The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, May 27, 1868, Image 2

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    EII. 6lobt.
Wednesday morning, May 27, 1868:
lie - -11 is not certain that a vote will
bo taken to-day, Tuesday, on the re
maining articles of impeachment. The
Managers have been investigating the
":whisky ring" and will make report
IQ' Vouble sets of delegates were ad
mitted into the Chicago Convention
from several Congressional Districts in
this State. That's why there were a
few votes against Curtin in the Penn
sylvania delegation. Mr. Scott did
not go—his alternate from Mifflin coun
ty- represented the district.
AO — We feel happy. Gen. Grant
was our candidate for the Presidency
when he was not thought of for that
position by politicians and leaders of
parties. The masses of the great war
party were for Grant because he was
not a politician—and the masses
forced the politicians aside, and wo
have Grant—the first.victory for the
honest people—the second we will
have in November if we all pull to
gether. - We feel happy. Grant's
platform is his record—he has been
tried and'net found wanting.
re... The impeachment question has
been before the Senate and House al
most continuously since the vote was
taken or. the Xlth Article, and the
Managua of the trial have been busy
investigating into the conduct of the
" seven" Republieans who voted to ac
quit the President. They have boon
charged with being bought by the
"whiskey ring" to vote as they did.
If the charges aro true, is it not likely
that they can be bought again to veto
for the• acquittal of the President on
the other articles? We are still of the
opinion that the opposition in the Sen
ate to Wade occupying the Presiden
tial chair had more to do with the ac
quittal of President Johnson on the
Xlth Article than the " whiskey ring"
had. The immense patronage of the
Government in the hands of lir. Wade
would have been t 1 " big . thing" to go
to Chicago with. We will have the
whole truth in a few days, and if it
should be proven that the seven Re
publican Senators were bought, they
should be impeached and sent home.
Mr' There is still a talk in Washing
ton of organizing a new party, with
Chief Justice Chase at its head, to de
feat Gon. Grant. If it was possible for
the Pendleton " hardshell" Democrats
to vote for such a man as Chase, we
might believe a pretty strong opposi
tion might be made to Grant's
election. Chase, a very few months
age was the favorite" candidate of
the extreme Radical Republicans
for the Presidency. Now, with
out making any public or private re
pudiation of his radicalism some few of
'the Democratic organs favor his nom
ination as their candidate, in opposi
tion to Grant. Oil and water wont
mix—but Democrats and Republicans
have mixed to accomplish a purpose,
and they may mix again to hold con
trol.of the "spoils." At present the
whole opposition to Grant—Democrats
and dissatisfied Republican leaders—
are at sea without a candidate. Pos
sibly they may come together soon
and show a bold and desperate fight.
The Grant and Colfax party have only
to pull together and the campaign will
end all right.
The Nominations—President and
Vine President.
We give in today's GLOBE, the most
interesting portion of the proceedings
of the National Union Republican
Convention held in Chicago, last week.
It was oxpoetcd by every body that
Grant would be nominated by the
Convention, as ho had been previously
almost unanimously nominated by the
people. 'For Vico President there was
a spirited contest. Our first. choice,
and the first choice of the party of this
State was Andy Curtin. Other States
had candidates, and it was to be ex-
Tented that Curtin would meet with a
strong, combined opposition. We are
satisfied, under all the circumstances,
'that the "Soldiers' Friend" did so
Well. Colfax, the successful candidate,
next to Curtin ' with Grant, is the
strongest man to carry this Stato.
The nominations give universal satis
faction, and ivo can soo nothing in the
way of their success in November
next: We Shall give the ticket our
cordiatsnpport, and we call upon the
party in thia county to wake Up at
once and move forward, harmoniously
to victory.
The National Union Republican Con-
The convention met at Chicago on
Wednesday the 20th. The Convention
was as harmonious as Suchlute bod
ies of men generally are. We give bo
low the important part of the proceed.
Tlio following aro the platform reso
utions in full:
The National Republican party of
the United States, assembled in Na
tional Convention in the city of Chi
cago on the 20th day of May, 1868,
make the following declaration of prin
ciples :
First. We congratulate the country on the
assured success of the reconstruction projects
of Congress, as evinced by the adoption in a
majority of the States lately in rebellion of
constitutions securing equal civil and politi
cal rights to all, and regard it ‘ as the duty of
the Government to sustain these institutions
and to prevent the people of such States from
being remitted to a state of anarchy.
Second. The guarantee of Congress of equal
suffrage to all loyal men at the South was
demanded by every consideration of public
safety, of gratitude, and of justice, and
must be maintained, while the question of
suffrage in all the loyal States properly be
longs to the people of those States.
Third. We denounce all forma of repudia
tion as a national crime, and national honor
requires the payment of the public indebted
ness in the utmost good faith to all creditors,
at home and abroad, not only according to
the letter but the spirit of the laws under
which, it was contracted.
Fourth. It is due to the labor of the notion
that taxation should be equalized, and reduc
ed as rapidly as the national faith will per.
Fifth. The national debt, contracted as it
has been for the preservation of the Union
for all time to come, should be extended over
a fair period for redemption, and it is the
duty of Congress to reduce the rate of inter
est thereon whenever it can possibly be done.
- Sixth. That the best policy to diminish
our burden of debt is to so improve our cred
it that capitalists will seek to loan us money
at lower rates of interest than we now pay,
and must continuo to pay so long as repudia
tion, partial or total, open or covert, is threat
ened or suspected.
Seventh. The Government of the United
States should be administered with the strict
est economy, and the corruptions which have
been so shamefully nursed and fostered by
Andrew Johnson call loudly for radical re
Eighth. We profoundly deplore the un
timely and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln,
and regret the accession of Andrew Johnson
to- the' Presidency, who has acted treacher
ously to the people who elected him, and the
cause he was pledged to support; has usurp
ed legislative and judicial fur miens ; has re
fused to execute the law; has used his high
office to induce others to ignore and violate
the laws ; has employed his executive power
to render insecure the prosperity, peace, lib
erty, and life of the citizens; has abused the
pardoning power ; has denounced the Nation
al Legislature as unconstitutional ; has per
sistently and corruptly resisted, by every
measure in his power, every proper attempt
at the reconstruction of the States lately in
rebellion; has perverted thepublic patronage
into an engine of wholesale corruption, nod
has been justly impeached fur high crimes
and misdemeanors, and properly pronounced
guilty by the votes of thirty-five Senators.
Ninth. The doctrine of Great Britain and
other European powers, that because a man
is once a subject he is always so, must be re
sisted at every hazard by the United States
as a relic of the Federal times, not authorized
by the law of nations and at war with our
national honor and independence. Natural
ized citizens are entitled to be protected in
all their rights of citizenship as though they
were native born, and no citizen of the United
States, native or naturalized, must be liable
to arrest and imprisonment to any foreign
power for nets done or words spoken in this
country. And if so arrested and imprisoned,
it is the duty of the Government to interfere
in his behalf.
Tenth. Of all who were faithful in the trials
of the late war there were nono entitled to
more especial honor than the brave soldiers
and seamen who endured the hardships of
campaign and cruise, and imperilled their
lives in the service of the country. The
bounties and pensions provided by law for
these bravo defenders of the nation aro obli
gations never to be forgotten. The widows
and orphans of the gallant dead are the wards
of the people, a sacred legacy bequeathed to
the nation's protecting care.
Eterenth. Foreign emigration, which in the
past has added so much to the wealth and de
velopment of the resources and the increase
of power to this nation, "the asylum of the
oppressed of all nations," should be fostered
and encouraged by a liberal and just policy.
Twelfth. This contention declares its sym
pathy with all the oppressed people who are
struggling for their rights.
Mr. Spencer, of New York, moved
the adoption of the report, and called
the previous question.
Mr. Cochrane made a point of order
that the Now York•delegation had not
been canvassed, and his colleague could
not call the previous question except
on the call of two States.
The Chair sustained the point. •
Mr. Cochrane moved to amend by
inserting a sentence declaring the
President improperly acquitted by
nineteen votes.
Mr. McClure, of Pennsylvania, by
instructions of his delegation renewed
the previous question.
Ohio seconded it. The question was
put as ordered.
Mr. Cochrane withdrew his amend
The question recurred on the adop
tion of the report as presented by the
Committee. It was adopted, with'only
two or three dissenting votes amid great
A motion to reconsider was tabled
Mr. Thompson reported an addi
tional resolution that the adjournment
of this Convention shall not work a
dissolution of the same, but it shall re
main as organized, subject to be called
together again at any time and place
that the Nation al Republican Executive
Committee shall designate. Adopted.
General Schurz moved addional res
olutions, recognizing the principles of
the Declaration of Independence as the
true foundation of Democratic govern
ment; also, commending the magnan
imity of reconstructed rebels who now
support the Government, and favoring
the removal of restrictions and disabil
ities upon them just as rapidly as loy
alty justifies. Pennsylvania seconded
this; Mr. Warner, of Alabama, sus
tained it; Mr. Gooch, of Massachusetts,
ditto. They were adopted nearly
A motion was made to proceed to
ballot for President.
Mr. Logan, in the name of the loyal
people and soldiers of the Republican
party, nominated U. S. Grant. The
whole Convention rose to their feet,
with great cheers, waving of hats and
handkerchiefs, prolonged applause,
three cheer's for Grant, music, "Hail to
the Chief."
The States were called, and voted
"Grant." Georgia's vote was announ
ced by Gov. Brown, who said the
Georgia Republicans, many of whom
were original secessionists, recognized
the maxim, "Enemies in war, in peace
During the process of calling the
States, each successive vote was re
ceived with enthusiasm- Sickles, ris
ing to cast New York's vote, was re
ceived with cheers. The Territories
were also called, each having two, ex
cept Oolorado, which was allowed six.
The chair announced six hundred
votes, all Grant. [Great laughter.] As
the vote was announced, a now drop
curtain in the rear of the stage was
uncovered, presenting a fine portrait
of Grant, supported by Liberty. Above
was the motto, "Match him." Music,
"Hail to the Chief," and "Yankeo Doo
On motion, three cheers were given
for the nominee. The Convention join
ed in singing "Rally round the Flag,"
accompanied by the band. [tlero the
enthusiasm was indescribable.]
On motion, the President was au
thorized to telegraph the nomination
to Grant. The campaign song, music
by George F. Root, entitled "Fight it
out sure on the old Union lino," was
sung, and received with great favor.
Mr. Scofield, of Now York, moved
to proceed to the nomination of Vico
Mr. Sinclair made a motion for a re
cess. .Rejected.
Tho Convention agreeci to proceed
o the nomination.
Mr. Pierce, of Virginia, 'nominated
Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts.
Mr. Claflin, of Massachusetts, secon
ded this, and eulogised Mr. Wilson
warmly, sketching his life and servi
Dir. Lane, of Indiana, nominated
that tried, true and trusted patriot,
Schuyler Colfax. [Groat cheering.]
He eloquently presented his claims.
With Colfax, who is no doubtful man,
Indiana is sure for the ticket, although
by some slanderously called doubtful.
Mr. Parker, for New Jersey, second
ed Colfax as the candidate and repro
resentutive of the young men, loved
by them for the characteristics of heart
and mind.
Mr. Dutcher, for Michigan, support
ed Mr. Colfax, every mention of whose
name was hailed with cheers. [Colfax
stock seems rising.]
Mr. Brown, of Pennsylvania, said
Allegheny county would give Colfax
ten thousand majority. Other Penn
sylvania delegates interrupted, saying
Mr. Brown was acting against instruc
Mr. Brown retorted that his county
gave the whole Republican majority of
the State,,and ho would vote for Col
fax, first, last, and all the time.
Mr. llassaurs, fur Ohio, presented
that champion of human rights, B. F.
Wade, the child of the people, a self
made man; [wild cheers] one of such
incorruptible virtue that the people
knew him as honest Ben Wade. Let
the convention say to him for the peo
ple, "Well done, good and faithful
Mr. Actuary for a large majority of
the Missouri delegation, [seconded
Wade. [Cheers.] If nominated there
will be no temptation to assassinate
Mr. Spalding, of Ohio, said for the
first time his State united on a candi
date. It would give Wade 42 votes.
Mr. Jones, of South Carolina, sup
ported that old Roman veteran, :Ben
Wade. His State was ready to "Wade
Mr. Tiernan, of New York, nomina
ted New York's favorite son, Reuben
E. Fenton. [Cheers ] He 'sketched
his public career; eulogized his charac
ter; urged him as a great political or
ganizer, and the soldiers' friend; argu
ed earnestly to show Fenton's strength
before the people; claimed his nomina
tion would secure victory in N. York,
closing amid great cheers.
Mr. Harris, of Illinois, eloquently
supported Gov. Fenton as the standard
bearer in the canvass, defeating Hora
tio Seymour.
At this time the Chicago Republi
cans wore heard firing one hundred
guns for Grant's nomination.
General Logan announced that Illi
nois would cast fifteen for Fenton,
eleven for Hamlin, three for Colfax. .
Mr. \Yarmouth, for Louisiana sup
ported Fenton,
Mr. Wood, of Kentucky, nominated
ex-Attorney General Jas. Speed of
Mr. Saunders, for Maryland, nomin
ated John A. Cresswell, of Maryland.
He said be had asked his delegation to
refrain from obeying the instruction of
the Maryland Convention to vote for
him. They declined peremptorily.—
He must acquiesce, reserving the right
to cast his individual vote for Wade.
Mr. Forney, of Pennsylvania, as
Chairman of the Republican Commit
tee of that State, nominated Andrew
G. Curtin.
Mr. McClure presented Gov. Curtin's
claims as representative of the hun
dred thousand Pennsylvania Republi
cans, reminding the Convention that
as the State cast her vote next No.
vember, so will be the decision of the
canvass. [Repeated cheers.]
Mr. Williamson, for - lowa, nomina
ted James Harlan.
Mr. Whittemore, of South Carolina,
endorsed Mr. Wilson. [Cheers.]
Mr. Keifer, for Alabama, named W.
D. Kelley, of Pennsylvania. [Partial
applause and boisterous laughter.]
Mr. Seymour, of Wisconsin, support
ed Hannibal Hamlin, but stated his
delegation gave Fenton seven, Colfax
six, Hamlin two, Curtin ono. Person
ally he thought it wise to relieve the
mistake made at the s Baltimore Con,
volition, where Hamlin was dispatched
for Johnson.
Mr. Sheopley, for Maine, nominated
Hamlin. [Cheers.]
Mr. Saulter, of Pennsylvania, sup
ported Curtin. He said he was near
ly the undivided choice of the State
Convention, and ridiculed the associa
ted opposition to him.
Mr. Humphrey, of Alabama,
his delegation respected Kelley, Wade
and other nominees, but, part of the
Convention supported Wilson.
Mr. Rosterfer, of Illinois, seconded
Hamlin. He would unite the party of
the whole Union.
..Id.r. Hubbard, of IV,e,st Virginia,
called for a vote, that the delegations
may show their hands. [Cries of "vote,
Mr. Martin, of Kansas, nominated
Senator Samuel C. Pomeroy, of Kansas.
- General Sickles, of New York, was
greeted .with cheers. He supported
the claims of Fenton as one of the
group of war Governors. ho support.
ted the patriotic War Searetary, Stan
ton. [Moderato applause.]
The Secretary proceeded to call the
roil for Vice President. Much split
ting of delegations occurred. Fenton
had 132, Wade 149, Wilson 119, Kel
ley 6, Colfax 118, Curtin 52, Hamlin
80, Harlan 16, Cresswell 14, Pomeroy
I; whole number, 148; necessary to a
choice, 335.
170 Wilson,
149 Curtin,
140 Hamlin,
178 Colfax,
139 Wilson,
40 , Hamlin,
After the third ballot had been taken
Mr. McClure, of Pennsylvania, said :
I held in my band a letter from Gov.
Curtin, placed in the bands of the del
egation from Pennsylvania, allowing
them, at their discretion, to withdraw
his name. A majority of the dologa
tion have instructed me now to pre.
sent that-letter and -thus withdraw hie
name from before this convention. Ho
then read as follows :
.PHILADELPHIA, May 16, 1868
GENTLEMEN : While deeply sensible
of the honor done Pennsylvania in this
cordial presentation of my name for
Vice President, and the instructions
of the convention, directing the vote
of the State to be cast for me, I do not
foal justified, at this period of our
country's peril, to allow my name to
be used to embarrass in any degree
the action of the delegates in effecting,
what may be deemed best for the har
mony of the party and the success of
our cherished principles.
Never before in our history was the
success of loyal principles so vital to
the peace and prosperity, indeed to
the safety of the Republio, and no
mere personal interest or ambition
should be allowed to interfere with the
deliberations of the people, or the de
claration of their judgment at the elec
tion. We must have the most cordial
unity of action, and when my name
stands in the way of it, the delegation
should not hesitate to withdraw it
from the list of the candidates. Fidel
ity to the harmony and interests of
the Republican party will be the high
est measure of fidelity to me on the
part of the Pennsylvania delegation.
Appalliug treachery and emboldened
treason confront us, and the :welfare
of the living and justice to the memory
of the heroic dead demand of all a sin
gleness of purpose in making this last
struggle for freedom, justice, and law.
Do not hesitate to withdraw my
name whenever, in your judgment, it
will promote unity and harmony in
the Republican party and its ultimate
triumph, which is essential to the per
petuity of the Government and the
happiness of the American people.
Very respectfully, yours,
204 1 Wilson, 87
180 Ilamlin,. 28
Colfax, 522 Fenton, 75
Wade, 42 I Wilson, 14
Necessary to a choice, 326.
Before tho vote was announced, all
the States except Now York and Ohio
declared.unanimously in favor of Col
fax. The chairman then announced
Mr. Colfax as the nominee for Vico
The Soldiers' and Sailors' Nationa
The Convention which mot at Chi
cago on the 10th adopted the following
Gen. Logan, Chairman of tho Com
mittee on resolutions, reported as fol
lows :
Resolved, That the soldiers and sail-
OM steadfast now as ever to the Union
and the flag, fully recognizing the
claims of General Ulysses S. Grant to
the confidence of the American people,
and believing .that its victories- won
under his guidance in war will be il
lustrated by him in peace by such
measures as shall secure the fruits of
our exertions, the restoration of the
Union upon a loyal basis, we declare
it as our deliberate conviction that he
is the choice of the soldiers and sailors
of the Union for the offiee of President
of the United States.
Resolved, That in the maintenance
of those principles which underlie our
government, and for which we fought
during a four years' war, we pledge
our earnest and active support to the
Republican party as the only political
organization which in our judgments
is true to the principles of loyalty, lib
erty and equality before the law.
Resolved, That speaking for our
selves and soldiers and sailors who im
perilled their lives to preserve the Un
ion, we believe that the impeachment
of Andrew Johnson by the House of
Representatives for high crimes and
misdemeanors in office, and his trial
before the United States Senate, have
presented unmistakable proofs of his
guilt, and that, whatever may be the
judgment of the tribunal before which
he is arraigned, the verdict of guilty is
gives by the people, and we regard
any Senator who has voted for his ac
quittal as falling short of the proper
discharge of his dutyin this hour of
the nation's trial, and as unworthy of
the confidence of a bravo and loyal
Resolved, That the soldiers and sail
ors recognize no difference between
the native and adopted citizens, and
they demand that the goverment pro
tect naturalized citizens abroad as well
as those of native birth.
After the reading of the third reso.
lotion, every member present rose to
his feet and gavo three hearty groans
for Andrew Johnsen and the traitor
ous Republican Senators, while the
band played the "Rogue's March."
On motion of General Wm. Gregg,
of New York, tho above resolutions
were unanimously adopted amid cheers
for Grant.
On motion of W. S. Andrews, of
New York, is was resolved that we,
the soldiers of the republic, extend to
the loyal mon of the South our sym
pathy and the promise of our support
in the struggles yet in store for them
under the present Administration, be
fore they can enjoy the liberties of
American citizens without the fear of
persecution and assassination, and
that if necessary we stand ready to
aid them with our strength in the fu
ture as we have in the past.
Several resoltitions of thanks were
offera , and passed, after which, on
motion . : of Gloneral Sickles, of New
York, the Convention adjourned, sub
ject to the call of the Presideo.
WASHINGTON, May 22, 1868.
Serenade of General Grant and Speaker
Colfax—Their Speeched.
General Grant was serenaded this
evening. After the band had played
"Hail to the Chief." calls were made
for Gon. Grant, when ho appeared at
tho door of his residence, and was
greeted with prolonged cheers. Rep
resentative Boutwell, of Massachu
setts, who was at his side, addressed
him as follows :
GENERAL: This assemblage of your
fellow-citizens, brought together with
out organization or previous arrange
ment, have desired me to express to
you their• gratification at your nomina
tion for President of the United States
[applause] by the Republican Conven•
Lion recently assembled at Chicago.—
(Renewed applause.) The unanimity
with which you have been nominated,
almost, if not altogether•, without an
example in the history of our country,
furnishes a sufficient indication of the
vast majority, if not the entire unani
mity, with which tho nomination will
be sustained by the loyal peop!o of the
The Republican party has not yet
had an opportunity to test its capa
city for the government of the Repub-
lie in time of peace. We have had
war of more than four years duration,
but the valiant and patriotic people of
this country, under your leadership,
quelled the mightiest r6bellign the
world has over seen, against the best
government known in the history of
mankind. You will be supported in
the contest, upon which you have en
tered by the same heroic men who
were with you at Shiloh, in the wilder
ness, and before Richmond, and you
are to meet with the opposition of eom
paratively few of those who have re
turned to the support of the Union,
the Constitution, and the flag of the
country. And with but few exceptions
you are to be proposed by the same
men animated by the same principles
which animated the men engaged in
the rebellion you were so instrumental
in overthrowing. [Applause.] The
nation expects and will receive from
yen the same devotion to its in
terests, the same patriotism in your
purposes, the same integrity and firm
ness of will which characterized your
command of its armies, and I doubt
not that in the contest which is now
before us we shall achieve a victory
as memorable in the history of our
country as that which illustrated the
Army of the Republic: at the surrender
of Richmond. Your follow citizens will
you in this contest—they will support
support your administration, knowing
that your administration will be char
acterized by firmness, by integrity, by
patriotism, by good sense, and all the
manly qualities which have marked
your past career [Applause.]
My fellow-citizens, I have now the
pleasure of presenting to you the next
President of the United States, Goner
al Grant, the commander of your ar
mica. [Renewed and long-continued
General Grant then said :
GENTLEMEN: Being entirely unac
customed to public speaking, and with
out any desire to cultivate that power
[laughter], it is impossible for me to
find_appropriate language to thank you
for this demonstration. All that I can
say is that to whatever position I may
be called by your will, I sliall endeavor
to discharge its duties with fidelity
and honesty of purpose. Of my recti
tude in the performance of public du•
ties, you will have to judge for your
selves by my record before you.
Three cheers were. then given for
Gen. Grant, and hundreds of the crowd
entered the house and congratulated
the General.
The procession then proceeded to
the residence of Speaker Colfax. Calls
having been made for him, he appear
ed at the door of his residence in com
pany with Representative Pike, of
Maine, who said :
We aro hero to•oight to express our
gratification that, while the conven
tion recently assembled at Chicago
took good care to respect the public
will in nominating a candidate for
President of the United States, in the
person of the distinguished chieftain,
General Grant, they took equal good
care to select for the second place on
the successful ticket a gentleman
whose character, public and private,
whoso long and well known services,
and high and consistent devotion to
principles, afford sufficient ground to
believe that no person, representing
either himself.alone or a party, will
strike at the first for the purpose of
rescuing a traitoribus Administration
from destruction. [Applause] I will
not detain you longer. I have now
the pleasure of introducing to you the
next Vice President of the United
These romarks having been receiv
od with applause, Speaker Colfax
Mr FRIENDS: I thank you with all
the emotions of a grateful heart for
this flattering manifestation of your
confidence aed regard. I congratulate
you on the auspicious opening of the
eventful campaign on which• we are
entering. In the Chicago Convention,
representing the entire continental
area of the Republic, every State,
every Territory, every district, and
every delegate, from ocean to ocean,
declared that their first and only
choice fbr President was Ulysses S.
Grant. [Great applause.] Brave and
yet unassuming, reticent and yet when
necessary firm as the eternal hills—.
(appLause)—with every thought: and
hope and aspiration for his country—
with modesty only equalled by his
merits-;--it is not extravagant for me
to say that he is to-day, of all men in
land, "First in war, first in peace, and
in the hearts of his countrymen."
(Great applause.)
His name is the very synonym° of
victory, and ho will lead the Union
hosts to triumph at the polls as surely
as he led the Union armies to triumph
in the field. But greater , even than
the conqueror of treachery and the
destroyer of the rebellion is the glori
ous inspiration of our noble principles,
animated by the sublime truths of the
Declaration of Independence. Our
banner bears an inscription more mag
netic than the names of its standard
bearers, whish the whole world can
see as it floats to the breeze, "Liberty,
and loyalty, justice and public safety."
Defying all prejudice, we are for up
lifting the lowly andprotecting the
oppressed. (Applause.) History re
cords to the immortal honor of our or-
ganization, that it saved a nation and
emancipated a race. We struck the
fetters from the limbs of the slave and
lifted millions into the glorious sun
light of liberty. We placed the eman
cipated slave on his feet as t man, and
put into his right hand the ballot to
protect his manhood and his rights.—
We staked our political existence on
the reconstruction of the revolted
States; on the sure and enternal cor
ner-stone of loyalty, and we shall tri
iimph. I know there is no holiday
contest before us ; but with energy
and zeal, with principles that humani
ty approved, and that I believe God
will bless, we shall go through the con
test conquering and to conquer, and
on the 4th of March next the people's
champion will be borne by the people's
votes to yonder White House, that I
regret, to say is now dishonored by its
unworthy ocenpant. Then, with peace
and oonfidence, we may expect our
beloved country to enter upon a ca
reer of prosperity which shall eclipse
the most brilliant annals of our past.
I bid you God speed in this work, and
now good night.
Applause followed the conclusion of.
Mr. Colfax's speech, and the band
played an appropriate air. Many per
sons in the crewd entered the dwelling
and extended their congratulations.
[Estate of Dn. 11. K. NEFF, dee'd.]
Letters of administration upon the estate of Dr. IT. K.
Neff, Into of Huntingdon borough, deceased, having been
granted to the undersigned. all persona indebted to th
estate will make payment, and those haling claims uil
present them for settleMent.
Huntingdon, May 27-6 t. . Administrator.
TION.-A Physician who had Consumption for
several years", with frequent bleedings of the lunge, cured
himsel (Willis medicine unknown to thaprofession,when
his case appeared hopeless. 110 is the only physician
Tills hos used it in his own person. or who lies any
knowlidgo of its virtues; and ho can ascribe the degree
of health ho new enjoys to nothing but the use of his
medieine;and nothing but titter despair and entire ex
tinction of all hope of recovery. togetlacr with is want of
confidence in all others induced hint to hazard the ex
periment. To those ,suffeting with any disease of the
Lungs Ito proffers a treatment he confidently believes
will eradicate the ()imam Price $1,50 per butt le, or £3
a half dozen, eont by express. Send fora circular or call
on lilt. H. 110 visToN JACK-ON.
my.ffily. Ne. 250 North Tenth Street, Philadelphia.
To solicit orders for Dn. Wilmot Staves DICTIONA
largo Octavo volume, illustrated with over 125 steel nud
wood engravings.
Agents and subscribers sea that you get the genuine
edition of Dr. Smith.
Tho Springfield Republican says, this edition published
by Messts. huirk Co, is the genuine thing.
The Cbugesgalienalist says, whoever Wishes to get, in
the cheapest lit rim, the hest Dictionary of the Bible elicit'
buy this.
Agents am meeting with unparalleled success. We em
ploy no General Agents, and offer extra inducements to
Canvassers. Agents will ace the advantag,o of dealing
dit ectiy with his PUBI,ISIIIMS. For dracriptlre chew
lot s with toll yarticulais and terms. addrues the Publish
ers, .1. B. BUltitit a CO.,
my27,3m Hartford, Conn.
HAVING made arrangements with
eNteuslve mounfocturers of Agricultural Tingles
111 cuts, mu are now unlined to furnish to fanners of Blair,
Huntingdon, Centre and lledihrd countie•, all the differ
ent styles of
Threshing Machines
Hay Rakes and Forks,
Grain Drills,
Corn She] lers, Cultivators, Cider Presses
Wind Mills, Straw and Fodder Cutters
Harrows, Ploughs of all kinds.
Fertilizers, &c., &c.
A gricultural Implements repaired Frith despatch in
pet (manta manner at the Foundry and. Machine Shop o
my27.6t.1 yollidaysburg, Pa.
727 CHESTNUT. 727
Reveille! opened, and offer at
In Great Variety.
727 Chestnut street,
If your child is teething, or has the
Cone, is restless at night, use
It you have any fears or doubt as to Its harmless
qual !ties
Is the Nurse's Favorite
May, 27, 1898.
DArigg CDDDO 9
Alpacas, Poplins, Plaids, DeLaines, Lawns, Gingham!,
Prints, lino Cambries, Dusting, Denims, flux
,Linen, Mar
seilles, P.cquas. India Twills, am
A largo assortment of
Lades' Fashionable Dress TriininillEs,
Silk Fringes, Buttons. Buglos, Velvet Ribbons, etc.
Furnishing (Mods, Stockings, Moreno, Cotton , Wool, Ac
4Grioiznem,, •
Kid of all colors, Sill:, Thread, Cotton, Ac., of all BIROS,
and latest at) les, Under garments of all kinds, for Lit
dies, Gents and Children.
Table Linen, Dusting, Napkins. Doylies, Am Sheeting
and Shirting, Brown and Bleached, frost 8 cents up.
girnaw 000DaY
A largo stock of the latest styles. A largo stock of
Notions, Zephyrs, Yarns, Ac, All cheaper than the
4Z-Room, opposite the First National Bank, Hunting
don, Pa.
The untlerelgned baying sold ont hie entire store
will diecoutinue the mercantile
in Markleaburg,
and eat neatly requests all who are indebted to him to
call at hie stem roene and make sett/meat by note or
othcrwlee. Very respectfully,
lUarkiceburg, Ap. 8-2 m J. D. sganz.
x_../ of MEItCIIANTS,
the Appraiser of Mereliantilo
Ale a?olrin , CL.
Wm. M. Phillips, 10 20,00
Wm. S. Walker, 14 7,00
.1. J. Pullman, 14 7,0.
3 . It. K. O Oe2Y, 12 12 60
Willirun Moore s 13 10, 00
11. P. Walks ', 14 7 ,00
J. 11. Gregory, 1.1 7 ,0 0
Tholopsoli,Dchich,ll 11,00 1
Jas. 77. Owens, 14 7,00
in Truntingdon County, by
Taxes.for the year 1808.
, John Ham, 14 7,00
IGlazier A: Bro. 13 10,00
C. Miller & Son, 14 7,00
G. o'. Marsh, 14 7,00
Tile,' MI.
Kober, 14 7,00
Freedom Iron Co. 8 30,00
S. W. Myton, 13 10,00
IMellerney,Nepheiv,l2 12,60
Wm. H. Harper, 13 10,00
.1. Smith & Son, 13 10,00
Barton Green, 13 10,001
Andrew Crownover,l3 10,001
B. lt. Myton k Bro, 13 10,00
Andrew Wilson, 14 7.00
Johnston, Stewort, 14 7,00
My ton A °burn, 13 10,00
Cuss lie.
Il.l3rumbaugh &11r.13 10,00
J. Douglass, Agent, 13 10,00
Stitees & Ward, 13 10,00
O. B. Brumbaugh, 14 7,00
William Davis, 14 7,00
B. IL Gardner & Co. 13 10,00
John G. Boyer, 14 7,00
J. Davis & Co. 13 10,00
B. B. Wareham, 13 10,00
J. K. Templeton, 11 15,00
Lien & Thompson, 11 15,00
Mill Creek.
1 P. Heaton, N 7,00
Jon. Henderson, 12 12,50:
Geo. M.Green, 14 7,00
Geo. nlerequighlin, 14 7,00
Covert & Slovene, 13 10.00
M. 3. Ashman, 13 10,00
C/ tom
foyer & Dewee.t, 12 12;50
I Stoke & Foust, 9 25,00
Civils k Boring, 14 7,00
S. A. 'login,. 13 10,00
E. A. Gram, 11,15,00
C. 11. Reed, 14 * 7.00.
Geo. A. Renton, 14 7,00
Andrew Ilidte , 14 7,00
lcininh Bauman, 9 25,00
Cunningham, & Mc-
Laughlin, 9 25,00
Mount Union.
Towel ton Coal Co , 0 25,00
A. & J. o.Gtear.on, 10 20,00
Tool & /Mew, 13 10,00
Cook. Shoots & Co. 11 15,00
Josiah 01. Bacon, 11 15,00
David Blair. 13 10,001
Wilitiatn Brown, 14 7,00
Renkert, Bro.& Co. 13 10,00
George Mears, 14 7.00
Cook. Shoots, .0 Co. 14 7,00
Martin & Trout, 14 7,00
.11 u
W. A. Hunter, 13 10,00
N. D. Stevens, - *--• 12 12,10
J. 3. Robison, 14 7,00
Douglass, 13 10,00
B. X. Blair, 8• Co. 8 30,00
13. I?. Devor, 12 12,00
T. 11. Adams, 10 20,00
George McLaughlin, 8 30,00
S. liartsuck, 14 7,00
Daniel Rummel, 13 10,00
G. W. Shaffer, 12 7,00
Wm. C. Sivann, 13 10,00
Shearer k Gray, 13 10.00
George Sipes, 11 7.00
James emu, 11 7,00
1111011 in.
NI. Starr & Co. 13 10,00
Halter & Appleby, 12 12,50
Wm. INsper, 14 7.00
Orbison & Millar, 11 15,00
I Porter.
Sinn b. bte wart, Co. 12 12,50
John Q.Adarns, 14 7.001
& Co. 11 7,00;
O.& J.hhoenberger,lo 20,00:
A. G. Ewing, 12 12 50
M.G. Bentley, 1.1 7 00
11. A. Bathurst, 14 7,00
O. D. Green, 12 12,50
S. & B. ItatilQ, 11 15,00
3. Creswell SE Sous, 11. 15,00
J. Creswell Jr Son, 13 10,00
.1. ILL Walker, 11 16,00
J. C. 13 10,00
Johnston Stawart,ll 15,00
it. NO; 14 7,00
,D. Lock, 14. 7,00
D. Lock, ° 14 7.00
Weight E Brown, 14 7,00
W. A. Fniker, 13 10,00
W. B. Leas, 33 10,00
W. U. Brewster, 13 10,00
Shirley Township.
Oliver Nknlro bon,ll 10,00
D. 11 eaNer, 17 7,00
;cmlll Smith, 14 7,00 V
bil Hey Bro. 10 20,00
Z. Yenter, 13 10,00
James Higgins, 14 7,00,
Win. B. Zeigler, 13 10,00'
It. G. J10;1164)11, 14 7,00
G. 11. Walker, 14 7,0 - 0
0. S. Smith, ' 13 10,00
Mrs. M. llnnigar, 14 7,00
I. Rudolph, 14 7,00
0. E. McNeil, 13 10,00
John T.eister, 14 7,00
Darid Africa, 14 7,00
William Mika, 14 7,00
It, Homan, 11 15,00
A. C. Clarke, Agent,l4 7,00
Fisher & Sons, 10 2.0,00
IL Greenberg, 13 10,00
IL P. Grin, 11 15,00
.1.11, Westbrook, 34 7,00
William Lewis, 13 10,00
11 illinin Lewis, 14 7,00
James A. Brown, 11 15,00
Win. March, & Bro.lo 20.00
Johnston, Walloon, 10 20,00
I henry. & Cu. 7 40,00
Oro. W. Swartz, 14 7,0
George Shaffer, 14 7,00
Port A Fearer, 14 7,00
A. Steuart, 14 7,00
A. L. Lewis, 11 15.00
Wharton Fe Maguire. 0 25 00
Wnllace & Clement,l4 7,00
J. Cunningham, 11 15,00
N B. Corbin, 13 10,00 1
;height° & Meting, 14 7.001
MN. P. B. Akers, 14 7,00
Cunningham & Co. 7 40,00
.1. C. Blair, 13 10,00
Win. Rohm, 14 7.00
McClure, 13 10,00
Blair & Marielin, 11 15,00
Kepner & Bee, 14 7,00
Mrs. Mytou &Son, 12 12,50
Sam 1 Troutivine, 14 7,00
'/,entmiro,Johnston,P2 12,50
David itabold, 14 7,00
W.Van Tries & C 0.13 10,00
henry Beck, 14 7,00
Breweries and Distilleries
°minus Miller, 6 25,00
oeo'4o. Nolte. 6 25,00
Thomas Colder, 6 25 4 00
Fatcnt Medicines.
Thompson & Dottie 4 5,00
,John Read, • ' 3
10. S. Smith, 4 5,00
Joseph Johnston, 4 5,00
Samuel Shoemaker, 3 10,00
Buchanan A Smith, 4 5,00
Billiard Tables.
A. Westbrook, (2 ta
bles,) 40,00
Real Estate Broker..
S. B McCar & Bro. 7,00
John A. Pollock, 7,00
B. M. Green, 33 10,001
11. St rouse, 14 7,001
Tlsa TshoVO Is the. Corrected
assessment after the appeals
twenty seventh, and at Hun.
of April, pursuant of notice
Here themselves Improperly
ed ns above will ho heard by
'fleet, to me on or before the
- - - .
held nt itli ntinglinni, on the
linden, on the twentpn nth
given. Any persons who bet
a..iseswd, and were not notifie
vending nn affidavit to that o
20111 day of May, at lift min&
Mereantilo Appraiser.
NCYITCII.—TIy an act of Assembly passed the 11th day
of Awn, 1563, It is tondo the duty of the County Trento..
roe to sue out all licences not lifted on or before the first
day of Joly. Persons having Menses to lift, will save
costa by calling runl lifting the same provluus to that
thee, as tho,o not lifted oithin the thee:prescribed by
Mw, trill positirely'lm placed In the h•nols of a proper
officer for collection. M. M. LOGAN,
Ala) 13, County Tronauror.
- 52"..70.1 1 4TTM1EC.,
riniE undersigned offers for the in.
spection and purchase of customers alargo and as
sorted stock of Groceries, Providams, c. Ho feels nabs.
fled they can bo accomodated with anything in his lino,
Ills piicos are low, and his stock fresh and good. no
keeps tho best of
HATS & CAPS, &e:
Aud NO TIONS of every kind,
A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEENS.
RARE, and all other articles kept in a Ird/regulated
utablisliment for sale at reasonable prices.
kir Ilia store is on 11111 street, nearly opposite the
Bank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. Drone.
Cull and examine, Z. YENTEI2.
ltuuting , lon, np. 15, 18G9
Double. Lock, and Double Knot; each stitch perfect and
alike on both sides oftho fabric.
Operators can _ select any stitch they want, and change
from ono stitch to another without stopping the Itln.
Its stitches cannot be excelled for firmness, elasticity,
durability, and beauty of finish.
No difficulty experienced in sowing across thick seams.
Sews light and Insley fabrics with equal facility.
It Braid, Tuck, Quill. Cord, Hem, Fell, Bind, Gather,
Mid do all kinds of dubbing required by families and
The work nth feed either to the right or left, without
stopping the Machine.
The most inexperienced find no cliMcultyin using it.
It is thoroughly practical and easily understood.
It has ate springs to get out of order and will last a life
It runs easily, and is ahnost noiseless. '
IC is the most rapid scorer in the world; marcin'y fire
stitches to each me/Idiom
It uses the same thread on both sides of the fabric.
It oils no dresses, all its machinery being on top of tho
Mae D. L. BAKER, Agent,
Letetere New Bnilding,'Huntiugdou t Pa.,
Ativ•Dreas Making, and all kinds of sawing dono.
&Whig Nachilles.igewing Tilachilles.
It Is quid,lighl running, and capable of performing a
range nud variety of work never before attempted upon
a single machine,—using either Wilk, Twist, Linen, or
Chlton Thread, and sewing with equal' facility the] very
finest and coarsest materials, and anything between the
two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantial
. .
Its attachments thr Hem
liking, Braiding, Cording, Tuck
ing, Quilling, Felling, Binding, etc., are ZIOYEL and MAC..
rice, and have been invented and adjusted especially for
this machine.
For sale by J. C. BLAIR, Agent *
apt Railroad street, Huntingdon. Pa.
Can't Be Beaten`!
Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and
vicinity that he hasjust received from tho city a NEW pj . lll
splendid stock of .
Hosiery, Shoe Finding - s, 7 Carpet Sacks,
Trunks, &0., (Dc., thc., thc.
111 of which he is prepared toren at greatly reduced prices.
Don't forgot the old stand in Om Diamond. Old cooto.
niers and the public generally are invited to call.
Huntingdon, sip 15, 18t8,
llnform tho public that be Los just
opened at his old stuna its the Diamond,
A. Fine Assortment of - all kinds of
For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children
All of which he pill sell at fair prices. Quick saiea an 4
anialiprafies. Call and examine my stock.
MantifactUring and Repairing none to order as ustial.
Huntingdon, tip 15„ IS6B.
of the Huntlrigilou Preshytellqa Church, will re,
mm u proposals up to ntli of May, Inst., for the enlarge
ment of the Chore'', necoribhg to the plan and specillea
tionS, to be seen at the office of Wm. Dori is, Esq. They
also inrito Reparato proposals fur the stone 11111 t 11305011
nork, nod brick, and brick work.
may IS, 11. G. FISI!ER, See: