TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per animal in advance !tx months Phree months TERMS OF ADVERTISING 1 inaartion. 2 do. 3 do. One square, (10 lines,)or loss.s 75 $l. 25 SI 60 Tiro sonars; 1 50 2 00 3 00 Throe squares, 2 25 3 00 • 4 50 • . 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. 00 $OOO 010 00 .... 6 OD 900 15 00 One agitate, or lees, Two squares . .. . .. Three squares 0 00 12 00 "0 00 Four squares 10 00 10 00 'id 00 Half a column, 10 00 20 00 30 00 One column 9 0 00 35 00.... .... .40 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, Oa year, $1 00 Administrators' and F.xecutois' Notices, $2 60 • - Auditors' Notices, 2 00 Ferny, or other short Notices 1 50 olra-Ten lines of nonpareil make a square. About eight words constitute it line, so that any person can ea sily calculate a square in manuscript. Advertisements not marked with the number of inser tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms. Our prices for the printing of Millie, handbills, etc. are reasonably low. rofissionai*Nitsings Maths, -nu. A. B: BRUMBAUGH, Having permanently located at Huntingdon, offers Lis professional services to the community. Mee, the came as that lately occupied by Dr. laden on Dill street. np10,1866 R. JOHN McCULLOCH, offers his professional cervices to the citizens of Huntingdon nu 'vicinity. Office on Hill street, one door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, 'Co. ]) ALLISON MILLER, , ..,..„ i filtaisic DE 2V TIS T, 51tas roomed to the thick Row opposite the Court Ilouse. April 13,1859. T - 4 1 J. GREENE, I DENTIST. • Office removed to Leiatoeu New Building, Nill otreot. Huntingdon. July 31,1667. T A. POLLOCK, SURVEYOR &REAL ESTATE AGENT, HUNTINGDON, PA Will attend to Surveying, in all its branches, and will buy and sell Real Estate in any part of the United .Ytates. Enid fur circular. dec2a-tf ASHINGTON HOTEL, rr LIUNTINGDOIV, PA. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon county and the traveling public - generally thut Ito bus leased the Washington House on the cor ner of Hill and Chet les street, in the borough of Hun tingdon, nud he is prepared to accommodate all who may favor hint with a call. Will be pleased to receive a liber .al share of public pall aline. AIICIIISTIIS LETTERMAN. July 31, '137-tf. -p 3.IcAIUItT.RIE, .J-V• ATTORNEY A T LA TV, .office on Hill street. I.IIIIITINCIDON, PA. Prompt attention will be given to the prosecution of .the claws of Bothers and soldiers' heirs, against the Llov ernment. au22,1866 GEENCY FOR COLLECTING •OLDIERS' CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND AIONS. All who may have nay claims against the Government for Bounty, Back Pay and Pensions, can have theirelaima promptly collected by applymg either in person or by let ter to W. 11. WOODS, .A2TORIVEY AT LA Ir, TINODON. PA nu; 2,1E03 COLLECTION Opp' Pip 0, v P OF K. ALLEN LOVELL, District Attorney of Huntingdon County, HUNTINGDON, PA, OFFICE—In the Thick now, opposite the Court House Jan I.lata I=l =SEMI ►iTho name of this &Eli has been clang od from SCOTT Sz BROWS, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, tinder which name they will hereafter conduct their practice ai _ATTORNEYS AT LAW, IIUNTINUDO.Y, PA. PENSIONS, and all claim olsoldiara and auldlora' belts ,against the Government, will ho promptly prodecuted. May 17, 18&.—tf MILTON S. LYTLE, _ ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA Will attend promptly to all kinds of legalBinees ca treated to leis care. COLUCTIONS mado with the least possible delay Special aVention given to CoNVEYANCINtI in all its branches, such as the preparation of Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, Bonds, Articles of Agreement, Lc. All questions relating to LAN TITLES IN PENNSYLVANIA carefully considered. lie will also - efiartain fur land owners Islmther their /ands aro patented and obtain - for thoso who may deed. them, A C. CLARKE, AGENT, Wholesale and Detail Dealer In all kinds of &t6(52.1, VODAML - • UUNTING DON, PA. Opposite the Franklin Uonee, to the Diamond. Country trade supplied. apl7'23 LEWIS RICHTER, Boot and I Shoe Maker. I guarantee ontiro 'satisfaction in Fit, Style, Material and Workmanship, and a saving of 25 per cent. on pre vailing. prices. Shop one door east of Johnston Ic Watt. son's store, Iluntingdon, Pa. JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA THIS MILL is a complete success in the manntacture of FLOUR: &c. It bee lately baeu thoroughly repaired and is now in good 'running order and in full operation. The burrs and choppers axe new and of superior qual ity—cannot be excelled. Awl WO are gratified to know that our work has given entire satisfaction to our custo mers, to whom we tender our thanks. We bare in our employ ono of the best millers in the county, and a faithful and capable engineer. Thus equip ,ped and encouraged, we aro determined :o persevere in our efforts to accommodate, and please the public, hoping thereby to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage to sustain us in our enterprise for the public interest. Market price paid for the different kinds of grain on ,delivery. Flour and Chop, on hand, for sale. ' JOHN IC. 3.IcCAIIAN & lON .7.luntiugdon, Nov. 20,1807 •THE G-LOPM -3 - 0 B PRINTING OFFICE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" . 1 the most complete of any in the country, and pee. seises the most ample facilities fo — rPromptly executing lo . the best style, every variety of Job Printing, such at HAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, DILL lIEADS, POSTERS, BALL TICKETS, _CARDS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, LABELS, &C., &0., £0 CALL AND =AMINE arrc;mr.vs OP WORK,' LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE fi EO. A. STEEL. MILTON S. LT.TLE. SAMUEL A. STEEL. THE *FIRM OF STEEL, LYTLE k STEEL timing located on their ti act of land with in two miles of tho borough of Huntingdon, a STEAM SAW MILL, ire prepared to manufacture all kinds of. OAK AND PINE LUMBER. The mill Will be rim to its utmost capacity and trill lie in operation during the entire summer and part of the autumn mouths. They alit be enabled to furnish Lum ber in large quantifier, and of all ilinteusioUS,'et the low oat cash prices. Orders respectfully aolicitcd. Lumber dolit ercd at the Prune. Railroad, or canal. Unutingdon, April 22, 19t3.9.4- t 2 co . I 00 WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers VOL. XXIV, LEATHER STORE. TUB an!u u nc n o d th e a l ti s i i 4 g c n oi e u d i,,t ‘ i Tu w ! t t i l i t r h e ei si T e A C I gU .E I R IT they have just opened. a splendid wsortment of FINE LEATHER, Consisting In Dart of FRENCH CALF SKIN, KIP, MOROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER, HARNESS, SKIRTING, &C., Together with a general assortment of Tho trade invited to call and examine our stock, store on HILL street, two doors west of tho Presbyte rian church. The highest price paid for BIDES aud BARK. • 0. H. MILLER & SON. n...tin g don, may 1, 1807 NEW WAIL PAPER, AT TUE LOWEST PRICES. I have now in store, and am daily receiving, NEW GOODS Of the most beautiful designs In ST-13IPED GOLD FIGURES, which, with the largest assortment of all grades of 3'.Etro ex- lazun i gitig, FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS, • I not prepared to offer at the Lowest prices the market will afford, To Dealers, Builders, Housekeepers, and others. Also, a flub assortment of Cloth Window Shades and Hollands at reduced prices. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. J. C. BLAIR, Bookseller and Stationer, npl Railroad street, Huntingdon, to. 18G8. 1868. CLOTHING, H. ROMAN. NEW CLOTHING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER, JUST RECEIVED Or 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Contlemen's Clothing of the best material, and roads in the beat workmanlike manner, call at . 11. ROMAN'S, opposite toe Franklin House in Market Square, Minting. don, Pa. I= NOTICE TO ALL. HILL STREET MARKET, lIMIM 1:3 OPPOSITE TEE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. RG. MORRISON respectfully- in • forms Om citizens of llnutinudou and vicinity that no continues the meat mat kat business in all its va sinus branches, and mill keep constantly on band Fresh Beef. Pork, Pudding and Sausage, salt Beef and Pork, Calmed Fruit and Vegetables, Spices 0801 kinils,Gitsups and Sauces, Teas, Soaps, Cheese, Salt Lard, AU of which Len ill continno to sell at reasonable prices The higlmst pricer pond tur hides and tallow. Thomas Colder, at Alexandria, and March & llro., at Coffee Bun, are my agents to purchase at their places. Thant:Ml for past patronage, I nolicit a continuance of the some. R. G..I.IOIIIIISUN. Huntingdon, Oct. 30, 1567. READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY MARRIED I= Now . FLlrnitHre, 6ze. f 1 1 11 E undersigned would respectfully 1 announce that he manufactures and keeps constantly ou hauda large and spluudid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, EIMMIDESIME2 WASLL AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cane seat chairs, cupboards, gilt and rota• stood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a sari. ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to ho satisfactory. Ho is also agent for the well known Bal/ey A Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. Tito public me invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing clbowliere. Work and sales room on Hill street, near Smith, one door west of renter's store. liuntiugilon, Aug.l, 1866 TW° oavvm_ 11 Manufacturer and Dealer in 36' 'LT WIL.MaT Xt. MI Respectfully invites the nttention of the Piddle to his stand ou 11111 at., Huntingdon, in the rear of Ucorge Sparta' Watch and Jett olry store, NA here he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Fla niters at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to giro hint a call. Repotting of all !dusts attatiled to promptly and charges reasonable. Ase- Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, nt short notice. • Tho subscriber has JF - E )1 7 AND ELLVANT HEARSE and is proposed to attend Funerals at any place in town or country. J. 31. 15'19E. ttuntingdam, May 9, 1866-tf fIOACII AND CARRIA.Qrri MANTJ _/- FACTORY. The undersigned respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity e ±n . that lie has completed all the necessary arrangements in the outfit of a first-clues COACH AND CARRIAGE .MAIVOTACTORY, and is prepared to !unite to order and keep on hand ,SaCoriLia.o Wa,igcoxio, And everything in that line of business. .11DPArttING done speedily and at moderate prices. zap- TITRIGIFS warranted for one year. Shop on Washington street pack of the Diamond. The custom of the public is nispectfully ablicited. 51E.NO.EL. Huntingdon, lab. 2.5.6 at A LARGE VARIETY of articles too numerona to mention, for elite at pEWIS tunilS' Grocery. Call Dna aeo; ' • NEW JANIES HIGGINS J. M. WISE, HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, JULY 22. 1868. HOOFLANITS GERMAN BITTERS Hoofland's German Tonic. The Great Remedies for all Diseases of the LIVER, STOMACH, OR DIGESTIVE ORGANS 1100FLAND'S GEMAN BITTERS Is composed of the pure juices (or, a s they see undib nally termed, Extracts,) of Ito ot S. Herbs, and Limbs, making a ptepara don, highly conceutta• led, and emit ely free front alcoholic admix! toe of any land. LIOOFLAND'S GERMAN TONIC, Is it combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with tho purest quality of ...,I