, Rid S OF THE-.GLOBE. ti'hL~uUmda advance. Biz mouths— +.7:l!bree Mandl' TERMS OF ADVERT/a/NG. / time. 2de 3do 1 mouth Orke Inch, or Iwo! $ 75 $1 25 $1 50 $L 75 Tx° loptee 1 s°- -17'.^ 2 25 ••••"1 2 78.... 3 25 r l Thr . thaihebeer,. ~ .. 225 • , ~3;25.4,r4 00.i:.1. 475 . .: 64 iri . , d i : o ;. ieti ' ii •n '',. 3 wi.c4k2ha. i 6 trwalths: ~&..-. I,Year $4 00 $6 00 $lO 00 Two Inches 8 25 9 00 15 00 Three inches 8 60 12 00 0 0 00 Pour Inchm 00 ^5 00 quarar 4 1 1 11,1 4 N •s: i 8 too 00 .30 00 Half 20 00 .30 00— ... ....45 00 One column, 30 00 45 00.... ..... 60 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, One year, $5 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 13 times, 02 60 Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 BairaY. or other short Noticeil 1 60 Advertisements not marked It Rh the number orb..- Vilna! desired, will be continued till fOrbid and charged so- 1 . 0431.1ni tO these terms. • ' Local or Special Notices, 10 cents a lino for Single In sertion. By the year at a reduced rate. Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc. are reasonably low. "T! '6usnitss Car s DMA. B::BRII M.BAIIIGH, (laving penileMundy locat‘dni HUntingdon, offers Lts orefessionsi serviette to (be community. Office. the emend that iately occupied by Dr. Loden .on Hill street. ap10,181,6 `nR; I JOTIN 51p GUI4I, OCFI, offers, ; his professional si;r4iree vitt. citize. of Ile ntingdon an vicinity. Office on 11,11 street. one door cast of heed's Drug Store. Aug. 25,'55. r Allab9N t, T.L1111.; ljarrj: t t , , DE YTIST, Sy removed tchthe Brick (tow opposite the Court (louse. ';' J. GREENE, ' „y,yy I DENTIST! . Ace icsocea tol.kliier'u' 'New DUllillug, P 'Zi MITI stmt. Huntingdon. July 31,15u7. JA. POLLOCK, ! • aURVEYOR &REAL ESTATE AGENT, li', ' r 1 'EllE,i'PllidDPN, :PA. , , • , i; 1 • ' , ' I Will attend to ilnrseying in Mt its brixnehea, rand mill _bey and sell Real Estate iu any part of the United t. , tates. k.endfaccircular. ~, —-, „, ~,,10c29-If • WASHINGTON HOTEL, , L - 1111 . NTHCHMON,TA. The undersigned respectfully Informs the citizens of Huntingdon county and the traveling public generally Orst.rtie. 7 loin leasHrtbit•WaidiTtigto - n - llonse on--the cor. fierofllln and riddle.' etidetan tbo (inning:li of Hun tingdon. and he le prepared to accommodate all who may f*oor hip with a call., ill be pleased to receive a liber al alias of public patronage. • ' • • AUGUcTIIS LETTERMAN. JR], 3 1 ,'67-tt. C. CLARKE, AGENT; - )... 7%Ylielesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of 40[32&t0p IIIII!ITINGDON, PA. Opposite the Fraiklin douse, in 4Lo Diamond. 71=', Ckeirldni trade supplied. • • • apl7'oB A GEEN C Y FOR COLLECTING, t• - :OLIAERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PEtnION9,, _ ___ , _ , All wbchlitay brave any clahnsagainsrthe Government for Bounty, Back Pay and Pensions, can have their claims promptly collected by nppl3 tog either in person or by tot ter to -- - - - - - - U.,11. W 0513 1 ,. -4 TTORIVE) , A 2' .1.:41g PA ~abgl l 2,lS v 7 SOUS SCOT; BAMBOO. T. BROWN, he name of this firm has been edfrom SCOTT & BROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & Ender which name they will . hereafter conduct, their practice as ATTORMYSIAT LAlr, 111.171711ND0.\', PA. PENSIONS; and all claims ofeoldi ere nod soldiers' heirs Against the Government, will ho promptly prosecuted. May 17, Iset•-tt. • t o , 901. L ECTiON I• 4' t t:P•iPpr, • t ‘." I. • k • - OF -X.: ALLEN -LOVELL, District Attorney of Huntingdon, County, . HON'FINODONY FA. - • AFFION—Iin the room lately occupied by R. M. Fpecr. ,••••• - , T tfau.1.1867 Mira ' • ATTORNEY: AT I;x1V, 4;1 ,' HUNTINGDON, PA. Ifillna r end ircusptly,to ell tands.`oflegal bustuoss on. trusted to his care.- - "- COLI,I..9IIONri wade with the least possible delay. Sperbil at:ention Wren to eoNVEYA.NCINii lo all Its - breached; such as tho ' prolat anon of Dessia,Alortkages, •Lesses s Bonds. - Artlcl. of Agreement, Ac. " quesiions relstini to, , 1,1.1 . TITLES I'ENNSYLVANIA " carefully considered. , lie wit; aAsuars.ortsin fer-tand" carrion whsthor their Lands ainlintenthd athlrObtaln for thswoFhp,msky.d9sirct them. WHEELER & WILSON'S tft - 6 - lEdsfil pkEignm vota tvavm Sewing_, Machilles, Reperv#4;thiitiielY.Gol,P_PALElDAL at the PARIS SICPOSIT/ON, 1867. • They are adapted to all Mudd of Family Fowing.. and to the we or eraniatresses, Drrearnahers, T 'norm Manu facturers of 9hirta, Collura. Pkirta. Cicalae, Mantillas. ClotAting,:flete.,Cups,.Coratut.' Men floodg'Unibrellas. Xerweids; etc. „They work equally-weleupOu woolen and cotton geode, with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will seem, quilt, gather,: hen, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perfetm every I. peciee of sewing. making ea beautiful and, perfect atitch, alike on both side' of the •article sowed' . The qualities atich recommend them are: ....1., Beauty and excellence of stitch, alike on both sides of -, .. the fabric sewed. , , „ , • ",.:1, Etrougtb, firmness and durability of seam, that will not rip nor ravel. 3...Econinny of Thread. - , • • , , 4. detachments and wide range of application to pulp. . eta and, material. b. Compactness and elegance of model and finish. .6. , Muiplicity and thoroughness of censtructlon. 