LICENSED 111 TUE UNITED STATES AUTHORITY. S. C. THOMPSON & CO'S GREAT ONE DOLLAR SALE OF Silks, Shawls, " Dress Goods, Linen Goods, Dry Goods, Cottons, lqiney Goods, Albums, Bibles, Silver Plated Ware, Watches, Cutlery, Sewing. Ma chines, &c., &c. These al tides to ha sold at Iho uniform pa Ise of ONE DOLLAR DADS, and not to bo paid for until you know what you aro to Thu meat popular and economical method of doing bunitiois in tlio country Br Team:mum tuts nets you have a chance. to of change dour The Smallest Article sold for ONE DOLLAR can be exchanged for a Silver Plated, Five Bottled Revolving . Castor, or your Choice of a large variety of other Articles upon Exchange List. TERMS TO AGENTS Ceitificates giving a complete description of articles to be sold for One Dollar, will be sold at the rate of TEN CENTS NACU.' For a Club of Thirty, and $3.00.. . -- The person sending it caribare their choice orate log articles as their commission: 20 yards Cotlon cloth, barrio cloth pants pattern, splendid bowie knife, lances ter quilt, engraved silver spoon holder, pair Indies' extra quality cloth boats, Print dress pattern, worsted break fast shawl, whits linen table' cloth, set of steel bladed knives and forks, set of silver plated forks, embossed la bia, spread, elegant engraved silver plated gold lined gob let, violin and bow, fancy dress pattern, elegant silk bead ed parasol, 100-picture morocco photograph album, ele gant ivory handled spangled silk fan, one dozen argo size linen towels, fancy balmoral skirt, ladies' morocco shopping bag, honeycomb quilt, alhambra quilt, India,' splendid vinare wool shawl, Indies' solid gold California diamond ring, gent's plain or engraved gold Hug (16 car ets Dne), ladies' solid black walnut writing desk, ladies' fancy black walout,work box, cottage clock, one dozen ladies' linen handkerchiefs, extra quality, or ono dozen gents' linen handkerchiefs. For a Club of Sixty, and $6.00. One of the following articles: 40 yards sheeting, harril cloth pants and vest pattern, pair honeycomb quilts, eye hider watch, double barrel rifle pistol, fancy cashmere dress pattern, thibet shawl, three yards double/ width waterproof cloaking, four yards wool frocking, aot of lace curtains, ladies' double wool shawl, silver plated card basket, splendid engraved silver plated ice pitcher, en graved silver plated team* 100-picture turkey morocco photograph album, lancaster quilt, alpacca dress pattern, engraved silver plated six-bottled revolving castor, pair gent's calf boots, splendid •balinoral skirt, set of ivory handled knives, with silver plated forks, rosewood flame brasa alarm clock, pair of all wool blankets, splendid beaded and lined silk parasol, ladies' splendid morocco travelling bag, pals of alhambra quilts, thirty yards print or a marsallles quilt. For a Club of One Hundred, and $lO.OO. GO yards sheeting, fancy cassimero coat, pants and vest pattern, extra quality, engraved silver-plated six-bottled revolving castor, with cut glass bottles, pair splendid rose ,blankets, splendid engraved silver plated tea set, three pieces (sugar bowl, tea pot' and creamer,) silver plated cake basket, fancy plaid wool long shawl, to ont?. live yds. hemp carpeting, splendid violin and bow, Eng. lish barcgo shawl, splendid alpacea dress pattern, silver bunting case watch splendid bible with elegant stool en gravings, family record and photograph page, poplin dross pattern, engravedsilver ice pitcher, splendid beaver cloak patient, Sharpe's revolver, splendid accordeon mu etc box, ono pair fine damask table covers with one dozen dinner napkins to match. COMMIIBLOIIII FOS LMICIIII CLIMB IN PROPOIMON P Agente mill please take notice of this. Do not send names, but number your clubs from one upwards. Make your letters short, and plain as possible. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE, A9'Be cure and send Money by Registered Letter, when possible. In some instances Country Postmasters have refused to forward lettere to us, supposing that our business came ender the law against Lotteries, Gift En terprise% dc., although it has bean over and over declar ed lawful by the legal authorities. This action le insti gated by the jealousy of Country Merchants. In case any Postmaster should again decline to forward letters, SEND BY EXPRESS. ti-Z-'We cannot be responsible for Moony lost, unless Lowe precatitions aro taken to insure its safety. SEND FOR. CIRCULARS. Send your address in full, Town. County and State. S. C. THOMPSON & CO., 136 Federal Street, Boston, Mass IM===l=l WE TIA_VE COME With groat inducements to agents to co operate with us iu our . Sheeting; Frio of Cost to our Agents. Watohes .Free of Cost •to our Agents. Smog Machines Free of Cost to Agents. Leather Goods Free of Cost to Agents. Linen Goods Free of Cost to our Agents. Silks and Shawls Free of Cost to Agents. Boots and Shoes Free of Gist to Agents. Dress GoOds' Flee of Cost fo'our Agents. 4toati - Bollar. Baum for Customers. ;2cniffet:Odr eircniar: dgolite wanted dvieywhtro ECARRISi & PLUMMER, 34 'ilanoyer Street, Boston, Mass 122E2 WANTEII-.AGENTS.`'SpI month everywhere, male and female, to introduce the GENUINE TEPROXEDCOALIION-- SENSE FAMILY- SEWING MA— GIMBEL' This Machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck; quilt cord:hirid, braid and - embroider in a most superior man ner.'-.Price only $lB- Fully warranted fur five years. , We will pay $lOOO for any Machine that will sow a stron ger, more beautifu4 or more elastic seam than ours. It motes tito-I.BlasAin Lock Stitch." Every, second stitch can be cut; ,and still pe cloth ;cannot be pulled apart witbinat tenting it._ We pay Agents froirts7s to $2lO per month and expenses, or a commission from which, twice that amount can be made. Address, SECOMB CO., PITTSBURG, PA., or BOSTON, MASS. CAUTION.—Do not be imposed upon by other parties paizatiq MT worthless cast-iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Oars is the only genuine and really practical, cheap machine manufactured. - " - ROOK AGENTS WANTED FOR • - SOE PASTIIST MIAMI 0000 MANI, - - "Men of our Times," Or Leading Patriots of the Day. An elegant volume, splendidly 7 illryttrated with 19 beautiful Steel .Eugrarings, and a portriit of the author; Mrs. . . Harriet Beecher Stowe.. Agents say it is the best, and sells The quickest of any Look (key ever sold. Now is the time to sell. it. -Every body *mats it. Agents are tatting 200 orders per week. No pay extra large commissions and grant exclusive ter: odtory. Send for circulars, giving full particulars. 7, Address HARTFORD PUBLISHING 00, Hartford, Connecticut. ee23 -4w TOBACCO ANTIDOTE. w.,*.R . R4NTEP to-remove all- de r for Tobacco: - This - grest iemedy is on ex cellent appetiser. It purifies the Mood, invigorates the systemhpossessee gorat nourishing , and strengthening power, enables the stomach to, digest the heartiest food, makes sleep refreshing, and establishes robust health. Smokers and Chewers for 57.x1y Years Cured. Price fifty Cents, pest free. A treatise on the injurious:effects of Tobacco, with lists of references, testimonials, to., sent firm Agents wanted. Address Dr. T. R. ABBOTT. Jer au' City, New Jersey. aug12,68-12w. 628. HOOP SKIRTS 628' CORSETS,'. -CORSETS.z. Wes. T.. HOPKINS , , 170, 628 Arch Street': PHILADELPHIA BLANUFACTIMER OF TES 1 " Colotiatod 41am 1) Hoop .Sihis FOR LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN, - - . The largest • nesortment,;ernd 'bitst quality and stylei in the American Market. Every lady should try them, as they recommend themsdecs-by weai Mg - longer, retaining their eingiOnuch hetter,heiog lighter and more elastic than all others—warms:tun in every respect, add sold at vieiyilowiwices. Allister Hormvs' “Cuastrani" Rearm bupanfor Haud-marle Whale-tone COIISETSin Fifteen 'different Grades, including: the and Thump eon le Laugdon'e "GLOVE FITTiIiG"HORRETS,rangtug tilillideoppenvBl.oepts t0,45..50 ; _together with Joseph gbiaveyaressix,xmargo ,WOVEN COPOPTS, superior &epee' mid quality, Ten 'different Giades; from 51.10 to $5.00. Thoy are the lineal and best goods for the prices, ever imported. The trade supplied yith, HOOP SKIRTS and CORSETS atthiLoisest Rtztes:j of t_ i Those visiting the Eity,should pot fail to call, and ex amine our Goods and Pries, miwe'llefl all competition. Jsc,tli3, to ded2o. - . AGENTS IYANTED .; 'FOR .31.14 - g , c' ± - our 33 0 E40 - 3r This Lived .and all ihn fending mereorthefkaitfoh; lecef 50,) in one - rattan°, bilnr L. I'. Ilreekett, the popular biographical Editor of , Appietee's Cyelopredi.' Orer 500 . pagos 'and 42 lino stool portraits. The only complete or reliable work of the . kled publisbed. Price very,lor, Saleerdmmense. 'Any Intelligent; sign bi Woman oan cloaC $l5O td $ 2OO per mentli:' , Oko.egeet. made $3OO in five ;weeks. Send for circular. Address, ZRIGLEIL,difcc,U,IMY, AdDIQ., RuhMime, Cincinnati, .111., or St Loafs ) Mo. aul943m TkiEW SHAD,' DRY SALT, 11. ER RIM and Mackerel, ( War rented) , • Dried Apple; Pee (tee, Cm rant=, Prime, Rani nu, Lit: ion j .te nt ILENRY 4: CO'S. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destioyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such as remain can be saved for usefulness by this' application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use : will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from. those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangeroui and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merelyfor a HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white ,cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $l.OO. JOHN READ, Agent. sel6 ly. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tho Throat and Lungs, such as Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Asthma, and Consumption. Probably never before in the whole history of medicine, has anything won so widely and so deeply upon the confidence of mankind, as this excellent remedy for pulmonary complaints. Tin (nigh a long series of years, and among most of the races of men it has risen higher and higher in their estima. tion, as it has become better known. Its uniform character and power to cure the various affectiods of the lungs and throat, have made it known as a re liable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it is at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for Incipient consumption, and the Mtn germ affections of the throat and lungs. As a pro vision against sudden attacks of Crony, it should be kept on hand in every family, and indeed as hit are sometimes subject to colds and coughs, all should be provided with this antidote for them. Although settled Consumption is thought in curable, still great numbers oh eases where the dis ease seemed settled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to sound health by the Cherry Pectoral. So complete is its mastery over the disorders of the Lungs and Throat, that the most obstinate of them yield to it. When noth. ing else could reach them, under the Cherry Pec toral they subside and disappear. Singers and Public Speakers find great pro tection from It. Asthma is always relieved and often wholly cured by it. Bronchitis is generally cured by taking the Cherry Pectoral in small and frequent doses. So generally are its virtues known that we need not publish the e.ortiticates of them here, or do more than assure the public that Its qualities are fully maintained. Ayer's Ague Cure, For Fever and Ague, Intermittent Fever, Chill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical or Bilious Fever, ao., and indeed all the affections which arise from malarious, marsh, or miasmatic poisons. As its name Implies, it does CII re, and does not fail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine, Bismuth, Zinc, nor any other mineral or poisonous substance Whatever, it in nowise injures ,any patient. The number and importance of its cures in the ague dis tricts, ate literally beyond account, and IVe believe without a parallel in the history of Ague medicine. Our pride is gratified by the acknowledgments we receive of the radical cures effected in obstinate cases, and where other remedies had wholly failed. Unneetimated persons, either resident in, or travelling through miasmatic localities, will be pro tected by taking the AGUE CHILE For .L irer Comptaints, arising from torpidity of the Liyer, i t is an excellent remedy, stimulating the Liver into healthy activity. For Bilking Disorders'and Liver Complaints; it is an excellent remedy, producing many -truly re. markable cures, where other medicines had failed. Prepared by DR. J. C. Aunt R: Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass., and sold all round, the world. 'sl.oo PER DOTTER. , Can't Be Beaten ! I ' ! 4,11 . .41" ! tionN ES TBIi6OIC ITU Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that lie Imej wit received from the city a NEW and splendid stock of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERIES 'BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery,. Shoe Findings, Carpet, Sacks, Trunks, &c., &e., &c., &c. all of which hole proriared to sell at greatly reduced prices Don't.forget the old stand in the Diammid. Old custe more and the public generally are Invited to call. Huntingdon, op 15, 1868. fel GEO'. SHAEFFER' , ! returned from'the cost with o SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, ha., Which-be offers to theluspectlon of, Ids customers and the piddle generally. Ito wilt selthls stock at fife most - - - REASONABLE B,RIOES, and thoso i wlT PuraLimo Oriel will Iniraly :call again. BOOTS& SiiOES -MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done tin the neatest and most midi Nous manner. • Call upon Mr. Sabaeffer at his shop on Wit etre'et, a few doors west of the Diamond. mnys NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. ' MM. AFRICA 4 , ol2Z,ub7.wordn.b.l'acndfiN'ee Lesdt,. s ow Air Huntingdon, " - • A Fiue Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND ' - SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and, Clilldran. Aillsewilileh ho willell t prices. and small profits. Call and'examino my stock. lilanufacinringand Repairing done to order as usual. Ituntlngdon, ap 15,1553. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. THOMAS N.'-COLDER. The undersigned haring now entered into the Alexandria Brewery, the 'public are iotormed 61—.1 , that ho will be prepared at all times to fill orders on the shortest notice. ttt ~T1103.,N. COLDER. Alexandria, OCC23-.lBoCt4f. ' • Su i gars,-Teas, G're s arkiiiid . Browned , Coffe'es, Syrups, Spices of all kinds, Candies, Cedar and Willow Ware, Choice 'Family'Flour, Su gar Cured Idams,.Dried,Beef, Brushes and Brooms; Mid a geaeral variety of articles trio numerous to mention, AT LEWIS' FAMILY GROCERY LIJAIBEIL,ii i SHINHLES,. LATHS, E AILO OK, PINE BILL STUFF, Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly. on hand. .f o 4l . o4g . :4?;_ , lp t: ral e Sr a tt i, lll o l n ot It poor: wl . an and n - Grain and country nroduct'generally 6611011.1 a market rates. , , , WAGONER, d, 11110., aug2B-tt ,Jrbillpsborg,lPentro co., Pn. _. __FLOUR !. FLOUR The beet Flour, by the innall4 . %iu'utity for reale itliewis , Fionily Grocery. • • FJARRISBURG' STONE = WARE at manufacturer's prices, for tails at j 01.7 kimuty ,t jousifoN . \\ l , lrso . N . TAKE ploasuro in announcing to tho 1 citizens of Huntingdon county and vicinity that they havo just returned from the East with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they hove Just opened out at their now store, ONE DOOR EAST OF THENASDINOTON ROTEL Their stock mislead of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR - WARE, QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &C.,, DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CRAIN, FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &c. &o. They hare a logo stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting of SILKS, MOMAIRS, ALPACAS, POPLIN'S, LUSTRES, GINGIIAMS, MERINOS, PLAIDS, DE LAINES, &c., Also, a largo assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBItOIDE ltY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, tto A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS I= All goods delivered to residences in town and depots: t , ce of charge Give us a trial before pitrebasink elsexliere JOHNSTON & NAT SON Huntingdon. April 15, 1869 IVEICTICI IS TiC>l=L... 34- - - V;;;,si l t h v,;r6ii r .k..3...„, , ,.,...,;?,,,,,,- . _.._, ~,,, ~ , N ipi , i l if-fc ( ...,, •t - s , ' • ------- MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. P, 111. GREEN'' has removed his • Music Store, to the second floor of Mister's bulki ng where be keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY & SONS' and °ABELE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARHART, NEEDHAM & CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Wes, Ftutos; Guitar and Violin Strings. AIIJSIO BOORS—Golden Chain,Golden Shower, Golden Censor, Golden Trio, &c., Itc. SHEET MUSIO.—Ho is constantly receiving from Phil. adelphla all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing, can order, and have sent than by mail. Also GROVER & : BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perfectly; sewing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for machines. Persona buying Sewing Machines fully instructed in . the use of them. Aer Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years Those wishing to buy any of the above articles aro in vited to call and examine mine before purchasing else• where My 'prices are the came as In New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional Information deeired. R. M. GREENE, Iflll street, Ituntingdon, Pa., mayS,'o7 second floor of Mister's now brick building NIA RP IL ROAD. LEAVINO.OF TRAINS RILLNGEMENT. BASTIVARD pENNSYLVA TIME OF WINTER • WESTWARD. i I VC, STATION& Pi MCI MD N. Uomllton Mt. union,... Mapleton,,.... Mill Creek,... Huntingdon, Petersburg,— Barren, Spruce Creek, Blrmingbam, Tyrone, Tipton Fostoria, Bell's Mille,. Altoona,. „ . Tho PIIILA..VxPRESS Eastward leaves Altoona at 9 65 P. H. and arrivezi at Huntingdon at 11 it P ar. The FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 12 20 A. M., and arrives at Iluntihgdon at 1 33 The 4.45 P The 7 29 P The et., err Sept ..s Has . tward leaves Altoona at Huntingdon at b 55 P .Itvard, leaves Huntingdon :At Altoona at 8 45 P. Si. B, !BAITS Huntingdon, at 0 .50 A. 10, A. IL CINCINNATI ESP M. and arrives at FLEE LINE 19 , • • DI. and,arrives BALTIMORE EXPRE: loon at Alltoona, ember 10, MU. H UNTINGDON & B ItdILROAD. WINVLIt ARRANGESI On andafter WEDNESDAY, SEPT, Passenger Treble will arrive anddapar UP TRAINS. Um z. M. 30 1 1 37 ' 58 14 30 39 54 58 1 1018 E= STATIONS P. M. {.ll 4 45 4 53 .5 00 5 17 34 15 50 5 59 6 13 !Huntingdon,. Long_ Meoormalletowl , Pleasant Morkhuhu& ..... Coffee Run' Rough & , Cove !Fishers Summit Saxton, Iliddleabncg. ...... Hopewell, Plitee's HO,'" ......... Tatesvllle Bloody Run,. piount Dalla8;••1 ' 8 18 AR 8 85 UM 10 'll 05 BO liii 11.40 as 11, Al, lIP'S RUN BRAN, Sill ' LE 10 25 In 3.40 1=1:2 EMI Conlmont, Crawford, Dudley, [Brood Top City, - t. '6B. J 01.11.1 10 45 Alt 10 55 7 00 Art 7 10 eon Sep EMI! cligAP pmNripaol, •' 1 103 ,Itc,. of PECORA Co'e• colored .