The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 02, 1868, Image 3

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Wednesday morning, Deo. 2, 1868.
• Dlootines.
.All. Noriah Lodge, No. 300, A. r.. 11;, meats second
`Monday eves:Lingua each mouth, in Brown's building.
Standing Slone If. R. A. Chapter, Do. 201, meets the
finst Tuesday evening of each month, in Brown's
Juniata Lodge, No. 11T, 10. 0. P, meets every Friday
evening, third floor, m Leister's
Standing Strom Lodge, 4 Yo Sr, I. 0. G. T, meats every
Tuesday evening In Court Mouse
Arrapahoe Trshe, No.oB. I. 0. of R. N., meets every
Thursday evening, third floor, Leister's
Toung Alen a Christian Association inLete the fleet and
third Monday evenings each month, in Brown's building.
21atas Chuncil meets the first Friday evening of each
I =1
Died—aon3a black mustachen
Can't we have a skating•club this season ?
Light literature—the books of a gas corn
Looking pleasant for Christmas—the shop
Query: Which.paye beet, to hunt for office
.orlunt for deer.
The tax on lucifer matches yields the Guy
enament .$1,500,000 a year.
We direct attention to the advertisement
of Immune & Morrie, in to•day's issue.
The store of Samuel Iprankle in Altoona
was robbed recently of a large list of goods.
Unmarried ladies may have forgotten that
there is only one more month in Leap Year.
The track On the Tyrone and Clearfield
Branch is now laid within three miles of the
latter town.
..Caught in her own net," as the man said
when be eaw ono of the fair eex hitched in
her crinoline
To discover how many idle men there are
itan„place, all that is necessary is to set two
dogs fighting.
-- Advice is like snow ; the softer it falls, the
longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sink.
into the mind.
A friend suggests the following: . Something
pretty—the new knitting =whine nt the low
er end of town.
An owl perched itself on the unfinished
tower of the Catholic Church in Ebensburg
and was shot. ,
Onset the Altoona contractors has erected
itithat' city, one hundred and fifty houses
within the last three years.
Luzerne county is excited on the hear
-question. , Six of them in one day were seen
in Lackawanna township.
We have a Building Association in this
,ace. Ws would like to be informed of its
Zoingi, if they are not private.
Somebody has flattered Boston by saying
it has the prettiest women in America. That
eomebody didn't travel this way.
It is conceded now to be among the "fixed
facts" that those who do not patronize the
printer have no luck in this world.
The eitizene of Johnetown are luxuriating
in pure water, which is brought from Wild
Cat Hollow, several miles below town.
An advertisement in a newspaper in like a
circle in the wator—continually spreading it
self. Throw in your "route" and try.
The organization of a store manufacturing
cotajiiinj , ie now talked of, with fair prospects
of being effet,ted. We- say, go ahead.
Capt; John M. Thompson, of Juniata coun
ty, 144 beiesn lippOinted by the Governer to be
‘ the, arsenal at Harrisburg.
Thei . neWbuilding fur the furniture menu
factoilin7Webi Huntingdon, is almost under
roof. - : 4 dgvi.atiens will soon commence.
After the first of January next, the fee for
4,tigisiering o letter•at the post office will be
only fifte . on . cents instead of twenty five.
A man "named Farrier stole a horse and
buggy from a stable in Johnstown, and was
;wrested in Somerset county and put in jail.
A young woman being asked by a boring
politician which party she was in favor of,
- .replied that she was in favor of a wedding
A strong hint—as strong as they make
thim—a young lady asking a gentleman to
see if one of her rings would go on his little
Deer are plenty in this and neighboring
counties. Other wild game is also reported
'plenty, and our hunters contemplate siring
them a scare. '
The barn of Augustin Luther in Carroll
tovruship, Cambia county, was burned down
and its contents, including two cows, hay,
grain, etc„ were destroyed.
A grubbing machine is one of the latest
inventions. A machine for supplying grub
'Would be rather an acceptable invention
these high-priced times.
New York paper suggests as a means of
paying tlis national debt that every office
seekerikay a dollar a week_towards its liqui
ilitioduutil be gets an office. _
- .
What is snow? A sentimental "local" re
'ponds : White feathers falling from celestial
doves; the sky showering white blossoms on
the grave of the departed year.
Alirmer returning home in his wagon, af
ter delivering a load of corn, is a more certain
sign of national prosperity, than a noblcman
iddifi . g in his chariot to the opera.
'A good newspaper ie like a rensible and
eound•hearted friend, whose appearance on
one's threshold gladdens the mind with the
premise of a pleasant and profitable hour.
•IX`he house of Washington Barr. in Ilarris
•burg, was recently entered and robbed of
45,000. Chloroform wee used to keep' him
,}sleep while .the burglars were in the house.
Our friend J..L.•Thotuas is stationed at
Plaok Buttes, %Vyowing territory, and is
'elegraph Operator, Ticket and Freight
Agent. - We are glad to hear he is well fixed.
A merchant named A, M. Shannon, of
Bract/Lillie, Jefferson county, had his pocket
picked of $O,OOO between Blairsville
aectioa,end ,Pittsburg, on the P. It. B. lately.
On-Saturday evening last the Degree of
ncliecca was conferred upon some of the
members of the order of Odd Fellows and
'their wives. The degree has just been:insti
Mies Willson, of Franklin
,county, gave
thirty theustted dollars to the . Car Hale rree
,bytery, in aid of an eatablishrriont at .Charn•
ikereburg of a college fur the education of fe•
The Pennsylvania Stnte Temperance JJni
on has inaugurated the preliminary steps for
the holding of a great convention of all the
Friends of temperance at garrisburg in F,eb
ottry neat.
An Alabama editor, in puf f ing a grocery
store kept by a woman, says: "ller tomatoes
are as red as her own cheeks ; her indigo as
blue as her own eyes, and her pepper as hot
as her own temper."
The first greenback issued by the United
States is in tho possession of Mr. Ellis, a
Cincinnati saloon keeper. It is No. 1, series
A, amr is signed in Chase's hand*riting. lie
has refused fifty dollars fur it.
A valuable horse, belonging to Mr. A. IL
Faller of Ebensburg, got loose lnc stable and
tramped upon the knife of a feed-cutter, in
flicting such a gash in the animal's foot that
it was found necessary to shoot it.
The Centre County Agricultural Sooiety
will offer a premium for the best baby at its
next annual fair. We would like to know
what the qualifications are for the "best"
baby? No bachelors need respond.
Thanksgiving Day was observed in most
of the churches of Iluntingdon by appropri•
fibs religious services. Places of business
were closed, except here and there a shutter
was open to let in light—nothing more.
The Bankrupt Law will soon cease to ope-
Atte. It will not again be extended. Many
of the cases in this District, we understand,
will be stricken off under the law for want of
attention on the part of the Bankrupt.
One hundred and sixty barrels of ale were
ruined in Buffalo last week. That amount
had to be drawn from the vat to fish out an
individual who had fallen in and drowned.
Coroner's verdict—"died from too much ale."
A farmer was asked why ho did not take
a newspaper. "Because," said he, my fath
er when lie died, loft me a good many news
papers, and I have not read them through
yet." We'll wager that man don't know
who Grant is.
Among the gifts to a pair married last
week was a broom, sent to the lady accompa
nied by the following sentiment : •"rhis tri
fling gift accept from me, its use I would
commend: In sunshine, use the brushy part,
in storm the other end."
Franklin county has put in 1,504 claims
for border damages, Fulton 127, Perry 5,
Bedford 47, and Cumberland 132. Adams
will probably have 1,000 and York several
hundred. -The claims in the aggregate will
reach from $1,500,000 to $3,000,000.
A man in York county predicts that we are
to have eighteen snows (lilt winter, including
the two that have already fallen, and that two
of them will be very deep. The same pro
phet established his reputation last winter,
he having predicted twenty-three snows, and
there were just that number.
Mr. N. It. Att, an old citizen of this place,
while in his collar last night was set upon
and so horribly mutilated that his life is de
spaired Of. It is supp sod lie was attacked
for the purpose of robbing him, as not an
article of clothing was found upon him. No
clue has been found to the perpetrators.
We observed the custom of Thanksgiving
Day by partaking of a sumptuous repast at
the Morrison House, kept by W. W. Hilde
brand & Co. It will not be amiss to state
that the reputation of this first-class House
is well established, and the proprietors con
tinue to minister to the comfort of guests.
It is true as nn exchange says that it fre.
quently happens that a person would give
almost the price of a whole year's subscrip
tion for a single copy of the paper coritaining
something which interests them. You can
get the paper fur a vihole year for the sum of
two dollars, which isn't four cents a week out
of your earnings.
Good Templar, Convention.
The Quarterly Convention of the
Good Templars of this district was con
vened in this place ou Tuesday last
and adjourned on Wednesday evening.
There were over twenty lodges repre
sented, and the reports from them in
dicated that the lodges were in a flour
ishing condition, with few exceptions.
Tbo time of the Convention was taken
up with the discussion of a series of
resolutions, not a; few of which were
of the "teetotal whole-figure" complex
ion and which were unanimously pass
ed. Public meetings were held each
evening. On the first evening Mr. S.
B. Chase, the Grand Worthy Templar
of the order in this State, delivered an
able and instructive lecture, and on
Wednesday evening, remarks were
made by :v. Mr. Morehead, S. T.
Brown, E.q., and others. The next
Convention will be held in Hollidays
burg on the third Tuesday iu February.
Is the Young Man Sane
We find tho following item in the
last Monitor :
. "The latest forgery—the 'Card' pub
lished by the Globe and Journal last
week purporting-to he signed by J. S.
Cornmart. Such a i i .te of malignant
villainy could only bo conceived and
perpetrated by such men as conduct
the Globe and Journal."
We simply ask this week, what has
been our offence? The article we pub
lished—and the Journal published the
same—was also published in the Mon
itor as editorial. We copied from the
original manuscript, of John Scott,
E.q., and the paper was signed by J.
S. Common in Mr. Scott's office in
presence of Mr. Scott, John S. Miller,
Sheriff Neely and ourself. Where the
forgery comes in we aro at a loss to
know. Wo ask for an explanation.
County luatltnta.
- The attention of teachers and school
directors is invited to the call of the
County Superintendent for the Teach
ers Institute which meets in this place
ou Monday, the 14th inst. As every
measure has been taken to provide for
the accommodation of teachers in our
midst, during the session, it is to be
hoped that none will neglect attend
ing; and School Directors are request
ed to grant the teachers the time to
attend, The meeting promises to be
as attractive and profitable as the In
stitute last year, and the attendance
of teachers shuuld be equally as large
if not larger.
ftEir Mr. William Goodman, of this
place, who vas run over by a caboose
car at Mill Creek on Monday morning
of last week, died on, Monday after
noon last. his sufferings were great,
mortification of his legs having • taken
place. He leaves a wife and two small
children to mourn his loss.
Ea' The Best in the Market. Choice
fresh Prunes, Raisins, Currants, Dates,
Peaches, eye, etc., next door to Lewis'
Book Store. t ? 1 -• P. 11 4--sior & Co.
pera4ans dealring, Pura of any
quality, style, or price, can not fail of
being salted by the mammoth stock
just opf•nocl by FIBBER &. SONS.
County Teachers Institute.
To the Teachers and School Directors
of Runtingdon County. The Hunting
don County Teachers Institute for
1868, will be bold in the Court Ilobse,
in _Huntingdon, commencing on Mon
day, Dee. 14th, at two o'clock, p. m ,
and closing Friday evening Dec. 18th.
Teachers, School Directors and Friends
of Education aro invited and respect
fully urged to attend.
Prof. S. G. Boyd, of York County,
Miss Fannie Haley, of Boston, Mass.,
11. W. Fisher, Supt. of Bedford County,
and Prof. hi.. Mohler, of Mifflin, will be
present as Imtructors.
Prof. Boyd, K. A. Lovell, and S. T.
Brown, Esqs , and Di. 4. li. Wintrode,
will give evening readings.
Essays will be read by a number of
A spelling contest will take place,
and suitable prizes will be awarded to
tho three teachers missing the fewest
number of words.
Teachers on their arrival in town,
will report immediately at the Court
House, have their names enrolled and
receive tickets.
All teachers who arc preparing to
teach, will receive tickets, and he re
garded as members of the Institute
on entering their names on the roll.
The committee on pormanet certifi
cater will be elected on Monday after
In accordance with a suggestion of
the School Department, Thursday will
be considered "Directors' Day."
It is hoped that a goodly number of
directors will bo present on that day,
as matters in which thoy hayo a par-
cular interest will be attened to
It is desired that every Board of
Directors in the County will grant
their:teacbersthe time to attend. There
will be nothing lost to the districts by
this course, for teachers who attend
County Institutes invariably teach
better than those who do not attend,
and as to "putting in time," there is
only too much of this kind of teaching
done; more should bo accomplished in
one month, in many eases than is
done in four. We ask School Direc•
tors then as guardians of the interests
of our common schools to lend there
influence to induce teachers to attend
the County Institute.
Teachers of Huntingdon County, we
ask and expect every ono of you who
has any professional pride, every ono
who does not wish to sec our county
disgraced by a want of professional
zeal, and every one. of you who reali
zes the responsibility of his position,
not to hatch worthless excuses but to
come on Monday and stay till Friday.
And wo promise you a good time. Al ,
rangemonts have been made for the
accommodation of teachers at the ho
tels at reduced rates.
D. F. TUSSEY, County Supt
Alexandria, Nov. 2S, 1868.
A ➢tan Killed
The train duo hero at S p. m , on
Saturday evening last, instantly kill
ed Mr. John Broueht, near the first
bridge above Lewistown. Mr. B. is a
respectable farmer living near the see
otid bridge. He had been down the
road on - business, and was returning
home—walking on the left track, and
when the accident occurred, he step
ped to the tight to get out of the way
of a train going east, when the loco
motive of the passenger train corning
west struck him. His bead was com
pletely severed from the body close to
the lower jaw. The train was stopped
and the body taken on board and left
off at the first division house nearest
the farm of the unfortunate man. It
is supposed the noise of the train going
east prevented him from beating the
approach of the passenger train west.
wir.The Phrenological Journal for
Deeember.contains a great variety of
interesting matter, illustrated and oth
erwise, of which the following is a sam
ple :—Henri Rochefort, editor of the
Paris Lanterne; Dr. Francis William
son; Frau Mario Simon and her work
on the battle-field; Archbishop Man
ning, the English Roman Primate; Rev.
Dr. Stockton; Phrenology in the School
Room . ; The Body, what is its Icing?
Earning a Wife; Notes - on the Inhitbi
tants of Brazil ; Retrospection; Do as
others do; Fair Haven Harbor; Mi
raculous Healing; An Ideal Chaldea ;
Religion and Nature; The Mink; Pro
gress in Co operation ; A Reading so
licited. A new Volume, the 40th,
commences with the next number.
Subscribe now. Terms, $3 a year, or
30 cents a number. Address S. R.
Wells, 389 Broadway, New York.
A little son of Mr. John Shriner of
this place met with his death under
very peculiar circumstances. On Sat
urday last he found a bottle of lini
ment containing hartshorn which his
father had been using, and drank a
quantity of it, which had the effect of
burning his throat and stomach. He
lived until Sunday, when death put
an end to his suffering.
For the benefit of the Young Men's
Christian Association, of Huntingdon.
Hon. Stoekett Matthews, of Maryland,
will 'deliver 'a lecture in the Court
House, on PridaY' evening, December
11th. Subject, "Romance of American
Progress." This lecture will be en
tirely unpolitical, but not altogether
After Them
Thos. S. Johnston, of the firm, o
Henry & Co , has gone to the' city 'tic,
purchase and refill their shelves with
goods, which the publio have so kind
ly taken from them. Their stock will
be opened this week.
' Var Headquarters for Choice Confec
tions. Will open this week the' best
stock of fine Confections ever brought
to Huntingdon. Call and see.
It - L 11. MASSEY & CO.,
Next door to Lewis' Book Store.
lia.Evory ono wanting furs should
go to McNeil's, where may be found a
largo assortment fresh from New York,
and which he is selling off at a small
The Pride of the Penally
Is the accomplished daughter. Every
lady must have knowledge and refine.
moot. Central Pennsylvania has a just
pride in the Hollidayeburg Seminary.l
• Sitir4 large lot of - Thiffalo Robes
fro/ill from the ,bande of the Red Men,
,of the very ber i t,quality are offered to
the publio by ' Fputut 41„
tee. 2-3 t.
LlED — German and filngtisti !almanacs
fur 1869, at, Lewis' Book 'S'tpre,., '
PROcilitSs.—Columbus epilog to the Amer•
can coast in is four hundred too ship, end trot
landed upon the island of St. Domingo. Last
week a vessel from St. Domingo uploaded in
Now York over four hundred tuns ul Si.
Croix Runs fur P. 1.1. Drako & Cu. of that
city. This is hie a few weekf' supply of this
article; , which these gentlemen, use in the
manufacture of the celebrated, Plantation
Bitters. We are informed by an exchange
that Messrs. Drake & Co., have not advertised
a dollar for a year, bat that the sales of this
article continue at the former enormous fig
ure. In 1864. the receipts of the Plantation
Bitters were equal to those of the New York
& Now Haven Railroad. 11
MAGNOLIA. WATEtt,Supdrier to the best
mportod German Cologne, and sold at half
he price. tf
Will Keep Constantly on Hand,
Next door to Lewis' Book Store.
A choice assortment of Groceries,
A choice assortment of Confections,
The best Family Flour,
Sugar Cured Hams and Dried Beef,
Tubs, Buckets, Broome, Brushes,
Baskets, Toys and Perfumery, and a
variety of goods too numerous to men
tion MASSEY , & CO.
Winter Ilne Come,
And men and women want this and
that for their own and their ehildrens'
comfort. Bu wise and consult our ad
vertising coin inns.
What makes your hair so beautiful?
Mrs. S A. Allen's Improved (ncw style)
Hai r Restorer or Dress! ng, onebottle)
Price One Dollar. Every Druggist
sells it.
n.,...lleadquarters for Toys. A large
stock opening next door to Lewis'
Book Store. Call and see.
Nov. 17th., by the Rev. J J. Kerr,
Mr. JOHN H FOREMAN, of Upper Stras
burg, Franklin Co., Pa.; to Mimi SUSAN
CARTER, of Fostm ia, Blair County.
On the 24th inst., 'at , Tyrone, by
Samuel Jones, Esq , Mr. Wm. ROBERT,
to Miss SUSANNA BHARO.; bdth of Shir•
leysburg, Huntingdon ,County, Pa.
In Huntingdon, on' the 26th inst., by
Peter Swoope, Esq., Mr. JAMES Mc-
DONALD, of Mapleton; to Miss ELIZA M.
MOORE, of Porter twp., Huntingdon
County. _
At Centre Mills, Adams County, Pa ,
on Nov. 22, 1868, at the tesideneo of
the bride's father, by the Rev. Mr.
Snyder, Mr. G. W. IVAitni„ of Mill
Creek, Pa, and Miss• A.
of the former place.
On the 20th inst., in this place, after
a brief but painful illuess, LOUALEN
GRANT, sou of John and Mary Sehriner,
aged 2 years and 4 months.
On earth no more wo see his face,
His body in the grave is placed ;
Bat while it there in silence lies,
His spirit lives above the skies.
He lices with angels.tpd with saints,
Free from all sorrow-and e,implitints;
He lives a happy Spirit iherd,
And in their glory has a share.
Gone but not forgotten. F.
In Lewistown, on the 18th Novem
ber, 1868, GEORGE W. THOMAS, Esq ,
aged 62 yours, 8 rnonths"and 16 days.
PflY3loll. VITAL= cannot be attained while the diges
tive organ. lock ton. and soundness. Inactive digestion
aff, cts the v.hole physi nue of men, from the crown of his
head to the soles of his f et. It is the forerunner of Dys
pepsia with its indlecribable miseries, and even prepares
the way for worse disorders. We speak from experience.
as well as on the authority of all liberal-minded practi
tioners, vibe present it voluminous array of hstlniony in
its favor, when we sty that 3113/IbER'S H ERR lIITT Slt3
not only gives Instant relief to every sufferer, but affords
the moans for a quick, effectual and permanent cure of all
diseases arising from a disordered stomach], liver, dm. It
completely, purifies the blood, cleanses the secretion.,
corrects every Irregularity of the System, re Invigorates
tine constitution, and restores the different on Mons of the
body to a healthy condition and prop, action. Sold
every wit re. de2.lm.
OTHERS.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Company
ate now manufactuellll the Best, Cheapest nod most Du.
ruble Paint in use; two coats well pot on, mixed with
pun, Mimed Oil, trill lost ten or - line/tit years; it is of a
light brown or beautiful chocolate color, nut can 1.91
changed to green. Iced, stone, drab, olive or cream, to
suit the taste of the consumer. Jt 19 saleable for Hou
ses, Fences, Borne, t erring° and Car makers, Pails and
Wooden-wale, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats,
Vessels and Ships lletterus, C 9111914% )10/al and Shingle
hoop (it being Fire and Witter proof,) Floor Oil Cloths,
(ono Manufacturer ,
haring used bbls. the past year)
and as a paint for any purpose is ungilriumwd for ho ly,
durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. , Mice V per
bbl. oral) lbs., which 99 ill supply a farmer for year, to
come. Warranted In ell oases as ahoy e. rend for a dr aldrh gives full particulars. None genuine unless
branded In a trade mark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Fer
nand can miler Om Point and routit the money ou re
oelpt of the good, Mitt Cot -
/9. L. VA EINES LOCK & CO, Pitt,burgh,
Agents tot l'emisylven•n.
it:` For solo by the pound or barrel nt Lewis' lloAc
Store. • •"n0r18.6m.,
TARRH treated with the utmost bUCCOSs, by .1.
ISAACS, H. D.. and P10t...0r of Disease rf the Eye and
Eur in the Medical College of Aunty/milk. I.t years exper
ience, (formerly of Leiden, N.. 1305 ARCH at.,
l'hil,doll his. T4,..tintollairt can be even at this office,
The medico/ facal.y are invited to acoompaay their pa
tient., as ho bite no'seerets in his mactice. Artificial
Eyes bleat tell without rain. No charge for examination.
June 17, 186S—lyism
Superfine, Flour at $6,07,25; extra at $525; et 8 fancy
Weslm n extra family $8.00(0,60; Pennsylvania ,'o do
$lO,OO and fancy h ands $l2 00@13,60 according to quality
ityo flour $5:250,2.60.
Thera is yin) , little [him Wheat offering. and this tle.
seription to in steady request at fall pekes. but Weiler
grades are neglected. Sales of 3000 bushels new red at
$2,0002,10, and 1000 bushels amber at $220. Bye un
changed. Sales of 4GO bushels new Western at $1,60.
Corn isscare and advancing, yellow at $1,20 Western,
mixed at $1,200,1,27. Oats aro in good request at an ad
vance. Sales id 0010 bushels new Pennsylvania at 68071
cents. Nothing doing in It trloy and Malt $2,00.
Prixsuunon, N0v.28 —Flour.—The troirtint is decreased.
Wo quote sales of spring 0 boat Flour at $850,(88,75,
a Inter Flour at $0.3049.7.5 buoy nt $12E113,00.
Wheat, red, $1,80(01,85 and for white, $2,08,(32,12
Corn front Ilrk.t hands tit $l,OO. 115 e, $1.35 per bushel. Oats
626,063 c; itai Icy 2,10.A52,15. Potatoes, roach Blow 6,76 hid
hauls 20y,e, hard 17c. Butter 20(.05e ID; Nggs a; doz.
NEW Yonx, Nor.2s.--Gold:closed nt 5i,a55,1:
Save, thiarlohr, , ,i , 47.50 Fe %there'll lb..
Pate a Nhtr, .... , 13 50 Flaxseed
loudly Fluor 0 50 flops 'Elth ....... .....
Red Wheat I,oolllmo, smoked ....... ....
White Who tt,..... ....... .2,00 Ilnrf too 1,,
Apple Buttor "ft gu11un...1,25 Lord • %,
Balk por cord 8,00 Larva Outona " bus 100
Bark) 120 Mmed Chop "26
Butter, 40,00te 05
Bran 'l4 ME ' I . g I V0tat0e0'11). , 40........ 8000,00
:3,ociS4';ol '
nags IA lb
..4511t)o Chop 7EA c‘N
d)•tyu Straw "e, bn odic.
Brooms r E I doz.
Beeswax "6 lb.
Bonus j 1 bus.
Country So
t . s . llcvl.
- . ..
Corn Meul 11 cwt2,oo Shoulder
Dried ...Nike Viol ' 2,251 @
Sides...... ..... . ............ ...........
Dried Cliorries "El gimp...l2 Dillow IDII
Dried Peuchus V lb . 16 TielolilY .., OD
Dried Beef "6 Torke)a , 0 lb 10
Deaf ' - ii lb e Wool' ek lb 400-15
Broad INni Cool "if ion .43.00 Pork lb 11
Ureeo Apples 'll bus sl,eol tiara Cool eo 1.1) 00,00
Clovereoed , it Dalbe s6,oolPig Metal 1.1 tun $35050
Bliellbarkall bus s2,ooll.lmber 1000 ft-412030
ch 0ege ,..,.;.. ...... 25,.0.31 lb shingles, .i.nnnaldo.sloolB
Egg, 20 f' •heiti6: I. 034@6
ato ofJereiniair Gardner deed.]
o m litralion, upon the canto .01 Jerottildh
e of township, Hunttngdon county,
11! .4 ;, ") 1 :4t Zcheoo
&misty?, haring been gtalltelttO the totileroigned, oil per,
Boas Wattled to the estato will limbu inumiliato ray
mene:twllthose having Manus mill present them for sot
, - • • JACOJi
eeK44-61:. "tcholnistreter.
about the middle of October last; throoklloo, one
old breading now with a lump ou blAtl 'eg,,4 young
breeding sow, and a barrow with its tall oIL A reasons
blo reWarti will be paid for any information of the! some.
WAL L. I4Ol3rill1;t.
buo,lato township. Llev. . '
A N EXTRACT from an Act to
13,_Prevent nuisances within the borough of 'looting
don, passed 24th of Jannary, 1811: •
Bror. 1. That if any person shall - cast on any of the
streets of tho said borough, any rubbish, dirt, dung, or
other thing, which shall in any degree tend to make the
passage of emelt streets Inconvenient, or fro.which any
pith may arise, except in such places ' na only es shall be
ggreed on by t its supervisors or any of them, or if any
butcher shall keep in nr near his slaughter house any
garbage or othur hatsoeirer, or any person keep a
hog-stye es near as fo annoy his neighbor or any 'other
person, every such pus lien be offending shall forfeit end
pay the sum of three dollars fur oveyy_such offence, and
-shelf pay the wed' Of removing the same, he, she or they
being first courleted thereof before any ono of the Bur
gesses. • uovlB
AN ORDINANCE relating to a
Scar. 1. Be it enacted by the Bargee* and Roan Coun
cil of the Borough of Lfuntidgdon and it is hereby enacted
by the authority of the same, That the Street Regulator
shall proceed forthwith to regulate, grade and mark off
pavements or sidewalks of the width of fire foot and four
inches along the northern aide of church street, from
Montgomery street to the intelsection of the Cemetery
lane, thence along the Western side of said lane to tine
corner of the old Cemetery. -
Etter. 2, That the owner or owners, occupier or orcupi•
pre of lota of ground fronting mild street between the
points d6slgnated In the preceding section shall, on or
before the- first day of lltceinber next, pave tiro side
walk opPoslto mph lots with good hard brick, or ley at
walk of ttto width mdehioned In tho &Ascalon of plank
two Inches In thickness, to be laid crams Ise and sup•
ported by three stringers pf at least four b'y tin (aches In
thickness—the plank to bo seemed to the }Adopt s by
spikes Or nails. •
SECT. 3. That if guy y owdor or.occupler of lots re.
fuse , or neglect to comply with the provisions of this 01 ,
Alliance by the first day of December next, the citron
Comic Faioner shall then proceed forthuitb to make each
.sidewalks and present bills for the cost thereof, which
amount, together as ill, costs, shall be rah:chid flout said
owners according to law. •
Passed November 6th. Mgt
HENRY GLAZIER, Chief Illness;
Attest: J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Eel y. noll-2t
. ' 4 8MTA
SOW'ilig_ Machines,
Received the only SOLD MEDAL at the
They aro nalaptell to all' kink of Fatally ' nod
to the u of F. eamstressea, Dthteinakers, Ttilore,3latum
facture. of Shirte, Cotlore, Skills, (Neal., Mantillas,
Clothing, -I lata,Capa, Corsets,-Linen Goods, Umbrellas,
Parasole, ate. They work equally well upon silk, linen,
m °Om owl 'cotton goods," With silk, cotton or Mien
thread. They will seam, quilt, gather, born, fell, cord,
braid, bind, nail perferm every species ofsewing, making
o beautiful and perfect stitch, alike - on both sides of the
artielo sewed
The (pinnace which reconiniond thorn arc I
1. Beauty and excellonco of ditch, on both sides of
tho fabric Bowed.
o.'Str.ngtb, firmness and durability of eoarn,that Will
not rip nor ravel.
0 EdOnoiny of 'thread.
4. Attachments and wido rouge of application to purpo-
see and materials.
5. Compactness and elegance of mMel and finish.
6. !Simplicity and thoroughness of construction.
7. Speed, ease of operation and management, and Va
Instruction, free to nil. Machines kept in repair nun
sear tree of charge.
u, E. LEWIS ; Agent,
AND 'WILLOW WARE, &c., Ike..
Pat Ocular attention given to Ladles' Dress Goods and
House Furnishing, Goods.
We can sell goods this Winter throughout, at lower fig
ores than they have leached for six years. ,
Our prices are as follows s
Calico and Muslin, front 8 cts. upward.
Yard wide bleached 12% cts.
Yard wide unbMached Muslin, 144 ea •
Heavy yard wide Sheoting, 14 to 1, ets.
Fine 3 aid Blenched Must , 15, is to 20 eta.
Wide Warnsutta Pilots, only 10 cts.
Best Qualities Prints, 11.1.4 to 15 eta.
.10-1 White Wool Militias, $l,OO pr.
Heavy Deublo Wool Shawls, $1,0045,00,
Black Alpace,t, from 35 eta. up.
Wool Plaid Doable Width, 60 eta.
' Heavy Plaid,oo
Other liirods propvrtlon. - -
Washington street, near the Sail
Plena, call and exinnina mid, if yon are not convinced
it is to your Interest to tiny from us, do not do so.
Ifuntingdon, Oct. 21,18611.
18 (38.
• H. R N
OMA. • •
For Oentlonen'e bathing of the beet material, and mode
in the beat workmanlike manner, call at
opposite too Franklin Nome in iterket Square, limiting,
don, _ .
- MORRISON feiTeo,thilli in
tj • forms the citizens of Ilantingdon . and vicinity
that ho continues the meat market business in all its Id ;
tious branches ) and will keep constantly on Ititud
Fresh TRU, Pork, Pudding and Prifisage, 84.
—Peef nod Pork, Canned Frmlt and yegetables, ,
Spices of all kinds,Cotsapsand Sauces, Teas,
Soaps, Choose, Salt Lard, , dc.,
A II of ivblcb be will cautions to sell at renfanable paces
The !Aghast prlaes paid for and tuijgw. Thomas
Colder, at Alexandria. no Horeb & Mg., Fit CVO. Run,
are my agents to purchase nt their places. - •
Thankful for past patronage, I solicit n continuance of
tho some. ' • , • It. U. NICItItISON.
Ilunting,don, Oct. 28, ISGj.• •
TUE-undersigned has commenced the
- manufacture of Hoop Skirts; at the Millinery e,
on 11111 Street, Iluntingilom and nlll con , taitly lidep on
hand MI wisortment 01 011 kiwis, or mato to Mahn any
110-irell—thud giving Ladles an opportunity, of illtne•iii*
tlivq.olvey 10 size. nilli
maltly. All a outdo of 11.0
brist material and In the ties , workmanlike matinee. The
lathes are roquelthd to cull.
,IXerlso, 11EE17IIINQ Ants at aliort n0t1e0.514
N. ft—Ladies residing at a
,diatance can Itavartitirts
sent by express by forwarding tnetwurenteitt of hips ,
waist, length in front, and style required, whether for
walkiag, g, g nertil fige, ,
. _
jt MI DAC will sure the ',swat Oaths. Cuts and
Upon Sores on Horses and Cattlo, from ono to nix dya.
Price he Cents per box.
Sold by All DruggiFts
—Ail Orders promptly attended to by mall.
Office 54 North Sixth Stipet, 3d Floor,
PEE/LADRIf.W.9., 2".13N0:A. ,
03msopt3. •
Desirable Bpiidiot) . Lots For Sale.
roRi 4 Y-THRF; 131111.DItiG LOTS, situate In the borofigh . of BSA itysvium, Perry Co., Poona., fronthag on Main street and extending to the
13usquehanpa river. They aro the most desirable located
Lets in the borough, being :Immediately adjacent to the
statoins of the Fentistiranlis Central and Northern Cen
tral Iteprearbs.
; For Airtherinformatlon inquire of D. OMB at Marys
ellje station, or to BENJAMIN REIFF, 116 South Front
street, ' - not sine
8A 1 . 1 51'
Tho Itigkeet WOO W . lll be ?ship aslnfor Bor,k
' l ol'l • fr, qo.
Hoop Skirts. Hoop Skirts
neat Opriui, While, 075 c,
.jel9 ne , 4,011097,1.
Cheaper than the Cheapest !
IVletx.crtla store End of Ifuntingdon, l'enzea
We are now offering our im
mense and well-assorted stock of
Goods, at thoroughly reduced,
and unprecedented low prices ;
our superior facilities enabling us
to compete successfully with the
cheapest. . .
Our stock ; consists of Groceries,
Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware,
Queensware, Glassware, Willow
and Cedar Ware, Table and Floor
Oil Cloths, Carpets, Rugs and
Door Mats, Crocks, Jugs, Stoves,
Tinware, Iron, Stee, Nails, GrlasS,
Putty, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Flour,
Feed, &c., &c., &c., all in great
variety, at prices that will not
fail .to suit consumers. - We are
also dealing in all kinds of Coal
and Lumber, our facilities in
these commodities-being
to any other firm in Huntingdon:
We claim.them as SPECIALTIES in
our trade, in which mine can
compete.with us. _
We buy all kinds of Grain,
Seeds, Flour and Feed, at the
highest market :rates, and" give
the highest prices in Goods for
Produce ..of . all kinds. Do not
fail to call and examine our stock
and prices; - aS bath are sure to,
please., .;
T HE undersigned would respectfully
harm that,
opened a coz o lt i t i o o n ,, VA uie t heir u LAN NBRY,
Consisting in, port of
• KIP,
Together will a . general nisortmerit of
PU [i •
The trade is Invited to call and examine our neck.
'Store en HMI, street - , two doom west of the Preebyt
riot, church.
' The liigheet price paid fur ILIDE9 nod BARK. • •
Huntingdon, Oct. 28, 1968
uuNuNanom, P
- Jacobt- - -
• Respectfully informs his old friends and , the public
genendly, that lie has Again hicated in the borough of
lluvrionum. and has openedA rery large and entire new
Bloch of Rem& An iFaxton'br Store Room opposite Lenin'
Book Store, consistiog of ,
• r-- 1.
To bu found in the best stores in the;ploco, all of which
Ito n ilt sell at prices to stilt the times, and hopes to ra•
Mee a liberal rhare of patt °rage from a generous public.
Den't rot get to give, men call and f mill try to please
yen with Goods and prices.
Sept. Nose& , • .
Can't Be Beaten !
ffgriN4l.Lwg§TßßpOlC 1;1
Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon raid
vicinity that Ito has Just received front the city a NEW and
splendid stock of
BOOTS _& moils nATs-4-, OATS,
godcry, Shoe Bindings, t.carpet Sacks,
Trunks, (Dc,, &c., tU c., a.
oil of , thigliboi.propar.ed to sell at greatly redaccvl prices
Don't forgot the old stand in the Diamond. Old custo
morn sod the ROM norally aro lovited to cull.
Huntingdon, oct : 2B, 1869.
M"llasJust returned froto the east ulth Ogg"
OF - 1 • ' t '
which ho otters to the Inspection of his c u stomers and
the public generally. Ile will sell Ale stock t 4 the west
and those who. parches(' 911715111 surely cull again. I
and It EIPAIRI:SO dope In the neatest and niost,expoill•
'arms manner,'
Cull upon Ur. Schaeffer at his shop on 11111 street, It
fey, tloors west of the Dirinend, Oct. 28,
ort r e ° rZiit e urdt i :ndrd.°
A Fine Asioifinefit duds of
litintitilplou, Pa
For Ladieg, , gentleman and Children.
All of which hpwjll sell At fillr prices.' .gitckAtc.lanct
alai! profits. Coll awl itionalno my stock.
klanufactnrlngsnd'Repairing doko to (miss as lo mat.
Huntingdon, Oct. 29, IS6B.
Celebrated Iron •Frante Pianos,
Wareroornsi-Mx• 7.12 _ SC; ghila
reCelycd .. the Ps:l - 0 . -Medal of the World's Great F.xlai
tottdon;'Epti." illohigkest Prtiampird i tt when oilabted. [klet'afltiltC:l'lB2i.j
sep4o;oB.3m. '4 ;
• tuy_CLlPllitipl from me In Irootingtloa at
wilotts - Any: as ;hey can ip the
ties, as I have a wholesale store tot hiladel,Tthia.
ll NOUN.
at laaWactafer'd prym firesalo
Jo • ' nl:N 4 itz t t vv.
1:11 . 1 find:at Lowia',FEunily Civoceyy, oyor;v
yticlo !lewdly Opt in prqt ape Grocery otorq,
orvili t tt, wi!a!t..
Huntingdon, Pa
Come% Railroad and Montgomery its:.
WE, would call Rpeoial. attention 'to
ilia daily arrival CllOlOl3 AND BEAUTIKUL
1' ,
GOODS, width am altered at
Tempting Prices,
Con Wing of beautiful Enke of all, aloules, all woo
Poplins, Alpacas, Melanges, Armurs, Chintzes, a most
beautiful lino or tine conbries, Barred Munßus, Icahn-
aooke j GingLams, and Clutrubrays
ALSO, a (Vining or Domestic Goode, inicb no
Fin° Brown Muslin, 40 inches
,whio, Blenched Muslin
from % to 23,4 plods wide, liontuchy JCBIIO, Fargkere
Comintern, ao„ 6to. •
Our dock of SHOES excels anything of tho kind thie,
aide of Philadelphia. . • •
ALSO, a largo and well selected stock H AT3 sulk
able for the season. '
• ::-."
specialty of this artiolo, and have on hood
a Terx 0110 , aaspr!Telit of
which will Ito gold lower than.CAN ba spld by any other
boom outside of Phila 'We have also oa baud a
lunge stock of
Which we are idling very IoW.
rn Order to boconTinced that ours la'the place to buy,
call and examine our koala and prices.
We take pleaaure in showing our goods, even if you do
not wi3li to buy. Bo you will pleaso call and get posted
pct 2,3, 1868ztf.
Respectfully Inform the 'public generally that they
have just received a large and'splendid stock , or goods' of
Their, store in Huntingdon, °insisting in part of„ ,
' " '
• 811T.Acs; . .
• G.l A BS,;
FISII, , s2O, -
And In fact eyerything that Is usually kept In first Class
store, nn which ,were bought. low for cash andtwill.
.sold at correspondingly low prices for caith; or country
product', and request the public , •to Ave us n call before
purchasing eisewher , e, feeling satisfled,Ne cap o ff er supe
rior indpcementS to catilibliyers.'
_ We ,teepectijOly nolitit tko'NtroPago of, cappd , tha
public are cordially hinted to extimina cur goods.
Everything taken in'l4.4l‘ongo for goods blccept'promi
i3es. .
' ' wal.3EAßeit scitßO.
Usllitinrion, nor. d, Is4s.. • • •
DEALER TV x : 11 ;•..
Furfushlng Fagg
Dane Gooos,
Alpaca., Poplins, Plaids, DeLathes, Limns M 9001,,
Prints. fine Canticles, Dellittiq,.fitic ) Littet4 Mae
seines, I' cyunq India Twills, As.
lingo ii-k.olment of • , • ' ' •
liagolFaslil6 . ll6l.Di'esBVrililiiiiiiis,
• „
Sills Fringes, Buttons, Bugles, Veliet tittitiodi; eta.'
Hid of all colors, Silk, ,T,twend, syles,
and latek styles. tinder garments dt all kindtb' fur La.
dim; Gents and 011iklreg. ,• its
Table Linen, Muslim, liopktos.Poylies Sc.' Ekeeting
and Skirting, Brown and Illettched,lrdneB
• " • "-1ri.; , .:111. , P:11.;i:i ;
Nlo'trz B o`,ltirilt. 4 cer
gif-Itopm„opposp.o tho Fllst Maim:pi Alit:, Ilanting:
'7SE - 30.1%1 -1 303MML,
pnanrsjgnef.l pfrerwror -1,119 in :
7 cfi N! d alt
stook :.
t , ! i lr n i for. d ro b l e onnlirittlaill:tt (tl gt"V . 4
146 ' IA the tog •,; • 771 " .10
:TEJA Bv•tonsps.Avr, ,
• To4A . cco &S 1 Alis;ii: r yj
• • • pours AND strotg, , . i ,
TEATS CAPS; &.t.:-=
A 7 . .59,. _ ,
Ans - I 'NO T Ns:Qt.:4:46o k i di t,
A sole.ct stock or Dity (190D3( I . , r4rt;itytritlf Qv IN ENS
WARM, and ell other articleS k , ept ,1 4 4 „Ai roopm)ed
establishment for Salo at riiiisotiaLlotelies.—"• , •-•- - •
llis stote is on UM street,: nearly opposito,ibo
liapk, end in the room fortneall citcuMl,r D, tiros., •
and etainine. - •••••• - YENTER
ilantingiton, oc.t. 28,1468, , •i; - ••l' ~ • •• •