Clje 61abc. Eil Ell HUNTINGiO . OON,:PA; Wednesday mofning,' . Feb:'3, 186 D. LOCAL, & PERSONAL ➢lecttngs Alt..lforitth Lodge, No. 300, A M., meats second Monday evening ut each month, in Brown's building. Standing Stone If. di. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the first Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Juniata Lodge, .11'o, 11-, 1 0. 0. F.,.mects every Ft iday evening. third floor, in Lelster's Standing Stone Lodge. No Bh.l. 0. T., meets every Tuesday evening iu Bald floor of Bead's building: Arrapahoe Trshe, No. Oh, I. 0 kr R. M., meets every Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's building. Toting lien's Christian AssoCiation,mtets the first owl third Monday evenings each month, id Brown's building. Post 33, aA. meets Third Monday of each mouth in Court House. • - • • • • •. Teton azalea meets the first Friday saayitis of each ' - mouth. ifrief Items. In demand—good Initfer A new Masonic Hall was recently dedica ted in Plillipsbure - Onct • dog•fight on Hill street last weelt:' "Nobody F4 : Sheriffßathurst is recovering slowly froari his recent illness. IVanta4 at Enterprise Headquarters—one thousand pounds country flitch. Old maids aro poetically described ns "em bers from which the sparks have tied." _.Great improvements are likely to be made by the Pennsylvania Canal Company. To:day,'Tuesday, is ground-hog day. We ain't out looking for his shadow ; who is? $3 fine - and costs is the penalty for loafing around ehurch doors. Pickets, beware. Mr. Yenter will put up next summer a large threcatory brick on the lot adjoining us. Bring in your sale bills to the Globe office, and they will be printed neatly, lotoly, and expeditiously. A bunter s'.ot a ,panther in gufin county the'other day whiCh rnea•ured S feet 6 inches and weighed 200. pounds.. , "._ • • . _ The Soldiers' Monument in Juniata county, is to he erected shortly. Wish we•could say as much fur Huntingdon county. .Mr. William Albert, : t soldier of the war or. 1812: was frozen to death in Greenfield township, Blair,,eGunty, recently. MASSEY & CO. wont be beat in quality of goods or price, or in the valug of presents to be given away to customers ettry month. "fo' get Iriehlt is - necessary to save two lain - fired &Mira a yeai for thirty years, or thirty dollars a year fur two hundred years: The eclipse of the,moon on.the evening of the 27th was visible in these , . quarters and rinineYf tnie r eitizens'were out a-gazing: A hog nenn Watersido, ,Bedford county, buried inn chick of stily; for seventy days, was resurrected and- .s-now , doing well. The Bellefonte National brage of having fl?n;P:iol)949ti*pp,Goo impressions in th ree days of last week. All "hooked" though. Parents and. scholars trill .find it to their interest to take the trouble to try to find out Where they can get school books the cheapest. R. L. Johnston has ceased his connection as ed tor of theCambria Freeman. That in teresting jourrial has thereby lost a good head Felt in the heighth of his glory—the young inan who stole his passage on the bumper of a 'railroad car without the brakemen seeing ,_1,•.1 We repeat fur the benefit of all our readers that i te . rus, ,eve the co unty will be thankfully received, and if interesting be inserted in our colnitins with pleasure. •('‘' f Tbe l'itAAingeral ineetti at llarrisburg to-day,_ Tuesday. It couldn't Inyee i chosen a,better for , us—to,stay: at mare ultimata acquaintance wjth Imeicer, :by attempting to, „e„atsßmematches . , set a house _on fire in Lew istown the other day. . R. R. Brown, Esq., Representative from Clarion, and editor of the Clarion ljanocrat, has struck a twenti-sve barrel well at Pleas antville,—so saYs'tie Titusville Herald. 'fidf'•ilerriceratio Senatorial Conference of this district, to appoint delegates to the State Cepyentiob- 5 - orr:: the .9th inst. . . contraWforiboilding -the'. bridge over Aire' Raystowybrri:rieb;lat IlaWn's; this co upty. ihps been siiiif,disYte--Jsekscin Lambartaan, • -' iT:YO N-, If yati: wan t ond goads, 0 to • T ) FAI PLE dy. VASS. ION; A man : niqiied_Dr. Bodge was found hoe th.,e'track!,a;yhatili ;stance -above Perrysvilie,iestmeek., ; Ile had been unde'xiti}e l iaflpeace (if ligaer; J The Lewistown Gazette tells us that a wo .,.nietrixutilul torn gnvli.hirth - ,to - fixe-.peefeetly - 16aned f 'dila' OWE i . erfeetniie l , 1111,11:4wevel::,upaa,:, el, Dlt. Union s n n ; du: Cll'l s ititrne Co„penes, , e down liank.about• thirty. feet and fractured seve , xal ~bones'.. , „ . • , ftfs's - aid that those who envied' in ° 'tfie _dunning,hosiness.last month yaceived more curses than- blessings, and loss money than : . . .• • •• iietii4.of gold, silter,iindtii Wed, dings, - hi - li' some geniuseshave started the idea-of - catnip Mid-shingle weddings, which, are destined to throw , all'others - in the shade. V anted —a Odnitn ttee • of inspectiou •to see newspaper once in tliie neck of I Limber—say between Haritaliaii and Pitt..