"Take 'Away Your C.dokiait." Jinks,-,•drank ., too- - much, as all his friends khow, - but,. like many another good fe:low who drinks, it was bard, to convince Jinkir that he ought to let up n , Ho boarded at ono of the ho , "''tale, and night after night lie would remain , until past midnight at the sa loon bar, "'listing" in, rendering it tied essary, morning after morning, to haVo a cocktail brought up from the saloon •!;ibefore lxi -, Cbuld - get out, .of , Aiid and , then another to brace hirnup for break fast. 'H'Finally : the' har t attendant who ' , 'brbogbtibpl•tlie! drinks - romonstrated elling.liinr that iplic contin ii:ue4i4is.courso much longer, he would' the , , "The what ?'? asks J,inks, not;"ek`act. ' - :ly comprebending. , • -. , .‘iThe man.with the poker—getsnakes ,„ n actuF you-;see . thjngs—have the trc , mens.ft ,- "" , nonsense,"_ , said a,Tinks;.',"you m'eatft i3care me. I have drank just so for:fifteen 'years. •.'lt never heal me. cocktail or two in the mornipg_and Vain right always.". . • " 1 "' The man' had more sympathy for a 1"- - Mari'on'ilie downward road of 'intern ~,, p ernace; than most I..irmen htive;.and, „Ike - determined to giVeJinkti n fright. Accordingly, 'the next morning, when the':Well-known - ring from 'room' ii witl3 the"bar;tender , 'prepared a oi•xery, entitling giir Cocktail, and placing ,„„itmr,affatter; surrounded it witb,sun . dry, tqads„ lizards, small ; snakes,. etc. Ll Thls l he eimireyed - to:links' room; tbat 1 - ;'lndiVidita4'who bud loaded hiniself with "benzine".. the night before fall, er more heavily than usual, nervously a"waiting it.' „, - • • ".litorning,”' Said links, strotabing •:.out'arhand•lthat tionibkid some,, "glad ,;Ito‘see\you:—devilish dry •thisimorning, —lO/tat's them °" (darting back in ihorl' , "Why,` d`d you mean ?" said the mani-,in.innoennt wonder: ). • :•: "Why, the toads, snakes and, things around the tumbler!" said Jin ks,sbrin k- , id - Cto,,,l,h4;:,liapkOf the bed, and viewing t itle reptiles with aversion and dismny. my man, there ing - around .the tumbler—nothing oh the whiter except the,eoCktail." i yer(ttere:are.' I see snakes', toads andilizards there!) t A 4,i Jinksi .(with - a sikbY. I was :`llfrafd liow ' bo. I' told - you yesterday.tnorning, don't you remorn-_ ber?-'• You are =fleeing things when there ain't thingslo see. You've got 'cm sure." • . Jinks„ raises, up in bed. "Do you meatt , torn,tcll„me," said he, "that there ain't no snakes and.things - there ?" "Most assuredly, I ,dp." Jinks considered a moment and then, lying dOwn, said, in a sorrowful voice and with a mild, repellant wave of the hand '' Viourocktail." The;etorfgot out.; 'Jinks found that he was sold, -but he quit drinking, for •eyeiryltififl ho hienqiui into a sa hioii 'where he used to "infest," some *wild sing out—" Take away •your -cocktail IP • ' • • • fi ErsEcrivqp i Tu, lmmaiNivrpti.—Tho e #3c:ts' of the imagination were well'il. lustrated in 'the ease' of young Stevens, endeavored to commit suicide in the Park some days since. Having • discharged the pistol, at his breast, he _.`lfeltbackward, and was 'apparently in a dying .Onflition. When, however:: be hadascertained that the ball,instead of: piercing hie vitals, had glanced off and lodged in the fleshy part of bis body near the shoulder, ho quickly re , vived,sprang up, walked off, and being - furnished with funds, took the first train for his home hi Bridgeport, Conn: A French soldier was at ono time con demned, to, death - for desertion.: The !datol_nieciithin arrived. The platoon of soldiers:took their „places to fire, and `the : condemned - was blindfolded and PlaCed in front of them. As- the --order was about being given a reprieve arrived. The General commanding, ,how,eyer, thought he , would. inflict a seare„,ripon .the deserter, ant.accor :4 dingy ordered the men to fire over the reprieved man's head. -The poor- fel low dropped instantly, and when they proceeded to pick him up they found he was dead, though untouched by a single ball. I knew of a man who, a few years ago, dreamed that he would die ypqn.a.cert.sio -day.. As--the•time atoirnenti hik belief in the dream grew Iltiongerantstronger. His physicians and friends sought in vain to dispel the hallucination, and, sure enough, when the day arrived he did die. Mor timer S--, a prominent lawyer of Western New York, could at any time be • forced into the belief that he was but'to toll him`that he looked sick and ho would fancy that be was, and soon became so.—N. Y. Cor. Chicago Journal. A SCHOOL MONTH.—The Pennsylva nia School Journal gives the following ass tile:law fixing the 13 - chool month : , That; twentY-twoidaYs shall be held be'a fichool'month, , , and' that two I ftdatuidaYe idea& month,' as the piop er board shall designate, which two Saturdays shall be hold to be a _part of_the school month, may at the discretion, and by an affirmative vote of all•menibern of the Beard of Direc tors,-or Controllers; be appropriated to Institute for the improvement of the teachers of said district: Provided, That in districtii in which the schools are, or shall be kept - open and in ope /*Alen, the maximum term - now allow ed by law, and the teachers employed by the year, the foregoing clause as to the•number of schooldays in the school month, shall not apply any further than that the reports and statistics of the school shall be kept in accordance therewith, and that District institutes may be held as thereby directed. • To CURE A COLD. -Dr. Hall's Jour nal of Health give the following seas onable warning :—The moment a man is,satiefted that ho-has taken' , Hold, lot tinide:three-things: '',-FirStyeat moth lag, second, go to bed, cover up in a warm room ; third, drink, as, much cold water as ho can, or as he wants, or as much herb tea as ho can, and in three cases out of four he will be well in ?0 hours. To neglect a cold for forty eight hours after . the, cough commen ces is to place yourself beyond cure, until the cough has run its course of about a fortnight. Warmth and ab etlaenee ars sefa, certain cues, when applied- early. .Warmth keeps the pores of the skip open, and relieves it of the surplus which oppressed it, while abstinence cuts oft the supply of material for phlegm, which would ~otherwise be coughed up. NEW, TUE undersigned would respectfully annenece that, in connection with their TANNBitY, they have Just opened n splendid assortment of FINE LEATHER, Conslatpvip part bf .,. FRENCII CALF MOROCCO, ' LININGS, --; BINDINGS, •-• ,!'' : !SOLD, i ; UPPER; „, SKIRTING, to., Together with a gattemt araorttni:it of ' Tho trade:llo invited to Outland 'o'xatnitt'o'OUr stock, ' Store on 111 LL street, two 'doors weal or tho PrFabyta: ',hut churrh:. The highest price paid foiI:IIDES and BARK. „ . - • • • C. H. MILLER & SON.. i . Huntingdon, Oct. 28,1868 ' • ' • ' . ~ • . , 'UNITED ST : 001718' Antliorized WAR CLAIN AGENCY HUNTINGDON, PA SOLDIER4V HEIRS, ATTENTION ! The act of Congress approved March 2, 1867, gives to Heirs of Soldiers a ho died prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, • • for the time the soldier woe to held a' prisoner, 'tit the rate of twenty-five cents per day, to be paid to the, follo,w log order: Ist. To the widow, if unmarried ; 2d. To the children ; 3d. To the parents. to both jointly if they are living, if either le dead, to the survivor; - 4th. To the bro. there and sisters. • --• • •• , ' • The act of February 28,1867. Providbil fo ' r A. Won't , fog of tho $2OO Commutation Money, whero the same per. son was a:_ein drafted, and was required to toter the sor• vice or furnish a substitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS The act of March 2, 1861, also makes prim talons fir the payment of Mao . $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such soldiers as have aceldeutaliplost their dischar gee All persons having any claims under any of the above mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim agalast the United States or Stat. Governments, can have them promptly collected, by addressing• the undersigned. In. torMation rind advice cheerfully given td soldiers Or thble friends, free of charge. . ' W. IL WOODS, I .dythorged Army and Natty_WarCiaim Agent, may 0,21807 • , • HUNTINGDON, Huntingdon co., Pa. West . Huntingdon Foundry. JAMES SIMPSON M t aXINICTINIES • c' n •f : n : PLOWS,. THRESHING' MACHINES, • FARM BELLS, BLED AND SLEDNIERLES,' ; WAGON BOXES,,JON • C1EW1t133.&"75 " For FuriteCe, Foi•ges,Cleat and Saw Mille.Tanneried • and Utickyard , e, : —• AND JOB:77ORX IN GENERAL. .•, , . ARCHITECTURAL & ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Iron Porticos and Verandahs, - I Balconies Columns and 'Droy Ornament for wocden porticos and verliodobs, Window Linteli . and Cost OrumMoOrs fur WoOden Cellar Wiintow, Guards" all hiZttl; Chimney ?Tops and Ylnet4 I Sash Woliatts, Carpet StriO, Registers„llonters, Coal Cirates,, , l, Yoult.Casilngs for coal 'and wood cellars, Arbors, Trod-Mize s„Larnn-postg Hilaning-poste, Iron Railing for yorticos, verandahs, balconies, flon er beds, Yard and Cemetery, ktin . ceooctec- Put liculai+ attention Aid to facing Canday I,rs. Adclrefs . , , JAMES 51311 , 8 IN, 5e23,68 . • • -" Pn. JUNIATA STEAM , PEARL WILL, lIUNTINGDON,.. PA. . - - TIHS'MILL comple o success in the manufacture of HAMM, &u. It has lately been thoroughly repaired and is now fa" good running order and in full operation. The burrs and 'chortler ! nro_ticunitcl of superior quail ity--ctufnot be excelled. Anil we are gratified to know that our wait has given entire satisfaction to our . custo mere, to whom we tender our thank! We hare in our employ one or the Lest MillerslO the county; and a faithful and capable engineer. Thus equip pod and enc. - nil:aged, we are del,Winined to persevere in our efforts to accommodate and please the public, hoping thereby to merit and receive a liberal share or patronage to sustain us in our enterprise for the public interest. Market price paid for tLe different kinds of grain on delivery. Flour and bhnp, on hand; fdr sale. JOHN K. McOAUAN & SON, - Huntingdon, Nov. 20,1867 . NOTICE TO ALL HILL STREET MARKET, OPPOSITE TILE FIRST NATIONAL IllAXIC.) D G. , MORRISON respectfully . in- Jib. forms:the citizens of Ifuntlngdon and 'vicinity that he continues the meat market business in all its va rious branches, and will keep constantly on hand till i) . , , ~ Fmk Beef, Pork, Poddlrig and Sansage,'ealt " ~ Beef and Pork Canned Fruit and Vegetables, - '. Spices of all kindn, Camps a nd , l3auces, Tens, Soaps, Chem, Salt Lark ito y So., All of which he will continue to sell at reasonable prices The highest prices paid for hides and tallow. Thomas Colder, at Alexandria, and March A Bro., at Coffee Run, are toy agents to purchase at their places. - Than Mid for past patronage, S touch a continuance of the same. 11, G. AIORRISOB. • Huntingdon, Oct. 29, 1867. READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY.' lIAR.R.TED AND ALL IN WANT OF ;• New il itrinture: THE undersigned would respectfully announce that he manufactures and keeps constantly on hereto large and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS. It EDSTEAD9 WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and eine seat chairs; cnpifoards; gilk and rose• wood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. - • , , • , , Ile is also agent for the well known Bailey Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. Tho public aro invited W call and examine. his stock before purchasing elaewhere.•2 I . •" • ' Work and sales room on Hill street, near, Smith, one door west of Yenter's store. ~ • Ifuntingdon, Aug. 1, 1868 Tgagtqvg g t J. M. WISE, Illf $ anufaciureg aria Dealer in Fzrß.ivaTir WIL Respectfnlly invites the attention of, the - Public to;his stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, in the roar of George W Swart.' Watch and Jewelry store, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per. sous wiehing to purchase, will do well to give him a Call. • Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. atir. Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any style desired, at short notice. 1 111 4 1000 ••••- The submriber has a NEW AND ELEGANT HEARSE and is prepared to attend Funerals at any plaza in town or country. • J. al. WM& Huntingdon, nay 9,2800-tf - 113APER1 PAPER!! Note, Poet, Commercial, Foolscap and Flate.sp—a good assortment for sale by the roam, half ream, quire or sheet, at LEWIS' BOOK & STATIONERY S'CORE, ENVELOPES- By the box, pack, or less quantity, for sale at LEWIS' BOWL ANESTATTONERY STORE. Hoop Skirtg. Hoop Skirts. Best 80 tiprini, White, 41,175 e At IlintßlC & CO'S Aar For neat JOB PRINTING, oall :at the "GLOBE Jo# Pelrytip,Qptiteicii! itegtue. tipgdpn, -• A 0 5 „ yer's • Hair---17.3g0r, For restoring 'Gray' t 9", its natural Vitality:and , dressing .which is at once agreerible,_ healthy, and, effectual, 'for 'preserVin'gr !the,. haft:: I:adetl or soay hair' ;reared, to, it's „' color, with. the gloss! and freshness It lot youth.,, =Tllini is I thick,: ened, falling, hair- checked, and bald-, though`' nett alwaysli cured, 'Nothing' ''can" reStore , ; the . hail" where 'the follieles 'are' destrOyed, I " the iglands atrophied' and - decayed.,, But such as remain can `be Saved , ' for usefulness by this - application. Instead 'of 'fouling 'the' hairi with: at phsty sedi-, ment,' it 'will keep it clean and vigorous. , 16 occasional nse:will prevent 'the- hair , froM ,turning,' 'O4 , or.' falling' off,: and ediikuently precut • Free from those deleterious substances Which, make some • preparations 'dangerous and , injurious to the ,hair, the Vigor, can, .only,bettefit but not harm it.., If wanted. , merely for. a, • HAIR DRESSING', nothing else can be found so desirable. 