6.lribe. H UN:T I NO o Wednesday morning,Maroli 25,1868. LOCAL & PERSONAL 1t9,, Subscribers . ,to The Globe will remember that they can discontinue their 'subscriptions at any time, and the amount paid' oy the same (after deducting for the time the paper may have been sent) will be refunded. I.3rlef Items. —T. S. Johnston of the firm of Hen ry & Co., has gone east for now goods. —a. new stock of spectacles just re ceived at Lewis' Book Store. —Read adyertisethent of David Men -',Coach and Carriage Manufacturer, ..aother column. nopular : roster's Orion tal Bitters. Road adrertisment in to day's Issue. attention to card of Thos. .13urchiutA & Son, Manufacturers of Sash, Doors, &c., in this number. —:-:Services in the Episcopal Church on next Sabbath, at the usual hours, iby. the Rev. Mr. Speer, of Altoona. -Shad were carried through our streets last week; salable at 75 cents and upwards. 'Nevertheless they sold. —llorse-bills printed in tho best style at this office. Owners and keep ers will make a note of this. Jonathan Rhulo of Ifilesburg, Centro county, has boon awarded the contract to build the Blair - county jail, for $64,000. --The largest and most handsome stock of new styles of Wall Paper ever -received in Huntingdon, for sale at „Lewis' Book Store. Call and see. —Two portions were baptised in the Waters of the canal on Sunday last, by Roy; J. W. Plannet, minister in charge of the Baptist church of this place. —The new city of Altoona has re solved' to pay its Mayor $4OO per an. num ; Chief of Police $BOO ; Clerksl2s ; and Solicitor $125. How sweet -but -clear it is to put on airs. .*.--Our subscribers who intend chang ing their post-office address about the frst•of April, will please notify us of the fact, so that we can make the ne cessary alterations. . —Graham's steam saw mill; situa ted-about three miles east of Lewis. town, was totally destroyed by fire early on Saturday morning. Loss of about $2,000 Onsured for $l2OO. =The Post•ofice Directory just pub• fished shows 25,712 post offices in the United States. 1,220 of them_ aro mbney-order offices, and about Juno Ist, 200 more. are to be created. —The Republicans of Juniata coun ty voted on the 10th _instant for and against the Crawford county system. *The.vote stood 478 for, and 106 against, making the majority for the system 372. —lmprovements in West Hunting don still continue, and the improve ments in the borough proper are about to commence. Wo say let them go on, until every lot has a house, and etery house a family. —ln a furore : our citizens over the Alarm of fire at Fishers' saw mill. A meeting in tho Methodist Church was hastily broken up, and many of our citizens wcie running—they didn't know whore. - —A young, man residing in Gallit zin recently,robbed.hiS father of fifty dollars, and started for Pittsburg. The telegraph got (*cad of him, and he was ! arrestd, and sent back to his fa thdr for correction. , —A son Of. Mr. Sitmnpl P. Foster, miller at lrotsville, near Tyrone, was drowned on Monday. It appears that his hat dfoi)ped into the water, and while in the - act"of reaching. for it, ho fell in; the current drawing him under the ice. • . -Great snow storms prevailed in the East_last week.. At Whit& Hall, near the snow had drifted to the depth - of five feet, detaining the trains - on the read - for several hi:Jure.— . .No - snow fell thiS Side of Harrisburgh of ,a - ri-=consequence. , -- - —Gol. John Piper 'On - Wednesday attOnpted to cross the river at Holli claysturg,in sulky, but was upset. The water Was high and :it -was with difficulty ,that ho - swam to the 'shore.— The,horsc'ancl sulky Won't Own the stre'arn;:but Were - finally got out: with safety.- . • • . - . -Radical . Jiestoration.- Itergood of fee.ts are permanent - It not only re stores the color of the hair, but the quantity and natural glossiness. 'This is said by efory_ono using Mrs. S. A Allen's improved (new stye) - Hair torer or Pressing, (in one Gottle.)Evory Druggist sells,it. Price ono Donal.. —An 6nnee_of• prevention is bettor than a pound of cure. A Little pru dence at this season of the year, in re• Bard to health, may save you weeks of suffering and innumerable - doctor bills; • Beware of the temptation to sit in rooms without fire, or take long walks and sit down in the shade on Alamp seats to rest, in the first days of -Spring. Don't take off woolen cloth• jng before the first of June. Prof. Agassiz says the time will Rome when every man who has water an his ground will raise fish for his own table as he now raises fruit. We can not see why it shouldn't be so ;'hut we Mist confess we don't see how it will ;unless our people 'Manifest more energy in the subject of fisheries than they do at present. We think we will be safe in saying that Agassiz is look ing very far into the future. —Rev. J. W. Plannett will lead the Bible Class in the rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association, on Sun day afternoon next, at 3i o'clock. The public is invited. We will add that an arrangement has been effected by which the different ministers in town :Will be afforded the same opportunity to give instruction from the Bible, and it is desirable that all our young men attend. The ft›:tures and stock of a Gro cery Store for sale, and the room for rent, located in Main street, in the iusiness part of - the' town. This is a good opening for any person with, a snail capital wishing to go into the business. Terms easy. Other busi nets requires all the attention of the prcl , 2ut owner. inquire at this aim —The town comma of ,the.. borough of Tyrone has appointed - otie-chief fire Mamba], and five assistants, to take the charge and control-of all citizons attending fires that may occur in that place. This is a very good suggestion and we hope to see our borough fath ers profit by it. A fire is something that needs skilful management, and no fire can be managed successfully if the control is left to a . reVi eiCitablO citi zons who assume to be the head. —A slight fire broke out in Fishers' saw mill- in this place on Saturday evening last. Some of the workmen were employed in steaming : barrel staves, and left some firo remain in furnace, which was blown out by tho high wind and communicated to the shavings. At one time the whole un• derneath of the mill was on fire, but was successfully mastered by the exer tions of some of our citizens. The fire had the effect of awakening our, eiti zons'froni their lethargy, and revived to some extent the subject of fire ap paratus, Appointmeikte The,foßowing is a list of- appoint ments made for this district at the late session of the Bast Baltimore M. B. Conference : Juniata District—Thomas Barnhart, P. E; Altoona—jaceb S. M'Murrity, W. M. Frysinger ; Hollidaysburg—Geo. W. Boyd° ; Duncansville—Richard Malialieu ; * Martinsburg—D. B, Me- Closky (Lewis A. Rudisell, supply); Williamsburg—Wm. Gwynn; Birm ingham—Geo. Warren, Goo. D. Pen nypaelter,* Geo. Guyer ; : Petersburg:— .libhn Moorhead; Manoi• A. DeMoyer, J. A Woodcock*; Hunting don—R. E. Wilson; Ill'Connellstown— John W. Leckie; - Cassville—Seth A. Creveling; Mount' - Union`—Tames C. Clarke; Shirleysburg—Geo. Leidy, W. Ely,*. W. H. Stevens ; sup'ny-; M'Vey to'wn-Martin.l, Smith, Geo. W. Mil lor3 Lewistown 7 —David S. :Monroe ; LewiatOwn - Circuit—Jas.llllPGarrali ; Milro'y,—joSiah Porrest;: Saxton—T. Patton Moore' (A. C. Hartsook, sup ply); Bloody Run—G. W. C. -Nranfos son ; Ray's Hill = R. - 11. Wharton ;* M'Connellsburg—Joseph R. King,-Bd mund White ;* Bedford—Burgess G. W. Reid; Rainsburg—W, J. Owens; Sholler.sburg—Andrew W. Docker (J. Akers, supply), Daniel Hartman, Temperance Agent, and member 'of Altoona Quarterly. Conference. DeactinS. - Exeter street- , --Job A. Price-; Broad way—R. W. Black; Greencastle—O. Stewart-; Warriormark—Sohn W. Haughawaut. The Valley Dress Party. The leap year fancy dress party, which was held at the Morrison House, of this placc - ,..ouluesday evening, was a grand succors. • There were present about 30 couple, of whom the majority were dresSed in a variety of costumes, representing respective nationalities andeharacters. It would be needless to specify tho characters, but, no small degree of taste was displayed in all of them. The evening was passed pleas antly, and all enjoyed :themselves hugely, only regretting that the "we sma' hours" came so soon to break the general joyousness of the scene. It is to be hoped that parties of this nature will be the feature of every _returning Leap Year. When it is known that the arrange ments for the party were made by the ladies, and the expenses of the supper and music paid by them, the public will understand that some of the Hun tingdon ladies can ,carry a point and be as successful in what they undertake as sonic of the more experienced gen tlemen. The originators of the party deserve great credit for their indomit able perseverance in surmounting all obstacles and completing all arrange. ments with such skill. Painfnl Accident and Death Mr. Andrew Grove, his wife and .two children, residing about two miles from Marklesburg, visited, that - village on Friday last in a two horse wagon.- On their return home and while going down hill, the horses became frighten ed at an umbrella which they had hoisted and immediately ran off. They could not be checked, as one of the bridle bits broke. In their descent down the hill Mr. and Mrs. Grove were thrown out together, and each of the children shortly after. Mrs.' Grove was so seriously injured that she died the same evening. Mr. Grove escap ed injury. One of the children, a boy of about seven years, had his arm bro ken, and the other child, a girl of about six Years, was badly cut about the head, and its life.is despaired of. The accident has awakened the deepest sympathy in that community in be half of the afflicted family. ME= Mr. Reuben Rudy, of Shavers Creak, met with a serious accident, under the following circumstances, on Friday evening last: Ho got on tho Cincin nati-Express going East, and finding that ho was in the wrong train, ho made an effort to jnmp off as the train was in motion. He was of course thrown back against the car ' and by some means or other his foot was eaugbc between the wheel and the tie and a tone broken. He was carried to the Station house, and his wounds were properly dressed by the Com pany's physician in this place, Dr. D. P. Miller. It is thought that the am putation of his leg will not be neces sary. GIM The dwelling house of Wm. S. Lin coln, in Walker township, was des trbyed by fire on Friday - evening last, supposed to have originated from a stove pipe. _Through the exertion of the family and a few neighbors • the principal part of the bedding and some furniture was saved. .4.1 l the provis ions in the collar and garret wro de stroyed. Wall Paper, etc. Wo would call attention to the as sortment of Wall Paper, Borders, Fire board papers, Window Shades and fixtures, at Blairs' Book Store on Rail Road Street. The best selections of Now York and Philadelphia makes.— Cdll and examine before buying else where. Firgst of the Season. Ladies Hoop Skirts of the latest ty e, for Spring And Suninler just re ceived. The Saratoga - Trail, •Parepa Reception Skirt, Now Adjustable Shirt, and the Odessa Colapsing Skirt, for sale only at A.. L. Lewis' Cheap Store, Leister's New - Building. Nuntingdon, March 24, 1868. SPRIpa ELECTlolsts.—The election in this borough went off quietly on Fri day last. The vote fell short of a full vote about two liundied. The Repub licans carried both wards .11s - was . ex pected. The following are the tickets with the vote for each : East Ward. —Judge, P. M. Lytle 115, Henry Liestor 79. Inspectors, T. H. Cromer 116, Grains Miller 80. Assessor, John Snyder 115, Henry Lower 81. Constable; Geo. W. Glazier 110, John White 83. School Directors, W. I. Steel 121, Henry Snare 116, F. B. Wallace 79, W. Buchanan SO. West TVard.—Judge, Alex. Port 71, Thos. Burehinell 45. Inspectors, Thos. C. Fisher 72, Wm. Africa 45. Asses sor, John Snyder 71, Henry Lower 49. Constable, Geo. W. Glazier 60, John W hitt). 57, School Directors, W. I. Steel 32, Henry Snare 72, F. B. Wallace 49, W. Buchanan .48. Insurance A g ono y The Insurance Agency of Miller & Armitage , will hereafter be conducted by S. B. McCarthy • & Bro., in the brick -row opposite the Court House, Huntingdon. They represent all those well known companies formerly represented at this agency, and pos• sees advantages offered by no other agents in the county. Applications will receive careful attention, and loss es promptly paid. The citizens of our county should give those gentlemen a call. xta..Professor Hugh Coyle, the well known and efficient music teacher,who has been giving instructions on the piano_ and violin in this place for the last nine years, has sold his furniture, etc., and gone to Philadelphia. Many of our best instrumental players in town received their first instructions from Prof. Coyle, and they as well as the community at largo will regret his departure. We hope the Professor abundant success in his new sphere. Speer s Wines Aro the pure juice .of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly per sons and females should try them. SPECIAL NOTICES. TnE REAEON 1711 y MISFILER'S REDD DITTEIIS cures FO many different diseases, is because it is the beet reme dy fur n deranged stomach, or Dyspepsia, now known, and because it invisorites the entire s)stem, strength-- ens the nervous' fibres, elevates the standard of nit the vital force, and sustains n most healthful tone of the en tire hurnan organism. Medicine that' will do this, will cure any disease, for the [duple reason, that nature Mill do the rent. We guarantee, that no woman or child, however pale or emaciated, can use these WWI A regularly for twouty- Ono days, mithout 1110 retain Of the cony cheeks and fair complexion cite, acteristm of good health. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers. Dlt. S. D. 11.411.J'1.t3t. & CO., 1 , , opriehos, LANCPASTEII, l'a., and CHICAGO, MARKETS. I= PIIIIADELPRIA, Match 25. ISG7 Superfine Floar at $7.25(x)3,15 extra at ~3(r_49,50 fancy extra family slofaill, and Pennsylvania tinnily Slo,sogr 12,23, and fumy brands $12,;5©14,00 according to quality. nye flour $8,75. _ - lh lam Wheat is scarce here. Choice red. at $2, 50©2,55 white $3,00193,20. Rye et Corn 1,7 to 1,18 Oats at 85e. Barley emit at s2,od. Cloverseed $8,50(0.74 aceoldiuq to qual it 3 ; Timothy nt $2.73013,00; klassced $49003,00 per bushel. Prrisounon, 31 ach 26 —flour.—There in ten loc.tl demand Wo_attolo n,tleS 01 suritm_m heat _Flour 5 11 /..5 11 0 11 , 06 ; IN inter Flour at $12,000)12.60 fancy at $140.14,00. Wheat, winter,52,413@)2,45 and No. 1 opting $2,20,€)2,55 Corn from first hands at $l,OO. Rye. $1,55 per bushel. Oats 056 . 4111.1 e; Barley 1,80E1:$1,86. nutilders 12c; sides 14c; hams 1.17,1;e, Lard Mc. FINANCIAL. elosea at $1,39.14. DI MARKETS. .Y ItY HEN RY & CO. NEW Yon, March 13.—Get, HUNTIN9D 0 COILREcTED IYEEKL CM@ ~ • WHOLVIAI Superfine Flour, 0060 , Extra I.l,iur, old 10, 1 4 Family Flour 11,5 u Red Wh.r,.......... ...... 2,20 White Wheat, 2,30 Apple Butter 'ti ga110n...1,25 Bask per cord 9 Ou Barley . 100 Butter ....... ............ 35 t 0.40. Buckwheat 1,001 Buckw Iloat Meal w 1 nu 1..1,00 Bran V. cwt - 1,22 Brooms - .6 do, 2,00 ;04,50. BeeSWIIX V, 11, 30 Beata@ b. " 00 Chickens 0 0, Country Soap 3 Corn :a o 0 _ , ' Co, I, Meal %I C U' t.... ....... 2,20 Dried Apples 13It ...... ...2,00 Ds led Cherries 't unart....l2 Dried Peaches la ID 15 Dried Beef "0 Bed' - 6 lb 9 Broad Top Coal - tl. Lou —32,501 Green Apples '' bus 01,50 Clorerseed 11 tit Ms. 07 to 3,00 Shellbalks - t1 bus , l" 00 Walnuts "El bus 50 Stock Hogs r .0, 9 eta. V. lb 'Eggs no Feathers 15 11., 9.3 Flaxseed $323 Hops 1-1 lb ....... ........... .40 Ilasn, smoked ' 20 114 , 6 ton I'2oo Laud 15 I Largo Onions 1.5 bus '75 :timed Chop Oats 00 Potatoes 1.5 bus ..... .90 to 1,00 Plaster per ton . 10,00 :nags II lb 4 ' , Rye - 130 }nye Chopli cwt " 00 Rye Sttau , 55 bundle. 10 Shot to 1l co t 1.50 Shoulder ....... ......... . ..... 12 sides 15 Pallas , : 10 ® 12 Timothy " 00 Torke3 o la, lb ...................10 Wool V lb 3', Pork 'il D 5 '1 Illard Ceal la t0n.... ...... . 1 y7,00 Pig Metal 'Ai ton ...... $35e)50 Lumbor ^O, 'MO 8...,51265 ;0 Shingles, Lapo, 7 6 d 0.5109013 " Joint, '• OW/99 ...15420 eh. -e, It, MEI -2-- SPRING GOODS. SPRLY G GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 727 CHESTNUT STREET, Ilarejast opened, and offer at POP-ULAR PRICES, SPRING CHINTZES, SPRING GINGIIAMS, • SPRING DELAINES, SPRING IrALENCIAS, SPRING ALPACAS, AND POPLINS FOR SUITS. RICKEY, SHARP eC CO., 721 Chestnut street, febs-ly v. Philadelphia. TRIAL LIST, FOR APRIL TERM, 1868. SI ithT WEEK. Wm. W. Paul & Co. TB B. F. Baker, at al. D. F. °boas as Riegel & Doter. MIL It. Corbitt TR henry Strome & Cu, W. W. & 13 C Eutriken, f u vs Michael Stone. Same vs Santo. Dr. P. Shoenborger's ears. VA Wilson & Lorenz. W. W..k D C Entrikun, I a I'd Michael Stone et el. Joseph B. Wilson vs John W. Scott. John IdeCalian's due. vs A. P. Wilson. Solomon S. Taylor VS Tilo School district of Car bon township, James Sather land vs Same. William Rankin vs Same. Samuel Teeter vs Santo. 'taint B. Thompson vs Sarno. William II Smiley vs Same, Thomas Sara as Santo. Joseph Thor:taco as Same. SECOND NV lalli. David Blair vs W. E. 3lc3lutttio. corn. or Al. Miller. °cargo Noss Ns Ww. Schollenberger. James Long and wife A/8 E. Kyle: at at. Dark! M. Janes vs The school district of Car lion town4l4, Asal Brown Va Same. Washington Corbin Ts Santo. Jacob McCall V 9 inlo9. Calvin Tobias Some. John W. Harkleroad vs Santo. Jolla F. Herron VS DG , jkl inair• John W. Mattern vs Andrew s:Harrison. George C. Hamilton la libiarid Dome. Hobert Lore vs Will. OlVella at at. P. M. Lyllo vs John W. Mutton,. Wm. A. Orhisou vs Thomas Turley rina wire Martin Bell vs John McElwee, G. W. R. 8, 1 ,0 ss A. L. GLIM Mary Buoy vs J. E. illt.Cahan. Thomas Tnr/oy S wife ys McGrath A Visor. Wilson & Potriken vs Simon Cohn, et al. Alex. Port 3 s A. S. Harrison et al. Jacob Dorman vs James Entrillou, of al.. John Bell, et al Is John Mot pan, et al. Christian Weaver -vs It Si 13 T .71. It 114. Coal Co John IL Ilanford fur oat 1 . 1, David Blair. Cyrus W. Domendorfer Ty The bor. of Houtinudon. Martin Gote's adeoin'r ye James Morrow. Woolly 1.1. Akers vs The Broad Toy, Oil Go.' John 13. Shenefelt vs Wm. Wilson. Wm. S.l. Weiglay to John W..Mattorn. John McComb, trustee, vs A. H. Doman. James Port for use vs A. S. Harrison. Wm. Smith Ye Pillhp Spshu., - J. It. SIMPSON, PtothonofAric prothountarl a Oftb-e, Mel, IS, 10119 AUTlON.—Notice ie hereby given jtbat ANNA D: STEEb, tny with. bas loft my bed and board, mahout any Just cause, awn beleby caution all poreona not to credit her (mny account, ad I will'uot pay any debts contracted by tier. Brady tp., Feb:2o CHEAP PAINTINC.- ON E•T Ft IRD 100 lbs. of PECORA.OO'S colored Paints, (costing $1211.) will paint as nand/ as 250 pounds of Lead and near longer. For particulars address. COST OF I .• •S. BOWEN. Seely., 150 N. 4th Sr.. J ntltlltim PHILADELPHIA. AItE - CHANCE.—Tho oxcluiive control and sale of five valuable Inventions, need ed n every family, and pas tag largo profivii., be pp. cured; by applying either personally or by latter to, - • S. LAM do CO,, nachll.4t* 72; 3lett - kne street, Philadelphia. EWIS RICK TER, Boot and] Shoe Maker. • I guarantee entire satisfaction In Pit, St3le, Mob: lot and Wolktnunship, and. n euving of 21 per cent. on pie railing-Priem Shop one door east of Johnston S: -Watt • Hon's stunt, Huntingdon, I'a. ntllll-Gm NOTICES IN BANKRUPTCY, DISTRICT COURT OP THE UNITED ST WA, FOR THE - WESTERN DISTRICT PP PENNSYLVANIA. f SSTC NEE - APPOINTED. In the molter of JA TINS SAXPON, Danl. no. 4101001 it luny concern : Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as Assignee of the estato of JAMES SAXTON, of HUNTINGDON, in the count• of Huntingden, in the sold district, echo woe, to wit on the 27th (Icy of December, A. n 1807, adjudged a banlo opt, upon OWD petition, by the District t:oort of 'aid 'Asti let. Dated at. Huntingdon, this 111 day of March, A. D. 1565. • '1 MARTIN L. LOSGENECKIER, inlill-3t „ ' • , Assigner.. the Digriet Court of the Unita Stater. for the I Western Dish eic Penurylrania. VSSIG NEE 'APPOINTED. In the matter of SIMON CORN, Bankrupt. To Wont it May saner,, : The undersigned hereby gives nottce of his appoint ment os Assignee of the estate of SIMON CORN, of Coffee lien. in the county of BIM tingdon. in the said dig- Who ants, to wit: On the dth day of February, A. n., ISOS, adjudged n Bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the District Court Al said dddrict. Dated at Huntingdon, 6th day of March, A. D. MS. WALIAR LEWIS. tulal-fR Assignee. DISTRICT COURT OF TUE UNITED STATES, FOR TUE} WRITERSDISTRICT or Prua'a. TN THE MATTER of WILLIAM A .1.19131.1TA8.ER, Bankrupt, Western Districeof Penn Sylvania, ss:. TIII9 19 TO GIVE NOTICE: That on the 25th day of Felrpory, 1808. n Warrant. pt Bankruptcy -was latmod ourof Dl.itriet Conte of the United States for the IVe.:tern Disoirt of Penns.t It onto. against the estate of WILLIAM A. WIIITTAIt EU, of Him tit:gam:On the coun ty of Huntingdon .'in 'said District, who has hero ad. judged a Baal:rope en his own petition: That the pay ment °Cony debts and the delivery of any propot ty • be longing to said Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and Ilia transfer of any property by him, arc fothidden be law: and that a tarot ing of the creditors of said .11atikrupt. to ployo their debts, mid to choose one or mote A'ssignees of Iris Cobb,ic will ho held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden in the Coca, House its Ifauttingdon Info. .101 IN 1001110t1,1:(11, Esq., Register cold district,,on the lOrnnAr or APRIL, A.D. 1808, 'at 10 o'clock, a. m. Tilos. A. ItOwLEr, U. 9 Mo: shut, 0111.11 —lt By S.'l'llo+. E1,1)901, Deputy Illarshel. Il tlic District Cant of tile liolit,d Stales, for lire 1 111,tcrn District of Penneylrailia. IN II'ANKRUPTCY.—In the matter of ROBERT F. HASLETT, Bankrupt: This is to give notice, that on the 21st day of Fobruary 1869, a Warrant of Bankruptcy woe leaned out of the Dig. ti let Court of the United States for tho Western District of Pourn , 3lvania, against the estate of nonear F. HAS LETT,oi Spruce Creek, in the county of Huntingdon, in said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition That tho pa.yntent of any debts and One de livery of any property belonging to said Bald:Lunt, to him, or for his use, nod the taansfer of nay pluperty by him, are forbidden by tour; arid that a meeting of the cre ditors of maid Bankrupt, to prove their debts and to Chooso ono or more Assignees of hie estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptty,.to he holden at. the Court Mateo in Huntingdon ' bcfore .OLIN BROVIERLINE, Esq., Reg ister for said District, on tho 27th day of March, A. D. 160, at 10 o'clock, a. to. 'DIOS. A. ROWLEY, 11. S. Mare By S. TILOS. ELDELit, Doptity Mornbal MEM VERGNE'S IMPROVED 0 L A chemical preparation of Lard. or bard Oil, neutrali zing its attraction for oxrdenr—the source of gnat. he.. and imparting to it (by chemical nflinity) a property of ATTRACTION FOR 3IETALS, überelly it is retained, in Itthricalforn, CONT[NUOUSLY PIMP: from at laaatal_to_:al per_ceat.lanaer_tkau-snorm nU Dr DLL!. $2.10; CM, on 220 C t r.t.oNs, $.1.C2 PER O tenon. To provide aglinvt leakage, etc , and for the conveni ence of areal! consumers and rut - rulers, the Oil iv put up, in the required quantities, At an advance to corer the cost of the can, and a reasonable retail profit : 5 galls., equaro g $1! 43—Case, 212 Doz. - C 2486 a 7 62 • 2.12 - 15 24 1 " g' - 2 74 " 6.12 • - 16 41 3,6 <, - 1 46 " 1 " 17 52 Calls credited on rem nin order. Discount by case, to retail dealois. IM=3 The Oil is nlao put up as a See inn Machine and A mar Oil, in 3 to; oz., (uhito Stint.) routs—packed in one loz.,l i !c. awl le,' gross cases; in , cents—packed in 1. 4 ant dOz. dims; and in 24 or., sl.oo—parked in 14, 1 and Odor. costs; sold by sewing Machine agents. First Class Druggists, (3 rocers rind Country 3letchantil. Ordain leceired through the trade. - - The muter et:maid of the Oil to 35° to 4e o rdldt. Oil in cash and blik bubject to return and credit in 15 days, hinnplo lot, 00 drys, niter il.tto of dolt ory, it not ratt,tictury. Orders by bbl sent through 3fessrs. SMITH CO. Monufactrcis' strew; 14ULLOOK'S SONS, Wool, 42 south Front street. WM. SELL ERR k CO, Machinists, and the PHILADELPHIA MACHINE AGEN CY, 6t 11 and Minor streets. Philadelphia. C. B. DE LA, VERGNE, AG'T., Branch Manufactory, 106 Callowhill St., I.IIILADELPIIIA MEE MS. E., CALDWELL & CO., NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Manufacturers and Importers Of every description of FIRST CLASS GOODS, belonging to the Business of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths, Ihtro removed to their NEW MARBLE STORE, Extending from Chestnut StreettoSallPOM Street, ant d ing ample room mot convenient accessories, giving op portunity for a proper• display of goods, and better menu, for their examination. • - With extensive and favorable arrangements in this Country nod itt Europe, wp are in a position to uffet at modetate VIXED prices Watches, Diamonds, Bronze & Marble Goods, Silver Wares, Jewelry, Porcelain, Plated Goods, Musical Bozes, and may description of FANCY ARTICLES. Strangers visiting the city ore cordiolly invited to ex amine our New Stole. NEW LEATHER STORE. TUBE undersigned would respectfully L Late j,:t t o v ; i ela Co 4 l=ll ,,, SY s 'i o T t their ul O. N t. ILI , they t of FINE LEATHER, Consisting in part of FRENCH CALF SKIN, KIP, MOROCCO, LININGS, - BINDINGS, SOLE, UPPER, HARNESS, • SKIRTING, &C., Together tt WI a general WOMB/CIA o r , Um trade is invited to coil nud examine our stook, Eton on LULL street, two damn west of tin; I , rebt.,s (s -trut chureb. 2:ite hig,44 pi ice paid for IllpES and BARK. • O. H. MILLER & SON. Huntingdon, may 1, 1807' —Two Pens in One. Levy's Nickel Platina Double Pen Points. For sale at Lewis' Book Store. Everybody uses cHr,F~IFF'S Si S.. By diltue of sundry writs of Vend, Expo. directed to me I will expose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House, In the Borough of Huntingdon, on SATURDAY, the 28rn of MARCH, 1868, at 2 o'clock, P. 61., the following dent ibed property to wit: All that certain lot of ground, eituato in the village of Coffee Run, in Lincoln township, being 80 lest in front and 50 feet in icor nod width, and.loo4oot deep, the ineide an gle forneing,h line 136 foot long. and hi the.recorded plan of eald'village, made by J. SiAfrieni Esq., •30 May, 1865, being lot No. - B,•linving therein a new frame store house, blocks Atli shop Ac. Also, All that certain plots and parcel of land, in the village of Coffee Run, Lincoln township, being lots Nos. 1,2, d and 4 In the plan of said village, :nada by J. S. Af rica, Esq., on the 30111 and. 31st days of Slay 1852 , oechof sold lots being 60 feet in width and 100 feet In length, be ing adjacent to and west of the Huntingdon and Bread Top 31ountain,ltallroad, adjoining lot on tiro South, and on the west and north by land ifJohtilleaver; bald/4 thereon a' wagon Aid, corn crib, kc., Also, All that certain other lot of ground io the hinge of Coffeo Run, Lincoln township, being lot No. 5, in the plan of said town, made by J. S. Africa, Beg., on the 30th of May, 1855, 13 ing on the west Fide of the Broad Top Railroad. being 00 feet In width and extending back 116 feet to an alley, 12 feet whir:, containing onclourth of an acre, rinno or lose, adjoining land of .101 m Bearer on the tiorth•west, lots Nos. 1,2, 3 and 4 on the east and north, the Broad Top Railroad on the east, and other hinds of Simon COllll on the south boring thereon a two-story frame dwelling house, flame stable, Ac. ho, All that certain piece and parcel of land. situate In Lincoln too [lshii), bounded and described as follows, to wit : Beginning at a post on the line °floods formerly of .1. Davy thenceanong said IMO north 4S k: dogietts east 35 and eighty our-loath (Adis of n perch to a stone heap, thence by land of dolin Beaver north 5034 degrees west 42 one hundredths perches to a post at the Broad Top Rail road, thence along the same, being a curvo of two degrees the chord of the lilt bears south 22 degrees 10 Minutes nest, and distance along bah! Railroad 33 perches tan post thence mirth 7051:degrees eiil 11 itit twangy-Ai pct cites to a stump, theneenorth 10 , 4:degrees west 29 and SO hundredth Niches to- the place of beginning, containing 20 acme more or less according to the draft made by .T. S. Africa, Esq., 30111 of May, 1055, excepting lots Nos. 1,2, 3,4, 5 and 8 from this description mid in cluded in other can reyonces to John Fulton, MrS. Foster nod Simon Cohn. Seized taken in execution and to be sold as the propel ty - of Simon Cohn.• • - • JAS. P. EATITURST, Sheriff. • SIICIIIFeo OFFICE ' Iron Unarm, Men. 8, 1865.} JACOB STEEL, Cheaper.thaq the Cheapest! BARGAINS IbiEctxxxxxxc:Ab. .Uticort: lies[ End of Huntingdon, Penn'a We are now offering our im mense and well-assorted stock of Goods, at thoroughly reduced, and:unprecedented -low prices ; our superior facilities enabling us to compete successfully with the cheapest; • . • • Our Stock consiks.of Groceries, Dry Goods; NOtioiis, 'HardWare, Queensware, Glassware, Willow and Cedar Ware,- Table and Floor Oil ClOths; Carpetg, Rugs and Door Mats, Crocks, Jugs, Stoves, Tinware, Iron, Stel, Nails, Glass, Putty, Oils, Paints, Drugs, Flour, Feed, &c., &c., &c., all in great variety, at prices that will not fail to suit consumers. We are also dealing in all kinds of Coal and Lumlier, our in these commodities being superior to any other firm in Huntingdon, We claim them as SPECIALTIES in our trade, in which 'none can compete with us. We buy all kinds of Grain, Seeds, Flour and Feed, at the highest market rates,- tind• give the highest prices in-Goods for Produce of all kinds. Do not fail to call and examine our stock and prices, as both are sure to please. • • J 1122 FIXED PACTS INDELIBLY DI , rEESSI:D ;lilt always tatnnith ovor simple as sertions. . Thus it Is OM this community gives testimony in Et vet of the nell known establishment of IL GREENBERG, EMMIZATJV V/Aglaltp HILL STREET, UUNTINGDON. Whilst it is not his purpece to deceive the public by clamoring 'sou• prices and better, goods" thou other dealers, he ' , holy Inc ices all who wish to push:min his lino of business to call and satisfy themselves that with hint a patron once gained is sorer lost, that is, "the proof of the pudding is in the tasting of t:' Ile liaijust received his winter supply of 1[1f8)-1Vit I :OI,AVV., ctrwmaar), 110 has ;Ilia a Lugo assortment of Ito most Aibstantial and fasliiouublo Hats, Caps, Guts' Forllishing Goods, of every ipl ion, and made up from the Lest material Alwayi on hand the fincst quality of Amorken, Eng lisla nod french CLOTHS,CASSIMBRES and VESTING'S, Welt aro made op to ardor by good, experienced work men, in n manner the Moot fashionable and endurable. No eastern city can afford a better or more varied stylo of goods than mini fount in my selection. H. GREENBERG, Huntingdon, N0r.13, 1887. Merchant Tailor. CHEAP GROCERY STORE. z. - irmozazgama..., HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. THE undersigned offers for the in spection and purchase of customers (slaw and as sot ted stock of Croce: toe, Provisions, etc. no feels Batts• fled they end be accomodated with anything in his lino. lite prices aro low, and his stock fresh. and good.- lie IteCps the hest of STJG AR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, - - BOOTS AND SHOES, - • - - •lIATS & &e: A LSO— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS,. VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE,--FLOUR RICE, And NOTIONS of every kind. A enact stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEENS WAGE, and till other articles kopt in a welt regulated establishment for sale at seasonable prlcos. /pip Ills store is on Ilill street, nearly opposite the Batik, and in the coons formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call and examine. Z. YENTER. Iltastingdon, Oct. 8,1867 - BROAD TOP Coll, AND IRON COMPANr, Noe• York, March 4th, MB. NOTICE is hereby given that a Spe - cial , Meeting of the Stockholders of this Company wilt ho kohl at their ollico N 0.119 Broadway, Now York, on THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, at 11 o'clock, a. m„ to take action to increase the capital ty the i.uo of special (or preferrod) stock to an amount not exceeding twO•fiftlie ; to deheaso the capital stock not more than one-half; to imito an eight per coot. special (or piefelled) stock in place of stork to he cancelled. . 'WILLIAM FLAGG, ROBERT W. bIILBANE. • SAMUEL JAUDON, ROBERT 11. BELDON, rnaltll-3t Directors. Li3iGil:N -ACAIitMY. • A HIGH SCHOOL FOP. BOYS. At Bell's hills, on the Penna. Railroad. NEXT TEEM BEGINS APRIL 20W, 1268. Vend for a ciraular, Address FEE= SALES EINBEI HENRY & CO., Huntingdon, Pa FOR MEN AND BOYS "7N"t:)%sixc33. yt. F 7, PULT4.)..N, Principal, Antirtoan, Blair co., Pa. • • . , rrAkE pleasure in announcing to the _l_ citizens of Huntingdon county and vicinity that they Lava just volumed from the East with a LARGE STOOI'OP GOODS, WWI thpy here Just opened out a their new store, ONE DOOR EAST or TUE WASHINGTON HOTEL Their !task coneisto of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GB,OOKRIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO ; SEGARSi CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR WARE, QUEENS WARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, ,&C., DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, Sc. do They. hays a tars() stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consisting:of SILIES,ZIOIIAIRS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, LUSTRES,I3II , IOIIA&S, DiERINOS, PLAIDS, DE LAINES, 4d-.,r&C Also, a WO as iortmont of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE 11Y,.IIOSIBRIT,_GTOYES, BUTTONS, &c A FULL "LINE OF WRITE GOODS Wo Triit oat WHOLESALE and RETAIL All goods deliver.] to residences In town 'and depots, f^ou of elturgo. _ (Ilvalis a ti ial heroic purchasing elsewhere JOHNSTON 4t WATTSON Huntingdon. dptihi, , 1607 GLAZIER & BRO., DILILEII.9.7N . • ' DRI — GOODS, DRESS GOODS, HAM, NOTIONS, BOOTS ,AND SHOES. GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, tf!c., Washington street, near the Jail Having purchased our Winter Goode sinco the Into henry decline, AVO can afford to offer superior Inducements to buyers. itz - ..READ OUR PRICES. ,Itusiins awl Prints, hoot 8 cts Heavy Unbleached Shootings, yard wide, cts, Heavy yard tridaTickinge, 20 cts, Dost Winter Delaincs, 22 and 25 cis, - All Wool Dolainos, 45 to 05 cts, - Doubts uldth Wool Plaids, 50 cts, Heavy Plaid Poplins, $lOO, Wool Flannels, 28 to acts a yard, Wool Blankets, $3.00 to $lO.OO a pair, Wool Shawls, $1.25 to $lO.OO Balmoral Skirts, $1.25 to $1.50. Other Goods in proportion. 'local:J.ocm, Nor. 6.1867 'HEAD QUARTERS FOR • - NEW GOODS. - , CWIDU • INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS TRAP • . CAN'T BE BEAT IN . CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME •AND SEE.' • • D. P. GWIN, Huntingdon, October 9, '672 1868. 1868. CLOTHING. - -H. -ROMAN. -N ER' CLOTHING FOR PALL AND 'WINTER, • JUST RECEIVED AS H. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTHING STORE. For Cientlemon'a Clothing or the beet material, and made in the beat workmanlike manner, call tit IL ROMAN'S, 'opposite the Franklin House in Market Square, Hunting , don, Pa. Nr IMPROVEMENT IN LIGILT ! Wo take pleosuro in putting before the public a tAilrp for burning fat, Writ or tallow, which is superior to dny of the kind ererliftrodoced. It differs from all others, as it does not require the fat to be melted before lighting. It hoots the fat by a copper pipe, trhtch con ducts the heat under the fat and melts it Immediately. .Thousands of the lamps have beep sold and no com plaints have boon made. All Lamps warranted to give general metafiction, or the money refunded. A rare opportunity ie offered to any person or persons that may wish to engage In the business. Huntingdon and SIINin counties will be sold in townships at reason able terms to sett purchasers. A sample lamp will be forwarded to nuy person on receipt of retail price, $1,50, and forwarded at my expense. {fill either sell territory or pay agents by the day or piece. 'Agents are making from $0 to $l5 per day, for they sell very fast. They are what every - person needs. All letters will receive prompt attention. Address or call on D. WA LX_Drb, Airy Dale, Huntingdon county, Pa. 411 , Pqatmp may he seen at the Franklin Musa la Hunt ingdon ; Mr. Hughes' Store, 01,11 Creek, and at the hotel In emeriti°. solktf /1 ROUND ALUM. AND SALINA .j9ALT at CUICN/NOHA At a: CARNO.Y.S: BO~O~SE2~T~FLR ; And Iflolegale and Retnill)ealor in STATIONERY WALL PAPEL llulltillidoll Cirgulatillg Library: TERMS! Annuol subseriptimm, ss.oo;lmltlyearly, $3.06. quarterly, $1.60. nig subocrilition eobtlee ono Remib to ono new and ono old book at a time. • Weekly Suireeribersor loam or. !looks per Ireele,l9 cents per volume. Weekly subscribers will be requited in nit. cams to. lenve a deposit equal In value to the Book. Tho new Books will not bo allowed. to any subscriber for a longer period than four days; or if detained beyond that time, nn additional chargo of 3 centrper day pother books seven rlays, or If detained beyond that time• 3 cents per day. Woks not returned in ttoo weds to be charged. All Books nro considered old that have been in the Li— brary six months. Books damaged seriously is ill I. chervil. .All payable ?", iideance. . _ Special terms and arrangemonto scull personal thing. out of town. All nee• and desirable Locks on Laud as soonns !tamed. complete assortment of pictures for DECALCOMANIA, ART OF INSTANTLY TRANSPERRINO PICTURES' To china, alms, Tin and Wooden ware, Lenttier and Paz per Macke goods, in abort, 'to an &Melee or ovary, de. geription. , Tho following series of Books will ho found conethntlx on hand: - SPELLERS AND READERS. Parker & Watson's Ira!airily's, rown's, Sander's, Sal gent's, Worcester's, Sander's Union, °agouti's, Sauk's, ko, Oreenleut s, Davia'e, Stodtlanre, Mitchell's, Warren's, Green% Bullion sp Goodrich's, 11 Hurd's, Cobb's, Jeukin'ai, Speakers, Dialogue, Classical, Dolan• ical, Chemistry, and MiscellaneauS School Books. From the small paper cover Pass to the full bOand Bia Corner Leder- A splendid rthitirtment of HOLIDAY AND TOY BOOKS, of English and American manufacture. Satchels, Bottom Flolir Sacks, at jobbhig. ratsa—ati from $27.60 to'sos per thousand. .Priuted with any , name deeired. Also, Manilla Wrapping, Confectionery and Sugar Bay DAILY, WEEKLY A . 1`,11) MONTIILY PAPERS AND Choice Havana end Yara . SEG ABS, &BLit,. Century, Buttuyeido, and other brands of flue cut MEWING TO BACCO. ()meow, Baty, Spun, &o.,&o. A beautiful stock of Octegou and Square COMOted Elea tic Walnut and Gilt PICTURE FRAMES. All L•inds of Frames an hand and-made to ardor. Itat. tation Rosenood, and Gilt Imltaticin Walnut and Gilt Genuine Walnut arid Plain and Fancy Gilt Fratnas sup. Plied on short notice. • „ CARDS OF ALL KINDS. nuec and Periodicals bound In every etylo at Atom rates. . ' , rem': and common pnper stamped any letter or lottors, lain or In colors. • • Photographs, Albums, 'Engravings, Artlat'a Maiorialft, such as illonoctroinato Boards, Tube Paints, Crayons, as, Alen, Agent for the Singer Family and Manna - whiting RAYING bfACLIINES—a Machine that with liem, Cord, Tucit, Quilt and Iliad. Please macula eXatnine:—. A full assortment of the different styles constantly an, band. All orders and innulties by mall Fill receive prompt atteutient J. C. BLAIIt,, 11.11NTING DON,. PA., DeclB,lBG7-if. Next tO.Breact Top Ticke t Office.. EDICAL ELECTRICITY BY" DR. WILLIAM BR - DMITR I • NVCONNELLSToWN, PA: ' For tho benefit of thoso proposing to undertake Electrical treatment for diseases we give in the following list a fore of the more prominent and most common complaints met with In our prac tiro, in all of which we are moat sumossful. IN NE urn' ALL MILS OF eIinONIO DISEASE, ELSEEIDEI- Tr IS A SURE REMEDY, AND rs ALL CASES nummicier., IF riIorEFILT APPLIED. Those, therefore, afflicted I with complaints not here enumerated, need have no hesitation in applying,and whether oulynmise, or a PERMANENT WEE can to effected ; they will receive replies accordingly. All communications free. 1 Epilepsy, Chorea, St. Vitus' Dance, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita tion of the lieart,Locli-Jaw, etc. IS Sore Throat, Dyspepsia;Diarrhosa, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhoids, or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic, and all erections of the Liver and Spleen. 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (where Cnot caused by organic disease of the heart,) Bronchitie, PleurisyAltheumatism of. the Chest, Consumption In the early stages. 4 Gravel, Diabetic, and Kipney Complaints. 5 Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago. Stitt Neck, Spinal Diseases, Slip Diseases,-Cancers, Tn more ; (those last named always cured with out pain, °scatting, or plasters in any form) In a word, no propose.to cure all curable dis eases. GLAZIER & BRO We have no connection whatever _with any other:Electrical Wilco in Miser any other county. An letters address to Wilt. BREWSTER, M. - McConnell' town, Pa. I= PLUCY7o2,APillitgl o Railroad street, Iluntingdon, Pa., Would respectfully invite the attention of the Minos of Huntingdon and vicinity to his Gallery on Railroad street, opposite the Juniata thence, Where ho le prepare} to take all the . LATEST STYLES OF PICTURES, M Um followiug prices Including an Bxlo ocal Gilt Frame, $1,56. Visiting Caul Photographs, full size, 4 forsl,oo, Antbrotypes, for 25 Coats, and upwards. Ills long experience in the business enables hint to take pictures in every style ratite art, at greatly redwood prL ces. Ife keeps always on hand a large assortment of PLAIN AND FAN CT FRAMES AND CA.V.9. Pictures inserted in Loekots, breastpins, Finger RI , . &e., In a neat and durable manner. Oil Paintings, Daguerreotypes, &v., copied at a reasona . Lie mice. Pictures taken equally well in clear or cloudy weather. I cordially invite one and all to call am/ examine spec imens, whether they want pictures or not. Come'quick ly, as I shalt remain but a short time in the business. The above Gallery to either for rent, or for, sale, with good security. - Apply to J. A. HANIGAR, Photograph Gallery, Rail road street, Huntingdon, Pa. jaula.am STEAM PEARL MILL; THIS MILL is a complete success in _L the manufacture of }TOUR, &c. It ha, lately boon thoroughly repaired and ig now in good running order and in full operation. Tho burrs and choppers aro now and of superior qua'. ity—caunot be excelled. And wo aro gratified to know that oar work has given entire satisfaction to our custo mers, to whom wo tondor-our thanks. We have in our employ ono of the beat millers in the countyoutlefaithful and capable engineer. Time equip ped and encouraged, we aro determined to persevere in our efforts to oeeommod.tto and please the public, !toping thereby to merit and receive a liberal altars of patronage to stotain no in our enterprise for the public interest. Market prko paid for ilk - different kinds of grain on delis ory. Flout and Chop, on band, tot can. JOIEN K, McCAIIAN 4: SON Huntingdon, Nov. 20, 1507 0 It is the best dance ever offered to - -Aients 1 One or two days' limo a ill secure a good - - Sewin Machine, Watch, Silk; Dress, Rerolv=r, orsome ether article of equal TRIIIO, FREE or Cot,! Agents Vtnrited everywhere, male and female, for tho best Cue Dollar Pawnbroker's Salo in the roue tr y. Send fur circular. S. 0.1110:UPSON .h CO., dec26.3ars 30 Hanover street, Boston, Mass. A LLKINDS OF °RAC KR RS coos VIVRIVIA3I CARMON'S. I -- F YOU WANT the BEST SIBIU', go to gIINNINGIJAM i C.lloloZi's. J. C. -BLAIR, EEO Proprietor of the OR, TDE . , 'ARITHMETICAL. nobinsou'n, Dean's Ray's, Colborn'e. Brooks, Loomis', 40, .kor. GEOGRAPHICAL. !Cotton it Fitch's, Gaya% ) Monteith's ) Citm.);ol3. GRAAINIABS. owelnltles, I Parker s. !Clark's. Brown's, HISTORIES. rinnock , s, Loosing% DICTIONARIES, Rood% Webster% (Walker's, I WorCpster% 11.tt tidolea, Worcestoec BLAND -BOOKS. MAGAZINES ON ALL; KINDS 3. A. HANAGAR, JUNIATA lIiTSTINGDON, 8 la
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers