Cly, ethic. List of Jurors For April Session, ISCS. Drawn, ram ail , 20111, ISOS, GRAND JURORS Thomas 11. Adams, merchant, Mt. Union Bonbon Beck, farmer, Wnrriorsmark William Butler, shoemaker, Hopewell John Brewster, merchant, Walker Henry. Clapper, farmer, Hopewell Win. S. Entriken, farmer, Lincoln Henry Graflius, farmer, Porter John Gemmill, farmer, Porter Daniel If: Grove, farmer, Penn S. L. Glasgow, farmer, Clay David Hamilton, farmer, Cass Thomas IL Huling, farmer, Shirley George Hoffman, tanner, Mt. Union Alex. Magee, farmer, Tell Stephen Miller, farmer, West George Mountain, farmer, Juniata Geo. J. Nunemaker,tfarmer, Springfield John Piper, farmer, Tod William Robb, farmer, Walker Jacob Stouffer, farmer, Tell George W. B. Sipes, clerk, Cass W. S. 'Thompson, inn keeper, Orbisonia Martin Walker, farmer, Barreo John Zegtruire, farmer, Porter TRAVERSE JURORS—FIRST {VEEN. John B. Appleby, carpenter, Dublin Harrison Benson, farmer, Tod Jonathan Brindle, farmer, Lincoln George S. Baker, farmer, Springfield Henry B. Beers, farmer, Cromwell George M. Bell, farmer, Jackson Andrew Crownover, merchant, Barren Jacob Chikola ' farmer, Cass J. P. Chileote,farmer; Springfield John G. Decker, wagon maker, West John Dougherty, agent, Mt. Union James Entriken, gentleman, Lincoln David Etnier, jr, gentleman, Mt. Union Isaac Enyeart, farmer, Cromwell Robert Gifford, farmer, Shirley Edward Horton; farmer, Tod James E. Harper, farmer, Dbblin Jacob Hoover, farmer, Penn James Hutchison, farmer, Henderson Themes -Hamer, farmer, Walker Joseph Isenberg, farmer, Warriorsmark William Jackson, farmer, Jackson John H. Kennedy, J. P., Alexandria Daniel Kaufman, laborer, Mapleton John IL Lightner, J. P., Shirleysburg • William Laird, carpenter, Porter - Peter Myers, tailor, Shirley Janice D. McNeal, farmer, Clay Samuel Mattorn, merchant, Franklin John A. Martin, farmer, Rarree Alex. Norris, farmer, Walker A. P. Owens, gentleman, Warriorsmark George W. Porter, farmer, Jackson Peter Piper, farmer, Porter Jonah J. Reed, farmer, Carbon Jesse - flutter, farmer, gpringfield Nicholas Reider, mason, Clay John A. Shultz, farmer, Henderson George W. Shultz, farmer, Lincoln Philip Schneider, farmer, Henderson , George Stever, farmer, Cass Jacob B. Swoope, plasterer, Clay 13. T. Stevens, teacher, Play Michael Stair, farmer, Cromwell Richard S. Starr, saddler, Orbisonia George,W.Therepson, M. D, Brady William - IL Walker, turner, Alexandria FF4I4kIP Wingate, carpenter, Barren TRAVERSE JURORS—SLOOND Jonas Buekwalter, farmer, Walker Henry Brumbaugh, farmer, Penn Lewis Bigtow, blacksmith, Jackson William Bell, farmer, Shirley Joshua Brown, farmer, _Springfield John C. Bolinger, farmer, Cromwell Andrew Carberry, farmer, Hopewell Villiam Crownover, miller, Jackson James G. Carothers, farmer, Brady John W. Chilcoto, farmer, Cromwell Samuel Douglas, farmer, Shirley A. W: Evans, J. P., Cassville ? Samuel 11. Ewing, farmer, West William Gehrett, saddler, Cassville E. A. Green, iron master, Brady -James L. Hunt. farmer, Clay - James Harper, farmer, Cromwell Henry Harris, farmer, Walker Henry F. Horton, farmer, Tod Nicholas Isenberg, auctioneer, Alexandria IVilliam Jordan, farmer, Cromwell John Jackson, farmer, Jackson James Long, farmer, Splingfield Samuel 13. Linn, farmer; Springfield !Abraham Megahan, J. P., Penn Samuel Mclritty, tanner, Cloy ',William McFaddem, blacksmith, Jackson ...llenry G. Neff, farmer, Porter : Henry Neff, farmer, West _Philip Piper, laborer, Alexandria - D. N. Painter, manner, Brady William Reed, Saddler, Penn Daniel Snyder, blacksmith, Porter ~ ,F dward Trimbath, miner, Warriorsmark `Samuel Work, farmer, Porter _John Zimmerman, carpenter, Ted THE HORSE. —Tho Fat Contributor Makes tho following observations on this noble animal : The horse existed beforo tho flood. e accompanied Noah's menagerie, as may be'soen by thp representation of the embarkation of that rare collodion : of animals in tho children's primers.—, has always been a favorite among . the barbarous tribes of the East, their style being hoe-stile. The Spaniard Cortez firskintrodueed the horse upon this ecintino'nt *duritio• his filibustering expodithin in Mexico. to avenge the death of Maximilian. The wondering natives supposed horse and rider to be one—not won in a rafilo, exactly, but ono and inseparable, pow and foreyer.• I.!_hi for thO'Pechtratio'n, :The ;horse_ is 74 . _very,. syinpathOtie creature, exhibiting a very touching devotion to man. `l.f you are disgust ed with tho world, and feel as if you Wanted to run - away from everything, ho will run away with you, like as not. The strength , of the horse is wonderful. We have. known - .Florti Temple to 41raw - fitly thousand psorifo - ntCmce. . Gratumatically . speaking, Ob . tierse is a noun; common.naiiii,i.unless ho :is an uncommon horSo; any gender yOu prefer; objective case, when balky; the first and ' last .person spoken of by horsemen; singular number to sulky, agreeing' wi th oats understood. LAMM?, r AtES IN CALIEORNIA.-We have all heard•of the mammoth trees .of California.' They are found near the head waters of San Antonia and kayo long been objects of wonder. The Greve - contains ton trees each thirty feet in diameter, and over seventy that are _between fifteen and thirty foot.— Tilittell, in his "Resources of Califor nia," says: "one of the trees which is down, The pallor of the Forest,'— roustlave,-beon 450 feet. high and 40 feet in diatheter." In 1853 one of the Jargest trees, 02 feet in -eircumffrenee 'and Over 300 feet high, was out down. Five men worked twenty-five days in felling it, using large angers. The stump of this tree has keep smoothed off, and now - easily acconatnedates thirty-two ,dancers. Theatrical per formances have been held upon it, and in 1858, a newspaper, The Big Bulletin, vas printed there. Near the stump lies a section of the trunk; this is 25 feet in diameter and 20 feet long; beyond lies the immense trunk as• it fell, measuring 302 feet from the bane - of the stump to its ex tremity. UpOn this was situated a par room and ton pin alley, stretching along its upper surface for a distance of 81 feet, affording ample space for two Dlley beds, lido by side. BEAD AND BE POSTED ! TO THE . Ar.P. (FL Y ,ILLIZILTED AND ALL IN WANT Or New FuruitHre, 1 1 11 E undersigned would respectfully announce Eliot Ito manufactures anti keeps constantly , on bandy largo and splendid rosortment of • DINING AND BREARTAST TABIAIS, - BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, WASH. AND CANDLE STANDS Wind,or rind sent attire. cupboards, gilt and roan. WOW] moulding for mirror and picture Barnes, and a vari ety or at licks not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to 1,0 Kaisfactory. . . . . • . • lie is also agent for the well know n Bailey t Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. The rublic are invited to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsen here. Wolk and sales room on Hill street, near Smith, one clear wont or YenteCS store. JAMBS HIGGINS. Huntingdon, Aug. I, ISG6 LMaltlrrgrcl;‘ s3 J. M. WISE, Manufacturer and. Dealer in .V 1 T.T aa. Zg '2O T.T MI Respectfully inVitei the attention of the Pattie to his stand on 11111 et., Ifuntimplon, in Gm rear of George W Swart.' Watch and Jewelry store, where lie manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at minced prices. Per sons wishing to purchase, will do well to give him a call. ing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. . . .en-Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins made to any style - desired, at short notice. The subscriber has a .N.L , V -AND BLECANT HEARSE nod to prepared to attend Funerals at any place in town or country. .0. 31. TYISB. Ituutingdon,3lay 9, 1.860-tf Can't Be Beaten ! JOHN H. WESTBROOK S 1 Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon and vicinity that ho luisJust receis ed from the city a and splendid stock of GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERIES BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery, Shoe - Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, dc., &c„ all of o bleb he Is prepared to sell at greatly reduced prices. Don't forget the old stand In the Diamond. Old caste. niers and the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, may 1, .1.567 NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. Will. AFRICA tyy 7nforma the public that ho has just opened nt his old srmd in the Diamond, Iluutlagdon, A. Fine Assortiuelit of all Muds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All of Mach lie will sell at fair prices. Quick sales awl smal preps: Call and examine my stock. 3lanufacturta ,, and Itepait Mg done to order as usual. fluutlngdon, Atty 1,1967. • FM GEO. SHA EFFER • Ilan just returned from the east with a 44 ft SPLENDID" STOCK • OP BOOTS, AS'IIOES, GAITERS, (C , 0,, Which ha offers to the inspection of his customers and tho public generally. Ile uDV sell his stuck at the most , REASONABLE - PRICES ; and those who purchase once Will surely call again. BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the neatest and most expedi tions manner. Call upon Mr. Schaefer at his shop on 1011 street, a few dogs west of the Diamond, toy?. -; • __ . , - _-_1 4 ,1.1_- , _ , ,. „ . 1 - 7-,-, mot !_w 4 ' )' „ _ - ____, , - - I c f ,' - - i - ,,.- : , , ,. _ 1 ' . „At! , V.-ii -- 1 177-- t ih , - -, ," !4 4:.1 :-.!- , - , ; , - ' 4 , .., , Z. f! 4- 7 t i'it. ~-.4., 1),..., 0, ; •„-;,-U-4-ii•fti-'.& -, ".? .. siet 4:.: , -- - I* l 9..irb-. ._ ~., . 7 '' - 0,3_ , . -- .7"., : y:-... - ` - 'N% - ,-- - Zlll - 7P- 4 1 7 -' ~r iz ,:. ..4. ...„. „ . t - ,E__" 5 ,.. Ti --- -' 4 ,---: ;‘; T :7: 17.; :v .,,,. 4;,,,..m..------4 m c 6 4 I*l 1 '4 tri r , ‘ 0 CIM 5 I a2 E-' 1 1; • 123 - 4204 k'=',, Choice GROCERIES ~„ SIJST RECEIVED. . - - Canned Poaches; Tomatoes, Peas and Corn Also,- Spiced Lobster, Oysters; Chow chow, Worcestershire sauce, Freoch Mustard, Horse Radish, Pepper sauce, Cat sup, Olive Oil, be., Lc, and Li kthds' of Syrups, such as strasiborry, riusapple, blackberry, ,to CALL AND SEE WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOOK - AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT - OF • Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. SOWS MP; W. R, 'WOODS, P. JI, BARE, W. P. WLIPOIIIIII JOHN 0 - ARE, & C 0.,. Bankers, Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers & others.' Inter est allowed on Deposits. Ail kinds of Securities, bought and sold for this usual commission. Special attention given to Governineut Securities. ' Collections made on all points. Persons depositing Gold and Silver will receive the same in return with interest. . 0ct.17, 1866.-tf. . 111/C:01V- , a ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED! She subscriber is permanently loented in Huntingdon, xbna is prepared tomirchese, or repair in the r. O obt style, and espeditiensly, broken UMBRELLAS AND I'Al7-ASOLS. All articles intrusted to him I\lll be returned to the residence of tho owner as soon as repaired 'umbrellas and parasols for repair can be left at hie YeAideno on St. Clair sta net near Senediet'e. •• may2,lS6etf • 0 1 • WM. FENTHIAN. LUMBER SHINGLES; LATHS, EMLOOK, PINE BILL STUFF, H 13oal ds, Plank, Shingles, Plastering and Shingling Lath, constantly on hand.' Worked Flooring, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Door and Win. low Frames, ilirmslgal at manufacturers' prices. - ' Grain and countty product gonerally,hought at market rates. WAGONEIt ang'24-11 " • Philipsburg, Conti° co., Pa. COUNTRY DEALERS' can w. 44 Ley =TIM° tenni me in Iluntingdon at WHOLESAIX as cheap an they can in Oa ties, as I have a.wholesale earn in rhiladolphia. , 11. 110XAN. 1 - 1 4. VERY:FA.NLILY -t.ll at roMie ramify (Incery, ovary at tido nuunlly" k?pt lu drat Cfreary kitores: Call for what you wont. • FOR THE LADIES. A ouperior artfclo of Note Paper ,and Envelope enitAlo for cempirntiat CGI I (1101 - 111CIICO, for aale at L11 . { . /.!.. , P BOOK LC SBATIONNEY 4'2'012E. BELLS I, BELLS!! t ELLS ! THE LARGEST STOOK OF BLEICH BELLB, Ever exhibited at HUNTING- DON, Loose, and Strapped, in every, style, NOW OPENED, and being sold at very LOW PRICES, JAS. A. BROW WS HAREKR -1 1 STO 11 a S.IINTINGDON, PA.. dI..X.ROC›, SLEIGH RU1114,3? VgNDER.9, SHAFTS, SOLES, STEEL SOLES, WILLOW 5.1441-GII BASKETS, SLEIGH and WAGON I 2 r i L _) FINE HARNESS MOUN- TINGS A. good stock of well seasoned HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, 44d q, geneitil stocl. of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Glass, WWC:VTtJMI 4 S . eft" c." Including the late Patent "ECLIPSE" COOK STOVE, Which throws all other Stoyes in the shade arid' pleases.Bo well that everybody wants THE ECLIPSE. Don't forget the SIGN or THE PADLOCK plattitlgtbin, Jan.',l:,, '139-thl HARTON & lAGIIBE, SILL STRIEIET, HUNTINCDON, PA., wHoL i v,sA.,I4 . E, TAIL, =I Foreign and Domestic HARD ARE, tlTLrat Tho attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, is Invited to tho f.set that we urn now offering n BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can ho found elsewhere in this part of Um State, at Prices to epit tim doses. On; elgclt comprises all articles in this En of business,' embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and :MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, &co Sc., together with a largo stock of Iron, Steel; s 2Vails, - Spikes, Railroad and Xining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Civezdar, and'Cross.Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low - Ware. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellent assortment of 41.1Ltitary, Comprising, KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SOIS— ORS, RAZORS, &O. BRITTANIA 3s SILVER PLATED WARE. Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns CONSTANTLY ON lIAND AND NOR SALE AT .I.IIA.ATUFACTURERS" PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Wiit find a general assortment of matmlat for their use consisting in port of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, rfrashers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soo kets, Shafts, &c. 30.14.Z3LIO3M.OMEIT3MCS. Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel CARPENTERS Wilt find In our establishment a superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AucErvs, HATCHETS ; lIAMMERS, FILES, curstLs, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, • COAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. .VvEtarraoein Can bo accommodated with everything in their lino from a Grain Sum Ater to a Whet-atone. invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWAR E , and comparo our prices with others. Agricultural Ithplements, Comprising the famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Runtleire First Premium lIORSR PITCHFORK, Rakes, Scythes, • lines, Ray Perks, Trace _nuil Halter Clis.ius, Breast Chains, Cow Ties, ' Curry Combs, Cards, Be., Be., Be. Among the specialtlea or our Itotwo, we qesica to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, The exclusivo right to sell whiclr Is vested in Its. Scud for acircuiar and got full particulars of slum, and satisfy yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES■ Scales of all sizes and ilsscriptiaus, lafluding Tea and Counter Scales, • Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Tyhee . lbarrow, pork Port. able, .73"opper, 3finers and Trans.., portation, flay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS; Oft & PUTTY, Ever oared in this place A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very 1011 , I Boat Norm ay nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions W.I.I.GONsBOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By do barrel or gallon, at very low figures AZ- A call is respectfully solicited, feeling confi dent tlint our goods and prices will not Pin to pleaso.—p WHARTON & MAGUIRE. 11 . 11atingdon; May 7, IQf'. Villab.cllll2h); Abbcrtisintents, I)AINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTILERS.—The Grafton Paint Co. are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and moot Dural.lo Paint In usti : two coats well put on, mixed with punt Linseed Oil, u ill List 10 or 15 years ; it is ofa light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive, or cream, to suit the taste of the eonsmner. It is vaigoblo for louses, barns, fences, car riage and oar manors, pails and 'wooden-a are, ogricul tar ot Implements, canal boats, vessels and ships' bottoms, Cauvrui, metal and shingle roofs, (it being tiro and sister proof), floor 01l cloths, (one manufbctuter ler, hag ;rood 5000 bbls. the past year,) end as a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, elasticity, and Mito sis mess. Pike $0 per bbl. or 300%3., which still supply firmer for years to come. Warranted is all cased no abort,: Bend for a air ruin' which given full partiettiars.— Noon genuine unless branded in a trado mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIE I, BIDWELL, set Om 031 read street, New York. /1 - ..T.v0 Barrels of the above paint for solo et Lew& Melt Stare. F OR BITUMINOUS COAL. NO DUST! NO OAS!! NO DAMPERS!! I= J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. Corner I.3th & Filbert streets, PMLADE LPIILI, PA., Solo Malinfactureis of tire Celobiaterl WIZO U G ll'l'- I I ON, 4 I U-TIGHT GAS.CONSUMING - RE A T ER, I=l For enso of managoment without any dampers, Pura Willy, Simplicity, and Economy, this Heater has no au perlor to this country. They are ail guarantood to grt, satisfaction. Estimates made free of dhargo. Cooking Ranges, Latrobe _Heaters, Slate Mantles, Low Down - Grates, Portable Heater's, Registers, Ventilators, &e., (De Send for ono of our Illustrated Pamphlets. [apithly No more Bald Heads! No more Gray Locks DR. LEON'S • ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER Is pronounced by all who havo used it the very best preparation for the Hair. It is a positive cure for Bald ness, Dandruff and Hm uors, Filo'e the hair from filling out, and speedily testores Duty Locke to their miginal Imo and limn lance. It operates on the secretions and fills the glands with new life and coloring tastier. Thin, dead, faded or gusty hair will always ho brought back by a fow applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makss the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to amino. Dry, wiry and intractable /oohs Leconte moist, pliant and disposed to remain In any desired position. Ann Hair Dressing it has no equal.— The salad art enormous and it is a universal favorite with old and young of both sexes. . . _ Sold by Druggists throughout tho United States. Ad dress all orders to ZEIGLER & SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia uov 21-1 y SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE 'Excellent for - Females mid Weakly Persons. Used by hundreds or Consuenutions for Church or Con uumion•Purpoace. 'VINEYARDS—L. Angelo., Calltoinia, amtl. Passaic New Jersey. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE, Tour Years Old. This justly celebrated native Wine is made teem the juice of the Oporto Grape raped in this country-. Its invaluable Tonic and Strengthening limpet ties are unsurpassed by any other native nine. Being the pure jti leo of the grape ploduced under Mr. Spoer's our personal snpoi its put ty and genuineness are guat wand. The yoang. ebb child may partake of its generous quantity, and the weakest inn:ilia may use it to advantage. It Is pal I tenter ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the vat ions ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It is in CV. y rosy ,ct A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids nee Speer's Pot t Grape Wino; Females Uso Speo's Port Grupo Winti; Wealthy Persons rind a Benefit by its Use; Speer's Wines in Hospitals aro pi eterred to other Wines. Principal (Mike, A. SPEER, No. 243 BROADWAY, opposite City Nall ParlF., N. Y Sold by John need, and Samuel EfuitL, Druggists, Ilnu ting.lon. 727 RICKEY, SHARP & CO., IMPORTERS, JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OP DRY' G-001:3S 7- AT POPULAR PRICES, Have the most elegant and dive, sided stock in this market, at this very low prices incident to the great shrinking of values. Their stock Is composed wholly of now and desirabl e fabrics, In • FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, to which are daily added the cheapest and choicest offer ings of this and other markets., SUARP Sr, C 0.,. 727 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ENERGETIC MEN AND LADIES ❑'ANTED to Canvass for the ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF TILE BOONS OF THE BIBLE By PROF. CALVIN B. STOWB, D. D. Showing whet the Bible is not; what it is, and how to use it:; hieing the history of each book up to its origin with thu inspired nothoi 0, and completely answering al/ Laidcl C 1,114 and objections to the Scriptures. It to nn 01dpi:try !Direly of Biblical History m a single yolnme, brief, clear, act:mate, conclusivo and highly intcreeting. A master piece of common sense, It is needed in every family where the lliblo is read, as well as by every Sab bath School headier, student and clergyman, and being the only book on the subject ever published or sold in this country, agenbi can easily see the athantage of can vassing for this w ork. Send for eitculars containing no tices and indorsements from leading ministers of all de nominations. Address 211.:GLER, IIcCURDY & CO., No. 614 Arch sheet, Philadelphia, MEI • g/VSAAC K. STAUFFER,EI Tir.rITCHMAKER and ,jETTiBLI;II, O. 148 N th ^d Strut, corner of Quarry, =1 An assortment of Watches, Toss elr,y, Sikvor and Plata Ware constantly on hand. SUITABLE FOR lIOLTDAY PRESENTS! • .aZ-Itepairibt, of 'Watches awl Jewelry promptly at tcnihal CUNNINGHAM & CARMON I=6 10,000 DOLLARS WORTH NEW & FASHIONABLE GOODS Prom the eastern markets, which they can, with profit, sell at lower figures than can ho sold at any other heace in the county. PRICES Till SAME AS 11510511 TILE WAR A good Calico Dress for a Dollar 4; aLcvy THE BEST HE el Y ill US TANS Lower than they cnn be bought outside of Middyllia THEM STOCK IS IMMENSE, Cansitting of etirithing that two can fancy or heart wish Come ands ee their fine assortment of HOIC E SYRUP, LO' ER than aver before also. EVERY KIND OF SUGAR 'At greatly reduced prices 60 M.E.AN.15ThEh;OUR,STOCK, pad do pot pay high prices nay longer Cunninghanr & Carnion. Huntingdon, oral CUNNINGHAM & CARMON HAVE CAI:RETIES , OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, For Sale at Wholesale Prices, SUCH AS, ALL WOOL INGRAIN, VENITIAN COTTAGE - STAIR, LIEMP S RAG, titeo Unntingtlon, July 1,1865. .lINITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAIn AGENCY HUNTINGDON, PA. SOLDIER4' Emilia, ATTENTION ! The act of Congress approved Match 2, ISOT, gives to Hoirs of Soldiers xho died prisoners of war, CO3I3IUTATION FOIL RATIONS, for the limo tho soldier wfoc so held a prisoner, at the rate of twenty - -fire cents per day, to be paid in the follow ing order: Ist. To his unlow, it unmarried; Bd, To tiro children ; 3d, To tiro parents, to both jointly If they are living, if either it dead, to tiro survivor; 4th. To the bro. tilers and siOers. Tho act of robrnary 23, 1337, pros ides fur rho refund ing of tho $3OO Commutation Money-, where the samo per son was again dr,died, nail was required to Enter the sot.- vice or furnish a bubsti tufo. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS The net of March 2, Ma, also makei tro,i.llolle to the payment of tho $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY' to such soldiers as hare accidentally lost their dischar gea All persons having any chi iort 111111er any of the above mentioned Acts, or nay other hind of chitin against the United States or State Governinenta, can hero them promptly collected, by addressing the nr.deraigned. In formation and advice L1.4:11141* given to soldict a or their friends, flee of chaise. • . • W. IL WOODS, Authorized Army and .irary llar-Clain Agent, 1115y9,211557 HUNTINGDON, Ituutingdon co., Pa IrkTg*:OuLm9ffaci.. - AtsiEi.-3vizAmA f 6 -.(?. - b AzE, ,1 1^' - - ' • ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. 1110 to M. GREENE has remove(' his IJo . 3lnsic Store, to the second floor cf Loiater's build 11Ig, where he keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY k. SONS' and GASIILE'S Piano Manufacturing Company's PIANOS, MASON Si HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARHART, 'NEEDHAM CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitate, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Ylolin Strings. MUSIC 1300 ES—Golden Chain,(lohleu Shower, Golden Censer, Golden Trio, Sc., Sc. SHEET MUSIC-110 is constantly receiving from Phil , adelphla oil tho latest muck, which pet sons at a distance wishing. can order, and bare sent them by mail.' Also GROVER & BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only machine tha . t, in addition to every hind of sewing, embroiders perfectly; sowing Silk nod Cotton of all hinds and colors for machines. Persons buying Sowingillachines fully instructed in the use of them. .IX - & - - Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years.• Those n inking to buy any of tho above articles are in vited to call and examine mine before purchasing else. where My prices aro tho same as in New York aud Philadelphia. Circa:nrs of Instruments or Machines, sent promptly upon application with any additional information desired. M. M. OREENO, Hill street, Huntingdon ' Pa. 'innyB;67 Second fl oor otLeintei's now brick bu ilding DEITTIVP.M.Tin-..t/CPINT 7-& -7 ?, , e' OrPIPAIPIk' LI E - 1 'AO 04 , ' 'lr - .w k , -, 0010, iikrii . .. v t ;', - E . J ; q !Oillegylicnc 1 714: I " , L,:1 , 15 , 1' i,t.ra A . 0 ‘ f _.: .d -- 45,1„v - :_-_--1 . A -=.:-.....',11 1.-'72J g l ,.. ) f •!T 0 Je' I I T 11 J. M. GREEN & F, 0. BEAVER flaying entered into partnership, inform tho public that they ate prepared to execute all styles, of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, 'HEADSTONES, al., Building Work, at as low prices as any shop in the county. Orders n om a distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN sheet, a tow doors cast of the Di thoran chinch 1:1113,1867 lki lli wour ' l l- r j e r v 'j ec Y tfi l :l ll lF L ePlitherTt i te le ntio li n n o d f e tl i :e S CE i c e i d ie of Huntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. }le is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables nod Stonen of every desired Ave anti form of Italian or Itoetern Marb:o, highly finished, and carved nail uppto priate device❑, or plans, as may snit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be furnished to c,:der. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and nork manship equal to any in the country, at a fair price. Call arid see. bef❑ro you lamellas° risen here. Shop on the or., of MoptgoMery and llitllln s'En. linntingdon, 10. WM. WILLIAMS. Iluntinsdon, May 16 1855. CHEESE. CHEESE, The heat always for sale f.t. _LEWIS' FAMILY GROCERY Z;r For School Books and School Stationery of all kinds call at Loomis' Book Store. riIIIE CHEAPEST AND BEST AR- A. TIMM OUT: = • • A PERFECT ThIETIECE FOR ONE DOLLAR. Let every housekeeper, Farmer, Itechanip, and Travel._ er btLY par - - SOT,AR WATCH, or Perpetual Portable Sun-Dial. Watrauteil to keep n ue Moo for every Day ot tbo Yenr This valuable instrument, Willi% is warranted by os to give the true tiros of day throughout the year, is con structed on strictly scientific principles, being based on astronomical tables and calculations, and Militating the truest measure of time which human ingLuity and skill can devise, 'exceeding iu accuracy and reliability the most perfect thrmiometors, whilst' the 'low unite at which ore offer it to the public plums it nithili the reach Mall. Its portability makes it•convenient for travelers, and to every fanner or householder it must, prove invaluable to regu late their clocks and ;riddles by. tau Mdst infallible test recognized by set... The mode of inning t"e "Solar Wattle: is thii simplest that cap be devised. Atter, . revelling the Stylo or, Gno mon lu I ts'place in the moveabldlirasslimist and setting it ;Meetly over the straight ling corn espOnding to the dine, or that nearest to it on Po cylinder, 'lie instrument in Placed upright in the sonshihniu such a position as will throw the shadow of the Sty le directly upon the line un der it. Atter placing the pluinMilne, by means of its brass litiaelment, at a right angle with nail to the loft of the Style, in order to set the cylinder perfectly level, Jim point allele the extremity of .the shadow falls, and. its distance from any or the wary or cross . lines exhibiting Ow 'nominalist eorresponiling afternoon hours, will in dicate the true lisle of day. Tine whole apparatns. consist ind of a Cylinder 'Mid Dia gram, attire:Ode ltrass Head, Sty le, Shirai, ling, and Bratid attachment for the'same, neatly put up in compact boxes, ig sold try ws at the incredibly low price of.ONII DOLLAR. Manulartured atislCsold, wholesale dad retail, by lIEVENS, VAIMIE ,cr, CO., 34 North Ninth'Strcet, Pbilada. —For sale, Irliolesele and retail, at, Win', Lewis' Book Store; If Pa. ' Agents wanted to sell the article monediately. WM. LEWIS, . eel , Agent fur Huntingdon county: EDI 4:4)P n ., 1 4 3- IMPROvED, giUR itEsProva NAIR DRESSfilfi • "N4 o ' 4 f" "'Bode will quickly restore Gray Hair • to its natural color and beauty, and produce luxuriant-growth. It it perfectly harmless, and is preferreci over every other preparation -by, those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to testori, it. The beautiful gloss and perfume imparted to the Hair make it desirable for old and young. ver halo by all Druggists. DELTA 198 ,GREENWICII ST. 3 N. Y, "210.MONENIIA, READING RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, NOV.E3II3ER 25, 1847. p ry.REA'T TRUNK LINE FROM THE v x North and Niirtli-West for Puloanotrati, Now YORK, IIEADIBa, PorrsVILLE, TAMAQUA. ASHLAND, LEBANON, Acta . ..own, llksTiM,lir.A . ra, Linz, LINCASTER, COMM 111A, &C., AC. Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York, as follows I At 3 00, 5 23 and 8,10 A. 31., nod 2 05 and 0,35 P. 31., connect ing Milli simil it trains on the I'ennss snnin at.Neir Toil: 5,10, 10 15 0011 11 :A) A, 51., and 3,40, and 'l3O P. 31. Sleeping cars accompany the 300 am ant! 0 31 p. in. trains without chan,4 - 0. Leave Ilarrisbui g lily Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, 31iners‘illo, Ashland, Pion Glove, Allentown anti Phila delphia at 8 10 A. 31., and 2 03 and 1 10 P. M.stopping at Lebaurn and pr Indira! may stations; the 41 , 0 p. m, train making conntelions for Philadelphia and Columbia only'. For Potts, jibe. Oehol lkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna 11.11., leave Harrisburg nt 3 55 P 31. Returning, loavo Noiv-Yono at 9 A. 31., 12 Noon, 5 A 8 P. 31; Philadelphia et 5,11 A. IL, and 3 30 0. 31; Way Pas senger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. M. returning . twin Reading at 630 r. 0.. stops at all stations: Pottsville. at 8.15 A. at.. and 1145 P. 31.; Ashland 6 00 nod 12,19 a m s and 2,00 I' 31; Tamaqua at 9.30 A 31,, gad 1 and 9.45 P 3f. Leave Pottsville for purl ISMIrg; via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 n in. and 12 noon. . An Accommodation Pagaellgor Train leaves READING at 7.30 A. 31., and returns from PIIIIADELPIIIA at 4,00 P. 31 Pottstown ACcointitOdation Train: Leaves Pottstown at 0,45 Min., taturning leaves Philadelphia at 5,00 p. m. • Columbia Railroad. Trains learn Reading at 7 00 A. 81., and 6 15 P. 31., for Ephrata, Lltiz, Lancaster, Col; umbia, On Sundays, kayo Now York at 800 P. M., Philadel phia Bit in and 315 P. 51., tho 8 in train stuming.only to lending; Pottsville 8 A. 51., Mord linrg.s 25 a m, and 410 and 9 85 p nt, and Reading 100, and 7 15 a. no., (or liarrisbtorg,and I oda. no., and 11 40p.m., foi New York,and 4.25 p. no. tur Philadelphia. COMMUTATION, 11111.gAcm, SEiSON; SCIIOOL, and 318csci5ioN 2.2cscvs to and front all points at reduced rates. Itaggago checked through: 100 panda •Baggage ant:Wel each L'Absougor: Reading, Nev. 20, 1307. .0. A. NCOLLS, G'Jneral Super I intendent. EMI CA, No' A t:ire-ft pENNSY ! TIM ,VANIA B IT, -ROAD E OF.LEAVINO OF TRAINS R ,ARE_•.IV GEMENT. - EASTWARD WINTE WESTWARD. I t 4 STATIQYB g . • r 4 4. • • .1 , 1,1 A. M.I P. 31.1 5.51.1 ' } 'A .at.} P.u.l s.sf 13 • 112 20 112 15 st. Hamilton, 5 01 , 20 Mt. Union,... 10 09 4 55 i..... 30 ..... 12 40 ' Stapleton, 445 40i - 12 60 ' Mill Creek,— PO 04 436 55 7 0 1/03 335 Huntingdon, 9 421 42310 65 14 ...... 130 }Petersburg,— 0 271 404 21 1 401 ' !Murree, 14 20i 365 ' 28 160 18pinceCreols, 9 131 348 41 ' ' O5 Birmingham, ..... 335 0. 43 752 215 021 Tytone, * • 153 32810 05 01 2.27 Tipton - V 8 43 317 ..,.. 07 .. '. ... 230 Fostoria, " 312 12 2 42 Hell's Mills,- ,8:35 3 08 7 30 8 25 305 447 A1500u5,....., 820 2 60 935 . - P.M.! A. AL 'P. M. A.M. " A. M.i P. M. r. 51 The FAST" -- stward leaves Altoona at 12 . 15 A, At., awl an ntingdon at 1 20 A. 3.7.- The evicts " . . 4 25 P. M. RI LINE I Ist arrives nt Ilu NvATI PRE ! and arrives at t \ e and arrives at 1.587. The rAs 7 16 V., M. Nov. 24, 1 INTINGDON & BROAD TOR RAILROAD. d after MONDAY, OCT. lord, 1861, l'amengei ‘lll arrive and depart as follows AINS, IMI On an natl. 1 UP T I STATIONS • Aee03131.1 31341.• ant AeanDr. 2141,6 P. M. I A. M. A. M. 1 P. M. I - I SIDINGS. LE 4 40ju: 7 50111untingdon,. 58 930 en 4 17 5 021 8 10,MeConnellatown , 908 35t 5 141 8 221Pleueunt Grove, 858 349 5 31i 8 38131arklerburg, 838 330 ' 330 853 Coffee ram, 823 315 •8 00 '9 01 Rough& Ready, 813 308 010 112 Cara, 758 254 0 201 010 Fisher's Sinumit . 753 . 2 511 All 0 3315 P. 9 331, ILE I 401 -at ' nl . AR 735 Le 2 35 • 5.8 2 20 10 0011201111esburg ' '-' 08 •-• 10 00ILlopeu ell . - ' '2 09 • 1 144 10 24 l'e p er's Run, 10 42 Tatesulle 1 10 10 61 Bloody Run, 1 01 0811 01 Mount Vanua,. 1 ILE 1 00 2110131'S .flux BRAN i liQ 1 LE 0 40 LE 0 50 ..a.x.f on . 0 lO 03 55 1 oalmout - 7 00 1 10 10 Crawford, ' AE 7 1511 E 10 10Undloy ' I Broad Top City,..... lluntinadon Oct. 23, MR. JOHN ALEXANDRIA BREIVERY THOMAS N. COLDER. The undersigned baring non• entered into the. ty ~l 11 . exrdri , rt a rtewerT, the a p ill, I%- no ipiorniq that ho s t o p r rxt u e otic a o. a times to TllOB. COLDER. A lexittAlrin, Oat: 23. 18 GO-t f. wo_Blank Books for tho desk and pocket, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. 6 0 ,4 ocr 17 , ria ca as Eastward leaves Altoona at t Ifuntingdon at 540 P alt. - • stWard, leaves Huntingdon .ap t Altoona at 0 00 P. AI. DOWN TRAINS BAR 7 30 (An 7 3? 7 15 1 215 710 2 i cr 7 051 LE '2. 0.5 •, EMBE ME