'Containing neither oil nor, dyei'it does not - soil white cambric,; and yet lasts ,lotigi on,. the hair; giving-it a:rich glossy bistro and 'a grateful perfume:. ' Prepase~ by ; Dr: .!. PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHLBEISTS, LOWELt; MASS:" • - palm $l.OO. - , JOHN READ, Agent, • sel6-ly Ayer l s. ,Sarsaparilla, FOR PURIFYING IRE NI.L001.1.: The reputation this ex . eellent medicine enjoys:, . I ~., ~„ is derived front its cures, ::, ' ,y , tre rl , mtiny.of which tiro, trulY , - ~-,w , ,„ ~: ea marvellous, ses . i . ° l u ll o r t t s e V s e . ti '•'t.• . A , 4 :„ . .A. s c e l e s n e ieCi vh,r aLt4e2 s „Vt i ll 4 4:.__ :. :..„,„comption, have been, -: , .-ir-,3.'.._ - i.., , -- " purified and cured by it.' • • 1--- -7i.. Scrofulous affections and - _ z-- ;...,..,At , disorders, whichwere ng -44'ff-Z--44..tte-,,aWr' gravated by the ser.ifii.' -- - " 7 " ''' lons' contamination Mail they were painfully aftlieting, , have been ,radically cured in such great numbers in almost every sec.' tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to - be informed of,its virtues or 11ECS:, .; ' ,' = ;. Scrofulous poison is one of the Most destructivei enemies.of our racer Often, thistmseen and unfelt tenant-bt theorgaiiisin undenninesthe constitution, and invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases,, witlunitexciting_ri suspicion of Its presence.: Again, d It seems to breed Infection throughout the body, an' then,'on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop, , Into one or other of its hideout forms, either on the surface pr among the N itals. In the latter,, tuber tiles may be suddenly" deposited lit the Mugs or heart, or tumors formed ,in the liver,, or it Show:: its presence by eruptions oil the skin, or foul ulcer futons on some part of the body:" Ilene° the occa sional use of a bottle of this, Sarsaparilla is tub vlsable, even when no active symptoms of di.:ense appear. Persons afflicted with the following eotn. plaints generally linil immediate. relief, and, at length; eure,by the Use of this SARSAPAR IL- . LA: St. Anthony's Fire, .R.SC or _Erysipelas,' Tenter, Salt Rheum, Scold -fiend, Ringworm, Sore. Dyes, Sore Rows, and other eruptions or visible terms of Scrofaloas disease. :Also In tile more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fits, .111111.11311, Nelfralfalt , and the various Ulcerous affections of the muscu lar and nervous systems. . ' Syphilis or renrreal and Mereuriat Dinean,i are cured by it, though a long time 10 required for subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. Bat long continued use of this medicine will cure 'the complaint. Led rol . l , hcca or Whites, Uterine ,f7fterations, mid .Ermalo;Diseases, are com monly soon' relieved and idtunately cured by its , purilVing and invigorating; effect. Minute Iniec tionsTor each case are found in our Almanac, sup plied" gratis.. , Rheumatism and , Gout, when, caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in' the' blood; yield quickly to ,it, as also /Area. Complaints, Torpidity,'Congestion orifilfam ma tion of the Liver, and Jaundice, w hen arising,' ,as they often do, 'from the rankling _poisons. in the blood.,This SARSAPARILLA is a great re. Storer for the strength anit vigor of the system. Those Who are 7,:noiguid and Listless, Despon dent, Sleepless, and troubled NI ith Nervous Ap prehensions or Penes, or any of the affections• symptomatic of Weakness, NH( find immediate relietand _convincing evidence of its-restorative rower upon trial. ~ . . . . Or. S. C. AlklEllt 41k:' CO., Lo~s•ell t 7/lass., PractiCaT and Analyt SOLD BY ALL 'DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE.. 8. DeCANANT, D. T. CALOWEBI, J. la, nAners,' JOHN LLLIOTT, AM. 19 . TOCE. TYRONE PLANING MILLS. .11.1cCAMANT, ELLIOTT'& CO.; Success'ore to P. D foyer & Co , Manufacturers and n bealers'in' Sash, Doors, Blinds ; Flooring, Brackets, kouldihgs, Plastering Lath, Shingles, Cominon, and • Fancy Pickets, Frame Stuff; AND ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, TYRONE,, PA. Orders respectfully SoleFited. j;2l1 -6m VIOL 11011CLUVELL WM. S. BUIICLIINLLL THOS, BIIROHINELL & SON, MANUFACTURERS OF SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all :kinds of Building material, EfIINTINGDON, PA. Slch2s•tf GEO,A. - STEEL. MILTON B. LYTLE. SAMUEL A. STEEL. rfillE - FIRM OF STEEIOST LE & • STEEL bavilig:lciceted 013411,31 r tract of land with al two miles of the borough of Lfuntingdon, STEAM ,SAW MILL , are prepared to Inanufecturo all Wade of • OAR AND .PINE LUMBER. The mill will be run to its utmost cnpacity and will be In operation during the entire summer nod pert of tho autumn menthe. They will be enabled to furnish Lum ber In large guantitiesrand of all dimenalone, at the low eet melt prices. Orders respectfully solicited. Lumber dellyered at the Senna... Railroad, or canal. Iluntlugdon, April 22, 1868-tf JAMES IItat:111%1S LUMBER SHINGLES, -LATHS. • EMLO CK, PINE BILL STUFF, Boards, Milk, Shingles, Plastering and Shingiing • Lath, constantly'on hand: ' Worked Flooring, Saab, Blinds, Doors, Door and Win dow Frames, furnished at manufaw urers' prices. - "'Grain and country product genorally bought at market rates. WAGONER ,Sc BRO., aug2s-tf Centre co., Pa., ,THE' FARMERS' BOOK. 140 beautiful 'illustrations,: NO octavo pagos. Show ingjust what every Farmer wants to know: HOW TO MAKE THE FARM PAY. Send for circular giving full description. FARMERS! FARMERS' SONS! Experienced, Book Agents and others wanted to take this book to every Partner In ovary community. Busi ness permanent. Pays4Com $154 to s2to per ntynt)i ac cording to experience a d ability. Address, ZSIOLER;.IIIcCuItDY & CO., Publishers, Philadelphia, Pa., , Cincinnuti, 0., Chicago. or St. Louis, Mo. ' tieblo FOR .THE LADIES. eupprior article of Sete ,Eapor and Envelope suitable for confident(al correspondence, for dale at • ,c,.#IYJS' BOOK tk STATIONERY STORE. BUSINESS MEN; TAKE NOTICE! you want your card neatly printed on ouvel , opet, ►ll at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERYBTORE PREPARED 11Y WHARTOA & MAGUIRE, ; ' 1 HiLL.f3TREIEIT, ilt ) lk l. o l aP OM) I WHOLESALESiScaE?TA X L,• ' • • DNALERS IN I :• ; „ail& Dciriiestic I , ii ,t 4 .n 4 •ft,Ukti ,7 . !iiri:;'l • 'I t ! 1;1 !J'f, ' ; ..The attention 0f,.:: . - • • AIEURAIsaCS: FARSIERS, BUILDERS; luvited fueetlutt '7o are now offeifneti DEVER' ASSOltirMgliT tif ' HARDWARE ,CUTLERY,;•,&C than'euti ho found elsewhere In this part of thd)Stute, itt• price to Suittho times, Our stock comprises all articles 4n this linen( litief Resa t . pulp], =tag mouerql mornment, of TOOIA and MATIMIALS uilsd by, ChiiPENTERA; libAblismktits; bAiiritiiat:`6lt w'Adon• 'la AKB : J.,INERS; dc„ dic.,•idgkthfir with a litretdo'ciCof : , • Won, Steel' and Mining • •,i Supp'lies, Saddlery, Rope, ' • , Chains, Grindstones; Circular; " Mill'and-Crbss. Cut Saws; Enantelle4 d " L' • and Plain 1101-, 71 ' , low IVare. • „ • Coal Oil ,tamps and -.Lanterns,',. • • • ,Oil an , d P4Wder:Cans. Ao c4ceileut nesortmerit , nf • ," r. 133.0 ' Comprising; KNIVES; FOILKS, - DESSERT, TEA , , AND TABLE SPOONS, SOTS— ' ORS„; RAZORS, 4e. BRITTA NIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, *Horticultural and Farm Implements,, Of the - latest and most improved patterns, 'CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE A T UF.Aoi'&,BEß's' .PIOO.E S. CARRIAGE 81tWAGON - ; • MAKERS Will flail - n' general asB6;trnellt ofmaterita for their non 'ennainting in part of '') Oarri,age• Rieb's,2 Spokes, lti"qprings,,l7l . Bolts, IVashers,_l,lTalloaOle,irons i Pa-, „ tent and enamelledLeat her, ' •" Shafts, j '333c..cie&C,3I2E.IVEXT3ELS • " • Cool", enppliod wink' ' A.N - ,TILS,I3,EI;L . OWS; S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AN) MULE SHOES, . Horse Nails; and all kinds of Iron& Steel -CARPENTERS Will find in our establishment a superior stock of PLANES, . , . SAWS; AUGERS, ,• • HAMMERS , • FILES,. • - • • I••• • :CHISELS, „ • HINGES,' ' SCREWS; LOOKS, • Bolas PULLEYS„_, , ~- • , SASII 7 CORDS, • , IMO MINING. AND MINERS'; GOODS. N'AILS 'and SPIKES , of all viirfetios ; piaLES,TXDPZI POWDER, rust; uOALITIVICS AND SHOVELS. 3D -I .9l,x•maLerss, • Can to; acoommodatOd tvlth evorything In their lino from a Grain Separator to a-Whet-atone. 331-1.11C1Le)X . 155 ,Are erprclallyAnrited to call andozamlno our stock of BUILDING , .HABDWARE, *lad compare our prim with others. • ; Agricultural Implements, ' Comprising the fa.noue Etymon 'iteaper,qnd Dropper , combined, Rundelps prat PremiumHOßSK PITCHFORK, , flake's; Brython, Hoes, , Hny Forki;' ' Trace and Halter Chain., ' ' Rifest Chains, Cow Tire, Curry Combo, , Cards, &c., &c., &c. • i Among the specialties of our House, we'deafre to call attontlon to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, .The excluilveright to sell which to vested in us. Bend fur acircular And get full particulars of same, and satisfy yourself of lts superior qualities. „ SCALES: Wu; .3(01131ns and descrlptiuus, including , Tea and Counter, Scales, , ' • • Platform• Scales, • Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling _Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port. able, Hopper, Miners and' , Tranns... portation, Hay, Cattle and - Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASII PRIC ~S The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this place A ollpAT YARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, , . By ibeog., Verylowl Bat Norway nail, rod, bar an 111))9 Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON.BOXE§, " CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal. Oil, By the barrel or gallon, et very low figures. XfV- A. call le reepccindiy soi , clied, reeling confi dent that our goods and prices will not fail 10 • please. WHARTON & MAR!RE., fluntlog4on, May 2, p 10.7. .t ~ .E GREAT Cunullighain& Cannon's) Corner of Rillroall add Ifftintgoplei l y Ste., • •4 I (fl• "I'l '.`:114! 11 : rffil 1r:1: HIINTINODON,, FEZ T E would call spediril'attentio to • , the daily arrival CIIOIOE AND BEAUTIFUL ,GOODS, which axe offered at ifl , • TeifiPtlng Pilees, Consisting ,of ileautlful - .lllks .of nll shades, nil, tboo .411pnetne, Melanges, Armors, Chintzes, A l m ost beautiful= hoe of lino Comhrico,• Barred Mueline, Nato- edoks, aitlelllo2B, and Chambrays AL9O, a full Uno of Donioalictfoode, each ae , HEAVY. 'iBLEACHED Flne itroois Mitslltt; 40 Inclots , nido,:nlotickted Muslin; fiom to 4 4tO•ds wide; Kontucky 'lent*' Facmera , Casslmre, &c„ ko. ' • • . „ Our stock or S HOE S .excels anything of Old hod this' " side of Philadelphia. ' ' ' ~. ti - . ALSO, a largo and well' select6d Meek II AI'S: suit. - ' able for the season : '' , , , • , " —• , ' ' . CARPETS. Wo make a specialty of this article, and Lase en hand a eery Bile assoiintent of. DESIRABLE PATTERNS;; which will lie sold to voi lhnu CAN Lo aold bkiiimy'OtlaCr home outside or Plaid() ' We inivi ago on hood n E torgd'etock'of ABM AND SALT which we are Belling very lOw. • Itt Order to be convinced that cure In the 't:, buys call end examine our goat; and ',rico!. We take pleasure In showing out-goods; oxen if you do not with to buy. So you'vvill please call nnd posted! CUNNINGHAM& CARIVION.. Oct:2B, 1868-tf. HEAD • QUARTERS • • - ~ " • FOR r • ~ '."' • NEW ''GOODS. - D P. - ' 'INFORMS THE PUBLIC •• • - THAT:HE 'HAS • ' JUST. OPENED • • • .. ; SPLENDIT STOOK of NEW 000 D: THAT 'BE,, BEAT IN • CHEAPNESS AND.' QUALITY,: • COME 'AND SEE.. D. P. GVILIT. Huntingdon, Aprills, 1868.' - : .FASHIONABLE G-0033S FOR FALL AND WINTER 'WEAR.. . , GEOi F. MARSH, MERCHANT'.T•AMLOR, AND AZALEA IN • READY-MADE, - GLOTWNGI FOR MEN AND BOYS, '•' line removed to the second fleet:, in,liend'euNew lug, where he intends to keep constantly on' hand the latest styles of Ready made Clothing and piece goods, comprising • • •‘' ..AIAE1?0ANCILIIIII AND PRDNCH CLOTHS, ; CASSIMERES, AND VESTINOS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINOS. Being a practical workman of many yearn experience he to prepared to make to order Clothing for men And boys, and guarantee neat; durable and fashionable work manehip. Ho le deterinined to'pleaseeveiybody:• • Ail are Invited to cell and examine my new stock of beautiful patterns borer, purchasing elsewhere oct2B. CEO. F MARSH. • DOBBINS' ELECTIIfO BOOT POLISH Makes a.Lasting Shine. Tboie who black their boots on Patnrday n ordinary blaciting.tion't have much chine on Sunday, is the polish fades on; but the shine of BOBBINS' BLACHINO , Lasts Saturday Night and all day Sunday, IT BEATS ANY OTHER BLACKING MADE. Manufactured only by .1. DOBBINS, at. hiaimMense Soap aujj Itjackiml Works, Sixth • btreet , and Gorman town Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by Massey & Co., adjoining Lewis' Bask Store, Huntingdon, Pa, novlB CA-COZAD 3E'..101V" FOR 'EVERYBODY, CIIE4PER THAN ANY ; OTHER KINDAS". I calk:at Lewis', 'Book )Rore and SEE ASSORTMENT. - - - BLANK: BOOKS, " ' ' OP VARIOUS 812E8, (or sale at ZETVIS' BOOK ANLYI37 , 4,TIONERY STO air „ t • • . jet T 7 ho plgt , test Tattle wi,li bO In ireiko.by ~i~Y[t~Dci~f~Y~~; ~~~?