The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, February 03, 1869, Image 2

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    Eljt 0.510 ht.
Wednesday morning, Feb. Si 1869.
The "Globe" has the largest number of
ream of any other paper published in the
county. .Advertisers should remember this.
• Se`The Republican members of the
U.'S. Senate have decided not to con
firm any more of President Johnson's
nominations, except such as are actu
ally necessary for the public service.
attention to_ statements of cthinty
Commissioners and Directors of tho
Poor. 'They are of interest to tho tax
payers of the county.
We calf attention of officers of compa
nies and regiments during the late war,
from this county, to "Important" ad•
vortisemont in another column.
nerlt seems to be conceded, owing
to the great diversity of opinion, that
there will be nothing done at this ses•
sion of Congress on the subject of Fi.
mince and the Tariff. The pondy of
the new administration will have a
controlling influence on these ques
tions. •
19,.The •Union Republican State
Central Committee will meet• at Har
risburg, on Thureday, the fourth day
of February next, at 2 o'clock, for• the
purpose of fixing .the time and place
for holding the next State Convention,
andjor the transaction of any • other
appr?Rilatebusiness. ,
POST MASTER.—Vire have been kn
fornied, by several friends that wo
have been named as an applicant for
the Post Office at this place: We wish
it to be distinctly understood that We
are not, have not and will pet . bean
applicant for the Post Office, and would
not' take WU' it should be offered to us
• Tha.Several Quaker gentlemen had
an interview with Gen. Grant a few
days ago, at which they presented
their well known views of the Indian
question. The general told them that
every day's experience confirmed him
in the opinion, that we shall have no
postee on the plains and frontiers till
the Indian Bureau ie put into the War
Department. • .
Iteiy-The Maryland delegation in
Congress, (all Democrats,) visited the
President in a body last Monday; to
intercede for the pardon of Dr. Madd,
and the other conspirators in the asAS
sination of President Lincoln, new
confined at the Dry Tortugas. John
son gave them encouragement to hope
that they would -all be; : pardonod,be-
Tore the 4th of'March.
' Itgc,A State Temperance . Convention
for, consultation and harmony of . ac
tion in the effort to lessen the evils re
sulting from the use of and . traffie in,
•ititoxicating liquors in Pennsylvania,
"wino held, in the Court House in
Harrisburg, on Tuesday the 23d day
of February, 1869.'; All interested 'in
the cause aro earnestly invited to at
tarTheJu c l g as of fhb Supremo Court
were in consultation a few days ago on
the Legal Tender case: The discus
sion of the Judges. has developed the
fact that there will be . two opinions
prepared = but the impression is that
the act will be sustained by a majority
of :the court. The decision may he
expected at an early day.
UrJust now there is talk at Harris'.
burg 'about the eitravaiance' of office
holders. " That the expenses of Legis
lat4on aro heavy and extravagant no
one will.dispnte. A little honest in
vestigation by honest members - may
find out where the big leaks are: There
ip an"extravagance in the „printing- 7:
an extravagance in the number of sub
ordinates, an extravagance in' the pos:
tage paid for extra and useless print
ing, an" extravagance iq everything
the members, do, not pay-for out of
their own pockets; :
• DEBTS OF THE &Ans.—The debts of
States in 1868 have been published,
and ars as follows: Maine, 55,053,-
500 ; New Hampshire,- $3,487,412 ;
Vermont, $1,168,000, Massachusetts,
$13,868,672; Rhode Island, $3,140,600 ;
Connecticut, $8,135,500; .New York,
$14968,786; liewleysey, $2,219,697 ;
Pennsylvania, 632,799;786 ;• Delaware,
S605;800; Ohio, 510,529,675 ; Indiana,
$3,101,587; Michigan, $3,5'51;078;
"$6,988,453.; 'Wisconsin, - 82,253,-
(i 0,0.;. Minnesota, $300,000; Missouri;
$20,557,000 Kentucky, $3,619,000 ;
Kauai, 'about . , 61,000,000 ; California,
$4,695,600) Xewa and Nebraska aro
out of fiebk. : ,
important resolution, look
ing to reformi was introduced into the
State Senate last:Wednesday by Sena
tor White, .It instine6 tho u Commit-,
too on Retrenchment and Reform to
examine' into the manner- of &mine.
ting the business of the several depart
ments of thnSeate , geiTern nt, with,
a VieW,4 asCertain the , eost of ,tho
administration of, the same cannot •be
reduced. This impCrtant'laind
iicholy rabitement, and:openslho' way
fOr such reforms as Will Sec&O forAhe
Republican party the approval.of the
people. We trust the CoMmittehl*ill
do their work thoroughly; and Well'.
on Saturday last passed the following
joint resolution introduced by Mr.
Boutwell :
Be it enacted, &c., two-thirdslof both
Houses concurring, thatethOoll,?Wieg
article be prOliesed to"theLogislatnre6;
of the several States as an amendment
to the Constitution of the . United
States, which when ratified by three
fourths of said Legislatures, shall be
held as part of the said Constitution,
Anriclit —, Section 1 --Th o right
of any citizen'of the - United States to
vote shall not be denied or abridged
by the United States, or any State, by
reason of race or color or previous
condition of slavery of any citizen or
class of citizens of the United States.
- ' Section 2.—Thd Congress shall have
power to enforce by appropriate legis
lation the provisiOns'of this Article.
The resolution was passed by the nec
essary two thirds—yeas 150; nays 42.
The resolution goes to the Senate.—
If passed,lts submission to the Leg
islatures will follow.- Of these, the ap
proval of but twenty•four•can be coun
ted on by the most Sanguine friends of
the proposition, while the assent of
twenty-seven would , bo, requisite to
give to it Constitutional validity. The
question 'remaining open, would be
made an issue in the State elections,
especially in Connecticut, which choos
es a State and Congressional ticket on
the sth of April. Her electoral vote
was given to Grant, but her people
have never boon partial' to Impartial
Suffrage. Their decision upon this is
sue will therefore bo awaited with in
terest, as significant: of- results else'
where, especially ih Now York, Ohio,
Oregon, California and Georgia, ivhe're
the Legislature's aro noWDemooratio.
tho recent visit of Gen, Grant and Ad
miral Farragut to .Baltimore, both
wore- weighed at a celebrated snuff
manufactory. Gen. Grant drew 151
pounds„ and Admiral sParragut 155.
After We weigh( of-the distinguished
gentlemen had ; been ascertained, Ad
miral Farragut:romarked. that ho was
glad to know 'that thrinavytlea the
army four jminds. For all that, it
will be conceded. that, the. army is
'ahead as far as heard from. '• . '
[ Fur the'Glubel
The Pasting and Tolding Business,
HARRISBURG, Jan. 290,1869...
DEAR GronE.- 7 I see, by your last is
sue, you are slightly, ,‘,‘curfluinexed,"
to ,use your, ow,p,exprossion,.in .regard
:to; j the conflicting statements about the
expenses of .the subordinate officers of
,the Rouse. I have, no desire to.
plain away my own course, for a rep
resentative always is, and should be,
judged, by his votes rand •speeches.
Perhaps however I can help •you out
of the muddle on this subject, which is
riot understOod as it should be,- .
As regards the , take the pas.
Ling and folding by contract., I, was in
favor of it myself,hut it
_was rejected in
cancuf3,foi• severalreasons. Ono reason
was that the law of M - 8 requiml:this
-work to bp donehy.officers, to, be elec
ied by'the . .h . ouse *ter its organization.
Another reason was that the contract
syi3tem had always, w,orked badly, the
contiiieter,being in a measure beyond
the control of the;Legislature, and iu
variably coming in for an extra allow
ance on the" ground - that he has lost
money on the contract. The, law of
1868 provides fOr - twelve ! .pasters,and
folders at • salaries amounting in the
aggregate to, $7,600. This is only 82;600
more than the bid • by contract, and it
was not considered either practjeable
or c„.Npedient to give out the work by
contrad. - If 'there, was error commit
ted it was in adopting a resolution au•
thorizing the clerk_ and speaker, to ap
point as manyadditional officers Mot
exceeding 27 as.,might be necessary, to
do the work required. The necessity
for tliiii'meaSure wUs,adyneated by. sev
eral of the Old' moniherS. who ambeld
the highest respect, and for this rda
kin it was..supported by most of-the maw members .who are .not familiar
with the'petty detaild of this business.
When' it, is . remembered that oven if
the'whole 27 should,:be,app,einted, the
number is' still far'below that of the
past two or three years, and that their
salaries have been reduced-at least, one
third, I, do not ihink the expense. of
these suordinates Cap 'exceed one:half
viliat • it, wai 'either, last, year,.or the
year tinfore. It: ought,,,to . be ,rerneM l
berektno, that :this., pasting, 'folding,
addressing,anaiending oqt documents,
ie aecomMedato„ ; constituent4 . and
costa members, a
,great deal of:labor.
I. know someswho,devote at
e:teal-their w hole time ,to it. Some Of
our, western,,mein,bers.are feeling very
fibre abotif the strictures of. their'pa
must say the .papere in, my
district have acted very.„genteplly on.
this subject. If.We commitmo greater
bliinders diiritYg, the' session wo will be
unusually fortunate:_ ( I.'he hysioes's of
the suasion haS CammoricedM earnest.
I have heard of
,somo "proposed
ores far More' potent forrevil than ths;
abuses among the . paste`" stingers, and
'will endeavor to hictlierrAs - theYde-,
River Disaster:
21.—About ii
laSt • night - the stern
steitnter' a Claire No . 2; Capt. Atilt
Aiken,' henee'fpr . the Tennessee river,
in attempting to pass over, the Falls
struck one of the Atbniments of the
,bridge and sunk. She had - on' board
some fifty or sixty'. paslienger'e s. 'eliout
fifty. mules and horseS and a,' very
good,freight. The boat' blink in aboat
seven feet of water and cOnSeauently,
the princiPei part of her freight "is,
totalities. stock: - were cut
loose and thh'inajori,ty sward ashore'.
The'paSserigers had nearly all' rbtiVed
and when the antiouneemeht of the
sinkiag.weiMaile the greatest, con,
SternatkicipWriiiled. Fortunately the
steamer - Tak,asoan: earn)? And
roundiitk:t.oolF of - all' tUe;
.p'isi3 . eng9rb
and carried Pqrtla4l. 'What,
i)oftioiri'' ofthe,cardp ' ie
instired'in'ideal'ollieee. The boat_ Wee,
veined affifteen thotiedicid
. , -
is insured 'in local, pfliees.: She
i) r fe,etly straight' notir the'jydieutt ,
shore and aim he easily'
National and State Legislatures,
3fonc/oy.‘ 7 ,ln,,the Senate the ere
dentit4of Mr: Ramsey, Senator elect
from Minnesota, were, protiented. The
Judiciaiir Comtnittad preSented the
''Credent.iiils .
rill, Senator elect
from Georgia, with a resolution that
ho is not entitled to his seat. A
nority retiort Was a . k . a .- presented. A
bill relating to the Central Branch of
the Union Pacific Railroad was con
sidered but not disposed of. Adjourn-
In the House, under the call for bills
and reholutions, the following were in
troduced and referred:, Ono providing.
for funding-and payment Of 'national
debt, tke.;.one appointing a,solect com
mittee to investigate irregularities in.
the recent eleotionln South Carolina;
one dirbeling the Postmaster' General
to open negotiations with European
governMents for further reduction in
the rate of international posta g e; ono
to make provision for the two-fifths of
persons heretofore' held iu slavery;
one for payment of Arkansas mem
bers for full term of the Fortieth Con
gress. Mr. Bmtwell's suffrage bill
Went over until next Monday. Con
sideration was then resumed_ on the
bill granting land or right of way to
Denver Pacific Railroad and Telegraph
Company'; it was finally referred to
the Committed on Public Lands. Ad
Tuesday.--In the Senate the cre
dentials of Hon. Charles Sumner were
presented and referred: A petition in
favor of allowing pensions to survivors
of rho War of 1812 was referred to
Committee on Pensions. A resolu
tion was adopted in reference to the
reorganization of the Treasury De
partment. Bill relating to Central
Branch of Union Pacific Itairoad was
discussed, but not disposed of. Ad
In the House the petition of Mrs.
Lincoln was referrtid to the Pension
Committee Speeches wore made on
a bill for the gradual resumptibn of
specie payments. Adjourned.
Wednesday.—ln the Senate among
the bills referred' was ono - enabling
Choctaw 'and Chickasaw Indians to
beComo citizens; one' designating a
:place of confinement for Onions con
victed of offences against the' latvs of
the. United' States. Senator Sherman's
.public debt and currency bill was con
sidered. The bill' relatiog to the Cen
tral Branch of the Union Pacificrßail.road was defeated. - Adjourned.
In the House substitutes-.were of
fered for Mr. Boutwell's suffrasre bill.
•The House' then went into' Committee
of the Whole on the legislative appro
priation bill. • At 10 P. M. the House
Thufsday.---In •the 'Senate a com
munication - was presented from the
Secretary-of the Interior recommend
fog-Congress to make immediate 'ap
propriation for the 'relief' of• starting
Indiana. The credentials - of Hon.-John
Scott, Senator elect from -Ponnsy!va
nia, were read. The proposed con-
Stitutional amendment was 'then tak•
on up and considered at length. Ad
journed. •- • • -
Monday.—There was no quorum in
the Senate.
Tuesday.—ln the, Senate, Ur. Rob.
!upon rend'a
,potitiod"to alter the' ,law
afitheriii i nglfin'inaiting of the Morris
Cove Railroad: Among tho'billA'reiid
wits.ono empowering sludges of die Su
promo COurt to appoint five eddition
nl commissioners; one to prevent, the
pnfilicittieci of obscene advortieements
and the inle ,Of noxious Medicines.—
In the House a number of PiiVntO
bills were read and passed finally. ,
jVcrincsdgy.-111 the Senate a num
beref bills'were read' and passed: A
resolution was adopted instructing' the
committee on' retrenehment" . and re
form to inquire into' tna: tbo "manner of
th 6 . bilsinesp of 'the seve'r'al
depe,'rtments')ilith a view of reduction
of expinses.
In the Hotiso the edrhmittee'on the
contested :olcatigin, case. WilliamM. Bdo o 'va.-. 'Daniel
member from.ihe Eleventh Reptesen
tetve distriet'Of report
edin faior hid lid ,ii•a's dufy
qualified. A ntimber'of Gills weileaet
eil upon.
,rho Scni:ite
`resointion j n 'roletion - to cede
cotiiission ‘vaS" passed:, "A bill W,ite
read calling a convention . with' power
to'snhinit aniendinants, to a' vote - of
the - peoplo:' 'Referred • to' .committen
on Judiciary General.
,A o joiiit reso
lution relative', to' paying 114 State
Printe4 'for
. Pu BAtds! military
histery - we's referred '; andher t,u
qngpongreSkinen to veto ac:No9t all
prqp'Oe'O'negro rn go ,amend Mont*.
A'ketiotiqicieC:wps paelsed i in relation' to
t,i'oe'utTng, the - attendan63 Of Soniittirs
when . there;is no qu'bru:m •
,In the Mouse nu'mb'er of bills were ieturned from the Senate fin:' concur
rence." Al number of hilts wore report
ed from Committees. Adjourned.
in' regard to 13ate's history' was post
paned. 'Adjourned till Mon'day.'„
' The House deliberated on the abuses
of the franking priyilege and referred
the matter:to a sok:3U committee' of in
vestigation. 4djou'rned'till Monday.'
The Indian War.
ing Las b'ean i..peoired at ili.e War, De
partraont : -
:FORT 00E11;1 T.,'Dec: 31, 1868. '
Brevet 'Major General
• Assistant- - Adjutant General, &in ,
Louis, Missburi." '
.; "
GENERAL: I have the honor to re=
port, for the information of the Lieu
tenant General, the operatten. of the
column from Fort Basconi 'under Com-,
mand' of Brevet Colonel \V. Erans,
cif"the Third' eavalii : It. left' Fort
Pastiest' Novdjijlior , ITth estnhiishing
itii'idepot on .the":' main Canadian,
tho 'mouth - of
..tirenninont creek, , east
from Fort Baecom, one handed, and ,
eighty 7 ftve miles from Oils
On the 7th of Decendior,, Brevet
Liedt. COI,. A. 'W":" iiViLOl3 7 marched;
with detactiments oi"noinpanitie'A,' q,
arid I,'T,iiird.PaVairy,"ani,i comb
party I, Viiirty.siivt . sn,tli ; Infaiktyy, ( triv.
sling tiie.direcitiOrrof the') ntetope_
Hills,' On; 'reashinita point near 'ltioyia
miles east - of - the , depot, a
trail ofahout fifty ledges of Ohi3;yenne
Indians was styuch;',whieh Was folloW
ed2Over nekh for 4 of, the Red
River, and thence down that stream,
the trail constantly_ increasing,. -until
it became very largo. The trail was
hotly pursued, -the Indians abandon
ing their surplus property, until it led
into a
,',vanon,.,near. the junction 'of
the Elm-crook and the Salt Fork 'of
the Red River, .when Col. Evans ilia&
a detour to pass around _.the : canon'
into which the trail led, and. which
brought him, at noon, on, Christmas
Day, into a large village - of Camanches
of sixty lodges, just south of the junc
tion of the Salt Fork with Elm-Creek,
ryaswiPPL totally.burned.
- The-Indians nttnaked his advance,
but were driven from their village with
loss of everything it contained, the
weirriedand.eltildren escaping by he'- .
ing hastily put on the horses ,of. the
warriors, in some cases as many,
four on a horse. - . The village was ,very
rich, continuing over five tons of dried
buffalo meat, one hundred bushels of
corn, -also. flour, meal, coffee;: sugar,
soap, cooking utensils, 'mats,- 'bear
flesh, robes; L., and all the parapher
nalia of a rich Indian town. The In
dians kept up the fighting during the
day and the next morning, but there
was not much fight in them. Three
enlisted men were wounded, ono mor
tally. The number of Indians killed
is unknown.
Colonel Evans took the mail train
again on the 26W, which led west,
but being out -of provisions, except
beef, had to give it up.
The - greatest praise is duo to Col.
Evans and his command. It marched
twenty four days in snow, rain and
intensely cold weather without tents
of any kind, and finally struck this
effective and heavy blow. - I had
known, through General Hazen arid
the Indians, of this marauding village.
It was composed mostly of individ
uals from the tribe of Cunianches lo
cated here, who had, reported them
to me after my arrival, fearing they
might be implicated in' their murder
ing and thieving expeditions on the
frontier settleMents Of Texas.'
I can assure the General that he
- need not expect a continuance of the
murders and robberies from Indians
in my department hereafter, if ono
can' judge front' the demoralization
which this wint.el 7 s-campaign has pro
duced among them.
The weather has been very bad
snow, rain and intense cold.
P. 11. .SIBRIDAN, Maj. U. S. A.
Gen. Sherman also fel - Wards a let
ter from Gen. Hazen, who says:—"l
notice the 'papers are stating that
Black Kettle's camp, destroyed by
eustk were peaceable . Indians, on
their way to their reservation. In
his talk With me, some five or six
days before he was killed, Black Ket,
tle stated that many of his men, were
then on the warpath; and that their
people did not want peace with the
people above the Arkansas His peo
ple were then onkaged in the trouble
on the Solomon,,and their reservation
was not is this section of the country
at all." ,
1 - 4 1 •
Letters testamentary on the estate or Hannah otter:
man, ofJackson twp, lluntingdon co., deed., haring been
granted to the undersigned, all persona indebted are re
(pleated to make pa,) anent and those haying claims to
present them duly authenticated for eettlantent.
Saktliburg, Feb 3.6te . Executor: •
I. bay,: been deeded by the Court - of Iluntlagjon Co
to pay to the credit Ira of said inpany ono por cent. on
their dolmans they stood January 11, 1641.
Ebensburg Feb. Mt Seguestrator.
. .
The Partnership lierebifore existing between MINT-
M YER & :MUNSON in the merchandise buslllo94 at War
'rloreanurk has Wien diasolved this day, January 28, 1869
by mutual consent. Thu books and papers are left in 1114
loads of 'equire.italstera, of Worriorsouo I: for collection
All persons indeb:ed are requested to make iminediet ,
settletneut. ftib23t
Esloto ofJOIIN ANDERSON, deed.
'the undersigned Auditor. Appointed to distributo tho
balance in tho hoods of I). F. Toney and .Tatnee Ander
son, I.xecntore of John tAndernon,•deceneed. Will attend
to the duttei of his appointment Itt hie cities In Ilunting
don, on SATURDAY, 20th FEBRUARY. 1860, at ten
o'clock, A.,1,1., when :,01l Pcl ,, lic Interested will prosont
their claims, or Ito forever debarred f, ow coming in on
sold fond. It. MIJoTON SPEER,
feb2 Re Auditor.
lA_ ~. Estate of JOSIIIIA 0 , )X dec'd.
The . undersigned appointo& nudi for by tho Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon. Countt, to. distribute the balm's°
of the fund in the handkof _John Thompson, Trustee to
sell the real relate ofJstlttitiTox, late of IVarrioromark
too nobly, deceased, herehy notifies nil persons interested
In said distribution that Ito will , attend to tho dutios of
his appointment at the offico of Scott, Brown & Bailey
in the borough of Huntingdon, on THURSDAY, the ISt
day, of Fn swat, pt o'slock. r. ;when kind whero
all persons interested shall present their claims or ho de
tained from coming in for a share of said fund,
JOlllllll. BAILEY, _ ,
„ feb2 Auditor.
fEstate oFTIIOS. M. OWENS, decrased.l
100 under,igned, appointed Auditor by the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, - to bear and determino ex.
coptions to the account of;George W,-Oa ens, Adutini.tra•
tor of Thomas M:`Owens, deceased; and to distribute the
balance iu tbo bands of the said Adminiidrator, hereby
notifies all personsintorelted. that he will attend to the
duties of his appointment at his office in Huntingdon, on
THURSDAY, the 25th dui of `FhlilltlAlir next, at one
o'clock, P.• Se; when and where all parties interested
shall present their cninis or be debarred from coming in
for a shorn of said Cued,
TIM following luarnod porsons, for
murky of Huntingdon county, Into officers in Penn
sylvania Volunteer Regiments, (or their mama relatives
or legal representatives) will learn
by milling on •or addressing J.ll. SPIESE, Attorney at
Law, No. 506 Mnrkot Sti.t, Ilnrriobn, g. Po
%M.Thode Writh, Null please give iheir full iddroes
and Bend !annul toe reply.
Bare, Benj. F: " MuNamara, Robert
Binh.; Brice . X. . AlePherran, Wm: F.
Borst, W.-W. • McCurdy, Semi. --
Cloyd, Samuel J.. Neff, 11. K.
Creigh, A. 11. W. , , Porter, John M.
Davis, Samuel T. - ;Rddgerslsaac
Doyle, Martin P. Shaver, ' Peter ,
Gregg, D. MoM, • 'Stewart, Sarni. F.
Gay top, Wm. Sharrar, W. F. '
Johnson; Win. F. Stevens, Frank D.
Johnson, Thomas S. Thompson, Alf. A.
Lane, Frank IL. Westbrook, John 11.
MoPherran, S. J. , Wallace, Wm. W.
Morrison, 'John S. Wagoner, Win. C.
Montgomery. Sarah Willett, Win. 111.
Moore, Janos A. Wilson, George C.
- Nat. B. Ziegler. .• •
Ifarrleburg, Feb. 2.31
Y I For the LAUNDRX.
IC to wartantal not to strOakVan in any manner. Injure
tho finest lame. l• . •
• FOR FAIRLY.OSE Sold iM:FIVE coots, TEN come,
and TW EN TY canto boom
Each TWENTY coots box, besides baying my,4
as much Moo no tho FIVE cants box, contains a poatot
pin cushion-or emery bog. . •••
Fpr Hotel nuil largo Laundry 1180, it to put up in $2 00
~.Bo t, bi t e , o l , has proper . Trade Mark.
For Sate at MASS.B3r.& CO. Grocery
, The If o i‘eu of flip - ingots Juno declared a.,lividend
of tour par,eent. upon the capitol stock of the Company,
payable on and'arter the let'day of February next. •
J. WILSON (1111CptiLAND,
Jall2 Treaearce,
of Ifttntingdon county from tho 6th day of January,
0 ,to thtr,4tll day of January, 1869
Amount on hand at last settlement from T. W. illyten,
Esq., late Treasurer, $7,037 37
County tax received from the several Col
. - lectors, no follows:
1884. Unperson, John Donaldson 16 00
1800. Barret,,WilliamvEckley - 320 83
• Carbon, Daniel J Logan 8, 00
.;; Clay, Asa Stovetas 20 91
Dubin, William Clymans 17 00
-- ' Franklin, William Ince 115 34
Hopewell, David Rune 98 60 ,
Springfield, Morris Outshall 7 31
1867. Alexandria, David Albright 110 00
Bence, John Logan 1105 00
Brady, George Hawn 393 00
Cuss, Chi Man Miller 180 05
Camillo, Isaac Ashton - ' - .81 87 7 -''= - ' -
Clay, B T Stevens 075 47
Cromwell, Richard D Deck- - . ,• , 1030-57 -1 - - 7 .
Lublin, Willfatri Clymaus ' ' 435' 90 '-"
Franklin, John Eberts 1917 00
Henderson, John Islightwine -• 112 00
Huntingdon, John C Miller 603 85
•Ilopeaell, Jackson Enyeurt 266 15
Jackson, Samuel C. Smith 1382 19
Juniata, John Ouissinger 84 00
Lincoln, David Pause - 106 07 .
Morris, James Piper 1385 00
Mapleton, John It Dean 88 62.
Mount Union, Jolla CI Stewart 153 81
- Oneida, George IlicCool 96 38
Orbisonin, Robert Siehrett - 17 40
Penn, John Leo - 170 45
, Porter, David - Hare : 1800 76 . "
:Kingfield, Morris Gutel'iall 281 10 '1
Shirley, Isaac Smith 1157 24 -
Shirleysburg, George Leas . " 25321,
Tell, Bike McMullen 17 34
Too. Isaac Taylor v 421 50
Union, Jackson White 255 00
Were iorsntat 1, Samuel Lehman 1153 24
Walker, Jacob Poulos 177 46
West, David P. sloore 2126 00
;-----18740 54
1858. Alexandria, William Walker 470 34
Il.,rrue, John Smith 1026 00
Brady, It K Allison 555 00
Quartile, Isaac Ashton - 79 90
Case, Benjamin Fink 456 DO ,
Clay, S T Stevens ' 493 74
Carbon, William Ryan . 700 00
Coal inont, Jarvis Roisterer 94 10
Dublin, Wil lain.Clymans 150 00
Franklin, John Archey, • ,3000 00
Henderson, James McCall • 537 32 •
Hopewell, Solomon Lynn 60 00
Huntingdon, George W. Glazier 3721 82
Juniata, William Gelesinger • 196 00
Jackson, Robert V. Stewart 1464 91
Lincoln, !hurls Itichisen 296 GO
Morris, Nathaniel Lytle 850 15
Mount WIWI], John U. Stewart 442 00
Mapleton, Martin L. Rex 30 00
Henderson, Malta Shoemaker - 400 00 •
Orhisoula, A Coauthors 101 00
Penn, John Leo ' 300 00 • •
Porter, Benjamin Isenberg 747 (3
• Shirley, R.Colegate - 1080 63
Shlrloysburg, George Leas • ' 279 •59 v
Tell, A 0 Mugs 423 50 -
Tod, Abram Elias 678'45'
Union, Andrew Smith . '3OO 00
St eller, Moses Hamer ' V 050 00
Warriorsmalk, George W. Owens 114128
West, Henry Davis 1380 00
, --22136 72
.. .
State tax received from the following ' .
Collectors, viz :
Hon. Dublin, ll'illiam Clyntans.. ~ ~ 604
1067. Alexandria, David Albright 16 98
Ranee. John Logan ,l 16 '
Cassville, Isaac Ashton 6 21
Clay, D'l' Stevens . 33 00
Cromwell, It D. heck 39 86
Dublin, William Clymans, •10 69' -
Fianklin, John Ebberts 202 76,
II u ntingdon, John C Miller 007 41 •
Jackson, Samuel C Smith, 90 05 •
Morris, James Piper 50 00
Mount Union, J ohs G Stewart 17 12
Oneida, George lIcCOol ' •' . 10 47
Fenn, John Leo - 53 (3
Porter, Davld Hare 01 65 '
Skit loysburg, George Leal 34 GI '
Tell, Mice McMullen., 25 85
Tull, Islam Taylor 38 .08 '
- Was riot smark, Samuel Lehman. 102 08 .
Walker, Jacob Sousa „ .29 Cl
West, D 1' Moore' . 60 00
1868. Alexanshia, William Walker, • ' '23 41
Bailee. John Smith' 30 00
lhady, it It Allison 30 00
Cass, Denjamiri Fink, 21 BO
Dublin, 16 Ctymaue 10 00
Ilrndemon, James McCall 29 85 -
Juniata, William Geissinger 10 00
Lincoln, Barris Richardson 16 00
61 o'rt is, 7t Lytle (0 00
!donut Union, 2 G Stewart ' 800
l'eun, John Leo - 30 00
Shirley, It Cologato 30 00 . • .
Toll, A 0 Briggd 40 00
Tod, Abram Elias • ,%! 40 00 .. I ,
Walker, Moses Hamer 20 00
, • ~. , , --$2273 13
Counly - tax on tiusentsalinnds, •. l :', It l 1.02$ 59.
State „ . ' s ' 105 00
School 0 ii ”
.. 351 67
Road . " 0 ', - 0, ' -- -• 1 . -3e9 11.
Bounty 0 0 " ~ - - •- ~, 085 89
--$2630 82
Redemption money paid in, ' 33S 68
From J. R. Simpson, Pro linen Justice fees, 66 00 •
Rent from l'emplara, 4 , , , '
, • 45 00
Proceeds from sale el an °stray, ' . 14 50 ---,
ss " • °. lambi:y.ldt from • .
. Midge at Montgoinory'si Hollow, 7 00
~ , .---- $471 08
On Commonwealth prosecutions paid to Pi MCI). '-
-Aing.Att l y, Piety, Sheriff and witnesses, ,
,$1113:1 88
Ootistalrhe fur making retartis election' f ees,'
, fB2 95
Grand and tritversejurori,coUrt'ciler tip sttives' ' •
and ounstahles, • 2885 84
Judges, inspectors and cleike of election,' '" • ' 1428 67
Assessors of the sevemi townships, • 1067 50
Inquisitions on dead bodies, 71 12
Premiums on fox scalps, wild cats, pile cats,- •
hawks end owls. - ' ' • 3204 30
Road and bridge views, ' 345 50
daninges,•• 195 . 00
Blank books and stationery for public offices and
court, - 27095
Fuel for court house and jail, - .360 55
J. 11..eimpson, , fees of ProPy and Ileac ol
tosSions, • •329 38
Refunding orders to sundry persons, '54 41
Bowl tax on unseated lands to the following per-
SIAM, Via:
Lincoln township, Henry Shultz, • ' 13 II
Cromwell ," - - Joel J. slone, , 15 57
Tod " David hiller, , 60 39
Hopewell " John IL. Unseal!, 30 05
School tax on unseated lands to the following '
persons. wiz:
Hopewell township, Charles Boller, ," • 20 51,
Cass " William Forsly, • 41 39
L.romwell 4, • - James Harper, - -.11 31
Lincoln 4 . 11. 11 4 .cliardson, - 17 11
'est " J. Henderson, • ' 49 02
Bounty tax on unseated lauds to the follow log .. '.
. .
persons, vie: • -
West ton whip, J. Henderson, 09 19
Brady " 8. 11. Bross,' - • • ' 17.17
Juniata . " . E. Thompson, • r • - 69 84
Hommel' " Charles Boller, . • , • 77 15
Lincoln " • H. Richardson, • ,47 00
erg : • . • . . • - . • . • : • :
Jacob Miller in full 480 00
•Adatrf Barfel, " - - , . • 460 00
Adam Rouse, , . . ii. il. ~ . : 288 00
I,llneuu Weight, ' '...' - '25 00
Cominisaiimers' Clerk:
lu lull for 1150, .• ' . •Y , i. -. ' 70 00
. on account for 1563, - 053 00
Horace Glazier, as.inting in !nuking optreglstry, A ;
lieu,a , - ; ....... t. .1
al ". —29 p 9
Conmussiouers expenses in holding appeals,goiug -
.. .
,to road nuns,cnuns,l.l/51k/./ &ii......... 1./ - 16$ 31
A , i's-
- :/ nd.torsdPay and clad k for•sno , -• • :
.• 3 106-00
Printing for Me County
108 60
J. lA: ""'"" u '''.. , ;• ?liii 62 60
1111; .:, - i
J. A. Nash, - ..::
• 167 50
William 1.13Wi11,
' .:
H. 11•Veirt (es,
cortre in:0.5,1111V, .JO 00
• It. 61qUivitt for repo' ting
_. , .n, ,•, ' 54 '.lO
Jury COnmissionirs:.--/J.,W. 5 , 1 o
. ~ . , $ $ o_
N. N. Covert, .. , , 60 4
. ..
• .
Bridges : .
1) Black for building a bridge:Akron Itaystoivn
Blanch in ~ . 1 1,405 00
Albert Call for baba idgeucross Shy Dear- ,
o, Creek, at Oibison'n ; 18,00 00
:maul Miller for.litilldhig ii 7 b ridge across Aber.
wick •: . . .2410 00
Jaceb Friee for building a bridge across tho Juni
ata river at ltti 'Anshan:, - 1275 00
Albert Hall for repairing the bridge at , James -
Entrekas, • : . a. -1875 00
J. Derkstremer, securing Um bridge at Entrekin , e, 123 50
County bond and interest•te T. 61. Cremer and •
First National Dank, 1128 60
Teachers' Institute, : 104 20
Pennsylvania :Ante Lunatic llospitat for thekeep•
lug of Brothcrlinit, U. Howard and David L.
Wtatertr litinitentinry for,luppodoictitt ;jai, /00 36
Ittalentuttilono_neypailtaindry 120 22
11.111. Logan, Treastu or, for lidvortionili unseat
ed Muds lifternards ortioted not tolo sold, Lc., ..12.42
Iterairet tor,Coin:t _ 50<07
blircbandiso "" . 58 15
'Washing - 25 00
Charing Court llouao and Jail; 50 00
Gas thrCeurt
Repairing gas fixtures, „ 14 00
Stoles for court house and Jail,. 61 50
Sinking and.mending hobbles, and hobbling prig., •
uners,in jell, ~ -• i •• 17 00
Desk for Recorder's office,. . : • , , .15 00
Cutting n nod and shoveling snow from pavement
and yard at court house, -, ,-. • :• 24 25
John 0. Millar, janitor, 34 83
37 50
Safe for•Pransurer'i Mike and putting it up, 201 00
Attorney for Commissionet 5, 20 00
H. tiellurttle„ auditing arcetints:of prpthonedai ;
' ryonidltegister and•Recbrder; • • 1 29 00
Dr. Brumbaugh, attending prisoners in jell, , jlOO
Paid Treasurer iluittingdou County , poor house, '5111•'3-1
Paid indebtednassio the Stater - 1 •-•• ! L i - !: •'I 2007 60
Paid tax on' Bank stock to the state, 459 44
Treasurer's COUILLIIIVIIOIi on $93,01105 at 134 per'
cent.,1409 1 1'
Balance in rho Minds Of the Trcasut cr at the sat,
Moment With the Auditors ' 4243 70
Wo the undernigned Auditors of 'Huntingdon Colinty, ,
Pennsylvania, elected and en urn according to law, report,
that we met, did audit, outtlo and adjust, according to
law, the accounts of M. ht. Logan, Esq„ Treasurer of the
county. and the orders of the COLIIIIIISSIOUOVIand receipts
for the same fer and iluring.tho past year, and find a M
imeo remaining in the hands of T W. Myron, Tropeurer,
of lour thousand two hundred trod forty.thres dollars
and ecoonty.nino cent., - •
Given under our bonds at do Com misunersi office in
the borough of Huntingdon, th0•22.1.0f January, Hid% .
i i A, '
/Viditdi9: •
W.lolll.ltA . I•.
Desirable'Bnil hjf Lots lion 'Salo,
athlete Jn the borough of MARYS \ILIA:, Perry Co.,
Penna., fronting 011 Main streci and extending to the
'StvoineluMna Arai:. They are the most deptrable located
lasts in the borough, being :immediately adjacent. to the
Motelus ei the remte3lvania Central and Northern Con
trol Itailromla. • • •
For ferther informatfon InOtiro of - D, CIBIB at Marys
ville elation, or'to BENJAMIN REIFF, 116 S.outh irot4
r •
Atm!, rhilado Iplif It.
A, of the Iluntingdon County Alms llotm, from DE.
4114, A. D. 16G7, to DECEMBEIt Ist, 1868, in
To amt. drawn from Co: Treasury on orders, $5029 69
John Logan, Bleu aril, for inUdrlen,dstailed in Lis
11.17 Farm, marked File P.
By henry Nlyets, for smithin- Bills No.l & 2 $6) 51
Jacob Flasher, 3 & 4 3 75
Wm. Drake, " and sundries, 5 to 8 66 39
Wm. Harris, tyagoci 9 93
Win._ Thu thy; "- - - 10 • ° - 890
J. C. Scattier, or.e plow and.points,. _ 11. _2l 90
It. lhat6, ono hay fork:, 10 00
A. B. Siebert, two shovel plow; 13 5 00
Sundry persons, harvesting, 14 to 16 6 62
miscelluneoua, /7 to 20
David Smith, firm labor, (In part,) 21
1.1,r Building dna intyrorements.,Fileß.!
By Wm. Piper. for mechanical labor, No. 1 85 17
" .- 2 78 40
Lori Decker, lumber,. .; 3 143 32
lienrylktr, :„ . „. • A 43 40
0. Punier L Son, boards, 5 27 78
T. 51 Orbieou, locust poets, &c. 6 30 80
A. L. Ricketts, fencing. boards. 074 feet, 7 10 48
Win. Ilarrey, 'mantling and boards,, 8 • 901
Sundrypersons, Aniscelialmene, - •,0 to 12, .../2 OS
.For Provisions,: marled Fete P.'
By sundry prrdous for '2717 jibs bee, Ito 8 221 40
Joint Lutz, 203 tte pork, . , 9 20 80
Steer .t Wahingtou ' small moat, 10 &11 43 77
Sundry persona, butchering, &c., - ; . 12 to 14 12 00
8 shoats, • '• ' 16 .2 16 f. 47 31
cc . miscollonsous, . •17 to 2,1 18 46
... . . .
'Tor Merchandise, marked 'Fite Jr:
By Cunningham & Carmon, merchandise, Ito 8 419 74
Wnt. A. c raker, 9 to 15 95 31
Wm. 11. Brewster, - 16 &17 135 31
Wm. B. Less, " • 18 & 10 , 147 04
B. F. Douglass, 20 to 23 108 20
B. X. Blair & Co., , - . " • 2,1, to 28 27 91
F. 11.,Adime, ' .. - . ,•- " ' - 27 '24 98
'Wainwright &CA . ), , '. " -- 28 .17 95
Win. March & Bre, " 29 16 00
Mcihruey &Nephew, BO .. 11 84
. ii
F. D. Stephens, 31 11 11
Sundry persons, 0 33 to 34 16 50
Out:1 loar - Eireitists, 'Pile 0. D.
By 6 cases, collet afforded continuously through.
out the year, 1 to 6
7 cases, tailor afforded constantly, but limo less
than one yr, average time 4 mos. , 7to 13
6 ellseg, relief afforded temporarily, average limo
4 weeks, 14 to 18
Belief afforded in sundry cams without regard to
limo, . • A • 1, 'l9 to 20 Inclusive,
Powelton-f& .0 Co:„ su - pplyitig - J. Boyle, 30 & 31
D. Stever, support & burial, C. Marshall, 32 & 33
D. Clarkson, ono aolliu.for, , it' ~ , 34 ,
Bunn persons, coffins and fun'oral goods, 35 to 0.,
Sand physicians, medical services, 40 to 45,
Dr. F. 11. Conrail, do per Carbon tp., 46 -
Dr. S. Thompson, do per sgreemont, balance, 47
John Fienner, sundry out door services, 48 to 53 .
Jackson llarman, . 64 to 57
Adam Beater, 0 • 58 til6o ~
John Miller,
Removals; marl ed Fat R.
By sundry Justieo; of Peneo, - otteerees, Ito 5 25 54
Sundry constableeand others, rent pan. 6to 9 1818
Alithellaiaequa and Incidental. 'File I.
By M. 8. IlairlsOil&Tii4 fin' ware, lapidring,
&0.,_ 1& 2 51 51
Sand pernons, Filmmaking and repairing, 3 to 7 31 90
•F 34Y . tons coal 8 & 9 71 05
annual report,lo &11 60 00
akr, cuillus for jounced, 12 41 12
John Jacobs, 50 cords wood,.
John Jacobs, IS
John Bare & Co,; hotit Ih baosi•
. .
Ihwah Couch, house labor, .... ...
16 100 61
J. McKeehan, Perry Firo 7ne. Co. 17 22. 40
14. Browater, °nice fees Co._ inl service's, 18 13 20
J. A. Brown, one coal stove, 10 16 50
Banat') persons, minellaneou4, 20 to 30 41 42
&dotter. '
By Julio F•en nor, ECI ViCO9 as Director, 10 mos
Jackson IlarMan„ . " • o , 11 m o s,
Adam reefer, 12 mos
John Miller, " . " , .2 mos
Dr. llola.rt 11‘11 , 41, ~it tending physician, 1 year
henry Ilre,,,ter, em . ices as , clerk, a
K. A. Lovell, 't • ., ..
John Logan, Sewin ti, for oust. of his acconnt.-
;t7arg. = Tir pr.llr of 'the Direaturn of the Po:r pft said
county, th.t'falOtiting exhiltikin nvolo;:sherividd mob
• fully; apecifk-Watftllnkturely tlienntount expended for
p,roventents during the present Anat . , lons, Viz
Pipnr eArpenter and tiicllnnlc.ll walk, $ll.O 42
Wm. 11. )farrls,.
Levi Decker, luntlgr,—boards, plank. railing. le. 143 - 32
Henry Co., abingied, . 43 40
0. Etnier & Son. boarder, - - 27 78
•. . • . • • .
T.E.Ortrison, locust posts, &c., • : c3O 80
.4...14. Itickistte,feneing boards, 0 7 4 fad, —r.
F , 10 48
Wm'. Itarsoy, clantlfas and talanls,`i'd ! ' . '".: i ! 9..01
f S u isdiy persist., 20 tbs sails 'addsplkes,i. 1Y.,.1.31"..13 00
nascollsneous, 12 08
';.itthL building., and ,improrements consist of ono frame
wentlierhoarded wood and cool banes, l 8 bY 3/:feet .
glad root, 'ol,anel post and I ail Since, and 131 panel pale ,
fence, with four double gates.
, Also, it.was further orderod by Bald Directors thht the'
following statement he made, allowing amount, of,
and pact. of bills rattled and paid in this year 1868, but
which properly belonged to, and should hare been Inclu
ded in the.set lemeut of the previous year 1887, viz:
John Garver, 621 lbs.boef, bought Oct. 1861 ~'Ski 79
Wm. 11. Drewstir. titirratinditicladghtprosioust:
"to Nov. 1,1964„,63
Itgrig'..6:lFrakor .„ , , do do On ,
M. 8. Harrison & Son, tin wire, 'do • 21 00.
Also, it was thought proper to Insert the following.
ehowing the retail, e or comparative amounts expended
for the use of the fldmiM during the years '67 knd.'6B. to.
sportively. lot. During the year 1867 was drawn from
the County Trrostury the sum of $5.247 95, awl from other
senites (froni thiestatn of Sally !Farris alone $416) „the
idm of $6OO 57. making a total of $5,84854 and no build-'
lugs or special, ipproventents , viere made of erecter. due
trig this year. ' '" "
Again, 2d. During the year 1 , 69 wan drawn from the
Coutt6 Treasury the sum of $5 029 b 9, and from all other
totoroetql,,som of $.176 43. making a-total-of $5,500 12,,
but during tine yeat 1868 was eipend;.d An. improvements
$503 00 and for hills paid, properly pertaining to previous
year. $l2B 62, (see above etatemants.) mid by adding theeo
two last item together, and eubtracting their etim
($63220) from the sum total of this yoarlB6B and we have
the sum of $4.867 84 RS the actual, legitimate amount
pended for the use and support of the Institution proper,
during the present year. -11.6' 5 848 54--- , 4,867,84
080 70, thus showing a dlffetenee of $990 70 in favor.of
present year. " t i , It. .;
-300 bushels ".heat, 00 btu.' "rye, 900 bus. corn, in ear,
400 bus. eats. 300 bus. potittess, 6 bye. beano, 3, boo. do
verseed, 25 bus. beets. 15 bus. onions, 3500 bonds c'abbale,
(out of n Lich lasimele,7 bscrols4purkraut.)l9,tons bay,
10 wfilion loUds corn fodder: folit-botsetbrmm.corn,suttl
cient to make 75 brooms, 501:10 lbs pork, 1000 lbs bear,
350 lbs hpls'slailt-4 4 7:
A, licks Manufactured.
GQ,women'i ilri3sses, 42 , pair: pantiloonr, 01JIfile 1 4135
chemise, coat, -1 Vein, 15 aprons, 27 shouts, 5 mks / 14
bennots. 6 slips 85 pakkretockinge, 20 bedlieke,' 5
pillow cues. a teweis; 5 cornforta'or• haps, bolster case,
6 shronds,lB4ltirts, - 5 caps, 7 palm mittens, 11 pelts sus
penders, 2 guilty, and 38 3 ards carpeungs,'• .
Stock on liana. 1 , 1“ .1
4 work horses G rnilch;cows, 2 stock cattle, it breeding
now, S shoats. 5 plan tatinii Wagons, one of which repaired
so as to be nearly as good no new. n spring ape, a twp
horst, sleigh. a set bob slede,;hudS rdrt.o iteksliONiaars,
2.lnotldbitaid plows, ono - of which is new. 2-double al&
Gotlinew,'stugle shovel do., hill side plpw, n
lercithrieirtculligktorjono-borse (loplitijornlici
the in
caoliinii:i - and fixtures; sot patina - kay • ladders,
grain drip s 2 grain ernts,,3 inotring.spythea aqd south.,
hay f4i , nnigtaat.ling: etr,40.0.1,2a 7 ,tw,, , A5c0p, pork,
220 bus. m heat, 30 bus. rye, 600 bus. corn, In ear, 200 bus
note, 100 Init,.potatues, 3 bus. beans, 3 bus.AogOrseedi 20
bus, beets, 2000 heads cabbage, filltds, soorkraut, 12 tons
bay, o.linulskorn fodder, four-horse, broom cora, 300 lbs
bog's lard.
tl 'ag'Trttqql4s4l';'
t.11 3 . 47 T 4
• • • • • .
t.W,ti1it1; . 3,12,V.t8,-ni?
COC,Cni.,4s,h. ' . l - . ..4 - .1.
o Ymm~~~~rurUrol
H i-io wwYT~~a m-'~i -'~'iw
We, the undersigned, Auditors of tho_county of Iltukt
ingdon, do hereby certify that we have examined the or.
dots, vouchers, accounts, &e., of the Directors of the Poor
of said county,- gad find the same to be. correct, ns abole
stated; slid dOlorthor find that on exatitinitigHto Tres•
surer's account he has paid on Poor HoUse orders sine°
last settlement the corn of $5,111 14, Of which amount
the sum of $384 02 was expended on accounts of the Sear
1867, oinking total 'expenditures of 1808, (so for as paid.)
amount to the intin of $4;724 72—leaving balance out.
Minding for year MB, to wit, $ 302
Witness our bands at Huntingdon, this 13th day of Jan
nary,' A. h., 1369
$53,316 60
/C. \ilir.
~ . i4,4:. !,1 4. . tr L f er „ .4 . , „ , t _
...., is
..: : ,
I l
2.4 [Estate of 0 EORGH. LA 31P, - , dec'd.]
.otters tesbunenldry,' Mr Om eatoto'of Oeorgo Lnmp,
dece.tied, 'Mee s;1 Porteetwp:, Huntingdon cotillsYs"knXing
been ginntitt'to the , ithdensignenll- perebns , indobted
to the estate are requemted• to make Immediate payment,
and thesolinaing,Manns, to present them duly, aside:3lU
:cated for settlement:; ,- . , , , ~ „ ,
pn. 0, '69-it•
• [retake of Tiwings 1..940. , deek1.]
Letters of adininistratunt,Apon the estateof MlMall
Locke, into of Springfield 10.1181.ip, Ilutstingdun
ilecessell, haring been gi intent to the undersigned, all per
indebted to the estate will wake intundiate pay.
went, nod titoW hitrtng Maim %t ill present client for not.
31unilow Gun
kJ_ Duo the County lit The eel
tore; for the year 1868. • • • •
Cromwell,o 1857 Wm. Johns,
Carbon, 1860'3'0mm.. Cook, Hopewell, ' Jot,: B. Weaver.
Itendensen,lB62 W. lf. Viottiler;
Carbon; • s 1863 Jetties Cook, •
f10p0we11, 4 1864 Jno Donaldson,
Walker; •• " Saml. reightel,
Cromwell, 1805 Caleb Kelley,
Union, - Levi Smith,
Carbon, • 1866 Dent. J: Logan,
Juniata, " Levi Ridenour,
Morris, sjeme‘, Piper,
. . 1867. .
Alexandria, David Albright
Ilarree,,NObn Logan
Brady. tGeorge Hawn , -
Cass,4ohristian Sillier
Carbon. Sheriff Bathurst • •
Continent, Sheriff Bathurst ,
D 01111, 1 .1%. Clynnina • . •
Franklin, John Rheas , -
Henderson, John Hightwine
Ilopowell, tJackson Enyeart
Juniata, John Gebseingen
!Lincoln, David Fouse • •
51orrie, James Piper
Mapleton,*John B. Dean.
Orbisonin, Robert Oehrett
Put ter, David Una 1. •
-Springfield, tilers's Gutabitlf
Shirley, Velum Smith'• •
Toll, Brice 31eMutter
Union, Jackson IVhito
West, *D. P. Moore •
• ..
1888. • .
Barre°, John Smith I 852 871
Brady It. II:Allison • • 722 66
Cassvillo, Isaac Ashton 38 09
Cass, Benjmnin Fink l7B 53
Clay, LI:J. ctevene " ' - 210 62
Cromwell. tit. D. Heck 1229 47
Carbon. W,,,. Hya tt ' 703 70
Clthnout, Jarvis Itlesterer 57 4U
IVin. Clymone 441 11
Ftanklin, John Archy - 504 22
Hopewell, Colomon Lynn 318 29
Huntingdon, fano. W. Glazier 255 75
Juniata, W. Geissinger 85 13
Lickson, Bolton Y. :Cowart 387 35
Lincoln, 11. litchis= 228 44
lorris, N. Lytle . „ ~740 32
Mt. Union, J. O. Stewart 101'21
!Stapleton, AI. L. Bea 155 23
Oneida, t Elisim Shoemaker 92 64
Orbitonia, A. Carollers ' 05 01
Penn, John Lee 1095 38
Porter, Benjamin leenberg 1821 85
Shirley, Richard Colegato 765 36
Shirleysburg, George Leas 38 68
Fpringtisld, Marie Outshall 519 13
Tell, Alexander Briggs . 76 73
Tod, Abraham Elias • - 47:70
Union, Andrew Smith, 221 83
fl nlker„Moses Homer l 1 t 459;71
Wa'rlormark; Ceti. W.l)wens '132216
West, Henry Davis, 1793 131
* Since paid in full. t SincO • paitl in pmt.
• Divan under the Seal of tho - Coramissidnors' ollIce;Jan•
'nary 10111'1809. •‘. • .• - • •• •
$5500 12
13 118 75
14 32 50
15 120 00
1 2 _4 01
163 20
100 80
5 20
138 00
50 00
20 00
855 $3
$5500 12
$503 60
/ •
, • • PM-1.441a
u.uo s ,, • ?-g
11 2 p30g
1 "! . !!:
•i :Executor.
z‘ithinfs 6 inall ALL, -
a m.t
20 1.5
70 00
1 80
26 06
48 22
149 40
442 10
140 16
491 63
263 50
200 00
- 178 02
318 71
1694 73!
A 263.87
• IS 29
295 47
.192 12
; 220 871
574 26
468 14 1
,• • _338
- 100 15
3t 04
769 d 6
803 82
Altosf. , . ,
II W. MUER, Clerk
Li JOHN LOOAN,Stewartl:idaccouut with the Han
ttoplon County Aline Home, from 6th day ,of Noxamhor,
1801, to Ist day of Decombor, 1868, inclualitu
To runt drawn from county treasury on ordorii,' ' 36510
46 reborVed from Bradford county„, „ 64 30
Dr. N. 11. Kerr, for surgical instrumento, ' ' - "20 Ou
1./veneers of poor, Jealous coUuty • 8 ou
Res. Crmeling for niuviug, - 1 A ~f t i• , , 800
Clover seed taken for 'private's ass %bushel, - 20 25
Cash recessed for horse sold,, , , 235.130
11. Ilreastetyfor when', " • '-' ,' ' '" '" ' 675
Check Coin Cambria county,96 50
. . .
Gi'll r . , lVliittukor, for plung,liing, -. , . , 5_OU
Jalehntr, ou the Nall olann, !, 2 . ' L. .—'4o 00
Jane Smith, a pauper, 17 50
rundry poisons forstutlries, ' -"' 913
By sundry Expenditures for uso of house, as per monthly
upttbered fullowolr. t„
Sit - deny:4 No. I, fortiVim. a Des, 1881 -
By cash paid for postage stamps, &c., - l 'Bs
Illnce,llua- expenses,
„, ,8 45
Eteight, Eennsylimula.,ltallroad, :10,93
iloinwringp,mpur, , • - •,, •,/ • ~, .7 5
!queen:menus, • 2 ,0
• Statement No. 2 fur January, 1868
Dy cosh paid for post l go shoops,gopor, ds„
Trnieling'expensol,• • •J. -
I,oigl,t, renosTleoldo
ttemoviug'puirpard, .
tlB Ga
, ~ ,
iity'easti lintel fir postage stainrisPL•c.;
Traveling expenses,
Weaving carlisr,_: L - I`.
Nis elhineous,
. •
- Statement-M,. 4, for March &April.
By cAsb pniefor Romvso t eLnupg,.p.kpor, &c.,
height on ronneyliatkits ftuilrOad,,
Statement for May, 186,3
By cnili paid for postagustajups, envelop, kc....„ I Or,
'nayOiltg e j,,t,j. 511
Itomovfug jiou - ier,
Fttight uq eunilsykY.tpil
Statement No. G, for June.
Ity oa=li Paid for postage stamps,
Frolgin on Vonnsylvonis Aailroad r
Removing imperil, •
Chet ry tree,
Cheese, ;
Clothing for mamas., ?„,,,
S . Statement No. 7, f0r,1:,9,',4M:
By, cash paid for paean() 'stamps and paper, - • •
Tiltveling expe ns e s , .„ • •. • • -
Freight on Penuaylvanta Railroad,. •
qloyotiort No. 8, for August
. . •
By cash pail for postage stamps, paper, &c., i '..` . : :436
T;nreling expenses,- - . --- - 240
. ,
Ittonoving peeper, 1 75
Billnnee on horse, C. Price, , " • •''-, • 1 go
Plow points, .1, &Tiller; . - -.•- .----, • - - --.. , - ,, - , 190
.FtQiniti.-. -"-; -, 4 . 4 7 ' • - 7 -;" r I : --- i 7'; T - 8 9
NisculliineOns, : ! 1 1. r *, ... ji it . ' l., '.l t . i ii , !?•2
I,'l ', '.• iiE' .• ~. ' I. '; 'I li
L f , : i I li__.: i. 1 i ..,, ; : .._!.1_1:-.1L-i 1- / US
, „,siojelt,,,Xo. 9 , :for
. § . eßtembfr..llqB„ . ".,,,,
By onfinalifok•ehvOlopezilind p . ont .. igo sintopni 1 . ji. GI
Itetaiiiiin pAlipete; - - - 50
Mincelloneuus,,- fi •I• I' •'• ,' <`„- I,J 5 80
t; .z t ii t. .1-2. tt ~. . ti.. -.......
e.ll —• •:: ,g f+ n rt t•• ` * :° • c • P' im 'lyt r i7 - ' D
By ciiimipaki 0te . „344. p.- . ' , v . i,pBo
'• • •••• " • ‘25
Trmelius; oxpcn§ce,/ 2
, 5
i'trob t • dd eutritps ism/ p ' , tato C.:‘,l
, • ;_itilTlf,',o` 2 7.: a alit av,r
10 88
Statement Iro:117:115r November.
rly:Fniat V" . 1 .51
Traveling ekponson, "" 0
Honey 17 poUnds. 'vab-'"'-";" . - Ant .4 . 00
Froight on PplitisylvaulnUallr&W 4 'l - no
•I I .7 alit ri ,t 3,46
alifqratoes. ,
By cash for one horse, J. Flenner s t • 130.00
Wheat, W. A. Fraker;: MECO
%%ohne On horse; C:Prtee; 1 . .>,.-50105
yalary as Eton ail for one your to Nciv.lB34o 430 GO
Allowaliearro M 4 Likrihiras•Matroai , •sOl' GO
In tesOrnony of the coccentnese,p.i i tia'afiove .r . iii,elynk
nod statement WQ do ll'aidjyite..#t,p,pr:YT?l,,,,P,3ll,ltßal,
ADAM LlNErr4,'„
" •••• JOUR ' -
Direntbrn or ille t iNik!: t.
Attqqt,..BENjIy_iIIMAY,S:I% piprk.
Tho undorslgned having purchased of J: - Harry-
Shaver:Fills - large serrel•mare t caned tho 7 yunfrty,maro,
Nvilich F hhrit-feft Jd bhicifo-nntif rseo prZaper!,h, take
her away. -14hereforq person or persons frpm,
Jan. 27, 1869.2 w. _ B. J. DBVOB.
Ij7;STRAT - ct ;:r
• Cana to the iwidenco of tho subscriber In'ltraiy,
township, Ifindingilon County, about the middle of OMIT,-
ber Met, a pale red heifer; with white, spot in forehead, r 7
whito spots on b lly, and ono across the top of shoulders,
supposed to be, near one year old. The owner iiiimittepV,
al to come forward, prove property, pay charges and ;aka:
ber away, otherwise eho will be sold ;according to law. '
Jan. '2l, '694lt* JOIIN B. WAIINNIBLD.:
OF FICE, IN MUM Fio4 .. oi;o r syrUiti COURT H01.7.9E.
Jan. 27, ?,8138-(ktn,.,;
"fftirrirariiimi, December 23, 1863.
An there appeirt th bo.Considasble trouble nbouC \slim
'shall be appointed Pmt•laster in our town, and It being. •
no °Mec! for ellich the person who may be apPeintiff". - '-
should contribute a liberal amount to some charitable ,
'purpose, I therefore offer no self' ail an applicant fer
:position of PosOlastor aLI/uutingdon, ea; red I pro- •
pose and will ngree,:kiving w 011,44, Commie-
Mutters of Huntingdon county fo r the fulillfruent of the '
same. etumld 1 beitppotutod, id:erect-a Mouwitentlerdel
• censedioldsure o focZ.ttie eirtwA(, Ve9,4tocriewed Lionffitti
pgovided I am allowed qo light tho oqco.for the term of:
!tour)eos Soldiers in , the` Contity;of:tlid tfriends of Mir'
deceaSqlk/pldiure, will confer a htvor by clrstilitt,lsiga De'
tit in my behalf, nod amid tbe "same ta'me. 4
Dectil'elim • - ' • ,:" H. 0 - , BUNISIF,IOL:
4* buy CU/THING front Mu Iluntingd.°n all
' • Wilo.l;l:SALlllsechosp. as thos;ssu - ,inthe
(tin; to] 1 have a 1614e:title store in Philadeiciliton•
I , X2iV - Grerkunia and !English Almanac
4f4r 1869 at,liewis' -Book Star6.l.
with th
$ 17'62
97 23
74 401
66 50
9 40
5 70
7 00
46 50
125 64
29 00
10 5
37 03
2A 69
..•2 50
23 00
17 /50
15 50
.38 60
5 40
64 65
63 19
- 36 77
20 83
18 00
23 121
18 68
21 83
24 22
6 49
15 60
28 50
6 23
9 00
4 00
::3.2 25
125 53
13 60
23 47
18 11,
i $855 83
R — Tssi
"1 35
" '37o'
. 12 06
12 SO
6 - 01.
1 75