The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 10, 1868, Image 4
ale dlolie. Correspondence, PHILADELPHIA, May 28, 1868 DEAR,GLOBE:-I was thinking of the many friends to whom I am epistolary indebted and find that to none does the debt need cancelling more than to you; but how to do it to meet your approbation that certainly puzzles me. I'm lounging in my room, having for friend, companion and solace, a segar —and vainly through the rising smoke look for thoughts and items worth re cording. Such weather certainly is not conducive to mental viger—dull,miser able, rain certainly looks promising. Out doors I hoar the jargon of thought less happy children ; my room presents a beautiful appearance of bachelor dis order ; sogar boxes, old boots, hat box es, slippers down in the heel, every chair bearing its load of old garments, my couch torn up as I've left it, and such disorder generally as causes the oft heard reproof, "how dreadful care less you aro." I know it and rather rejoice in tho freedom I have' to keep it so. Now if I had a wife I should feel the terror oppressing mo that she would come in, despite my remonstran ces, "and clear up things ;" as it is I'm a monarch, proud of my absolute sway. I've devoured the newspapers, wonder why they have not something interes ting Jo record, and settle back in my chair, puffing, and wondering what I will do to-day—certainly such a life is not enviable. Leisure and a limited capital make a horrid slow team; I yawn while I hold the reins. Among our merchants the spring rush is over; already those indefatiga ble youths, who frequent our public places in search of trade, are packing up and taking themselves off into the rural regions, in search of business and pleasure. How many familiar faces ono meets here? Huntingdon county is certainly well represented along our business thoroughfares, and Hunting don county is a success. Uk.Radical frierids aro quite pleased with the nom inations made at Chicago. Soon wo aro to have a monster meeting to ratify the doings and sayings of the Great Moguls, and I presume much fireworks, much hurrah, much crowd, much pre dictions, mach wisdom will be the ac companiments. .'Tis hard for mo or any one else to venture a prediction as to who will carry the banner of the "unterrlfiecl" from New York in July, but who ever does will promise a jolly and exciting race to Grant and Colfax, and in the vocabulary of the P. E., "a fair field and no favors, and may the best man win." Despite the ruin promised in the event of A. J's acquit tal by the Editor of "my two papers, both daily" wo dull-headed follows have failed to perceive it, and I think "tie in my mind's eye, Horatio," cer tainly as yet the public vision has not been appalled by any direpolitical ca lamity. Politicians aro as reliable as our clairvoyants who for fifty cents re veal the past, present and future, and enclose a truthful picture of your fu ture wife or husband, and aro equally successful in closing the credulous optic of the public. Places of amusement aro doing a fair business, Hurapty Dumpty is all the _rage at the Chestnut—ye who admire fair proportions, fairly shown, should put in an appearance. Brougham at the Walnut is as usual making it pay; so is our favorite, Mrs. Drew, with ye handsome and fascinating Barton Hill. The French Opera Troupe at the Acad emy have drawn good. houses and as a - majority of our amusement-loving peo ple don't understand French they all _go, and pretend to he delighted. Next time you come among us just pay another visit to our Park and spend an hour er two in giving it an inspection; certainly it will pay you for the trouble: If our city fathers would only make one-half the outlay on it that they have in Now York on their "Central," we would have such a resort that any American could feel proud of. Had I the knack of descri bing the natural beauties I see and feel there, I would be eagerly sought after by Bonner to write the open ing chapter of his sensational sto ries with a first scene laid among flow ery meadows, lovely lawn, green and emerald, magnificent sheets of water with tiny boats graceful as swans up on its bosom, feathered songsters ma king the air joyous, crystal fountains, bubbling springs enticing us to lave our hands and cool our parched lips with its cool health-inspiring waters, dove eyed maidens, pensive youths with chestnut locks falling in graceful dusters o'er their magnificently shap ed necks and the faint shading of silk en down on their lip—promising work for some future dexterous razor, but 'taint my lino, much as I admire the "dove eyed ;" in fact I've a strong lean ing that way that the "dove eyed" will please not encourage. Now, Globe, please say of the writer he was once sane, and believe me, yours to com mand, OF TIIE N. S's. GOOD By.