The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 10, 1869, Image 2

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Wednesday morning, Feb. 10, 1869
The "Globe" has the largest number of
readers of any other paper published in the
county. Advertisers should remember this.
dffi•Tho credentials of the Lion. John
Scott, Pennsylvania's new Senator, are
engrossed en . a sheet of paper large
enough to embraoe Mecator's prole°.
tion of the globe, and with the big
seal of the Keystone State make a
truly formidable document.
sel.. We announced in our last num
ber that the House had passed the
Constitutional amendment in relation
to negro suffrage. The Senate still
has an amendment under considera
tion and will probably come to a vote
some day this week.
gex,The President has directed the
Attorney General to make a report 'in
the case of Dr. Mudd, as preliminary
to a pardon. The - friends of Mudd
say they have no doubt he will bo
soon set at liberty. The belief is based
on what the President told them.
liar The Sub-Committee on Recon
struction, which has charge of the sub
ject of deciding upon those who are
entitled to have their political disa
_bilities removed, have determined to
embody them all in • ono bill making
in all several hundred :persons, repre
senting all the reconstructed States.
faa-It must be gratifying to the Di
rectors of the county, and all connect.
ed with the management of the Poor
House affairs, to know that their re
port gives more general satisfaction
than any previously made.
fir of the statements published
‘ by . the
Pireetors diScover that' money is
isavOd by:haviog bOsinees. conducted
INCOME Erruass.—Assistant Asses
sors will soon call' upon our °Wiens
for. their Income and Special Taxes
Orthe,Year 1869. By the amends
toiy aot.of March 2, 1867, all returns
of incomes and special taxes are re
-qiiired to be made by the first day of
" March, under a penalty of, fifty per
, cent. additional..d This is two - months
earlier than in fortner.years.
..The .•.
The Editorial Convention met at
, Harrisburg on. Tuesday last; and was
welribiresentad. A !umber of' reso
-lutions were passed, but a greater
''number were laid on the table. A res
olution recommending an amendment
. to the present-, State law of libel *as
will admit of the truth being given in
evidence was - adopted ; also that a
committee be appointed to report a
~Scale of prises for adve rtising.
to .The eleotoral vote for President
aid Vice President, will be counted
on the second Wednesday, the 10th of
February, at one o'clock, in the chem•
berOf the House of 'Repreientatives,
in the., presence of the Senate, with
the 'President of the Senate in the
chair. The'presiding officer,llr. Wade,
opens the envelopes and reads the
vote, and the tellers record it. , After
the vote is announced, a certificate
thereof will be sent to ,the successful
candidates, Grant and Colfax.
IfirGen.,Prrant does not hesitate to
declare his opposition to the lobby to
'all his friends : some of • the latter 'as
sert that he says decidedly he will not
put patronage ' the '
Congressmen as lend themselves to
the various jobs: now
_before the tiio
Houses. All the influence he can ex
ert upon those who Cisit'him is thrown
constantly and earnestly against' all
.schemes by which the lobby; aided
by corrupt officials, are trying to get
as much of the money in Treasury as
possible before the Fourth of /throb:
te.,lt is stated that almost imiver
sally:the indiiidaal.Sentiment of ,Pon
tress is opposed to the ratification: of
the protocol of the Alabama treaty, in
the form in'which it' now e'xistsi, and
that there can be no' doubt ; •that - this
feeling will find ; legislative , eqpression
when the time conies, and , there -will
be a non-coneurrence in the treaty
stipulations so far as the English' 'coun
ter claims to our demands are con
cerned. The few stray - words of Gon.
Grant a few days ago, that it was not
a mere question of dollars arid - cents
for a few ships burned, but a ,question
of the destruction of our, commerce,
met with hearty approval every Where.
Demooratio Oandidates for Governor.
'There is quite a sprinkling of aspi
rants for the empty honor of a Demo
cratic nomination for Governor.—
Among the number wo find Gen. Geo.
' W. Cruis;' of Pittsburgh; Gen. IllcOnnd
less, of Philadelphhi, and Hon. Asa
Packer of Carbon, County.
Clymer, Ceffee-pot, Wallace, lave also
been named but , Walluce and; , Clyyrei.
decline to be set up 'to
down like men of straw. 'Gen: Han
cock declares that he will never again
meddle with polities as long as he"is
in the army. The, contest will be be
tween Case and Pack,er, as the matttir
stands at present..
Tice President Colfax is said to be
the happiest man in the nation.—
Young; healthy, with a blooming wife,
he feels sure •of • th'o' future , • and his
"star" is on the rise.
How Democrats Elect their Judges in
A special dispatch from Harrisburg
to the Philadelphia Evening Telegragh,
says that on the,sth inst:, facts were,
elicited which effectually dispose - of
the contest between Judges Thayer
and Greenhank for the seat' upon' the
bench of the District Court of Phila
delphia. On opening the ballot box
of the Sixteenth division of the Twen
tieth ward, before the . committee of
the Legislature entrusted with the
settlement of the contest, a specimen
of the most ridiculous blundering, or
else one of the most unparalleled frauds
yet detected, was brought to light.—
On counting the ballots and compar
ing the result with the count Made by
the election officers, the folloWing facts
were disclosed
The actual count showed :
Votes. cast for Thayer . 283
Greenbank 270
Thayer's true majority. 13
The return of the election officers
alleged that the 'vote stood :
For Thayer
" Green bank
Greenbank's fraudulent ma•
jority 66
Add Thayer's true majority , 13
Thay,er's gairi
This . gain of 79 votes by. Judge
Thayer, .with the mistake previously
corrected and admitted by Greenback's
counsel, elects,thn former. •,
Meeting of the Union • Republican
State Central Committee.
In pursuance of the call of
. the
Chairman, the Union Republican Site
Central 'Committed assembled at the
Locbiel,ll,otel, ,llarrisburg, on , -T,hurs
day, February 4th, 1869, there being
a very large attendance of its mem
bers. 7 After a full interchargd otopih
ions, the following resolutions were
adopted, viz:
• Resolved, That the next •Union Re
publican State Convention. shall be
hold in the city of Philadelphia on
Wodnesday, , the.23d day of June next
at 10 o'clock, a, m., for the purpose of
nominating eandidates.•for • Governor
and• Judge of the Supremo Court:• • •
Resolved, That this Committee ear
-neatly recommend the adoption of a
proper , Metropolitan Police • bill, and
request , : the-Republican members of
the Legislature to give to the,measure
an 'earnest.and vigorous support. •
-"On',MOtion of 'Mr.•Miller, of Craiv
ford, andMr.Rillingfelt, of Lancaster,
the followingiireamble and rescilutiOn
wore adopted, viz:
•WnEauks, Vigorous economy haS
.been made a cardinal principle of the
Republican party; therefore, ,
•-• Resolved, That' we do sincerely de
sire that all persons occupying an otli
dal position' shall haven duo respect
for the same in all their actions, be
fieving that the future success , ot our
party depends largely , upowthe strict
observance of that principle. •
G. A. Gnow, Chairman
SEr'We have never read of a :.more
dreadful instance of the effects of 'as
ungovered temper than happened at
Pittsburg, on Saturday last. 'lK,.little
boy named .Miller; aged about
years,,was shot in , the:back by a Ger
man barber, moiled. Kanffraan, and
died in a fev,,minntes :
, The barber
shop iS "situatedunder
: th(i;
rence,liotel, tn the cellar, and the lit
tle fellow, with other boys, bad iran
down the stops and annoyed the barber
by'darkeninghia shOp, when he elia4-
ed them away. Miller retUrned, when
he, deliberately raised .a ;pistol and
Shot through the window, the ball tak
ing effect in the;little boy's back.—
littuffnian: has: 'been arresteCand' held
for trial . '4oW,paiiiful ; te . thiOfc„OrthO
effects of an uncontrolled
Here, a man surrenders himself to.'his
fronzy and strilees'down' an' - itinooent
boy, for a trivyt:Offence. It'phows the
groat importance gf keeping the angry
passions-in check; • and is a warning
to all who have not yet learned Self
posseskma. r- .