% COST Puinte..(coatlng $12.14) Will Paint as much as 250 11,0 of Lend and pear EDAM. longer. For parllcnlara addresi: ) 'S. BOWEN, Sec'y. • ,1150 North Fourth Steect, PHILADELPHIA. 11016,'68:Jin VHARTON HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE &RETAIL Foreign and Domestic HARDUIE, Mint, t 4, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, Is invited to the fact that we aro now offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can be found elsewhere in this part or the State, at prices to suit Um times. Our stock comprises all articles In this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used: by CARPENTERS, DLACKSMITIIS; CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS MASERS, Ay., Sm., together with a large stock of. iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and. Xining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope; Chains, Grindstones, Clemlar, Mill and Cross. Cut Sawa, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Ponder Cans An oxcellantasuortmont of M -1 .1.33.0 G7utiAD7r3r7 Comprising - KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, NIS ORS, RAZORS,- &C.., BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm - Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will Hod a general assortment of material for their use consisting in part or Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs,.Nuts, Bolls, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, ' • Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &e. p.=S.•IVATIC•JI i.74-* *I hur, ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AN) MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Will find in our establishment a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS,- &C., &C MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all variotios ' BLASTING POWDER, PIISE„ t.OAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. Can be accommodated with everything in their lino from It Orate Neparetor to a Whet-stone. Are especially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING_H)7iRDWARE, and compare our prima nub Wore. Agricultural , .litiplenients, Comprising the famous Buena - • Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundoini First Premitun HORSE! SITCLIFORK, Rake., Scythes,' noes, • Hay Trace and Halter Chains, Breaat Chaim, Cow Ties, Curry Combo, Cords, &c., MC Among tho verbatim or our Homo, No denim to call attention to Cho mgebrated .011.10 PUMP; Tho exclusive right to sell which is vested in us. Sond for acircular and got fall partioularS of same, and satisfy yourself o fits superior qualltiss. ' Sealed of all sizes and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales,' ' • Grocers" and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, *heelbarrow, Pork, Port• able, Hopper, Miners and Trans. poitation, Hay, Cattle and • Coal Scales, OAD TOP FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES. END. EMBER 161 D, 1868, t so follows: DOWN TRAINS. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, I ACCOK. I A. M. .Imt 9 15 UM 9 07 8,51 8'42 8 25 8 09 8 01 A GREAT VARIETY OF, COOK & PARLORSTOVES. ALL MU'S OF NAILS AND 7 41 L 725 /3,y tUokez. Tory Cowl Best Norway nail, rod, bar an lioOp Iron STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON.BOXES,' CARRIAGE, SPRIN S, ' A-ND , P.R4-§§ Lard LubricOuragt Col O.IJ I1111:1 =EI 2 10 LE 2 00 7 05 Ls 6 66 = By tho barrel or rpr7J,ow fig t ure,.. lIGY.A call lei reepectililly 191feMedi foollng,caral clept that our goods and nriceti will ,Rot /IT to iVILARTON; &z mitpuilue. IlAintingilon, May 7, 18‘67. HILL STREET, DEALERS IN Can Le auppliod xith .lE'zxx•mor•.; Milxilcic)z , A3 SCALES. Bear offered in this place G c p pabelflia lObtrtistments. THE OLI) ESTABLISHED VIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON & CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PHILAD'A., Is the Largest Manufactut lag Confectioners awl Whole. sale Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, &c., in the United States. _ rata-1y VEt : 601;)/ 7 5.E ... K GLANDS OA IfErig N Ain' ti , a§,o:AP.':. G LAIN, DT, Sbli For doling a family washing In the best nod cheapest manner. tintuanteed equal to any In the world( tins all the strength of oil rosin soap with the mild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try thin eplon• did Sonp. Sold by tho ALDEN Cltt•'bllCAb WODKs, .18 North Front Stteet, Philadelphia. ' sepq' T HE'HOUSEHOLD GAS MACHINE! FUR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORES, FAr'TORII:S, CHURCHES AND L'UDLIC DUILDINO, WITH UABI Cateratcs Gas without Firc or Mat I The simplicity a n d ease by u . nich this Machine is inan• aged, an also Ito economy nod gloat merit, recant mends it to,public favor. Call and see innelaino in operation at the stole. Manufacturer and Sole Agent, DAVE!) JONKP, TIN FURNISHING STORN. N 0.733 Green St., Philada. /Sir .Send far Illustrated Circular. Aug. 19,1869, 3 mod. ;ISAAC K. STAUFM,L WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, No. 148 North 2d Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly on Land. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! :at-Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. nuv.27-Iy. 'FINE CUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR GENTLEMEN All the LEADING STYLES on hand or mado to mean uro. Prlcr•.s Hoed a 7.9 w FIGURES. An Illustrated Pike List with insti actions for soli measurement sent on receipt of Poit Wilco address. WM. F. -BARTLETT 33 South Sixth Street, above Chestnut; MEI 727' DRY GOODS. ' 727 RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Hare now the most complete sad elegant stock of rix-y gar co ca cite; They have over offered, and invite special attention 'to their stuck of SILKS, - c'olprising a full lino of 'HEAVY BLACK OROS GRAIN sod LUSTERLESS SILKS, FOR SUITS. Plain Brown and Mode Togettas. Plain lhown and Mode Nolte de Sides. A foil Hue of C HEN El MO I-I AIRS Of the choicest coloring, together st ith an Extensive Va. slaty of DRY GOODS, embracing Cloths, CaNBIIIIOI43S, Uonse-Fin o telling Clouds, be. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut street, julylely Philadel phis. NOTICE TO SKIPPERS. GREAT REDUCTION OF TOLLS E=l From Tidewater to lull points on the Susquehanna. River and its Branches, Chesapeake Delaware Canal, Tide water and Pennsylvania Canals. By Itegttlitedaily Tows of C.inal Boat; front ellandek pinta foal. places on the Susquehanna River and ,branches. °clods conBigned to the above points front ?Mind.>frailty and Baltimore veal ho received, carefully handled. and fm anted by Canal Boats, which are constantly urriiing for freights. • • • Ample warehotve anti wharfage room (under color) piorlded for loaded cargoes. • Shippers will find it to• theft advantage to send for ward thole consignincas to receive quick dispatch. For 'further particulars ;apply to HOFFMAN & KENNEDY, ' .I; c. 301 North Dchwyaru ANCIIIIC • „ PHILADELPHIA. • or jOS. JAS ,TAYLOR, j , : No 212 Wept Falls Avenue,,, BALT/310RE, MD. Juno NEW MARBLE , .STORE. NO. OO 0 Chostifitt Stre e t, J. GALDco 1, , JEWELLERS. Have hem appointed, , • ;! SPECIAL AGENTS in this city for the sale of thii Goputm. MFG. COMPANY'S FINE El ECTEO:PI.ATED WARE. Wo guaianten these goods to ho decidedly superior to anything in the minket, excelling in design; finish and quality. ; A large asiortment wilt ho maintained, and sold at the manufacturers' regular • • FIXED PRICES. Trade Mark, Stamped milli° of base of each Eloctro Plato • , c omi.spm eo article. E . m_oWELL & CO. 902 CHESTNUT ST., THILADELPHIA.. . - Ju1:Y.2 7 2, '68;41. 1 ' • • 31,c0 SPANISH HAIR DRESSER Non PROMOTINdTIIE GROWTII, lOW/TIMM; TIM And rendering it dark and glossy..No otbor compound possesses the peculiar properties which tio,oxactly Intl the various conditions of the human hair. Tho use of this oil as a' hair dresser lute been liniment in every se,e• lion of the country in the Spanish Main for centuries.— No preparation of art atUlit'glye that elegant kipturiance acid abundance of hair which have so u often been the ad miration of travelers in Spain. Thin oil is highly and delicately perfumed, forming an made unrivaled in tni celleuce,and upon which the . Spanish- people for many 3 ears have sot its head of endming approval. —,,—' McGUIRE'S Mexicali Wild Flowers Shampoo Latin • For removing dandruff and scarf from the head, whiten . Lug and per funi lag the alciu. , :,This article is entirely di( ferent from anything of the kind ever offered in this neuri tis, and Is warranted fred 'from trii poisonous substances: This vuluable lotioMwas used by the Emperor, Maxlmil itua, and Empresi Carlotta of Mexico, and universally steed by Mexicans for three hundred years. As a wash fur the head—it Is ,cooling,,cleanslng and refreshing.— When thus used it at once relieves 'reattach.. • • , , WILD FLOWERS FOR THE TEETH. All thew who are in favor o f u bite teeth and &pleasant, and perfumed Loath, eltou Id at one° neo lifeCintra'a Wild blOwers,,ter'Qte Valli." All thma.preparattnns arol,Put gp . I .a the most Alngant and ornamental inannbr. , We PO F.FOOOI/ ba saying tbitt they are an ornament to ii lady's toilet' table, and none complete without them. • Warranted•satiifactory or. money' refunded., Dealers will bear 014 in mind. Sold by, all teapectal,4 Drug: giapu the Wiped Statee and Canadas.t Addrecs orders SV:. • .. riacklAßD MGDIRE,' pepnt, and Manuf4tnry, • ".2.1Y • 283 14ortil'Secontl Street,PhlladelpVin `couNTRT . FiVoDucE, All k!iOA oreountry prothp.o ten in exelrknge fay Goods it Lewis' Family Grnrery. SPECTAOLES and EYE GLASSES Which Strengthen, Preserve, and Moat Thoroughly Assist the Sight. • . L L. Messrs, LAZARUS & MORRIS, OPTICIANS and OCULISTS HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT; novo, with n view to moot the Increased demand for' their , CELEBRATED Perfected Epectacies Mr. AARON STEWARD, Watchmaker and Jeweller, HUNTINGDON, PA., As their solo Agent for this' place. , They Imre taken care to give all needful instructions, and have confidence in the ability of their agent to meet the requirements of all customers. An opportunity will be thus afforded In procure, at oil thee. SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY AN VFOR THEIR STENGTH ENING AND PRESERVING ' QUALITIES. - • Trio moll cannot ho said as to their SUPERIORITY over the ordinary glasses worn. There is no glimmering, tot tering of the sight, dirtiness, or other unpleasant•sonsa tion, hot on the contrary. I% om the peculiar construction Of the Lenses ' they are soothing and pleasant, causing is feeling of relief to the wearer, and Saonucova A CLzAn and DATINCT Vistas, us in the natural healthy sight. ' They ore the only Spectacles that PRESERVh, AS WELL AS ASSIST And are the CHEAPEST beCRUse the BEST t always lad ing BUNT TEARS without change being licoollSary. SIi•MR, AARON STEWART, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Huntingdon, Pa., in their war Agout appointed in thin place. • Digf*VlTE EMPLOY No PEDDLERS."I4 • Sodt. 2, 1868-ly. - . GREAT BARGAINS PHILADELPHIA Cunningham & Carmon's, Corner of Railroad andMontgontery Ste WE would call special attention to the daily at ival of CIGHOE AND nuntruytn, GOODS, a hick aro cdrel ad at Tem,ptiug Prices, Conbifftiog of Jonulifnl Sill"' of all elottlos, ell woo Poplins, Alpacas, Molangcs,,Arinurii, Chinlns, a mos beautiful lino of lino CombricA, Ban,' 31o.line, Nair souks., Gingham, and Chantlirayn ALSO, a full lino of Domestic Good, and, no HEAVY BLEACHED MUSLIM Fino Brown 3ltialin, 40 Inches Ivido, Blenched Mua li from lo 2 3ard i s wide, Kentucky Jeans, I:nrinm. CaseintoC, Our stock of S //OE'S excels aolLiug of tlo kind aide of Philadelphia ALSO, n Lugo and 1.4 , 1 selected duds of HATA suit- able for !.1:o eas9n CARPETS. We mako a specialty of this artklo, and have on ham] a very flue assortment of DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which will be mold lower than CAN be sold by any other home outsido of Phdadefplna. We have a:no on band large stock 01 Ali AND. BAIT xlitch we ore selling very low. In order to bo convinced that ours is the photo' to boy call and ezainine our goods end prices We take Omer° in mhowiag our goods, even If you do not Irbil to buy. &to you will plume call awl get poster CUNNINGHAM & CARMON June 10, 180S-tf. 17:17.1NWPIZZIG-3CIC).7iT 1:t1 NI J. M. GREEN & O. BEAVER Haring entered into partnership, inform tho pnlllle That they aro prepared to execute all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Banding Work,•nt a low prices as any shop in tho comity. Ordors from a 4stance promptly attended to. Shop on 31/INLPI hticut, p few doors cast of the Tat thorpu chinch MARBLE YARD. The under,signed would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the 'Meek of beautiful marble now on band. lie is prepared to kornicti at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble,,Tom.b, ',nobles and Stones of every desired Biro and ferns of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and curved with ,upple. prolate devices, or plain, as may suit. • • , • Building Marble, floor and Window Sills,, fice., will be furnished to order. - W. W. pledges himself to furnish material township equal ,to tiny in the country, ate fair price. Call and ROO, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on the orner of Milntgomory and .11IffUn 1101.. Huntingdon Pa. , • • • ' WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, May 16 ISH. . • 7 Drn s COUNTRY "DEALERS 'Can buyCLOTHING'frhm hes in iluntingdon at • WHOLESALE as cheap as theicam in the ties, as I have a wholomlo Hors in Philadelphia. m Rom Arr. BARK. The laglieet prloyfilllie paid in cosh for Bark by *JOI7 ; •-,,, • , ; 1.7:q1f.17 ",tm,Blank'Rooks for the ,desk and pocket, for sale at Lew& iloak'Ste're. APPOINTED TIIEGIIT CAUTION DECLINE IN PRICES, and my exfierienCeiii 'selecting best branits and reliable qualities of goods,'parehasers will rind it to their advantage to ex:thane my HUNTINGDON, PA, • ' ~° o„ A. R. STEWART, lIIINTINGDON, PA., DEALER IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, • PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES,, OILS, LAMPS, ROPES, Scythqs, §ll,atlisSOin Cr4illOsiSad= . 'illdry and Car"riagc,Gu'uils,:Hu6s, and Spokes - . S 'AND LOCKS,. HINGES, SCREWS, DRAIN PIPE, svirc•rz3o.w - A.xLm, and an endless variety of his line. I am receiving: goods. almost every duy fronOna . nufeeturere,.an'd in view of late THE NEW PATENT 3CLIRS - 1; COOK STOVE, which throws nil others in the shade, is still increasing in popularity, and pleases So well that everybody wants . THE ECLIPSE; STOP AT THE I3IG PADLOCK SIGN = EIZI Ilts% IMPROVED elk Pa RESTORER 'FAVOR blitmsSilig - ; style in 014 jVCW', . . •Jots° -;1 quickly restore. Gray, Halt " • • to its naiural colot: Mad • 'Bra produce growth. It is I perfectly harmless,' "and 'is , Preferre4 u over - every ''other preparation those who have •a' fine head -of hair, - as well as those' who wish to restore • -' ' it. The beatitiful gloss'and perfume; • impaitea to the Hair makeit desirable -, " for'old and young., _ • •• , /41 "loor Solo by nil Druggists: . . DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., N. Y.,tTOIA , READING ''RAIL 'ROAD.; AAR • • AUGUST a, no. flit EAT TRUNK LINE FROM TILE' VI North nod North-19.0 for PHILADELPIILi; NKr' YORK, Rentilsa, Porrsvitu, TAMA4p,c, ASULAND,SUANOXINJ LEBANON, ALLENTOITN, R65T0:4 EPHRATA, LITIZ; LRCM& TM,' COLO:aura, At., Ac. '• Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follow.: At' 2 50, 5 25 and 8,10 A. 51., 12,20, 205,0,35 P. M., Waned= frig with similar trains on the Ponnsylyanfit 11.3,arrIvIng at New York 2,00, 10 00 and 11 45 A, M., and 3,60, and 0 55 and 9.50 P. M. Sleeping accompany the 2 50a in and 035 p.ltu. trains Igltyont change. ; . ; I„tato Ilirrisburg lot heading, Pott4lllo, T - L i0N4944; 51Incrtutille, Pine Grove,'Allentowni and Philadeiplata at 8 10 A. 111., and 205 and oroPplog at Lebtuacti' and prjncipar rrak'stallhns: 11.4 10 p. In. train tanking 'cotitteetibils,tdr, Philadelphia' and Os lumbla only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill lintels and An: bun!, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna R. It., Icatellall pshurg at 330 P 31. ' • r", Br:Aiming, leave Naltr-Yolta at 9 A. M., 12.09.n00n, en 4 5.00 and 8.00 P. 31 Philadelphia at 8.15 A. 51. and 3.30 I t M; Sleeping oars .9.4rOpany. the 9.00 a m and . 6.oolated 8.00 pin trains without change: " • • ' • ` i 1 Way Passenger train leaves PhiladMpit hi, at T connecting with similar train on East Pontla.• Railroad) returning froth heading at 6,30 p stopping at Ml 5 at& Wm , ; Pottsville at 7,0 C and 845 M.; and 245 P. 51:1 Shamokin at 5 25 and 11 20 A. 34.5'Ashiand 700 A. 51; Old 12 47,'. nob°, milli 66 , 1t.M; ',Canutupta•att'B 80. A M . .; and 215 and 4.35 PM. • _.l , • , Leave SchuylkillPottsyllhOld,uand Stisqnslianna Rail' road at. 7 10 a m., for Harrisburg, , and 11, 30 fot 1110 Grovo and-Tremont. • , , An Accommodation Passenger Trail:items 4tesnixd'it 7.30 A. M., and, returna from ; PMLADELPIIIA at 5,15 1'.15.1 Pottstown Accommodation Traiii:'lnni•es Poitatown'at. 6,45 a. o.;zoturning leaVos Thiladoltilda tit 4,30 p. m. -Columbia Railroad .Trains leave, Reading id 7 00 51., and 615 I'. 'IL, for Ephrata, Landasttri Cot- Perlilomen Railroad trains lento Perkicenen Junction nt 000 oat and 0.00 p m returning: Leavo Skippackf 810 a in, and 1.25 p tv, connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad., - ~ On Snndays, leave New None a; 8 . 00 P. 37., I'hilitilel. plan, 5 'a ni and 3'15 P. 31., ' the 8 5 of train running Only to:Beading; Pottslillo 8 Mari burg,s 25a m, nod 4 10 and 9 Js' p nq Add Reading 110, 2,55 and'7 15 a. tin, for Harrienurgwoil 7.00 a.m.; and 1/ 0p...., for Now:york' and 4.25 p. to for Philadelphia. „ , ''CoSIMUTATION, 31iit,aut, dEASuK, Sciioo, and .Excintafott TICKETS to and Irvin all, points at reduced fates., , Baggage checked 100:peinids llaggag6 allowed each reeecuger:'f. , ". t r a luns':{n o : a; i 8 $ CHEESE: - CHE E SE . ; Pill) ~tr: Ir , I ~ 1w Last iil9y Eili? nt LP.syl FAST ll~y GROCERY A LARGE VARIETY of artibles,tdo .nnmeroils to 'mention, !Or 2.,:k10 nt I.ItIVIS 1,40u1y Urocety. Catkooti t !too. : , • • I'L(3€3., ~, ~► I ; ~..!,'':,t7Yl A : ~, f . ... , i. ......,,._ ll= I:E3 G. A. NICOLLB, General Superintendent.