 2:i in lbda3 s, anoints' 'IA h"! illyS: SO Iliolt'evet
tintoisheit that belie co rapidly. ,
I You 011111 to lillool 41110' tat tunes lira made end
lost in 11 dtly ; how Arend men are retina in
. sTi ‘ t i r i p . tt b . 4 4 0 1 , ' e qlw infi . iTs ‘ grT il a o r h i d 4r i
ilorc‘l lotted
a b l y ,:
blackmailed ; lion dance halls end =MI ealnill
aro mentmcd i hew gambling hot lies and lotteries
are conducted , how stock comphniee or i ginate and bow
the bubbles buret, dc, dc, lead this work. It tells you
about the mysteries of New York, and coitlailis osify life
sketches of ,its noted millionaires, merchants, i.e. A
huge Velar° volume, 7 . 20 pages, finely Illustrated. This
liirgeat commission glean, Oqr 32 page circu)ar end a
$3.00 GI eenhack scut tree on application. For fall par
ticulin a and tot me address the solo publishers, ,
J. B, Bursn co , 1141trvoiD, Cqj
61111.1. AHEAD -
In Presents, Goods and Prices:
They- Cost Yoglrothing. •
A beautiful Chamber "eet, gold 'hand;
' 13'pieces, $25.00
A new Boston Rocking Chair, B.OO
A beautiful Carriage and Dell, 10.00
A Fancy Spittoon, 2.00
1 pair Vases, 2.50
1 Railroad. Depot and Train, 75
1 Doll Cradle,' t . 40
1 Toy Basket, 70
1 Drum, 1.40
1 Box of Whitman's
Confectionery, 1.50
1 Photograph Frame, 5.00
1 Sugar Box, 30
1 Sack of Extra Family Flour, 2.25
2 Pieces of Olive Soap, 20
1 Corn Broom, 50
1 Bucket, 30
1 Lady's Work Box, 1.50
1 Accordoon, 5.50
12 Bolts of beautiful Wall Paper and
Border, 4.00
1 Trumpet, 38
And a number of smaller presents of more
value than a Jews Harp.
If our sales during the month go
above our estimate, we will increase
the number of presents. We pay a
license to make, as many presents to
our customers, as we please. '
_ .
Any person purchasing to the arri
(mut of 25 Cents, or over, at either
Grocery, Confectionery and Variety
Stare, ii•em and inciudi ng.nouday, the
Ist, to and including the
31sT DAY OF MARCH, 1869,
will receive a numbered eard for every
25 Cents worth purchased, which will
entitle the holders to as many chances
as they have numbered cards, to re
ceive one or more of the above pres•
Numbered cards will Also he issued
for subscriptions to Globe, advertising
and job work, old accounts included.
The goods on hand consist of Books
of all' kinds," Fahey Article's Musical
In,stt:omonts,PerfumerY, {trial! Paper,
Groceries of all kinds; 'WhitMan's cel
ebrated Confectionery, common Can
dies, Fruits Of all kinds, Toys, Eitra
Family Flour, Buck wheat Flour, Corn
Meal, Minco Meat, Sweet Cider, Vine
gar, Coal Oil, Tube i .Bueltots, Baskets,
StonewUre, , Bi•ushoi, Brooms, Whisks,
Apples, Potatoes, etc., ote , too numer
ous to mention,
Our prices will be as laws if not lower
than elsewhoro for the same goods.
Now's your time to get Goods Cheap and
H.znflsoie Presents.
The Enterprise Will be' continued, anti val•
noble presents will be' distributed the first
day of eveiy month.
Public notice will be given in the Journal
lb A merican and Globe, the first week in eve.
ry month of the numbered ,cards,entitled to
presents, (the Modit'Oi' having yielded to a
combination of !Wiler business men," would
not advertise for our Enterprise ) end Pres
ents be lifted any time after the Ist of
each month, .on • preseotation of numbered
lielienue and Poatnge Stamps not included
in the above.
_Huntingdon, Marc)) 1, 18(39
Vittaanurata, Mar 2,1863
Super fine Flour at $5, @ 5,25: extra at $0.25: @ 8 fancy
Western extra fatally 60,00@7, 75; Pentlaylvnula ender
$10,50 and fancy brawls $10,00®12,50 according to quality
Bye flour $7,005.7.25.
7 hero is very little Pr (me Wheat offering, and-this
seriptforr is In eh ndy request at full prices. but Inferior
grades are. neglected. Sales of 1500 bushels new red at
$1,711@1,90, and 1000 bushels anther at $502. Rye le tin.
changed. Sales of 400 bushels new Western at $1,55,
Corn rescue° and advancing, yellow at $l,OO Western,
reined et 04eas01,00. Cato are in good request tit nn ad
vance. Sales of 0000 bushels new Pennsylvania at 70@73
cents. Nothing &tug in Barley and Malt $2,00. -
Piers:A:nun. Mar. 2 —Flour.--The market to decreased.
quote eaten el spring a heat Flour at $7,15,@8,00,
%Int, Flour at $8,514 0 .75 fancy at $12@12,50.
