The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 18, 1868, Image 2

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    cOc 61obc.
Wednesday morning, Nov. 18, 1808.
IT3I- LEWIS, Emoits
The " dlobe has the largest number of
readers of tray other paper published in the
county: Advertisers should remember this.
iiiii*Rx-bovernor Tod of Ohio, died
eturdonly at Youngstown in that State
on the 13th, aged 64 years.
Itm. Gen. Grant declined a public
reception and demonstration in Wash
ington. ITo wants to be let alone.—
Ire gives the noisy politicians the cold
oi4' The Adjutant General of the
Army has made his annual report to
the Secretary of War. The actual
strength of the regiments in service on
the 30th of September was 43,741 men.
It is stated that 4,500 men will be dis
eharied before NOW Year's, by reason
of the expiration of their term of ser
vice' •+. • -
UM. The influence of the results of
the elections is- having a good effect
in the Southern States. Those dispos
et' to fight it out on the rebel line, see,
by the triumphant election of Grant
that ho will have peace, and will fight
it out on his old lino if necessary:—
Theyhavolalton the hint and are be
having themsolies better.
tar It .is 'gratifying
. to the local
friends of lion. John Scott to know
that very many of the leading and
best men in every part of the State aro
nsitig his name favorably in connec
tion. with the important position of
United States Senator. The election
of fir. Scott would give the Union
Republican party of Pennsylvania a
proud the Senate of the
United States. •
Gen, Grant • pays no attention
to letters received from those seeking
office. Hellas been overwhelmed with
private and confidential epistles from
thousands who would not object to
tiiitlr'o' themselves gonerally useful in
some fat governmental position. Tho
•letters are either burned before they
are.opened, or entrusted to the care of
an-=Adjutant who mercilessly packs
theyn'into Waste basket.
lish in another column a lengthy but
interesting account of the discov.ory of
A diainondisland in the Pacific Ocean,
said to bo tho work" of recent earth
%take. We do not place implicit con
fidence' in the story as published, but
give itto our readers for what it is
worth,- and to show how persona may
be, i deceived—if deception
,it proves to
be, :'l.f.Mciy . and it may not be anoth•
er: illustration of the old .adago "that,
.ail - is not gold that glitters."
: „
ditEss.-4-Tuesday last. was the day fixed
for the of Congress should it
be thought! necessary on account of
President Johnson's peccadillos—but
it was not so thought, there was there
fro" a , very slim attendance. Only
11,4 f Senators • were present and six
- ..qpresontatiyes. , After a short prayer
in naellilouse, both bodies were de:
alared :adjourned without day by
Speaker -Colfax and Vico President
Wade. The - session lasted only flit)
minutes. This completes the adjourn
ed session of the fortieth Congress. 7 -7
Tho second regular - Session will corn-
Mence oh the first Monday of. Deem
t)ei to 'continue', until the' 4th of
March. . •
--, ter:Political feeling was pretty high
in town last week until the suit be
tween the Monitor and Sheriff Neely
was settled. Capt. Neely asked, for
lustice;,nothing more. Ho knew' the
Monitor's charges were false and did
not fear a , legal, investigation.' The
editor of the .Monitor, when he became
Convinced of the falsity of the charges
ha published against.tho Captain, her
°ratify reirkted 'and agreed to do so
publicly. Capt. Neely is now more
favorably known tooth() people of the
County than he could have boon had
the ,libelous charges not been made
;against him—and Mr. Comma has
Jean:Led how unsafe it is to believe
what ho don't know or see himself.
. 1 1Oftima No. I."—Goneral Grant,
though' not , legally 'constituted Presi-
Aleut yet, lias commenced work upon
ibefoundation. It is'said that ho re
fuses to even read totters (54,, applica
tion for office, and directs them to be
,destroyed. What do ye earnest, active,
eV(eatingpoliticians think of this order?
If you 44 known that such was to be '
tho fato,of, the missives you expected to
Aka to; Grant when be was elected
would - you haVer toiled so diligently ?
But no matter what you thought then,
you have,now to, contemiilate the fol
ly of "pushing things" on your strength
-Pas a, politician" merely. Wo are
glad General Grant has commenced in
Atici b'eginning to disregard all commu
nications of the ofpee-seekers, and *e
have no doubt he will persevere. What
- : sense is there in trammelling him with
'communications ? -How'
koovid the character of
'avert Mart t4ifits applies for position ? '
We havo-polittetans• in our midst
Alin' ~9ill r "perGapo,"eh{eo they have
learned - that- Grant 'deals thus Morci•
Jessly with communications, seek some
. othex - chauder.Of - .o.litaining ;position,
Whatever the:) , do,' Wc bay don't !teth
er Grant, as you may be sure ho IVoht
pre find the following article in
the editorial colums of the Johnstown
Tribune of Friday last. Ceasing from
the home of Hon.'D. J. Ilorrell, our
popular and influential Congressman,
it is fair to suppose that it speaks his
honest sentimonts, which must give it
great force throughout the State:]
From the Johnstown Tribune.
"Pennsylvania has done nobly. Her
estimated majority of fifteen thousand
swells under the official count to thirty
thousand. The young, vigorous, and
progressive Northwest, with its almost
homogeneous population and immense
Republican majorities,cannot run away
from us. New York, once called the
Empire Stato,has thrown her vote away
and the South is no longer an imperial
power—net oven a balance of power in
the nation,
but Pennsylvania holds her
place, and her voice determines the fate
of policies and parties.
Thirty thousand majority ! What
shall wo do with it? Well, we ought
to keep it and we can. it is a groat
power, which will be ours for years to
come if we use it wisely, and we shall
not lose it unless by some false stop—
some retrograde movement, wo cease
to be the party of the people.
The election of Grant has opened • a
new fountain of office and honor in the
nation, and its pure streams will purge
away foul corruption in high places. No
individual or ring or clique brought him
forward, or nominated him, or elected
him, and he can make unbiased choice
of all officers within his appointing
power. He has been always noted
for his knowledge of men, and has nev
er failed to put the right man in the
right place. The country looks for
ward to an efficient arid honest ad
ministration, of national affairs. Pub
lic "credit has . again improved, the
funds have again become stronger,
and gold is cheapened once more by
another and the greatest of Grant's
What shall we do with the victory
in Pennsylvania? The majority upon
the State ticket in the October o!est'on
did not quite reach ten thousand:
lowing five thousand' for the Demo.
exotic fraudulent vote in Philadelphia
and elsewhere, there is still au im
mense' increase of fifteen thousand
votes`for Grant tobe accounted
It was partly by Republicans, but
largely by men whose patriotism rose
superior to party ties, and who should
be hereafter relied upon to , vote the
Republican ticket. To assure' this—
to make Pennsylvania as certainly
and as strongly Republican as Massa
chusetts- or lowa, wo want several
things, but wo especially want—may
we say , it without offense?—leader
ship. We have had in State politics
plenty of managing, wire-pulling and
faction-fighting; but we have not had'
—we must bo pardoned for saying it
By giving Simon Cameron, whcso
report as'Seerctary of War upon the'
, employme:nt of colored troops consti
tutes'a landmark in our national his
tory, a colleague of distinguished char==
actor and ability, Pennsylvania will
elevate.her State politics,,and for the
first time secure complete leadorebip
in the Senate of the United-- States.—
We say for the first time;,fOr'it is ne
disparagement to the . vorthy, 'men
Made Senators by UM Whig;" benne'
erotic and Republiizan parties, in days
past, to say that, though some of them,
as Buchanan for instance, were -sue-
Cessful politicians, they were arit 'in a
national sense great statesmen. ' Thus
Perinsylvaniri has been •Prrily dwarf•
ed in the national Councils; her ablest
men have represented merely a Con
gressional district,' and State polities
have been in the hands of rival cliques,
directed by men who could manage
but could not not lead. We do not
disparage them. Wo do rot deny
that they were good men of-business,
worthy fathers of families, and useful
men in their day and generation, but
their most fervent admirers would not
claim for them the ability of Clay,
Webster or Calhoun, nor would they
desire - to measure themselves with
Senators from other' States who are
known to England. and Prance as
Bright and Thiers are known in this
Republicans of Pennsylvania! You
have had servants who have not eery
ed. vou ; you have had, you now have,
faithful servants, and we honor them,
but on behalf of Grant's thirty thous
and "majority 'we ask for, a 'leader in
the Senate of the United States., He
should bo a great
.lawyer, because it
remains for the National Legislature
tb.shape the verdict just rendered by
the people, determining the status -of
the seceded States and the industrial
and financial policy of the nation. He
,possess varied scholarship,
high order of eloquence, and should
be of pure personal character. Large
requirements these; but the bar of the
State, the bench', and thousands of its
citizens will agree with us' in saying
that they are more than filled by JOHN
SCOTT of Huntingdon. He is a man
of, the Schuyler Colfax type--honest
beyond cavil, earnest in everything,
ideal by instinct, with a, mind capa
cious of principles, pure in his as
sociations, and a devoted lover of his
country. He is a very Scot of,'Scotts,
as everybody knoWri who knows him,
and the tunica laticlatola rian all upon
no one who will wear it more becom
Brother Republicans! We say noth
ing against the worthy and able men
,who are . nominated by the' Press of
the State, but you know that several
citizens:are•persistently, pushing them
solves for this place. It is said that
one has the thing all set up, and is
sure of it. Our enemies say it is a
matter of bargain and sale, and that
another candidate has the money de
posited to secure it. John Scott' has
pot sought the office and will, not use
any low arts to obtain it. ',We had
hoped to bo first to nomitatO,Thirn 'in
the name dile people, but the Wee
, for of the 'bar has already' done. kb,
and we second:the motion. If it could
to the people to decide, it would
be carried by at least Grant's majori
[We are.proud that as much can be
truthfully said of-our townsman lion.
John ec;t.t. , If the selecting of, a U.
S. Senator could be left with the peo
ple who,know Mr. Scott best, he would
be the unanimoeselmice.] . : '
A "strike" is in progrese among the coa
miners on tho Philipsburg branch.
r.e 4 Vice President Colfax recently
said in a speech at Pittsburgh :
"•I do not think Wade Hampton will
make any more platforms for• the Dem
eeratic party. Ido not think Yallan
digham will,nominate any more Pres•
Monts. Ido not think Preston and
Forrest will nominato any more Vico
We rather think to the contrary. Is
it to be supposed that the Democracy
will throw overboard such mon as
Hampton, Vallandigham, Preston and
Forrest? Judging from their asser
tions since the election, the Democracy
do not blame these men fdr, their de:
feat, but rather Seymour and Blair.
They deem it better to blame their un
successful candidates than the men who
by their very prominence helped to
defeat them. Hampton, Preston and
Forrest have an influence upon the
Democracy of the South, and if the
Democracy of the North should ropu.
diate them, or fail to recognize. them
Or their friends in any future conven
tion, they would enlist the demoerbey
of the South against the ticket, and put
up their own men. The fact is, the
Democracy. of the North is under the
thumb of the Democracy of the South,
and they must submit to their dieta-
Lion in the future' as they : did at'tho
convention in New: York: Of courso
so long asthey do—and no ono can tell
how long—just so long will they be re
pudiated by the people of the North,
and it Will not need so "popular" a can
didate as Gen. Grant to put against
their man in order -to defeat them.
: loyal people . . of the North ; and
South • have rendered their verdict
against Southern aristocracy and se
cessionism, and they will stand by that
verdict so long as they see that the
democracy is headed by the spirits of
discord 'and the ghosts of secession.
Air Elsewhere we give' by counties
the vote 'in, Perinsylvanit't the Presi
dential' oleetion. The, whole number
of votes polled for
Republican majority ' 28,898
A comparison of results at the two
olectiona,'shows : f
Total in November
" " October
The aggregate Republican vote,
In November was 342,280
In October• 331,11.6
Increase •
The aggregate Dem. vote,
Ih October, was
In November
Th'ese figures indicate that the vote .
was about full at each 'be the elections;
the excess in November being only
2,507 over the October .poll. Upon
this presumption it would appear that
Rig to ,cigh't, thousand men who 'Vnted
with . the Democrats, in October, voted .
with the Republicans in Noyenrtber..-
pir Prize fights - arii becoming
e.urnerous as murders.. If no efforts
are made to punish -those engagingin
rind encouraging suet' 'brutal exhibi
tions, every town and village will soon
have their " prize rings."
Grant's Majority' 28,898
. 1858
G 0633
' The now bri
Columbia, Pa,
dge as;oss the Susqueh
, is nearly completed.
The Late Earthquake Throw& lip Islands
of Pure Qems from the Bed of the, Pa
To tbo editor of tho Saint Louis Timor
One of the most extraordinary stor
ice over read or written has since a
late hour last night been gaining
ground in certain quiet quarters of the
city. It is so marvelous that one could
scarcely believe it to be anything but
: of a
_madman's brain, if it
were not confirmed by scientific facts,
and by- a vast - number of the theories
of modern philosophy. It is difficult
to determine what amount of credibil
ity we should attach to' it, and it is
best tolet eVery'rnan who reads the
following paragraphs judge for himself.
It will be. remembered that the late
catastrophe hi South Aniorica (recurred
sitnultaneously with an extraordinary
eclipse of-the sun, which astronomers
affirm, has niieriecitrred before for two
thousand years and will not occur
again for two thousand years to come.
No event of equal magnitude to the
late earthquake in South America has
occurred since the days of Herculane
um and Pompeii; but the convulsion
which overwhelmed those two—cities
was nearly local (so far as is known),
and of scarcely any extent compared
to the lato catastrophe, which shook
the entire continent - of America, from
the river Sacramenio to Cape Horn,
and Which must; have been 'telt with' a
thousand times more terrific force out
in the wide Pacific. It must be borne
in mind that geologists affirm that the
crust of the earth in that quarter of
- globe is,much thinner than at oth
ers; and some of them oven go so far
as to say thlti the bed of the Pacific is
formed of a submerged continent. At
all events, the great majority of the
islands of the Pacific archipelago are
of volcanic formation, and navigators
have been known to discover islands
in these latitudes which they know'
from their provioui experience not to
have existed'sOnle years before. - It is
now, an established fact, that the entire
center of the earth is filled with, a boil
ing ocean of liquid fire, which horrible
nod enormous dresses is liable to the
same changes of ebb and flow as 'the
mighty mass of waters on the outside
crust of our globe. This horrible re
servoir has been described by Sir
Charles Lyele .and other profound
thinkers as the great furnace of na
ture, wherein are smelted all the met
als,—gold; silver, lead, iron, pie tin a,
Au.,—and which are afterward pushed
up to the sut:fae by the' volcanic ac
tion of the seething.ocean beneath. It
is here also ;that are , produced the
beautiful- diamonds and crystalized
stones, for it is now known that they
owe the forM and brilliancy they pos
sess simply to the fact that they have
been exposed to the high temperature
which exists in the center of the earth.
We could make diamonds out of char
coal, could we reach the proper de=
gree of heat; but that can, perhaps,
never be reached by any . artificial
means at the command of man. As
we said above the ocean of liquid fire
is subject to tidal motion,and it is to this
fact must bir 'attributed the fearful
events that , have desolated South
America. The; eclipse iii the East In
dies, where the sun and moon were in
direct conjunction, must have created
a`stronger tidal current than-has exis
ted two thousand years; and 'this cur
rent, rushing haek.withaceelerated ve
locity, shook, the crust of the earth in
the western homisphiare(just is a wave
of the ocean would shake the sides of
an old oaken vessel) and remitted up
to the surface the seathibg masses of
matter,whieh had been agitated-in its
besoM far ihouseiii4 of yeara: These
masses,. on coming.-in contact with
lower, tompinature instantly crystalli
zed just as water crystallizes into:, ice
in winter Lime.
The captain' of a vessel, trading be
tween San Francisco and Valparaiso,
describes whdt ho witnessed in the
Pacific ocean, but in what latitude he
keeps a secretlo"himSelf. This captain
has, or ratlter.had, a brother boarding
in a house on Nardi Fourth street, and
it is a letter which he wrote to his
brother that-has given occasion to the
rumors that are whispered about in
that quarter of the city. The- sub
, stance of the letter,- as it has reached
Us, is mainly as follows
• - When nearly half way on the voy
age, and at the time the earthquake
took place, a fearful phenom'enon•pre
' seated itself., The ocean became., con
vulsed to its highest depths, and a ter
rible wave was swept,-along so.
- high
that, as the 'captain butnorously said,
ho thought it would have landed him
in the city of Quito. The seamen were
terribly frightened, but the vessel was
to rights again in less than ten min
utes. The affair was a mere joke
among the men, for they fancied it
was one of the high tidal waves which
, are common in the:pacifie. They con
tinued their v4yago, but towards
midnight were :Alarmed by an extra
ordinary light,which,, appeared in the
! heavens, and wai`lit;st noticed on the
larboard side, and.which the ignorant
5 and superstitious attributed to super
natural. causes. - The
_captain, who
seems to be an intelligent and 'cour
ageous man steered his vessel right in
the directirM of thd light, and jtuit be
' fore sunrise a sight of magnificence—
! such as no human eye has ever rested
on—met his gaze. It was no less than
a group of islandri formed of hugo
•ses.of solid" dianiond or every color,
and, in some places, of the purest Mil
lianey. 'The sailors fell into ecstasies,
; any ono man,, a half-breed• from the
Sandwich Islands,lost his senses so far
that he would have thrown himself
overboard 'if he had not been tied
I down. They sailed among the group
the entire day, and found it to consist,
I -on a rough calculation, at from 12 to
20 in number; but the exact number,
; or their relative size, there was no
time to ascertain. .They consist of a
large, white gint,rooks of crystallized
shape (some_ plasm nearly transpar
ent) which tise ton height Of about 150
; feet from the water, ; Thick, layers of
various'metalsere imbedded into them,
and the 'dirondrisls. form thick layers
beside thesaiattel-t t lfris is the general
formation; but some of the. smaller
islands aro nomposed nearly altogether
of diamond, in AV hie h Ali e emerald pre
vails. There are agate, opaque topaz,
ruby, and, indeed , ,,diamonds of every
hue; but ono island, which he describes
as being almost seventy miles long by
fifteen wid,o, .censietO 0t an entirely
any admixture
staric e. 'it was difficult
p of u r
n ra s i without
to effect a landing an any of the group.
At length some of the men succeeded;
nna a
but the captain himself, satisfied with
what ho had soon, did not leave tho
The mon describe tho interior of the
island on which they landed as consis
ting almost entirely of mud, which is
gradually coagulating under the heat
of the sun. A curious thing was, that
the brilliants were seen in the muddy
quarters of the island, lying about like
huge bouldors,—the smallest ones they
saw being about 200 tons in weght ;
but there were numbers of others con
siderably larger. Of course there was
no water or vegetation to be seen.
The most curious effort the sight had
on the men, both those in the vessel as
well as those who; thfited ; the island,
was that the extraordinary brilliancy
sickened their stomach, and vomiting,
followed by a copious discharge from
the bowels, was the consequence. All
efforts to detach portions Qf the dia
mond rock proved abortive; and it was
out of question to attempt removing
any of the great. hrilliant boulders.
Thoj• made an attempt to detach por
tions of rock by means of a crowbar
and sledge, but it was so hard all of
forts.wero useless, and, though they
had powder enough on board, they
had no implements with which to drill
the holes for blasting. The captain
would have proceeded on his voyage
to Valparaiso; but the men mutinied
and obliged him to put back to Pana
ma. Ile afterward, with the consent
of the crew, ran the vessel on shore on
the northern coast of Columbia, and,
telegraphing to the owners that she
was lost, came on as far its Aspinwall,
from which•city, ho wrote to his broth
er in Se.. Louis. 110 desired his broth•
er to come along at once, and bring
with him the finest and best tempered
implements for blasting purposes, and
if possible, a quantity of nitro glycer
ine. The brother departed for New
York immediately, but, before going,
he communicated the secret to a con
fidential comrade, through whom the
news leaked out only as late as yes•
torday evening. lam told that it has
already reached the ears of a rich jew
eler in this city, who is about to start
an' expedition which ho proposes to
carry on himself: It is more than
probable that the crew of the aban
doned vessel have anticipated him;
and if' they were lucky enough to keep
their secret and fit out a small craft
with whatever they required on board,
aro now quarrying the diamond archi
pelago. - '
P. S=l forgot to state that the cap
tain writes that the entire bottom
the sea teemed as it.glittering with
gems for (IV least five smiles frees the is
lands. These will propahly nester be
of use, fol. they must hol huge rocks of
diamond, and cannot -be _detached an
less some better mode of blasting under
than that already practiced ran he in•
vented. I forgot also to add my con
jecture that the reason the diamond
rock is seen in its full purity aribes
from theihet that they were projected
right forward from the very centre of
the earth. What the captain calls white
transparent flint rock •is probably
some formation not known as yet to
geologists. This will be hotter under
stood as soon as the rOco is explored.
Xi a 3— Persona wishing' to economize
in clothing their children, will do wall
to try metal-tipped shoes. Children
invariably wear out their shoos at the
too”firat: • Metal tips never wear out
at tlio too, and a pai,r,of, tipped '• Shoes
at an additional cost of a •few cents,
will more than outwear three pair of
the same quality without them. They
are manufactured by the American
Shoo Tip Company, 85 Pearl Street;
Beaton; • ' It*
What makds your ltir - sO - heantiful
Are. S A. Allen's Improved, (new style)
Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in onebottle)
Price-One, Dollar. Every Druggist
sells it.
A. N EXTRACT from an Abt to
present. mdsancea within the borough of floating
, on, passed 24th of Y.tnuary. 15.1 :
SECT. 1. That if any poison shall cast on any of the
sheets of the silt hot aught, any rubbish. dirt, dung, or
other thing, which shall in any degree tend to make the
passage of such .traits inevittonient, or train uhfcli a y
111th may allso, except in such places only as shall be
agreed on by the Supervisors or any of them, or if any
butcher shall keep in or near his slaughter bonne any
garbage or other 111th whatsoever, or any person keen a
hog-stye so near as to annoy •his neighbor or any other
person, every such person so offending shall forfeit and
pay the stun of threo dollars for every such offence, and
shall pay the nose of removing the same, lie, who or they
being hret eouricted thereof before any one of the Bur
seam. novlB
N ORDINANCE relating to a
SEC. 1. Be it tootled by the Ii yeses and 2bunt Coun
cil of the Berough of Iluntioytion and it is ho t hy enacted
by the author ley
. of the same, That theAtitreet Regulator
shall proceed forthwith to r and mark off
pUverurnts or aittewatke Of the malt of liion fitot tufa four
inches along tho northern side 'of Church streut..froin
Moulgonicry street to tho intetoection of the Cemetery
lane, thence along tliO western Wet, of said lane to the
corner of tho old Cemetery.
:nor. 2. That the on tier or owners, occupier or oc,cepi
era , orlote of ground ft °otitis,' •said street beiiveen the
points designated in the preceding arclion shall, on or
before the first day of llecembel a xt. pare the shier
wdlk opposite 0001 lots with good bard Mirk, or Ely is
walk of the width montioned'in the firstsection of plank
100 ladies in thickness, to be laid crossoiso null sup
pm ted by Ellice stringe] s of at least four by six inches in
thickness—the plank to be secured to the Stringers by
spikes or nails. •
Sic?. 1. 'f hat if any owner or occupier of lots shell re
fuse or negh Cl to comply or th the pi ovislans of this Ol
dhamce hi, the lira[ day oi DeCelflber next, the Street
Conuri•sioner 41:01 then proceed fortheall] to mak , such
sidewalks null mesent bills for the cost thereof, Willett
amount, together with costs, shall be collected from said
owners according to law.
Passed tidveralier nth, ISOF:'
U LA Chief Bargees.
Attest: J. Srill'SON ANRICA, here), uol7-11t
Q .o TIZAY SIIEEP.—Ca me to my place
in Walker township, about the 191 hf September 1..34
ten SHEEP, nn follows: tine Duels, with
pleue elf the right and Hutch unto r the left four of the
others are [narked the Caine; one with a piece elf both
earl y and one with horns and slit he both ears. The ow
ner fs'roptested to come forward, pram proporty, ' pay
Charge• tool take them away, u hot tries they will be so d
molding to Lew,
- 1 - 1 4 STRAYS—Conte te) the residence
of the nnh.,,cttb t t nI e0.11111,/tr, IlL•utingtlon Co,
shunt tile, Ilitt, 1)1 t pie:ll4or, onu white and rot
with p.e.61 oil both eighteen menthe
lathand one rad brindle ; (gin Our sidit;;;;,l
pzeco off lett ; about td teen month., Old.
lle; owner 1,111 coma forward: 'novo property, pay
charger, and take them ill ay, otherwei3 they wall be sold
according to law., ;,i, ‘'), •
' ' ' DASIUL 131031/Ed
Coal mont, Pa, For. 40
DAVID 0. OWENS. 0 11.1nIcrupt ~Oder the net of
Congress of match :/i. Iho7, ng applied for a Die=
charge from oil Idy dribs. awl other claims provable nu:
der said Act, by ordep of the Court, N071C1318. HEREBY
aLVr:N to all Creditors who have played their. delits.alul
(abet perbons intetested, to appear on the 101 day of
DECEIVIRRI, isoq, at IS o'clock. 4.3 t.. halve Jultn,Ltra
therline, Erg . 11°0AI. r, at his o'llt.o in Holliday/dm lg. to
show cause, it any they have, why a Inbehargo should
not be gt anted to the gal.( Bankrupt. And farther. No-
tice is hereby given, that the secotel and third meetings
of creditors of (Ito said banks apt, reptired by the '27th
and 28th suctions of said art, nil, be look before said Reg
ister, at 8 IMO time and place.
noll-2t. Oak of said Com t.
In the District Court ,f the United States, the ,
• • la 4 6 ,11.pittrict f Ilunsylountu
JOHN - MIX, a Bankrupt nutlet the Act off' Goui.
grero of Much 20, lfibj, be}ing aprjj,,d for „ fjo„imrgo
11enn nil WI debts, anA other elaitny ptovable under sand
uel.i,y older of the lout, ZiOTICH 10 IlEitp.lY GIVEN
to u# palaCata who have pro,tod Weir debte,.and other
peretnts in terented, to appear on the 16a da:t Of DECEVBER,
1808, at, la o'clock, A. M., before John Itrothorllno. &obi
Itvglater, at hie office in llollidnl Alto g. to show cause,
if any they harulo by n Digeharge should not he granted
to the eahl Bankrupt
[Estate of Jeremiah Clartin,, itee'd.l
',Were of administration, upon the Ostato of Jeremiah
(lordlier, Into of Jaeltson township, "Lindholm county,
deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all per
sons indebted to, the estate will make Immttlinto pay
ment, and those laying claims NN 111 present them for set
Waterman's Cocktail and Tonic Bitters,
No. 1106 Market Street, Philadelphia.
Thritofee pr - Opertira of these Bitters have hem certified
to by, some of our_eminent practising physicians. as the
bruit tonic now in nee, end the Cocktail Litters is the uni
versal favorite among judges of a good gin or whisky
cocktail. nov4-3m.
Itl beautiful illustrations. 710 octavo lines. Sho
tug Jtist - mind every Farmer wants to know :
Send for circular giving fiat description.
Experienced Book Agents and Callers wonted to take
this book to every Farmer in every community. Busi
ness permanent. Paye from $l5O t 0.1200 per month ac
cording to experience and ability._
Address. ZEIGLER, McCURDY S CO„ 1" - ubliehers,
Philadelphia, Pa, Cincinnati, 0., Chicago.or St.
Louis, Ilo.• " - trebl9
Lewis' ' Book, *lie;
School Booke and - Shitioneiy,Bibles, Hymn
Books, Miscellaneous Books of all kinds,
Blank Books, Sunday 5..h00l Books, etc.,
Inks of all - kinds, Notions;.Perfumery,,Puck
et Books. Pocket Knives ; Musical Instru
ments, Wall• Paper, Window .Shades and
Fixtures, etc., etc., etc.
Of our One Dollar Sale has caused such
• : .!_k:n!J
That in onter t.. supply the dent tad occasioned by our
constantly increasing p•ttrominge, See bare recent') toads
importations for the Fail node, ditect from European
Amounting Nearly ;$509,000
So that we aro prepared to sell every description of
Dry and .Fancy Goods, Silver., Plated
Ware, Cutlery, Watches, Albums,
Jewelry, 85c, acC, ,
Of Leifer quality than any other con
cern in the country for the uniform
With pev ilego of.e.chailgo,irerna large variety of noel
at ticles, not ono of 141 ch tuold_be - lonlglit for
n au.i other
/jar I he best of Boston and New k refet tames given
as to the reliability of •oun house, and tbarour business
Is conducted in 'the faifest* and 'lnuit legitimate Manlier
possible, and, that we glut, grouter • g.tiue fur the tummy
than call he "obtained fit dny oilier tiny. -
Are - Cheelts describing articles sold sent to ngentieln
Clubs at rates mentioned below•. We guarantee every
article to cost less than if. bought stony Boston or Now
York II litilesalo house•: ,
Our CommissionstovAgonts;
Exceed those of every other establishinect of tho kind,
proof of this can' be foudd n,schnpaiintr'uor piemium,
with those otothers Putt CLUES ON THE SA.3IE :4EB
in attitlition to ),I,tich ae claim to gixo better,goods OR th
mmo eta trader. '
We will send to •Agents4 • Cee of ellaege,-
For a'Club of'Shirty, , arol $390
rile of the following articles; I dozen linen:
floats: 1 set shill! gold 441014 - ell wool eassimere for paints;
fine wean comittopane, larks size. 1 elegant baboortil
skirl; 20 3 ards bye n or blesched sheeting good quality,
yard eide; I silegant 160 pictirre timrocco-boned' pliiito.
album; I double lens stereosentoraiol-12 foielgit views;
biller plated engraved 5 bottle castois 1 elegant Bilk fan,
with Ivor.) or sandalwood fame , Jrfathered edge and
spangled; I steel ceiling knife and fork, verY best quali
ty I vary balanced handle; 1 handsome boeded and lined
parasol: 20 yalds good print; 1 very line damaak• table
cove.; 1 pair beet quality set ge congress boots; 1
dozen fine linen towels; 34' dozen Rogers' best sllt'or dee.
Bert folks; 1 lath, a', large reel morocco traveling bag; 1
fancy dress pattern; 3.1 dozen elegant silver plajed en
graved napkin rings; I dozen ladles' fine minim, or cot
ton stock inge; genis' heavy chased valid gold ring; 1 iihir
todies , hi g h tut balmoval boots; 1 'elegant damns, dress
paktern; 1 violin and bow. in box complete; 1 netjeweliy,
pin, our shops nod Bleove buttons.
For a Club of Fifty; and $5.00.
I black - 6i re,lofriii oija urii itieve 'lice cur
tains; l'pair all wool b1.0,kb.; engrhval silver4faied 6
bottle revolting calm; I beautiful writing deslt; 1 solid
glild scarf pin; 81;1 yds very line ens:diner°, for ;milts
anti Vast; 1 set iluly bahiliCed handle k 111.43 with silver
plated fur be; 1 el;gant esti a, parmol, heavily bowled and
linvd with 8.11.; 1 "pr. gents' oil(' bouts; 30 3119 goad
paint; 30 yds. tee d brown or bleached sheeting. yard
willo,'Or 44 v1i„,.% yd,• wide good ,iol,ts; 1. ,ele
glut tribrocro trareting: hair; square -pool clean l ;
bonvi.ell poplin areas. Pittern; jots &Uhl° _Width
Limb fur ladles' cleat.; elegant engrsved silver plated tea
pot; 3 yds double width water.proof cloth for climbing.
For a Club of Ono Hundred; and $3.0.00:
1 rich merino or tlaib t drys:. pattern; 1 pair fla Da . nmik
mule cloths and napkins to notch; I pair gent? french
calf tools, 1 henryniivi r plated engraved ice pitcher,
ropy line all noel cloth for holies' Mali: I nab very best
quality 'bronn or bleached sheetiro„; 7% yds. fine cat
sneer° for snit; 1 elezant p , plin dress 'pattern; ele
gant enclish bongo dress pattern; 1 beautiful english
Lange shawl; 1 let ivqry balanced handle knives and
for ka; I Indies' or rants' silver linntingcaso watch; I Bar
lett hand portable sewing machine; splendid family bible,
Steel engravings, with been and photograph pages; lb
yds. good hemp carpeting good color,'; 1 pair good Mar
seilles quilts; 1 good G barn 01 revolver:l elegant fur muff
nod cape; 1 single barrel shot gnu; 1 a Ivor plated engra
ved ti bottle revolving castor, cut glass bottles; , 1 very
fine violin nod bow, in case; 1 bet ol Tory balanced knives
and fin Its. , .
- P/CSell iS for larger ellam ifICIC.IBO In the Malta ratio.
Send Money , bx fiegisteMll,eiter,„
- " •
g 9 . 454 , 41 ,I4plauter St.. liPtArl
Uarpeta-.--Dortit, Pay the Prices-!
tLI uNa LAND CARKT 00.;0r Ottatoo,
, L ef.too.l;oeo uttely of a pcntniw ago, in
their previa Witt ion. In ll'allsolcr 11, 73, To, 77, 70, 81.
88, Ki mud 87 Hanover street, haw mot:ably fural.hed
more looses With Carpets than any Whet , !loose In the
country.. la order to afford thoxe at a aidaeca the ad
vantages at their luW prices. propose to acod, on receipt
of the pile°, 20 Lards or upuards, of their brantifor Cot
inge Carpeting. 4,50 vents per yard, with samples of WO
sorts. varying in prise nom 05 costa to $3 pet' yard, Snit
able for fut nishing every part aany 1,0010. .001-4 w
11:YEAB, guarantedd
$lOOO P . Rld E etcatly employment. We ft ,
reliable agent in every county to gell our Patera 4VOfte
Mre Cbdhrr Line, (Everb.sting) -Address Wculs WIRE
Co., 71 William street, New York,'or 16 [Walborn street,
Chicago, ill.
Descriptive checks $lO pur hundred. ' ronsmuurs sup-,
!died dkruct huut Elm manutheun and 'nil goofs War=
tattled, :fuduispeut fpie.' Addre e ss '
CU:11111.1N & CO.,
0r;28;127' ' 1r) Arch St, Boston.
mirCoinißeto SiLell and' Key Chock Outfit.
Sawn eepttal . required:". Cir.!leis' free: STAFFORD
NAMPO. CO., 88 Hutton Street, tie* York. uc2Sivi.
Cerk of scull Court.
; • .A6ndnistrntor
Wnolesalo and Itolidl,
Huntingdon, Pa.
pi iie pf
, _ .
1 - IA_RRIS33U - 12.0-,
The undersigned liming leased the . aboye popular,and
nen known Louse, which has been thoroughly repaired
and greatly [improved, as welt as entfinly refurnished
throughout with elegant now furniture, including all the.
appointments of a lira class llotel, will Mt ready for the :
reception of guests, tax nod after the 15th of November,
1868. - non4-3m.
The subscriber nal capes° to Public Sale Mille reel,,
donee, in the rillege of Smithfield, Walker toweililA
about ball a utile west of Huntingdon, at 10 o'clock,
" On 'Friday, November 13th, 1868,
be following personal property to wit:
One flue cow, one ton of tiny, two fat hogs, ono largo
cook stove, one p.trior cook. one corner cupboard, ems
tureen mahogany trent. two cottage bedsteads. onssmall
tit dismal, ono I.erge rocking chitir..ono set of chairs, one,
do:Nl:fray and table, thirty-two yards of carpet. y Al;ti
lot of canned tomattes, and lot of catsup in b'ottlea;and
variety of other articles too numerous to mention:
.9:3 - There will lao given on'articies over lied dollars,
thrAss and six mouths credit wills good security.
nc2B-td " ' .11011.ENT CL.111.41/017.
Having obtained a newvarietfof - • •
will dispose of them (put up in sacks) at the following,
1 pound, (sufficient to raise 1 bushel) Postage pro paid,
10 cents • 2 pounds 75 cents ; 3 pounds $l,OO ; 8 pound.;
(1 gal.) $2,00; 10 pounds, delivered to Express oflyea.
$1,50; bushel $6,50; 1 bushel , sl2,oo.
irirl'iont let of Jour, drills 20 inches apart, average,
from Bto 8 grains per foot. Will ripen in,about 80 to 75.
dsys. •
The rash invariably to accompany the rinfOr:' truths
noel Poet °Mee address, legibly,writton. Send soon, as,
my istia is limited.
Address. JOII.N
Oet.'2l, '6B-3m Orbisonia, Unntingdon County,
Ilas rettoved to 11111 Street, Iluntlngdon l'a one door
east of the Post o@ce'•where ho is proparad to ; do atl
kinds cork tuhfs flue of landaus:. Ile has just received
a full lino of
and,lio Invitee a call from the public, prod:tieing to, Make .
goods to order In a workmanlike moaner. . ,
Merchant Tailor.
Huntingdon, Pa., Oct. 7th, 1868. ' .
e . „
BOOTS and .B.7IOES,'''PAA.
. .
- , AND WILLOW ;WARE, &c.i
house potention "giyert. to Ladles' Dross woods antr,
nollse Furnishing Goods.
We can sell goods this W{nter throughout, at lower
urea than they have reached for six years. ' •
Our prices are as follows;
Calico and Muslin, from 8 cis. upward. -
Yard wide bleached Muslin, 12X Ms.
Yard wide unbleachediduslin, 12% cts.
Heavy yard wi4e ShOMing, 14 to 15 Ms.
}la yard Ilhinched Muslin, lb, 18 to 20 cts.
Wide Vi'animitta Prints, only 10 Ms. -
Beat qualities Printe,4l34 0,15 ate.
104 White Wool 131ankMs;$1,00 pr. Sr ;
Heavy Double Wool Shawls, $4,0045,00;110,
Black Mimed, from 35 cts, up.
Wool Plaid Doable Width, 60 cts. '
Heavy Plaid Poplin, $l,OO
Other Goods to propartion.
17Pashinitoit street,'near th.o Jail
Plea's° call and rocumine ; and, if you nro not convinced
it Is to your interest to buy from tis, do not do so.
- 11unOliiluii, Oct. 21;1863
Choice Gyoceyiesigaiitliq,s -, 10y5,,&c
FAMILY GROCERY.biirF'EtTio,veiii : VA
Our stock coital/di of all kinds of Groceries;Teute, spr,
cce. Canned and Dried Frnite, Cider Vinegar, Comnloll
'and Fancy Solna, of all kinds, link 911,1 , A . foruegy,„.pen
Kii free, Pocket 'Rieke, qe. , Callund.exiiinine our sp,:; . c_k,
and take a view of our splendid Marble Soda Fountain .
Don't forget i tlio place—rbirtb-eitst,corderter Diamond.
Iluntlugdtin, Jana D. AFIIIDS & CO.
33' , 11. (ars; -
CAPITAL - • ,,.+550,000.
Softdit ace thnts fenin 'lburle9,'llantrers' and otheis: A.
liberal Interest allowed on tune Deposits: 'Alt 'Utah, of
Securities, bought and - sekil;tbr 'the iusuid counnission.—.
Collections made on all jwints. Diankuttp.llpagts of
EurupC supplied at the usual rhees. _
Persons depositing tiold and Sliver will receive the
same in return v. Ith., Tinahlrtnerp urA indiyid
ually liable for urteroalts. j3,22,1!68ett
TITiE N AT l 2 l M B "”k i i i :1
7430: * *1 4 6 1 1 . ,
rrhii Restaurant is'situated-at• the
'Strett,Tn'ttilrberough - or Mint;
tipgrion, - ,And Jc veil during the dayned evening: i'The
heat pf supplied'
XX Ale anil Laiicast.T:lieer.. The table
supplied' with 010'1.sttitre for the public, 'anif the
proprietors n ilt make these who cell on them feel it home.
09-The , opened for Festivals, Parties,
Amusements, etc. RICIITHIt & EONS,
Oct. 14, 1768-'hn. . -,• • , •Proprietere, ,
I (4 crS?).P.' 7 7 -1- I:1 - 2:.;' - '
]UST ItllOEl V lID
For Oehtlamen,e Clothing of tlcepe4t material, ancrm aft
in the best workmaallka rienner, Lou at
If, 0 31 A N ' S, "
opposite me Franklin 'louse In lliallet . Squiire;
don, Pa.
''HOOT' , S~~IIi,TS
rp E riclersigned has, commenced the
mane...tore of Iloop Skirts at thil3litliniri Sto,
on JIM son , niTtly...kitepga?
hand an 0. 1 100r10101it 01 011,h100,,00 ‘ ..1101ki,11 0 okaer teyi
lb:q - Ir.-11111Y )adlC4Thill'opportuintrOflAmain'g
themsvhes iu hize and quOity. All oils be made of Ihu
bent material and in the moat wocknaanl ilfe manner. 7.1e
,1.1,•4 r :; , z
Mt'e'at elt hbtico
N. D. —Liulies residing at a distance can bavu skirts
sent i? 4, express by forwarding sneasutement of attps,
waist. length;: ho frontl nod style refiliml,;wpother for
walking: end dresi, or g, nerea
FR) ;''" „:ireiutibifoob,7rn
G. MORRISON ,rospeutfully in
iUd the citizens of llnntingdon and vicinity
"that no continues fhb ntae'nuu kat titiginba In all Ito ill:
rious blanches, unit .111 keep constantly on hand •
Fro-haloef, Perk, Ptu'dim amt.:engage, salt
Beef and Pork, Canned kinit and Vegetables,
Smices of allliin.ll,Catutaps and Satires, Tomei
Sulam,Sia 6:p
• •
All of "Melt continuo VS Volt at rensonaslo prices
The highest prices plllO for hides and tallow. Monies
Colder, at Alexandria andltlarCh Sr. Erre, ut,Coffoo lion;
are my agenti to putchasoot their places. •
Thunklul for past patropMe, I solicit a continanaco of
the - same.' ' It. G.'MUltitlBl.lll.
Ilnutingdon, Oct. 28, 1867. • •!- • •• -, • -
ktAr Wood' Will Phpe'r—eall 'hnd seG
it at,tciiiießook StOrti."
It: W 15003,
11: MU.TuN tl PEER,
W B. 11 5,
tiAlm -