Elle 051obe. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, May 27, 1868, LOCAL Si PERSONAL. =non Soldiers', lecharge's are recorded free of State tax. Record at once. Butter ought to be cheap and plenty, as the grass is growing finely. A little child of Mr. John Axmaher, who resides in Conemaugh, was scalded to death. Gov. Geary has signed the bill compelling all railroad companies to fence in their tracks Ex-President Buchanan is lying seriously ill, at his residence at Wheatland, this State, from - general prostration. Mr. Roger Shaver, well known by many of our citizens, died at his residence, in. Ju niata township, on Thursday last. Our items are cut short by the length of the proceedings of the convention. Kind reader, grant us indulgence. Twelve million feet of lumber bated off by the breaking of the boom tit Williamsport on Monday morning, May 18th. The - new five cent coins are the size of the present piece.; three cent and one cent pieces are sotnewliat entailer. The devices are alike. The present month of May gives us five Saturdaye -and five Sundays. August gill be equally liberal in supplying us with pay days and days of rest. A young lady in New York ats six pickles before going to bed one night last week, and bad something resembling cholera before morning: Shouldn't wonder. A man named Milliken, an employee at Strunk's mill, Reedsville, Dliffiin county,.had his shoulder dislocated by being thrown from a wagon upon a pile of plaster. John Brotherline, Esq., has retired as pub lisher of the Blair county Radical, and is succeeded by M. Edgar King and James H. Irwin. Success to all parties. A vessel containing 112 pounds of sulphu ric acid broke to pieces in the drug store of Mr. Hunter in Mt. Union on the 21st inst., burning him and several others. If people would observe the rule in . walk ing to always keep to the right, many side walk collisions and much annoyance would be avoided. Paste this rule in your hat. If you want to enjoy good health, excel lent appetites and ruddy complexions, throw open your doors, hoist your windows, and giro the pure air a chance to circulate. There are but six weeks in the year when bark for tanning purposes will peal, which is nearly passed, yet men have not collected the required stock, owing to wet weather. On Saturday next flowers are to be strewn on the graves of the Union dead, in every city, Village and hamlet churchyard in the land. Our people should not negiact this. On Wednesday morning last Mrs. Sarah C. Welch, an estimable lady, who for many years has been a successful school teacher in this place, left fur the town of York, in York county, this State. A man living in Cohoes, New York, the other day applied oil from the bowl of a to bacco pipe to a burn on the lip of his little daughter, and the child died in convulsions twenty-four hours after. - A lad named John Curran, of Hollidays burg, attempted to jump from one car to an other, when he slipped, and was caught be tween the cars and considerably crushed, having his thigh and leg broken. `.A number of jognals of this State are ad vocating the selling of eggs by weight as be ing-by far the best plan for buyer and seller. That will do, when butter is sold by the inch, as eggs like butter, will somehow or other get heavier. The young ladies of Tidioute, at a recent mass meeting, ratified the action of tho Cam bridge City (Ind.) convention in resolving "That the young men shall not be permitted to accompany us home from meeting unless they go . to meeting with us. We are glad to hear that the services of our band are becoming appreciated h a dif ferent direction from that of serenading mar ried couples. It is commendable liberality that would lead a young man to give his Indy the benefit of a serenade, and we expect to hear of our other "gallants" following suit. The Sunday School Institute which was held in this place three days last week, was largely attended, and the instructions receiv ed through Rev. J. 11. Vincent in the man agement of Sunday Schools was such as war ranted the representations of his ability and no doubt inspired Sunday School workers with new energy in their cause. We will be happy to publish the official proceedings of the Institute whets we receive them front the Secretary. Honor the Patriot Dead The members of Post No. 33, Grand Army pf the Republic, propose complying with the general order of their Grand Commander des• rgnating Saturday next, the 30th inst., as a day for decorating the graves of deceased Union soldiers. This ceremony is to be ob served throughout the United States, and it is proper that the surviving comrades here should not forget the patriot dead whose re mains rest on Cemetery Hill. While we ho nor the living how much more than honor is due to those who have given up their lives All, we think, would desire to join in the ceremony, and while it is to be under the auspices of the members of this Post they have no inclination to restrict to themselves the entire proceedings. They cordially and especially invite all soldiers who are not members of the organization to participate, and all citizens to join with them. A meet ing will he held at the Court House, on the pay designated, at 2 o'clock, P. 