Cijc (Gtobe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Sept. 9, 1868, LOCAL 8,:,7 PERSONAE Grant and Colfax Meetings. Meetings will be held at the follow ing places at the times stated : Alexandria, Saturday evening, Sept. 1 Spruce Creek, Tuebday " " 15 Mapleton, Thutsday " " 17 Shade Cap, Friday " " 18 Saulsburg, " 13 If Marklesburg, 4, .. ~, Mill Creek, Saturday " Trough Creek Church, Friday " Mount Union, Friday Wednesday " Friday " Saturday " Cassellle, Steffoys, Petersburg, Speakers will bo present and address each of the above meetings. H. C. WEevEn, Chairman County Committee. I:I3EMBM3 The cattle disease, it is said, has broken out in Blair county. Two good rains fell bore on Thursday and Monday morning. ne-that in the world would rise, must read the news and advertise. The work on the new Hollidaysburg jail is progressing rapidly. The West Juniata District Good Tomplars Convention meets in Altoona to-day. The work of laying water pipes has com menced in Johnstown. Early potatoe raising hereabouts, this year, was pretty small business. Our friends at Orbisonia will excuse us for declining to publish that resolution. Ninety-three tuns of watermelons have been shipped from Vineland, N. J., to Boston. Amos 11. Martin, our candidate for As sembly, served as Captain in the 126th Pa. Regiment. Don't forget him in October. The acting Commissioner of Internal Rev enue has decided that all affidavits and oaths are exempt from stamp duty. A Johnstown boy had his arm fractured in two places, while wrestling with a coin: pan ion the other day. Mr. Thomas Durbin, Sr., of Cambria co., was seriously injured by being thrown from his wagon, near Loretto. Information is wanted as to the wherea bouts of It. O. Anthony, a contractor, who resided in Hollidaysburg in 1850. $.1:2 tax is paid for forty-two dogs in New Bloomfield, Perry county. A hint to our councilmen. We had a free exhibition of horse tricks in the Diamond on Saturday evening which was well attended. The plum crop is very large in Johnstown. One gentleman took over five bushels from one tree. A Tournament is talked of for the 17olli thysburg Fair which comes off the 7th, Bth and 9th of October. There is a Sabbath School Association in Juniata county, composed of all denomina- tions, A storekeeper in town received a drublo handful of silver from a customer, on Satur day last. Vermont has spoken, and "the good old times" are coming. A protective nssociation is talked of in Al toona. The object of this association is to prevent merchants from being swindled by "no pay" customers. Hall's Journal of Health says, black pepper irritates and inflames the stomach—red pep per does not irritate. Consequently it should be used instead of black' pepper. Jonas Sellers, of Harrisburg, fireman on engine 392, on stock schedule east, had his leg above the knee and three ribs broken on Thursday, at the Lewistown station. Patrick Dullenty, an employee of the Cam bria Iron Company, was seriously injured, by the blowing up of a puddling furnace.— Several others were slightly injured. A Methodist church is to be:dedicated on Sunday next, ono mile north of Emmaville. in Fulton county. Rev. D. S. Monroe, of Lewistown,,delivers the dedication sermon. At a recent political gathering in Altoona an altercation ensued between a man named neoffier.and another named Farrell, in which the latter was badly beaten with a cane. Mr. J. K. MeCohan has erected a neat and elegant portico in front of his residence on Washington street. This street is commen cing to look up. Don't fail to attend the meeting for the or ganization of a Building Association to-mor row Wednesday evening in the Court House. Rich and poor alike conjoin it. Tin horn serenades are not quite out of date in Huntingdon. A married couple were serenaded, (tormented rather) in this manner on Tuesday last. The • tormenters ought to have baby frocks and penny whistles. Professor Liebig states that it takes one thousand four hundred and sixty quoits of, the best Bavarian beer to