The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 17, 1868, Image 3
Ely 051obt. HUNTIN.GDON, PA Wednesday morning, June 17, 1868, LOCAL &PERSONAL. .EKEIXLCsiii:Ic ASSEMBLY My name is respectfully announced before the people of Huntingdon County, its their candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Republican County Conven tion and District Conferees. If nominated out elected will devote my undivided attention to the people's inter. est. EDWARD A. ORBEN. Drody top., Juno 17, '6B-pd. , Rcpublicen voters of Huntingdon county ore re spectfully informed that the friends of Capt. MICE X. ISLA-Ilt will offer.bia namo to tho County Convention for nosalgation as the Republican candidate for the Legiela- SOO:- ' Huntingdon, 3110017,1885-1 a The' friends or .101 IN M. STOMEBBAKER. Pro., of Brady township, will present his name to the coining Itc. publican Convention, in 'August, Tor tho Wilco of Mtn:a bly. Mr. Stonebreker has the nbility to make a good re presentative, and hie nomination-oils hr boiled with de light by tho eutire'party. FRINKLIS. Juno 10, 1808-pd Without any solicitation uhatever from eitbor friends 'or enemies. I have concluded to announce myself as a candidate for Assembly to this legislative district. sub ject to this decision of the Republican County Convention and district conferees. I viEth it to be understood that I •do not hereby undertake to loan money, endorse notes, madcontribute to all the religious, charitable, literary, mulbeiaisvolent objects on this continent; If elected, I will attend to the people's business, if not I mill attend to my own. • SA.3lfi. T. BROWN. ilontingilon, Jane 3, ISGS.piI The Undersigned respectfully offers himself as a candi d de for .lesembly, subject to the decision of tho Itepnblh. can County and Distric t Conventions, and if nominated and elected, he pledges himself to discharge the duties of tho office honestly and to the best of his abilities. 11ENItY GIDAPUS. Porter twp, Juno 1,186 S-pdS-pd ~ F SITERIFFALTY I respectfully' announce myself as a camlidnt , for the office of Sheriff of iluntingdon county, subject to the its. cision of the next Republican Convention. If elected. I will endeavor to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity. A. 11. lIAUJIAN. Mapleton bor., June 17,1861-pa I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Ilnntingdou county, subject to the de cision of the Republican Convention. If elected, I pledge myself to disclun go the duties of the attics to the best of my ability. JOSIA`It Petersburg, June 17, ISGE-pd. I respectfully nnnounco myself as n candidate for tho office of Eberiff of Huntingdon county, snl joct to the de cision of the Republican County Contention. T. W. MYTON. Huntingdon, Juno 10, 1868. pd I respectfully announce myself as a candidate Or Eller in; subject to the decision of the Republican County Con vention It . nominated and elected, I will discharge tho duties ante silica to tho beet of my ability. U. :AL PAINTER.. Brady top., Julie 10, I£6llal thrtef Items Cu•cum•bera aro coming Four more candidates announced to-day The Senior will bo from home for a week of ten days, as a juror, at Williamsport. On the g,o: Straw hats, dusters, and sum mer toggery generally. On the go up: Several brick and many frame buildings. On the go down : Strawberries swimming in cream. The Commencement at Birmingham Sem inary takes place nest Wednesday, the 24th. Ws think we repreent public opinion when Nye say, it, the weather, is getting hot. A Concert TrouPo will give nu entertain ment in the Catholic church this Tuesday eve• Dry jukes about the wet weather aro ant of date. Tight pants - show off big feet to great ad vantage. They show in such bold relief. A word in season : Ladies, try to think of your window curtains when about to retire. Why isn't the law enforced against per sons fishing with nets and Reines? Fishes, like birds, should be caught on the fly. Grapes, pears, and peaches are not going to do well this year, but plums and apples may, if the locusts don't play hob with them. The Young America base ball club of this place, were beaten by the Logan club of Mt. Union, the other week. Score, 3d to 33. A boy twelve years old died very suddenly at Summitville, Cambria county, on Sunday, from eating too freely of birch bark. Caution. Jessie, a little son of Mr. John S. Miller, of Alexandria, this county, took very sick on SatUrday last, from eating locust blossoms. An infant child of Mr. Peter Rcddinger, residing near Chaneysville, Blair county, diedfrom the effects of eating a piece of paper The schedule of the Penna. railroad was again changed on the Bth inst. The changes have been made in to-day's paper. The Penna. Railroad station house at Wil more, Cambria county, was recently destroy ed by fire. Wo see some of our exchanges publish the "Egyptian Corn" swindle—to swindle all who may be foolish enough to believe in the advertisement. An unknown man was killed on the Penna. railroad, near MoVeytown. no had gone from one track to avoid an approaching train,. to be killed by another on the other track. The Young Men's Christian Associations in different places, are holding - a series of open air meetings, during the summer, on the Sabbath evening of each week. - Mr. W. F. Ramey, formerly of this place, has been chosen Surveyor of Altoona city.