-It is a hard word to speak. Some may laugh that it should be, but lot them. Icy hearts aro nev er kind. It is a word that has choked many an utterance, and started many a tear. Tho band is clasped, the word spoken, wo part, and out upon the ocean of time wo go to meet again— whore, God only knows. It may be soon; it may be never. Take care that your "good by" be not a cold one, it may be the last that you can give. Ere you may meet your friend again death's cold hand may haveclo sed his eyes and chained his lips for ever. Ab !ho may have died thinking yon loved him not. Again, it may be a long separation. Friends crowd around and give you their hand. How you detect in each "good by" the love that lingers there; and how you bear away with you the memory of these parting words many, many days. We must often separate with those we love when it is hard to part. Tear not yourself away with a careless boldness that defies all love, but make your last words linger—give the heart its full utterance—and if tears fall, what of it? Tears aro not unmanly. ilEireelodon, the latest fashion in colors, is described as a mixture of pea-green and orange—something like the tint of a kitten's eye in a coal cel lar. SEirConnubling is a now word for wedding, which has appeared in the Cincinnati Commercial. READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, MAY 20, 1868, BEAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE Or North and North-West for PfULADELPUIA, New Tong, READINfI, POTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, ARMAND, LERANON ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EPHRATA, LITIE, LANCASTER, COML. 515, &C., AC. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows; At 2 50, 5 25 and 8,10 A. M., 12,40, 2 05,9,35 P. M., connect ing with similar trains on tho Pennsylvania R.ltairriving at New York 5,00, 10 00 and 11 00 A, M., and 3,50. and 7 40 and 10 30 P. M. Sleeping care accompany the 2 50a in and 9 35 p. m. trains without change. Ultra Harrislung for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland, Pins Grove, Allentown and Phila delphia at 8 10 A. 51., and 2 05 and 4 10 P. N., stopping at Lebanca and piincipal way stations; the 4 10 p. nt. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna 11.11., leave Harrisburg at 3 53 I? N. Returning, leave NEW-Toner at 9 A. DI , 12.00 noon, and 5.00 and 8.00 I'. N. Sleeping cars accompanying the 0.00 a mond 5.00 and 8.00 p m trains without change, Wily Passenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M returning from Rending at 0.30 p m stopping at, all sta tions ; Pottsville at 8,45 A. at.. and '2 45 P. M.; Ashland 00 a in and 12,19 noon, and 2,00 1' 31; Tamaqua at 8.30 A N., and 1 ODaud 845 P N. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 a in. and 12 noon. Au Accommodation Passenger Train leaves IIEAMMI at 7.30 A. M., and•letnroa from PHILADELPHIA at 5,15 P. M Pottstown Accommodation Train: Leaves Pot tstbwn at 6,45 a. in., returning leaves Philadelph is at 4,30 p. Columbia Railroad Trains leavo Reading at 7 00 A 31., nod 615 P. at., for Ephrata, LitlE, Lancaster, Col umbia, lc. Porkionien Railroad trains leave Perkionien Junction at 0.00 n m and 5.55 pin returning: Leal.) Okippack at 6 43 a ru, nod 1.15 p m, connecting nit!, aiaiiloV ttaius oh Reading Railroad. On Sundays, leave New York at 800 P. M., Philadel. phir., 8 a in and 316 P. 31., the 8 a m train running only to:Reading; Putt, ille 8 A. M., Rani hurg,s 25 a in, nod 410 and 0 35 p in, and Reading 110, 2,55 and 7 15 n. 111., for Ilarriebur..,uud 06 a. m., and 11 10p.m., for New Yet k, and 4.25 p. inner Philadelphia. COMMUTATION, MILEAGE, 00090 N, Senora, and ExconSiori TlelftiB to and front all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked through:loo pounds Baggage allowed each PAseouger. G. A. NICOLL'S, Reading, may 20, 1000. General Superintendent PENNSYL TIM/ XANI ./‘ IL 11 OF LEAVINO OF TRA = SUIIIII WESTWARD. STATIONS. P.. 51.1 A. 1.1.1 P. 514 A.M. I A. Li P. 511 A M 5 05 12 15 N.llninilton, 4 43 9 40 6 14 12 20 Mt. Union,— 4 34 9 30 6 1..2 ..... 12 10 Mapleton,..... 420 9 30 5 32 12 50 Mill Cree k,... 4 15 9 21 545 700 IOS 331 Ifuntingtion, S4l 400 903 605 130 'Petersburg,... 1 3 40 851 615 1140 Marra°, 1 13 301 8 41 622 1 50 iSpruceCreols, 3 20 8 34 0 35 2 05 113iriningbant, 3 OS 8 21 644 7 51 215 4 20' Tyrone, 7 54 300 8 14 6 50 227 'Tipton ! 2 49 8 04 7 03 2 30 Fostoria, 2 44 7 50 7 08 2 42 Ilell'a Stills,.. 2 39 7 53 7 25, 820 3 051 447 Altoona,. 725220 7 35 P.M.' A. 51. P. DI. A.O. A.M. P. 0. A. H Tim FAST LINE Eastward leaves Altoona at 12 20 A. lit, and arrives at Huntingdon at 1 33 A. 91. The CINCINNATI EXPRES3 Eastward leaves Altoona at 4 45 P. M. and arrives at Hun ttngdon at 5 56 1' M. The FAST LINE Westward, leaves Huntingdon at 7 46 P., AI. and arrives at Altoona at 0 00 P. 51. The 1149TISIORE Exraubs, leaves Huntingdon, at 6 15 A. 91., arrives at Alltoonn, 7 35, A. M. The Loon Farms; eastward arrives 5.15 P. sr., and leaves 6.45 A. 31; westward arrives 5.03 r. M., and leaves 615 A. sr. May 20, 1369. HUNTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. On and after WEDNESDAY, MAY 13ra, 1868, Passenger Trains will arrive and depart as follows : SOMMER ARRANGEMENT. DOWN TRAINS. ESE= Earnabsi 31mi, I INXPRIESI MAIL STATIONS. P. 31. I A. M. I A.. M. I P.M. L E 6 05 u 7 45 Huntingdon AR 8 23 An 4 52 6 23 g 03 McConnellatown,.... 