61.0. be. HUNTINGDON, PA.. DON,'T LEAVE! TB FARM, Come, boys, I have something to tell you, Come near, I would whisper it low— You are thinking of leaving the homestead, Dun't be in a hurry to gu. The city has many attractions, But think of the vices and sine, When once in the vortex of fashion, How soon the course downward begins. You talk of the mines of Australia, They're wealth in gold, without doubt, But ah ! there is gold - on the farm, boys, If only you'll shovel it out. The mercantile life is a hazard, The goods are first high, and then low, Better risk the old farm a while longer, Don't be in a hurry to go. Tho great busy West has inducements, And so has the-busiest mart, But wealth is not made in a day, boys, Don't be in a hurry to start! The bankerti and:brokers aro wealthy, They take in their thousands or so, AID !• think of the cares and the troubles, Don't be in ahurrY to go The farm is the barest and surest, The orchards are loaded to-day, You're free as the air of the mountains, And monarch of all you survey. Better stay on the farm a while longer, -,-Thoogh profits should come rather slow, Remember, you've nothing to risk, boys. Don't be in a burry to go 1 Strawberry Farms. No fruit' has given higher and more uniform profits, all things considered, than the strawberry. A greater return has occasionally been received by the sale of Delaware and other fine grapes; but a large outlay has been required in these instances to place-the vineyard under way. Our readers aro well ac quainted with the success of John Knox, of Pittsburg, and with the fact that should not be forgotten, that hie r suc cess is largely owing to the excellent and thorough culture which he .givea his plantations; and to the care,Sys tern, and elaborate skill used in pick ing, assorting,. and packing his fruit for market. We obeerved a few days since, in looking over a Pittsburgh pa per containing a list of revenue tax payers, that his revenue was marked for over $12,000 last' year (1805). This is doing well .for a plantation of 50 acres...ln a recent conversation with him' on the subject, he stated that 68,- 000 of this sum were raised from the sale of strawberries alone, and that but for the unusual and severe frost early in the•senson he. would undoubtedly have received $15,000 for them. We have not, known an instance where a strawberry plantation has been subjec ted to good , management, including clean cultivation, and the prompt ex cision, of runners, that has not afforded a 'handsome profit. Proximity to a good market is always desirable; but, so tempting and delicious are the best grown strawberries, that they will manufacture a market 'in almost any place. We have had occasion to ex amine a number of instances the past year, where Strawberries of the best varieties have been, raised by the man ageirtent just alluded .to; : and in these cases the sales have amounted to about $l,OOO. an iiere. - „ - The cgst , ef land, cal tare, - stiperinti3ndonEe,- raid' id ark etibg were variously from $250 to $5OO per acre, leaving a- net - profit of $5OO to $750. This net return may doubtless be relied j onja all such ,cases for some years to come, if the business is mana ged with the best e-xperience and skill and city markets are selected. , _The , inquiry ruay, _occur, "Why do .the- business; and overdo it ?" The answer is, "Many actually. do-enter it; but so rare is the appieciation of the best managemeht that scarcely one in a hundred gives his plantation the ; attention it should receive, and as a consequence his re ceipts arc moderate or less ih amount." LlCountril G'-entlentan. TO GAM' FINE QUlNCES.—Quinces are easy to raiso,provided they receive a little attention. We have grown samples the first season weighing a pound each, perfectly smooth and sound. - Quince trees can stand about eight feet asunder each way, thus giving four to the square rod, or six hundred and forty to the acre. .The fruit com mands-good. prices,--and probably an acre of ground could not be more profi tably planted with any thing else. Quince, trees need ground culture Not by digging or plowing aboutlhem, but by mulching with chips, spreading on a coat of stable manure each fall, and by applications of liquid manure, espeoiallY urine. 'There should be a few quince trees near the house, to re ceive the urine Etna other slops, which will not do., an, equal amount of good to any.ptlistprbiluat..? This tidifinolit will ensure such fruit as will bless both theeye_and the palate. _ _ =_:_AY ENV: KIND •OF - 'new method of putting down a well which readily suggests itself to every man for cleanliness and dnrability,,bas'recently beep tried '"Vaith . succeas..`, The well is dug ordinartlyuritil sufficient water is ryhebeq'th'en a reservoir of lipose"storie an ivuter = lime mortar, about four feet deep,:is made in the bottom, so mor tared. up. on the sides as to prevent the possibility 'cd'any" -- diit or quicksand getting in. •The well consists of largo tile, commonly used for sewers, put down within six inches of the,bottom, and the earth filled_ in., this leaves plenty of yooni for the pump, and the top wamie.ciosing up carefully. This kind of Well,rnever needs cleaning be cause, if properly. made, ,no dirt can ever get into it. The cost is consider ably less than that of the ordinary well, and it can be put down a great deal quicker. LIQUID GLUE - v -Tire" following re ceipt, the dieecery of a FrenCh chem ist, isselling about .the country as a se cret; for various prices, from one to five dollars. It is a handy and valua ble composition, as it does not gelatin ize nor undergo putrefaction and fer mentation and become offensive, and is always ready for use : Ia a wide-mouthed bottle dissolve eight ounces of best glue in half a pint of water, by setting it in a vessel of water and heating it till dissolved. Then add slowly, constantly stirring, two and a half ounces of strong aqua fortis (nitric acid.) Keep it well cork ed, and it will be ready for use. pay-Pulverized plaster of paris, mix ed with a white of an egg, makes a good e'anciant far elaina or glass Waro. TO THE AFFLICTED ! AN ARTICLE-OF REAL MERIT FOSTER'S ORIENTAL BITTERS, A Remedy that has been tried and stood the toot, not only in an occasional case, but in every community where used it hae beon pronounced the safest and moat reliable remedy known for DYSPEPSIA; LOSS OP APPETITE, WEAKNESS, GENERAL ,DEBILITY, PAIN OR CRAMP IN TILE STO MACH, OR BOWELS, CHOLERA MORBUS, HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, INTERMITTENT, OR CHILLS AND FEVER, LIVER TONIC, AND FOR ALL FEMALE DISEASES As an agreeable and sate romody and au Invigorating Beverage tt has no equal. This valuable Bitters t composed of the essential pro. pestles of roots—the medicinal qualities of olden have bees easefully extracted. It la agreeable to the taste and does not leave that unpleasant taste Jo the mouth for hours afteS, that most medicines do. Aa a Blood Purifier and Liver Tonic It has no equal.— It contalus no calomel or other injurious drug, but le purely vegetable. For Dt - spepala it• cannot bo excelled. It contains no thing injurious to the stomach, is mild and prompt in its action and effects a permanent cure by removing the cause of the complaint. For Intel mittent Fever or Chills and Fever this /titters is a epecitieSar:beeter and sorer than gittnino. No (Molly should bo without it as the cost is ti Ming compared with the suffering. that may be avoided by hive leg it at Laud In ease of sudden attack. Weakly Persons use the Oriental Bitters Invalids use the Oriental Bitters Dyspeptics use the Oriental Bitters Females use the Oriental Bitters TRY IT AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF Prepared only by BUCHANAN & SMITH', HUNTINGDON, I'A, To whima all orders should be addressed Price ;31.00 per bottle For sale tiy all druggieti and denim ionerally. ml2o En &PR FR RESTORER , , APAV,RiTS'- unDß g ssigut j vewptyle inoließoiat will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparation by those who have a fine head of hair; as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old aid young. 'For Sale- by all Druggiebt. DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., N. Y. PAldtONE)ollp Joint B %RE, 'R. R. ROODS, E. M. BARE, W. I'. new:mm*lr JOHN BARE, & ca, Bankers, 2E-Xuaritiliag•cicorti., Pet. Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers . & others. Inter est allowed on Deposits. nit kinds of Securities, bought and 'sold for the usual commission. Special attention given to Government Securities. Collections muds on all points. Persons depositing Gold and Silver will receive the same in return with interest. • 0ct.17, 1860—tE IMEC=IO.74MIr ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED ! The enbwriber le permanently located in Huntingdon, Xand is prepared to purchase, or repair in the' best style, and expeditiously, broken UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. All articles intrusted to him will be returned to the residence of the owner as soon as repaired. Umbrellas and parasols for repair can be left at his residence on St. Clair street near Benedict's. may2,lBl3Btl WTI. FENTIMAN. LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, 'Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly on band. Worked Flom ing, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Door and Win- slow Frames, furnished at mannfamurers' micas. Crain and country product generally bought at market rates. WAGONER. & BIRO., aug2Btf Philipsburg, Centre co., Pa. COUNTRY DEALERS can )1\,,1._ buy CLOTIIING from ma In llmitlngdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can In the ties, as I have a wholesale store in Philadelphia. IL BOHAN. E VERY FAMILY Will find at Lewis' Fatally Grocery, ovary article usually kept in first class Grocery stores. Call for what you want. FOR THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envelope imitable for confidential correspondence, fur sale at LEWIS' BOOR ye STATIONERY STORE. COUNTRY PRODUCE. All kinds or country produto taken in exchange for Goods at Lewis' Saintly Grocery. ALARGE VARIETY of articles too numerous to mention. for sal° at LEWIS Nulty Ornery Callas:id esr BELLS ! :ELLS!! BELLS if. ! I THE LARGEST STOOK OF SLEIGH NUB, Ever exhibited at HUNTING- DON, Loose, and Strapped, in every style, NOW OPENED, and being sold at very LOW PRICES, JAS. A. BROWN'S HARDWARE STORE. HUNTINGDON, PA. .a,zatsco, SLEIGH RUNNERS, FENDERS, SHAFTS, SOLES, STEEL SOLES, WILLOW SLEIGII MI BASKETS, SLEIGH and WAGON WHIPS, FINE HARNESS MOUN TINGS A good stock of well seasoned HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, and a general stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Offs, Glass, eNck., Including the late Patent "ECLIPSE" COOK STOVE, Which throws all other Stoves in the shade and pleases so well that everybody wants THE ECLIPSE. Don't forget the SIGN OP THE PADLOCK, HautleplOth, WHARTON & IrAGUIRE, HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE &RETAIL DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, BUTLIM to The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, Is Invited to tho fact that wo ere uuw offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can be found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to suit the thnes. Our stock comprises all articles In this line of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKS3IITIIS, CARRIAGE and WAGON IGAKERS JOINERS, Lc., fie., together with a large stook of lron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Vircular, Mill and Cross. Out Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware., Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans An extellont assortment of F'in.a 40-titiory, Comprising KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON lIAND AND FOR SALE, AT MANUFACTURERS' PRIOES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will end a' general assortment of material for their nee consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Subs,. Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, IVashers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enanteliedLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &e. miz..a..cuar.ssivicromaice. Can ho aupplied 'with ANVILS, BELLOWS, 'VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE! AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Will find to our establishmeut a superior stock of PLANES, ' SAWS, • AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, _ _ --- • CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C. VINING AND MINERS' GOODS ; NAILS and SPINES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, rOAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. _Vl.etz•xata.er. Can bo accommodated malt everything in their lino from a Grain Ropnrator to a Whet-gone. 13ialicloz- Are especially luvited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our Prices with other's. Agricultural Implements, Comprising Ulu faamun Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, ItundelFs Mist Premium HORSE PITOIIFOItIS, ltakca, Soy thos, Rocs, tiny Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, . Decant Clllllll6, Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Cards, deo., &c., &c. Among tho opeciAltion of our House, we lustre to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusive right to sell which is vested In us. Send tot neireular and gat full particulars of same, and satisfy yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all sizes and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans. portation, Hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, • FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRIC.:S. Tho largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Lea offered in thin place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS; Dy the keg. Very low! Beet Norway nail, rod; bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of ail sizes and descriptions WAGONsBOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at Tory low figures .01:F. A call is revectfolly eolicited, feeling coon dont that our goods and prices will not fall to pleaeo."Vi 'WHARTON & MAGUIRE. MatWONT% 7, 1R67 *lntistnunts. THE OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM, RICHARDSON & CO., 126 MARKET STREET, PIITLASVA., To the Largest Manufacturing Confectioners and Whole sale Dealers In Fruits, Nuts, Au., in the United States. $25 AGENTS WANTED. $25 No Pant first•class A ion ti to in troduco our IMPROVED STAR SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. The cheapest and best Machine in the whole country. Extracrdinary Inducements to good, active salesmen. Particulars and sample work furnished on application. A. J. DUMONT, Agent, feb26-3m 630 Arch street, Philadelphia. - FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. NO DUST! NO GASH NO DAMPERS!! I= J. REYNOLDS & SON, W. Corner 13th & Filbert etieeta, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Bole 'Manufacturers of the Colebrated WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT GAS-CONSUMING H E A T E R, I= j For ease of management without any dampers, Data. Witty, Simplicity, and Economy, this Heater has no su perior in this country. They are ail guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates made free of charge. ' Cooking. Ranges, Latrobe _Heaters, Slate Mantles,. Low Down Grates, •, • Portable Heaters, • Registers, . , • - Ventilators:, &e.,• cfac send for ono of our Illustrated POrnphlots. taplo.l,y, • No more Bald Heads! No more Gray Locks ! DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is pronounced by all who hare used it the very best prepaintlon fur the noir. It is a positive curo for Bald ness, eradicates nand, off and Minors, stops the hair from falling, out, nod speedily restores (hay Locks .to their to iginal hue and Jun/mance. It operates on the accretions nod tills the glands with new life and coloring clatter. Thin, dead. faded or gray hair will always be brought back by a fow applications, to Its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, glossy,,fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wily and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired position. As a flair Dressing it has no equal.— The sales aro enormous and It is a universal favorite with old and young of both Sexes. told by Druggists throughout thu United States. Ad dress all coders to - ZEIGLER & . SMITH, p0r.27.1y SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St„ Philadelphia SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! Excellent for Females and Weakly Parsons. frac& by bramileds of Congreentionß for Church or Com amnion purposes. CZ& YIN 1.1'.1 Citilittllll, and Passaic Now .Tersoy. Sl' v PI WV GM PK WINM, Four Yeas Old This joetly colobi earl native tt Ina is made iron t the ink. , of the opal to Gran • raised in this eons try. Its invaluable 'lonic 111111 Sir. tigi honing reaper tire lire it (ISM p l4+Cli by any ether waive tuna. IL.ing the pure juice of the wane produced under Jlt•. Spoor's 051 perenmtl /1131)1.1 . 1,6jOil, lit tawny and genuineness into guailinterd. The yeang• st child may partake of its steneraus qualities. and the u•reltn't invalid may nett it to advantage. 1t is Particular ly benefin tl lo the aged and del Hite till. end stifled to the swims aliment+ that afflict the weaker sex. It is in ev ery ',Tees A RISE Ti) ItE lii LI CU ON. lulu,lbis 1140 SIICer'S fort 611110 Wino; No , onh•s Von Speer's Port °rap° Wine; Weakly Persons Fiat a Benefit by Ito Speer's Wines iu Hospitals ttro proforrod to othet N hoes. Pi incißal office, A. SPEER. No. 2-13 BROADWAY, oppoalte City hail Park, N. Y Sold by Job n Reed, nod Samuel Smith, Draggllle, Ilan ttußdon. aelB The trado supplied by Johnson, Wonoway nod Cowden, and French. Richards & Co., in Philadelphia, and by (leo. A. Kelly, and Fahnes,ock`a, in Pittsburgh, at other Wholesale Dealers. 628. -HOOP SKIRTS. 628. WSI. T. lIOPKIN'S "OWN 3IAKS" OP "KEYSTONE SKIRTS." aro the best and PHEAP ST Low Pezel-n Hoop Skirt; in tho market. Trail Fkh ts, 25 springs. $1.00;30 springs. $1.20; and 40 spell:p . .3, $1.45. Plam Skirts, G tapss. '2O springs. 80 Cents; 25 springs. 95 Cents; 30 swings. $1.15; and 85 springs, $1.25. Witrranted in every respect. 'Our OWN Make" of -UNION tioIRTS," eleven Tope Trails, from 20 to 50 springs, $1.20 to $4.50. Plain Six Tapes, 20 to 50 springs, from 05 Cents to $2.00. Th.se Skirts me better limn those sold by other establishments as first Cisss goods and at nmch loner prices. 'One OWN Make" of °CHAMPION SKIRTS." aro in every way superior to all other hoop is before tho 'public, and only have to las examined or worn to con vince every one of the fact. Manufactured of the hoot linen-finished English Steel -firings, rely supei for tapes. and the sty lo or rho meiotic fastenings and manner of securing them surpass tor durability and excellence any. other skirt in this con tuti y,ttil are lighter, more elastic, will wear longer. give inure waist:tenon, and ate really cheaper than all ethos. Every lady should try them 'They are being sold extensively by Ines chants through out this and the adjoining States at very 'node; two prices Tryout want the best. ask for ••llopk in's Champion Skirt." II yon do nut find them, get the int reliant with whom you deal to order illelll for you, or coin° or send direct to us, Metchanto will find our different grades of Skit Is exactly what they need. nail we especially invite them to call and examine our extensive assortment, or send fur Wholesale Nice List. To be had at Retail at Manufactory, and of the Retail Trade generally, and at Wholesale of the Manufacturer only, to whom all orders should ho adamant!. MANUFACTORY AND SALESROOM 628 ARCII STREET, Between 6th and 7th Sts., Philo&!plan. WM. T. B.OPKINS f b26-10in nISAAC K. STAUFFER g/ WATCIIMAICER and JEWELER, No. 148 North '2d Sired', corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. An neenrtment of Watches, Jewelry, Sftcor and Plated \S'aro cone anti.) on hand. MUTABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTSI tended to . i e"airing of Watchee and Jewelry prior,u.l4l.liyy.,at. ALL KINDS OF TOBACCO hole Palo nml retail. at U[3NNiNuIIAM & CARMON'S. air Per neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "GLOBE Jua PRINTING 01 , MR," at Hun tingdon. Pa. VERGIsTE'S' IMPROVED 0 I L A chemical preparation of Lard, or Lard Oil, neutrali sing its attraction for oxraw—the some of gum, kc., and imparting to it (by chemical affinity) , a property of ATTRACTION. FOR METALS, ' whereby it le retained, to lubrieatiom, CONTINUOUSLY PURE from at least p to 50 per neut. longer than sperm oil. • Br Thn,, $2.10; CASK, On 200 GALLONS, $2.05 PER GALLON• To provide against leakage, etc, and for the conveni ence of small consumers and retailers, the Oil Is put op, in the requited quitntitas, at an advance to cover the cost of the can, and a reasonable retail profit : agalls., square cart, $l2 4l—Case, 212 Doz. - $24 86 - 7 62 " 2-12 4 . - 16 24 1 " " " - 2 74 " 6.12 - 1644 " . " " - 1 46 " 1 " - 17 62 Cane credited on return in order. Discount by case ) to resit dealers. SEWING MACtUNE OIL The Oil is also put up ne is Sewing Machine and Armor Oil, In 3 to 4 oz., (white flint.) 25 ciente—packed in one d0z., 1 4. and 4 grammes; in Fez.. 60 cents—packed in 1. 4 and 0 doz. cages; and in 24 oz., sl.oo—packed In 3 , 1. 1 and 2 doz. caws; sold by sewing Machine ngente, Snot Close Druggists, 0 yours and Country Merchants. Ordure received through the trade. The Winter standard of the Oil is 35° to 40 0 Fab't Oil in casks and bids. subject to return at. credit II Rh in 15 days, sample lots 30 days, after dato of dollvery, If not satisfactory. Orders by par'd through Messrs. SIIITIT & CO Manufacture.' supplies, Market stree ; B. BULLOCK'S SONS. Wool, 42 south Front street, WM. StILLEITS & CO, MitchlrifAtn, and thePIIILADELPIIIA MACHINE AGEN CY, 6th and Minor streets, Philadelphia. C. B. DE LA VERGNE, Au - r., Branch Manufactory, 106 Callowhill St , PHILADELPHIA 123E3 JAS. E. CALDWELL & .00. ) NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers and Importers 'Of every description of FIRST CLASS GOODS, belonging to the Business of Goldsmiths and love removed to their . NEW: MARDI:E.: I St:ORE, : Extending from Chestnut Street to Sansom Street. afford ing ample room and convenient necessaries ' giving op portunity for proper display of goods, and b etter means for their examination. , - With extensive and' favorable arrangements to We Country and, in Europe, we are in a position to offer at moderate FIXED' prices Watches, Diamonds,- Bronv„e : Beill2artile Goods, Silver Warss,,,Je7vslry, , Porcelain 'Plated,Goods, usicar.thiker4,' 1 ' .'' and every description of Strangers visiting the city are cordially invited to ex amine our Neal Steno. SPRING GOODS: • " - SPRING, GOODS. ,tf :,.1 • RICKEY,-SHARr;tit CO.'; NO. 727 CiErSI7.NI7T STREET, PLIILADkii.P.IIIA,• • Ilarojnat opened, and offer at POPULAR •PRICE§, ' -• SPRING CIIINTZES , SPRING GINGHAMS, • • SPRING . DELAINES, SPRING VAtENCIAS, SPRING ALPACAS, AND - POPLINS FOR SUITS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut street, fabs-ly Philadelphia. IVIXTO MOT2C)DER.M. tzr }. 4Lv. - NV >, se.H . - MUSICAL, INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. • M. GREENE has removed his Nu+icj 4 tt. e. t., the.kceavl (l.sor Irivacen u hero ostritautly 1,11 NW AY & and GA P. 111. 1 ,2, Pi ma Mounl4ctu: Compala ANIIS. MASON AAIUN'S CABINET ()ROAN, stn.l GA ROA NCEDII AM A C MEI,ODEONS: Guitars, %Wins. Fit's, Fltev; Goiter nod Striugg. MUSIC 111) , MS—thlith . 11 Chain, Guidon :Amour, Guidon 0 • 11sel. Guidon l i t hi. Sc.. Ac. —lle iA constantly rec , •it ing from Phil. adelphin 01l the latest mit.ic. which i.ei viniS at n die/111CP is Wang can order. and have sent them be mail. Also GROVEII & It -11i 1,11%; CeWonted SIMINO MA CHIN IV—the only linteigna that. In addition to every kind or hewing. embroi.ltns perfectly • sewing :Ilk anti Cotton of all kinds anti colors Cm 111.11111 VS. Peraonv bu‘ing Sewing , Machine. fully insirneted in tim MI of then: Rip- Manna and Organ.; Warranted for live years. Those wishing to buy any or tho aboyo articles On in vited to call and examine mina bellao unrelnotiny., else. VA here My pikes me the same us in Now York and CU: u:hro of Instruments or Machines. gone promptly upon application with any additional information desired. 11. M. UR MINN, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa. mayS;67 Second floor of Leister's new brick bu ilding 13C1p*,Driail0T-11:0 C 30142" rf c4M„," i -,.... VV1 1 " - t tzi ' 4 ""s l r'i I ' , 440, 1 „ 0(4 r ,,, ~. " - ~,. g q litik y , ii, , , 1 , , , ~ ~ A - .:,. , 0 . , i . . ; , i.... 3 N ..„7, v.. ....)-ie z ~,, o , - ~,,---- 4T- - -, ---- i 0 , • E 0 a s---....___ , a 0,..-,, , ,—. ... , , t . l pa-;i Plipliql , . 51a ~, :,'4 iiit.. i., , . tr-.. O -,mom afts ,,,,, -_,, ~..:-. r t=i •;-ok --- , ',•---.. 6 3 • .1,1 .:11:‘ ~ .w. - -t, _ MARBLE YARD. -- J. M. GREEN & F. 0. BEAVER Haring entered Into partnership, inform the public that they are prepared to execute all etylea of . . Plain and'ornamental Marble Work such es MONI.I3IP,NTS. HEADSTONES, also Building 'Work, at as low prices OS any shop in thin toasty. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIEELIN street, a few doors east of tho Lu theran church mth6,1887 ARDLE YARD. The undersigned va would respectfully call the attention of the citizens of I untingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ife is prepared to furnish at the shm test notice, Monumental Mat ble, Tomb. Tables and Stones of overy desired size end forte of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appto priate devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be furni4led to order. • . . . . W. W. pledgea himself to furnish niatoi ial and work intinallip equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call 111111 nee, before you purchnne einem Isere. Shop on the oilier of Montgomery and Muffin s s.. Huntingdon, Po. WM. WILLIAMS. Huntingdon, May 16 1855. WINDOW CUR'T'AIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED 4P LEWIS' BOOK STORE IterFor School Books and School Stationery of all kinds call at Lewis' Book Store. READING: RAIL ;ROAD, 'WINTER ARRANGEMENT, NOVEMBER V I /881. GREAT TRUNK LINE FE0.51 THE N l / 4 _, North and' North-West for PIIWAIRLPRIA, Nzvf Yonll, READING, PoTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, ABEILANTY LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, klAtroN, Ernasrs, Linz, LANCASTER, COMB. 3315, AC., AC. , Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as thews At 300,625 and 8,10 A. 01., antl2 03 and 0,35 P. 31., connect ing with similar trains on the Pennsylvania ILR,arriving at Now York 5,10, 10 15 and 11 CO A, 31., and 3,40, anif 9 30 P. M.. Sleeping care accompany the 300 a m and 9 35p. m. trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minorscillo Ashland, Pine (trove, Allentown and Phila delphia at 8: ., 10 A. N., and 2 05 and 4 10 P. H., atopplng.at Lebunrn and principal way stations; the 4 10 p. es. traits making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only.' For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl , kill and Susquehanna H.R., leave Harrisburg at 3 55 P Returning, leave NEST-YORE at 9 A, 51.,12 Noon, 5 L. .8 - P. 31; Philadelphia at 8,15 A. 31., and 330 P. 51; Way Pas: senger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. w. returning from Reading at 030 P. at., stops at all stations; Pottsville. at 8,45 A. M.. and 2 45 P. 31.; 'Ashland 600 and 12.19 a m, and 2,00 P 31: Tamaqua at 8.30 A N., and 1 and 8 45 P M. - Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 a in. and 12 boon. An Accommodation Passenger Train leaves Bream at 7.30 A. AI., and returns from PAILADELPETA at 4,00 P. DI Pottstown Accommodation Train Loaves Pottstown at 6,45 a. m., returning, leaves Philadelphia at 5,00 p. 133. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 00 A M.: • and 6 15 P. AL, for Ephrata, Lill., Lancaster, Col. umbia, Ac. ' On Sundays, leave New York at 800 P. 31., PhilatieL Oda, 8 a 111 and 3 15 P. 31,; the 8 a in train running only to Rending; ryddrislllo S A. M., Marl hurg,s 25 a - m, And -410 and 0 - 25 p in. and Reading 100, and 716 a.;113.,,f0r Hart iaburg,and 7na and 1140p.m., forNewYork,and• 4.23 p. m. for Philadelphia. CoII3IUTATION, 311LEAtle, SEASON, SeßeoL, and, Excanstotr , 'Exams to and from all points at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds Baggage allowed , each Paseenger. 0. A. NICOLL% Reading, Nov. 25, 1802. General Superintend4rie. PENNSYLVANIA It!' IL B TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAIT WINTER ARRANGEMEII WEST/17:4RD. I TA 9.1 Leg FI STAIIONS. I 3 4 V. N . 'VI QV tr-5 P .2.1 A. 51.1 P. Ai.! d. M. , 14.M4 P. lif.f P.M , 5 131 ;12 151 ..... N.llamilton, ..... 601 ___ 5 20r" , 112 28i Mt. Union,'... 10 . 00 4 65 5 30' ..... 12 40 II Mapleton, ..... -...... 14 45 ." • 5 40 12 50 Mill Creek,— PO 54 4 36, 5 55 7 05 1 OS 3 33 Huntingdon, 9 42! 4'2310'64 614 130, , IVeteraborgia,. • 9 271 404 6 28 6 211 ' 'l l 50 :401 ,- 111arree,• • ' lill 201 355 - ...... iSprtaseereols, 9 13 g 3 48 0 41 • '• ' 2.05 '' ' Oirniingham, 1 .3 85 6 48 7;52 .2 15 4 , 21,Tyf0n0,' S 53 . 3 - 2840 OS 7 01 227 Tiptoe, P 8 45 1 17 ..... 7 07 2 36 Fostoria 3 12 • tl2 2 42 Boll's Ms, 835 3.08 . ... 730 825 31051 447 Altoona,. - "B'2o 250 9 . 25 P. M.l 4. M. P. M. A.M. . The FAS: ' 12 15 A. M., and nr , Fi,e Clntal ono 08 425 P. M. in' _____ iT LTNII Eastward leaves • Altoo'rt at arrives at Huntingdon at 1 , 'NNATI ExPREAS Eastward•loaves Altooi Ind arrives at Huntingdon at 5 40 P T • LINE Wastward, leaven' Liuntingdc and arrives at Altoona at 9 00 P.'sl.' 1267.„ The 'AS 7 46 P., ‘l.. Nov. 2 .1 • •NTINGDON •&, BROAD • TOP r .RAILROAD. , 1 ., J k incr. MO.VDAY, QOT, 16TR, I.§OT, Daamaagar k 111 arrlialtud Elopart fOßßiva: ' : 'AIRS. ".110*NTRAPIS._ RE I On an Tiaine UP T STATION Ace. m l ACCOMNI Moll. an .P. 51., 1., , A. 5L ' • ' LN 4 40jr.r. 7 501lluntingdon, - Ale 930 AR 4 17 5 021 8 1 0,31eCormellatown "• rr.o OS :3.157" 514 8 22 1 Pleasnot Grove, ' 8 58, 3 49 . .5 31 t.. 8 ; 33 151nritlostfittly, ' • ' , ELM l ' • 3 - 30 '5 50 : ~843 Ooffeeltun,• • si ;8'231 815 ••, 600 :.0 01 Rongh& Readyi • :•8 13 308 1 610— 9 12 Cove, 6 201 910 Fisher's Summit '' , "' l l 53 •' 2 50. As 6 38 1 5 n 0 331, , . 735 tx. 235 .•-- - ILE 1.1.401'""9; -. '''' '"" 4.... ' 'UL AR 10 001RIddlesburg , - .• . ''t 908 ' . 10 08111operrill • . 200 ' 1 l "l• 10 24 . Piperls Rue, ' - '' ' . t 3 ,1 44; 10 42 Tateerille, • 1 10 55 Bloody Run, VOf Alt 11 05 Mount Della, •. - ; 1.10 itsl.oo 'tows nn" ...- •!, , SHOUP'S 1t1111,1.1it.1.11 LE 6 40 ' !''' 9 64 / .- 4 -' ,lO-0 , 1 • 6 55 1 'lO 05 Conlniont 1 60, 'lO 111 Crawford, 1 AR 7 151An.10 20 Dudley, ' ' ' l - 116oad Too C1ty,,...-; Huntingdon Oct. 23, 1867. JOHN BEAD AND BE POSTED I , TO THD NEWLY AND ALL IN WANT OF • , New Furniture eze: r rIIE undersigned .would respectfully .1 announce that ho manufactores and keeps constantly on handy largo and aplendif I anti tmont of DINING AND IGLU GrAdT EIMMEMICI= 'WASII AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and corm seat choirs. cupboards, gilt and roan• at mut moulding for min or and picture II IMICS• and a vari. , ety of at t Mee not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to he ~tti.arctory. • Ire ii olio azient for Cho well known Bailey . & Deceinp patent viirto /1141 Bottom. • The public are tutted to colt and oxamino hie etoek bee... ion elessi elbowliere. • lCnt k and s ite. room on 11111 street, near Smith, one door irt st of 1 - enter's store. - Allg. 1, 1860 Taamal - 3: - Eam 4 J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and Dealer In JO ICY 3EIL .1%1" I SE" TT .IEL Ili , vecthiliv Invites the attention of the Public. to his stand on Hill st. Huntingdon , in the rear of peorge }V Swarts' Watch an d Jewelry store, where he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture nt reduced prices. 'Per: note 1, ',tang to purchase, will do well to give him a Call. liepnii ing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. Aloe. Undortakintr carried on, and Calm made in any style desired, at abort notice. Thu aulwcribur hnea 641, s F A ,VD ELEGANT' HEARSE ' and is proposed to attend 'Funerals at any place in town or md' ry. J. M. WISE. Ilun ting.lon; !tiny 9, 1866-tf • , UNITED STATES • ' • Authorized WAR CLAIN AGENCY HUNTINGDON, PA SOLD/EELS' HEIRS, •ATTENTION I The act of 'Congress approved March 2. 1807, gives to Heirs of Soldiers who died prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the time the sohlier'was so held a prisoner, at the rate of twenty-live cents per day, to ho paid in the follow. tug order: lst. To the widow, if unmarried; Id. To the children ; 3d. ,To the parents, to both jointly if they are living, if either is dead, to the survivor; 4th. To the bro.' there and sisters. Tho act of Felirunry 28. 1867, provides for the refund, ing of the $3OO Conimntation Money, , Nyhere the aim° per son was aoin drafted, and was required to tntor.the ear vice or furnish a Bubstituto: - DISCECARGED" SOLDIERS. . . , The act of March 2,1861 also makes peosisions tor thei payment of the' $lOO ADDITIONAL BODNTY • to such soldioie As have accidentally lost ittetr (Molise All persons Living any claims under any of tlie above mentioned Ante, or any other kind of claim *Oust tho United States or State Goveraminits,' can have them promptly odlected, by addressing the uhderelgried. formation and adrico cheerfully Alyea to soldiers or their friends, freaol charge. W. H. Vi'Ol5DS, " Authorized Amy and ffinry may 9,21807 II wrinanox, Iluptingdon co,' Pa SPECIAL NOTICE. r TILE you I, intend to cease wearing the beautiful styled now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured its pashionable Female attire? Ono moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rash resolve. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their mere chaste robes of white, because they had for a time served to hide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels; the Devil. Can you err in following the exams - Asa Angela? Then baying rustle up your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call at the store of the :alai. bus, who will Co happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress ns you may desire. Urge your Path, ord. husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to.visit the same store. They can here be suited in good articles of Boots. Shoes, Clothing Material, nate, Caps, soars and a general assortment of Ureteric% on as tea• sellable terms as at auy House in town. Store on South. east corner of the Maenad, Iluntingdon, Pa. niay :31, 18135. FRANCIS B. WALLACE. ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, THOMAS N. COLDER. The nudersigizeil having now entered into the i \ Alexandria Mowery, Mu public nee informed lthat ho will be prepared at all times to 51 • orders on the shortest notice. N. COLDE4, A - 10;a ' nclrin, O.A. 23. 1903 A f. MED I , x tg tr 53 3041 R :;30 151 2 15 , 10 2 10 Oa 12 2 05 EMI ars MEE I=