~erZrstuteit#s. T"E -OLD E S T'4I3LIS D TIItJI 4: RICHARDSON-y& CO., ' rif MUSET'S . ;R'Eii, I . tlat'inr . gestmitsetn';l ' Can'euVtioners ind 7 t sale ;Dealers In .4'1348,Na:4:3x.; In klitt Tlnttea States. 1y, , , ' •,! ' Q UEDIYOrMISICEANDr:SpAriI For,doing a finally washing in tito best and cheapest manner. tinarantecar equal ltolanydri (ho world Flan all, tho strength, of of I resin soap with the, mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castili, this'aplen did- P00p..-Sold.by thu . ALDEN.OLLEMOAL WOltg.p, North Front, •A:GENTSTIVAiCTED:, . aciL t PO% 1)111; 1 9fit I ''' $.•?.00, Or a'coilimigglon frcird Miah t;dch that ita4 bo :mad,e by prilin4 mp r. (n . , Coon SOnse Price $(13.00 and terms wldrets,o 4 DOW ER CO, 320-South 'Clard • delB4r.ri FINE.,CUSTO 11. ! BOOrIS,! NDS O,ES ,FOl3. - . Ail the , I:EADING STY'LIi3 oil hand or made' to mons, oroi':Pricoi r 'fixed at\LiW PIO Uft HS: 'An • alit raw' PI ice bixy.:wi , t4 fu r bolt moasurannintient on receipt o 1 , 91 t (Aso address. 1. WM. F. BAItTLETTY -33 South Sixth Street, above Chestnuti,' artlO•ly !• 1 ,!;, NOTICETp GREAT - REDUCTION'OPTOLLS' Cfs.NALLLISE, , H ; From Tidewater to all points on the I • Susquehanna River and its Branches', ahesape'ake'&'Delvaid,Cii;a:r j ' l ,ll,de , : :water,atid Pennsylvania ; Canala s .' By Regular , tbilly,Tows,of,CauallipatS froptPhiladols. plan toad ',bees On the iluSquellanna River and branches.' t Goods!enniigned to the above imints'from Thiladelpeia and Baltimorts will las. received, ocelt's ; handled and forwarded by Canal Boats; which 'ard'doLstkiltly'arrlvlng for freighk. • I•t9 ; Amp d le warelmuso and, whorfago .. roo ... ( undot...covvr), provided for loadecargdas. , Shippers will find it to their advantage to send for ward their Consignments to' receive quick dihmich. For further particulars, apply to • • ' • HOFFMAN & KENNEDY,' Ne.'3o4Vorth Delaware Avonue, , PIIILADELPMA. Or JOR. JAS: TAYLOR, , No 21. {{'cat Falls Avenue, • „,, , , BALTI3IORII, MD. Juno 17,186.9-7" , . „ , . , , MIMI : DFL: „TAYLOR% • " • . "11, : ' • • ' ' • " 'it MOTT ' U 1 . `,y . 2i, • ll:Lalli A,mild. nd,, agcee able TO IC ST llVltiL l ik "STOMACIIIC ,- nnd 'CARMINATIVE • • , " '33 lI;VE,AiB, Extracted en tirelST"froni 'llEwls and ROOTS: lligl4 , beneficial , DYSPEPSI.4 „GENERAL_ DEI3mITY,. a il„q 40.8 s -of ,„Appeq(e..;: an'd 'an 'ex:C,eoel4 CORRECTIVE for ,persons safferhig• from' Disor-' ders of the Bo . ivelS, IFlaii&nee; SOLD EVERYWHERE. No. 413 laarkei Street, Philadelphia.' J. K. TAYLOR & CO, Sept 80. '62ly LADIES',FANCYTURS; eT JOHN . I / 1) ( E S TvA B„I t f l - ) s„. ED,: 718,ARPH Street, above Seventh, • • ,PIIILADELPHIA: ,,,,,, , Ohm now In store of own Huportation and uullmture, one of the it G E'Pend Most IAUTIVUL selections of Farioy; LADIES' and CHIG IYEAR,'Iii the ty.-Also, a fine asson ant of .oen t'a •F u iMillnd Collars. , I am enabled to dieposQ my pods at vory MASON ABLE PRICES tI • would. therefore icit a call from my -lode of ' Huntingdon countyand rteintty., 4 Remember the Name, Number and Street ' JOHN PAREIRA,% 718 ARCH Street, above 7th, South aide, se3o-4m PHILADELPHIA. AIGP• I HAVE NO PARTNER, NOlt CONNEOTIAN WITH ANY OTIIEIt STORE IN PIII.JARELPHIA., • • , SPANISH HAIR • DRESSER FOR PROMOTING THE GROWTH; BEMITIVITNO TOE , And rendering it dark and glossy. No other compound possesses the. peculiar properties which so exactly cult the various conditions of te human hair. The, use of this oil as a hair dresser ha il been universal in every sec tion of the country in the Spanish Maht for con turies..— : 'No preparation of art could give that elegant' luxuriance and abundance of hair which have so often been the ad miration of travelers In 'Spain. This oil' io highly end delicately perfumed, form mg an; article unrivaled In ex: cellence nod upon stitch the Spanish people fur many years have sot its seal of enduring amiroal. Mexicali Willi Flowers Shampoo Lotion . , . For removinidandruif and scurf from the head, whiten.: ing and pet finning the skin. This Article is entire:W . (llf: ferent flout anything of Ito kind ever offerud,in this coon : try' hnd le warranted free from elf polsondus substanee.s.' :This valuable lotion Vats used by the Keipercir . Maxuttll-: Jan, and 'l:Ai:press WI iotta of Mexico, and universally. used by Mexican:. for three hundred years. As' a wash for the (toad—it is cooling. cleansing and refreshing.