— Ile is well qualified for the position, and we congratulate him on his good luck. The constitutionality of the new Registry law was argued before the Supremo Court, of Philadelphia, the other week. The opin ion will not be given till their next sitting, July let. The editor of the Mt. Union Times says he has "over four hundred" subscribers who re ceive the paper for nothing. Bro. Jeffries, we rather suspect you, - are not adopting the cash system now in vogue hereabouts. A deaf and dumb boy 1.4 years of age, named John Fare, whose parents reside in Frtmkstown, Blair county, was run over and instantly killed on the Penna. railroad near Philadelphia. The brace rod of a heavy crane in one of the Company's blacksmith shops at Altoona fell and struck Joseph Dye on the head, ma king an ugly gash, but fortunately did riot fracture the skull. Mr. Samuel Adams, of Shirley township, this county, was recently killed by lightning. Tte bad been plowing, and when the storm came up took refuge under a small tree. lie leaves a family. The address delivered by Mr. Scott at the soldiers' graves was taken down in short hand by Mr. Robert McDivitt, who kindly furnished us with a dopy. - 'We unintention ally neglected at the time to give him credit for the same—we do so now. Strange: When editors notice the giddy fashions of the gentlemen they make a great Ado ; but when the ladies come in for their share, they breathe not a word. Well, some people do think themselves""lords of crea tion," but then they ain't. We had the pleasure on Saturday evening of testing the quality of the ice cream fur nished at Mr. Nathan Corbin's saloon. It was equal to the best, and then his saloon is just the place to feel comfortable. Good ice cream is not hard to take. The Hollidaysburg Standard says i• "The Huntingdon Rads have formed a Grant Club. Father Lewis. of the Globe, is the Treasurer, Nuff sed." how comes it, Traugh, you know so much about playing Treasurer. you've just "sed null" to convict yourself. A genius in Detroit is said to be preparing to 'lsboot Niagara" in an India rubber boat, which he is engaged in constructing. It is to be air-tight and provided with a sent to which lie is to be tied. Ho may not have gumption enough to make his will in advance but yet ho ought. )Ve call attention to advertisement of I'. S. Isenberg c Co., in another column. 'the firm is composed of deserving young mon mad we have no doubt they will give fiatiefqe tion. Persons wanting a earring°, wagan, or other Vehicle, now or repaired, should give them a call. There is only ono way of properly sup porting a newspaper and that is to see that all subscriptions are promptly paid at the be ginning of the year. Lot every ono who reads this, ask himself or herself, "have I paid for my paper I—and if not mu I dealing justly with the publisher? Lewistown, if we may believe the Demo crat, must be blest with some rather gay and festive' girls. That paper says that some of them milked a cow one day lately, and strain ed the milk through their drosses, and anoth er played circus by trying to crawl through window sash. The editor thinks the latter feat must have been "splendid fun," and wishes ho had been there to see. Fifteen cent notes have been put in circu lation. They are as wide as the twenty-five cent notes, but somewhat shorter. The vig nettes of Grant and Sherman are on them ; but because the likeness of Grant is on them, it is no mason that Democrats will refuse to accept them as legal tender. We will accept thirteen of them plus a five cent note fur ono year's subscription at any time—or any other genuine stamps. A hoot and shoe manufactory, that will turn out several hundred pairs of shoes per day, is talked of at Bellefonte. Ever since one manufacture has been•otarted there, the project appears to pay so well that the men of means are thinking of what else they might invest in, and improve the town.— That's just the spirit that is wanted in Hunt ingdon Wo will venture the assertion that ours is as wealthy a town ns Bell foate, and we know we have infinitely better facilities for manufacturing purposes, then why not pitch in? The Altoona Vindicator- publishes the fol lowing: "An excursion' party, consisting of the lady boarders at Birmingham Seminary, visited Kittanning Point, and other places of interest in this vicinity, on Saturday. They were furnished with an elegant car, and we will venture to say that it contained more genuine sweetness on that occasion than at any former period. Wouldn't a single young man be in an awful fix if he were compelled to travel with a wild lot of wild boarding school Misses, all cooped up in a car together. Whew." That "awful fix" depends upon whether the single young man had some "sweetness" in the car that he thought of more than the rest. We have an idea that some of the single young men in this county would have "kind a sorter" liked to have been in the party; no matter how much the other girls than their own would have poked fun at them. The death of Matthew Newkirk, Esq., oc curred in Philadelphia on Sabbath evening, May 31st, on which day ho completed his seventy-fourth year. Mr. Newkirk was An tine of Pittsgruve, N. J., became a resident of Philadelphia in 1819, where ho.accumula ted a large estate, was an officer in the war or ISI2, superintended the erection of Girard