11 heat, red, ;$1,6u®1,65 rod for white, $2,08 @2,12
Corn Ironifdst handset sl,oo. Rye, : 1 1.41 per bushel. Oats
04@6 c; Batley 1,85@51,90. Potutoes, I el:0h Blow 13,00.bb1
hams 20e, Lard 2:2e. butter 33@39e lb; doz.
NEW run; Mar. 2.-0010 closed al 31,31%
FLOUR—Superfine Flour; per barrel, $6 50
Extra Flour, ' f• • di) 7.00
Family Flour, do 8.00
GeAiN—lied Wheat, per bushel, . • 1.00
SV.4ite Wheat, ~ do , , 1 1.70
e; ‘ ,;dlye;' ' ''', )., ,-, - 'l".-,•• ; - d43' 't. -' '1:30
I.) Coen; . ' . ' - .2- - d'o' •-• '." ' ' 90
Oats, do 5G
• Barley, . . • ..• do -• , ,' . 1.20
Seen—Timothy, do- . . 3.00
Flasseed, , do . 2.25
Cloverseed, per 64 lbs. 8.00018.50
Paovisfosi—Putatoes, per bushel, 90(a),1.00
, Dried Apples , , . do 2.25
Cru,: Meal, per'emi., 2.50
Dried Peaches, per pound, ' 18
Beef, do „ 10
Lard, do 20
Purk, 'do
Dutter, do
Cheese, ' du
Eggs, per dozen,
Ham, .
Co et.— Hard coal, per ten,. .G .50a3 00
• Broad Top coal, do • 3:00
LUMBER', per 1000 fret,' ; .; :, < : - 1.2.0001).19.00
BitlVOLEi—Lap, per WOO ft„ 10.00@,13.00
Joint:Siting:los; --dif • ' • 0.50(0.00§- , -Bark.', per cord, ; , 8.00
Wan, per, cwt., . 1.25
. „
Hoiiic•por poi l nd ' ' ' ' 40
Wool, do 40@15
they, der too, 12.00
Green Apple's, '-- do
Onions, do
;•rst . Z. 4
• • .I • '' '
10- • ...„..•.
T I E CALDWELL &C 0 . ,.
Oaring supplied themselves nn entirely
NeW suppli'e'd
of Goods
throughout, will ha NIPPY try meet these prang friends
and the Plitdiu Motility nt their present
plane of business,
Fuh. 10, '6B-tr. „
I J. ALLEAUN, '63 Second St.";•Beitfmaro, Md. fY 24-41,
A r ENTS•of:vither sex, in every torn and village, for
lb, largest ORR DOLLAR MLR in•the country. The
is "titles sold can bo exchanged. fora eilver•pla
iW Revolving. CRelor, or pllr choice of 000
„ea, s ex Lange list.. Cenonisalons to Agents lar
ger than ova, Seca for altcular,
feb24-4w 136 F: decal street, Roston, glass.
Try the Comblnation of
!Lasing hp.d larger exp;iience, we are confidant of atua
sees in our ONE DOLLAR SALE.
Wo will present to any person s .0 ling us a club la our
OttEAT ONE DOldAlc BALE Silk Dress PAttern, Piece
of :shooting, Sewing Machine, a Carpet, a Watch, do., Ac.
CRoatest Ind ocentents everoffered.
Circulars and sample sent froo to any address.
.tw Nos. 07 Milk, 78 ' d 84 De'ronst4ro St., Boston, Mass
I want to [Oll6O efteil sleepy head,
Who stand upon the brink, -
Mem yawning gulfs diodes() the dead,
' Wits might, but dill not, think,
I want to warn the living ones
Who blindly grope along,
Ye halters. daughters, mothers, eons,
What perils rouidl , ou throng
Look out, my oador, aro you fro.,
Or do you sear tbe,mark t
Moot all aro blind mod cannot Boa,
Yon, gropingln tpe dark. .
Catarrh, a dem'on In the I;eati,,
Consumption Is Its eon;
Kills hosts, yea, conntleas niilliane, doom),
Vorhaps you may be ono.,
That hacking, hawking, spitting, shows,
Catarrh affect. your head,
Matter and Mime in throat or note,
!tuns down your throat instead.
Yonr lungs and liver noon trill show,
Consumption has its birth:
Catarrh, Ire sire, will feel it too,
"rill you return to earth.
If cohbi affect your bead and throat,
plow don't forgot what I have wrote,
Or think thin oahleat dry.
Wigton's A?1,111111.4TNI. cares
Catarrh—the demon files;
It rare, the lung, good health insures,
And Catarrh quickly dies.
' ' '
T Want to gratify nay Wends,
Who %ash to understand
About PAIS PAIS; its use, its ends.
„And why Its great Mauna&
I want to show you, plain as dal',
Why Pus PAINT stops nil pain
That you may never have to say,
"I'!! not try paint again."
PAIN PAINT will cool but nt rar stain ;
- Pumps tuttatetmution out;
'Tie hariniens on the brenet or brain,
A Una stops ail doubt.
When inflammation leaves the frame,
All pain will mote at once ;
Remove the cause ' 'as all the same;
None doubts unless a dunce.
The pores will ope and drink PAIN PAINT;
.Absorbents fill with ease; .
Restores the weak, the hick, the fint,
The greatest skeptica please.
Evaporation cools the place
• A. inanimation Ries;
]lot blood at tits slbsorbont*B base
Blokes Pstar in vapor rise.
'TN thus Pars PAINT removes all doubt,
Removes the very caws
By pumping tothuumatlen out;
On this we vest our Cause. '
Wolcott's Pain Paint is sold at all Drug Shires; alto,
Wolcott's Annihilator , for the euro of Catarrh and colds
In the brad. Sent by express on receipt of thu money, at
ISt Chatham Square, N. Y. If. L. Wolcott, Prop. 4w
150 Teachers Wanted.
$75 TO $l5O PER MONTI( ; fur full particulars addross
'The People's Journal." Philadelphia, Pa. 4w.
WA.N TO D—Salesmen to travel and sell by sample
a new Hue agenda sitinitinns permanent, and
nova wages, Address with stamp, H. 11, linillAßOS,4
CO, 4%3 Chestmat 5t Va. 4w.
nAINTS FOR FARMERS. Unaurpassof for any Pur
l- pose. $6 FOR a. bbl. of 300 LBS. Send for eironlar.
GRAFTON MIN. RAE' PAINT CO., 251. Peak/ Stirot
New York. tvr.
$lOO to $2OO per month salary pal t to good
Agents to veil our Patent .Nan
carman While IF 'nn Oaths Lines State ego and past
oecapatien, and address the American Wire Company 75
William St, N. V, or 16 Dearborn St., Chicago, ill. 4w
AGENTS WA NTED.—Por the only steel engraving
of Menem' Grant and his family published with their op.
ventral. Engraved by Sartain. Size Is by IS, $2,00. 700
per cent to rigouts Address GOODSPEED A CO, Chi
cago, or No. 37 Sark ROw, New York. 4w
' The' Partner's and Mechanic's Manna!, edited hy 'Poo.
B. Wiring, Jr., author of 'Training for Profit,"
locate of Apiculture," Do. A book of great value to
evary one. Bend for 10 pogo circular. Agenti wanted.
TUB AT I: CO , Publithers,lssl Broadway, N.Y. ,
glarie,:live, p;igu - monthly roltious nodtastily pa
per, full of -fitctsoprosidonces, , incidetits; music, poetry,
true stories, pictures. reading for young, old, saints. sin..
nom one-and till, No seciminnistn; controverey;Selltics,
POW* or patent medicines - , SO ots. is yegf; Jo. colon
Sunday" Schools, 10 copies $4. rend 10 cants
for thruespecimens before you forget it. Volume 4 be
gins Jan. 1800. 1000 paps new tiro tracts for $l. Ad
dross ICI, lissmstat, o crlPlUf44 Tmet• JO
LiOdall.Strat, Boston, - , ' 41r4'
A work descriptive of Washington City ; Inside and Out
side Unmasked and Exposed. The spiciest, most thril
ling. most entertaining, Instructive, and startling book
of the dog. it.Z—Send tor Circulars, with terms, &c.
tlress UNITED BT ATM PUELSSI.IINO CO., 41.1. Broome
Plow York Lily. 8b17,4w.
I tr T \Aid.
"And edit present to any person
Sending ns n Club in our groat
One Dollar Sale of Dry and Fancy
4 04 -
Our laslttoonseats,. suing tho past tow * years bawl boss
We have made ratitiyimphrtantaddlflons to our Whiter
Stocks, and have largely extended our Exchange List,
and wo npvr coolant, to meet the demands of our ea
tenstvo patronage.
Spajfor Ilireutar. - - • -
Catalogue of Goods and :Movies Bent to any addran
brew. San d money, by registered lottec•
Addiefs% Mt ordure, to
J. S: HAWES & CO.,
15 Federal Street, Boston, Mau
P. O. BOX 0. ,
Wholesale Dealer! In Dry and Pansy Coeds, Cutlery,
Plated Ware, Albums, Leeiher Goode, &a., he. de23-12w
TO '..CCO AN'TI:! 4 TE.
WARRANTED • nveurr. 0031 . - .011 TO131030: '
Cnfirery,r4Q4able 4 harmless. I purifies and enriches
the blood, Invigonn . Ibe synle. . senses grew nourish•
log sad strengthening wee, no eseellent teals and of.
pettier, enables the sto o digest the heartiest toed.
snakes sleep refreshing, ' establishes robust heahh.
Smokers and chewer, f six ears cored. Price Fifty
cants per bar, post f• . An Inte In trestles on the
jealous effects of t• .acco, with lists . teßtinonhas, ;AV
SAW, etc., son ate. Agents mote . Andress
- Do. T. R. Aspen, Jere ' (Sly, N. 5-
Aution.—Bewore of humbug teapot . • • n.
tn•OCrOhnnlrd: X COPlrielto 64 .l '
• •
riffaisTTßLY , )39 O,TS ?
For sale of
ims" .floo!r Ay() 6r,frIONEKY
tt. if
A . EiT P
, I :
A. R. Stewart & Co.
Scythes, Spaths, Grain Cradles; Sad-
diary and CarriagO Goods, Hubs,
and Spokes,
• ,
St I M,CON3O.W c 4h.3,2t3MIi
and an'endlese variety oi';Oodaia
Welty° receiving geode: almost every day
from manufaolurere, and in view of late
and our experience in selecting be brands
and reliable' ludides of gotids,
will find it to their advantage to extimine oar
• •
wltieh thintri ull others In the ehadp; I'B' l oll
increasing Id pOpularity, and pleasOs;e4'viW
that everybody rialctte.
Iluntingdoni Jan 13,•1868-tr.
Cheaper ti ari the Cheapest!
:irt' vtr
AT • .
Maaaxarrucotis ,Sttg:xw:tz%
• Mse .E`n,cl. ofgiyitinyclo)l,:/.5,11.)4:'a
Nire,.ttrOnoW. - offe'ring„lii•
. •
inense, and :well-assorted stock
Goods, at thoroughly I'odt - wed,
and -unprecedented low prices ;
our supeTi4 ep Oljp 6",
to ,corapet.O'„snCCOSfuli'37, •With7.thiiO
chea,pest.,„; ;
Our stock conSiitsof Groceries;
Dry GoodS; 'Notions, IfirdWare,
queensware, Glassware," ; -Villow
`and - Cedar Ware,. Table and Floor
Oil: ,Cloths, Carpets,- .Rugs - and
Door MatS,' Crocks;:Jugs, Stoves ;
Tinware ) stee.4 Nails, glass,
Putty, 'OHS; Taints, Drugs; Flour,
Feed, &c., &c., &c., all , in • great
variety, at prices that Will not
fail ,to suit consumers: ^ Weinie
also' dettling!ik itindS 4:0 Oat
and Lumber,: , nur facilities:- in
these :commodities superiOr
to , any , other firm in - Huntingdon.
We elaisntheMas'itdiAtaiiS
our"*4; ; 'ziOne . can
compete with. us.
We buy mII kinds of pratni
Seed 6; Flour and
.Fee,d,, z , at,
highest market rates,., and give
the highest prices in 'moods for
PrOduPe'l 9f, : tai . , kinds., .: Do not
fail to, call and-examinnour stock
and, prices, as •bipth . nre sore 'to
please. " •
11APX ilcaltl:l',.,r';',::,.,'.'„
NEiirSiOß, and NEfr 600 Di
Tlol!pootrully forams his. nhl friends and the . paPila
&florally; that ho hen agAin Went.' In the borough of
ifnonittuDON. chi] has opened a very large and entire new
etticlicif Clockla in Zaxton'n 6(04 , linen , 0 1y0A 0
hook Sltori3, cuitaip, (fag of - , "
•, GOODS, .1. • • f).
To ho found ht the best Mores in tha:platro, all of wltlell
ho , vlll sell at prices to atilt the times, an I hopc.s tp,rp,
cetvo a liberal Aare of patronage froth tigone.ruma
Vent forget to glen we a cull owl I Will ley to photo
you (Jowls owl prices. -
• .
Sept. 30,1161
1311N.1411114 J.iCKIDS.
Oalc. Slaugliter ,Sole ~and -Belting
the , 1 3 114)Pia Plasteror'o r tfair,t for FA," -
' Appleton Depot, 111914 Mori Collat. VsAil%
D. 9, IW--Sat.