The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, October 14, 1868, Image 2

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I ;VelinesdOg morning, Oct. 14, 1868.
. _
The "Globe" has the largest number of
papers of any other paper published in the
away. Acteertisers should remember this.
irmrinor W. RETUR',
GIESE? C. Jorixsox,
JOHN R. Maria,
WlLLusi FftsW,
G. Atemusos Come,
Clines W. HILL,
Jose 11.11etlattuaeT.
Yam,: 0. nowros,
/sum ECUS;
Mezzo lloorze,
Monday, Octoberl2.
We write this before the voting com
mences on the first day of the fight for
peace. Whatever may be the result
in the State or county to-morrow,
Tuesday, we are prepared to fight on
—fight on until the grand battle shall
be over in November. We do not ex
pect to be defeated to-morrow—but if
we should be, we do not intend to sur
render until completely surrounded by
the enemy and our last load is dischar•
ged. The country can only be saved
by bravo hearts and strong arms—
then, Union Republicans, stand . firm
and the enemy will be completely rou
ted in November. The army of rebels
that once surrendered to Grant's for
ces, must not now be permitted to
control our Government. The fight is
just the same as then—against the reb
els, their sympathizers, and their can
didates.- Union Republicans, resolve
unanimously, to keep in solid line ; and
resolve unanimously to do better in No.
iernbor for Grant and Colfax. GRANT,
COLFAX, and VICTORY I must be our
rallying cry in earnest.
The Rebels Can't Rule.
FROMIO,OOO T 016,000
We have met the enemy and they
aro ours. Tho contest of Unionism
against Treason has again triumphed,
and patriots everywhere can rejoice.
Pennsylvania will give Hartranft
from 10,000 to 15,000 majority. Ohio
will give from 25,000 to 30,000,and In
diana is . expected to give over 7,000.
Philadelphia will about hold her
ewe, which is ~000 Democratic.
In Harrisburg the Republicans have
elected Hays the Republican candidate
joy Mayor.
Allegheny comity gives a Republi
can gain of 2,000.
Mifflin county is reported to have
given 20 majority for Hartranft—a
Republics.n gain of over 200.
The probabilities are that Brown
and Martin Republican candidates for
Assembly in this district are elected.
The rzews was received in this place
with intense enthusiasm by the Re
publicans, while the Democrats went
despondently to their holes.
About fifty of onr citizens turned
out after midnight, headed by martial
music and twelve harmonicles, and
paraded our streets, awaking the na
tives. They serenaded Mr. Sam!. T.
Brown, S. B. Chaney, and others.
Huntingdon County Returns.
• etas township. 7 lEartranft 122, Boyle
49; Campbell 122, Ent 49; Morrell 124,
Linton_ 47; Brown 124, Martin 122,
Miller 50, Taylor 46; Neely 111, Africa
,Franklin township —ltartranft 169,
330y1e 101; Campbell 169, Ent 101;
Morrell 169, Linton 101.
Huntingdon, B. W.—Hartranft 176,
"Boyle 138; Campbell 178, Ent 137;
Morrell 178, Linton 137; Brown 189,
Martin 166, Miller 142, Taylor 120;
,Neely 162, Africa 150.
Runtingdoli, W. W. —Hartranft 134,
530y1e 113; Campbell 135, Ent 112;
Morrell -136, Linton 115; Brown 143,
Martin 126; Miller 119, Taylor 106;
Neely 120, Africa 131.
Tod township—Hartranft 105, Boyle
46; Campbell 195, Ent 46; Morrell 106,
Linton 45; Brown 106, Martin 106,
Miler .45, Taylor 44; Neely 101, Africa
Union towir.skip Ilartranft 109,
Boyle 53; Campbell 109, Ent 53; Mor
rell 109, Linton 53; Brown 110, Mar
tin 109, Miller 52, Taylor 53; Neely
103, Africa 60.
THE LATEST.—iorrell elected by
800 in the district. Capt. Neely elec
ted by five or six hundred.. The whole
,county tteket •elseted.
The slanders :against Neely did'nt
win. His slanderers crawling into ve
ry small holes—very small holes.
Almost the full vote of Huntingdon
county is returned. Republican ma
jority over 1. 1 099—a gain of 250,
Let the South Reorganize its own Gov-
ernments ,
On the 30th of Juno last, Frank
31air wrote as follows to Ur. Brod
"There is but one way to restore the
Government and the Constitution, and
that is for the President elect to declare
these acts null and void, COMPEL the
army to undo its usurpation at the South,
DISPERSE the carpet-bag State Gov
ernments, allow the white people to reor
ganize THEIR 011 7. 137 governments and
elect Senators and Representatives."
It was the letter of Frank Blair's
that secured him the nomination at the
New York Convention, through the
influence of Preston, Forrest, and oth
er Rebel Generals, fresh from the
scenes of bloodshed consequent on their
rebellion against the United States
Government. We have said and still
say that this is a revolutionary letter—
one that was written to please the
Southern leaders, and one which does
please them, and they will demand, if
Seymour and Blair aro elected, that
all the sentiments expressed in the let
ter be carried into practice. Not only
aro the reconstruction acts to be de
clared null and void, but the army is
to be COMPELLED to undo its work
of keeping the South from rebelling
again; all the State Governments now
existing in the South are to be DIS
PERSED, and all the white people are
to bo allowed to re-organize THEIR
OWNgovernments, and elect Senators
and Representatives Remember that
the latter clause dons not say that the
loyal white people are to be allowed to
re organize the Government; but it
clearly and distinctly implies that the
"white people," embracing the rebels
in tote, from Jeff. Davis down to the
conscripted priva to so lately in the rebel
rank; shall ro organize their own gov
ernments, and more than that, they
shall elect Senators and Representa
tives. Loyal men of the North, can
you, will you permit sub an insult to
go unpunished ? Can you counte
nance the man that will so boldly de
clare that rebels shall rule the Govern
ernment they tried to destroy? Will
you vote to place such a man in a po
sition at the head of our Government
who will permit the rebels to set up
their own Governments, who Will com
pel the .army to undo all that it has
done in the South. If you will do this,
then go back to the rebellion—un
do all that Grant and the boys in
blue did at Vicksburg—all that the
the boys in blue did under Sherman in
his march to the sea ; ellthat our
Union Generals and bravo boys did to
suppress the rebellion—undo all that
we did to prevent secession and restore
the Union ; let the Southern people
organize their own Governments under
Jeff. Davis, and lot the South secede.
If you vote fur Seymour and Blair, you
vote for just such a state of effairs. No
reasoning man can discover anything
else than revolution in the utterances
of Frank Blair, and if he votes to place
him and his colleague Seymour in pow
er, ho is a party to the revolution that
will follow their election. Voters, re
member this on the 3d of November
Leui qw.all
Handbills of the following character were
sent, wo suppose, to all election districts :
To those having Lands to Patent, as all the
unpatonted Lands will have to be patented
now in a very short time, and in many cases
the expenses will be huge. Therefore, we
ES Republicans, who are interested in this
way should look more to our own interest
than to partizan feeling. A County Survey
or outside or away from the county seat, is
Amite a useless officer, but one at the county
seat is a very important one at this time. The
Prothonotor or Register might as well be
away off in one corner of the county, as the
Surveyor. The Republican candidate lives
in the most out of the way place in the whole
county, whilst the Democratic candidate re
sides at the county seat, and has his office
with J. S. Africa, one of the oldest Survey
ors in the county. The Surveyor ought to
reside at the county seat where all the papers
can be kept together, and in many cases save
vexatious delays and often pecuniary expen
ses. Thereon we the undersigned Republi
cans throwing aside all party feelings solicit
the votes of the party in favor of A. W. P.
Johnson, against whom not a disparaging
word can be said by any party.
P. M. LYTLE, W3l_ll. WOODS,
WU. LEWIS, J. It. &arson . .
The above "Notice" was mailed from Hun
tingdon in an envelope, post marked Oct. 12,
to "Ed. Green, Esq., Mill Creak," and re
ceived by him, and was by him brought up
to Huntingdon. We never attached our names
to any such paper, and the person who has
sent out such notice has forged our names.
Wn. P. Oamsose, Joint SCOTT,
UV - Soldiers, if Wade Hampton, N.
B. Forrest, or any other rebel General,
were to come North and invite you to
join his army, would you do it! And
yet these same men are to-day muster
ing recruits for the Blair and Seymour
army in the Southern States. Are
you willing to follow such leaders, who
tried to destroy ' your Government?
Remember, Gen. Grant raised recruits
to fight the rebellion, and ho did whip
the rebels. No, will you forsake Grant
and take up with Hampton and For
rest, by voting for Seymour and Blair.
We hope not.
m ..We shall see who has been hurt
most by the slanders of the Monitor.
Never before was there su . ch desperate
means resorted to by any party to do.
feat an opponent as has been resorted
to by the enemies of Capt. Neely to
defeat him. If he has received his
party vote it will be an evidence that
the Monitor has completoty Oat ell
character for truth with the people.
Ponnsylvar4ia,'Oliio and Indiana re
spond to Vermont and Maine. Now
for IN,T,ovomber, and victory for Gi(til,t.
ttgL.The Democratic speakers con- I
tinuo to prate about how they intend
to pay the National debt, if they get
in power. The propose to issue one
currency, and that currency will be
tho "greenback," which is now talked
about equally as much as the "nigger."
The country is to bo flooded with
greenbacks. We will have plenty of
them, and of course they will go to
pay high prices on articles of every
description. For instance, if green
backs are issued to three times the
amount at present in circulation, we
will be obliged to pay three times the
price we now pay. Flour, by the bar
rel, which now sells at $ll and $l2,
will then sell at $33 and $36; beef, by
the pound, for which we now pay 14
cents will then be 42 cents, and butter
will go up to a dollar or more. This
a very consoling subject to contem
plate, but yet it is evenly so, for the
more greenbacks, the less gold, and
' with the decrease in the amount of
I gold there is a corresponding increase
in prices and if we have nothing but
paper money, the Democrats will issue
enough of it to increase prices on
everything throe-fold and four-fold if
necessary. The poor man will then
bo the loser, for his wages will not go
up as fast as prices, and the credit of
the Government will bo worthless. If
the National debt is to be paid in this
way, we must confess that we can't see
how it is to be done, unless as the De
mocratic platform boldly declares, a
tax is laid on "EVERY species of prop.
erly according to its value." If the la
boring man can stand a fax on his
working tools, let him vote the Demo
erotic ticket; if the farmer can stand
a tax on everything that he produces
and on his farm beside, lot him vote for
Seymour and Blair; and if there is a
voter anywhere who wants everything
ho owns of value taxed, let, him vote
the Democratic ticket, and our word
for it ho will got enough of "taxes"
brier° his party is in power six months.
A Picture for the Contemplation o
We place in parallel columns for
convenience of comparison, Colfax's
letter to the Fenian COmmittoo, and
Blair's speech before the Fenian meet
ing in St. Louis, in Septothbor, 1866 :
Washington, Feb. 20,001. you heart nod soul, and
DEtrz ma—From the time heartily my, ''God bless the
that I saw the gallani and Finnegens." IA voice—the
lamented Corot an, no brave "Fantails, General."] 1 know
In battle, au heroic in cap- what / ant talking about,
tivity, was the head of your and Imy Fomegans. teen
organization, I have felt a radon awl laughter,l and I
warm interest In it, though say that I hope to see Um
knowing nothing,of course, came eoaieh and ptosper,
of Ile internal machinery, and eh 111 bless the day when
Its obligations or its ritual. helmet is governed by
Remembering gratefully men. In accomplishing- this
0,0 historical fact of warm laudable undo taking I will
sympathy expreened by an do all I can to omelet you. I
lu ish Pat lament far our fa-I wilt puce myself, if nerds
there when struggling for be, at your head, match
the Independence they won with you to Staten bland,
for no, regarding Impel - till) oveititie your embarkation,
every weliditreted and pat- null Mond on the must ele
tietic endeavor throughout voted bluff of the enact, and,
the world for nationality, as yen raise the green em
end roloicing that en tinny Morn over the store sad
loyal Walt:non have enrolblattipus, while your want
ed tliellleo/ros to the army.. e, under full headway, ate
of the Union, to save their turning their prows to the
adopted country from arms- east, I will say, Good bye,
chy and deutroction, I send God bless you, and may you
you, in response to your re- bo noccesafni In your under.
pleat, the enclosed $2O. taking. May you lift the
which nould be larger but 13ritid, Lion out otitis bents,
for many other demands ou'and meat from his grasp
ithe mot aid grin of the soft;
but is bother or not you Shall
succeed In this endeavor,
tray each and all of you re•
main in Ireland or else,
whore, and never again set
foot upon theme idiom I Yell
lore mauled there, and we
linspretfully yourn.
luau get along without 3on
Irishmen will be asked to vote fo
Frank Blair. Let such as these think
of the sneers flung into their teeth by
Frank Blair: "I will lead you to Sta
ten Island and oversee your embarka
tion for the Emerald gem of the sea;
but whether you succeed or not in
your enterprise, may you each and all
remain in Ireland or elsewhere, and
never again set foot upon these shores
You are wanted there, but we can get
along without you here." How an
Irishman can swallow the insult and
vote for Blair, is inconceivable. No
Irishman possessing proper self-re
spect and love for Old Ireland can
vote for Frank Blair. Only the sod
den slaves of party 'domination wilt do
it. Irishmen, vote for Colfax.
Iva... Nothing in the world is more
certain than that Gen. Grant, when
he enters the White House, will take
immediate steps to insure peace in the
South. The South itself has a tolera
bly clear idea of him, and his manner
of accomplishing objects. it is from
this fact that a few simple words from
him declaring his intention to protect
every man in every right, will of
themselves go far to accomplish the
object. Ho will do no unnecessary
thing; but ho will do everything no.
cessary to accomplish the high resolve
to have peace and security in every
part of the South. We shall therefore
have good results immediately follow•
ing the election, months before Grant
succeeds to his high office. No sane
man need be told what must be ex
pected should be be defeated and Gov.
Seymour elected. The Tammany Con
vention gave now life to every bad
element in the South, and licensed all
the bad passions of the demoralized
and rebellions Southern population.—
A heavy and impenetrable cloud will
at once obscure the future, if Grant is
defeated and no man will know what
to de or expect. One or the other of
these two conditions will follow the
election. Which shall it be
tee. Senator Patterson, of Tennessee,
President Johnson's son-in law, has an
nounced ,himself as a supporter of
Grant and Colfax. He has made sev
eral bets that Grant will be elentnci,
and expresses the opinion that ho will
receive 300,000 majority in the popular
vote for President: •
wa... Prepare to givo the enemy a
total rout on the ti . d of November.
How Democrats carry Electious,
Sohn Casey, an honest Irish laborer
on the Clearfield railroad, was sum
moned to appear before the Legisla
tive Investigating Committee last
winter to testify in relation to the
frauds committed at the election polls
in Philipsburg, Centre county. As' a
law abiding citizen ho came to Harris
burg and told the story in his own
honest way, which is recorded in the
Legislative Record, page 1411. It reads
as follows :
"John, Casey, sworn—l was working
on the railroad for Mr. Collins at the
October (18G7) election ; was boarding
in Phillipsburg, whore I voted with
the other men ; Mr. Lede took me up
to vote and gave me the naturalization
paper, and I put it in ; cannot rend ;
am as ignorant as a baste; I put the
paper in my pocket; cannot tell what
became of it; I was nover naturalized;
never was in a court before this; Ledo
told me to vote; I was working near
Mr. Collins' store; came the day that
O'Meara did to Philipsburg ; 1. voted
Such is the testimony of an honest
Iriehtnan. These words aro the ver
batim report of the testimony given
by Casey under oath before the Inves
tigating Committee of the Senate, and
four days after the examination when
the above was elicited ho was found in
the road near Clearfield, brutally mur
dered; &eaten to death with clubs. Ho
bad undoubtedly boon killed lest ho
should tell more, and to wipe out eve
ry trace of the crime at the polls, on
the night of the murder, two men, on
a forged order, obtained from his land
lady all his papers and destroyed
them. Dead men tell no tales; and
the agents who seduced John Casey
into committing a crime against the
country will probably never be known
in this world.
Leading Democrats,
Gen. Kilpatrick, the impetuous cav
alry leader during the late rebellion,
portrayed the character of some of the
present good otd Democrats, in ono of
his speeches at the Soldiers and Sailors
Convention in Philadelphia last week,
in the following unmistakable language.
He says:
"Who have we to oppose us? The
same mon who opposed us during the
rebellion, both in the South and at the
North. •Who are these men at the
South who have joined hands with the
Northern Democracy ? Why, Robert
Ould, who will be remembered by
many here p'resent who were confined
as prisoners of war in the rebel pens.
He is the man, who, on opening many
of the boxes sent South by your loving
mothers, said he thought the articles
too highly seasoned for Men of seden•
tary habits. Then there is Wade
Hampton, who said to mo that he
would rather his arms should with
er than live with the mudsills of
the North, and that he hoped to live
to apply the torch to every Northern
home. He a front seat in the
New York Convention. Then there's
el-Governor Vance, of North Carolina,
the man trho'addr`ossod his troops with
the'remark that'he wanted thorn to
fill boll so full of Yankees that their
heels would stick out of the third-story
window. Hound Wade Hampton bad
gone into the guerrilla business, but a
ride ofl3o miles on an old mule which
I gave him had the effect of dissolving
that partnership. Then there is For
rest the butcher, who surrounded a
garrison of four hundred men with a
force ten times as strong, and, under
cover of a flag of truce, marched his
force to the rear and murdered nearly
all the garrison. He buried living and
dead in the Banio ditch, and nailed no•
groca to houses and fences, and there
burned them."'
General Dix and Grant.
A private letter from General John
A. Dix, written from Paris nearly a
year since, contains the following par
agraph :
PARIS, January 16, 1868.
"I have thought for a year that
Grant should bo President. The pres
tige of his name will enable him to do
more than any other man to heal tho
national dissensions Which seem to me
at this distance to be as far from a sat
isfactory solution as ever. Then ho is
honest from both instinct and habit,
and he has good sense, perseverance,
and a modest estimate of his own ca
pabilities. I have no doubt he would
call able men to his councils and listen
to their advice, and 1 believe that be
would be a firm conservative and suc
cessful Chief Magistrate."
A Victory Now as Necessary as in
On Thursday a week last there was
an immense re-union of the Boys in
Blue in Philadelphia, and here is the
despatch of a LIFE LONG DENIO.
DAN, to his comrades in arms :
FORT, Kan., Sept. 30, 1868.
—To Gem Charles E. T. Collis, Phila
delphia :—Say to the Boys in Blue
that it is as essential to have a politi
cal victory this fall as it was to have
nn Appomaltox in'lB6s, and.that eve
ry man who loves his country should
vote for Grant.
PIT. SuErunAN,
Major General, U. S. A
AZ-There were ono hundred and
eighty-six Southern delegates in the
New York Convention that nominated
Seymour and Blair, ono hundred and
ton of whom served at ono limo or an
other, in the rebel army. These mon
,controlled the convention, and now
they demand of Northern men that
they should support their ticket. What
voter can so far forget respect for him
self and duty to his country, as to vote
any such ticket. Their very desire to
have you vote with them is enough to
induce you to vote agaiast .them.
VirThe Chester County Journal pub.
liihed at Downingtown, heretofore a
neptral paper, has hoisted the Grant
and Colfax flag and is doing good ser
yiee in' ,the Republican cause.
Unprecedented Republican Gains,
Four Thousand since last spring—New
England Unanimous for Grant.
flAatirono, Conn., October 9.—The
returns from the town elections in this
State are now all in. They show large
Republican gains. Ninety-nine towns
from which majorities aro reported
give a majority of nearly twelve hun
dred on the popular vote in favor of
the Republicans.. The aggregate De
mocratic majority is 3,888 ; Republican
5,052. In these towns are included
all the cities and places where the De
mocrats received their largest majori
Full returns from all the towns will
increase the Republican majority to
nearly fifteen hundred, making allow-
Anne for the fact that the Republican vote
in Democratic strongholds was light,
and that the Democrats made an un•
usual effort.
A full vote would show a greater
change in public sentiment than ap
pears by the figures given. The pros
pect is that Grant will carry the State
by over two thousand majority. The
Republican gain as indicated in the
spring election is nearly four thousand.
Grant and Seymour Contrasted.
I believe Grant pre-eminently a man
of administration. I believe ho has
not only laid the country under obli
gations to him which we can never re
pay for the services ho rendered dur
ing the war, but I believe ho is destin
ed to lay the country under greater
obligations. Ile will give us an ad
ministration so temperate, so divested
of passion, free from all malign influ
ences, so wise in its selection of men,
so judicious in carrying out measures,
that we will see date from his admin
istration a reeontinuation of the ad•
ministration of Washington liimself—
(cheers and applause)—a man whom
in many important respects ho resem
bles—(applause)—and in no respset
more than Ibis—in his wisdom in tak
ing counsel of wise men and in making
his personal decisions reflect the wis
dom of all the councillors he can gath
er around him. if General Grant sits
at the head of the Gevernment of these
United States, there is not a single
workingman in the nation, not one
poor emigrant, not one dusky creature
that by his pine-knot candle reads Iris
spelling book, that will not feel that
he is safe and seeure after Gen. Grant
is President—will know that the Re
publican party is the party of the com
mon people, and every human being
in the United States will know that
the power of the Government and the
party of enlightened and Christian :
people will bo all in favor of the great
est security and the greatest measure
os liberty at all. (Cheers.)
What is his antagonist in private
life ? A gentleman not only most re
spectable, but kind and amiable, of
polished and winning manners against
whose private character no man has
brought a shadow of reproach. But
Seymour is not a man of ideas; ho is
not a man of -victorious will; not a
man who in dark and difficult days
seizes the right path, and then though
all men leaves him follows- it to the
victorious end. Neither soldier nor
general, he is a man that, will be man
aged by those around him; without a
record in the war but a bad record, lie
would hang his burdens on the govern
ment He is not the man that ought
to be'entrusted to shape the policy of
an era of liberty. Never by speech or
by any act of his life has ho shown
himself to bo the right man to place
in power on those terms of liberty. A
layer• makes the best statesman, a
general makes the best civilian. The
man of idear is the man under whom
this nation will rest most secure and
More Results of Democratic Teach
From tho Now York Commercial Ads trliser
The official investigation of the Ca
milla (Ga.) massacre has hardly been
completed before we are called upon
to chronicle another bloody butchery
at Opelousas, the capital of St.. Landry
Parish, Louisiana. It was another
deliberate preconcorted movement to
crush Unionism in that region, and
restore rebel supremacy. According
to the New Orleans "Bulletin," a viru
lent Democratic sheet-, ono hundred
Unionists wore hilted and fifty woun
ded, whereas only four Democrats
were wounded, and none killed. The
Crescent, another Democratic sheet, is
confident that Radicalism is done for
in St. Landry Parish, at least for this
Presidential campaign.
Mr. Vidal, member of Congress from
Louisiana, established some time since
at Landry, the Progress, a Republican
paper. It has been edited by Mr.
Bentley, who likewise teaches a school
at that, place. On Monday last a squad
of Rebels set upon Mr. Bentley, in the
presence of his pupils, and proceeded
to Qbastiso him. His friends gathered
to his rescue. Ho, however, urged
them to disperse to their homes, assur
ing them that ho should sue out war
rants for the arrest of the ruffians who
bad set upon him. Meanwhile, the
ox-Confederates began to assemble in
large numbers, with arms, and soon
became an uncontrollable mob, thirst
ing for blood. They proceeded to the
Progress office, threw the typo and
press into the river, and seizing the
French editor, Mr. Durand, took hint
to a neighboring wood, whore ho was
lynched. The foreman of the printing
department was compelled to flee for
safety. Now began a cold-blooded,
heartless butchery. The fiends scat
iertd through the town and neighbor
ing plantations, shootingas they wont,
untie one hundred and fifty . .btaeka fell
victims to their demoniac fdry: The
latter appear to have Made no residt
elle°, as only four of their persecutors
were wounded. 'Such, in' briecare the
details of this horrid affair, the ac
counts of the New Orleans Butictin,
and Republican substantially agreeing.
The fleeing foreman of the printing of
fice has arrived in Now Orleans, and
states that the
-rebels have determined
to kill or drive out all the Unionists,
white or black, from the Opelousas dis
trict. The New Orleans Times (Dem
ocrat), of a late "date, has an account
of an affair at Shreveport, which re
sulted in the death of fifteen Unionists
and three rebels. The other day a par
ty ()farmed mon surrounded the house
of Roderick Hill, a Republican, resid
-1 Mg at Ashpolo, Robeson county, N. C.
and shot to death a young man, a Re
publican, while in the act of being
married to Mr. Hill's daughter. The
bride was likewise seriously injured.
These and other similar outrages
daily occurring throughout the late
Confederacy indicate that the spirit of
rebellion has once more become fairly
rampant. The teachings of the Dem
ocracy of to-day are having their- nat
ural effect. The dire spirit which per
vaded and controlled the Tammany
Convention has permeated the entire
late Confederacy, from North Caroli
na to Arkansas,.and is bringing forth
fruits in abundance. The, late, Con
federates accepted the platform and
temper of that body as an invitation
to be g in the work of anarchy, and
they have not been slow to act upon
it. Tammany warmed into life all
the smouldering elements of the Re
bellion. Fresh from its counsels, Gov,
Hampton, Forrest, et al, pro
ceeded southward to herald the glad
tidings that the Democratic party was
to secure for them 311 the objects for
which they had fought. The people
have believed this. Misled by their
public men, they have believed that
the Democratic party was certain of
success, and would achieve all it pro
mised to do. They have believed that
General Blair's programme would bo
carried out, and so impatient have
they been to carry on the work that
they have not able to wait until the
Democratic party was duly installed
in power.
We have in those Camilla and 0po•
louses butcheries •a foretaste of the
scenes which would transpire through
the late Confederacy were Seymour
and BlGir successful at the polls. Tho
announcement of their election would
be the signal of inaugurating a war
upon the Unionists irrespective of col
or. The Mobile Register, Tuscaloosa
Monitor, Montgomery Mail, Mobile
Telegraph, and
,other exponents of
Southern opinion have already assur
ed us that when that day comes the
"carpet•baggers" will have to travel
forthwith, and the blacks follow after
them unless they mend their ways.—
Said the Richmond Exnmiucr, the oth
er day :—"They (the whit.* will de
monstrate their superiority to the no•
gro race, in a manner that will make
the naked havages of Ethiopia, for cen
turies to come, howl with horror at
the name of a Southern white man."
If now, with an impending election,
and when the World and Richmond
Whig, warned by Vermont and Maine,
aro counselling moderation, these un
repentant rebels indulge in such pas
times, what might wo not expect in
the event of Seymour and Blair's sue
Happily, however, no such calamity
awaits.the country., The election at
General Grant will put an end to all
this Rebel outrage and wrong. Par
doned Confederates who attempted to
overthrow the Government will learn
that those with stood by the Govern•
ment have rights they most and ,Shall
respect. They wi.l be made to learn
that freedom of speech must and Shan
prevail from the Potomac to the Rio
Grande i that we must and shall have
peace in face as well as iu name.
Meanwhile the Washington ,anthor
ides should hasten to aid those of Lou•
isiana in making a thorough examine,
tion into this last butchery, and fixing
the responsibility where it, belongs.
Report of the Committee on the Peace
aml Good Order of the State—Law.
lessness and crime Unparalleled
Oct. D.—The joint
committee of the General Assembly
appointed to investigate the peace and
good order of the State, lion. Hugh J.
Campbell, chairman, report that with
in a short period,2o4 Unionists have
been killed; 51 'were - shot, and 143
otherwise maltreated,-making
.a total
of 398:
The report states that they have
examined personally 1-11 witnesses,
have received 81 letters from various
responsible and reputable citizens, and
have taken 850 copies of affidavits
from the originals iu the possession of
the Senate and douse Committees on
Eke inn and floz.urns. Your committee
aro of the belief that not one tittle of
of the murders and outrages actually
committed daring the time embraced
in our examination appears in the pre
sent report, owing to the shortness of
the time given and other cases above
sot forth. Your committee have rea
son to believe that if adequate time is
given to take even such testimony as
may be offered to them without search
for it from different parts of tho State,
the facts will disclose a state of law
lessness, terrorism, and crime that is
unparalleled in any civilized country,
and disgraceful to the age in which we
live and the Christian character which
we profess.
Humanity sickens at the contempla
tion of a bigotry so ferocious and a
hate so remorseless, founded solely on
political differences, and having for its
impelling motive not resistance to op
pression, but an unruly desire to coerce
the sentiments and actions of others,
and a blind feeling of rage and venge
ance toward those whom they cannot
cow nor silenco.
IL is the mature conclusion of your
committee, founded on the testimony
before them, that the State of lawless
tress and unpunished crime prevalent
in this State is chargeable not alone to
the desperate and infamous characters
wiware the immediateagents,but to the
apathy and silent connivance of that
large•and respectable class of the peo
ple-of the ,Stato, who, while they would
acorn py'rsonally to commit, any of
these violent acts, if they do not actu
ally sympathize with their perpetra
tors at least refrain studiously from
any efforts to restrain or bring them
tojustico, and aro therefore justly lia
ble to the indictment of the peace-lov
ing portion of the coma - lenity for the
ofi.ence of permitting such misci•ecnts
to roam •at large unpunished'. •
4Z - 4-School Books of all {clods foi
Roo c tt Lewis' Book Store. • ' • a
Totes notice that Andrew G. Neff has filed to the
°thee of the Prothonotary of tho Court of Common Pleas
of the county of Iluntingdoh. Ida Trust Account as As.
sigmas of David 11. ,Campbell, of Penn township; and
which said account mill be presented to said Court for
confirmation and allowance. nt the moat, Nosoinhor term,
and wilt ho no confirmed cud allowed unless exceptions
are flied thereto. J. It. SIMPSON,
ocl&Iw Prothonotary.
2EI.3ESEPMAIL I E7III.426:24Tir,
111113 Restaurant is situated at the
heed of Franklin Street, to the borough _of Runt
tingdon, tend to open during the day and ma'am. The
beet of Wines, XX Ale and Lancaster Beer. The table/
will be supplied with the beat fare for the public, add the
proprietors will melte these who call on thorn feel at home.
Jiaralte Hull will ho opened for Poetivale, Partleg,
A nitaionients, etc. RlollTillt & SONS,
Oct. 14, 1765-3 m. Proprietors.
Loroby given, to all p N ers ° L i t e nt h er ' Osted N tl o ta t t icei3
the fol-
lowing named persons tiara settled their accounts in the
Register's Nice, at Huntingdon, and that tho said accounts
will be presented for confirmation and allowance at an
Orphans' Court, to ho hold at Huntingdon, in and for the
count,. of Huntingdon, on Monday, the 9111 day of
NOYEHIIER next, (1868,1 to nit:
I. Administration account of Jeremiah Eyer and Gide—
on °major ' administrators of Peter Crazier, late of War
riorsroark township, Huntingdon county, deceased.
2. Administration account of Abraham ifTeight and
Wm. li. Wallace, administrators of the cant e of Samuel
P. Wallace, late of Morris township, deceased.
3. Administration account of Isaac Taylor, Executor of
the last will and testament of Elizabeth Cullman, late of
Casa township, deceased..
4. A4minlstration ncconnt of DaVid Clarkson, executer
of the last will and tostrment of Jacob Estop, late of
Union township, deceased. •
5. Administration account of Thompson Harlin and
James Martin executors of the last will and testament of
ferias Martin, deceasod.
13. Final account of Isaac N. Sheets and Thomas Cook,
administrators of Jesse Conk, late of Carbon township,
7. Final administration account of Mrs. Jane Keith,
administratrix of Adam Keith, Into of Franklin township,
8. Guardianship ;recount of Goorgo Jackson, guardian
of Bella and Joseph Ilahangb, whew children of John
llebaugh, late of Jackson township, deceased. 11. Administration account of K. Allen Lovell, admin
istrator of the estnto of David McCabe, late of the bor
ough of Huntingdon, deceased.
10. Guardianship account of Fredorick Harmony. guar
dian of Carolina D. Withington, ono of the children nod
lulls ofJohn Hoover, late of Shirley township, dec'd.
11. Administration account of David griller, adminio,
trator ofJamos Dakor, late of Cromwell top., dec'd.
12. Final Guardianship account of George Eby, guar—
dian of Miles M. Howson, ono of the heirs and children
of James !lampoon, late or Brady township, deceased,
who has now arrived at his majority,
Register's Offico, 1
Gout.. Oct. 11, 'O. f
NOTICE is hereby given to nil per
sons interested that the following Inventories of
the goods and Chattels sot to widows, under the provis
ions of the act of 14th of April, 1851, have been filed in
the office of the Clerk of [lto Orphans' Court of !looting•
don county and will be presented for "approval by the
Court" on Wednesday the llth of NOVEMIEIt. (1868,):
Inventory and appraiser - neut. of the goods and chattels.
which were of Ocorgo Shank, late of Warriotsznark top,
demoted, ns token by his widow Nancy. Shank.
Inventory and appralsoment of the goods and chattels
of D. T. Couch, late of Karroo township, deceased, taken
by his widow Caroline°. Conch.
Inventory and approbternont of tho goods and chattels
which wore of Lewis Keith, late of Lincoln township,
&cowed, taboo by his widow Mary P. Keith.
Inventory end oppraisemont of the goods and chattels
which were of Adan. Keith, late of Franklin township,
deccancd, taken by his widow Jerno Keith. -
Inventory and appraisonont of the goods and chattels
which wore of E. 0. Colder, late of Porter township,
deceased, token by his widow Rebecca J. Colder.
Inventory and appraiseinout of the goods and chattels
wh kb N 1 ere of ()corgi:. W. Porter, Into of Jackson township,
deceased, token by his widow Sarah Porter.
Clerk Orphans' Court
Huntingdon, 0at.14 1864.
Sealed ptopdsaltr for the cointimation of pavements
in tito Wmieward.iis required by °Mame relating
to the side walks or pavements in that part of the b :rough
Amnon as West Huntengdon" passed let day of Mey,'lBoS,
opposite the lent of the tootles herein mulled who have
lulled to comply et ith the requirements or said o, did ince,
will be received by the undersigned until men o'clock,
p.m., on Saturday, the seventeenth ilittunt.
Fisher .0 Song;
John Foster,
Baptist Parsonage,
—_— Delilite!,
John (loiter,
Joseph bine-1111bn . ,
11. A. Decker,
N. 11. Corbin,
A. euzzone,'
Dutton Green,
II (.1 WOHVee,
John Lloyd.
S. Boyles,
ut, {turtle.
Denote It.
J. Nilson Bail,
F. Oarlock, lot,
Henry limiter,
Jaw. Sampson,
Abraham timid,.
John Fleniwr,
Chi ietin Is Decker,
Mn., Spoace,
A. Itet, p , .
J. W. 31.11 torn, 12$ 1:13
o'3lstrra, 200
Dontel tlel nnut, 13
John O'Donnell, 25
A. A J33,01te, 10
J. *troube, (4) Wit 101 114 121 • do
Intrid Nigh MI, 23 do
John Hamilton; 24 do
The person or persona to wham the construction of said
pavement inns be nitutted nill bu required to giro ap•
proved security fur Ilia completion ol the work within
Milt! dni 13 qter the letting.
361 15.1 175
16'2. 157
sti 11
73 bit
ALSO.-Ih•upoeola will be received op to the same
time fur the lighting and cleaning of all the etroot lamps
of the borough. Bidders will be expected to state the e=
at which they will perform the work-per month. Ether
party to hare ;the right to terminate ttw contract after
thirty days notice. One muntlia pay wig be retained
by the borough na a guarantee fur the faithful image
nut ncv of the duties . of the lamp lighters.
By order of the Burgesses arid Town Council °Mlle
Borough of Iluntingßon.
Rant ingdon, Oct.ll
Fail Styles for 1888.
Jmit reelvetl at
(Succoseor to W. P. ItIIDOLPEI)
. .
Lt titts.departmont, which will at nil times roceivo my
strict attention, I harm well assorted display of
Dram Trimmings, Cloak and Sample Trim
mings. Dreps Button., Gloves, Valle, Zephyr
Knit Shawls, Nublas, hoods, Sontag., hand
kerchiefs, Fall hats, Belts and Belting,
Velvet Ribbon.. Comet., hosiery, and latest
eta la Sacques from $5 to $3O.
Nate and Cam, all et)les, from 50 certo to
$lO, Shirt., llsawere, Gloves, Neck Ties, Cole
Inca, liosiory, and every article kept to a
Sleet clue Fut rilshiog Store.
By promptly meeting the wants of all, I hopo to moot
with such patronage from the public ms will enable me
to ketli continually on hand a largo and Well- selected
Warm of ilrht clam gamin, Whilst keeping up to the
fashion in every article, 1 will also soil cheaper than the
Opposite Loistere New Building
Huntiogdon Oct 14, MS
11. " Vir
, Prepared Sinapism or Spread
Warranted to present unimpaired its strength in any
climate equally nuth the Ground Mustard.
The al tention of Physicians. the Drug Trade, and the
public generally, Is respectfully called to the oboes ape•
cial ty. designed to inert a uan t u Melt is bettered to ham
been long felt among the appliances of the sick room,
viz: Au easy and expeditious method of obtaining the
remedial effects of mustard, without resorting to the of
denary mode and troublesome muitard poultice 4.ith 111
attendant titscomforta.
Pot up handsomely in llves of one dozen each, In
three different sizes.' Price .70. .87, nod $t par dozen,
A liberal dineoiint ttl tho 'Wholesale Trade.
Prepared only by 8..7. CREW, 25 North Sixth Street,
Philiolelphin, PA. july 15,'38-3m, spurn.,,
Ipoll3Elt FOR SALE. •
hunlq, Plank, Shuling, Joists, Roofing Loth, Lap
apd Joint :Mingles, threo and four foot Plasteringlath;
too solo at 31uuufact twees prices ut
—Notions, too.numerous to mention
for sale at Lewis' Book Store: '
J. E. 9311ICKFA,
Chief Burgess
JA511:8 PORT,
43 go. JAcrisos,
Colorants.) on Streets