College, was long a member of the city coun cils, the projector of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad, the oldest trustee of Princeton College, an elder in the Central Presbyterian Church, and an efficient mem her of numerous benevolentßoards and Asso ciations. His Only child living is Rev. Mat thew Newkirk, Jr., of Downingtown, Penna. Mr. Newkirk was at one time a heavy stock holder in the Cambria Iron Co., and was its President in 1854-5. An editor along the Juniata grows 'thusly' sentimental : "Nature now looks specially grand and beautiful. The surrounding hills bedecked with waving pines tower above the verdant fields, and the laughing waters of the Juniata reflect the azure blue of the hea venly sky above, while ever and anon the chorus of echoing strains from the locust and kitty-did, is wafted to our ears by the gentle zephyr, hearing on its wings the sweet fra grance of buds and blossoms. 0, it is grand I How sweat to contemplate the beauties of Nature! Mato soothing balm has such a reverie for the sorrows of frail humanity! It is the realization of pleasure once enjoyed by our first parents in the Garden of ,Eden, and is a sweet foretaste of the infinite happi ness beyond, in reserve for those who love and serve their Creator—God." Masonic Demonstration The laying of the corner stone of the new Masonic Temple on Broad street, in the city of Philadelphia, on the 24th of June, will be the grandest Masonic ovation on record. Eight thousand Masons will be in rank, all appearing in full Masonic dress. The procession will form on Broad street at eight o'clock, counter-marching al most the entire length of that magnifi- cent street. Some twelve of the best bands have been engaged for the occa sion. At high meridian the corner stone will be laid by Richard Vaux, Esq., and an address delivered by Judge Jones, of Reading, the Presi dent Judge,_at present, df that Judi cial District. The masonic odes will be rendered on the occasion by two hundred of the best choristers. A grand banquet will be given at the Academy of Musk) in the evening, where the ceremonies will be contin ued, table lodge opened, and where speech, song and sentiment will make the occasion one long to be remember ed by the craft. The Great National Camp Die ening. The Lancaster Intelligeneer says, preparations are being rapidly com pleted for the great national camp meeting which is to be held under the auspices of the M. E. Church at Man helm. Several now wells have been dug and the springs cleaned out and arranged so that there will he the greatest abundance of excellent water. Already 375 tents have been located, and it is. estimated that not less than 100 more will ho erected by citizens of Lancaster and Columbia alone.— Many of the tents already located are from a distance, and applications for places are still coming in. This prom ises to be the largest gathering of the kind in the United States. Excursion tickets will be issued by the various railroads leading to it. It wilt open on July 14th and close July 24th. I=3 On Friday last, while a man by the name of Baker was engaged at work in the "Eagle Foundry," _Huntingdon county, his head conic in contact with a circular saw that was in motion, laying it open in the occipito frontal di rection, producing instant death. But a few moments before the accident oc eurred,he was warned of his carelessness while.working so close to the saw, by a fellow workman but paid no atten tion to the advice. Re was about 22 years of ago, and had been married but a few months.—Bedford Co. Press. • —Baldness, Grayness, and the other imperfections of the .U.alv will he re garded as •inp;Keusable after a trial of Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair Bestorer or Dressing, (in one bottle) Every Druggist, Retie it. Price one Dollar. - Filinprilgn liadges Several styles of campaign badges (for both parties) will be kept con stantly on hand at limy's' Boolf. STORE, wholdsale and retail. Henry & Co., aro selling the best Pacific Dolaines at 15 cents per ,yard. Parasols and Sunshades cheap tbari cvm 1?e 41104 olsowbpp. 74 Railroad Subscriptions. Notice is hereby given that books for the subscription of shares in the capital stock of the Huntingdon, Ful ton and Franklin railroad company will be opened on the 15th, 16th and 17th. days of Juno, 1868, at the office of the Adams Express company, in Mount Union; at the Burnt Cabins on the 18th, 19th and 20th ; Orbisonia on th 22d, 23d and 24th; at the store of Messrs. Orbison & ; and at the store of Richard Ashman in Scottsville on the 25th, 26th and 27th, when and where all persons will have an oppor tunity to subscribe for shares of stock. The books will be kept open on the days named from 9 a. m., to 5 p. m., when and where two or more of the Commissioners authorized to receive *subscriptions will attend. Lewis G. Royce, P. P. Dewees, Jas. Kelley, Cyrus Jeffries, Isaac Taylor, .Ilichard Ash man, Thomas E. Orbison, Robert Gehrott, B. B. Pctriken, J. Sowell Stewart, John S, ler, Henry S. Wharton, John Dougherty, Geo. Swine, 0. L'. Shannon, Geo. Smith, Jas. Potts, A, J. Pare, Win. D. McKinstry, Dan'l V. Ahl,- David Skinner, Joe. D. Scott, John Crider, Martin Gruhe, W. B. Lease, F. IL Lane, Peter Stenger, Jos. M. Holster, Seth Bickey, 11. N. Marley, Win. McClelland, Jacob Wooster, A. G. M'Lanahan, Peter Bare, Brice X. Blair, 11. C. Marshall, S. E. Duffield, James Kendall, G. Cook, Frederick Foreman, and ethers—Commissioners. Repatrcd. On Saturday evening last the •rc pairs on the trestle at Rough and Ready which was broken down ro• contly, were completed, and trains commenced to run as regularly as usu al yesterday morning. Tho road throughout is now in the best condi tion, is safe for travel, and the utmost precaution is being taken to prevent a reNtition of the recent unfortunate occurrence. The speedy reparation of the destroyed trestle is sufficient evidence of the promptness of tho managers of the road, and reflects great credit upon the skill of ;slr. Ful ton, Resident Engineer, who has had the undertaking in charge. We learn that the exact height of the trestle in question is sixty-throo feet, three in ches, to which add the depth of a car, about seven foot, and we have a dis tance of over seventy foot that the man Houpt jumped to save his life. Such a jump has not been equalled since the days of Sam Patch.' Hardware, &a Mr. A. B. Stewart has purchased the mammoth Hardware store of Jas. A. Brown, in this place, and the busi ness will hereafter be conducted by that gentleman. This store needs no commendation from us, as tho credita ble and successful manner in which the former owner transacted the busi ness for twelve years, together with his liberal use of printer's ink, has giv en it a good standing in our communi• ty and in the country. Of Mr. Stew art, the incumbent, we may say that ho possesses good business qualities, and by his promptness and readiness to ac commodate customers he hopes to merit a liberal share of their patronage. We advise our readers, who are in want of anything in the hardware line, from a needle to an anvil, to call at the store of Mr. Stewart. We will publish ad vertisement nest week. it YEACIERTOWN;'IIifiIin Co., I M a y 20, 18GS. MESSRS EDITOR. 9. :—Thialdag that it might be to the advantage of the peo ple to call their attention to the sub ject of Life Insurance, I would state that llr. Jno. T. Carlin, late of this county, had an insurance effected on his life in March 1808, for $2500 00 in the Penn 'Mutual Life Insurance Com pany of Philadelphia, at the Hunting don Agency. lie died in February last,having paid two annual premiums. Mr. Kent, a director and general agent of the company, called on Mrs. Carlin on the 10th and paid the amount of Insurance-in full, $2500, thus leaving her in possession of a sum that will prove a very material aid in the path way and journey of life. Yours truly, JNO. Iforr. 3 t—t 0.4111••• The Frosbyterlau Church. In view of tho probable reunion of the two schools of this Church, the following statistics are of interest: The Old School.—This branch of tho Presbyterian church is the most nu merous of that denomination. In 1867 it numbered 35 Synods, 176 Presby teries, 2,302 ministers, 2,622 churchos, 216,350 communicants, and 195,023 persons connected with its Sabbath schools. New School.—The Now School branch is not far behind that of its sis ter in its prosperity. It has 23 Synods, 109 Presbyteries, 1,870 ministers, 1,- 560 churches, 161,539 communicants, and 103,242 persons connected with its Sunday Schools. rOrMrs. Rachel Pardonour, a luna tic confined in tho Alms House at Shirleysburg for some years past, died on Friday. She hailed from Cassville, was perhaps forty years of age, and is said to have been a handsome and in tplligent young womau previous to her insanity. For a long Limo past, she has occupied a cell in the "mad•house" —a small structure apart from the main building. No article of clothing could bo kept on her person, nor any kind of bed in her cell; and for tho greater part of the time she remained crouched at her grated door. Her husband and children we believe, still reside at Cassville.—Aft thaon, Herald. Gard 031 Piaui s for Salo The subscriber is ready to furnish at his garden on WomelsclorPs farm be low town, the MaupeySuperior Tomo, to Plants, Sweet Potato Plants, and Cabbage - Plants, by the dozen, hun dreds or thousands. A. 11. ZIMMERMAN. May IS, 1868-6. 1143• The famous seventeen year lo custs bavo made thoir appearance in and about our town, in myriad num bers. They cover- tho ground, tho woods and the trees—and still they eomo. What Choy Lego eprue to do the Lord only knows. Just Received, Fancy Baskets, Traveling Baskets, Market Baskets, Dinner Baskets, Clothes Baskets, Buckets,Tubs, Brush es of all kinds, Childrens' Wagons and Wheelbarrows, etc., etc., at Lewis' Grocery. • AUrEverybody should call and soo Q. E. McNnuls stock of Paper, Linen, Bone, IvOry, SAndle-wood, Spangled, Magic Pans, the largest assortment over offered in the coqpty. It 121r4There is no medicine prepared that has a reputation for excellence superior to that of llootland's German Bitters. This ar ticle is looked upon by those who aro not ac quainted with it, as most patent medicines are, a mere clap-trap to catch the simple. It is not in reality a Patent Medicine, but a genuine article, prepared by mon who have nn intimate acquaintance with medicine, and the requirements of the system when labor ing under disease. For Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Nervous Debility, ,te., it has no equal. We-know of a number of persons who suffered for years with those complaints, until they wore relieved by a trial of this 'remedy, and ono person in particular, who suffered from Dyspepsia for ton years, de sires us to state for the information of the public, that ho has been entirely relievid and restored, he believes, by the use of this article alone. rho above is taken from the editorial col umns of the "Dispatch," Erie, Pa. and speaks volumes. "Hovland's German Bitters" is entirely f roc front all Alcoholic admixture. lIOOPLAND'S GERMAN TONIC Is a combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with pure Santa Cruz Rum, orange, anise, ,t - e. It i 3 used for the same diseases as the Bitters, in eases where an Alcoholic Stimulant is required. It is a preparation of rare medical value, and most agreeable to the palate. Principal Office, 631 Arclt SI. , Philad'a, Pa. Sold everywhere by Druggists and others. Juno 17, It. —The largest and most handsome stock of new styles of Wall Paper ever received in Huntingdon, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. Call and see. Florence Sewing Machine. Miss D. L. Baker, Agent, Loistors' Building, Huntingdon. Dress Making and Sewing done of all kinds. tf. ke-musical Instruments, fancy and useful articles, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. Spec ♦Wines Aro the pore juice of the.grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly per sons and females should try them. MARRIED, At the M. E. Parsonage, on the 4th inst., by Rev. E. Wilson, Mx. SAISES A. LIOLLINESIIEAD, of Smithfield, to Miss Many A. °ERMAN, of CHSEViIIO, all of Huntingdon County. At the residernie l of the bride's fath er, on the oth inst., by the same, Mr. JOHN 13. MoonE, of Harrisburg, to Miss ANNIE MILLER, of _Huntingdon. At the Farmer's Hotel, on the 11th inst, by the same, Mr. Wm. IL CROWN OVER, of Barron twp., to Miss BAN:VALI M. STEEL, of Henderson township. DIED, On the 10th inst., Mrs. MOSES HA. MER, of Walker township, aged 61 years, 4 months and 18 days, Nee 131 gs. JbwiahFail,' No. COO, P. Al., meets second Noccilny ee eninget each month, in Brown'. building. Standing Stone H. R.. 1. aoptur. No. 201, meaty the trot Tue-el.t) evening nr ench month, ill ikONVII'M Jeeniutec Lof /Yr, aro. 11- 7 , 1 0 0. It, mete mei) , niday evonin”., thlicl liner, in Leiblet's Man:hug stole I.odfic, No, S 3. I. 0. G. It, went', every Tnetainy evening In Coal t House Mill. 1; ropahoc TWA., .l' n. I. 0. of R. M r ~ meats every Thursday scoffing, tidied floor, Leister's Thong Men's- Chri.stiun .Iscociution meets the first and (Mud Monday-el entices end, 1110,11}1. in Illown's TIM& azimut meets OA first Fitiluy evecitug of each month, - SPEOIAL.NOTICES, DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARRH treated %vitt' the utmost .tzeceat, by J. 1 nAACS; 31. 13.. and Pt ofe,tor Of Disease of the Eye and Ear in The Medical allege of Pennsylvania:l22loora expo , (lanierly of Laplen, Ilidtend,) NO. 1105 Alt()11 Phil alelphia. Teetimooials can ho soon at this ernes. The medical faculty arc invited to accompany their pa tients, as he has nu secrete in his p•actica. Artificial 11) es inserted a itheut 1:Lill. No charge fur examination. Jane 17, 1866-lyhat. TIIE BREVITY OF LIFE 'Ti not for man to trine, life is Wier, Our age is but the falling ofa loaf. We bolo no time to sport away the liollra, All most bo earliest in n world like ours. Not ninny tires, but one have no, Ilow sacred should that 0n0.b0." And still how many fritter an ay their lives unable to fill fitly mend purpose, because some lingering disease unfits them lot it, nod they neglect or reinso to use the remedies o olds their reach God in his wonderful ors raugement of nature tins provided an antidote for nil the ills that human dash is heir to, and by the aid of science, the medicinal virtues of certain herbs, roots and barks havo been combined, and the result is now known all over the civilized wet Id as Mfblifer's "Iferb Hitters. It thoroughly purifies the blood, Invigorates the nervous fibres, elelates the standord cloth the vital forces, anti sustains a most healtlifol tone of the entire human organ ization. Sold by all druggists and dealers. hr. 5.13. Ilartmon CO., Proprietors, Lancaster, Pa. Jelo.l.m n MEMBER THE RED HORSE ON EACH PACK OF DR. BARIIFJPS HORSE, CAT= AND 1100 POWDERS, prepared by C. DROWN, Milton, Pa, Take no other. They have also proven :a pent preventive and cure for Gapes, Cholera, Ac., ke., in Poultry, and for Horses, Mules, Cattle 1111 , 1 Hogs, are au ourposecd. Oct Circular at Henry Jr Co's., lluntlngdon, of rho wonderful cures performed. Every ensue is relia ble. John Hess of Lewisburg. Pa.. had a horse cured of Lung Fever. 20 and 40c packs. Try them. For sale by druggists and btore.keepas generally. Je3-lOt° DAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTIIIIII.S.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Company ale now manuflictut log tho Best, Cheapest and most Du rable Paint in use; two coats woll put on, mixed with pure LitlbeCd Oil, will last ten or fifteen years; it is of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, oils° or cream, to snit the taste of the consumer. It Id valuable for Hou sed, Fences, Darns, Carriage and Car ;Adders, Palls and Woodend‘mo, Agricultural Implements, Candi Bolus, 'Vessels an•l Ships' Bottoms, Canvas, 31 anti and • Shingle 110514. (it being Fire and Water proof.) Floor Oil Cloths, (ono Manufacturer has Mg used 5.000 bbls. the past year) and n 9 a vain t for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. Ihico $O per bbl, of 300 Rm., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Warranted In all cases as ate,/ e. Send for a cir cnlar• vi bleb gii es lull particulats. Nona genuine unless branded in a trade mail;, Grafton Mineral Paint, Per sons can order tho faint and remit the money ou re ceipt of the goods. Adds ass DANIEL BIDWELL, 254 Pearl street, Now York. 4Z. For sale by the pound or barrel nt Lew he Book Elora. tnayls6nr MARKETS. =2 PHILAVELVIIA, JUDO 15, 1868. Thu Flour tunrhot in moderately' nctivu, at on ntivanco . . . Superlino Floor at $1,7607,00; extra nt $0,25; fancy Western extra family $10@12.75; Pennsylvania do do $l3, and fancy brands $12,50011,00 acCordiug to quality. Rya floor $9,50. Primo Wheat in fair dommill Choice red at $2,7002,75 a bite $2,00©2,05. 11yo at $1,60@1,85. Corn 1,08 @ 1,11 Cats at at. Barley tualt at $2,05. Prmsatatou, June 15 —Flour.—Tho market is activo. Wo quota salex of spring a heat Fluor' at $10,00010,50, minter Cluny at $11,50012.50 fancy at $14615,00. Wheat, red, $2,255ni,:10 and Ru. 101 it., $2,,43,02,50 Cot n front first hands at $1,05. Rye, $4,55 pee Lushel . 0,,w 700000; Batley 2,25q52,8U. Potatoes, reach Blow I,4o:hus hams Laud.lo34c. Butter 236326 c lb; Eggs 20 duo. • - YINANCIAL. NM YOUR, Jim° 15.—Quid closed nt HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY DY HENRY & CO WH01X647.,: ITIC£3. . Sure! n nalour, ....... ...$lO,OO Fo%thos%) lb "0 Matra floor, .... 11.00; Flaxsord $2,23 Family Hour 12.0`0. hops 14 lb ...... . ........... .40 lied 1i'11e5t,.......... ...... 2,55'11am, tAnoli,d 0 0 White Wheat, 0 65 11.1 "0 ton 12,00 Ail& Butter 't ga110n...1,25 (And "0 - hall,. per ow tll 0,00 Lugo Oniotl3llbll3 100 Barley 1 "C diced Chop ","5 Iluttt . .r, ................... .......20.0atq 75 Man 7 0 cwt.. 1,21 Potatoes . 7 0101470 to 1,50 Blooms 71 do • .:3,000:, , „.1,U Plaster por tun 10,00 Ileose,a; 11 HI "l! hags "0 lb 4 ite,flis 14 bus ' ' r ° I R . ) ° 110 Chickens '' . t:3;ltyo Chop - 0 cwt... ......... '2,60 t y Coon t SO,ll, Si nye Straw ? bowllii. 10 Cora _ _ SI lb Shorts? cwt 1 I 0 - . Cot il Meal'l evil ' ''''.lo Bhquitl4 ........ ............. .15 Dried Apples Vim ...... ~.2,00 3ido 18 Dried Mort ies Id quit t,..,1_" NI love 10 0 , 11 Dried Peached 11 lb 15 Timothy '',oo Dried Bea ^0 Taikoys . - -1 lb 10 Peer , t 1 lb 01 Wool ltt Itl' ...10 It toso 'roll Coal , t l . ton ...$2,50 Pork - 0 lb 0 (Amen Apples 71 bus 01,5011laril Coal 'Oli t0n..,, ... ... $O,OO Clovorscodlil 6411.0 ;5,00j Plg Wild - 6 ton ;335050 Sliellbarlis It bus s2,oolloitnber 13 1000 ft....5120a0 Chet's° 1651120 ots. , t 1 lb Shinglen, 101p.,11 00410010 Egg. , 10 't Joint, •• 63152)13 Hoop Skirts. Best 3O So in, White, urn's SPRING STYLES for• 1868. A LARGE AND W.ELL ASSORTED STOOK OF FURNISHING GOODS, AaoDtg - ll'. (Successor to W. P. EXIDOLPII) IrREPIA Orr , D'LMIIIOII LADIES' DEPARTMENT In this department, which n ill at all times receivo my strict attention, I have a well assmted display of STRAW GOODS, Dress Trimmings Cloak and Pimple inhu ming& Pros Buttons, Gloves, fails, 7.epli r Knit SKiuls, Nubia& stools. Fonitig& herthintii. Fall IMM. Ilnt not Bonnet Pt xmrs, Vetrot Ribbons. Corsets, llwiery, and Intest style Sacques lion. $5 In $3O. Hats and Cap, nil styles, front 50 cents to $lO, Shirts, Drawers, (Noyes, Neck Tics, Col lars, Hosiery, and every article kept in a Ilrat clue Furnishing store. HATS AND CAPS A SPECIALTY. ty promptly meeting:lb° wants of all, I hope to moot with such patronage from the public as will enable me to keep continually on hand a largo and well solectod stock of first class goods, Whilst keeping up to tho Cashion in every articlo, I will also sell cheaper than the cheapest. O. E. MeNEM, Oppdsite Loieter's New Building, 1t Ultiogduu , Pip. 21, 1222. WFtL B. ZEIGLER, DEALER IN Furnishing Fancy, DR,T,Ii_ I 6,B GOODS, Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, DoLakes, Lawns, Gingham, Prints, fine Cambries, Muslins, De»hus, fins ,Linen, P.cquas. India Twills, Ac. A. large assortment of Lades' Fashionable Dress Trimelings. Silk Fringes, Buttons, Bugles, Irefret Ribbons, etc. Furnishing Goods, Stockings, Moreno, Cotton, Wool, &c GP3DtVr Kid of all colors, Silk, Thread, Cotton, Ac., of all sizes, and latest styles, Under garments of all kinds, fur La dies, Gents and Children. 'Pablo Linen, Musslins, Napkins. Doylies, Ac. Shooting and Shirting, Brown nod Bleached, from S cents up. j ' OCCela) A largo stock of the latest styles. A largo stock of Notions, Zephyrs, Tat us, Ac. All cheaper than the cheapest, opposite the 'Pint National Dank, blunting don, Pa. 727 CHESTNUT, 727 RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Ilarejust opened, and offer at POPULAR PRICES, SUPERB QUALITIES OF 3-4 BLACK BYZANTINES. SUPERB QUALITY 4.4 BAREGE HEENAN'. SUPERB EXTRA HEAVY 3-4 BAREGE HEENAN'. • EXTRA. PINE BLACK. SILK AND WOOL H. A L. L 1. V.FLICTID In Great Vatiety. • RIC.T.C.EY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut street, my2L-ly Philadelphia. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. It makes FOUR DIFFERENT STITCIIECI: Zoe:, Kno, Double Lock, and Double Knot; each stitch perfect and alike on both nicks of tho fablic. Opetatois can select any stitch they want, and change front oils stitch to another without stopping tho chine. Its stitabel cannot bo excelled for lirnmeal, elasticity, tint ability, and beauty of 11111.11. IVO dilltcully experienced ill sou ills scrub, thick mum. Sou light and hear.,, fabrieH till, 0.111.11 facility. It will Braid, not., Quilt, Gn d, Item, Ftll. Bind, (lather, and do all hinds of btitching required by tamilics and Manufacturers. Tim work ails feed either to Rio right or loft, without stopping tho Machina. The most inexperienced find no difficulty in using it. It is thoroughly practical and easily understood. It has no sprinys to gel out of' order and will last a 11fit• time. It runs easily, and is almost noiseless. It le the meet rapid sower in the world; making firs stitches to each nuotutirn. It 11108 the 8(1010 thread on both sides of the fabric. It'oils no dresses, all its machinery being on tup of the table. Miss D. L. DARER, Agent, Leisters' Now Building, Huntingdon, Pa., .073-Dress Making, and nil kinds of sewing dono. ap22-tf SINGER 1 SINGER Machines.lSewing Machines. TIIE SINGER SEWING MACHINE Is SIMPLE, COMPACT, DURABLE AND BEAUTIFUL It is quiet, fight running, and capable oPperfortning range and variety of work nover before attempted upon mingle machine,—using either Silk, Twirl, Linen, or Cotton Thread, and sowing with equal facility the' very finest and coarsest materials, and Anything between the two extremes, la the most beautiful and substantial Its attachments for 11;•mni lug, Braiding, arding, Tuck i»g, 2ui hing,l'dUsg, Binding, etc., me NOVEL and rata- Twit, and bays been invented and adjusted especially for this machiuo. For salo by opt po i GEO. SHAEFFER ftficu. just returned from the cast 'with 0.411 ft OP BOOTS; SHOES,. GAITERS, &a, 'itch no offers to the Inspection of his customers and the public generally. Ito will se❑ Isis stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely call again BOOTS & SLIOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the neatest and most expedi Gong tanner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at Ltd shop on f 11l atreet, a tow doors west of kho Diamond. mays Can't Be Beaten ! J JOHN IL WESTBROOK roil Respectfully informs the citizens of -11nntingdon and vicinity that ho hasinst resolved from tlio city a Stay and splendid stock of GROCERIES CONFECTIONERIES BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, ic., d7e., cGo. , ce;e. all of which lie is prepared tu sell at greatly rodiwed Don't forgot tho old stand iu rho Di:munt. 014 Gaeta mors and the public gouornily aro Invited to call. .11Untillgclon, op 13, .1863. NgiV" 3300 T AND SIIQ1i; STORE WM AFRICA Intim me the public that ho has Diet opened at hie olit Bind lu tho Diamond, lluntlagilon, A Flue Assortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, Per Ladies, Gentlemen and- Children. All of a hick be will sell at fair pikes. Quick sea and small prods. Call and examine my Mock. Nlandacinring and Repairing dune to older as iitSt ;iv 15,106;4. Hoop Skirts. LADIES' AND GENTS' AT REDUCED PRICES, I= GENTS' DEPARTMENT J. C. BLAIR , Agent, Railroad street, Huntingdon. SPLENDID STOCK BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A LARGE ASSORTMENT IZl=l Coats, Pants, Vests and Dusters. To bo disposed of at I. RUDOLPWS, (In Basement, opposite Lelstor's New Building) REGARDLESS OF COST SUITS, from SII,OO to $20,00 VESTS, All Wool, from 81,75 to 65,00 PANTS, All Wool, from $2,50 to $6,00 Must sell the entire stock this month CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER Call and Examine Samples ilantloploia, May 13, 1F6841 THE PLACE TO BUY - NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. W •111111C11 t 11110. Respectfully inform the public generally that they have just received a large and splendid stock of goods at their store in Huntingdon, consisting In part of SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, - BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, LADIES' FANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNaTs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW W A R E, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &c., &C. Also, CARPETS and - OIL-CLOTH, And In tact evorythingthat Is usually kept in a Ihatclruis store, all which were bought low for cash and will sold at correspondingly low prices for cash, or country produce. and request the public to give, us a call before purchasing elsotrisore, feeling satisfied we con offer amp& nor inducements to cash buy era. We respectfully solicit the patronage of all, and the public aro cordially invited to examine cur geode. Everything taken in exchange for goods except premi ere. WM. HALM & DRO. Hunting-lon, op. 16,1858. FASHIONABLE'CrOO33B FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR. GEO. F. MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR 7 AND DM= IS READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND BOYS, , Have removed to the store room on the corner of the Diamond, opposite Lewis' Book Store, whore ho intends to keep constantly on band the Intest styles or Ready motto Clothing and Waco goods, comprising AUERICAN, ENGLISH AND 11000011 CLOTHS, ' CASHMERES, AND VESTINOS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VESTINOS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND' VESTINOS. Being a practical workman of many yenta experionco he is prepared to maks to order Clothing for mon and boys, and guarantee neat, durahlo and fashionahlo work manship. lie Is determined to pleasooveryboity. 4 - All are limited to call and examine my now stock of boautiful patterns before purchasing elsewhere ineb2s GEO. F MARSH. IF GRIEF AGE OR SICKNESS : BAS ' Blanched Your Locks, If bold; if troubled with dandruff or any humors upon rho scalp; if your Iloilo falls out, or if it fa dry, wiry, Or intractable, boy one bottle of DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, AND YOU WILL FIND IT PRECISELY SUITED TO YOUR CASE. Sold by all Druggists throughout tha ' United States. May 27,1808. 8008 &ST&TIOTEY, CONSTANTLY Fon SALE at whole vv sale and retail, a large and well se lected stuck or STANDARD STORRS in every department of Literature. Also,t viztrweß, SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, PAPER Etc., to 10, the attention of country lociclittota, mittees of libratien, teachers and purchasers genet ally, lo invited by .7, C. BLAIR, apt TllO3. noncnixtua, WM. E. BURCIIIHELL. THOS. 3UBORINELI4 & VATETACIcIiEIIe 04. SASH, _DOORS, SHUTTERS, V.T. A O(=MING, And alt kinds of Building Material, HIINTINGIY_ON, PA. Mcb2s-tf B. J, WILLIAMS & SONS, No. 16 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia I.IIIOEST AIANUFAMUISERS 07 YLWETLIN BLINDS A N D WINDOW SHADES, 443 - SELL AT THE LOWEST PRICES:I4II Blinds Repaired, Store Shades, Trimmings, Fixtures, Plant Shades of all kinds, Curtin Cornices, Plaints Tas• sels, Cur Bell Bulls, &c, atilSdlut Cheaper than the Cheapestt BARGAINS IVlaanarlamdla SEStcor•es West End of Huntingdan,,Venn'a, We are now offering our ira. mense and well-assorted stock of Goods, at thoroughly reduced, and unprecedented low prices;: our superior facilities enabling , us to compete successfully with gm' cheapest. Our stock consists of Groceries, Dry Goods,, Notions, Hardware, Queensware,Glassware,' 'Willow and Cedar are, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets, Rugs and Door Mats,Crocks,Jugs, Stoves, Tinware, ron, Stee, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils, Painti, Drugs, Flour, Feed, &c., &c., &c., _ all in great variety, at prices that will not fail to suit consumers. We are. also dealing in all kinds of Coal and . Lumber, our facilities in these commodities - being superior to any other firm in Huntingdon. We claim them 'as SPECIALTIES in our trade, in which none can compete with us. We buy all kinds of Grain, Seeds, Flour and Feed, at the highest market rates, and give the highest prices in Goods for Produce of all kinds. Do not fail to call and examine our stock and trices, as both. are sure, to pie** ME HEAD QUARTERS Ton NEW GOODS, D. P. CININ INFORMS T 11.13 PUBM SPLENDIII STOCK of NEW GOODS CREAPNESS AND QUALITY, Iluntlogdon, Aprlll3, 1811.4 WA LL PAPER. NEW STYLES FORIB6B* LARGEST ASSOATMENT AND MOST OEM:TU:OA PARLORS, SITTING AND Dngto? _AckomA. PEACES, BED ROOMS, XITOUENS, Ever brought to Huntingdon,- now am • hand and for sale WHOLESALE ad RETAIL, AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. MA Y, 1868. NAY, 1868. GLAZIER - & DRS' GOODS; DRESS GOODS; - CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS,: GROCERIES, ,Q7/27ENSVARBi, 11A7 S, BOOTS AND SHOES; &0,, Washington stoat, neat tba all Our prices aro as CONOW8:. Calico awl Musls.u, from 8 ate. upwalak "Mars: muck" Prints, 15 cts. Yard whlo bloodied llcialin s l23.' ate. - lard 'Ado miblearAxelbluslin, 12t cte. ; Tic Lings nwhgliirtinge, from 1234 cti. White Cambric bluellu, from lb Co. up. Iflutallarred Muslin, from 20 cts. up.. IfbitaPiquea, from .26 eta. tip. • Irish Linen, from 3734 cts. up. . Do Louie 18 to 25 cta. All Wool Lain% 35 cis, up. lacuna ' 16 to 50 cts. WhltoBproailli, $2,50 to $0,0.0. Rio Coffee, 24 to 25 ;O. • Dlcaso•call awl Ox6tuilio luzul. if you are not omyrhicoct it to to your. tntortot to buy from us, ¬ do so. %LAZIER et BRO. 11E1[11111010n, tfay:s,lBoB. STATIONERY, S. B. McORRTHY & BRO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Oit2co on Ill! 641;0, opporita the Court House, f.IIIDITINGDON, PAe ere now pfepered to negotiate for the purchase am; solo of Farms, Ten Lc.; also, to Insuro Lifo. Rom, orty and Lim Stock to any amount fnthemost reliptika Compapies of tho United Atat9s, SURVEYING AND , IXRAVTING nolitly done, on shiost Maine. Persons desiring to motto sato of lands will please gilte pa 4 description of the property, locntlozi, and /ems, and, it will I eceivo our special a.tentlon. linve now for sale • • Farm is tom acct end of Kisbacoptillas volley; Also, n farm eituttte three utiles from the borough oc II; cling loo.' IVp respoctfOly solicit a sharo of patronngo. ap29-tf IItcCAItTHY L I)RD. HENRY HARPER I " ow! ARCH,ST, Tine WAYOUES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE; and RODGERS' CELEBRATED Moe BLATED Ware, wart ranted triple plate, on the whitest metal, at MANUFACTUREIVS .141.1441865:9 mee Sendruld ICating Potatoes, - Garnett and Jersey Share - Peach, Blow potatoes for sale at Lewis' ily Grocery. 4T TUB HENRY & Huntingdon, Ps. THAT HE 1149 JUST OPENED TIIAT CAN'T BE BBAT COME-AND SFVI, D. F. GIWIN. IMO OFFICES, atomis, kuors, DEALERS ?I (Successors to Mater & Armilage,),