— When thus used it at ouce.relieves headache. ' , : Wild) FLOWERS FOR TEM ,TEEITH All those who are in Ives white leeih mule pleasant and pertinned braala should at once use Mcttutro'n %111,11 towers for the Teeth. All these preparations urn put up in the most elegant and ornamental manner. Re niche no exception In Fraying that they are on ornament to a 16dy'S toilet table. and none complete mitt them.. Warranted satisfactory or money refunded. Boilers. I will boar this In mind. Cold restieeteble‘Urulk glets in the United Status-and Cahalan, Address Ordure to• :RICHARD /Ice 17IRE, • Depot end illannfochiry, seßy 2&s North Second Street, Philadelphlti. For male nt Lowle' Book Store, Huntingdon. McG UME'S McGUIRE'S McGVIRE'S JOBSTaN RAWSON TAKEcj)leasiirCielatiOutihiggiti) the citizen. of ihlntingtlon county and vicinity that havej9ikroturaud from Um Ear with a ; TlOiff 71, LE 311)‘i 'LARGE --- STOCK - -OF---GOODS , ; . „ Which they hove just.Onen9 out at their new atom I•tE"Dt:tOR,BAS'I.ftP; 111# S ASIIINaTON4IOTE4 • - • ••Thelr stock couelato of.t. DRY GOODS, ; HATS - A - ND - CATS, - .n.m 1511:1 _-• • . 1 tiucita BOOTS AND 'SHOES, •;;;• - 11i,-orITU •i, ; gROCERIgS, if. .! 'Ol I • • . WA FLOUR AND.FEED, TOBAbto:'gE"6 . illg, T:T :• , 1! - 1,51,10,1%. . . 11 , 'CANNED - 1441M, 9111 ;10:er'1,,V; v,:rf . ~:: ;, , H.A:RDWAIiE;" (r . OED : AIt i,4 itletßE, 1. , • I: I, QUE ILNSWAREi OIL;OLOTES,,IT OILSjI ?in./ :,-.[lL:tllo.l9:i :Cr 16:,397 ti TAINTS • . i,lll i :10"/ " r 111/ , e.finfl i .- W 1 4 1 14q1. 8, 11•Ji kalif! tuna A 7 •" —.AL', 'A` .1n IY:.:Lxfr AIIPETg,.;O_,Mtr.7ET,CIJAIN, MBE 01 E§% Mil , . 'TRUNKS, „ r 11-A4S,'ShOtittiERS,AOKMiS,,t&O. Thep limei istge stOck of 1 " : r • 11 , 7 . 711i7.2 .- 1..171 2F cd LADIES'"DRESS GOODS, - 1 11i, , IV , f.:11.1 ‘ Cppellt!ng of LKS,, .1)1011AIKS, AIRACV, POPLINS, LUSTRE.% OINGIIAMS, MERkqckp, „ridgDo;lDß 4-kTNY. 3 , , ;1 ,iIL JL a %u. PAI LI.I , • ' Aln f` !arOMIP4T°PIPrpi DR4'SS,.,TRIMMINGS,eIE.MBROIDE- I V,Y 11 4.1 iii7e BY, HOSIE,.GLOYES;:j., . ( ii. 79 , :1 r -M .., 1111!' :”!1: - Jr?. : 111.3 A FULL LINE OF IVHITE GOODS • : ~• •i bll rz WC! will sell IV HOLES. mid RETAIL 7 , 1 • 1 •I All goods delivered to reeidences In town sad'A'O - po ' ti, ; free 'of cliergory IMM qiyo tu!a,t.cl,l4l Wore purshaelng elsewhezi. b ;lima JOHNSTON & ,WATT9O2f Fluulingdou.Aprllls, 1868. 727 cliEsTNriT'gritEEri—b7 L „llcductlona thances. Eli 413. F " DRESSI GOODB. RICKEY, -,,5H0P;41,0,0., 10,.727 . qgpsni.:crr,srmmr, OFFER • TO-PAY "' .• , i 56' Cases of Imparted Dress ' ratirles;". at %•I 1),:t1 25 pei i - e'c'4:i;"*Or'in'boutge the 1=! it SHAtti',.4 t • 77;....qestn,ut street, •I. decßoly 14:T - Ell MARBLE YARD.: . 11,:.! 113Z;`.', 1,,-; J. -.NLORREN4 R I O."BEAVER Havlog entered into pertilereldp, Inform the ; publlothat they are prepared to execute all styles of • "- " Plain and ornamental Marble -Work hhh 'as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONEE,Vhie l iiilidtag Work,'at as low prices as any chop lathe county.-- ,f "Ordere from a dlstarice promptly attended to. , Shop on MIFFLIN street, a few doors 'east! of the La tberan church mrh6,1867 ;MARBLE would respectfully call the attention of the citizen et untingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Me to preparedld &midi at the ehortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and. Stones' of every desired size And ;form of, Italian or Eaetern Marble, highly 'finis/fed; and carved with appro, priate devices, or. plain, as may milt. -." - • •••' Building ,Marble, Door and Window 81111, dc., wIll•pe furnished to order:" - W. W. pledgee himself to furnish material'andmork manahip equal to any in the country, •at a fair price. tom• and ace, before you purchase elsewhere.• Shap oath miter of 31ontgomery and Mifflin Huntingdon, Ph WIC WILLIA4B..` Iluntingdork, May 18 1855 THE NATIONAL HALLS ' R.MAPTlAtkatt****; , BIINTENGDoN -tit • This Restaurant is situated ,at .the bead of Franklin Street, in the bofongh !font. This le' open dfirlig the'day'and evenisrg. Tie beat of Nines., XX Ale and Lancsudef.Bece"Ttia labia Bill be elippliest with the beat fare forth° phbll4 'and did Proprietors will make - these - mho call on them feel at home. Jillas•Tho Hall will be opened for Festivals, PartiCll: Amusements, etc. ' •RIO111131‘& SONS; o,ct. 1768-3 m. , _Proprietors - ,SPECTACLES: A fine mid large asee*encithitayso4 band • ' .:" AT LEWIS' BQOK 'qTap:g. IT S , ~„ REVENIT:E.STMIPS F 0 FL 4T -rig Ig-rif g gqg ASTPA'g: 11141TINgDbi, 004. MI =MI .11.1.« r = MIME= I . I