Accident to, Hon: Geldlia'A. Grow
A passenger trail on 4,lle•=Laekft ,
wanna and Bloomsburg Railroad ran
off the traelo(tit• Beach-Haven-Off Fri
day last... ' Rea! Galush'a A•iGrow,
Chairman of- the• . Republican • State
Central Committee, was Severely :burn
ed, Liut-his.injuries are not of a serious
lobaraeteri Ho-was on his way to. his
home in' SuSquebanna' county,' : &Om
Harrisburg; where he had,just:,atten
ded a meeting of 'the State •Central
CommitteO. l The rear - ear of the train
was thrown down-the embfinkment 10
feet in height,--Ond• rnitde• complete
revolution. The stove broke from its
fastening and Bet the ear on •fire. •
Mr. Grow was warming his , -foot at
the stove; and had a :narrow escape
.from being fatally buined. • None , Of
-tho , passengers worn seriously-injured,
Mr. Grow having suffeeed the most of
any; hislolothibg, being nearly •burned
from liisliiersoh. , '
The Philadelphia 211ornitzg Post,.pro
tests against the appointment, of such
good Republicans .as:Stantom,Grooly,
Motley, ;Boutwoll and , Sumner;
:members of. Grant's cabinet; they-are
not being. wanted, and suggests that
Grant should select dubious. and,sus
pinions patriots,--gentlomen
tin, Raymond and.Forney. :Decidedly
cool in the cases of Curtin and Forney.
Governor-Geary issued warrantefor
the execution, cm , ,February ,26th ; .of
J3roolcs and Urine, the,Dmlaware
ter Gap ,murderere,, , Mee for- the. exe
cution• ot, Gerald Eston, is Philadel
phia, February 25th, • ;,
' Th . o . Nialiare Legislitnie'divoroed
a "gontteman and lady- of color" on
Wednesday last. • When the members
discovered , the "oornplexion'!„ o'f i ;the
parties, they became, pao,ie r stricken
and intensely horrified, Boob i -
The Danbury Flood.
ThoDanbury,,(Conn) Times has the
following full aocount'.of the fearful
calam4 of last Sunday :
Justii the.,bells:cettsed• to ring the
peoplo.:to thnir:eioning!worship the
most terrible ; cal Unity ever happening
hero took place. , of the up
perlcohanzio,reiorvoir gave way, and ,
the immense bddy of water therein
contained came sweeping down upon
our unconscious citizens. Those who
lived - at - the upper part • of' the town
were startlod by a sudden rushing,
roaring sound, like the driving of a
heavy gale of wind. Those in-doors
,cotild not' und4refand it; its! th'eir!bttild-
Inge word not 3 racked, .as theyiwould
be-in—such- gale-: -• Many -left their.
houses and-went' out, to listen better,
and then they discovered before their
very doors a boiling, mass of water.
The water came , upon the yillage
though tho gorge above Flint's dam,
bringing with it hugo masses of jao,
and heavy masses of timber. It came
with fearful,velocity, striking the hou
ses on Main street, near the river bank,
and sweeping them from.their founda
tion in an instant, it swept down the
flats along the stream north anff.east,
of-Main street, carrying destruction to
everything in its reach, and bringing
terror, to all within its hearing. The
total extent of thO damage. done can•
not now be estimated. The amount
of property .lost cannot be less than
$50,000, and ,will probably exceed that
amount. The loss of life has been
In the houses destroyed in' the
upper part, of Main street 'there were
fourteen persons.- The terrible scenes
and incidents of, the night and ,this
morning beggars descripton., Tbe
people. have turned mass,es, Find
at this hour'are going over the poth•
~way, of, the calamity, ,The scene, is
now ono of great desolation, nspecially
on. tile site of the-houses of thoSe.lost.
Hardly4l trace of where they stood is
visible. Ono building is deposited, a
little way back, badly shatterektbe
other,ls a complete wrpek,',tbii larger
portion lyingjust,south of E'ittCli,stOet,
and some distance belOw its ,founda•
dens. The Main,.Noydi and ; .White
street-bridges were destroyed, and,the
,Patch street bridge so iackUd as.tiCte
irisa.feto_ ,Walk,,over, Chas, Chase'scarriagn manufactory, ori'Nortb , sqeet,
was,demplisheli. Weing struck by tho
building removed an Main street, Sun
derland's carpenter. shop,,,Mi White
street, was( torn from its i: place„,
horse,,stableff at one end of, the buifd
ing, in some unaccountable way' got
out, and swimming to land,, came off
,unbarmed. ,: The office and .builder's
bartlivare store of the IYes Brothers
was flooded,;'and conSiderabledamage
,done to : the .stock. Isaac W. hies'
,lumber yard,was also flpoded,,,and'a
large lot of umber swept, down the
stream, or
,tilrown about the yard : in
confused !maps:: Loss 'Wds also
,taine,d,bY Stevens Bros. and
. A.,Ely
carpenters;, P. Robinson '&, (l g ., flour
dealers; Hoyt & Co , hat manufactu
rers, and Bradley & Ma'nEffidld; 'lvory
stable keepers. Great cakes 'of ice,
weighing a ton or more, ivere'seiater
ed along the .course of the' waiter in
great profusiOn, fenceS swept
down, outhouses, sheds, &0., damaged,
the number of which it is' inipOssible
'now to ascertain, but which; - together
with - many' incidents of., interest, will
'be, given in tlie:Tegitliii.iss"no * Ofilie
Times OM Wodn'esd hy: " l• '
National and• State Legislatures.
Monday.—ln •the"Sbudte'the ' bill
translerrin the Bureau'.'N as
ieported frein 'the' 'corn mi ttee, tvitli 'the
'recommendation that it be indefinitely
postponed*-:• Adjourned.-• -" •'
In thnllbuse' a joint 'reOliflion" in
'rdernfibe'fb the adthishioo 'of St*: Do.
ihe'pniori was
table by a ,vote•of 110'yeas to 02 nays.
The bill appropriating $30,000 for,
'the felief of)ther poor 6f.1.11b ''District
'Wag pits • sed...•'AdjOurned.' • - •.
Tuesday.'—in the.SOnate'a'jbint res
'olutiOn was introduced proposing to
submit to- the Legislature of the sever
'al'Statedlor ratificaticin 'two rartiend
'mente to the 7 eimstitution,`one regard=
ing equitlsuffrage;;the other rights' of
'all citizens to hold office. Adjourned.
Wednesday. - -4 . n the Senate. the • coo.
stitutional amendment as pim,sed in the
-11Mise wits - concurred in. Adjourned.
' Friday.-=-Thp c'enstitutionlil"aniencl
ment wiLA taken up' and discussed
'til 4;'when a recess "Was taken.
'At 7 p.'rn., the Senate reaseanibleiinnd
dindussed . th'e"chnsllttitioriainitni:tind-
Meitt. '" ' " • *
. In'the House' a'resolut,itiiiii,'wh§tidiiP
tYci/edlling 'on tile Seefetiti'y CT "War.
