The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 18, 1868, Image 3

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    Ely 61abe.
Wednesday morning, Nov, 18, 1868,
Brief Items
We have been enjoying delightful weather
during the pest week.
Altoona is showing commendable enter
prise in church improvemente.
Being up with the lark, and being out on
a lark, are two Tory different things,
The pike ponds about a mile and a half
below town will be drained in a few days.
Butter is scarce, and rageth at forty. Are
cows on a strike, or the milk-maids on a bend
er a la Grecian?
What' a ridiculous spectacle would a man
present Übe wore the "Grecian Bend!" We
would rather bare the "cholic."
An editor out West boasts of having had a
talk with a woman, end got the last word,
We variously doubt his statement.
We forgot'to mention that Dr. Riegcr, the
jeweller, and his wife, departed for the land
of their nativity—Germany.
A man named John R. Edwards, residing
in Cambria county, was considerably hurt by
i hiehorse falling upon him.
n A passenger train of six cars ran from
Pittsburgh to Altoona the other day in three
hours and forty minutes.
Rey. S. U. Reid, now residing at Milton,
PA., preached at McConnellstown on Satur
day and Sunday last.
Mr. Bryan has sold several building lets
on the back road. The town is spreading in
every direction. •
Walker township has erected a new frame
vehool house on the banks of the Juniata be
low Smithfield.
A little eon of Mr. Jacob Snyder, of Altoo
na, fell into a privy vault at the Logan House
the other night, and smothered to death.
The boy's father resides at the House.
A German woman named Stivor and one
of her children were fatally burned, recently,
by a carbon oil explosion nt Covodo, West
moreland county.
A revival of 'religion has been going on in
Bedford, for some time past in the Methodist
Church, and about 90 persons have professed
During Zr high wind in Altoona recently
the walls of 'the new Methodist church were
blown down, and the chapel adjoining was
crushed. Nobody hurt.
We were happy last week to receive the
names of many of our campaign subscribers
who want' the Gcotie continued. We havc
room for mere.
The dead body of a child was recently
foiind in ti deserted house in Perrysville, Ju
niata county. It had been concealed in the
garret for abouta month. Cruel mother!
A fine buck was shot on the mountain near
the Warm Springs, this county, on Saturday
last, by Mr. John Barrack, ,of .this place.
When dressed it weighed 130 pounds.
\Ve understand that Mr. E.. C. Sommers
has purchased ground on Mr. Bryan's hill,
north of town, on which he intends to erect a
handsome building for summer resort.
The dead body of a man named McDonald
was found near the railroad at Johnstown,
with a terrible gash in his head. It was as
certained that he had been drunk and fell off
the platform of the passenger train.
The walls.of,the new Blair county jail aro
rapidlysoing.up. The Standard styles "it
An ornament to the county town and a credit
Ito The people ((the county." What a pity
AllgtOlornaments" are necessary? '
Nest Huntingdon is spreading itself. New
-houses are continually going up. The de
pend for lute still continues. Another year
,tike the present will greatly increase our
Amputation, _
Summers' Sign' is - a curiosity. It
Mate the - painter's brush—and after you get
'into the, saloon you get.what the sign repre
sents; and good ai that, and "fixins" in vari
ety irr,thabargain. -
. •
The Mt: Union Times, has again gone un
der. OVe - think the experiment has
tenenough that locality to satisfy printers
prttrona-,that it costs something to keep a
paper alivei
.Ntirould ( it-not be as well if the borough
therslwould,rcnoire os good pavements in the
.main street'as `they do
. in .tlie • back streets.
,Some of, the pavements where there is the
most travel ore nuisances—they aro yroree
Alien no'pavoments at all.
.One hundred and sixty-one Indies in Vine
land; Nr.f.,-voted for President on last else
Akin day. They deposited their ballots in a
separate box provided by themselves, and, of
,course; their votes were not counted by the
Mr. Telma Thomas, of Culd Spring Forge,
•was run over by the mail train wcht, recent
koiear Tyrone, station, and had 'both' lege
crushed beloW the knees. We learn that his
Legs havribeen amputated and he is doing
Several Young boys were on the street nn
Sunday night—at least ene of the party was
drunk. Where did they get the liquor?
Some'parents would be astonished if they
knew how their children behave when run
ning, at large through the streets at night.
- 4:llitle•aen of 1T.7.R, - .Griffithe, of Yoder
tpwpsbip, Cambria county, fell down stairs,
pcopple of weelis -, Since, with a butcher knife
!Otis hand,- and the knife penetrated- his
Ftreek and fleshy part, of his head to the depth
F.fTive inches.' He ie recovering.
youtlehusband, a friend of ours, was
treated tfieLother- night, a little after mid.
pelt, with the sweetest serenade he ever had
fn his life. It was the voice of his first born,
a very charming and artless vocalist a few
•It is:the general opinion of strangers that
Ifuntitigdon - is the beet point on the Penney].
'genie: railroad, .between Philadelphia and
PittibuEgh, ?for Manutheturing purposes. We
predict that it Will be a noisy business to*n
'before all the old donothings make room far
- Metre enterprising - men, ," •
.1.1: • • .
Ttiose of our Citizens who witnessed the
-meteoric shower on the night of the 13th say
that the msjority,, who didn't see, it, missed n
gOand eight. One - speotator says it 'filled his
soul with delight to see the meteors playing
bellied, the filmy clouds and shooting majes
tically acros s the heavens, leaving a luminous
trail behind them. Wish we had seen them.
Prof. W. I.l.owarot Day, the colored divine,
delivered, a lecture
•• upon "The March of
Freedom around the World," in the Court
House, on Wednesday, evening last. - The
room was full, and the audience appeared to
Appreciate the speaker's eloquence and treat
inent Of hie subject, and he ,was frequently
The new Sheriff, Capt. Neely, will be sworn
ibis week, and - undertake the responsibil
-ttes of-the office. Ex-Sheriff Bathurst will
cOutinue in the jail until spring and assist
the new Sheriff. Esquire Wright will Also
-take his Beat in the Board of County Commis.
liionerir this week—Mr. Warfel retiring. Mr.
'.l9lallillerytook hie pbsition as one of the
'Directors of the Poor the first of the month—
Mr._Flenner retiring.
Williamsburg Vinditiator says, "Sev
erajcapitalists, engineers and mineralogists,
'rho were looking nut a route for the contem
•Vated railroad, passed•through' this place on
• Friday, 30th ult. 'We are informed that a
lititter Will be a-plied for at the ne4t Logic.
leihre for a road from lluntipgdon, through
Williamsburg , Newry, pod-(•,o intersect the
Pennsylvania Cektral at - Johnstewn.
, . - •
Atteut!on, Ffilsmfrq..,"„
American'ThAmerican'irgiidulthrist is n paper ev
ery farmer should •,:huire, mid I .sFill'receive
subscribers . . at Oars Dol.l„%it, club rates, and
save you Fair. aszi.i. t .'AilLll : es's' me at
Connellstevnr, Pa., er lenVe ynrir minicy and
address at I..swis' "Book ,qtare,' tfuntingdbn;
Tg• r • • br,,urrmi.
• Nov.
Proceedings of the Borough Council.
Stated meeting.
Present: Chief ITurgess, Mr. Glazier.
Assistant Burgesses, Messrs. Miller
and Elliott.
Council, Messrs. Artley, Black, Car
mon, Fisll y cr, Hefright and Port.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved.
On motion of Mr. Miller it was,
Resolved, That K M. King, collector
of the special tax bo and jstiereby au
thorized to receive borough orders
from persons holding same in pay
ment of their taxes upon his duplicate.
The committee on Cemetery walk
made report in writing which was
read and accepted.
The accompanying bill entitled "An
Ordinance relating to aside-walk to
the Cemetery" was read and the rules
being, on motion, suspended was read
a second and third time and passed
The check-roll of the Street Commis
sioner for the month of Octoberamount
ed to $lO9 83 was read and orders
granted for dame.
A hill of David Blair, Esq , for $0.50
for removing muck from Hill street
was read and laid on the table.
A bill for the services of the officers
holding the - election relative to chang
ing the place for holding the elections
for the west ward was road and refer
red to the County Commissioners.
A petition of residents and owners
of property en Allegheny street was
read, in which the petitioners com
plain that the buildings situated on
said street are exposed to great dan
ger of being destroyed by fire by rea
son of the carelessness and misconduct
of the employees on the engines of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, and pray that
such measures may be adopted as will
induce or compel said Company to ex
orciso greater care and prudence in the
running of their engines through the
Whereupon. on motion of Messrs.
Fisher and Miller, the following reso
lution was adopted.:.
Resolved, That the Secretary shall at
once write to the Superintendent of
the Middle Division of the Pennsylva
nia Railroad, state the subject of the
petition, and request that the evil corn
plainlid of shall be abated, and report
the answer of the Superintendent to
the next meeting..
A bill of Messrs. Potter and Johnson,
for $109,58 for stone furnished for 3031
feet of street crossings was presented
and on motion an order was granted
for the same.
. ,
motion it wait,
Resolved, That one hundred dollars
of the money in the hands of K. M.
King, collected of the, special tax, be,
and the same is hereby appropriated
as a payment upon the contract for the
purchase of a lot of ground from Zach
ariah Tenter,
Bills for making sidewalks in tho
west ward opposite lots of Abraham
Grubb, John Stroup, and D Buightal,
wero read, and on motion it was,
Resolved, That copies of said bilk
shall be made and placed in the hands
of the High Constable, who shall im
mediately demand payment thereof,
and in default of payment within fif
teen days frOm this date, the Chief
Burgess shall proceed to enter liens
against said parties aOcordine• 's to law.
A bill of the Iluntingdonqas Com
pany .of_SS.4.o . for gas , consumed in the
street lamps during the month of Octo
ber, wasq.ead and an order granted for
the same. Adjourned.
6, 1868. .
Special mecting,November 12
Present—Chief Burgess, Mr. Glazier,
Asst: Burgess, Messrs Miller and Elliott
Cottitell, - Messrs Artley, Black, Car
illon, Heffright and Port.
The Chairman stated the object of
the meeting was to consider the pro
prioty of llcAdan?izing the north
ern end of Washington street.
Mr. Artley offered the following re
solution :
Resolved, That the committee on
streets be and they are hereby instruc
ted to eontraet with Hon. Goo, Tay
for for the stun sufficient to Melada
mize Wasbingon sheet from the end of
the stone bed of said street near Spruce
Street, to the intersection of Cypress
Street; the stone to be delivered at
the price mentioned in his communi
cation of the 4th day of September
last, payable ono year after the stone
is delivered: • ; • •
Upon the adoption' of . the - resolution
the yeas and nays ; were required and
were as follows:
YEAS—Memrs Artley, Black, Elli
ot, Reffright - and - Glazier, Chairman, 5
NAYS—Messrs - Carmon - ,- -Port and
51i11er,•3: So the resolution was adop
Complaint having been made of tho
deposit of ashes'and other filth upon
the streets, the publication of an ex
tract of Ordindco passed 24th January
1801, relating to such offences, was or
dered. Adjourned.
The "'Monitor! Libel Snit.
This case went before the Grand
Jury last week, and a bill was found
against the editor of the Monitor, Mr.
J. S. Cornq}an. Qn Friday afternoon
before - the case ws.s palled up, Mr.
Gorman signed the following paper,
to be published in the illo,nitqr this
week, when Sheriff Neely. agreed that
the suit should stop. ' ;-
" Iylreferenge tq report of pro.
coediugs in, Court Just week' it will be
soon that a nolle prosequi was entered
in the prosecution brought against us
by Sheriff Neely for publishing tau ar
ticle charging him with having been
intoxicated. This action was taken
at our request. The information given
us, and upon which we made the
charge, turned out upon examination
to be a m'sstalornent of facts. Person ;
ally we do net know Sheriff Neely to
use. intoxicating drink, and-those who
have known
,him lon,swst, and had the
best opportunity of knowing his habits,
assure 'us that he is a mnn of sobriety.
Ascertaining thes . e facts, and being un
willing to aggravate the 'feeling, l.fy
trial which has already been caused
by our misinformation, we deemed
that action, (stopping the proceedings)
and this statement, the better nourse
for all parties, and but justice to the
new Sheriff. T. S. CORNMAN.
Makes the difference between the
gentleman 'and 't:q boor, OP NOT a",
her, driiiige; A pupil in tliOlfdllidars
bifrg SC,rninary has a pleasant home
and excellent instiuct'on.
DIARIES . mit. 1869.—A. largo rasort
mdat Of different tst.Slok3 for Aro ni
Lewis' 13ook S:tovo. *
Court Proem:lingo.
Commonwealth vs Abner Anderson,
Joseph Marchand J. E. Kettermap.
Indictment Forgery. True Bill. De
fendants not guilty, and prosecutor
Solomon Lynn pay costs.
Goo. Maguire, indicted for fornica
tion and bastardy. Deft. plead guilty
and submitted.
Samuel Grove, indicted for fornica
tion and bastardy, and seduction. Not
a true bill as to the second count.
True bill on the first. Nol. Pros. en
tered on settlement by the parties and
payment of costs.
David S. Johnston, indicted for lar
ceny and receiving stolen goods. Not
a true bill on the first count, and true
bill iu the second. Not pros entered.
James" Montgomery and Martin Mc-
Donald, indicted Pr forcible entry.—
Not a true bill, and Joseph Laney the
prosecutor to pay the costs,- except
the $1 to the county.
Joseph N. Hamilton, indicted for
perjury, Not a true bill. Prosecutor
pay the cost.
llobt. McCarron, indicted for larceny
and receivingstolen goods. Not guilty.
John McKelvy, Wm. J. McKelvey,
and John McDonald, indicted for larce
ny- and receiving stolen goods. Nol.
Pros. entered in case of John McDon
ald. Defendants not guilty.
John 11. Lindsey, indicted for as
sault and battery. Plead guilty and
John Houck, indicted for assault
and battery. Plead guilty and sub
John S. Phenuant, indicted for sel
liu liglior to tuitions. Not, a true hill,
and prosecutor pay the costs.
J. S: Corronan, indicted for libel.—
True bill. District Attorney entered a
Eel. Pi os.
Daniel Houtz and Chas. Whittaker,
indicted for affray. True bill. lloutz
not taken. Case deferred.
Chas. Richardson and Voce Burton,
indicted for assault and battery. Not
a true bill, and Cbas. Slaughter prose
cutor pay costs.
, MEssas. Enrrotts:—ln an editorial
in your paper of the 11th inst., in - re=
gard to the increased - vote and popula
tion of the borough of Huntingdon,
you use the following language, to wit:
"When the census was taken in 1860
the population was about 2500." I beg
to correct this mistake. By the offi
cial censuai.of 1860 ithe• population of
the borough of Huntingdon was as fol
lows, to wit: White, male, 840; female,
899; free colored, male, 73; female, 78:
total white 1739, colored 151; total
population '9O. If the number of inhab
itants is Dow, as the vote at the late
election indicates, about 3800, the pop
ulation of our borough has doubled in
the last ten years- '
and within the
same period every loot of goound in
the borough has more than doubled in
value. What other borough in the
State can say as much ?
The total population of _Huntingdon
county by the census of 1860, was
27,810. ,Yours, &q., B.
ililleeroitr, fur 1869. We call the - attention
of our Merchants to this now and valuable
little work of reference to the trade of Phila
delphia, and commend its utility to, every
merchant buying goods, or doing business
with Philadelphia to the extant of a thousand
dollars a year. It will contain a classitiod
list 7of all the merchants, manufacturers and
professional men of Philadelphia, arranged
in systematic alphabetical order, a well exe
cuted Lithographic Map of the city, and
Views of the Public Buildings, with other ob
jects of interest in and around the Quaker
City. In ordering goods, directing corres
pondence, or ascertaining where to obtain
any article of trade, or manufacture, it will be
indispensable to our merchants. Such a
work is much needed, and its popularity, and
the standing of the publishirs, is vouched for
by the Daily Inquirer, Telegraph, and the
leading daily and weekly moss of Philadel
phia. ,Messrs. Watsqn 219 Dock St.,
Philadelphia, are the Publishers, and will
send the work as soon as issued, by mail,
postage prepaid, upon the receipt of One
tar. Send your subscriptions in immediate
ly, It
CO'. MR. EDITOR :—Several Of your corres•
pondents, very old and respectable nu' doubt,
seem: to be wonderfully exercised as to the
origin of our PLANTATJON BITTERS. So long
as these bitters are * all that' we represent
them to be, we do not knew that it makes
any difference from whom they come, or from
whence they originated; but for the in forma
tiati of the public generally, and old CAPT.
\VENTZ in particular, we will say that he
told the truth, and that these Bitters origina
ted in the Westlndia Islands—that many of
the ingredients have been favorably used fir
over a century, but our emnbinati n of Calls
aya is entirely new, and our own. The rum
and other materials are the same, and as
your correspondent says, a b,etter' Bitten and
Tonic, is not made. We recommend them
partidularly for dyspeptics, fever, and egos,
loss of appetite, and in all cases where a tonic
and stimulant is required.
P. 11. DRAKE &
ft. 105 Liberty St., N. Y.
MAGN6LIA ,WATER.—Superior to the hest
imported German Cologne, and sold at half
the price. • tf
Frep Temperance Lecture.
The champion of temperance, Taos
ROBEars, Fyq , of Philadelphia, one of
the Grand Lodge Lecturers of the In
dependent Order of Good Templars of
Pennsylvania, will lecture as follows
in this the First District.of dlunting
don county !
Mt. Upton, Wednesday evening, 2:u;
Shirleysburg, Thursday " 26;
Friday " 2,0;
JliltCreck, Saturday " 21.
Mr. Roberts, is ono of the tler,l; shiest
and most eloquent Icoturers in l i eunp.
and no one, whether friend or foe of
the bause he advocates should fhil to
hear him. The land mourns on ac
count of intemperance add let no ono
feel that, he has no int4rest in helping
.to drive the monster from our midst.
Dist Dep. let Dist. Ilea. Co.
Pltclit FUT') 1114 IGFr.lrinq 111goltiqe.
The above maChiil6, used for taking
out stumps and grubbing, was patent
ed by A. ileKenney, of Maumee city
Ohio, and has' received Many compli
Inentat:y notiecsfrouLthe press, and is
uni've:isally liked by . those who have
expOrictionted with It and have it in
use. A farmer who uses it once, will
,wondefhow'he got aking without it.
It is simple in' its constraction,yeadily
used; and (loci perfect work. The
machine can be seen at the` Oo'grt
Houss,i4 the'Pranklin Housp,atnd at
"OUtiningbain 1% Cannon's store'. Fitem
and, 'Ownshiii 'rights; together with
machines, fcr , Ltp.l9 by William. 11. Pi :
per, UtltiClgdUo, Pa. '2t
'1 3 - A find "assortment of Wench anti
Gentian Aecordeons on !land at Tie vi&
Book Btoro. "
pxplos!oji of ct Locomotive.
.Engine No. 46, used-for hauling
coal trains on the Hollidaysburg
branch, exploded on Monday, at twen
ty minutes past one o'clock, just as
the engineer' started to NM in on the
near Portage Iron Works .and
in the vicinity of Duneansvlle. The
engineer, Robert Patterson, and his
fireman Philip Davis were both killed
instantly.: Mr. Patterson wee thrown
by the violence of the e.Fplosiou a dis
tance of about Eig()Teet, passing over
the new Methodist chureb, across the
pile, and above. t dwelling holm—
alighting in the,; ear end of a lot. The
force of the concussion mangled his
body in a terrible manner—tearing
every bit, of platting from his person
and completely diiemboweling
Ile came down in the vicinity of a
fence and portions of his ,flesh were
thrown between and against the pal
ings. The fireman was knocked over
tho bank and figainst a fence a few
yards from the engine. Tho explosion
stripped the boiler, from the - dome . to
the boiler head, hut only - ,that portion
above the crown sheet. Tho remains
of the deceased were taken 41 Holli
daysburg where an inquest was held
over them. Both men wore rebidents
of Gaysport borough They Ivere mar
ried, and each leave large families.—
Mr. Patterson was about 'forty years
of age and his fireman about fifty-two.
The tracks under the driving wheels
were broken but the engine did not
leave the iron. When the explosion
occurred she was forced . forward a dis
tance of about thirty yards. We have
heard no reason assigned forthe awful
calamity, and as such aeoidents gener
ally result nattily for 'those who may
be on_the engine at.the time, the cause
can only be conjectured. This engine
was recently rebuilt at the works here,
and was said to be one of the 'strong
est of her class.—Alteond Vindicator.
Cabinetmakers that throng the city
have already begun to ply their vocal
lion, and the Cungressitityfi 'directory
has been thumbed and clipped until
there is little left of it to furnish mate
rial for this industrious' class of per
sons. Probably during the' past few
days enough proposals . have "been
made for General Grant's acceptance,
to supply.all the administrations for. a
half-century to come. It is not un
common to hear of one Democrat na
ming a dozen persons for the position
of Seeretary'of the Treasury, that be
fug apparently the office which most
excites their solitOnde. The number
of original Grant men Here is really
astonishing. Tlio departments throng
with those who declare that Grant was
their first and only choice for Presi
dent, and hundreds insist that they
would have resigned had Governor
Seymour !leen elected. The class thus
embraced does not include alone the
overpaid clerks; who, so vigorously
press their twenty per 'cent: claims at
each session of Congrisq; but .geveral
liendsof Bureaus and Departments,
Superintendents, Chiefs and other high
officials. Altogether the political situ
ation hero since the election - is very
intorestinis.— Washington letter.
NEWS.—Frank P. Blair, the defeated
Vice Presidential candidate of the De
mocracy, arrived in Chicago at an
early hour Wednesday morning, and
stopped :it the Tremont house Very
few of his party called upon him, the
terrible rout they had experienced no
doubt deterring them from confronting
their nominee. After - reading• the
morning papers, Frank remarked that
he had been beaten like h—l, and that
mt . 's, the only Way lt,e . bq Belton! tg - o e
of his Republican friends casually men•
tioned "Salt RiVer," to which -Prank
replied,:that.Salt Riter..was not large
enough; ho was "going-to Salt Lake."
Ile left in that direction, via the Union
Pacific. Railroad, at two o'clock, p. m.,
and has not been heard of since. It is
to be hoped he may arrive safe, es
polls° the cause of Brigham Young,
and perMiiis he may. succeed to a po
sition among the Mormons.
um; Hoi.atio StiymOur'made hla first,
speech in Rochester. That city replied
by rolling up its first Republican ma
joFity-for .many years. lie made•his
second speech in Buffalo, and that city
gave its first Republican majority for
ton year - si.' Ho next spoke in - ' Brie,
which added throe hundred to its Oc
tober majority. Ho then addressed
himself to Cloveland, which plumped
up an pxtra thousand upon its October
return; then to Chicago, which bound
ed from one thousand Democratic ma
jority in April to five thousand Repub
lican majority in November. And so
on to Indianapolis, Harrisburg, and
Great Bend, all of which acknowledged
the honor• of Mr. Seymour's call by
adding hundreds of Republican votes
to their Oetobm• mnjorities. So much
for _Horatio's "swing l"
Will Keep Constantly on Hand,
Next door to Lewis' Book Store.
A choice assortment of Groceries,
A choice assortment of Confections,
The best Family flour,
Sugar Cured Hams aria Dried Beef,
Tubs, Buckets, Brooms, Brushes,
Baskets, Toys and Perfumery, and a
variety of goodi too numerous to men
tion MASSEY & CQ.
Now for Bargains
Selling off cheap, tie fall stock of
Wall Paper, Window Shades and Fix
tures, at , JYr.wis' Book Store. • Hand
some styles for parlors, sitting rooms,
bed rooms, halls, offices, kitchens, etc.,
are on hand.
13 , - — A rare opportunity to Rroeure
sett of rallies' b•ura at a very low-price,
is now offered at Fisher & Sons. They
Lave just opened the largest and moat
complete stock eve' , brought to WI
place. • Call and see.
For Rent—
A room on the second story of Leis
tors new building. inquire of B. hM
Greene, at ➢Music &inv. 2t.
.13 German and English Almanacs
for is% at Lewis' PO9IC 19.10r0. tf. •
In Huntingdon, Nov. 511,1808,
croup, UENRY, bon or Vrederick and
'Mary A:
LW. neante n'49 a /Mil or nnus'uarpt °folio an &bean
ty) too lovely to grow upon the . othrt,o eoll of• earth, ex
posed to its chilling blatda. Ood Etas transplanted him
to bloom in Paradhto, where the frosts a: sin can never
come. Ilia sent Is now TaCallt, hls sweet Yokels no more
heard, ho hanpassnd from - earth to heaven, and has be.
canto nn angel .4n-tight. hest, dear one, rest. :tiny th 4
toed ever bloom o'er thy head, and the turf he ever gI eo
o'er thy grave. Though they Intro hid then awe) , her
neuth the sod, thy stud has returned to Clod who gevo it'
and he I:4 get thee . Olen hi canes to tn.tho uhf
tits Ir•ty • • 0. It. 8. I
- PHILADELPHIA, Nov 17, 1668.
The Flour market continues quiet, end only a few hon.
died barrels were taken in lots by tho home consumers. -
Superfine Floor at $B, (4 7,23: extra at $7.00; () 8 fancy
Weatern extra family V3,00(04,15 Pennsylvania do do
s9,so'aud fancy brands sl2.,oo(ol3,so'according to quality
Bye flour 83,2500,1,50.
There is very little Prime Wheat °freeing. and this de
scription is in steady request at foil pilues; but -iitfrtior
grades ale neglected. Sales of 3000 bupliels now red at
$2,0002,10, and 1000 busheli anilier at SO 20. :"Itya Is un
changed. Sales'or 400 bushels now Western ht
Corn lassure and advancing, yellow at 51,17 Western,
mixed 0f81,213001,27."0ce4 aro in good'requgt nt nu nd •
ounce. bales of opoo hushels new Pennsylvania at 08070
cents. Nothing duitir iu Ilarldy and Malt s2,od.
Pprrestmon -Nev.ll`, nikrlpt is decreased.
We quote sales ot spring cheat Flour at $8,60,©8,75,
ninter Flour - at $5,30©9.75 Ltncy at $12©13,08.
Wheat, red, 81,80001,05 :tad fur white, 02,05,002,12
Corn frum[first hends at $l,OO. Rye, PM per bushel. Oats
132@fiac: Barley 2,1%42,15. Potatoes, Teach Blow 6,75 bbl
Icons 214,1,e, Lard Fie. ISLate(Bo@3sc lb; Eggs 32 doz.
Nru Your, Nov. 17.—Gold closed al $1;35%.
Exti N'tour,
$B.OO Fouthers , o lb
. ....,
Fondly Floor 10,00 flops "El 1b ...., . : ......... .A 0
/10d ll:bOa,' . ' 1,00111400 smoked ' , 3
White 'Whout,....— ........ 2,00 1143 2 0 too 10,00
Apple MI tor V gi11i01i."..1,25 Lard' ,
, 05
Pull' per cord 5,00 Largo Ouiuns % bon 100
Burley 1 't Mixed Chop '' 10
Butter, - ' • ' ilbOats " 60
Bran 7al cat I;4slPottirdes ..... Sa®%,oo
Bms roo "t; do 3,0 C A. ,
4, plaste - r pur ton.. 10,00
Beennax lb 30 ftugn olb 4
.50, Rye
... 25' Rye Chop? cwt
Beans sl bus
...8 Ityo Straw "ti bumllv. , .10
90 ehOrts - A Cut 1,50
Country Soap
Cora ....... ....
Coin. 3leal ..... t'2.4u; Shoulder.....
Dried 'Apples Abu 2,25 Sides
Di led Cherries ? goat ......
Dried Peaches TO tD ' 15 Timothy , •
Dried Beef 24 Turkey. lb
Bea 11 lb 91Wool
Broad Top Coal ton ...$3,00 Pork tb...
Green Apples 761 bus sl,ooillard Ccul "+A t0u.... ...... $7,00
Clororsoed 7EI (Gibe so.oolPig Metal , p ton $15(4)50
Shellbot kii 41 bun $2,00 Lumber , 0 1000 ft.... 5120030
..... 15ag20. eta. 'pi lb Shingles, Lopsal 10.510013
Sega: 20 Joint, ‘•
. _
Betijamln in a card published In tlio tag.
caster (Pa.) Liprels, notiumg an Imititalbn Of blishler's
list Bittets, made hy his sou Henry Mishler, says:
"I, Una alert!, publicly 'declare that• henry L. Mein.,
dues not kilow anything of t h e method of mann factuiing
.11 isliler's• Kerb Iht'ert; that. Um prepariltion made by hu t t
is a base counteiy^eit imitation, end that when' Henry. L.
:insider, or 1113 agents, represent their mixture to ho
Mishler's limb Bitters limy ata 111CObTORS,and I trust
that Dr. S. B. Hartman h Co., (my successors.) will prose,
cute them, assuring ill, couniihnity that no atriat shell
ho sp trod on my p tit to briny the tiffenderstojuilii:e." Ob
aerve that [lto Bottle offered fir sale hairs Sioechter Grad
uated Scale of Domes, blown in 1110 Dingo, and has on In •
kraal Revenue &amp withal:graved Mena: of Benjamin
Melilla over the Cork. None other is genuine. nut-1m
OTIIEWS.—The Grafton Minentl Porn; C. inpliny
ate now manufactut fug thy Best, Cheapest nod MUM Du
rable Paint In use; two COll3 Noll put on. mixed with
pure Linseed Oil, mill last ten or litteen 3 ems; it is of a
light Mown or beautiful, and can be
changed to green, lead, stone, drub, olive or c, emu, to
suit the tante of the consumer. It is valuable for ItOO
res. Fences, Bat as. ;WI Inge and Car makers, Pails and
Wooden•woto, Aerieultni al Implements, Cool Boats,
Yessels awl Ship.' Bottoms, Canvas, otal end Shingle.
Roof's. (it being Fite and Water proof.) Floor Oil Cloths,
(one Manufacturer li.tring toed 6.040 blots. 11w past year)
(WO en n paint foe any purpose is unsurpassed for holy,
durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. nice $1; per
bbl. of .100 lha , which will supply a fainter for Jest:, to
come. Warranted In nil COSOY aY iti•ov e, rend tor Il ci,-
color whieh gates lull parricatlaas. None e ^•nnino unless
Mande,' in to trade mark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Per
sons can order• the Paint and remit the mousy on re
ceipt of the goods. Addt ens
It. L. FAUN C6rocK .1, CO., Pitt•bargly
Agents for Pt nnsylvan.n,
^ For sale by the pound or bard at Lewis' Book
Store. novin.tnu
TARRH treated with the 1“1110.St SIM:089, by J.
lo A ACS, at. D.. and Yroluw,.r nt PiSVIAM .Eye. and
Ear in the Medical College of Pen imyluania.l2 years exper
ience, (formerly of Lestbu, /305, ARCH St.,
Phil %dolphin. T.2.thnoniala can ha been at this office
Thu Illetilelli fneolty, Are invited to acconitaloy their pa•
limas, its ho Wit no secrettl,ln Ma mitotic°. A raficial
1.4 co inserted a itilollt pale. Nu charge for UX3IIII/.141011.
June 1), bat
Desirable Building Lots-For - Sale.
X` situate in the borough of I'd ARYSVII.I.P, Perry Co,
Penne., fronting on Mom atroet end extending to till.
gu.nneltonna river. They nro the'ineat dealrablo located
Lots In the borough, being Ninnoollately adjacent to the
stab:dna of the Penney iverila Central and Northern Cen
tral Railroads.
For further information itoinire of D. OF.III at Marls
'alto station, or to DgNJA3IIN REIFF, 116 South Front
street, l'hlladolphia. • n 01.31.•
PUBLIC SALE of Real Estate,
he. offered at 'Public Sale on
tho promhee,
Oa y, 19th of :Yovembei, 1868,
At lo o'clock, a. m., all th ,t Valuable Fat m ~ituatUd in
WA I.Klilt too uship. Huntingdon county. Montt I mils
9outh alt of, yloUonuolishttrn, mij 111..11mnd Top
Itailrol Station. containing, 13) ACItliS moos or leas,
about 7,'• acres of %hid, are under cultivation, and tit,
bad nut, cot ere,' with good timber. plincipally
tuck oak. haring theicon a good WO HOUSE,
and bank liarn, s fins Oechatti of citoico fruit, a
good of water and stream of running wale,
mar the house. Immediate posso4hunt wren. imps
tootle knoun so Om day of Eale.
03 , 7,01t0K SCHAFER,
Adair. ol'Jucoh Schafer, dee'd.
Valuable Town'Properly Fur Sale.
. i t
ILLhosO i t ltltitA!.ti f e bli o,li S . alo on the
Ox iVednesday, 'Noveniber 25th, 1868,
At 10 o'clock, as m., a I.}T In the center of said silage,
known as the Diamond or Rend Moperty,lno tug
thereon a steno DIVELLINO MASI% 20 by 40
feet. two storage-high. .",111. a two-story Wick 1 ,
&aro Robin - tin basement, 16 by tikfeot)
ft ant& Watchvinse, , stable and other -oiten'illilings.
property is bounilitd by public etrtrts on all sides, mak
log it the most-concentent - bosiness' location to the vil
Also- a LOT of ground ly log on tbo most side to tho
back street adjuinotg:lllas of Lemuel (teem 10 R Kitson
and Minns, containing 00U and a half keen, mete or less
Conditions of sale will be indurate and inn& known
on said day. _•-
poi -3E Agent" fur Thos Read, deed.
„ -
And•'all kinds of BoildingrWlaterial,
Me1,23-tf -
POIIDI It wilt cure• the scent ,Cuts and
Open Soles on horses and Cattle, front one to"als,da) a.
. .
• Price 50 Cents jeer box. • "
Sold by all Droggktd.. ,
Atl ordCrs promptly. attended to by mail.
Office 54 North Sixth Street, 3d Floor,
000. A. bTEEL 11.11.f0S S. IX .1.0. I'S:SUSI. A. Srk.F.S..
STEEL lowing located un choir [loot of loud with
in two toilei of tho borough of it,.itiog 1..., a•
are prepared to manufacture all , kinds of
le mill will be run to Its n twat capacity mid mill be
potation during the eat ii o summer nod part of ttili
mint ihouths. They,will be enabled to furabdi Lune
tei large quauttace, aud•of till tlielousions, at the IoW
respectfully solicitud. Lumber delisei ad at tbo
mt. Railroad, or canal.
Nitirgion.. April 22,
in ul
Pi. it
. .
_ .
. -
, Represent Ille. most rellablo Comp/171108 In
' T i o n Fu n t . i i tl u tl.
I, l , t d st e t:ll l 7 3. low ni ii se ? , o!!slto I,
, •
o —_—,—
'llyisnAuttc cvsn*l: WOIt KS.
flaring resbuilt my Fite Brick and Coolest Workii, In
tho most modern style, and of rapacity to inanuflaiture
largely, I ale now prepared to fill all orders On 'lnlet nisi
tice, with articles of tho best quality. My old customers,
• Pitai Represented over 14,00D,000. and all others will ho attended to pt omptly A
Joh usto'wit, ra , Sept., SO, 166 . 3.' 2101 :'..11.M.V5
Fall Styles for 18$8,.
Just received ut
1%/1e1V411 9 .e,
(Succosor to W. P. ItIIDOLPII)
11%iidP112101? D'LITJEEILICIE
In this department, which will at all thnes receive my
strict attention, I have a well assorted Utopia). of
Dress Trinnlngi, Cloak and Elacqpo Tfink.
mingo. Drees lint tone, (Roves, Valls„goldlyr
Rolt, Rubins, Mode, Sontag., Hand
kerchiefs, Fall Irate, Belts and Belting,
Velvet Ribbons. Corsets, Hosiery, and lateot
eta le Enclitics from $5 to $3O.
lints and Caps, all styles, from 60 cer.ts to
$lO, Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Neck Tics, Cul,
lore, tiosiery, and every article kept to n
first class Furnishing Store.
By promptly meeting:tho wants of all, I hopo to moot
with such patronage from the public as will •onablo me
to keep continually on hand a largo and well selected
stock of first class goods, Whilst keeping up to the
fashion in crerriaticlo, I•witt' also'soli cheaper than the
0. B. McNEIL,
•• • Opposlto Folster7o Now Buildlog.
IlunHngdon, Oot. 14, 1868. ' • a • • •
TEE undersigned would respectfully
announce that, in connection with their TANNERY,
they have just opened a splendid assortment of
Consisting in part of
. SOLE, • „
Together with a general assortment of
NEDllring 4
The trade to invited to colt and examino our stock,
Store 011 MU : street, tno doors weat of tho,Prosbyte
rian church.
The highest price paid for HIDES and BARN.
C. 11. MILLER & SON.
Nuntla g don, 0ct.28, 28G3 . , • .
Hardware Store.
;OR. 4 plpo, L. SWOOPS. .
Hardware, Cutlery, Oils, Paints
- and GlaSs.
- .
would respectfully call attention of Fisrmera. Bultd
ars, Saddlers, Coach Makers, Blacksmiths and Mechanics
geuerally to inspection of my well selected stock. It com
prises a full supply of goods in my line.
'lasing bad n number of years totpurienco In the busi
ness, both in the city and country, I am enabled to bay
As low, and sell accordingly ue any other house in the
;vicinity. . • ,
1 respectfully solicit a call, anal trill endeavor g to please
on regards price and quality. • -•
"4:(al - TE 1 iMB NEXT CASII.M. • •
soplß2m „ • Tyrone, Blair co., Pa,
p,ACK: AGAIN ! • •
Benjamin . Jacobs"'
_ -
Respectfully informs his old friends and tho public
genetullYt that be has again located in the borough of
Ilususrsoo. and has opened a Tory largo and entire new
stock of Goods 1n Saston's Store Room opposite Louis'
Rook Store, consisting of
To be found In the besthtorea In tho7place, all of which
Ito u ill soil at prices to stilt the times, and hopes to le
colon a liberal share of patronage from a generous public.
Beal forgot to giro me a call and I still try to planes
you trill, Ouods and prices.
Sept. 20, 1808•
Can't Be Beaten I.
-Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon AO
vicinity that ho hasjust received' frgm the City n Haw and
splendid stock of _!.!_ , • ,
Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks,
Trunks, (E.c., cEc., tic., &c.
oil of which he is proparod to self at greatly reduced prices
both iiirgot the oldatand in.d;o :Diamond. Old Cuato
mere and the public generally are invited to call.
Huntingcloni 0ct.28, 150. • - •
Iles Just returned from the east with a
Which ho offers to tho inspection of his customers and
the public generally. Ito M ill sell his stock at the most
and those 'who purchase once will surely call again.
an , l DEPAIRINO done in the neatest and most expedi
tion% manner..
Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his , shop on Dill street, a
font doors west of the Diamond. Oct. 28, HO.
llnforms rho public, that ho has just
, ened at hiil old stt4l' hi • the Diamond,
Huntingdon, .. '
A Fine Assortment of all kinds of
For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.
All of which ho will sell at fair prices. Quick safer and
tinatl profile. Call and examino my stock.
Alaninacturing and Repairing done to order ns ihual.
Huntingdon, Oar: dl, lb(iS. •• , ' .
r n
t.1 4 147:111 AND, 3I dNITAGTVREP " TU
4rafed_ Iron Frame Pkinos,
Wareroorps, No. 722 Atoll,lila.
Has received the Nize Medal of ilea World's Great Ex1)1-
Litton, London, Eng. TIL9 liigliest PrizOs awnrdcd a lien
and w h eruver oxldbtA. t Established 1823.1
Sept 30,'u&3ni.
Cunningham& Car:mcpu'r3„
Corner of Railroad and Montgomery
WE would call special•attontion to.
the daily arrival of 0110 ICE AND DEATFTWITet
GOODS, whleli ore offered at
Tenipting Prices,
Consisting of Beautiful Silks of all shades, all woo
Poplins, Alpacas, Melanges, Armors, Chintzes, 4 mod
beautiful Hue of fine Cambrica, Barred Modica, siq•
nolo, Ginghame, and Chambray'.
4 . 1..p0, 0111410 of . popleqic 0004 each as
Fine Brown Munn, 40 Inchoo whip, illoachea Dins
• t
from to 2% yards wide, Kentucky Team ) Formal
Our stook of SH OES mole anythlog of the kind this
side of Philadelphia.
ALSO, a largo and well selected otock ISAM,B
able for the season
We make a speoillty of this artici% pad halo on hand
a Tory floe aziortmoat of
willob will bo sold lower Mail CAN bo sold by any other
bones sutelde of Yldladolpbin. Nyo havaalso on band a
large stool. of
which we are Belling very low,
. In order to Le convinced that ours le the place,. to ?qyf
call owl oxsuutrlq our goodaand prieTon.
Wo tair,o ulpasvo 1p allowing our goods, coon if you 84
not wish to buy. go you will ;Ouse. pall and got potiied.
Oct. 28, 1868-tr.
Respectfully inform the public generally that they
have just received a largo and eplondid stook of goods at
their stoic id Huntingdon, cdnelsting in part of- .• • t
A Also. C
And to foot everything that is untally,kept in a firstclass
store, oil which 'were bought low for cash and will -
eel& at torrespondingly' low prices for cash, or country
produce. and request tho public to 'give, us a,call before
pureliasing elsewhere, thelluedatisfied e can offer ripe
riot. induceipents to cash buyore: , • , •• ,
and the We respectfuhrsolleit the patronage of all, and
public are cordially inilt'ed to examine cur goods.' •
.I;verythipg 44.1 eichauge for•-gootls except proud
11untAnpelon, nov. 4, 1868.
WU. itAneti 4 VIR.
F4l,lli§Wo.k , :FqPrt;
bAESB' . .'.'tGODt4
Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, De'Gaines, Lawns, Gingbarns,
Prints, fine Carobrice, Mueller, Din:4ms, fine ,Lfpoo, Mere
sullies, P aquas. India Twills, 46. ,
A large at(ortinent of ~• •
Fashiollable Dm l'ililimillot
Silk Mogul, Buttons, Buglos, Vplva Ribbons, etc,.
FurlitAing GoOds Stockings' Homo Caton, Wool,'&o
Kid of nil ooThre, Silk, Titn-,nd, Cotton, Ste., of all shoo,
and laleg stYles, Under giirmelts , of all kinds, for La
dies. Cents and Children. " '• "
8:1,1.40 Moon; Morin:kr; Napkins• Doyilos, &c. ' Eheeting
Shirting, &don nod Bloacini, from 8 cents up.
giraaW O.PDEM9,
A large at ook oftho lateer-'siyles.. A largo 'atonic 'of
Notions, Filphyrs, Tarns, sire ; ,, AIL cheap Ft.- thitlif the
Are -Room; opposito.tho.First National panic, Muth*
don, Pa. , .
• "EuEtrixxEdst., -
- .11ILT".ST.;-tf-ti4TI3GDON, PA.
T ip popkorgigned offers for
,the in-
CI oiled ataigPAitgerZiulrra % f e a r Lore
l a i l e arto ol tn u dr
fled chey ma be ateciniodate7with Lytiling in hie lino ' .
Ilia yokes nre loci, nod his stuck fresh end rod. lie
knevi the best of
: • • ,
Ar,so— ,! • •: • •
Arid NOT' O'N S iriory kind
A select stock orDRYbOODS, together with QURt:Ns:
WA 141 aed all other ardoles kept iu 'a well reguleted
estdbitiliMent for aalo at tsesonable prices.
biY llis btorb is on Ulll street, nearly opposite the
Bank, and in the room foi nearly occupied by D. Oruro. '
Call and examine. • . G. YENTEII.
Huntingdon, of t,t2S, Ms ' ,•