eveitr,Ti -- ;1 uU ii,rl4 •N'T'f N 01•131'9''N', -Al: Yfp 4;T s F ly ,Ino 9,n „q,,,869 LOCAL & PERSONAL. Pleatlisgs Moriah Lodge, No. 300, A. Y. N.. meets second :Monday erehingut *AM month, 'ln lirown'o. building.. Standing Mane IL IC. A. Chapter, No. 201, meets the fl at Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Juniata LocIA - N0.1.i"; 1 0. 0. F. meets every Friday evening. third floor. in Gristet 's building. Standing Stone Lodge. No T., mews every Tuesday evening in third floor of Head's building, I Arrepahoe Te /be, CS. I. 0. of R. M.. meets every Thursday evening, tided floor. 1.0-i.ter'e Tung Men's Chrestelen Ase OoGun =silts Shy 'GPI and third Moutiny eNenings each mouth: In Brl.Avies Town °council meow the first Friday eviming of each mouth.• ; DEgi_The secret of business is 'nisi nese in a:lbnAiDe4sAVtiyi:;l62s will be paid to any person cheated by Massey Jr, Co's Enterprip, ..r t iTppeation nt headquaiters. • " Inutioltyl& haviSitbe greatest variety of all kinds of goods in town, 'lliP)lingltt prices which (WY" competition. Pars, furs, and La dies t Shawds ggt mitred rates. Call and be oinitiricelot • before purchasing else where. It [C1.3131 - UNICATED. I Shirley Ahead on Porkers. .idr.liidaili l lUitatr. slaughtered four hogs this.fall weighing 522 k tbs.. 432, 370, 361; Arnosilloruum [414 640 ; Win. B. Leas, one 445;'U'eorge W. Whittaker, one 413 ; James A. Doyle, one 404,; De,v,itt Douglas, one 370. ,11,) w. B. .The fair helpzy, the ladies of the Presbyterian Churzh on the 24th and 25th ult., was a decided supcess, both in the management and zesults There was much to ploaso .tho. fancy and taste, and that it , Wit's'sueeessful in drawing substantial praise is, manites yeti/Ai tbe.fftlitllzift /01.44 days of the fair, there was realized over 5100. ..-4` „ Church Detlibr -I ri. iti mon. ' Providence perm!tting,. i the Aew Evangelical Lutheran Church at Petersburg, Huntingdon County, 1 )1 1.? 3Y in tionSdoViefeir of the Triune God, on Sabbath, Janu ary 10th, 1509, at,104, o'clock. Neigh boring ministers and the people goner ally are in,vited.to attend l , ( A. - H! udlt, 'Pastor. ,2Q ,The !dwelling house of Wm. S. Lincoln, in, Walker township, wns de strayed by iTria.-:L 7 = . l.tr:ltjuben Rudy, of Shaver's Creek, had his foot caught under the Wheels of a passenger car, at this station —Mrs. Andrew 'Grove %vas-killed by being-thrown 91.0 q W Mit rlileiburg.Pro'f: t{ugh Coyle, music teacher, left town to re side in Philadolphis. • 22. Two persons were 'baptized'by Re. . J W. Plannett Levi EvAxf„D. D. G. M. • Philadelphiai-4WeAI.7,IIBCa ,v, -6 -John Read, Esq , died. , "'"tifh`d ; .TiTLE7P 7 A' vti 'tii.idene‘e N.. 716 N. 7th street, Philadelphia,AVA:i.i'Xit CIMTIS, Worthy Grand Secretary of Right' Worthy Grand, Judge, ;hisilindepondent Order of Odd Fllows of the State of Pennsyl -174411P/P,7 It is hereby ordered that nll the Lodges of I. 0. 0 2 F 1 -iy,lfyiatittl tn county-dT, draped in mourning. . I: t ek rcp o, yluni e,9 Sonya la of, ..)rorth l itelagt shows assets amounting,to ,$2,259,000. This is thEl'OldeSt l s6ick 'firsuiaincc ii: the country, and its large, aecompla tioii's`idid 'high repiitatiOn'arrords to all owners of property ample giutiii'nt6) against loss by fire. Policies in the "Old" NOttli' America,' 'al-Olssutni 'on tho most liberal terms, and losses peoniptly paid - hk 'Armitage & MeCar.. thy, Agents, Huntingdon, Pa.`-'' L -On §ACI r z t fieciiOK A last Mr. Wilke Thomas, of this place, came neaK meeting, withan 'Let:Went ,that weld& Li. 1461 Bastiutkiall wa Amps n immediate death. - i n.() was attempting to cross, the track at. Ape r .ilread i Typ rai i Vilad cfetWitttey a t tta,trn ha irlarn catne - iaking tin' the other track and tYd:Vow-aatetieKNßpnlAt gtaej.fAKEir_k t Sa'tack k a friend. PZ.rao_na cannot be t r iViT-teartiftiF- l iii : iitiCa'fitiitiki tV'dross railroad tragli t ia.c.-- 1 : ya-7-.070 ggl u ttrb vibticittc:Ceatntey ConimittositttitoEi.o quested to meet in the Court 11s:inseam I.lur.tingdon, on _ Thyrsday, January 14, 1839, nt two (4e10ck,,?....11,-. ; A fbll attentlitnee tis • desieetl, business of impertfineo , vitlNbo'bfought before the Ccompiti.cp. IL C. WRAinni-Chttirman. TsT Ls utv.ilVA. It) r•Il• I Springfield-Eißraitn 13a1.pr . „ Atte 'OT,;1111-1 G r • • ' Tod -Henry StlieeniJo'lmthltn . Rvans , • Union-Sit 'Ptimiint-Or . P &WM.' ''"' :tipper Hoit , -Ttioulainintguntbry; T. P. tower 'if ist -Won. Stoker, James Green. , 'L ~TVerriononark-JaeoL ender, nvmuel Ralston ; 1 5 . .. 