Ely &babe. " : IntittcnL Workitig, of the Reconstructed Gov - ' ' 1- • ernments. [From the New York Times.] The pro-rebel crusade against Re construction would be more plausible and more just if it were less directly at variance with Las revealed by the working of the new Governments. It their organization rested upon sweep ing and permanent measures of pro scription, or if in their operation they were found making war upon particu lar classes, upon property, or upon the enterprise and industry on which the prosperity of the South must be re built, it would be easy to extenuate, and perhaps to justify, the course of the Southern leaders. Their policy might not admit of defense, but the causes of their action would be appar ent, and a certain reasonableness would be Conceded' to it. What then, gener ally, aro the facts in regard to the sev en States which have been restored to the Union under the Reconstruction acts 7 The new Governments are at work in all of them. They have been or ganized under great difficulties. Cir cumstances have in many instances favored the pretensions of inferior men, and have lent , importance to matters andinfluenees which it is not desira ble-tO perpetuate in their present shape. There is a lack of experience in many directions, and there are in all sources of embarrassment and difficulty which no candid observer will ignore. Very large allowance should, in fact, be made, as well for the men composing the new Governments as for their pro ceedings. And yet their most malignant as sailants confine their attacks to gener al denunciation of the nature of the Governments - and the authority which calkartheM into eXistenee. With the exception of North Carolina, where a disposition to tread in the footsteps of Brownlow is attributed, not altogether without reason, to Governor Holden, we look in vain for specific allegations of-harshness, or- wrong, Even there, judging fichn- experience elsewhere, it is fair to sot down something to parti san exaggeration, and to the circum stances which narrow the Governor's choice of procedure. Besides, suppo• sing his spirit to be bitter, it does not appear to have impregnated the Leg islattire, and it certainly has 'neither 'Warrant nor aid in the labors of the State Convention. The provisions of the local Constitution are eminently wise; and there is an evident appreci ation, both by the Legislature and the Bxecutivo, of the educational and ma terial needs of the State. .. In Louisiana, again, the course of events is not so smooth as the friends Of-Alio:South desire it to be. The ope rafidn of the Government is impeded, and current references to the probable necessity of FedeLl interference bete ken a feebler civil authority than is re quired when dealing with organized and unscrupulous enemies. This con dition ofthings, however, implies noth ing discreditable to the new Govern ment. It is, not charged with an abuse of fg:M•error With neglect of duty, .or witlfaught incytdicial to the industry and credit of the State. If its °mbar rassmcntsaro more serious than those of; any other State, it is because in Lodidiilua'ttio'sbirit of hostility to all loyal authority is. more defiant, and practically more formidable that in the other six States. A fact which does not roiled-unfavorably on, reconstrue ok batiither 'vindicates•the stung of ionM'ef its measures. - Nor-has the abusive ridicule with Which the new Government of South Carolina has -- -%iieri" as - Sailed, provoked its legislators to depart from the sensi brd Coarse Marked out by the Consti tutional ConVention.• Unfortunate jealousies have shown themselves, and practical measures aro - :retarded by questions'of patfonago. But wo trace no sign of the extreme measures which disaffected whites profess to dread. Tho "negro legislature," as it is called, is in truth more moderate, and withal more just4bitn its assailants:; And °Pon ing messa , re.,of the new_Governor gave proof - of - & - sagaeity - and good feeling with ivhiCh the•autheritY of , the Execu exereiSed. - • Alabama has advanced further, and iii sortie :respects moro sati3factorily. The' Common-Carrier bill,, providing for the unrestrained anti equal access of whites,and blackS,to railroad cars and steanibentA , Creates .excitement; but its , - significance is infinitely less than the,-favor with which efforts for the removal of all - disabilities aro re garded by ,the Republicans. !‘Tlio na tive .Republicans , generally favor, - it," a dekpateh frOin. Montgomery reports, and : the time is - ..uot distant, wo trust, When it - will be successful. Tho worst obstiieleSl . 9, this ,and 'every othor,meas ure tending to . reproduco harmony is the fierce opposition of thos'e whom it is proposed to benefit. _ U2ho position of affairs in the Geor gia Logislat , ure . - is not; le,svereditable. Moke - appear - s to havO been done there than in any other State towards the blagding.ofimedcfate elementg, Si - motive of partisanship, and the Leg islatUre is, evidently,riper,and under more sagacious leadership. Were it not for the wild harangues of Toorebs and Cobb and Ben. Hill, Georgia might bo supposed, to be reconstructed in heart as well' as in form. We don't know that their folly should be held to prove otherwise, but it displays the nature of the opposition to be,eneount erod. Judging of the ! robel orators by their speeches, and the reconstructed Government by its action, it is safe to conclude that the latter has much . the stronger elaiin upon the' respect - of the State. Its-worst .enemies aro they who in its nano sock; .to reopen ques tions-whieh reconstruction has righte ously and,' us - we:helieve, effectually settled. Seymour, Demoi:ratie candidate ,for President of the United State; during the war used these words: ! is true that slavery must be ahOlishod to 'save this, Union then the iieciple"of the South . ,sihould ha allowed, to withdraw themselves from that Government which cannot give them the protection guaranteed by its terms. - John C. BroCkinridgois working farm twelve miles "the other side of Niagara " Cheaper than the Cheapest! BARGAINS MEM O•t®m^® Wes/ End of Huntingdon, Penn'a We are now oftl;ring our im mense aiid well-assorted stock of Goods,_ at thoroughly reduced, and unprecedented low prices; our superior facilities enabling us to. compete successfully with the cheapest. Our stock consists of Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queensware, Glassware, Willow and Cedar Ware, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets, Rugs and Door Mats, Crocks,Jugs, Stoves, Tinware, ron, Stee, Nails, Glass, Putty; Oils, Paints, Drugs, Flour, Feed, &c.,. &c., &c., all in, great variety, at prices that will not to..suit _consumers. We are also dealing in all kinds of Coal and Lumber, our facilities in these commodities being superior to any other firm hi Huntingdon. We claim them as SPECIALTIES in our trade, in which none can compete with us. We buy : all kinds of Grain, Seeds, Flour and Feed, at the highest market rates, and givo the highest prices in, Goods for Produce of all kinds. Do not fail to call and examine our stock and prices, , as both are sure to please. HENRY & CO., IT.untingdon, Pa ME H EAD QUARTERS NEW GOODS. D. P. OVUM INFORMS THE PUI3LIO THAT.HIi HAS JUST OPENED STOOK of NEW CIOODS lIIAT CAN'T BE BEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY COME AND SEE Ilmffing.lon, Al. ill 3, 1,63 --- 114 1 , - `,-, 0. * , , • ~__ .., - - :.. :.,-1 14 k ,, A wil -)Vjels ) f i .SISV,I'.;:. 4 1 , ' ' ''' Yi -.41 t4,IP-V ...re:i.,', I i'-- ''' ' f : - ..'iq:-S -. bi ~.7' .74 ' 1 •, :- :-.12 '..',. 2 i. 7 - ; 0.: ,- - . ' : ' VI-- - ,t±.- ----- . - -:- , WALL PAPER. NEW STYLES FOR 1868, LARULST AEL-ONT)IIiNT AND .10ST BLAUTIFUL .trLon , ., tiITTING AND DINIXO IOOMS, BLD BOOMS, 1111C111:5:, mricLo, -LOOMS, HOPS, &C., Ever brought to lluntingdon, now o " hand and for sale WHOLESALE allq RETAIL , AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. Can't Be Beaten ! JOIIN 11. WESTBROOK g - ql Hoped fully Juror:n.l the citizens of lltuttingden and old oily that Ito ItAjuat tccclved from the city it NEW mud oplentlia otot It of aROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, lIATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe .Findings, 'Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &f;6., cc;,C. all of which Ito iv prep:trod to sell at greatly reduced prices Don't forgot tho old xtand ht dm Diamond. Old cost°. utera and thu public generally ate int iced to cull. Huntingdon, up I.ggs. • Fill GEO. SHAEFFER IlitsJust returned from the cast aRh 0 4142 SPLENDID STOOK or B 0 0 l'S, SHOES, GAITERS, Which lie olfcre to the inspection of his easterners and the ',Olio genmully. 110 will soil Lis MELVA at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once NOIR surely call again. BOOTS SIIOES MADE TO ORDER,. end REPAIRING deco In the neatest and most expodls Mous manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on ]bill stood, a low doors went of the Diamond. mays NEW BObT AND SNOB STORE. WM. AFRICA itlawma tho public that ho has Just opened at lila old stood in the Diamond, Iluullagdoa, A Mae Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentleman and Ch!Latta. AU of which be will sell at fair prices. Quick sales and small profits. Call and examine my stock. Maunloeturmig nud ltep.lLiug tlutto l order as usual. Huntingdon, ap CRANE' AND COLFAX: • A GENTS WANTED for J. T. Ileadley's Lifo of Grant.— -L.- Now ready, a Life of Colfax, wltit a steel ()orb alt.— Price, 25 c. Given with every copy of Giant. Tito Na tional Hanil•Rook of Facts and Figures, Just isbuoul, is the Book for We Timm font tot f 1.50. TREAT & CD, 8, 051 Breath, ay, New York. t A 251 BARK. The lu6liest joke psi 11 Le p tin L,ll Fri Park pl 7 JI.UNItY CO JOl-16STON&VATTSON riIAKE pleasure in announcing to the j_ citizens of Huntingdon county mid vicinity that they base just returned from the East with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they have just opened out at theft noo• store, ONE DOOlt EAST OF 11113 WASHINGTON lIOTEI DRY G . OO DS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, FISH, SALT, (MEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &c. &,e LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Connhliug of SILKS, 3101IAIRS, ALPACAS, POPLIN'S, LUSTIMS, CI:WHAMS, MERINOS, PLAIDS, DE LAINES, &c, _DRESS 'TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS I=l All gouda delivered to eoideuces In town ana divot of ilon go WIN) lie n h fat before pm dating. elsui‘licto. D. P. GWIN Iluntingd.. Ain iI 15, 11115 THE PLACE TO BUY NEW AND CHEAP GOODS - FOR SP RIATO AINTD S MILNE R. W.MARCIit O. Respectfully Inform the Witte generally that they C . Intro Just 11,0%331 3 large and splendid xtuck of goods ut their awe Ia hunting lon, cowasting Inn part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TIN WARE, LADIES' FANCY TRI. URI N GS; 11001' SKIRTS,BoNNErs, BUTTONS, WOOD AN I) WILLOW IV A II B, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &c., &O. Also: CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, Awl In fact everything that is usually kept in a gist tlms ntore, ell which were bought low for cash and will cold at eurrecpundingly low pikes fur cash, or countiy produce. and request the public to giro us a call Indite pin chasing risen Ilene, feeling salialleil ire can oiler 3111JC lior Inducements to rash louvre. We reeptrafull3 xolialt the patronage of all, and the public ai o cordially invited to examine ear goods. Everything taken In exchange fun goods except promi ses. WM. MARCH S: ORO. Huntingdon, np. 15, 180. GEE MAY, 1868. MAY, 1868. GLAZIER & BRO., DEALERS IN D.RY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS,: GROCERIES, QUEENSWA RE, HAM', BOOTS AND SHOES, Washington street ; near the Jail. Our lola's Alt ns follows: Calico and Muslin, from 8 cts. upward, "Met Hillock' , Prints, 15 cts. Yald wide blenched Muslin, 12, 1 4 els. 'rat 0 wide unbleached Muslin, 11 1 . 1 etc. Ticking-, and Skirtings, iron, 12 1 : cts. up. Init. Condole M to.lin, ft out 15'cis up. White Marred Muslin. hem 20 Os. up. \ bite Piques, twin 25 cts. up. Irish Linen, hem eta. up. De Leine ' 18 to 25 cts. All Wool De Lain, 25 cis. up. Lawns, 16 to 55 cts. hito Spread ,, , $2,50 to $6,00. nio Collee, 22 to 25 cis. Pimo call and exundne ; end , If you nie not con lured It Is to your interest to buy Irma us, do not do so. ULAZIIM 311110. Ifuntluolun, May:s,lBoB. To TILE LADIES.—Do you really Intend to eenso wearing the beautiful styles now so purulent, or dress loss elegantly, because, the rebel Jell. Doti:4,4/0 captured In Pashlonablo Female attire/ Ono moment's colas reflection will 'limply serve to chimp your lash rcaolvo. The angels had too much good sense to lay nsido their pure auto robes of white, because, they had fora time sea ved to Lido tho deformities of that Prlnco of Rebels, the Davit. Can you err In following the exampleof Angeles? Thou leaving made up your minds that you will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of rebut nets, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, toho win to happy at all toner to famish you with such articles of dress us you may desire. Urge your Path, ers, husbands, brothers, neighbors and childion to visit the 8111110 store. They con hero leo suitol In good articles of Coots, Shoes, Clothing lelatetial, Hats, Caps, Queens. Ns aro and a genen al assortment of Groceries, on as res. sonablo terms as at any Houso fu town. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, 1885. , FRANCIS D. WALLACE. ULSTRELAWAY'S ALL•HBALING and NGTHENING SALVE. . FULLAWAY will Introduce, at his own expense, his A S trougt held ug Salvo, a sovereign remedy fur lame back, local rheumatism,pais in the silo awl feel, wounds, bruised, sprains, weakness in the joists, crick in tbe back, old servo, hosted led, swellings, ,numbnes,numbness, ague the face and breast, cracked hassle, talcs, corns 011 the feet, and Occasional 13.1e4 of most kinds to NN }Mb the hmn,u, family is taild.let. 1;„?1,,Vor cal, at Family IR o,et y. • I= a ROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEG ARS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR - WARE, QUENNSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &0., DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN Tbuy kayo n tarp stock of Aluo, n Ingo DJ bortment of BUTTONS, &c =9 SPECIAL NOTICE. \V: - ..A_'TON &MAGUIRE, HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE &RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HARD gARE, 611114 - tay, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, anti bayous genorally, is Invited to the fact that wo nro noir alining a BETTER ASSORTMHNT of - • HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can Ise !md elseuhere in this part of the State, at prices to suit thu times. Our stock comprises all in tides in this lino of busilless, emln acing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, Sc., dm., together midi a largo stock of Iron, Steel, _Araiis, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross-Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and P9wder Cats =1 fiquAlor3r, Compthing KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA .A.ND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA Si SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. CARRIAGE & VIJAGON MAKERS Will find IL goneral Ilhiortment of material fur their 1190 consisting in part of Carriage Pimmings, flubs, S'pokes, _Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa- tent and enamelledLeather, 11 7 hips, Tongues, Soo kets, Shafts, &e. Cut Ga auppliod with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMEES, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Moe CARPENTERS Will find in our utal.,l6laucut a mute' tor stock of ['LANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHET'S, HA:NIMBUS, TILES, CHISELS, a• HINGES, tiC HENN'S, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varietios BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, uOAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. 3E"lna , ma.cz)3c.. , Con to aceommod tteti o ith ever) thing to their lino from Utßill Repatator to a Whet-stone. 33 - tailta.c:sx-Es Aro especially Invited to call and examino our otoch of BUILDING HARDWARE, and comparo our Kirov a WI other., Agricultural Implements, Cetnin king thu fn.noue Rtissall Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined Prat Premium 1101t3111.'ITOLIFORK, Ecy thee, they Peeks. TCPCO RIO [Letter Chaim, Breast (MAWR, Cow 'rich, CIII ly C lit, .to, & Among (ho emeatitios of our Homo, we dediro to cu nttoution to (no cetobiatud 01110 PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested in us. Send fel nein:llhr und got full pal ticul.ira of some, and milli.) yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all sizes and descriptions, including Ted and Counter &ales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrofv, Pork, Port able, hopper, Miners and Trans. portation, gay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS CASH PIIIC;..S. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY Ever offered in place. A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By th keg. Very Imp• Boot Norway null, rod, bar an hoop Irou. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON.BOXES, -' CARRIAGE SPRINGS; IRON AND, BRASS WIRE Lord, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By tho barrol or gallon, at very low figures .Cu A call is respectfully POI feeling confi dent that our goods and tutees will not fail to plensoP“ 'WHARTON & MAGUIRE. Nay 7, 1967. Atlttlistincitts. THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON & CO., 125 MARKET STREET, PIIILAD'A., Is the Largest Mannfitcturing Confectioners and Whole. solo Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, &c,, In the United States. ISAAC K. STAUFFER- gPa wATCIIMAKER, and JEWELER, No. 148 North 21 Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An rocmrtment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver ant Plated canto constantly on hand. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! 411S-Itepairlng of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. BOOK AGENTS WANTED To solicit orders for Da. Witatsst SMITII% DICTIONA RY OF TIIE MIME. True ONET EDITION Austues, CONDENSED DS DE. SNIITII'S OWN lIAND. In ono large °LIM° volume, illustrated with over 125 steel and tt nod engravings. Agents and subscribers see that you get the genuine edition of Dr. Smith. Tim ,Springfield liepublican says, this edition published by Messrs. Burr & Co., is the genuine thing. The Congregationalist says, whoever wishes to get, in the cheapest form, the best Dictionary of the Dible she'd buy this. Agents are meeting With unparalleled success. We em ploy nu Genera/ Agents', and Wier extra inducements to Canvassers. Agents will see the advantage of dealing directly with the DUBIASIIIRIS. For descriptive then- ISIS_ with full particulars and 1.01111.+, address the Publish ers, 111).274,3M J. D. & CO., Hartford, Conn. T O FARMERS. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLII PACIFIC CUAIVO. The attention of Farmers and other C 01151111101 ,, of Fer tilizers is invited to this Guano, as worthy of their spe. vial notice. Its the for several )cars in Maryland, Vir ginia and other southern Stales, for all crops, has given it a standard character for excellence unequalled by any o thor. It possesses all the quickness of rernvian Guano with permanent qualities not found in that article. 250 lbs or this Guano ore faun it more than equal to 200 169 of the best Superphobphates. It ripens the m heat crop fro n,ftreho ocean days earlier than the phosphates, which fact alone gives it incalculable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. For sale by JOllll S. REESE & CO., General Agents for Pacific Guano Co., 39 south Delawaro Ave. mh 15-0 m and 71 South street, Baltimore. Anti-Incrustation. Co.'s Office, No. 147 South Fourth Street, PIIILADELPIIIA. The Anti-Incrustator • • n 7'l • • ---.7777:=1. 7T:7 :f7:\:— —;= 7777 Will 'mow scales front Srnur Itoirr.ns Owl keep them clean, tender the Boiler fe r n linbto to Explosion, and Ulla i)lf/ a great saving of fowl. '.11110,1 I N3MUMENT have been in surcessfut use during the last two years in many of tho establishments of mislaber parts of the United &airs. how which the most _flattering testimonials of their usnal,fal sarong of fuel and labor have boon received. 470 - -PA nal ES lids iog 111/IfifillS.,uould de Ns ell to call at the Ofili e. end exinnino testimonials. Re., Sc. ' EZRA LUKENS, JOHN EAREIRA, ulid Teen, PA.!. t. - Juno 3, 'O3-3 nine. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. GREAT REDUCTION OP TOLLS DAILY CANAL LINE From Thlmater to 01l points on the Susquehanna River and its Branches, Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, Tide water and Pennsylvania Calids. By Regular ilaily TOW 4 of Canal Boat.; from Philadel phia lo all place; on the thnoquelomina Rho or awl lot/niche, (heals consign-a In, tine above point.; hoe Phil ulelpeie and Baltionn 0 Will ha teccivrd, c.u•clully lonolluil. and forwarded by Calla EOM; M Intel urn eonblontly :untying fur Ireighte. Ample mat thon-0 and wharfage room (under Cover) 1110, ill hot hoado it comsat, Stillwell will Oral it to their advantage to w•ttd fer mata their ronagnatentl to teeelva quick dispatch. For lin liner pal toadars, apply to HOFFMAN & KENNEDY, Ne. 801 North On lawuu. Avenue, I'll IL,11)1•:LPIIIA. or SOS. JAS TAYLOR, No 212 kt Falls Avenue. BALTIMuItE, MD. • . , Juno 17,1000-Iy. JAS. E. CALDWELL Si, CO., ,T.7:IVTETZE.II2,S, NO. 902 CHESTNU T STEET, PHILADELPHIA, ManufacturerS and Importers Of ON cry dent iption of PIRST CLASS GOODS, beluoging to the Sthittetti of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, limo moos e:1 to their NEW MARBLE STORE, iffx lending hoot Chestnut Ste eet to SIIWHIM Street, afford ing ample 1,0111 allti 1.0111,11te11t14 is jug op_ 1101 Laid ty for a pt raper dibplay of goods, and eet ter Illettlltt NI their In.lllllillatto/1. With ettuusine anti CtVolithio 111 . rallgoinelltS ill this Country and in Efitopo, Sy() afro in a position to offer at inufletato FIXED prices Watches, Diamonds, Bronze & Marble Goods, Silver Wares, Jewelry, • Porcelain, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, and only itc,etiption of FANCY ARTICLES, an S ii t i l , l 6 l% Ce rt , ; N o i n lit s ti c i . llo city are to y .ex- 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. lIOPIIIN'S "OWN MAKE" OF "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." RIO 010 best and CIIEAPFST Low PRIM Hoop Shirt,' in the mat ket. Trail :Atli to, 25 opt togs, $1.00; 30 ..pt t ego, $1.20; and 40 springs, 31.45. Plain Skirts, 0 tapes. 10 springs. SO Cents; 22 sin lugs, 05 Cents; 30 springs, $1.15; and 35 *rings, $1.15. lihrntatcd in crcry ' "Oar OWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," eleven Tape Trails, from 20 to 50 spilings, $1.2.0 to $2 50. Plain. Six Tapes, 20 to 50 springs from 05 Cents to $2.00. Tins° Skirts one better titan ?hone 6011.1 by other establiehments as first ChISR goods and at much lower prices. "Our OWN Make" of .CIIA'APION SHIRTS" aro in every way snow for to all other Hoop Skirts before the public, and only intro to ho examined or worn to con vince every one of thin fact. Manufactured of tine host linen-finished English Steel Springs, very snipe: ior tapes, and the sty to of file wcLdic ftsletings 1.141 utnnucr or securing them surpass for durnbtlity and excellent° any other skirt it, this country, and are lighter, Inure elastic, will wear longer, give ntore Natlslactien, and are realty cheaper than all others. Every lady should try Mont They ore being sold extensively by merchant to Ott °ugh. out this and lino nuljeinting States at very moderato in ices If you want the bent, md: fur "Ilepltill'aChantiptun•Skirt." If }ma do ant find them, get the membant with witsont you deal to on.let them for Sou, on come or send direct to He, MI:tell:MIN will llnd our anion:int grades of Skirts exactly what they tired, and wo enpecially invite them to call and examine our ostensive assortment, or send Mr IYlnoleentle Price Lint. TO bu had at Retail at Manufactory, and of the Entail tfradd generally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders Omuta he addressed. MANUFACYPORY ANn SALESIIOO3I 023 Anon switrzr, netwecu cat and 711. Its., Philadelphia. Will: T. 110P.K1NS. reto2.6_lo. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS. HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF Boards, Plank. Shingles, Flattering and Shingling Lath, constantly on hand. Wet ked Flom i»g, Sash Blinds, Doors, Door and Win dow Finales, famished ni liatuttfael niers' pi ioCs. Graft and Lutuitiy product genet ally bought at marlic late. loNnit 800.. Phil ipAPu 1 6,, Ceutto co., Ps. FIXED ED FACTS way INDELIBLY PRESS will al triumph over oM as. a#32 Thue it is that this community gives testhnouy in to vor of tho well known establiehmont of H. GREENBERG, TanEMIATTir IMUM.))iiI, HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON. Whilst it iv not his purpose to deceive the public by clamoring Now pliers and better goods" than other denims, ho simply hn•ites chi w ho wish to purchase in his lino of business to call and satisfy themselves that with him n patron once gained is neve, lost, that is, "lie proof of thin p u dding is in the tasting of It." lIC linsjuit leceived Ilk winter supply of 2 1 8 ADV Mfg EIDIMB.I3, FOR MEN AND BOYS Ho has ales a large assortment of the most substantial and fashionablo Hats, Caps, Gags' Fornishial Goods, of every deactiption, and made up (Loin the best material Always on hand the (Inuit quality of American, ]ing dish nud French CLOTES,CASSAMEIt ES and VBSTINUS, which aro made up to order by good, experienced work men, in a manner the moot fashionable and endurable. No eastern city can afford a bettor or more varied style of goods than can be boon I in my selection. Huntingdon, Nor. 13, 180 T FASHIONABLE GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. GEO. F. MARSH, 'MERCHANT TAILOR , AND DEALER IN READY-MADE*Guyriaa, FOR MEN AND BOYS, Have removed to the store room on alto cot nor of tins Diamond, opposite Lewis' Book Storo, where ho Intends to hoop constantly on hand tiro latest styles of leanly mode Clothing and piece goods, comprising AMERICAN, ENDUED AND FRENCII GLOTTIS, CASSIMCRES, AND VESTINOS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINGS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERBS, AND VESTINOS. Being a practical At cal:man of many ykrs experieneo he is proponent to mho to order Clothing for mon anal boys, and guarantee neat, dniablo and fashionable ;cork manship. Ho Is detettninetl to pleusoovoty body. All nro Invited to call and evamino my now stock of boautiful patterns Moro purchasing elsowhero mch2s GEO. F MARSH. - • . • MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING AIACIIINES. - n M. GREENE has removed his ifi c Music Store, to Gm second floor of heistet's Wild ing, where he keeps cow,tantly On hand STEINWAY Ic SONS' and 0 AEIII.E'S Piano Iklatinfitchtring Company's PIANOS, MASON A lIAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CA RHA UT, NEEDHAM CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings.: MUSIC BOONS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer. Golden 'Pilo, &c., Ac. fill SEP MUSIC—Ito is constantly receiving from Phil. adelphta all the latest imhic, a hidr persons at a Riatance ishing, can, Older, and have SCIII Gann by in ail. Also GROVER k BAK ER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CH INES—tho only natchine that, in addition to e, kind of sewing. embroiders perfectly ; sewing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for !matinee. Persons buying Sea lug Machines fully instructed in the use al them. .t ,7 Pianos and On gains Warranted for five years. trilo3o Ns hiring to hug any of the above artioles era in vited to call and examine mi. bolero ;massing else. where My paces are the same nit in New York and Philadelphia. Circulars of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional informatton desired. D. M. Gm:ENO, Hill sheet, Ilmittngtlon . , Pa., Second door of holster's now brick building ma) S,'GT 11 . IJltiTrimilkDa-70)ClakT r 4 ,--NANiim.,, E-. 1 ,#3 , 04,.*:rp''4t,,,0 0 ,%_: „, t . „. , : • •olt '-ri rifigilliiit 1 „• , 0 l ' t • . t 4 tAVV4: l lfifflt l ''' ' • 4 lt,:i d g: 0' I R'' 111 . ft , 9 ,---; ,4.•: , , _Y- , ---,-- , , ,, ›-- zt o • ii.,1•:::.! ? r,, , ;•:--_ - __- - --_,, - -L4 -, r , i '- - - , 'S. L 4: I F.'..fl 1 ' '.. ' t ' ." -1 kl ' ibnit'lolP,P44o 0 t.‘43 4 . 7‘ , "*13 4 .-± ` - -4 W. ,".,*: 't ;::------ 1,, , 1 ~,- .., 2 ,:..ii,-.4. t ire ' ' MARBLE YARD, J. M, GREEN .& F. Q. BEAVER If vii enterea Into portnership, inform the public the they no pierared to execute ell styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Ich m MONUMENTS. U PADSTONES . , Wean, at It ithe ',Heys an any :lop in the county. M=ITZLIMESEIM!=I Shop on MIFFLIN street, n few doors east of the L them n church in,h6,1,567 NFADBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties . to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ito Is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Mai hlo, Tend', Tables nod Stones of every &sited aim, and form of flail:,,, or Eastem Marble, highly finished, and carved a ith appro priate deviees, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be [twiddled to older. ' ; W. W. iiii;lges ',novel( to furnish material and work manehip equal to ituy lu tho cotattry, at a fair 'price. Coll nod ,et., before yon pmcLa,o okowlimo. Shop on the oilier of Mootgounny and Mifflin Iluntingdon, IVM. WILLIAMS. Una t lagdoti , May 16 1865. • '*. • WINDOW' CURTAIN PAPERS,. A 4..ARGE STOCK • -. .•l : AND :• SPLENDID NT or Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED , AT .LEWIS' BOOK STORE. ' ` (Or 4 Cleiali) 3P-101 44, FOR EVERYBODY, CHEAPER THAN ANY OTIIL KINDS. Call at Lewis' Book Slave and SEE ASSORTMENT. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, THOMAS N. COLDER. The undersigned having now (Tithed into tho ,g 1 1) t ll z e ct e, i l l i o tr , i . r i t l pt i T o w p c , r4 a t r ln a t t;e me t e nft t org' l l +z= orders orders on rho nhoucet notice. '1110.4. N. COLDER. Alexandria, Oct. 23. 1.366-tf. FOR .THE LADIES, A ouperior articlo of Note Paper and Envelope naltablo fur tonjitkniod co iet pood.one, for ~.do LEWIS' INC. K it ST-117(//yERY STORL'.. TO THE AFFLICTED ! ANARTICLE oli' REAL MERIT ! ORIENTAL BITTERS. A Remedy that has been tried awl stood thin tint, n o t Duly in all OCCIOOII.II case, but in every commodity where wird it law been pruflooneed the safest :tad mum reliable remedy hammier DYSPEPSIA, LOSS OF APFETITE, WEAK NESS, GENERAL DEEILIT 11. OltEENIII:P.0, Mei chant Tailor. INTERMITTENT, OR ClllaS AND FEVER, LIVER TONIC, AND FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES AB an agrecablo and safo mud). and, an Invigorating Beverage it law no equal. This valuable Dittoes is compassd of the essential pro perties of roots—tho medicinal qualitios of which Intro bcesecarefelly extracted. It is ogrecable to the testo unit •does not leavo that unpleasant tosto the mouth for booth utter, that most medicines do. Ann Blood Purifier and Liver Tonic it has no equal.— It contains no calomel .or other injurious drug, but Is purely vogetablo. For Dyspepsia it cannot be excelled. It contains no thing injurious to tiro stomach, is mild and prompt in its action and elects a pornumunt cur° by romovir% tiro cause of lira complaint. For Intermittent Fewer or Chilli and Fever this Bittern e n epecille far buster mul taller than quinine. No Pitnily bluntld ho without it as the cost io ttlmtia compat eft with thu Buffering that may lin arohhat by hay ing it at It in conch mullion attack. Weakly Persons use the Oriental Otters. Invalids use the Oriental Bitters. . . Dyspeptics use the Oriental Bitters Females use the Oriental Bitters TRY IT AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. opal ell only by ME!!!=l!! ria, $l.OO per bol tlo. Fur Ealo by nil druggists and dealers generally. mh2l EMI Itg KKR 1 11 _ IR DRESSI '',)v orPtYte in oneß ol o bw• . will quickly restore Gray Hair , to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It b. perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation 'by those who have a fine head of hair, ' as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. V Ivor Bala by all Druggists. DEPOT, 10S GREENWILII ST., N. Y. .plutONE)aoltft UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAI AGENCY SOLDIER 4' HEIRS, ATTENTION t Tho ~et. of Congress npproited Mauch 2, ISO, gives nor, of Soldierd who tiled prisoners of wnr,: COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for Om Brno tip 'soldier Iva, so held a prisoner,•at tlt rate of lArcrit).flro pests per day, to bp paid is the follow lag olt!or: lot. To 010 if lit:married ; MI. To dui chilth en; ad. To the parents, to both jointly if they are,. living, if either is dead, to tlvistirviyoyi -4th. To the bro. thoreanil sisters. Tito act id•Febrtiary 28. 1867, pralines fqr tho forptl- hig of the $BOO Computation 010iley. where, thu same pop ... 0011 Wn 3 a;!Uirl dialed; nun van required to cuter the rocz, vivo or ruutieh n onbititate. DISCHARGED SOLDIER*.' The net of March 2,1807, also makes yrdrisions for the' payuirn t of Om $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY • ' to such soldiers as have accidentally lost their disci's!, Sea All pore/nes baring nny 'claims under any of tho abovo mentioned Acts, or any othor kind of claim against tint United , State, or State (lovernments, can have finial prompliy collected, by addressing the urdm•aigued. In. formation and whir° clicerfall,y Apron to soldiers or Hick friends, frail of clung°. - ' W. IL WOODS, ,'. l "thori:ClAnt&Y Vavy Mr-Claim .pent, ma3u,',.1801 HUNTINGDON, Iluntiugilmi CO, PR The best ,Vlonr, by the barrel or smaller quantity for sale at Lewis' Family Oiocefy. COUNTRY .DEALERS can buy CLOTHING hunt nto In Huntingdon at, WHOLIISATLE no cheap an they can in Oto ties, as I have a wholesale store iu Philadelphia, A. RONAN. COUNTRY PRODUCE. All kiwis orenuntry prorlT.o taken in exelifinßfnr. Goods at Lewis' Family Grocery. E VERY FAMILY tYCI ialnN circeery, envy article usually kept in first class Grocery stores. Call lor , trbat yea cads. The hest al;; fey 4le et FOSTER'S PAIN OR CRAMP Iv THE STO .314011 OR BOWELS, MIOLERA'MORBUS, HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, BUCHANAN & SMITH, HUNTINODON, PA., it 3 11V11?,ROVED HUNTINGDON, PA FLOURA FLOURL-',Y, CF ESE. C HEESE. Lewis' FAMILY GROCERY