Ely (lobt. HUN-TINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Sept, 23, 1868. LOCAL & PERSONAL Grant and Colfax Meetings. ' Ideotipgs will bo held at tho follow ing places at tho times stated at seven 9.7e)oek_: Trough Creek Church, Friday eveh'g, Sep.2s Mount iThion, Friay " " 25 Casaville, - 'Wednesday " " 30 Steffeys, Friday ~ Oct. 2 Petersburg, Saturday " " 3 - Mass Meetings. Union Republican Mass Meetings for this county will be bold as follows: At O?bisonia, Tuesday Sept. 29tb. " Green Tree; Friday Oct. 2d. " Huntingdon, Wednesday Oct. 7. Speakers will bo present and address each of the above meetings. 11. C. WEAVER, Chairman County Committee Brief Items Don't neglect to attend thefrneetings called above. Let every man turn out. The lateS't 'name for matrimony is commi:- ding twoicide Enthusiastic—The Grant and Colfax meet ings along the Juniata. The GLone was the only Huntingdon pa per that gave the Maine news last week. _ Some days last Creek Crete cold enough to demand the requisition of stoves. The i re were a few fights at the show on Tuesday night last. Nobody killed. A boy twelve years old in Lewistown stab bed another boy with a penknife. They fell out about an apple. James Fowler was sentenced to pay $5O and costs of prosecution for atoning the Phil adelphia Express train. Boys, look out. , The - Good Teinplara supper on Tuesday owning last was attended with plenty of en joyment. The Grant and Colfax Tanner Boys of 'Huntingdon will be out again on Saturday night next We learn that a * sturgeon weighing ninety pounds, was e :tight in a fish-basket in the Ju niata ricer at Newport, recently. When you hoar of a man declining to sup. port the business of his own town, be sure lie is not ono of our best and most ueefulcitizens. What became of the Democratic meeting announced for Saturday evening last? It must have given ivay before the pressure of Fr:day evening. We have received r. copy of the True Light, a now campaign paper, supporting Grant and CuMix, published at Altoona. It is a "red hot" little sheet. See that every Repdbliean voter in the county is assessed, and has his vote ready far Ilartranft, Campbell, Morrell, Brown, Martin, Neely, and the rest, of the ticket. The new station house on the Broad Top railroad at Saxton, , is a beautiful and conve nient improvement. The Company deserve .special thanks for making this improvement. On the rise—the political fever in the "an cient borough." The ball is now fairly in motion, and it must be kept moving to pre vent the Democracy from coming the sneak game over us nt the polls. Union men, whatdo you think,—some Dem ozrats expect to carry this Congressional and Legislative district, and elect their Sheriff beside. Work away and show them in °o ber how beautifully they are mistaken. The Quarterly Convention of Gaod Tern. plars which met in Altoona recently, was at tended by delegates from nearly every lodge in this Disriet. It is to be held in Hunting don next November. A nuisance: in some places the gae•boacs aro near the center of the pavement, and thereby endanger life and limb. We hope they will be removed to one side or levelled with the pavement. A blind horse belonging to David Garde ner in Bedford county, was recently found nt the bottom of a twenty-five foot well, gra zing on the tender grass. lie was extrica ted, and was none the worts for his tumble. Mr. Tim. Kephart of Snake Spring town ship, Bedford county, while plowing, turned up a nest of ninety-one snakes, of the viper species, which averaged a footin length.— After a brisk chase they were all captured And killed. That township is well-named. It is not generally understood, hut is the fact, that under the new revenue bill all tav erns. groceries, dry-goods stores, shops, etc., selling spgare and tobacco, are required to take out a special license, as though regular ly engaged in the tobacco trade. The delegation from Huntingdon to Bloo dy Run on Saturday last, en the occasion of the political discussion between lion. John Cessna and Hon. Judge Kimmel], are under obligations to Mr. MeKillips, Supt. of the II & B. T. R. R. for special and kind atten fpne. A mortgage in favor of the city of Balti more against the Pittsburgh and Conn°lls- Ole Railroad for $4,000,000, was entered in the Recorder's office in Bedford county on the 15th inst. This instrument required the neat little sum of four thousand dollars worth of stamps. This road is now a stamped fact. Hon. John Cessna, Republican nominee for Congress in the Bedford district, and Hon. Judge Kimmel!, the Democratic nominee for the same position, had a public discussion at Bloody Run on Saturday last. We were Anxious to hear the discussion—we did bear it—and we were disappointed. The crowd in a'tendance was small—Mr. Kimmell's ar guments were smaller—and Mr. Cessna was not himself, but he was not in his best talk ing trim. Perhaps it W. 19 because we bad heard John Scott tho night precious, that the efforts of the gentlemen seemed so weak to us. [COMMUNICATED.] Suicide Neal McMullen, living in the vicin jty of Tipton, committed suicide by banging himself to the limb of a.tree on Sunday morning, 25th inst, while the rest of the family were at Church. He had been suffering an aberration of mindlor some time. /Icor} , & Co., Ahead. Mr. Johnston has gene to the east ern cities, to buy a heavy stock of Fall and Winter Goode. Look out for them gs they vOll Pe sold cheap, tl. PENNA. AORICULTIMAL COLLEGE.— The annual mooting of tho Delegates from the Agrioultural Society was hold at the College in Centre county on the 2nd inst. The delegates from this county being present—David Hare, Mr. Port's alternate, representing the latter gentlemen. Shortly after our arrival we were seated at a table that fairly groaned with delicacies of the farm, prepared in the very hest style to, suit the taste of all in :V tendance. The repast finish ed, by invitation, the delegates pro ceeded to examine the laboratory, and armory, all of which appeared in pro per condition. A meeting of Delegates was then hold in the Lecture room at which Win. B. Roberts, Esq., of Montgomery presided and John P. Wolfinger, Esq., of Northumberland, Sec'y. 25 socie ties Were represented. Messrs. Kelley of Allegheny, Heisler, of Dauphin, and Ellis, of Lycoming together with Gen. White of Indiana (to fill a vacancy) were chosen trustees. After• a spirited but pleasant discussion, it was judged expedient that. a committee should be appointed by the presiding officer of the meeting to examine into all the affairs of the college and transactions of the trustees, and the trustees are instructed to call a meeting of repre sentatives from all the county agricul tural societies of the State, fixed by law at three from each society, at Harrisburg, on Wednesday September 30, 1868, at two o'clock in the after soon, to meet at the oeffie of the State Agricultural Society, or in such other hall as the President of the Board may then designate. As this meeting is to take place during the State Fair, the location and time will bring together delegates from every county- society in the State. It is the expressed de sire of the trustees that the meeting should be a full one as it will be of great importance not only to the fu ture prosperity of the State Agricul tural College but to the agricultural interest of the State generally. The main object of the meeting will bo to devise ways and means for filling the school with students, there being only a very small number there now. The expenses of the College depart. ment are as follows: Board and Room Rent $OO per term of 20 weeks. $3O per term $5 Grammar School $lO less than the above figures. If there is any person in the county who wish to send their boys to the school they should their send names to theSee'y. of the Society oc one of the delegates, that they may be forward ed to the meeting at Harrisburg on the 30th inst. Tuition IN asking Fuel Tho State Agricultural College should be one of tho bunt schools in the State, and all that is necessary to make it, such is more energy on the part of the managers and greater care taken about the premises. It is hoped both these necessities will receive proper attention by the liarrisburgh woofing and active measures taken to correct the evils and create new file and vigor in the matingement of both farm and College. _• GRAFFUS MILLER, DAVID HARE, TAMMY MAN IGAL, Delegates from Huntingdon Our First rtaoting On Friday night last the Grant and Colfax Tanner Club of this place turn ed—"out in procession for the first time. Ninety-ilia - 0 sets of equipments were in line, headed by the Huntingdon Band. The display was brilliant and attracted much attention. After pa rading some of . the principal strests, the crowd tried to get into the Court Rooth. The room was soon filled and many could not be accommodated. J. SeWell Stewart, President of the Club, was the first speaker, and did well.— John Scott, Dig., next addressed the crowd.—ile made the most able speech our people ever liitened to.. As far as he was able to go in reviewing the issues before the people he made a clean shoot of it: Nothing was left foil the Democracy to dispute, and those present felt his speech severely. We hope to he able to publish a full speech from Mr. Scott before the cam paign closes. The Club will meet again on Saturday evening next. MIDI! Ono of our business men informed us last week that he has found by ac tual experience that advertising PA VS. The other Week he inserted an adver tisement in the columns of the GLOBE, which cost him but a mete trifle, and now be has orders for over '5,200 worth of work. This is the experience of many, and it will be the experience of all who do good' work and advertise what they have done, and what they are prepared to do. We realize more and more the fact that the press is a help to the business man, uo matter in what branch, and the sooner all take advantage of it, the better for them. Campaign Caps, Capes and Torches. We have made arrangements to furnish Campaign Clubs with Caps, Capes and Torches at manufacturers lowest campaign prices, which will be 8150, $1.75 or $2.00 per set complete, as to quality and style. The style and several colors can be seen at our Book Store. Lois of Appetite and Debility. Of all the ionic preparations now in market, we know of nono equal to Speer's "Standard Wino Bitters" for those who suffer either from over men tal or physical exertion, resulting in loss of appetite, and consequent de bility. Sold by Druttui:ts. The Mae• Meeting at Orbisonia. Our friends in the lower end should not neglect to attend the Mass Meet ing at Orbisonia on Tuesday next the 29th inst. Bally against the party that wants to tax everything and thereby make the taxes double what they arc now. John Scott, Esq., will be one of the speakers. CEO To beautify aria Dross the Hair, and flestoro it to its nattiral color, and impart that beautiful gloss, odor, etc., use Mrs S. A Allen's lutprovea (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar, Flagg, Flags, Flags. Small flags for clubs and delegations for sale and wholesale and vetaii at Lewis' Book &ore. The Monitor's "Brutal Outrage." We the undersigned, citizens of Shade Oap, Huntingdon county, do hereby certify that the abusive article contained in the Momlor of September 16th, in regard to Capt. D. R. P. Neely ie vitcrly fidse :in every particular. In the first place, the statement that Mr. Neely had been "teasing it crazy boy" we know to be false, as he (Mt'. Neely.) had been away from town daring the day, and did not arrive at home until nightfall. Second. It is not true that the "manly amusement" was continued "until the little fellow's passion impelled him to throw a stone at his tormentors," &e., as the Monitor unblushingly nate; ts. Third. It is not tine that the neighbors had to "interfere" to prevent Neely from "inflicting further cruelty" upon the,boy, as be attempted nothin,2; of the kind. The facts in the case as known to us to be true, are simply these: Robert Wilson, who is a grown man, went to the hotel about nine o'clock in the evening, and inquired if Mr. Neely was there, and on being answered that he was not, at once repaired to Mr. Neely's residence, where Mr. N. and his wife and Mr. John Millie!) were sitting at the bade, and said that he "demanded the nomination for Frank Laird." Mr. Neely rose