The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 24, 1869, Image 2

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Wednesday morning, Feb. 24, 1869.
ne"Globe" has the largest number of
readers of any other paper jn in the
county. Advertisers should remember this.
The Murder of Dr. Burden.
Tho Now York World publishes the
details of a confession said to have
been made by Charles Jefferds to a
detective, proving that•he (Jefferds)
was the actual murderer of Dr. Bur
-dell in 1857. Jefferds was convicted
of the murder of Walton and Matthews
in 1860, but the sentence of death was
never carried into execution. Jefferds
was himself killed in Sing Sing a few
months since by a fellow-convict, now
awaiting trial for murder. The con
fession was made several years since,
and is now for the first time given to
the public.
X63-The Hon. Do Witt Clinton Son
ter will become Governor of Tennessee
by virtue of his office as President of
the Senate of that State, on the 25th
inst., the day on which Gov. Brown
low's resignation takes effect. Mr.
Senter is a young man, being only 35
years of ago. He was educated as a
lawyer, and is said to be a gentlenian
of marked ability and has had much
experience in public affairs, baying
been connected with either one or the
other branch of the Legislature, most
of the time since he became of age.
Ho was a stanch loyalist during the
war, and met with much rough treat
ment at the bands of the Rebels. •
Pruyn "came to time" very
promptly on Saturday with his assur
ance that the Democratic party would
cheerfully sustain Gen. Grant. We
find, however, that his action is not
indorsed. "Mr. Pruyn," writes a Dem
ocratic editor, "was doubtless too san
guine and cOmplaisant, or at least a
little.. premature, in promising - General
GrAt the support of the Democratic
party, when he has not yet delivered
his Inaugural Address, nor shown his
hand in his appointments." -There is
,the rub ! Gen. Grant must understand
He may adopt any policy, however
wise and statesmanlike ; Democracy
will not assent until ho "shows his
hand in his appointments."
VElf•The Supreme Court of the Uni
ted States has decided that a contract
entered into before the passage of the
Legal Tender act, an'd made specially
payable in coin, is valid and can be en
forced. Such a decision would excite
no :special interest, did not the dis
patch announcing it state as part of
the opinion of the Court, as delivered
by the Chief-Justice, that "when the
kind of currency is not 'mentioned;
then legal tenders are lawful in such
connection." Thp would seem to he
the mere dictum of the Court, as the
point does not seem to be involved in
present case. But as a dictum it would
Indicate that in a case in which the
kind -.of currency was not expressly
mentioned in the contreet, even though
the contract were made prior to the
passage of tho Legal Teudor act, the
Court would sustain and enforce that
Pennsylvania in the Cabinet.
We learn from Washington, from
what we consider good authority, that
Pennsylvania will be represented in
Grant's Cabinet, but who the lucky
individual is, wo are not prepared to
say. That PennsyMinia is entitled
to a position in the Cabinet, no one
will deny, and we hope the informa
tion we have may be truo. Quito a
number of gentlemen aro named for
the position and all confident of suc
cess. 1Gov: Curtin is prominent and
his claims should not be overlooked, as
Colfax undoubtedly owes. his nomina
tion to him. Ed. McPherson and
Glenni W. Schofie.l4 aro talked of and
.urged by their friends, but as Grant
keeps his own council, and does not
give the friends of any gentleman the
least encouragement whatever, wo will
hp° to be content until Grant, in his
own good time, sees fit to tell us who
jib has selected to aid him to guide
thcs Ship of Stato.
Cuban Insurrection Gaining Ground.
Every batch of news from Cuba
grows more and more interesting. An
American gentleman in Cuba, who is
in a position to know the rebellion and
its prospects quite thoroughly, states
that the insurrection gains ground
rapidly. The patriots have organized
a Provisional Government, electing its
members by a popular vote. The su
preme command has been intrusted to
Gen. quesada, Cespedos being the civ
il bead, or Secretary of War. The
Provisional Government propose with
unanimity, general emancipation,equal
political rights for all colors,. suffrage
to be based on educational or property
qualification. The wealthier' classes
have all emancipated their slaves. No
Propositions from the Spaniards will
now be listened to; nothing short of
independence is desired; when that is
established 'the Cubans hope to obtain
the protection of the United States,
with a vlow of eventually becoming a
member of the American Union.
Many are desirous of annexation now,
but open discussion of that question
might now create dissensions.
The Suffrage Question.
The overwhelming rejection, by the
House of the Senate amendments
to the Constitutional Amendment con
cerning Suffrage, leaves that whole
question uncertain. The difference be
tween the plans of the two Houses is
marked. Tho Representatives merely
sought to guarantee suffrage from lim
itation on account of race, color, or
previous condition of slavery, thus:
"The right of any citizen of the United
States to vote shall not he denied or abridged
by the United States, or any State, by rea
son of race, or color, or previous condition of
slavery, of any citizen or class of citizens in
the United States."
The Senators extended the guaran
tee to office-holding as well as suffrage,
and made,it apply against educational,
property, nativity, or religious qualifi
cations, Its well as against any arising
out of the old slavery distinctions:
"No discrimination shall be made in the
United States among the citizens of the Uni
ted States in the exorcise of the elective fran
chise, or in the ri . ,olt, to hold office in any
State, on account of race, color, nativity, prop
erty, education or creed."
The Constitutional Amendment has
progressed one stage farther. • The
Senate proposition was taken up in
the louse about the Middle of Satur
day afternoon.' Everybody was tired
of talk, there was less than an hour's
debate. Gov. Boutwell then brought
in his motion making it allowable
within ton days of the adjournment, to
shspend all rules, so as to prevent, filli
busterinv, and it was of course carried
by the t 'Republican strength. Three
yea and nay votes wore had, and the
amendment was then carried by a
party vote of 140 to 83, in the follow
ing terms :
"The right of citizens of the United States
to yobs and hold office shall not be denied or
abridged by any. State on account of race or
color, nativity, creed, or previous condition of
This is much like Senator Wilson's
original proposition, except that the
word "education" is omitted from the
last clause, so as to leave the States
free to establish an educational quali
fication if they choose. The words
"nativity, property and creed," were
inserted - on Mr. Bingham's motion by
93 to 70, and this marks the difference
between the House and Senate. The
latter body seems likely to accept the
amendment, as it now stands, though
Senators west of the Rocky 11loun
tains will make a strong effort to strike
out the word "nativity." The most
important action of tbo House was
that on striking out the words "and
hold office."' ` ! rho change was moved
by Gen. Logan, who was defeated by
yeas 71, nays 97, An analysis of this
vote shows that the vote to strike ont
was made up of thirty-two Democrats
and thirty-nine Republicans, and the
vote against striking out entirely of
Republicans. The Republicans voting
to strike out were—Ashley, of NeVa
da. ; Benton, Bingham, Buckland,
Churchill, Coburn, Dockery, Eckley,
Ferry, Fields, Garfield, Halsey, Higby,
Hubbard, of West. Virginia; Hunter,
Judd, Ketcham, Lawrence, of Pen n'a.;
Logan, Marvin, Mcrcur, Miller, Moore,
Moorhead, Morrill, Myers, O'Neill,Pile,
Raum, 'Robertson, Schenck, Scofield,
Selye, Smith, Spalding, Sturkweather,
Stevens, Williams, of Indiana, and
National and State Legislatures,
Tucsday.—ln the Senate a resolu
tion was adopted for the appointment
of a committee of three to make ar
rangements for the inauguration of
the President elect. The joint resolu
tion granting a pension to Mrs. Lin
coln %vas taken up and considered, but
not disposed of.
Wednesday.—ln the Senate the bill
for the purchase of a site for an Exe
cutive Mansion was reported, on ad
versely from committee, as was also a
bill striking out the word "white"
wherever it occurs in the naturaliza
tion laws. The credentials .of fI. V.
Miller, as Senator elect from Georgia,
were reported, with a resolution that
he be not allowed to take his seat. A
report was made on the President's
Christmas amnesty proclamation. A
resolution was at tho same time pre
sented, that, in the opinion of the
committee, he was not authorized by
the Constitution and laws to, issue it.
The Senate then took up the constitu
tional amendment, and after an ani
mated debate adopted the report of
the Judiciary Committee.
In the House the Committee on Dec
,Lions made a report in the Louisiana
contested election case, with a resolu
tion declaring that neither Simon
Jones, J. W. Menard, nor C. S. Hunt
was entitled to a seat.
Thursday.—ln the Senate the Post
Office and Post Road Committee re
ported with amendments, the bill to
encourage the building of steamships
in the 'United States and to establish
an American ocean_ steamship line.—
The Indian appropriation bill was then
taken up and considered until 7 P. .11.1.
Friday : —ln the Senate a bill was
introduced continuing the Educational
and Collection Departments of the
Freedmen's, Bureau.. The Indian ap
propriation bill was taken up and
passed, after which the Senate took up
. .bill to repeal the Aenure of civil of
fice act, but without considering, .it.
In the House a resolution was adop
ted directing the Secretary of State to
take immediate Measures to ascertain
the cause.of the arrest and inearcera
tion•in Cuba of. an American citizen.
On motion it was ordered that the ex
pense of . rernoving the remains of the
late Hon. Thaddeus Stevens from
Washington to . Lancaster be paid out
of the House contingent fund.
Monday.—The House . considered' a
number of private bills.
Tuesday.—Both Houses considered
private bills.
Wednesday.—ln the Senate a reso
lution was passed authorizing the com
mittee on General Judiciary to inquire
and report as to the propriety of abol
ishing the civil code commission or of
reducing its expenses.-
, In the House a joint resolution was
passed for the discharge of the twenty
seven extra employees of the House.
Thuraday.—The Senate . coneidered
the Pfißting law for the aseeiisment of
State Ogee. ,
The House cOneiderecl the appropri-,
ation bill. •
Friday.—lu the l Sonato.a number of
private bills were read.
The ITouse passed the appropriation
Louisvilo has neither a public libra
ry nor a public reading-room.
The present Protestant population
of Franco is estimated at 1,200,000.
Texas raised a large castor-oil crop
this year . .
Five hundred and seventy Metho
dist churches were dedicated in 1868.
The next state fair of lowa-will be'
held at Keokuk.
There are three thousand acres of
grape=vines within a radius of 50 miles
around Keokuk, lowa.
Chinese Sunday schools have been
established in all the Methodist chur
ches of San Francisco.
Velocipedes are sold in Cincinnati
at $35 each., The factory turns out
1,600 it week.
John D. Romig, of Beaver township,
Snyder county, has in his possession a
Swiss Bible printed 216 years ago.
One hundred and fifty removals
from and appointments to office were
made by General Stoneman last week.
A new French book on female beau.
ty says the American women are the
most beautiful in the world. Next to
them come the Russian women.
A Dubuque justice left the bench
the other day to "punch the head" of
a contumacious fellow in court who
gave "his honor" the lie direct.
Victor Emanuel is said to be bank
rupt, so far as his personal property is
concerned. He is unable to give ex
pensive dinner parties.
A bill is before the Illinois Legisla•
tore providing special punishment for
boys who steal newspapers from door
steps. Indiana has such a law al
David A. Wells, Commissioner of
Internal Revenue, in his report shows
that household expenses are now sev
enty-nine per conturn higher than in
It is asserted in Texas that ever
since the close of the war there has
been a system of blackmailing and
murdering of Texas drovers as they
pass through Missouri and Kansas.
Alex. H. Stephens has boon compell
ed by the state of his health and .exis
ting engagements to decline tho chair
of Professor of History and Political
Science lately created and tendered to
him by the University of Georgia.
There were four hundred and fifty
guests present at the legislative ban
quet at Madison, Wis., on tho 11th.—
Won't somebody stand 'treat to our
Legislature ? It's a machine .that
needs lubricating badly.
Mayor Claiborn of Richmond, Va ,
has suspended Chief of Police Poe, for
taking his stand at the door of a Re
publican meeting and declaring that
no ono should go in, and assaulting a
man who was entering.
Pipsissiway, and ever-green, some.
times called winter green, is said to be
a certain cure for cancer. The mode
of using is simply to drink of the tea,
and wash the part frequently with a
strong decoction.
The amount of petroleum remaining
unsold in the United States on the let
of January last, is stated at 520,588
barrels; afloat and in Europe, 09,668
barrels; total 960,256, showing a do.
crease of 312 925 barrels as compared
with the first of January, 1868.
In the last report from the United
States Department of Agriculture,
arguments are represented to prevent
the present wholesale destruction of
our forests. In conclusion it says
"There will be actual famine for wood
in this country within the next thirty
Tho execution of Whalen, tho mur
derer :of lion. D'Arcy McGee, scorns
to have passed Very quietly. .His ft -
nian friends were wrought up to a
high pitch of excitement and at ono
time seemed bent on making serious
trouble. The telegraph describes the
scenes. After tho drop fell, the vic
tim lived for four minutes-240 .see•
onds—and then drew his last gasp.
The fifty per cent clause of the bank
rupt law having gone into effect on
the second day of January, an effort
has been made to again extend the
time of its operation. The Committee
on the Revision of Laws have consid
ered thematter and reported adverse
ly, so we may safely conclude that tho
law, as it now stands, will not be
changed, at least for the present.
The committo having in charge the
erection of a monument to the raomo
ry of the late Alajor General John F.
Reynolds, at Gettysburg, not being
able to raise a sufficient amount to
erect such a monument as would be
worthy, their old commander, have
made a call upon those who served
under'the lamented General to help
obtain $2,000, the amount ueedod.
The Executive - Council of the Phila
delphia Board of Trade estimate the
product in money, of the coal, iron and
oil of this State, for the last year, at
8195,000,000. This is a grcatsr sum
than is produced by all the gold bear
ing States and Territories, and yet it is
the yield of only the mineral product of
the State, leaving the vast agricultur
al and other sources of her wealth out
of view. -
Almost fabulous stories are told in
regard to the Ramie, plant which
has recently been introduced in some
parts of the South. It is described as
a Member of the thistle family; is pro
pagated easily by cuttings; requites
comparatively little care, is perennial,
yields three or four crops a year, at the
rate of 3,000 pounds an acre, and is
worth £25• sterling per ton. The
threads are longer and more silky
than cotton, and mixed with cotton or
woolen produces a beautiful fabric,
and alone resembles the silks of Lyons.
The bodies of those executed for
complicity in the assassination of Mr.
Lincoln have now been removed from
the Arsenal grounds, Washington,
with the exception of Payne. The
bodies of Booth, Harrold and Atzer
edt were removed on Monday The
first was taken to Baltimore for inter
ment beside the body of his father.—
The latter two were buried in Wash
ington by their relatives in the after
In the Chester county ,prison last
year about seven thousarcljards, each
of cheek and carpeting, and a consid
erable quantity of other articles were
manufactured by the inmates. Tho
goods sold by the prison authorities
amounted to $5,201,..and the sum
drawn from the treasury was $4,700.
The labor of the prison thus paid more
than half the expenses, and they wore
protected from the evil effeets.of idle
ness and promiscuous association.
Mr. Thomas Dutton, of Delaware
county, Penn. ; celebrated his hun
dredth birthday on February 2. He is
probably the only persdn living, who
heard the firing, of the cannon in Phil
adelphia on Independence Day, 1776,
at which time he was seven years of
ago. He voted for Washington for
President, and has voted at every sub
sequent Presidential election. In No
vember last be was escorted to the
polls at the village green by a body
guard of his neighbors, and cast his
vote for Grant and Colfax.
The coal trade of Pennsylvania has
been ono of almost uninterrupted pros
perity. In 1830 the aggregate ship
ment of anthraciteccial from the Penn
sylvania mines to the seaboard was 104,-
734 tons. Since then the increase has
been gradual, and in 1868 reached the
enormous amount of 15,333,720 tong.
During the whole thirty-eight years,
only fivq show a .decrease over any
former ono. In 1834, 1838, 1857, 1861
and 1865 there was a slight falling off,
but each of these periods were excep
tional epochs in trade. The proposi
tion of increase has, as a general thing,
been very steady.
ty • clan and Surgeon, has located in Huntingdon, and
tenders his services to this and neighboring community.
Office on Railroad street, noar the Depot. fe2l-sm*
The partnership which had existed between J. Sewell
Stewart and P. M. Lytlo in the piactice of the NW under
the name of Stewart & Lytle was dissolved by mutual
consent on the 24th of December, 1868.
Huntingdon, Feb. 23°
(}date of JAM ES STEEL, deed.]
Letters of administration upon the estate of 3faj. Jas.
Steel, late of Huntingdon bore., deceased, having bees
granted to the undeisigned, all persons indebted to the
estate will motto payment, and those having claims will
present them for settlement.
Coffee Run, Feb 24.60,
k. 3 By virtue of n w rit of Vond. Ex. directed to me, I
will expose to patine male, at tho Court noose, on SAT
URDAY, Um 13111 day of MARCH, 1909, at 2 o'clock, p.
m., the following property to wit:
The right, title and interest of David
Beighel, one of the defendants, in a certain lot of
ground situate in West Huntingdon, borough of tlunt.
iagdon being Lot No 13 in tho plan of said ton of
Went Huntingdon, fronting fifty feet on Washington
sheet, and extending in depth at right angles to tits
same one hundred and fifty fedt to a fifteen feet alloy.—
Seixed, taken in execution and to ho sold 18 the property
of David B. llelghol. . . . .
Fob. 24, 1660:3t.
Tiseloil proposals for the erection of n two-story Brick
Engino.llouse and Council Chamber, on Lot No. 97, fron
ting the southern chin of Wwillington street, will be re
ceived until 6 o'clock, P. M., on SATURDAY, the 13th
day of MARCH, next, at which Limo the buds will bo
opened and tho connect awarded to tho lowest and bent
A plan and specifications fur the proposed building
may be eeen at the Wilco of tho Secretary.
Tito successful bidder will ho requited to give sufficient
security for the prompt and faithlul perfm mance of. Lilo
contx act.
By order of the Burgesses and Town Council of the ba
rough of iluntiugdou.
Of Choice stock and tree to namo of our Growth, of 1868.
Every variety of selected:
Having over 200 acres devoted to Seed Grow log, all
wanting Pure Seeds ducat (loin the
Should send their orders immedistely to us.
Desctiptiro catalogue and pricedist furnished on ap
plication, gratis.
1111 A 1113 Market , St.. Philada , Pa.
Seed Forme and Garden near Haddonfield, N. J.
N. 11.—The trade supplied on liberal terms. f024.2m
$ 50001
I lLl , i y v o o n a t te u n . d
te el d l
, t
e n!
y new and v
J. AHEARN, 03 tecontl St., Balthnue, Jld. fy2l-4w
AGENTS of either ern, in every basin and village, for
the largest ONE 1301.1.41 t SALE in the country. The
comilest articles sold can ho exchanged fur a eiher-pla
ted five-bottled hovolving Castor, or your choice of 200
articles upon exchange list. Commissions to Agents lar
ger thou ever. Scud fur circular.
feb2.l.lte 736 Federal street, Boston, Mass
Try the Conthinatlon of
Mitring bad larger T nap den., wo an confident of sun.
cess in our ONE DOLL fdt SALE.
We will present to any persons • n l lingua a dub in our
GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE Silk Dress Pattern, Piece
of Sheeting, Sarong Machine, a Carpet, a Watch, Aa., Ac.
Greatest inducements ever offered.
Cheaters and sample eent free to any address.
4w Nos. 67 Milk, 78 &SS Devonshire St., Boston, Mass
I want to rouse each sleepy hand,
Who Rtand Ivan the brink,
Where yawning guile ,lincloaa the dead,
Who Night, but did not, think.
I want to vas a do living ones
Who blindly groin, along.
Ye fathom daughters, mothora, eon.,
What poi fir round you throng I
Look out, my radar, are you free,
Or do you error the mat h
Most all aro blind and cannot see,
Yea, groping in thou (Wk.-
Catarrh, a demon in tho head,
Consumption is its son;
Kills hosts, yea, countless millions, dead,
Perhaps you may be ono.,
That hocking, hawking, spitting, shows,
Catarrh atiOcts your head,
Matter and slime in throat or nose,
Brine down your throat instead.
Your lungs nail liver soon will ohorr,
Consumption has its birth;
Catarrh, its sire, will food it too,
'Till yon return to earth.
If colds affect your bead nud throat,
Now don't forgot what I havo wrote,j
Or think this subject dry.
Catarrh—the demon dies;
It eases the lung+, goad health insures ;
And Catarrh quickly dies.
I want to gratify my friends,
Who wish to understand
About PAIN PAINT, Ito 1140, its ends
And why its great demand.
I want to show you, plain as day,
Why PAIN PAITIT stops all pain ;
That you may saver have to say,
not try paint again."
Pets rArr: will .01 but never stain
ramps inflammation out;
harmless on, the breast or brain,
A trial stops all doubt.
When Inflammation team tho frame,
All pale will cease at once ;
Remove the cause, 'tie all the nine;
None doubts unless a dunce.
The pores Trill ope and drink PAIN PAINT;
Abborhents till n ith ease;
Restores the weak, the sick, the recut,.
Tho greeted ekeptice plume.
Evaporation cools Use placo
As inflammation flies;
Hot blood at 1155 absorbent's base
Makes PAINT in vapor rise. ,
iTla thus PAIN PAINT remoras all doubt.
Removes the very CFMNI
By pumping inflammation out;
Outh is we rest our cause.
Wolcott's Pain Paint h sold at all Drug Stores; also,
Wolcott's Annihilator, for the curo of Catarrh and colds
in the head. Sent by express on receipt of the money, at
4n Chatham Squaro, N. Y. K. L. Wolcott, Prop. 4w
For the LAUNDRY.
It is warranted not to streak, or in any manner injure
the finest names.
. • ..
FOR FAMILY USE Sold in FIVE cents, TEN cents,
and TWENTY cents boxes. .
. .
Each TWENTY cents box, besides baying FIVE TIMES
as much blue as the FIVE cents box, contains a pocket
pin cushion or emery bag.
For Hotel and large Laundry use, it is pulp, in $2 00
Non that each Box has proper Trade Mark.
For Sale at MASSEY & CO. Grocery
Sewing Machines
Oldest Established of any in the World
Over 50,000 Sold in 1866.
These unequaled machines are adapted to every varie
ty of sewing for family wear, from the lightest muslin!'
to the heaviest cloths, and to the ass of Seamstresses,
Dress Makers, Tailors, Mauuf,et,rms of Shirts, Collars,
Stints, Cloaks, Mantillas, Clothing, huts, Caps, Corsets,
Lsdirs' Boots and Shoos, Linen aoods, etc. They work
equally well upon Bilk, linen, woolen and cotton goods,
with etllq cotton or linen thread. They mill seam, quilt,
hem, full, cord. braid, bite! and perform every sp:eies of
Hewing, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, dike on
both aides of the article sewed. Over 80,000 of these un
rivalled machines were manufactured and BOLD during
tho year 1868. This is unprecedented in the history of
sewing machines, and is another proof of the great popu
larity of the Howe Machine.
They have lava, iably won the highest honors at the
great Exhibitions of the world, culminating at the tat o
Exposition Unlversollo at Paris, where
was awarded fOr Till 110 WE MACGINE—the hurter.
ial Prize; the Cross of tho Legion of Honor ; a Gold Med
ol, tho highest prizo within the gift of the Jury, being
tho result of its EVIDENT EXCELLENCE.
Our interest not being second to that of purchasers of
machines, in their successful operation, we hold our
selves in readiness to lender any necessary and practica
ble assistance, by correspondence or otherwise, for this
pnrposo, and for faithfulness in this respect, reference is
made to the tens of thousands now using these machine.
Office 23 S. Eighth St., Phila'a, Pa
'•William P. Rudolph, solo ogout for this county
fob. 24 3m.
6 ) 6 ) 6 ) 6 ) 4 §
Ladies and Gentlemen's Sizes,
The Tourist or Grant Hat
AdteDZ - (ilY,o.
1 1 KM)111 Of? TMEOTI
, . ,
.. .
1 1 r.::1 ''' C' A NI
~ .4-i
1 ' dki,.',;a \ , -ry t,
,N 1;
Se- ,3 'V
7- 5-7 -.,!, t_ ' ,4: / e• i ti)l. 4" _;t: _.-:'----- -.',
_ _____,-4_ ....), • 4 - . ) ,',- - "I -- ,igi.,atrlE.,,,,--_,--4.-,
Lcor, i grSIIM
Sewing Machines,
Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the
They aro adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing, and
to the use of Seamstresses, Dressmakers, Tailors; Manu
facturers of Shirts, Collars, Shirts, Cloaks, Mantillas,
Clothing, Hats, Caps, Corsets. Linen Goods. Umbrellas,
Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen,
woo'en and cotton • goods, with silk, cotton 'or linen
thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, hem, fell, cord,
braid, hind, and perform every i•pecies ofbowltig, making
a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both holes of the
article sewed. • • ' ' • •• •
The qualities which recommend them are:
1. Beauty and excellence of stitch, ahhe Oil both side; of
the fabric sewed.
2. Strength, firmness and durability of Seam:that will
not rip nor ravel. '
3 Economy of Thread. ' •
. .
4. Attachments and wide range of application to purpo
ses and materials. - - • -
6. Compactness and elegance of model and finish.
0. Simplicity and thoroughness of cenetruetion.
7. Spelt!, easr of operation nod management, and quiet
ness of MON ement.
insirucliciis free fe aII. Machines lap., in repair one
year tree of charge.
All persona knowing themselves In.
dchted to the firm all P. Brumbaugh & Bro. of. Coffee
Run, Pa., are requested to come and settle theiruccounts,
before the first of Apt It. .
fob 17 0 1 t. - .T. 3. P. 1111M1Aiitllf &IMO.
To - wn and County in tho United States, to sell
our now and popular Engraving,
Elegantly engraved and handsomely printed in colors, 23
x 31 inches, on heavy plate paper, making the most Gantt
tiNl and saleable picture aver issued, appropriate for
the parlor or counting-house. Agents are making front
WEEK. Send f 9 our circular.,
%-TO AGENTS.l—enosituon coltied of ihe above picture
will be sent to any address, by mail, carefully put up opt
on the receipt of the retail Mice —TWO 1.101.14A1t5.
Address - RUSIITON h CO., Pobtkisera.
feblil-It 219 Dock street, Philadelphia.
tObuy CLOTHING from mo in llpptingiton at:
WHOLESALE as choap as thoy cab in tho
tle4, Ae I have a plicirsalo etprp Iq PhiladelVida•
11, , E: LEWIS, Agent,
.f u or Huntingdon county from the 6th day of January,
160 b, to tho 4th day of January, 1869 :
Amount on band at last settlement from T. W. Nylon,
Esq., late Treasurer, $7,037 37
County tax received from the several Col
lectors, as follows:
1864. Hopewell, John Donaldson 16 00
1866. Muree, William Eckloy 320 83
earbon,Daniel .1 Logan 85 00
eine, aea Bteveim 20 91
Dublin, William Clynians .57 00
Franklin, William Bice 115 34
Hopewell, David Vous(' - 98 80
Springfield, Morris Omni:Ill 7 31
1667. Alexandria, David Albright 110 00
Barree, John Logan 1105 00
Brady, George Hawn 393 00
Cass, Christian Miller 188 05
Cassville, !sant Ashton 81 87
- - Clay, B T Stevens 575 47 -
. ' Cromwell, Diehard D fleck 1030 37'
Dublin, William Ciymana 415 00
Piaoklin, John Eberts 1947 00
Henderson, John Njghtivine 112 00
llimtingdon, John C Miller 503 85
1 lopen ell, Jackson Enymirt 260, 15 .
Jackson, Samuel C. Smith 1382 19
J1111111(11, John Geissinger 84 00
Lincoln, Dasid Fouse 160 07
Morris, James Piper 1385 00
Mapleton, John lb Dean . 88 82
Mount Union, Joint GOtowart 153 81
Oneida, George McCool 90 13
Orbisonia, Robe: t Gehrett , 17 40 -
Penn, John Leo ' 370 46 ' '
Porter, David Hare 1808 70 . -
, Springfield, Morris Gutshall ' 281 10 •
Shirley, Isaac Smith 1157 24
Shirleysburg, George Leas 253 24
Tell, Mice McMullen l7 34
Tod. Isaac Taylor 921 10
Union, Jackson White 255 00
Warrioremark, &Milli Lehman 1153 24 -
Walker, Jacob Souse 177 90
West, David P. Moore 2126 00
—16746 54
1868. Alexandria, William Walker 979 34
Barren, John Smith . 1026 00
Brady, It K Allison' 555 00
enshrine, Isaac Ashton 79 98
Cass, Benjamin Fink - ' ' 456 00 -
Clay, It T Stevens . „ 493 74
Carbon, William Ryan - 700 00
Coalmont, Jarvis Bolsterer 94 10
Dublin, William Clymuns 150 00
Franklin, John Amboy, 3000 00
Henderson, Janice McCall 537 32
Hopewell, Solomon Lynn 60 00
Huntingdon, George W. Glazier 3721 82
Juniata, William Geissinger . 196 00
Jackson, Robert V. Stewart 1464 91
Lincoln, Harris Itichison 296 60
Morris, Nathaniel Lytle 850 15
Mount Union, John G. Stewart 482 00
Inapteton, Martin L. Rex 30 00
Oneida ? Blinha Shoemaker - , 400 00
Orbisonia, A Cawthorn' . 101 00
Perin, John Leo 300 00
Pm ter, Benjamin Isenberg 747 C 3
Shirley, R.eolegate 1060 63
Shirloysburg, George Leas 279 59
Tell, A li Briggs 423 60
Tod, Abram Elias 678 45
Union, Andrew Smith 300 00
11 Riker, Moses Hamer 650 00
Warnorsmark, George W. Owens 1143,28
West, Henry Davis 1380 00
—-22136 72
State tax received from the following
Collectors, viz :
1866. Dublin, William Clymone 6 04
1867. Alexandria, David Albiight 15 98
Bariee. Jahn Logan 1 16
Cassville, Isaac Ashton - 621
Clay, 11 T :Anyone 33 60
Cromwell, it L. Heck 39 86
Lublin, William Clymans 10 59
Frank lin, John Ebber le 202 76
Mut. tingden, John (1 Miller 947 41
Jackson, Saumel C smith, 96 05
Morris, Jame Piper 50 00
Mount Union, John G Stewart . 17 12
Oneida. Getup McCool 19 47
. Penn, John Lea 53 03
Porter, David flare 91 65
Shirley shin g, George Leas 34 64
Tell, Mice McMullen, 25 85
Ted, Isaac Taylor 38 08
Warriui mark, Samuel Lehman 102 09
Walker, Jacob Eons° 29, 61
West, It P Moore 60 00
1668. Alexandria, William Walker, 23 41
Barren. John hmith 30 00
Brady, It E. Allison 30 09
Case, Benjamin Fink, 21 80
Dublin, W Clymans 30 00
Iltuderson, J antes McCall 29 85
Juniata, William Cluistanger 10 00
Lincoln, Ilarris Richardson 36 00
51oriis, N Lytle GO 00
Mount Union, J 0 Stewart 8 00
-- Ann, John Leo . ' 30 00
She ley, It eolegato 30 00
Tell, A 0 Briggs 4O 00
'Pod, Abram Lima . 40 00
- Walker, Moses 'lather 20 00
--$2273 13
County tax on unacatcd lands, 1029 59
State a o 195 36
School 9 ct .(4 331 87
Road ~ , ~ a . 32911
'Bounty " 695 80
.---82050 82
Redemption money paid In, 338 58
From J. It. Simpson, Pro tines justice fees, 60 00
Rent from Liond lemplat n, &c, 45 00.
Proceeds trout sale of MI estray, 14 50
6. 6. lumber left from
bridge nt Montgomery's Hollow, 7 CO
On Commonwealth prosecul ions paid to Proseen.
ling A tt'y. Proty, Sheriff and witnesses, $1163 63
Constables for making militia and election fees,
. itc., 732 45
Grand and trio erhe jurors, court crier tip staves
and constables, 2685 84
Judges, Inspectors and clerks of election, 1426 67
Assessors of the si.verul townships, 1067 10
Inquisitions ou dead bodies, 71 12
Premiums on fox scalps, wild cats, polo cats,
haw lie and owls. 3204 30
Road and bridge views, 345 50
. damages, 195 00
Blank books and stationery for public offices and
cum t, 276 95
Fuel fur court house nod jail, 350 55
.1. It. Simpson, llbq , fees of Prot'y and clerk of
sessions, 329 36
Retunding ordain to sundry persons,
lii 41
Road tax on unseated lands to the billow tog per
sons, siz :
Lincoln township, Henry Shultz, 13 11
Cromwell a Joel J. Moore, 15 57
Tod " David Miller, 66 39
Hopewell " John 11. Russell, 00 65
School lax on unseated lauds to the following
poisons. viz:
Hopewell township, Chalks Boller, 29 54
Cass - .. 11 illiam Forshey, 41 39
Cromwell " James limper; 11 31
Liuculu " It. Richardson, 17 11
West " J. Henderson, , 49 82
Bounty tax on unseated lands to the following .
perbung, viz:
West township, J. Henderson, 99 19
'Brady " S. 13:0 revs, 17 17
Juniata ” 24. Thompson, , O9 84
Hopewell " Charles 8011er, _ 77 15
laucula " 11. llkliardsou, 47 60
Comniirsioncrs :
Jacob Miller, in full 480 - 09
Adam Model, " 466 00
Adam Fouse,4 286 00
Samuel Cummins, 230 00
Simeon Wright, 25 00
Coninitssioners' Clerk:
In full Inc 1867, 75 00
On account for 1868, 655 00
Horace Glazier, assisting in making out registry
lists, dO, 26 00
Commissioners expenses in holding appeals,golitg ' -
to road ViOWEI, budges, dc., 158 34
Auditors pay and clink for 18137, 100 00
Printing fbr the County a ,
- J. S. Common, 62 60
J. A. Nash.,- . . „ 198 50
William Lewis, i - . ; . - . ,- ' 3 67 50
- • .
11. B. Jeffries, 3 50
It. McDivitt for repo. Bog court proceedings, , -31, 00
Jury Commissiontrs,-4.1. W. Shoutz, 64 30
N. R. Covert, 62 28
D. Bldtk fur Wilding n In nig° across Baystown
Manch in llopom ell toaaship, 11,405 00
Albert Hall for buildings lit sign urreas Shy Beav
er Creek, at °rinses's Mill,lBoo 00
Fannie' Mullet for Imildwg +, L. - 043 0 .m. Aegh •
wick Clerk, it, Olin ley, 2450 00
Jai ob Fries for battling a bridge across the Juoi-
. .. ,
, . .
am liver at Immingham, 1275 00
Albeit Itall tar repotting the bridge at James
Rut releites, 1875 00
J. Bet ksttesser, securing the bridge at Tiptroleites, 123 30
County eoud and interest to T. 11. Cromer null
First National Bank, • 1128 50
Teachers' Institute,lol 20
Poons3looool btate latuntielfospibil for Hie - keep -
ing of D. Brothel line, C. Howard and David L. '
Jones, 544 10
Western Penitentiary for support of convicts, 1046 30
Redemption utouey paid solidly persons, 126 2.1
XI. 31. Logan, Treasut er, for advertising, unseat
ed lands afterwards ordeted not to be sold, fcc., 12 42
Repairs for Court house and Jail,_ 59 07
31erchaudise" 68 13
IVasli Mg for prisoners in Jail, 25 00
Chatting Court House and Jail, 50 00
Gas for Court House, 99 90
Repairing gas fixtures, 14 00
Slav, s for cum t house and 1011, 61 50
3laking and sneuding hobbles, and hobbling prie,
onets,in jail. 17 00
Desk tor Recorder's °Mee, 15 00
Cutting wood and shoe eling"snow from pavement
and yard at court house, 24 25
Postago, 34 83
John C. 31ilier,Jan/tor, , 37 50
Salo for Treasurer's Mica mid putting it up, '.
Attorney for Commissioners, 20 00
It. 31e3lurtrie, auditing accounts of Prothonota
ry, and Register and Recorder, 20 00
Dr. 11l umbaugh, attending prisoners in jail, 11 00
Paid Treasurer Huntingdon County poor house, 5111 34
Pahl indebtedness to the State, 2007 56
Paid tax on bank stock to the Mate, 459 44
Treastuol'o commission on $93041 05 at 1 per
cent., 1409 31
Balance in the bands of the Treasurer at the set.
Heinen t with the Auditors, 4210.79
$33,315 66
. - We thy. umlorsigned Auditors of Huntingdon County,
Pennsylvania, elected arid scorn' according to low,report
that Ave met t did audit, settle rind adjust, according to
troy, the accoiffils of M. M. Logan, Esq., Trearrhir at the
'county:and the mden.s of the Commissioners had receipts
fur the same for and during the pant year, and find a hal.
once remaining in the hands of M. M. Logan, Treasurer,
of lour thousand tad bandied and _forty-three dollars
arid atiVent.pnint , UV.
Olson molar onu tand.4 at the Coliunissiimers' office in
the botough of Mantiugdon, the 22,1 of January, 1869.
_A. P. WIIIT Auditors.
• - AT
Duo the County at the'se
tors, for the year 1368.
Cromwell, 1857 Wm. Johns,,
Carbon, 1800 Jesse° Cook ,
Hopewell, " 700.13. Weaver,
Henderson,lB62 W. 16 Flounce,
Carbon, . 1803 Jessee Cook,
Hopewell, 1864 Jno Donaldson,
Walker, " Sand. reightal,
Cromwell, 1805 Caleb Kelley,
" Levi Smith,
Carbon, 1866 Danl. J. Logan,
Juniata, " Lovi Itidenonr,
Norris, *James Piper,
Alexandria, Htvid Albright
Barre°, Volin Logan
Brady. j Georg° Hawn
Coes, iChristian Miller
Carbon. Sheriff Bathurst
Coalmont, Sheriff Bathurst
Dublin, WM. etymons
Franklin, John Eberle
Henderson, John Nightwine
Hopewell, thteksou Enyeart
Juniata, John Geinsinger
Linc,iln, David Nouse
Mortis, James Piper
Mapleton, *John R. Dean
Orbisonia, Robert Gelirett ,
Port"' ' David Ham
Springfield, tllorrie Gulehall
Shirley, time° Smith
Tell, Brice Me:Huller
Union, Jackson White
West, *D. P. Moore
Barron, John Smith 852 87
Brady. R. 10. Allison 722 66
Cassville, Isaac Ashton 38 09
Case, Benjamin Fink 17S 53
Clay, 8.,. Stevens 210 02
Cromwoll. - 7R. D. Heck 1229 47
Carbon. Wm. Ryan • 708 70
Coalmont, Jarvis Illestorer 67 40
Dublin, Wm. Clymans 441 11
Franklin, John Amity , 604 22
Hopewell, bolortion Lynn 318 29
Huntingdon, Noe. W. Glazier- 255 75
Juniata, 19.fleiesinger r, B5 13
Jackson, Robert T. Stewart 397 35
Lincoln ' H.
Bichison 228 44
Morris, N. Lytle ! " 744 32
511. Union, J. G. Stewart 101 21
Mapleton, M. L. Rex 155 23
Oneida, 1 . Elielut Shoemaker • "92 64
Orlumnia, A. Carothers 05 04
Penn, John Leo 1005 38
Porter, Benjamin Isenberg 1821 85
Shirley, Richard Colegato 765 36
Shirleysburg, George Leas3B 68
Springfield, Morris Gutshall 610 13
Tell, Alexander Briggs 70.731
Tod, Abraham Elias 47'70!
Union, Andrew Smith . 221 83,
Walker, Moses Homer---- . 459 71!
Wa riorMark, Geo. W. Owens 1392 16
West, Henry DIMS' 1793 131
* Since paid in full. f Since paid in pint.
GiVon under tho seal of the Commissioners' MilceiJan•
nary 20th, 1069.
II W. MILLER, Clerk. • ' Commissioners.
Secrets of the
A Work deseripiiveofthe Trirkes pod the,f7—
ces, the Mysteries, Miseries and
ofHew York City.
If you wish to know fortunes are made and. lost tom.
day ; how shrewd men are ruined In Wall strec;t; hew
countrymen are swindled by sharpers; bow . ministers.
and merchants are blackmailed; how dance halls and
concert saloons aro managed; how gambling 'houses and
Lotteries are conducted; how stock, and oil companies
originate,and how the bubbles burst, rend this work. It
contains 25 fine engravings; tells all ahout the mysterlea
and crimes of New York, and is the spiciest and cheap—
est worker the kind published.
„ .
IM,Seml for circulars and coo our terms, and a full de
scription of the work. Address, JONES BROTHERS tk
CO., Philadelphia. Pa.
Inferior, works of a similar charae
lON ter are being circulated. tee that
the books you buy contain 05 flue engravings and sell at
$l5O per espy. febt-25
!110 THE LADIES! ,'
Tito subscribers bare • recently discovered a new
01 ticlethe ' • •
In calling the attention of the - ladles to our Starch,
they will fled that it economizes labor, produces a
31. h superior to common starch, and cosier to iron. In
fact if 300 want a beautiful gloss on your skirt, or your
husband's shirt or collar, proem° a box of our Essente
of Starch, The cast is trilling, only 15 cents a box. ._
•Try a box • and - bo convinced. Every , Family should
have a box of Iho Essence of Starch. For sale by all
Grocers and dealers "in
t Ito United States. Manufactured
only by SMITH, HAMMON St CO., solo proprietors, No.
1113 mar street, Philadelphia. -
'Mir For sale at MASSEY & CO'S. Eutaw's° Mead
quart era. -Alba
03,315 CO
1,3 By virtue of a writ of Test. Vend Ex directed to me
I will expose to public ado, at the Court House, on
SATURDAY, the 18th day of MARCH, HA the fellow•
ing property, to trit • •
All the right, - title ad i ntercom of
Patrick F. D rime; in and to all that certain tract of land
situate in the township of Walker, about two-mile,
southwest of the borough of Monti, don, bounded on the
north by land of A. F. Wilson and land of John Moen
ban's heirs, on the north-east by had of Joseph 0. Rain,
on the south-exit by and of-Frank .liefright .tind John,
Lewis. on the south-west by land of William tired and,
land 'now or lately owned by tfie heirs of John Ker, de-.
ceased, containing 237 acres and 180 perches, ho the,
tome more or less, it being known as the .3fansion farm ,
and designated 'A' on the return of the Inquisition on
the real estate of sold John Ker, deceased, and having.
about 160 acres thereof cleared and under fence, with
two-story, a lArge brick .barn and other
buildings thereon erected. Seized, taken in execution,
and to be sold as the property of Patrick F. Drhew..
P. NIIHLY, Sheriff.
Feb.lo, 'O-41
Sewing Machines.,
For Beauty and Elasticity . of St tch, - -
For Strength and Durability of Seam that will not rm.
el, as both threads aroused direct from the spatle,,
seams have to be fastened by band; no waste of thread,
For simplic ty end perfection of machinery:
It stitches, bolas. 'Mho, tucks, 'brulds,'cords, anktn
brolders beautifully. ; •
illnehirMs fully Warranted nod fall instructions
Sowing =chino cotton, silk. &c., on hand.
For solo by GREENE & BROTHER,
1'616'69 2d floor Loister's liutidmg, IluntlitAdon, Pa
Lithe District Owl of the United Etat% for. Me.
Western District of Pennsyle , ania. , r
In Ow matter of BAYRE 6:IIIII7LETt
;Ives - notice of bin apicortit-
The undo
ment an assignee of RATIO:. 0. BARTLETT, of:Bir
mingham, in tiro county of Huntingdon, in the state
of - Pennsylvania, within said District, who was adjudged
a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court
of said district.
Dated at Hollidaysburg the of , February, A. D.
Ino Commissioners of Huntingdon county will re
ceive protocols on FRIDAY, the 26thoday of,FEBRIXARY
inst., up to El o'clock, for building an open bridge fifty
five feet long, in Tod township; across Trough creek, near
the duelling of Jacob Elias. Plan and specifications can
ho seen at their office.
Parties proposing will come propued to enter into an
article of agreement and giro bond for the -proper com
pletion of the work.
By order of the Corlmargeners.
NOTICE. - - -I
-Lk:state of JOHN ItUTTER, - dec'd )-'-
Ta Bowman AM/ William 11. gutter, take no
tice that at an Orphans' Court, held at Huntingdon, on
the 16th day of January last, citation was granted, warn
ing all persons in tel ested to appear at Huntingdon ou the .
first day of April term next, (April 12th 1060.) to show'
cause, if any yon hose, why a decree should net ho made
for iho oak, or tho real estate of the said JOHN Itl.ll:THhi•
dectased, being a certain tract 'of land situate (it Or
ton nship of Crotnn ell, containing about one Intuition and,
eight acres, when and where you aro oiled to atton44f;
yon 800 peeper. J. E. SMUCN
Feb. 10, 'O9 40. Clcr4pC, Qcphauo' Court.
rEmmooITIOS. M. OWENS, decortsed.l
sue underkigped, appointed Auditor by the Ortpans?..
Court of Huntingdon county, to hear and datormine ex
ceptions to thv account offleorge W..owens, Adminigtra- -
tor of Thomas M. Owens, deceased, and to distribute the"
balance in the hands of the add Administrator, hereby
notifies all persons interested that ho will attend to the,
duties of hitrappointment at his office in Huntingdon, on
THURSDAY, the 25th day of FEBRUARY next, at ono
o'clock, I', a, when- and whore all parties interested -
shall presehtihoir Claims or ho debarred from coining in
for a share of mid fund. .
ExEcuToirs ,NOTICE.
. LE.0..., of HANNAH KOTTYMMAN, deed.]
Letters testamentary on the estate of Hannah Hotter:
eau, of Jackson tap, Ifuntingdpn co., dee'd., haring been
granted to the undersigned, all-persons indebted are re
quested to mite payment and -those haring claims to
present them duly authenticated fur settlament.
- - ANLItEIIi cutowvoygii.,
- Executer,
Saul3burg, Feb 3.6 Lt
[Estato of JOAN 31'Eti6:dee'd.]
laJtera of administration upon the estate of John
Stool, lato of tlnion towwthspi decemmd, having been
granted to the underiigned, all parsons indebted to the
estato will nuke immoiliato payment, and those Laving:
claims will pkonnt Chum for sottliment. ,
Admin lists ator.
For Fiala at . .
v,ith th.
. 17 62
07 23
76 40
0 00 25
1 89
26 06 ,
48 22 1
149 61
442 18
110 15
401 63
263 58
290 00
22 50
12 00
88 60
8 00
125 64
37 OS
24 39
'T. 2g
6 4O
6i 55
GB 19
35 77
20 83
18 '
22 70
48 86
178 62
109 73,
203 87
238 40'
18 20,
225 47
103 12
220 87
574 26
408 1
$2 50
23 00
17 50
38 fa
10 OS
24 72 1
18 88.
21 83
63.05 1
5 49
9 00
15 50
12 OD
28 50
23 00
0 23
100 15
34 00
216 19
769 461
47 13
81 41
303 82
33 23
125 53
1-1, CO
• 20
.23 41
18 18
04 81
7 55
16 41
43 74
b 18
14 27
169 63
566 48
6 58
106 52
9 54
98 50
1 la
24 1 4
44 19
66 27
93 16
27 78
35 161
4 91.
23 03
11 47
110 GO
98 OI
11. W. MILLER, Clark