7. Spend, emir of operation and management, and quiet neas of mostment. , 7nstruldicru ' fr es is alt. Machines kept in repair one ,year tree of charge. ' - • ' • 11, B. LEWIS, Agent, • iIIINSINCIDON, PA /MEI • gOB PRINTING OFFICE OFFICE"the Mali complete, of lay in the country, and-poe owes the most ample facilities for pi nptly executing in the but style, every variety of Job Printing, such em tIAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, ' " BILL lIEABS, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, IC.A_RDS, PROGRAMMES, LABELS, &C., &C., &C Osu, ANI WXfl Z',MMMIatMe or WORE, 7,..8W18 $ BOOK. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE. WALLACE'& 'CLEMENT, ETTOZEiI pry-Goods, Groceries, .Queensware Boots and Shoes. New goods constantly arriving and being sold cheep as any in tinntingdon. , (Jive them a call before purchse• ong elembere: erptember 9,3 to.• COUNTRY DEALERS can , j ay. , buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon an WHOLESALER. cheap an they con in Cl.. flea. MI I have a Atho/etsalp afore In Philadelphia.' ROM A Is nARRISBURci STONE - WARE at marinfactureee pricee, for sale at ' . "tl7 HENRY & COT. .... 1 oo LEWIS, HUGiC VOL., XXIV. WM. B. ZEICLER, DEAL= IT I Fancy, DaTIS 018 4 Alpaca., Poplins. Plaid., Detainee, loons, Gingham., Prints goo Cam( rice Muth., Denims, flue Linen, our. collies, It villas Judi t Twtlls, Am A large na annum t of Lathes Vasiiimialilo Dross Trimming. Silk Fringes Dutton' thigh a, rat et Itihhons etc inn Lilting Goods, ` teckltto, Moreno.it:atm:4llmA, An 4 arl.C2•NO . Kid of all orders, Silk, Thread, Cotton, Ac of all sizes ' and hats& styles.thaler garments of all kinds, for La dl's.Demo and Cldiditn, Titbits I loon, Niuslhts. Napkins, De) lies, Ac. Sheeting and Skirting, Brown and Bleached, from 8 cents up . VirELIT7 A largo et mk of the latent nt)len A large stock of Notions. Zephyrs, larns, de All cheater then the cheap. et, I • ttood, opposite the First .Ntitional Bahl, Matting. dou Pa • e" - GLAZIER ._&.. BRO.; DEA LEUE IN DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, CARPETS, 'OM • , , CLOTHS, 'HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS and RIIOES, GRO CERIES,QUEENSWARE, WOOD, AND WILLOW WARE,. &c. Particular attention given to Ladies' Dress Goode and Rouse Fut nishiug Goods. We caned! goods this IN inter throughout, at lower fig ures than they have reached for six years. • • • Our prices are as follows: Calico and Muslin, from 8 eta. upward. • Yard wide bleached Muslin, 12% eta. Yard wide unbleached Muslin, 11 . 14 eta. ' •Ileavy yard wide :kWh*, Rto lb cte. , " • Fine yard Bleached • ldusilu;ls; I 8 ,to 20 eta. i ' Wide Walnsutta Prints, ontylo eta. ' - Best (dualities Prints, 114 to 16 ctn. 104.1Chlte Wool pinuketh $4,00 pr.' 'Wary Double Wool Shawls, $1,00,0,00, do. Black Alpaeca, from as cos. up. Wool Plaid Double Width, 65 cts. • •'• Heavy Plidd Poplin, $l,OO " ' ' Other Goods inn propertion. • • .• Washington street, near the Jell. Please call and ezumlne ; and, if ou are not convinced is to your interest to buy from us, do not do so. • OLAZI.P.It S 11110. Huntingdon, Oct. :It, 18C.S. =I 1869. 1869. • CLOTHING. • H. ROMAN. • NSW - CLOTHING ISO Ht ' FAIL AND WINTER, :'JUST RECWED AT IL ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Ciontiomon'a Clothing of tho Lost material, and to ads Ili the boot r.-brktoaulike nisonur t call at ' • • H.' ROMAN'S, opposite coo Franklin lionise In Marked Bonaire, 'Hunting doo, AM Can't Be Beaten" .1 JOHN H. WESTBROOK, Respectfully Informs the citizens of Huntingdon ami .vicinity that he has just received from the ctty a ,Na,w end ennendill stock of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & OAPS; Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet 'Sacks, Trunks, &c &c., &c &c alto( which bele prepared tore( at greatly reduced prices Don't forget the old stand In the Diamond. Old Cadtu mere and the public generally are Invited to Huntingdon, 0ct.28. 1868. ' spl'6B fli GEO. SHAEFFER "h.Llasjust returned from tho cast with a 414140 SPLENDID STOCK. • •, OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS,' &C., Which he offers to the Inspection of his customers and the public generally. Ile will sell hie stock St the most t Ii ' :REASONADLE, and those who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES 'MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done In the neatest and most expedl, (lose manner.' Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 street, a few doors west of the Diamoud. Oct. 28, 1868. N EW BOOT AND SHOE STORE Informs the public, that ho hoe Just opened at hie Old stand in the Diamond, Iluntiagdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, rortadies, Gentlemen and Children. of which lie will sell at fair prices Quick Ma and mai/profit:. Vail and examine my stock. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon, Oct. 28,1868. 1113=1= NEW Carriage& Wagon _ Manufactory,4l l 4 7 7 ,3 - - P. S. ISENBERG & CO., Iteepectfully Inform the citizens of Huntingdon and the public generally that they have commenced tho Car riago and Wagon Manufactuie in the building formerly occupied by Anderson enzzens, ' IN VIE In/ROUGH OF HUNTINGDON, Nan Henry & CO 'S +tore. where they w 111 be pleased to accommodate all who call and give prompt attention to all ordei a, either for new work or repairs. Their work shall he put up with the best material end In a werkmaublio manner. A lib. ral pattaliage'eolieded• Huntingdon, June 17.1 y IIEADQUARTERS - • BLANKS, Choice Groceries, Cghtlies, Toys, &c D. AFRICA a. Ccvs. FAMILY GROCERY. CONFECTIONERY AND VA Our stock consists of ail kinds fir ijroceries t Teas, Spi er& Canned and Dried Penile. Cider 'Vinegar. Common '30,11 Fancy itoaps, ni nit 4tyla. Nair Pertun,iery, Pen Knives. Pecker. Books, 1.. e. uno ezato;mti:rtiii' stock, alit take a view ot nor splendid Mai bien . Nsia 4 Fdinitalo. Don't forget the phase—uurtle.east carom of Diamond. iliztitingdon, Juno) 21-4 D. APJUOA A CO. AT, ONTIILY TIME 'BOOKS, - 'For ante at ' 1 ' • ' LEWIS R 00167 AND STATIONERY STORE ~,i . • . .f.) , ;!.; i . • •. . . . '- •':', " , : • , .. , :. , fi.,: . ..,...