'fOr inceiinttitiiin as to' titb •I'iragi•Os
made' in 'tile' preparation" a iid
tiou • "of' 'official deenniente'reilitiri'efo
the rebelliohl• receSs •yvtis then'ts
ken until V p. ut•which time the
House reabseMbledand discussed the
finance question! - : , •• ;
" -
, •
thb 'Hou'so'reSolutions
in . 'reference 'to tliu late Itelii•e'Sbiliative
Gkiol 8: Thorn' Weed adopted, "'"
Tuesdak.-4 number of private bills
wore aeted.dmiti both-lltiusdei
Vednesday..En ,tb'e - Se'ri'ite" - Wien
Forney wes•unanimdusly ee'dfirmed as
Stale Librarian: " ".' '•
Ih the 'Hous'e a number of private
'bills 'ls ; cro . Pa.sed : • • '
Thursday.L—ln the Senate a number
Private" bills'were read in pliiee. 'Tb'e•
jrene:rjgbliitiizon'ireqa6sting our, 'lle.pre
lior),tati'Ves way }aid placing
ibb 'telegraph opertitiob the • United
States undb . r
'Stittas Gore'rritilent;:ivds Passed firiallSr.
thO Sen'ate-ientillibiir"df
bills were reporta.'"ln'
number 'of Petitions ()re.
seated. ; " " •
Col..Forney, who hat; just made
st tour. in the South, says .the : negroes
-aro now working %roil, and iwith more
.profit to the planters than ever before:;
that the ,peopre ofthttt section:aro now
,producing. , corn and, wheat,,t and that
it will 13000,.be1t self Atipporting,region ;
that largo, obtton:thetbries ors , beidg
erected;: that' Northern men are •act
ively engaging in 'business .there ; that
great internal improvements are ,prd
grassing ; that common schools are:be.
Mg established,: and the colored:peo
ple aro educating themselves and their
children; and that many of the, rebel
newspapers have given •up polities,
and are laboring to aittia, tho worh• of
reconstruction now goitig on. We are
glad to,hear, fromtsuch authority,' so
good' reports from that•sectiOn :of the
Saturday evening a fictitious Weston
passed through the city of Burlington,'
Vt., clad in military unifornd, and fol
lowed by three two-horse sleighs. A
multitude of 'persons walked with him
through the city, and left us amid the
light .of. bon-fires,. asserting that he
would rest over Sunday: in Swanton
- Falls, thirty-two miles distant. Sun
day morning the genuine Weston came
into the city, having-walked from New
Haven Centre, Addison county, to
Burlington-, a distance of thirty-two
miles,-, , before breakfast. The whole
city . wit . s . tatonished. Mayor Ballot',
who had paid his respects to the sham
Westoe, called on the real pedestrian
at hii hotel, and after a short conver
sation• became satisfied that he -had
hold pf,-the genuine article. ; The af
fkiribes.created much indignation. • It
is said that the walkist was personated
by two students of the Burlington Col
jive, ',who •took turns in walking
through the villages, and rode thiough
the country in a sleigh.
The real Weston is now nearly two
days behind time, and is much annoy
ed by the sham affair ahead of him.
It is reported that the people of .St.
AlbtinS have been• htitnbuggdd •iri, the
same manner. Weston left here at
1.20, and will walk hence to Rouse's
Point, New York., 535 miles from Ban
gor, before stopping. Ho is still con
fident of making t'p lost time. The
young lady who followed, the, sham
Weston twenty-two miles in a cutter,
for the purpose of presenting hinci with
a pair of woollen gloves of her own
manufacture, is greatly mortified.
Her brother threatens vengeance' on
the misoltiovous student's.
The Globe,
Michigan has recommissioned for
four years a female, notary pu
Minnesota exported 8,874,121 bush
el's of wheat last7year..'
Lees thap foitr_weeks of. Andrew
Johnson's term remains to annoy the
people of the United States.
General' ifkint's letter stippressing
the' Inaugitration
.ball, called his
"first veto message." ,
Clow Geary has' recovered from his
recent 'illness, and is again rattending
to hie official 'ditties.
Some newspapers advocate the elec.
tion of United States Senators by a di
rect vote of the peop'e hol'eafter.
The ,of the entire
Christian World .for foreign missions
last year, wore about $5;000,000.
David Paul Brown, Jr.,,died at his
residence in Philadelphia . on the Ist
instant ; 'of pneumonia. Ho was a
lawyer of considerable merit.
John M. Hale Esq., son of 'Judge
Hale of Centre county, and a brother
in;Jaw of:llic,A 7 lideon Wells, ,died in
Heading on"• Thursday last, of typhoid
The'amount'required for postage by
the members of the House of Repre
sentatives in this State for January,
1869, was 83,552 98.
Washington correspondents of the
Beaver Radical are confident that Goy.
Ou'rtin will . - be Grant's Postmaster
General. Hope tt is true.
Washington letter-writer says
that John Scott bids fair to be the
most brilliant Senator that' has ever
represented Pennsylvania.
Gen: Grant has been invited to visit
,Harrisburg. , He regrets that his nu
merouS engagements prevent him from
accepting the invitation.
The first session of the now Con
gress, beginnibg Ifu'reli 4th. next, it is
thought, will be limited to four or five
weeks:' ' " '
In the New York General Sessions
on Thlirsday last; Stephen Boyle, wlio
plead guilty on two indictments, was
senteneod to forty years imprisonment
in the Penitentiary. Boyle is 28 yrs.
of ago.
There Were'477' buildings . run up in
Reading last 'year.... So Much • fora
reading. pe4te.—ffellefente GVatchznan
Reading is . , 'a Republican city, which
accounts for its people being a Teading
We live s in an ego 6f wonders,.—
Freight foi Salt Luke is now sent from
'New York city to the end of the Pa
cific Railroad without change of cars,
2500 miles. , Now York ears
,are seen
west of the Rocky mountains. We
kacre now ; ti c
_longest line-of contiau
ous railroad track in the world.
Serious Indiantroubles are reported
in, Alaska,'our, "Polar possessions.
flag of defiance against the soldiers was
raised 'at' their' village recently, and
General Davis compelled them to sur
render only by,threatening : to bombard
the place. Another party of Indians
tried tol,ddie Bitka harbor in a canoe
against orders,and were fired upon by
.sentriesjyai§:Esilled . or wounded seven
of them. ~• t' • • .
The silver mihes;of Nevada aro fab
ulously- rieh, , but thefr lOcation among
the Humboldt mountains,. makes the
cost of flying
s excessive. Flour retails
for. $2O: per 100 pounds; wood in the
different camps from $l5 to $3O per
'cad; water, from ten to,thirty cents
per gallon; meals; $1 to sl,so—very
poor,; place ,to sleep—floor, table, pine
board, counter, or straw mattress—sl
to $5, per night., 'Water carried on
pack tonics; woo in liko manlier.
[Estate ofJOLIN STEM.,
,ettere of administration upon the estate of John
Steel, late of Union, township, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted
estate will make immediate payment, and those haling
claims sill Foment them for settlement.
CadvlnJoh9-130 Administrator.
[Estate of,JOHN RUTTER, dec'd
To Catharine Ron moll andWilliani It. Rutter, taaa no
rice that tit nu Oiphana' Cow t, hold at Huntingdon, on
thy,loth day of January last, ct tattoo wit's granted, warn•
'log all persons interested to lippaur at Huntingdon oti the
tun day of April torn! next, (April 12th 1800 to show
04", any y ou bur, why a den es should net be modal
ttir the redo of tbo real estitio of the said JOHN HU rrio,
tirce.erl, being a certain tract of land minions in tho
tom whip of Crou t woll, containing about ono h u ndred and
eight acrus, whenand where you - are cited to attend If
you nuo proper. J. E. SMUCKER,.
bob, 10,'69'41.' ' 'Clerk of Orphans' Court.
A 7.:10 R g
For'the - LAUXDRY.
It is wririont4not to itMak, or in any manner Injure
the finest fames.
FOR FA3IILY USK, Fold in FIVE cents, MN rents,
and TWENTY cents boxes,
Each TW ENTY coots box, besides having FIVE TIMES
as Lunch bind as the FIVE cents box, pouts/US a pocket
pin cushion or emery bag.
Far Motel nro torso boyndry, use, It Is put up in $2 00
Bea that NA Box has proper Trade" Mark.
For Sale at 111ASSEY• cE 00. Grocery
In Me District Court of the United States, for the
- • . Western District of Pennsylvania.
tho matter of EAYRE 0. BARTLETT, But:
The undersigned hereby. gives notice of his appoint
ment ea atimgneo of PAYRE 0. BARTLETT, of Bir
mingham; in the county of Huntingdon, in the state
of Pennsylvania, within said District. NI 110 was adjudged'
a bankrupt upon his own petition, by tho District Coast
of said district.
Dated at Dollidayaburg the ht day of Fobruary, A D
Tho Commissioners of Huntingdon county will re
calve proposals on FRIDAY, the 20th day of FItBRUAItY
inst., up to 12 o'clock, for building an open bridge fifty
five feet long, in 'fod township. across Trough creek, near,
the duelling of Jacob Elias. Plan rind Specifications can
be seen 01 their aloe.
Portion propoQing will como prep wed to enter into an
article of agreetnent awl give Lona for the proper com
pletion of tho'work.
fly 'order of the Conmils4loners.
felt9.3t 11. W. MILLER, Clerk.
-The subscriburs hare recently di:covered a new
In culling tho atteution of tho ladies to our Starch,
they will 9nd that it economizes labor, produces a -
mud, superior to common starch. and rosier to Iron. In
fact 113011 want a beautiful gloss on sour skirt, or yoor
husband's shirt or collar, procuro a box of our Essence
of Starch. The cast a trilling. only 15 cents a box
Try n hot :11111 be convinced. Every Family vtiould
have a box of the Es-pore of Starch. For onto by all
Oiocers and 14%11'14111 the IJIIIV.II Surtev. Manufactured
only by S MIT 11, HAMMON k CO., sole proprietors, No.
1113 Hornier rarcet, Philadelphia.
Vir - For solo at MASSES! k CO'S. Enterpi too• Head
quar:ers. fub9
,Secrets of the
Great' City,
A Work descriptive of the ;Virtues and the Vi
ces, the Mysteries, Miseries and -
Crimes 'of New York City. '
-If you wish to ktiow fortunes are'mado Mid lost in
clay; hew shrewd men are'ritined In Wall' street; hsw
Pountiymtn tore !initialed by sharpers; how ministers
and , merchants are blackmailed; bow dance bills and
concert saloons non managed; how gambling houses nod
Lotteries de conducted; how stock and oil companies
originate:and bow the bubbles burst. read this work It
contains 35 fine engravings; tellsnli ahout the mysteries
and crimes of New York. and is the spiciest' and cheap
est work of the kind published.
' ' PRICE ONLY $2.60 PER COPY. '
gv_Send for circulars and nee our terms. and a toll de
scription of the work. Address, JONES BROTHERS &
CO, Philadelphia, Pit.
CAUTION — lnferior vat ka ofd similar aura e ,
• ter are being circulated. tco thst
the books you buy contain 35 flue engravings and sell at
$750 per copy. , febB.2t
Having supplied themselves with an entirely
New Stock of loods
tha0„,,,,,t, will bd 'happy to Meet their miniy blends
and tho pidtllc generally of their present '
pluce of _business,• •
819 cliEsnilsni - icii i t
Fub. 10, 4134 f.
Lands, CorporatelZights'and Franchises
Broad-Top' Coal.. and Iroll. CoOTally,
the Supreme Court of the States of Peuusilvanto,
elthug In equity, the mulersigoerl surnelug—trustees,
a mortgage gloms by the Brood lop Cool and Iron Com-
paui• to secure its bunds.l6 phirmht'of one hundrrci thou
• •
sand dollars. will expose to, pubic solo, at the' Exclianga
•Sidesroom. No. 11l Broadway, in the rity'ot New York.
on IHUBSDAY. the 2.ltri day of March. A. IL, 1869, at
12 o'clock, at., or said day; by A. J: BLEECKEIt; SON
'oo..auCtioneers,the lid lowing rim' estate, cot inmate rights
rind Bauchi , es of said company ; all of which are mote
fully described in and by Elio collier° to mortgoge rector d•
ed in Huntingdon cennry, Pc nnellyaniii, in • 31ortgago
Book Nd. 5. page 1115, Ac.; and In BrOloid comity. 'Venn.
sy ivarda,' in Mortgage Book 'IL pogo 552, be., to which re.
'curtlaperson , deinring to pore/law are referred. Viz.: ,
-All those six certain tracts of situate in Broad• Top
township, Bedford county. Penifo.
• No. I. Known ai the "Ewing Improvement' adjoining
lands formerly of Entrek nand -Wilson; Meshech Ed
wards, lhomue J. Horton and Joseph Evans, 'containing
lull% acres and allow once.
' .No 2. Adjoins the tract known as ..the one thousand
acre survey" tract No I, hind toriiierly of James
,ton, find Contains 48 Acres and 55 perches trot sneastire.
No. 3. Adjoins land for merly of Mesliech Edwilnis
the south. of Isaac Barnet oh the east; and of James Ilam
iltun cm the nottiwost, and miters; and contains 320 acres
and 31 perches Imo allowance.
No. 4. Is known as the ollamilton lands," adjoins lands
forma ly of Joseph Evans, of the Huntingdon and Broad
Top ,railroad and Coal Company, of the Lancaster Com
pany; of Joseph. Tat., Witham p. 'chat' and Christian
Barnet, end contains 350 acres net meitSure.: . •
N 0.5. is rill the coal and other minerals, and the right
to micro the samo. including the right of way and timber
learn for mining put poses. with all privileges; no convey
ed to the Iluntiogdon and Broad Top 51ountain Itallroad•I
rind Coal Company, by Joseph Evans and wife,, by deed
dated 25th January, 1854. , recorded 'in' Bedford codn Cs,
Noun., in ltecurd Book A. 8., pogo 1368, 119 fully rind
lorgely, as said cbmpani, held Atm same by virtu. of sold
deed of in and to it part or 'the "Thousand acre" survey
adjoining lauds late of Jesse Norton, Joseph Evans,
General A. P. Wilson and James Eiitrekin, containing 39
acres rind o porch, !I net measure.
hi,. 6. Adjoins lands formerly of Brod° and Berk
stresser; " of ininC9 Ilamiltou and Philip Barnet, and
contains fifty-two act es and allowance. ,
i :Also, all those siiert tracts of land' Situate to Cuban
„ . . . . .
to - trustily, Huntingdon cuunty,..Penu. •
N 0.7. Adjoins hunts formerly of John Hamilton. 'Levi
Evans, William P. Schell Christoplier. Haunt., and
contains 113% acres nod alio. -
No.B, Adjoins lands formerly ofJobn Savage. William
P. 441e11, Levi Evans and the, Lancaster Company, and
contains 40 acres and 139 perches and allow nice.
No. 9. Adjoins lauds formerly of J. Sewell. Stewart;
Esq., dualism P. Schell, Jobtutlamiltou and Levi Emile
and contains 102 acres and allowance, oxcopting and re
serving therefrom a lot of ground not exmoding•flve
acres in quantity, to ho taken off the west corner; also
excepting a lot at the quarry, cmtaiuing 00 porches net
nseasure, accolding to survey inade by Samuel Keller
man; also excepting thereßom lots in the town of Coal--
mut, uuruheredpir Hie genoral plan og said tofu
lousi. viz.:: ;Natal.. I; 2,3, 4, 1;6, 7, 8,14. 10, 31, 32,
33, 34, 85, 3.0, 3ii,139,43,,44,40,46,.' 47., 48,,;78. ',174§. 79.
00,131, - 82.83, Ef4,85, - 87,138, 93, 104, Ta. 106, 10'T lOPT, 109,
110,111, 112„ 115, 119 117,120, 121,122,123,124 ' .125420.
127, 128, 129, 132, 139: 141.1,' 141, 14_2, 113, 144,
ail 30: This tract oniblacesit number of lotsiu tae iii.
logo of Coalmorri c thor anmlwf.of ieldeli;rei given on
day of sale', amang theirise - rerlil ludrialon - Mem miner's
. houses, and alto a twrestory frame hotel and appendages.
' No.lo. Tbe undivided Ralf of a ,emall tract contairring
20 acres and BO porches, and allowanco, adjoining lauds
formorly William .o'. Scholia:nil Levi Evans..
„ No 11, Adjoin. laud of Alm Huntingdon and Unnulaup
Mountain Railroad and Coal Company; lands formerly o f,
John Savage and of Andrew Donaldson, containing 66
acres and 137 perches, and.allowace.-
No 12. Adjoins the tract.. ittlhanleiof William ShealT,
laud forme: ly of -Andrew Donaldson; tract in nano of •
John Singer, and Wad in name of hlraffils Miller, and
contains 28 acres 28 perches and allowance, surveyed au
a warrant to Samuel Aldfor,rof 2StlrJuly, :064: ,'
NO. 13. A It Act arveyod upon 8 warrant for 400 acres,
dated 31st March, 1791, 'to John Singer, contaiding .134
acres 07 perches.
• No. 14: A tract surveyedaipon quark* 94815 t 51sreh,
1791, to Johu 'Bfrieger, fdr'4oo acate,'Containind datraties
33 perches. _
No 11:1,_4_44tit,t gulyeyeiftnimira
Sheaf, dated 31st March, 1704, for 40;1 acres containing
439 , 4 acres,
' Nu. 10. A of land situate Partly in Broad Top
too uship • and , partly In Carlion to:instill, aforesaid, ad-
Johan Innis formerly of 'Jonathan Barnet, Phelps I:
hammed, A. P. Wilson, ,W. I'. Schell, Lewin T. IVattson,
David Blair, WoodA Bacon mild Itathinel "Wiloon. cut
to g 390 acres lit notches. jet measure; 11„uwn a,
thahristian Barnett tract, having house, burn and clear
ed far ru land noon it.
„ ,
Aloe, all the corporate rights and franchises of said
Dread TOP Coal and Iran Company, WI held under their
char ter of incorPorotion
, granted in pursuance of the
genorol law of the commonwealth of l'onn.ylvania.
A welbbuilt railroad, connecting tho c.l lands of the
company with the Brood Top , Main owl' extethls- Over
halts Nos:4, 6,7, 8; irand 10. named on the'coMpanY's
map of their:lanai as tiro `.l.larnilton lands" and - Schell
funds." There are also upon tlicso tracts coal npenlime,
Platforms, houses and other appliances which Svordeoun
ble purchasers with but little egpenditure to Cqllllll9CO
the shipment of coal.
Terms of solo CASH.
The preperty 'trill be offered in separate tracts and as a
whole, and after being so offered will Ito sold' in each
manner as will best promote, the Interest of the bond
holder.. , 31.iltrIN 110VELL.
• SUrviving Trustees '•
Any Inquiry &afore
MA day
RTIN of sale
OA. may bead dle:sad to
No. 111 Liberty street, N.' Y., or
IluntOgdou, ra.,
of Hintingdon county from the 6th day of January,
, to the 4th day of January, 1864 :
Amount on hand at last settlement from T. W. Blyten,
Esq., late Treasurer,- -, - ' $7,037 37
County tax received from Treasurer,--c
-eivered Col
lectors, as •follons: •• --, "' e-t.
1864: Ilopoweli. John D6naldion ~' , , 16 00
1806. Barree,-William Ecki,e4:, '
~I'.• • 320 83
• Carbon, Daniel 3 Logan B5 00
... Clay, A ell Stevens' i-..., • --,,...' 20111 i
Dublin, William Olymaite . : - • 57 00
- - Franklin, William Bice - ' 115 34
Hopewell, David Fonso . - 99 80
Springfield, Morris Outsitall 7 31
1967. Alexandria, David Albright 110 00 ;
Barren, Joliet Logan 1105 00 I
Brady, George Hawn 393 00
. .... Cass, Cht istion_Miller . 183 05-- ~-, '
CllB6Villo, Isaac Ashton 81 87 -
Clay, .13,T Stevens . ..„ - 575 47 • -
, , Cromwell, Itielmtd D Heck . ' ..:. 1030 37 , . '
Dublin, William Clymatis 435 90
Franklin, John Eberle 1047 00
Henderson, John ,NixoWwino 112 00
Huntingdon. John C.Miller ' 503 85 . , '
Hoven ell, Jacksob Enyeurt . 260 15 • • '
Jackson, Saunter C. Snath - 1332 19
Juniata, John Oeissinger
Lincoln, David Fouse 160 07
Morrie. James - Piper - ~., `,- , ,131ft0`00
-Mapleton,4olin It Drnn ' - ' 5 ' 138 62
Mount Union, John (I, Stewart 153 81
Oneida, GeorgefilcCool ' 06 33 ,
Otbisonia, Robert tlehrett . 17 40
,Perot, John Lee " . . - r id -,- ,170 :45 ' '
Portei. David Hare •!, :, !, . - .181.16 76 e i
Springfieltf..Morrie Outaitall ` ' • :281 10 • •
' Shirley, Isaac Smith 1157 24
Hurley ebtirg, George Lean 253 24
Tell, Bike McMullen 17 31
Tod. Isaac Taylor , . 425 50
• ,Union,.„Jaekson 'White `.... 7 7 , ,0 2550 • '
. , . Wariiornmerk, Samuel Lehman ;1153 - 24 : -
' .." Walker, Jacib Fume ',... . 177-40 •
West, Itavid P. Moore 2126 00
• , ,-------18740 54
1358. Alexandria, WilliaM Walkel• , 479 34 ••
Barron, John Smith „ „ 1026 CO - -
Brady, It K Allison 555 00 . .:.
Cassviile, Isaac Ashton 79 90
• Cass, Benjamin Fink, , , • t,456 00 :: ,
j If" Cloy, B T Sin:Vane 'l l', j,- ••,
'-: •,•4 93 , 7 4 : I' s' :
Carbon; Willinin 'Bien •• • • ' - '• • 7100'90 ',-,
Coalutont, Jarvis Reieterer 94 10
Dublin, Wiliam Clymone • : 150 00- •
Frunklin,•John Archey, • 3000 00 -
Henderson, James McCall 537 32
Hopewell, 80 . 10111 On isynll" - -"--"`..: 60 00
Huntingdon, Genii° W. Grazigi 3721 82
. ' Juniata, William tieiseinger • 190 00
Jackson, Rebut y. Stewart !
•. 1.461.91 , , ..
Lincoln, t h orns Ittellison • . 2913 60
Morris-Nathaniel, Lytle
, Mount Union, John G. Stewart , , 402 00 -
Mapleton, Martin L. Rex 30 00
Henderson, El lam Shoemaker 400 00
Orblsbnin, A Cafuthers: , ; " ' 101.00
' Penn,-John•Lee- • -• ••- -- • - 300'00 •
Porter, Benjamin Isenberg 747 (3
' 'Shirley, R.Colsgute:- `," • 1000 63 ,
Shirleyeburg, George Leas 279 59
Toll, A CI Illigga 423 50
' Tod, Abram Eltas • • . 878 45
Union, Andrew Smith 300 00 + •
V.:Aker, Moses Hamer 650 00
Wurriorsmark, Wings W. Owens 1143.28 •
Weal, Henry Davie . 1380` . 09
..-._....2itd0 72
State tax received from tho following
Collectors, via ::, • -- - - ' - •
1866. Dublin. William Clymans 6 94
1867. Alexandiia, David Altnight , 15 98
Du i ea: John Logan: - .. - 1 16
Cas - eville, Isaac Ashton ' ' 'l3 21
Clay, B I Stevens, 33 60 ,
Cronin ell, It 1). Heck 39 89
Dublin, William Clyntans 10 59
Franklity.lohn libberls : 202 76
Huntingdon, Jelin C Miller 947 41 '
Jackson, Samuel 0 Smith, 96 05
Morris, James Piper 50 00
Mount Union, - John 0 Stewart
,:,- •,* - 17 12 I
Oneida. (Imo McCool l9 47
Penn, John, hen , 63 03
Porter, David Hare ' ' 94 85
Shirley sbut g, George Leas 34 64
Toll, Brice McMullen, 25 85
Tod, Isaac Taller „ r 33 08
Warr( °remark. Somueltuliman 102 00
Walker, Jacob Nouse 29 61
West, BP Moore -' . ' l , : '60 . 00
180. Alexandria, William Walker, 23 41
Barren John Smith 30 00
Brady, It K Allison • . , 30 00
Case, Benjamin Fink,, . 21 SO
Dublin, W Clynnine • , 10 00
Ilenderson,James McCall •, . r , 29 85 ,
Juniata, It Blinn, Goissinger
Lincoln, Iberia Richardson 16 00
blorris,N Lytle GO 00 s• .
,Illdultt Union, J 0 Stewart 8 00. - -
• .....--. Penn, John Lee -- - ... ',..., 30 00 '
Shirley, It Colegate 30 00 ,
Toll, A G Briggs -- • 40 00 `
, • --,, Toth Abram Blias .• , :,40 00
- -- IVitlker,'s Hamer " ' 20 00 '
, .—52273 13
County lni On unseated laude, 1025. b 9.
State " ' '',195',3:',, , '
• =7:1;4;•;„ - 1 i. 3441. • ;
' l3 (iui.o . 2i'V ' ; ; /I L j . 0858
---.0.650 82
lleclomptlon, money, paid , 338.58 ,• -
nonrJ. Pro.frolisjilidiife ries,l4 00
lout from Gmtl foloplar'e Su, 45 00
rrocoede loom kitto of uo, eito,ay,‘ 34 50
• 6 , lumber loft from .-•
badge ittMontdoinory's -7 00
• r ~•, $471.08
On Countnonwealth prosecutions paid to ihosecti- ,
ting Att'y,. - Nroty, Sheriff and - mitnesset6'. $1163 5 3
Constublys ttli malting retuinitintabol&ction fees,-,,. -,-,
&c., 11/82',45
'-{trand fund traverse jurors, cowl color tip stat off ''''-'
and constables, 2685 84
Judges, Inspect - tot apd °Wks or eleetip, 1420 67,
ABSeSSUrtI of ttii, oevertil tod4isltips, 1067 60
lnutusittons on ilea I butites,, 71 12
Pt.:llamas on fox scalps, solid cats, pole cpts, ,
' P9l, Ica and . 0101, , , • . ~ k ' e; /, .......020 - 1 q3O
Road and In
idgo vietis, ' - 345 50
• damage+, . . 185 10
IllaukboOltS fin. ithilif4 Linea aid. . ,
'doors, - • •" • -'" ' ' ''' ',"'" '' '' - '276 02
Fuel for court houscrandlul; • i aat 6
J. It. 'zimpeen, , lees' Proey and'elbikof
8 2 0 38
tirdet'a ' t,4 41
itotui tax ou 1111...C0LC11#11,4$ to_ tip, li,ou
Huns',i ' '" `.
iji,dele,tee !Whip, Henry .'6ultz,
et,hnwell JoefJ Moore,
Tod - '• Mold
John It, !4uuti,l3:l, ,
:claml tun on tut+catol land. to the following
pttsps. iz
;. 'I 29 5,
lioliawnllquwaslitili diaries Boller,
41 99
Cass Mortley,
rom ‘.'
,I.fjbell 11AI per,;:
Lincoln • ii:tharilshu; '
Weer. " J.,llundursoik, • J ., •„• 9 2
Bou n ty on on,,nnw sow, to the loklexing,
liOllH, Viz• West tom 11•1, lientlerson, • 99 19
•, OVO, • •• i •• ; P 7 17
Tikluwe3h, '• '•
' " 69 84
lloposol j , " Charles _,„ 77 15.
Ltuculn ? 47 60,
lu full ;., . r ,, . • —,• . •,4 66 f 0 00,
'Adam' ni or, :,' 4 - 00
Mum V4lsleiv, .
ilutnntino, , , , ,220
metal Wriglat, v 1 , 20
On account fur 1868,
Horace Glazier, assistingAzi making out registry
lists, it e , " ' 26 09'
Commissioners expenses In holding tuipeals l goGig
to rood views; bridges, &Wei -+1 : j .1. 1,. ... : i 168 . al!
/And tors pay and oltik fdr 8667, 106 so ;
. .p r a t un g fo r the Cbunty if
/ t .. 4 ,. . 42 60:
t '.l, es, Lentil:o . u; 1
.-- '- . 1 ';,(': , r , V '• 4 ltily 6u
iTi'Ai Mash.— - '-- ':. •.
111 Maul Lex 1675 u
11. 11.4011 us,. r; 3 3 50
It. 31c1hvat far repos tiug court praciiot f l6P, • 30 00,
Jury Commixsioners:,-41. W • 3h0.,{2,.. GI 30
Cove/ 1,•; , i, 62.12.8
111 0k for building a bridge across ,Raystown -••
Branch iu llopeu ell loutishly, 11,495 00'
Albert Hall for builliiiign'lnidgeitcross Shy Bitiv
,ui Creek, at Orbison's 31i11,, , 4990 00 ,
&tin net Mil ler for Mili:in bridge nerose
' trick Ci'oek; in Shirley,, '2450.00
Jareb„Frics for builithis,x:lirigg6 across the , ,
„ ,
am 'river at lnintihglitini, ' '" 1275 os
Albeit llall tor repairing thul.,odiq , ue,
Entreldies, - •', 1875 00'
J, Iles kstresser, securing, the bildge at Entraltiee,'l23 50
County road and iutetest to T. 11. Cremer and, '
first National Bank, t ;i i. I 1. - 4128,00
Teachers' institute,
k O4 .20 1
Veminirania aurae Lunatic Hospital for the keep•
big all, Wotherne, uud
i. r tif; 1 , .,S1 1 ") %'; ;'• 644 10
Wcatern'Penitrntiary for support of convicts, 1040 3d
Redemption money paid Sundry parsons, 120 22
St. 31. Lee.tti" - Tetiastityr, fur advertnhigi unseat t , -
ed fidadslifferivirds ordefeendt l tu-be &c.;.-12 42.
itepaire_for Court llouse and Jull, - ,•• , • .• •' ' 59.07
31t rchandise ". •, ". •, 68 15 '
Weaning for prisonCrSlh'.loll; ' ' 25 00
Cleaning Court Mugu and July • 50. 00
Gun for Court !louse, , .• :09.90
itepdiriug gas lixtures, • - , • 14,00
Stoves for court house and Jail, „ ill 50'
. . . . ..
Making nod mending hobbles, and hobbling nth. •
; .unera,ln Jail., .. - - .. , /7, 00
Deal: fur Recurdees office, .. :._ ~ • ~. .... 15 00
. , . ... .. . .. _ . ..
Cutting wood and slam [ding s nONV from pavement -
and nip,* court po_uum, .. . -; -1 - , .. • 24 25
Post:qv., 34 83
.- .
J.jh ft C. 31iller,jitilitio.
gib for Treasurer's ollico and puttlng it up, . 201 00
AttorildfriWo(ntigs3livioia; , ,l,t , 1 ~ l u
.1-1 tO.OO
It. IlleMortue, ondltwg ooleuunts - sif !,i s'sothonOta-
-' ry, and ltegmter and ItecOrderi , I / .. ;'O OO
Or. llrunamugh, attendiog prisoners In jail, 11",00
Ithl•Tieasin to IluntingdOn County poor hum, 5111.34
Pool indebtednes,s to, the State,-- 201.17 ' -511
', !....
Owl tax on bahk stock' to tho',tato, - 4 • .) 1 45344
Treasuso's s onnuiosiou on $90,041,0`5 4 1.3.,!, Per
cunt., 140911
-- ..
Balance in/ the 'muds of the Treasurer at the set.
Heaton!, with It'd Auditor.,
,•• ,t $53,31540
• - We the under6igned Auditors of Huntingdon County,
Peunsyi vault. elected and coot naccording to law, repot t
thint.We'iti4 did 'audit, 14'0.110 flqiqdijiidetlidipepto
law, the accounts of M. M. Logan, Mat., 'hemmer of the
county. and the ordein•ei the Connulbsiottorg and receiny
for - the stifle lot and on:11,7,11w quiat.year,atud:flnd II bal
ance telnaining 111 the hatubi of I'. W. Myron, Treasurer
of tour thou4and two hundred and forty-three dollars
and seventy-niy cents.; '
(liven antler our hands tit the 'daninis•;ion2rs', office In
tile beri4git of 1/untitigrlon,'tSe 2..t t t o t
. -1111 N ILY
A. P: 11'111141, , ' • • AutlitOia.
• . ' 11• M. ll..ith.X, i t t
vi Due the County at the se
tore, for the year 1868.
rw P 9. COLLECTORS 114.41x8.
Ciomwell, 1857, Wm. Johns _i
Carbon, 1860 Josses Cook,
'Hopewell, " Jno.B , Weaver,
•Ilenderson,l662 W. 11: Flenuer ,
,Carbon, 1863 Jeasee•Cook,
Hopewell, 1864 Jno Donaldson,
Walker, " Semi. Peightal,
Cromwell, 1865 Caleb Kelley,
Union, ' Levi Smith,
Carbon, 1866 Danl. J. Logan,
Juniata, " Levi Ridenour,
Morris, *James Piper,
.Alexandria, DAM Albright
Darren, (John Logan' ''••
Brady-f - George flown
Cos. fChristian Miller ' •
Carbon. &miff Bathurst
Coalmont. Sheriff Bathurst '
Dublin, f Wm. Clym'ans '
Franklin,'John Blinds
Henderson, John Nightwitte
Devotee'', fJaffitson'Enyeart
Juniata, John tiefssitiger
Morrie, James Piper
Mapleton, * John..ll..Dean
Orbisonia, Robert Gehrett
Porter; David Hare'
'Fprln'gfielil, Guteffidl
fleane'Sinlill •
Toll, Brice McMuller
Union, Jackson White
West, *D. P. - Moore ,
Burros, John Brnith I '852 61
Brady , R. K. ' 72T 68
Cimino, Dane Aditian . 38 05
Case, Benjamin Fink;l7B 63
Stovenn F 210 62
Crorruiell. fit. D. fleck , • ;1229'47
enrbon.l9l3l. Ryan ' _ , 708 70
Cidmont, Jarvis Itiasterir ' 57 '4O
Dublin, Wm Clynnuis 441 11
Wank lin, John Ai chy '504 - 22
Hopewell, oolonicia 'Lynn, /318 29
lluntingdon, f Gab. W. Glazier 256 , 75
•Jnillatu, W. Geitainger 85 13
Jackson, Robert V. Stelivart 387 35
Lincoln, 11. Madsen 228 44
,Morrie, Y. - Lytle- ~ • ; 74-1 . .12
Mr. Union. J. G. Stewart . 10! 21
Mapleton, M. L. Beg 155 23
Oneida,_tk.lisha Shoemaker . ; ~:93 64
- Orbi‘onla, A. Carothets • ' '95 04
Tenn; John Lee • • .." 1095 38
Porter, Benjamin Isenberg . 1821 85
Shirley, Richard Colegate 765 36
Ebb loysburg, i3eorge Leas '
38 68.
Springfield, Morris Gintshall , 519 16
Tell, Alexander Briggs , 76 1 73
Tod, Abraham Elias • 4740
Union, Andrew Smith 221, 83
alker, illeses t • 46911
ISn riormark, Geo. W. Owens .1322 16
West, Henry Davis 1793 13
* Since paid in fair f Shane paid In part.
'Given under the seal of the CommissionOrs' Office/Jan
wary 10th, 1869.'
SASI%. atiltlin:vs,
Alieet: ;' , t• . .18131E0N, AYRJOLIT, ,
H W. MILLER, Clerk. Commfesiogere.
inacP4Dost_ar..4l.ivirm: •
• .
TAB, following named 'person's, for
1. inert) , or Huntingdon bounty, late officers In Penn
sylvania Volunteer Regiments; (or their neatest relatives
or legal representatives) will learn , • • •"
by calling on or address,ing,,X. B, STESB, - ,,ittorney at
Law, No. 4011 ItatketStreet,lintrishurg..Pa. )
ga_phese uritlug o ill please give their fulleddress,
nue send stump for,reply,• ; . 1. "; r
Bare, Benj. F. MoNatnara, Robert
Blair, Brie& Xi 1 . MePfieiimi; . Wne.
'Borst, W. W. - 'MeCtirdf,'Stiniro:
Cleyd, Samuel J.' 'Neff,'H. K.
Creigh, A 11. W.. Porter, Jolin:M. ,
Davis, Samuel T. Redgere,slsate •
Doyle, Martin P. - Sheyer, Peter
Gregg, MeM. Stewart, Saml..F: -
Gayton„Wm.. ,
Johnicin,:-Thomas S. A.
Lane, Prank IL
MePheran s ,Jer;T:' • I `Whil66l-Vni.
MorristM, John S.- -- Wagontir,;Wm O.
Montgomery. Sam!: Willett,.Wite M. •• ;-
Moore, James A. George p.,
Wm. B. Ziegler:- "'
' - Iffierlibbrg, FeO. 2.-St ' ' • • ,
THEIPEOPr4, O,Fr II ti.g , rpp--
,'DON ;
• , uutismanip4., Dec:easter 23, Ism.;
As, ,hero appears to he considerable troublb about who
shall heappuinted Post,„Thgter in our town, and it being
an billowier. which the person Wife 'milk be^ appointed
should contribute a liberal amount yo j p2uni charitable
purpose, I . therefore offer, me self uvorapplicant for the
position of Poet-Holler OVllnatingdou,,Pa.ti 'and I"Prc..
pose spa will agree, plirinY iitY,bund with the Commis.
shiners of•lliiiitlitliAbill6;:inbty" for:the ruffillnient ortbo
same. should I be appointed; to erectallonument for de.
ceased soldiers, for the ston.t.f , T,wp; Thousand Dolan;
provithA hid Allowed to bold Vrtroftloo for the tarn, of
four years. tlip.countY; or the , friends.of our
deceased soldiers, will confer a favor by yirculating
tltiunc to my, tkeholf, a.,,d send thusams tame:
"" --' SUSI:HMIS.
03,316 60
, ot3AAtX4 I O
•,•` ;F:`:
13 11
15 57
55 35
I.s r
LEWIS' 13001 K Salaßt:-
A UDITOR'"Isli:010..
•• rEstliti. of THOS.N.'OITYINScoon'ed
76e untlerlgned, Appointed Attditdr , ifteDrphatis'
Court or Hun tinkdon 'county; to boor And'diforminot ex
eoptlon'iSO tho oecouticlif:George lt.,Hirblitffitatulnl4-tra
tor of 'MotoAs M. Owens..dreased, and tc;diedribite. the
balance in the Intl& of the a tid'Adfianlnfraldr.toroliy
notifies all poroollo illtereeted'ehHetiOwillAtend tellto
duties of bin appointment mt:lils office in 11,14plingdou, on
THURSDAY, the 25th day of FEIJIH.IWY pt one
o'c.ock,• C. 01., when pgct where - all partio: Interested
shalepresent tholr willing dr ]lnt dubat•rod front coining in
r r
for a share of salq4l4
11 31
17 11
r AV P ;
'rho liaiVra b irrie%:AuditOr nipointe4td;distSto tna
thh handsiof D.4."rutse3
arid_]alnceiAt der
eon, txeciitoro of John-Anderson. deceaseil,.stillotttend
to theilsalet of Ills appointineat floating
donron "SitTUßDAY,•talth .1g69, 'at ten
o'clock, A. pnranno Intereslpii 4111 prosent
their claims,er ife hotelier dub - orreghro,m coming in on
/mid fund. • "- SPEMI,
felint r • ~ sdudito .
655 00
I k - biArilOß'giNerr !;` , .f . :1
Estate of JOBIIIIA
afilointed aid! tee h 9 Xho;flrphane'
Court oC,lllantituolon,County, , ta,deettip,nte the balance
of the •funil in thellandi ofJohn-Thdrabson f l‘ustee to
eell th- real estate of Joshuo_Cox, IMO of Warriorsmark
ton nehip, ikeeased v hereby notifies all persons interested
In`safel;dlstribiitlon' that h 0 attcnfirlo the' duties of
hld,'appointment at Hanofilcoe of *nit, Brdsen & Halley
in. the berough of IlinitingdOn,Wit'THUftBD44T, the 19th
, day of February next;bt lihop and wherb
all perionO interested shall then , el:tints - Or be dik
bitrred from coming in for a share of mild tuteV.
" • ' JOHN N: BAILEY, •"'
feb2' ' ',"" ',Auditor.
'E x ECUTO,R!,S:•NOTIPE.- ..,. •11
' tistate of ItiNNAii kOriitt3fAli, deed.] •
Lettere tttstamenterron the estato of tionnah Water:
man, ofJackson twp, Ifunthigtbn co., dec'd., having been
grunted to the undersigned, all persona-30441yd ere re
quested to make: PfUttlent end Idalog to.
prescnt authentßated for seitlsnfelot, • '
, ..PPlisY•Cluanv, 4 PTEß', •
Soulebnrg, St*
11 OF TUB iiIINTINGDON; 0:1:_S1B114 . 9;:tN_ .
ODZk .
I hate% keel% directed - bcyllya Cotdi of Inuitingdon Co.
to pay to file crielitors of said Company onefier cont. on,
their °lnhumes they stood January ,11, 184,1. -r,
• Seqaestrator.
Ebop . sl,Arffl.!ob„ 3.3 t
• - •
slap. _
The partnership heretofore - existing between ZENT
31YERA JOHNSON in po merchandise fluiness,at, War:
riortimarli has ben dilsobied this dak, ,, Juntinry:2B;l649l
byiniti teal consent. .The hooks and papers•nrftleftin
hoods of 'Squire Ralston, of Warrionfmatiqfor,ool4o,l,oll,
All persons ludebted.areirequysted. tp,Opkk.qt iMme. 9 s'43,
settlement. feb23t
[Estate of 0 EOliGti P; deed.]
Letters testamentary ? on the estate of Cicero Lamp,.
deceased ? hate of Mister Iluntingdon comity, having
b 9013 granted to the undersigned, all pustule indebted .
to the e'stat,i'lire reque.lted to make inumapate pa)
laving molt,.
and those hing claims, to present them duly' autlienti-.
toted far sottleonot:
Jan, 6, '69-CO.
.- [Estate bfThomas Locke. deed.)
Letters of administration, upon the estato of Thomas,
Igielto, Into of Springfield township, Huntingdon county,
deceased. having been tp tilted to the inuteNtnned,
tuas indebted ,to the estate will Mahe immediate pay
ment, and those having claims will prdsnnt diem for not,
[lenient. -
Meadow Oap, deo-13tf.
I:4 I S.TRAY.;
Camel GI the sesidepaa of thpso,haertbar In, 111,1 x
towushipAluntingdon County, spout it middle of Octo
ber last, a pale red heifer, with white spot in forehead,
whit -shells On billy, and Danner°. the top of ntiouldera,
supposed to he near ono year Ilie owner id request
ed cosn fornotd, prove - property; pay charge 4 and toko,
4er.avyay, Othemiso,sjus nil! be sotd •accOrdiag to to ev.
Jan. 21,.'69-a* ,
I LA,.
with the
$ 17 02
97 23
76 40
$ 200 25
48 22
149 161
442 18 1
140 15
491 63
263 AO
290 00
22 50
12 00
60 BO
8 00
9 48
5 TO
7 . 00
37 03
24 69
29 00
10 60
64 55
2 60
23 00
17 60
15 50
38 50
10 09
F 8 68
21 83
63 05
15 50
12 00
28 50
5 23
9 00
1i 50
25 GO
6 50
10 0>
26 00
85 00
4 70
10 50
14 00
1 05 53
22 00
I 7..70.
23 50
4 00
18 50
26 50
13 00
41 00
31 50
t rIC.-2111GEN LOVELL,
0.111 if “AUditOr
Admißistt atm'