equal in nourish— ing substance,- a common two and a half pound loaf of bread. A man named Bob Aker, who escaped from the Lewistown fail, was found regaling himself inn spring house near Newton Ham ilton. Ile was arrested and taken to the Eastern Penitentiary. "Agriculture," said Washington, "is the most useful and the most honorable employ ment of man." As we are not going to have a fair this year, we think politics may be as signed as the reason. Fifteen and a quarter millions of dollars, given by individuals alone, in the last five years, to Protestant colleges and universities and theological seminaries in the United States, indicate a love of education which no other nation under heaven has begun to em ulate. Extensively copied : The piece of poetry entitled "Wallace and his Coffee Pot in the Political Campaign of 1867." This poetry was composed by our townsman, J. Sewell Stewart, Esq., and was published in the Globe of Aug. 19th. If the demand increas es we shall he obliged to republish it. There were 7,033 members relieved by the order of Odd Fellows during the last year; 900 widowed families relieved; and 489 mem bers buried. The amount paid for relief of members was $154,692 11; to widowed fami lies. $15,876 54; to burying the dead, $36,- 547 37; total, $207,115 92. Grant and Colfax Tanner Club. A Grant and Colfax Club was organ ized in this place on Saturday evening last. The following are the officers: J. Sewell Stewart, President. Wm. H. Woods, J. H. Boring, Vice Presidents. W. K. Crites, Recording Secretary. P. M. Lytle, Cor. Secretary. Alex. Elliott, Treasurer. Caps, capes and torches have been ordered. Every Republican in town should join the club. Pircus Coming Dan Gardner & Kenyon's consolidated circus will exhibit in Huntingdon on Tues day next, the 15th inst. This Circus is well spoken o£ by the press wherever it has been, and having such a popular clown as Dan iiardncr, it is no wonder that it should be. 110 and see the show. tie° Bunch of Grapes On Standard in another column. SPEER'S EITANDAIID WINE Brrams is highly roe onmended by physicians for Dyspeptics, on Account of its Whitt properties, its purity, tutd galluTt EZZE Proceedings of the Borough Council September 4th, 1868. Present : Chief Burgess, Mr. Gla zier; Assistant Burgesscs., Messrs. Mil ler and Elliott; Council, Messrs. Car men, Cunningham, Jnekbon and Port. The minutes of the last stated meet ing were read and approved. Mr. Miller, from the special commit tea appointed tAr-ull upon Mr. Venter and ascertain at "what rate he would soil a part of lot No. 07 to the cor poration for the purpose of erecting thereon an Engine House and Council Chamber, made report, that Mr. Yen ter would sell twenty-three feet front on Washington street by 50 foot back for $1000; or would sell twenty-three foot in width extending from fill to Washington street for $2500. " 19 " 25 " 25 On motion the committee was con tinued. Mr. Jackson from the committee on delinquent tax collectors reported that ho had called upon tho collectors but that a settlement of their Duplicates had not been effected. Whereupon, on motion, the committee was contin ued, authorized to make a final settle. moot with said Collectors, and make final report to next stated meeting. Bills were read and orders granted as follows: ~ 30 Oct. 2 .. 3 John Nash, advertising and printing, $27,75 J. Carman, advertising and printing, 25,00 Wrn. Lewis, advertising and printing, 17,45 J. S. Africa and others, grading pave manta in West Huntingdon, 16,50 Huntingdon Gas Company, Gas con sumed in July and August, 16,80 On motion, a committeo consisting of Messrs. Miller, Cunningham, Fisher, Jackson and Port was appointed to examine the avenues leading to the Cemetery and to report upon the pro priety of constructing a board walk to the same from the corner of Montgom ery and Church streets by way of the last named street. A communication from Hon. Georgo Taylor relative to furnishing sand stone for macadamising thefistrects of West Huntingdon was rend and refer red to the committee on streets. Complaint having been made of the mutilation of tombs and of disorderly conduct on the part of some of the vis• itors of the Cemetery, it was Resolved, That the Sexton be and ho is hereby required to remain in the Cemetery grounds during each Sunday, and as far as possible prevent the com mission of any offences against the or dinances relative to said grounds; and ih all cases of violation of said ordinan des to report the names of the offend ers forthwith to the Chief Burgess for prosecution. Adjourned. J. SIMPSON AFRICA, Secretary Sat)dep the Prestldigltatenr Prof. Sands, the Prestidigitateur, ventriloquist and exposer of all mys terious humbugs ' will exhibit in the Court House; in this borough on Tues day and Wednesday evenings of this week. Prof. Sands has a world•wide celebrity, and the feats which ho per ferias are not equaled by any other performer traveling. Indeed, so won• derful has_ he appeared that ho has been takeeftik_ , a spiritual medium, as will be seen by 'the following extract which wo take from the Xenia Torch light. "The Professor is to be thanked for his services in behalf of all those who believe what they see, and are ready to back up their belief with their mon ey or embrace whatever mysterious explanation that may be given—spirit. nal or otherwise. The Prof. scouts the idea of the agency of spirits, though it must be confessed that, if his 'sands of life aro nearly run out' as has been affirmed of him, he may have commu nication with the other world. Indeed the spiritualists stoutly affirm their be lief that ho has." Spirit or no spirit, Nvo have no doubt that ho will have large audiences each night. Lot every ono go and soo for themselves. Admittance 35 cents, children 25 cents. Fire in Lewistown On Sunday evening, just as eervicos were about commencing in the church es an alarm of fire was raised, follow ed by . a bright light, which speedily brought the major part of - the popu lation t." 9 the scene. It originated in S. Yoedm's stable, on the alley leading from Grand to Juniata street, in a short time extended to Nighthart's, and thence to Mrs. Smith's and Bene dict's, all of which wore destroyed, the last being partly pulled down. One of Yocum's horses was burnt. Night hart's was insured for $165, Yocum's for $75, though it is doubtful whether the last can be recovered. The prop erty in the neighborhood was saved by the close watch kept, but had the evening been windy, nothing could have saved the houses on Grand st., as the reservoir has but littlo head.— Lewistown Gazette. The Meetings We were present at an enthusiastic Grant Club meeting at Scottsville on Friday evening last. The hall was filled with ladies and gentlemen, The meeting was addressed by M. S. Lytle, S. T. Brown and 11. C. Weaver. The Club is one of the most active in the county. Clay is 0. K. for a handsome Union Republican majority. We wore also present at a large and spirited township meeting at Shirleys burg on Saturday evening. It was held in front of Judge Leas' store, and was addressed by DI. S. Lytle, K. A. Lovell, S. T. Brown and Gon. John Williamson. Gen. John threw heavy hot shot into the ranks of the enemy and waked up the - natives generally. The Union Republicans of Shirley are wide awake and will do their duty. A Horse and nuggy 501.4 A horse and buggy were stolen from Wm. Bricker, of this place, on Monday evening the 31st ult., by a stranger who pretended to biro for a short drive. The horse is clean limbed, branded on the left shoulder with the letters IJ. S , and C. above them, and W. M. under the mane. On the left corner of the buggy or box behind, there was a square piece of three or four inches broken out. The harness was breast strap. Bditors in adjoin ing counties will confer a special favor by giving notice of the theft. The 'Legislature of New York at its last session passed a law, giving the trustees of cemeteries power to levy a tax not exceeding fire dollars a year on the owners of plots, for the purpose of improving and keeping the grounds in repair, provided that two thirds of the plot owners give their consent to stub tax. 1,42 Miraculous Escape The Harrisburg Stale Guard of the 3d says : "Yesterday forenoon as the Day Express on the Pennsylvania Railroad was coming East, the mail agent on the train threw the mail bags out, as customary at Mount Union, a station on the road, but ono failing to ho caught, fell under the wheels, throw ing the front passenger car off the track. In this position the car was dragged a distance of five hundred yards or more before it was discovered, and the passengers jolted and consid erably frightened. The train was promptly checked just before reaching the bridge, and a 'disastrous and tem hie calamity timely averted. Had the train reached the bridge the full extant of damages and loss of life cannot he estimated." —The Mail bag which fell under the wheels contained the edition of Gtobcs which we send to the lower end of the county. They were badly damaged. We understand that the whole edition of the Mt. Times on its way from the West, was cut to pieces. Huntingdon Building Association An effort is now being mode, by it num ber of our citizens to bring together a suffi cient ranount of forco and influence, to have a building association organized in this place. One of the objects o this Association is to as sist poor men of honest habits, to procure homes of their own. This is a worthy object, and whilst it would be a great blessing for those for whom it is designed, it would also be a source of profit for others. Those assn. ciatiens are being formed in many places, and with the most beneficial results, and why not here? We think all rich and poor should take hold and prepare the preliminaries for an organization at the earliest moment. It can not fail to procure good results. A meet ing will bo hold at the Court liousp, on Wednesday evening, (9th inst.,) at 7/ o'clock, to take the matter into consideration. CIMEN. Sprees ' standard Wine Bitters." The recommendation of the best Chemists and Medical Practitioners assure the public of the purity of Speer's Wines, and they are as well assured of the "Standard Wino Bit ters," the base of which is wine, only made bitter by herbs and roots in daily use by the Medical Faculty, among which are Peruvian Bark, Chamomile Flowers, Wild Cherry Bark, &c. Druggists sell the Bitters. Cambria county boosts of a village called Scalp Level. It received its name from a row that occurred there years ago, between a carpet-bagger from Somerset county and a party of German residents—the latter, while "going for" the ''frosty son of thunder," yell ed at every kick, "Sonlp de devil!" The descendants of those Germans last week formed a Grant club there—which chows their scalps are level. tarTo beautify and Dress the Hair, itnd Restore it to its natural color, and impart that beautiful gloss, odor, etc., uao Mrs S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in ono bottle ) Every Druggist sells it. Price Ono Dollar, A djoxtrn cd Sale The public solo of a house and lot by Har riet Reed near the Court House in Hunting don, Pa., on September lot, Wan adjourned till TUESDAY, SEPTEMEUR 15th, at 2 o'clock, when the property will be again otrercd for sale. 2t HARRIET Ern. A'-'Read, Weekly "Sharp-Shooter."— Novel, Practical and Awfully Sharp on Fo gies, Quacks, Pharisees and Politicians, "bor ing them right thuAtith!" Only 50 Cents year in advance. Send 3 cent. Stamp for Sample. Address, Dr. S. M. Landis, Phila delphia, I'a. ring-1.94m. A Boy Wants a Place A boy 17 years old wants a place where he can make himself useful. He is lame in one leg, but is able to do any kind of light work. Inquire at this office. - 3L School Bool.s Very Cheep An the latest revised editions of School Books, used in the schools of this and adjoining counties, can be had at LEWIS' Book Store, very cheap. tf. Campaign Badges Several styles of campaign badges (for both parties) will be kept con, stantly on hand at Li wis' BOOK STORE •wholeaalo and retail. Fix up for Winter. A largo stack of bandsonto styl3s of Wall Paper for sale at /ow prices at LEWIS' Book Storo• tf. =I A good girl to do general house work in a family of tic o, apply to ➢Liss CM Bathurst, at the jail. it. MARRIED, On the 18th August, 1868, by Rev. Y. M. Steck, JOSEPH STUTER. and Miss -RE• RECTA BETELYOUN, of Hunt. Co., Pa. On the Ist inst., by Rev. J. W. Plan nett, Mr. G. A. BARBER, of Frederick, Md., to Miss Mary MARLIN of Mount Union, Huntingdon county, Pa. On the samo day, by the same, MARION MCNEIL, Esq , to Miss NAN NIE BLAKE, both of Huntingdon Pa. DIED, At the Alms house, on Saturday the sth inst., EYIIRAI,II HACKINBERRY, aged 99 years. At his residence, in Oneida town• ship, en the 25th ult., Mr. MARTIN OR LADY, aged about 80 years. IVIARKETS. C I . IIII,I.DELVISIA, Sept. 5, 1808. Tim Flour tutu het is moderately ac.lre, at on adrance. Swim lino Floor at $7,706j7,75; exti a at $0,00; fancy We , itcit, •st, a family $lO l}o 01 . 1. 26; l'enneyhania:do do $12,00 and fancy broods $1475@t4,00 according to quality Ityn flour $O,OO. Prime Wheat in fair demand Chnico red at $ 2 , 2 06 52 ,35 white $12,51.1662,55. 1150 at $1.65601,70. Corn 1,30 (...a 1,32 Oats at 75c. Barley malt at $2,05. PrnsuunOn, Sept, 5.—F100r.--Thin market to demeaned. We ttimte flatsb ut ;piing I , lllcat Flour at $11,1)06, 11,25, winter Flour at $10,756411.51) Macy at $13 , 311,00. Wheat, led, $2,106(415 and for white, $2,15,02,111 Corn from flint bootie at $1,12. Its e, $1,40 per Luvhol, Oats 621563 c; Raley 1,0003,52,00. rotation reach Blow 3,75 6bl hams 21.; 1 4e, lard 2,3 c. butter 35e2160 18; 11ggi 21 doe. FINANCIAL Now YonK. Sept 5.-001 closed at i'.l,l2'g. HUNTINGDON 141ARNDTS COItItECAD WEEKLY BY HENRY Ft CO. ITIIOLESALE l'lllCid. Superfinerlour, :9,50 Fustian,. 'll In E‘tra Finur, •••..... ..... 10.59 1.1,, x ,,,1 l'amtly nom 11,50 pups p tb....... ........ Red Wit. t. ° ,';to ( I loot; btooltod ....... .... Whito Wheat............ .2,49 Kay 50 ton Apply llt:Jtot , 0 g , 1110u...1,25 Lan! Lail. per cord' 9,00 CPI g u 01.300.4 - ,1 bits ... Parley I''o Shoed Chop lint ter, ................. ..........110.0ats !Hon ll "03 I,2sll'otatoes'os 100.75 to 1.00 Bloomy 'll .107 1,00034,00 1 Plaster per t0n.... ....... 10,00 Beesnaa it lb "0111,51%i lb 4 Beata 11 boa 5 0 0'1;3.' 1 25 Cltioltettl -° 3}113 0 Chop 11 on t 2,50 Countty Soap 0 Straw -0 bundlo. 10 Cot ..;',1,25..ch0 tsl,l cal 1,50 Cot,, Meal Voss t.... ....... 2,40 ;Shoulder 1 Clio! Apples V tot ...... —2,00 Sidra on DMA Cherries ''',o q0art....12 rat low 10 (5) 11 Dried Peaches le, II 15 Timothy '' 50 Plied 31.10 "5 Toil:0x alb 10 11.1 - 0 lb , I Wooll-t. It, 10 15 °nil 'l'op Coal ',., ton ...$2,50 mu!, 'lt th 'i Ctowt Apple', 'il ' inis. ... ?1,50 1 IlatilCeal . 11 ton... ...... .1:5,00 CIO, erm.,1715 , 111e, , c'l onll'ig Metal t,4 ton 1 , 15ef 50 Phelllett 1,0 '34 1 / 1 14 511 013,111111101 1) 1000 It....cdllerol) Cheo , r. ......!5(4'10 010. it It' . 1 2ltiotnts, 1.,t0,1t do 1t010 , 12 1•:F/•f.... ........ . .2U( " Joint. " ul .i,,,,S SPECIAL NOTICES, 13RE DISPOSING CA USES OP DIS EASE —Tlth causes of ilideore are general and part', lilac., attesting ono Or many pel,ons Now, a; tho condi tion of (Ito body is Notify dt.po•od melee a tat iota of lir. connitanCes to Inn action of 1110 input tan°. of 9113/11.1fft'S 111fftll HITTERS a+ a "maim of Collibialing predi,po•in;; class is appal eat. It in all illyillooblo anti .one for Ono Innnan symtem tint is unto intuit lily c:ld with any epicioniio thus; mot nOolt in its Sc order full c•i+ten t power, !hat It effectually pro tests the pl.)tiquo against the evil tendency of 110180111 A of maeple c. or any morbid Influence milk!, proillipi.vo the Ludo to the rendition of ilia... It is., true uteetly for oNetyouo, ulto:a situation or vurromull 'ma o not Li...enable to Um prosorratlon of 2110 boalth. held blies )whni tr. Sept. 91mo. FAINTS FOR FA - I_OIEIIS AND OTHERS —Thu Oration Mineral Paint Company ore now manut'rrla ing tire Best, Cheapest and 'moat Du table Paint in use; two coats nell • put on, mixed mill, pm e Linseed Oil, IA ill last ton or fifteen Tears; it is of a light two, n or beantital ellorolato rotor, and can be eking.] to green, !cad, t ha w, dr.tb, oli%e et cream, to suit the taqe of the conteiniee. It to lain:alto for Hou ses, Fences, Earns, Cart logo tunl Car makers, Palls and Ifooden-wate, Apicaltut it Implectento, Canal Boats, Veirels d„,l Strips' pottog,, (loom, Metal and Shingla Iteon. (it being Fire 111111 Water proof,) Floor Oil Olotim, (ono Zilauttfitetoter having tried u neat this, tiro past yeiu) and 11,, a print fur any 11111110.,` is untoirpoosed for holy ltitallitity, elasticity and atilieF.tcetteat. Price 50 pro bbl. of WO lbs., xhtch will supply a !armor for ytarb to come. Warranted In all cases as atm , 0. Send for a elr cular which givet full part lcularo. Noun gelatin° unless branded in a trade mark, Drafter, Mineral Paint. Pots torso can older the Paint and remit the money ou re ceipt of the good*. Addrions DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Pearl street, New York. In- For hale by the pored or barrel nt Store. Inaytt Bra DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARIM treated with the utmost °lleac., by J. ISAACS, Al. D.. and Prorennor of Duress oflhe Eye and Ear Sc it Jferlical allege. of retutry/ttatt(a.l2 years 4txper fence, (formerly of Leydon, Rolland,) N., 805 ARCH St., Philadelphia. Testimonials can bif soon at this after. The medical faculty are invitotl to accompany their pa tients, an ho has no secrets In his ir notice. Artificial Eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. Jono 17, 1808—Iyhm. SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES Which Strengthen, Presorve, and Mom . Thoroughly Assist the Sight. - Messrs. LAZARUS & MORRIS, OPTICIANS and OCULISTS HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, Ilaco, with a view to meet the increased demand for their CELEBRATED Perfected Spectacles APPOrNTED Mr. AARON STEWARD, Watchmaker'and Joweller, HUNTINGDON, PA., An their nolo Agent for this place. They hare taken care to Pita all nee,llal Lust ttettous, and le,. confidence in the ability of their agent to net the requirements of all customer.. An appal !unity an ill be thus [armled to precut o, ut all times = ANY FOR; THEIR STENGTEI. ENING AND PRESERVING QUALITIES. Too much cannot be said a, to their ECIPERIORITT over the ordinary Glaqaea worn. There is no 9/inateriny, wa vering, of the right, ilia:anus, or other unpleasant Sea !A fton, but on the central y. f•on, the peculiar contraction oC the Looses, Duly arc swilling and preasont, feeling of lelief to tho Wolin-r, and PRODUGINII A CUM: 1111 J DISTINCT an In the natio al healthy sight. They are the only Speeteelen that PRESERVE AS' WELT' AS' ASSIST TH SIGHT! And aro thr CIMA VEST thuni, lie BE.ST,nhvays Inst g YEA:tS aithnut ch^nge Miu CAUT10N .02,31%. 91110 a Sna 4aT. W..telialaker and Je‘, 14a11in3,1011, L'A., 13 Elicit ovt Acuut toppoialud it. tills' Lre:Y" 11 EMPLOY NO PEDPUERS.`I,Da . 2, Iht;3.-1,. Morvam ) PREADIG:iiI If your child is teethin g , or has the Colic, is restless at, night, use DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY. If you hails any fears or doubt as to Its harmless qualities CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN. AND lIE WILL 'LULL YOU 'MAT DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, Is the Nurse's Favorite ! THE MOTHER'S FRIEND ! SOLD lIVERYWEERD. PRIGE 35 CENTS:PER BOTTLE. May, 27, MB. I.MIN 11011 E, W. R. WOODS, W. 11. 1.5.,8, 3.01109 Sor.Tit, B. MILTOZ.I !PECK, P. AL ME. JOHN BARE & CO., (ai7 r HUNTINGDON, PA. CAPITAL , - $50,000. Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers and others. A liberal Interest allowed on tints Deposits. All kinds of Securities, bought and cold for thin usual commission.— Collections made on all points. Diarts on all puts of 'Entails supplied at the usual rates. Persons depositing Until and Silver will receive, the sauna in return with Interest, The partners are Individ ually liable for all Deposits. a jy22,1868-tt T HE HOUSEHOLD GAS MACHINE! FOR SUPPLYING DWELLINGS, STORES, FACTORIES, CIILTRWItS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS WITH GAS I Generates Gas without Fire or Heal The simplicity and ease by watch this Machine is man. aged, nsilldo its economy and groat merit, recommends it to public tuner. Call nod .13 111 , 1E113H0 in operation nt the stoma. 511.1111ILICi Ul or and Solo Agent pAym TIN FURNISHING STOItE, N 0.723 them St., Philada. .Crl`6s;nd fin. I/firs/ruled @r adar Aug. 19, ISIS, 3 mod. AGENTS WANTED. Lights and Shadows of tho Great Rebellion Containing Thrilling Adventrno9, Daring Deeds, Start ling Exploits, and iklarNelous Escapes of Spies, Scouts and Detectives. Tho clusmoot, most complete and in tensely intetehting sear book yet published, containing over WO rages aud numerous citgrA v I tip. Price only $2 75. Send fur circular and terms. Moo, FAMILY QUARTO BIBLES, Mat edition published. . . . . . WILLIAM FLINT, Pub No.'-'0 S. Seventh, Phill.l,4lllA, Pa nui,ls3-Itit AGENTS \VANTED FOR FOR MEN AND BOYS. ire less aloe a large assortment of the most substantlnl and fashionablo Hats, Caps, Goats' Faraishial Goals, of sorry description, and limb up from the best material. Always on hand the finest quality of American, Eng Bah end French CLOTHS, CASSISIERES mad YESTINGS, winch nro maths up to order by good, experienced Nvork top, in a innunor the most fashionable and endurable. No casters city can nfford a better or more varied style of goods than can be found in my selection. 11. GREENBERG, Huntingdon, Nov. 13,18tt . Merchant Tailor. CHEAP GROCERY STORE. . - cglawnrunist,, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, P.tl_, • „. rp.HE undersigned Offers for the in spection end pinch:lse of customers Marge and as. :silted stock of Groceries, riovislans, &e. He feels satin tied they cad be aceeino.latell with any thing in his lino. Ilk pikes ate low, and his stock fresh un, good. lie hoops the hest of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, . TOBACCO & SEGARS, .13OOTS AND SHOES, HATS &, CAPS &o: _HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS. VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NOT 10 NS of every kind. A select ,teelc of DltY 000118, together with tZT.:II ENS WAREIIII.i all other articles kept in a sethagnlated eitablisliment fir nal° at re tronablo price, 'Are Mu store is on 11111 sheet, neatly opposite this mg, and in Cie room formerly ocenpial by I). (Ina, Call and examine. Z. VENTER. Ilunting , loi), nil. 11, I 1 GS —A new dteelt of filwetatio d just ro evived Book Store. SPRING STYLES for 1868, 4 LAngE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK 0.1, LADIES' AND GENTS' IY 0 ' .., i FURNISI - IING O,OODS, A -"` T ,l if n .. '.ll „ ii .,4 - EX' y - • jl • „........;„ , MVIoIV - I.lPat vR• Td[Plin c)g D'-82imucal LADIES' DEPARTMENT. In this department, which will at nil times receive lily strict attention. I Lave n well unsorted display of STRAWQQDS, Dros Trimmings, Cloak and Sacqno . Triply filings, 'Cress Buttons, Cloves, Toils, Zephyr ,Knit Shawls, Moils, &tangs, "WIC Romblon; roll Hebb Mt oint nonnot Frames, Velvet. Ribbons. Corsets, If nod Inte4 stylo Songless from $5 to $3O: GENTS' DEPARTMENT. lints and Cops, all styles, from LS teas to $lO, Shirts, Drawers, Gloves, Neck Ties, Col. lore, Hosiery, nod. every article kypt, in tf first class Furnishing Store, , • ' HATS AND CAPS A SPECIALTY. Dy Promptly meeting the Numb!' of gll, I hopotO moot with ouch patronage fro% the public samill unable [no to keep continually on hood a largo nod wall sclectsd stock of Orst clips goods, 'iceeplug up to 'the fashion in ercry nrtiolo, I will niso soil cheap oVtimp tho .cheapest. . . 0. E. St NEIL, Opposite Le!steed New Building ; Huntingdon ; Ap. 21, 1869. • , VIM:.. B.,,;EigLE,R, Funfishing, Fancy/ DREGS ,-'60,0p.6,. Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, DeLalnes, ES:Ni;118, ..(lingliciras j Prints, that Climbslca, alcoillair, , Denims, find:Linels, Mir: solllos,P.cquas. India Twills, &o _ ' , • • • , A largo assortment of , Ladies' Fashionable Ilress Trilliadels. Sllk Fringes, Buttons. Bugles, Velvet Ribbons, etc. Fninlabing Goods, Stacking, Moreno, Cotton, Wool dro Kid of all colors, Salk, Thread, Cotton, Lc., of all elm, and latest styles, Under garments or all kinds, for La• dies, Gents and Children.. Tabio Linen, Muidine, Napkin!. Doylies, dm. Shooting and Shirting, Drown and Bleached ! from S cents up. • ViraLlT7 KX3Ds.cp A largo stock of the latest styles. •A largo stock: of Notions Zeph)rs, Yarns, Ac. All cheaper than the cheapest; , air'lloom, opposite the Ent National Bauk,llunttn g. don Pa. - . • WHEELR,BIWILSON'S HIGHEST PRgrengzi MYLIt Sewing Machines, Received the only GOLD MEDAL at the PARIS EXPOSITION, . 1 807. , They aro . adopted to all kinds of Faintly Fewing,:and to the Inc of heamstresses;Dressmakers, Tailors, Manu facturers of Shirts, (Vlore, Skirts.- Cloaks, MantilloS, Clothing, Hop, Caps, Corsets, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, woo!on and cotton goods, with silk, often or linen thread. Thoy will seam, gaily gather, hem, fell, cord, braid; bind, ind perform every species ofsewing, makints a benntithl and perfect stitch, Milo on both sides of the al tide Bowed Timonelilies which reeotninend thorn are; 1. Beauty and excellence of atitch,al,ke p 4 :yogi, sides a the fabric sewer,. 2 ; Slt , t!gth, nrmness alai tlprablllty pf seam, that. trill pot rip nor ravel. , 3 Economy of Thread. ' 4. Mtlichments and vide run& of tipplicallon to pnrpo• sea and materads. 5. Compactness and elegance of model and finish; 6. Simplicity and thoroughness of construction. 7. Speed, ease of operation and management, and...plot-. nese of movement. ' • . Instrudiens free lo all. 'Machines Zept *pair One year lye° of Oars% ME BELLEFONTE PLANING MILL EDNUNIIIILANCIIARD, AIIBTIN E. 1.1. DIATICII112), now'. , Bilhatard & Company $ Successors to yulentint, Manchard & 02, ' Manufabturers of • WHITE & YELLOW PINE FLOORING and WEkTHERIVAROING, of Various Styles, Nore,Saeli. Blinds, Shutters, and Bleut. Scroll Work of Every pesoription. BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES, and Tait terng rondo to order, Braving a Dummy's PATENT LUMBER DRYER,'! couneeted with our establishment, wo aro enabled to manufacture our work ft out TIIOROC O BT,Ir sgAsoNErt LUMBER I • - .e.r•Ordoro from Contractors, - BullgeraiDealers'aild o l d T, ado in general, Bo .11ELLEVYNTE, CENTRE COUNTY, 1.4 t CO= JOQX LIOTT, TYRONE PLANING MILLS, McOAMANT, ELLIOTT & Cat Manufiaturtirs and Dealers in • S?M11, Doorq, Minds, Flooring; Brackts, Mouldings, Stair Railing,• Plastering Lath, Shingles,• (bumf.* and Fancy Pickets, Franje • Shia; - AND ALL KINDS QV LpMBER, TYRONE, PA. 01 , 013 rpaptctfully Boitoitcd, TIIOS. 111131t9Emit.u, THOS. PURCHINELI I BONI SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, And all kinds of Building Material, HIINTINGDQN, EM3II oLo. A, ETEEL• MILTON E. LYTLE. DATIVEL A. BILL. THE FIRM OF STEEL, LYTLE 4 STEM, baring located on their tract ofland with: tit two :miles of the boroughs of llnutingdon, a STEAM SW MILL, aro prepares{ to atanullicturo all kinds of OAg AND PINE TATXBER, The mill n ill be run to its utmost capacity and will ho in operation during the entire summer and part of the autumn months. They will he enabled to furnish bunk her to large qualltitles, and of all dimensions, at ttio low eat snail prices. Orden solicited. Lumber delivered at Wu mini Mb Or canal. if04Ati}!!l~M1~1lff1f~3~'l~~ LUMBER SHINGLES, LATHS o, 00 04' at:11 In'. iliblb.4l nlaioillie:utel.'loto., 1;1.110 .001001011) In vtllitt gvri , lalll6lol .it ionrhet rtt... . 1V Vlil l\ltli 1l 1111(1 ,Ll,; it ritih r ,bm g cu.. P 3 AT REDIJOgP /3111cEs, Just received at (Successor to W. P. RUDOLPH) izszm IZEZI 4M-.1c:o - v - els, U. B; Tlonnsararr PA 3. U. 1CAU4331., • D. T. CALDREJ3L, ME= Successors to F. D. Beyer a Co., W3l. Z. Buncinsiu, 1= FLOORING, jyZ-6m