11.r- " m " M r tri ; t,.,.,. =I Tliis,NowAearli 'll'orO 1 am My appuld, y,ishea .. to,eFpress';: in honored popsy's,modest , dresa. , With sTiarkleiof the azure.sky ; Or through the bpirit send a thrill Uf highestjoy, ii Its noblest purpose then have tiorved:;- Alialni4'imeitveiiiti-itt ; Oligl.kitilliriti, To seat tou'i.sl /491wlAS'YY , g (3 r.iP,•fac p , d A t :P,Fr But•dotet,expeet fr,§ 1 .1 1 . 3 ,few:.0. 30 Phst',uPFn,Y,o4r way; ' Its; fauttiiand follies; sorrows to,O, Ai•*';l3Aiiiea' . .. i nbi!ti the We4l,ing'sew, ; til Theret the Atiillows mourn the dead, Wh'iceldrcioping ,roses deck' their bed.' 13ut if,fhtf,d anemoKies - bubbip „u • To , everffhw (A l ley (Am cis 14.. I would the etreaip should ever flow, livirikcaltie;shall beat below. NoW while - thfisnow ben,ds down the 2 And tormints theybranehes:sti,r;; And frozen easeades,glint the sun; Let the"rrytheaTris , all blond; !alone); 1_ And as the changing seasons run, :flint make the }rear we're entering on, From flowerygprttg"to hutumn's dies, AilSr,h4ppiiteta,l4 each pn,e6 let love And trtfth - Enrobe you iu perenniril youth; And they will_crystalli4e'a gem to shiu ' ii+~tiltuB'a cliaamli.'[- • Inqertant Loeal Events in. Ole , ,Year 1868. ' iTANuAtcy.',l,l.l; '; 7,,Mrs. genyieLtaclepet4,dittid j aieti 69 years. - - • • - 13. Mr. Martin , Flenner died. • 14. The array,,ofjurers!'Was quarshed by a decision of the Court.--,The Re publican County Committee met, and passed -resolutions farioririg Graiit for President and Curtin for Vice Preii dent.----The Agricultural Soeiety met, Balance if! tho , Treasury 4708;87: = , 22, The building of Nor Mal Schbol was.talked ' " " " ' The safa of the County Wriest:my was blown open._ Other _robberies were plenty. " 204 A: J. • Barrow ,preached hie farewell sermon to the Episcopal con gregation. , 29:. - Joseph - Williains broke his:' leg while coasting•down John Whorley full out of th'e secondistery window.: , , 1 , FEBRUARY., 1 t I r o,obrgle Becher of A l e ' xand'ria, was killed _ by,,being..thr;ekein down an ernbanknionL•near PeterstiVrg. 5. The Globe- hoisted the names of Prant,and.Curtin. • , , . ,12, l'he Juniata river was frozen over.—The county statement' was published, showing - a balasce of $7037,- 3 7..'i' F. I ' 11. Ed Zuoyney's house in Black„ log 17: , Airaitroad meeting warcheld at kleilany's Fort. - 19. V.Kt I Flige& viii i iiraralent in tong 7;11 - : t . —1 21: De "ICIC:NeII died; aged 44 years.—Tlid 'Rep: "Co.' Committee met sod elected W. 11. Woods delegate to the National Conveation.. 28. The Good Template had a festi val .7: The; streets of Huntingdoevrere fi.ooded.lmproremo'nte Wreet Huntingdon. . fi.,jamesTiper'e foUndry' at •Nsifer street 19 , 88 destroyed by fire. Mrs: Wertz died, aged 163.yeare. • I.2lltelcelefttlie,Raystown bran Ult, destroying some bridges. 17., - A(funey.ifirees party wae:beld at the.gorrison - APRIL: 14: Laniet McKinney and George Weight , were injured .-by , the prema ture explosion of a blas4 ;tbe Bir mingham Lime kilos. • .17. A public meeting of the Y. M. C. ity was held. - -- -7-143 The: Normal -School project -fell through. ' - !!2.5' The, 49th AnnfveretirY of ;Odd Fellowship was eelehrated place. Rev. _lli /El. Wilson delivoi - ed sermon in their behalf. 26 Rev. John illewitt. introductory sermon in the Episcopal Church. , de!itrueOvo, ; Ctre ope,tiryso.,a,t 'Mill Cheic;tvliieli•dowisyed dyo'build• j ugs: • 29 The hotto Of Win. Richardson, noar town, was destroyed by fire. 1:: 6 John Hawn of-iTuitilta committed suicide. , , • , IL Charles'Verrie - 'and ,Tiihit n brown were injured by a blaNt iii.ooding at the Birmingham lirnoltilns. '• .- IS.A little sou Mr,Robert Cuoniu, ham, %vas drowned in the eanal.—A loreMotiyo , gaol train I . of . cars were wrecked above town. '.!•19. The Fa n kite. District AU E Sunday. School Institute convened. Rev J Vincent was present. 30. Thirp7 ;i poltiiers' i qmp ‘ , in the cemetery - were ;decorated. - --JUNIE:- ".