'M., from whence - they will proceed to the Cemetery. Vote for Office Chair. The following - is the vote for an office chair •at the Catholic Fair held in Altooona city, on May 20th, 1868. Joseph Watson, 3601 votes. Sohn McCormick, 2202 " .John France,. 694 " Augustus Hawkesworth, 25 " J. W. Weber, 7 it Total, 6529 Mr. Watson is a boss stone mason for !,11 - 6 Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and is a resident of our town. We are happy that our genial, whole.souled friend has received such a high testi monial of esteem from his friends, as he is in every respect deserving of it, And it shows that his friends are not a few; , . The chair netted the handsome sum of 81805 80. pig Metal A company of practical iron manufactur , ors, of New York, at the head of which stands lion. Wm. Kelly, of Rhinebeck, New York, and Judge Parrott, of the West Point Foundry, has been organized for tho purpose of manufacturing pig metal, with Broad Top coke, at Riddlesburg, two miles east of Bed ford. They have already commenced opera tions, preparatory to the erection of the Fur, nace, which is to be 60 feet high, with 1.4 feet and it is the intention of the company to have the Furnace in operation the coming fall. O.II:ANT CLUB, NO, 1. The Grant Rua Colfax voters of the West Ward are requested to meet at 'Letterman's Hotel on Saturday evening next, the 30th inst., for the purpose o" organizing a campaign Grant Club, Grant, Colfax and Victory I Nay 26,18Q8 RELATING to the side walks or pave ments i❑ that pert of the borough known as West Huntingdon, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Burgess and linen Council of the borough. of Hunt ingdon, and it is hereby enacted by the author ity of the same, That the Street Regulator shall, within fifteen days after the passage of this ordin• ance, proceed to lay off and grade pavements a❑d fix the grade thereof, also of the gutters adjoining, oa each of the following named streets to wit: Cu the northern side of Wash ington street between the Baptist church at Charles street to Pine street; on the southern side of Washington street from the angle thereof at the east corner of lot No. 12 to Pine street; on both sides of Fulton street from Washington to Mifflin; on both sides of Mifflin street from Fulton to Pine ; said pave ments on Washington and Mifflin streets to be twelve feet wide and on Fulton street ten feet wide. Sec. 2. That the °Wrier or owners, occu pier or occupiers of any lot or part of a lot of ground fronting on any of the above named streets between the points designated in the preceding section, shall on or before the first day of July next, have the side walk opposite such lots with good hard brick. or shall lay a good and sufficient plank walk of at least six feet in width,—to be laid according to the grade fixed by the Street Regulator ; Provi ded however, that opposite any vacant lots, or any lot which lies lengthwise adjoining the street, a pavement of one lialf only of the width mentioned in the first section of this ordinance shall be required. SEC. 3. That on said first day of July next or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Chief Burgess anti the Committee on streets shall proceed to examine the side walks or pave ments required to be made by the preceding section of this enactment, and if they find upon such examination, that any owner, or owners, occupier or occupiers of lots have neglected to make such a side-walk or pave ment as is required by this ordinance, they shall give reasonable notice by advertisement inserted in each of the papers published in the borough, that the construction of such side walks or pavements shall, on a day to bo named in such advertisement, bo let to the lowest bidder. Sec. 4. That when the side walks or pave ments shall have been constructed under the authority given to the Chief Burgess and committee on streets, bills therefor shall be made out by the Secretary and placed in the bands of the High Constable who shall imme diately demand from each parties therein named (if residing is ithin the borough) pay ment thereof; and in default of payment for thirty days after such demand, said bills shall bo collected according to law. • EMI J. Simrsow ArRICA, Secretary W 3 -77 Patterns of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattines from 85 cents to $1,50 per yard, at Fisher & Sons. Bt. =I A Dictionary of the Bible, Comprising its Antiquities, Biography, Geography and Natural. History, with nuincrous Illustrations and flaps. Edited by Wm. Siniik - LL. D. Pablished by Messrs T. B. Burr th Co , Hartford, Conn. This worlds a timely response to a wide-spread and urgent necessity of all Bible readers. Being the only American Edition of the only abridge ment by the author's own hand of his voluminous Dictionary, which is too costly for the common purse—it is at once the only perfectly reliable and practical one, containing all that the geceral reader and student can wish. The publishers have in this given the public a volume of which they friay well be proud. It is a standard work, commends itself to all who examine it, and should be found in every family. Be careful to get this edition, if you would have the most reliable Diction ary al the most reasonable price It is sold by subscription or.iy. Agents should address the publishers at once. It "GOOD FOOD FOR THE MIND "—The Phrenological Journal for June, serves up a most nutritious bill of mental faro. Among its leading characters are George Hall, first Mayor of Brook lyn; Phineas Staunton, Artist; Gover nor Isaac Murphy; J. G. Holland ("Timothy Titcomb;") King Theodore; Thomas D'Arcy Magee, with por traits, biographical and phrenological sketches, Philosophy of Dreaming and Insanity; Mr. Beecher's Philosophy; The Secret of Success, for Young Men; Writing for the Press; Abyssinia and its People, etc. End of volume 47. A new volume begins with the next number, July : 83,00 a year or 30 ets. it No. Published by S. R. Wells, 389 Broadway, New York. Femora, Take Notice The Huntingdon Mills will stop for repairs, about tho 12th ornth of June, to remain idle twenty-five or thirty days. St. FISREIL & SONS. INFORMATION WANTED.—John Kelly, a boy aged about 17 years, ran away from his home near Shippenshurg, in tin month of March, ISO 7, and up to this timo no trace of him can be found by his friends. Any informa tion of his whereabouts will be thank fully received by Mrs. Mary Kelly, care of Valley Sentinel, Shippensburg, Pa. Exchanges please copy. Corn and Potatoes. 100 bushels of Jersey Shore, Peach Blows, and Shelled Corn, for sale at LEWIS' FAMILY GROCERY. 101r•Rev. Mr. Hewitt lecturos in the Episcopal Church, this place, every Friday evening, at half past seven o'clock. He has commenced a series of lecturos on the "History of the Pray er Book." Service every Sunday morn ing and afternoon. Fresh Butter Crackers, Water Crackers, Breakfast Crackers, Sugar Crackers, and Ginger Snaps, for sale at Lewis' Family Grocery. Garden Plants for Sale. "The subscriber is ready to furnish at his garden on Womolsdorf's farm be low town, the Maupey.Superior Toms, to Plants, Sweet Potato Plants, and Cabbage Plants, by the dozen, hum drods or thousands. A. 11.. ZlmmotistAN, May 16, 1668-0. More economical, remarkable certainty of prompt action; -in fact, every good quality ip guaranteed for Mrs. S. A. Allen's Improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bot tle.) •Every Druggist sells it. Price ono dollar. Jra. Florenfze Sowing Machine Miss D. L. Baker, Agent, Leisters' Building, Huntingdon. Drees Making and sewing done of all kinds. tf. ,Patterns of Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattings from 35 cents to $1,50 per yard ? at Ti'ishor A Sops. 3t. W.EST VirARD AN ORDINANCE Passed, May Ist, 1808, HENRY GLAZIER, Chief. Burgess. may 13 Svocr , s Wines Are the pure juice of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly per sons and females should try them. lie 36. "Grant, Colfax and Victory"— the first flag raised is in front of the Globe Office. MARRIED, On May 14th, by the Rev. S. A. Do- Moyer, at the residence of Joseph For rest, Esq., Mr. SAMUEL C. SMITH, of Ennisyille, to Miss PRUDENCE J. FOR REST, of Barren Township, Huntingdon County, Pa. ' At Shade Gap, May 21st, by Rev. W. C. Kuhn, Mr. JAMES MURRAY, to Miss ELIZABETH GOSSIIORN,- both of Franklin County, Pa. On the sth inst , by Rev. D. S. Mon roe, Mr. J. T. ClEnitErT, arid Miss MARY Rtmcn, both of Orbisonia, Hu nti ngd on County, Pa. DIED, Near Saulsburg, on the 20th inst., ELIZABETH, wife of John D. Hoffer, aged 59-years, 6 months and 3 days. She joined the Methodist Church in 1831, and remained a mombor until tho day of her death. For twenty years she was so afflicted as not to be able to attend church. On tho 23d, 18438, EDWARD 0. COL DER, agnd 31 ,years, 2 months and 11 days. Harrisburg papers please copy. SPECIAL NOTICES, TAINTS FOR FARMERS AND 0 Ell ERS.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Company me now manullicturilaz the Best, Cheapest and most Du rable Paint in use; two coats well pot on, mixed u ith pare Linseed Oil, still Lest ten or fifteen }ears; it fs of a light brown or benutifol chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive or cream, to snit the taste of the consumer. It is aluable for Hem tea, Fetters, thorns, t arriage and Car Molars, Pails and Woeami-ware. Agricultural Implements, Corral Boars, Vessels and Ships' Bottoms, Canvas, dotal and Shingle Stools (it being Fire and Water proof.) Floor Oil Cloths, (ono Manufacturer Iran ing used 5.000 bbls. the past 3 ear) arid as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity and adhesiveness. Price $0 per burl. of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. \Cemented in all eases as ahoy e. Fend for n cir cular which gives full particulars. Nano genuine unless branded in n trade mark, Grafton Mineral Paint. Per sons can order the Paint and remit the money on re. ceipt of the goods. Address I/AMIN. BIDWELL 254 Pearl street. New York. For sale by the pound or barrel at Louis' Book Store. nur,lls 6m E "Messenger of health," edited at the Pennsylvania Institute of Medicine, contains an article on Dyspepsia. Chills and Fever, and Kidney Affections, in a bleb the writer positively declares that the a hole science of Medicine possesses no remedy for the cute of those diseases, that in half as eITiCiICIOII , I ing Mailer's Herb Bitters. Ito spooks ft sin experience. having uQed them iu his practice for the pest too years, to the exclusion of all other temedies, and atthuut a gaiety. instance of failure. :old by all Druggists and Pealers. tt. 13. ItAitTUAN & CO., Proprietor+, LUICABTER, Pgl., and CHICAGO, ILLINOI4. In 3 him r'pEAFNESS, B LINDNESS and CA, Ly• TARIM treated with the utmost filleCCs3, by J. iSAACS. M. D.. Oculist and Amid, (formerly of Le) don, Ilailland,)N.•. tea A twill Si, cet. Phil ‘delphia. To, Wilma. els nom the most reliable eonrces in the city a. d c un to' can be mien at lilt 0111 CU. The medical faculty are in a Rod to accompany their pal tents, as ha has au secrets ill I.ls ;Pullen. ..irtificial la ca il.serted c ithout 1 nth.— cliargo lug e3-tmiltittion. ampo-1;,13113 MARKETS. WHOLNAI r. AIARRET„ PHILADELPHIA, May 22, ISGS. Tho Flour market Is moderately active, at an ad, mice. Sunman° Flour at $O.OO ®0;25: cotta at $0.75; fancy We.,tet n extra faintly $10®12.50; Pennsylvania eo do $l2, and fancy bi ands $12,73a13,00 according to quality Rye flour $lO,OO. Prinie Wheat to fair dent:mil Choice red at $2,65®2,70 "hit° $2,80®2.00. Rye at $2,15®2,20. Corn 1,08 ® 1,24 Oats at 02, Barley malt at $2,03. NTlSOLittial ' May 2.3.—Flour.—The msrket native. We onote'ealesot airing „heat Flour at $10,50011,25, AA inter Floor at $12,:..56412. , 5 fancy at $14®15,00. Wheat, winter, $2,5502,70 and far white,52,70.®2,75 Coin from first hands at $l,OB. Itye, 52,00 per bushel. Oats 80(k.S4e; Barley 2.23052,50. Potatoes. reach Blew 1,50 bus hams 20c, Lard 11) : ic. Butter 20t 25c lb; Eggs 20 doz. FINANCIAL. Raw Yoax, May 21—Gold closed at SI3OX. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEKLY DV HENRY .k. CO. WHOLESALE PRICES. Superfine Flour, $lO,OO, Eggs 20 Extra Flour, 11,00,Festhers V lb 00 Family Flour 12,00 Flaxseed $2,25 Red Wheat,.......... ...... 2,30 Bops V lb ....... ............ .40 White Wheat,— ........... 2,60 slain, smoked 22 Apple Butter 11 ga110n...1.23 flay 11 ton 12,00 Bark per cord 0 00 lii, it Earley 1 0 0 Large Onions 51 has 100 Butter ......... .......... ....... Mixed Chop Bucks, heat 1.00 Oats 70 Ducks, heat plead Pot,lt, bu 5100..... to 1,50 Man V cot 1 °I Plaster per ton... 10,00 Brooms V der 2,06®4,-.0, Rags , t.l lb 4 Beeswax V lb ^0 IL) 1 40 Beans bus 50112)e Chop vco t . 2 00 Chickens "5: nye Soma 11 bundle. 10 Country Soap 8 Shorts ?cot 1,50 Corn i',1,10 Shoulder ........ ..... ....... 14 Corn Head acwt 20 , 1 S,des 17 Dried Apples Vim ...... ...2,00 tallow 10 11 Dried Cherries 51 gnat t.... 12 Timothy ' l ,OO Pried Peaches 1111, 15 'On kepi 1.1 lb 10 Dried Reef "0 Wool lb 40 Beif Vlb it Pot 11 ,lib 0 oad Top Coal V ton ...$2,50 I Bard ,;cal 53 t0n.... .... 256,00 (keen Apples V bus $1,50 Pig Metal ton $306,5..38 Mo. unwed 51 bilbs ..s,osl.liniber 1 11000 8-4128130 Eltellbasks , B bas $2.00 tiliittgles, Laps,sl 110410(013 ClitieSe 15;&20 "cis. 1 6 lb " •• 0,6@8 IF . BRIEF AGE OR SICKNESS HAS Blanched. Your Locks, If bald; If troubled with dandruff or any humors upon the scalp; if your hair falls old, or if it it dry, wiry, or Intractable, buy one bottle of DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER S AND YOll WILL FIND •IT PRECISELY SUITED TO YOUR CASE. Sold by all Druggists throughout the United States. May 27,1888. READING RAIL ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT, hI tY ::0, 1868. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM TIIE North and North-West for PnILADELPHIA, NEW YORE, ItEIDINO, POTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, ASHLAND, LEBANON ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EPHRATA, LIM, LANCISTER, COLUM BIA, AM., dm. Trains leave lln, rlsburg for New York, as follows ; At 2 50, 6 25 and 8,10 A. M., 12,40, 2 05,9,35 P. 51., connect ing with similar trains on tiro Penney lvanla li.lt,arriving nt New York 5,00, 10 00 nod 11 50 A, M., oral 3.50. and 7 40 and 10.30 P. M. Sleeping care accompany the 2 000 an and 9 35 p. at. trains anon; diange. Leavo Harrisburg for Readirn Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Piro Grow. Allentown and Phila. delphia at 8 10 A. 61., and 2 05 nml 4 10 P. M., stopping at Lebaucu and principal way stations; the 410 p. ni. train making connections for Phi radolphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Mser, and Arthur n, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna 11.11., leave Harrisburg nt 3 55 P AI. Roturning, leave Lisw-Voac. at 9 A. 51., 12.00 noon, and 6,00 and 8.90 P. at. Sleeping cars accompanying the 9.00 a in and 5.00 and 8.00 p n, ti In DS without ()flange, Way Passenger train lam en Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M, returning from Rending at 6.30 pin stoppingl, at all stn- Hone j Pottsville at 8,45 A. It.. and 2 45 P. 514 Ashland 000 aor and 12,19 noon, and 2,00 11,1; 'Painanna at 8.30 A M., and 1 00and 845 P M. - Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 n m. and 12 noon. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves Mama at 7.30 A. M., and returns from PHILADELPHIA nt 5,15 P. 51 Pottstown Accommodation Train: 'Leaves Pottstown at 0,45 a. or., returning leaves Philadelphia at 4,30 p. ru. Columbia Railroad Trains kayo Reading nt 7 00 A 51., and 015 I'. M., for Ephrata, Linz, Lancaster, Col umbia, Ac. Parkicmen Railroad trains leavo Perklomen Junction at 0.00 a m apd 5.55 p m returning Leavo Skippack at 0 45 n nr, audl.ls p m, connecting with similar (ruins op Reading Railroad. Oa Sunda:} t 4, leave New Yell( 0t S 00 P. 51., plan, 8 a rn and 316 P. M., tly 8 a m train daring only to Reading; Pottsville BA. 51., Ila'rri burg, 25'ri' in, and 410 and 9 .35 p in, nud Reading 110, 2,55 anti' 7 15 a. m., for Harrisburg,and 7 00 a. 10., and 11 401fAir., fop NAY York, and 1.25 p.m. for Philadelphia. COMIUTATION, :IIILESOE, tiEttION, SF,IIIOOL, qpd E:eURSION Timers to and from all golnhi at Induced tatC . s. - Baggage checked through:Wl:on:lds Baggage allowed each raseenger. 0. A. NICOLL% Recdtog, nay 1.0 WA. Qntt .Ncurrueenden • A rare Chance for aßargain. VALUABLE PROPERTY 5P' Iet.INTA2I I .7OI 5AL1.230 TIM subscriber offers at private sale 1n valuable property eitunted in MAPLRTON, Hunt ingdon county, thi., being n handsome and convenient STORE-ROOM, 23x16 riot, well arranged, and suitable for the carrying on of a general merchandise Liminess. Also, a WAREHOUSE, convenient to the store room, Also DWELLING HOUSE, near the pl..° of businesq. The online property will be nohl at the low priori of Four Thottuand Doll us ($4.000), 1111011 the terms, Five Hundred Donate ($.?30) in call. upon the tlelivety of the deed, cull the baton.: in font. equal ounnal poymente with interent, for Mach the judgment Imtuli of the put , clinger, seetired by mortgage. null be token. For advantages in doing business the properly is not r0i1...v.1 by any other In the county. berated along the Penna. Balboni], and near the &put, it Is ton blinks' a place ad.,pted to any one desirous of eugaglog in business. Thu store-room is occopled by the outser of the property Possession given at any time. The block of goods on band will bo reduced to Three Tlnmsand Dollars, ($3,000.) Thin stock Is all fresh and new. and will be sold at cost prices , : :stitch are loss than present eastern prices. and upon easy terms, viz: Three Hundred Ballots ($300) In cosh; the balance divided into equal antoults, made pay able In note Borough Bank with guaranty, upon the t ime of GU, 00,120; Mar 180 thyss thus affording the put cha ser mph: tinto to realize upon the stock. The stock most be positively sold with the property. There is but one other stow in the town end the trade centering in the town onmonts at least to Ono Utindrird Thousand Donors ($Iu0,00u) per annum. Anyone liekiring to purchase Must apply GOOD, or onus era Ise art Anwenumts will ho Mode to, sell the stock on hand and rant the property. Apply to W. P. 31cLAUG ULDI, Mt. Union, l'a., or to DAVID iii. BVANS, JOHN tIUNNINGII AM, May 134 m Mupicton Depot, Pa. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! A LARGE ASSORTMENT =ZS Coats, " Pants, Vests' and DasterS, To lie disposed of at L RUDOLPH'S, 11.1sornent, oppusito LeiAter's Sow Building,) REGARDLESS OF COST SUITS, from , F.,11,00 to $20,00, VESTS ; All Wool, from $1,75 to $5,00 PANTS, All Wool, from $2,50 to $O,OO Must sell the entire stock this month CLOTHING MADE TO 01:DER Call and Examine Samples Illkntingdon, Islay 13,1€65-tf SPRING STILES for 1868. A LARGE AND {WELL ASSoSTFD STOOK OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES, Ell=M IVlol%Til'... (Successor tolll. P. RUDOLPH) @rfr•D'n,..IEICY.PI L ANIES' DEPARTMENT In tits department, which will at nil times receivn my cilia attention, I haven writ naortcd &splay of STRAW GOODS, Dross Trimmings, Cloak and Sacquo Trim mings. Drone Buttons, Glovori, Valls, Zephy r Knit Shawls, Nubian, Hoodo. Sontags, Hand kerchiers.Fall Bats. Fiat awl Bonnet Frames, Yelvat Ribbons. Colsots, Hosiery, and late.t utylo Bongoes from $5 to $3O. GENTS' DEPARTMENT Hats and Caps. all styles. from 50 cents to Shirts, Dtawors, Gloves, Nock Ties, Col lars, Hosiery, slid °very attiele kept is a first class Furnishing Store. HATS AND CAPS A SPECIALTY. By promptly meeting the wants of all, I hope to meet with such patronage from the public an will enable mo to keep continually on band a large and well selected stock of first class goods, Whilst keeping up to. the fashion in every article, I will also sell cheaper than the cheapest. 0. N. iIInNEIL, • Opposite , Mister's Now Bulldipg. Huntingdon, Ap 21, 1808. 1 GEO. SHAEFFER llnsjast returned from the east with o' 4 " SPLENDID STOCK OF BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, UGC., Which he offers to the inspection of his customers and the public generally. 110 will sell his stock at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchaso once will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the neatest and Most expodi. lion, mautier. Call upon Mr. &buffer at hie shop on ItIII street, a fow doors west of tho Diamond. ntays AGENTS WANTED dam. ®f Crubt , 2Cloct3r Or the Lives and Deeds of Generals, Statesmen, Orators and Political Lenders now on the Stage of action, includ ing Grant, Sherman. Colfax. Sumner, Stanton, Sheridan, Yates, Curtin, Trumbull, Fenton, lincitingiuun, Wilson, Greeley, Wade. Morton, Philips Farragut, Chase, Logan, Stevens, Beecher. Seward, lionmell, Dix, Gaudin, Fes menden, tioward, and others, witlt oyer ty Lifelike portrnits of Living Men. Said only by agents. Great ilitincernents, gem} tpr Circulari 7,6IGLER, McCURDY & CO., apl-2m 011 Arch et. Philadelphia.- B. J. WILLIAMS & SONS, No. 16 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia LARGEST 11MUFACITREItS or VENETIAN BLINDS ivizpoiv SHADES, RirSELL AT TOO LOWEST PRICES. Ti!hh Repelled, Store Shades, Tritnutiugs, Fixtures, Plaiu Sitetles of np. kinds, Curlin Cornice,; { Fleturo Tas soh, Car Doll DHlls, sc. opls•2ni .0.: HENRY HARPER 0 1 , ARCH ST., RH!LACtELPHIA. Moo WATCFIES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and RODGERS' CELEDEATED Silver PLATED Wale, war ranted tru!le plate, on the tuhtleiC metal, at MANUF 4CTI.WR'S, PRICES,. ap.l6, 1868.-3 moo. Tho be Flour, by the barrel or smeller quaullty for POP at Lewis' Family Grocery. - • • • • 1868. -IRDWARE STO Rl', HUNTINGDON, PA.. ! J 4 , S. A. BROWN Now located in the splendid storeroom in his new MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDING, HILL ST. i -lIUNTIN . GDON, PENN 1. O(nrs at WII)C.II3LE an 1 MCAT& nn (amen3l3 stock and endless variety or . FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Glass* AT REDUCED PRICES. TWELVE YEARS diligent attention to business in the Hardware trade in this place, has given mo an expert once that,enablcs me to secure great ad vantages for my customets in the selection of the best standard brands and reliable qualities of goods. Buying for cash direct from the manufacturers, and be ing to almost daily receipt of goods, bought since the de cline in prices, I can offer rare advantages to buyers. My stock embraces a general assortment of TOOLS AND MA'rEItIALS•FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, Coachmakers, Cabinet Makers, Machinists, Foundrymen, And all other kinds of Mechanics. BUILDERS 1%111 find hero a superior stock of ISTEIII amaci. LOCKS, BOLTS, SORE WS, HIN GES, FINISHING NAILS, Glass and Putty, Oil and Paints Color of nil Icinils, Paint 13rutlies, YarnisLea , dc. olt to any Size. CARPENTERS - Will fiud a well selected stock of fission's and Spear & Jackson's Saws, chimq and Natiea, Steel Augers, Auger Mite, (latigee, Saw tags, 13Laces, Hatehate, Oil stones, Niles, and BORING MACHINES. FOR HOUSEKEEPERS I have a flue variety of enameled, Tinned and Flak) lIOLLOW-WAltB, Pane. Skillets. float Pans, Scrub Brits:lee, Wattle hone. Brass Kettles, Bath It, icks, Iron Tea Kettles, I Knives and Folks, Coal Nichols and AO, els, Tea and Table Spoons. it tonnia and ILVEII-PLATED WAR E,Table Castors DlllBl Stair Nods, and a splendid stock of luntiitbura TONEWARL, including crocks as large as nix gallons. Also, tho Chu* up: wild Clothes Wrillgor, With a late tmprovement. This is now the very hest and most desirable Wringer In the market. Having the agency far this pl.Me If can sell them strictly at the men ufactotor's prices. All warranted. BLACKSMITHS Will be supplied with Horse shoes, Horse nails, Stocks and Dies, Norway Nail Hods. Rasps, Files, Iron and Steel Anvils, Buttresses, Vices, Bellows, and other tools in their line CARRIAGE & WAGON-MAKERS Will feud a supply of Carriage Oil Cloth, Carriage and Tiro Bolts, Trimmings, Springs, Drop black coach Varnish, Felines, Spokes and Hubs, Daub and enameled Leather, Shafts, Tongues, Spoke Augers, Sleigh Runners ; Benders, and other materials. =MM2MI Comprising Table Knives and Forks of best American and English styles and qualities, Carvers,' Butcher knives, Razors, Shears Scissors, Pruning Knives, and Pruning hears, and the largest varletly of styles of POCKET KNIVES To be found in control Pennsylvania, including Wos tenbolm's famous IXL cutlery. SHOEMAKERS As heretofore will find hero the best assortinent of Toots and Findings in their line of trails, consisting of Hammers, Pincers, Lasts, Pegs, Awls, Measuring Sticks and straps Eyelet,Shoo Thread, Forepart and shank Irons, Wax, ristles, Burnishers, Welt Knives, Steel and iron Shoo Nulls, Sticking Ganges, etc., Round bead nails, etc. 5 SADDLERS & HARNESS•M AKERS Aro also provided for. Saddle Trees of the best /Pitts burg make, Oirthing, Straining, and Rain Irek, Stirrups, Items, Pad Trees, and a full misty of Silver, ill aeo grid Japanned Ilarness Mountings, ks., &e. FARUERS And others will sea that toy stock comprises many usa ful articles iu o w ir lino, such as Soy tiles, Rakes, Spades, Pointing RIM, Shoyols, Forks, Hoes, Grindstones, Wove wire, Garden Bakes, Harm, haloes, DIMON'S MILL SAWS, Trace Chains, Halter chains, Circular. Cross-cut, Wood Carry c0m1.,, Horse brushes! and Meat Saws, Wngon Jacks,, , !Post Augers, Shovel Moulds, Mann's aueslTrowels, Also, two or three kinds of the best HORSE HAY FORKS. 3fado in the United Statos and by which fa lona of hay can be taken from the wagon to tho mow in about five minutes. These forks sax° labor, hay and money, and no thrifty firmer can Word jo do }vithout ono. The EXCELSIOR FORK hits beon extensively Med and gives great sal iscliction.— I warrant all the forks I sell. COALOIL LAMPS&LANTERNS CayplN LACES and v l lTrar . linip ; ga Czbluct-maliera lintl;r! Tim merit of thesd pumps is shown by the filet that the demand for them is rapidly increasing eve, ywhere. There ig no iron in Glen} to eomode and injiire the water. They are light and convenient, so that (ivory loan can put in Ills olyn pump, the whole only costing him of oat ono half the prleo of oilier pumps. Pump', nod wooden pipo to suit them, promptly shipped by railroad on receipt of or ,Giro depth from floor to ?ottani of well. Terra Gotta '1116,1N Plfll, llot: Ali REGISTERS for Ceilings, COOll STOVES, of any pattern desired. JAMES A. BROWN. Don't forget the SIGN OP THE PADLOOK I nntlngdop, Hay 18, 'O. Cheaper than the Cheapest! 1868. IVEctarlazracotit, :St4t;orip Spy{: ft. TTrest End of Din:tint/don, Penn'a We are now offering our im mense and well-assorted stock of Goods, at thoroughly reduced, and unprecedented low prices; our superior facilities enabling us to compete successfully with the Cheapest. Our stock consists of Groceries, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, QueenSware, Glassware, Willow and Cedar Ware, Table and Floor Oil Cloths, Carpets, Rugs and Door Mats, Crocks, Jugs, Stoves, Tinware, Iron, Steel, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Flour, Feed, &c., &c., &c., all in great variety, at prices that will not fail to suit consumers. We are also dealing in all kinds of Coal and Lumber, our facilities in these commodities being superior to any other firm in Huntingdon. We claim them as SPECIALTIES in our trade, in which none can compete with us. % , 1#? 4. We buy all kinds of Grain, Seeds, Flour and Feed, at the highest market rates, and give the highest prices in Goods for Produce of all kinds. Do not fail to call and examine our stock and prices, as both are sure to please. ME THE PLACE TO BUY NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER W.MARCIIt .BRO. Respectfully inform the pubife genexelly That they Mite Just received a largo and splendid stork of goods at their store in riuntingdon, C insisting in put of SILKS, - DRY GOODS, . DRESS coops, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, TIN WA RE, LADIES' FANCY TRIM. All NHS, HOOP SKI IZTS,BoNNErs, B LIMNS, WOOD AND WILLOW WA QUE ENS WAB E, lIART)W ARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, C RACK ERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &c., &e. Also CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And in fact everything that is usually kept in a first class store, all it kith were bought low for cash and will sold nit ern respondingly low takes for rash, or country produce. and ra quest the public to give. us a call before Put chasthg elsow hero, feeling satisfied we can offer supe t for indtmenteePt to cash buyers. We lesptctfully solicit the patronage _of all, and the public are cordially invited to CX:t1111111.1 cur goods. Ever) thing token in exchange lot goods except promi ore. Ilunting,•lnn, np. 15, MS MITICAL ELITTRICITY DR, WILLIAM BREWSTER, M'CONNELLSTOWN, PA. For the benctit'of those proposing to undertake Electrical treatment for 11180aECe we give in the followlng list a low of the mote prominent and most Common complaints Inlet Is ith in our pros - tico, in all Of which We ore most Cll2CCEisfill. IN IILY ALL rests OP CHRONIC DISEASE, ELECTRICD ETT 13 A suer. REMEDY, AND IN ALL CASES DENEEICIAL, IP PIIOYEI LY APPLIED. non, therefore, afflicted with complaints not here enumerated, need have no hesitation in applsiumand whether only RELLEE, or a PERMANENT CURE can he effected, they will receive replies accordingly. All communications I free. 1 Epilepsy, Chorea, St. Titus' Dance, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita tion of the Heart, Lock-Jaw, etc. 2 Sore Throat. Dyspepsia,Diarrhom, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, Hewn 'mid+, or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic, and all aftections of the Liver rynd Spleen. I Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Mauna, (where slot caused by 01 garlic disease of the heart,) Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Rheumatism of the Chest, Consumption In the early stages. 4 Gravel, Dinhetts, and Kipney Complaints. 5 Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago, Stiff Neck, Spinal Diseases, Hip Diseases. Cancers, Tu mors ; (those last named always cured with out pain, orcutting, or plasters in any form) In a Word, we propose to cure all curable die eases. We have no connection whatever with any otheVElectrical office in this or any other county. All letters address to WM. BREWSTER, If. D., McConnellstown, Pa. BOOKS STATIONERY, CONSTANTLY FOR. SALE at whole solo and retail, a large and well se lected stock of STANDARD WORKS e in every department of LiteratUre. Also, CIIOOL BOOKS; BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, STATIONERY, Etc., to which the attention of country merchants, com mittees of libraries, twhere agEl pip chasers scum ally; is invited by C. lILMIt , eDI. Bookseller. Tups. OORCOINII4. WU. A. DURCLIINELL. THOS, BUROHINELL dr, SON, lIANOPACTURIEno Of SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, • FLOORING, And all kinds of Building Material, iiviv“Tgq-DpINT, F 4. 31e1.25.tf WAINTIp. 1,000 .711 EN AYD WOME.Ar, To act as canvassers fur a series of Erff MITO.M7UriNa, FIVE lIEAUTIECIt IDItAI I AMERICAN FACES, Engraved in Paris by tile most eminent artista in the not Id. For rartimilarsanl desc . riptive ci r cular, w 2-6t 46 Main strap!, Bpringtiold, Muss. ALL KINDS OF BLANKS, lintunton Administrators' and Executors' Deeds, Mortgaims, Judgment Notes, ' Promissuiy Notes, with and without waiver Of exemp tion, Subpanins and Nxectition, npl For sale at BLAIR'S BOOK STORK —Fresh Garden and Flower Seeds for sale at Lewis' Book Store. tf. BARGAINS MEM HENRY & CO., Huntingdon, Pa WM. MARCH & IWO CUNNINGHAM & CAMION, ',lave revived: 10,000 DOLLARS WORTH: NEW & FASHIONABLE &lUDS From the eastern markets, which they can, with proAt r Roll at lower agurealliau oau. he cold at any other house In the county. PRICES THE SAME AS =PORI& TIM WAR A good Calico Dress for a Dollar & &tory THE BEST HEAVY MUSLIN 3 Lower than they can Lo bought outside of Phi1;1410101w THEIR STOCK IS DIMENS:I2, Consisting of everytWrig that oye can ago/ oclwart nish, Come and see their fine assortment or C HOKE SYRUP, LOWER alert 6vor before also EVERY KIND OF SUGAR At'grettly reduced prices, COME AND SEE OUR STOCK, and do 7:30t pay blab prim APT 10441 Cunningham 4 Gummi, Huntingdon, npls HEAD QUARTERS NEW GOODS. D. P. OWN INFORMS TEiN PUBLIg THAT TIE ETAS JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOOK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT CHEAPNESS AND qUAT.ITY, COME AND 'SEE Him ting3on, Apillls, 18e8 WALL PAPER, NEW STYLES FORIB6B, LARGEST ASSORTMENT AND MOST BEAUTIVIIII. PARLORS, SITTING AND DINING ROOMS, DLO ROOMS, KITCHENS, OF 'ICES, ',ROOM, 0101'S, 4c,, Ever brought to Huntingdon, noun ott hand and for sale WHOLESALE all[ .RETAIL AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. m A Y, 1868. MAY, 1868. CLAZIER &.EsRO.v 7 . 1 4- 1 1EIP IN DRY GOODS,-DRESS GOODS, - CARPETS, OIL CL:QpIS,", GROCERIES, QUEENSWARA. HA2S, BOOTS AND SINES, 'c., &c,. Washington street, near the Jail, Our prices areas follows: . Calico and Muslin, from 8 cts. upward, 'Merrimack' , Prints, 15 eta. - Yard wide bleached Muslin; 12% Os, Yard wide unbleached Muslin, 1134 cta. Tickings and Sbirtings, from 12% cta. up, White Cambric Muslin, from 15 cis. up. White Barred Muslin, from 20 cte. up, , Whito Piques, from 25 cis. up. Irish Lindu. from 3134 ate. up. De Leine 18 to 25 cis. - • All Wool Do rain°, "tt cis. up. LIVROS ' 16 to 60 eta: White Spreads, $2,60 to $6,00. Rio Coffee, 22 to 25 cte. ' - • Pleare call and examine ; and, if you are not convinWk6 it is to your intoned to buy, from us ) do not do es. GLAZIER lt Huntingdon, IHay:fhlB6r, S. U. McCARTHY 4 4 BRO., (Sutcesaors la Niikr d Armilage,) Mal Estate and Insurance Agents, Office on Hill streot, of poaito the coaµrt I.l.gwist4 gvrillzigpoN, PA. Vp pre now proparcif to negotiate for the purchase anti sale of Farms, Tenn Lots, &c; also, to Insure Life. Prop, orty and Live Stock to any amount in the moat reliable Companion of the United States. SURVEYING AND DRAFTING noatly done, on short notice. Persons desiring to make sale of lands will please give us a &set iption of tile proporty, location, and terms, and it will receive our special a.tentiou. We laws now for sale A Farm in the asst end of Kisliacoquillas yalley ; Also, a form situate three miles from the borough of . Huntingdon. We respectfully solicit a shore of pain:maga. ap29.tf • 3IcCAIRTLIY & BRQ. 1868. CLOTHING. 18681 H. ROMAN, EDO QI:QTIfq SPRING AND SUMMER, JUST RUCEIVED If. ROMAV§ CHEAP CLOTHING .STORE. For Contlemen'o Clothing of °lobed material, and made io the beet workmanlike manner, call at H. 11.0 MAN'S, opposite the Franklin House in Market Square, flunking. • don, Pa. P PAINTING, OHIE ONE-THIRD 100 lbs. of PECORA CO'S cooled Paints, (costing $123.4.) wlll paint as much us 250 pounds of Lead and wok. longer. For particulars address. S. DIEMEN; Seciy, 150 20.4 th 3 ) mhsl m PHILADELPHIA. COST OF A.. P. •GVV.TN, MEI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers