TERMS OP THE GLOBE Per annum in advance eiz mouths three month. = 1 time. 2de lido 1 month .4 75 $1 25 $1 50 ..... $1 75 ... 1 50 225 2 75 325 ... 2 25 325 4 00...... 4 75 , 3 months. 6 month.. 1 year One inch, or less EA 00 $8 00 $lO 00 Tiro inches 6 25 9 00 15 00 Three inches 8 60 72 00 20 00 Pour Inches 10 75 16 00 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00 18 00 .30 00 Lialfcialuinn, .20 00 .30 00 ...... ....45 OD One column, 30 00 i 45 00.... ..... .80 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, One year,ss 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 8 times, $2 50 Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 Eerily, or other short Notices _ _ 1 50 . . One inch, or tern Tw•o inchea, Three inches,;.... Advertisements not marked with the number clinger lions deeired, will bn continued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms. Local or Special Notices, 10 cents a lino for single in. sertion. By the year at a reduced rate. 011 r prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc. are reasonablylow. Vrofessionalt Nusiness Cabs. DR. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, Having - permanently located at Huntingdon, offers heel professional services to the comumnity. Office, the Fame an that lately occupied by Dr. Luden on 11111 street. ap10,1866 It. JOHN MeCULLOCFI, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon an vicinity. ,Office on Hill street, one door east of Heed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '25. p ALLISON MILLER, DE ATTIST, Has removed to the Brick Bow opposite the Court House. April 13,1859. Fi J. GREENE, • DENTIST. v tliiiia• , Office removed to Lefetefe New Building, . EMI street. Iluutingdon. July 31,1867. " dr A. POLLOCK, •SUI 2 rthron & REAL ESTATE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Rill urrend to Surveying In all its branclten, and will buy and sell Reel Estate iu any part of the United dirties. = WASHINGTON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Iluntingdon county and the tn,veling.public generally that he has leased the Washington House on the cor ner of UM and Charles street, in the borough of Hun tingdon. and he is prepared to accommodate all aho may favor hint v, ith a call. Will be pleased to receive a fiber• al shore of public patronage. A UGUAUS LETTERMAN. jut:34'6l4f. A C. CLARKE, AGENT, V ° Wholesale and Itetail Denlor In D nil ktudo of 1(5352b 1 1 0 .2gop • lIIINTIiiGDON, PA. Opposite the Fronklin nous°, In the Diamond. Onentry tradeAupplicd.:: apl7'6B J. R. FI.IIP3ON. B. ATMIITACIS SIMPSON & ARMITAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HiTNTINGDON, PENNA. OFFICE INMEICK ROW orroun SnE COURT Jan. 27, 18138-6 m. AEAG E C -IT 11. COLLECTING -OLDIERS' CLAIMS, COUNTS, UACK PAY AND lONA. _ All who may have any claima against the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and Pensiona,cacrhavis their claims promptly collected by applying either in person or by let ter to 'W. R. WOODS, TTORNEY 42' LAW; MINTItiaDoN, PA avg 12,1663 =1 =Ea The name of this firm has been chang• ed from SCOfl & BROWN, to , SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, under widch name they will hereafter conduct their practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HITNTINGD ON, PA. , PRNSIO.N.S, and all claims of aoldlore and itoldiere heirs sgaiuet the Ouverumunt, will be promptly prisecuted. May 17, 1881(. 00 LLECTI / 0 OF K. ALLEN LOVELL, District - , :Attorney of Huntingdon, County, jIU manor i• • OFF/.61.1—1n the room lately occeple,rby U. M. Feeer. jan.1.1.867 3 , IILTON S. LYTLE, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTIZiGDON,,PA ITIII attend promptly to all kinds of legal buslneei en trusted to hie care. . . . - COLI.KCTIONO made with the least possible . Epetial attention given to CONVEYANCING In all its branches, such as the preparation of Deeds. Mortgages, Leases, hoods, Articles of Agreement, Ac. All questions relating to 'LAND TITLES IN. PENNSYLVANIA.- . , . Carefullyeonldared. . " lie Wall also awertain for land il owners whlther their lands ate patented and obtain ' . • PATENTS for then who may desire them. WHEELER &WILSON'S HIGHEST 'PREMIUM nava , &Wing Machines, Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, „ •, They are adapted to all kinds of Family Eosins. arid - to the use of r , rametreeses, Dr. smokers, Talon]. 51einr• lecturers of Shirts, Collars. Skirts, Cloaks. (nothing, hate. eaps:Gorseti. Linen Goods, Umbrellas, tgarasols. etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen. dsooless and. COttoll goods, with silk, cotton or linen .thresd. 'they, will seam. quilt, gather. hem. fell. cord. braid, hind. and perform every qiecies of sewing. making a beautifill and perfect stitch. alike on both sides of the 'article sewed The qualities which recommend them ,nrot 4. Beauty and excellence of stitch, ithke on both tildes o the fabric sewed. -- .2. Str.ngtli, firmness and durability of seam, tbot will not rip nor ravel. ' Sammy of Thread. 4. Attembettenti and wide raugo of application to purpo set; aud, in.iterloB. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and notch. 6; Simplicity and thoroughness of censtrurtlon'.' fipevd. ease of operation mai management, and quiet " - • ,1 nese of oioyeinerit, - '; •-, _ - ,•• inetricticiu fru.to all. Machines kept in repair one year Tree of charge. V. B. LEWIS, Agent, MEI THE G-14013F1 JOB' PRINTING OFFICE THE ,‘ GLOBE 'JOB OFFICE" ' the most complete of any in the country, and poe. pima the most ample &cattle° for promptly executing 10 the best style, every variety of Job Printing, such as; 4 1IAND • CIRCULARS, BILL READS; BALL TICKETS, CARDS; RQGsBj. M tIES, LABELS, &C., &C., &C CALL ATM Mgt:a 0%00171E78 07 WORIC, LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY L MUSIC STORE r • COUNTRY DEALERS' can jt buy CLOTH/NO froindue in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap se they can in. the ales, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. ROMAN . L UM B ER FOB, SALL . th, Lap t toai.d4, - rtaui‘, stqing. Joint. Itodpg U and JOllll. Wilt%les, three and feet feet ' , P,ldatet . tog Lath, 'yor wield Ikinufacitires'epricee =NAY kW!". 4.% 00 1 o 0 WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL, XXIV. WM. B. ZEIGLER, MUM IN • y • FUMIS fling FarICY, Dan, COODS, Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, De'Anse, Lawns, Oinghams, Prints, fine Camtwies, NIUSIIUN Denims, fine Liuen, P equal. Indio Twills, &c. A largo assortment of Lathes' Fashionable Dress Triniming,s. Silk Fringes, Buttons, Bugles, Velvet Ribbons, etc. Furnishing Goods, Stockings, Moreno, Cotton, Wool, As -1.,0 - vreo. • Kid of all colors, Silk, Thread, Cotton, &c., of all sixes, and latest styles. Under garments of all kinds, for La. dies, Gents and Children. Table Linen, Musline, Napkins. Doylies, - ke. Sheeting and Shirting, Drown end Blenched, trom 8 cents up. .VE - 11LIT7 K)oDalt A large stock of the latest styles. A large stock of Notions, Zephyrs, Yarns, Ac. All cheaper than the cheapest, ireltoom, opposite the First National Bank, Hunting. dun. Pa. I= 1869. 1869. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. NSW CLOTHING IrOR FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED • AT H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Gentlemen'. Clothing of the beet material, and mode in the beet workmanlike manner, call at - H. ROMAN'S, oppoeite tan Franklin Rouse in Market Square, Munting don, Pa. an't Be Beaten ! J JOHN H. WESTBROOK XI Respectfully Intorni., Om citizen, of Huntingdon at.d vicinity that he hasjust received from the city a NEW and splendid stock of GROCERIES , CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. all of which ho la prepared to cell at greatly reduced price, ,Dou't forget the old stand in the Diamond. Old caste ruers and the public generally aro invited to call. Huntingdon, oct.2N, 1808. =CI Ai CEO. SHAEFFER allnejust returned from the east with siCa l e SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &a, Which he offers to the Inspection of hie cuetomori and the public generally. !le will sell his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the neatest and most expedi tious manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 street, a few doore west of the Diamond, Oct. 28, 1888. NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE jlnforms the public that ho bee just opened at hie old stand iu the Diamond, ituntiegden, A. Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of which ho will sell at fair prices. Quick salts and small profits. rail and examine my stock. ' Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon, Oct. 28,1868. apl'6B 12E lE3=2 NBW Carriagelk Wagon ikkix. a _ 4 Manufactory. Y.Vra7,:;,,01 • P. S. ISENBERG & CO., • Respectfully inform the citizens of Huntingdon and the Public generally that they have commenced the Car riage and Wagon blanufacture in the building formerly occupied by AudersonCozzens, IN TUE 110ItoUGII OF HUNTINGDON, Near Mary &gee •tore, where they wilt be plowed to accommodate alt who call and give prompt attention to all order e, either for now work or repairs. Their workshall be put up with the beet material and In a workmanhke manner.' A Ittp cal par.m ono solicited. LinoOW/au, Juuo 17.1 y - HEADQUARTERS 1,011 Choice Groceries, Candies, Toys, &c D. AFRICA' & CO'S. FAMILY GROCERY. CONFECTIONERY AND FA RIETY STORE; lIVATIFGDON, PA Our stock consists of all kinds of Groceries, Teas, Api ces. Conned and Dried Fruits, Cider Vinegar,' Common and Fancy Soups, of all kinds. Hair Oil, Perfumery, Pea 'Knives, Pocket Books, Le. Call and examine our stock, and take a view of our splendid Harbin Soda Fountain. Don't forget the place—north-east corner of Diamond. Huntingdon, June 24-1 y D. AFRICA A CO.; LIONTINGDON, P LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID IHUNTINGDON INSURANCE AGENCY. G. B. ARMITAGE, - HUNTINUIJON, PA. , Represent the moat reliable Companies in the Country. !lutes as low as is sonslateut with reliable indemnity. eep 2, 'bS. POSTERS pital Represented over $14,000, PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY .BLANKS, MERCHANT T,AlLigt, Ilse removed to Hill Street, linntingdon Pa, olio door east of the Post Office where he tit prepatad to do ell kinds work in hie lino of business. Ile 4ls just received a full line of CLOTHS, - CABSIMERS,-„ _ VEIICOATIbS, and be invites a call from the public, piimlising tainahe Kuode to order lr:lt yptlft 4,: d ike rhau Tele gec t r. tiuntiqr,don, ra., Oot. 7tb,.11M. ONTHLY-. TIME BOOKS, ' For 'gale aR' - • ' EWA' BOOS 42p STATIO !VERY STOVE • ~, ' -" = .44 ' "' ii - '-‘ - - - - - gl' . • - ' •' • . 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