The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, September 16, 1868, Image 4
aota, awe° It) * A. R. STEWART, HUNTINGDON, PA., 12/31:113 lIARKARE, CUTLERY, ,PAINTS, PUMPS, GLASS, STOVES, OILS, LAMPS, ROPES, DAT FDRX - 8 Scythes, Snail's, Graia Cradles, Sad dlery and Carriage Goods, Hubs, : and Spokes, NAILS AND IRON, LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, DRAIN PIPE, iSTitZ)ZgIMIVii7,.a.Mt.IM, and an endless variety of goods in his lino. I am receiving goods almost evory day from manufacturers, and in view of late DECLINE IN PRICES, and my experience in selecting best brands and reliable, qualities of ,goods, pulehasers will find Ate their advantage to examine my stock: THE NEW PATENT ECLIPSE COOK STOVE, which throws all others in the shads, is still increasing in popularity, and ploasos so well that ovorybody wants THE EGLIPSE. STOP AT TIIE BIG PA MOCK SIGN lluntiugdon, July 1, 1868-tf. FASHIONABLE G , 00395,4 FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. G-EO. F. MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND DEALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND BOYS, lino removed to tho stem room on tho WWI" of the Diamond, opposite Lowls' Book Store, whore ho intends to keep constantly on hand the latest styles of Ready mud* Clothing and piece goods, comprising AMERICAN, ENGLISH AND MEN= GLOMS, GASSIMERES, AND VESTINOS. GLOMS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTING& MOMS, OASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS. Being a practical workman of many years experlonco ho is prepared to make to order Clothing for men and boys, and guarantee neat, durablo and fashionable work manship., He is determined to please everybody. rXer All aro Invited to call and examine my new stock of beautiful patterns &tore purchasing cleewhore inoh2s GEO. F FED FACTS INDELIBLY Di- PRESSED will always triumph over simple -as sertfons. Thee it Is that this community gives testimony in fa vor of the well known establishment of H. GREENBERG, TOIEEEMIT.I4 HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON. Whilst It Is not his purpose to deceive tho public by clamoring "low prices and better goods" than other dealers, ho simply invites all who wish to purchase in his lino of business to call and satisfy themselves that with him a patron once gained is never lost, that is, "the proof of the pudding is in the tasting of It." Ito Las just received his winter supply of AECDV nAIDE FOR MEN AND ROM Ile has ale, 4 large assortment of the most substantial and fashionable Hats, Caps Gags' Farllishilli Goods , of every description, and made up from the best material. Always on band the finest quality of American, alas limb and French CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and TESTINGS, which are made up to order by good, experienced work men, to a manner the most fashionable and endurable. No eastern city can afford a better or more varied style of goods than can be found in my selection. 11. GREENBERG, llnntingdon, Nov. 13,1887. Merchant Tailor. CHEAP GROCERY STORE, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. THE undersigned offers for the in apoction and purchase of customers alarge and an. sorted erode of Groceries, Provisions, Ac. 110 feels untie. fled they can be acoomodated with anything In hls lino. llie prices aro low, and hie stock fresh and good. He keep, the beet of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &e: HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VIIN.IEGA If , FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, AndNOTIONS of every hind. A. Lelect stock of DRY GOODS, together a lib QUEENS. WAlin, and all other articles kept to n v all regulated establishment for halo at reabinilde prices. dfiy- file store Is ou Hill street, neatly opi,o , ilo the Dank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. °rot.° Call and exiiinlno. Z. YENTER. Huntingdon, op. 11, 1001 —Notiont too numoroue to mention, for safe at Lowie' Book Store, Cheaper than the Cheapest I J,J, 44 MaCtXXILI3I3.CYti:E. ata=streD West End of Huntingdon, Penn 'a We are now offering our im mense and well-assorted stock of Goods, at thoroughly reduced, and unprecedented low prices our superior facilities enabling us to compete successfully with the cheapest. Our stock consists of Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Willow and Cedar Ware, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets, Rugs and Door Mats, Crocks, Jugs, Stoves, Tinware, Iron, Stee, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Flour, Feed, &c., &c., &c., all in great variety, at prices that will not fail to • suit consumers. We are also dealing in all kinds of Coal and Lumber, our facilities in these commodities being superior to any other firm in Huntingdon. We claim them as SPECIALTIES in our trade, in which none can compete I,vith us. We buy all kinds of Grain s Seeds, Flour and Feed, at the highest Market rates, and give the higheSt - . prices in Goods for Produce of all kinds. Do not fail to call and examine our stock and prices, as both are sure to please. ; ,i r 4,71 'Tiiij l ; _ MEI HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. Ca INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOOK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. CONE AND SEE. D. P. OVUM Huntingdon, Arllls, HOE. 3Filal§2"l 6 l..ranar. ,--1, -, orettrAVtirr it EN Pitfi";:44 4 / 4 1 ," ..\ 14 ia k., Iliii i ihViATlO 7 P-"ph Pz4 !illlft •" . 14160;‘ 1 :1'7,71. ; : iir ..-4. t' q-i tv 'JO.: i'vw yv fl 4: 1 , 1 1 , -Pr k\ rj :l,,.lil!mil • 1' 1 9 " 4 •Zi1.......p.V.;;!ftr...&7 .•• MARBLE YARD. J. M. GREEN & F. 0. BEAVER flaying entered Into partnership, Inform the public th they are prepared to execute all sty les of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Snell as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building Work, nt as low prices as any strop in the county. Coders from a distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN at reet, a few doors moat of the L them church ruch6,1667 MARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfidly call the attontion of the citizens et I luntingdon nod tho adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on bomb Ito is prepared to fornish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marblo, Tomb, 'fables and Stones of °lvry debited size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. priato devices, or plain, no may snit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &e., will be furnished to order. . . W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and walk ruan6l,ip equal to any it, the country, at n fair price. and sea, before you purchase olsewhere. Shop on lho on= of Montgomery and Milliqt s's., Huntingdon, Pa. WM. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, May 16 1555. Can't Be Beaten I JOHN H. WESTBROOK /1 Respectfully informs tho citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that he busiest received from the city a Raw and splendid stuck of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, ll'unks, the., &c., do., the. all of which he Is prepared to eell at greatly reduced prices Don't forgot the old stand in the Diamond. Old custo mers and the public generally aro Invited to call. Huntingdon, apib, 1868. FM GEO. SHAEFFER ' . l.lasjust returned from the east with a SPLENDID STOCK or BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &0., Which he offers to the inspectton of his customers and the public generally. 110 will sell hie stock at the moat REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the neatest and most expedi tious manlier. Cell upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11,111 street, a few doors west of the Diamond. tenys NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE Informs tits public that he has just opened at hie old stand In the Diamond, ituntlagdon, A Fine Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. Ali of which he mf I I soft nt fair prier,. Oil, rA ealre and previt3. roll nod elantlne nty sto, Monufnetio 11o; Itepahing done to older , Huntingdon, op in, lttn. Sugars, Tens, Green and Browned Coffees, Syrups, Spices of all kinds, Candies, Cedar sod Willow Ware, Choice Family Flour, Su gar Cured Hams, Dried Beef, Brmilios and Brooms, and a general rat iety of articles too numerous to mention, AT LEWD' FAMILY GROCERY BARGAINS ITEM HENRY & CO., Huntingdon, Pa WM. AFRICA JOHNSTON &WATSON mAKE pleasuro in announcing to the L citizens of Iluntingden county and vicinity that they have just tulusued fruit the East nith a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they thwe ju,t opened out at their new store, ONE DOOR EAST ON TUE WASUINOTON DOTEL =I DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND OAPS, BOOTS AN]) SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGAItS, QILS, PAINTS, &0., DRUGS, CARIETB, CARPET CIIAIN FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &o. &o They have a lorgo kook of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting of SILKS, 310IIAIRS, ALPAOAS, POPLIN'S, LUSTRE% OINGIIAMS, SIERINOS, PLAIDS, GE LAINES, Ac., Ac., Lc. Also, a largo assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &o A FULL LINT] OF AVITITE GOODS IWe Iva! sell WHOLESALE ond RITTAIL All goods dolh•ered to residences In town and depots, f•oo of clump Olvo 1113 a trial before rtirelineing eleowlierta Hunlloiplou. April 15, 1808 ClakT t . J o THE PLACE TO BUY NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. Vl' • MARCII it BRO., Respect fully inform tho public generally that they have Just received a largo and splendid stork of goods at their score la Huntingdon, consisting in part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, LADIES' FANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNsErs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW IV A 11 E, QIJEENSWARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, ORA.OKEAS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, SALT, &c., &o. Also, CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And In fitct everything that Is usually kept in a firstelaes store, all Mlitell were bought low for cash and will - sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce, and request the nubile to give , us a roll berme purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can offer sup°. riot - inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit tho patronage of all, and the public aro cordially invited to examine cur goods. Everything button is wichaugo for goods okoopt proud ors. WM. MARCEL & Blte. Huntingdon, ap. 15, MS. Iw p Y 1868. MAY, 1868. GLAZIER & BRO., DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS,: GROCEIUES, QUEENSIVARE, HAM, BOOTS AND SHOES, d'c., &o. Washington street, near the Jail. Our prices are as follows t Calico and Muslin, from 8 cte. upward, • "51orrinuick , Prints, 15 cts. Yard wide blenebed Muslin, 12X eta. Yard wide unbleached Muslin, 1234 cts. Tickings nod Sbirtings, from 12% Ms. up. Whin Cambric Muslin, from 15 cts. up. White Barred Muslin, from 20 cte. White Piques, from 25 cts. up. Irish Linen, from 37% cts. up. Do Lain,, 18 to 25 Me. All Wool De Leine, 35 cts. up. Lawns, 10 to 50 eta. - Whito Spreads, $2,60 to $O,OO. Rio Coffee, 22 to 25 cts. Pions, call and examine; and, if you aro not convinced it to to your interest to buy from us, do not do so. ar,Azutll k BRO. Lfuntingdon, ?Jay:s,lBoB. SPECIAL NOTICE, To THE LADIES,—Do you really _L . intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davie, was captured in Faehionable Female attire? One moment's coins reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, becnuse they had for a time served to bide the deformities of that Prince ofltebele, the Devil. Can you err In following the exampleof Angels? Then having made up your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless of rebel note, do not forget to call at the store of the subteri. herb who will be happy at all time, to furnish you with each articles of circa as you may desire. Urge your fail,, ere, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the BIM store. They can bore be suited in good articles of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Idaterial, fiats, Caps, Queens. ware and a general assortment of Groceries, on as rea• wettable tern. as at auy hence in town. Store on South• Must corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa may 31, 18135. FRANCIS 13. WALLACE. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, THOMAS N. COLDER The nnth I..ignrd Lm log arm entered Into tho • •• Atexandi is 11, every, Elm public are tarot mod ~.~,.= that ho n ill be pt ep.o ed at all till.oo to till 2., • ordet et on the ehorteet notice. "`" TIM? N COLDER. Alextuultitt, Oct.. itt4..-t f CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR • WARE, QUE ENS WARE, OIL CLOTHS, 1= DEALERS IN WHARTON & TIGUIR3 SILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic lIARDWPE, trelum, ac. The attention of MECIIANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, owl buyers generally, is invited to tho fact that wo ore now offering a BETTER. ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE CUTLERY &C., than eau ho found elsewhere In this part of the State, at prices to cult the times. Our stock comprises all articles in this Eno of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CAItEENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE nud ITACION MAKERS JOINERS, Sc,, So., together with a largo stock of iron, Steel, Nails, Spike; Railroad and _Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Cipeular, Mill and Cross. Cut Saws, Enamelled„ Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellent asset truant of fOut.tlgoz-y, • . Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, KIS ORS, RAZORS, &O. BRIWANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements , Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT 2.1 - ANUFAOT ÜBERS" PRICES. CARRIAGE &WAGON MAKERS Will find a ipmeral assortment of material for their use Cul:lslsth% In part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa• tent and enamelled.Leather, Whips, Tongues, Soo-, hots, Shafts, &o. Pmiutrir4lEetletTA*l l 4• l ::4*l l l , tz Can bo surplioa with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE( AND MULE BEOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Roe CARPENTERS Will find In tJur establibliment a ampetlor aback of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, 11ATCIIETS, HAMMERS, CHISELS HINGES, SCREWS, LOOKS, J;OLTS, PU UM'S, SASH-CORDS, &0., 350 IIINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, uOAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. N' Can IA accommodated with evelytiziog to their lino Ire , a (luau geporatur to a Whet torso. Mava.licl.c)r.e; Aro especially invited to call and exandno our stork o BUILDING HARDWARE, and coniraro our taken with °thou. Agricultural Implements, Compriaiug the tedious Russell Reaper, Mower,' and Dropper, combined Retain's First Premium 1101tEli PITCHFORK', Boythee, Hoot, buy rmks, Trace and Ratter Chains, Breast Chains, Caw Tics, • Curry Combo, Cards, &0., &c., &o Among the rpeelalties of our House, we desire to ca attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exoluelve right to soli which Is vested In us. Send fot adman. and gat full particulars of IMMO, and Belief; yourself ante superior qualities. SCALES. &oleo olnll since and descriptions, Including Tea and Counter Scales, • Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling :hill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port- able, Hopper, Miners and Trans= portation, Iray, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH Diuc:.s. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Byer offered in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By tho keg. Tor) fowl Root Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Tron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WA GON.BOXES, CAR RI/I,Q E SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE. Ldrd, Lubricating and Goal Oil, lly the Larrol or gallon, al very low figures Zcs" A colt is respectfully solicited, feeling confi dent that one goody lota prier out not NI to WIIARTON & MAGUIRE. Hunting, Miy 7, IH7 lipabzipl2ht Whulistnants. THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. 3. RICHARDSON & CO., 126 MARKET FTRIIET, PIIILAD'A., Ii the hugedt llnnuf.ieturrng Confoctionere and 11'11°1e r:11e DealGes it Ferrite, Nun, Ac„ in the Dinka Sluice, !lOW-1y ISAAC K. STAUFFER I e ; IVA Tel:/MAKER and JEWELER, No. 118 North 2d Sheet, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An agiortment or IV/ache:l, Jewelry, Sllror and Plated Wale const nutly on hand. EIIITADLE FOE HOLIDAY PRESENTS! irth-Itepalrlng of Macho and Jowelry Tnomptly nt tooled to. not.'L7d)• FINE OUSTOM MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR GENTLEMEN. • All the LEADING STYLES on hand or Ina& to moos uro. Ptices fixed at LUNY FIGURES. An Illustrated Price List with lustructiona fdr self measuromont Bout on receipt of toot moo address. WM. F., BARTLETT, 33 South Sixth Street, above Chestnut, auliMy TO FARMERS. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S c:mmo PACIFIC CUAPIO The attention of Partners and other consumers of Per- Is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their spo. elal notice. Its use for EOVelal years in Maryland, Ph , OA:land other southern States, fur nil crops, has given it a amidst,' diameter foreXeollenee Unequalled by any o ther. It possesses all the quickness of Peruvian Guano with permanent qualities oat found In that article. 280 lbs of this Ginnie nro found more thou equal to 300 lbs of the best iimpei phosphates. It 7,:pens the wheat mop from fire to seven days earlier than the phosphates, which fact alone gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. For sale by JOHN'S.. ItBBSE & CO., Gemara Agents for Pacific Guano Co., 313 south Delaware Ave., Philad'a inh3s-0m nnil7l South street, Baltimore. 727 DRY GOODS, 727 RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, iLtva now the most complete and elegant stock of - 3:).7e3r They have error offered, and Incite special attention to that stock of SILKS, comprising n lull Ilno of HEAVY ISLAM GROB GRAIN nod 'LUSTERLESS SILKSiI 7 OIt SUITS. Plain Mown and Mods Tagatog. Plain Mown and Sods Poulto du Soles. A full lino of CI-lENE Of the choicest coloring, together with an Extensive Va. tioty of DRY GOODS, embracing Cloths, Cassluteros, lionoo•Purhishing Goods, AC. _RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut street, NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, GREAT REDUCTION OF TOLLS =1 fern Tidevintor to ell volute on the Susquehanna Riverand its Branches Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, Tide water and Pennsylvania Canals. Ily Regular dolly Tows of Canal Boats front Philadel phia to toll places on thot'n,quelnutna Psivor and branches. Conde consigned to (Ito ahoy° points front Piffled°(polo and lialtintoto will be received, carofullv handlud, and for, lorded by Canal Boats, which ato constantly arriving for freights. Amply watehon.o Auld 1016111.60 room (under cover) provided for loaded carpr!. hluppers mill find It to their ntivantago to stud for m and their Cousiglunonti to receive quick clivaich. For fat titer particulars, apply to HOFFMAN & KENNEDY, No. 804 North Delnivalo Avonuo, PHILADELPHIA or JOB. JAS. TAYLOR, No 212 {Suet Falls ATeuue, Junu 17,1565-1 y NEW MARBLE STORE. NO. 002 Clicstut Street , J. CALDwj i —I LL 8, CO ,, J E WELLER& navy Leon appointed SPECIAL AGENTS to this city for tho sate of the COBHAM . NFG. COMPANY'S ELECTRO-PLATED WARE. We guarantee those goods to Lo docideilly superior to nny thing its Ole Junket, excelling in design, finish and coullty. A large assortniont trill be maintained, and sold at tho manufacturera' tegular FIXED PRICES. Trade Merit Stamped on the of base of each Eleotro Plato G AEst ea article. J o ECALDWELL ti CO.. 902 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. July 22, 122.-tf. 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628 WM. T. HOPKIN'S "OWN MAKE" "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." 818 010 best and Cncert 82 Low PHICED Hoop Skirts in tho market. Troll Skit to, 25 springs, $1.00; 30 springs, $1.20; and 40 springs, $1.45. Plain Skirts, el tapes, 20 springs, 80 Cents; 25 springs, 05 Conts; 30 springs, $1.15; and 35 springs, $1.25. Werranfed in every respect. '•Our OWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," eleven Taps Trails, from 20 to 50 springs, $1.20 to $2.60. Plain. Six Tapes, 20 to 56 springs, from 05 Cents to $2.00. Three Skirts are bettor titan those sold by other establiehmonts as first class goods and at much lower prices. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS" aro In every way superior to all other Hoop Skirts before the public, and only have to be examined or worn to con vince every one of the fact. Manufactured of the best linen-finished English Steel Springs, vory superior tapes, and the style of the install° fastenings and manner of seeming them surpass for dm ability and excellence any other skirt in this country, nud are lighter, more elastic, will wear longer, give more satisfaction, and aro really cheaper thou all others. Every lady should try them They ate being sold extensively by merchants through out this and the adjoining Slates at very moderato prices If you want the beet, tisk for "Ilopkin'sohampion Skirt." If yon do not find them, get the merchant with whom you deal to order them for you, or come or send direct to us, Merchants mill find our different grades of Skirls exactly ulna they need, and wo especially invite thorn to call and examine our extensive assortment, or send for Wholesale Price List. To ho hail at Retail at Manufactory, and of the Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to %shout ail orders should be addressed. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM 028 ARCU STREET Between Gth and 7th Ste., Philadolphia. WM. T. TIOPKINS MEM TOBACCO ANTIDOTE.. NATARRANTED to remove all do. sire for Tobacco. This grout remedy to nn ex cellent app,tDer. It purifta the blood, invigorates tho aystem, from POESO9 plat tiourishing and strengthening power, enable, the stomach to ,Dge9t the hurwtwst rood, InokoN Mom) refrosbiug, rind citablimhee robust • health. &token' mid Chewers for Sixty Years eared Price fifty Cents, post tree. A treatise on the lopirlotio offectm of Tobacco, with hats of references. leetlmenotals, , to., coot tree. Agents wauted. Address Dr T. It. ABBOTT, lon ic), City, New Jersey. an12,09-12w. GREAT BARGAIAS Cunningham& Cannon's, Corner of Railroad and Montgomery Sta., HUNTINGDON, PA, WSF. would call special attention to the daily an ival (4011010 E AND 11BAUTHUL GOO , whltli are °Meet] at - r . Tempting Prices, Consisting of Beautiful Ens - of all ',Moles, all woo Poplins, Alpacas, Melanges, Armors, Chintzes, a mos , beautiful lino of flue Cambria.% Barred Nato' nooks, Cingbanys, a.r.llChaufbrays: ALSO, a full lino of Daracatic Goods, anch aa HEAVY BLEACHED MUSLIN'S Vln Brown Muslin, 40 Inches wido, Bleached Muslin from 5i to 2%' yards wide, Kentucky Jeans, Bonnets Cassirnoro, $44, &o. Out,stock of SHOES PX.Ctillatlything of UlO klo4 this side of Philadelphia. ALSO, a largo and wall 'elected stock of BATS suit- able for the aoason CAR IA ETS. ITo make a specialty of this article, and have on bead a ray fine assortmont of , DESIRABLE PATTERNS„ which will ho sold lower Chau CAN ho sold by any oil hojtro outside of Philadelphia - Wo have gi!ao on Land a large stock or BAII7 which we are selling Tory low. In order to be consiriceil (bat ours to the iilgiee to buy, call and °amnia° our goodaand prima. Wo tel.° pleaeuro In showing our goods, oven If you do not wish to boy. So you will please call and get posted. CUNNINGHAM & CABMON dune 10, 1365-tr. En IMPROVED- et? put gEsTomt v ICA -1 1(W . AAlR.Dingligg A v yptyle 010 0 1ft e will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It le perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, es well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. g e For Hale by all Druggists. BALTIMORE, MD DEPOT, 198 GRETINWICII BT., N. Y. mctONVoatA IVITJ'MOEC, sr3.O3M3M. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND ' SEWING MACHINES. M. GREENE has removed his . Music Store, to tho second floor of Leister's wi,ero be heaps constantly on hand STEINWAY A SONS' and GAMILE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON A HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CA RHA ItT, NEEDHAM et co.& MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Goiter and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOONS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censor. Golden Trio, Ac., SHEET MUSIC . —IIa is constantly receiving from Phil adelphia all the latest music, vehicle persona at a distance wishing can order, and have sent thorn by moil. Also GROVER A BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sowing, entbruilicis perfectly; sewing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for machines. Persons buying Sowing Machines fully instructed in the nue of them. •7 Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Those wishing to boy any of the above articles are in- vited to call and examine mins before purchasing else. whore My prices are the imam as in •Row York and Philudolphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly . Upon app li cation with any additional Information desired. B. M. OItEENE, 11111 streot, Huntingdon, Pa., un178,1:17 second floor of Lefster's now brick building T HE HOUSEHOLD GAS MACHINE But BUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORES, FArvPORTCS CHURCHES AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS WITH OAS: Generates Gas without Fire or Meat Tito simplicity and ease by watch this 'Machine is man aged, as also its rcounmy and gloat merit, scum meads i to public tarot'. Call awl PPP 111 /chino in Opel anon at tit. atm o. Mumlfacturor Anil Sole Agent, 1/.1.1 . 11) JONEF, TIN FUP.NISIIING FroitE, N 0.733 Omen St., Phil.oha. fee 111u:bated Citcutar. Aug. 19, 15119, 3 mos. COUNTRY DEALERS can • buy OLOTIIING Itom no in Ilantingeon at \YIIOLIiSMLI!a3 chap nv tiny can n the ties, ad I tiny,, a %Oil:den:de star° in Phil:altlplikt. 11. ItOMAN. BARK. The high , at I mL. tri be pnd i e hbe Balk b L ICENSED BY VIE UNITED STATES AUTRORITY. NFIV ENGLAND PAWNBROKERS . JOINT' STOCK OF UNREDEEMED GOODS, CONSISTING OF, Silks, Shawls, Dress Goods, 'Linen, Goods, Dry Goods, Cottons, Fancy - Goods, Albums, Bthles, Silver • - ' Plated Ware, !Wtches, Cutlery, Sewing Ma. chines, &c., &c. To he sold at ONE DOLLAR EMI, without regard tT route, and not to ho paid for until you know what you aro to recd.. STOCK VALUED AT $200,000. SALESROOM . , 20 lIANOVBB-ST., BOSTON Tim most popular, reliable, prompt and busluesiliko concur is of the kind. Tho best or Boston' references fur ul...hed on application. By patronizing this solo yoishavo a chance to exchange your goads wills a large variety to, select Isom. Treace TO Augurs—We believe nor Terms to Agents' are superior to those offered by any other house. Tabs • yetiticidar notice of this Our Agents are not regnirird pay one dollar for their presents, As in all other concerns. Certrficates, giving a complete description of articles that will be cold for one dollar each will bo sold at the • following rates : Ton fur Thir ty,ewith present) for $3; Sixty (with present) se; One Hundred (wile present) $lO. And same rate for larger clubs. LOOK itt THIS CHANCE to get a Silk Dress, Sowing Machine, Gold Watch, or some other good article of equal . value, with but very little trouble and no expense to the'" Agent., Fort A Clue, or TGIRTT, we will give the person sending it the choice of the- following. articles: Print dress pat tern, worsted breakfast shawl, white linen table cloth, embossed table spread, set of steel-bladed knives and forks, set of silver-plated forks, elegant engraved silver• plated gold-lined goblet, Violin and bow, fanny dress pattern,"itair ladles' extra quality cloth boots, elegant beaded silk parasol, one-Imndred-picture morrocco pho tograph album. elegant ivory handled spangled silk fan, ono dozen large sized linen toWele, ladies morocco shop• ping bag, alhambra quilt, fancy balmoral skirt, ladies')) solid gold California diamond ring, gent's plain or on grave. carets gold ring, (16 roto w floe,) ladies' solid 'block wal nut writing desk, ladies' fancy black walr4 workbox, or a cottago clock. Fors A Cum OP SIXTY, ono of the following articles) Fancy Caslnnore dress pattern, three yards double width water proof cloaking,- thibet shawl, four yards- ,wool frocking, sot of lace curtains, ladies' double wool shawl, silver-plated card basket, splendid engraved silver-plated ice pitcher, engraved silver-plated ten pot, ono-hundred , picture turkey morocco photograph atrium, Lancaster quilt,:fatrey plaid wool shawl, twenty-flea yards sheeting, alpacca dress pattern, engraved sliver-plated six bottle.: rorolrlog castor, pair gent's calf boots, Harris cloth pante and vest pattern, splendid balmoral skirt, net or ivory -handle knives with sliver-plated forks, pair of all' woot blankets, rosowood-frame brass alarm clock, splen did beaded and lined silk parasol, ladles' splendid moroc co traveling bag, thirty yards print, or a Marseilles • quilt. FOR A CLOD OF ONO 'IGNORED, EplaDdld engrirred silver plated tea set, three pieces (sugar bowl, tea pot and creamer,) silver-plated cako basket, fancy plaid wool long shawl, twenty-live yde.temp carpeting, splendid violin and bow, English harego shawl, forty-flve yards shooting, splendid alpaca dross pattern, silver hunting case witch, splendid family, ,bible with elegant steel engravings and family record and photograph pago,pop'in dress pattern, engraved silver-plated ice pitcher, splendid beaver stook pattern, Sharpe 'e revolver, fancy cassimere coat, .pants and vest pattern extra quality, splendid aecordoon music , • book, ono pair fine damask table covers with one dozen dinner napkins to'match. Presents for Larger Clubs in Proportion, This is no humbug Lottery, Gift Enterprise, or Salo of Cheap Jewelry, but a fair, square Sale of lhartdeemett , Goods. Our Goods are NEW AND NOT`SECOND-lIAND. /Cud we guarantee moro for tho money invested then am: be bought nt any wholesale store in the country. send Ones, will please take notice of Mi. ' Do not send Onmes, but number your cllttai from coo upwards.. Make 'yeur letters short, rutd plain as possible. Do sure and wild monor'ssuouo Rug to $5.00 or mere by REGISTERED LLTTER, (which can 40 sent hem any 011100) P, 0. Money Order, or Express ; for when sent in this nay you run no tick of . it whatever. , ' Small' nrn. ounts may be tont by mail, but be sure and put them In tlUf office yourself. o.e• We cannot be responsible for Money lost;imlees some precautions mo taken to Immo its safety. Send your address in fell, Town, County and State. All Certificates ore good until redeemed. , B C. THOMPSON & CO.;' Sand for Ciu Ittars IF A HUMBUG, What a wonder That the doors Are open wide; Ever since the Virg , of August Thouland. have Pain Point oppl.ed, Thoso who lie, Or call it hunt bug, Aro the doctors, ~ Not aennalut; For they olwavit Iltuo been Jealous When their patients lino tali Paint. Pilo up tools As high lie monutalos, Flash the ti nth Before their eyes, • But the ray Is always humbitg, :ten of...fence 122 IWO() hum that liuhuents coinpfrod of Cayenne popper, turpenlino, tshos n, other, to , will producks lolls emotion MO palm To purchase such trash to stop rain 1)1111 inflammation in ridieuloug. Fire Will Uot stop beat; rt dumb brute glm, Oda heat;"mal knows enough to monde to a pond of water, when,rotaled, to reduce, cool, and cure Inflammation oral forer. Pimps and gamblers try to look honest, bat folkson read tho face too plainly, Nome try to persuade the ignorant that pills, physic, &c., cleanse the blood, purge the system, a n d (to a 'moth ed other things 'equally absent, Everybody knows that it H falls, and that no medicine can purity or Increase a drop of blood. Food makes blood, Lone, soil innsele, nod is the 1-tiff of Life.; ivory dose of medicine swallowed is rejected, mid hurriCd out of t h e system as quick as possible. It is an'enomy ; yen, a deathly foe. Constipation, ill healthy, nod weakness, are the result of dosing, dosing, dosing this stomach,— The living at stern has ,011ough to do without working herself to death in expelling and kicking out the perni cious nostrums poured down the throat. Food she wel comes 'Shull OM needs it; yea, asks for it. Let pill-ma kers and physic vendors atop eating food, and see bow long they can subsist on their blood-purifying, invigora ting, heulth-giring medicines and cordials. What hum bug is snore transparent 1 A dog would feel so insulted, if offered a dose, ho would curl his tail downward In scorn, and run away in utter disgust. All physical pain arises from inflammation. Put out the Ore and you stop pain absolutely. You can stop pain as easy as you can quench fire with water. WOLCurird PAIN PAINT subdues inflammation, heat, and foyer ono hundred tittles faster than ice. Thousands have bad a practical teat of its merits ut the very moment Of most extreme pain, and they can testify that it has not failed In doing, 115 work. It is simple; It le harmless; it has no stela; It gives no smart; it is for solo by Druggists everywhere; and it Is tested free of cost at 170 CIIATUAM SQUARE; N.Y., and 022 Arch Street, Philadelphia. My wifo had an ulcer so tier leg for thirteen years, caused by varicose seine, ulceration' extended from her ankle to her knee, some places eating away to, the bone. 1 Lave employed over twenty physicians at vast expense during this period, Bill nil attempts nt cure prayed ut-, teriy abortive uutil I tried Dr. Wolcott's Pain Paint, which the doctors told me was a humbug. But humbug or not, it has done the work .completely In lass than one month, removing the Pain at the first application. I kept her log wet with Pain Paint constantly until healed. I wish see had more humbugs as useful as Dr. Wolcott's Pain Faint. I urn well known in, this city, any portion who wants to make further inquiry will call at 101 West Street, Nese York, at the Hanover Rouse, of which I ant the proprietor, mid I think I can satisfy them as to the benefit derived by the, use of Pahl Paint. Mayl2. 1868. PETER I am selling Wolcott's Pain Paint and Annihilator, and It certainly giveisatisfactiou to my customers. D. F. COLES, Druggist, Rahway, N. J. lam selling more of Wolcott's Pain Paint, than any other Patent Medicine. C. N. CEITTENTON, Wholesale Druggist, No. 7 oth Avo.. New York. I sell more of Wolcott's Pain Paint than all the other patent medicines combined and I keep a full supply of ell that have any demand. VALENTINE lIAMMANN, Druggist, No. 117th Avenue, New York. I=2 ' :UNITED STATES • Authorized WAR CLAINI AGENCY lIU.NYINGI?ON, PA. SOLDIERS' HEIRS, ATTENTION I 'rho act of Cougiess approved I:larch 2,186 T, gives to Heirs of Soiditlrs who died prisoners of war, COM3IUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the time the soldier was so held a prisOnor, at the rate of twenty-live coats per day, to ho paid in the follow ing order: Ist. To the widow, if unmarried; 2d. To the children • 3:1. To the parents, to both Jointly if they aro living, children; is dead, to the survivor; 4th. To the bra. theta and sisters. , ' The act of February 28, 1867, providei for the refund ing of the $l6O Commutation Money, where the same per 001) wan agnin drafted, and was required to enter the eor vice or furnish a substitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS The nct of March 2, 1587, also makes provisions fot the pnyment of tho $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such soldiers a have aceidantally lost their dischar gas All persons having any claims under any of the above mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim against tho United States or State Governments, can pare them promptly collected, by addressing the undersigned. In. formation and fithico cheerfully given to soldiers or their friends, 6w of charge. W. H. WOODS, Authorize! Army and Nutty Mir-Cluing Agent, tnny9,2,1507 Itontinooon, Huntingdon co., Pa. GRANT AND COLFAX! A GENTS WANTED for J. T. ileadley's Life of Grant.— Li- Now lowly. a 141 e of collo; with a steel portrait.— Price, Y 5 c. Oiven With at e:y copy of Grant. Tho Na tional lianil-Boot: of Riets :Ind Figures, just issued, Is tho Book for tho Times. Fen t'for SIM. TREAT & CO., Publishers, PSI Bro. clmly, New York. t FLOUR ! FLOUR ! The be-t Floor, by the barrel or smeller quantity fur sale it Less is' rmnily Grocery. Twe PRODUCE. cou All hilt+. .4" eountz y protluto tnkca lu excltrtnge for Ort.ct I: u. 80. Unnovbr-st.; Boston