The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, March 04, 1868, Image 4
(4tlle 610 be. CONDITION OF Tilr, BREAbBTUFFS MAR FUT.—The Pittsburg Chronicle conden ses an article from the Financial Chro nicle, starting out with the proposition -that our crops wore unusually abund ant, addresses itself to the question whether, in view of the moderate ave rage result of tho European harvests .1:1c1 the depleted condition of stocks both at home and abroad, the now supply would bo more than adequate to bring up the stocks to the average standard to supply the current con sumption. The negative view having boon taken, breadstuffs have been held At high prices since harvest. The Fi nancial Chronicle is strongly inclined to tho opinion, although it will not commit itself, that high prices will not keep up. It_presents a table showing that at Chicago, the chief grain entre pot, the present stocks aro largely in excess . of those at the same time in '67. There is au increase in the stock of wheat of 249,224 bushels; in corn, of 1,302,288 bushels, and in oats, of 17-1,- 371-bushels; while in flour, barley and rye there is an immaterial decrease.— The entire stock of grain at Chicago is 55 per cent. above that of February, 1867.",_ At tho beginning of this month there were 925,148 bushels of wheat in store at Milwaukie, which is largely in excess of the stock at the same date last year. — It is estimated that the stocks of wheat at the various points between New Yoik and Milwaukie in clusive, aggregate 5,200,000 bushels, against 3,500,000 bushels at the same period last year; an increase of near ly fifty per cent. In the West, too, the farmers still have a large balance of their crop on hand—the reserve being estimated froth . thirty to forty per cent. HIGH AND Low BARNS.--A writer in the Rural Hew Yorker advocates the building of higher barns than those of ' the old style, which were built low on account of the difficulty of pitching to the top of a mow with a hand-fork.— Fourteen to sixteen feet was the usual height of posts for a hay and grain barn, and with this height it required a tall and stout man with a long-han dled fork to “pitch over the beam," and great scrambling of the boy ,on tho mow to stow away so as to fill up un der the roof. With the power-fork the product may be carried to any height, with a trifling effort. .One of the chief advantages of build • "in . g high barns lies in the relative am ount of material required to build one Of a given capacity. The foundation and-roof, with the same ground size, costs no more for a building forty feet than for ono ten feet 'high; and the writer says that bay and grain will keep better packed deep than if put in shallow Mows, though we think- he does not make this quite clear. If the 'drop is well cured; perhaps the greater :exclusion from the air may be an ad vantage to both hay and grain. How ' ever this may be, it .is obvious by in creasing the height, a good range of Atabling may be secured on both sides of the barn, with any desired amount .of storage room above thorn, with no .additional expense for either founda tion or roof. Sometimes the introduo tion of a now -contrivance, apparently insignificant in itself, will revolutionize other arrangeinents upon an extensive scale, and it the horse-fork proves to be a decidedly desirable thing, it will force its way into general use and may revolutionize tho model of-barns over :the country, and those about to build :should investigate this now horse pitch-fork, before deciding upon a plan. CHURNING IN WINTER.—YOU can not get butter out of milk, if there is none in • it. Feed the cows well, and thus :secure good milk,and there is not much 'trouble in churning, even in winter.— Keep the cream in a warm room, till it turns somewhat sour. Let the 'churn be scalded before putting in the cream, so that it will be well heated through and not cool the cream. Let the cream be at a temperature of 65° to 70°, and there will not be much dif ficulty in making the butter come. We see it stated that if a little rennet is added to the cream just before churn ing, it will help materially. We think this quite likely, as it would help to generate lactic acid. Do not put in too much. • HAYTI is one of those lively places which is 'not happy unless it is con stantly having revolution. Salnave had hardly got himself fixed in the place from which Geffrard was com pelled to fly,wheu a new revolution broke out which was only palled by Measures as "vigorous" as steel and lead could make them. Now again another revolution is spreading like wildfire, and the fighting has become general, Solomon having been pro claimed President. Hayti is now en joying the place formerly held by Mex ico. J. P. T1Y031,&8 2 a barber, and An toinette Rudger, both colored,' were married in St. - Vincent's church, Saint Louis,,on Wednesday. The ceremony occupied three hours and a half, and was imposing. The bride has $400,000. The husband hasnearly the same am't. He presented the bride a cheek for $lO,OOO as a wedding gift. The bri dal veil cost $750, and the bride wore oar rings costing $5,000. Dr. Stone, the eminent Now Orleans physician, and who had a larger prac tice in fevers than perhaps any other physician, declared that plenty. of poach orchards are worth a thousand quaantines for the public health. "No more scurvy," said the Doctor; eat stewed poaches, if you would keep off indigestion." "I can not" is often a gentleman, while "I'll see" is generally a sneak.— Very few who promise to "see" ever mean what they promise. 4t is a way the heartless have of evading duty.— But it is cowardly and cruel. If you do not intend to oblige a friend, say so. "Hope deferred maketh the heart pick." Zan trial, 'at Greensburg, Westmor land county, of Samuel null, for the murder of Charles I. Parker, a Penn sylvania. railroad conductor, was con cluded on Tuesday evening. The jury rendered a verdict of guilty of mur- - der in the second degree. _ MANY of the hotels built in Pithole during her palmy days have been pull ed down and removed. The Banta House, built at an expense of 380,000, was recently sold for $5OO. READ AND BE POSTED ! TO THE NE ITrL 1r _MARRIED AND ALL , IN WANT OF • New THE undersigned would respectfully announeo that Ito manufactures and koops constantly on band a largo and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, WASH AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor and cane seat chairs, cupboards, gilt and rose. wood moulding for mirror nod picture frames, and a sort. sty of at ticks not mentioned, at prices that cannot fail to ho satisfactory. Ito is also agent for the well known Bailey A Decamp patent spring Bed Bottom. Tito public am invited to call and examino his stock before purchasing elsewhete. Work and sales room on Hill street, uonr Smith, one door west of Yenter's atom. Huntingdon, Aug.l, 1.868 reLailaTM2 4 J. M. WISE, , Manufacturer and Dealer in 3E° "ET Ma. TkaT 3C IJE° 10* lA. 3EI Respectfully Mynas the attention of the Public to his stand on Hill it., Huntingdon, in the rear of George W Suede Watch ned Jewelry store, whore he manufactures and keeps all kinds of Furniture at seduced prices. Per sons wishing to p urchase, will do well to give him a call. Repairing of all kinds attended to promptly and charges reasonable. £ Also, Undertaking carried on, and Coffins mado In any style desired, at short notice. The subscriber has a NE TY AND ELEGANT HEARSE end is prepared M i ntfond Funerals at any place in town or country. J. M. WISE. Huntingdon, May 9, 1866-tf Can't .Be Beaten ! JOHN H. IYESTBROOK. 1;1 Respectfully informs the citizens of Huntingdon ilia' vicinity that ho has just received from the city a :cm and splendid stock of . GROCERIES CONFECTIONERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HATS & CAPS, Hosiery; Shoe Findings, Carpet Sacks, Trunks, &c., &c., &c., &c. all of which he is prepared to sell at greatly reduced prices. Don't forgot the old stand in tho Diamond. Old custo mers nod the public generally are invited to call. Huntingdon, may 1, 1.861' NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE. IV.M. AFRICA lennrert, bin dreli.cuatlinattih,oe Diamond; Ligat„atft guntlag a dou, A Fine ASsortment of all kinds of BOOTS AND SHOES, For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children. All or which he will sell at fair prices. Quick safe, and man profits. Call and examine my stack. Manufacturing and Repairing done to order as usual. Iluutingdon,Alay 1,1867. GEO. SHAEFFER M.Liasjust returned from the east with a 4,6186 SPLENDID STOCK or BOOTS, SLOES, GAITERS, (Fa, Which he offers to the inspectlon,of his customers and the public g enerally. Me stilt sell his at the most REASONABLE PRICES, and those who purchase once will surely call again. BOOTS & SIIOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done in the neatest and most expedi• tious manner. Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at his shop on 11.111 street, a few doors west of the Diamond. in) 2 WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF' Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. JOAN DADS, R. 11. WOODS, P. M. MADE, W. P. SI'LADOHLIN JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers, =Cum.. Solicit accounts from Banks, Bankers A others. Inter est allowed on Deposits. All kinds of Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission. Special attention given to Government Securities. Collections made on all points. Persons depositing Gold and Silver will revolve the same in return with interest. Oct. 17, 1666-tf. IVICZAMUM^SZ" ECOtOMY IS 'MONEY SAVED ! The subscriber is permanently located in Huntingdon, ›krand is prepared to purchnee, or repair in the beet style, and expeditiously, broken • UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. All articles intrusted to him will bo returned to this residence of the owner as soon as repaired. Umbrellas and parasols for repair can be left at his residence on Bt. Clair street near Iluncdict'e, may2,lB6otfWU. FENTDIAN. • LUMBER, SHINGLES , LATHS, EMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, 1111 Boards, Plank, Shingles, Metering and Shingling L. th,copstantly on hand. W o rked Flooring, Sash, Blinds, Doors, Door and Win dow Frames, furnished at manufacturers' prices. Grain and country product generally bought nt market rates. WAGONER & BRO., ang2B-if Philipsburg, Centro co., LitrCOUNTRY DEALERS can , buy CLOTHING from me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE as cheap as they can in the tine, as I hair° a wholesale atoro in Philadelphia. LL ROMAN. . Fp VERY FAMILY 1•J Will find at Lewin' Family Oraeery, ovary article usually kept in first elms Grocery stores. Call for what you want. FOR. THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper and Envolopo ennoble for confidential correspondence, for sale at 1. I US' ROOK if STATIONERY STORE. BELLS ! BELLS ! ! I =I THE LARGEST STOCK OF BUICII 81,14:b3, Ever exhibited at HUNTING DON,- Loose, and Strapped, i every style, NOW OPENED, and being sold at very LOW PRICES, JAS. A. BROWN'S HtiRDWEE STORE, SI;EIGII RUNNERS, FENDERS, SHAFTS, SOLES, STEEL SOLES, A good . stock of well seasoned HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, and a general stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Offs, Glass, Including the late Patent "ECLIPSE" COOK STOVE, Which throws all other Stoves in the shade and pleases so well that everybody wants THE ECLIPSE! Don't forget the SIGN 01' TILE PADLOCK. Ifuntiogan, Jan .:16, 'O.-tal BELLS!! HUNTINGDON, PA. A. 7-2 MCI, WILLOW SLEIGH BASKETS, SLEIGU and WAGON WHIPS, FINE HARNESS MOUN- TINGS 'SC .ip \\HARTON & I. AGUIRE, )3ML STREET, HUNTINGDON, PA., WHOLESALE &RETAIL EMEMM Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CBTIMI, The attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers generally, is invited to the fact that We are now offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY - &C., than can bo found elsewhere in this part of the State, at prices to snit the times. Our stock comprises all articles in this line of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAXERS JOINERS, Ac., Ac., together with a largo stock of iron, Steel, Tails, Splices, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, JETill and Cross. Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low TVare. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans An excellent assortment of 3E'llpiaia sCuLtlax•3r, Compciaing KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SOIS ORS, RAZORS, &C. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND FOR SALE, A T MANUFACT URERS PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general atsortinont of material for their use consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa tent and enamelledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &c. -1433CL.A.CJIEK.a.11/17-°I 6 X-IE.S3 Can be supplied with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Steel CARPENTERS Will find in our establishment n superior stock of PLANES, SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOOKS, BOLTS, PULLEYS, SASH-CORDS, &C., &C. MINING AND MINERS' GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, rOAL PICKS AND SHOVELS. .V 1 111•3132.03M5; Can be accommodated with everything in their !We from a Grain gepamtor to a Whet-stone, Builder Aracepecially invited to call and examine our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our paean with others. Agricultural Implements, Comprising the famous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Rundelre First Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, Scythes, Hoes, Hay Forks, Trace and Halter Chaise, Breast Chains, Cow Tice, Cut ry Combs, Cards, Sc,. &c., Sc. Among tho specialties of our House, We desire to call attention to the celebrated OHIO PUMP, Tho naively(' right to sell which is vested in us. Sand for acircular and got full particulars of same, and sat's* yourself °fits superior qualities. SCALES. Scales of all sizes and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans portation, Hay, Cattle and Coat Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICES. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this place A GREAT VARIETY OP COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very low! Best Norway nail, rod, bar an Mop Iron. STEP),,, of all sines and descriptions WAGON:I3O%ES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at vory low fig area AM"- A call is respectflilly solicited, feeling confi dent that our goods and prices will not fail to Ideate:VA WHARTON & MAPUME. 11:•antingdour5Iny 7, 7H7. aMitttistnunts. TjAINn FOR FARMERS AND 01111:119.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Co. are now manufacturing the Beet, Cheapest and most Durable Paint in use: two coats well put on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will lost 10 or 15 years ; it is ofa light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can ho changed to green, lead. stone, drab, olive, or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable for houses, barns, fences, car riage and car makers, pails and wooden-ware, agricultur al implements, canal boats, sesselo and ships' bottoms, canvas, metal and shingle roofs, (it being fire and water proof), floor oil cloths, (one manufacturer haying used 5000 Ibis. the past year,) and no a paint for any purpose is unsurpassed for body, dtirability, elasticity, and adhe siveness. Price $0 per bbl. of 300 lbs., which will supply a farmer for yenra to come, Warranted in all cases as above, Send for a circular which gives full particulars.— None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANINL BIDWELL, eel Om 254 Pearl street, New York. .1.7 Two Barrels of the above paint for sale at Lewis' Book Store. F OR BITUMINOUS COAL NO DUST! NO GAS!! NO DAMPERS!! =I J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. VT. Corner 13th & Filbert streets, PHILADELPHIA, PA., Solo Illaueracturete of the Celebrated WhOUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT GAS-CONSUMING HEATE 11, I= liuo;o4d,,,,i,i)'lL For case of management without any dampers, Dura bility, Simplicity, and Economy, this Heater has no su perior In this country. Thoy aro ail guaranteed to give satisfaction. Estimates made free of charge. Cooking Ranges, .Latrobe Beaters, Slate Mantles, Low Down Grates, Portable Heaters, Registers, Ventilators, &c., &c Send fur ono of our Illustrated Pamphlets. [aplO-ly 11ro more Bald Heads! No more Gray Locks ! DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAM RENEWER Is pronounced by all echo have used it tho very best pr.-potation for tho Hair. It is a positive euro for Beld am, eradicates Dandruff nud Iluniois, stops the hair Dom faking out, and speedily restores °lay Locks to their et iginal hue and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. Tido, dead, faded or gray heir mill always be brought back by a face aliplications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. :sy, fragrant, pleasant to the Dry, airy and intractable disposed to remain in any Dressing It has no equal.— it is a universal favorite with It makes the hair soft, glos touch and easy to arrange. lochs become moist, pliant an desired-position. As n Hair The bales aro enormous and i old and young of both boxes. . . Sold by Druggists throughout tho United States. Ad dress all orders to ZEIGLER & SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia nov 27 ly PEERS PORT GRAPE WINE! Excellent for Females and Weakly Persons. Used by hundreds of Congregations for Church or Corn purpos:s 'VINEYARDS—Los Angelo; California, and Passaic, New Jersey. MILT GRAPE WINE, Four rears Old. This justly colon' Med native Wino Is made from the juice of the Oporto Grape raised in this country. Its invaluable Tonic and Strengthening Properties ore unsui passed by any other native wine. Being the put e jnico of the grape produced under Mr. Speer's own personal supenision, its purity and genuineness are guaranteed. The young. est child may Tau take of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may the it to advantage. It Is particular ly beneficial to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the various ailments that afflict the weaker sex. It is in ev ery respect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. Involute use Speer's l'ort Grape Wine; Females Use Speer's Port Grape Wine; Weakly Persons Find a Benefit by Its Use; Speer's Wines in Hospitals aro preferred to other Wines. Principal Office, A. SPEED., No. 243 BROADWAY, opposite City hail Park, N. Y Sold byJohn Reed, and Samuel Smith, Druggists, Hun tingdon. 8013 727 RICKEY, SHARP & IMPORTERS, JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF DIY G - 00 - 3DS . , AT POPULAR PRICES, have the most elegant and diversified stock In this market, at tho very low pikes incident to tho great shrinking of values. Their stock is composed wholly of now and desirable fabrics, In FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, to which are daily added the cheapest and choicest offer ings of this and other markets.] RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. ENERGETIC MEN AND LADIES WANTED to Canvass for the ORIGIN AND HISTORY OF THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE DV PROF. CALVIN E. STOWE, D. D Showing what the Bible is not; what It is, and bow to use it:; tracing the history of each book up to its origin with the inspheil authors, and completely answering all Infidel cavils and objections to the Scriptures. It is an ordinary library of Biblical History inn singlo volume, brief, clear, accurate, conclusive and highly interesting. A masterpiece of common souse, It is needed in every family where the Bible is lead, as well as by every Sab bath School teacher, student and clergyman, and being the only book on the subject ever published or sold in this country, agents can easily sea tiro advantago of can vnssing for this mock. Send for miculars containing no tices and indoisements from leading ministers of all de nominations. Address . . ZIEGLER, McCIIIIDY k CO., No. 014 Arch otrect, Chllndelohln MEI AISAAC K. STAUFFERk: WATCHMAKER, and JEWELER, No. 148 North Id .Strcot, corner of QuorrY, Ea= An assortment of Watches, Jewelry, Meer and Plated Waro constantly on hand. SUITABLE FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Itepnitinz of Watt'hey and Jewelry promptly nt tended to, nova 7-1)* CUNNINGHAM & CARMON I= 10,000 DOLLARS WORTH NEW & FASHIONABLE GOODS From the eastern markets, which they can with profit, soli at lower figures than can be sold at any other house in the comity. PRICES TILE SAME AS BEFORE TIIE WAR A good Calico Dress for a Dollar & aLevy THE BEST HEAVY ISIUSLINS Lower than they can bo bought outside of Philadelphia TITER STOCK IS IMMENSE, Contaating of everything that eye can fancy or heart wish Coma and sea their fins assortment of CHOICE SYRUP, LOWER. than over bolero also. EVERY KIND OF SUGAR At greatly reduced prices COME AND SEE OIJR STOCK, and do not pny high prince any longer Cunningham & Carman, Iluntingdon, ap24 CUNNINGHAM & CARIVION lIAVE lIPETINGS, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, For Sale at Wholesale Prices, SUCII AS, ALL WOOL INGRAIN 9 VENITIAN COTTAGE, STAIR , HEMP • RAG, &c. INntluplun, July 3, 'MT. .1 'UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAM AGENCY HUNTINGDON, PA SOLDIERS' HEIRS, ATTENTION ! The act of Congress approved March 2, 1661, gives to Heirs of Soldiers who died prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, for the time the soldier was so held a prisoner, nt the rate of twenty-live cents per day, to he paid in the follow ing order: Ist. To tho widow, If unmarried; 9d. To Om children; 3d. To tho parents. to both jointly if they are living, if either is dead, to the survivor; 4th. To the bra. thersond sisters. The act of February 28. 1807, provides for the refund ing of the $3OO Commutation Money, whore the same per son way again drafted-, and w t as required to utor the nor vice or furnish a substitute. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS Thu actor March 2, HOT, also makes proN Islons for tho payment of the $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY to such soldiers as have acchlautally lost their disohar gee All persons having any claims under any of the above mentioned Acts, or any other hind of claim against the United States or State Gmernments, can have them promptly collected, by addrelbing lire undersigned.. In formation and advice chew fully given to soldiers or their friends, free of charge. W. 71. WOODS, Authorized Army and Nary Wdr-C/aint Agent, may 0,21807 UUSTINGIDON, Huntingdon CO., Pa jAltaiFt.; - irCIDIFIsiE• - _JifriAcmol MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. 8111. GREENE has removed his .Music Store, to the second floor of Leister's build ing, whore lie keeps constantly on hand STEINWAY & SONS' and GABBLE'S Piano slnnuflicturing Company's PIANOS, MASON & HAMLIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARHAItT,NEEDHA3I & CO.S' MELODEONS; Guitars, Violins, Fifes, Ethics; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOOKS—Golden Chain, Golden Shower, Golden Censer. Golden Trio, &c., Sc. SHEET MUSIC—He is constantly receiving from Phil adelphia all the latest music, which persons at a distance wishing. can order, and have sent them by in nil. Also GROVER & BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CHINES—the only machine that, in Addition to every kind of sewing, embroiders perfectly; sowing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for machines. Persons buying Sewing Machines folly instructed In the use of them. .tr•• Pianos and Organs Warranted for five years. Those wishing to buy any of tho above articles are in vited to call and examine mine before put chatting else where lily pikes ore the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Civeulnrs of Instruments or 3Lichines, scut promptly upon application with any additional information desired. B. M. GREENE, Hill street, Huntingdon, Pa., Second floor of Leister's new brick building ma) 5,'67 319ET.I.DirXI.INTrICIIC)7NT p ( Lzl to, f?' E...., , ': A rx, ii - , • ••,1 ~1. . , ;:,• , hl ,- .. A. ..,, ' , 42 . ~r.;, if ~IL ...! 1 - \\' ,1 - ‘ l . kl llf = ililti-r - i 1- ' t-J pq ,lit ,' .1 i ' 011. AV iip li t 4 ••,4 i ......:• 1:00.!, ,2. •,• t 0 r---i , t i ( fa: ~--7- ---- !"'---. • t l . tv,,typ, . ..,, . si, .-4" - : , -;,„ 5.V. 1 6 t* , -- M''' ,0 • , '!g11)1111 1 i ) 1' - 0 . 4 , 1 v.. /, .1.; ~,•,„ ~,.1 . 1 „...„., t., ' , I I ' 4 ' ' 46 4. 4, ...t. , - ''''''' 0 MARBLE YARD, J. 111, GREEN it, F. 0. BEAVER Having entered into partnership, Inform the public that they ate prepared to execute all styles of Plain and ornamental Marble Work Such as MONUMENTS, HEADSTONES, also Building Work - , at m low prices as any shop in the comity. Orders from n distance promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN street, a few doors cast of the Lu theran church mchG,lB67 ADDLE YARD. The undersigned would respectfully call the attontion of the citizens 01 tontiogdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marble now on hand. Ile is prepared to furnish at the shortest notice, 'Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of ermy desired sire and form of Italian or Eastern Halide, highly flukhed, and eat red with applo prints devices, or plain, as may suit. Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, &c., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work manship equal to any in tho country, at n fair price. Call and see, before you purchase elsewhere. Shop on the orner of llootgomery mid Mifflin a•s.. Huntingdon, Pa. • W3l. WILLIAMS. Ituntingdon , May 101955. CHEESE. CHEESE, Tbo best always for sale at LEWIS' FAMILy GROCERY lei - For School Books and School Stationery of all kinds call at Lewis' Book Storo• iiIIE CHEAPEST AND BEST AR TICLE OUT. A PERFECT TIME.PIECE FOR ONE DOLLAR. Lrt every Housekeeper, Farmer, Mechanic, and Travel. or buy our WATCH, or Perpetual Portable Sun-Dial. Wan anted to keep Tree Time for every Day of the Year • • This valuable instrument, which Is warranted by us to give the tine time of day throughout the year, is con structed on strictly scientific principles, being based ore astronomical tables null calculations, and affording tho truest measure of time which human ingenuity and skill can devise, (acceding in accuracy and reliability the most perfect chronometers, whilst this low price at which Wo offer it to the public places it within the reach °fall. Its portability makes it convenient for travelers, and to avery farmer or householder it must prove invaluable to regu late their clocks and scotches by the most infallible lest recognized by science. The mode of using Vie "Solar Watch" is the simplest that can ho devised. After *strutting the Style or Gno mon in its piece in tho moveable brass head and setting it directly tit er tim.straigla t line corresponding to the date, or that nearest to it on tho cylinder, the instrument to Placed uptight in the sunshine in such a position as will throw the shadow of the Style directly upon the line un der it. After placing the plumb-line, by means of its brass attachment, at it right angle with and to the loft of the Style, in order to set the cylinder perfectly level, tho point niter° the extremity of the shadow falls, and, its distance fi om any of the wavy or cross lines exhibiting the morning and corresponding afternoon hours, will in. elcato the true time of day. Tile whole apparatus, 00nel-ding, of a Cylinder and Dia gram, moveable Brass head, Style, Plumb lino, nod Brass attachment fur the sante, neatly put up in compact boxes, is sold by us at the incredibly low price of ONE DOLLAR. Manulactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by BEYENS, PADRE di• CO., • - 34 North Ninth Street, Philsda. For sale, wholesale and Mail, at Wm. Lewis' Book Store,Huntingdon, Pa. Agents wanted to sell the article —appy immediately. WM. LEWIS, eel Agent for Huntingdon county. EDI ma REM%) FAVORITE /I,MR.DREsSIIini jvcotyte rm cniekae INIPROVE.D will quickly restore Gray Hair to its natural color 'and beauty, and produce luxuriant growth. It is perfectly harmless, and is preferred over every other preparatiOn by those who have a fine head of hair, as well as those who wish to restore it. The beautiful gloss and perfume' imparted to the Hair make it desitabltt for old and young. TP For Sale by all Druggists. DEPOT, 198 GREENWICH ST., N. Y. pluctONEl)ollja 6 . ,61114 ' •1 READING• RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, , NOVEMBER 25, 1807. el It EAT TItUNIC LINE FP.Olti THE x 7 x North awl North-West for PHILADELPHIA, NEW YOTIK, HEADING, POTTSVILLE, TANACHJA, ASHLAND, LEI3ANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EPHRATA, LITIE,_LANCIASTER, COMM- Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows ; At 300, 5 '23 and 8,10 A. 31., and 205 and 9,35 P. 31., connect ing with similar hales on the Pennsylvania 11 .11,nrriring nt New York 5,10, 10 15 and 11 50 A, AL, and 3,40, and 930 P. AL Sleeping ems accompany the 300 am and 935 p. m. trains without Chicago. Ltave Harrisburg , for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Millersville ' Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phila delphia at 810 A. 31., mid 2 05 and 4 10 P. M., stopping at Lehancn and principal way stations; the 4 10 p, m. train making connections for Philadelphia anti Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill haven and Auburn, via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna R.R., leave Hart islairg at 3 55 0 M. Returning. leave New-Yons at 9 A. 51., 12 Noon, 5 A S P. 31.; Philadelphia at 8,11 A. 31., and 330 0. 51; Way Pas senger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. al. returning limn Reading at 030 P. 35, stops at all stations: Pottsville 01 5,45 . and 2 45 I'. M.; Ashland G 00 and 12,19 a m, and 2,00 I' 31; 'Tamaqua at 8.30 A 3L, and 1 and 8.45 P M. Learn Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 a m. and 12 noon. An Accommodation Passenger Train kayos RrADING at 7.30 A. 31., and returns from PUIL&DELPIIIA at 4,00 P.M. Pottsto,so Accommodation Train: Loaves Pottstown at 6,45 a. m, returning leaves Philadelphia at 5,00 p. - m. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 700 A 31., and-015 I'. 01., for Ephrata, Lid; Lancaster, Col umbia, Ac. On Sundays, leave NOW York nt SOO P. M., Philadel phia, S. a in and 315 P. 51., the S a m train running only to Rending; Potts.illo 8 A. SI., Unrri burg,s 25 a In, and 410 and 915 p at, and Reading 1 00, and 7 15 a. m, for liarrisburg,und 7 00 a. m., and 11 40p.m., for New York,and 1.35 p. m. for Philadelphia. COMMUTATION, MILEAGE, SEASON, SCHOOL, and EXcanSiotr TICKETS to and rrom all pOilitil at reduced rates. Baggage checked through: 100 pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. G. A. NIO9LL9, Rending, Nov. 23, 1807. General Superintendent. • rZeL/4vV "—*l PENNSYLVANIA RA IL ROAD TIME OF LEAVING OF TRAINS WINTER ARRANGEMENT. WESTWARD. EASTWARD bl I ty gSTATIONS. I 11. P. 31.1 A. M.l P.M. 4. M. I A. ILI P. M.l P. M 13 12 151 IN.Thnilton, 501 20 12 26 Ht. Union,... 10 091 455 .-..: 30 ..... 12 40 51aploton, ..... 445 ' 40 12 50 Mill Cr00k,... 09 54 4 36 • 55 705 1 OS 335 Huntingdon, 0 42 1 4 23 10 66 14 1 30 !Petersburg,- 0 271 4 04 21 1 401 lilarreo, 09 201 3 55 28 160 .SpruceCreoh, 9 131 348 41 205 113irrninglkarn, 325 48 7 62 2 16 4 21 Tyrone, S 63 3 28 10 OS 01 2 27 Tipton, r 8 45 a 17 7 07 2 36 Postorie„ 3 12 4 12 2 42 Bell'e Mille,- 8 35 3 08 • 7 30, 825 3 051 4 47 A1t00na,...... 820 2 50 935 P. MA .4. M. P. M. A. M. A. U. P. M. P../.1 'llO FAST A. IT., and an Tho CINCINI 4 25 P. 51. an( ` LINE Eastward leaves Altoona 2t - 12 15 7rives at Huntingdon at 1 29 A. 51, +NATI EXPRESS E69tward loaves Altoona at, td arrives at Huntingdon at 5 40 P 21. LINE Westward, leavos Huntingdon ,at nd arrives at Altoona at 9 00 P. M. i 67. no FAST $ 40 P., M. ni Nov. 24, 13 NTINGDON & BROAD TOP RAILROAD. 1.1 after MONDAY, OCT. 16m, 1867, I'assaager arrivo and dop rt as Wawa! ADIS, On an Trains UP T ---- STATIONS ACCOMM.I MAIL I I ACCOMH. 32110. AND P. 31. A. 01. A. 51. P.3I. I I SIDINGS. I 16 4 40 1 Lr. 7 50111untingdon, AR 9 30 An 4 17 502 8 10151eConnelplown, 008 857 314 822 Plonsant Grove, 853 34Q 531 838 01 arklesburg, 838 330 530 853 Coffee Run, 823 ' 315 600 001 Rough & Ready, Bi 3 303 610 912 Cove, 758 1 54 6 201 010 Fisher's Summit' I 753 250 AR 6 3511 n 14 al, AR 7 35 t. 6 2 35 ,„ , 4 , ...Axton, Mt 2 26 10 001 lliddlesburg 2 08 10 08 1Iorewell,I 200 10 2-V Piper's ]tun 1 44 10 42 Tate.ille 1 19 - 10 55 Bloody H un, 1 07 An 11 05 Mount Dallas, ILE 1 00 9110U1"9 ItUll IIItANCIL f o It 6 40 4 ' 0 9 W e lt " , lIR 7 30 AR 13Q ,17 151 215 7 10; 2 10 .0:8 7 0514 E 2 03 Continent,. Gran ford, Dudley, 1 13,0 : 1,1 Top City,. . 23, 1367. JOAN • • • 6 55; 10 05, 7 00 10 10 An 7 15IAn 10 20 Huntingdon Oct ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. THOMAS N. COLDER Tbe undersigned having now entered into the VA7aw ho Alexandria ewet . v,ho public nr oin f‘rnel tw L ,ineiaredtall tmeBtotil orders on the shortest notice. . . _ '1310.9. N. coLDErt. AlCxandrin, Oct. 23. 1866-tf. Blank Books for the desk and pocket, for sale at. Lewis' Book Store. MI t.4rs, ,71 Et et ?; DOIV?I T1141N4 WM 11=1