-•• I.,Srimuel Smith corritrioticldctptiring" d'civirnt. his residincd:tmillill'atr6.de =2 7. The forty, hours' devotion com menced in the Ca r thOlfe-Chtircli . . 5 A trestle on the Broad. Top Rail road_, above Rough, sod ,Ready gave wityLivhile, etlial itcain.'wato.pissang over, and a brakeman named Samuel Reid wati_killedDeAriaitica pHs onerip jail tried to escape rhutifailed. ' ~6„.lluntingdon was visited ; b_y, a jutik The hail .viaa, tlii3- . .kike, of Reps. 7.‘Th - e seventeen .y,eftr, )9unecs made their appearance innlarge numbers. 17.. A Tarty of negroes made an at tack on Cul. Summer's, Garden, and srOke' 19.: Samuel .Good man,. a brakeman, was injured by the cars at Petersburg. • , 27. Robbers tried to ; enter the 'resi• deuces of V •11 Woods, J Simpson4f rice and Thomas Fisher. They stole twenty dollars out of Dr Wiestling'a office. r - =I .„g4 Martin'Fahrman ofliotint Union; dioa of hydrophobia. ' 30 James L Glazior"died'at Newborn, ;Non.,h Carolina ) aged , :27 years. JULY; ' I _ 4 A general pie nie was hold.at Cot- Grove.—A youngmun named Wileon waalltubbed tit Mount Union named Craig. = - - ' 10 Mr John Cunningham died, aged . 59 years." 15 The Globe commenced its , 24th year. ~ „. 16 The Baptists,held a Festival , and' bleared $169,49 —Eloratio Eisher's eht,l4 'teas bitten' by a rat. 19 Zach Yenter bought the house and lot occupied ; by Eclaris Thep:plc f0r,84100. 23 'Bisber,4; SoN4 . :bonght the estut? e !if .143 - gib Broad Topjor 89,897,60. 20 The:iron fence around the Oath' olic Rburp.h wan completed. • " AUGUST. 5 The Huntingdon dame were being re-built. ' 12 The Republican nominating Con ventinn (net. _ ,121 be liernoeratlo-noin'alitig"pon verition met. • 15 Rev:'‘Villiam 'float° died, aged 75 • • •,,••- • • yeare:‘ • 18 Mr Thomas liarebineWe carriage, containing five peloris, was otrubk. by N - one'Were - itijat:ed. • •• 21 The briek-Nt'sirk'ne Smith's build ing Watt commenered• 22 —.K . Lodge of Odd Fellows was opened at Orbiseimi#. 21 The county vote on the election was published ' • John‘lF,. Hartranft, Republican, 3473 ; Charles E. Boyle, Demount, 2498, „ gs. 6 ' o! district. !votei trot C9egtefis a~i~ Assembly was published Con, greys—Daniel J. Morrell, Republican, 12100; Jelin P.'Linton, Deinocrat, 006 Asgerribly—Brown, Republican, 6772; Martin, Republican, HUD ; Tay lor, Democrat, 6156, Miller, Democrat, 6334: 29 Gov. Seymour passed h.— Mr Shoemaker, of Henderson township, was the victim of a forged cheek. 30_ A now road to Wilsontown was surv't;Yea.l Vale , I.) . 4sj?‘Yerit' s pillgid in the j - uniata river by Rev. J. W. Love, at Alexandria. 8 Philip Pheasant, of Gassy'lle, was thyowo out of his wagon neaF_ i lk . ).ill cri3;ele4o.d..l4ll P adi • ; - 1.1 The county vote for President was published :,Gen ,U S,ciKantPyi .14pratio Seyritour`24,ss. Vice Preis'ide`Mt;• • SeltuYler''bolftix passed through town. 7 President U S Grant passed thro' ; ;, ; ).121:rlielpitit, sis f ig,NO t y't &A tiii ! A the. - illjnitoFforilliel was made up. 20 A horse thief named Bower was arrested in this borough: 25ainfetiticiii "'of Good Templars' of 'Ude distriei"li'as beld.liere., .2.§ A. little son of John Shriner died froth the effect of swallowing harte horn liniment. • , 23 William Gobi:it:min was run -over by a caboose car at Mill Creek and died on the 30th. 2 Mrs Julia M Miles, wife of John G Miles, Esq, died, aged 75 years. 6 Seven persona were baptized by Rev J N Planaett. EMI sae committed in dad= light in Daniel Newinghain's reeidenc. in the Diamond. 29 Steel & Lytle's saw mill, in Hen derson township,was destroyed by fire. 31 A horse and boggy was stolen &pat tl3rickeetr livery, stable.• r i 4 , jci .:4131CPTE...MMIE1q Ir, 5 YB. l Al r:' Jaeob- Shafer ; " 'Of township, was killed by a kick from his horse. 11. A locomotive exploded at Fair play, and killed four men. boueo of Tilom,vr "Juniatii-taivhship, was ifeitVoyetin-by fire. ,qard con , Nony9ten oircupjn town. 20. Hnntingdon county was 81 years old to-dn.i - i 7 1,-..4 tbiet eniiiied Janes A Brown's residence and stele some umbrellas and -wearing apparel. 20 W Scott McCabe died, aged 22 years ; • • • ' ourottEn. 7 The Republican Mass meeting as sembled., 13 (Election day.. ,ki.itrtrapftlorimp bell-ra'tid,thowhele Iletiti§lican'cOunty ticket elected. 'l'ho Republicans of this borough 'engdcred'in a granii l iellifiiitioh . tile Griming.' • 10 Mr. Rciad'enieritd'his 'dru'g store. =I! DECEMBER ;9 Two pateht right peddlers l•erete arrested on kspicioti of: being :eivih dlors. ;1 , - . - 11 Hon Stocikett Matthews lectured for tlainin`elif,"of the Y i bL q Ai! c r i -11:198 - €i • co in in ti ce d the Gift .11hterpri2e—--Thtr`leuelferzf, ii stitute -i• R I „ •1611.1% ThoinasiCtihinilof Aalk er township, died, aged 53 years. nnknoWW,,AVoinan, was fOund drowned is the canal. ' 21 The ludies :of' the Presbyterian church held -a• kir and &hared 8400. 26 Major SdriteslSieerdied, aged - . •r years. , =1 Jimattry, 'l6 marriage!, 5' iffiuths. ;' , lfaVilifirj t . • 13 •' " ' •' .1 4 f r / . 8 al April, • ,• 4, ,/ 12 ,„ • May,: ,• G -", • -; 4 •fli • • 3 ; Jul 4 " "; ' Augus t ;t; • •`!, 1. September,' •t. - 1 "8 " October, ,T• l 4 I' I I 4 " November. 12 '1 ," 5 tt !Dever:liber a l 110 ;-" • ;;; _B' , , The above includes those only n- hkh veru'iublished.' in the GLOBE. Who IlratiterprisqOsent,s for Deceaber. The,e,rowq:at,,pay ST, Co's, fil•Fiee - • ry andLevyy 1,300 k Score, Enterprise Headquarters,'on January Ist,, was immense.. The presents for the month of December, to.:cppmmer i s itip[cling numbered earde, were as follows: 3050—Barrel of X.X.Xi . Family Flour. 4030-50 lb. saak % Extra Fnn . pyi i .Flour. (Card not yet tit'es'eole - dsr ' 4515-25 lb., seek Extra Family FhAur. 3019-25 lh.:saelc 3028-25 lb' saa Corn Meal. 5252—515 Gurnily Bible. , 1931-15 Bolts Wall Paper and Border. 2122—An Elephaßt, (card not yet presented 4228—A pair of Bantam Chickens. 1000—Annals of Army,of the Cumberland. 1750—" The Errepic - saible Conflict." 3717—Boy's Fancy Sled. 3296-2 lb. box Whitman'e Candy 4546—Lady's FAney Basket, 1426— .2 -Pair of “Fighting Roostere.W 4429—Mammoth Mintstiek, (card not yet presented. 17.11 . 1 4235—80 x Segars, (enrd not yet presented.) 1393—Caney To3i,Beeket. 3501—An Album, (card not yet presented.) 1193—Corn Broom, (mita not yet presented.) 147—Christmas Tree. Yeheoae•hclding 'cards 'en titled to 'roseate will present them and lift the articles. Tile 'next pre sentation„will ,be on the let of Febru ary. See our list of Gifts for January in another column. • • greir Thls un'd 4 ersigliecrtale thii-meth bd of expressiiitlieir - lgratitude to e large •,,r1 rpher ; of Kriepdsyr ' members Of ilte tßaittiat - ,Cburch and, ctingraga• tion of littnkingdon, l ey, their surprise visit on .1.1 4- tiNv Yeer'is ighi,"; - whieb time they left us a large store of noces• siirios for the ,family; ; oonsisting of clothing, -..grooariper: and, provisions. A rriong-the-pfeitFintriCEitoe the effluvia - 4,r was, al shit uteddinilerfortne4- by' Rluire. the fee, for which ,was prompily - h - anded • ever to , ,us as rlFlrn f,inv for-the Occasion.. ' We eanoot , but desire phdf, while the are the reeifilenis of so' : tinacy'rairOrs' in4hiiting . 'the kid regards ~utl-ifrienda Jer e us ; tt~they would also" ini;al rbeiTeurl) . l3ine - Lord, and he as faitliritt follim•'--ary,liys en tinying hie smiles'. '' • y.t J. !Oil FLANNETT,', , , g e a j p.DA ProNlirTr.. - •••• r . — TTT I Li, ~.1c..; 1111 ME 7 •.„ , :? iMM liIMMI Ifilli NEB Our i Gifts!, fori JANUARY:. They CogiVi2eikrothing. , .\ .•,,)1.1••••--‘, , ))) ),„ ) 1 BarrelXXXX‘F,ltin i ily.PeuT.,.„.„ 1 Nett: 'Piked fy;S'ptsin,g, iind - Buw. , ' • ' Acoprdor.ar, -- r , • ;:z -c, 104140IVIOVA4114:tht ..:12 °- 1 1 i 0:6 1 Boy,'s Fancy Sled.. w; ',.• ; •n' 1 Rosewood Photograph Frame. ; ',;. - 1 Seholar's Co , Alptudott. ,(T,inf) • • • 1 50 lb adeltExtra 1 25 ,")" ' 1 25 -14-haakiedrn ) 1 Lady's, Work. , . , 1 Loather' " 1 Pair Btu-mini 1 Wagon and Two .11arspe., , (Large Toy.) 1 Cunt Brooch. f our salel, ,qurtng ,Oe month go above, our, ottittute, o,.eyease Uw : . tittitilier of 'preeents. "We - pay litieblii3jo . .ri3ftlev I as oinoy; prolitinct3 to our oulitotner4 Attif we. ittexsa.:::ort Any person pui chasing to the am ount of 25 , Cols, OP (9,vitr,:tit. - =Oiler LEwtS' BOOK Sroat:: -. 4r 'MASSEY 4: Co's Grocery, Confectionery and Irliriety Store, from and including Friday, tlic let, to and including Gie 31ST DAY, OF ; JASU,AO', 1869, will rccciye a numbc;ed card for ever) 25 Cents micirth - pu. eh:ascii, which will ontKle I,lle holders to as many chance alrth4 h'ave numbered cards, to re ceive one br' l tiaore of; the above pres outs. The goods on hand clitisist of Book of all kinds, Fancy ArLicles%! Masica• liisiminonts, Po. rkainers,-.W Paper Groceries of all It ind F t, cel ebrated. Confectionery, common Can dicAl Of:`atU kiodsi ;Toys, Fd . iTaly'Ploi.i BLICk CFlOtir;:Ci)il) Moal; SweetVine gar,,Voal,Pjli;Tubsi ,Backets,-Bagkets, Stßool \ Nai:o,,Bruslic, Irpokns, Apples,'Potitloes; etc., die, too' n tuner 011s td mention: Qur prices will be as low it not /oirci than elaewbere for the eatne goode. .Noto's your,tinie to reccite„a iLlndsonze Present, Cheap'. The'Entorp . rlse will be continued and val. Ate ,diitriblitint .tlie! first day of every month. Publicomtice.will be given in all•the coun ty papers the first week in every monthof the nuffi bprolicertyLepAiled:tv presellttu •i) blinnps Printing 01fiCe'bustness not included in the idiom' •••, - • faantingOotvirJ.4 - 11:4; 1809., MARRIED, On Nov. 3d, by Rev. J. A .Do Nloy or, Mr. ABNER P. LANE, to Miss EME LINE SMILEY, of .13,rree !,ownkthip. On Nov. 12tIr,',"by; tiro same, Mr. FRANCIS ,M. PARKER, to Miss JANE M. LtUGRES,, both of Greenwood Furnace. li3On Dee. 22di by. the same, Mr. Jets. L. thrclusoN, to Mise MAGPIE SCOTT, both of Barrep.torpsh.ip. i . At th,e , Variionag4 4 ttlio 24th nit, by` Row. It B. Wilson, Mr. Nl'm P.,'Sfloor, of Centro II:all,'' Centre Co., and Miss MARY R , I%,llOfts of AtilrOY, Mifflin county. At the samkplacejinl.heisamo day, by tb : s, same, Mr. PETER Bunts, of -.AI. toona, and Miss ~131,,)tntA, Mmtatr.s, „of, Porter township. , On Dec. 32d, at the Reformed Par sdnak,o; AThicararfa . ; Rev. S. W. Love ; Mr. 'B Pr Hoovatt:of•Dakre'npOrti,' low:lowMiss MARY B. GAGHXGAN;,,of Alexandria. , ' On Sept. Gib, by the same, Mr. kV WOLF, to Miss 13knEccA , Alc. Cit.ictterg, both of'ilin vicinity of Syruce Creek, this county.'! " Deo. 24th, by Rev., J. W. Dlannett, Mr: to E.Atbitiqs,,both of Mil! Crec,kr,llant in'gdon county ; BindsyLvariiii. On the same day, by the same, Mr. JOSEPH. W ESTBROOK, tO . Aire. 14 A RRIET D 3 04; POOI/' both ofifitintingdon; Pa. Oa! 'fife ',Shirley by fey. G.Hombre Mc -O,4IWHY, and ; il,4iss bletar.DAßltioNY. On the . 2dAtt.,Chy — •the , sti'me, ilr. F. Githan±T, et Casayilla, and 41188 TILLIE IlanvEy,,gf *birlayabui.g. On the, 24tb;m1t.i , byr tho same Mi.: RENRY STEVER, and Miss MELINDA TAY Loa, all of ifuro!Tallef. ' PPIER, In, this borough, on the rnornipg of the 2 i tiet.,ig.rsfsTO 411,khii ; :age d 1 0 years nod.' moOqui. The deeoased irse for r ally ysare up to the time of he'.' ittecnti:er Pica byteriii Oh&6h iii this place. Her James Glasgow, screed hit eountit tiler in the .7,ar pf ~ Sholept v es a large birelS 'of frfends Inddelociddikats. U r Ilea:II:ow often do you here the complelint from - mother end father Illeir'sini" L or daughter ig not well; that they hicrequiriippe tite ; that they, fer.l 7nnguid ; - Unit, their head miles ; that - oipywro` -- 01 : tW in' and fee ble, and that they tip lifti,or energy.left. That they are low-spiritytl,• and pePfeetly, in capacitated to pnyticiputo in any plen,glye:4', , or perform any mental or phy(iieal,d,ity, And the question is,uften asked,: :what shall I (1,, for them?, tir relief, shall I give ;hob'?' "o,nr aneWer, is," let theirs -try Plantation,,Bittore moderately three times w day, and','Cur*or . d for they will recover. AC: '•MAGN - 0,11 IVTEIC:HSCIperio'r tO,PiO'Sjie ' St 3111 ' Ortod German Ciologne,,,and sea. at Vali* the price. , Vir G 110 CE It I ES; , •FE U ITS, CONFECTIONERY;. ~ • Call in nne doot. west. of Lewis' Book Store, and you will find a large tOsort men t of the best Confectionery, Fruits, Groceries, Toys, ton" nu merous too mention. . . if I. 1). ,NIA.SSEY & CO. VALUABLE PRESENTS, EVERY MONTH; Free, gratis, for nothing to purcha sers of goods at either Massey & Co's Grocery and Confectionery, or, Lowis' Book Store. Goods sold at loyq,riceit. Cti bo convinced.. ;New goods received almost every . day'. small nod a nartlot, t way, and nobody' hart::'' • 4E6 — The Best in, the Myrket. eresil Prunos, Raisins, Currants, Maps, Penehen, Craiberi•ie@,,; Mince :M'etit, Citron, etc, next door to Lewiii'lliOofi Store. I. 1). MASSEY & Co. , What makes your hair so beautiful'? Mrs. S A. Allen's Improved 010,ty . 1) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in wiebottle) Price One Dollar.. ,Every Druggist sells it. • On TuesdaY. - lust Mr. Joseph Slack bad two fingers eta off by a cir cular saw at SteelA TJytib:s Saw Mill, in Henderson I.oiNt.)shiP±-1 I ~r,019541"..p ;-..;13jrt,11.51,p0Ka1 r. 9 . ntn ••of"Stim ucl A. Steel, of tl4 ~ :flyni, 5t . 00,1 &Co j- —For the gy,ratestf variety of new Biyle,:Kali, .gajiikr, [go I° ,Lpvite 800 l~ • Swee:Gflkyer. 1•4 A primp%article, for & - To'LET —Tworocifus on !gain Str'iSet. Inquire at the 6,L0t4:,0fit00..',' •" 114ARKET . O. ; •i • " N. rem ele.re -Jon ^ 180 Superfine Flour aisl - i, 62 e r ,hp.5d..7410 te fancy. Western; Maui fimiily 57.2k07, 75; Von neYltadto ito do $lO 75 and Tdne,y brand3 s sll,oo®l3,lo accoydinc to (purity Rye flour $1,040.6.00,.. r, :C. , ;1. Mere to yety, Prime Wheat. offering: and Ilds de em iption !kin 11,1«ailY reiPtiAt nt Aih pikes: Litt 'lnfo tor grader-ore Iteatected...,flules,of 1500 linshels ;now; Fed, sl,9s@p - ,00, and 1600hoshids amber at a: .Ryo is un- Fales - or 440) bushels now Wi , hter,n a t $4,10 Con, is scars and eitvierieg, toltotyat : s4.2o Wpltyrn, mixed at 96ct5,91,00:' .outs ate in good loque'pt at nn nA. vance. , Salto oC6oolhushelo now l'ellesj [Atari at 72675 cents. Nothing dolog,in Barley and Malt s4,qo YITTBIIIII6I[I, Jan. 2.'Flonr.flto - "market 14 Ilectedeed. Ito quota aides ot ;opting nhefit Flour _ . at s7.26,@iris, ni flour at $8,76(0.00 tancys42@l2,2o. Wheat. red, $1,76@1,85 and for white, $2,0,02,12 Corn from first handout $1,90: ltye, $1,45,p0r bushel. Oats 01e162e; Barley 2,05a42,10. Potatoes, fetteh,lllow 6,75 Ltd hams 18%c, Lord 17c. - Butter 48611,5 e Ib; Ege. Gdiloz. .7 NEW YORE, Jan. 2 ;7 -Gold closed- at $1,35%, HUNTINGDON MARICHTS:' . . CORRECTED WEE4I.Y_ ay,LIENII.I; Si . CO. wnoir.s.o.r. mum. , - FLogit Fluur,•per barrel, $7.25 Extra Flour, do, 8.25' Family '. 0.2 Q GitAlN—:-Rod Wheat, per bushel, 1.80 IViiite Wheat , ' du 1:00 Rye, r do • Corn, do ' , -90 „ CO Oath, Barley, ad •• . , -1.20 SEED—Timothy, do : ' 2.00 Flaxesed, 'do r 2.25, Cloverseed,,per 54 Ms. " 'l.OO PRovisioNs+ Potatoos, per L*o, • 1.00 „Dried de 2,25 • Green 'Apples, do 1.00@1.50 'Onions, ' do • ' 1.00 Cern.Meal, per cwt., "2.50 tried Peaches, per pound, 17 Roof, Lard; t` :'-d 'Pork, do.. _l2 Butter, , :it 4q, t ry , 40' Cheese do r 25$ Eggs, 'per dopn, • , , 25 ao41; tbik, . p.51109f 00, ! Broad Top coal, do ' '- 3150 LIMBER,: ppr-100Q feet, 12.00®13Q.00:.1 SutNbbße—Lifp; ; Por'looo ft., _.1.0.00(c,61.3.00 JuiutiSkin t. 6:P0080130 MiscralArriood-Bitiir, per cord, - pp 00 Brltt);_pqr 0 PAS' lIoPe Ter , „ 40 '„ ' '' :40045A 111, win ton, „• • 14, t r; :1 - 14X (1 14 4 .4a l /00. ' .f:;.“777•1 : TBEMMON.7 Of TI t! ' • ' : ' —,Dr. 'ff,,,,Rt)z - or, a skillful and. wideis ; Itit,owp„ ; d4eseip/an o f • twenty years standing in Lancacter, _ht. opinioi ra - pdpular household' e4niedy , In the full Owing letter: • rtt " "`= Lt3trASV't;it. PA. Noiell111003,18(18. B. 13.:UAILTYA.Nstie0.-vDitt;•VirS "Dllliiigtthejltet eight years I have h.,,i frequent opportunities to study the effect of Mislller'S' lent Sitars upon persontettuffet , . frem; • DYsPepsio, , ,Loseistf - , , Nerrine Energy , Sexual Weakness, I.:ins amen, S.C., Remedies wersiwercribedby , phyrifcians. ' to • the , Ileiteld - itthidAllo• pathic end 11-y.41'9011c selmols.and on ; ly,a comparfttivAly few permanent ctitadifectil On the to her hand, I have never known the•Ditters'tenall producing the desired re snU, and Istilj use them in the treatment, of en.ch com plaints, with the Ingliest 'sto•cesi. 'I have no heiltation I it), fa' lug stint 1 considpr itflthei Heck Bitted, Ott:Mast efficacious lifineffy ever dint.overed for diseases, nriting ' frotn •'a disordeied •S tolnablt,' Liver, Kidneys, Boivcin, Lungs nod, goat r. ,;„ 3", •-, ; ; , „ ;; ;1 1 ; yours tt Iffy, • ~• .1 T,13A111411.:51:D. tlif.! enuj • ! • n9x • l~ a. 7 , DIE lIIM i-JAI. . , .•. A PIA NTS FOR ' „ , oT it F: IlS.—The Grafton Mineral Pahl cgympnity me now mituilfactni leg thuilestl, Cheepeedl and fdos't ihble Idiot in uso;„tsvo uont4 sv2ll, Dui pure Linseed IMI;Jw IMit. ten ' nr years; it is'of 4 ,light htopfli, ur ,beanti fah phociflateselorivand ;din be changed' to groin. teal, stone, drab, olive or cream, to colt the taste of the corminer: 7 It is' salfdtble fo Iron. es gellueN, Btu /14, i.,ll;Tifo And Car Inakdre, Pails and • rif ooden•ultle; iculturaf-'ldiplements, CanAl Boats, 'Vessels dud Shiperßottomv, Canvas; Aloud null Mogi° It'oofs (it being Fire and Waterproof,) FlOpe oths, (one Mail ta:tetui l u ring er hing used 5.00 bbht. iIM YOU-) Altai .tts,a pain tforamy purpose -is unsurpassed*-for brply, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. Price $6 Apr bbl of 111)).s, Which will supply firmer furyeaiWto dente.' - alrented.in all cases as abilvt: 4. , entlifer auk thtbr klien,g,,D4lllll parriculars.t: %).110 ' gettuine'ugless branded in a [lade mark, Gialton Mineral Paint. Per sons can eider the Paint and remit the money on re ceipt of the goods. Add: esq ll=® I I= . I ' it t IL L. IA LIN ESTOCIi. & CO, Pitt-burgh, Agents fns I'ennsl morn. F°.. D./ Nb.Y Ci,79 - 13 st2al'2lA. I f . DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARRH treated with the utmost success, by J 1 ISA it,C3; M. Vcrl}lTClbgeliiii,orMseases ofthe Eye and the AfedloWatligentliThrtSyltrania,l2 Years exPer knee, (lot inerly of Le) den, liollitml,) N... 805 Alien St, L'hil dolphin. '.l,e , tilnonials can he seen at this oilier, 'rho medical faculty are insited to accompany their pa- I lonts, an ho has no secrets in his practice, Artificial Eyes Inserted ' w i [bout pale: No charge for examination. June 17, 186S-Iy bin 11 .4 1 1 •, II t• ) ~ tr If ) ❑10! J I; 1111 F ( 1 Z A II AT M'AlpiL'S CORNER OF DIAMOND. hal! 15 1 f:i.lfl1`,111 .- • - Elli .. < ...1 ~, 4". '''" '''ap ••• ' • `,... , II2L 1 ' r ..,, strr gi &c,AT,W,;(te ) ( el r 7.1, rigt - GEO. , SILIAIFFEW -° ' l jnat returned IFonLiho,Epst. with • -7-- '77 1300 'I'S, SLOES, GA VITAS', (C,C., U r ,tt !.; .111) .1:: ;'lll. %fhich ho offers to the inspj:tion of his custom°. nod 11y fdo..dc 4,the most RE AS ONA ELE ER z and those olio purchase once a ill sorely , 9ga t in. Bpcit.6” DR TO 01-6Elt, awl REPAIRING (lone in the neatest and nuht ex,pegi tiouv In:Anne. Palt‘npori'MrA•dhaelreent hii shop on strret. ,felv.l . lo.os,,)%vet , or the Inonomt, • • • 'Oct. 28,4848.'10 SONES PENN,s - rtvANl.k. Ilia undersigned having leased 11w above popular and ,t ell koolynbeenritorgaglils giUstli:lippaoVed.( 'entitylSl 1,4,0,61 trurrough'unt lvd )1 elegiult lu'rultdreiluUluillng all Sil o erpoit!tipolite oflt 11,0 htis dloreb bo to dly tot tlin riciption of -guests,-oil ' , dun att6r t1i61.511, of labs. BEANS !BE HT , BEANS !J!'! Having obtained alnewivartlly Non/it! BOW aEZrts, will dispose of them (put up in sacks) at the following rate., 1 pound, (sufficient ; tp salsa 1 Inteliel)_Postage pro paid, 30 route; 2 pounds emits ; - 3 - pbudds4l,oo ; 8 pounds (I gat.) 82,00; 10 pound+, delivered tp zNpiq.s, $3,60 • %,•busliel RRSO 1 busliel $12,90.1. -.1 . 3 2 11111.05t of 1201 inches dpart„)46o from lite 8 grains per riot.' •11'111 rtpcM to about 60 to 75 days. The cash invariably to Accompany the oiler. Nerve and Post °Mee fatless, legibly: written. Send soon, as my stock 1 . 4 limited. ,_ - • •, Address:76llN It. SIII3NRFEL'H.T that: 21,- Orbisonia, Ilitutingdcm Conaty„ NEAV q 3001 - Ate - Dr - SflOV. ? I. I" , WM. AFRICA Informs the public that lie line Just opened at 114 Ilnntingddnr iliFiuotAssortmeliii:of4Pkindg'-`d BOOTS AND S 9 5,, , For Ladies, Oerftiemeri aiuts,Chlldren. All of which he will sell it, in t fair pHees, T 91‘10 !Rip and small en:ati. ("Shand exainlim y'stbele. ' Manntacturingand Repairing tLogp4order as usual. Huntingdon, Oct, 28;-1669. uSi )Eri, STATIONER' .i. Lewie-Book Store CONRAD-AUER • - Divt.Naoß AND MANVFACTURBIT. OLT/10. '• C6l6bnited It'on — Fr6nie' :Warerooms, No. 722 AIGh Bt., Phll4. llne reepli',44,.9ePrize iroildi:4\kohtorld's.43 . [eat, L'Aii bition t i:cg. The 'highest Prizes awarded w Tal wherever exhihted. Estriblkhed 19^3 eept.30,4)8.3m: - 7 • t 17q • %I DIAPER! PAPER ;4 Note, Pest, Commercial, Foolscap and glataap--e good assottntenl cut ipdaliktlayream,laltretkul, Otto of sheet, at • • -SNI{tIMBOOK4 , STAtIONEItY ITCMIN.I MiNinr4LOrEs' ,•' • " j_2l2o,tbe poi, - pack,vr:leartglantliyi fonsato at , t. ,4 r, .p..5...r71,1300.8" 4NZ.IN4TATLONEEMSYQR-E,,, ~ti tU'l'? .