TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per annum In advance Mc;l4.litt three Month; TERMS OP ADVERT/81NC • 1 time. 2 do 3 do . I month One inch, or less $75 $1 25 $1,50 $1 75 Two inches, 1 60 2 25 2 75 3 25 Three Inches, 225 325 .4 00 475 3 months. 6 months. 1 Year One lull, or less $4 00 $6 00 $lO 00 Two inches 6 35 9 00 15 00 Three inches 8 50 12 00 20 00 Four inches 10 75 16 00 25 00 Quarter column, 13 00 18 00 SO 00 Half column, 20 00 SO 00 45 00 One column, 30 00 45 00.... 80 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, One year 55 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 6 times, $2 50 Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 Estray, or other often Notices 1 60 Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tione desired, will be continued till forbid and charged am cording to thane terms. Local or Specjal Notices, 10 cents a line for single in• sertion. By the year eta reduced rate. Our prime for the printing of Blanks, Handbill., etc. are reasonably low. Vrofessional& Nusincss Garbs. DRTAR. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, . !laving permanently located at Huntingdon, °Here hie professional serviette to the community. Office, the wore ea that lately occupied by Dr. Laden on Dill street. ap10,18643 . IR. JOHN McCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon co vicinity. Office on Hill strut, ono doorosal of Reed's Drug Mtn. Aug. 28, '1.5. R ALLISON MILLER, DENTIST, Has removed to the Erick Row opposite the Court House. April 13,1669. J. GREENE, , • DENTIST. Mee replayed to Lelater's New Building, Mill street. Huntingdon. July 31, Mt. j A. PO.LbOCK, ,SAFEYOR&REAL ESTATE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA. Will attend to Surveying in all Its branches, and will buy and led' Hied Estate in any part of the United States. send for circular. dec29-tf lATASHINUTON HOTEL, Y LIUNTINGDON, PA. . The undersigned reepectrully Informs the citizens of Huntingdon county and the traveling public generally that he law leaned the Washington Rouse on the cor ner of UM cad Charles street, in the borough of Hun tingdon, had be is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Will be pleased to receive a liber al share of public patronage. AUGUSTUS LETTERMAN. July 31, '67—IL GEENC Y FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS' CLAIMS, EMMY, BACK PAY AND AKINS. All who may have any claims against the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and Pensions, can have their claims promptly collected by applying either in person or by let ter to W. 11. WOODS, ATTORNEY AT LAM UtIN MOWN, PA avg12,1&33 I. COLLECT!ON _ - 4‘ ,11 ' or 0 4 . K. ALLEN LOVELL, • Distriot Attorney of Huntingdon County, HUNTINGDON, PA. OYFICIL—Ia the room lately occupied by R. 11. Speer. jau.1.t867 70011 NOM SAMUEL I. DAMN, SOON M. DAME Tlienameof this firm has been cluing od from SCOTT 4 BROWN, to • SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, finder- which name they will harraftet conduct their practice an A TMJII'II24E 42 LAW, ITUNTINGDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all claim. orsoldiereund eoldiers' heirs against the GoTernment, will be promptly prosecuted. Muy-17, 18616—t1. ILTON S. LYTLE, - - - - ATTORNEY AT LAW, • lIUNTINGDON, ' Will attend promptly to all kinds of legal business en trusted to hie tare. COLLECTIONS mode with tho least possible delay. Epeeist at , eritiou &run to CoNVEYANOING in all Its branches, such as the prepatation of Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Bonds, Articles of Agreement, &c., All questions relating to r LIN TITLES IN PENNSYLVANIA carefully considered. Ile will also no multi for land owners whether their lands ate patented and obtain PATENTS for those who may desire them. C. CLARKE:AGENT, A ° Whoteazle and Detail Dealer In all kinds of g3lli-aril 40 1 1 3§1T5Ori, HUNTINGDON, PA. - afosl y to t tLF , razlgr i. Hottae, to the Diamond. r 17'68 A. WINED PACTS IN DELIBLY PRESSED sail always triumph over elmple as. sections. ' Thus It Is tint this community glees testimony la Ca. Tor of the well known establtahment of H. GREENBERG, IanagIEILATIV RILL STREET, HUNTINGDON. Whilst it Is not his purpose to deceive the public ti clamoring "tom prices and better goods" than oth dealers, he aimply Invites MI who with to purchasoio his line of badness to call and limitary themselves that with him a patron once gained to sever lost, that is,. .the proof et the pudding is In Ulla tasting of it." /fa has just reosival his winter supply of VIVOI VAAIDI eLnuart, FOR MEN AND BOYS He bee ales a large assortment of the most substantial ,sod fashionable gals, Caps, Gents' Figuisliilii Gods, p . l wary deeeriptlon, and made up from the beet material Always on band the flomit quality of American, Eng flab and French CLOTEII3,CASSIMERES and VESTING.% which are made up to order by good, experienced work pen, In a manner the moat faahlounble and endurable. No Intern city can afford a bettor or more varied style .of goods than can be found In my eeleetion. , H. GREENBERG, ,Huntingdon, Oct. 28, 1888. Merchant Tailor :FASHIONABLE 'GOODS FALL AND WINTER WEAR, GEO. F. MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR, •3D 1/211.= IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND BOYS, pas,relisoCed to the second floor in head's Now Build• where he intends' to keep constantly on hand the Asteat jstyles of fleady male Clothing and pipes Bootie, .COTi?p . risiag 1 ZNGLINI /ND THENCE cmipp, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS PLOTO, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINOS FLOTTIg, CASSMENES, AND VESTINGS Being a practical workman of many years experience pa is . u rp A r e d to make to order Clothing for men end boys, and guarantee neat, durable and fashionable work manship. Hp to leteimined to please everybody. 411 are invited to rail and examine my new stock of beautiful patterni before purchasing elsewhere OEO. N MARSH. COUNTRY DEALERS oat j .. t y ll g a L lC A Lt i lilf reap mejn o !l e u y n c t o net i on 4‘ l e t I We a wholesale !tore in fhlladelphia. H. ROMAN. ITARRISBURG STONE - WARE a; marinfictitrer's prices, for Salo at • • jar! " HENRY L .$2. 00 . 1 00 WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL. XXIV. NEW LEATHER STORE. THE undersigned would respectfully announce that, In connection with their TANNERY, they have just opened a splendid assortment of FINE LEATHER, Constating in pert of FRENCH CALF SKIN, KIP, MOROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER, HARNESS, SKIRTING, &C., Together a Ith a general n'erortment of Tho trade is invited to call and examine our stock, Store ou LULL street, tea doors West of the Preabyto. lan church. The highest price paid for AIDES cud BAUM O. IL MILLER & SON. nuntingdon, Oct. 29, 1868 West Huntingdon Foundry. JAMES SIMPSON 311:CCFACTL7rd PLOWS, THRESHING MACHINES, FARM BELLS, SLED AND SLEW II SOLES,' WAGON BOXES, IRON KETTLES, C/EtstizaLigel For Furnaces, Forges, Or:st and Saw Mills, Tanneries and Brickyarde, AND JOB WORE IN GENERAL. ARCUITECTURAL & ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT. Iron Porticos and Verandahs, Balconies, Columns and Drop Ornament for wocden porticos and verandahs, Window Lintels and Sills, Cast Ornamonts for wooden lintels, Cellar Bitsduw Guards all sizes, Chnutsay Tops and Flues, Sash Weights, Carp .c Strips, Registers, Ileatcni, Coal Orates. . 'Vault Castings fur coal and wood Cellars, At hors, Tree-buses, Lam tepost s, ilstessing-p mist, Lon Railing for porticos, verandahs, balconies, &mot'. beds, Yard and Comettry Fences, etc. Particular attention paid to 'cueing ametery Address JAMES SIM PS RN, se?, MAI -Il untingdon, Pa. JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA fI`IiIS MILL-is a complete success in I the manufacture of FLOUR, Ac. 'lt hes lately been thoroughly repaired and is now In good running order and in full operation. The burrs aurl chappora ere new and of superior qual ity—cannot be excelled. An I we aru gratified to know that our tooth has gi von entire satisfaction to our cuSto. mere, to sr horn we tender our thanks. Ire have In our employ ono of the best millers In tine county, and nfaithful and capable engineer. Thus equip pod and encouraged, we are determined :o persevere in our effur is to aceemined du and please the public, hoping thereby to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage to sn•tain us in our enterprise for the public interest. Market price paid for the different kinds of grain en delivery. • Fleur and Chop, on hand, for e.tle. JOHN K. SUCATIAN & SON. Iluntingdou, Nov. :ICI, 186 NOTICE ..TO ALL HILL STREET MARKET, OPPOSITE TUE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. G. MORRISON respectfully in• • forms the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity t lot he continues the meat nunket business iu nil its va rious branches, and will keep constantly on bond Fre , ll Beef, Pork, Pudding and Sausage, salt Reef and Pork, Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Spices or all kiwi.), catsup and Sauces, Teas, Soups, Cheese, Salt Laid, &c, &c., All of which he will continue to sell at reasonable pt ices The highest prices paid for hides and tallow. Thomas Colder, at Alexandria. and March & Bro., at Coffee Hun, are my agents to purchase at their places. Thankful for past patronage, I aolictt a condo wince of the same. R. G. MORRISON. Iluntingdon, Oct. 28, 186 T. READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEW L Y 111ARRIED =I New Furniture &c. '[IIE undersigned would respectfully Jamul= that he manufactures and keeps aoustantly on band a large and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, o=l2 WASH. AND CANDLD STANDS Windsor and cane seat chairs, cupboards, gilt and rose. wood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a sari. sty of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to be satisfactory. Ile is also agent for the well known Dailey A Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. Tire public are invited to call and examine hie stock before purchasing elsewhere. Work nod sales room on 11111 street, near Smith, one door west of Tester's store. . Huntingdon, Aug. 1, 1800 Tganavgiala J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in P 1 Mr 3EL 1\1" Z 9L" 10" EL 331 Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on gill et., Huntingdon, in the rear of George W Swart.' Watch and Jewelry More, where be manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. Repelling of 411 kinds attended to promptly and charges reasopg/P. ffip- 41 I so, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made In any style !paired, at short notice. allaiT The subscriber has a agn • VE IV AND ELEGANT IIEARSE and Is prepated to attend Funerals at any place in town or country. .1. M. WISE. Huntingdon, Stoy 9, 188G-tf PAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Trardng Paper, Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Thiene Paper, Silk Paper far Flowers, Perforated Paper, Bristol Board, tat Cap Paper, Foolscap Paper, - I f etter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Lidice' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Pinto and Fancy Note Paper, White and Colored Card Paper, In Pack. and Sheets, For sale at LiiWlS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. F"THE, L4.D.TI•:S r A superior article or Note Paper and E 149010 pp suitable for corifidentiatcorrespondenza, for aala at LEWIS' BOOK as STATIONERY STORE. BUSINESS MEN, TAE NOTICE! K If you want your card neatly - printed ou enrol opus, call L at • EPTIS' BOOK ALT STATIONERY STORE. i.-pENNSYLVANIA TIME OF LEAVING OF WINTER ARRANG WESTIVARD. M.I A.)LI A. A.M. lA. 11.1 P.M.I A 61. 051 111 381 IN. Hamilton, ...... 51311 45 14 11 60 511. Union,... 5 01 1 11 37 5.3 ..... 12 151 Maploton, 4 54 11 29 32 12 11 91111 Creek,— 4 45 11 20 45 70012 30 340 Iluutingdon, 845 430 11 00 05 112 64 Petersburg,— 41010 48 15 1 051 'Barre°, I 1 4 00110 39 22 115 18pruceCreek, ...... 3 51:10 31 35 1 30 111rmInghant, .....„ 339 10 18 44 835 1 40 4 34 Tyrono, 8 00 3 31 10 11 50 1 0 1 'Tip ton 3 20 10 00 03 ...... 2 01 Fostoria, 3 14 9 65 08 2 06 lietra 5114.. 300 050 25 905 2 301 505 Altoona,. 730260 9 30 .M. l. W. A.ll. I.M. 4.11. 9./1. 4./1 Tli , x. •n The A. M. iilo BALTM M., arrives al November H UNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and alter WEDNESDAY, SEVE EMBER Wan, DEE, Passenger Train. will arrivo and depart as follows: - UP TRAINS. DOWN TRAINS. Acco . 51 D. I Ace at . NAIL; STATIONS. P. 1. A.. 1. A. I. P. M. t.v. 45 ts 3011Itml'Nolan,. IAR 15 on 427 53 37 Gong Siding 07 4 21 09 61 51cConuellatown,.... 51 4 05 - 17 58 Pleasant Grove 42 3 58 34 14 Marklesburg, 25 3 42 50 30 Coflea Him,— 09 3 26 58 39 Bough & Heady, 01 3 19 13 54 Cove, 48 3 05 18 681Piollern Summit 41t 301 An 311 /21Santon, LI 7262 45 10 381111ddlesburg. ...... 2 18 10 47 Hopewell, ............. 2 10 }I 05 Piper's Itun, 11 241Tatosvills 1 30 11 40 Bloody Run,. 1 15 An 11 46,510unt Dallas, 2 50 11.% 1 10 81101.1rS HUN /HUNCH. • An 6 40 1 1 s 10 25 1 5axton BAR 7 23 An 2 30 6 551 10 40Coalmont I I 7 101 215 10 45 Cranford, 7 00 7 05 2 10 An 7 10IAn 10 55 Dudley, ,As 6 651u2 00 . I 111,oad Top C1ty,.....1 Iluntlundon Sept. 23, 'OB. JOHN /PHILLIPS, UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAIAI AGENCY HUNTINGDON, PA. SOLDIERS' HEIRS, ATTENTION ! The act of Congress approaed Hatch 2. 1007, ghee to Heirs of Soldiers who died prisoners of uar, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the time the soldier ads so held a prisoner, at the late of to enty•ilve cents per May, to be paid in the log order: lbt. To the wadow, if unmarried; 2d. To the children ; 3d. To the parents, both faintly if they are thing, if either is dead, to tho survivor; Ott,. To the bro. there and sisters. The act of Iretriiiii7y 24. !867, provides for the refund ing of the $3OO Ciaminitatiun Mosey, where the opine per. son drafted, and was acquired to tutor the set , vice or furnish a substitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. no act of March 2,1807, also mike., prol,lilons for the payment of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to each soldiers as Imre acchl:nnally lost their