Clje Wok HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, June 24, 1868. LOCAL & PERSONAL. ,Aawna.c:siaruoexiae:.zttst. ASSEMBLY My name is respectfully announced before the poop% of Huntingdon County, at their condi tate for Assembly, subject to tho deoisiou of the Republic/to County Couvon• Om and District Conferees. If nominated nod elected will devoto my undivided attention to tho people's Inter. est. EDWARD A. Calltb:N. Brady twp.,JIIIICI7, '6l-pd. The Rind,Beau voters of Huntingdon county are lc spectfully infoimed that the friends of Capt. BRION NI. lAA [lt u 11l offer his name to Ito County Convention for nomination no the Republican candidate for the Legisla ture. Huntingdon, Juno 17,1868-pd. The friends of JOUN M. STONEBRAKER Esq., of Brady township, will present his name to the coming Re publican Convention, in August, for tho office of Aseorn bly. Mr. Stonebraker has the ability to make a good re presentative, and his nomination will be hailed with de light by the entinuarty. FIIANSLIN. Juno 10, 1808-pd Without any solicitation whatever from either friends or enemies,l hare concluded to annolinco myself as a candidate for Assembly in this legislative district, sub ject to the decision of the Republican County Convention and district conferees. I wish it to be understood that I do not hereby undertake to loan money, endorse notes, and contribute to all tho religious, charitable, literary, and benevolent of on this continent. If elected, I will attend tolho people's business, if not I will attend 20 my own- BA3IL. T. BROWN. Huntingdon, June 3,1800-pd The undersigned respectfully offers himself as a candi date for 'Assembly, suldect to ties decision of tho Republi can County and District Conventions, and if nominated and elected, ho pledges himself to discharge the duties of thooffice honestly mud to the best of his abilities. lIENRY ORIFIIS. Porter twp., Juno 1,1868-pd SHERIFFALTY The undersigned respectfully offers himself 119 n CALIdi- Etae for the office of .Sheriff of Huntingdon county, sub ject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. F. S. SOUSE. Lincoln twp, Juno 24, 1308-pd 1 reEpeci full pannounco myaolf to filo citizens of Hun tingdon county as a candidate for the otlico of Sheriff, subject to the decision of the Ropubliimu county Conven tion, and Lit orniso, ticketed, to perform the duties of the office to thu best of my ability. Ehlrleybburg, June 2d,1869, I raspoctfully announce myself as a candidate for trio office of Sheriff of Huntingdon county, subject to tho de cision of the next Republican Convention. If elected. I will endeavor to dinchargu the duties of tho office with fidelity. A. H. BADMAN. Mapleton bor., June 11,180. pd I respectfully announce myself as 9 candidate for the office of Sherin of Huntingdon county, subject to tho de cision of Um Republican Convention. If elected, I pledge mysolf to ditcholgo tho datics of tho office to tho boot of my ability. JOSEPH JOHNSTON. Petersburg, June yr, 1868-01. I respectfully announco myself as a candidato for liw office of Sheriff or Huntingdon county, subject to the do. cisiou bf tho Republican County Cnusentlon, T. W. MYTON. Huntingdon, June 10, 1868• pd I respectfully announce myself as a candidate far Sher iff; subject to the decision of the Republican County Con vention If nominated and elected, I will discharge the' duties of the office to the best of my ability. D. P. PAINTER. Brady top., Jane 10, ISGS•pd 1:1!=!!! Read now advertisements on second page. Two more candidates announced this week. The travel to the Springs is commencing. With us again : the torturing flios. 0, ye locusts; eat 'em up. A young man in Altoona named John McConnell, had his arm broken while playing "skin the cat." Mr. C. E. McKierman, of Altoona, has fallen heir to $22,000, by the will of an aged friend in Berks county. A young man named Fowler was placed in the Ebensburg jail for stoning a passenger train, in the vicinity of Wilmore. 1 The Fourth of July is coming rapidly, and scarcely anybody thinks of what to do. Let's all shut up the town and go a-fishing. .The Tyrone "Reread says cuero le ten, or building a paper-mill in that place at an ear: . ty day. Talk again ! 350 copies of the American Agriculturist are received regularly nt the post-office in Johnstown. So says the Tribune. The tax of ono cent her box on niatche9 netted the government a million and a half dollars last year. - The expenditures - of the M. E. Church in the United States on account of its bishops amounts to seventy-six thousand dollars per annum. The Ohio Legislature passed a bill prohib iting any bat regularly educated physicians fromlirtictisink in the State, on pain of fine and imprisonment, Hight. A young man'named Kale B. Parks, for merly of Bloody Run, was'recently killed by an explosion at a steam saw mill 'Lear Cum berland. - - - Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, and other States' of. the South, aro harvesting their Wheat . , Of tog quality and satisfactory in quantity. Thorium Mullany, charged with the-mur der of hiswifo, in Cambria county,-in 1865, was tried last week, in Ebensburg, and ac quitted. A young lad named Adam Campbell, resi ding near Newry, Blair county, was found dead in the creek about one:quarter of a mile from his borne. - • Ye.` local of the Altoona Vindicator was last week presented with a penknife. Per haps that's what helps him in "cutting" his neighbors. • A:yonng son of Ephraim Pennebaker of Lewistown, was buried in an ash-pile recent ly, and was .almost suffocated before assist ance reached him. He died the next day. An eccentric clergyman lately said in one of his sermons that "about the Commonest proof we have that man is made of clay is the brick so often found in his bat." A certain "Doctor" Pelham was recently arrested near Harrisburg for "doing" the citizens of that place. The matter was ami cably compromised. ~ A general movement is to be made - at the ; next Legislature to increase the pay of jury pen. Two dollars a day is a paltry sum for such services, at least those who have their boarding to pay, seriously think so. Editors, like preachers, like to fish. Trout is the game of most of the Juniata editors, .Put we bet our old hat that wo ean't be boat on the golden Bunnies. We and our devil caught only seven dozen the ether day. A State Convention of thd Grand Army of the Republic will convene in Pottsville on the /VI 'of July. On the Bth there will be a grand parade and review, and on the 9th a pie-nic. Congress, it is thought, will reduce the whiskey tax to sixty cents a gallon. This reduction, it is believed, will lessen the im mensity of the frauds, but we anxiously in quire will it lessen the intensity of drinking? While . fashion commands ,ladies to stuff their "calves," it orders gentlemen to con tract theirs in tight pantaloons. We leave our readers to decide which looks the pret tiest. A destructive flood occurred in Mifflin co., recently. Houses, bridges, mills, warehou ses, forges, crops, Mifflin and Centre rail road, Kishacoquillas turnpike, etc.. sustained damage, the Gazette thinks, to the amount or $!200,000. To clean paint, smear a piece of flannel in common whiting, mixed to the consistency of common paste, in warm water. Rub the surface to be cleaned quite briskly, and wash off with pure cold water. Grease spots will, in this way, be almost instantly removed, as well as other filth, and the paint will retain its brilliancy and beauty unimpaired. The Commissioners of Bedford county have engaged the services of Edward Ijaviland, 'gag., of York, Pa., to make plans;specifloa pens and working drawings of the new alms house, about to he erected for that county.— The building is to be on the same plan as the 'Fork county almshouse, which is considered a model, and which was designed by the Opye named gentler:4ln Support Homo .Eutorprlac In every community are to be found persons who affect to boliovo that they cannot have, in the town in which they live, a carriage, a suit of clothes, a pair of boots, or anything of that kind, mado to suit thorn, and consequently send abroad for them. This fallacy works greatly to the detriment of a most worthy class of citizens, and sends, annually, thousands of dollars oat of the community, in which the money should really be spent. It seri ously affects all branches of mechani cal industry and home enterprise, as it does also all other branches of trade. Wo have in our midst manufacturers of carriages, buggies, etc., excellent tailors, bootmakors, furniture doalers, Sm., who are worthy the patronage of any community, and who execute their work in a style equal to that done in any city. Let us ono and all encour age our homo enterprises, and by act ing upon this principle we will find a gradual enhancement of the value of property of all kinds, a well-to-do la boring class, independent mechanics, prosperous merchants, flourishing schools, and everything else that con tributes to make an enlightened and happy people. KO-We would advise farmers and owners of country property generally to look to their interest.when insuring against loss or damage by fire. Pat ronize a company that insures only your own class of property. Such is the Farmer's Mutual Insurance Com pany of Danville, Penna. They in sure no town or village property what over and no stores or steam property in town or country. We see no ne cessity for farmers being heavily tax ed to pay for the burning of town property, stores, (.4-,c , when they can avoid it. By a strict adherence to this plan, this Company has accumulated a capital of over *500,000, and has paid all its losses, during its nine years exis tence, by making but one assessment on the premium notes of its members, that being but $2,00 to the $lOOO ac tual Insurance on unexposed frame property. They insure at a less rate than any other reliable Company in the State. Address their Agent, C. R. Gearhart, at _Huntingdon, Pa. lt* JNO. BREWSTER Accident on the Railroad A young man named Samuel Good man, a flagman on the local freight, was seriously if not fatally injured on Friilay last, on the Pennsylvania Rail road near Petersburg. While in the act of looking over the side of the car at his brake upon the wheels,'his head came in contact with a car or truck on the other track, and he was instant ly knocked to the ground, and picked up in an insensible condition. He is at present at the Exchange Hotel in this place, and receiving proper medi cal attention. He is recovering. Dastardly Affair On Wednesday night last, a party of negroes entered the Castilian Gar den, owned by Mr. E. C. Summers,and broke his aequarium, destroying some of the fishes, and committed some oth er depredations on his trees, shrub bery and -property. The suspicions of Mr. Summers rested upon a young man named Homy Gantz who had been ordered out of the garden the same ovoning who instigated the disturbance. Two of the party. wore arrested and are now in prison awaiting trial. EGJolin W. Bette; the "Buckeye Blacksmith," delivered an address in the Diamond on Wednesday evening last. There were a goodly number out to hear him, and the plain manner in which he expressed himself upon the political topics of the day, in favor of Grant and Colfax, was peculiarly grat ifying. Of course his Democratic hear ers didn't like to hear him talking so plainly, and their grief must be inten sified to see the Republican and Union men so early in the The Hollidaysburg Register says : "One of our subscribers, to whom we enclosed his ac count for subscription, amounting to a littlo over four dollars, handed us $lO the other day, which pays for his paper until March 16, 1871." This is certainly the right kind of response, but then it is not very pleasant to have a man tell you, "I haven't got the money now," or "I've taken the benefit of the bankrupt law," or some other excuse.— No man need make such an excuse if he pays in advance, and annually, and if he don't like.a bill to bo stuck under his nose, ho ought to pay as ho goes. How TO KEEP HAMS THROUGH SIM MER.—After, your hams have taken salt, bang them up and smoke them well; then take them down and dip them into boiling water for alow sec onds; that will kill all the eggs of in sects, if there should bo any on them; then roll them in dry ashes while wet and hang them up again; smoke them more if you choose. This will do also for shoulders and sides, and those that do their bacon in this way will never have any bugs or skippers on their moat. Waylaid. We learn that our young friend Al. Maguire, formerly of this place, was recently followed from a hotel in the city of Chicapt by three men, who waylaid:him in an unfrequented part of the city, inflicted some serious bruises on his person, and robbed him of his gold watch and about fifty dollars in money. Tho thieves have not yet been arrested, Garden Plante for Salo The subscriber is ready to furnish at his garden on Womelsdorf's farm be low town, the Maupey Superior Toma to Plante, Sweet Potato Plants, and Cabbage Plants, by the dozen, hun dreds or thousands. A. 11. ZIMMERMAN. May 18, 1868-tf. —Baldness, Grayness, and the other imperfections of the Hair will bo re garded as inexcusable after a trial 'of Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) flair Restorer gr Dressing, (in onebottle) Every Druggist sells it. Price ono Dollar. lm. Two little children of Mr. Wm. Strickler, of this place, started from home on Sunday last to plait a relative in McConnellstovvn, but got lost on the road in 'BMW Woods.— They left home without the knowledge' of their parents, who made search for tIMM, arid learned on Monday'morning that tkey' wero at their unele'n in McConnelletewn. They managed to got out of the woods before dark. —The largest 'and most handsome stock of now styles of Wall Paper over received in Huntingdon, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. 0411 awl Son. ➢loore+e biro of Hon. Schuyler Colfax T. B. Peterson & Brothers, No. 306 Chestnut Stroot, - Philadelphia, have in press and will publish in a few days, "The life of Hon. Schuyler Colfax," written by Rev. A. Y. Moore, of South Bond, Indiana, who was for twelve years, as pastor and friend, in the en tiro confidence of Mr. Colfax, and had access to the files of the paper publish ed by Mr. Colfax for twenty years, and to the Congressional Globe; knows all his past history and all who have known him from boyhood. He began this biography two or three years ago, so that it is not one of the hurried and opomeral publications se common in election years. Mr. Moore is a gentle man of fine talent and culture, and there is no doubt but that his biogra phy of Mr. Colfax will be worthy of its distinguished subject. The following letter from Mr. Col fax to Rev. A. Y. Moore, will explain itself WASHINGTON, D. C ~ May, 30, '6B "My Dear Mr. Moore:— "As your prediction of a year ago has been realized, I have no further objection to your publishing any sketch, more or loss full, of my life, you may have prepared. As you were for a dozen years a fellow-townsman of mino, and a valued friend. I sup pose you know as much about my his tory as the public would care about knowilw; and although my engrossing duties hero leave me no time to revise the manuscript, I have no fear that your work will not be a faithful ono. "Yours, very truly. "6CHUYLER COLFAX. 'Rev. A. Y. Moore, South Bend, ludi ana. It will ho published in a largo duo decimo volume of five hundred pages, printed from largo type, and on the finest and best of white paper, with a portrait, on steel, of Mr. Colfax, execu ted by one of the first artists in the country, from photographs taken - of Mr. Colfax within the last week; the wholo bound in cloth in the most sub stantial manner. Price, $1.60 a copy. Canvassers wanted everywhere. Large discounts given. Copies will be sent to any ono, post-paid, on receipt of price, by the Publishers. AerA Now Volumo—Tho Pictorial Phrenological Journal for July con tains portraits of many distinguished men, and beautiful Women. European and Asiatic, beauties—English, French, German, Russian, Grecian, Sweedish, Austrian, Polish, Swiss, Dutch, Turk ish, and Japanese; also, Lord Broug ham, Abott Lawrence, Zadok Pratt; Peter Von Cornelius; Verdi, Miss Pitt singer ; awl twelve Roman Catholic Prelates and Priests; Mabomet, and his Religion.- "Tho development The ory," by Prof. Gill; Lady Dafferty, or the Woman question; Thirteen Nation al Types of Female Beauty; Profess ional Instruction in Practical Phreno logy; Indians and Mountains of Ore gon ; a French Educator on American Schools, and much other very inter esting matter. A new volume begins with this number, only 83. a year, or 81:50 for six months. Address S. R. Wells, 389 Broadway, Now York. It Just Received, Fliney, Baskets, Traveling Baskets, Market Baskets, Dinner Baskets, es of all kinds, Childi•eris' Wtigan'S anit Wheelbarrows, etc., etc., at Lewis' Grocery. Campaign Badges Several styles of campaign badges (for both parties) will bo kept con stantly on hand at LEWIS' BOOK STORE, wholesale and retail. ~- Florence Sewing Machine Miss D. L. Baker, Agent, Leisters' Building, Huntingdon. Dress Making and Sowing done of all kinds. tf. General George B. McClellan has consented to stump the United States for the Democratic candidates. Bird Cages, Bird Sood, Cuttlo fish, nest baskets and Fountains, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. —Fishermen will find at .Lowie' Book Store a fine'assortment of linen, hooks and rods. ne_Blank Books for the desk and pocket, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. Specr , eWinos Are the pure juice of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and aro of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly per sons and females should try them. DIED, At Spang's Mills, Blair county, Juno 14,1868, Mrs. ELLA. M. GRASS, aged 38 years, 6 months and 11 days. Mrs. G. was born in Huntingdon county. Meetings Mi. Morita Lodge, No. 300, A. Y. 211., meets second Monday evening of each month, in Brown's building. Blanding Mont 11: R. A. Chapter, No. 201, meet's the first Tuesday evening or each month, in Brown's building. Juniata Lodge, No. 117, L 0. 0. F., moots every Friday evening, third floor, In Leister's building. Standing Slone Lodge, No. 80,1. 0. C. T., moots every Tuesday evening in Court House Hall. .drrapahoc Tribe, 1r o. L o.of R. 111., meets every Thursday evening, third floor, bolster's building. Young Nen's Christian .Association meets_the first and third Monday evenings each mouth, in Brown's building. Thum COunci/ moots the first Friday evening of each month. MARKETS. - = PHILADELPHIA, Juno 20, 1868. The Flour market in moderately active, at au advance. Superfine Flour at $7,75 al PAO; extra at $9,25; fancy Western extra family $10@12,75; Pennsylvania do do $l3, and fancy brands $12,50®14,00 according to quality. ltyo flour VAL Prime Wheat in Edr demand Chalon rod at $2,70a2,75 white $2,90a2,05. Rye at $1,80@1,85. Corn 1,12 ® 1,18 Oats at 850. Batley malt at $2,05. PITTSBURGH, Juno 20.—Flour.—Thu market is •active. We quote sales of spring n heat Flour at $10,00a110,50, winter Flour at $11,60Q12.50 fancy at $146.15,00. Wheat, red, $2,20@2,25 and for Allan, $ 2,45,@2,60 Corn front first hands at 51,05. Rye, $1,15 par bushel. Oats 78380 C; Barley 2,25G17,2,50. Potatoes, Peach Blow 1,25 bus hams 11%e, LardlB%O. Butter 25@27c lb; Eggs 27 doz. Mr!! NEW YORE, Juno 20.—Gold dosed at $1,40 1 4. .IatINTELVGDON CORRECTED WEEKLY BY HENRY k Co WHOLESALE PRIEM Feathersl4 ib 00 Flaxseed $2,25 llops alb 40 porn, smoked 22 Ilayfl tan ' 12,60 Lard 20 Largo Onions ' lt bus 100 31ixed Chop "'5 Oats 76 Potatoes 'tl bus7s to 1,50 plaster per ton... 10,00 Rags 'il .p, 4 RIP .. 140 /lye Chop?, cwt ot6o Superfine Flour, $lO,OO Extra Flour, 11,00 Family Flour 12,00 Rea whent,... ..... .. ...... 2,55 White Wheat 0 051 Apple Butter TS ga110u...1,23 I Bark pur Furl ,-' 900 Burley " ' I'o ', Butter, Bran 1,1 cwt 1,25 Broours 'll doe 3,0004,10 Beeswax. 11 lb SO Beaus tr,l bus - 5,00 ChiCkeus 25 i Rio Sfreiw'lli !sandhi Shorts Qa cwt Shohldcr Sides ' Tallow Timgthy ruekopt, Cbuntry Soap • S Born - $1,15 Corn Steal T. cwt.......... 2,40 Dried Apples Om ...... ...2,00 Dried Cherries ll quart. —.12 Dried roadies 1 0 lb 15 Dried lit , ef "D . , • WoolV lb. 40 Por "1t 0 Until tien ib t %1 ton • .$O,OO IPig Metal 11 ton $05Q50 Umbel. '"E4 1000 11,412 WO .9111110 es, Tnii.0, 7 ,14 do VOOOl3 Joint. ... .01,291 _ Beef 1 5 lb Broad Tepee:xi ' , a ton .42,50 1 (Buell Apples , 1:1 bus $1,50 Olowirseed 904%4 $5,00 Shellbarlis bun $2,00 Cluiese 10@ke dts. 14 14 /Igg3 ~ . SPECIAL NOTICES, - , TEdFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TANNIC treated with the utmost success, by J. 18AADS, 51 . D., nod Professor of Disease of the Eye and Ear in the Medical College of Pennsylvania, 12 years exper ience, (formerly of Leyden ' Holland.) No. 805. ARCH fit., Philadelphia. Testimonials can be seen at this office. The medical faculty are invited to accompany their pa. dents, no ho bas no secrets le Me practice.. Artifici a l Eyes inserted without pain. No charge for examination. June 17, 1808—lybin. THE BREVITY OF LIFE. "'Tie not for man to trifle, Ilfo is brief, Oar ago Is bat the falling ofu loaf. We have no time to sport away the hours, .411 must bo earnest in a world like oure, Not many lives, bat onshore tre, How sacred should thnt one be." . . And still bow many.fritter away their lives unable to fill any useful purpose, because some lingering disease unfits them for it, and they neglect or reluse to use the remedies within their reach. God in his wonderful ar rangement of nature has provided an antidote for all the ills that human ticsh is heir to, end by the aid of science, the medicinal virtues of cot tofu herbs, roots and barks have been combined, and the result is now known all over the clYlliseil world as Misliler's Herb Bitters. It thoroughly purifies the blood, invigorates the net eeoc fibres, elevates tho standard of all the vital forces, and sustains a most healthful tone of the entire human organ ization. gold by all druggists and dealers. Dr. G. B. Hartman & Co, Proprietors, Lancaster, Pa. jolO•lm REMEMBER THE RED HORSE ON EACH PACK OF Dlt. BARBER'S HORSE, CATTLE AND 1100 POWDERS. prepared by 0. DROWN, Milton, Pa. Take no other. They have also proven :a great preventive and cure for Gapes, Cholera, itc., ac., In Poultry, and for Horses, Mules, Cattle and Hogs, are on surpassed. Get Circular at Henry & Co's., Huntingdon, of the wonderful aurae performed. Every name is relia ble. John Hose of Lewisburg, Pa.. had a, horse cured of Lung Fero, 20 and 400 packs. Try them. For sale by druggists and a toto-keepora generally. je3.lot* .pAINTS FOR FARMERS AND (MGRS.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Company are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Du rable Paint in use; two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, nilt Jest ten or fifteen years; it Is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the Moto of the consumer. It to valuable for Hou ses, Fences, L'm•na, carrilfge and Car makers, Palls and Wooden-wale, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships Bottoms, Canvas, Motel and Shingle' Book (it being Five and Water proof.) Floor Oil Cloths, (one ManufActurer having used 5.000 bbls. the past year) and as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for betty, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. Price j 0 per bbl. of .100 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Wart anted in all cases as above. fond for n cir cular u Welt gives full particulars. Nono . gonuine unless branded iu a trials mark, Walton Mineral Paint, Per sons can order tho Paint and remit the money on re ceipt of the goods. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, 251 Neil street, NOW 'Fork. .PD For sale by the pound or barrol nt Lewis' Book Stele. • NOTICE TO SHIPPERS, GREAT REDUCTION OF TOLLS DAILY CANAL LINE nom Thica ater to all points on the Susquehanna River and its Branches, VIA Chesapeake & Delaware Canal, Tide water and Pennsylvania Canals. By Regular daily Tows of Canal Boats from Philadel phia to all places on the Susquehanna River and branches. (1.413 consigned to the above points from Philadelpeia and Baltimore will be received, carefully bandied, and forwarded by Canal Boats, which am constantly arriving for freights. Ample warehouse and wharfage room (under cover) provided for loaded cargoes. Shippers will find it to their advantage to send for ward Rou consignments to receive quick dis i .alch. For further particulars, apply to • ZIOPPNLAN & KENNEDY, No. 204 North Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. or JOS. JAS TAYLOR, No 212 West Falls Avenue, BALTIMORE, MD. Juno 17,11365-Iy. FASI-lIONA33LE G 013335 FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. GEO. F. MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND DRALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHMG -- ' FOR DIEN AND BOYS, Have removed to the store room on the corner of the Diamond, opposite Lewis' Book Storo, whore ho intends to keep constantly on hand this latest styles of Ready mode Clothing and piece goods, comprising AMERICAN, ENCILIeLI AND PRI:NOU CLOTHS, OASSIM IMES, AND VL'STINOS. CLOTHS, CASSIDIERES, AND YESTINOS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND YESTINGS. Being a practical workman of many years experience lie is prepared to make to enter Clothing for men end boys, end gum ante° neat, durable end fashionable work manshlp. Ho is determined to please overybodi. .Go All aro Invited to call and examine my now stock of beautiful patterns before purchasing, clsoivhcro inch2s CEO. F MARSH. ALIVI= I 2OLICIALINT Anti-Incrustation Co.'s Office, No. 147 South Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. The Anti-Inerustator Will remora scales from STEAM BOILERS and keep them clean, render the Boiler less liable to Erplosion, and caus ing a great saving oflnd. These INSTRUMENT have been in successful 010 during the last two years, in many of the estati/Shinents of Phila delphia, and other parts of the United States. from Which the most flattering testimonials of their wonderful sartng Wad and labor hove been received. Siff - PARTIES having BOILERS would do well to call nt the 011ie°, and examine testimonials. Re., Au. EZRA LUKENS, JOHN PAREIRA, Sr ey and Treas. President. June 3,'68-3 mos. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE. RAYING made arrangements with _LI. extensive manufacturers of Agricultural Truple in onto, Ns a are now enabled to furnish to farmers of Blair, Huntingdon, Centro and Bedford male., all the differ• ent styles of Mowers, Reapers, • Threshing Machines, Hay Rakes and Forks, Grain Drills, Corn Mailers, Cultivators,Clder Presses, Wind Mills, Straw and Fodder Cutters, Harrows, Ploughs of all kinds. Fertilizers, &0., &c. Agricultural Implements repaired critli deepnlch In a permanent manner at the Foundry and Machine Shop of BIeLANAHAN, STONE & ISETT, my27.6t.) Hollidaysburg, Pa. BOOK AGENTS WANTED To solicit orders for DR. WILLIAM SMITH'S DICTIONA RY OF TUE BIBLE. THE ONLY EDITION PUBLISHED IN AMERICA, CONDENSED BY DR. SMITH'S DIEN ItANI. In ono largo Octavo volume, illusteated with over 125 steel and wood ougrat legs. Agents and subscribers see that you get the genuine edition of Dr. Smith.' The Springfield Republican says, this edition published by Messrs. liner Co ,is the genuine thing. The Cungruicafentuliet 5530, whoever wishes to get, in. the cheapest form, Cie best Dictionary of the Bible aho'd buy this. Agents are meeting with unparalleled success. We em ploy no Gets.-rat Age, d e, and offer extra inducements to Canvassers.' Agents will see the talt tentage, of dealing directly with the PUBLISHERS. , For descriptive circa- MI 8 Millhull r MOOIIIOIS and terms,address the Publish ers, J. B. ll! BUM S. CO., My 27,251 Dartford, Cone. N EW BOOT AO Stioyi STORE W.M. AFRICA _.. llnforms the) public that ho has Net opened at his' Mir stand iu the DlamOild, liptlapon, ' A Fine Assortment of all kinds o ~ .10 @ 11 '^oo ........10 SOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and. Children. All of irldoli lie will nell at fair prices. Quick sates and fllialtprallisi- Call and examine my stock. • Manfiratiurinkand hep,iiiing done 20 ,m lofll,loll, thintimoten. up SPRING STYLES for 1868. A LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOGIE OP LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES, Just received at IViol%l'c:)ll'.9 (Succossor to IV. P. RIIDOLPII) IfitrEPL62l 07' Tamicin LADIES' DEPARTMENT In this department, which will at all times receive my strict attention, I have a well aosortwl display of S I TIZI—&—W . GOODS, Press Taimmings, Cloak and Sacono Trim mings. Dre-s /Matins, Cloves, Valls, Zephyr Knit Shawls, Nubble, Hoods. Sontags, !land kerchlofs.Fall Hats, Hat and Bonnet Frames, Velvet Ribbons, Corsels, llosiery, and latest style Saeques from $5 to $3O: GENTS' DEPARTMENT Hats and Caps, all styles, from 60 tests to $lO, Slats, Drawers, Gloves, Neck Ties, Col lars, [foolery, and 'every article kept in a first class Furnishing Store. HATS AND CAPS - A SPECIALTY. By promptly meeting'tho wante of all, I hopo to meet with ouch patronage Iron, the public as will amble me to keep continually on hand a' largo nud well selected stock of first class goods, Whilst keeping lip to the fashion in every article, I will also sell cheaper than the cheapest, . 0. E. MoNBIL, %posit° Lelter'n Now Building. Nantingdon, Ap 1868. WM. B. ZEICILER v DEALER IN Furnishing, Fancy, —AND— DAT- AB GOODS, Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, DoMines, Lawns, Gingham, Prints, fine Cos - thrice, Muslins, Denims, fino,Linen, Mar seilles, Picenas. India Twills, &c. A. large assortment of Ladies' Fashionable Dress Trimmings. Silk Fringes, Buttons, Bugles, Velvet Ribbons, etc. Furnishing Goods, Stockings, Moreno, Cotton, Wool, Ac 4arlo - cre49, • Hid of all colors, Silk, Thread, Cotton, Ac.. of all sizes, and latest styles, Under garments of all kinds, fur La dles, Gents and Children. Table Liricn, Muslins, Napkins. Doylies, Ac. Shooting and Shirting, Brown and Bleached, from 8 cents up. .Ar TAW Vs3OE - Al,O A largo stock of tile latest styles. A largo stock of Notions, Zephyrs, Yarns; ,tc. All cheapor than the cheapest, AG-Room, opposite the First National Bank, Hunting don, P.,. 727 CHESTNUT. 727 RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Bare just opened, nud offer at POPULAR PRICES, SUPERB QUALITIES OF 8-4 BLACK BYZANTINES. SUPERB QUALITY 4 4 BAREGE HERNANI. SUPERB EXTRA HEAVY 8-4 BAREGE HERNANL THE PLACE TO BUY EXTRA FINE BLACK SILK AND WOOL • C H A L L I. FOR — SPRING -- AED SUMMER. In Great Variety. - -__Rromuy, SHARP & CO., i• 727 Ult - catntli--Street, - cll. • my27.-ly - - ft4' hC'iiZlnf°llitb : publicgneryt ia they avelfv'illargeandspleuld'ikofglq" at their atOEnllant gdonc nsisting in pt of - ,SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, - HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, . LADIES' F'ANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BormETs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW TV A It .E, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &a., 63. Also, CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And In fact everything that is usually kept In a first class store, nil which were bought low for cash and will sold nt correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce. and request the public to give, us a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can offer but.e• dor inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit • the patronage of all, and the public are cordially invited to examine cur goods. Everything taken in exchange for goods except pram!. wee. WU. 3IARCII &BRO. Huntingdon, ap. 15,1969. FLORENCE sgma MACHINE. It makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCHES: Lock, Knot, Double Lock, and Double Knot; each stitch pet feet and ,isliku on both shies the fabric. Operators can solect any stitch they want, and change 'from ono stitch to another without stopping the Ma. chine. Its stitches cannot ho excelled for firmness, elasticity, durability, and beauty of finish. No difficulty experienced in sewing ncross thick seams. SOU light and heavy flanks with equal facility. It will Braid, Tuck, Quilt, Dad, Hem All, Bind, Colher, and do all kinds of Stitching required by families and Manufacturers. The work will feed either to tho right or left, without stopping the Machine. The most Inexperienced find no difficulty in using it. It is thoroughly practical and easily understood. It has no wrings to get out of ceder and will last a life time. It runs easily, and is almost noiseless. It is tho most rapid sower in the world ; snaking jive stitches to each rent utiew. It sees the sant° thread on both sides of the fabric. It oils no dressosoll its Machinery being ou top of the tabio. Miss D. L. DARER, Agont, 'Asters' Now llnilding, Huntingdon, Pa, .Ca -- -Ilness Making, and all kinds of sowing douo. ap2L-tf SUMER I SUMER Sowing Machinesgowing Machines. THE SINGER. SEWING MACHINE SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE AND BEAUTIFUL, It is quiet, light running, and capable of performing n range and variety of work never before attempted upon single machine,—nslng either Silk Twist, Linen, or Cotton Thread, and sowing with equal facility the) very finest and coarsest materials, and anything between the two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its attachments fir Hemming, Braiding, Cording, Tuck ing, Quitting, Felling, lidncling, etc., aro NOM and PRA6- TICAL, and have been invented and adjusted especially for this niachino. J. C. BLAIR, Agent, Railroad street, Huntingdon. Pa For Sala by apt GEO. SHAEFFER Has just returned from the east with a SPLENDID STOCK BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, &C., Which he offers to the inspection of his customers and the public generally. lie will sell his stock at the most REASONABLE PR,/OES, • and those who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the neatest and moat exiled!. nous manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer nt his shop on 14111 street, a (ow duets west of the Diamond. mays Can't Be Beaten ! I JOHN if. WESTBROOK fa t informs the citizelip of ihmtingden and olcild Er that We hacjiist acolYed from the oity a New and splendid stock of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, .Trosier.y, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., all of which hole preprice4 to sell at greatly calmed prime, Don't forget the old etand s iu the DlamoUd. gusto- more and the public'gondrally are invited to Huntingdon, up 17,, 1808. LL KINDS OF BLANKS, nmon Administrators' and Executors r Doodl, Mortgages, Judgment Notes, , . PromissOry Nteei, with and without nor of:exemp tion, Summons, Subpcenas and Executiop, apt. Boreal() at 111 X 1113.9 BOOK STORK. HQap Skirtcf • .119 pp Skirts, • No 30 Bining, White, 975p' • • .• job At lIIINRY & CO'S. tbErSohool Books of all kinds fov nit) at Lewis' Book' Sttige tf. • ti • ..•i GREAT BARGARS Ciinningham&Carmon's, Corner of Railroad andpdontgomery Ste., HUNTINGDON, PA. OM!E wonld call special attention to the daily arrival ofCllO/CE AND BEAUTIFUL - 9, which aro offered at Tempting, Prices, Consisting of Beautiful Enka of all shades, all wool Poplins, Alpacas, Me!wipe, Annum, Cbiotzos, a mold beautiful lino of fine Cambrlca, Barred Manta, Nabs. sook e, Gingham', nod Chambraye ALSO, a full Sneer Domestic Goode, each as HEAT BLEACHED MUSLIMS, Fine Brown Muslin, 40 intim wide, Bleached Muslin from % to 214 yards wide, Kentucky Jeans, Farmers Casslmero, &a„ &c Our stock of SHOES excels anything of the kind this ski° of Philadelphia. ALSO, a large and well aelected stock of 61 ATS eutb ablo for tbo eoaaort CARPETS. We mako a specialty of this article, Bn d hare on hand a eery Mrs assortment or DESIRABLE PATTERNS, which will basalt! lower than CAli be sold by any other holm outside of Plilladolphia. We bare also on band a Largo stock of F 4614 AND SALT which we are selling very low In Order to be convinced that aura to the place to buy, call and onaraloo.our goods and prices tako pleasuro In sbowing our goods, oron if you do not wish to buy. So you will please call and got pasted. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON. Juno 10, 180S-tf. IF GRIEF, AGE OR VENUS, HAS Blanched Your Locks, If bald; If troubled with dandruff or any humors upoit the scalp; if your hair falls-out, or If it is dry, wiry, or intractable, buy qno bottle of DR. LEON ' S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, AND YOU WILL FIND IT PRECISELY. SUITED TO YOUR CASE. Sold by all Druggists throughout the United States. . May 27,180. STATIONERY, BOOKS & CONSTANTLY Fon SALE at whelp: inia and retail, a large and well so i!?ta stook of STANDARD WORKS in over } , ileptiltalent of Literature. Alao,'" 11 " ", BOOKS, BTAkic IPPAC PAPI R, §TATIONERY. Etc., to which the attention of cquatry tnoToliants, Mlttees of libraries, teacher, suil,pu T chaske i t .. l InVito by • ' J. 'BT. AI , npl Bookseller. THCB. AHHCHIIIBL~. BURGEEMEg & SON, MAYILSOTORERS OR SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all kinds of Building .material, HUNTINGDON, PA ' 4 l'F - It Cheaper than the Cheapest - 13411,0 Am-a RtErtazurtiotla ISltcsrek Wed End of Ifuntingtion; Payea. We are now offering our mense and well-assorted. stock 'of Goods, at thoroughly reduced, and unprecedented low pima our superior facilities enabling us to compete successfillly with the cheapest. • Our stock consists of Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queensware,Glassware, Willow and Cedar are, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets, Ruga and Door Mats Crocks,Jugs, Stoves, Tinware, Iron Stee, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils, iaints, Drugs, Picini Feed, &c., !&c., &c., all rp. great variety, at prices that will not fail to suit consumers. We are also dealing in all kinds of Coal and Lumber, our facilities in these commodities being superior to any other firm in Huntingdon. We claim them. as SPECIALTIES in our trade, in which none can compete with us. We buy air kinds of Grain, Seeds, Flour and Feed, at the highest market rates, and givO the highest prices in Good§. for Produce of all kinds. Do not fail to call and examine our stock and prices, as both 'are 'sure 'please. apls HEAD QUARTERS NEW GOODS, • 0, Ps. PWlti INFORms SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS, Ch EA.PNESS AND QUALITY Huntingdon, April 15, 1888 NEW STYLES f1QR1f16.134 LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND MOST DEAUTI,INL. PARLORS, SITTING AND DIN/1 G ROOMS, ir4i'PP; KITCFIi3NS, oFficca, !ROOMS, tuors, Ever brought , to Runtingdon, now on hand and for sale • WHOLESALE alld RETAIL AT LEWIS' BOOK,STORE. AY, 1868. MAY, 1868. _ GLAZIER & B - R0 a g DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, - CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS,: - GROCERIES, QUEENSWAREi , HAS, BOOTS .AND SHOES, &c., d7cl Washington street, near the Jail. Our prices aro as follows! Calico and Muslin, from 8 cts. upward. "Merrimack" Prin ts, 15 Ms.. . Yard wide bleached Muslin. 1234 eta. ' - Yard wido utibloached 3111850, 1234 eta, , 'Pickings and Shirtings, from 12 1 4 eta. up, White Cambric Muslin, from 15 me. up." • White Barred Muslin, from 20 ate. up. mita Pigifts, from 25 cts. up. • '. Irish Linen, from 3734 pp. pp. - . Do Leine ' 18 to 25 cts.' • i •,- - All Wool Do Leine, 35 cts. up. Lawns,-16 to 50 Ma. . White Spreads, $2,50 to MOO.' Ills Coffee, 22 to 25 eta. • , , Please call and examine; and, if yet! nro hot conrincei it is to your interest to buy from us, do not do so. CLAM= & DRCh Iluntingdou, MaY:5,1868. , , S. B. iyiccAtirHy a t Blip., ffucfessors to ayaler Arrit,itag9 Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Office on 11111 street, opposite the Court house, • ' HUNTINGDON, PA. . • IVo are now prepared to negotiate for the purchase anti sato of Venus, Tenn Lots, ; also, to incurq Lifo. Prop/ arty and Lila Stock to any amount in the most rolfiblo Companies df thd United States. ". SURVEYING AND DRAFTING neatly done, ou short notice.. rercms desiring to make sale of lands will plogso givo no'a nicriplidn of tho property, location, hild terms, and it will ricciyo our special a.teution. lye have now fur undo A Nand id the trost'end of KishacquillasvalleY f • Also, o' lava' sityuto Iltrpe r l titfe (corn the barough ot, • .1 Huntingdon. We respectfully solicit n share of patronngo. ap2O-tf Alealt.1;117: & HRCI • =I HENRY HARPER, ',04, a '• 520 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. Pine WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, -mid ECHOERS' CELEBRATED Silver PLATED Wnro, war vanita triple Vale, on pit, whitest mid - , at' • • in,: *ANUFACTIJRBR'S PRICES: tw, niee. Soeti,F.n4 Bating rlicztoos. '' • -; Oarn9ti and ,Terse;y: Shore Poach ploisr petittobs foi: sale at Lewis' Fan! , ' 11*'Grocery. AT T 1,1 B, HENRY & CO., Huntingdon, Pa. THAT' tIE HAR JUST OPENER THAT CAN'T BE BEAT COME AND SEE D. P. GW.TI2. = BED ROOMS, pEALEIL9 1