~r,l i SPLENDID STOCK THOMAS FARLEY, , prtoisratwon'''. Gl~@a~er~lha ~~~~Ck~e Est. ,~ . ..,i ~. ~ ..,~ ~~x " -1 13 1 A R. i o d :O L Eilf Mar A T ..TI /E- ;...11,0 J. i e Itaria:44..3XLC:Oikk! ; P:MliCoXte, • Tirek Antinsg - diin;'l'67in S ii,"'„ (l - 01,,1710 1103' tgloDO We are , :riow. , offering ,OUrpsiitt manse and fito,lflof Goods, at thorouglilyovredueeti,„ and unpf[ep,edented:'ldvfpgd i eh ; our superiorifaeilities, en Oiling, us to reomiiete'!sueee i Ssfutly,:iVnlye. cheapest: Our stoek.conSiOi . 9 Gpeols, Dry Goods, , Queensware ; Glassware) :Willow and Cedgr',Yrare l 7gle*drylifkr Oil Cloths; ~Carpeti',, ,; :lilug'st,ficl. Door Mat . 4 4 'C)..delol,..TAtk,S4ii,*, TinwareiTron,,StVe.f,t,N44ofaUV; Putty, OilS , = y, WO.; Feed, 5te:;:&,e.,;1q„:,,01,;',#(.4,4it variety,- •at ;prices , that,,,,wilk;tibt fail to 4§_34, also clealing,iii:a,ll:l.ln:dino Uoa and Lutrihe4, ta these ebriinici,ditie§;;lso4esn t. adoy to any other:firmiti,l A 4 itintingdiV. We elain - il - 44A, u gOA'1 1 04-4 our trade, •: , in :Avhialpiisoneigmati compete. yj t - t i. - , We buy:, Seeds, FlOur" ;and. 1•1`0.4,;;I'lc;;',I'413. highest itiao,igt.4ats„'anii 3 d gimp t the highest ~ p riceviitTflobcl,s:sß)r Produce o£, I S.4),qo . :i2;,tcrp r i:#94 fail to ealland:p-X,aminie:our stack g,q please: " • f , • . : , t 9;Vic.6o 11. v:;;,zi)3l 1iti1ti,19 , 414;.1" . 4.11 ocus ;Tliipiggozi,,,ln. IMIVIII3I w- EL , ZElGLlanpin . --1 ;L,"l . ,'; tui 91:1 •:.• .:us '.l 5:- 'I u H ,•151EV" , a L i.• .I:tv,• 79!?, 115ff:11 4. , • )1 DREBB_ - .4000g 71; :leo Alpacas, Pupliusi Plaids,Delatings;.avin.s - pipawv, n int s fine Carnlirici;'Thislin - s — Veillarflx(e - AcilleeP CV W 19133.1 A largo nisortinciit of n, r::,it.,ta•/, ' ' • ,f- ,vw,rl;il Silk I:1 But VelreellibbollsPottla Aloyip9,:eAtlon i ypieilitc (r iitl4 40.-146 - ti•e6 - • • • • uJll 'cid of all eolots, , Sint, Vuttpn;_yi.c:/or,AlkAk.4, anti latest styles. Under garments, or fdrhitniPifYrita dims, Gents and Children,' - Table Linen, itlithline,.Naphins...Ddylieg,,Stb. •Sheeti4 and Shirting, , r;;;liVr gTia•AZY!!!)6olltPjaif o o?oL Cl' NI 1 1 A largo stOok;tlf thp, ll .jest , 4 l 4 l est... , Al(l4•Fgla*COCt Notion', Zepli'yrq,;ytur,&e. All cheaper elzenv..lt, • • • opposilA the:First Natlntiall3aAl4llfintlit. don. In. I; i'l .( 19/11::.1 ..0111111, MVO. CLAZ I' I t: Pf4.I4I::UP..INAP.o.i-n.,(1 .L.1%..1: DRY`.S~,D,72I "1:qi10.1dq41(7,: . 2 -0 7 '1qN.5;JG:4,4,41•4?;5,,, , a1k 113,1. CLO27IS: di:l7S ItiVlAVArPg;ii . ll . b' 0 0 "ITS'liil,tV ~5710"E'5;.?V42`1 E r pr . " Le , iitjf AND IVIL LOItI FA J 3 B r iVA:c..;l lBl eiti 'il;119? Elie ir':)_: , ll' ) s'l '6 4 11E1 CL 0 rlicr/1 7' q tb,F4 • q a , Z 411113.1: ;1.11 ",•_ , .1 ..,Lt /.01..) For Oept l pmen's ClothtnglAtheliqat mciarlAlMostxtrAdei ~it , tlie'beet Vorkmarkllko manner, call of 111 • r „. oppAelto,i ttrankllA d o " , "fief10:" 7 '1;111.5' 7 pt:./ /MAUI . BAQx AG b.bbg STORE and NEW G 0044: 6 1 -Benjamin -111pc-qb§----.7 ii e Jot - pro. aw,t ripmsls and / •pphiK generally, he 'h. , itgainlocated IJI . tilb . DOVOlldh °i f 10.12,13.1i0 , 14, bad h.is Oinked very. latgalitnltantirelnihil stock of Gooqs „in Saxton's, Stors:Royfdppiffite-LayiS, 'Wok Sforo, condathig of DRYGOOI S;GIIOOiRIESPOLUTILA bING,I HATS f0;2.1; VIA OS, mpoTs , 99 rAI• c ' tfl is it net VERY')VAIIETY , -,1 c 'GOODS' a:; thi;lett stoi4a r1o;fi11 tall at tlrtcea to:yult, tllB ti r wic,oria.b . p.pe..to..m cave% librial than, of patiorago frsp, a genoropapuptio;, ! -DCn't forget trYglin n call Intl' I will try' tryritnivah you with t) ode and prica . s. ;; ,•,- ; , r• ~" §, 1 4.:30,1868. . ' '" " a Et ' eant i ' Be - 'Beatelel OtIV V-4-Pl`g:4YgTX-J3RO•OJE C. , 'll nospeCtil4l3l inforcul.qus:.catizellA tin - fing - eqh tb.tket ,fothity pat be haWt freptall fsoru i tho,city, a pAsOond apiendul stocts , coi , , GREERIET,TONFECTIONERIFE, I PPPi'g" B : 4' 16 4 11 , iL'i:OikV43!§;lin qsLosierst;lls7lo*e . 'Pindings,)*CarpkL i?l;4 6 •Wit: 1? ~ ...TrUnks; &C., &C.;:&a.',.* -, igtheyirbiatirls Prepared to eon at gre46; Doro forgoolle old stand in ilia Sallniruht 01a8 sbib "• midi add Ma public generally . . H1MP10 14,, ..ci- /80: t!'olVirt l l1 9 .abri • Y:cEr 'lneat: JO,Pki PRINTING{ foal lvtits t h S;;; . !V(!! ° V, 4 64 -,P1i41 7 0X4 047/Cley'AatilltuiT, • , 1 a tsi, • ' KIRIN