What Constitutes a Good Road. ?rota the Practical Farmer The following recent decision in the Delaware judicial district, where a supervisor was indicted for neglect to keep the roads in good,traveling . or der, will commend itself to the com mon sense of the community every where. Judge Bullet's charge of what is to b 0 CollSiflOrOd a legal road, and wlrat are the duties of Supervisors, has not. been so well delivered before, or understood. A mutual understand• ing of what the law is has long been Wtinting; and if roads are not hereaf ter kept "in good repair mind free from obstructions,' the fault will be with the citizens. "The defendant, a supervisor in Dar by township, is indicted for neglect to perform the duties of hie office. It is the business of the supervisors of the public highways to keep the roads in their respective townships in good or der for use—to have all new roads properly constructed and old ones carefully repaired. They aro not vest ed with authority to judge how much space the travel in a particular place requires, nor how poor or indifferent a road will answer its purpose. To the full extent that the ground has been appropriated to the public use, by the law, it must be opened, the entire space constructed into a good and con venient highway, and be thereafter continually kept in such condition.— To remove the fences and throw the ground open—or, in addition, to plow a ditch on either side, is not to - construct a road within the meaning of the law. The ground must be made reasonably smooth, freed from obstructions, and put in such shape that the water will drain off to the side, leaving the road way dry and solid. Whore the width is fixed at thirty three feet, (as is usu al,) or at any other limit, it is because the Court, aided by the report of the jury, has determined that this space is necessary. And whether:this 'deter mination he wise or not, the _supervi sors cannot consider. Their duty is simply to obey the order of the Court and the Act of Assembly, to open the road to the entire extent, and keep it thereafter free from obstructions and in good repair.- II it is not needed to accommodate the travel, care- should be taken that the Court is properly in formed and the road not established; or if it has already been established, that it be vacated. But so long as it remains upon the records as a public highway it must be kept in good order nse. If any part of it, be obstructed by fences, stumps,- rocks (that can be removed,) holes, or the like, such ob struction constitutes a nuisance and renders the supervisors liable to indict ment. And in ease of injury to any ono, in person or . property, from this cause, the supervisors are further lia ble in damages to the full extent of the loss thus sustained. And it may be well that the people of the- townships should understand that they, too, aro responsible in their corporate capacity, for such loss. Tho supervisors are their agents, and their safety in this requires that they should elect suitable men to the office, and see that they perform their duty. The subject is one of deep interest to the public No intelligent person ',can fail to appreci ate the adVautage'ot -good' roads; nor to see that what,is saved .by withhold ing the means' necessary to have them, is poor; compensation indeed: fob the -wear and tear of teams and vehicles, to say 'nothing= of the inconvenience, delay, vexation and danger of travel „fag .o.n.:liad ones. , In the ease before us il, appears that a road was laid out in Darby township, some years ago, forty feet iu width— that the fences were removed, and in some places ditches made at the sides, that the timber growing upon it (a part of the distance being through woodland,) was dut do‘im--"-that no roadbed was formed, the uneven face of'the ground being left as it was fotind, and on which the rain-water lay as it fell—that the stumps . of the trees cut amounted to several hun dreds, and being, ono to two and a half feet high, wore allowed to remain —that two large logs lay'in the road, —that a considerable part of the space between the fences has, at some points, until very recently, been grown ,up with bushes five to eight feet high, ;and that the travel has been mainly confined for a considerable distance to a single track. The defendant has been in office upward of one year.— You will say whether he has perform ed his duty in,respeet to this road. If he has not, he should bo convicted. It has been asserted on the trial that this **Dad is-in- no :worse - conditiOn than other roads, elsewhere in the country. If this be true, it furnishes no excuse (or the defendant, thotigh it may fern lish 'a reason why- other • supervisors shOuld also bo brought to trial and punished. You will new take the ease and say whether the defendant ty.(ir not.” • Tile jury rendered a verdict of guil ty, and a fine was imposed. "I'D RATHER CARRY IT."—Going from market the other day, wo obsor sred 'a very small boy who gave 'no -special indication, by dress or face, of other than ordinary sensations or training in life, carrying a basket that was so heavy - as nearly to boar Win down beneath it. We Observed; "Well, my boy, you have a heavy load."— "Yes," said he, "but I'd rather carry it than that mother should." The re mark was one of a nature we lovo to dear;` but wo do not know that we ahould have thought enough of it to have chronicled it, had we not seen iieiiias the street a highly accomplish ed young lady playing the piano, while ther mother was washing the, - windows. We have no reason for forestalling the reflection — : : and comparisons of our rea- Alers on the facts:.. , . ZiP• "WilHain," said'• ono Quaker, to another, "thee knows I never call any body names; bat, William, if the may or of the city were to COMO:to me and say, 'Joshua, I want thee to find mo the biggest liar would some to thee and put my hand on illy shoulder, and, say to thee, 'William, the 'ayor. wants to see thee.'" .415 Y -Do not wait for a change of ou ward drournatancee, but take • your .outward circumstances. ,as ,they are, and make the best of them. 'Many men and women have bad -occasion to f r,caow that two 4o not tic tjessarity make Michigan farmer husked 100 bushels of 40.01 gi,7,14 125 -uresc,34:=. iloo-taoc, 8 0 ~(-3) 6 \J„.O A. R. STEWART, HUNTINGDON, PA., =MEM ILI RDIVA It E, CUTLER Y, PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES, OILS, LA AIPS, ROPES, RAI PO WS, Scythes, Snail's, Grain Cradlcs, Sad- diery and Carriage Goods, Hubs, and Spokes. NO 8 ' AND IRON, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, DRAIN PIPE, .EIMIC:OIq3IIIII7I7.ELJEL3O, and an ondless variety of goods in his lino I am receiving goods almost ovary day from manufaeturers, and in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and my experience in selecting best brands and reliable qualities of goods, purchasers will find it to their advantage to exa_m_ine my stock. • • THE NEW PATENT ECLIPSE COOK STOVE. which throws all others in the shade, is IS till increasing in popolarity, and pleases so well that everybody wants THE ECLIPSE. STOP AT THE BIG PADLOCK SIGN Iluutlngdon, July 1,180-U; BELLEFONTE -PLANINGIELL. EDMUND MINCH LIIP, AIATIN DREW, G. M. nsacti MD, W. M. 1104MGY. Blanchard .1t Vompany, ...S. canon to Yalentine, Blanc/m.4,1k Manufacturers of WHITE & YELLOW PINE FLOORING and • WEATHERBOARDING, of Various Style", Doors, Sash, Blinds, Shutters, end Mont thugs, Scroll Work of Every Description, Bit ACli EU OF ALT.St'ZBg, and ladterngmndnto older. Baring a BULK r.ta".s I'AMN LUMBNIt 171 t I'Klt," connected with our retabllawnent, we me eonbleil to menu factor° our work from TIIOROIRIRLY St:AWNED LUMBER! ASFOrdrre from Contractors, Builders, Dealer. nod the Troth, in general, aolleltetl. - Ot BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PA. 5. - sectatsse, -S. T. CALDWZBI, ' S. It. lIARTEII, ELLIOTT,JOIIf MM. MEC TYRONE PLANING 'MILLS. McCAMANT, ELLIOTT & CO., Successors to F. D. Beyer *Co., , ' Manufacturers and Dealers in Sash, Doors, Blinds, Flooring, Brackets, Moulding; Stair Railing, Plastering Lath, Shingles, Common and Fancy Pickets, Frame Stuff; AND ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, TYRONE, PA. Orders roves fully _ jy2P,43m T 110.4. OURCSINELL WU. IC. IBVIICIIINCLL THOS. ItROHINELL & SON, IiANOTACTERI.RS OT SASH, DOORS,. SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all kinds of Building Material, HUNTINGDON, PA. 310125-tf UM A. HULL MILTON S. LTILK.„ MINIM. A. STILL ~ . • THE FIRM . OE STEEL, LYTLE & -IL STEEL having located on their tract of laud two tulles of tho borough of fluntingdouen !) 'STEAM SAW MILL aro prepared to,n;torlullsOnro kinds of OAK-AVD PINg LUMBER. no.trini will . be' tuft tolls utmost capocltp end will be In operation during the entire summer and pert of the autumn months. They will be enabled to furnish tu her In large quantities, and Oat' dituonslans, at the low eat cash prices. Orders respectfully solicited: 'Lumber delivered nt the Nona. Railroad, or mud. Huntingdon, Apia 22, 186/3-if • . B. 1/11112 Zna; A. Z. meee. ' •'• ;. ; E NO' ]'; • Carriage&iWagon Manufactory. P. S. ISENBERG & CO. , Respectfully Inform the citizens of Huntingdon and the publicgenerally that they' bare commenced I.lte Car riage and Wagon Manufacture in the building formerly occupied by 4ndersoa DO= , • • IN THE Holman OF HUNTINGDON, Naar Henry t Co's Store, whore they will be pleated to accommodate all who tarl and gird prompt attention to all orders, either for new work or repairs. Their work obeli be put up with the beat material and in a workmanlike manner. A liberal patronage solicited. fluntingdon, Juno 1717 Air For neat JOB PRINTING, - call at the "GLOBE Jon Piro Orncn;" rm. enzaw., Pa. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair With a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit. but not harm it. If wanted merely for a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. i. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CLIEISISTSI LPWELL, MASS. PRIME SLOO. JOHN READ, Agent. sel6-ly Ayer's Sarsaparilla, FOR PVIIIIIICING TUE BLOOD. The reputation this ex. i tt ii cellent medicine enjoys, t is derived from Its cures, ,_ many of which aro truly l ' • - Z-- ,, -' 33 marvellous. Inveterate w..-, cas'es of Scrofulous dis h , ~0.1 case, Ivhere the system .',' seemed saturated with A , ...; - . , . .•:' 4----44-. J, corruption, have been - ,. -, 2' --, , ""' purilled and cured by it. Scrofulous affections oust ~ ....17:04..iifj disorders, which were ag .,. •_.-,,,-'. - f o r , aJa c t o e n d ta bg in t n h t l o a n cr u o n f t t: l . they were painfully aillicting, have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost every see. lion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. . . . . Scrofulous poison is one of the most destructive enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the constitution, and Invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, It seems to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on some favorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or other of its hideous tonne, either on the surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber. tiles may be suddenly deposited in the hinge or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it snoWS its presence by eruptions on the skin, or fool ulcer ations on some pelt of the body. hence the ores. atonal use of a bottle of this bargain - trine, is ad visable, even when no active symptoms of disease appear. rer ,oll9 afflicted with the following coin. plaints generally find Immediate relief, and, at length. cure, by the use of this SARSAPARIL LA: S7..,4ziticontes Plee ' Rose or _Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore ICyea, Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more concealed forms, as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fits, Epilepsy, Neurnifith, and the various Ulcerous affections of the muscu lar and nervous systems. Syphilis or 'Venereal and Trereuria/ Diseases are cured by it, though a long time is 'required for subduing these obstinate maladies by nay medicine. But long continued use of this medicine will curd the complaint. .Letworrlawa or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and Female Diseases, are corn. monly soon relieved and. ultimately mired by its purif ing mid invigorating, effect. %Minute Three. tions for each case are found in our Almanac, sup plied gratis. Rheumatism. and Gout, when caused by accumulations of extraneous matters in tile blood, yield quickly to it, as also Lire!. Torlsidiiii, Congestion oripflani 'nation of the Liver, and Jaiimlico, when arising, tts'they often do, from the rankling poison's in the blood. This 8.-1.71.5.J.P44/2Z.T.4t is a great re storer for the strength • end vigor of the system. Those w ho are Languid-and Listless, Despon dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap prehensions or Fears, or any of tha affections symptomatic of' Weakness, will - find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. P.RE.P . ARED-BY Dr. J. C. KKEIT. t CO., Lowell, ?trams., Practiced and Anedytical- Chemists. SOLD BY MI. DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE The Last ttR 41 0 OV Et) BAIR RESTORER RAM DRESSIIIa )leNlo t Yle (rneßoLae will ipiiCklY restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, -- - find produce luxuTiatli, grchiith; It is perfectly harmless, 'ari'd is preferred, over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. Ii."; For Sale by an Druggists. DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST.,,N: Y. rxuatiNEDoll)R, KS! BLANKS! PONBANKS! BLA. STABLE'S SALES, - --- - ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, , EXECUTIONS ' , SUMMONS,' , : ' ,:; • .'DEEDS: • ' •. : • • SUI3PCENAS,' • ' ' MORTGAGES, " SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION B'KB, COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, • NOTES, trill' a waivor of tho $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES, with a aaiver of the $3OO Law. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, atilt Teachers. • MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES, fur Justices of the Ponce and Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, end COMMITMENT, in case of Assault and Pottery, cod Affray. ECZER.It FACIA.% to recover nmOoot of Judgment . ' COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, fur' State, County, School, Borough awl Township Taxes. , Printed on superior paper, and for sale at the Ollce off the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. . .' BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. - , ; , UMBER, SHINGLES LI,THS, HE DI LOOK; :" BINE BILL ..STUFF, Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly on haud. Worked Flooring, Sash, Minds, Doors, Door and Win dow Frames, furnished at manufaclurers' prices. • Grain and country product generally bought at market rates. WdOONRIt A BRO., aug2B4f Philipsburg, Centre co., Pa. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. TP9MAB N. 994 E Ft. 'Ate unfierelF,ned heeinStnal'Alitgro brewery, the pnblle are Informed 11 ;bet he will be prepared at all tlmeo to fill ardent on the shortest notice. TIIO3. N. COLDER. - - idasindtla• OS:LX..I.BOG-tt. WHARTOA & lAGUIRE, BILL STRBET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEA 1,141t3 IN Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, court, a, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers gene, all), is Invited to the fact that we urn now ofTet tng n BE Malt AbSOUTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., Ginn can be found eloewhure to thls port of the Stole, at prices to suit the times. Our Mock comprises oil articles In this line of business, embrocia% a gonnrol assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKS3IITIIS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JANERS, Itc„ &0., together with a large stook of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Crossseut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans An oxcollont nisortment of .Fkick.e• C)-u.tlorby, KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS— • ORS, RAZORS, &C. • BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm • ••• Implements, Of the.latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON NAND AND FOR SALC AT AfANUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general one. tmonl of material for their use consisting In part of carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent dndenamelled.Leather, Whilk Tongues, Soo kets,, Shafti, or= div.4x4.4 4.=•11?-z. Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE ANJ MULE SHOES, Norse Nails, and all kinds of Ircin & Steel CARPENTERS Will find in our establishment a superior stook of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, Jurcutrus, HAMMERS, FILES, CIIISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, ' BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, ScO., N. DINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all variotio BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, u•OAL PICKS -411 TD SILO VET'S. Nta.vm.oarsi Can be accommodated with everything lu their Hue from a Orain.Separatur to u Whetoitone. • 30 . 13.11c1Lex's Ate especially havitea to call and examine our !dock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with others 21 Agricultural Implements, Cm:uprising the tt.nous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Minden First Premium 11011.811 PITCHFORK, Wakes, Here, Itny Forks, Trace and flatter Chains, Breast MMus, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, &c, &c., Among the specialties of our Ileueo, me dodo) to cull attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested lu us. Sand fin acircul mau I git Cull particulars of same, aid satin* yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales or all sizes and descriptknie, lu9ntliag Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRIC S. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered In this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BPADS, By rho keg. Vory low I . Nest Norway nail, rod, bar an boop Iron. STEEL, of l asi zoo and. descriptions WAGON:BOXES, CARRIAGE spg.INGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the berm' o r gallon, at very lew o llguros. • Air• A call le respectfully solicited, feeling conti•' ,that our gOosls Utui prices will not fail to Pie,".').* WHARTON & MAGUIRE. /.Itllutitigilen, Ploy 7, 1867. Comprising VVlabditia lbintlistments. THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON & CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PIIILAD'A., Is the Largest Manufacturing Confectioners and Whole sale Dealers iu Fruits, Nuts, .6e,, in the United States. mh4.ly tr g&- ' O7:44A Nit? - so - APA!... 0.7 1 .4716 0Wei9gtX11 • • For doing a bonny washing in the best and cheapest manner. Uttartotteed equal to Kay in tilt, world! Ilan all the atrengtli of al rosin soap with the mild rind lathering qualities of genuine Dodge. Try thin splen did Soap. Sold by tho,ALIHN CHEMICAL WORKS, 43 North Front Sit cot, Phil4aluipl/I.t. sep3'6B,ly. T HE HOUSEHOLD GAS MACHINE! FUR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORES, FACTORIES, CHURCHES AND PUBLIC) BUILDING WITH GAS! Generates Gas will out Fire or Mat I Tile simplicity and case by WMCiI till. lam:bine is mom imml, Al also its economy owl grout merit, recommends it to 'labile favor. Call and eeo machine iu operation at the store. Mannfoctorer tool Soto Agent, DAVID JON(:?, TIN FURNISIIING STONE. N 0.733 Citron St., Shilorlo. za•Send Ar Illustrated (Yrcular. ng. 19, 11168, 3 nine. AISAAC K.STAUFFER , TURMAKER and JEWELER, No. I{B North 24 Sheet, corner of Quarry, PRILAREI.PitIA. An assoriment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on hand. SUITAIII,E FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! , Lly-Repalring of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. • n01.274y* FINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS . AND. SHOES, FOR GEINTLIIMEIN. All the LEADING STYLES on hand or made to mono uro. Prices fixed at LOW FlOUltiffi. An Illuutratoil Price List with instructions for eel( measurement soot on reoelpt of Post Office address. WM. F.; BARTLETT 33 South Sixth - Street, abolie Chestnut, ME 727 DRY GOODS. 727 RICKEY,' SHARP & 'CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Have now tho moat comploto and elegant stock of 31:0zs" CA-ca cs cba They hose over offered, and Mvito special attention to their stock: of SILKS, oompriding a full lino of HEAVY BLACK OROS 6 BAIN and LUSTEHLBSS SILKS, FOR SUITS. - Plain Brown and Mode 'Pagano. Plain Brown and Mode Nolte do Soles. A fell Hue of OHENE MOHAIRS Of the choicest coloring," together alth an" Extensive ilety of DRY GOODS, eintfieing Cloths,;,Cs7simeses, Ihmso-Furnishing . Gooda, Ac. • RICKEY, SHARP & 727 Chestnid street' , - julyl.4 Philadelphia. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. , GREAT REDUCTION OF TOLLS =I From Titloostur to all points on do Susquehanna River and its Branches, Tll . Chesaiieake& Dela*a,ie Inter and Pennsylvania Canals. By Bcgular daily Tons of ennui Boats front Oda to al, places on the Swain°lanolin liver and branches. Goods consigned to the above points Wont l'hiladelpela and BaMinot will bo tenuived, catufullv itandlad. and fern coded by Canal Bunts; which ale constuetly ailiviag Ihr freights. Allljilt. nnrrhnu•e mid wharfage room (udder cover) prinideil for Reim] cargoes. Shippers, nl3l:flea it to their eilv•in tags, ern.Vor- Is aril their cousigiunetitAlo receive quick ilispeich. For further pal Oculars, aloply to HOFFMAN &' KEINNEDY: No, 004 Nolth Dqawitra Avenue, , 1!IIILADEL1:11JA or JOS. JAS TAYLOR, Nu,212 West Fans Avenue, DALIISIIAIi, MD Juno 11,180S-ly NEW MARBLE STORE. • .fir NO. 90'2 chum Strut, As J. Fl. CALD\V'LL & CO)) J E WEL I, ERS, have Leon appointed SPECIAL AGENTS tu this city for the sale of the =3 FLNE ELECTRO-MATED WARE Ire guarantee these goods to be decidedly annerior to anything in tLe inaritet, excelling in design, finish and quality. A largo amortment will ba maintained; and sold at ilia manufacturers' regular " ' - ' FINED I'ItIOFIS Trado Mark Stamped 011 tho of ' bato' vaell Pleetro Plato v astalMpv co . , article. J'. E I CALDWELL & CO. 902 CHESTNUT ST., PHItADVLPHIA. July 22, '68:4 MOTHERS, DISCARD PRIZTE 1 If your child is teething,. or has the Colic, is restless at night, use, DR. LION'S INFANT' REIVIgDY„ If, you hare auy fears or doubt .as to its bootless qualities CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN. AND UN, WILL TELL YOU TUAT DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, Is the Nurse's Favorite! THE MOTH-EA'S FRIFI f IITD ! SOLD ,IIVBRYWHERS., PRIGS 35 CENTS PER -BOTTLE. CHEARPAINTINC. 4 • • / be, of PEOOR A Co's 'corm oti ,%Clo.ir I Paints. (costing $123.,), Paint as }. much as 260 lbs of Lead and wear LEAD. longer. I.‘or particulars Adams& S. BowEN, Sec y. 1.50 North mirth Stroet, sal6,hsE43rn. .I.IIILApELP4IIA. TINVELOPES- ' jj By the hoN, rash. or Ishii genet Ity, for sole at SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES Which Strengthen, Preserve, and Moat Thoroughly Assist the Sight Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OPTICIANS and OCULISTS HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, Slave, with n view to meet the increased demand for their CELEBRATED Perfected Spectacles APPOINTED Mr, AARON STEWARD, Watchmaker and Teweller, - ELIINTINGDON; PA.., As their sole Agent for this piece. They have taken' cant to gl,O mcdral inetructions, and Moro confidence In the ability of their'ogont, to meet (Ito miuireateuts of all cuitolucts. All opportunity will Lou thus affunkul to procure, at all thous SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY FOR THEIR STENGTR. , ENING AND PRESERVING - QUALITIES. - , Too touch cannot ho sold as to their SOPERIORITT over the ordinary glasses worn. There is no glimmering, wa.. verino nf, the sight, dizziness, or other unpleasant sensa tion, hilt on the contrary. f out the peculiar construction of thu Loth., they are soothing dpleasant, causing a feeling of reflect° tlis It carer, and PRODIMING A CLUR and DIUTINLT Value, as in thu natural healthy sight. They are tiro only Spectacles that PRESERVE AS WELL AS ASSIST And nro the CIIIMPEST because the It EST, al ways las lag MANY YEAMI9 without change being necessary. • . , • 40-31 n. ienele STesunT,Vatamsker, and Jeweller, Ituutingdon, Pa., le their exit 'Ajeoenppolutelin [Lie place. WEEXIPLoY No PEDDLERS. Sedt. 2, ISGE-ly. DR. TAYLOR'S OLIVE BRANCH BITTERS PHILADELPHIA A mild and agreeable TONIC STIMULANT, , STOMA.CITIC and CARMINATIVE • BITTERS, Extracted entirely from HERBS and ROOTS: Highly benefiPial DYSPEPSIA GENERAL DEBILITY,. and Loss of Appetite; and au excellent bOUCTIIih for persons suffering from; Disok-L dors of the Bowels, Flatulence, &c. . . o. 413 ,Maykot Street,, Philallelph • - Jz -IL TAYLOR• &IN..- • 628. HOOP SKIRTS 628. pint CORSETS, CORSETS. WEI. T HOPKINS NO 628 Arch Ftreet PHLLADELPHIA, inl kNI.P %MUER OF TM. Celebrated "Chats ioa" Hoop, Skirts FOR L IDIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, The !trivet nes figment, end best qinllty and Styles in the t mei ?fans Norinet Every ; lady should try them, they ranninicnd thewchcs by ',raring longer, retaining their Eh ire ninth Lotter, being lighter and mu re clathe Mon all ellin fill STI.D in every )espat., nod sold nit I Lry low pi ices. Ask fur nni VS' Cuomo." I•KIRT inn mot ntd-made III:tilt•Bono COltbrlS Iu Fifteen dith tent lino!. Melo lin the linperi an I 1 hump son k / angioq 0101 1.111.1110 CORSI IS ringing in puree limn 91 ents to 55.50,, together nith Joseph ILE ELI el CrLtIIIiATEP TRENCH %TONEY CORSETS, filiperlon .pupae mind qutthey, 'WI different Guides, from $llO to ss.lo,They ore Ilia fineet and bust goods for the priest, ever hot °lied Tho tea lo supplied with 11001' .1111tTS and COR , I , I'S at the Lnucet lofts Those visiting the Oily should not Nil to coil and es aniline ton Goods nod Fries, as wo cloy all competition so, tlb, to der,26 McGUIRWS • . ' SPANISH HAIR, DRESSE - Fen Pitommxp THE G,RFT7, pEsiTraym9 Tll 110, And rendering it dark and glossy. No other' compound, possesses the peculiar properties which' so 'exadtly suit , the various conditions of the human hair. The nee of this Oil as a hair diesser has been universal in every iteb..' Aloe of the country in the, Spanish Main,for conttn lee,— No melioration of art could give that elegant lugui lance and abundance of hair which have BO often been the ad miration ol travelers in Spain; 'This oil, is , highly and delicately pertained, forming lid artiore'Ourivaled In es. collows and upon which. the Spaniel( people An-tunny yellyealo loin set its seal of oncloringvproval: I/laical' ilk Flowers Shampoo both For removing dandruff and,sourf from the head, nblton ing anti fierfundng tho skin. Thin article is entirely dlr. feimif from anything of the kind es er offered in this coun try acid is warranted free front all 110i801,011 . 1 , subsrai'es. 'ibis valuable lotion oas - ifeed by the Emperor Maximil ian, and. NM Cot lotto of Zilexico, and universally nerd by Mexicans for thine hundred years. 'As a wants for the head—it is cooling; cleauSing' and refreshing,— When,thus used it at once relieves heathich^: • WILD FLOWERS FOR THE T . Ehtirr' All these ulusarein'lliser,or \shit° teeth and a pleasant and paneled Id i t once lino Mai ulre's Will Flowers for the Teeth. • All ahem preparations 'pre 'tint up in the most elegant and ornamental mew, We m an 110 exceptloll iu stiTkiiii that they are an to aliment andn lady's toilet table and none Complete is Ithourthern. Warranled.satisfitetery or mined refunded. feature is ill bear this 'in' hdhd, 'Sold by nil reWeb , bb ( Prug• glind in the United Status ipotesi:Judas. A dd , o t , s o , Tilers to RICHARD McGIIIREr I ' Repot and Manufactury, seit,y 264 :Cuing Second Street', Philadelphia. NOW SHAD, DRY SAVE IffiR NINO aid Mackerel, (Warranted,) • • - - Dried Apples, Tenches, Curt ;tit ts, Pt it lie , Itni‘i Cll. Balt]: Y ~~r - TILE SIGHT! CAUTION SOLD. EVERYWHERE 31Zi3Mr.c:Dor, ' •hfcGUIRL'S INIcG VIER'S JOHNSTON gIEATTSON TAKE pleasurein annOutteifigttot e citizens of Huntingdon county and that the; Lava Just returned from the Enst with a ,• ' , LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they here Just opened out at their new gore, ONE DOOR EAST OF TUE WARRINGTON HOTEL Their stock coitekle of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HITS AND TAps, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES; FLOUR: AND FE.ED, TOBACCO, SiGAR; CANNED FRUIT, HARDIVARE, CEDAR.:- WARA QUEENSWARE; ,•~ .- ~, OIL,C~,OTIiS, OILS, ,PAINTS, &C, DRUGS, CARPETS, CARFET.O'4O', SALT, TRUNKS, HAMS, S.TIOULDERS; SIDES*"&ik 4 Tlwy halo a large stack o( . • !:.• •'!il) LADIES' DRESS GOODS; Consisting of SILKS, 310IIAIIIS, ALPA9A3 PRPLX I ,I 3 • LUSTIIES, GINGIIA3I9. AItaINC!S, LAINES, &c., &c. • Mao, n largo .33';<;ri;..i,t DItliSS, RI; ItafERY:4,OXiS? BUTTONS, fie. (• • ;'‘ A FULL JANE Wu will sell IVIIOLESALE and RETAIL', All goods dollsorod to realdonoes In town and depotai f•co of chorgo Olvo us a 16.1 before perehnslng elsewhere. 'JOIINBTOY &rwKrzsoln. liutit iig lou. j rll X l5, 1863 .• SEIVING.,MACUINES. M. Ci.RIOWII,, has,,,tonov,e4 his .Music Store, to noncom] floor of Leister's ng, where hi lidos constantly , off hued STEINWAY A SONS' and OAIGILE'S Plano Monnfacturing PIANOS: MASON LIN'S • CARINRT ORGANS and CA MART, AM A COS' M IMODEONS ; Guitars, Violins. Fifis, Stutes Guinn - Oa Violin Strings'. MUSIC BOONS—Golden Chain,Goldon Shower, Glnldim Censer. Golden Trio, Ac., dm. ' • • SIIERT MUSIC.—lie is censthotigrecelying fromFP,&ll• sdelphia all the latest music, which persons at a dlitithes wishing. ewn order, and have sent them by Also GROVES & BAKER'S Colobratod SEWING MA, CHINAS—Gm only nincbino that;/ii nddlilon•to;nvery kind of alining. enibroldols pontnetly; seising 3111 t. sad Cotton of oil kinds nii.l Colors fOrmachlnee. Persons buying &why , Machines fully , Instructed Act the use of them. 421 - and organ. IVarranted for fire years. - Those wishing to buy any of the above articles - are itiv 'riled to•cnit nod vxantino micro before purchaidait ;els. whore My prices are the same is lu New Task and Philadelphia_.. • • v T. Cirsu:itte of Instrnmenta or Machines,sent promptly upon application with nay additional informatiodldiiiiirs& It. M. OMNI:, fill freer, Ifuntinittoo, Pa.,'" mayBlo ,Second floor of Leister's now brick bulklinff x=xla:ma - T3c.ttr . oaDt:i:m' J. M. GREEN 0.. BEAVAR Itavlog tattered Into luar,taerobly., Inform the patio 010 tboy aro pro"paletl exe cute all otylra of Nati and' oinanieitat Marble Woik Each as MONUMENTS, HFADSTONES, also - 11tillding , Work; At no low prices as any shop; in tho rOnnty.t: dors from a distance Fotoptlynttonded Shop MIFFLIN area, a' ftiw. doors mot 'of 111'6'4- thprnn church - 3,,1011,11,111," ATARBIS, YAP:D. Thrundersigricd Lie 'woifla re.Octenny doll thei(tfontidn'of hie citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the atiWbf beautiful marble now on hand. Ito laßispar'ed tit - timbal at CIO shortest noticeOlonurnontal;illaritlo,franb,•,Ttaits? and Stones of many desired elso,and form of Itall4 or Haatorn Marble, highly liulahad, arid'earied prints devices, or plain, as may • Building Marble, Door and Window Bilisilte.;•villi be furnished to order. •, W. W. titedges'himself to'Nenleh materidl end wo'rk manaltip equal to any,ln the country, atit fair p tioe,t,C4l,l and see. before you purchase eliewbere. Shep - on' the °nor of Moptgomory and Mini n oto...llh'utiegdoe, WM. WILL-lAMB. • Inb.l ••,•,1 •1 •••••• 11PECTA CLES,; ~„ ~` A fipo and largo gs§prtixicnt,.itiwyp,,pp Inin4 at AT LETU KS" BQO STORE. • 1 4k, Gr4itikat:* ';'" FOFi EVERY_ icAt; CHEAPER TJL4N ri..& - 1 7 ; /:::/j,41? , Call ,at ,Zetyls:;, , Book, Stoie 'and SEE ASSOHTMENT.'• • . T 1 Olt SALE. 7, Maids, Milk, Stuiiitig. Jul4te . ,'"koninig Lettli,Lop and infra blringler, tittew and lour feet Plsstering Luthj For MlAat /.111UrildlItUr . 4 pi ices al. 14; S: CO'S. OE MEE • ' o 1 121M211 SEM