ire 61obt, AGRICULTURAL CLIPPINGS. English farmers believe that""hilling np" potatoes reduces their yield one fourth. They do not ripen as well soap suds will be found a valuable fertilizer for gardens and yards of san dy seil—and almost any other for all that. Suds from bar soap aro of less value.—Every farmer ought to know that cut nails heated red hot and drop ped in cold water will clinch as well as wrought nails.—Currants to do their best'must be freely pruned and heavi ' tiinlobed.—Beans area most nutri - timid food for man or beats. -For men and hogs they ehonkf be cooked, for - sheep fed raw.—Many women are be-'- coming bee-keepers and making money at it. They are not the hind, howev er - that squeal at the sight of spiders. —Sheep kept with cows are not' so •apt to be killed by dogs as when alone. The - .cows fight for them.—Potatoes can'ho'growin much, earlier,by sprout ing them,- in a warm bed before plant-, ing., Placo them on a layer of Manure and cover with sand. Transplant the middle of May.—lt is said that tho -last Cup of milk drawn from the cow— tithe stripping"—containa sixteen times ps much cream as' the - first cup..' :We • will not vouch ',for the exact 'figures 'butihe,tr l ito ones 'are largo.—,-It is as • - 'easYl,l) raison; bushel of good apples as poor Ones:- Whatis a dollar or,f;cktra preliminary expense getting good trees ? 7 ---- 7 TheDepart.,- - ment"Of - Agriculture : Says • that' ten - million hUshels of wheat aro Wasted in 1.--this country annually by bad sowing, too deep, too shallow, too thick, too thin, uneven.---Clean out the cellars; "about Wei tine" and give them a - thorough airing. It is about' as safe torlive.over a gunpowder magazine as the, filth and . poisonons odors of some cellars: But the• stuff doesn't poison your land-use, it there.—The apple -tred-rnakcs a good liedge,but the wild lier and poorer the variety the . thornier and better for that put — ‘, --Solon ,32obisup-says : "Food s aid never he 14r,iienfto fowls unless they aro hungry . enough to gocrazy after it." Doubted. __Hens will do first rate with corn lying by them,alltheitirne.— = The best but ter factories prefer the dasher churn, in its old fashioned style, to all others. --,-,Eer-greasir ‘ ig _wood axles tallow is eb thest, for iron aides castor oil. It is a., common fault to put on too much &akin:in but not often enough.-- - John„lohnson says that one load of manure as top dressing is worth 'two plowed under, on stiff land.--London dairy-Men have decided that the most profitable cows aro graded short horns. Not that they give more milk, but they make the moat beef when past milking.--Multitudes of farm acci . dents happen because nuts on running gear are not looked after and kept tight. Five minutes attention each day, wrench in hand, is the remedy: —Early batched chickens make ear ly layers next winter.—Where bees fbrage on grazing lands all the honey they-get is so much sweetness and nu ' Ariment taken from the pasturage. • It is not certain that the loss is not a seri ous "one to • the dairy.—The soil aNtiroutid blacksmith shops, or any that is much impregnated with iron, is fat ---food for pear trees.—ln setting out orchards a register in which every -' tree is marked and its name put down should be regarded as indispensable.— •' .2.temoi7 can't be trusted to keep names • and varieties until bearing time.—lt is a fact susceptible of proof that crops - would - be greatly increased if- the soil could be worked twice as deeply as now.—=—Thers is no mistake about • the great value of deep ploWing.— Gardens need rotation—entire change Of loCality as well as crops. Larger = - •-props with less work and expense is the consequence.—Chicago Advance. FORTY PERSONS POISONED EY ICE CREAM.—We learn by a gentleman directly from _Helena, Arkansas, of a 'frightfuliiccurrenee, which had thrown consternation and intense excitement over the city. Over forty persons were poisoned by partaking of ice cream last Wednesday, and it was feared a number of them would die.— They were in a critical condition, and the entire community was greatly agi tated: The partioulars that we wore able to gather are briefly as follows :—Tho ,pipprietor of the ice Cream saloon, a Frenchman, made up a large quantity of ice cream, the first of the season, And it-was distributed gratis and free. : . :I;y:Partaken of by his friends. Shortly afterward all who tasted the cream were' seized with violent pain, and most of them were piostrated and in a critical condition when our inform ant passed the city. Four members of the Frenchman's family were among those•aftlicted. Mr. Coolidge, the telegraph operator and his wife, were. both down, and the .rocoyery of. tho.latter was considered doubtful. l!r.L bucket full - of the ice cream had been sent to the female college and freely partaken of by the young la dies, and they wore all. dangerously taken down. Various others were likewise afflicted. The &odors bad analyzed some of the cream. They pronounced - the poison to be arsenic. There were no well-defined conjectures in regard to the cause of the terrible affair. Wheth er it was the work of some malicious fiend, or ono of those terrible accidents which decimate and appal a whole community,;are questions which fu ture' invoi3tigations may answer; but in the meantime the catastrophe re .mains unexplained. —lll"enzphi Aval anche. " VALUE OF OLD ROPE: Among the numerous and worn-out and often' con sidered worthless materials which the ingenuity of map has discovered means of re-manufaciaring; and rendering of equal value with the original substance, are old tarred ropes. Our readers will bo surprised when we inform thorn that out of this dirty and apparently unbleachable substance is produced a tissue paper of the most beautiful fab ric, even of surface, and delicate of color; a ream of which, with wrappers and strings, weighs two and a half potinds. It is used principally -in the potteries for transferring the various patterns to the 'earthen ware, and is found superior to any substance yet known for that purpose. It is so tena cious that a sheet of it twisted by tho hand in form of rope will support up wards of one hundred weight: READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMP,NT, MAY 20, 18613. GREAT TRUNK LINE PROM TIIE North and North-West for PtinAnnrurs, Now YORK, RE4DING, POTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, ASHLAND. LEBANON ALLENTOWN, EASToN, EPIIRATA. knit, LANCASTER, COLUM BIA, AC., AC. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows; At 2 50, 5 25 and 8,10 A. M., 12,40. 2 05,9,35 P. IL, Connect ing Will, similar trains On the Pennsylvania Rni,arriving at New York 5,00, 10 00 and 11 50 A, IL, and 3,50. and 7 40 and 10 30 P.M. Sleeping cars accompany the 2 50a m and 9 35p. m. trains without change. Lease Ilarriabutg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Itipersville, Ashland, Pino Grove, Allentown and Phila delphia at 8 10 A. M., and 2 05 and 4 10 P. 51., stopping at Whim n and pi incipal way stations; tho 4 10 p. in. tram Waiting connections for Philadelphia and Columbia Only. Por Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill And Susquehanna 11.11., lease Hart isburg at 3 55 P 31. Returning, leave NEW-Your: at 0 A. M., 12.00 noon, and 5.00 and 8.00 P. N. Sleeping cats accompanying the 0.00 a ni and 5.00 and 8.00 p m tinkle without change, Way Passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. 11 ., returning fi cm It railing at 6.30 p m stopping at all sta tions ; Pottsville at 8,45 A. N.. and 2 45 P. St.; Ashistml 600 a m and 12,10 noon, and 2,00 1' 51; Tan:mina at 8.30 'A M., and 1 Nand 845 P M. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 n so. and 12 noon. Alt Acconpnodation Passenger Train leaves lissom e+ at 7.30 A. M., and Taunus from PinLADELPMA at 5,15 P.M Pottstonn Accommodation 'halo Leaves Pottstown at 6,45 a.m., taunting leaves Plailddelpliht at 4,30 p Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 00 A M., and 615 I'. id., for Ephrata, Lair, Lancaster, Col alithia, Ac. Perhiornen Railroad trains leave Perklawn Junction at 9.00 a in and 555 p In returning: Leave Skippack at 645 a ns, and 1.15 pin, COIIIIECtiIig It ilk similar trains on 'Reading Railroad. On Simko s, leave Now York at S 00 I'. 31., Philadel phia, 8 a in and 3 i 5 P. 31., the S a to train running only to Iteadiug;-Pettsvillo S A. DI., Thu ri burg, 5 25 a m, and 4 10 and 925 p tu, and Reading 110, 2,55 and 7 15 n. m., for Ilan leburg,and 7 06 n.m.,nud 11 40p.m., for Sew York, nud 1.25 p.m. for Philadelphia. COMMUTATION, MILEAGE, 905509, SCHOOL, sad ECURSION 'nexus to and from ..all points at reduced rntee. Baggage checked through: 100 pounds Baggage allowed itch Passenger. G. A. NICOLLB, • Rending, uny 20,1808. General Superintendent _pIiNNSY I TIM VANIA RP ' OF LHAVINO OF 1? ARRANG Z _ SUM! WESTWARD. STATIONS .01.1 Aor.l r.m.l-A.m.' f A. BLI P. U.( A M 05 11 29 N. Hamilton, ' 443 41 14 31 38 Mt. Union,— 434 31 22 1 . i... 11 46 Mapleton, 420 25 321 ll 50 Mlll Creek,... -4 15 16 45 7001212 3 31 Huntingdon, 3 35: 400 03 05 12 32 IPoteraburg,... 340 46 15 12 411 Barren 3 301. 36 22 12 49 iStirueoCreok, 320 29 35 104 Birmingham, 303 IS 44 751112 4 20 Tyrone, 7 491 300 09 54 123 Tipton, 249 69 03 . 1 29 Fostoria, 244 7 53 7 Os 1 35 Bell'. Mills,- 2 39 7 9S 7258 20 2 001 447 Altoona,. 720220 7 30 The FAST 11NE. Eastward leaves A. M., and arrives at Huntingdon at 1 The CINCINNATI EXPRESS Eastward 4 45 P. M. and arrives nt Huntingdon The FAST LINE Westward, leave. 7 46 P.. M. and arrives at Altoona at 9 The BALTIMME EXPREA, ICONCS thin Of., 1117ITCS at Alltoona 7 35, A. M. The PITILADA. EXPRESS eaatward leaves Altoona at 945 .m.andaarives at Huntingdon at 11 03 r. x. The LOCAL ACCOMIODATION eastward loaves Altoona at 125 r. N. and:arrives at Huntingdon at 6.16 a-. as. West ward leaves at 6 25 A. 31., and an ices at Altoona 10 00 A 31 Juno 8,1868. HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. On and after WEDNESDAY, MAY 13rn,1868, Passenger Trains will al rive and depart as followe SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. DOWN TRAINS. UP TRAINS EIME STATIONS. P.M. LE 6 05 6 23 6 30, 6 ! 0 54 7 05 to 7 451 p 03 , Is 10 8 21 8 33 8 45 8 65 8 591 1 811 9 13' 11.3 9 18 9 31 943 9 57 Huntingdon,. McConnelistom n, Pleaslin t at ove,.. Mnrklesburg, Cuff. Run—. ..... Rough & Ready, Cove T 1R 7 76 • 7 45 8 00 8 07 8 21 msl,eis Summit Saxton, ...... Iliddlesburg Hopewell, Piper's 11uti,... Tiitesville, I Woody Mount Dallas, Rm 10 55 m 10 uoi 9 S 53 iur•S RUN BRAN SII LE 9 25 Saxton, BTU Coalmont Cra w ford, Dudley, 'Broad Top City, ffuntivgdon slity la, 1668. JOIN 8 10' en S 20 945 trt 9 65 JOHNSTON Bz\VATTSON riIAKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Huntingdon county and vicinity that they hate just vellum] from the East with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they hate just opened out at their non• store, ONE DOOR EAST OF THE WASHINGTON HOTEL Their stock consists of DRY GOODS; NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR -WART QUE EIN§WARE, OIL CLOTHS, Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers & others. Inter est aliened on Deposits. Ail kinds of Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission. Special attention given to Government Securities. Collections made on all points. Persons depositing Gold and Silver will recelvo the same in return with interest. PAINTS, &0., Oct. 17, 180G-tf. OILS, DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAM, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &a. &4. They have a large steak of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting of SILKS, MOLIAIKI, ALPACAS, POPLIN', LIISTRES, OINGRAMS, MERINOS, PLAIDS, DE LAIRDS, Ac. Also, a largo assortment of DRESS• TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &.o A FULL LINE OP WHITE GOODS We will sell WHOLESALE and RETAIL All goods delivered to residences in town and depots, f•:e of charge Give us a trial before parebasing elsewhere. JOIINSTON & WATTSON Huntingdon. April 15, 1985 TO TIIE AFFLICTED ! AN ARTICLE OF REAL MERIT FOSTER'S , ORIENTAL BITTERS, A Remedy that hat beau triad and stood the teat, not only in nu occasional case, but in ovary community there Used It boa been pronounced the cutest stud most ,•ehable remedy known for DYSPEPSIA, LOSS OF APPETITE, WEAKNESS, GENERAL DEBILITY, PAIN OR CRAMP IN THE STO NEURALGIA, INTERMITTENT, OR CHILLS LOAD ,I, B TRAI. 'ME/ AND FEVER, LIVER TONIC, STWYARD AND FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES As an agreeable and safe remedy and an Invigorating Beverage It baa uo equal. This valutiblo Bitten! la composed of tho essential pro• potties of roots—tho medicinal qualities of which bats beon carefully extracted. It is agreeable to tho taste and does not teats that unpleasant taste ju the mouth for home after, that most medicines do. Ann Blood Purifier and thor Tonic it has no revel.— It contains no calomel or other Injurious drug, but is purely vogetable. For Dsapeirla It cannot bo excelled. It contains no. thing injurious to the stomach, to mild and prompt in its notion and effects a permanent curo by removing the cause of the complaint. Altoona at 12 20 :3 A. M. ayes Altoona at t 6 56 P M. For Intel ittittect Fever or Chills and Fever this Bitters is a specific tar Lester sad surer than codeine. ' a Huntingdon a 00 P. M. inplon, at 6 15 A No Emily should bo nithout It as the cost fs ti (fling compared with the man log that may ho avoided by hav ing it at hood in ease of sudden attach. Weakly Persons use the Oriental Bitters Invalids use the Oriental Bitters Dyspeptics use the Oriental Bitters Females use the Oriental Bitters MEM EMI TRY IT AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF CIE P. M es 9 .5" 31 4 24 10 3 ..0 3 99 3 38 3 34 .I.Ft. 8 23 03 7 55 7 40 7 20 7 19 Prepare/ only by 7 0 1 Ls 650 ' 6 3 62 6 13 To whom on mdc:n bliould be addreeEed Pike $l.OO per bottle ME 214 'LE 2 10 For sale by all druggists and tlealm generally. ml 2 !MEI I , AR 31, 3 00 2 55 LC 245 DR. W. H. WITMOR ME Has been In succt,sful practice for a number of years, tin the expel lence of the different Hospital, In Europe and America. Army and Hospital Surgeon during the late A merican War, continues to attend to all professnms al cases at his office, EIMME MEM No. 928 Filbert Street, Philadelphia No Patent Medicines aro used or recommended : the lemedies administered are the-e which will not break down this constitution, bat renovate Use system front sll injuries it Mae sustained front mineral Medicines, and luxe the system in at healthy and perfectly cured condi tion. that distressing dieeme and felt destro3 Cr of health and happiness, undermining the constitution and yearly cu tying thousands to untimely graves, can must omphati tally ho cured. MEL ANC [IOU' ABERRATION, that state of alisnat ion and weakness of the mind which tenders persons incapable of enjoying the pleasures or vellum:lig the duties of life. RIIiUMATIS3I, in any form or conditioc, chronic or acute, wittrantod e m able. or falling sicknees, all chronic or atutiboin caste of FEMALE DISEASES ' radically removed; Salt Rheum and every description of ulcerations; Piles slid Scrofulous Diseases Milk!) have baled all previous medical skill, can be cured by my treatment; and Ido say all diseases [3es Consumption] can !teemed by weal lug my Medicated Jacket, which is a protection to the lungs against all changes of weather in all climates. Haring investigated for years the cause and character of Intermittents [fever and ague] lit fill parts of the United States, rill enro petumnently all chronic or acute cases of ague stud nervous diseases in a few days. Quiver Cared without the use of Knife, or Drawing Mad. Tapg,Worm, that dread to the human Surlily for years, can be removed vs Ith two or three doses of my sourly dis covered remedy, warranted in all cases. Consultation in the English and German languages. Will make visits any distance desired. May bo addl cooed by letter [confi dentially] and medicine sent with proper directions to any part of the country. 493.0f1ice, No. 928 Filbert et:, Philadelphia. [npl-ly JOLIN DARE, W. 11. WOODS, P. 31. DARE, W. P. WLAVGIII.33I JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers, igetxxxtimaseicon., 3E10.%,. LUMBER SHINGLES, LATHS. HEMLOOK, PINE BILL STUFF, Boards, Plank. Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constnntly on hand. Win lied Flaw lug, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Dour and Win dow Frames, furnished at mannfac mars' pi ices. Oral!, and country product gennrally bought at market rates. WAGONER S 800., aug2t-tf Philipsburg, Centre co., Pa. SPECTACLES . •- • - - _ - A fine and largo assortment always on - hand AT _LEWIS' BOOK STORE. CHEESE. CHEESE. The best always for solo at LEWIS' FAMILY GROCERY FLOUR !. FLOUR ! The beet Flour, by the barrel or smaller quantity for sale at Lewis' Family Grocery. COUNTRY DEALERS can bay OLOTHINO from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE [ls cheap as they can in the ties, as I hats a wholesale store In Philadelphia. U. ROMAN. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Alt kinds orcountry produco taken In exchange for Goode at Lowis' Family Grocery. EVERY FAMILY Will find at Lewis' rnmily Grocery, ovary article nasally kept in first elate Grocery storey. Call for what you want. MACH OR BOWELS, CHOLERA MORBUS, HE AD ACHE, BUCHANAN & SMITH, HUNTING DON, PAS DYSPEPSIA, EPILEPSY, WHARTON &MEE RILL attßEE'll, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE & RETAIL EMEMEM Foreign and Domestic AiIIiWAIIE, GINLERI, <{?6:G The attention of - MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, Is invind to the fact that Ivo aro now Ginning a RE rum ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can be Nand elsewhere in this pert of tho State, nt prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises all articles iu this Rue of Ino,iness, eininacing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATRRIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE awl WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, .ic„ Ac., together with a lurgo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Many Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and. Cross-Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Ooal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellent assortment of 3F'lrLea CuLtl€o.3ry', Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SOTS ORS, RAZORS, &O. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALLI AT MAN UFA C T URERS PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find n general assortment of material for their us consisting in part of Carriage 2Pinunings, flubs, Spokes Bina, Axles, Springs, Pints, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, IV/tips, Tongues, Soo kets, Shafts, &c. 3133T-El 3 l.(ClE.Dairleal-10 Cau be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, EIA.MMERS, HORSE AM.) MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Stee CARPENTERS Pill find Ls our eatabltstmout n kuverlor atook. of PLANES, SAWS, _ AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, lIINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASILCORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, ( , OAL PICKS AND SIIO FELS. JE - Can be accommodated with everything in their line ftot a Orate Separator to n Whet-stone, 3313_114:11..ea•.s Arc especially Invited to call and examine our stool.- of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our ',Cites with others. Agricultural Implements, Comprising this famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined Rundell's First Premium HORSH PITCHFORK, Rakes, Scythes, Hoes, Hoy Forks, Traco and Halter Chains, Brc est Chains, Cow Tics, Curry Combs, Cards, dc, Sce., Sc Among the specialties of our House, we desire to Cu attention to the colebtated 01110 PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested in us. Bella fo neircular and gat full particulars of same, and antisf yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all sizes and descriptions, Including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .bruggists' Scales Rolling -Mil, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able,- Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and alal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS CASH PRIG. S. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY Ever offered in this place A GREAT - VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BR A 7)AS, By tho keg. Tory low I Best Norway nail, rod, bar an boob Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON•BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By tho barrel or gallon, at very low figures. gar A call is respectfully solicited, feeling cavil• dent that our goods and Kices will not fall to ploaso7= WHARTON & MAGUIRE. I2utitingdonolo7 7,1667. is Albtrtistment.s. T HE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, RICHARDSON & CO., 126 M ARK ET STREET, VIII LAVA Is the Largest Mannfactuting Confectioners and Whole. solo Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, &c., In thu United Flutes. TO FARIERS. PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLI' CL P CUA The attention of Farmers and other consumers of Fer tilizers is incited to this Goano, an worthy rf their ape. dal notice. Its use for several tons in Maryland. Vir ginia and other southern Staten, fur alt crops, lens given It a standard character for excellence unequalled by any other. It possesses all the quickness of Peruvian Guano with permanent qualities n.t Toned in that article. 250 BPI of this Guano aro form d more than equal to 300 lbs of the best Snpet phosphates. It >opens the wheat crop from fire to seven days carter than the phosphate:, m hitch fact alone gives it incalcaluble relymitages. Liberal dhcount to dealers. For sale by JOAN itEES:I7. & CO General Agents for Pacific Guano Ce., 33 south Delaware Ave., PhiPuFa 'rutin South street, Baltimore. OVERNMENT PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE exrrKlNs,,Co . AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF FRuPERTY MOUGUT AT GOVERNMENT SALES, Consisting ciiietly of 10,000 SETS, NEW AND SECOND UtND HARNESS, BRIDLES AND COLLARS, 3,000 T.; z s 2,000 WAGON COVERS All sizes, new and worn, 5,000 Wird and Rubber Blankets, and Horse Covers, MILITARY CLOTRINO. GREAT COLTS, TROCR COATS, DLOCSIIS PANTS, MIMS, DRAINERS, 5,0., Also a largo let of Reins, Lead Lines, Buggy Ambulance and Cart Harms.% Double Trees, Lead Bard, Portable Forges, &e. Wheel Team Harness, little worn, all oak tanned leather, serviceable, cleaned mid oiled, $5 per horse, including, HI Idle Lead, do $4, Ambulance or Stage Harness with copes for leather Traces, perfectly suited for farm or geueial team stork, double aftts complete $25 to $3O, Bridles $l, Collars $1 to $2, exalt hmir•lturd•artiilory case, do $2.50 and $3. Double Rein sl.7d to $2 25, Halters $5 to $1.2 per dozen, Noo Officers, McClellan's Saddles $l6 do, with plated Bit Bridle. .10, Brass Mounted Sad dles, goods. new $O, ss itli Bridle, $Ol, Boys Saddles $6, Wagon Covers. sages ior, 10 and 12 oz.. Cotton Duck $6 to $l2. 1000 Hospital Tents, new and good as now, 12 oz. Duck. 14 feet square, $25 to $OO, with poles and plus complete, Wall Tents $l6 to $2O, Wedge do. $5 to $O, Shelter Tents for Mg Clips $3O to $5O per 100. Grain Bags, 12 oz. thick. 2 to 3 Bushel $0 to $lO per dozen, also full assortment of Seamless Bags. Small order by express C. O. D. Liberal deductions to Wholesale Dealers. • / 2 1t31w...ixi (Orinerly oil Front stvet, now) 71 North Second Street, just below Arch St PLIILADPI.PLIIi. Also, 5, PARS PLACE, N. Y Descriptivo price list sent on application. [inislB.3nl SPEER'S - PORT GRAPE WINE! Excullont for Vonalos and Weakly Poisons. Used by hundreds of Congiegations for Chinch or Cow tm,rnrn,.mlllltl TIN EYA R Ilz•-1.os Angelus, lAullurnia, mat Passaic Nosy Jersey. spEER , ;.; powe G It.tPO WINE,A our :ear.; Old. Thie• justly celebrated native Winn is made from the juico of the opol to Grape raised in this country. its invaluable ''rook and Stn. lightening Propel ties ere unstop toted by any other IMO ro Wine. Being the pure pike of the grape in educed under Mr. Speer's O , VII personal sopro vision, its purity :mil grimineneis ere guaranteed. The young. est child may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. 1110 particular. ly to the aged and deldlitated, end suited to the Various ailment.' that afflict the weaker eon. It is in ev ery te , poct A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids 1150 Speer's Port Grip Wine; Firnaloa UPO Speer's tort It tape Wine; Weakly Poisons Phil n Benefit by its Use; Speor's Wines In limpitais ato preferred to other Wines. Pi incipal 011 Ice, A. SPEAR, No. 213 BROADWAY, oppo•ite City Bull Pink, N. Y Sold b:, John Reed, and Simms' Smith, Druggist, ' Finn tingilon. srIS The trade supplied by John son, Ho/Iowa). and Cowden and French. R tcbnnls .i: Co., in Philadelphia, and by Den A. Kelly, and Falincstock's, iu Pithburgb, and LOU • Whel,ale De utters. 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628 =I "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." aro the best and VlM'', no Low Plum Hoop Skirts in the mat bet. Trail Skirts, 25 spi Inge, $1.00; 3U springs, $1.20; nod 40 springs, $1.45. Shun Skit ts,,o lanes, 20 pin lags. SU Cents; 25 opt fogs, 95 Cents; 3U billings, $1.15 ; anti 35 springs, $1.05. Warranhd in every rezptcl. , Our OWN Make" of "UNION SraitTS," eleven Tape Trails, front 20 to 50 springs, $1.20 to $2.00. Plain Six Tapes, 20 to 05 springs, flout 95 Cents t 0.52.0 0. Th. so Skirts are better than those sold by other establidimonts its first class goods and at much lower prices. "Our OWN Make" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS" are in every way superior to all other Hoop Skirts bailie the public, and only have to be exatnined or worn to con vince every one of the fact. fdaniffactuied of the best linemfinished English Steel , get the in. ,chant su ill, whom you deal to older them for you, or come or send ti I rect to Os, ;Merchant° will find our different pad. of Shirts exactly what they need, nut wo especially invite them to call and examine 011 C extensive assortment, or send fur Wholesale Price List. To ho had at Holm! at 31anufactory, and of tho Itota , nude generally, and at IVholesale of the Manufacture only, to whom all ordma should be addressed. MANUFACTORY .1.7i1) SA LE3110031 e2B ARCH STREET, Bannon 6th and 7th Sts., Philadelphia. WM. T.IIOPKINS fcb2U-10m LISAAC K. STAUFFER WATCHMAICER and JEIVELER, No. 118 North 2.1 Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of 'Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Wara constantly on hand. SUITABLE Putt HOLIDAY PRESENTS! JrZ`Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. THOMAS N. COLDER. Thu nnileraigmtl haring now entered into the Alexandria lit uwery. the piddle aro infot !nod um ti. Will 1,0 in epiti ea at ell time, to till ' orders on the shortest notice. 5'.e , ...0_ THOS. N. COLDER. Alexandria, Oct. 23. 166G-tf. tar-CIIGNIC) .IP.MMTEA ' FOR EVERYBODY, CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER KINDS. Call at Lewis' Book Store and SEE ASSORTMENT. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Eurolor, suitable for confidential cortcapondonco, for solo at LEWIS' BOOK di STATIONERY STORE. ALL KINDS OF CRACK. R S cons nutty on hand at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. TFYOU WANT the BEST SYRUP lgo to CUNNINGHAM & CARRION'S. —Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds for sale hook Store. tf. JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., .7.=wmzmiz , s, NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers and Importers Of every description of - FIRST CLASS GOODS, belonging to the Business of • Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, Have removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Emending from Chestnut Street to 511136,131 Street. afford ing Ralph, eorell and convenient gis tug op• porttanity for a proper display of goods, and hotter means for their eXilleillatitel. With extensive end favorable arrangements in this Country and to Europe, lon IWO in a position to offer at moderate FIXED prices Watches, Diamonds, Bronze & Marble Goods, Silvet Wares, Jewelry, Porcelain, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, nod m cry description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers visiting the city are cordially Invited to en amino our NeW Stoic. FIXED FACTS INDELIBLY Da- PRESSED will always tiiumpb over simple as sortions. Thus it is that this community gives testimony in fa vor of the well known establishment of H. GREENBERG, T.M.M11.41E4 42111.,®:ap HILL STREET, lIUNTINGDON. 'whilst It Is not Ms purpose to &coil° tho public by clamoring 'low prices and batter goods" than other dealers, lie simply Inc Iles nll who wish to purchase in his lino of business to call and satisfy themselves that slip him a patron once gained is never lost, that is, "the proof of the pudding is in fho tasting of it." Ile hoe just received his winter supply of 31E4'6V NUE ga,(o]"MaTt, FOR MEN AND BOYS. lie tins also a largo assortment of /Ito most substantial and fashionablo Hats Caps Gents' Furnishing Goods, of every description, and made up from the best muter/al. Always on hand the gnu! quality of American, Eng lish and French CLOTHS, OAS:MIER ES and YBoTINOS, which are motto up to order by good, experienced work men, in a manner the Most fasitionablo and endurablo. No eastern city can afford a bettor or more vatted style of goods titan can ho found in my selection. 11. O BEEN BERG, Huntingdon, Nog. 13, HOT. Merchant Tailor. IreAtitib — *-404 1 0 11 -T*to-q - • ri V a 4c. e°7OlA-14 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. DrM. (;REEVE, has removed his to the second floor of Leister's s, hero he Iccops constantly on hand STEINWAY A SONS' and GA MILE'S Nano Mann Stet tiring Company's PIANOS, MASON A II A 311,IN'S CABINET ORGANS end CARII A or, NEEDHAM A CMS' NI Hi.ODEONs: Guitars, Violins. Fifes, Suites; Goiter and Violin sti MUSIC 1100ICS—Golden Chain, Ooldun 6ivist er, Gulden Censer. Golden Trio, to., Ac. S fib ET MUSIC —lle Is constantly receiving front Intel phia all the latest 11111i1C. w hick pordons at It distallce ishing. can order, and have wilt. them he mall. • . . Also GItOVEIt S. BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only inacliino that, in addition to every hind of sewing. einlironlera perfectly• ' sowing en and Cotton of all kinds nod colo. for macl:incs. Persons buying Sewing Machines fully instructed the live of them. R - Pianos and Organs Warranted fin• the yea s Thoso gisbing to buy any of the above articles ate In \ nod to call and examine mina before purchasing else. ta hero My pricks ate the same as hi New York and Cirtuktrs of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional iutttrmation desired. B. M. ORPHINB, MU street, Huntingdon, Pa. ' tuasS,%7 Second floor of Mister's new Wick building 6 1 411!*.‘:11E-zw - T-**1 1 :KI I , # 4,0 • gPiTAY , yI o MARBLE YARD. J. M. GREEN & F. O. BEAVER llaving entered Into partnership, inform the public lb they arc prepared to execute all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Purl as MONUMENTS. BEA USTONES, also Building Work, at its low prices as any shop in the county. Orders firma distance promptly attended to, Shop on MIFFLIN street, n tow doors cast of the Lu theran church inifho,lSo7 CHEAP GROCERY STORE, 716 7 "-1M1NT9L 9 .701.1=1-, HILL ST., il CNTINGDON, PA. - Fr unddreigned, offers for the in gentian and putchnso of customers a largo and as. buried stock of GI minks Provisions, Ac. Ito feels saner tied tiny can be acconioLted with any thing in his lino. ills prim are low, and his stock fonth and good. lie hoops the best of COFFEE, TEAS, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES,' HATS & CAPS, &c. ALSO— - HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, (MEESE, FLOUR RICE, AndNOTIONS of every kind. A select stock or DRY GOODP, together Wilt RUM NS- W.l LtE and all other at tides kept in a well regulated establislmtent tot sale at to Isonable prices yam- Ills store is on Hill street. nedrly opposite the Dunk. and in the loom !linnet ly occupied by IL Grove. Cull nod examine. 2. VENTER. Huntingdon. op. 16, 18G8 I A RBI. E VAR!). The undersigned would tedpectfull!, call the attentaon orthecitizeue of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of bminiful warble now on band, He is prepurea to Danish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble Tomb. Tables and Stones of evciy desired size and roman(' Italian or Easton! Auld°, highly finished, and carved with appro priate devices. or plain, as may suit. Budding Marble, Door and Window Sills, Sc.,. will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and Iroik manship equal to any In the country, at a fair price. Call and see, before you machos(' nii.ewhere. Shop on the oraer of Montgomery and Mild n a s.. Huntingdon, ra. WM. WILLIAMS. lluntingdon,lBlay 16 1855. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE SPOOK AND SPLENDID ASSORTATENT OP Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. pEST BLEACHED At U SLIN always on hand nt CUNIVINGHAM Cf: CARXON'S. . . The Las jaw R,EsTon 4AvgiilTE "t 4 atuß.DusSitig y e pule oließoiat INi:FROAD - -: will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore , it. The beautiful gloss and perfume Imparted to the Hair makeit desirable for old and young. For Salo by all Draggles,. MOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., N. Y. ct ONP,D G 1 t, NEW WYALL P PIM AT THE LOWEST PRICES I lava now in store, and am daily receiving, NEW G-OODB Of Om most beautiful designs in STAMPED GOLD FIGURES, whi6ll, with the largest assortment of alt graded of ..7Pt;tt,x34ex , X-Iztliatg•ibtag-ist, FOlt WALLS AND CEILINDS, I am prepared to offer at the Lowest prices the will afford, To Dealers, Builders, Ifousakeepere,"and others Also a lino as,ortment of Cloth Window Shades and ifollands at reduced pncas Orders by mail ai ill mob,' prompt attention. J. C. BfAIR, Bookseller and Stationer, a Railroad street, Huntingdon, Pa COACII AND CARRIAGE HANU FACIORY. The undersigned respectfully informs the cill7en4 of fluntinedon and vicinity,.;: .7, that he his completed all the neces.ary artangenmnti in the outfit of it Strut -clans 00.1 CH 41. ND CARRIAGE ILANTIFACTORY, and is prepared to mako to ordur and leepon hand te) 151DX'.i331. -‘7;ki7VlggC2,llEs, And over thing in that line of businese REPAIRINO dono speedily and at moderate prices. IitIOGIPS warranted for ono year. Shop on %Vasil ingtm? Nrcet back of the Diamond. 'llia custom of the public is inapCctfolly solicited. DAVID MENGEL llnn tingdon, Mdi. 25.0 m READ AilD BE POSTED ! TO THE .2.VETTUJ Y 1111:1?,.RIED AND ALL TN WANT OF Di OW FailitifFo &c. THE undersigned would respectfully I announce, that ho manufactures and hops constantly on hand t large and aplondid nasortotont of = ==3l WAND AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cans spat chairs. cuptioarde, gilt and rm.°. wood moulding for minor Mot picture frames, and a vari ety of at ticks nut mon tiurfed, at prices that cannot fail to ho satiifoctory. HO to also agent for the a ell known Dailey & Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The public are invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewheie. ' ' ' Work and sales room on Hill strut, near Smith, ono . door west of Yenter's stole. Huntingdon, Aug. 1, 1866 TCYMEaterigM% 1 J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in 3F 2 J!6. Zw3" 1"30 lEr XL 3E3 Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand On Hill or., Huntingdon, in the rear of (Merge W Swartz' Watch and Jewelry store, whore ho manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do weir to giro him' a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. .Cfy Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, at short notice. , The subscriber has a a tert , - " , "'`'W NEW AND ELEGANT HEARSE and is prelim ed to attend Funerals at any place in town or country. - J. 31. WISE. Hun tiugdon, May 9, 1866-tf UNITED SWAMIS Authorized WAR CLAM AGENCY I.IUN TIN GDON, PA SOLDIERS' HEIRS,• ATTENTION I The act of Congress approved March 2, 1867, gives to Heirs of Soldiers who died prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the timo the soldier was so held a prisoner, at tho rate of tn. euty-fi‘o mists per day, to bo paid Iu the follow ing order•: Ist. To tho widow, if unmarried; Id. To the childien ; Id. To the parents, to both jointly if they ore living, if either is dead, to the survivor; 4th. To the bra, thin b:sters. The Oct of February 28. 1867, provides for the refund ing et the .$3OO Commatailou iiiouey, where the same per. son Dui ae,iiin drafted, and Was required to enter the se,. vice or tarnish a substitute. . DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. The net of March 2,1861, also wakes prolisions for tack payment of tho $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such sold'srs as havo accidautally lot thoir Mecham 000 All persona haling any claims under any of the nbovq mentioned Acts, or any oilier kind of clahu against thri nuf.e.l a u tos or State Uoverefuents, can Afore 'them promptly collected, by adds easing the undersigned. In. tormatten and advt., cheerfully given to seldieruer their. friends, tree Uf elnge. W. LI. WOODS, • . Authortrel Army and Navy War-Clain .Agent, may9,2151i7 u uxriauous, Iluattagtion co, Pa SPECIAL NOTICE. To THE LADIES.—Do you really A . intend to coma wearing the beautiful Styles now so president, or dress less elegantly, becauso the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attire? Oud moment's calm reflection will surely servo to cbmige your rash resolve. The angels had too much good Sense to lop aside their pure chaste robes , of white, because they had for a time served to hide the deformities of that Princo of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err in' following the exampleof Augels? Then having made up your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless of tebelacts, do not for to call al the store of the subecrit hers, ,oho will be happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress as yen nosy desire. Urge your Dab, ors, husbauds, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the Baum store. They can bombs suited In good articles of Boots, Oboes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queens, wine and a genet al assortment of Groceries, on as rea sonable terms del at soy House in town. Store on South. east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. • may 31, 1865. FRANOIS B. WALLACE. £ School Books of all kinds for sale at Lewis' 13ooli Storo. tf. * JAMES HIGGINS