-,,,-m...J.;A1 .- ..,-,4*-...,,.--1& ' • -. . • --.:-. ' '• ' ham , '. • " -' • •.%, 4 ~',--' 't .-. 7; ii/ik= 4- :: -1 ....Pf A- , s .4 r - : ~,;kw4 - '-.? ~-. 1' . ." 4 ' ', ' . • -N,- ' '' . —.,-, ' 7 _ l ; "-- :' 4 ' ''' r , .', ' '''-: '''.'' < - 22 , - . ::,, ' ;:::: ;, . : NI rl •kj . • , .. . . . . . ' 7 . -7:. - ,'• -- - - ;:j - : - . -1 - --'3 .- . :! - 7:'n:".t 5.... , -.•• • 1 . 4,,,.. - •,7 , -,fizr;:i-;:t. 7 - ,,: ,,: -- -1 h.:7 l; , i' • P.) 7 - " I - . '• :........ :- .K••••-c - ` ~'-': . ---- ..•-: , ..-:4.47...-- . 2 - z— -. ". ii : I • - I's.. • . rry -',.,.. ;.,_ ‘,. ~,.. ; ~.-: y _oz ) ,- - - --,- - , .- ,4 ".... i t., i 1 ,• - .+ . , , .. '' ' ' '' ;4- .. , :i...:,::......- -7, :..••;,•:- . .. -.., . : -T-r ( - - - ' • , • , 1 ,.,,, 4..; ; Zt!"..."-,') IF, ..,:.:; , 441) i . „,,„.,. ..)._., ~.. J., ,9 111 1 .. ' 1 . ,„_, ::,....:•,:.• : ~ : t,,.'-i , : :‘, %WWI_ ,1 f':;iiiikt N........ l ') 'e -- •* 1 - ''-'' ''` '•• •;,-- ''. ' ' '.'„ . ~ ' , 1: . ..•; , :i4. -,, • . .' ' r;.,.. ;- - WM. AFRICA EZEI RilaA TOR E, ITUAVTINGDON, PA, • " •• , fitINTINGDON,-PAtri DNASDAY, - t• • ." "• .••••••• -JAN U?)',BY''2o - 1869 • '' ' • . . , 17,j I 4 , :aft'r. .._74;43-4.: DFNNSfI4VANIA RP IL ROAD. TTMIC OF LISAVINO OF TRAINS WINTER ARRANGEMENT. '' IMSTIVARD. I 1 ' ' ZASTIV.AIin) !, • I_d Et, 5 ; .t 4. 1 .6. 3f. I a.m. , A. M.l I A. U. I P. IK VA m. l 05 ' ,11.38/ 11 , 1.110=11ton, ...... 613'11 45, 14 111 501 Mt. Union,. ...... 6 04,11 37 11 [....3 .....112 01 Mapleton,' 4'64 11 29 I 82 112 11 ~.... t 1.192 Caok,... 4'45 II 20 45 7 60 12 30 '3 49 Ilnittingdon, 8 45, 1 430 11 00 95 ..... .112 64 ''Petersburg,... 1 ...... 141010 48 10 1051 , !thump, 1, i ..... 1,4 00,10 39 221 , ' , 1 15' Sprucitereol.,' ...... 361 10 31 '3s' !I 30 1 [Birmingham,.4..l3 39 10 18 44 835 1 4il 4 34 1 Tyrone . 8 00 3 31'10 LI 5.1 I 164 'Tipton! ' ' e 90010 00 03 201 Fostoria, . 4 _ 8,14 9 55 ' 08 204 Dutra Mille,. 3,09 960 25 905 2 301'5 05 Altoona,. ' . 7 80 250 930 . X.l A. 11. A. X A. 91, ; A.M. P. M. A. NI The PHILA ?new ,- -na at 10 30 r , M. and ar, The PIMA Exenesa Eastward leaves 1. and arrives at !Inkimadau at II IS Tho LLNE. Eastward 'eaves A. 3t„ and arrives nt Ituntingdon at I Thu Coci,rivrimess Eastwaid 1 b'4s P. M. alid arrives at Iluntingdon.t The EAbt LINE Mustmald, 8 US P., AI: and arrives at Altoona at 0' The BALTIMORX Earse,n, leaves Ilunt arllvet at Alltoonn, 8 10 2 A. x. . November 25„18E:8. 11UNTINGDON & Bl• . 114100 AD.. irnfrEft: AItRANGE3I; On and niter WEDNEADAY, BETTE Passenger Trains will arrive and depart UP TRAINS. , D EZS3 P. 51. A. La' 4 45164 30 4 63 37 6 09 bi 6 17 58 5 34 14 5 60 30 58 39 613L._64 6 18 61 Iluntlngdon„ Long Siding Heßonnellntowla , Pleasant Oruro Mau klesburg, Coffee Run... Bough & Ready,..... CON* Fishers Summit Buxton, Rlddlesburg. ...... Hopewell, ............. Plpere Run,' ' ITatesvillo Bloody Run,. 'Mount Vail to, ,6 81.1012 uras 10'47 [ 11 05 11 24 11 40 46.11 46 'UP's 1SW:4,1116.11 LS 2 40 , 14 10 25 651 10 10 00 /e 45 Aft T 10IAR 10 56 . , • Coaltn'ont, Crawford, Dudley, ißroad Top City t. 23,'63. Huntlrisdou Se READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, :310NDAY, DEC. 14, 18C8. C1 ... R EAT. TRUN K LINETIIOIII 'THE N..JI North and North-West for Pnit.anctiota, Now Y01,3411E55110 P0T78V11.12, TAMAQUA, ASULAND, SUANtOKIN LEBANON, ALLEnToSTN Easton, EPHRATA, Lanz, LANCAS TER, COLIIAMTA, , I Trains leilVo llarrisburg for New York, as fellows: At 3 50, 5 50 and 8,10 A. M., 12,40, 205, 10,50 P. 31.; cOnntict hag with ntantlar trains on the Pemnrylvania at Now Tools 1100 A, N., 12 20 Noon and 3.10. 7.00, 10.05 • 1..51. and 6.15 0. m., reapeetleoly. Sleeping ears acedra pony thu 3 50 a nt and 10 50 p. nI. trains without change. Learn liarrhiburg fur Beading, Pottavillo, Minerscille Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown, and Philadelphia at 6 1U A. A 1.0010,2 US and 4 10 P. Al., stopping at Imbrium and Fa lncipal way ntat Ions; tlie'4 IU p., m , train making connectiqus for Phillidoinbia and Ho luinblabnl3. Nair Votterille, Schuylkill Haven and Au torn, yin Schuylkill awl Stisquchutina IL It., lean Har risburg tit 830 e , Itcluraing, lenvo NEiv-Yong n 6 0 ' A. 51.,12.00 coon, dud •5.10,3000.e0P. al, PhiladOiphia, at 8.15 A. Al and 0.80 P. I.l.;,nteeping pain accompany tho %an am and 5.10 and 8.60 p m trains front NeW' York M IthOut clidnge. Way Pabsonger, tram kayos Iduladolph la at 7:30 A. M., c ' onucalog a ill. similar train on .East fauna Railroad, returning from !Wading at 0.115 p m stopping at 'all sta tions ; petulant at 7.30 and 8 45 A. 31., and , 2 45 P. 51.; Shamokin at 5 25 A. St Ashland 7 00 A. Al., and 12,30 noon, Tamaqua ut 8 80 A M., and 220 P.ll for t Leave Pottsville, Tin. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road at 7 10 a tn. for Harrisburg, and it 30 A. IL for Pi. Glove and 'ft mord. ACca dam. l'ananagor Train leave. Iltataxa at 7.3 t) A. 31., and returns trout PUILADELPHIA at 4,4.. P. 31 Pottstown Accunanintation Tnun: Loaves Pvttatoau at 6,45 a.tn., returatag leuroa Plitladulplount 4,UU put. i:0111111bIll llatholot 'flame leave Reading at 7 09 , A DI., and tl 16 Y. M., for Lpbruta, Litiz, Loucezt.Z.r, Col. unibbi, AC. reikiumeu Railroad trains leave Perklemon Junction at 9.15 aan and 5.30 p m returning : Leave tkipptielt at 8 10 A ut, tad 12.45 p ukcuuuectiug nun similar train,: on Reading In:Mead. US 0511:10)5, leave Now York at 800 1 , „ N., Pi:Railed. plus, 8a at and 315 51., the bat in train running only to heading; l'intsvillo 13 A. 51., tiara nurg,s bun m, dud 410 unil 10 60 p m, and Ite ting 10, 3,0 U and 7 lb a. m., for lino rianurg,Aud 12 50 111.1t1 7 31 a. uL, fur ISeW York, and 1.25 p.m. tar Pinladolptila. CoMIUTAIION, SliLau.L, JidoUN, SCROOL, and EXCIMIptI TlCtato to and num all points at t educed Cates. Baggage checked through: 100 pounds Baggage allowed each l..alaeuser. healing, Dec. 14, 1818 BACK AGAIN! NEW STORE and NEW GOODS - • • • ' Benjamin Jacobs Respectfully informs his old friends and qba • public gen - treaty, that he has again located In \ the borough of llutrtsnoon. and has opened wil,rf largo and entire new stock ofilloods •in Sazton'a Store-Room oppbsite,Lett is' 119 k Store.,oonsistiug of . - •`, DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, CLOTH ING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. QUEENS WARE, and EVERY VARIETY OF GOODS • To be found in the best stores in the7place, all of whfolt ho will sell at prices to suit the times, and hopes to re. celvo a liberal share of patronage from a generous public. Drill forget to giro me a cult and I will try to please you with Roods and prices, Sept. 30, 11368. JONES HOUSE, PENNSYLVANIA. The undersigned having leased the above popular and well knowri house, which hen been thoroughly repaired and gi extly improved, as well as entirely refurnished throughout with elegant new furniture, including all the appointments of a nest alms Hotel, will be ready for the reception of guests, on mid after the lath of November, 1869. nov4-l3tn. THOMAS FARLEY, PROPRIETOR. A. B. 71.00 D. BEANS! BEANS!! BEANS!!! Timing obtained a new variety of WHITB SOW BEANS, tvill dispose of them (put up In sacks) at the following ratee - . 1 pound. (sufficient to, raise 1 bushel) Postage pro paid, 00 cents; 2 pounds 75 couts ; 3 potods $l,OO ; 8 vol.& (1 gob.) 32,001 16 pounds, delivered to Express vincej $9.50; I / 6 bushel $0,5t1; 1 bushel $12,00. Ricir.l'iant lot of June. drills 20 inches apart, averago from 6to 8 grains por foot. Will ri pan In about GO to 75 days. he cash invariably to accompany the order. Name and Post Office address, legibly written. Send soon, as my stork is limited. Afton. JOBB B. SIIBNEFULT Out. 21„ 'Bl3-3m' Ort,jswitt, ❑uuttngdon County, Pa. VAT 11. ROSENSTEEL & EON, V V s 7:I4.IAIPAcip”ItS OF A SUPERIOR. Oak Slaughter Sole and Belting 500 pushels Plasterer's Hair. for Sale. inr•OASII PAID POD. HIDES AND ISAIIK. - 01 W. H. ROSENrT EEL Az SON, Stapleton Depot, Huntingdon County, Perina. Dec. 0,1660-Om. —For the greateat 'variety of now' etYlea of Well Paper, gO to - Lewis' Book Store. ' • ' tf. ) '1 31, ,It A itooll - at 12 45 59,A. SI. letts'oa •Altoons at nt 7 00 P )1. Huntingdon at '25 P. 61. tindon, at 6 54 A. LOAD TOP ' MBRR larn t 1868, sa follows: OWN TRAINS. Amu.) A. M. .1 MOM! ♦ft 9 15 9 07 8 51 8 42 8 15 8 09 8.01 at 4 27 4 21 4 05 3 68 3 42 3 28 3 19 3 05 9 01 2 45 2 18 2 10 2 50 7 41 La 7 26 1 15 VI 1 10 Eli] ENE! 7 O 5 Ls 6 65 2 10 ts. 2 00 MEM O. A. N 1601,115, ppterot Superintendent. ,BBNJAMIN JACOBS i,00%;•...- 1 -PERSEVERE. sool l llB6' N )111T,TERS' „ ,„ ,„ r . AND . HoOfland s ,Gertnan 7 Tonio.. The Great'ltemedies for all Diseases of the , _ LIVER '4I'OAI/1M; .OR DIGESTINT ORGANS =1 ME HO OFLAND'S GERMAN` IT • '• 7 7 „ y ar • Ie compoied 'of the pure Juices (or, n!,the e mediti molly termed, Ezirecti,) of It o terbi' and Barks, making a prepare 1100, highly, 'Condoled led, and entirely fru from racy/tone atimirturf of nay kind.' 11001?.CAND'S ":GERXT.AN ONTO Is a combination of all the Ingredients of the Bitters, nigh the Pure. qudlrty et Sankt Owe Rain; Oranke, &e.; mehiug camel' the meet pleheeut snit agreeable reniedies ever uttered to the public., t_ , ' Thou, no:Baring a Medicine free , front -Alellobblio ad miture, trill use ut;":1' - IIOOFLAND'S GERDIAN.,BITTERS These whb hlivu 'no objection" to tho' conibluittloi. of the tatters, as stated, :AM use. ti • 1.11:.• 1100FLAND'S GERMAN ' , TONIC. They r4o biith:' equally igood. and • codfiin the llama metlietual virtues, tItF, choivo,betwseu yoritg,i9:_beiog mere mutter of t.tst,e, Tkue being tho,raost palatable., Ttlti sttiutach, hod a vacletY i of M B aass, odied lutfigssl , floc, .I)3luteusla, Nervous Debility, etc; to very . apt_ to Lace its tdoettuus dr rauged: 'The LiVer, pathislug . as 'clueoly,as it does, With, the, siomaeh, - then aftected,tlto °sulfur Npit2h is the; tilt) patient t0u114,3 nom several ue toots of the follovedisr, eases: • • ; i I Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Filei;Fuly 21C,88 91 Blood to, the ;Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for FOod, Fulness or Tireight in the , Stomach, Sour Eructions,, Sin in'y or Fluttering alike' Pit 'of the' Stothoteh, , SibimMing - df , the . Bead, `flurried or 'Difficult • Breathing; 1' lidtering at '1;1 the Heart,;(lhoking,or ,uiruculiuy Seusalfp,us„- , Cohen S lyingyo!ture„: , - Dimness of Vision, or IPi;bl befoii the Sight, ' bull the Head: I)ifiJ • ciency of Ferspii•ation, ,, .keitetii- f • 11C38 of the. Skin and Eyes, ,Painin,' the, Lt.,le, Buck, : Chest, Lintbs, -etc. , 'Sudden Flushes of Heal, Burning. in the, Flesh, Constant Intam'aiii.9 : 3 of Evil, , we'd Great Deiresioil.' of; Spirits. , . I The sufferer from these diseases sldiuld .exercise the greatest caution in the soteetiou'hr I rehle ' dy'fOr, ins case, putdutsing, only that which he is ,itamited hull. hie ins eatigutioth ant inquiries POatlCtltlJa , HAW , Mel it, . id skilitil4 compouudeah A too from, 0 mkt& loos ttigiedieuts, end ,h-e establisMid for itself &rep-, Mallen for the tut e - of thehd Mecum's, in this couileethut 1% o would submit those w ell RilLiWil leLlledie.4— , •. • . 1100FLAND'StBMIAN BITTERS MEI 11,0(3 . , FL;1i1 7 .Z14 ,GERMAN Pleintre4 liji Da: C. IL JACKSON. - . • Twenty-two years slum they r ere firot;lutroduced into country trent Ournatny, during which thou they hot e undoubtedly pet formed mere cures, and benefited Jolter- lug Lu9lainty to r greater extent, than tiny utlidi route- Med Itnewu to the'publlc. „ .. . F 'l'lleao remedies will elf ' eceually cure Liver Celin. plalut,danlidien; . DJelevp, , giil4, LIiIOOIC or Isdervoine llennity, Chrome lilac" Hired, 111atiu alb. Juid. no,e, and all lliaeusea at. slug frouf ii diaordered Li ner, btuillgell, or itltestilles. DEBILITY, Retuning from any. 0.11158 whatever; PROSTRATION ' OP !I'ILE SYSTEM, induced by Severe Lithor, hardships, txyosure, levers, dr. ' . There Is; no medicine extent equal to these lemedles in 11118111.81.113.. 11 time mud vigor is imparted to the whole si stem, the 1111118111.8 is B[lBllollBllml, toad is enjoyed, the stinnoCu digests 111011iptly, tau Woo is put Med, ti.ecnu• 188 . 8101.18,1,811188 B.illtl stud Ilealilty, tile, yealuW tinge 18 clutio.al.ol Rent the 030 e, it bloom Ie given to the cheeks, nun 11/0 11tuk and nes t ells /111,111 d Incomes a etroug uud hem thy Wong. PERSONS 'ADVANCED LIFE, , . . .. -• • , And feeliug the bowl of time weighing heavily upbit them, with all ite utteutinut Ilia, wed tied m the ue et this is f• ToOth, ur the 'WNW, KU elixir that Wiii•indii new tilt tutu their ruins, leStUle la u mantra the euergy,eud tw eet• to inure you 'hi di ddye, Wahl; their shrunken iornis, 111111 giro health mid luippluete Cu their reumiumg yeare. NOTICE. • „ . It is a Well established feet that fully ono half onlic remade portion ut nu* , puplllation are coition* in the etijnyinericut good feel lienitu; or, to t een' tho Own 4- L ineeeion, never el WWI. hey are languid, devoid eLeo energy, extreurel:. derlous, and nave no tip petite. i , n this class of persons the BITTERS, or the TONIC, le especially lecumiecoded. WEAK - AND LKLIC ATE CHILDREN, Aro made strong by the ate of either of these remedies. They alit cum usury ase ot iIIAitAuSIUS, withOuf toll: nematode ot cortututtee lim) acoumulatauiu the Minds of,tl.a proprtmor, but space will allow el the publication 'Ol but: tanW. 1110=i, it will be observed; arehata id Liao and vi such standing that they .iniust be believed. , • ~r~s~r=~orr=.a.r;s. HON. GEORGE W. WOODWARD, Ole" Jicsace oftha Sujn•eme qurt qj Ea, writes: rhgaddphia, March 18,1767. A "I find Gioofland's Ger tonic, 11001111 in - distassi of the dlgostlva,orgatio, and of great bonen, In taxes of dandily, and want Of nervous action in tbie)atem. Yours, trav, .- GEO. W. WOODWARD." JAMES TIIO3IPSON, Judge of tht Sapremt Ctrurt of Pennsytrania. ' • - rhiladdphia, April 28, 1868.' "I consider tliootiarars German Bitters' a txtluoLte med icine in Cate of attacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I 41t =lily this from my experience of it. Yours, with expect, , JAMES TIIO.3IDSON." FROM REV. JOSEPTIA. KENNARD, D. D., Pastor of the Tenth 'Baplixt Church, Phitci,',/phia. Dr.Jackson—Dear Sir: I have been ftiquently reques ted to connect my mane with ruconaneudations of dater cut kinds oft olu:lac - 1411ot regarding thwtinictice as out N Id my UpprOpt tate unlit:re., 1 bane in till woes de clined I but with a clenr proof In various instan ces uud particularly in toy own hauily, of thu melt:Wei: ot Ur. no, !antra Uerntan :litters, I ileum t, for once Irma my uutu, course, to expreals my full con:runt:Al that, for general debility of the 85,100, and especially for Liver anpluait, it is a safe and valuable preparation. lit 001110 costs It May loll; but banally, I doubt not, it will ho very beneficial to tii,lau,Silis butler from Ulu abut e mats, Tours, very respectfully, J.ll. lt.biNN4.ltl4 Liglith, L luvr Coates St • FROSI REV. L. D• YENDALL. Assistant Editor Chr*liars Chronicle, Philculetildri 1 have derived decided benefit from the use of Ifoof laud's tierumu Bitters, nud teel it my privilege to mecum.. mewl 1.1.M1 as u must nutuebte untie, to ell Who are oaf faring irons genet kl debility or limn disousea erisieg from doungemnut ut the liver. Tours truly, E. D. FENDALL. cA_v~rsorr_ itoofland's German Remedies are counterfeited. See that the sigmtfule of C. M. JAtiKraNN is on the %topper of each bottle. All others aro counter feit. Principal Office anit , Ammar-Wry at the Ger. 111.111 Mechelen 6tore, ho, trip'4ll(ill Street, Philadelphia, Peunsylvenia. Charles M. Evans, Proprietor, rormony 0. 9[. J KSO a co. pmcEs Iloogand'a German Bitters, per bottle, . $1 00 balf dozen, . • .5 00 llootland's German Tonto, put up in quart bettla9 $1.50 per bottle, or a half dozen fur gl £4l. not forget to examino well the article you buy, In older• to gut the genuine, For onto by all Dealers io. April 22.68-Iyl. petrel. MEM FiVl9 - F7tY ' • ; , c;, #4 , PEY H0ME...., I?csikctliilly"Nd?cated to Miss' Annie S: , „ ,len, by J H My home is near the mountain , 'Tis in the forest dell, - : Theiflowinglotthe fountain': Does o'er, yith musio swell, • It:siugs of, happy childhood •Of scence•l played,a-pert,, • , . In shaduwo of, tha wildwood , • ' They're written on my heart, , • • =1 The,ireeping"willow, waving: Its'brM'Mliett bending , 4 , • ; ',' "The ehbingiirooklet Its'ev'ef' gentle flew". A:tree solall,eiut slender „ Is vra - Sing by its side, With branches slim and fender , - 'Fe•es.there ; the swi ng did glide. Theyoutlifti) voiees, ringing ' 1 . 6 hap"tiy . plays,: The'pretty birds ireie singing '" Their Softest sweetest rem' ' The god of df4"Vi,llli peeing O'er serge 'of distant hills 11 "'Hie aleepless'lrtitelitriiiiteeping .1 The laws.td Heilien fulfills.' TO,prettrflowrets,staring• t! • 011131m/der stems of •;. ~ 11 he gentle Sunlight artr.ving ,- . 1:..,t. ?iAs,op'ning buds unfold, ~;! . ; o‘liTrenis ;there; I ;culled' tiled:lowers. ' IL , I .7or 'Vends:that loved ime.tine • Iti:l3l.lTnn?er's.p'easitntjieure; • {.: ,kWhiniweeinnwwith , the dew., Petereburgi. Pait Jau. 6; 1869. „... .MAATHA, W;UREIC” A,ITOItiOF THE 411111VIONOOSUC RIVER jlPooti•byo ; Martha; „,God, helityou shallMQ , hAel; intjthree; islays Put . tho , farthest:" it 1 , )(•-,I .1*: - ,! I , The hardy W. tilto Mountain: pioneer, Mark,Warreo,,kinsed. liis.young ;wife, held .his l ,t.svo c „ycars„ t old, boy, to his . ;brVait for a ,nnomeet, and then. shoul dering. thesack of Into which 'was to be 'converted. Into 'meal r.,at. -the rade, 'mill, fort,k — milea' avray, :timdked en ihrough*the icildernese; 'Startha:lyarreU:StbOilat' the door 'of the lod'Aivt? 4.t, gazing . out, ufkr. the :retreatingffeym of .her., husband. •;.413 Angle. of.the demi° shrubbery bid,-him; Irotu , lierlview,%bet still she did not,re-, turn .td. the solitary kitchen, it lobked so dark and IODOSOMO there, she ah rank from entering, Dr 'perhaps the grand sublimity et, the view.: spread ,out be tore her attention:and-thrilled:her:pal - withuhatlnatneleas,.utioxpected .some. Thing thatove till o seci.:rrhen ~ s ta riding thusiratee to- face WittetlYelvutimbriti; PIIIL\DELYIIfk, CA .'ti-The :finest :,and mast: sntisfactcky view. of, the):Wh ito , Mountains his. that .whieb;prosontsitself from Whatis how • the town 'of. Bethlehem; ob , the road, to )Littleton and Franconia. MC Wash ington, the king 'among , princes, is there seen its . proper ,:place—the centre of the "rock-ribbed" rangez-- towering, bald, blue and!uhappro:fcha• Far'up in a wild Clearing, close by the turbid waters of the Annonoosee, was the cottage Situated.:—'-a place wild and rerio, enough — for the, nest of an eagle';!but neitr to the'beart of--Martha Warren as, the hoino where she. had Spent the 'happy days of her young wifetOdd. • When she had turned from mttify,•n'patrician sUitor, • in the' fair Old town of 'POrtemouth; ; to join . . her ferttitieS With' Oldie pf the yoniig :ea.; tier' ' it WUS"with, the full and •perfebt understatiding 'Of the trials 'that; 'lay before-her.' 'She would'walk in rio path of roses for years to Come ; ,rtia:ah of inu,st"ba"spent in the eternal 'solitudes, where, silence ' broken Only' by tbe wild' wintliCof the 'fore'st, thh, shriek Ofthe river Over the' Sharp rocks,,or the disniat howl Of • the ,red tnounted•wtilf afar in, thp,Wilderneria., The rieceSsary; absence" ' of ber„ hus band she dreaded niost.': It ,Was eo very gloomy to Close ,up • her lonely 'fireside, with the - couscioasnessllitit there ,vas no human being"nearer - to her than the settlement of I,orcl'ii ten nailesiWay through 'the, 'pathless ' I woods. .'Therii"Was little. to fear TreM:,the although a few of the scatter ed tribes yet roamed oier . thesit' prim. oval 'huatitig, gro,tinds: They were Mostly disposed to ""be friendly, ,and Mrs.' Warren's kind heart naturally' proMpted her to many:acts', of friend ship towards their, and an , Indian "never forgets a henet.; " The' purple mist eleared away" from the scarred forehead of the dominant tildatenritain; the yelloW - sun peeped 'over the rocky wall; and Martha turn ed' away to' the performitriee' of her bimple domestic'The,day Was a long one, bui•it _.was towards •even ing, -and the glooming comes much sooner in these solitudes than :in any other places. The sun light faded out of the unglazed windowB, - though it would illuminate the distant moun tains for sometime , yet; and, Martha went out in the scanty gardens to in hale the odor of the sweet pinks on the meagre ,root she had brought from her old home. ,•The spicy perfume carried her , back in, memory of those days away in. the past, spent with • kind friends, and cheered by bright young hopes.. 'But though the thought of homd and kin dred•made her-sad; not fora moment did she regret the fate she had chosen. Absorbed in thought she had not- ob served the absence of Charlie, her ,lit •tle boy; now she saw with vague un easiness that he had left the:,berbf, peppermint where he had been play ing, and was not to be seen.: She call ed his'name, but only: echo - , and: the roar of the swollen riyer•replied. She flew back.to the house, the faint hopf? remaining that:he might'have return ed thitfier fO'r his pet. kitten ;- .but ,nd, the kitten was mowing at the window, but no signs of Charlie... . rit ., ,, ..• With frantic haste she -searched the clearing, but withont 'ti'uneess;,„' next thought was the ricer! Blaelcas iC TERMS; $2,00' . a 'kbar , in' iultanbe PEI ;I a: tho Oghp, save whera;jt .mus , ;,_lleckeil with,apnts:'of white' foe t 41,6 Wed but few rods 'lidera — her.: 'tied down? tho' ealling""out,! "Charley, Charley.l" - " .The volco.atisome :little 'dip-, tone() replied. Sho followed tbc, squad, and to her ,sorrow saw the ,boy—%is dCU V 'Cita ' 'reek . cheekS defined !agftineit-' the purple twilight ,ohyr.,statiding' on • the very edge of ; the huge, detached rock, some ten feet from the shore; "out, in the ..sweqping. etirront. of l' - - r iihiiil"ibele;' - otilled . ky the - 'Settlers IlThetPelpitVlwite-agood situatioti for ,eastiog,fl3hing lines, (anclAlark,.War• ren had bEldgedo o .4 l arrP.ll l 4Pbasm tween it and_ilifisb t bre with couple' ; qr. hewn, logs. „ Al4ured, by 801330 clusters;ol.flaneing ire'weed groWing on the, side , o the, Pulpit; Charley had Passed" Over, and how' stood thero,:regarciless of 'danger, ..laughingly bottling out; the floral treas- ' ,ures to his, mother., Martha flew over the frail hridgo, and. the, nextj e stant* held her, Shild: in her [Lyme, ,Joyful. because abe'LMif_kiund'uninjor - eil, 'and mentally,reseliing,that the.logsthould be) re in eved'Ltd" Prev'e r ni Ifu tither j dent, sho turng - t - & - yetraco her step's, but the sighetliiienia her eyes froxe Cdr.with. horror' tolthelspOt;'"'' yeenfronting , her'ori the six feet' 'dieter:3; l Was 'an, 'etarindmsf waif, gaunt and , bony hunger, laitioyes'blazing through the -mist- add-gloom; hie 'hep' fei id breath sedrchino• the Very 'She; breathed.. ' • A. low giewl of ; intense' satidfiietion 'stirted , th'evair iiinsWerbaliy.thO growl Of fiftrniotelOfb'is kiad;•berongirete ithe. , pack'; lin: another- tifoinent„they . would bo upon her',l- 1 •'` • • Without an•instnetia thdtigitt of the consequence Martha oheyCd, Kee' first impulse, and struck , her' foot,' exercising 'all her Mad - 'l36!ongtil. in "the blow. , l.The frail fabric' tottered, the , soft eartblave *ay; tlseim *OS' a, breath of wild suspdrso, - add' thOn 'the bridge went down with a'sdull' plunge into theWateri beneath'!' Tlid"sharp• ,claws iof the ' wtile , hatl••Olrehd' heel:11 fixed on the, scant -vegetation or the, reek, rand .he 'held there' a' Qioment,, struggling with fet•ocicius to_ gain tt,foothold, the tlext'iWilitl'd'ovin into the chasm ' utteritii 'a , 'wild of tl isatiPointodltlage. , ' ' ' 1 c.M.arth &sank ion , her: knees and - 'Off ered up,tv fervid pray br• 'of ilhinltEigiv- I nefor_beL_estane_:_htitseithillt-4-n-1,21=.it withthe' licaitfeli'' , Ameif, i 'ilicre•cartM :a• dreadful: recollection. - The'-brid4,, , c formed the otilY-link betWeeti the'Pal pit.and the - main and that was severed I' True,' she' was not' more . Ilan twenty feet distant frdlia•tb'e'shoreh of .the river, but' she might as well '.lmVe been thbusands 'of , miles-out in 'the ocean. water , wae''deep'' and' it ran With•alihneu inocnecivtiblei'ripidi ty, forty or fifty-feet belowjher,--iciver rocks ,so sharp , and jagged that it Made , her shiver' to 'look aver :Abe brink. • H.er only hofie*as in - her husband: Should ho return 'at the expeefedilline .they, might still be alivb; hntlf; -by :any accident - he should be detained beyond -the time! She - elosed'hor dyes, and besought• God ferJ'proteetion"acid help. !Cold and- hunitY;'and'drenchad by the mist ofthe river; , Charifn'tiegan'to ,cry. for =home. , She' •couldi'hear 'any ,thing• tietter , than -that. She toOlc' off :her:oviri . garnitt f ite' tti fold' fti'oun'd him, 'and. held/hint! to , her: breaSt and sang him the eVadle' sotigs:Which -hadici of teal soothed' biro; ' Hut'the;fierce Iv:4lB'of:the wolves and the sullen thunders' of the' river, fillingthis little heart •with terror, all the:long dark night•tlifaaugh, he cl‘thig to her•necky ideeplessly,eryitig 'to' go, tome to papa:::.- ; • ' , Day'clawded . at , swimming through' the sickly sky,' the pallid forecast of-a storm. Weak and .faint-from cold—for durnmer is- no, bearer of tropical smiles in finhbs clime—MarthaTaced back and -forth the narroWlimits of the -rock:H None cam&—the faint • sun deelined•:— it was night again.': A- cold ftig • Sank' 'down over the mountain; followed by a drizzling rain ; which' before morning changed into a .perfect deluge. Tlie, river :rose, fearfully; , foaming. milk-. White down the gorge,: filling :the air _with a shuddering roar, like the :peal of an imprisoned earthquake.! ' - -The day that-followed was no bet ter, only .rain and ashen-white mist— not a-ray. of sunihine. A now fear rose in the heart--of Martha. Warren. The turbulence of stream must have 'swept away •tbo bridge over which her husband would cross on his return,•and.. hea would be detained—for days r may be for weeks. She gave up alLfor lost. Strongly and fearfully. was she tempted to fold her child in her arms'and plunge into the cauldron , beneath, •and thus and her fear and doubt 1 It would bo bet tor sbp thought than 'to -suffer ',that slow, painful death of starvation I ,r t ut something held her back77-God's curse was on those who do self-murder, Towards -night, a,lost robin, beaten about by the stprff . i, stopped to rest, a moment on the rock; 'Martha seized upon him arid rent!hina in twain, with almost savage glee, for her child to de yolg rmy—ihe,islio two days -,,beforo would have wept at the., sight of ,tho wounded sparrow. Another night and day,: like the other; only "more intensely agonizing. Martha Warren was sullenly indiffer ent now ;,,suffering bad ; palsied every nohic feeling... Charlie moaned for supper—too • weak and aporit_to sit up, ho was lying on the rook, his head in herlap, hip,.great eyes fixed .on. Ilpf face. ? she tore open a voin:in. heivarrp WWI her. scissors, and:made him drink the biota! Anything; she said to:ber, self, to calm the wild, wietffearnings stniisciintias. =I or twelim "tar trig_kt:i 1.11 the iiiiii s platancling poper49e,Aiseetitinnedf.AAfcsg subseriptio r n is renewpq , ,l;eti..iii i 3O;,) , iii pa : per marked with .:} j t : 4 , : i fe:r j e;,o9.ll name .will—understand—that--the—time- for tl4er'stilYsetii3ed'i n e*: " . 11 they renew - their - subscription - through - the mail or - otherwiiml , oi: 1 11 r-ffT"O.l tf. • 10,k 1.1 if EWE =I /111 ..!dinr,ll PYl ,, u. Lle , n t.) it 19nua or, Riain, f acy, and neat{ and 'n ! x9ditl6:y6ly i ekdpntgd . 4t4e .ll4 fonE". o , arms moderlit.e. HEM !),oy. — roso-i—bp.qat iq a q'd peered through the "d4r(in:egs, h 6'eold; it - faiiini t ng. :r.feltAtim:touoh Sh.e , iw.gpt: at die Mokikory,:auckAirew ,the , hgr, , iboaOM,, Tlio`nighi was 'fair. Ji l t ,up,.by,.,ao t ew moon. Overcome liP a'deatily ex hflustipn,letho,,,poulc.l matteiio, Mareha,l!)l ' • , ~ • 't " an uneasy ' `sturither, which owards • midnight rtvas cry.) She sprang tci herifeebandthzeti 'Of C: fflol - 1 ;I . clr,py , Fs did snot aedoiv,e,pEr-- 7 thero' on ilia stlOrViiond iteiEh . Lilwart form of bbitrusliand; aria We'Wl44'&ll- . ing : lisr name d — will the .energy of de : epair.:" S'46 oat', "0, fi3ififenSoeks t:69.hei :earth: t) , Whoor4lib aiVolcdttOtenseibils : tios,lgh.e',wastbnfber:-bactini.ilm, P°t4:g0; t 1u.P.P.P.4941 1 2Y.) hgrl arida. It was no dream She,ans,lier, daricng'boy , 46rW - ae:a`ds' eArne 'Week's - iShs6 O'd hofo e grew: strong !sgaiiip but.. Mittki tonged tir,as o,mcitheli ;:wsmllll Infaaty.an d by the time the autnmmSrps,t,s i fb,ll, l she, was the blithe„Wie.iiitar.ren of old. _ . • tlaq.tinleofile,f,rekhet i it.be - byidge t , " . ° ri 4,' 611 3FPRP,,,,°71 ,1 ?a,fti09,9 4 4 ken ely l eptaly . , Vat i.payc r irrmellep,b47an 11 CI Oh tiol I a bl d lieerst;i4ad 'eroesdill the 4.101,' a't.'qbe; othravrtidelogAretia'nd y ea 0, e,JA ,only ] te,; t. The, (leseeno.ant§„ ?r, J .Narli fi ,V4Apetl fibripdo•jfh6Ter tile Aralleyel:ef.i . the"A.iliiiiodoosiiii; 4 a.nd the olds filen still.tell tolthein iratid ehihlun ' Abe citarylofXavtblaillVa'rren,. fn4,11°!11,11qt1,,,,c,5, '‘ • of 11,1,(trl The clay, grows,,yet ~tuOrels.olemn. Its solemnity roaches:--its- highest poirit and-;eulmitititealiri of God's settlemeptlyp t h'..,,,y,ojhbtkat ' hAs''44'd 'i); bredi6. - is,th`e. Wind cup' i • ear'e a• and each niah's indi4id'uatieteri3St:tflt is, closiug(of,'aq,open ateodn,t)fhatdilii ' ) heon ruu,n)..ag,o,n,,eyer,singe the day,wlion the halapre.,l4 i struc i k, ItWd'eui• fata heaven. Or' ; the I'mannerl in ivhic6 .t4bseistatutes,'atitHibliftifftitie attitutcht, jadkockents,t and ;.diet A'Peinigiii' l l t M'il7t; ri? l ,iilf ''Tho reost Odinraoh action of life in r iiib'zikddy:','ol"dr.'"li'otiV, is inVeitOil`vitt4, sokiii t " 1 1 . 101 r Prink6ll:6l . . eylextorp vueirdssut3Blllltqa3VdE, pity„ ;; Our ; hands gtp i nowsomingi-_the seed for that grcat,:_harvest.— Wo shall rineet.aghinr alLtte: ayb.,doiag;a'ndqivei graves siialLigive.uri their aea,d, t andtflioniithe%teinbsu , of•toblivion the paa.t, sha Il•giee'AtpralEthatlit.holdd, in keeping Ito. be witnessfor or algitinit. 01.00.,13ink ot , ,that„anlip eyorider/Aktll, .of : the Inquisi tionsiisetyt.vithat ith)eiteet; o'n,ns;sbotildWel !AV ithin! thaurbrooll stained walls; ~feit those:atreciousrdia cities Rome fhas yet to.answer Vfle is, 'under,oxamipation i .., Ile, has !rep as. 'eut:ed that' 'll6' reveals :written for the Purpose , hghiust hinv. , ,,While.making:fianWarld ingenipttopoefessien,he:eadtleoly,e . tops. lie, is dilinba P,'FiP 3 ' , -,T,! )4I !Mi With-questious,'flatte,tYliitu•Hae apfizere riibt ii'' Woke - Dangerualeeg 'the 'geodes 'quick:; hi s' ai ha ti realign fie listehs; !ties f.hislihgut.,l - 2:lAirralati hangs JAesid,e rL . pd hears a pen running along thp,ltagas. The truth fiash_ea_o_n_him—Fiehind that sereea4t B,qlj4ll t Aitil,-,,,t3Rappinirig to the fatal lage - every_ word` that' he and-he says, sh4ll;pkeet, stgaitv on Aheldity of trial.„•..., , - Ah ! licky solemn to think there is `such a pen - going 4- tering- . on thb , .l36oks' , of".jiitig that we sayver.wishiland,alU thiiiie , Would,. to ,qcd,, we heard ,it ; ! What i what • a sOnit4tlp,l ioti•atidtit 'to sin, how curb!' if aloiv 'to 'rill ty'; rrstiarg _spay F.. What a 4niitiveLtri blood 4liat: blots lou t !guilty; parit, .aiall for such,.graog as, in,timo ,to.copp; enableus, to, Walk,iu. ,GOrys`dtaAtes ); t9 lree , judgale'ilte -' rend klo "Knowing;therefore. ; :the' tiii4or .6t:the -Lord,,we ' ih England; and stone" is 14 Peniids ! pqu ndein feet,, is derived frpipithe.heighkof grown Man. A hand joillnysePPlAßll>e. is four _inches : ko . IriShlinile_ is §',24u yards; a co . tcli, mile is 4,98.4:; , ,. a Ger man 1,806,;,nTurkih.,1,62,6,., • A rt - i acre is 1,840 squdie yard's, afoot and,tbi.eo and' a "'half' inohes each way. A mile square, 1;700 yards each way, contains 040 acres. The human body.consistii of g* hones, a Finds of, artioalatiOrM or joiniags, 100 cartilages : or ligaments, 400 in dscies or tend' arafoViuirie6, besides Wood, catterieg,' woes planted helow-three feet 'idayriot vegetate.; at one; foot they,areret.erdo two orthree. Months.. „There A are ,no selid.. - rVekslaihe4retie region,s owing to' the geve're frosts. The siplEfibe.Of`thi Sea is estimated at 150,000,000' - thiimA ;MHOS,' taking the ,whole surfaee'of4 he globe to, ho 190,000,000, square: miles. Its - greatest' depth is supposed to t hq the - heighth of the highest ,iiienntatia l or four - : , , .per A dandy of tw,enty-six, ha V II 'boon_ termed an "old `bachdlOr,t! pealed to pm elderly'gotitleinaii to --I:re aide whether he should he called•"old' or got, giying3hisage„ said the eldprly gontleman.r.'"lt's ty ing to hi:4 yOu tali() it. for iiian, "bite foi goose it:is rather Old" Itta. ) .tifollaw, in obvious. stain; took up his lodgings 'on the sidewalk:. 'Ho woke next morning and stxiiiglateried himself up, looking on the4ground on Whiqh he bad made•his:eonoh; ":WOII,I he sail, "if I had a pickax, l'woula make np my bed !" =I