8 03 4 31 6 30 10 Pleasant Grove, 7 53 4 24 6 44 24 Marklevburg 7 40 4 10 6 58 3g Coffee Ron 7 26 3 56 7 05 45 Rough& Ready,......7 19 3 49 710 55. Cove , • 708 338 7 20 591Piallors Bunnell 7 01 3 34 1 ATI 7 36rit 13 Saxton, LE 6 506. 3 20 LE 7 45 1.6 18 ''"`"'", 8 00, 36 Rlddlesburg. 6 34 3 03 8 071 43 Hopewell, 6 27 2 50 8 211 ,57 Piper's Run, 013 24'3 833 1 111Tateavillo, 556 225 849 1 23 Bloody Run,, • 544 214 An 8 53,As 1 30131ount Dallas, Ls 540 LE 210 SUOUP'S RUN BIIANCII. , 7.. .. 60 u. 9 25iStuton lAR 6 451 tn 319 8 051 0 40 Conlmont, I 6 30 j 300 810 943 Crawford, 6 25' 255 AR 8 20 I Art 055 Dudley, LE 6 15ILE 245 1 Brood Top City, 1 Huntingdon May 13, 1868. JOIIN IPKILLI JOHNSTON &WATTSM TAKE pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Huntingdon county and vicinity that they havo just returned from the Eltst with a LARGE STOCI. OF GOODS, Which they have Just opened out at their new store, ONE DOOR EAST OF THE WASHINGTON HOTEL Their stock consists of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, lIATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANNER FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR - WARE QUEENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers & others. Inter est allowed on Deposits. Ail kinds of Securities, bought and sold for tho usual commission. Special attention given to Government Securities. Collections made on all points. Persons depositing Gold and Silver will receive the same in return with Interest. PAINTS, &a., I 0et.17,15Z6-11. OILS, DIttIGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &a. &o. They have a forgo Mock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting of SILKS, MOIIAIRS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, MITRES, MEDIUMS, ,MERINOS, PLAIDS, DE LAINES, Ac., Ac., Also, a largo assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, cto A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS Wo wlll sell W.LIOLESALE and RETAIL. All goods delivered to residences In town and depot; free of charge Olvo tin n tvlnl Leroy° purchasing elsowhora. JOIIN,STON k WATTBOIL Ituntingdoa. Aprllls, 1589 TO THE AFFLICTED AN ARTICLE OF REAL MERIT 1 FOSTER'S ORIENTAL : XTTERS, A 'Remedy that has been tiled and stood the toot, not only in on occasional case, but in every community where used it has been pronounced the unfelt and most reliablo iomody known for DYSPEPSIA, LOSS OF APPETITE, WEAKNESS, GENERAL DEBILITY, PAIN OR CRAMP IN THE STO MACH OR BOWELS, CHOLERA MORBUS, HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, INTERMITTENT, OR CHILLS OAD AND FEVER, LIVER TONIC, Srli,l RD I : 5 '-' AND FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES As an agreeable:llld sato remedy and an Invigorating Beverage it hue no equal. This valuable Bitters is composed of the essential pro. poetics of roots—the medicinal qualities of %Oriel have been carefully extracted. It Is agreeable to the taste and clues not leave that unpleasant taste F lu the mouth fur hours after, that most medicines do. Ann Blood Purifier and Liver Tonle It has no equal.— It contains no calomel or other injurious drug, but Is put ely vegetable. For Dyspepsia it cannot be excelled. It contains no. thing injurious to the stomach, is mild and prompt in its action and effects a permanent cuto by removing Ulu cause of the complaint. For Intermittent Fever or Chills and Fever this Bitterer is a specific fur beater and surer than quinine. No family should be olthout it as the cost Is tilfllng compared with the suffering that may ho avoided by hay ing it at hand In case of suddou attack. Weakly Persons use the Oriental Bitters Invalids use the Oriental Bitters Dyspeptics use the Oriental Bitters Feniales use the Oriental Bitters TRY IT AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Prepared only by BUCHANAN & SMITH, To whom all ot del a should be addressed Price $l.OO per bottle. For saloby all druggists and &Mors gonorally. ni1126 DR. W. H. WITMOR Has boon in successful practice for a number of years, with the expel ieneo of thu different Hospitals in Europe and Ametica. Army and tiespitat Surgeon during the late A Mel lean War, continues to attend to all profession al cases at his oMce, ME No. 928 Filbert Street, Philadelphia No Patent Illedicines are used or recommended : the emedies administered ore tlio,e which nil' not break down the constitution, but renovate the system from all injui too it lea sustained front mineral medicines, and leave the system In a healthy and pet betty mired condi. lion. that distressing disease and fell destroyer of health and happiness, nutlet mining the constitution and yearly car rying thousands to untimely graves, eau mom emphati cally be