t iglu. lINTINGDON, PA. Wednesday; iiigning; April • lII.T6II4II.Nj.?bAY EIiITORS - CANDIDATES: OP; PRESIDENT, - • U. S. 0-RANT. FOR -VIDE PRESIDENT, , . • •••4 • • OUR/ 111 W •• FOR AVIATOR; GENERAL; ' (1-41\71,E.IITAR TRANFT, -; - OF 140 . 7.70011ERY COUNTY; : • p4kSURVEYOR GENERAL, . C i ab.W. 9B • M.-.C.411 - PB,ELL, OF CAMEO= COUNTY. A Free Railroad bill has again passed . tho. IJegislaty,ro : and has beon approved by. the, Governor. - 0E1" • ' We ndde'istand that Milton S. Lytle, Chairman, of -Republican county Committee,:b at): sent to . each Member of Ilie'COMMittee a circular'calling a meeting for Tuesday,. next, the 14tb inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M. This is in aceoidaciee with a resoliition passed at last-meeting. THE RHODE ISLAND E GEOTION. —The fell-reternr . of the Rhode Island elan tion 'have been ,roceived. Goy. Burn side, Repnblican, received 10,038; Pierce, Democrat, 5,731. The. General Assembly - -staniP—:-Senate 28 Republi :CADO D,erno'cratc, one vacanoy; House, 64 RipubHowls, 7 Democrnti, - one va cancy. • .-• . Ct4OSED AT LA§T.—The Robison— Simgart contested seat case closed Fri day.laSt in faVor of.the contestant Mr. Robison; whO:Wae sworn in and took vis4t. 4i:reeolution was also passed giving lir. Shugart pay froui.tho com inentement of the session until he was -reqloilet :7)4: Robison will of, course also_receiVe pay for' the - cession. .The report of the majority of the commit tee will be found in another column. .The minority report, if not-too lohg, will be.'ptiblichedptixt week. , THS ' Impz.tortuvir.- 1 -"-The: impeach ment trial is going on from day today, without creating any unusual excite moot in Washington or any Where else. It' is:-generally believed in Washing ton that the trial :will be got through 'with by the first of Tune; perhaps by the middle of May, or sooner, and the . President donvitted.:, "Mr. , Butler,..en Saturday, informed the Senate that the . testimony on the part of- the •11ouse of Representatives was substantially closed. Counsel- for the defense wore, on their own 'motion, allowed tillTburs• dayhort tO arrange their evidence, When Judge Curtis will open the case on behalf of the President. Washington' deEpatch says that the President has no idea• of his being convioted of the present imPeach ment charges. The only article, ho said, on'WhichtheY coild' find a Shad ow_ of a pretence. for convicting him of a misdemeanor was that relating to the removal of Stanton,' but' even this, he thinks, 'is 'wholly • inenflicient. The Managers the,part the House andAkeir friendsare . just as confident of theii , ability to 'convict the Prisident, aehe'aridhitiriririesellare of an acquit s!: On the Whele question of im pea4inept, and - eyerything connected with maybe said that the- state meritif published from time to timo as to tti . i)Matiner in which .certain Sena tors' Will Vote on the piesticin are'pure spe9ulations. Itaiak 1;)e farther stated that the votes i9f • Senatere ' the, questions before'coming them. during , : the pro-, gross of „the trial, futveao significance as regards their. vote on the final ques tion as to the 'President's guilt•or in nocence.. Ur Many of the Repuhlican journals 3C of the State are 'e4nshrin4,Chief ticeChasefor the apparent coneeria tivemluree he. is pursuing i snd some of.them -were those that at he late per iod-were)o#cl'in their praises of him, and strenuous in their advoCacy of his claims for the Presidency. • Now, they do notlrtist him, and' with one accord they favor 'the 'llitopte'll of:Lek:a—Gen. „Grant, This is significant its showkag the unreliability of .certain men when .they-are to . be . ehosen as publio.leaders andrtalers. Geri. Grant was thought to be too conservative by the Chase men,and therefore they oppo sed him ; :hut:yet time and experience have shown them that it is just . such conservatism as is acceptable to the people. He. has not the bitterness - of a sectionalist, nor the Tellies of a tician. -He is a man whom wo consid er has the welfare - of his whole coun try at heart, and is not ready to bar ter his principles for the sake of . party nomination. •Ho is undeniably the people's - choice, and we are pleased to recognier the readinetts with which the Republican 'party' of the East and of the -test, pt their' State Conventions, resolve with unprecedented unanimity to support him for the Presidency. Would that the party was equally unanimous fa their choice for the Yice rresitionpy. CONNECTICUT ELECTION.—The elec tion on Monday, from the latest news, resulted in the re-election of English, Demoorat, for Governor, by proba bly a decreased majority. TILE SHERIFEALTY.—ThO Office of Sheriff of this county is no small affair, as is well evinced by the number of eager candidates whom wo understand are making every ondeavor.in receive tho nomination of the Reptlblican par ty. Twenty-- aspirants, and perhaps more! Ye honest voter:, what f;l6 . yon think of it. If :you wore all like us, you would no doubt think as wo do, and wo know we are right when wo say that out of this stall number there will be. only oncWho will receive the nomination, no matter what may be the spirit of the contest. What, may wo ask, is to come of our• Legislators, our PrOthonotaries, our Registors, if all our Office sectors aro going to lay claim to one offloo ? Will we turn all the rest of the offices into Sheriffs, in order to satisfy this host, or will we abolish the office of Sheriff entirely, in order•to save the aspirants from do feat and disappointment 7 As either proposition is out of tho question, of course we Will have to wait until the Convention assembles, and then, like MicaWber, see what will turn up. If. we had the powerwe would make all of them Sheriffs, bit gentlemen, this is impossible; but Nvle would kindly ad vise none of you'. to build too high hopes upon your success; but like good citizens await your chances, and in the meantime,- secure a situation in some other pursuit, so that if you are disap pointed you will taro something, to fall back upon. ..,•,; Poor. limn AccOuprs.--We find in an oxchango tho following, showing the population of goveral . counties in the State including our own, and the amount of money • paid last.' y.car f by each for _the maintonanco of their re spective Poor House establishments : COUNTY. • POPULATION. 'EXPENSES. Berke,. 94,043 $39,551 08 Washington, 47,319 8,772 72 Lancaster, ' 116,621 30,300 00 Montgomery, 70,494 40,282 68 Juniata, 16,300 9,737 86 Perry, ' . 21,640 .• " .8,328 60 Dauphin, 48,940 " . 20,000. 00 I}lbanon, ' 30,030 1T,290.01 'Westmoreland, • 44,020 17,023 03 Cumberland, , .40,402 15.107 00 Mifflin, •- , 16,378 6,102 08 Huntingdon,_'2B;2o4 5,848 54 Chester, . 74,749 " 18,772 20 York; ' • • 63;088 "• " 39,500 00 Mt; above figurikshoW a creditable account favor of Hunt.ingdon.eoun thand the people of the county cannot complain of tho management of the Vocir " The:Accounts show that thore,is either loss pauperism hi 'Hun tingdon county, or else more economi• zing of expenses than in any other ciounty.perhaps in the State. Our Di rectors of tife.Ppor deserve credit for the rrititinor in 'which they have kept down the expenses-,of this institution. A, TERRIBLE 140T.---111t01 I igenc o reached. the - city Wednesday evening that a desperate riot w Ae ut, the coal mines of .1 - olin & Son, at Pine Run, on the Monongahela riv er, three ‘miles above McKeesport.— The first intimation of ,the riot was received by the Mayor, who was Lein graphed to send • up iihmediately : ton or twelve policeman And the Coroner. Chief, Green enrolled thirty mon who were properly Armed and drilled for the encounter they would probably be engaged in, but previous to,tho limo for. the departure of, the train,. a . tele, gram ,was .received - ,istatieg that the services of the police, would not be needed last, night, as t .tho, rioters had diSP9rse4 , . Relative to the origin of the riot, it seems that some time ago - the miners in the employ of Mr. O'Neill & Son Struck ford certain-rate of wages. Af ter holding - out until yesterday they returned to Work, which so exaspera ted the millers in- the neighboring works - that they determined to corn, poi them to quit labor and hold out.-- Witb,this object in view some two hundied mon from the neighborhood of Six Milo Ferry arrived about noon yesterday*, O'Noill's works, armed with- clip. They..called upon the minors to come out and cease work.— Their demand was refused by : Mr. O'- Neill and his men, and a collision en sued between the parties. Mr,, O'Neill and his men were armed ,in anticipa tion of the trouble, and - at the onset of the rioters discharged their .weapono at them; killing ono man, and wound ing five, only ono of . the latter, how ever, seriously. In he melee 141 r. O'- Neill was severely, but not.dangerous ly wounded by .blows ,from clubs. Having met with a N . var - mor reception than they anticipated, aad not caring to prolong the fight with clubs against powder and lead, the mob•dispersed. After rioters had .left, Mr. O'Neill was reinforced from the neighborhood, and last night himself . and , property was guarded by ono hundred armed men. His son will be in the city to day, and make an information before Mayor Blaekmore against the rioters,' when a,sufficient armed force, will: be sent up. for their., arrest.—Pittsburg Commerafal. Perhaps some persons may think it not a little strange that two influential Romin'Ootholic papers of the Demo cratic 'Peisnaskin politically- ono in New York, the other in Cincinnati- 7. shenld - within - the last ! few days have come out for Mr. : Chase 'for presickoit. With Mein, not as . cortain jour nals which havil proposed Mr. Otiose more in derision than earnest, they ap pear to be catirely sincere, a fact which, while there is- not the least likelihood of the Democracy adopting Mr. Chase, proves that really there is something at the bottom of the, idea. The fact denotes liberality in another respect— Mr. Chase being a loading Methodist. Says a New York letter : In the event of the removal of the Pre'sident Mr. Seward writes to' his friends here, so I am informed, that ho will at MI6 leave the Cabinet. In Wall street, Mr. McCullough's friends are in doubt as to his course, in the_ Same contingency, but those of them who sustain the clo sest business relations with him, ap pear to be pretty confident that he like wise will resign hiS place. Horace Greely is confidently spoken of as Mr. Randall's sucriessior in the Postoffice Department. Report in the Untested Election Case, Mr. Landon, from the committee se looted to try the contested election case of Robison vs. Shugart, made the following report, viz : In the matter of the contested elec tion in-the Twenty-first Senatorial dis trict, the select committee present .the ,following report : The last election returns gave Sam'l T. Shugart, the Democratic candidate 14,124 votes, and John K. Robison, the Republican candidate, 14,102 votes, 1 the first mentioned, therefore, having twenty-two (22) majority, claimed and I was accorded a seat in the Senate. The election is contested by the said Robison, upon the ground of fraudulent and, illegal voting upon the day of election, claiming that if all illegal and unauthorized votes be excluded from the count, that ho and not the sitting member would be clearly and positive. ly entitled to tho seat. Your committee was drawn on the 9th day of January, 1868. They met on the same day and organized; H. B. Swoops and John Cessna appearing as counsel for the contestant, and Hon. John Maynard, Wm. H. Miller and John H. Orvis, Esq., for the sitting member. The committee has met daily, as required by law, and during most of the time have held two meet ings per day. Ono hundred and sev enty-six (178), witnesses were called and heard on the part of the petitioner and contestants, , during a period of three weeks, two hundred and fear witnesses on the part of the ,respon dent, during a period of six weeks, making the total number of witnesses examined three hundred and eighty. The business sessions of the com mittee wore hold at the capitol except one, when a meeting was held in Wilkesbarre, Luzerne county, for the examination of the naturalization re cords of that county, for the purpose of ferreting out certain alleged natur alization frauds claimed to have -origi nated in that locality. A minute analysis of the vast =1 of evidence taken would be tedious and unnecessary in this, report. The nommittee_presents herein the promi nent and determining facts of the case without elaborating details, only add ing in,their own behalf that they have performed the duty assigned them with all possible industry and 'care, and present this conclusion• of their protracted labors -free from partisan bias upon - their candor and sworn • The counsel for the respondent have earnestly. contended that the whole Of Taylor township, in the county of Centre, should be thrown out, for the reason, as they. allsge, that it _was not held at the place fixed by law. In this township, the contestant had eighteen majority.. It seems that by an act of Assembly in 1848, it was provided that the election in, Taylor township, in the county of Centro, should be hold at the school house near Hannah Fur mice. In August, 1856, a petition of the citizens of the township was pre sented to the court of quarter sessions of the county, setting forth that the school house near Hannah Furnace, where the election was appointed by law to be held, had been removed, and praying the court to order the election -to be beld-Rty-nuothur-onnei-ur anther. izo an election to be held in the town ship, for the purpose of fixing a place at which to hold the general election, On the back of this petition the court endorsed an order, fixing Friday, the 26th of September, as the day for hold ing au election in the township, for the purpose of determining where the general election should be held. This order was made on the 25th day of August, 1850. A paper was produced by the prothonotary which he states he found in his office, but which is not marked filed, purporting to bo the re turn of the election so authorized by the court. This paper shows for the house of William' Adanis, fourteen votes; for the Henderson school house, five votes; and for the Hannah school house, three votes. No action seems ever to have been taken upoici it by the court. No order or 'decree was ever made fixing the house of Wiliam Adams as the place of holding', the election. The parol proof in this ease showed that the election was held for a while at the house of Wm. Adams'; that it was transferred in some man ner from there to a wagon-maker shop on land of Thomas Merryman, about the year 1860; that in the fall of 1860 the wagon-maker shop was torn down, and Thomas Merryman forbid the offi cers from holding any more elections on his premises; that they went to the nearest school houie (the Henderson school house, one and a half mile dis tant from Morryman's,) ' whore they held the spring election in_ 1867, and also the full election, which we aro asked to decide invalid. With out a further statement' of facts, the committee excludes this poll from the election returns, which , deducts eigh teen votes from the returned vote for Tim K. Robison... The respondent claims to have prov ed sixty-eight illegal' scattering votes cast - for the contestant, comprising minors, non-residents and non-tax pay mil- This being the whole number claimed; the committee allows the full number and deducts the same from the vote of John K. Robison.. - .Both : parties have proved a' large number of deierter votes. The de fense claims that this whole questiOn should be ignored. Without stating tho argument, in the case and realiz ing the .difficulties gathering about, the subject, the _committee accede 'to - the claim, and leaVe this class of voters where the general election returns have placed them, without expressing any opinion upon the legal questions in volved in the Matter. The returns from Carbon township, Huntingdon county, give the sitting member sixty-five majority.' This the committee exclude from the count, for the following reasons : :1. Because the election was improp -orly held. It, was in a . hotel; there was a crowd around the table upon which the ballots were being deposit ed, and a great deal of disorder while the tickets wore, being counted. At one time during' the day the whole board, except one inspector, was ab sent, and ho continued taking votes, recoving, among others, the vote of one William Plumb, an unnaturalized foreigner. 2. Because there was no certificate of the oaths of the - officers filed in the prothonotary's office, as required by law. 3. Because when the ballot box was opened. in the presence of the commit tee, it was found to contain newspa pers, old election returns, pamplet laws, &c., but no tickets and no list of taxables. 4. Because a certified copy of the list of taxables from - the commission er's office showed that forty-one names on the list of voters were not on the assessment, and in the absence of the list of taxableg frona-the ballot box, it was impossible to ascertain how or why these persons - were permitted to vote. Tho committee are of opinion that the irregularities surrounding this election aro of so gross and flagrant a kind as to render . it impossible to as certain what Was the true expression of the pdpular will. One of the material allegations of the petitioners was that a gross fraud had been perpetrated" in the borough of Phillipsburg and in Rush township, in the county of - Centre. 'ln - support of this charge, the following facts and circumstances were relied on : That about twelve days previous to the election Irish • railroad hands, to the number of eighty' and . upwards, were sent from the unfinished work hi Clearfield county, to Phillipsburg and Rush township, in Centre county, ostensibly for the purpose 'of comple ting about forty rods of road on the Centre county side of the line; that these men, instead of being boarded at the shanties, erected for that purpose, in proximity to the work on the Clear- - field side of the line, whore quartered at the hotels in' Phillipsburg and Rush township ; that they wore illegally as sessed before they came into the dis trict, from lists furnished the assessors by one Mark Leddy, as boss on the railroad; that it was expressly said by James Collins, one.of the contractors, and Richard O'Gormon, his foreman, when the mon were ordered to Phil lipsburg, that theY.were - sent there to vote and carry the district for the De mocratic ticket; and they did vote, litiving been brought up to the polls by Leddy and Sheriff Perks, who furnished the special tickets that had been printed and prepared for the purpose; that thirty-seven of these tickets wore found in the Phillipsburg .box, and twenty.,sevea in the box of Rush township.; tba . t they voted on forged mitUralization papers, purport ing to be issued by the court of com mon pleas of Luzerne county; that these paper's word shoWn. to be forged by an examination of the records of the court, madp'hy the committee, and clear proof that similar papere,boaring the seal of the ,court, and purporting to be signed by.M.l. Philbin, the pro thonotary, were strewn all over _Lu zern° county, to be, obtained for the asking'; and that immediately after having thus voted, these men return ed to Clearfield county, all of thorn having left the hotels in Phillipsburg and Rush township, within four days after, the election. All those facts, with many corrobbrating circumstan ces, were clearly' established, to the satisfaction of the,committee, by evi dence too voluminous to he recited in this respect. It was shownby the inspector and clerk of the election that at least thir ty-three of these fraudulent votes were received and included in the return in too - b - oTeiight rhitlipsh - urg. The com mittee are fully satisfied that these thirty-three votes should be deducted from the number returned for the sit tin.. member. In Rush township, the number of those fraudulent votes actually. receiv ed and counted could not be ascertain ed from the evidence. For this and other reasons, .the. contestant claims that the whole vote of Rush, township should be thrown, out, and ,excluded from the return, Ile bases this claim on the following facts : 1. Becanse'the' beard, which was en tirely of one party, was not legally constituted, the only officer elected by the people being the judge; both the inspectors .being .deserters, and having been appointed improperlyby thojudgo, out of the same political party, and not in accordance with the provisions of the law regulating elections. 2. That the election was improperly conducted, the house being open all day, the collector sitting , at the table with the ballot box upon • receiving taxes with a largo crowd'arounct and a largo number of persons in the room when the votes were being coun ted off. 3. That no list of taxables wasfound in the ballot. box, and no record was kept or produced to show how many persons voted. 4. That a large number Of votes was received from persons with forged naturalization papers, only one of whom was sworn, and when they were challenged, the challenges were' die. regarded; that it Was impossible, un der the circumstances, to ascertain what was the truo• expression• of the popular will. The committee are un able to determine how many illegal votes were received and counted in this township, the respondent having failed to call before thorn either the in spectors or clerks of the election, and no record having been found in the ballot box, as required by law. When it had been show on the part of the con testant, that fraudulent votes had been received, that the officers absolutely refused to discharge their sworn duty, and admitted every vote offered in spite' of remonstrances and challenges, the integrity of the return was at once destroyed. The committee is constrained, there fore,, to exclude from the count the whole vote of Bush township, which gave fifty-ono inajhrity for the sitting member." This hasty review - of 'tho prominent facts, put in a condensed recapitulation, stands thus: The original election returns gave Samuel T. Shugart - 14,124 At Phillipsburg ... . . 33 Rush township • 51 Miscellaneous illegal,votes, es ' elusive Of deserters' votbe 23 Carbon township! The general election rettiiciti gaVe John K. Robison 14,102 From this deduct rejected ma jority .. of Taylor Township 18 Miscellaneous illegal vote, ex clusive of deserters' votes 68 86 Leaving to the contestant, John IC. Robi son, a legal majority of sixty.four votes, and said Robison is therefore entitled to the seat. •LAIIDON, JACOB E. RIDWAY, J. W. FISIICR, TAYLOR, • WARREN COW I:&A, FROM WASHINGTON. THE IMPEACHMENT. WASHINGTON, April 1, 1888.—The Republicans are well satisfied with the progress and .character of the day's proceedings in the trial. The legisla tion in both branches is practically sus pended. The House met at noon, and dispensing with the reading, after a few sentences of the journal, went ita mediatly over to the Senate. The at tendance of members is daily decreas ing. At the opening of the trial lir. Sumner obtained the sense of the Sen ate on the question Of the right of Chief Justice to vote when the Senate was equally divided, which was decid ed in favor of Mr: Chase by 26 to 21. The counsel for the President labored strenuously to have the various con= vorsations of Thomas ruled out, but in alt eases they Were overruled either by the Chief Justice or the Senatd. Mr. *rleigh of Daltotah, finished his testimony begun= - yesterday by re lating that Thomas had declared that ho should use force to get into the War Department if necessary, and after wards that his arrest by. civil authori ties alone had prevented him. Stan bery's Cross-examination of 'this wit ness was of a higher order than that of yesterday. Samuel Wilkinson; thc:well-known journalist, gives a very clear account of an interview with Thomas and the statements Of the latter on two occa sions that, be-should call on Grant for troops, and that ho did not see how Grant could refuse. Evidence was at tentively listened to by all present, and the examination. of the next witness gave rise to continued and' violent laughter on all sides.- A Mid h.Provoking Witneso Mr. Icaraner, of Delawarp, is one of the large, farmers ',ef•that State,."a Del aware bby," ag,he termed . himself, though some forty-fiVe years old.. 'Ho was perfectly unConcerned and 'appar ently utterly ignorant that either style or words were in the least ludicrous, but the account of his visit to the White - House; his Meeting; Gen. Thom as in the east roomitelling him the eyes of Delaware'weite,on him,:and his re lating it all afterward to-a man named Smith, and whose " first name was not John but William, was droll to the last degree. The Chief Justiedi laughed till he shook. Counsel laughed. The Man agers put their heads down . on the ta• ble and laughed till "the tumblers rat tled on it. Senators held their'Sides and laughed-, -th - e gallerioa responded heartily,,and in fact the whole •audi mace, official and unofficial, filling the inside of the chamber, shook till the old comparision to a bowl of jelly was quite applicable to the audience as a It isosafe to say there-has nev er been such general and long contin ued laughter in the Senate chamber before. WASHINGTON, April 2, 1868 The House managers did not arrive as promptly as usual, and a brief pause ensued• At 12 O'clock and ton. : min utes, the managers on the part of. the House of Representatives were announ ced and on their heels House.' Not the mem bers of the Hou• Not twenty mem bers however . were in . _ line, _many of them remaining - in their Own chamber,• after tho Senate was in . session, writ ting letters and indulging in specula tive conversation as to the prospects of impeachment. - - • The first witness was Mr. Kersener, of Delaware, who wail recalled at the instance of Mr. Stan bevy. Only a few unimportant questions were put to him, after which he., was allowed to depart. Congressman Ferry of Michigan, was then called to the stand, cud sub stantiated the testimony of Hon. Burt Van Horn and General Moorehead, relative to the interview between Gen. Thomas and Secretary Stanton at the War Department. Gen. Emory Commander of this dis trict, was next called 'and examined by General Butler:—He is a Colonel of cavalry and a brevet Major-Geneneral; has been in command of this depart ment since December, 1867 ; had a conversation with the President on the subject of the forces here; can only give the substance of that conversa tion ; the Presidentasked him about the facts and forces around Washing ton ; he told him as each as he could the strength of each post. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. M1LNW43033 ACADE MY The next term open. filet WEDNESDAY,' 6th of MAY. Unsurpassed facilities in Music, Drawing and Painting. Mr. D. F. TUSSEY, County Superintendent, wil I take chargo of the Normal Department. Send for a circular. Addreaa R. S. KUIIN, Principal. ap 8.31 or Rev. W. C. KUHN, Shade dap, Pit. cTATISTICS of tho financial condi. lion of the Local Bounty Accounts of Tod township. Original indebtedness $19932 18 Amount paid 19765 90 Principal remaining unpaid $ 9166 26 Probable Interest due since last settle men° 660 00 Probable balanco of duplicate In - hands of Col lector Amount to bo migoseed We tho undersigned Auditors of Tod Township having examined the Local Bounty accounts of said township, and (Ind; tho probable amount to bo assossed to liquidato the indebtedness to ho seven thousand nine hundred and tweivo dollars and sosenty.flye cent,. IVituesa our bands this '27th day of March, A. D. 1868. ALLEN I,I)WARDS, E. 'FRENCH, E. PLUMMER„ npB Auditors. nUARTERLY: REPORT of the ) Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Hon tingdon, of the State of Pall mylvanitt, on tho morning of tho lirst .Monday of April, 1868: RESOURCES. Mans and Discounts Dunking House. Furniture and Fixtures Current expenses' 2,200 06 Duo from Banks and Bankors • 52,135 28 U. S. Bonds, deposited with Ti. S. Trertinrerto - - - secure Circulating Notes - - - 150,000 00 U. S. Bonds and securities on band 80,600 00 Cash on hand, in circulating notes of other Na tional banks 2,576 00 Specie • 1,281.. 00 Fractional currency Legal Tender Notes Compound Interest Notes.. =I LI ABILITIES Capital stock paid in - $170,000 00 Surplus fund 0,801 71 Circulating notus reed from Compt'r... 735.000 Less amount on hand ,o „ :1,250 133,750 00 Individual deposits • " 370,031 77 Duo to Banks and Bankora 4,408 25 ME Discount and Exchanges Interest.. Total Liabilities ;587,018 36 State of Pennsylvania, County of Huntingdon, SS, I, George W, Gartnttson, Cashier of the Firs t National Bank of Huntingdon, Pa., do solemnly swear that the above statentont is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.[Signed.] . 14,016 OEO. W. GARRETTSON, Cashion Sworn to and subscribed before me, this, sixth day of April, A.D., 186,8.. (Signed.] PETER SWOOP; J. P. A LL KINDS OF CRACKERS cono nutty on hand at - OUNNIIVQHAISI 4 CARMON'S. rFIREASURER'§'SA:LE OF UNSEA A. TED LANDS IN HUNTINGDON COUNTY. WIIEnEAS, by an net of the General Assembly or the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled iO 4,i act to amend an act directing the mode ref selling unseated lands for tares and other purposee,7 'mind 13th March, 1815, and the other acts upon the subject, rho Troaant era of the several counties within thia Commonwealth ore directed to commence on the 2d Monday in Juno, in the year 1816, and at the expiration of every two years thereafter, and adjourn Irons day to dtiyi if it be necessary to do no, nod make public sale of the whole or any part of such tenet Of unseated land, !situate in the - proper county, as still pay the encamps df the taxes which shall have then remained doe ,or unpaid for, the space of ono year before, together with all costs necestarlly accruing by lemon or ouch delinquency, &c. Therefore, I, M. 51. LOGAN, Treas. nrer of the county of Duntingdon, do hereby give notice timt, upon the following tracts of unseated land, situate no hereinafter described, the eaveral sums stated aro the arrearages of times, respectively, due and unpaid for one year, and that In raccoonce of the direction of the afore said Act of Assembly, I shall, on MONDAY, TILE BTII DAY 01 JUNE NEXT, .at -the Court House, in the bor ough of Huntingdon., commend, the Public Sale of the whole or any part of - such tracts of unseated land, upon which all or any part of the taxes heroin specified shall then be due; and continue such eels by adjournment un til all the tracts upon vadat .ihk taxes shall remain duo and unpaid, shell be sold. ' M. M. LOGAN, _new. of Hunt. C 6 Treasurer's Office, Aprll 4,1868. , Amount of Taxes due and unpaid on the following Tracts of nes , ated Lands, up to and including the year 1801: , Acres.' Perches. - ' Warranties or 'Owners. . Tax - • Barret Totowship. .. . i . .. a. c. 437 Moses Vamoost, 10 60 505 James Ash & Wm. Shannon, 3l 62 436 Robert Austin, „ • "58 01 - Brady. - 54 Lewis Igo, ' '4 05 402 John Wateon, • ' ' 764 43 33 Andrew Bell, 2 30 425, Wm. Watson, - - ' ' - -' ' . 12 81 33• Christian Kauffman, . . • 265 33 Daniel Ring, • -' • 383 Chrbon. 200 F. C. Reamer, 3 80 1 lot in Coalmont, J. W. Curry,6o 17 Clanton.' heirs, . , ; 1 07 8 John Howard, lB 4 lots in New Grounds, John Howard, 38 133 Cook & Elder, now Schell & Bowman, 250 400 Wm. Spring, 760 400 John Murphy,. 760 . 400 Wm. Dian, • 7 80 400 John Blan ' 750 200 Benjamin Price, 3 80 400 Alexander Henry, 780 4111 Wm, Mowan, . „ 793 336 James Manse, 19 19 394 Isaac Mowan, ' 17 55 107 90 Benjamin Penn, 1 91 12 Henry Miller, (part) 24 100 Jonathan Pow or Pugh, 190 438 40 Speer & Dougherty, 8 91 100 Daniel Newcomer, 190 400 Shoemaker'. heirs, A. 5.4. E. Roberts & Co., 320 21. A. S. &E. Roberts &Co,A. W. Andorson, 40 60 , • do de John McLane, 40. 172 - W; Settle, . 6'53 47 A. S. &E. Roberts & Co., Joe. Martin's heirs; 37 .432 Speer & Dougherty, tt 1 • •8 34 400 87 Samuel Iffirteack, . • •.'25 70 209 03 Edward Naels„ 20 21 289110 John Nash,• • =•- • • 13 37 . 237 Henry Sill, • ,13 18 137 135 Samuel Morrison, 8 36 400 John Freed, 24 70 240 , Hugh Morrison,.!: - ! ~' : • . . 1 2 bb 400 , Robert 51111er, ,"-, I,- , , - . - t •4 20 400 IVm .51111er, 020 100 /Mate Sillti, , " 207 . John 6111 e, " •.. - . 14 12 . • 157 Neal Clark, . 10 01 ' 450 Sarah Harteock, Jr., _2O 40 4,0 Sarah Barrack,.• • ' , ' 45 70 405 '"Jacob Barrack, - 26 99 „ 400- Peter Hartsock, ' , 21 10 400 Elizabeth Itartsock;,', •25 70 , Clay. . 252 132 Zachartah Chaney, . • 4.78 Cromwell. . • - , 418 20 John Jourdon; ., r , , .- ,"" 836 393 41 Samuel Galbraith, . 6 94 , . 400 70 Jeeeph Galbraith, • - - 740 408 77 'John Galbraith, .• -• I ' ; t 501 153 George,Stovenson, (H. 012egew ) 208 425 John Forrest,- •, : 200 350 James Old, (part.) - 333 40 John Gilliland, -- • .1 52 120 J. Kelley, ; , • 3 -42 110 A. Potts, - ' • ' " '•4 18 111. A. WHIN Heir., . , - ,- - - , ; • -,, 423 400 D. Caldwell, , , _ _ - , 330 Franklin. ; • • - . ; _ _ I 40 , , David Caldwoll, -- : ' • ' ;'" • 456 '5 - James Logan, (J. liforio;v,) .- 57 Hopewell., . 210 Pater Herring, ' - ,17 41 200 Conrad Herring,' , 14 80 212 David Shaffer, .14 59 202 Sarah Levi, . . 14 91 207 Margaret Lout, ' ' 10 20 205 Adam Levi, - . 13 00 200 A brabom Levi, 9 50 97 Hannah Herring, . - 715 37 Frederick Het ring, _ .. .. .". 272 200 Belfry Bates, 13 70 220 Sanlual Davis, • • • - : 15 21 210 Joseph 51111er, - 200 " Jacob Weiner, • 14 45 206 Jacob Weaver, , • -' • -15 24 1 raran t lot it, acre, Recce Griune t, 68 Juniata. - 100 Samuel Caldwell, 5' 30 200 William Barrack, (part,) 15 80 Jackson. ' 400 - 'Monies Partner, - 4Or 400 George stover, - 400 Jacob Ililtzuner, 4 400 Andrew 13036, • 4 400 George or Robert Grazier, 400 George Engli., 400 Adam Striker, . 400 Binary Baker, 400 Thomas Russell, 400 Thomas Balstou, 400 David Ralston, Jr., • 400 David Ralston, , 400 EphtnimJonee, • • 400 John Brown . 437 Jonathan Priestly, 400 William Johnston, • 400 Rebut Johnston, 450 Charles Caldwell, 422 Jamee Dean, 400 Henry Carmen, 400 John Adams, 400 Henry West, • . ... 400 Alexander Johnston, 400 Hugh Johnston, 400 Thomas McClure or McCune, 400 John Russell,. l. . ". • • 400 John Ralston. 400 • James West, :, - 400 -- William Steel; • • 395 Abraham Dean, • 400 James Fulton, ; I 400 Samuel Marshall, - .. 400 Robert Caldwell, ' . 400 Matthew 9111ipS(M, 400 James McCune, - 400 Samuel Steel, ~ • 400 John Fulton, 400 John Galbraith, . 400 Joseph McCune, . 400 George Wice, . • - 4 37 Dovinneye_Heirs, 1 1 Oneida. 120 John Johnston, ' 420 11 William B. Zeigler, .47 Penn. . 402 Jane Sells, •3 82 397 Peter Shaver, • • . - 2 26 Porter. ~ • 150 'Wm. Smith, D. D., 14 91, 100 'do " " 13 40 70107 Samuel Fisher, (J. S. leett, owner,) 6 77 100 Benjamin K. Neff, 893 402 'Wm. Smith, ' 2660 275 John N. SWoope & Co., 24 40 106 do •do - . 8 99 224 . do, do-, 15 76 188 do do 13 71 298 do do 20 47 382 Wm. Smith, 21 78 Shirley.- - 411 60 PeterWertz,.. --' - -. , "1 03 405158 James Caldwell, ' 420120 Benjamin Brown,2 00 175 z' :Wm; & John.Patteraon", " - ,• _ 1 '-83 , SprinwielL . ' 400 Stacey Young, 335 . 75 George Eberle, 213 122 Brice Y. Blair, - - . 161 421 Nathan Ord, - . : . Bop Tell. ' " 335 129 Simon Potter, • - „3'lB 414 10 John Pease, • 3 02- 431 30 Adam Clow, : . .• 3 09 Tod. 250 Tempy Shaffer, • . • 12 30 SO J. R. Flanagan, 3 75 395 08 Samuel Cornelius, . 19 54 96 Speer & Martin, • • 496 52 ]dial Smith, 763 400 Benjamin Rush, '. - • 18 32 200 Samuel, Sally and Belay Chambers, 14 86 455 Robert Chambers, . - 19 80 336 Nancy Chambers, 10 80 400 James Chambers, 19 80 400 James Witer, 19 80 409 Nancy Davis, 19 80 400 Imo Huston, 19 80 400 Johanna Huston, 19 Mr 400- ,Resin Davis,:.. - ' ' 19 SO 150 : ',Am° s now eal Clark, - "- t - 400 John Chambers,. 19 89 406 Sarah Hartoock, , .21 53 400 Mary Fred, , 19 BO , Union. . 355 Arthur Fea, 14 05 400 Frederick Sell, ,' 7 60 , 420 James Pea, • B'ls 400 Abrahom Sell, - - . ' ,- , 789 400 Abraham Morrison, 760 400 Joseph Morrison, 760 200 John Sell. ' 3 80 420 Solomon Sell; 703 395 Margaret Sell, 751 26 Benjamin Elliott, 332 400 John Brewster, 4 40 . 300 Samuel Caldwel, 22 85. IMEI3 ELM 4 7012 75 4229,997 00 . 7,909 00 833 29 ALSO—The following real estate upon which peisonal property cannot bo found sufficient to pay the taxes re turned by the several collectors. is charged with the taxes thereon assessed for the years 1861 and 1862 and will bo sold as unseated lands in pursuance of the directions of the forty-first - section 'of the act of assembly.entitled ,•an act to reduce the State debt and to incorporate tlio Penn sylvania Canal and Railroad Company" approved tlw 20th of April, JIM: 542 72 15,754 00 13,400 00 • SEATED LIST. Hopewell townthip. OU David Mountain's estate, 66 60 do do , 96 c.sz gip as NOTICE. The undersigned haring sold ont his entire store will discontinue the mercantile business in Ifaiklesburg, and earnestly requests all *llO are indebted to him to call at his store room and make settlement by note or otherwise., Very respectfully, • Marklesburg, AmB.2rn - J. B. SIIONTZ. 6,494 a 5,012 24 AGRICULTURAL MEETING. A regular meeting of the Huntingdon County Agricultural Society will be held in the Court House, on TUESDAY evening of the first week of the coming Court (14th inst.,) at 7 o'clock. The propriety of hold. lag a County Fair during the coming fall will be taken into consideration, together with other bueinesa of ira• portanco to the Society. A Dilluttendanoo Is desirable. By order of the eociety, R. MOM= 1. M. BAILEY, . - , fiep'ys. A Lti -KINDS OF BLANKS,mon Administrators' and Executors' Node, Mort g a g es, Judgment Notes, Promissory Notes, with and without waiver of exemp tion, Summons, Subprentui and EreUrition, apt For fade at BLAIR'S BOOK STORK. BOOKS &STATIONERY, lONSTANTLY. FOR" SALE at whole v) sale and retail, a large and well So-: leered stock of • alp srANDAin WORKS. In every dopes tment of Literature. Also, ••• SCIIO.OL BOOKS,' BLANK BOORS, PAPER, De., to which the attention of country merchants, com• mittees of librarleseteneliers arid purchaser, generally, is . invited by • J. C. BLAIR, . .. pl.:: - . • : • • "-, :-..-- Idonfaeller. • .WANTED 3124eis. 4:3 1 1.11..X" ] Day s Or the Lives and Deeds bf gon c rais, Statesmen, Orators and Political Leaders now on the stage of action, MOM- Mg Grant, Sherman, Colfax, Sumner, Stanton, Sheridan, Yates, Curtin, Trumbull, Feuten, Buckingham, Wilton, Greeley, Wade, Morton, Philips Farragut, Chase, Logan, Slovens. Beecher, Seward, Boutwell, Dix, Hamlin, Fes- Bandon; Reward, and others,with over Forty Lifelike , portraits of Living Men. eld only by agents. Great " Inducements. Fen! for Circulars yp ZHIG LER, lOCCItIfIr & CO.; • apt- 2 m : 514 Arch tits Philadelphia. 0 NOTICES 13AkTKRUPTCY. DISTRICT COURT or Toe UNITED STATES, TOR TUE t WESTERN DISTRIET or DENESYLVAN/A. r _ A SSIGNEE APPOINTED: ' - El Jo the mutter of ROBERT 1 1 .114SLETT, Bankrupt To whom it may concern : - . The undersigned hereby glees notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of the estate of ROBERT F.IIII.6IATT, of Spruce Creek, in the county of Huntingdon, in the mid district, who was, to •wit "on the lst day of February, a. n 1566, adjudged a bankrupt, upon hid °ten petition, by the District Quirt, of said District.. " . Dated at Huntingdon, this 27th day of March, 4: D. 1663. „ IIARTE4 tA:ONGENECRER, Assignee 313x1.0.4^ a to T.IIE. Commissioners of: Huntingdon county'will receive propoiali up to and including Wednesday, the 20th day of May next, at their Mira, and also, at Birmingham until 11 o'clock, A. 11., oil 'Thursday, the 21st of h:ny. for • the erection of a bridge across the Juniata river at Birroinghant • • • All bidders aro requested to he at Birmingham at the lotting, In order that the eueeeetfut • bidder cart at the same-time enter in'o au mild° of agreement and give bond with an annoyed security for the faithful berform anCo of told bin tract:' I) . 4ILTON 'S. LY TLE; • A 4 1"2 4 :0./YE Y AT Le iY, HUNTING DON, P.& Will attend promptly to all klude of lognl imMuces en trusted to Me cot e. ' • - COLLECTIONS matle - adth theloanCitosaibla delay. Special attention given to CONVEYANCINO.In ail its branches, such an the preptuattou of Mods, Alitrigagos, Leases, Betide, Articles of Akron. Ac. • ••••-• AlLquesilous relating to • • _ • ' LAND TITLES 111 PENNSYLVANIA . carefully considered. - - lle will also atter:awn fur land °venom whethor their lands aro patented and obtain PATENTS for those who mny desire them. SINCER 1 SPNCER SOWill[ Xacitillos.lSewilli Tilachillos. _ THE'bINUERSEIVINGMAUHINE EDIBLE COMPACT, DURABLE AND BEAUTIFUL. It is quid, light winning, and canablo of porforming a range and variety of work timer before attempted upon a single machine,—using either Silk, Twist, Linen, or allan Thread, and Sewing with ennal the vary finest and coarsest sit:wort...ls, and anything between the two eztremeu,' in the moat beaUtiful and 'aubstattlitit manner. Ite attachments Tor II mining, Brgiding, Cording, Tuck ing, Quilling; Felling, Binding, etc, aro Irwin und ante- Tlo.lL,.and have been invented cud adiudted especially for this machine. For sale by J. C. BLAIR, Agent, apt Railroad street, Hun tiogdou. Pa NEW WALL p:? 4 GO 4 60 4 60 5 00 4 60 ^ 30 5 30 4 81 4 GO 60 4 60 GO 4 GO 4 60 LOWEST,-P11„IOS I kayo now In store, nnd•nm gaily receiving, GOODS Of the most Beautiful designs in S TA .3f PED . 6' 0..E,D . :F TO E.Ol B which, with the largest assortment of all grades of X 3. a.)p 3t , 3ElCEtaa.girisa, FORM/MCA AND CEILINGS, I am prepared to offer nt the Lowest prices the market trill afford, , - To Dealers, BuiWere, iieuseiceepers, and &here Also, a fino az,ortmenrbf Cloth Window Sii6deind Hullauds at reditiell prices O derehy _ niatl_isill rikarviiiiiiinit'sitleiiiroii." •-: J. C. BLAIR, ••' : Bookseller and Stationer, 1 Railroad Street, Ilantingdon, Pa DR Vim■ H.: ITT Has been in successful practice for a number of years, with the experience of tlardlirepent lioapitale In urope and America. Arpty . and Hospital Surgeon during the late Amelia - it War, coulinues to attend to ellirofesslon al cases at his pfqcf, _ •: • , No. 928 - Filbe rt 'Street, Philadelphia. „• No Patent Illeilicines tine en:' recommended the remedies administered are (hose which will not break down the constitution; but renovate the system from nil injuries if has sustalued fresh mineral medicines, and leave the systemin a healthy and perfectly cured condi tion. :• - • - • bYSPEt'SIA, that distressing disease and fell aestroyor of health and happiness, .undermining the constitution and yearly cat'.. tying thonsmide 'to untimely 'graves, 'calf most emphati cally bo cured. , - , • MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, that state of alienation and weakness of the mind which tendons per noftpable or enjoying the pleasures or pet forming the dutiee of life. RHEUMATISM, in any form or condition:chronic or Amato, warranted; curable. • - EPILEPSY, or falling sickness, all chronic or etubinirn cases of• • - --FEMALR•DIAEASTS --, v• radically i'eatored; Itheum'antlevery description of ulcerations; Piles and, Scrofulous Diseases 'which have bafficd all plivieba medfcel skill, con he alined by my treatment; and Ido say all disease. [see Consumption) can bemired by wearing my Medicated Jacket, which itt a protection to the lungs against all changes .of woad= In all climates. Having investigated for years the cease and character of intermittents [fever and ague] in all parts of the, United States, will cure ,permenently . all chronic or acute cases of ague and nervous diseekees 4ci few days. . - • . cancer Cured without the sfso .4nO, or-Wl:twiny Blood. Tspo Worm, that dread to the human family for years, con be removed with two or three doses of my newly dis covered remedy.!warranted in all cases. Consultation in tho English and (lemon languages. Will make visits any distance desired. May be adthessed by letter (confi dentially) and medicine sent with proper directions tq any part of the country. . • . , . .tiP•Offico; No. fj ' '2B FI11;;st et„ . TINWARE'. Tho largest neeortment of wall mad° TINIVAIIEU tho city constantly kept on hood; also a genoTal mot imeut of Hogs° FOrctishing Goode. -- Country otorercooporo svIG Mid it to • adraneago call, mh25.1 . m AUDITOR'S NOTICE. (Estate of JOHN SHILEY, deceased.} toe undereigned, appointed Auditor by the Orphans' Court or Huntingdon county, to hoar exceptions to, mod make distribution of, the balance found to be .duo on the final account of John W. Slattern, Esq., Administrator do bonis non, with the will annexed, of John Smiley, late . of Brady township, deceased,-will Attend for theso purp'Ol sea at tile office in'llutitingdon, on FRIDAY,IOth day APRIL next, when and where all persons are require to present their claims or bo.dobarred from coming in on mid fund. SEWELL STEWART, Ye 1,171 STATIONERY, ADAM WARFEL, ADAM NOUSE, SAML..CUMMINS, • - - Comintedonare apr6B JNdl. M. 31ELt0Y, 728 Market Street, Philadelphia
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