- 1 13nrg_—, z ia As..ricaFly; tkit plain tkat title we would just like ice!E; to knelir. LES -The Altopptt ..rpt!3l,2? ,epuldp tpee it to pub lish nna communication of nine foolscap pages, adiaciling th'e,clfilni'. of 4 certain candidate forz office, - without - paying gin advertising YihO'could? • eon of Reuben and,Louisa Myers, of Mt . Uniotc:ngia bitieri by a cat about eight weelte ago, from the effects ,of,lirblo it _died. The cat was, ;fel) 90r hiqert - the child it juiilpede:t killed it with.a blots franianti,clc.. A. 'berried milstin Spring4elil .thia t eifuntyilind the father or iieyor „dren'pelentid ieeently with a buki4niwidew .the same township. -_The,. happy erinple got as far aslilitplete'n%:wlien the); "\Cere aerested in their giddy flight. A sportsman 'atit' hunting the woods near , Kyjertown, Centre panniy, !wit§ attacked by a pantliei' slat at and missed, tindwris to pieces. His body wasjound, twoor three clays after in a terribli . atatilated condition; his leg be ing actually Orr froni tile bods;.. What People will Do We, have some ,peculiar ppor4ez in this . prace ' but still, we think,' not: more so than in any other. As artia-' stance of their peculiarity, as We' might term it i ; on Saturday_ ev,eriih"g last the Peak Family of Bell fingers were to perforM in the National, Hall, situated on the suhUrbs of the town. Many of our citizens had a desire to hear them, and hear them they would. The night was dark, - and the road to the hall was devoid of lamp-lights.-The people left their homes and -ventured out, but before they reache'd the hall, a mass cfmud, stretching from house to hoUse with no pavements, and the length of two squares, spread before them They walked on thinking it would be better walking but it grew _worse. They-were into it—'-with eloihei' mud dy, boots muddy—and if they thought of turning back the idea of the' bell ringers AierfOrmanee urged them on, and on' they went, still deep er sinking into the mire.. We lost our overshoe we were "lucky enough to take along, and others did likewise, but WeAiouldn't think of going back the way we came, and so on we went, and finally reiielied the ball bespatter ed with mud, and awfully blaming the street commissioner for such mis erable streets, and wondering why it is that pavements haven't been laid in that part of the - town, and wishing the hall would only have come to us, instead.of us going to it. we don't know, but we are'afraid a gdod = part of Sunday morning was taken up in removing the. mud7from once brightly polished boots and brushing "the dirt lrom clean white skirts. Railroad Pleating The friends of the Huntingdon, Fulton and Franklin Railroad. held a miletingrat Shade Gap ' this county, on the 28d ult., at which the follow ing resolution was adopted: Whereas, 'An net authorizing the . ineitrpo pration of the IL F. & F. IL R. Co., re quires that the enrolment tax shall• be paid within one year, from date of approval, April Bth.. ISGS and whereas, the time in which to pay the same has nearly elapsed, Therefdre, Resolved, .Thitt books be opened, 'at such timeand place'ai this nesting shall desig nate, and the Chiar designate and. appoint committees in the district interested; to re ceive subscriptions to the capital stock of the 11. F. & F. Co., with the understand ing that such stock shall be appropriated to the surveying, grading, and bridging of said road from Mt. Union to Orbisonin, as far us is necessary, and the road to progress from there to completion as rapidly-as subscrip tions shall justify. Public M cot Ing of Young Christian Association. The Young Men's Christian Associ ation - of. this place held their second annual meeting in the Methodist Church on last- Monday evening.— Th ere :ras. .. - atteridance, and the exercises cotiaisted of choir music, installation of oilicbrs for next term, apprOtiriato addretises by - Dr. pitchkin, and R. Af,.ilton - Speer, ; of this place; and reading an - interesting re port of the doings of the Association titiriag,the past., yeity by D. llotchitin, President of the Association. Our citizens were pleased, and the Associ ation deserve credit for giving them thppeneftlrof their presence in public. bur citizens sliould encourage this Association ria - pit s;' noble : endeavor to promote the moral standing of our communityittod young men; whether they bolting to ii clemithination or not .shichild.enroll - themselves as members. Resigned. Rev, John Hewitt, pastor of the St. John's _Episcopal Congregation `of this plaice, has resigned Abe charge, nod on Sunday last preached his fare well sermon. Mr. Hewitt is held in high' estimatidn by the members of his church and those who have formed' his acquaibtanue, and ft is with regret that they part with him. Though the Congregation is small they have been gvent4y l uncour4gqd during his. stay by his ministration, and by the nuts bur ivhcri - went to bear . him. 11dr. Hewitt has also been the Principal of the Academy in till? place. We un derstand he, has ,acceptesl a i charge at Bahia ro:' ' ' " The c . itjlens had tlie- pleasure boaring-this troupiliof Bell itingers , on Saturday, evening,, last, and we are pleased - th add that - they - tilrhed out in large numbers—the hall being crowded.— The-- entertainment wits &A. clays: The Mugu of the-1)0114, so skillfully handled; Spoke thp merits of the companyibOtter-lba'ri WS -tau, and llappy-inter.udes, filled up by' the harpist wr aad,sp_ogis -sentitheatat,- and eiritrileal,-gay.e4he exbibition; a: variety that was, altogetberju p_leep,,and re. heeled credit on each of the, perform - r Oriental Bitter*. have : :. - received _from- rAlessrs. Foster & Smith, of this. Place, a ',bottle of Oriental Bitters. This is beedming popular in cases of Dyspepsia - \and other ills 'AMC :flesh. is: heir to. The proprietors, ar 0. malci tig .grea t 'progress in the manufacturipg.of.theSe Bitters, Orld.altilangli it has been befOie the public . but: a short tithe, — has become almost as ready .sale us Bitters that hoed been, before the•pliblie for years. They,ore , now! . premed 'to fill large and striailCird'era." Local Legislation Oa gooday the 'jogs() bill to coalflo the - 4orough of Runtingdou to borrow moOey'and issue. bonds, , and. also to increase the, rate of taxation in said borough, was passed finally. On Wednesday .Mr." 14.eintyre' of Perry, milled up a 'supplement to an act to incorporate the Dunear.non, Bloomfield Broad Top Railroad company; which passed finally. fire broke out in the Paulin. Railroad alltip . at,Alttunta'mCently which clititynyta twenty-four now freight cars, a car load of bacon and lard, a oar load of produce and about thirty thousand dollars worth of Sea• coned: lumber. Theentircloss:is estimated at-a quarter of it million dollars. The fire was the work of en incendiary.. . -.• • Darr. take otteamion iu this public mlioiioi tip tlitinitlito-Rich= ,Latiadon,, Esq . , for the ..valuable retient„ of a' flir load his e4cellimt poi& taken from his prOductivo mine ppl3road Top. J. W. PIAPINETT. . ~„ .., . . Itsious;os.—atr. li iu. Geintnill will giyu u tipries of readings for the bene fit of the y. g.. 0. A., - 4 - 1,143 Court House, to : lnCirrow, Wednesday nyen : ing. ' A.duaissiou 25 cents. ... . , Our Gifts for FEBRUARY. They Cost You Nothing. Beautiful life-size dressed Doll "Cur ranee" cost $l5 00 1 Beautiful and.substantial.Cbair, ; ~-.05 -AO Walking', Dull alranciy.'l and C'orrin4e; 1. 5 00 Beautiful Chintilna Bet for Girls, '!,,; ;• f. - 00 :1! pair of.rlantle ornamental Vaseg,t , ' -=- 2 50 1 Cow and Calf, (large toy,) 3 00 1 new Cedar Wash Tub, 2 00 1 new Accordeoc. ' '. 5 00 1 Corn Broom. 50 1 six lb box London noising, 1 50 Itoy Cat, ' -'Tom,'" ,-. _ - - "75 :Child i sTorn Broom,' ' -.---- -' 30 1 two lb box Whitman's Candies, 1 50 125 lb.eack.Fatnily s Elour. . ... ~.,,.. ... 1 Monkey, (not mischievous,) ' ' . 15 1 ornamental French Cupboard, toy, 250 1 Giant's Head, . - - 2 00 1 hand SCrubbini, lirusb,;- - - - 15 1 Patent Top, 40 1 Mammoth Mintstiek: 2 00 If our. sales during the month go above our estimate, we will increase the number of presents. We pay a license to make as many presents to our customers as we please. Any person purchasing .to the am• oust of 25 Cents, or over, at either LEWIS' BOOK STORE, or , M.AssEY & Co's Grocery, Confectionery and Variety Store, from and including Monday,•the Ist, to and including the 27Th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1869, will receive a numbered card for every 25 Cents worth purchased, which will entitle the holders to as many chances as they: have numbered cards, to re ceive one or more of the above pros. ems. The goodi on'hand consist of Books, of all kinds, Fancy Articles Musical Instru wants, Perth mery, -Wall Paper, Groceries of all kinds, Whitman's cel ebrated Confectionery. Common Can dies, Fruits of all kinds; Toys,'EXtra , Family Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, Mince Meat, Sweet Cider, Vine gar, Coal Oil, Tubs, Buckets, Baskets, Stoneware, Brus h es, Brooms, Whisks, Applesk Potatoc,,ete.,,ete tocruurner out, sto mention. Our prices will be as low if not lower than elsewhere for the same goods. Note's your time to receive a Irandsome Present, Cheap. d, and val. The Enterprise kill.etr 90!!tYTe, first. Public notice will be given in-the Journal & American and Globe, •the first week in eve ry month of the numbered cards entitled to presents, (the Monitor having yielded ,to, a "combination of "other business men," will not advertise for the Enterprise ;) and pres ents con be, lifted -any; time after the ,Ist of each ,month„ on, presentation ,off' punibered carcV- Stamps and Printing Office business nut included in the Whore. .I.l,u ,.. nti s ngdor), Feb.l, 18U0 ITEMS FOR THE HOUSEKEEPER ~.The following numbers in Massey & Co's Enterprise for January are enti tled to riresepte.:: - -9; 1074, 1415, - ,'1442, 2267, 3027, 3728; 4524; 4765, 4846, 6013, 6150, 6243, 0329, 6619, 6670, 7195, 7315. The presents can be lift. ed at, any time on presentation of yel low checks. A. now supply of Syrups, Baking Molasses, Coffees : Sugars, Teas, Choc olates, etc., cheap, aClSattirAey',',ClCo's., and handsome presents in the bargain every month. _i4 Dessicated Cocoanut for Pies, Pod dings, Qukes,:etc.•,-for sale at. the cheap Grocer mitAy A full assortment of fresh Spices, Baking Powders, l Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Citron, Dried Peaches and Apples, Beans, Ride, 'Hominy, Barley, etc, etc., just received by Massey & Co. Enterprise Headquarters pays -hea vier taxes, sells more Groceries, feeds more mouths. and 'sells at lower prices than any ()they stpco )uvtpwn. The season for papering is near at hand. New styles _tor 1869 have beeiviineiVed at;LbwiS Book. Store.— Pa: chasers, will receive free of charge something of more value`then the pa per ,they purchase. Call and see new styles and select your paper early. , , t'EvOry- i 3 t r i Headoduarters excepted, coinidain dull times. The people have found' out ,ivhere 1:0 - -"ge( greceritlFA cheap, and 'Whet; Oil; reason w ffy the "Swindle" is eneoiiriiged. Country produce taken in exchange for Groceries-at Butprprise,ll,ea4qtitir• Let's: ,Q;<>,Aa - ._14.0. AND` SENT IMENTA L SAT I I ...• • LEWIS' BOOK. STORE: and distinguished :Methodist minister and praminent,Temperanos Lecturer, ogee re marked-that go where ho would, from one end of the country to the other, he hardly over failed to,liuti.. Plantation .Bitters, and while he condattieed.the practice:of Usitik4bese Bit ters too freely, he could not conscientionsly say that he would discatrd them from the side-board, for he himself , had experienced henieficial results' from their use, and that, from a long and close observation, he Was convinced thatWheti - tised moderately, and as M011:16110 exclusively, they were all that wait reetimmended. At the same time he 'warned his bearers not , to pull the• cork toe often, for tbey,_ were far tee•syleasaut.a.topic to%tiifle witty." • _`F. *" " Mautrulai IVATER.4.-Superior td 010 best imported Garman Oologuo, and eel& at half the price,, if MARRIED,' . - • At the rosidetice of tho brido, Jan 24th, by -,-Ryvi i Tie Frailely, Mr. J ows all of DIED, In this place, on •,thot••29tti.':plt,:, of Croup, FLottA_Miv, Oaughtor of Mrs. Sarah A. Moore, Liii4r,tl•:.3 months and das e. On the Ipt inst., ,NllNtin4, ,daughter of Rev. J. d. Korr,rigoci cloye .t . •i • - MARKETS.- •,• y•i • • 4 6 j unaellne Floor at - 35,0;5,2i; warn at $0,50; 6'6 fancy Western extra ,fiuityy,s7,ooo7, 75 ;_ Pennsylvania do do $13,00 and fancy brands $11,00©13,C0 according to quality. Rye flour $7A0@,7,76, .r•• There Is vary Attie Crime :Wheat orating, and this do. scrifitiouls In steady request at full prices, but inferior grades are neglected. Sales or 1500 bushels new. red/ at $1,70@1,00, and 1000 . bushols amber at $2 02. - ie un changed. Sales of 450 bushels new Western at $1,60. Corn is acerb and advancing, yellow at $l,OO Western, mixedht flctsgil,oo. Oats are In good request at an ad. vanes, 0000 bushels new I 'ennsifvanialat73@7s cents. Nothing doing in Maley and Malt $2,00 . tYrrrseuson, Jun:23:—Flour.- - -The market Is decreased. WA - quote sales of spring wheat Flour at $8,00,08,50, winter Flour at $8,75@9.00 fancy at $ 1 21:312,50. Wheat, Jed, - -$1,T5®1,85 and; for white,352,011,62,12 Corn fronilirst hands atsl,6o.' Rye, $1,4 per - bushel. Oats 61@62c; Barley 2,05M2,10. Potatoes; Peach Blow 6,75 bbl hams 18 1 4, Lard 17c: - Butter.i3C4.lse. Eggs lii obey..., FINANCIAL. Ems-1'911.14 :Jan. 25.—G01d bloi9d a 1 $1,35%.; " - 1 , %)-EiIINTINGDON . CORRECTED WEEKLY lOY REEKY 1 CO. =I Ilona—Superfine Flotir, per barrel, $6.50 Extra Flour, - do 7.50 • Family Flour, ' do 8.50 GRAIN—Rod IVheitt, per bushel, 1.50 White Wheat, do ' 1.60 •Bye, - -.- - do - • - ,-; -1.25 --- Cbrn, • - • .. do- - =- DO Oats, do 5G Barley, do • 1.20 SEED—Timothy, do 2.25 \ Flaxseed, do 2.25 Cloverseed, per &I lbs. ' 8.00 PROVISIONS—Potatoes, per bushel, 1.00 Dried Apples, do • • 2.25 Corn Meal, per cwt., 2.50 Dried Peaches, per pound; 17 Beef, . do . ' 10 Lard, do2o Pork, do ' ' ' 13®14 Butter, do • ' • - 40 Cheese, ' do' 25 Eggs, per dozen, Ilatn, Side, Shoulder, , .15 . . Cont.—Hard coal, per ton, , 6.50e00 00 Broad Topcoal, do ' 3.00 LUMBER, per 1000 feet,-" "-- - 12.00®30.00 SIIINGLER—Lap, per 1000 ft., 10.00603.00 ' Joint Shingles, .do , 0.5003.00 I'iIISCELLANEOUS—Bark, per, cord, 1 ; , . 9.00 Bran, per cwt., 1.25 , . ' Hops, per pbund ' 40 Wool, do •• 40()45 . 11a,, per ton, - . 12.00 Hides, • ' •,,. --. ; ; ;' ~ .oa7 Green Apples,;,'..:., dii ' - ''" ' • ' Onions, , .,. _ ,,,d.0; 1.00 :SPECIAL NOTICES, TESTIMONY of a.EROMINSNT PRY- SIGIAN Dr..l. T. Baker, n skillful and ,villuty kupokiphysician of twenty years_sianding In Laneaster,,Bu4 - given :Lis opinion of, n popular liou,oliold Mindy, in the following letter "• = Do. S. D. lIARTUAx & co.—Dear Sirsc Bmtng Om put eight years l'havd hod frequent opporteoltids to study the effect of tfliiblor's Herb Bitters upon persons miller ing from llyspep•in, Or Nervous Energy, Sexual Weakness, biarrlicea, A.c. Remedies were prrecribed by other physicians according If...the - Homeopathic, Allo pathic and 13 droathic schoo Is . and map% Coin arativel few perman l ent cures effected On thew her han p d, I have y never known the Bitters to fail producing the desired re milt, and I still use them in the treatment of such com plaints, with the highest shecess. I have no hesitation ht sN ing that I consider Mishler's Herb Bitters the most efficacious remedy ever discovered for diseases arising fromvo :disordered 'Stmnacif3 - Ulcer - 11641nfle, ..... Lungs-Mid Yours truly, • T. 11.1.13 t, JI. D. • ' : " ' P. O. Box 106 TAINTS: - FOlt FA - RAIERS 2 AND pratton Mutual-Pain t Company ale noiv nntnitfaeldring*thli Beet, Cheapest itiidYnort no table Point use; two coats ,well,put. ow; mixed with Owe Linseed Oil, will loot ten oi'flfteen yearr• ' it it n light brown or beautiful chocolate color. no d can be changed- to- green, lead„ steno, drab,mlite or meant, to suit the taste of the -consumer. IS in %Itlnable for nom re., Fences, Barns, tarring° and Car makers,-Pnile and Wooden-wat e, Agricultural Implements, Canal Poets, Vessels iunt Itottotn., Canvas, Metal and Shiriglo hoofs. (it being Firo unit Water proof.) Floor Oil Clothe, (one Manufacturer having nod 5.000 Wm, the past year) nail as a paint for ony put pose 13 utteurporeed for bo-ly, durability, elmtieity and adhosit eness. Price $6 per hhl. of den lbs., which will supply — a farmer for yearn to come. Warranted la all roses as above. bend for n cir cular whirl: gives full particulars.' Noon genuine anima branded in a trade mat k, Omicron Mineral Paint. Per sons can order the Paint and remit the roomy on re ceipt of the goods. Address • IL L. FAIItIESTOCK & CO, Pittsburgh, Agents for Pennsylvania. Ira- For sale by the pound or barrel at howls' 'look Store. ,novlB.6m I/ F.NESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARIM treated with the •Otinost 'emcees, by J. IoAACS, ht. it.. and Proftwow of Diseases of. this Eye and Ear in the Medical Mtlege of Pennsylvaitia:l2 years exper ience, (formerly or Leyden,'llelland,) ilk.; 105 ' , MIMI St., Tmtimentols con be seen at this office, Thu medical faculty are invited to accompany their pa lintA,' at' Lo bon iw'sectiti 113 Lie nincticar Virtiflblit! }yen 'deckled without pain, l 'No charge formxalaindtlim. June 17. 1808-13 but . „- A $5 ., .00 GREENBACK. of lull value • , .(-I:esent free tb ady Book Agent.' • - , S• • 0, 7- ,-,' AGENTS WANTED 'FOR . '-', , •• * - Matthew Hale.Smitles.Nelv Book, "Sunshin 'e'aiid Shitdorw, int/ibir York.” A work repleto with anecdotes and incidents of • •• LIFE IN TIiECIREAT METROPOLIS,.-. 1 ~. . Befog a Mirror of New York, reflecting the . SECRETS OF TiIEOROAT prry. • .. • One Agent sold SC in ono day, another sold and deliv ered 227 lu 16 liars, antithor 300 in 'Om. No Bauk ever published that sung stErapidli.;..,,:.• -t-,„, Yon a,isli - toliboW imai fdrtunes are inarle anti 11 , -lbstin a day; how shrewd man are ruined in Wall street how poll litr) men ure • sharpers• bow .Mlnieitirs"aild , initilientiOaro blackmailed ; how dance balls and concert salons are tnanaged ; how gambling house-Ihralutteries are t conducted, how stock companies originate and how the hubbies Lures, So., - A.o.Vrlsd this Work: It tolls you about the mysteries of New York, end containe spicy life sketches of its noted •millionaires, merehante, Sc. A largo Getnro volunm, 720, pages, finely illustrated. „The largest e,inia;!qefon Given. Our 32 page circular nod a $5.00 0 reenlntelt Dent free on - api4Pat!Pitt. yet' full par. Orators and tm las address tlitisulepubllshers,` J. B. BURR S6"oo.,`Biturvono, CONN. inu94-.-tt: •_ il, i " T ~. :„I - ..,.," , 7-i HOUSES FOR ''SAO - iind RENT. • Tho subsctiber utll receive bids for the purchase °fate • . THREE-STORY BRIOTOBUILDING 4 in which he now realties, and which is also occupied as a Hardware Store, Masonic Lodge and Chapter, and by the Young Men's Christian Association. It Is iu a central butiness• lobitiod.'fs a'flne anti sub• stentlal etracturn, having. cut stone roundel on-and steps, praised trek front, slate roof, French pia tiglassl solid walnut dash, best style of finish' inside; wi olubo rate mouldings, flue glossing and graining. One pipes to every apartment, and whole hoods arranged with a view to comfort end convenience. Excellent well of sea ter and very large'cilltern With both puitips olilhe porch. On the building' is' a bandsbnie Oligervatory; giving a pleasant view of the town and country for miles around. Altogether this is the most desirable and valuable property„ln winch is now one of the nwst pleasant and tlitifty towns on Ale line of the Penns.TlT.t -itail 1100; :„ , , e. • JAMES A. MOWN.' dec9 ,„ t finntlpplon Pa, .;11:1ERIFF'S " ; - • By virtue Of A writ of Vend. E. directed to me, I tirl ? I rixposeito public pale, at the Court noose, to Wed nee•day. the lOth dui of Fehrbitry, I.BBo', at 2 o'clock, p. m•• the fOiloleing pinerty to wit i C A . 4 0 3 ;right. Aikip and ,Otimpt, qr)4efpn dont; in ri farm, tract or Nicol of land aituatii In Barre° townithip, it,lntingdop Coonty. Venue, ediobtips tondo of 14. Orownovar, and thonaa9 Crow norer on th 6 north, by kink of.ldseplt Carmon A nd William ikely op the east. by land of itiCenhan''elMtia on the eolith, and by lands of Tbps. Croimiloyer." , A. W. Kenyon and Samuel Randolph pp the weat.oontaining 700 acres more or less, and {soul og a log home And log barn thereon eroded. • 1, 9 oxoculllitt. , d to be Bold as the prop. erty Of cluiricitta amileY,.lohn Sthil6Jabd Emilina D. It. P. NEELY, you. 27, 1669.1 d • • §tifftg.' MEI a0 , (5g0,, A. R. STEWAWP.,At:IK W., BV,MV4RT A. , A.,:Stewart&Co. HUNTIN(IDON,; : PA., DEAI.ER IN FORDIVIRE, -cUTfigltY, PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS,'" ..'STOVES;',, OILS; - - Al ROPES, HAT POEM Scythei, 'Grain Cradles, Sad- dlery anil Carr hige Guuils Hubs, iind:Spokes, NAILS .:AN - D. IRON, .. • , 0C1C.4; HINGES , SCREWS, ,DRAIN a 4 JVC).I%I3OWALML3O, and an endless variety of goods in his line We are receiving goods almost every day from manufacturers, anil in view of late DECLINE IN :PRICES; and our experiencein solectin,g best brands and reliable qualities of goods ; purchasers will find it to their advantage to examine our stock. THE NEW PATENT EGLIPS. - -, COOK STOV-ii', • Whioli throws all others in the shade, is still increasing in popularity, and ploasei so well that everybody wante", THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT THE BIG PADLOCK SIGN Iluntingdon,,Jan IS, 1809-tf. - GOODS' FOR' THE 144 ' " HOLIDAYS CALDULIA GO '1 JEWELERS,: 902 dHESTNUT ST., •'; •' PHILADELPHIA, • ' Ir itatiti,ll to tliolr largely increased Stock of • • FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEW ELRY; A firristicBlLVEl WARES, PLATED GOODS, &c , Sze. ,t, , . Are now opening n magnificent collection of , FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, ..b . eadrated Glass, Leather and COLDEIM BilOnIZt; In SPECIAL DESIGNS of iimplaito taste, from of quarters of Europe ; , particularly adopted for their dERISTIVIDIS SALES. One attaStgeiueute , Loth tirop ' ir: and this cotat;;l' ouch no give on uqueunl facilities. in the selection and ecouothical Irtslnction of , _our stock. It le our whh,.as well no our, interest, to Active to oar isntrnua tho bonsllt of such nilystt!taglsitl, ModCrii Prices Prolighout our Stock, EXCEPTION.WITHOUT Dec. 9, 'BB.-tf. • - 11. B. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, 1Y: D. OF Pr DINSYLVANIA §} _ Pittsburgh, January 2; 1839. IN BANK RUPTC Y.-1n the matter of EAYttS A. BARTLETT, Batikrotit This is to ONO notice, that on the'llist day of Decem ber, 1808, a {Warrant of Bankruptcy sans issued aLetiost . the eclat° of HAYRE,A. PAIL:Mt:TT, of Birmingham,' in the county of ilontiagdon, and'Stnte of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petitior.: That the,,p,Ment,Or..any delivev,of qqy projtertyibujohjklng to sucialshitt tip to htm:. .u,V,'and the transferor nor -propel Itiwitre rema-, den by law; and that a meoting of the creditors of said' Bankrupt, to mcre,the(r pat., mut to choose ono or moral Assignees of his joints, %IMMO held , at'a Court of Bank-' ruptcy, to be holden at tho °nice of the Register in Batik.' ruptcy, at Hollidaysburg, before J.)I IN I)ItOT11Elt LINE, Es93,l,logiitbr; thb led; day. ocßohntaryi 'A, L1.:35(19, at 10 a'clubk, it: Tuos. A. ROWLEY, tf. S. Marshal, jono ; it.,•• , Messenger. W. F. BATHURST, Deputy. DISTRICT COURT or THE UNITED STATES. FOR TUE t , 1 t IVErrrox Manua or PENN'.I: 4 VSSIGIVEB, I APPOIN-T.PD, In tiro molter 11.1p31X8 JAMES Batik- • . 20 whom it may cancer,. The undersigned hurAlly.,given ;Mica of .his appoint ment as assignee of tite .estate of PllO5. JAM HS MATES, of 0003.0011 n, in the county of Huntingdon, In the said diett lot, who hat been adjthiged n bankruist upon hid own pultion, ay.tao disti tat Court of saidolistriet, 2Dated at Iloilid4aburgi Nbiy:of.l.Junitary,'Al-th ; 1! , - ) l4tTiX I,,,LoN'ar.Eorcgre, 'ia l 4 3 : • • , !!„. .t• !!! .! r:‘ A4,lgnee. ER cnNpun 71;INW/R - INVIZZNIIFACTEIEYEriu i, Celebrated Iron Frame Fianos, VVareiooms, 722 A;ch St.; Ilasre n eived the Prize Medal tif tho World's Great Ezlii ; Wie wherever Landon, Erik. The highest Prizes awitriled when and exhibted. [Flatubllll..lllB23j ,a0pt.80,'03.3m. , , • • PaLWWIS EVERY MONTH, igtEßl"itißF, RADQIIARTERS sloo4lVlauejettean be inade:bs+Mideltrtni fetuale Agents. IVehave nothing for curinisitylieelfent,:but reliable, steady, pron. table employment, for tholo bo moan business. Address, with act. clamp, 0. liinn,4.llon k C 0.,. 45 Now St., New Tort• • _ • NEW AND Ndw Era in s Mime POPULAR MUSIC at POSt/LAN, ZRICEO. Nelf,dime Series of Music for the No. I ne a ready.--Music and words of ttlomlc Sor JINkS DP Tug itottSE- MARI NS:" loth ere to follow rapidly. price, 5 cents each. :Your. NeAys dealer boo It or will got It to: you. Mailed en recela og price: Address larcitcocK, blishay 89' Spring street, New.Yerki ei;:•2:14 w sz - TO THE WORKING CLASS . . AM now prepared to furnish constant employm-nt to I all classes at their homes. for their spare montentS.— Business new, light and profitable. Fifty cents to $5 per evening Is easily earned, and the buys and girls earn nearly as much as men. Great inducements aro offered. All who see this notice please send me their address and test the btteine.e for themselves. If not well satisfied, I will send $1 to pay for the troublo of writing too. Full particulars sent free. Sample sent by mall for 10 cents. de'23-4w Address' 'FL C, Ali LEN, 'Atugunto, Maine. AGENTS WANTED oT sell a New Bock , pertaining toßAprt. culture and the Michaele' Arta, Edited by Ono. E. WAD. ma, E.q.. the distinguished author and Agricultural Na. ginror of the New York Central Pork. Nothing like It ever published; 200 sugrasings. Belle at eight to Far mers, Iklechenica and Workingmen of all classes. Active men and women are coining money. Send for circulars. E. D. TREAT &CO., Publishers, 654 Broadway, N. Y. 4t MONEY EASILY MADE , With our Complete Steucll and Roy , Check Outfit. Small capital required. Circulars tree- STAFFORD 31ANFO. 66 Fulton Street, New York. de23dw. Given gratis to live, euergetie Agents, male or female, in a new, light end honorable business, paying thirty dol lars pea day auto. -No gift enterprise, no humbug. Ad dress Monroe'Kennady& Co., Pittsburg, Pa. .. 4w 81.000 -PER YER guat. Wraenteed, and steady empl A oymen want a re fable agent is arery'county to sell-ear Ittlenti White Wire Clnthea Line, (Everlasting.) Address )Yuma Wilts Co., if. William street, 'New York, or 16 Dearborn street, Chicago, ill. de23-ter . . Carpets—Don't Pay the High Prioei ! THE NEW ENGLAND CARPET CO., of Boston, Mass., established nearly a quarter of a century agar fu their present location, In Halls over 71, 73, 75,77, 79, 81. 83, 85 and 87 Hanover street, have probably fotrul•bed more houses with Carpets than any other house in the country. In order to' afford ihoso at a oilstone° the ad vantages of their low prices. propos° to send, on receipt of the pt ice, 203 arils or upwards, of their beautifeCot tags Carpeting. at 50 cents per yard, with samples of ten sorts. vatling in price front 25 cents to $3 per yard, suit- able for famishing every pmt of any house. de2B4w WANTED AGENTS- tion„M CUSHMAN & CO'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR - STORE!. Descriptive checks $lO por hundred. Consumers sup plied direct Dent the manufactories, and all goods war- ranted. CI colors sent free. Address ' .CUSIIMAN k CO., 0c28.12w. 10 Arch St , Boston. 4i *-1 ~ ..•. V : , hen seendla to ice Magma:a Ciraill atl.:l ) = r - WE ARE COMING . And will present to any person 'l - ..., ..:. , •'-- • - - Sendlaig us a Club In our great . ' One Dollar Sale ofDrst 'and Fancy (Gr CD , . A WATCH, piece of SCENTING, SILK DRESS PATTERN, Ac, Ac., . FREE OF COST.' , ' Our indricsments during the past few years lutveibeun lat:ge. NY . 4 NOW DOUBLE OUR RATES . - OF PREMIUMS. We linio made many important additions to our Winter Stocks, and have largely extruded our Exchange List, and we now f el confident to meet the demands of our c.X. , tenslyn patronage. Ncnilfsr A - cts circutur. Catalogue of Goods and Samples each to any address free. Send money by registered letter. Address all orders to J: S. ITA.WES & CO.: 15 Federal Street, Boston, Blass. P. 0. Box 0. Wholeaale Dealers in Dry and Fancy Qonde, Cutlery, Plated Wore, Albinos, 'Leather Goods; ke.; fie. ' deM-12w . . , E ASE AND COMFORT I ' ' • „ - - - PREPARiD cnitr DR., J.' J. LAWRENCE '244ElMtimoie 'BALTIMORE, li."2Bfrif;oll3; • -•:, • • I. I " FOB'SA LE BY pima 3T9 EVEItYIyIIBuB. ; TliE BLESSING OF PERFECT SIGHT. 150. in; '63-Iy. - • Thero is nothing ; an, valuable as PERFECT 'SIGHT, and PERFECT SIGHT . can only be obtained by using PERFECT SPECTACLES l „The tlifaculty , orpioc - priug is': WELL KNOWN. i 16'88/ . 6 lAZAIVS' 'di -MORRIS, 'Opticians, Occulists and 'IIARTFoRk ,CONNECTICUT, Manufacturers of. the Celebrated Perfected Spectacles , . Haire, after:3 , mM of Experience, Eirnminient and the erection of • eostly machinery, been' enabled to • procure 'that:grand:desideratum, 'PERFECT SPECTACLE . which. s have,been sold-with .- unlimited ,satts-. . Ltetieif , ,?,Inesq4usetts, ~ -•- • r • Rhode Connecticut, , . New Tfampshire, 'Vermont i • • ..••••,• • '-`.&-) ntne'years'."' • Those Celebrated Perfected Spectacles never • "•:- tire the eye, anadast.manY.yearal : • , -- vvithout change l'2 '• • • Messrs. Lazarus & Morris y. olive appointed, Mr. AARON' :STEWARD, • .•-• •• Watchmaker and .TewaYej; ' •• Sole Agent for HUNTINGDON, PA. ZerNO , PEDDLERS Empipiy.p,w-Qx I. S..WATERNIA'N,'. • PROPRIETOR OP' ' •••• • Waterman's Oooktail and Tonio Bitted,' Wrrlosalo and tted,t; -'7 lichoill . difelilieAlei Bikeriliaidtbeel caroled to by some of our eminent practising physicians. as the beet tonic new in use, and the °oaten Bitters is the uni versal favorite among judges of a good gig or whisky cocktail. • • '•nov4.Bm. • - . . A . G - pms ivANi*p.Vos:it NIGH,T-SCENES in the pinFh 'DT REV. DANIEL nrAitOu, , • • r For full, free, - flawing, clear, sparlippg, pWeirwid. grace. NI style; for poetic genine; for beauty of thodght end rich glowing imagination; for nice analysts ofcharahlor,gra- Fide delitientioni: and - rips scholarship; forlifo-like pie tures, glowing words and tilklTY,4ll.l4lltrattglie,4lll9WPrk has no equal. Such conimendutlous vs the ativie have been received from Bishop illuipaqu, , Rev. Albert Barnes, Noah Porter, D. D., LI.. D., W •A. Menge, 11.• D• Ccprge Dana Boardman, DD., I. W. Wiley, Ilq., arouel W. Fisher, DD., LL. D., and lending Clergyman and'the press of all denomluOlouil., S p ud for, circulars containing the kCi4B uib'evepylvhere" nestingwith unparallel ed success. It is 'Cinest beautifully illustrated and Edo, guppy bound book,- and idess,as AVE,Ty*,dX. Commissions, $lOO t.o $2OO por Torkth, according to ability andTegargx. • Address, • Air,qtau;, mcgtlitple & CO., . ' Philadelphia rsi• . • ' • o r St, LOlliP, NOTICE. • An 'weane indebted to the firm of Johnston & Wettpon' l are, requettted to, call and make erfttlereent. The need money - qud 'must have it. :All accoubtAbot eattivd by the flret titty pf Echrwkry, pieced in the bangs of In officer for collection. Jand-tf. .101INSTON &.WATTSCI,4'.'; Cheaper thati the Odailie§f,t , - -7--, BARGAIN-L- IMMO I ,, X.ct3Fice.ll:2ol.C3t3b. iStc+l;e) inst 'En4 of ffuniingdori,Teliteii, tiYTe ara now, offernig,,pur, im mense and well-assorted.stock of Goods; at thoimighly•'Feduced, - and unprecedeoted 19W pl4.*; our superior, facilities enalDlfini* to compete successfully - with. the cheapest. Our stock consists of GroOriegk Dry Goods, Notion's, .Hardware, Queensware, Glassware - , Willow and Cedar Ware,' Table and-Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets, Rugs'iind Door Mats, Crocks, Jugs, Stayes, Tinware, ron, Stee, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils ' Pairits,:Drugs,'Floar, Feed, &c., &c., &c., all in, grOt variety, at prices that will_ not t fail to suit consumers. - -We. are, also dealing in all kinds of Coal 'and Lumber, our facilities:. .41 these coniinodities .being superior to any other firm in Huntingdon. We claim them as SPEQiALTIEg , in our trade, in which ticla*j'ean compete - with us., , . We buy all 'kinds :of -.Grain,, Seeds, Flour and Feedi at-- the highest market ' rates,' and 'give thC highest * prices in Goods for Produce •of all .kinds. Do not 'fail to call and' examine - our stock and - prices, as both are;, please, *: • - - • • :HENRY,, & CO: Iluntingdon r Pa. oct2B ROSADALLS S , - THE , GREAT , - BLOOD PURIFIER CURES' • • •SCROFULA IN ITS VARIOUS:FOR*, • 't MEM • . Co7imnption, 1.1 z; its 'keirp*ist atage4„.E:n leiiveip.enr" izn'd ,Ulcetalio'n of the' Glctas,joints,'Boites;ET4eys, • Uterus; Ohroidc - .ltheub , , • tism, Er uptio of the Sl in, ' ' ' Chronic SOe Bilks; ALSO . • - -SYPHILIS - ' " IN 'AIL ITS FORMS. DISEASES OF . , - ;WOMEN,, Loss of Appetite, Sick Headache, Liver Complaint, Pain in .the-Back,Ln r. prudence:in Life,_ Gravel,.' •••:. GEgtRA.L . • .... Ana nll dia . crysett 0( tha RIDNEYS AND .lILADD.ER 4 /t ten l'orfet .I.tonAVV% • , .eirROSADiLIS oradlaies everi.klnd of humor antk and tut4l,7au4 y.toies the entire system to a healthy ondition. irirlt - is 'perfectly Haagen, never prednuing tkp, slightest Injury • t , , a l t nleerak .'th7Tlil?l 184 wri ZiderOptagedTr=eaCOtC4 Recommended .11y, Mealcal Faculty' so; , 1 trymy-Thsp7. itdd of osir 11 , 1 f • • : • • . • 1•' az-Tor TeAtimoliiills , or temirhathe ctirot, sea "Roil,- dans Almanric7 for e this.) eq.; ••• • • • • ,1 ~'`!.~ •~~ MIME ; , , IMIM AT whims. o r OliPiiii.:6„tiaiiiiiiiii, ~:; i .. i! !I:51 i; "J., 'S. ••; , , - P.,- .••., i 11 , 1 0.! r • "••• ' • - , ' 7 . ‘. ~. ~:. :. :.,......,., ... .. Ind =I '", • rS ••:S LI . IIIS 11•8.040..K.5. , ' 91 , • - • :tei.l:ll .. •).", 1 •••33 i Ct. 't j ttl r • `t" • - • _. - _ • . _ F.) a:E. - 114;J 6-117/ oi'AiklsoL It e ,E . 4 A p:11:1T MI Lewis' .Book Stab' ), flpntirAgclon, 'Pa., IBM MEM 's'obaoi BookAund Strttiopcfy, Bibles, Hymn Books;: 'Miscellaneous Books of Nal' Blank Book-s; Sunday, Scheel Booki, lake of:all kin(l.s i Notlons,-Pdrfaniery,lp, et Booke Pookot _Knives„.alusical instru-, inc.nte, .Vapor, • Wmidim,'Sh.ods,-.f A ncl i Fixtures, eto., : • -; ITARRISBUIyI e - Ny ARE; ryt urn faC tit re ea eFolo , 3- • 7 it:l7 1 . 11i . N11 CVT. M MEM MEM :. ~tl-. =EI EMI L. 114 na