cured. MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that state of alienation nod ',scaliness of the mind wlikh renders persons incapable of enjoying the pleasures or lierforcaing the duties of life. RHEUMATISM, in any form or condition, chronic or acute, warrantee eurabio. or (idling sicknocc, all chronic or stobboi n cases of FEMALE DISEASES radically removed; Salt Rheum and every description of ulcerations; Piles nod L 4 ,0111°11.1 Diseases which have battled all prosiest; medical skill, con he cured by my h calmest; and Ido any all diseases [3 es Consumption] can beamed by wearing my Medicated Jacket, which is a protection to the lungs against all changes of weather in all climates. Haling investigated for yeate the cause, and character of intermittents [fever and ague] in all parts of the United States, will cure permanently all chronic or acute cases of ague and nervous diseases is a few days. Canter Cured without Meuse of Knife,or Deeming Blood. Tape Worm, that dread to the human family for years, can be removed with two or three doses of my newly dis covered remedy, warranted in all' cases. Consultation In the English and German languages. Will make visits any distance desired. May be addressed by letter [confi dentially] and medicine sent with proper directions to any part of the country. AQ - -Otnee, No. 028 Filbert st.,Philndelphio. JOHN DARE, W. R. WOODS, P. M. ELKS, W. P. m'fauciaux JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers, Marimatizizcicsia, Pct. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS. HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly on hand. Worked Flooring, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Door and Win dow Frames, furnished at manufacturers' prices. Grain and country product generally bought at market rates. WAUONER & BRO., aug2B-tX Philipsburg, Centro co., Pa. SPECTACLES. 1 __.,.--:-,--c•-• A fine and large assortment always on hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. CHEESE. CHEESE. Tho beet always for aalo at LEWIS' FAMILY GROCERY FLOUR ! FLOUR ! The best Flour, by tho barrel or smaller quantity for rata at Lewis' Family Grocery. R No Y fro. D . E . A in L u E . R t n S g o c n a a n t b C .3, O c U Lo N T WHOLESALE as cheap as they can la the ties, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. IL ROMAN. COUNTRY PRODUCE. All kinds olcountry produce taken In exchange for Goods at Lewis' Family Grocery. E VERY FAMILY Will find at Lewis' Family Grocery, ovary article usually kept In first class Grocery stores, Call for what you want. 11.13N711SGDOli, FA., DYSPEPSIA, EPILEPSY, \VHARTON &.T.AGUIRE, RILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE &RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic : a, HARD ARE, Gomm, Ate Tho attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers genouGly, is !rafted to the fart that wo are new Wining a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can be found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to suit the times. Onr stock comprises all articles In this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, Se„ Ae., together with a large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and _Alining ;Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross• Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans An cm:client wisortment of M" 1 .1.30.e> 412.t1t,x•3r, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIIS ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA 3; SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT AIANUFACTURERS PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general assortment of material for their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, flubs, Spokes, Aims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa- tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, ifc. =.ll arr4X - ipii 2*-z - 11Jc* 41.4 =.IE,--:• Can be supplied nith ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE ANJ MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Pill find in our establishment a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAAIMERS, FILES, • CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, PULLEYS, SASII-CORDS, &C., &C. lIINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, uOAL PICKS AND 81I0VELS. ' ViaM'Zi:LOX'S. Can be accommodated uith everything in their lino frail a Grain lZonatator to a Whet-stone. 331.111c1i.t5,x*.• Are especially invited to call and examluo our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, mid comparo our juices pith others. Agricultural Implements, Comprising the famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, RundelPs First Premium HORSB PITCHFORK, Rakes, Scythes, Rocs, Hay Forks ; Trace and Halter Chains, Breast Chains, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, ke., &C., &C. Among !Ito specialties of oar House, wo desire to call attention to the celebrated 01110 PUMP, The exoluslve right to sell which is vested iu us. Send for aclrcnlar and got full particulars of same, and satisfy yourself °fits superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all alma and description:;, %minding Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered In this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OP NAILS AND BEADS, By tho keg. Very low! Beat Norway nail, rod, bar an Loop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON , BOXES, . CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at Tory low figures A call is respectfUlly solicited, feeling confb dent that our goods and prices will not fall to pleascr.—DX WI ARTON & MAGUIRE. no tin gilun, - 41nT 7, ISO 7. A,bintlistottnts. THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON & CO., 126 m MUM STREET, P Is the Largest Moutifacturing Confectioners and Whole. halo 'Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, &a., iu tho United States. Inll4-ly s9r, h AGENTS WANTED. $25 ../t/ sveu nut li rsbclass Agents IO introduce Our IMPROVED STAR SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. The cheapest and best Mai:bine in the whole country. Exttacrilinary inducements to good, active salesmen. Vol ticulars and sample II ork furnished on application. A. J. DUMONT, Agent, 630 Arch street, Philadelphia. T° FARMERS. fub2C•hm PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S =CM PACIFIC CU - A' Nis The attention of Farmers and other consumers of Fors tilizets is invited to this Guano, as won thy ef their ape. cial notice. Ito use for several ;sears in 3larylnind, Vir ginia. and other builthem Stales, for all crops, Inas gin en It a standard diameter for excellence unequalled by any other. It possesses all tile quickness of Pen .V 1.1110111111., with pen manent guttlities MA found in that at tide. 230 tins ot this (Mime am found more than equal to 300 lbs of the best Superphosphates. It ripens tins cheat clop from fire to swot days envier than the plamplazies, which fact alone gives it incalculable a•dvatttages. Liberal discount to dealers. For sale by JOAN S. RE ESE CO., General Agents for Pacific Guano Co., 30 south Delawitto Ave., and 71 South sheet, Ilaltinnee. MEM • 01/ERI4I4EI4T, PROPERTYAT PRIVATE SALE opiTKIN CO.& AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF PROPERTY BOUGHT AT GOVERNMENT SALES, Consisting chiefly of 10,000 SETS, NEW AND SECOND El CO HARNESS, BRIDLES AND COLLARS, 3,000 S.A_D.IDI.•=,S, All styles, 2,000 'WAGON COVERS. All sloes, new and xotn, 5,000 Ka anti Robber IRankets, and Horse Corers, MILITARY CLOTHING, GREAT COSTS, FROCK COATS, DLOUSER, PANTS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, AC., Also a large lot of Reins, Lead Lines, Buggy Ambulance and Cast Harness. Double Trees, Lead Bus, Portable Forges, Ac., Ac. Wheel Team Harness, little worn, all only tanned leather, serviceable, cleaned and oiled, $5 per horse, including Blidle Lead, do $4, Ambulance or Stage Harness with SUVA for leather 'hazes, perfectly suited for fat in or general leant work, double sets complete $25 to $3O, Bridles $l, Collars $1 to $2, extra hair-lined artillery case, do $2,50 and $3, Double Rein $1.75 to $2.25, Halters $5 to $l2 per dozen, New Officers, McClellan's Saddles $l6 do, with plated Bit Bridle, 510, Blass Mounted Sad dles, goodins now $9, stills Bridle, $ll, Boys Saddles $6, Wagon Covers, sopei ior, 10 and 12 no., Cotton Duck $0 to $l2. 1000 Hospital Tents, ir.w and good as now, 12 oz. Duel,, 14 foot square, $25 to $9O, with poles and plus complete, Wall Tents $lO to $2O, Wedge do. $5 to $O, Shelter Tentslor flay caps 330 to $5O per 100. Grain Bags, 12 oz. Duck, 2 to 3 Bushel $6 to $lO per dozen, ttleu neeortment of Seamless Bags. Small order by express C. 0. D. Liberal deductions to Wholesale Dealers. 1= 11 .1. - timlxa csb (Formerly on Front street, now) 71 North Second Street, just below Arch St., Also, 5, PARE PLACE, N. Y. Descriptive price list sent on application. [mhlB-3m SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! Excellent for Females and Weakly Persons. Used by hundreds of Congregations for Church or Cons. Mullion purr... VINEYARDS—Los Angelos, California, and Passaic, Now .Toro y. SPEEIt'd PORT GRAPE WINE I Four Years Old. This justly celebrated Mahe Wine is made from the juice of the Opoi to Grape raised in this country. Its incaluable, Tonic and Strengthening, Properties ale nasal passed by nny other native Mine. Being the pu °joie° of the grope produced under• Mr. Speer's own personal imperNlsloll, its purity and germinelies I are guaranteed. The young. est child may par lake of its goncrous qualities, and the Nveake4t invalid may use it to advantage. It is particular ly benellziai to the aged and debilitated, 11114 nailed to the carious ailments that linnet the croaker sex. It is in ev ery respect A WINS To BR lam go ON, invalids use Spoor's reel Grape Wine; Females Use Speer's Port Grape Wine; Weakly Persons Find a Benefit by its Use; Speer's Wines iu Hospitals too preferred to other NVines. Principal 011 Ice, A. SPEER, No. 243 BROADWAY, oppoqtr. City HMI Path:, N. Y Solt! by John Iteetl, awl Samuel Smith, Druggists, Hun tingdon. soil The ti tole supplied by 3ohn. , nu, Itellowny end Cowden, and French, It wh,uds & Co., in Philadelphia, and by Gee. A. Kelly, and Falthellock's, iu Pittalrgh, and other Wholesale Dealers. 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. Wikt. T. ILOPJUN' 'OWN MAKE" "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." are the best and CflEkr,l3T Low Pam. Hoop Skirts in the ram ket. Trail Skirts, 25 springs, $1.00; 30 springs, $1.20; and 10 springs, $1.15. Plain Skirts, 6 tapes, 20 sot togs. 80 Cents; 25 springs, 05 Cents; 30 springs, $1.15 ; and 35 springs, $1.25. Wurrantin in every vernal. "Our OWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," eleven Tape Trails, fienn 20 to 60 springs, $1.20 to $2.50. Plain Six Tapes, 20 to SC springs, from OS Cents to $2.00. Tb,so Skirts aro better than those sold by other establishments as first class goods and at much lower prices. "Our OWN Mako" . of "CIitt3IPION SKIRTS" aro in every way snootier to all other Coop Skit 11 below the public, and only have to bo examined or worn to con vince every one of the fact. Manufactured of the beet linen-finished English Steel Springs, very supei for tapes, and the style of the metalic fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability and excellence any other skirt in this country, and are lighter, more elastic, will wear longer, give more satiefaction, and ale really cheaper than all others. Every lady Mould try then; They are being sold extensively by merchants through out this and the adjoining States at very moderato prices If you want the best, ask for "napkin's Champion Skirt." If you do not find them, get the merchant with whom you deal to order them for you, or come or send direct to us, Merchants will find our different grades of Skirts exactly what they need, and we especially invite them to call and examine our extensive atwortmont, or send for Wholesale Price List. To be had at Retail at Manufactory, and of the Retail Trade generally, mid at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be addresSed. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROO3I 628 ARCH. STREET, Between 6th and ith Sts., Philadelphia. WTI. T. HOPKINS feb26-10m ISAAC K. STAUFFER WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, No. 148 North 24 Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Etteor and Plated Ware constantly on Baud. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! &le-Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly at tended to. n0v.27-Iya ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. THOMAS N. COLDER. Tho undersigned having now entered into the Alexandria Brewery, the Imbibe are informed o t no tr on so t i L l o b azo p r r u. epared nt all times to fill st noI ZIOS. N. COLDER. Alexandria, Oct. 23.1860—tf. (a-CDlCalla 1 3 101%71E1 FOR EVERYBODY, CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER KINDS. Call at Lewis' Book Store and SEE ASSORTMENT. A LTAKINDSOFORACKBRS aptly on band at CUNNINGHAM & CARMON'S. TF YOU WANT the BEST SYRUP go to ,t; OAIINOWE4. VERGNE'S IMPROVED 0 1 L. . A chemical preparation of Lard, or Lard Oil, nontrali ring ita attraction for OXIGEN—the sourco of gum, dm., oud imparting to it (by chemical affinity) a property of ATTRACTION FOR METALS, ,hereby It Is retained, in lutalmitiotn, CONTINUOUSLY PURI: from at least 25 to 54 per cent. longer Ulan sperm all. BY MIL. $2.100 GASS, on. 200 GALLONS, $2.45 PE6 GALLON To provide arinst leakage, etc, and for the conveni ence of smell consumers and retailers, tho Oil to put up, in the required quantities, at an advance to cover the cost of the can, and a reasonable retail profit : 5 galls., square con, - $l2 43—Case, 212 Poe. • $ 2 2 86 3 7 62 " 242 " • 15 24 1 " 44 44 - 274 44 642 ' 4 . • 16 44 " " " - 1 46 " 1 " • 17 62 Cans credited on return in order. Discount by case, to retail dealers. SEWING MACHINE OIL The Oil is also pet op as n Sewing Machine and Armor Oil, in 3 to 1 no., (white flint,) 22 cents—packed be ono doz ,14. and 34 gross eases; in Soz., 50 cents—packed in 1, 4 nod 0 doz. cases; and in -24 oz., sl.oo—packed I and 2 doz. eases; sold by geeing Machine agents, p Test Class Urn agists, Grocers and Country Min chants. Orders received thiough tire trade. Tito reinter standard of tho Oil is 3 7 1° to VP Oil in casks and bbls. subject to return and credit with. to 15 days, II ample lots 50 days, alter date of delivery, if not satisfactoty. Orders by 1,1,1 . &e„ teed through Messrs. SMITH & CO Maaufactuters' supplies, Market scree ; U. BULLOCK'd SO.NzA, Wool, 42 south Front street, MI. SiMLPHIS k CO, Machinists, and the PHILADELPHIA MACHINE AUEN CY;Iith and Minor stteets, Philadelphia. C. B. DE LA VERUNE, AG'T., Branch Manufactory, 10G Callowhill St , =I CEBEI MS. E, CALDWELL & CO., NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers and Importers Of every desctiption of FIRST CLASS GOODS, belonging to the Business of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, have removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Street to Sansom Streot, afford ing ample room and convenient accessories ' giving op. pal tonity for a proper display of goods, and better means for their examination. With extensive and favorable arrangements in this Country and in Europe, We are in a po;diuu to offer at modelitto FIXED pikes Watches, Diamonds, Bronze & Marble Goods, Silver Wares, Jewelry, Porcelain, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, and every description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers visiting the City ore cordially invited to en (Mu our Nov Store. 11/ZETtaiio riVCIO3LIt.3O. MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. GREENB has removed his Jur. Music Store, to the second floor of Leister's build ing, where be keeps constantly on band STEINWAY & SONS' and GA MILE'S Piano Manuflicturing Company's PIANOS, MASON A lIA3ILIN'S CABINET ORGANS nod CAlt BART, NEUDIIAM & CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Emit's; Guitar mud Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Sbouer, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, Ac., An. " " SHEET 31USIC.—lio is constantly receiving from PIM. talelphin all the latest music, which persona at a distance isbing. MI order, and have sent them by nt nil. Also GROVER & BAKER'S 'Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of Bowing, embroiders perfectly • sewing Silk and Cotton of all kinds rind colors for nisei; Ines. Persons buying Sowing Machines fully instructed In the use of them. 4i Imams and Organs Warranted for lire yearn. Thom ',visiting to buy any of the above articles are in vited to call nod examisto mine bolero purchasing else whero My prices are the same as In Now York and Circulars or Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon implication with any additional information desired. 11. M. auxExE, Hill street, Ifuntingdon, Pa. mayB767 Second floor of Mister's new brick budding 1 - 110 - DTPIBT•MaCDC3MT "cf , e x t7,7l 7i , ~t 4 ti , .. bi 4,,-,1/1.000*N„ td ~,:. tei eflomplrliplO'',- t.i N 1 ,,,, , i, 1 , 6 I '- {' l4l %' - ' 4 ).V 'n ' i g i ki iil . i!:''',,. y ,- -ti - ??,- - 2--K-.71-I.t-- a P ' . -•=' ----- 4 t.,-..--, ) - 1 . w. ,,,,,,.____.--......-...„..--, 4 , , ki : 4.1 1 iniit,,,i ' I ' v , . -0 0 s .„.:A 1. 1 ~_,, ~.._ t 9.... % .,„ ; ,,,,,,,-11. _ , --i ~ - ,4 3,:::tvey,,,. ~. , 1.,,,-- ,:. h ,--q —__„.,4,..,:45 , ,, , ,,:wi-.- ..:,,, 4 P MARBLE YARD. J. M. GREEN & O. BEAVER Having entered into partnership, inform the public that they are prepared to execute all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, ILEADSTONES, also Building }Yolk, at as low prices as any shop in the county. Orders Boma distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN street, a few doors cast of the Lu theran chard, inc 116,1867 CHEAP GROCERY STORE. HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA: 1111 undersigned offers for Liao in spection and purchase of caitomors a largo antl . as. sorted stock of Olt/cedes, Provisions, kc. Ho feels sad& fled they cat be accomodated with anything in his lino. His prices are low, and his steels fresh and good. lit keeps the best of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &o: ALso— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NOTIONS of every kind. A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEENS. WARE, and ail other articles kept in a well regulated establishment for ants at reasonable prices. Sir Ills store is on Hill street, nearly opposite the Dank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call and examine. Z. YENTER. Huntingdon, op. HI, 1868 eINEARBLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens uutingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ile Is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables end Stones of every desired also and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro. priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Pall mid nee, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on Me orner of Montgomery and Mifflin s's., Huntingdon, Pa. WM. WILIJASIB. Unntingdon,May 16 1855. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOOK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. REST BLEACHED MUSLIN always on liana at CUARINVHAM d. CWOIDA"S. lal s. jout REslcom nussitia ft ewptyte fuoneßoia, - . 4M:P:.•KOMt.D_-:' will quickly restore Gray Hahc to its natural color and beauty,- And produce luxuriant growth. It hi perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. 6 1 For Salo by all Druggists. DEPOT, 19S GREENWICH ST., N. Y. prciaelEboietA NE\V WALL pr4a, AT TIIE LOWEST PRICES I 11.1 yo now in store, and am daily recniving, NEW G- 0 0 3Z) S Of the most beautiful. designo In STAMPED GOLD FIGURES, which, t%lllt Um largest assortment of all grades of ro.azz•e)x. M3rexxisi.33.fftsy FOlt WALLS AND CEILINGS, I an, prepared to offer at the Lowest prices the market wiltafford, To Dealers, Builders, housekeepers, nod olliors Also, a Ono aszortment of Cloth Window Shades and liollands at reduced pnces Orders by ;nail will receive prompt attention J. C. BL AIR, Bookseller and Stationer, Railroad street, Huntingdon, Pa COACII AND CARRIAGE AIANU PACTOItY. The undersigned respectfully informs , _ the citizetts'of Huntingdon mid vicinity that ho hoe completed all the necessary - arrangements in the outfit of a first-class COACH AND CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY and lii prepared to make to order and keep on hand mug ' g", 3. C 3 IS p C.A.RI 7 2,I_A_G-_S, 153prixieg N2V-a,gcorus, And overything in that line or businees REPAIRING done speedily and at moderato pricea. .."`r- BUGGIES warranted for ono year. Shop on Washington street back of Ito Diamond. Tito custom of the public is raspectfully solicited. DAVID MENGEL Huntingdon, Mcb. 2;i4m READ AND BE POSTED 1 TO THE NEITTLZ MARRIED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Furniture &c. THE undersigned would respdctfully 1, announce that Ito inanufactures and keeps constantly on hand t I.lcgo and splendid Assortment of DINING , AND BREAK VAST T -1131.115, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, • WASU AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cone seat chairs. cupboards, gilt and rose wood moulding fur mirror and picture frames, and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to bo satisfactory. Ito ti olto wafer the well known Bailey t Decamp Patont eta io Dedltot tom. The public are invited to cell and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Work and sAles mon, on Hill street, near Smith, ono door west of Yenter's store. Huntingdon, Ang.l, 1860 Tamtatigim4 - 1 J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer in • irj 143 - riVi ILT lEL 321 llespectfallv invites the attention of the Public to his stead on Hill et., Ifuntingdon, in the rear of GeorgoW Fivdrtrd Watch and Jen etry store, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per. sons wishing to purchitgo, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. itQi• Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, nt short cones. The subscriber bne a C . ... 1 "*"' --4 NEIY AND ELEGANT HEARSE and is proposed to attend Funerals at any place in town or country. J. M. WISH. Huntingdon, May 0, 1860—tt 'UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAD' AGENCY lIUNTINGDON, PA • SOLD/ERB' HEIRS, ATTENTION I The act of Congress approved Nardi 2, 1201, gives to Heirs of Soldiers who died prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the time the soldier was so held a prisoner, at (ho rate of twentplave coats per day, to be paid in the follow. tag order: lst. To the widow, if unmarried; 2d. To tin% children • 3d. To the parents, to both Jointly If they aro by ing, deither is dead, to the survivor; 4th. To the bra. there and sisters. Tho act of February 28.1867, provides for the refund, ing of the $3OO commutation 3louey, whore the saute per, son was again drafted, turd was required to enter the iter vice or furnish a substitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS The act of March 2,1867 3 also makes provistoue for thq payment of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such soldiers as have accidentally lost their dfschat ges All persons haring any claims under new of the above mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim against the United States or State Governments, cpu have them promptly collected, by addressing the ncdersigefed. Iu• formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiers or thole friends, free of charge. W.ll. WOODS, .Anthorized Army and Navy War• Claim Agard, may 9,21607 HUNTINODON, Huntingdon co., Pa SPECIAL NOTICE. T°TTIF; LADIES.—Do you really Intond to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davie, was captured In Fashionable Female attire! One moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they had for a time served to bide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err In following the example of Angola/ Then having made up your minds that you will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of rebel nets, do not forget to call at the store of the subsci.i. hers, who will be happy at all times to furnish you with, inch articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your fail,, ers, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can hero be suited in good articles of Roots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queens ware and a general assortment of Groceries, on as rca• sellable terms as at any Homo In town. Store on South, cast corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, 1805. FRANCIS D. WALLACE. ,6r School Books of all kinds for sale at Lewis' Book Store. tf. Ar e k JA3ItS HIGGINS