from the ta ble and invited him into the house, as did Mr. Minich also. He did not go in, but stepped back and hurled a number of stones against the house, several of which mashed the window shattering both glass and sash to pieces. Mrs. Neely barely escaped being hit by two or three of the stones before she could escape -with her child to a place of safety. Mr. Neely in the midst of this storm of stones, any of which was sufficient to kill a man, and of which the house boars many marks, both outside end in, ran out and hurl ed two stones at his assailant, one of which struck Wilson on the side. Wilson then. started down street followed by Neely and several others. Mr. N. caught him by the clothing but did not abuse him in any way. When caught, Wilson said, "Neely, I have nothing against you ; I was a little crazy when I stoned your hn use, but I arm all right now and will pay you for all damage." "The little fellow," as the Monitor calls him, has voted for several years rind is about five feet nine inches in height. These aro the facts in the ease Rs they are well known to the undersigned. We respect. fully ask the Monitor to retract the article referred to. HUNTINGDON COUNTY, 83. Personally uppeared before the subscriber, a Justice of tho Peace in and for the County, S. D. Caldwell, James T. M. AwelV, Win. McGowan, who after being duly sworn ac cording to law, depose and say that the above is strictly true. _ _ S. D. JAMES T. M. APPRIJIY, WILLIAM Sworn to and subscribed this 13th day of September, A. D. 1363. IV.m. A .'". I IIUDSON, J. P. See Bunch of Grapes On Standard in another oolumn. SPEER'S STANDARD WINE BITTERS is highly rec ommended by physicians for Dyspeptics, on account of its tonic properties, its purity, and its delicious flavor. Fix up for Winter A largo stock of handsome styles of Wall Paper for sale at low prieLis at LEwts' Book Store• tr. MARRIED, Sept. Sth., by the 11ev. Thos. Barn hart, at the residence of the bride's parents, L. ALLISON ILturr, Big., of Tyrone, and Miss MobbiE G. STRICK LER, of Huntingdon. On Tuesday 15th, by Peter Swoope, E , q., Mr. JOHN VAN NORMAN, and Miss SUSANNA HEFFNER, both of Juniata tow nship. DIED, At MeConnellstown, Aug. 31et , af ter a short but painful illness, which she bore with thristian fortitude, MARY VANDEVANDER, in the 92d year of her age. On Sunday, 30th ult., at his late res idence, near Philipsburg, Pa.., JAMES MCCOY, Etq aged 60 years. MARKETS. PHIL.IOI.I.I.IfIA, Sept 21, ISIS. The Flour market continuo, dull, and pi iced of medium and low gunk, are di ooping. Superfine Floor ut sd,(o Lan extra at $8 0 8.0, fancy Weitern esti a finally V. 00000.0, l'inapilylvania no .10 $lO 50 and fancy hi ands M5)614,(10 according to quality o flour 5A,0009.:0. . There is vet y mile Prime Wheat olTet log, and thii de. set lotion is to q , ady teqamt at full nth..., hat info for grade.' ate neglected. :ale, of 10(10 bushels new red at $2.0002. 28, and 1000 liinatel4 :nab. at $l. SZ.. 113 e 1. un chanAed. t.alei of 400 buthels tam WeAtern at $1,35. Coln is crate and advanentg,, yellow at $l,lO Wcbtern, mixed at Sl,3tri,/,32 Onto are in good request at nu ad. 1,0101. S.llell 41 6000 bushels new Pentl9.llvania at 75070 cents. Nothing doing m Barley and 11011. l'arsouitosi, Sept. 23 —Pion r.—The natiket is derreased. Wo quote tales of 1.14 . 1111; heat Hour at $11,00011,25, nutter flour at $10.740411.50 fancy at $1:3e1,14.00. Whlalt, 1 ed. 54,40v2)2,05 411.1 for a bite, $2,12 02,13 Cot n f first hands at $1.12. 113 e, $1,40 per hmthel. Oats 626021 c: Maley 1.90052.00. Potatoes. re. 4,1,1044. 3,75 Lb! onto 244 e, lard 2Uc. Butter 3701.10 e Ih; Eggi '22 dui.. kINANCIAL. NET Yong., 5ept..2.3.—1101d closed at $1,441A. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. Coßuncps:D WEEKLY UV HENRY 8 Ca PRICL3. Fe tilters IA lb 10.00 Flasgeeil 11,25 flops IA lb Superfine Flour, Exit k Flour, ... Family Flour... smoked flay 'EI tou I.ard Largo 0111,111 d 11 IMF 311Xed ellUll 0 Oat., tied 11 heat, " •'9 White {rhea •"'U Apple Bullet 'il, ttallott...l,2:t Mali pet cold 9.01' Hark) 120 EOM Potatoes t~ Lux l'lnvtvr per 1 , n1.. , t 1 lb Hy 3 II) 0 CllOllll cwt Bran 'Oral 1,41 IBooms 11 d z 3,tlrEg - 1,.0 Bern,. x 11 lb at , Beam - E A boo 500 Chirltrus. 25 Country Soap 8 EIMNIZZIM Slorts t culler Soles. fallow nowt II) ke) • '1 lb Corn Coin Meal ........2,4 Dried Apples t/bu ...... ...2,00 Dried Cheri les quart. -.12 Dried Peaches ii lb 15 Dried Itel•f Woolli lb 40 Pork hi lb 9 Ilnrvl tte.4 IA t0n.......... 05.85 I'tg Metal IA ton • ~ "15R50 1 1.1trober tt 1000 ft... V:16.30 1,np5,14 do $110:1:1 4 . Joint, .• toGir7o9 Ball; lb 4I ItroAd Tup Cool Fl tun Green Apples IA hos 5 1,011 love eseqd billi.l MOO ti los it Imo $2,40 Cheese. 1:.,e2.0 cts. IL Eggs SPECIAL NOTICES. IDRE., DISPOSING CAUSES OF 1)IS 11 911.--Tlic causes pf disease are general and partic ular, itffecting ono or many poisons Now, as the condi tion of the body is easily dl.pescd under a variety of ch.. comet/im no to tho action of disease, the importance of MISIII,EIt'S HERB BIT fli AS as a moans if combatting and overthrowing tho predisposing can.. Is apparent. It Is nn iny.thi Otte aliticule for the Itimmii Ns stein that is n fort mintely ati clod sill, any epidemic 1,1111 4 : alai anal le its wonderful ie.istent potter, that it effectually pf o• trots the pli3 skie against the slit tendency of On inn pmsnucd or any morbid tunnelled which predispo,3 the limi to the On Ception of disease. It in, therefore. the true reoie•ty fi.r everyone, w r•ituation or surroundings aro not favorable to the Finial ration of the heal th. Sold eve. 3 O has. Sept. 91 ruo. IDAIN TS FO IL FARM ERS AND onmits —The Grafton Mineral Paint Company ate now inenufactui Ina the Bent, Chealpst and wait Du rable Paint in nye; two coats null put on. mixed with pure Linseed Oil, Si ill boil ten or fifteen 3 eats; it is of it light Mown or beautiful chocolate color, awl can be changed to green, lend, stone, dint', olive or on earn, to suit the mate of the cuu•uuu.r. It is solnable for Boo ne% Fences, Baron, l 1.1 inge and Car makers, nuts and Wooden-wore, Agi icaltut al lui plemoille, Canal Boats, Vessels and Shipa , Bottoms, Canvas. Motel and Shingle Boofit. (It being Fire and Water proof.) Floor Oil Clothe, (ono Mannfactuier haring used 5.01,0 lib's. the past year) and as a paint for nay purpose is unsurpassed for holy, durability, eelasticity and adhesiven,e. In ice $0 per bbl. 01,300 Ms., which will supply a tanner for years to coma. Warranted in till cases as atm , 0. Send for a cir: cular which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in a trade mad:, Oiafton Mineral Paint. Per sons eon older the Paint and remit tho money on re ceipt of the goods. Aida ins DAM Eli BIDWELL 254 Pearl sheet, New York. For gale by the pound or barrel et Lewis' Book Store. ma) t 1 Out TAEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA- L, TA 1t Itll Mated with the utmost success, by J. IoAACS, M. U.. and l'io:eskor of Innen.; of the Eye and /Air fn the Method thtlegc of l'entisylvonia, 12 vans exper- Pnee, (fin ineily of Le) don, N. tinZr Attell Ti•.timouutls can bo soon at this Oleo. Tire medical faculty are invited to accompany Utah . ~pal iante, hs bo tins no secrets in hie practice, Artificial pq es inserted without rain. No cliargo for examination. Roo 17, IStiS-1. , v , 000 NIVF. TITH COMIIONI , EATXII. R 0 0 LAMATION.-NOTIOE OF GENERAL ELECTION TO OE IIEI,O ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13th, ISGS. Pnronant to an act of the (funeral Assembly of the Commonwealth of IA entitled "An Act rela ting to the elect ion ot ibisComnionnealth." unmoved the Recotal flay of .1 nly. 1530. 1, :IA NIES It !WM MIST, High f,ltuii:T of thu county of Iluntitydon, Petlio.3 vtaoia. 11,, het al IVILIte 11001111 nod site notice In the eleetot suf the comity aforesaid, that no election will 1. , held in the said county of Illifitingdon, on the tld Tuesday aft!, Ilto lif , t Monday of October, (being tho 11th day of OCIOIllilf.) at which timo State, Di9trict mot County ollicert mill go elected, to in it: One person to fill the ollico of Auditor General of tho commons eat LI) or l'entutylvania. Ono pertion to lilt the office of Sin reyor General of the conninonwealth of ('enns)l,inta. Ono porbon to rept , j , nt (Ito counties of Nair, 3.lialin, Cambria anti Iluntmiptm : in Conglean of tho United Statec Tu 0 perborit to rcpresent the counties or Ilonlingdon. Johlota mat Ihtithi. Inr the trot]. of Itepreemnatives of the commonwealth of Penn,ylvania. - . . . Ono person to 1111 the olliCe of Sheriff of Huntingdon couty. One person to fill tho office of CoUttly Conta t i„ionet:of II unt ingdou county. I 'no pewee to till the office of Director of the Poor of Huntingdon county. One pet wit to tiil tho office of Suet.) or of Huntingdon county. One person to 1111 the office of Andttor of Huntingdon county. Quo person to fill the ollice of Coroner of Ituntutgdon county. In pm:Atone° of said act,l olio hereby make known and give notice, that the places of holding the afotesaid spe cial election ut the so, et al election districts ninth, the bald county of Huntingdon. are as follows. to : Int divirlct, contpmed of tha township of Henderson, n the Union School 'lonic, - - . district, composed of Dublin township , at Pleasant MD School House. near Joseph Nelson' s, in said too 3d dish ict, composed of SO 1111101 Or WarriOrßlOOrk town ship, as is not included to the 1011, district, at the school house adjoining the town of Wartiononark. 4111 dish ict, composed of the township of Ilopewell, at Rough and Bendy Finnan. is dist, ict, composed of the township of Barren, nt Ito lions° of Jame.; Livingston, in the • town of Sankbui g, in said towirdiip. 6th tirdi let, compoced of the borough of Shirleynburg, null all that part 01 the township of Shitloy not included it Rhin the limits of District No. 24, as he...Mance men tioned and described, nt the house Of David I'nd:or, <14,0.1, in Slit tel sluirg. 7th .14.4 riet,compo4cd of Porter nod pat 1 of Walker town nnd so much of West towndiip as tel iocl tided hl rllO I.olUltiOrie9, tow if : Beginning nt the south-west cot tier 01 Tobias Caufmairs Farm on the bank of the I.ittle Juniata liver, to the lower end of JOCK , 011 . :1 nor, on v, thence in a north ly direction to the most southerly pat t of the Cum owned by Michael Magnire, tlienco north 40 degreci nest to the top of Tossup's inonntaht to inter sect the line of Franklin too nship, thence along the said Into to Little Juniata t Ivry, thence don zi tho mime to the place of beginning. nt the public school liono opinnute the (iceman Reformed Church, to the borough of Alexandria. sth 4.omposerl of the township of. Franklin, at tho house of Geo. W. Vattern, in said ton 04111 p. . . . tit It dish ict, composed of 'fell, tow uship, nt the Union school house. near the Union Meeting house, in said twp. 10th district, composed of Rptingliehl township, at the school litee.c, near thigh -Madden's. in sat l township. 11th district, compoqed of Union township. at the school Louse, near Evek lel Col bin's, in said tow 12th dish int, compo.ed of Brady township, at the Centro school house, in said township. 13th district, composed of Mortis township, at public %clam! Rosso No. 2, in said township. 1.1111 dish iet, composed of that port of West township not Included in 7th and 20th dish icts, at tho public school Louse on tiro farm now owned by Miles Lewis, (formerly owned by James Ennis,)lll kohl towilvhip. 15th district, composed of NVallier township, at the house of Beiuninin Magnity, in 31•Connellstown. 16th district, composed of the township of Tad, at the Green school house, in said township. 17 tit dieti ict, composed of Oneida township, at the house of William Long, Win m Springs. 16th rush ict, composed of Ctotnuoll township, nt the home now occupied by timid Unite, in Oibisonin. loth district, tompo,ell of the L01(.1;411 of lie mingliani, with the sereral ti acts of hind near to and at 'ached to the snide, now owned nod occupied by' homas M.Owens, John It. McCall., Andrew Robeson, JAI. Gensimer nail Win. Getibinier, and the tract of laud now owned by George and John Shoenberger. known no tiro Porter tract, situate in the township of Win tiotsmark, at the public school home in said borough. 2011. dishiet, composed of the township of Cue,, nt the politic school house in Cassville, in said township. 21st dishict, composed of tits township of Jackson, at the public house of Edo aid buttes, nt McAlear} 's Fort, In said township. 22,1 dish ict, compo.ed of the township of Clay, at the public school hewn, in t.ictittss die. 23d dish let, composed of the ton libido of Penn, at the politic ,ellOOl lion, in 31nri.104burg, in said tow ndiip. lilt dtstiirt, composed and et eated ns fill lON, MA:— That all that ,•:u t 01'81110,3 too ooh ip. II tin tingdon coon t3 ,I 3 higiind tieing Milian the billowing descri b ed b 'pp. d (except the lan ough tripon.) natiody : Ileginning at elm ititerAtetion of Union Mal tow if-hiplillen with the diadata rivet, on the smith side thereof; thence aloe;; soil Union tow [lshii, lino fur the th , tance of date mites nom said riser; li14:11C0 wat,ll3, by n nought line, to the point m Imre the trio hoot null to Germany valley, croe,e, the ion:unit of Sandyridge; thence not thwardly along the summit of ennJr ridge to the ti vet Juniata, and thence up noel river to the Oars of beginning, shall lonelier form a ellai.ito elrchmi th-ti it in that the qualified votes of election ict merit hereafter hold their gene: al and towi,lip ieetions in the pubifc hoot bum° in Mount Union, in said district. :fah troill ['octopi - I,od of ell th it part of tha Bortingli of I:,tog ea , f of liath ealect. tho:c pelts of Walker loot hotel ton heretofote voting in the Borough of Huntingdon, nt tho o St a In chon of the Couit Iconic, in raid lioiough. :213111 arvt t let. tiOnipn-rd of all tic tt p tit of the Boiongli oC licinlinglion, nit of Bath sheet. nt the nest inclow (lie Coutt Ilicii9o, in sit Borongli. .11A.i iet, c.c0n0,...1 of the borough of Peter Ann g and that part of Writ town•hip, tro,t and north of a line Lola Cell Sind t 1.0,1 iisions, at or near the Warm Opt togs. to the Franhlin t0w:14,4,1Na on the hip of Tic,ey'n mountain. Po 00 to include 111 the new district the 1i0n,,01 Dared I.onganeeker, Thoa. timer, James to tet, and John Wall, at the school-hoi.e n tin lioiough or yeti th dintiet, eunipoieil of .luutnln township. at the houso of .10101 Peight.ll, on the lands of Henry Iset t beig. 129th dislneL composed of Cal hoe too estop. tecently erected out 01 it part 01 the tort Rory of Tod township. to a it : commencing at a fltegto ta O.K. on the so moat Ter taco niountaiii, at the Repro ell toi.oship lino opposite the alibiing tidge, in the Little Valle); them e smith nifty-to ,1 0 g; en..., omit to on liondied null sixty petTites. to ti MOM, heap on the {['count, Sinaloa of niosil Top mountain thence ninth sixty-se‘en &gm,. eit4 titles Intudle and twelve pot cheß, to a yellow piny; thence south flay-two dopers, cast lei en ell and seventy-two porches, to a Clootnot 001:: thence south fool toot; deg; e O -, cost three hundred and fifty one pinches, to a Chic-tout at thin rust end of Homy S. tiicrtis land ; thence •ontlf this ty-one rind it hid f degrees. ,mot 100 lattoltod nod ninety-foot perches, ton Che,lont Bal, as the +tumult of a spur of Broad Top, on filo tt,ehtet 0 silo of John Tel sera limn; south, s xty flu e degrees, east 111110 hunched and thirty-fone pet ehe, to a 14.01113 heap 011 tho Clay ton 'lshii, line, at the rublio School llott.e, in the vtllage of Dudley. 30th distt het, ono of of the borough of co thnont, at the public .elioul hone iu ennui borough. 31st dish ict. compared of Lincoln township. beginning nt n pinto on the Eitininit of Tussoy mountain on tire lino botiveoi !Mir anti M11;01100:I counties, thonco by thy line south. fifty eight tb•gross e rot euven Muni- . . led and ninety-eight porchos too black oak in middle of too loAlis thenco forty-two and one half degrees east eight 1111111i1 ed awl too perches to it plop on summit of Tet I ace: thence by line of Toil township to corner of Venn township: thence by the limy, of the township of Penn to the summit of Tnisey mountain; thence along sant mil code line or Blair county to place of beginning, at Canal Hun School notice. rll,tiict, conipo,d of tho borough of Mapleton, at the II t out Fano! house n still borough. 33‘1 ilktrtet comp led of the borough of Mount Union, tit school houso No. 1, in sod borough. distt not. compowd of tho liorough of Broad Top City, at the Piddle Seined 'tome, in Fetid Iliali. I also make boon a and give notice, fig in and by the Path heel'on of the aforesaid net lam directed, that -ci cly ticit•en. excepting justices of the (teace, who shall bold any °Mee or appointment of pioht or toast mulct the got el ,nowt of the United States, or of this State. or or 1110' city 01 CM VON] tea district. whether n cominbodon cil onion or agent, non is or shall be employed under the executite or judiciary department 01 this State, in of the United Stahl, or of any cit) or Mompe r:not district, awl also, that cooly member of Congress, and or the ante Legislatute, 011,1 of tho lodeet or corn anon Canned °fluty t ity, commissioners of auy Mem p ted dnonic t, is by law incapable of holding or exemisiog at (Ito rape time, the Mike ur app ant oleo t of judge, in. spector or clef h 01 any election of this Commonwealth, and that no hispectur or judge, or other after of any inch election shall he eligibly to any office to bo then to ted for." Also, that in the 4th section of (Ito Act of Assembly, entitled "An Act relating to executions and for other purposes," approve it A pnl lfth, 1840, it is enacted that the of lath section "!hall not be an email nod as to pre% en t any militia or lan °ugh iinkrer Irmo serving as beige, or itiliecior or clunk of any goneral or special election in this Commonwealth." Ln accordanco a all tie provision of the Silt section of an act entitled -A fin this. sopplement to the election hones of this cioniiiintwettith," 1 publish the WitiattAi, by the act of the Congiess of the United Slates, entitled' an itot to amend the .veral acts hereto for • pit.si il to pion Ink for the enrolling and ratting om of the national fto CeS, and for other purpti-es," and applot oil March .11, 1505, all persons nhn have denacted the or n It al am, ice of the United States, and in ho hat o not bran dischaiged ur tellers! from the penalty or disability therein pro, hied, ate deemed nod taken to hate To:nata lity relimpiklied and forfeited the it rights of citizenship and Melt rights to become citizrnv. anti are deprived of exm rising any tignts of citizens thereof; And whereto., Persons not 01 10m of the United Statrs ate not, muter the Constitution nod laws of Peens) Is auto qualified t lemma of 'ids Commonn ealtli StarrioN 1. Be it enacted. tfc, That in all elections here• often to be hold La this Coin:noon ealth, it shall ho inflow ful for the judge or inspectors of any cacti election to roe eel... may b ttlot or ballots Ilion any peisou or nelsons embraced in the provisions and sal jeCt to the disability JillpoMil by eel 01 Congie,s lippio,al than eh ail, 1805. and It shall be Milan rut fur :any such puma to otter to veto any ballot or ballots. Scc. 2. That if any such judge nod Inspectors of election, or tiny one of item r,11,111 it:m.l,oor consent to recent: any such unlawful ballot or ballots bolo any such dim - outlined person, Ile 01 they di/ shall be guilt) of a Ink. ' demeanor, nod till C 01,130011 thereof in any court afloat . - ter i.essions of this comnionnealth; lie shall for each of fence, be sentenced to pay it Ilse of not less than one him died &lima awl fu undoigo sin Imprisonment id the jell of the mope county for not less than sixty days. Six a. Tliut if any person deprived of eitiaeadop, awl disqualified as oho esaid, shall, at any election hereafter to be bold in this commonwealth, vote, or tender to the Wheels thereof. and char to rote, a billet or 1,,,n 0 ty. nnv poison no oneuiling sir tit Inn deemed goilty of a Illiode -111001101, and en Con vicuna thereof in till) court of quarter si,sions of this commonwealth, shall for tack ollimcc Ira putiklicil in like manner is is provided In the preceding section of this not in case of ollicors of election receiving ally still union ful ballot or ballots. SELTION 1. That if any person liet•eafter persuade or nth no any poi Sun or persons, deprived of citizenship of disqualified as aforesaid, to oile any ballot or ballots to the ulliceis at any election hereafter to be held In this Common. ealtli, of ch.dl pmt sonde, or advise, any much °nicer to tendril any ballet. or ballots, from may person &toiled of citii,tiship, and di:no:dined as e+itid, suck prksou ell intending: Mall be gall ty ot n liii.lenleallar.llllll 111,011 cuusiction thereof in any court of quarter sessions of this Commonwealth, shall ho punished ill like manner is prat idol in the second section of this net in tho sew of othem a of such election t ecuividg such Attila, hit ballot or ballots. Pal mentor idienliOn is dill 001.1 to the first seetimi of the Act of Assembly, passed the 3Utli arty of Mooch A. 11., Potiii, entitled "Ait Act regulating the la inner of Voting at all Eltalions, in thu set oral comities of this COIIIIIIOII - ;" 'flint the imalitiod °leis of the beveral coutiliii-tor that colitanowoe,lth, alt till general, totanslito t , hot tough and FO • 5 10 @ I I ......2.50 special elections, nro hereby, hereafter, authorized and re q uited to solo, by tickets, printed or written, or pal tly piloted and partly a ritten, seser.dly clnssifed , tot loan: One ticket nail violence the natnes of all Judges of courts voted for, and law lobo/led oittvide 'Judiciary ;" one ticket shall ciubt nee all the name, of State oaieena voted tor, and be labelled "State ;" ono ticket shall embrace tho artinci of all county °tricorn voted for, including °Moo of Senator, member. and members of Amiably., if voted for, anal member , : of Cwelrrwv. tr voted fqr. and labelled "county;" 0110 ticket shall o ta the names of all toii ship ollicera sided for, 01111 ho labelled "township;"-one ticket shall minaeo the names of all °ugh officers voted for, and be label bid "la rough;" and each class shall be iloposjted in separate ballot boxes. Pius:avant to the provisions contained in the 67th section of the act it,,, maid. the judges of the aforesaid disti iota shall revectively take chat ge of the certificate or rant n of the election of theirePpectilo districts, and produce then, at a meeting of one of the judges flout each district at the Court House. in the horongh of Iluntiipzilon, on tho thitil day oriel the day of election, being for the present year on iday, the I I lit of October next. then and there to do and peel.... the 4110 iC9 required by 10W of said judges. Al',, that whine a judgn by sieltue,s or unavoidable arch dent. is 11111114 C to atitlol said meeting of judges, then the co I ilicate or return nferevtid shall ha taken in eitargo by one of the inspectors or doles Of the election of said dis trict, 01111 Nllllll do and pet form the duties required of hold judge linable to attend. that in the hist section of said net it is enacted !hut 'ever) general and 'Teeml election shall lie opened heti, i•en the hours of eight and tell ill the forenoon, and shall continue n idiom into: option or adjoin !fluent nn• lit seven o'elli. ill the evening, when the poles shall he closed." (HVl:s undo' my hood, M. Hooting. tho 10th day of Sopt.. A. B. 0004, aml of the intlepololoneo of tho Out . tent States, tho pinet.y.seenand. J.011.1S P. BATHURST, Sheriff. Sitritrres OFFIrE, Uuntingdon, Sept. t 6, TS. Ayer's Hair Vigor, For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing which is at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the hair. Faded or gray hair is soon restored to its original color with the gloss and freshness of youth. 'Thin hair is thick ened, falling hair checked, and bald ness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. But such: as remain can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the 'hair with a pasty sedi ment, it will keep it clean and vigorous. Its occasional use will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit but not harm it. If wanted merely for a ' HAIR )DRESSING, nothing else can be found so desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil white cambric, and yet lasts low , ' on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS, LOWELL, MASS. PRICE $l.OO. JOHN' READ, Agent. Ayer's Sarsaparill' a, EOM. I.II.IIWIFICIIVG- Taus liemown. The reputation this ex cellent medicine enjoys, is derived from its em es, 4 ,-,., ,- 4 e'r I ~r,),, . i. e ...7 , e e 's , Scrofulous , o , ii i,,,ie t .3.s system seemed saturated with „I ir-- - -. con option, 'have been _______.o,_ purified and cured by it. , .....„,,.„ „m.o. a ff ections and ~.,ri.4.: : LW:S-4,- . , : disorders, which were pr,- ~.c f • 7 •ig - -_ - ; , 2 . 1' , 1' gra rated by the scrofu lous contamination unlit they were painfully afflicting, have been radically cured in such great numbers in almost eveiy sec tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Scrofulous poison is one M. the most deotinclivo enemies of our race. Often, thi•ruween and unfelt tenant of the organism mulct mines the con , t and Invites the attack of enfeebling or fatal diseases, without exciting a suspicion of its presence. Again, It scents to breed infection throughout the body, and then, on sonic fat orahle occasion, tepidly develop into one or other of its hideous fot ins, either on the surface or among' the vitals. In the latter, tuber cles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcer ations on sonic part of the body. Bence the occa sional use of a bottle of this Snrsopovilla is ad visable, even when nn active symptoms of disease appear. Persons afflicted with the following com plaints genera lly. find immediate t chief, and, at length, cure, by the use of this SAIfS,iPARIL LA: St. Anthony's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, Teller, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Sore Eyes, Sore Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrornthus disease. Also in the more concealed forms ' as Dyspepsia, _Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fits, Fpilepsy,'Neuralgirt, and the various Ulcerous affections of the lumen. tar and nervous systems. Syphilis or 'Venereal and Mercurial Diseases ore cured by it, though a long tinie is required for ' subduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. I But long continued use of this medicine wi ill rule the complaint. Lencovrhma or Whites, Uterine Ulcerations, and _Prolate _Diseases, are com monly_ soon relieved and ultimately cured by its purifying and invigorating effect. Minute Direc tions for each case are found in our Almanac, sup. plied gratis/. lihritinatisin and Gout, It hen caused by accumulations of extraneous matters. in the Moen], yield quickly to it, as also Liver Complaints, Torpidity, Gongestio» orinflana onatioii of the Liver, and Jaundice, w hen arising, as they olten do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This SARSAPARILLA is a great red. storcr for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are .T,anquid.and Listless, Despon dent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous Ap prehensions or Pears, or nny of the affections symptomatic of Weakness, Will find immediate relief and convincing evidence of its restorative power upon trial. PREPARED BY Dr. S. C. noiczn iS. co., Mowell, IVlctes.) Practical and Atailutical Clicmitita SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 'MOTHERS, DISCARD PR:_ 7 IIIIG -- 1 If your child is teething, or has the Colic, is restless at night, use DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY. If you bass any fears or doubt as to its harmless qualities CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN. AND HU WILT. THU YOU THAT DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, Is the Nurse's Favorite! THE 'MOTHER'S FRIEND ! SOLD EVERYWHERE. PRIGE 35 CENTS nil BOTTLE. May, 27, ISIB. . LOSp:RS PROMPTLY PAID HUNTINGDON INSURANCE AGENOY ARMIT It A us G I E IN UO I A A IVIIIY, Represent the most reliable Companies in the Country. Rides us low as is ^.onsistent nith reliable indemeity. tier tt, pital Represented over $14,000,0' Ir, STRAY. r. 4 Strayed Irma the farm of Jai eph Rain, near lion. tingOon, itbont six weeks ngo 10 head of Sheep, two of o hickno e Bud:w. Aug information lending to their recovery will ho liberally rev.in Lied. .11041t1Sq.y. Sot. 2, ITUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAIIROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. On andel - Dr WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16ril, 1868, Passenger Tiains will arrive and depart as follows UP TRAINS. DOWN TRAINS. Accost. MAI A eeOII. 111 AD. NI. I A.ll. 1 1.1 4 451 m. 8 :11.11tint1n.4.1,m,. 453 - 8 :17,1,011g 5 09 8 5 1 1 , , Iceolit114tomn,. 5 17 858 19593101 rose,... 5 31 9 14 51arkle0,11, 5 50 9 30 Cofs. Run.- 5 581 9 39 Rough A, Really,. 6 131 0 51 Cole li 181 9 58i Fidliet %Summit. An • 351 1.1 1218,ct0n... 10 31 - - 1 90 "47 11 05, 11 241' 11 40 1 to 11 40,. , — SIII)I7P'S RUN I.IItANT • 6 4006 ti 10 25/Saten 6 551 10 40 1 1Coulmunt ....,..—I 7 00; 10 45 Palm turd, • 7 110.11.10 55 Dudley, I 1/ I r o, p l Top City,.....: limitlnglic - ni Sept. 23, '65. JOHN 31' VALUABLE *FARMS TRACTS OF TIMBER LAND AT PUBLIC SALE. ILL be offered at Public Sale on tho premisen, Oiz Friday, the 23d of October, 1868, Thres*Farms and two tracts of timber land, situated n Rhin a nulls of OrbiBonia ' in Huntingdon county. PARA( NO 1, cOhtaiis 00 acres. 60 of winch are clea, eil bottom and second bottom and in a: lino state of culti vation, tins balance is a ridge, flat heavily timbered unit pine, oak and chestnut. The improvements are a log house, a fine orchard pf fruit tree., with limestone water convenient to the All the land perfectly , smooth and available,. FARM NO. 2, contains,So acres. 60 of which cleared bottom and second bottom. all Ina geed elate of caltiva"- lien, the remainder is well timbered with nak,.• pine nut! chesnnt oak. The improvements ore two dwelling hou ses cat good water, ono barn and other 'outbuildings and a good orchard.; •, FOllll NO. 3. contains SO items, CO of which aro cleared second h.lt tom and rolling land, the soil gravel and sandy loam, the balance well timbered a ith oak. etc. The Int protoments area log house, a bat n. a fine 3 Dung or chard. and orator convenient to dm elllng. There is au ace bank on this farm. TRACT OF L IND, NO. 1, is 02 acres of Timber Land, the best in the,country, convrnient to a ready market. TRACT OF L tNU, NO. 2, is 20 acres of Timber land, adjoining the above. All rho above described land lies Ina body. The clear ed land is situated in a semicircular form. In a bend of big Aughwick Creek, and when taken as a whole is among the most beautiful far ms In the country, In which for mit will also be offered for sale. All the above land is warranted and patented. Per ons n billing to iambus° will please examine the property before day of sale. Terms of Palo made known on day aside, nod all infor mation given bn application to heirs of Boni. Deere, deed., residing on the premises. Salo to commence at 10 o'clock on said day. August 2d, 1803-te SPEER'S STANDARD WINE BITTERS ! • - j7,-.7.; ci :-, cs. 4. ,::- / r : t=i E.- -. 1 A "AT7T - A r Pa '-S-7-I‘p-‹r"rz:-p--'t-, -U-1 1 A ( 41',., ,4 - 0 L' E ct Ro vT 3 ' § ti tl R)m pr' 'l'•-- . S /VIGOR. . HEALTH 0 ../ f ISTREN9TH I . BEAUTY . • FOR THE WEAK, FOR THE PALE, FOR THE STORM* FOR THE AGED, FOR FEMALES, FOR SI•RING USE I I I RD'' NO BITTERS EQUAL TO THEM !"-O sal6-ly gpeer's Standard WINE BITTERS, -31ADll OE WINE, HERBS and ROOTS Spurs Celebratt d Wine, no welt known, with PERUVIAN BARE, CLIAMOMIrx FLOWERS, SNAKE 1100 r. - • • • • WILD CHERRY DAT:II, and such other lIIIRBS and ROOTS int will in all eases assist Digestion, prometo tho Secretions of 1110 systein in the fistula) channels, and givo TONE AND VIGOR ro TIIE— Yom ail OR Kal6 all Maio! All u,v It with wonderful success. things COLOR To tho ode milli° lip, Bloom and Beauty To the thin face and care worn conntenanco. Cm es FEVER. and Createa APPETITE. Try them. Coe none other. A-l: for SPEER'S STANDAKD BIT TERS. Hold by Druggists awl Grocoro. See that my & o natute ii over the cork of each bottle. ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, T., and 213 Broada ay, New You Sold by John Reed, and Sanmel Smith, DI oggiKs, Hun tingdon. toolS 4CirTrado supplied be JOHNSTON, 'HOLLOWAY CO.' Philadelphia 0 I:OBOE A. KELLY, Pittsburg; 11111 i by all Wholesale Maims. July 22, 'c3.-teln. SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES Which Strengthen, Preserve, and Most Thoroughly Assist:the Sight. Messrs, LAZARUS & MORRIS, OPTICIANS and OCULISTS HARTFORD, COPHIECTICUT, Unto, with a TiOlY to meet the inc:nasod demand for CELEBRATED Perfected Spectacles Mr. AARON STEWARD, Watchmaker and Jeweller, HUNTINGDON, PA., As their solo Agent for this place. They have taken rate to give all needful lash uctioni, and have confidence in the ability of their agent to int,t the requirernext4 of all costurneis. An opportunity will be thus afforded to procure, at all times SPECTACLES UNEQUALLED BY ANY Ff)lt THEIR STENGTH. ENING AND PRESERVING QUALITI BS. Too much cannot ho said to to their SUPERIORITY over the ordinary glasses worn. There is no glimmering, wa vering of the sight, con e-strvEta Sewing Machines, Received the only GOLD MEDAL at tha PARIS IMPOSITION, A 67, They aro adapted to all kinds of Family Sawing, and to the ore of Setunstresses,'Thessmakers, Toilers, Mean, focterers of Shirts, Collars, Skirts, Cloaks . , • Mantillaa, Clothing, flats. Ceps, Coibets, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, moolen and cotton geode, with silk, cotton or linen flu end. They N, ill seam, quilt, gather, hem, fall, cord, braid, hind, nod perfernt every species °teeming, making a beautiful and perfect stitch, alike on both aides of the atilt to sowed Titenntlities which recommend thorn ere; I:entity end excellence of stitch, Mika as tooth stdes or tho &Lie scud!. • 2. Str..nutb, ❑tmness and durability of ream,that rly net rip nor ravel. 3 Economy of Thread. .4. Attachments and 'Aide range of applicatten t 9 pap, ees and tnatcrials. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and inish.. O. simplicity and thoroughness of construction., 7. Sped, east of operation and mauagomont, and:Tile* net,' of movement. Instructicns free to utl. Dlacidnee kspt fn nwafr 00 year Ireo of charge. U; B. LEWIS, Agent nutumaDoN, PA, I= BELLEFONTE - PLANING ELL, EDMUND IA S. AUSTIN BREW, E. N. ELASCIIIRD, R. M. UOWU. Blanchard & Company, Successors to Valentine, Blanchard et) ak, Manufactuiera of WHITE & YELLOW PINE FLOORING and WEATHERBOARDING, of Various Styles, Doors,Sasb, Blinds, Shutters, and ;Soul dings, Scroll Work of Every Desoription. BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES, and patterng made to order, Having a BULITLEY'S PATENT LUMBER. DRYER," connected with our establishment, we nie enabled t 4 manufacture our work from THOROUGHLY SEASONE4 LUBBER! Gralrders from Contractors, Builders, Dealers and 04 Tt ado in genet al , solicited. — (SD BELLBFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PA, nugl2,3ul. D. T. CALDITEDL, J. M. =UDE% VII. BTotal. B. M C %MAN , JOHN ELLISTT, TYRONE PLANING MILLS. McCAMANT, ELLIOTT & CO.i Successors to B. D. coyer & Co., Manufacturers and Dealers In Sash, Doors, Blinds, Flooring, Brackets, Mouldings, Stair Railing, Plastering Lath, Shingles, Common and Fancy Pickets, Frame Stuff, AND ALL KINDS OF LUMBER, TYRONE, PA Orders respectfully solicited. =I MS. BURCHINELL (!z SON, =I SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all kinds of Building Material, HUNTINGDON, PA. CM= A GENTS WANTED FOR Mari Of C:0112.1 , 3:1.9:37' :the Lives of olt ANT, COLFAX, nod all the loading men of the nation. lever 50,] in ono volume, by Dr. L. p. liroheo, Om popular biographical Editor or"Applaton's cloptedi.' Over 600 pages and 42 fine steal portraits. The only complete or reliable work of the kind published. l'ticr very low. Sales Immense. Any intelligent man Or ITOIIISM can clear $l5O to $4OO per month. 011111g,ent made $lOO in floe weeks. Send for circular. Address, ZEDILER, McCURDY A CO., Publisher', Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati, 0., Chicago. M., or 8%. Louie, 3fo. • slag OM manner. titan ' nteed equal to any in .. all tho strengt of oLI rosin soap with tho mild and Laboring qualitiri of genuine Castile. Try this splen did So tp. Sold by tho ALI/EN eiltilllGAL WORKS 3 48 Not th Front Sit sot, Philadelphia. • esp2'6B,ly. TGRr STIAI), DRY SALT TIER, BIND and Ilasiterel,(Warranfe 4l ,) D. iell Apples, Peaches, Currants, Pt twin. Rnialn tau, A - 41474NRY Jy2041111 Wlll, E. DURCUINELT.