The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 16, 1868, Image 4
The Rich and the Poor. In his struggle with the world. the great aim of every man is to reach a condition of easy circumstances. That is, he wants to secure the comfort of Ittimself,and , his fatuity. He cannot exactly define the point which ho is 1 aiming at, but his mind is bent upon a condition of freedom from the anxiety that constantly oppresses him with regard to the future. This is a noble 'ambition; but how small a proportion, - of all, whe strugglo for it, are rewerd ed With success. What proportion, in Our own city, reach that stage where they, are no longer' haunted by the spectre of want? A very small pro portion. The figures show that of the million inhabitants of New York three fourths live in tenement houses. It is - safe to say that at least as large a pro portion as that live and die without at taining the object for which they struggle. The other fourth of the pop ulation fare in easy circumstances.— Destitution is unknown to them, they feel 00 anxiety about the future, they ease and enjoy life. This is all verk,Viell, but of this -well-to do class there is a certain proportion who hold many times more wealth than is ne. canary for oven tho most luxurious style.of living. We can name a hun dred men hero in New ,York whose aggregate wealth is not loss than one thousand million dollars. Now what proportion of that vast sum, or eron theinterest of it, can -those hundred men nee for themselves, and their fami lies. 'Only a more fraction. The bulk !Of their wealth is hoarded, growing every day by money wrung from the : poor in the shape of rents, &o. Their wealth, which might make every fam- Akin New York comfortable and hap py; is kept in this narrow circle, doing no good to the world; and only ena bling a comparatively few persons' to Jive like kings.. What would that thou- Sand Millions do if it Were equally distri buted among the people of this city ? It would give a thousand dollars to every man, .woman and child. It would givo six - housand dollars to every family. It would place in easy circumstances °Very fariaily in New York that is now below that staniard. But not a dol lar of it will be distributed. The hen- Arad rich families will go on boarding their wealth, and in the winter time we shall still hear of suffering, desti tution and death as the result of ,pov erty—this, too, almost in sight of the palaces of the millionaires. Is it just man should be the possessor of millions,-while another, as good and worthy as be, would starve for want of enough to buy bread ?—_,Aretv York Mar. THE CHEMISTRY OF FURNITURE - Young housekeepers ,do not always understand the theory of the chemical and mechanical action of different sub stances on articles of furnituro. The substances from which furniture is chiefly exposed to injury aro water, oils, alcohol and acids. Acids act on rnarble. Marble is itself composed of carbonate of lime; that is, it, is a com pound of carbonic acid and lime. Now the carbonic acid has a comparatively weak affinity for limo, and most other acids will prevail over it and take its place when brought in contact with it, thus destroying the texture of tho stone, liberating the carbonic acid, and leaving nitrate of limo, or muriate of lime, or sulphate, or acetate of limo, as the case may be, in the form of a white powder, in its place. But oils, alco hols and water produce no effect on marble. All varnished or polished surfaces of wood, on the other hand, while not injured by acids, arc attack ed by alcohol. ,Yarnishes aro composed of different gums and rosins, which are generally moluble in alcohol. Many of them are made by dissolving the materials in alcohol so as to liquify thom,and then, when they are applied, the alcohol evaporates, leaving the gum or rosin a thin, even coating over the surface.— If now any alcoholic substance comes upon such a surface, whether it be al cohol itself, as used for lamps, or spir its of any kind, or even wine, which contains but a small per centage of al cohol, a portion of it is dissolved, and the brilliancy of the surface is de stroyed. Oils_ will not attack either marbles or varnished surfaces, and will do no inktry except to naked wood or other porous substances which admit them into the pores, from which they cannot _afterward be easily expelled. Water affects no substances except such as have open pores exposed, in which case it enters and causes the substance to swell, or such as are Bola .ble in water, as glue in joints, and mu silage or gum arable, used sometimes for attaching superficial ornaments to fancy work. ser"The iron interest of Chicago em ploys fifteen thousand men, to whom is paid the yearly sum of $12,000,000 for their labor; $5,000,000 is invested in the manufacture of iron, which does a business of about $25,000,000 per an num. The number of iron establish. merits in the city amounts to ono hun dred, which are engaged in the manu facture of axes, boilers, cutlery, dirks, derricks, engines, edge tools, farm im plements, gauges, gearing, hoes, horse nails, iron joints, keys, lathes, light ning rods, mining machinery, mowers, mouldings, needles, nails, ordinance, plate and pig-iron, picks, plough points, quadrants, ranges, stoves, shovels, tacks, tanks, utensils of all kinds, size, and . value. 01,„The plate glass constituting one side of the great lantern at the top of the Boston light-house, was recently broken into fragments by a shell-drake duck. The litt s le winged wanderer was probably flying at a great speed, and being attracted by the light, pre cipitated itself against the glass, and the concussion brought its career to a sudden and untimely close. The glass broken was more than a quarter of an inch thick, and it is impossible to re place the pane that was summarily displaced, with glass equally thick, purchased in Boston. Tho duck whioh achieved this feat, although his bones were broken, had no contusions on tho egterior of his body. A Vermont editor writes obituary notices of delincluent subscribers, and in this way bring them to life. We hope our delin quents aro net dead, but indeed we would like if they would send ue their—their re. specie, or come in and give us their- 7 their hsnd and ask us "how•d-ye do ?" vs_ Without consent we filltdi find it almost as difficult to please ot!iors po purielyis. -t43 0 A. R. STEWART, HUNTINGDON, PA., COMM HARDWARE, CUTLERY, PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES, OILS, LAMPS, ROPES, Ilkr roan, Scythes, Maths, Grain Cradles, Sad- (fiery and Carriage Goods, Hubs, and Spokes. NAZI S AND IRON, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, DRAIN PIPE, SITOZT3WV‘TAL7iLM 9 and an endle3s variety of geode in his lino I nm receiving gouda almost every day from manufneturera, and in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and my experience in Selecting beat brands and reliable politica of good; purchasers will find it to their advantage to examine my stock. THE NEW PATENT JICLIPSE COOK STOVJ,I, vhieh throws all others in the diode, is still ncreasing in popularity, and pleases so well hat everybody wants THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT THE BIG PADLOCK SIGN Hun tingdon, July I, 1855-tr. =I D. T. CALDWEDL, IMIZEZEI TYRONE PLANING MILLS. ItIcOAAIANT, ELLIOTT & CO., Succee.lord to F. D. Buyer d Co., Manufacturers and Dealers: in Sash, Doors, Blinds, Flooring, Brackets, Mouldings, Stair Bailing, Plastering Lath, Shingles, Common and Fancy Pickets, Frame Stuff, AND ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, TYRONE!, PA. Order, rospectfully eolicitcd. ji29-am DIJACIIINZLL WU. I. DCACCIIMELL THOS. BURORINELL & SON, WAxelACTlmcne Or SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all kinds of Building Material, HUNTINGDON, PA. 31625.1 f 000. A. MEL. MILTON 8. LYTLE. SAMUEL A. BTZEL. FIRM OF STEEL, LYTLE & STEEL baying located on their tract of land with al two miles of the borough of Huntingdon, a STEAM SAW MILL, aro prepared to manufacture all kinds of OAS AND PINE LUMBER. The mill will be inn to Its ntmeel capacity and will be In operation during the entire warner and putt of the autumn mouths. They will be enabled to furnish Lum ber in large quantities, and of all dimensions, at the low rat cosh prices. Orders respectfully solicited. Lumber deliveral at the Penna. Panroad, or canal. iluntingdon, April 22, 18138. V. P. e. 11E10 ERG. A. n neon. NEW Carriage& Wagon :11 , 4 . :•0 •11, Manufactory. 0.4 P. S. ISENBERG & CO., Respectfully inform the citizens of fluntingdon and the public generally that they hare commenced the Car riage and Wagon Manufacture In the building formerly occupied by AndersonCezzens, IN TUB BOROUGH OF lIUNTINODON, Near Henry lc Co's Store, where they will be pleased to accommodate all who call and glue prompt attontunt to all orders, either for new work or rertirs. Their work shall be put up with the hest mates lel and In a workmanlike manner. A liberal patronage solicited. Huntingdon, June 11;ly OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES GILT GOLD SHADES, MUSLIN SHADE'S, BAILEY'S FIXTURES, TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS FULL ASSORTMENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE ---------- U.S. REVENUE STAMPS FQR 84 I-, AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS, 'or sale at LEWIS' 13006 AND STATIONIZEZ STORE a 0 00 0 Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy,'and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color With the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened,_ falling hair checked,' and bald ness, often, though 'not always, mired by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the. follicles arc destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can he saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep'it 'clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CIIIIMISTB, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $l.OO. JOHN READ, Agent. sel6-ly Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all tho purposes of a Laxative Iffedioiue. Perhaps no one meth- IP vine ii en ;mirth. -ally re qui•ed by everybody- as a ratlim tic, 1101 W.l, et or F•••-_..___,i ' —s. any before .0 onh er s ,d. .. '' ' '''.-' ly adopted into u•e. in 1 ...,.._,T -' every: oat:y:lnd among cflt , CT all 'case , , 21., in, inthl -Ay e r-5, but eadoent p1i..8%11.1%e Pill. The obviou • rem _.,, y„,., _ son is, that it 1i:1111,M' re oC,-.,:...,-.,, ,-..2-t d. ,-- liable and thr move elfe.:- _-____:22:":!-'l 4 , ----"--- - teal remedy than any. other. Those '2120 have tried it, know that It cured them; those M, ho have not, know that it cures their neigltbors and frimuls, mul all know that what it does once it dons :awn!. 4 —that It never falls through any fault or negleetof its composition. We have theinands upon thou sands ol certiacetes of their remarkable en; so of the following complaint", but such cures are known in every neighboiliond, ;tad we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages snrl conditions in all climate; eontamtng neither calomel or any deleterious drug, they may be taken with safety by anybody. Thew sugar coating preserves Lieu eve; fred) aad makes them pleasant to take, while bein g purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. They operate by their powet bit inahence on alto internal viscera to purify the blood a n d stimulate it into healthy action—remove the obsdru.oion, or the stomach, bowed", liver, and other erg pis el' the body, iestorin,g their irrecrnlar action to hoalth, and by correcting, wherever they exist, su th derange ments as are the list origin of disease. Minute directions ale given in the wrapper on the box, for Um following complaint', which these Pttis rap'2lly cure:— For 31Dylpt-,1,41.c or 3nt1ig..;”4.14)23. Ilscleig nowl. lde2gdlor and E. 1 3 ,44 of 1)1101111., they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stunt. nett and re-dore its healthy tone and ;tenon. For Cher Coniplactat and it+ varialn symp tom:, Bilious. fl,•otlnchr, Sick lleallachts, Jatanilic ti or 6.; coca =Moo. Colic and Minot* - Coverm, they should he Jos diciously for etch case, to correct di, di ineed action or I'eMOVC the obntruetions a•hidt cati , e it. For .tl3 ovine pry or HDiau•rhxa, but Ono mild doer is generally iequireit. For Ilainitinainiana, Valli. Grovel. rosiliti- Cation of the tike:u•t, 10.1 in in Via Shale, /lock and ILninv, they should be continnou,ly taken, as requirvd, to thantre the di-ca-e.l action of the system. IVitit those complaints titstgtltcar. For I'Diromay and n)roprit•al Mere/limn + they should'he Wain in large and ptea6 doses to pros dove the effeet or a draitio put For tiopprewsion a tree dose oltould he liken as it produce, the di-area ellavt Ly sympathY. Ell OM= Asa t one ot•1«•b Pills to pro mote diet-tio.t and reiim r Oil stout:tell. An orea , ional tine stimulate: the stomach am) bowel , : into healthy a.mon, re .10r01 tile appetite, anti invigorates the sv.tem. Hence it is often ad vanta..,,,cous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably Ivell. often finds that adose of these Pills makes Inni reel Ileculedly hotter, front their cleansing and renovating effect on the digea• tive apparatus. DR. J. C. 41131: A; CO., Practical Chemists, LOWELL. MASS., U. S. A. The Last f l / 4 Apßov S l * no It EsToRER r HAIR DREsglikki y ew ,tyle oneßoifte will quickly restore Gray. Hair to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to . the Hair make it desirable for old and young. V For Salo by all Druggists. DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., N. Y. rxtlet 0 - NED atja PONLANKS! BLA STABLE'S SALES, ATTACIIV EXECUTIONS, ATTACIIAIENTS, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, DEEDS, SUBPOENAS, MORTGAGES, SCHOOL ORDERS, JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOItsiIOUSCS, NATURALIZATION BUSS, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FIIE BILLS, * NOTES, with a waiver of tho $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAG IS CERTIFICATES, for Justices of tho Pout and Ministers of tho Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, In case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. t.CIERE FACIAS, to recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for Slats, County, School, Borough And Township Taxes. Printed on superior paper, and for solo at tho Office of the HUNTINGDON GLOBE:. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on good Papor. LUMBER, _SHINGLES, LATHS. HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, Dosirds, Plank. Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly on Worked Flooring. Sash, Blinds, Doors, Door and Win dow Frames, furnished at manufac.urers' prices. Grain and country product gum ally bought at market rates. WAGONER. to BRO., ang2B4l Philipsburg, Centro co., Pit. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. THOMAS N. COLDER The undersigned having now entered Into the ), Alexandria Mowery, the public' ate informed that he will he prepared at all tinem to 011 ' , e nlera on the shortest notice. V 10.9. N. copErt. Aye is MI KS ! BLANKS ! \\HARTON &MAGUIR'I RILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., \VHOLESALE &RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HARINARE, T LEM,. aG4 The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, le Invited to the fact that we aro new offering a DE rrEic ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., Ilan can be found elsewhere in Ode part of the State, at prices to suit the times. Oar stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON bIAKERS LINERS, Ac„ Au., together with a large stook of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, • Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross. Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal bit- Lamps_ and-Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellunt assortment of "Pixie CruLtlex.3r, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS ORS, RAZORS, &O. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns CONSTANTLY ON !LAND AND FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general assortment of materiel for their use consisting In part of Carriage - Trimmings, - Hubs, Spokes, Buns, Axles, Springi, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent an el enatnelled.Leather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &e. SELT-4.400.1.1.1V11270-IEICE3 Can be supplied wilh ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE ANJ MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel • CARPENTERS Will find In our establishment a superior stook of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, LIAM3IERS, PILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, tiOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, uOAL PICKS AND SI.IOI 7 ELS. ..V .2 Eta' =Lea' is Can be arcontmodated with everything In their line from e Grain Noporator to a Whet-stone. Etudiclargs - Ate especially invited to colt and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare. our prices with others Agricultural Implements, Comprising the famous Russell Reaper, Mover, and Dropper, combined, RundeWe Flrst Premium lIORSH PITCLIFORK, Rakes, Scythes, hues, Hay Folks, Trace and Halter Clutha, Dr.ast Chains, Caw Tics, Curry Combs, Cantle, Sc. Among the specialties of our Clouse, we desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The rid mare rigls tto sell which is vested in us. Sand for neinul tr ail grt full particulars of same, and satisf3 3 out self ol its superior qualities. SCALES. Bodes elan sizes and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, PlaVornt Scales, Grocers' and bruggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRIC: S. The hugest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, s. Lver offered In this Waco. 0 A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS .411 TD BRADS, By the keg. Very low: Beet Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. . STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON , BOX.ES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, ' IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Labricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at very low ligayea 1,47- A call is respectfully solicited, fooling confl dont that our goods and prices will not fail to plc:lse:4M WHARTON & MAGUIRE. nAy 7096 T. GREAT BARGARS Cunningham & Carmon's, Corner of Railroad and Montgomery Ste., HUNTINGDON, PA. 11 T E would call special uttontion to the daily nu teal of CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL OWLS, which are offered at Tempting Prices, Consisting of tienutiful :like of all shades, all woo Poplins, Alpecss , Moist - Igoe, Armors, Chintzes, a moo• beautiful lino of flue Cambries,,Barred Muslin., Nato aooke, Gingham, and Chambray.. A, a full Ilna of Domestic Goals, sualo as HEAVY BLEACHED RUIN Flue Brown Muslin, 40 Inches wide, Blenched Muslin from 9 to 236 yards wide, Kentucky Jeans, Pennons Calshatere, Co„ ttc. Our stock of SHOES excels Anything of the kind Ms aide of IMllutlelplifo ALSO, a largo and wall ielected stock HATE ault. able for the season CARPETS. We make n specinlty of this article, and hare on hand a very fino assortment of , DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which will be sold lower then CAN be sold by nay other haute outside of Philadelphia. 'We have Also ou hand n largo stuck Of 4161 BAIN which 'me ore selling tory low. In orde2 to be conrincu,l that own lo the pinoo to buy, call and examine our gooda and fulcra. We take pleasure in showing our goods, even If you to not a-1,1) to buy. go you will please call and got posted CUNNINGHAIVI&CARIVION. Oct. 28, 180S—tf. THE PLACE TO BUY CHEAP GOODS FOR FALL and WINTER, W. MARCH t BRO. Respectfully Inform tbo public genortilly that they have Just received n large sod splendid stock of goods ut their store In Huntingdon, c disistitig in pot t of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS Ss SHOES, ATS, CAPS, TINWARE, LADIES' FANCY TRIADIINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BmiErs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW W A R E, QUEENSWAIII, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &c., &c. Also CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And In fact everything that is usually kept In a Breda., store, ell which wero bought low for cash and will mold ttt correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce, and ',quest the public to give us a call before purchasing elsewhoic. fueling eat isfied ire can offer supe rior in dutentente to cash lovers. We reeptctrolly solicit the patronage of all. and the public are cordially invited to examine cur good•. Everything taken in exchango for goods except proud. sus. Irunthig4on, nuv. 4, 1868 HEAD QUARTERS NEW GOODS. D. P. CWIPI INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED SPLENDIS STOCK of NEW-GOOD:- THAT CAN'T BE BEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY COME AND SEE D. P. GVIII , I illmtingdon, April lb, 1868. THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM ,T..J. ItlegARpSON & CO„ 1.26 MARKET STREET, Is the largest Mrintiflictnring Confectioners and Whole s•Ao Defilers in Fruits, Nuts, Sc., in the United States. mll4-ly • 1 01 O r- -• :4 MgNiars.fN LA? A W .61,11 N 0 A' For doing to family washing in the best nod cheapest manner. Guaranteed equal to any in tho world! line all tho strength of 011 rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Cestilo. Try this splen did Soap. Sold by the ALIMN CURMICAL WORKS, 48 North front Street, PhiladolPhia. sep2'6B,ly. CHEAP PAINTIG. 10t Cm, of PECORA Co's colored 3,5• cos r Paints, (costing $12.34) will Paint as much •as •251:1 His of Lead and wear yEAD, I longer.address. J particulars B. BOWEN, Beery. 150 North Bowman. PHILADELPHIA. TINVELOPES- By tho box, pack, =lase quantity, for sale at LBWS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. Vilo/110 bta FINt'OUSTOM MADE BOOTS' AND SHOES FOR GENTLEMEN. ' AU the LEADING STYLES ou haul or made -to meds uro. Prices fixed at LOW FIGURES. An- Illustrated Price List with instructions for Belt measurement Bent on receipt of Post Offloo•addresa, WM. F. BARTLETT. 33 Smith Sixth Street, above Chestnut, NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. • GREAT REDUCTION OF TOLLS DAILY CANAL LINE , • From Tidewater to all points on the Susquehanna • River and its Branches, . Y.IA Chesapeake & Delaware 1 Canal Tide water. and Pennsylvania Canals. • By Regular dally Tows of Canal Boats from Philadel phia tool, place's on the Susquehanna River and branches. Hoods consigned to the above points from Philadolpaia and Baltimoio will be received, carefully handled. and fore arded by Canal Boats, wh;oli aro constantly arriving for freights. , Ample warahou e nod wharfage room (under cover) provided for loaded cargoes. Shippers will find it. to their advantage to send for. ward their consignments to receive quick dispaick. For further particulars, apply to HOFFMAN & KENNEDY, - No. 304 North Delaware Avenue, ' PHILADELPHIA. or JOB. JAB TAYLOR, No 212 West Falls Avenue, BALTIMORE, MD. • June 17,1803-ly. DR. TAYLOR'S A sk4.l#Af"? . OLIVE BRANC: - .. ';'ETTER- A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, STOMACHIC and CARMINATIVE Extracted entirely from. HERBS and ROOTS. Highly beneficial DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY, ,and' Loss of Appetite; and an excellent CORRECTIVE for persons suffering from Disor- ders of the Bowels, Flatulence, No, 413 Maria Strut., Philatlelitia. J. K. TAYLOR & CO. Sort. 30. '0?-1y 628. HOOP SKIRTS 628. AND CORSETS, CORSETS. WPC T. HOPKINS, NO. 628 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA, auscrAc.unkm or Tar • Celebrated "Chanioa" Heal] Sittig FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, The largest nreort men t, and beet quality and styles In the American NorAet hurry lady should try them, as they recommend thenaelree h. wt at ing longer, retaining their nhopo'runolt better, being lighter and moron elastic then ell others—w allitZ , rt.D in every r espect. and sold at very low re ices. MO for liohgtme •Cu turtoe" hgerr. :ulterior Gaud-nettle Wlndedlotto CURSE I's in Fifteen different Grades, including the -Impel ittr and Thomp son & I.nngdon's -GLOVE FITTING" 01/I:•ETS, [engin - In prices Iron, 81 ents to $0.10; together with Joseph peeked CF.LEDHATED MENG!! WOVEN CUItEEIS, supetior similes end quality, Ten different ()radon. front $l.lO to $5.50. They are the finest eel beat goods for the prices, over itnported. The trade supplied with 11001' eItIRTS and COltehTS at the LoweA Rates. Thos. visiting tile City not fitil to call and ex amine our Goode end Pries, as we defy all competition. se, tl6, to Beets, LADIES' FANCY FURS, • AT JOHN FAREIRA'S. • OLD EST AB LISIIED 36 11 1.1 x , ltactrniir.stt 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh, .PHILADELPHIA. I= county and vicinity. 4Gir- Remember tho Name, Number and Street I JOHN FAR EIRA, ns ARCH Street, above 7th. SmtOreido. se3o4m PHILADELPHIA. .041 , I HAVE NO PARTNER. NOR CONNECTION win' ANY OTHER STORM IN PHILADELPHIA. • SPANISH HAIR DRESSER FOR PaostortNo me GROWTII, IleAcurrnia 'run And rendering it dark and glogsy. No other compound possesses the peculiar propel ties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair. The IMO of this nil 119 It hair dreF.4er has peen univer, , al in ovary sec. Hon of the country In the SponiTh Main for con turies.— No preparation of art could give that elegant luxuriance and abundance of hair Which Intro no stroll bOl l ll the ad miration of travelers In lido oil 14 highly and delicately perftimed, forming an at tilde unrivaled in ex• cellence and upon which the Spanish people fur many }rain horn act Ito oral of enduring amitorni. Nexicaulifild Flowors Shampoo Lotion For removing .ianch MT end scurf from the head, uhiten ing and pet hinting the skin. This art.clo to entirely dif ferent from an) thing of the kind ever offered in tkis Mtn. trr and is warranted free from all poisonous substances. Thts valuable lotion Has used by the Emperor Dlax Unit. tau, and klapiesi Cat cotta of Mexico, and universally used by Mexicans for three hundrsd years. As a wash for the head—it is cooling. cleansing and refteshing.— When thus used it at enco relieves WILD FLOWERS FOR THE TEETH All those who are in favor of white teeth and a pleasant and perfumed breath should at once usu Mclluiro's Wild glowers for the Teeth. All those preparations aro put up in the most elegant and ornamental manner. We make no exception in saying that they are on ornament to a huff,' toilet table, and uoue complete without them. • Worronted satisfactory or money refunded. Dealers will bear this In mind. Sold by all respectable Drug gists in the United States and Cumulus Address orders to BITTERS, SOLD EVERYWHERE 121)U0,P , COX', I have TOW hi !store of ty own importation and anilltetare, 0110 of the A It U B S T and inost CALITIFtII, indentions of Fancy Furs, bAllll,6' and Calle REN'S n'EA it, In the ity. AIKO. a tine assort lent of 13 ea t'a Fn r loyes and Collars. I am cuabled to disposo ' my goods at vary IHASUNABI,I3 PRICKS ❑d I would therefore diclt it call from my oda of Iluntlngdor -ad 'May. ~ IcGUIIIE'S -0— McG U IRE'S -0— McGUIRE'S RICHARD AIoGIITRII, Depot nod Manoritetury, 20$ North Second Street, Philadelphia JOHASTOA &\\ATTSON riIAKE pleasure in,ai3peupelagmithe citizens of klunting,don county and vicinity that they have meat rata um! Crow the Emit with a - LARGE STOCK Or GOODS Which they he e Just opened out at their new store, ONE DOOR EAST OF TEE IVA SERVITOR UO2;EL ,Tlioir stock consists of DRY GOODS; NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES;'" GROCERIES, FLODIt AND p4:ED„..i TOBACCO, CANNED 'Fli.4l'B, ITARDNARI j, CEDAR QUE ENSWAIiEi OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS; - &d.,- DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET FISH; SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS ; SHOULDERS; SIDES, &c..&.0 They have a large 'stock: of LADIES': PRESS GOODS, Consibting of SILKS, 310IIAIRS, ALPACAS, em,ml3, LUSTILES, GINGIIA3IS, \IERIVOS, PLAIDS / DS LAINES, &c., &c. Also, a:largo as sortmant DRESS TRIMMINGS,' Y : -,--HOSIgItY; GLO:F.Ii S i : :7 BUTTONS', - &c., A FULL LLV. OF: wring' GOODS Ws will sell WROIXSALE: nod IttirAlL All goods delivered to rOeIi , dOIICGIS nod depo!s, (• ce of charge Oho as a Irlal Moro por.:lliFlpg..'elael'ai:er.O. JOHNSTON .S WATTSON. Huntingdon. April 15, 1863 TI9çXEL. ,2U4i { ~;.. r ~ _~ .~~. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND' SEWING' MI k'CHINES:- - BM. GREENE , .removed his • Thuile Store, to the second floor of Ulster's' MM mg, where he keeps constantly on hand. STEINWAY SONS' and OA RIME'S Pisno Manufactut log Company's PIANOS, MASON eh HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CAIIIIA itT, NEEDHAM& CO.S' 31ELODKONS; Guitars. Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violl,i Stridgib MUSIC KOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shun or , Golden Censor. Golden Trio, Ac., SHEET MUSIC-110 la constantly retelling, from Phil: adol ph in all the latest music, ichich persons at d,dlitenc• wishing.can order, and have sent them by, mai1..1,1'.1 Also GROVER A BAKER'S ;Celebrafed SEWING MA. CHINES—the only machine that, in additioi; to 'every kind of sewing. embroiders perfectly; smetag, IDA And Cotton of all kinds and colors for machines. . , Persons bu) lug Sowing Machines fully instructed fu the use of them. Ilyteir. Pianos and Organs 'Warranted for fire yeek, Thum wishing to buy any of rho above nrticies ammo riled to colt and examine mine Wham purchmink Mew whore My prices aro tits same as in New , lurk and CirsuhuN of Instruments or Machines; sent promptly upon nppliontion with nay additional inthrmattun desired. B. M. ' Hilt street, Huntingdon, Pc; IlloYS,' o l Second floor of Leister's new brink buildlag 13C1D - ZT - TiailStTGA-3C0C:024 . ' MARBLE YARD. J, M. GREEN & F. .'BEAVER Having entered Into partnership, inform the pishllc that they are prepared to execute all Myles of . Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, also Tlutiding Work, at a, low prices as any atop . in the county. Orders fiom a distance promptly'attended tg. - Shop on itIIFFLIN attest, n for doom east of the 'heron church - mch6,ll3oZ , • A L!I wo l !l i d 3L res E pee liit t - ful l iyc. D all . the l at he thntiolinildof undersigned of Illintingdon and the adjoining counties to tho stock of beautiful marble now on band; is prepared to furnlalf at the eliortest notice, Monuments Marble, Tomb, Tabled and Stones of evely desired size and form of 'Dalian et Santora Marble, highly finished; and carved with' approt print. del ices, or plain, as may suit. • Building Marble, Door and Windo w Sills, Au; will be furnished to order. - • • W. W. pledgee himself to furnish material and work, manship Nina to any in tho co ß titry, at a fair price. Call nod see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on the ornor of Montgomery and Mills e• 9.. Huntingdon, Pa: WM. WILLIAMS. • Cluntingdon, Slay 16 1656 SPECTACLES. A firm and largo assortment always . ii . rl hand - AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. GrC:2o3r-a39 FOR EVERYBODY, - CHEAPER T.HA.ZV ANY OTHER„ KINDS. Call at Lewis: _gook Store and SEE ASSORTMENT. T IJMBER FOR SALE. Boards, , Plank, Stqing,Volsts, Roofing Lath, Lae. anti Joint Shingles, three, and !Our feet Plastering Lath; For sale at littipftipflrePs prices at jal7 1 1 aan: -• K: r .mss, ~: HENRY & CO'S