The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, June 10, 1868, Image 3
051trbe. HUNTIN.GDON, PA Wednesday morning, June 10, 1868, LOCAL, & PERSONAL. ..a.,X123.<2.1.1133.C)0xam.03a.t.. ASSEMBLY Thy .friends of JOHN 1.1 . . STONEDRAKER Esq.. of Brady township, will present his name to the coming Re publican Convention, in Angell', for the ollico of Assem bly. :dr. Stonobraker has the ability to moko a good re presentative, and kin nomination will bo hailed with de light by the entire"party. FILINELIN. Juno 10, ISGS.pd Without any solicitation whatever from either friends or enemies, I have concluded to announce myself as a candidate for Assembly in this legislative dish ict, sub ject to the decision of the Republican County Convention and district conferees. I wish it to be understood that I do not hereby undertake to loan money, endorse notes, and contribute to all the religious, charitable, literary, and benevolent objects on this continent. If elected, I will attend to the people's business, if not I will attend to my own. SAIL. T. DROWN. Huntingdon, June 3,1863.0 The undersigned respectfully offers himself as a =di dote for Assembly, subject to tho decision of tho Republi can County and District Conventions, and if noinimitod and elected, ho pledges himself to discharge the duties of the office honestly and to the best of his abilities. HENRY a itArn Porter twp., Juno 1,186 S-pdS-pd SIIERIFFALTY I respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the office of Shorill of Huntingdon county, subject to the de. vision of the Republican County Convention. T. W. nIYTON. Huntingdon, Juno 10, 1569 pd I respectfully announce myself ns n candidate f. Sher iff, sulject to the decision of the Ilepublimin County Con vention If nominated and elected, I Will discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Brady twp., J❑❑e 10,1863-pd I= A usual question—What are you gcing to do next Fourth of July ? A lodge of the Knights of Pythias has been organized in Altoona. Richter's hall will be finished in about two weeks. It is a pleasure to think that now when butter is in its prime it is cheapest in price. West Huntingdon continues to grow—in every direction houses are going up. A valuable bay horse was stolen from Mr. SunnelD. Taylor, of Union township, Mifflin county. A number of hogs in this neighborhood have died from eating locusts. Farmers will do well to bear this fact in mind. Samuel S. Smith has taken down his old residence on Hill street, and will immediate ly commence putting up a handsome brick. An Odd Fellows' Lodge will soon be insti tuted at Orbisonia, in this county. Thera is good material in that neighborhood. The stock of Wall Paper—handsome nen• styles—still kept up and selling cheap at Lewis' Book Store. Call and see. Counterfeits are out on the First National Bank of Philadelphia. They are so closely imitated ns to be difficult of detection. The Cambria Iron Co. hare commenced digging, nut the foundation for their new steel mill, adjoining their work.% in Johnstewr. A little daughter of Mr. Daniel Peek of Patterson. Mifflin county, aged about two scars, fell into a hogshead of rain water and was drowned. A little three year old son of John Wherly who recently removed to a farm near Ebene burg, was lost in a clump of woods, but was found after six or seven hours' search. The forty hours' devotional exercises have commenced in the Catholic, church of this place. Right Rev. Bishop Domenec lectures this Tuesday evening. The cost of the original Capitol at Wash• ington city was $1,400,000. Tho additions, now nearly completed, will cost 512,000,G00 more. The decoration of the soldiers' graves on the 30th nit. was universally celebrated, and everywhere the ladies took a prominent part. Just like them—they are ever ready to do no• Me deeds with cheerful hearts. A weekly union prayer meeting, under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian Assn. elation of this place, has been commenced. It is held in their room every Wednesday evening, at 9 o'clock. Some of our exchanges ore put to their wit's end in regard to a notice posted in Al toona, which reads thus: "All prepaid mes sages must be paid for before they are sent." We think the word "prepaid" is superfluous. We have received the first number of "Fa ther Abraham," a lively Grant and Colfax campaign paper, edited and printed by Capt. E. H. Rough and Hon. Thomas 33: Cochran, at Lancaster, Pa. The attempt to settle with doctors by re turning their visits is a system which only works one way. The doetore nseert that it shuts out the bread-and butter aspect of the question. Au exchange advisee young men to "wrap themselves up in their virtue." We think that some of the young men in this town would be wrapped in very thin cloaks if they should try it - on. A Juniata paper says their band was in luck when it got five dollars from a married couple. Our band is luckier yet as it gets nothing lees than an X, and the smiles of the bride thrown in. An exchange advises those who want to make way with the locusts to turn loose their hogs and turkeys. Some farmers in adjoin ing townships inform us that the locust= "made way" with their hogs. A Williamsburg landlord named Stoner has been held to answer at the next sessions of the Blair county court, for selling liquor to minors, to men of intemperate habits, and without license. There are no regularly li censed hotels in that place. An axle of the front truck of the first pas• ganger car of the Philadelphia Express wegt, broke some distance below Mount Union on Tuesday last. Fortunately the wheels kept the track until the train had crossed the bridge at the lower end of the town. Our fellow-townsman, Prof. E. W. Thomas, was the happy recipient of large and lus cious cake, presented him by the ladies of Philipsburg, at a concert'and festival held there last week. We know the cake was luscious because we have tried it. Thanks. There is too much reading done for amuse ment and not enough for instruction. If the American people devoted ono•third the time they now waste in perusing flash literature to reading works of instruction, examining subjects of importance in science, the mass of our fellow-citizens would bo the best informed people that ever lived. Kratealatt's wife discovered her old hen sitting in the back yard, and "bust up her nest.' Soon after the poor wife came in much excited, and said, "My dear, I took the eggs from 'Brownie,' and she's gone and sat onto an old axe I" "Let her sit," said the bilious old fellow, "if she sets on an axe maybe she'll hatchet." Spring chickens. A recent storm passed over Bedford coun ty, and did some damage. The house of Mr. Charles Stuckey, near Bedford, was struck by lightning, and somewhat injured. Copt. Simon Dickerhoof, working in the building, was shocked. Mr. Joseph Gohn, of Juniata township, was out in the storm with his team, and the latter were instantly killed by light ning, and he seriously injured. IVO have received a book entitled "Vulgar isms, and other errors of speech,". which if placed in the bands of many who murder the King's English, would be a material aid in teaching them to avoid the popular vulgar isms and use of improper words. Ilia little work is published by Claxton & Co., 819 and 821 Market street, Philadelphia. Formers, Take Notice The Huntingdon Mills will stop for repairs, about the 12th or 15th of Juno, to re rain We twenty-five or thirty days. 3t, VISILER & SONO. A Terrible Accident on the Broad Top Railroad. For the first time since the Broad Top Railroad has been in existence, has ono of the trestles given way while cars were passing over ; but it was left until Friday morning last for such an accident to occur. A coal train of twen ty-five cars was passing over the tree tie-work above Rough and Ready, when the supports commenced to give way, and suddenly the structure for a dis tance of sixty feet, together with all the cars, were precipitated seventy feet below, producing a wreck of cars that has saldom if ever been surpassed. The locomotive passecrover the dangerous place, but the tender broke loose at the coupling and went down with the other cars. There were three brake men on the ears—ono of them named Al fred Houpt jumped from the train as it commenced to hill, and landed seventy feet below on soft ground, and escaped miraculously from instant death, the only injuries ho received being a bro ken arm and some wounds in the side. Another brakeman named Samuel Reid failed to jump from the falling mass, and was carr;el down with the cars, and was buried under the coal, from which he was not excavated until in the evening, when it was discovered that ho had a terrible gash in the head that must have killed him instantly. The flagman had barely time to jump from the rear ear to the remaining trestle work, or else he too would have been injured or killed. We also learn that the fireman was on the tender of the engine as -the trestle gave way, and jumped to the engine, but missed it, and fitlling, caught hold of a part of the trestle, and drew himself up. This trestle work is nearly as high as the Stonerstown trestle, and though constantly kept in repair, yet it is be lieved some rotten supports have caus ed the ruin and death. The train was heavy, and it is supposed that the drawing of heavy trains over the road, caused by increasing business, has had the effect of weakening the wood work. There ought to be iron suspen sion bridges in order to make the 'road as secure as it should be, and we think increasing travel and business would remunerate the company for the cx pence attending their erection. E~~IQ~ The travel on the road still continues but the carrying of coal and other freight has been discontinued until the damage is repaired, which is now being done as rapidly as possible. A Sharp Dodge by a Prisoner A man named DeArmitt, who has been arrested the second or third time for stealing horses, was again placed in our jail last week, and on Friday last he told the Deputy Sheriff, Mr. Wm. Bathurst, that he would not sleep on the bed clothes in his room, as they were full of vermin. Tue Deputy told him it was not so, but the prisoner in sisted that it was, and told him to come in and see Ile had just got in when the prisoner slipped out and quickly turned the key of the door on him, and run down stairs. As ho was going down the stairs the Deputy call ed to his sister to shut the lower door, which she did, and succeeded in keep ing the prisoner at bay until the Dep uty was lot out by the Sheriff, who had just arrived. A slight scuffle en sued between the Deputy and the pris oner, but the latter was subdued, and taken back to his cell where he has been placed in hobbles, to keep com pany with his hnaginory "creepers." No. .1 Coke. We have before us a sample of Coke, manuflictured by the Enterprise Coal Company, of Clearfield county,• Pa. It possesses all tho qualities of first class coke, and wo are informed that those who have tried the coke made by this Company, in the manufacture of Iron, &e., are so well pleased with it, that they will use no other. It is also found to he useful for other man ufacturing purposes, and all that is necessary to convince manufacturers of its utility is to give it a fair trial. It is made from the celebrated Clear field semi-bituminous coal, of Enter prise mine, end is of bright grey color. William A. Orbison, Esq., of this place, is President of the Enterprise Coal Co., which makes the article, through whom orders may be addressed. it Heavy Storm On_Saturday noon last wo were vis ited by livery heavy storm, which was accompanied by hail the size of a largo pea. The storm lasted for about five minutes, but during that time the hail was propelled in showers, and the wind held high carnival, breaking down trees, unroofing insecure sheds, and toppling over fences. No further damage than the above was done, but the storm raged with such fury that much worse was apprehended. We learn that. on the same day the barn of Mr. Josiah Cunningham in Barree township, was struck by light ning and badly damaged, it and the contents. 11020101 On Friday morning last the body of a man was found, hanging on the limb of a fallen tree, about six miles cast of Bedford, close by the turn pike. J. A. Gump. Esq., summoned a jury and held an inquest over the body. From papers found on his person, we learn that the man was from Prussia. His name was Frederick Kleinman, born in 1821, and left his native country for America in November last. On Thars day he was at Bloody Run, had din• tier at one of the hotels there, and af terward started on his journey west ward. What caused him to commit suicide no one will ever know.—Bed ford inquirer. Speclal.Notlee. Pacific 'Moines, 15 La 18 cts. Wool do 40 to 45 " Calicoes, 8 to 14 t‘ Brown Muslims, 8 to 20 " Bleached do 8t024 " Bost Rio Coffee, 28 " Good do •24 " Syrups, 60 to 1,10 lq gal. And all other goods as low as the mar• kcts will justify. A fino stock of Mon and Boys' Hats, cheaper than can be purchased elsewhere. Boots and Shoes of every description at the Mam moth Store of lIENRY & Co. Huntingdon, Irmo 10, 1868-itt Garden. plants for Sale The subscriber is ready to furnish at his garden on WomelsdorPs farm be low town, the Islaupey Cuperior Torna to Plants, Sweet Potato Plants, and Cabbage Plants , I dozen, hun dreds or thousands. A. IL ZIMMcRMAN. May IS, 1668-0, Blair County Republican Ticket The Republican Convention of Blair county mat on the 3d inst., and nomi nated the following ticket Assembly, Joseph Robison, Franks town. Register and Recorder, Col. D. M. Jones, Tyrone. District Attorney, John Dean, Hol lidaysburg. County Treasurer, 3laj. J. M. Clark, Altoona. County Commissioner,David Honchy, Antis. Director of Poor, Stephen Harmon, Catharine. County Surveyor, Jas. L. Gwin, Logan. County Auditor, Win. 11. Canan, Allegheny. Coroner, T. J. Williams, Altoona. The following resolutions were adopted : Resolved, That this Convention ap prove of the course of the lion. D. J. ?Morrell, (our present member of Con gress) and recommend his renomina tion, with the power to appoint his his own conferees. Resolved, That wo heartily ratify the nominations of the National Re publican party, made at Chicago; That in Ulysses S. Grant, we hail the great captain of the ago, an unselfish patriot, and profound statesman,whose courage and wisdom led the country safely through the perils of the Rebel lion, and will lead it with equal safety out of all its present changes. Resolved, That in Schuyler Colfax, we recognize an experienced and up right Champion of the people, who is worthy of the entire confidence of every citizen; without regard to sec tional considerations, or past political relationship. Resolved, Thai wo commend the ticket nominated this day to the favor able consideration of the party, ns well as invoke the zealous co-operation of all persons for its success. YEAGERTOWN, Minn Co., } May 20, 1868. MEssas EDITORE? :—Thinking that it might be to the advantage of the peo ple to call their attention to the sub ject of Life Insurance, I would state that Mr. Jno. T. Carlin, late of this county, had an insurance effected on his life in March 1868, for X 2500 00 in the Penn Mutual Life insurance Com pany of Philadelphia, at the Hunting don Agency. He died in February last,having paid two annual premiums. Mr. Kent, a director and general agent of the company, called on Mrs. CarliN on the 19th and paid the amount of Insurance iu full, 52500, thus leaving her in possession of a sum that will prove a very material aid in the path way and journey of life. Yours truly, JNO. HOYT. UZI Why is it that Johnston & Watt son sell more goods than any other Store in Huntingdon? Because they sell cheaper than any other Store; their goods are of the best quality and the latest styles! We will here quote you some of their prices. Brown Muslin, 8 to 18 cents. Bleached, Bto 20• " Calicoes, Bto 15 " Ginghams, 10, 12, 15 to 18 " DeLaines, 15, 20 to 25 " Ladies Gaiters, $l,OO, 1,25 to 1,50. And you will find upon examination of their stock that their Goods ara all now, and of the best quality and style. = =! The usual annual Pic-nic, held by the Catholic congregation of Barnet, will be celebrated on the 4th and 13th of July, at that place. Ever since the Olympic games, nothing has approach ed these pie.nics in variety or exquis iteness of amusement. Good cheer will he abundant, and nothing left un done on the part of the managers to entertain their patrons. Music of the most artistic and recherche quality will enliven the occasion The citi zens of this and adjoining counties are respectfully invited. ,CO Two lectures were delivered in the Court House by ➢Liss Augusta St. Clair. Her remarks the first evening upon "My Southern Tour" were so se vere that several Democrats thought their presence was not Deeded and therefore left. Her lecture the next evening was upon what she saw while sojourning at Newfoundland. This lecture was instructive and pleased the audience more generally than the first. It was a source of regret, how ever, that our citizens did not turn out to either as they ought. 'When will lectures be properly appreciated ? Getting Summeritilt Old Sol is commencing to beat his rays down unmercifully on the unpro tected heads of yo pedestrians, without distinction of sex, race or color; there fore it is wise that you should go to 0. E. McNeil's Furnishing Store, and purchase something to keep you cool, in the shape of a Sun Shade, Parasol, or Fan, of which articles ho has a full supply. —Baldness, Grayness, and the other imperfections of the Hair will be re garded as inexcusable after a trial of Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) ,Elair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle) Every Druggist sells it. Price one Dollar. lm. Campaign Badges Several styles of campaign badges (for both parties) will be -kept eon etantlypn hand at LEms' Boolc. &roar], wholesale and retail. Vor Sale Clkenp Several second-handed Pianos, at B. M. Greene's Music Store, Hunting don, Pa. Call soon if you want bar gains. 2tt Florence Sowing Machine Miss D. L. Baker, Agent, Leisters' Building, Huntingdon. Dress Making and Sewing done of all kinds. tf. rErFresh Butter Crackers, Water Crackers, Breakfast, Crackers, Sugar Crackers, and Ginger Snaps, for sale at Lewis' Family Grocery. Seccl and Eating PotatopS Garnett and Jersey Shore Peach Blow potatoes for sale at Lewis' Fam ily Grocery. Speor's Wines Are the pure juice of the grape, and aro unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and tho con valescent, eh engthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly per snne and females should try them: ,CEirA letter from Cheyenne, Dace tab Territory, gives the following brief, yet sufficiently explicit descrip tion of what is known as the "Bad Land :" "In a space running, say on an average of 10° miles wide, there is a plain or valley, where no vegetation grows, and no trater runs save one or two streams so impregnated with al kali that either man or beast will die if so foolish as to attempt to slake their thirst in it. It is supposed to have been wasted by powerful volcanic ac tion. It is full of petrified animals, tur tles of every size; serpents of great length, shells are found petrified which vie in colors with those found on the Sandwich Islands. Shafts of sandstone many feet high, and boulders, support ed by a narrow pedestral, aro among the wonders which greet, the eye upon the entrance of this wonderful section, never explored, and but once crossed in a forced morel], many years ago, by General Sully, who started with a few soldiers, carrying hardly enough wa• ter in their small vessels for man and beast. They lost a largo portion of their horses. The Indians even do not penetrate it, except for a little way when hard pushed by their enemy." SPECIAL NOTICES, THE BREVITY OF LIFE "Tis not for non to tri fie, tire is Our age is but the falling oft We hare no throe to sport Rim op the Lours, All must be met ;lest in n oomph tutu ours. • Nut minute limes, Lot one lots e Itumm , acred ehellid tint O. he." And null how many fritter array their lives unable to fill any put pose, because some tinge!ing dieeme nitlibi there foe it, and they neglect or refuse to use the remedies within their teach (Ind in 1114 Ivontlerful or tatigement of natm a has provided an antidote for all tho ills that human flesh is heir to, and by the aid of science, the medicinal 14(1109 of eel tain Radii, roots and rondo lien combined, and the re.olt in now known all user the civilized world no MlbilICOS herb thtter4. It thoroughly too Iflos the blood, in, igoratos the nervous fibres, elevates the etandaid of all the vital inrcee, suit su.dailli a 100-I healthful 10110 or the entire human organ- IL•ition. Sold by all ditiggiAs and dealers. Dr. 5.11. Mutat:in 4: Co, Vroprietois, Lancaster, At. REMEMBER THE RED HORSE ON EACH PACK OF DB. BARBER'S HORSE, CATPLE AND 11,0 POWDERS, prepared by C. BROWN, Milton, Po. Tolm no other. They bare oleo proven :a great in even Er o and curo for Gabes Cholera, Arc., 4.c., in Poultry, nod for Horses, Mule 4, Cottle and Clega. ore un surpassed. Get Cit color id Henry A Co's., Huntingdon, or the wonderful cures performed. Every name is relia ble. John Han of Lewisburg. Pa.. had a horse cured of Lung Fever. 20 and 400 p mks. Try them. For solo by druggists and err,' 04:wirers generally. je34ol* pAINTS FOR FARMERS AND Grafton Mineral Paint Company are now mannfactut ine the Best, Cheapest and most Da table Paint in use; two coats well pot on, mixed with pore Linseed Oil, w ill tie; ten or fifteen years; of is light brown or beautiful chocolate color, end can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the taste of the cou , tower. It is Talwahle for Goo- SOS, Fellers, Barns, tart lag" and Car makers, Pails and Woodemwale, Agricultural Implements, Canal Boots, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Pantos, M clad and Shingle Roofs. (it being Firo and Water proof,) Floor Oil Cloths, (one Manufacturer hat ingll.Cti 5.00 bbIS. the past year) and as n paint for any put pose is unsurpassed for bo ly, durability, elasticity and adbesit totem Pt ico $6 per bbl. of 300 lbs., which w ill supply u Milner for years to come. Wm ranted in all CliSci e. Send for 11 Ch . - ctilAr which gives full particulars. None genuine unless branded in n trade mark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Per sons rail nether, the Paint and remit the stoney on re c,ipt of the good+. Address DANIEL DIDIVELI, 2:.0 pearl sheet, New Yolk. Ataf•For &dotty the pound or barrel ht Lewis' Book sot o. um) 66m MI-it "Messenger of _Health," edited JL at the Pennsyti anis institute of Medicine, col!tains on article on Dyspopsta. Chris and Fever, nud ICsdney Affections, In ((Weil the writer rebid, ely declares that the whole science or Medicine pos,s , es no remedy for tire cute of those di+ea4cs. that is half IN eiliCadoni as Mishler's limb Bitters: lie speaks flout experience, bat ing toed them in his practice for the past two years, to the exeln.don or all other remedies, and Without solitary in , tance of latitit e. Pohl by nli Di uggists mob Petters. DR. S. 12. ILARVVINi: P. CO., Proinit,tols, LA - NcAST., pa., null thilinuo, ILLISOII. ply ti-1 ul MARRIED, Ie this place on the Ist lust, by }ley. Mr. Herr, Mr. HENRY I.l.AzzAao to Miss llosE Etimm, all of Huntingdon. MARKETS. V HOU.SAT.T. %MIRES. I . IIII.A.F.LPHIA, June 8, ISCS. The Flour market he moderately active, at an adi MUM. Supt., tine Hour at T 7.7 . -, 617.,55: extra. at $0.2.3 ; rune.) Wmtet ratio n iily $10(011 . 2 Pentl.,ll%ania eo do $l3, and fancy bran& $l2/.,0©11 , CO arm ding to quality Rye flout i 4,30. 1.1 line 13 heal in fir demand Choice red at i1213;k32,F0 a.ltito $2,t10@3,00 Rue at ;: . 2,0:02,11.1. Cora 1,18 6 1,2 U Oats at SSG. Batley mail at 02,05. Prrrsunuatt, June 9 — F lour,-1110 market is action. Wo quoin salon at apt lag c heat Flour at $10,30C)i1,28, winter Flour at 011. 7 5(0,12.25 fancy at $14013,00. Wheat, red. 5M,3f,d02.40 and for white, ;$2.43.62,40 Cotu Iron' first bands at 31,03. nye, 4 1 1,81 for btrLel. Otte ihiLFFl3e, 2;2:,(7t51,1,0. Potatoes i,aclyßtooe 1,40 has Sams 20G . , Lard 18,14 G. Batter 1•1,.:12.1e IS; Egg.; 23 dot. FINANCIAL. NEW YORE, Jude B.—Gold closed al $139y4 HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY HENRY & CO. Wum.rsAta: onion. Superfi noFloor , $lO,OO Fe alleys ? lb 00 Extra Flour, ..... 11,00, Flossed $2,26 Fatally Floor 11,00 llops - s1 lb ............ ...... ...10 Red Ni heat,— ..... .. ...... 2.05 Ilium molted ''' Witte Wheat,— ........... 2,05 Hay ? too 12,00 Applo Butt& ? ga110n...1,10 bold '2O Balk per cord ' l l 00 Largt. Onions 11 bus 100 Barley ' 1 0 0 311 xed Chop "n 5 Dotter, ................. Gate 00 Ikon ? out 1 0 0Potatoes "tl, bus7s to 1,00 Blooms ? doo '1 0C(4,50 Blaster,por ton . 10,00 Beeswax' 11 lb ou Rags li lb 4 Items o t -1 bus 500 113 e 140 Chickens 25 1 , ity o Chop it cwt . ' , SA Country Soap tGay 0 Soon. ra bundle. In Core 51,15 Shorts 11 ctrl 1,50 Cm u Meal IS cwt.—. ..... .2,-lO:Sbouldtr 15 Dried Apples Vim ...... —2,00 Soles 18 Di led Cher rice ", 81,c0.1..-12 fallow 10 @ 11 Di led Peaches IA lb 15 Timothy 0,00 Dried Beef "0 Tolkeys ?lb 10 Dorf ? lb 0 Ii malt lb 40 Broad Top Coal ? too —52,30 Pork ? lb 9 (been Apples 11 hus sl,solllai il Cool , i 1 ton $O,OO Clover seed ?nig)/ $O,OO , Pig Melal V Um $JO®5O Sliellburks 11 bus $2,00 Lumber 11 1000 ft-412@50 Cheese 15002.2 ens. ? ibirAsingles, I.aps,ll do $lOOl5 Eggs 18 " Joint, 1 . 0468 BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! A LARGE ASSORTMENT Coats, Pants, Vests and Dusters, To be disposed of et 1. RUDOLPH'S, (In Basement, oppaiiteAttn'a Sew Building.) REGARDLESS OF COST SUITS, from $ll,OO to X 420,00, VESTS, All Wool, from $1,75 to $5,00 PANTS, All Wool, from $2,50 to $O,OO Must sell the entire stock this month, CLOTHING M.A.PIi TO ORDER Call and Ziaminc Samples Hunt ingdon, 31,1 y IJ, IF6S-tf HENRY HARPER, ff, 4 , 520 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA.U'' Pine WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and !MUMS' CEL111111.1T1:1) Silver PLATED Wm.°, war. vintca triple plate, on the whites/ mica, at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. ap. 15, /505.-3 1868. 1868. HARDWAU STO 1 3 HUNTINGDON, PA., .6 • i i l .4,;21; JAG. A. BROWN Now locited in the splendid eon:room in las now MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDING, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PENNA. °NAN at W11)LE352 "an 1 ItlirArr, an trumenia stock and ettellssa raricty of FOREIGN A.ND DOXESTIO ill Ar: DW ' 1 " E 5 CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Glass* AT REDUCED PRICES. WEIVB YEARS diligent attention to business in tbs Hardware trade in this place, has given me an experi ence that;enables as to secure great ad vantages for my ens imam s in the sacction of the boot standard brands and reliable aual dies of goods. Buying for cash direct from the manufacturens, and be ing in almost daily receipt of goods, bought since ()lades dine in m ices, I can offer rare advantages to biz) en, Jly stock embraces a general assortment of TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR Caepenters, Blacksmiths, • Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, Coaelonahers, Cabinet Makers, Machinists, Foundrymen, And all other kinds of Mechanics. BUILDERS - Will find hero a superior stock of - oranicl. LOCKS, BOLTS, SORE IVS, ELY - - CIES, FINISIIING NAILS, Glass and Putty, Oil and Paints Colors of all kinds, Paint Dmlies, Varnishes, &c Cass cot to any sloe. CARVENTERS Will fiud ttwell selected stock of Disston's and Spear & Jackson's Saws, Chisel; and ICI inev, Steel pplarng, Anger:, Angry Bits , IOnog•+, Sra% sets, Oil stonet, and BORING MACHINES. FOR HOUSEKEEPERS I bare a fine variety of enameled, Tinned and Plain Hots. Dust Pans, Scrub Brushes, llanlo too. Brass Kettles, Bath it, L Kettlt 4. Knives and Folks, Co to and Tco and Table Spools. Britbulni t and lINE •PLATED WAR F„Tablo Castors 11ra,4 Slab. Rod+, and a ,plendid stock of Ilarrlyburg TuNLWA 111% including croas as largo no si a gallon, Also, tlio Cllaffllloll cog tee). Clothes Wringer, With a late improvemt at. This is now the very best and most desirable Wringer in tho market. Haling tha agency for this place I can sell them strictly at the Mill ufactoroC. prices. All Is .u•ranted. BLACKSMITHS 'Will be supplied ANith Horse shout, hens nails, Stocks and Dies, Norway Nail Rods, Bumf% Files, I rot and Steel ArIVilS, • Buttresses, Iteßows, ftTai other tools in their lino CARRIAGE & WAGON-MAKERS Will find n supply of Carriage 011 Cloth, Cordage and Tire Dolts, Ti immings, Springs. Drop Welt coach Vat ohth, Felloes, Spokes and Hubs, Dash and enameled Leather, Shafts, Tongues, Spoke Augers, • Sleigh Runtime, Venders, and other materials. FINE CUTLERY, Comprising Table MAN cs and Varies of best American and English styles mid qualities, Carvers' Butcher kni% es, liners, Shears Scissors, Pruning linices,and Trussing hears, and the larges t varietly of styles of POCKET KNIVES To bo found in central Pennsylvania, including Woo tenbolnibi bottom IXL cutlery. SHOEMAKERS As heretofore will find hero the best assortment of Toole and Findings in their line of trade, consisting of Hammel s, Pincers, Lasts, Pegs, Awls, Measuring, Sticks and straps Eyelets, Shoo Thread, Pot epart nod shank Irons, War, 13tist les, Burnishers, 'Welt Knives, Steel rand iron Shoo Malls, Sticking Gauges, etc., - • Round head. nails , ete.p. 'SADDLERS & HARNESS-MAKERS Ara also provided for. Saddle Trees of the best iritts- burg make, Oirthing, Straining, and Itoln Feb, Stirrups, names, Pad Trees, and a full vat ioty of Silver, Bras, nod Japanned Harness Mountings, Ec., &C. FARMERS And others will see that my stock comprises many UEO tnl articles in their lino, such as Scythes, Itakea• ' Spades, Pointing axes • Shovels, lot ks,HOC3, arilll7BtolleS, axes, wire, Mutton ltakett, Morse hams, DissroYs 3111,1, SAWS, Trace Chains, Halter chains, Ci, (altar, Class-cut, Wood • Curry combs, Horse brushes! and Meat Saws, Wagon Jacks, - 'Past Angers, , Shovel Moulds, Mann's axes' Trowels, Sm. Also, two or three kinds of the best . HORSE HAY FORKS. Made in the United States and by %thick la load of hay can be taken front the wagon to the mow in alums five minutes. These ft rho save tabor, bny and money,and no thrifty farmer can niford to de without ono. Th. EXCELSIOR PORK Ws been extensively used and gives great satisfaction.— I warrant all the forks I sail. CORK LAIVPS&LANTERNS COFFIN LACES and all for Cabinetduakera CHEAP WOODEN PUMPS. The merit of these pumps is shown by tlio fact thht the domand foe them is rapidly increasing everywhere. Thero is no iron in them to eon ode and injure tho a ater. They nro light and cony cutout, so that every man coo put in his own putnp, the a hole ortly costing hint about one half the plice of other pumps. Pumps, and wooden pipo to suit them, promptly shipped by railroad on receipt of or. dere. Giro depth ham door to bottom of well. Terra Cotta DRAIN PIPE, Rot Air REGISTERS for Ceilings, COOK STOVES, of any pattern d.ired, JAMES A. BROWN. Don't forgo the SIGN 01' THE PADLOCK, tjuntlugdon, Clay 18, 'OB. THE PLACE TO BUY NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR SPRING 4.ND SUMMER. W. MARCH t 11110 Respectfully inform the public generally that they havo Just received a large and splendid stock agoutis at their store in Huntingdon, consisting in part or , • SILKS, DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, LADIES' FANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BonNnrs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW TV A R E, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &c., &c. Also, CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And in fact everything that is usually kept In a first class stole, all which welo bought low for cash and will cold at correspondingly low poses for cash, or country produce. and leanest the public to give. us a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can O'er supe• Fier inditcomente to cash buyers. We respectfully collect ties patronage of all, and the public are cordially invited to n 2.1111110 cur goods. Everything, taken in cm:lmage for goods except promi ses. WM.MARCH s UM. Huntingdon, np. 15,1568. ifY FASHIONABLE c0033S FOR SPRING AND . SUMMER WEAR. GE'O. F. MARSH, - MERCHANT TAILOR , AND DEALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHING: FOR MEN AND BOYS, Hare remove," to the store room on the corner of the Diamond, opposite Lewis' Book Store, where ho Intends to keep constantly on hand the latest styles of Ready mode Clothing and piece goods, comprising ASIEnICAN, £OOll9O AND FRENCR CLOTHS, CASSIDERDS, AND VESTING% CLOTII6, CASHMERES, AND YESTINOS. CLOTHS, CASHMERES, AND 'VESTING& Being a practical workman of many years experience he is prepared to make to order Clothing for men and boys, and guarantee neat, durablo and fashionable work mauslilp. He is determined to please overybody, All aro invited to call- and examine my new stock of boautiful patterns before purchasing elsewhere Inchafr CEO. R MARSH. - 0 -1 4 IXED FACTS INDELI. 7 ni- l: PRESSED will always IB triumph ver simplo as sertions. Thus it is that this community gives testimony in fa. von of the well known establishment of H. GREENBERG, REFIILII2I - 5 1 V§ltil lIILL STREET, HUNTINGDON. whim it Is not his porposo to deceive the public by clamoring 'low miens and better goods" than othar dealers, ho simply Invites all who iitelt to purchase in his lino of business to call and satisfy themselves that With him a patron once gained is never lost, that is, "Silo proof of the pudding Is in the tasting of it." Ile has just received his winter supply of MAE.R gaoTnilafi, FOR MEN AND BOYS. Ito has also n large assortment of tho nos: substantial and fashionable Hats, Calls Gals' FillaistiazGoo Is, of every description, and made up from the best match ltd. Aiways on hand the finest quality of American, Eng lisp and French CLOTHS, CASSIM E RES and VI:STINGS, %illicit era made up to older by good, experienced Work men, in a manner the most fashionablo nud endurable. No eastern city can afford a bettor or more Nailed style of goods than can be found in my selection. 11. GREEN BERG, Huntingdon, Nov. 15,1581. Merchant 'Tailor. IF GRIEF, AGE OR SICKNESS ; Blanched Your Locks, If bald; if troubled at th dandruff or any bunions upon the scalp; if your lode falls out, or if It in dry, wiry, or intractable, buy one bottlo of DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, AND YOU WILL FIND IT PRECISELY SUITED • TO YOUR CASE. Sold by all Druggists throughout the United States. May :7, ISM • Boos v si.,AI,IONEIID / CONSTANTLY FOR SALE at whole- Edo and retail, a large and moll sc. lected stock - of Ag l o STANDARD WORKS in every department of Literature. Also, A.IMS.‘7I.' SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOORS, PAPER, STATIONERY, Etc., to which the attention of country merchants, com mittees of libraries, teachers and purchasers generally, is invited by J.O. BLAIR, apt Bookseller. THOS. BORCIIIIIELT. XX. X. DURCIIINELL. THOS, BUROHINELL dz SON, BIANISPACTOALRB OP SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, FLOORING, And all kinds 'of Building Material, HUNTINGDON, PA. 316254 f B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS, No. 16 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia; LARGEST 31{NUFICTURERS OP VENETIAN BLINDS IVINDOW SHADES, —SELL AT T4ll LOWEST PRICES.-rtal Blinds Repaired, Store Sheiks, Titmnilngs, rintines, Plain Shades of rill kinds, Curtin Cornices, Picture Tao• sole, Cor 801 l Bulls, &c. allslm ALL RINDS OF BLANKS, cmnmon Adinin istrat ors' and Executore ponds, Mortgages, Judgment Notes, Prompeory Notes, with soil with Out waiver of tromp NOV, Summons, Subpronas and Execution, art F. sale at BLAIR'S BOOK STONE Cheaper than the Cheapest I BARGAINS WEBB NiCa;xxxxxLc•Cia. Sita=m6e) West End of Huntingdon, Penn'a We are now offering our im mense and well-assorted stock of Goods, at thoroughly reduced, and unprecedented low prices; our superior facilities enabling us to compete successfully with the cheapest. Our stock consistspf Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Queensware,Glassware, Willow and Cedar are, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets, Rugs and Door Mats Crocks, Jugs, Stoves, Tinware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Flour, Feed, &c., &c., &c., all in great variety, at prices that will not fail to suit consumers. We are also dealing in all kinds of Coal and Lumber, our facilities in these commodities being superior to any other firm-in Huntingdon. We claim them as SPECIALTIES in our trade, in which none can compete with us. We buy all kinds of Grain, Seeds, Flour and Feed, at the highest market rates, and give the highest prices in Goods for. Produce of all kinds. Do not fail to call and examine our stock and prices, as both are sure to please. HENRY & CO., Huntingdon, Pa EEC WAD QUARTERS NEW GOODS, D. P. CWIN INFORMS TIIE PURIM THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED SPLENDIIi STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY COME AND SEE Huntingdon, April 15, 1568 WALL PAPER. NEW STYLES FORIB6B, EEM LAIZOEST ASSORTMENT'AND MOST vx.onsu.L. PARLORS, :Irma AND DINING ROOll3, BALLS, lILD BOOMS, Errertrzss, OFFICES, -ROOMS, EIIOPS, Ever brought to _Huntingdon, now on hand and for sale WHOLESALE ad RETAIL AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. MAY, 1868. DIAY, 1868. GLAZIER & BRO., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, CARPETS, 011, GROCERIES, QUEENSTVARE, mils, BOOTS AND SHOES, c6c., &c. Washington street, near the Jail. Our prices nro as follows: Calico and Muslin ' from 8 els. upwind. 0 31errImack” Prints, 15 cts. Yard wide blenched Muslin, 12% cts. Yard aide unbleached Muslin, 12 , % ots. Tieltings and Skirtings, from 12 . 1 /: cts. up, Whin, Cambric Muslin, from 15 as. up. White hurled Muslin, from 60 cts. up. White Piques, front 25 cts. up. • Irish Linen, from 31; 1 4 eta. up. Do LIMO ' 18 to 25 ets. All Wool Do Laine, 35 cts. Lawns, 16 to 50 eta. Whllo Spreads, $2,50 to $6,00. 1110 Coates, 22 to 25 do. Please call and examine; and, If yon aro not convinced It Is to your interest to buy from us, do not do so. GLAZIER 8: DItO. Huntingdon:, May:5,1868. $. B. McOARTHY & BRO., (SuOcessors to Miller cE Armitage,) Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Whoa on Mil street, opposlto the Court MusD, . . HUNTINGDON, PA. Wa are now prepared to negotiate for the purchase and sale of Farms, !Conn Lots, So; also, to Insure Life, Prop erty and Live Stock to any amount RV the most rollablq Companies of the United States. SURVEYING • AND DRAFTING ;lastly done, on short notice. Persons desiring to make ode of lands will please glyo - us a description of the property, location, and terms, and it stilt receive our special a.tention. We have now for solo A Farm in tho west end of liishitcoquillas valley; .Also, a farm situate three miles Amu the burough.Pl Huntingdon. We respectfully solicit a share of patronago. ap'2o-tf CHEAP PAINTING. ONE-TtilßD 100 lbs. of PECORA CO'S colored 1 Paints, (costing $l2 l /.) will paint as THE much on 250 pounds of Lead and wear longer. For particulars address. .COST OF S. .1.10%V.UN, Secisy. 4 150 N. Sc.. J mhll-3ta POILADELPIIId. 110 It THE LADIES, • A auperior nt•tiolo of Note Poser 11.?,4 Ennlopo eultablo for confidential oorreapondence, for rale at LEWIS' BaWK'd STATIONERY STORE. —Fresh Garden and Mower Seedn for salo at I.4ewia' Book Store, D. P. GWIN,