TERMS •OF TILE GLOBE Per annum in advance RiZ mor;t6a three months TERMS OF ADVERTISING. 1 time. 2do 2do 1 month .$ 75 ...... SI 25 $1 50 la 75 . 1 50 2 25 2 75 3 25 . 2 25 3 25 4 00 4 75 ' OrliJodi, or lees Two inches, Throo 3 months. ' 6 months. 1 Year ....$1 00 $0 00 $lO 00 9 00 15' 00 12 00 20 00 75 1800 - 05 00 One Intl, or less Two 'ones Three Incites Poor Ind., . • .. . . . .. Quarter column, 13 00 . 18 00 30 00 Half column, 9 0 00......,...30 00 45 00 One column, - 30 00 45 00.... ..... 130 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines One year, $5 00 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, 8 times, $2 00 Auditors' Notices, 4 times 2 00 Estray, or other short Notice. 1 60 Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions desired, Ann be continued till forbid and charged me. cording to these terms. *Local or Special Notices, 10 eents a line for single in• senior, By the year at a reduced rate. Our prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc. aro reasonably low. Vroftssionat Ca6s. -nit. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, Having permanently located at Huntingdon, offers Mrs professional services to the community.' Office, the same as that lately occupied by Dr. linden oti Hill street. ap10,1866 I;)R. JOHN IIeCULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon on vicinity. Office on 11111 street. one door east of Reed's prog .3tore. , Aug. 2S, 'O5. ALLISON MILLER, • %Masa DE hr TIST, 11., rem voa to the Ilrlek Roe• oppoefte the Court House. April 13,1850. J. GREENE, FDENTIST. . Office removed to Leister's New Building, • fill street, Huntingdon. July 31,1881. 4‘,.P6LLOCK, .SURVEYOR &REAL ESTATE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Will attend to Riirreylng in all Ito branches, and will tiny and sell Real Estate in any part of the Unitad Ytatea. Rend for menhir. dec29-tf W A - &RING TO N HOTEL, lIIINTINGDON, PA. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of littntingdon county and the melding public generally that he has leased the IVashington House on the cor ner of Hill and Charles street, lu the borettet of Ilun tingdon. end he is propsred to accommodate ell tilts city favor hint with a rail. 11 ill be pleased to reed% r a Mier. al shore of public patronage. A L•GU;TU3 LETTERMAN.' July3l, 'Or—tf. IicSIUII.TRIE, R ATTORNEY AT LAW, Omco on 11111 street Prompt attention alit be given to the prosecution of the claims of eoloters and noldiers' hciu,agmu,t the Gob - eminent - nu22,lBtiti GEENCY FOR COLLECTING -01.1,1EUT CLAIMS, 11011:STY, BACK PAY AND AWNS. All who may have any claims against the Government for Bounty, Back ray and Pensions, can have tin:ll'ol4lms promptly collected by applying either in person ur by In ter to _ . W. D. WOODS, A TTORIVEY AT L_{ IV LIUNTINGDON, SA .aag12,1563 04 COLLECTION _ 0 y p OF K. ALLEN LOVELL,, District Attorney of Huntingdon County, • IIi/NTINCDON, PA. OFFICE—In the room lately occupied by It. )1. Freer. JOON MOOT?. SAMUEL I. BROOM, 101kM M. LULEA The name of' this firm has been ehang t.tt from seen & eaews, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, .wader which nerve they will hers-after conduct thou' tpractice as 477OR11ErS AT LAW, HUNTINGDON; PA. PEZISIGNS, and all claims uraoldisre and aid disira` h Ph h ft-abut the Government, will be promptly prosecuted. May 17, 1661.-tr. 3/ ivroN S. LT TI,E, ATTORNEY A T LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Will attend promptly to all Mode of legal bush/cat en trusted to his care. couaccnoNs made with tho least possible dal .y. Epeeist etsention g;ren to Cl/NVEYANCING in all Ito brunches, such as the preparation of Deeds, Multi/ages, Leases, Blinds, Articles of Agreement, Lc. All questions relating to LAN TITLES IN PENNSYLVANIA awe/1111y considered. lie will also aseertaht fur land owners whether their lands ate patented and obtain Pli_ri'="l'S for those who may desire them. C. CLARKE, AGENT, A ° Wholesale and Retail Denier in all kinds of 4Etaar.a vonn,@;ol2.„ HUNTINGDON, PA. 'Opposite the Prent:lin Tlon.e, In the Diamond. theintry grade supplied. apV7'CB FIXED FACTS INI)N.11.IBLY PRESSED will always triumph over simple at stratum. Thus tt is that this community gives totstintopy in fa E=l H. GREENBERG, iiinacoanv uaLIIW AD HILL STREET, lIUI4TINGDON. • Whilst it is not his purpose to deceive the public, b clamoring '•low prices and better goods" then oth dealers, he simply Invites MI who wish to purchase in his dine of business to call and estisfy themselves that elth him h patron once gained is never lost, that is, "the proof ,ot the pudding is in the tasting of It." Be has just received his winter supply of RIAU fiiZADE el(o7Dlar), ll= Ho has also a large assortment of the most substantial and fashionable Hats, Caps, Gots' Faraisitiq kb of every description, app uncle up from the best merle! il,l7nye on.hand the finest quality of American, Eng jleh and French CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VE,TING 9, 'which are made up to order by good, experienced work. men, Ins manner the most twhionable end endurable. • No emtern city can afford a better or more varied style °fined' than can be Conn i in my selection. H. GREEN BERG, pnntlngdon, Oct. 28, 1808. Merchant Tailor. fASITIONA33tE .GOOBS FALL AND WINTER WEAR. GEO. F. MARSH. MERCHANT TAILOR, READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MBN ASD BOYS, Has removed to the second floor in Read's New Build jag, where be intends to keep conslaptly on band tho latest styles of Ready made Clothing and piece goods, comprising A7IF.IIICIN, ENGLIEITI AND CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS CASHMERES, ATP, VESTING& CLOTHS, cAssninEs, tESTINGS Ileing a practical workman of matt). years experience be be prepared to make to offer Milling Diemen and ,oge, and guarantee neat, duraiiie and falblonable work maribip. Ha le determined to please everj,body. Kip Ali are inTitfd to call and examine my new stock ofbeantifol Ratterns Wore 'purchasing elsewhere • OEO. F SlAltSr{. .$2 00 . 1 00 WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, -?ubliskers VOL. XXIV. Nuntinglron Vusincss Pirttioq. I (The following Girds are published gratuitously. Mer chants and business men generally who advertise liberally in the cal•nuns Of Tut thorns /or six months or longer, will have their Curds inserted here during (he continuance of their udverlisement. Otherwise, special Business Cards in serted at usual rates BM. GREENE, Dealer in Musie,niu erica' Instruments, Sowing Machines, In Mister's new building, (scoond floor.) WM. LEWIS,. Dealer io Books, Sta tionery and Musical Inutrunounts, cornur of the imnoed. WB. ZEIGLEIt, Dealer in Ladies and Clilldroia Furnishing Uooda, oppoaita the First National Bank. (1 E. SI'NEIL, Dealer in Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, opposite Leister's,neve building , EO. F. MARSH. N 3r Diorama Tailor, second floor of, Read's 1?ulldIng. LT GREENBERG, j. Merchant Tailor, in:the Diamond Juniata A t & p pro pries ? g t d o . u r of !YM. GREENE & F. 0. BEAVER, erL lV:r uh b r l c eManutacturers, Muffin street, near tho La. Axpi. WILLIAMS, V Plain and Ornamental 31arblu Manufacturer JAMES HIGGENS. Manufacturer of 10 Furniture and Cabinet Ware, ituntingdeu, ra. JM.. W ISE, Manufacturer of Furni tura, &c., Iluutlugclou. Uutlertaklag . utteuded to A RSTE, W ART, . }Md., to Iturdware, Cutlery, Pointe, Ws, he., tzu s, don , HUNTINGDON, P.I WHARTON & MAGUIRE, Whole. silo and I stall dealers in foreign and domestic /laid...re, Cutlery, to, Ilatlrood mercer, Huntingdon. 11. MILLER & SON, Dealers in all C. kinds Fine Leather, Rulings, &0., &e., near the Presto [orlon church. NVM. AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and Shocs,in tit, Ditunond, JOIN 11. 'WESTBROOK, Dealer in Boot!, :hoes, Hosiery, Conf.xtionery, Huntingdon. GEO. SHAEFFER, dealer in 139018, Shoes, (inhere, Bc., Huntingdon. JWINSTON & WAW SON elt , Mer nuts, Slain st., cast of Wrinhing,tun hotel, lhautingtlen QLAZIER & BRO , Retail Mor thants, Washington st., mar the jail, Huntingdon ZYENTER, Dealer in Groceries and • Novieions of ult kinds, Huntingdon, Vu. Wll. MARCH & v wider, in Dry Cloud=, Quocuinaro, Ihrdw.Are, lloutg, Shun, &c. CUNNINGHAM M & CAR lON, Itletchants, Huntingdon, Pa. r e ROMAN, Dealer in Ready )lade Clothing, Date stud Caps, n P. GWIN, _ j e Dealer iu Dry goody, GracrrioN, llnrdx are, Queens are, Hut a and Caps, Bouts and Shots, &C. 111101110 cm cl E. lIEN.RY & CO., Wholesale and kJ. It Dealers in thy Goothi, Grocerlis, Haidwate, Queensui e. and Promions oh all kinds, Huntingdon. STEAM PEARL MOLL, Tills MILL is a complete success in the manufacture of FLOUR, Ac. It has lately barn thoroughly repaired and is now in good running order and in full operation. Ilse burrs and choppers are new and of superior goal ity--cannet be excelled. And wo aro gratified to know that our work has given entire satisfaction to our motto men, to whom we tender our thanks. We have in our employ ono of the best millers in the county, nod a faithful and capable engineer. Titus equip pad and encouraged, we aro determined - o persevere in our efforts to nerommal de and please the public, hoping thereby to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage to sustain us in our enterprise for the public Interest. Market price paid for the different kinds of grain on delivery. Flour nod Chop, on hand, for Bale. JOIIN If. McCAIIAN & SOS untiNgdou, Nov. 20, 1007 RECD AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY MARRIED AND ALL IN WANT OF • New . Fillifitllllo &c. T ELE undersigned would respectfully I announce that he manulactin es and keeps constantly on hand large and splendid assortment of DINING AND DUNA KFAST TABLES. BUREAUS, BkIiSTEADA WASH AND OANDLE STANDS Windsor end cone seat choirs. cupboards. gilt and tole wood moulding for mirror aud picture Dooms, nod n t all oy of in ticks not mentioned, at prices that cannot fall to lie natidectory. Ito is 0100 agent for the a ell known Bailey A Decamp patent spun,; Bed Bottom. Tim pnblip ate invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Work and ante• remit on Dill street, near Smith, one door west of renter's store. SAMkS HIGGINS. Huntingdon, Aug.l, 1866 • Tgsve - Aglat - 3gnr, T a J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in -V° 351. IkT X T 1 T_T 3Et. 3EI ii.pectrulty invaee the uttentlon oi the Public to his stand on 11111 Ht., Run tingdon, in the roar of Ueorge W Swartz' Watch and Jen idry store, where he manufactures anti keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give Wm a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. zap Also, Undertaking cal tied on, and Coffins made In soy style desired, at short notice. The subscriber has a NEW AND ELEGANT HEARSE and is prepared to attend Funerals at any place in town or country. .1. 31. WISE. Iluntiugdon, May 9, 1866-tf pAPER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, Imprea3lon Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Paper, Tisane Paper, Silk Paper for Plower', Perforoted raper, lirletol tat Cap Paper, - Foolscap Pogo-, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladies' Gilt Edged Letter and Note Paper, Ladies' Plain and Ftucy Nato Paper, White and ColoredCutd Nee, ii t'aeke and Peat:, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationers. and MuriC Store. FTIIE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Enrol° pa suitable for tgwr, v,2r7g,imtvoslOßE. BBUSINESS MEN, TAKE isigTICE! L yott want your ca r d' neatly Ilriutt.d on envoi open, call at' LZW/S' BOOK AND surrolvEzer:,sran.s. JUNIATA HUNTINGDON, -PA HUNTINGDON, PA,, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1868, READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, AUG UST 3, 180 ('MEAT TRUNK LINE FROM TIIE VA North and North-West for PUILADELPIMA, New YORE, READING, POTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, ASHLAND, SRAMoms( LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EPHRATA, Lim, bow W. TOR, C01.11.1,01A, Ac., &a. Trains leave flat rishurg for New York, as follows: At 2 60, 6 25 and 8,10 A. M., 12,20, 2 05,9,35 P. M., connect- ing With similar trains on the Pennsylvania It.lt,arrivlng at Now York 6,00, 10 00 end II 45 A, M., and 3 50. and 685 and. 0.50 P. )l. Sleeping care accompany the 2 50 a m and 9 35p. m. trains without change. !Lave Harrisburg for (eading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Millersville, Ashland, Shamokin, Pine Grove, Allentown, and Plaladelphia at 810 A. 51. and 205 and 4 10 P. M., Stopping fit Lebaticn and pill:minal way stations; tho 4 10 p. in. train making connections for Philadelphia .and Co lumbia only. ForPottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Au burn, tla Schuylkill and Susquehanna It. R., leave Har risburg at 3 20 P.M. 'l4 , :m wing, leave NEw-Yong at 9 A. 51., 12.00 noon, tend 5.00 and UM P. , m , Philadelphia at 8.15 A. 51.. and 0.38 P. 50; Sleeping cars accompany the 9.00 a m and 5.00 and B.oop m trains without change. Way Passenger trans leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. K., Connecting with similar train on East Pease. Railroad, returning from Reading at 1130 p m atopping at all sta tions ; Pottsville at 7,11 and 8 45 A. )1., and 2 45 P. 51.; Shamokiii at 5 25 and 11 20 A. 314 Ashland 7 00 A. M., and 12 42 noon, and 1 55 P 51; Tamaqua at 8 30 A 61., and 2 15 and 4 P M. Leave Pottsville, vlo. Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road at 7 10 a in. for Harrisburg, and 11 30 A. bl , for Pine Grove nod Tremont. -••. • • . Au Accommodat ion rivieutigor Train !envoi READING at 7.3 U A. Al., and rotor. I tout PIIILAIMPLIIA at 6,1 a P. Al Pottatown Accommodation 'Train: Loaves Pottstown at 0,43 a. m., roturning learca tladolphia at 4,30 pm. Columbia Itaaltoatt Train.; leave Itcuthng at 7 00 A NI., null' 0 15 I'. M., for Ephrata, Lair, Lancet r, Col umbia, Lc. , Peskimuen Railroad trains leaves Pal:tome:l Junction at 6.000 m and 600 p m returning: Lesiva tdrippack at 810 n m, and 1.25 p tn, connecting With altailar halos on Reading Railroad. Vu nundaye. leave Now York at 800 P. M., I'hiladel• phut, 8 a m and 315 P. M., Um 8 a in train running only [u KAN, silo 8 A. M., Muni burg, 5 25 a m, and 4 1 . 0 nod U .55 p in, arid Reading 1 10, 2,55 stud 7 16 a. m., Tor llarrinburg.ana 706 a. it.. and 11 40p.m., for Now York, and 4.25 p.m. for Ptuladelphia. COMMUTATION, 3.liLtioc, 000505, SCsiool,, and EXCVBB/oN Tlcitinra to and Irma all points at reduced Wes. Baggage clitcmed through: 100 pounds Baggage attuned each P.,aieugur. G. A. NICOLLS, lleadiiig, Aug. 3, 1808. Generta Superintend,nt Vr''' M - 1 4-FA:ArIP.G-11 p ENNS y I. VANIA RP IL ROAD OF LEAVIZtO OF TRAINS Wl4\T WEST WA RD. R .ARRAiVE .11RArr. al oK :4 [V9I a. 7 STATIOS --------- P. MA A. 01.1 0.10.1 A. u. -- ---- -- t. M. P. M I A. H. 5 05111 701 IN-1/anillton, 51311 45 5 14 111 50 Mt. Union,— 5 04,11 37 Er :- . 3 --112 01 Mapleton, ' 4 54.11 29 5 32 12 11 Mill Creek,— 4 45 1 11 20 5 45 7 60 12 30 349 Muntingdun, 8 45,: 430 11 00 GO5 112 54 I Petersburg,— I 4 10,10 48 0 15, I 1 151 Illarree , I 4 00 10 39 0 921 1 15, ,Spriteeereel., 3 51 . 10 31 I 0 35 1 30 n iningbam, 3 39,10 18 0 .11 8 34 1 40 4 34 Tyrone, 8 00 3 31. 10 11 0 54 1 54 'T:pton, 3 20 1 10 00 5 03 2 01 Pootorin. 3 14 .9 55 7 08 2 04 Dell'. hills,.. 3 09 if 50 7259 05 2 301 605 Altoona,. 7302 50 0 :10 P.M.i A.ll A. M. A.M. A.M. P. M 0.11 A EMI ss Eastward leaves tea at Ilnuthigilon at 11 45 'l' LINE Eastward leaves, artisan at I lautingdon at 1 MIATI EXPI/ES3 ELLS/%lArd I and unites at Huntingdon t .T LINE Westatud, lease and Ruin's at Altoona at 0 muss Exports, leaves Ilurt at Alltuuua, 8 15, A. at. tr 23, 1868. The Pm. 3.1. and firth The ItAt , A. H., and TJIO CINCI 5:45 P. bl. n Cho 'AB 8 05 P The n.l.t L. nfl ices blocuithe I T UNIINGDON & BROAD TO!' RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On and nfler WEI/NE:DA sErrs:llllElt Inrit, ISCS, Passongot aL nen and depart is fOIIOU UP TRAINS. DOWN TRAINS. MEM STATIONS. P. M. LE 4 451 4 63 5 09 5 17 31 5 50 .581 6 191 S 30 i Iluntingdon,. S 37 Long Biding 1 S :0 3100100011 x town, S 5:1 Pleamitt Gruvv„, 1.1 13 Nl.l.le.burg, MMOMMI 9 39 Rough &1t dy„ 9 54 Cove 9 561 Pishoto Summit. 10 121 Saxton E!XEIi 10 31 w Iliddlcsburg, 10 47 110peull, 11 Oa Plper'e 11 2411'atesville, 11 40 Blood} Run,— Art 11 461Mouta SHOUP'S ItUN BRAN( LE 6 40 1 rds 10 26 1 0axten 65', 10 40ConInfont, 7 00 lu Cranford, ......... An 7 lo lks 10 55 Dudley, 1010nd Top City, 4. 23, '66. JOIN sl' Iluntipgdou Sop UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAM AGENCY IIUisiTIiNGDO - 4S, PA SOLDIERS' HEIRS, ATTENTION The net of Congress sipproved March 2 107, ghee to Heirs of Soldiure who died prisoners of ear, COHIIUTATION FOR. RATIONS, for the time the soldier we, so held a prisoner, nt the tote of [a en t 3 dive cents per day, to be pod In the follow ing older: ibt. To the aid ew, if unmerited ; 2d. To the child,. • 2,1. To the Iweeots, to both Jeliitl3 it tit-y one if either is dead, to the one. ivor ; 4th. TO tho bro. the:sand slaters. Thu act of February 23. Ibo 7. provides for the rotund. jug of the $3Oll Connitututio.l Money. where thu mann, per• con un., a ado dratted. and sine required to trltet the cur. vice or turnish a hubstitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. The act of March 2, 1001, also uto,kes pto .ielotts for the pxyateat of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such aoldlare as have acchlratAlly lost their dlschar ges All persons having any chilies under any of the above mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim against the Lathed States or State lbovernments, can Intro them promptly Collected, by addressing the undersigned. fn• tunnutinn turd advice cheerful') given to soldiers or their friends, free of charge. W. IL WOODS, Authorized Army and Nary War-C/aint Agent, may 9,21807 I I UNTINGDIM. Iturningdon c 0.., Pa. THE 0-1.1013 JOB PRINTING OFFICE. rplIE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" the most complete of any in the country, and pos. senses the most ample facilities for promptly executing In she best style, every variety of Joh Printing, such as lIAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, BILL lIBADS, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, CAI pS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, LABELS, &C., &C., &C CALL AND EXAMINE 9pz cumws 07 WORK, LEWIS • BOOK. STATIONERY & MUSIC T°' WALLACE" & CLEMENT, DEALERS IN Dcy 7 Goolls, Groceries l gpeensware Boots and Shoes. New goods constantly arriving and being sold clmi l as any in linntingdou. Give them a call before purchas leg abeirbero. - ecptember 9,3 ro.v HOOFIJAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Hoofland's German Tonic. The Great Remedies for all Diseases of the LIVER, STOMA*, OR PIOESTIVE 1100FLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Is composed of the pureJulcas (or, a■ thoy are meilcl nally termed, Extracts,) of It o o to, llerbs, and Barks, makings prepara tiun, highly concentra ted, and enthely fret from alcoholic admmiure of deny Lind. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, la a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with the purest quality of Motu. Cruc Runt, Orange, &c., making ono of the most pleasant and agreeable remedies over offered to tiutimblic. Those preferring a Menialue free from Alchoholic ad. mixture, %ill nap 1100 ELAND'S G ERMAN BITTERS Those who haire no objection to tire combinatioh of the bitturs o no butted, will tine lIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC They ere both equally good. end contain the same medicinal virtues, the choice between the two beluga more matter of taste, the 'l ouic being the most palatable. Tile stomach, Dom a Variety of causes, each as Indigos ° Don, D 3 spepsia, 'Xenon. Debility, sto , Is very apt to have its tum.tlons de tatsged. The Liver, e) in. pattnemg as closely its ii does nith the Nomad], then becomes utleeted,the &wilt of in Idch is that the patieut suffers Dom several in mole of the iolhAring die. eases: Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Ful ness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, _Nausea, Heartburn, _Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour _Eructations, Sink ing or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Read, Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the _Heart, Chol.ing or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, DinLIIESS of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, ' Dull Pain in the Head, Defi ciency of Perspiration, Yellow ,' • guess qfthe Skin and Eyes, Fain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,. etc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Eeil, and Great Depression of Spirits. EA 3 7' IVA RD 1 " I`r.: The sufferer Irom these diseases should exorcise the grcatest caution iu the str r leetion of IA remedy fur be ease, putebaslug duly;S. that ulddi Ito to easured I Isomlds itnebtigattun. 1 . ,nd hiquiriea possesses true went, is eltilltill3 • ...unwounded, is lieu from injui butts Inv valetas, nod 11.0 established for itself a rep litattioll 101 the clue of three diseases. In tills Coll2loojUll he would submit limos hell I.neuu temedies— IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS 1100F.L . 61.NlYS GER-11.-IN TOiVIC, Altoona at 10 30 r r. u. eparell by Dg. C. 31. JACKSON, Altoona nt 12 45 9 A.M. e.tves Altnona at at 7 00 P 71. Twent.two years niece they more first introduced into this both LibrlL.lly, dUll.lg WiliCil haute thug linty undonbtedly pct turned Inure mei, and benefited stiller. tug itumnutty to i, gttater ext.ent, then an) ether rem, Wes l.uou u to the nubile. . Huntingdon at 2.5 P. M. • 100., ut 6 51 A These twin:dies evil ell°dually cure Liver Coin. plaint, Jaundice, Dshpen eta, Oil utilC or Nei voile Debility, Chronic filar F I lam, ihdeuso vi thu hid. . , ne, and nil Damn, ni, enrg how 11,11...1vrea i.l - M011..01, Ca !IMAM.. Resulting front any alum Wialc✓er; PROSPE ATIO-V Ub 111 k Sl'aTE.ll,inUitcyd by &vere Labor, .11u, xpostoe, levers . , etc. ISEME There is no medicine extant equal to these remedies in such uses. A tune and vigor ii impaited to thu whole e3etem, the appetite is Mt engthmied, toed is enjoyed, the muumuu digests promptly, tun blood is purified, tie coin. piaxiut. la:wines sound and heAl thy, the 3 allow tinge is %Amin:A:ea twin the e),,, a bloom ie gtven to the cheeks, 000 the N an% .41.1 uu soar 111, Imonues a eft mug dud healthy being. CIE Art 9 15 9 01 8 51 S 2 y . 2 8 03 8 01 to 4 27 21 4 05 3 50 3 42 3 26 3 19 3 03 3 01 I.I.IIt.SOSS ADVANCED IN LIFE, 7 4IA La 7 % And feeling the hunt of time weighing heavily upon them, w lilt ill Ito uttetulaut ills, ti ul bud iu the use ul this Dlr. ThitS, or the TONIC, au elixir that will Instil now life into their veins, testute iu a nietwtro the energy nod or der lit more y outhtul days, build up their shruukeu tones, amt git e health mid happlue‘s to their rentuntuig )(NMI. 2 45 2 18 2 10 2 50 1 30 1 15 1 10 It la n well establiNhed fact that telly one half of thu L female put lion of one pop Mallon are seldom to the eiki , linuit ut guild health; or, to win their MVI.I OX -1,10.1011,11UN CI lee! won. 'boy are languid, devoid ut ail energy, inaremoi, aeruous, and nave no up. IMMO. To this Chili of perauns Ulu 111TrtlItS, or the TONIC, is uspethaily immunneutied. BIM 033X1 ME 2 10 it 2 00 EIDER 3212 WEAK AND 1 ELICATE CUILDItEN, Ala Made strong by the the of either of these remedied. llioy will curd olety cote di MA itAz.flUb, nithuut feil. TOOll5OllOO ci eel l.liCateS laiyu accumulated in the hands of the proprietor, but *ace will allow ut the publiCalluli ill but a toss. /hose, it o tit be oboes ved, asu luau of uoto and Lt latch etuuding that they utult be belietod. ri=6=IVIOW-T-Lei-LS -110N. GGORGIII W. WOODWARD, adef Justice, qt the Mrprenic Dort of I'a., u rites : Philaile/phia, Diarcli 18.1767. "I lied 'Midland's Gar man Billets' is a good ;11 Ulll3Ollll 111 IhelllMS 1.4 WU 1.1100.1 Ye organs, uu 01 great betallt to intro or delnliA t.), and ant IA 1.101%0115 UCtIOI. m ale lablelll. Yours, troll, OW. W. WOODWARD." HON. JAMES THOMPSON, Judge of the .Saprente Court of rennsyirania. J'lliludelpheu, April 28, 1868. ' , I consider 'lloolland's (1111111 ail Bitters' a valuable rned 'eine to ot .11.1.tCAs of 111C11V611011 or Ilysper.i..s. lin cat by line tuna toy expel tome of it. Yours, with CdreCl, JA3H.S FROM REV. JOANN!. 11. KENNARD, D. D. l'astor of the .7'enth Baptist Church, Philadelphia. fir. Jackson—Dear Sir: I have beau Ilequently reques ted to couueci my mune with rectinuneuoasiuus of diner out Lauds of liwilicume, but regarda; the practice as out N 01 us) upplopriute epitere, I have in all cases de cimal ; out with a cleat proof its i MMUS mutan t-tat aod put insularly in tray own Manly, of the uttelthums ut Dr. Ilse littral'e German Bitten, 1 Minus tar 0000 Item my 11......, t.oUtele, to oapross my full conviction that, fur .9 encrul debility of the system, and .xcLutoy for Later Lataplamt, it is a safe and valuable in qui utters. .1.0 emu eases it may fail; but tieually, L Joant out, it will be Nosy beneficial to those who sutler Isola the attic Causes. Asststant..Cdttor Christian Chronicle, Phi!enteric& I halo del fired decided Letitia from too use of Hoof land's tierman Bittern, and tool it my prteileim to recut. mead them ue a must voluab!o [woo, to all Who aro suf fering from puma! debility or hum diseases arising front deraugemeilt of the ' • Tours truly, E. D. YENDALL. lleoiland's German Remedies aye counterfeited. Soo that the signature of C. ,NI. JACKOON is on the mapper of each bdttlo. All others ute counter• felt. 'Principal Office and Manufactory at rho Cler mau Medicine Igor°, No. 6,31" - AllCll &Lest, Philadelphia, Peuns3lvaula. Charles M. Evans, Proprietor, Formerly C. M. JACK SON & CO. lloofiand'a Berman Bitters, por bottle, • • $1 00 • . ' ball dozeu, . • 600 lloofland's Gorman Tonle, put up to quart bottles $1 50 • per bottle, or o Leif dozen for $7 50. srello not forget LS examine well the article you buy, In order to get the genuine.' For sale by all Dealers in Medicine. • April 22, 08-Iylpatrip• PERSEVERE.- ORGANS rum 4.I,CLPIIIA, Ps DEBILITY, NOTICE. Yews, very respectfully, J. 11. h.r.NNARD. beIOW Copes St FEINI REV. E. D. FENDALL. C .4:CPI'ION. PRICES ,4 4r ,e. THE SEtOOLMASTER EM=ET! When the lessons and tasks are all ended, And the school for the day is dismissed, And the little ones gather around me, To bid me good night and be kissed ; 0 I tho Effie white arms that encircle My neck in a tender embrace ; 0 the smiles that are haloes of heaven, - Shedding sunshine of love on my face. And when they are gone, I sit dreaming . Of turchildhood too lovely to last; Of love that my heart will remember, While it wakes to the pulse of tho past, Ere the world and its wickedness made me A partner of sorrow and sin ; When the glory of God was about me, • And:the glory of gladness within. 01 my heart grows weak as a woman's And the fountains of feeling will flow, When I think of the path, sleep andistuny, Where the feet of the dear ones must go ; Of the mountains of sin hanging o'er them, Of the temmt of Pate blowing wild • 0! there's nothing on earth half so holy As the innocent heart of a child ! They are idols of hearts and of households ; They are angels of God in disguise ; His sunlight still sleeps in their tresses ; His glory, still gleams in their eyes; 0 ! those ti mints front home and from leaven, They have mademe more manly and mild ! And I know now how Jesus could liken The Kingdom of God to a ehildF I ask not a life for the dear one, All radiant, as others have done'; But that life may have just enough shadow To temper the glare f the run ; I would pray to guard them from evil, ' But my prayer would bound back to myself; Alt! a seraph may pray fur a sinner, But a sinner stunt pray fur hinmelf. The twig is so easily beaded, have banished_ the rule and the rod ; I have taught them the goodnessof kn..wledge, They have taught me the goodnesa of God. My heart is n dungeon of darkness Where,l shut them from Meoking n rule; My frown is sufficient correction:" lave in the law of the sellout. I shall leavo the old house in the autumn, To traverse its threshold no more ; Ah! how .1 shall sigh for the dc.a ono That meet me each morn ut the door ! I shall miss the "go , .d nights" and the kisses, And the gush of their innocent glee, The group on the green, and the flowers 'That me brought every morning to me. I shall miss them at morn and at ere— Their song in the school and the street; I shall miss the low hum of their voice:, And the tramp of their delicate feet, When the lessons at last ore all ended, And death say., 'llme school isdismissed May the little ones gather around tee, Tu b.d me gnod•nigltt and be kissed. THREE BRAVE MEN. Pretty Barbara Ferree would not, marry. Her mother was in conster nation. 'Why are you stubborn, Barbara?' oho asked. 'You have plenty of lov• ort3?' 'But they do not suit,' said Barbara, coolly tying back her curls before tho mirror. 'Why not ?' want to many a man who is brave, equal to any emergency. If give up my liberty, I want it taken care at !' 'Silly child ! what is tho matter with Big Barney, the blacksmith!' 'He is bi'g, but I navel. beard Hiat be was bravo.' 'And you never heard that he was not. What is the matter with Ernest, the gun-smith ?' lie is placid as woes milk.' 'That is no sign that he is a cow ard. There is little Fritz, the tanner, ho is quarrelsome enough for you, surely 'lle is no bigger than -p, bantam cock. It is little good he can do, if the house was set upon by robbers.' 'lt is not always strength that wins a fight, girl, it takes brains as well as brawn. Come, now, Barbara, give these three young fellows a fair trial.' Barbara turned her face before the mirror, lotting down ono raven tress and looping up another. I will, mother,' she said at last. That evening, Ernest the gun-smith knocked at the door. 'You sent for me, Barbara 1' be said, going to the girl, who stood upon the hearth coquettishly warming one pret ty foot and then the other. 'Yee, Ernest,' bile 1 eplied, 'l've been thinking on what you said the other night when you were here.' 'Well, Barbara ?' Ernest spoke quietly, but; hie dark blue eyes Hashed, and ho looked at her intently. 'I want to test you.' 'how ?' want to see if you dare to do a very disagreeable 'What is it?' 'There is an old coffin up stairs. It smells mouldy. They say Redmond the murderer was buried in it; but the devil came for his body and left the coffin empty at the end of a week ; and it was finally taken from the tomb. it is up stairs in the room grandfather died in, and they say grandsiro does not rest, easy in his grave for some reasons, though I know nothing about it. Dare you make the coffin your bed to night ?' Ernest laughed. 'ls that all ? 1 will do that and sleep soundly. Why pretty one did you think 1 had weak nerves? . 'Your nerves will have good proof' if you undertake it. Remember, no one sleeps in that wing of the house.' shall sleep the sounder.' 'Good night, then. I will send you a lad to show you the chaniber. If you stay till morning,' said imperious Miss Barbara, with a nod of her pret ty head, marry 'You vow it? Ernest turned straight away and 101. lowed the lad in waiting through dim mime add plissagee, up echoing stairs; along narrow damp ways, where rats wattled" before to a low chamber.— The lad looked pale and scared, and TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance evidently wanted to hurry away but Ernest made him wait till he took , a survey by the aid of hie lamp. It was very large and full of recesses, which had been barred across. He 'remem bered that old grandsire Farms had bean insane several years before his death, so that this precaution had been necessary for the safety of himself.and others. In the , centre of the room stood a coffin ; beside it was placed a chair. The room was. otherwise per fectly empty. Ernest stretched himself out in the coffin.. 'Be kind enough to tell Mis Barbara it is a very good fit,' he said. The, lad went out and shut the door, leaving the young gun-smith alone .in the dark. Meanwhile, Barbara was talking with the big blacksmith in the sitting room. `Barney,' said she, pulling her hand away from his grasp, when ho would have kissed her, 'l've got a test to put you to before I give you any answer. There is a corpse lying in the cham ber where my.grandsiro died, in the untenanted wing of the house. If you dare sit with it,all night and let noth• ing drive you away from your post you will not ask me in vain." 'You'll givo mo a light and a bottlo of wino and a book to :road?' . . 'Nothing.' • • 'Are these all the conditions you of fer me, Barbaral.- , . 'All. And if you are frightened, you need never look me in the face again.' So Barney was conducted to his post by the. lad, who had been instructed into the secret, and whose involuntary start at. Ernest!s placid face as he lay in the coffin, was attributed by Barney to the natural awe of a corpse. lie took his seat and the boy left him in the darknesii, the rats and the coffin. Soon after; young Frits the, tanner arrived, flattered and hopeful, from the fact that Barbara had sent fig 'Have you changed your mind, Bar bara Y' he asked. 'No; and I shall not until I know if you can do a really bravo thing.' 'What shall it ho? I swear to satisfy you liarharzt.' I' have a proposal to make to you.— My plan requires skill as well as cour age' roll rno 'Well, in this house there is a man watching a corpse. He is sworn not to leave his post till morning. If you can make him do it, I shall be satisfied that you aro as smart and as bravo as I require a husband to be.' 'Why nothing is so easy ! exclaimed Fritz. I can scare him away. Furn ish mo with a sheet, show me the room and go to your rest, Barbara. You shall find me at the post in the morn ing.' Barbara did as required, and saw the tanner step lightly away to his task. It was then nearly twelve o'clock, and she sought her own chamber. Barney was sitting at his vigil and so far nil had been well. The night seemed very long, for he had no means of counting the time. At times a thrill went through him, for it seemed as if he could hear low suppressed breath ing not far away; persuaded himself that it was the wind, blowing through the crevices of the old house. Still it was very lonely and not at all cheerful. The face in the coffin gleamed white still. The rats equeaked as if there was a famine upon them and they smelled the dead flesh. The thought made him shudder. He got up and walked about but something made a slight poise behind him, and ho put his chair with his back against the-wall and sat down again. He had been at work all day, and at last grew eleopy. Finally ho nodded and snored. Suddenly it seemed as if somebody touched him. lie awoke with a start and saw nobody near, though in the centre of the room stood a white fig ure. `Curse you get ont of this!' he ex claimed in affright, using the- first words that came to his tongue. - The figure hold out his right arm and slowly approaphed him. Ho star ted to his feet: The spectre came near er, pressing into the corner. 'The-mischief take you!' cried Bar ney in his extremity. Involuntary he stepped back; _still the figure advanced, coming nearer and nearer as if to take him in a ghost ly embrace. The hair started up on Barney's head; he grew desperate and just as the gleaming arm would have touched him, ho fell on the ghost like a whirlwind, tearing the sheet, thum ping, pounding, heating and kicking, more and more enraged at the resis tance be met, which told the truth. i iks the readers know, he was big and Fritz was little; and while he was pummelling the little fellow terribly, and Fritz was trying to gets lunge at Barney's stomach, to take the wind nut of him, both kicking and plunging liko horses, they were petrified by hearing a voice cry 'Take one of your size, big Barney l' Looking around they saw the corpse sitting up in his coffis. This was too much. They released each other and sprang for the door. They never knew how they got out; but they got home in hot haste, panting like stags. It was Barbara herself who came and opened the door next morning. 'lt's very early ; one more little nap,' cried he,' one- more little nap,' turn ing in his coffin. So she married him, though she sent Fritz and . Barney invitations to the wedding, they did net appear. If they discovered the trick, they kept the knowledge to themselves, and never willingly - faced Barbara's hiugbing eyes. ' Mr When do ladies carry pre?— When they have taper fingerB. SUBSCRIBERS - Those - subscribing for - ,thFee;:aik — op twelve - mon tlis' with the lindbititanding that_the paper bp cliseontinue,d 7 unlypa, subsedlition le ronevidd, 4 receiVinda per marked with a t before the • name wilt ' understand 'that." 'tliel!tinid: for which' they subscribed i5.nP.71f:9.6.Y: wish the paper eontinueil renew their PRbseription through the mail or otherwise.. - , - UAII kinds of plain, fancy and• ornamental Job Printing neatly 'and expeditiously executed at the "Gr.cirlE" Tine°. Terms moderate. NO. 29, I Wish I Had N,pitA. So we heard a groat strappin,youngi man exclaim the other day in an Office. Wo did want to give, him a . piece of our mind sq bad ;,and js i t write to him. 'You want capital chi yotil4 And suppose you had .what' you" Pall capital what would you 'do. withilti You want, capital.? .tfavon't you hAnds, arid brains; and don't ' - you -Pall - 11mm capital'? -'Whitt more . catlital-did;',Orod give any body,? -"Qh, butinthey, : arie not money," you .say. But, they, „ski more than money," and_ nolithdy, pan take 'thorn from you:' 3),n't , Yroa - littoi, how to uso them ? doOVit'S tinse.you wero learning. Take ,held ‘ of the Srst plow, or hoe, or jaek-Plano, or broad axe that:yen' can fin(4,o4iid go to wotic. sobm_yielii a large ,interest. Ay, butothpro*thp rub I You don't like to want credit,' that' you' may play tloman and speculate andkiinkl'bY ing vagabond • • - Or. you want a plantation with work, ty of hirelings upon it to - db`this . wink, while you 'rum over the. corinfry and dissipate,• or,want some. rich:girl win!, may be, foolish enough.. to take,...you e ingiy for your good 'bolo, that ih sap . . : f; port you. . „ ' Shame on you man'! . Go" to." ~yolk with theicapital you - have, anda,you'll soon make interest enough,ripqn give as much money,as you-want and make you-feel like a man, If you:W . IIIA to,make money or can't make s ; money on. shat capital you bait), you could not make it if yoti had a Million' of dollars-in money. If pin dbri't know how to use bone and muscle and brains, you would hot knoiv how, to use gold., If Yon lot the capital you . have lie idle, and waste and rust out,', - it We t the same-with you--if- you-had you would only knOw (how -to-waste Thou don't stand about idlei,a , groat helpless child waiting - for sornepPd l y to come in and 'feed you, 'btri; ;l gii,:to Work. Take the first work - Ydn“citii find no matter what iL is; soqhat :you may do ,it well. Yes, whatever ; loy undertake do it well; always do ,you best. If you manage the capital ybP already have, you will soon have.plOn4 ty more to manage; but - if you.. cater, or won't manage the capital God given you, you will never „have ,;any, other to manage. Do - you that young map ? , -CZ — Sponge is a light,,porous, an very pressiblo substance,_ found.adber,z ing, to rocks, shell, and oilier - inn:faces under the water: It- Willi loimerly considered a marine plant; but' Mod ern science has given it a place_in- the animal kingdom,. It bolongshowever; to the very lowest order, never exhib•, iting the least sign of sensation.' Sponge consists of a horny tissue in which are usually imbedded fragments of mineral matter, and small. shells, ,p,articularly in those' of coarse texture, and largo, size. It is traversed throngliotit ,by innumerable pores, some Very mingle;' with here and there largenonesaitione them termed Tents. ; Examined- by a microscope in their living state, writer. is seen constantly, passin,g,ortpflthese vents - currents, and it is supposed that it as constantly passes in through the small pores, thus produeing a very: obscure motion of circulation. . Alio microscope also.shows the entire _nsk, work of the sponge to Composed,of, fine tubes. As an animal ,it lives,Onj the water, and what the, water,hp,ls4 : in solutien; and therefore 4i..,ip..neosk sary that water should' bp ionstentlz_ passing throngh_it. • Tharp; are; many , species of sponge, differing ; in_,_size n ehape'and texture. The_ bottle sponge,i so called froM 'having tho,:forrn opt bottle; •is perhaps the Most l eUriogui., Its absorbing pores.are all en the out side, while the vents ; are;Withk i se, that there is all the time,,a,,strong cnr-4 rent pouring froth m the ontli.,of,:the. bottle. Spongei are found parts of the yrorld,liutthosa,Rroddeed„ in salt, water and in Werniilimaqs are a , corisidered the MOseialUable, some, Greek Wands' the inbabitants it a business 63; obtaiq themhyAlT4. l g l : They, 'adhere, verY firth I kto _th r r oolcs„ and are detached With Itlifetpalty,.. 77 l When taken'frOm the water 4954.7 area; covered by a Soft - gelatinous matter, which is reinoved, by vraiihiag: mineral fragments are takeit aut,eith!„, er by beatieg - the sponge till ! they : - are„ re duced to powder whickPaiies offin s , the water, or by plabinetb9;6lo,iiiio.l7'.: an acid which dissolves' the', granulesb When this process is ready for use. , ra_Tbe orighi of the abbreilittiiiii', "ye"—whielyhtis puzzled meat - of is explained• by aciorrespiindiftit';Of Notes and Queries.' " Forifoine ho says, "After 'the establisbynekit'ofl the Engiehlar;guage, the 'Angle-Sax=,-li,' on letter to resenting in flange in,iipPearanco it resiernbred' 'y,' and its use in .latter dai's bane been possibly' confined to the' particle in question. This Anglo.Saz; - qn letter was net included in the first, movable types for printing, and.:"iii MSS. had passed into the "ye! it greatly resembled. Printers copied: the 'ye,' and it has continued up to_ the present time in occasional use.- • - -•-• • fie" A lad in Troy was sit/co, by; his mother, a few days sit/co, to saw: some old railroad ties, from ' which much of the family fuel 'Was , snioplied: After listening to the sohe'd'of thrOW• and axe a few minutes, the lady zn-O ticed a period . of silence in the 'Yard.' Stepping out, she found the lad sitting - contemplatively upoti the wood pile', and asked him . premptly what was the matter: He rose slowly from hik_seat,' jilaced hie band upon his breeit, and assuming a , dramatie attitude and ek pression of countenance, replied: "My. , dear mother, find it 'hard, veryhard; to sever old ties." . . _
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers