Q Olobt. THOUGHTS FOR THE FARMER, • : COMPILED FROM OUR EXCIIANOES Potatoes—Finish planting before the middle of the month; it is unsafe to delay longer, though, if the season be a wet one, likelhe last, June-planted potatoes may do tolerably well. Ma nure at tho first or second hoeing with ashes and plaster, limo,. or some con centrated manure, cast in small hand fuls upon the plants, if backward, or the soil not rich. Birds and Insects.—Sumo birds may still bo attracted by bird-houses, though most have their nests already built.— Do all possiblo_to, encourage a feeling of security on their part. They are our best allies in the warfare against insects of all hurtful kinds. Look out for tho, nests of the tent-caterpillar; destroy when the worms aro housed. Cultivating the Orchard, especially if a young orchard, is necessary to get a good thrifty growth. Very few will -- cultivate the ground for the sake of the young trees alone, and it is well to put between the rows of trees such crops as require manure and frequent work-, . .Potatoes, carrots, or whatever will - leave the soil in as good condition as to fertility as it was before, may be, Spruce up.—lf you get a moment to spare; spruce up; put that gate on its hinges, put a little paint on the picket fence you built last year, trim up about your yard-door, make it cozy and in viting—don't say you can't find time for these things: tho fact is you have no right to be slovenly—your wife and children will be the happier, your farm will sell for more money in the _market.and!will beworth more to you at home if you :dovote an odd hour now and then to-sprucing up. Cows—When there is a good strong growth of grass, turn the cows to pas ture, but not before. Calves, wearing muzzles set.with nails which aro well sharpenod', but not slender pointed, may run with their dams without dan ger of their sucking. Cows "coming in" on full feed, often make more milk than their udders have capacity to re tain, if milked out twice day. No glectto, milk oftener causes not only the' loss "ofa pint or two which leaks out daily, but inducos a tendency in the cow to secrete less, entailing a loss through the year. 'Corn :Crop—Be sure of your seed. It should.be early, uniform, and adapted to your land. Manure heav ily; plant all, except very largo kinds, in drills, rather than in hills with rows running both ways. A heavier stand is thus gained, tho ground well filled with roots Be careful 'to have the rows very straight, and to this and use a•marker. North of lat. 40°, be in no hurry about planting—if the crop is by the 20th or 25th, it is early enough, and replanting will not be necessary. MCA—The:warfare begins this month push it forward. "Whenever you see a head, hit it,"—as is the order of tho day at a Donnybrook fair—or better r „ye : t r whereveryou can find a root, kill =l...iti--Reniember, weeds -may be killed in the seed leaf by thousands, with the same labor and less thought .than will be required to kill them by sntayoft ‘ er c theylave.grown. When very small, even stirring tho soil in moist weathor.kills many; when largo unless great pains bo taken, though ~..upi r Qoted„a : slight rain -will reyive and:they-mill mature seed-as if transplanted for their own good. 'Saw-dust as Manitre.—The common p'ractice - of throwing this article into the streams on which saw-mills are situated, is reprehensible: It would not pay to spread it upon a muck --swamp; but-any sandy - I ancl, or light, gravelly loam, deficient in vegetable ._matter, it would prove a good, dross itig',Abd-ib Wu - a; 'Would show good re sults. The best use we have ever seen -it . put to, was bedding for animals in stables. It is an excellent absorbent, and'will keep . eows clean, oven bettor than straw. It is _also a very light, bandy article in the hennery, and more cleanly to handle than muck in common, open, privy vaults. Tho ticleifbr iigrcitiiintablejn cities, and is quite extensively used upon floors in eating Saloons, and for other purposes. At country mills, it can generally be had:for:the 'carting; as Mill owners are glad to be rid of it. , it is a good substitute for straw, and this is now worth so much for manufacturing pur poses, in many-parts of the 'country, that no.thrifty farmer can afford to use it for bedding. litsect,?,will - begin their work as soon Ensfithiitt”rs any youtig growth to work on, and if not checked continuo it to - the injury of the trees. Don't stop to write to us, td.-ask What shall be done, but kill the insects when first discov_ ered, by some means. We have writ-' ton in these - past years; • - onough about the tont-caterpillar to fill a small vol -11C110.":7W0Ift70 shown its. eggs, and set Milli the - importance of removing those.- ; :Where this has been ; thorough lydone,there will bo but little trouble. Where haslibeen•_ neglected, they will not "fold up their tents like the . Arabs,"-but just keep spreading them all the time. Wherever a nest or tent, is seen, no matter how small—and they aro very conspicuous when the dew is 'on themin the morning—do not rest until the nest is . destroyed. Bend down the limb, climb the tree, got a step ladder, or in some way. 'each the nest, and pull it out and crush the young brood. Some use swabs charged with soft soap, petroleum, or other substan cesziTheso will do if faithfully, applied, but to our notion there is nothing as sure as vulling.tbe nest off by hand, and putting it under foot. The squett iiiiSh inliYlVear gloves. Borers aro to be probed 6r cut out. Wo haven't mach faith in squirting 'any prepara- tion into their holes. Tho eirculio will now begin its work,, and must, be - ziriet - al.price.' 'Avoid all'vauntod reme __.dicialand washes, but follow the only sure-plan 'yet' known—jarring tho trees, catching the insect on a largo elotkond ,killing it.. ,The white grub will often-make_sad - havec amono• b seed linga-and_.young nursery stock. When rryouii - g — tree - iii the row wilts,. dig and - find 'the borer and kill him. Lice or aphides will appear. on tho young growth. If the trees are small, bend down the ends of the infested twigs,And immerse thorn in tobacco water or quassia water.—Agriculturist. rfiREASURERIS SALE OF UNSEA TED LANDS IN lIUNTINGDON COUNTY. Al - imams, by an act of the General Assembly of the Common \scaltit of Pennsylvania, entitled "dn act 10 amend an act directing the murk of selling unsealed land: Ter taxes and other purposes," passed 13th March, 1615, and the other acts upon the subject, the Treasurers of the several counties within this Connuonwealth are directed to commence ou the 2rl Monday in Jane, in the year 1810, and at the expiration of every two years thereafter, and adjourn from day to day, if it be necessary to do so, and make public sale of the whole or any part of such tract of unseated land, situate in tho proper county, as mill pay ,them rearages of the taxes which shall have thou remained duo or unpaid for the space of ono year bolero, together as lilt all costs necessarily accruing by reason of tad, delinquency, dc. Therefore, I, It. N. LOGAN, Treas urer of the county of Huntingdon, do hereby giro notice that upon the following tracts of unseated land, situate as hetemafter described, the several sums stated are the an earages of taxes, respectively, due and unpaid for one year, end that in pursuance of the direction of the arose said Act of Assembly, I shall, on MONDAY, THE STII DAY OF ;RINE NEXT, at the Court Douse, in the len °ugh of Huntingdon, commence the Public Sale of the as hole or any part of such tracts of unseated land, upon which all or any part of the taxes herein specified shall then be due; and continue such sale by adjournment un til all the tracts upon rt Licit rho taxes shall remain duo and unpaid, shalt be sold. M. AL LOGAN, 25 ear. of Hunt. Cb Troasurceti Office, April 1,16C.5. Amount of Tares due and unpaid on the following Tracts ' of Unstated Lands, up to and including the year LSO: Acres. Patches. Warrantees or Owners. Tax Barree Township. -- D.C. 437 . Moses Yamoost, 16 CO BGS James Ash & Wm. Shannon, 31 62 430 Robert Austin, 53 01 Brady. 64 Lewis Igo, • 402 John Watson, 43 33 Andrew Bell, 425 Wm. Watson, 33 Christian dcauffman, 33 Daniel King, Carbon. 200 F. C. Rottmar, 1 lot in Cottlmont, J. W. Curry, 67 Clemens' heirs, 8 John Howard, 4 lots in New Grenada, John Howard, 133 • Cook & Elder, now Scholl & Bowman, 418 Wm. Mowan, 330 James Mowan, 394 Isaac 'Bowan, 107 SO Benjamin Penn, 12 Henry Miller, (part) 100 Jonathan Pow or Pugh, 100 Daniel Nowcomer, Ores. 400 87 Samuel Ifortseek, 290 93 Edward Nash, 280 110 John Nash, 207 Hoary Sill, 137 133 Samuel Morrison, 400 John Freed, 200 Hugh Morrisen, 400 Robert Miller, 400 Wm. 190 Andrew Sills, 207 John bills, 157 Neal Clark, 450 Sarah Hanson's, Jr., 4 , 0 Sarah Barrack, • 405 Jacob Barrack, 400 Peter Ilartsock, 400 Elizabeth Barletta's, Clay. 212 132 . Zaehariah Chancy, Cretan-di. 418 20 John Jourdan, 303 41 Samuel Galbraith, 400 70 Joseph Galbraith, 403 77 John Galbraith, 163 George ;Aaronson, (11. Glasgow ) Dublin. 425 John Forrest, 360 Jomes Old, (part,) 40 John Gilliland, 120 J. Kelley, 110 A. Potts, 11l A. Wills Heirs, 400 D. Caldwell, , .Pranlaitt. 40 David Caldwell, 5 James Logan, (J. Morrow,) Henderson. Sri J . Simpson Africa, 437 Wm. Illechener, 438 Thomas Mechonor. • - "Top mail. 210 Peter Herring, 200 Conrad llorring, 212 David Shaffer, 202 Small Levi, 207 Margaret Levi, 205 Adam Lett, 200 Abraham Levi, - 97 Hannah Herring, 37 Frederick Herring, 200 Henry Bates, - 220 Samuel Davis, 210 Joseph Miller, 200 Jacob Weaver, 208 Jacob Weaver, 1 vacant lot 4 acre, React, Griunet, Juniata. 100 Samuel Caldwell, 200 Witham Barrack, (part,) Jackson. 400 Thomas Partner, 400 Gcorgo Stever, 400 Jacob Hillzuner, 400 Andrew Boyd, 400 George or Robert Grazier, 400 Gump Ensile, 400 Adam Striker, 400 . 400 ' Thomas Russell, 400 Thuntas Ralston, 400 Da , . id Ralston, Jr., 400 Das id Ralston, 400 Epht airu Jones, 400 John Brown, 437 Jonathan Priestly, 400 William Johnston, . 400 Robert Johnston, 400 Charles Caldwell, 422 James Dean, 400 Henry Carmen, 400 , John Adams, 400 Henry West, 100 Alexander Johnston, 400 'Hugh Johnston, 400 Thomas 31cCitire or 3lcCune, 400 John Russell, 400 John Ralston. 400 J.11111C9 West, 400 William Steel, 395 Abraham Dean, - 400 James Fulton, 400 Samuel Maushall, 400 Bohai t Caldwell, 400 Matthew Simpson, 400 Joules McCune, 400 Samuel Stool, 400 John Fulton, 400 John Galbraith, 400 Joseph 31cCuno, 400 George Wice, 37 Deviuneyejleirs, Oneida. 129 John Johnston, 11 William B. Zeigler, rents 402 Jane Sells, 397 Peter Shaver, Porter. 150 Wm. Smith, D. D., 100 do 70 107 Samuel Fisher, (J. S. Isett, owner,) 100 Benjamin K. Nell, 402 Wm. Smith, 275 John N. SWoope & Co., 103 do do 224 do do 188 do- do 298 do do 382 Wm. Smith, 411 50 Peter Wertz, 405 153 James Caldwell, 420 120 Benjamin Brown, - 176 Wm. & John Patterson, Springfield. 400 Stacey Young, 75 Getup Elects, 123 Brice X. Blair, 421 Nathan Ord, 7M. 235 129 Simon Pottor, 414 10 John Pease, 431 30 Adam Clow, Tod. 250 Tompy Shaffer, 12 38 80 J. B. Planagen, 375 395 OS Samuel Cornelius, 10 54 , 90 Speer Os Martin, • - , 400 62 Eliel Smith, .- - . "-- •• 7 53 400 Benjamin Rush, ' 18 82 300 Samuel, Sally and Betsy Chambers, 14 85 455 Robert Chambers, 10 SO 536 Nancy Chambers, 19 80 400 James Chambers, is 80 400 James Witer, 19 88 .405 . Nanny Davis, , .- .'l9 80 400 Isaac Ruston, 19 SO 400 Johanna Huston, 19 80 400 Brain Davis,l9 80 . . 150 Amos now - Neal Clark, 743 400 John Chambers, 10 89 400 • Sarah Ihutsock, 21 60 . - 400- , Mary Freed, • - 19 80 Union. . . .. 355 Arthur Pea, -..- . 14 05 400 Frederick Sell, ' . 700 429 James yea, - 8 15 400 Abraham Sell, 759 400 Abraham Morrison, _, . _ _ . . 7 GO 400 ' Joseph Morrison, 7 GO 200 - John Sell, . . , ' ' 380 420 Solomon Sell, 7 98 395 Margaret Sell, • . ' . , 751 -26 Benjamin Elliott; 332 400 John Brewster, 440 300 Sampel Caldwell, 285 . . Iffirriormark. 215 O. R. &J. IL Shoonberger, It. Stewart, 13 70 200 John Matt:heirs, David Otto, and Isaac Armi tage,. Oil 83 lies!. 3e9 Wm. Bracken, ' 71 26 12114 Wm. Reed, 1 41 436 rim', §igkle, -- 84 70 433 ' Cadwalader Evans, 104 61 493 George Bingham, 115 55 254 T. Ewing, 48 82 ALSO—The following real estate upon Which personal property cannot be found sufficient to pay the taxes ro• turned by the several collectors, is charged with the taxes :thereon assessed for the years 1805 and 1860 and will ho sold as unseated lands in purituance of the directions of the Potty-that section of the net of assembly entitled ' , an act to reduce tho State debt and to Incorporate the Penn sylvania Canal and Railroad Company" approved the 20th of April, 1544 : • SEATED LIST Hopetv di township. OU David Mountain's estate, 60 do do - • Ehooaborgor's ostato, or Mril. Lytle. 105 G. 81Infror, 915 206 • DI. Shaffer, 10 62 200 J. lleoring, 16 58 00 —Metz, 625 100 —Eldor, 21 15 *- HENRY HARPER, EDL1112520 ARCH ST., PHILADELPHIA. Pine WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, and RODGERS' CELEBRATED Slicer PLATED Ware, war ranted fripte plate, on the whitest meld, at MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. np. 15, ISGS.-3 woe. fl ROUND A. Lila AND SALINA ijraaLTat CUNNINGHAM EL' CA R.ll/ airS. TO THE AFFLICTED ! AN ARTICLE OF BEAL MERIT ! ORIEIMTAL BITTERS, A Remedy 'hat has boon tried and etood tho toot, not only in nn occasional case, but in every community chore used it has been pronounced the saleft and most pliable remedy hnorn for DYSPEPSIA, LOSS OE APPETITE, WEAKNESS, GENERAL DEBILITY, PAIN OR CRAMP IN THE STO 4 05 7 64 23 12 31 2 52 3 S 3 MACH OR BOWELS, 0 NEURALGIA, 250 7 93 19 19 17 55 1 91 24 1 90 1 00 INTERMITTENT, OR CHILLS AND FEVER, LIVER TONIC, AND FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES As an agreeable and sato romody and an Invigorating Boverago it hat no equal. This valuablo Bitters Is oomposod of tho essential pro• puttee of roots—tho medicinal qualities of which hare boon carefully extracted. It is moconblo to tho taste and does not leave that unpleasant taste On the mouth for hoots utter, that most medicines do. Aft a Blood Purifier and Liver Tonic it boa no ogoal.— it contains no colonial or other Injurious drug, but Id puroly rogotablu. 8 36 6 94 7 40 6 01 2 63 For Dyspepsia It cannot be excelled. It contains no thing injurious to the slot:ouch, is mild and prompt in its action and effects a permanent cure by romovlug the cause of the complaint. 2 00 3 33 1 52 3 42 4 18 4 23 3 BO For Intermittent Fever or Chills and Fever this Bitters is a specific far baster and surer than quinine. No family should be without It ns the cost le Wiling compared with the suffering that may bo avoided by bay ing it at hand in onto of sudden attnek. 1 GO 2 91 21 87 Weakly Persons use the Oriental Bitters Invalids use the Oriental Bitters Dyspeptics use the Oriental Bitters Females use the Oriental Bitters TRY IT AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Prepared only by F 30 10 80 To whom all oidoa should be whit emod Price $l.OO par bottle Ror solo by all druggists and dealers gonorally. nth:, NEW LEATHER STORE. rpnE undersigned would respectfully announce that, in connection with their TANNERY, they lut‘o Just eponodu bplendid assortment of FINE . LEATHER, consisting in part or FRENCH CALF SKIN, KIP, MOROCCO, LININGS, BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER, HARNESS, SKIRTING, &C., Together with a general assortment of . The trade Is invited to tall and examine our stock, Store on RILL street, two doors west of the Presbyte rian church. The highest price paid for HIDES and DARE.. C. H. MILLER & SON. Huntingdon, may I, ISM JOHN mu; W. 11. WOODS, P. N. BOB!, W. P. If 1.&17.321L2N JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers, ignastatimgcicazi, Pty,. 1 81 8 00 Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers Sc others. Inter est allowed o s Deposits. Ail kinds of Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission. Special attention given to Government Securities. Collections outdo on all points. Persons depositing Gold and Silver will sootily° the same in return with interest. 0ct.17, IS6G-tf. i'VECtoIVIMIE" • • ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED ! rho subscriber is permanently located in Huntingdon, Xand is prepared to purchase, or repair in the beat style, and expeditiously, broken UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. All articles intrusted to him will be returned to the residence of the owner as Soon as repaired. Umbrellas and parasols for repair can be left at his residence on St. Clair street near Benedict's. may2,lB66tf WH. MITTMAN. LUMBER,, SHINGLES, LATHS, EMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, H Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plastering nud Shingling Lath, constantly on hand. a Worked Flooring, Sash, blinds, Doors, Door and Win dow Frames, furnished at manuiliciurers' prices. . Grain and country product generally bought at markot .rates. WAGONER & BRO., aug2B-tf Philipsburg, Centro co., Pa. SPECTACLES . .Ek."l. • 4.40.,..c1atv,* Cu.& - L.,...••••••••7 " A find and largo assortment always on - hand AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. COUNTRY DEALERS can ef: buy OLOTIIINO from me In Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they cau In the tlac, art . 1 have a 'svholeaalo sloro in Philadelphia. 11. ROMAN. F VERY FAMILY Will find at Lowia' Family Graeory, ()Tory articlo uanally kept In first clan Grocery stone. Call for what you want. J 1 OR THE LADIES. A superior articlo of Note Paper and Envelope aultablo for confidential correspondence, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK & STATIONERY STORE. COUNTRY PRODUCE. An kinds of country produce taken La exchange far Goode at LOMB' Family Grocery. A LARGE VARIETY of articles too numerous to mention, for sale at LEWIS amid Grocery. Call and 000. 91. HE BEST QUALITY OF FRESII MACKEIIIIL ttt 61/41 - 117Xit1Alt atRAtO2VS. rosTErt's CROLERA MORBUS, lIEADACIIE, BUCHANAN & SMITH HUNTINGDON, rA., HARTON RILL STREIET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE &RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HARD GTTLIZI, raL The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyer.; generally, le lnylted to the feet that we are now offering ti 118TT.611. ABBORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY AC., than can ho found eke:miter° in this part of the State, at prices to snit the times. Our stock comprises all articles In this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS need by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE end WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, dn., Ac., together with ft large stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Mains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and Cross-Out Saws, - Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Ooal Oil Lamps and Lanterns,- Oil and Powder Cans An oxeollont assortment of 401mtlory, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SOIS ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND YON SALE AT MANUFACTURERS' PRIORS. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general assortment of material for their uso consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, _Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamellecllteatJter, - Whips, Tongues, Soo. hots, Shafts, die. 3137-a.A.C.SOI/1X91 2 X-3ES3 Can be suppliail with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Stee CARPENTERS Will find iu our establielaneut a superior stools or PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, „HATCHETS, • HAMMERS, FILES, CIIISELS, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C. AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, cQIIL PICKS AND SHOVELS. .IB l '..stx.me.x.e3 Can be nerommodated .pith everything in their line from a (train separator to a {Phut-stone. 331./_l3.clieres Are especially invited to call and' examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices with ahem. Agricultural Implements, Camprisiug tho famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined RundelPs First Premium 1101tSli PITCIIFCCRK, Rakes, Scythes, Hoeg, Hay Forks, Traoo and Mater Chains, Breast Chains, Cow Tice, Curry Combs, . Cards, des., he., &c Among tho specialties of one House, wo desire to ea attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exelnaiverlght to sell *Welt to vested In as. Bend for ncircniox and get full particulars of emus, and satisfy yourself of Its superior qualities. SCALES. Boated of all sires and descriptions, inoluding Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans.. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT 'MANUFACTURERS CASH PRICES. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY Ever offarcil in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES ALL .SIZES OF . NA TT,S AND BRADS, By tho keg. Very low I Bost Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON.BOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, TROY AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal - Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at very low figures. .I*-A call le respectfully nolicitod, feeling confi dent that our goods and prices will not full to pleaso. WHARTON & MAGUIRE. llnntingdou,l - 610p 7, 1607. "*btriistincntz. MITE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, J. J. RICHARDSON & CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PHILAD'A., Is tho Largest Manufacturing COl3 foctlonors and Whole salo Dealers in Fruits, Nuts, .tc., in the United States. 95 AGENTS WANTED. $25 We u ant first-class Agents to introduce our IMPROVED STAN SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. The cheapest and best Machine in the whole country. Extramdinary inducements to good, active salesmen. Particulars and bumph:, work furnished on application. A. J. DUMONT, Agent, 030 Arch atroet,Philadelphia. MEI T O FARMERS PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY'S SOLUBLE PACRIFEIC GUANO. The attention of Farmers and other consumers of Fer tilizers in invited to this Guano, as 'worthy cf their spa. Mal notice. Its use for several :sears in Maryland, Vir ginia and other southern States, for all crops, has given it n standard character for excellence unequalled by any o titer. It possesses all the quickness of Peruvian 0 onus ith permanent qualities not found in that article. 230 lbs of this Guano aro found more than equal to MO lbs of the best Suporphosplmtos. It ripens the svbeat crop free fire to omen days earlier than the phosphates, which fact alone gives it incalcniable advantages. Liberal discount to dealers. For sale by • JOHN S. BEEBE & CO., General Agents fur Pacific Guano Co., SS south Delaware Ave., PhilcaPo , andil South street, Baltimore nih26-fsin 011ERIIPIIENT PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE se,CO, AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OP PROPERTY BOUGUT AT GOVERNMENT SALES, Consisting chiefly of 10,000 SETS, NEW AND SECOND lIAND HARNESS, BRIDLES AND COLLARS 3,0 0 0 S-A-DDIM'S, - All styles, 2,000 WAGON COVERS All sizes, new and worn, 5,000 Mot and Rubber Menkels, and Horse avers, MILITARY CLOTHING, ORE CT COATS, FROCK COATS, PILOCSES, PANTS, sIIIIITS, DRAIT2IIS, Also a largo lot of Rollie, Load Lines, Buggy Ambulane 0 and Cart Harness, Doublo Trots, Lead Bars, Portablo Forges, Ac., Ac. Wheal Team Sternest, little worn, all oak tanned leather, servicoablo, clenuod and oiled, $5 por horse, including Bridle Load, do $l, Ambulance or Stake Harness with superior loather Traces, peifectly suited for farm or general team work, double sets complete $25 to $3O, Bridles $l, Collars gl to $2, extra hair-linod artillery case, do $2.50 and $3, Double Rein $1.75 to $2.25, lialtors $5 to $l2 per dozen, New Officers, 51cClellaies Saddles $l6 do, a ith plated Bit Bridle, $l9, Brass Mounted Sad dles, goodias new $9, with Bridle, $ll, Boys Saddles $6, Wagon Covers, superior, 10 and 12 oz., Cotton Dnck $0 to 512, 1000 Hospital Tents, new and good as now, 12 oz. Duck, 14 fact square, $25 to $5O, with poles and pins complete, Wall Tents $l6 to $2O, Wodgo do. $5 to $9, Shelter Tents for Thy Caps $3O to $5O per 100. Grain Bags, 12 oz. Duck, 2 to 3 Bushel $0 to $lO por dozen, also full assortment of Seamless Bags. Small order by express C. O. D. Liberal deductions to Wholesale Dealers. 3Pit31..r...1.32 elb C1c..., (formerly ou Frout street, now) 71 North Second Street, just below Arch St I= Also, 5, PARS PLACE, N. Y Descriptive price list sent on application. [nrirlB.3ni No more Bald Reads! No more Gray Locks! DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC lIAIR RENEWER, Is prunduneed by all who have used it Gm very beat in Lparation far tho Hair. It is a positivo cure for Bald ness, eradicates Dandruff and Humors, stops the hair from falling out, and speedily restores Gray Locks to their miginal bite and luxuriance. It operates on tho secretions and fills tho glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will alt ays be brought back by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes tho hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to tho touch and easy to tuning°. Dry, wiry and intractablo locks heroin° moist, piltut and disposed to reniain in any desired pOsition. As a Lisle Dressing it boa no equal.— Tho solos are enormous and it is a uuirerialfaroiltu with old and young of bulb sexes. Sold by In uggists throughout His United States. Ad dross all orders to ZEIGLER. & SMITH, nor 27-11 SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! HueMut for Pennilos and Weakly Persons. Used by bundteds of Copgrogations for Church or Con = VINEYARDS—Los Angelos, California, and Passaic, Now Jot soy. SPREE'S PORT GRAPE WINE, Pour Years Old. This justly celebrated native Wino Is muds from the juice of the Oporto Grape seised in this country. Its invaluable Tonic and Strengthening Properties aro unsurpassed by any other native wino. Being the pure juice of the grape produced under Mr. Spoor's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness aro guaranteed. The young• est child mey partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use ills advantage. It is particular ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afllicethe weaker sex. It Is in ey., cry respect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use Speer's Port Grape Wino; Females Use Speer's Port Grape Wine; Weakly Persons Find a Benefit by its Use; Speer's Wines in hospitals aro Preferred to other Wines. Principal Office, A. SPEER, No. 243 BROADWAY, opposito City Nall Park, N. Y Sold byJoha Reed, and Samuel Smith, Druggists, Hun tingdon. 8018 This bade supplied by Johnson, Holloway and Cowden, and Pronch, Richards & Co., ,n Philadelphia, and by Cleo A. Kelly, and Fahucslock's, in Pittsburgh, and olhe Wholesale, Do ale' a. 628. HOOP SKIRTS. Wit. T. HOPKIN'S "OWN MAKE" "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." ore the best and PREAPCST Lon' PRICED Troop Skirts in the mat het. Trail Rids, 25 springs, $1.00; 30 springS, $1.20; and 40 springs, $1.45. Plain Skirts, 6 tapes. 20 springs. 80 Cents; 25 spa tags, 53 Cents; 30 springs, $1.15; and 35 springs, $1.25. Mrranted in ercry respect. "Our OWN Make" of "UNION SKIRTS," eleven Tape Trolls, from 20 to 60 springs, $1.20 to $2.50. Plain. Six Tapes, 20 to 5G springs, from 95 Cants to $2.00. These Skirts ore hotter than those SOW by other ostablislimeues as first class goods and at much lower prices. "Our OWN birdie" of "CHAMPION SKIRTS" aro in every way superior to all other hoop Skirts before the public, and only have to be exernined or worn to con vince every one of. the fact. /Manufactured of the best 11nm-finished English Steel Springs, very supotior tapes, and the stile of the tnetalic fastenings and manner of securing them surpass for durability nud excellence any other skirt In this country, and arc lighter, more elastic, will wear lender, give more satisfaction, and ato really cheaper than all others. Every lady should try them —,- They aro being sold extensively by merchants throngli oat tins and the adjoining States at I cry modes nto prices If you stunt the best, ask for "hopiches Champion Skirt." if yell do not find them, get the metchant with when you deal to order them for you, or come or send direct to Merchants will find one different grades of Skirts exactly what they need, nail we especially invite them to call and examine our extensive assortment, or send fur Wholesale Price-Lid. To be had at Retail at Manufactory, and of the Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should be addressed. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM 62S ARCM STREET, Between Gth and 7th Ste., Philadelphia. WM. T. 11.0131UNS MOM EIISAAC K. STAUFFE.R,A IVATORMAKEI? and JBWELER No. 148 North 2,1 Stunt, corner of Quarry, , t , PHILADELPHIA. An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware constantly en hand. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! 3. -- ritortnichig Of \VoteLes !mit Jewelry promptly mu tended I. VERGITE' S IMPROVED 0 1 L. A chemical preparation of Lard, or Lard Oil, neutrali zing its attraction for carocx—the source. of gum, &c., and imparting to it (by °Lomita' affinity) is ItroPortY of ATTRACTION FOR METALS, whereby it Is retained, in lubricatiom, CONTINUOUSLY PURE from at tenet 25 to 50 per cent. longer than spurn oil. Br DU. $2.10; C. on 200 GALLONS, $2.05 Pan Oatlox. To provide against leakage, etc , and for the conveni ence of mall consutnera and retailers, the 011 is put up, in the required quantities, at an advance to corer the cost of the can, and a reasonable retail profit: 3 5 galls ., square can, 1 3 , 4 . $l2 43—Case, 212 Doz. - $24 86 7 62 " 2-62 - 15 24 274 « 6-12 " 1641 1 46 a 1 « - 17 52 Cans credited ou return in order. Discount by case, to retail dealers. SHIVING MACHINE OIL The Oil is also put up as 11 Sowing Arachlno and Armor Oil, in 3 to 4 oz., (white flint,) 25 coats—packed in ono d0z., 1 4 and gross cases; in toe., 50 cents—packed in I, 4 and U doz. cases; and in 24 oz., sl..so—packed in 1 4, sknd 2 doz. cas,s ; sold by sewing Medlin° ragouts, Ohms Druggists, Grocers and Country MOIIIIIRIItS. Orders teceivod through the trade. Tho nin tor standard of tlto Oil is 35 0 to 40° Plan Oil in casks and bble.subject to return and credit with in 15 days, sample lots 30 days, after date of deli vary, if not satisfactory. Orders by bbl &e,, reed through Messrs. SMITH tCO Manufacturers' supplies, Market street; B. BULLOCK'S SONS, Wool, 42 south Front street, WM. SELLERS A CO, Machinists, and the PHILADELPHIA MACHINE MIEN- Gth and Minor stroots, NAM° C. B. DE LA VEEGNE, Branch Manufactory, 106 Callowhill St., I'IIILADELPIIIA ruh -3m JAS. E. CALDWELL & CO., ~ .TMITTMLM- E LS, NO. 902 CHESTNUT STEET, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers and Importers Of every description of FIRST CLASS GOODS, belonging to tho Business of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, • lingo removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut Street to Sansom Siroot, ' afford ing amplo room ond convenient accessories giving op portunity for a proper display of gooda, and better means for their examination. - With extensive and favorable arrangements in this Country and in Europe, we aro in a position to offer at moderato FIXED prices Watches, Diamonds, Bronze & Marble Goods, Silver Wares, Jewelry, Porcelain, Plated Goods, Musical Boxes, and every description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers visiting tho city aro cordially Invited to ex amine our Now Stine. SPRING GOODS. SPRING GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, - PHILADELPHIA, Miro Just opened, and offer at POPULAR PRICES, SPRING CHINTZES, SPRING GINGIIAMS, SPRING DELAINES, SPRING VALENCIAS, SPRING ALPACAS, AND POPLINS FOR SUITS. .RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut street, febs-11 • ME TT rt - := xcl .o,3o,sc:t(i=uo. - - ' ---t--777 . 1 ,4A2ei' . _ 4 .-_-$.7&,-i',45.__.„- -. " 1 27:- -, ,:.; g.. -r c• - .4-3.4A•ga", .7 f'. 1 A 41 :4 „tr. ~, , ,„1 , Jie,44 .. - • Xia.--c-_-••;,•.4-',,,y-',1. • ? ,- i - 7,10.1L. 4 " A AV., . y*..,.,77.,. 1i.,`..W,,-'7,.--•t-e-..-- --..1,-"3. 1,... ';',2-.. ‘ 4,- ., 7 ' 1 -4, ~ - - ~, (' 1 ! A .w , -., - .y__4,-4_ 4,_„ _ 0 , .-- .. _ • , -,..,,,- %., .. _ .-...., ~._ ~..„ . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. 'p M. GREENE has removed his _EP • Music Store, to tho second floor of 'Mister's build ing, utter° he keeps constantly on band STEINWAY A: SONS' and GAEIILE'S Piano Manutecturing Company's PIANOS, MASON k If AMIAN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARIIART, NEEDHAM A CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Mutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOONS—Golden Chain, Gulden Shower, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, Ac., Sm. SHEET MUSIC.—IIe is constantly receiving from Phil. adelphia all the latest music, winch persons at a distance wishing. can order, and have sent them by mail. Also GROVER BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of towing, embroiders perfectly sewing Silk and Cotton of all khuls and colors for machines. Persons buying Sawing Machines fully instructed h tbduse of them. ZB-Pianos and Organs Warranted for fire years Those wishing to bay any of the above articles are in vited to call and examine mine before purchasing else. whore My prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Often:tag of Instruments or 'Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information desired, , D. M. CINEENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., maySlo7 , Second floor of Leister's new brick building r T:rt:~ti~~+yr.~F~~~r7~trl~]r~~ 628 MARBLE YARD. J. M. GREEN & F. 0. BEAVER Having entered into partnership, inform the public than they are prepared to execute all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building Work, at us low prices as any shop in the county. Indere from a distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN street, a low doors east of tiro Lu theran church m rh0,1867 MARBLE YARD. The 'undersigned would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ito is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every deshcd sire and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved situ appm printo devices, or plain, as may suit. . Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, £c., will bo furnished to order. . . W. W. pledgee himself to furnish material and work mariship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call and see, berme you purchase elsewhero. Shop on' the (inter of 31ontgotnery and yfiQßa ate.. Huntingdon, Pa, W.ll. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon , May 16 1155. WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A _LARGE STOCK - AND SPLEN"DID ASSORTMENT ' or Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE k---.l!'or School Books and School Stationery of all kinds call at Timis' Book Store. READING RAIL ROAD. 'WINTER ARRANGEMENT, NOVE5ll3llit - 25, 1867. - GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE North not North-Wed for POMADE:CEBU, NEW YonK, BEADuto, PoTTSvILLE, T UIAQUA, ASULAND, LEBANON ALLENTOWN, EASToN, BEURATI, LITZ, LANCASTER, WA, &C., &C. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows At 3 00, 5 25 find 8,10 A. 31., and 2 06 and 9,35 P. M., connect ing with Similar trains ou tins Pennsylvania It.lt,arfiring at New York 5,10,10 15 and 11 GO A, 61., and 3,40, and 930 P. M. Sleeping cars accompany tiro 300 a m and 9 35 p. at. trains without, change: Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Millersville ' Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phila delphia at 810 A. M., and 2 05 and 410 P.M. stopping at Lebancn and ptincipat way stations; the 4 10 p. m. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only, For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, N . /ft Schuyler kill and Susquehanna H.R., leave Harrisburg nt 3 55 P Returning, leave Elms-Yong at 9 A. M., 12 Noon, 5 ,tr. P.M.; Philadelphia at 8,15 A. M,, and 820 P. 51; Way Pate ranger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. 11. returning from Beading at 0 30 P. or., stops at all stations: Pottsville at 8,45 A. EL. and 2 45 P. 21.; Ashland 6 00 and 12,19 a m, and 2,00 P El; 'Tamaqua at 3.30 A El., and 1 and 8.45 P M. Lea, o Pottsville for Marrisburr„ via Schuylkill an Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 n M. and 12 noon. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves READDIG at 7.30 A. EL, and, returns from RUILADELPIIIA at 4,00 P. M Pottstoon Accommodation Train : Leaves Pottstewn at 6,45 a. m., returning leaves Philadelphia at 5,00 p. m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 00 A EL, and 615 P. M., for Ephrata, Litiz, Lancaster, Col umbia, Ac. • On Sundays, leave Now York at 8 00 P. 31., Phi;ado] , phia, 8 a m and 315 P. DI., tho 8 a m train running only to Reading; Pottavillo 8 A. N., Hard barg.s 25 a m, andi 410 and 935 p m, and Reading 100, and 715 n. re. for Harrisburg,and 7 00 a. m., and 11 40p.m., for New Yorli,andi 4.25 p.m. for Philadolphia. COMMUTATION, MILAUE, SEASON, SCHOOL, and N1C0R.595C7' TICKETS to and from all points at reduced rateo. Baggago checked through: 100 pounds Baggage allowe4 each PAssonger. • G: A. NICALLS, Rending, Nov. 25,1887. ' General Superinlenclene: The Las jjpat RESTORER IMRROV . EiD R. DRESSM )1, 1 - I ,stxte in PTO Daie will quickly restore Gray, Hair - to its natural color 'and• beiiity, and produce luxuriant growth. It in perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head' of hair; us well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfuine imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. 15 1 For Salo by all Druggists. DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH. ST., N. T. miCtONEbollft BEAD AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NEWLY HARRIED AND ALL IN WANT OF New Furniture, &c. THE undersigned'would respectfully 1 announce that ho manufactures and Icoupa conetantly on hand a In7go and splendid ausortment of DINING AND DItHA!IVAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, WASII AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cano seat chains, cupboards, gilt androse wood moulding for miiror stud pictnro (mines, and a vari ety of articles not mentioned, at Dial that cannot fall to be satisfactory. lb In also agent for tho well known Balloy & Decamp patent soling Bed Bottom. The public are invited to call and oramino his stock before purchasing cldoviliere. , Work and slim room on 11111 street, near Smith, ono door west of Venter's store. Huntingdon, Aug.l, MO M gv@iaine,gmg. v J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealei in Mit ILT 3Fe_ ..TV ULI Respectfully invites the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill at., Huntingdon, in the rear of Hong° IV Swat to' Watch and Jewelry store, where be manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at reduced prices. Per sons a billing to purchase, will do wall to give him a call. Rapid leg of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. .4el- Alen, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made in any style desired, at short notice. Ilut subscriber has a P" .;12VD EL.WANT ILEARS.B and is prepared to attend Funerals at any place In town or country. J. 31. WISH. Huntingdon, May 9, 1966-if lINITEE STATES Authorized WAR cum AGENCY HUNTINGDON, PA SOLDIERS' HEIRS,: ATTENTION ! The net of Congress approved March 2,1807, gives to Mira of 'Soldiers so ho died prisOnere of war, . COSIRUTATION FOR RATIONS," " for the time the soldier was so 'held a prisoner,- at , the rate of twenty-five cents per day, tabo paid is the follow, ing order: Ist. To the wid.ov, if unmarried; 2d. To tha elnidieu ; 3d. To the parents, to Loth jointly if they era living, if visitor is dead, to the Survivor; 4th. To the bro thers Mitt sisters. - Tho act of Febrilary 28. HO; piovides for tho rotund, fug of Om $3OO Commutanon Money, triter° to e_saruo per; soil am again drafted; and was required to otter thi sot', Vlce or furnish a substitute. ' DISC.TIARGED,,SOLDIERS. , - The net of Starch '2,1867, also makes proTifileite fo . r the, paythont of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY - to such soldiers as has.; meldstau* lost theirlhiohar gee All persons having any claims antler nay of the aboyo mentioned Acts, or nay tither kind of claim against the. United States or State Governments, can have thank promptly collected, by addressing tho,tmdorsigned.- formation and advice cheerfully given td soldiers or Oleic. (Item's, Pico of charge. W.ll. WOODS, Authorised .Arsty and Nary Intr.-Mini Agent, Mayg,21.807, I.II.IYrINGDON, Iluutingdoa co., Pa SPECIAL NOTICE. rp o THE IiAIYIES.—Do you ically intend to cease-wearing the beautiful styles noVt. 130 prevalent, or dress less elegantly, 'wangle 'tho.rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured In Fashionable Female attire', One moment's calot reflection will surely oocyu t 6 ohangq your rash resolve. The angels had too much glad somm to lay aside their pure cliatto robot glyltito, Weans°, they had for a time served to hide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil, Can yeti err in, following the example of Angels? Then loving made up "your that you will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call atthe store ofthe Sulacri, hers, who will be haygy eel all times to furnish you• with such articles of dress as you easy desire. Urge' your Path, era, husbands, brothers, neighbors and child, on to Yisit tho same state, They can hero be suited in good articles of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Curie, Queens. warnand a general assortment of Groceries, on an rem notable terms as at any House in town. Sto;o on 3onth, east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. ' may 31, 1805. FRANCIS B. WALLACE. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, THOMAS N. COLDER. The undersigned having now entered Into the Alexandria Mowery, the public aro informed thnt ho will be prepared at all times to fll orders on the shortest notice. - -, + - 4 .of TROD. N. COLDER. ;Iloratttdrin, Oct. 23. 1806-tf. . t0r,C)1_,320, .17 1 3%1V . AS FOR EVERYBODY, ' CHEAPER, _THAIV . ANT O.HE.7S KENTD. _ 041 al LetutY Book, Storg and ,sr E 4,SBORT.M.EIVT. M. t A pvl I=