(Ely (Olube. HUNTINGDON, PA. Wednesday morning, Feb, 12, 1868, ERSONAI LO CA Subscribers to The Globe will remember that they can discontinue their subscriptions at any time, and the amount paid. on the same (after deducting for the time the paper may have been sent) will be refunded. To Our Friends. We propose to make considerable improvement iu the appearance of the GLOBE early in the spring, if our friends will do their part by giving us the necessary encouragement. All ar rearages can bo paid up—and every good subscriber and friend can procure for the GLOBE an additional advance paying subscriber, which would give us support sufficient to enable us to give our patrons a much better paper than we can afford to give now. All our patrons would be gainers by mere ly using their influence to secure for us the necessary additional help. We cannot complain of the support we now receive from a generous public, but if it vas more liberal WO could give a bet ter paper. for the same money , each subscriber now pays. Will our friends and patrons go to work immediately, that we may be able to make arrange ments for the improvement at an early day. I:3= —Johnstown has now six wards. —Some men can't seo beyond their nose. Such must live and learn. —Wo have had anothei snow.— Somebody says wo are going to have forty this winter. —To ascertain how many boys there aro in the street: open a barrel of apples. They will save you the troublo of selling them.. —A gentleman in Johnstown has a book printed in London in 1632-23 G years ago. Its title is Lee tyres upon the Fourth of lohn." —Dr. Valentine is now in Ebens burg. If we can judge from the num ber of cures he publishes ho must be a curable physician. —Altoona is to vote again for or "fornenst" a city charter. "City" has been defeated twice, but its advocates aro determined to "fight it out on that line." —An interesting revival meeting has been in progress for some time in the colored church of this place, and has been well attended by the public, "without regard to race or color." —Such a thing as lectunes don't take well in Bedford. We can say "ditto" for Huntingdon. A monkey show takes better. So it is, but why we can not tell. —The Grand Jury of Blair county last week presented the county jail in Hollidaysburg as a nuisance, and to tally unfit for the purpose for which it was designed. —The dwelling house of John Evans, near Riddlesburg, Bedford county, was destroyed by fire last week. Two children loft in the house alone by their mother were burned to death. —The roof of the residence of Henry Davis, in Shaver's Creek, took fire from the sparks from an adjoining blacksmith shop, recently, and was somewhat damaged. Insured. —The Quarterly Convention of Good Templars for this District assem bled at Williamsburg, Blair county, to-day, Tuesday. The Convention will remain in session two days. —A. household word. The best, the only reliable; the cheapest. Try it. Mrs. S. A. Allen's improved (new style) Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bot tle.) 'Eveiy Druggest sells it. Price Ono Dollar. lm. —The young man who greases his hair is respectfully notified that when ho makes calls, not to lean his pate against the wall. The young gentle man in question should understand that the wall paper suffers serious da mage by such familiarity. —The Juniata river is frozen over, and affords the skatorial queens and princes an opportunity to try their skill. As the blue stream only freezes at this place when the thermometer keeps some degrees below zero, our readers at a distance will understand that we have had pretty coid weather. —A slight mistake; What everybo dy says must be true, and as everybo dy - says the ground-hog saw his sha dow, we will have to say so too; but in our last number wo said he didn't. However, wo would like to know who did see the ground-hog looking at his shadow. —The Harrisburg Patriot & Union says that the Keystone hotel company have leased all the Penna. railroad ho. tels and eating houses between Pitts burg and Harrisburg, for which propo sals have been solicited for the last two months, out-bidding all competitors. —Next Friday, the 14th, is St. Val entine's day. About that time the mail bags of - Uncle Sam will carry full freights, mixed cargoes, and life will boa burden' to the post-office clerks.— •"Yalentine's day," says a Western ed itor, "is the annual bung-hole of youth ful affection out of which it must fer ment or bust." No say let it gush. —The lot-holders of the Alexandria Cemetery intend holding a Fair and Festival in Alexandria on Wednesday and Thursday, this week. There are many attractions which should ensure largea attendance. Everybody is in vitedto contribute their mites, and we expect to see a delegation from Hunt- in"don. —We learn that a 'Sociable" has :been formed in our town. These in stitutions are certainly a good thing in any town, and we think ours is as much in need of one as any. The young folks certainly desire to become acquainted with each other, and we : hope all who desire to be acquainted by means of the "Sociable" e 11 not he debarred the privilege. DasA largo lot of B A. & R. G. Hemlock Sole Leather just received, and for sale at C. 11. Miller & Leather Store. 21j. A Happy Place Dakota Territory must be a happy country about this timo. From the Cheyenne Daily Star, of the 22d ult.; wo oopy the following notice from the Vigilance Committee, which evidently means considerably more than it ap. pears in print : A WARNING No persons will be notified to leave this territory, except through a public newspaper of this place, and if said no tified parties will not leave within twenty-four hours, the Committee will no longer be responsible for their safety. Ucorgo Brown, Noll Murphy, Cocke, (at New Idea) Jack Bristol, Thomas Campbell, Eugene Dcbonville, Frank St. Clair ' All Cunningham, Slippery Bill, and llave Atnllens. The above parties will leave this ter ritory in twenty-four hours. By order of VIGILANCE COMMITTEE. A note from Mr. Cooke, a tailor, who once worked with Mr. Snyder, of this place,accompanies the paper, in which he states that the Vigilance Committee hung three thieves on the preceding Monday morning. The day on which ho wrote was election day. Ho states that three companies of regulars were patrolling the place to keep order, and that up to the hour at which he wrote, ono man had been killed. Wo should certainly not select that locality for a permanent residonco.—_-1/toona Tribune. g,•~Duggan, one of the Min Creek railroad disaster victims, is now lying at Mifflin, under the care of Dr. Craw ford, surgeon of the railroad company, and is receiving every necessary at tention. Both of his bands were ter ribly burned, and it is probable that it will be found necessary to amputate the left hand. His head, face, neck and left leg were also burned, and his eyes injured, but it is. believed that the sight will not be impaired. His condition has been made as comforta ble as possible under the circumstances. Mr. Duggan's wife, who was the only person fatally injured, was killed out fight before the car took fire, as her bkull was found to be fractured. She had a small satchel on the seat beside her, which contained five hundred dol lars in notes and one hundred dollars in gold, besides three tickets for pas sage to California. Tho satchel and contents were destroyed with the car on Wednesday. =I The Harrisburg Patriot d; Union says :—The young champion billiard player, Hr. Win. Poulton, of this city, recently made a run of eighteen hun dred and eighty-seven points on a. full sized carom table, getting the balls in to a corner and running up to the above figures, when they "froze." if any of the New York "champions" Gnu beat this run wo should like to hear from them. In this connection we may say that Poulton's billiard saloon is ono of the best in the country, com modious, well lighted and elegantly furnished. William is well known to many of the billiard players in our toWn, to whom the above run will not appear much of a surprise, as his skill in using the cue was very well evinced. Ile is about eighteen years of ago. —St. Xavier's academy, at Latrobe, was totally destroyed by fire, on Sat urday, Feb. 1. The academy was in charge of the Sisters of Mercy, and a large number of pnpils were in attend ance. Some little furniture and wear ing apparel was saved, but the great bulk of the contents was burned along with the building. The loss is estima ted at 8100,000. The fire is supposed to have originated from a defective flue. The pupils were removed to Loretto, where the school will bo con tinued without interruption. Speer's Wino Is the pre, unadulterated juice of the Oporto Grape,now being cultivated in this country by Mr. Speer. It is valuable for family use, and for its tonic and invigorating properties. It gives tone to the stomach, and invig gorates the system. In fashionable circles it has become the favorite wine. —lntelligencer. Druggists are agents for this wino. —The Clearfield Journal says: A man named Yonson, a shingle-maker, left Philipsburg on Friday, January 17th, partially intoxicated, with a horse and sleigh; and on Saturday, the 18th, ho was found in the Allegheny mountains east of Philipsburg, frozen to death. The horse was also -dead and stiff. This is another terrible warning to those who are iu the habit of indulging in intoxicating drinks. .GLW*The Tyrone herald says: "Mr. Sample Anderson, of this place, has discovered what is said to be a rich gold mine, near this place. Our jew elers can pronounce it nothing else.— Nitric acid produces no visible effect on the metal. So pile in, ye gold wor shippers, to the new Eldorado." This story is told pretty well, but we think it smells fishy. .The statement of the Directors of the Poor published in another col umn shows that the Poor House drew from tho county treasury during the past year nearly two thousand dollars less than was drawn from it the year previous. This speaks well for the Directors. AQ-The Harrisburg State Guard of Saturday says :—"The enlargement of the Pennsylvania canal between-Co lumbia and Hollidaysburg, will afford employment for an immense number of men the coining season. It is under stood the work will be commenced un der the most favorable auspices." New Bacon, Hams, Shoulders and Sides, for sale by 'Henry & Co. MARRIED, On Tuesday evening, Feb. -4th, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the Rev. J. W. Plannett, Mr. THOMAS S:SOHNSON, LO Miss ii-ETTIE UEN4Y, all of illmtingdon. We cheerfully acknowledge our thanks to our young friends who havo bid adieu to "single blessedness" for the favor sent up, and cordially extend our congratulations and best wishes that they may together enjoy a long life of unalloyed happiness and prosperity, and may you live together where hap piness, love and glory have no cud. Letter froin DEAR GLOBE :—Ccitainly I deserve the name of your "Occasional' correspondent, but 1 don't flatter myself my letters will be so eagerly perused as his who does the.political "Press" in daily column of prophecy. I shall treat of nothings and clothe them in a wordy raiment in keeping with their noth ingness. Know then that despite the pinching times our staid Quaker City manages tb wear a qui et smile of enjoyment, and, like many of her citizens, "keeps up appearances." Theatres aro well filled and oftener crowded. You are aware doubtless that we all do Dickens—'os decidedly fashionable. "New Editions of Dickens" stare at you from every book store; people affect Dickens; look with seeming in terest on crossing sweeps ; discover little he roes with sick sisters and deerepid mothers, where before they only saw dirty offensive children whose presence contaminated ; drawling exquisites yawn through the prin cipal scenes of the coming reading; senti mental misses pronounce what before was so irksome now "so vividly descriptive," smile condescendingly at Master Humphrey's clock and declare they almost hear its ticking,— Ono of our city journals informs its readers that in compliment to a visit' paid them by the great word-painter they will call their new press the "Dickens press"—it was such a chills-like announcement—a startling "Ledgcr" domain. What puppets we republicans can be ! Fashion dictates our dress, our literary diet, our conversation. We are nothing more than animated fashion plates. The fickle dame occasionally forces some slight blessing upon us, for instance: this skating mania. We all skate now; come and sea us. Every section of the city boasts its park; "Skatorial Queens" inform you from every car side of their presence at this or that park. And now ye lovers of the graceful, think of it. I see "the one-legged champion skater of the world" is among us ; my curiosity to see him on ice is terrible ; but 1 do confess it, a grace ful girl on skates is something to fire man's heart and fancy. Just come with me. Be careful how you step, or you may discover a tendency to sit down with suddenness—and arise with caution. Do you notice that group? Well, they surround ono of our "big things on ice." See what a perfect master of the situation he is—always gathers around him an admiring crowd—and 'tie only occa sionally his modesty or indifference will per mit us tq see how much he can do with im punity that would cause us fractures, sprains, contusions, and a firm resolve never to tempt fate again. Quick ! Look here Ain't she lovely? Do you notice her magnificent sweep? Yo gods! here he comes; I knew he would. Poor fellow how he labors to keep up with her, bnt only succeeds in keeping af ter her. I don't know who they are, only that they are here every good day. Poor fellow! I pity him! Hew that girl glories in her perfect mastery, See him on his knees unbuckling her skate ; (I'd have done it with pleasure ;) this is her hour for leav ing "ye crystal field." To-morrow at ten they will certainly reappear (weather per mitting.) They appear to know no one ; as I don't know them, I'm egotistic enough to imagine they are new bubbles on our city tido. Now let us slip to other topics. Our Sunday evening concerts proved a fail ure. Our staid goad people wont patronize such ungodly undertakings. They will not listen on such occasions to grand inspiring sacred music with voices raised in heavenly praise, and so they have gone by default, and more's the pity. You have not monopolized the snow this winter.: The sleighing on such of our streets as are not cut up by our city tracks is glori• ous, and out of the city all that Gould be de sired. The charges of our livery men are so very moderate—only hour—l can't af fore to go more than once a day, and then a cozy supper at the Falls with a sweet-face op posite you, and an appetite to match—why that more than recompenses one for all this expenditure. I've sold my railroad stock to pay my bills and am yet the master of a snug fortune, (Sl,BO, I Whom) but I expect some of my rich aunts and uncles will soon leave for a "Beautiful land on high," and then Dieh ard will be himself (or a wealthier ntan.) Do you know my mouth waters when I see these Pi locos (before the toot-lights) giving their trusty followers gold in huge bags; how pro digal they are; but the poor devil who enacts the spendthrift prince for our amusement could not, after a careful search, find a 5 cent piece that's not mortgaged. So wo go. We are all enacting souse false part on this stage of life, and that and that only makes life en durable. Masks are necessary, and must be worn ; tear them (Sand then dies confidence. The political cauldron commences bub bling, and our political Salmons aro girding for the fight. Republicans shout Grant, Con servatives screen Johnson, Democrats at a loss whether to yell for Hancock or Huffman, or ME. Plenty of fun ahead; flurry, noise, stuff, buncombe—all to save this poor dying thing we read of as boys, "the Union;" and we. are all actuated by that marketable com modity called "patriotism"—component parts (as they strike me, in a city, and so an alyzed) precinct meeting, ward meeting, no mination; "Brown the incorruptible;" "the people's friend ," cuts of an uplifted arm great iu muscle, under it ''Workingman'• candidate, Brown." Brown gives apolitical tool stamps to drink to the "people's candi date;" tool calls on all to drink to Brown. ••Poor titan's friend;" poor man goes for Brown; Brown goes for the poor man (Ids pocket.) Brown's elected, makes a speech, and says, "my hard-fisted constituents de mand this bill;" comes home and forgets ho has ever been the "poor man's friend," and Jones mat tyrizes himself for "principle" and our "debt-ridden country." Such, 0, Globe, is what I sco under the head of "our city pol itics," and methinks 'tie a fair sample of tlds unclean thing, "love of country," as looked at through political glasses, with which sage conclusion permit me to remain, /cc. N. S. —John Trimble,while working about the fly-wheel of a steam engine at Erb's mill, in Centro county, had his panta loons caught by .the strap which passes over it, and was drawn along until both feet became fastened, when ho was whirled round, each time striking his head against the posts and floor until it became a mass of clotted blood, bruis ed flesh, and broken bones. The mill and men working near were covered with blood and brains. Ladies Dresses and Boys Clothing. Tho underbigned inform the public that they are prepared to make Ladies Drosses of all kinds in the most sub stantial and fashionable styles. Also Boys' Clothing. They respectfully so licit a share of patronage. B. ANNIE M'CABE. EMMA OSWALT'. Huntingdon, Dec. 16, 1867,—tf. Ear The Republican Union County Committee of Perry County, met last week, elected delegates to the State Convention and instructed them for Grant and Curtin. —Col. A. K. McClure, of the Chum bersburg Repository, intends to make. Colorado his future home. Ile will be in Congress from that country before long, we'll bet. Speer's ♦Vines Are the pure juice eI the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and aro of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tend and vigor. Sickly per sons and females ehould try them. —A. Citicinnati thief has invented an ingenius little instrument that a man's Ticket and take out his wallet at the same time without the chance of detection, SPECIAL NOTICES; CHILLS AND FEVER, DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, AND KIDNEY DISEASES CURED MISIILER'3.IIEIiII BITTERS Has cured more diseases where It Las boon used, than all other Medicluts combined. It is the only remedy that may/purifies the blood, and tans never failed In cu . ring D3sprpsia, Fever and Acne, and Diseases of tho EMI Sold by ell Druggists dud nodlet's. DR. S. D. lIART3LIN S CO., Proprietors, LANOASTER, Pa., mud CUICAGO, ILLINOIO DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARIM treated with the utmost success, by J. IyAACS, M. D.. Oculist and Aurist. (formerly of Leyden, Holland.) No. 803 ARCH efteet. Phil alciphia. Testimoni als lions the most tellable solaces in the city and c un try can be seen at his office. Thu medical faculty era in sited to accompany their patients, as he hits no secrets in its p actico. Al nlicinl Eyes inserted Without pain.— Iso charge for examination. ruyS43bm ULL REW AYS ALLALVE. -HEALING and STTH IINING S J. FM LLAWAY will liar °duce, nt his own expense, his A ing and &lengthening Salvo, a sovereign remedy for lonic back, local rinanuatum in the silo and brenst, fresh wounds, bruises, sprains. weakness in the joints, crick in the back, old sot es, frosted feet, swellings, numbness, ague in the face and breast. cracked hands, biles, corns on the feet, and occasional a res of most kinds to which the human finally is subjsci. vr2l,.For sale at Lewis' Vanity Grocery. MARKETS. =I PIIILADELpIII.4, Feb. 9, ISO Surat fins Flour at $7,25@5,25 onus at $8(p59,25 fancy extla family $lO5lll, and Penns) Is auto Coolly $10,500 12,25, tout fancy brands $12,75814,00 according to quality 1150 flour Print,: Wheat is scarce lucre. Choice red at $2.45@2,50 fit,, $:1,001 .3,20. ltyo at $1,60®1,63. Corn 1,13 to 1,10 Oats at 710. Hat ley tout at $2,00. (jot etseed $5.311g 5,75 necol dint; to quality; Timothy at $2,75093,0n, Flaxseed $2.91t03,00 per bushel. Pimounnu, Feb. S.—Floiti.—Thero io n local demand We quote bales of apt tog IN heat bluer ut $11,00®11,25, sul rater Flour at $11,50@12.50 fancy at $14@15,00. Wheat, solute, .$2,',1ff:2,53 and No. 1 spring $2,30,®9,35 Cot u train tirst hands ut $l,OO. 11.3,e, $1,43 per bushel. Oats 65 , 4,66 e; 'holey 1,51051,35. Ehotaltlets 10 c; aides 12c; Lams 16e, Lat 1-1140. CIIICA(10 Ftb B.—Flout dull spring warn $10,00e110,50. Winter, $5,6051650. Fpnog Wheat is at $2,0062,07. Coin Sic. Oats, 56us. TIN tiNCIAL NEW roux, Feb. S.—Gold closed at $1,42,1," HUNTINGDON MARKETS. A „CORRECTED WEEELY BY HENRY & CC?- . , WIIOI.F.ItLE PRICES. Supet fine Flour, 4,9,50 Eggs .• 10 Extra Flour, old 10, 1 4 Feathers Ift lb .... '1 Family Flour 11,5 ii Flasaued Red Wheat,— ..... .. ...... 2,51 hops 11 lb ....... ....... White II hest 2,10 Itoot, stoOkod - 2 73 , Apple Butter Il gallon-1,2i Hay 11 too l's 1 Bulk per cord 0,00 bard Bailey lOv Large Oulous 1/. bii - Butter ....... ............ 33 to 413.51ixed Chop...e. Buckwheat 1,00 ruts kts Inte heat Meal 1,1 cu 1.4,00 Potatoes IA us., Bran I's cwt 1"5 Plaster pe toy' litcrouss 11 deo ...... 3,06 12,41,50 ;Rags 'la tb..4.31 Beeswax "..0 lb "0' Bp / Beans 11 bus " 2.5[1ty0 Chopp es Chickens 25 Rye Stru 111 Country Soap 10 , Shorts Wcn t., Coln ;1,00 Shoulder Cot n Meal It en 1.... ....... 2,2 I Wet Dried Apples Vtlit ...... ...2,00 tallow 4, Di ted Cheri les 11 gout t.... 12 Timothy 1.4 Di ied Beaches 13 lb 15 Turkeys ? lb 'hied Beef "U Wool It lb / ,.:I: Ile. f , 11 lb Is Pork It lb , Stead Top Coal It ton ...i2,5U, Hard Coal lil ton). Green Apples 11 bus 01,50 Big Metal It t0n.... ClovoreeediltAltrs.p to 7,00 Lumber 11 1000 ft: I.'" Shellbst los It bus $2,00 Shingles, Laps, Walnuts 'lO bus 50 n Joint; !„.t. ~' Stuck Hogs EGG cis. 1 t lbjCbeeso 15(00 eta. 'll 727 RICKEY, SHARP & CO., zuronrEns, JORRARS AND RETAILERS Or GOODS, POPULAR PRICES, have the most elegant and diverdfied stock in this nun het, at the very low pikes incident to the great shrinking of salget. Their stock is auniposed wholly of now and desitobV fabrics, in FANCY AND STAPLE GOODS, I,s o , t s t f ielasr,e,:;l4 oilier I LT t. cheap and cholcast offer- RICKEY,STIARP 727 Chestnut street, ftbri4 y Philadelphia. J. A. HANAGAR, PMOVOffiriI2PIIMLE, Railroad street, Iltuitingdon, Pa., Would ra,pcctfully to, ito the attention of the citizens of llimtingdutt and vicinity to hid Milieu on MM./ad Stteet,ippo,ite the Juniata douse, to hero ho is Kellam] to Into all tho LATEST STYLES OF PIC CEP; t the following prices : Including an Bxlo oval OM Frame, $1,50. Visiting Call Photographs, full MIZE', 4 for $l,OO, Ainhrotypos, for 23 cents, aid upe atde. Ills lung expel lessen in the business enables hire totals° pktures In every style el the m I, at greatly reduced tut ees. lie keeps ultra) son hand a large assortaneni of I PLAIN" -IND FANCY FRAMES Ala; CAS,:.'. Pictures inserted in Lockets, BreastpinseiLt ' in a neat and datable mattner• Oil Paintings, Daguerreotypes, 3c. , copied nal Isle pt leo. Pictures taken equally well itt clear or aloud) I cordially ill Vito one and all to cull nut exat whether they slant Octet es or nut 'Cot as I shall remain but It shut t flute ini ‘IIIF The above Gullet)' is either for rent, geed ca entity. .1‘ m it, Apply to .1. A. lEANIGUt, Photi,glap' toad street, Iluutingdon, Pa. \ GLAZIER DEALERS IN \ - DRY GOODS, DRESS 0004, IS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SIIO-R„ GROCERIES, QUEE.A7SM.LRE,'Zcv.,4ifzc Washington street, near the ,To4";' Having purchased our Winter Clooda sti. P lato heavy decline, we can afford to offer suput iur In* anent., to buy era. kaI".•RBAD OUR PRIOES. - 6:a • \,' ' Aluslins and Prints front 8 ets 9k: Heavy Unbleached Sheeting:l, yard wide, 15 de, Heavy yard wide 'licking:l, cts, Bast Muter Delaines, 22 and 25 cts, All Wool Delailte4 ' 45 to 05 01,4, Dooblo width Wool Plaids , 50 cts, lleaN y Plaid Poplins, $1 00, Wool Flannels, 24 to a 0 cts a yard, Wool Blankets, $3.00 to $lO.OO a pair, Wool Shawls, $1.25 to $lO.OO Bahama! Skirts, $1.25 to $l.lO. Other bloods in proportion. GLAZIER DR° Huntingdon, Nor. 0,1807. VALE TINES COMIC AND BDITYWITAIL) VALENTINES, FO4 SALE AT LNIS' 300 K STORE FLOUR ! FLOUR ! FwurAy th„, Nu el or .53ndlici quautity for mlo aL Lois!b' ocu y SALES FARM FOR SA LE. f ' HE undersigned offers a Farm for sale, being a part of the one Ito resides on in Unli t nolou County. about one mile west of the town of Or bisonia, situated on the Aughwick Creek, containing about 125 arms; nbunt 70 awes cleared and in a good state of cultivation, with n good two story log house. and the masonry work of n bank barn. Also a young opplo orchard (la trees.) of sole •t vas lodes, with a gond site for grape culture. The cleared laud is good arable bottom laud of an eastern slope. TERMS—Ono thousand dollars on confirmation of solo, The balance in two equal annual payments with interest secured by bond and mortgage. A good title will bo nod possessions on Om first day of April next. further pal dealers apply to the subscriber on the premises. JOHN B WIENEVELT. Oct. 9, 1667. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. THE undersigned have establiihed uu Agency in the Borough or HUNTINGDON, PA., For tho.purchaso and sale of nll kinds of REAZ ESTATE, And mill give prompt attention to the sale and lotting of Rouses, hallos, Banding Lots, and all other Real Estate business mat oiled to their care. FOR SALE. A convenient slid well finished DWELLING in West Huntingdon; pleasantly situated; n .01 of good water ou the ptemises ; u coveted pump, and other convenieu. res. A handsome RESIDENCE to the Borough of Hunting don, cons eniently located iu u control lot lieu of the town. A say desirable Let in West Huntingdon; cheap for cash. Five otter Lots favorably located; soar, of Mitch aro feuded. Paytneut4 to suit purchasers. Pereonl desiring to inticli.m, sell, or rent, will addiebn Or apply in person, to .MILLER, ARMITAGE, Office opposite tit° Court Houso, duel. 3 Huntingdon, Pa. JOHNSTON &WATTEN TAKE pleasure in announcing to the I ettizcos Ot Huntingdon county rind slcinity that thoy hare jun rotutned front the East with n LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they lime just openeil out at their new atom, ONE DOOR EAST OF TDB WASHINGTON HOTEL Their stook consists of INI DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS ANJ) CAPS, 0., BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGARS, • CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, . CEDAR -WARE, QUID ENS WARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &C., DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, PISIL SALT, CIIEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &c. &c. They h:n•c a largo stuck of • LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Co•sisting of SILICS, MODAIRS, ALPACA.% POPLINS, LUii'fU OINUII.IAIS, MELLINOS, PLAIDS, LB LAMES, dx., A. Also, a largo assortment of DRESS_ TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &c. A FULL LINE OF "WHITE GOODS I= All gO • ods etc.! to residences In town and depots ; Pee of chat gc. (the us a tilal before pnrebasing el:evdiero Iluntingdon. April 3; ISO 7 CUNNINGHAM & CARIVION EMT CARPETING, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, For Sale at Wholesale Prices, SUCH AS, ALL WOOL • INGRA/N, VENITIAN, COTTAGE, STAIR, HEMP, , RAG . , &c Hunt inplon, July 3, ISGT, HEM) QUARTERS FOR • NEW GOODS. D. P. MAHN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST -OPENED . A SPLENDID STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. : D. P. GWIN, Ihnitindon;Oetober ' " ALN IMPROVEMENT IN LlCifiT We talzepleastire fu potting before the piddle a LAMP Ibr burning fat, lard or tallow, which is imporjer to any of the hind ever introduced. It differs from all others, KS it does not re,ptiro the fat to be melte4 before lighting. It heats the flit by in copper pipe. wlitch con ducts the beat under the fat and melts it immediately. Thou,ands of the lamps hare been sold and no com plaints have been Nadu. All Lamp wo•ralited to give gentnal satisfaction, or the IMMO' lettmiled. A rate opptn tunny is offered to any pet 5011 or persons that may N 1 kit to engage n the busintbt. I-Lund:2ow/ Slid Mifflin comities u be :mid in tounships at remon able let ens to suit purehascis. A eample tamp ti ill ho fm warded to nny person on teceipt of thud price, 0,60, ain't Ihruardsd evpense. Will tither sell territtity or pay agents by the day or piece. Agents are making from to $t perday, for they suit say fast. They ate mita oyery person heeds. All tenets It ill rt.:C.ore Prompt, latent ' Adthers or call on D. WALK lit, Airy Dale, Huntingdon county, Da. 476-Lamp many be seen at the Ftanklin Hence in Hunt ingdou ; Mr. Hughes' Slots, Mill Cacelf, and at Ito hotel lu . cast,‘ opts-If Di'L-Vor School Books and Schoo Stationery of all kinds call at liewis Book Store. it t obiztlik Books for tho desk am, pocket for sale at Lcwis' 1.300 k Stoic 3300KSLIDMR, WALL P ?EL HillitillEdell Circulatillg Literary, TERMS: Annual subscriptions, $5.00; half yoarly, $3.00 quarterly:V..so. , This hubscription entitles one parson to ono new and ono old book at a time, Subscriber:.—For loan of Books per - wock,lo cents per volume. Weekly subscribers will be required in all cases to learn a deposit equal in value to the Book. The new Boils will not Ito allowed to any subscriber for a longer period than Aar (Lip ,• or if detained beyond that time, an additional charge elf 3 cents per day; other books seven day., or it' detained beyond that limo 3 cents per day. hooks not letni ned in inn, weeds to be charged. All llooltA ale considered old that lawn boon in the Li brary six months. Books damaged seriously will be charged. Al/payable in advance. bimetal [nuns and arrangements with persons living out of town. 6 - . • All new and desirable boeki on band as soon as limed. A complete assortment of pictures for ART OP INSTANTLY TRANSFERRING PICTURES To China, Glass, Tin and Wooden ware. Leather and Pa per Macho goods, iu short, to all articles of overy do acription. Tha following horleß of !looks wfil,bo found conotantly on lould SPELLERS AND READERS. nuke, & Watoon'a McGuirey's, Stirgen S•ander'r Union, th,gootro, &o. Gteente tre, D.tvio , S odd u ass, Mitchell's, arreu's, G roen' , Blatiolee, 0 noth Ich's, Cobb's, Jonkiu% Speakers, Dialogue; Classical, Botan ical, Chemistry, and Miscettaneous School Books. Flom the smell paper cover rase to the full ballu4 Itys sin Coiner Ledger- Satchels, Bottom Floor Sacks,. at Jobbing rotas—at flow $27.60 to SUS per thousand. Printed a Ith any name. desired. Alb*, Manilla Wrapping, Conßetionery aua Sugar Bags DAILY : WEEKLY ANDMONTLILY PAPERS AND Choice Havana and Yarn SISIASS, Solace. Century, Sunnysidootud oth.r Wands of One cut CIIEWING YU SACCO. Oconee°, Navy, Spun, Sc., Igo. A beautiful stock of Octagon and Square Cornered Bus. tic Walnut and Gilt All kinds of Frames an hand and nude to order. Imi tation Rosewood, and Grit Imitation Walnut and Gilt q, num. Walnut and Plain and Fancy Gilt Frames asp lased on client notice. CARDS OF ALL KINDS, miibie and Periodicals bound la every style at cheep rates. French and common paper stamped any letter or letters, plain or In coleus. Photographs, Albums, Engravings, Artist's Materials, swell as .Monuctromate Bonds, Tube Paints, Crayons, Lc. A 1,,, Agent tbr the Singer Family and :ilium!lecturing SEWING 31ACtirel Ed—a Machine that will Ilene, Braid. Cued, Tuck, Quilt and Bind. I'lea•u call and examine A full moos Uncut or thu different st)les constantly on hand. All orders and inquiries by mall will receive prompt aatoution. I= SPECIAL NOTICE. ► FIoTIIE LADIES.—Do yen really iato.a to coma, st cuing the beautiful styles now so pros alent, or dress loos elegantly, because rho rebel Jed. Davis, sons captured in Fashionable Female attire? One moment's cilia reflection will surely' serve to change sour rash lowly°. Tho angels had too touch good sense to isy aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they had for a thou served to lade the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, the Devil. Ca'n yeti err in following the exampled' Angels? Then having made up your minds that 3ou It ill continue to dress tastefully regardless of Ida:lads, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, who will be happy at all times to furnish you with such ea ticks of dress as you may desire. Urge your fath, cis, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can hero bo stilted In good articles of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queens ware ande general assortment of Groceries, on as rea sonable terms as at any House in town. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Ilitntinidon, Pa. may 31, 1863. FRANCIS B. WALLACE. 1= NOTICE TO ALL HELL STREET MARKET, OPPOSITE TIIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. G. MORRISON respectfully in -11• forms the citizens of Ifuntingdon and ♦icinity that no continues the meat market business lu all its ye 4ous.lnanches, apd 1411 Reel, cdustantly on hand null Beef, Pork, Pudding and Sausage, salt Beef and Pork, Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Spices of all kind4,Cetsups and Sauces, Teas, ' leaps, Cheese, Salt, Laid, Sc, • All of which ho will continue to soil at reasonable prices Tnu ht lost in ices paid for hides and tallow. Thomas Colder, at Alexandria, and March & Bro., at Coffeo Stun, aro my age n ts to purchase at their places. Thankful for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the sumo. 11. 0. NOitRItOY. Huntingdon, Oct: 30, ISM ' ' E NERGETIC MEN AND LADIES WANTED to Canvass for tho pryq,ilt t urpruszgni-oppg BOOKS OF THE BIBLE Showing IVhat the Bible is not; what It is, and how to use it.; hoeing the history of each hook tip toils origin with the Welland Rothe, 0, and complotery answering all Infidel cad ils and objections to thu Scriptures. It is an ordinary library of Biblical History in a singlo volume, brief, clear, accurate, conclusive and highly mit:rusting. A muster-mege of common seise, It is needed in every family whera the Itthlels reatl,ns well its by every SaU hath teacher,' student and clergyman and being Hu, only hook on the subject over published or sold in this country, ngents can easily see the advantage of can vassing for this a orb. bond for circulars containing no tices and indorsements front leading ministers of all de, nominations. Address „ MMil STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, &Q. ANY of the above articles can be had 1 by addiessin g subseelbet. , Stoves of all kinds and sizes to snit tile wants of all. AUTOCRAT COOKING STOVE, a stows beyond competition. it.:l3 a' PretPr tern, good baker, with largo not snit Able for either coal or wood. Stoves furnished at foundry prices. Any person is 'siting to purchase n stove without cooking utensils can dos°, and too prices °ad' the ankles mill to deducted. All etoyes•waeradt pd. s a mples can 1, •10e0: , 171400'4 atore,'pill Cheek, or at the residence of the subset they. All parlor stoves furnished at lose prices. Stoves de. hlyered at any t eilroad station. D. WALKER, , • Alry Dale, Iluntingpa county, Da • GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS. Mothers, arc you oul%roased n ith anxiety tor your littlo ones? Aro yOur sinful:oars and Deart-s:broicen Dy, their miss? Du you awake in the morning mirefrealied and op ehensh e ? If Co, procure at once a bottle of Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy and yon tint have no inure weary hours of tNateDing nud,tinaistjr. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, Hat stood UM teat of years. Thousands of nurses and mothembear witnts . S that-it na - yer fags tcrsito relief if used in sr, on. it is a Mild, yet ultra and speedy CUM for Colic,Clamps and Windy Pdlns, and Is invaluablo Mr all comilttints incident to Teething. Cold by lit tiggl44 ituuougtiout t4e tlyite4 States : Ad ; dress .%11 urdels to Z_IIiGLER SOLE PROPRIETORS, us N 0.107 Nth. Thud Mteet, tkj- For neat JOB PRINTING, call a the - them: Jon 0/11(44 " at Hun tinsdon, Pa. J. C. 13.LAlp, And Wholesale and Retail Dealer lie STATIONERY Propriotor of tlxo DECALCOMANIA, 1:3113 ARITHMETICAL. !Doon'a Colima's, Loomis', Ic,Bo GEOGRAPHICAL. Colton & Fitch's,l attynt'g, jed GRAMMARS. Clark's, 131 owiell, HISTORIES. ) lard Minh, el, 1% oicuataCs. IPinnock's, Cowing'; DICTIONARIES. Webster's, .1 1 t r o l l! b k Worcester% BLANK, BOOKS A splemlid assortment of HOLIDAY AND TOY BOOKS, of English and American manufacture I=Ml==ta PICTURE FRAMES. J. C. BLAIR, HUNTINGDON, PA., Noxt to Broad Top Tjckut oMcc DY PROF. CALVIN B. STOWE, D. D ZIEGLER, McOGRDE & CO.; 614 Arch street, Philadelphia 14 - c oaf the attention of the public to the Arum tents. "Mynhcer elo you know what for WO call our boy Hans 7" "Do not really ?" "Well, I tell you. 'W.er rea. son we ca}} our boy gans, tbat fah his name." - - • - - , A greenhorn sat a long time, very attentive, musing. on• a cane :bottom chair. At length he said t--"I wonder what fellow took the trouble to find all them ar holes, and put straws around 'em !' Vakoi lady, rake ! The moon ia• high, twihklin' stars aro beamite; while now and then, across the,sky, a mete or aro streaming' ! Valvi Sally,'vako, and look on me—awake, 'Squire Nub- bins' daughter ! If I'll have you, and you'll . have me—(by gosh! who throw that water!) A good brother in ono' of the rural districts thought . he .had . a call to preach. Being an indifferent reader, ho got a friend to read - the Scripture, The chapter on ono occasion was 22d Genesis, which] chapter contains this verso :—"These eight did Milcah bear to Nahor, Abraham's brother." On this the preacher hold forth as follows: "Brethren and sisters, lot us consider our blessings. Morning and evening our wives and daughters milk,our cows and thus supply our wants. But in tho days of good old Abraham, as you, have just hcard,;it-took, eight to "milk a hoar," and they did not got much at that." THE PLACE TO' BU NEW AND CHEAP GOODS! FOR FALL AND WINTER W.MARCII is IRO. Respectfully Inform the public gonerally that they eve just received a largo and splendid stock of goods 111, leir store in Iluntingdon, consisting in part or, SILKS, . DRY GOODS, , • DRESS GOODS, : '• BOOTS &- SHOES, " • EATS, CAPS; - TINWARE; isADIES'.FANCY' TRIMMINGS, 11001' SKIRTS,BoNNErs, BUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW IV A B QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE S , PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS; TOBACCO, SEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &e., &a, Also. CARPETS and . Orti-CLOT, And In fact everything that Inman*ily kopt In a gratclorms store, all which wore bought low• for each and will sold at correspondingly low, prices for, cub, or ceuui produce. and request the public to give Uti a call Wpm* purchasing eisewhore, feeling satisfied. Ws can offnr, two rior inducements to cash buyers. • We respectfully solicit the patronage of U. and the public aro cordially lipvited to examine one goods. Everything taken is exqbansP for geode except P"XX. "lee. WM. MARCH & DAQ Huntingdon, 00. 0,180 T. EDICAL ELECTRICITY BY DR. WILLIAM BREWSTER, 1 1 JVCONNEMLSTOWN„ PA% 111 For tho bonefirof those proposing to undertake Elect' foal 'treatment for diseases Wa give Iq, tlto following list a few of the more promir4t and most common complaints mot wilt, irk our-Pf,ao - tice, in till of which we are most sutressfal.• Ir ENEARLY ALL CASES OP CAROSIO DISEASE, ELECTRIED TY IS A SURE REMEDY, AND IN ALL CASES BENEFICIAL, IF PROPENLY APPLIED. Thoeo, therefore, afflicted a Ith complaints not here enumerated, need have no he 4 tot lon to applying,and whether only Rimer, or a PERMANENT CURE Call he sheeted, g receive replies ACM aingly. All coma du . sottege I free. I EtiCetny, Charm, St. Vitus' Banco, Pacelysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita tion of the Heart, Lock-Jaw, ate. 2 Sore Throat, Dyspelisia.Diarrhout, Dysentery, Obstinitto Constipation, • • Hemorrhoids, , or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, aisd Painter's Celle, and all affections of tho Liver and Spleen. 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (where not caused by organic disease of the Wert) Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Ithoumatisru of the Chest, Consumption in the curly stops. 4 Grovel, Diabotis, and Kipnoy Complaints. 5 Itheuinatitni, Clout, Lumbago, Blur Neck, Spinal Hip Diseases, Cancers, To ' "mars; (time last named olu aye cured i - Ndtti= out pain,,qrcuttiog, or plasters mi.forra) ' a word; proposo to cure Ail 'curiildo We have no connimlicip wllatopor, Kat dtli, !other:Electrical office la this or any other county., All letters address to " •WM.DREWSTER, XL It. McConuelistown, Pa. EMU PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY MARSH; . • MERCHANT TAILOR S •\"D !MALTA iN READY-MADE CLOTHING-, FOR bIEWA::7I) BOYS, Ilnye - remoicil to the otero room op tho corner of tloo Diamond, opposito Lowie Book Store, where he tatow,da to hoop constantly.* hand tho latost styles of Mad, mode Clothing,. and pima goods, comprising AUFIIICA.N, E4GL , II3II,J4iD P!3ENC4 . . ... CLOTHS, C'S.SSfMiI - RES, ' AND t'ES7/11.1114 CLOTHS, CASSI?LIHtES, AND TESTING& CLOTHS, CASSIHk].RKS, . AND VESTINO4, Also a large supply - of OVERCOATS, mado p ifi most fashionaltlostylo, and sold at greatly reqleed 'Being a'firactical Ivoskiiitto, of maey ioaro experisios. Lo is prepared 0 Rialto to, order Clottling for mm 1114 PQ3'4, gtiwa,olo noryj, dimtit,lsi nad faoltiontiblo manslitp. Ho is determlnod to pleßsdeveryttlidi Ar Fr All aro invited to call and cunning 'ray •es Mock of boantifol pattorns bawl purchasing olsowbory deaf:l6lYr l - • • 9EO, *` MARSH: VEXED FACTS INDELIBLY PRESSED will always triumph over efrapit tin sertlons. Thus It Is that this community gives teolmoo7 la 1h vor of tho svcl/ known vitaWl.lnant of - .sl ; GREENBERG, TamAgin.pv vAaloaa HILL StitEET, 'IIUNTINGDON. Whilst it (.3 I* ble mimeo to deceive the potato by clamoring 'low prices and better icLogs" Pop' aqier dealers, ho simply. Invitee all who wish to purchaieiii blq Itno of business to call find satisfy thapsolves that with him a patron once ga teed Is novor !e l "am proof of filo riddles is in the tasting of It." fl o o bas Plat requived Ills winter supply of ff) 'o‘q:oo:Tr gaNnatina FOII MEN 411 D BOYE, Ito laus alma a largo nsoortniont of /lig moot eabitintka gogl fashiunablo • Hats, Cads, Gents' Fanishin Gook Of c% cry doscrfpfa on, and mailo pp frogi P. bust WO, Mi. ' , Always ou band tho Roost quality of Anierican, Brig, Nell and French CLOTHS, CASSIMBRES and VHSTINGS o Bich nro rondo up to order by 'good, psporleu9l,wqrt, Wen, inn mphor tho most fasbiounblo ggd oudoriht* No Vastffa city Pau .01 0 0 a Hagar of Mara Yffia4 qt.Fift of goodn than can bo Nun iin my !selection. , - Ilotiogdon, Nov. iq, i§o7 COUNTRY PRODUCE. Kit Lint% orcountry produce taken in exchange for thwEls at Lewis' Faintly grocery; , It. GIIEENDIII4I, Dkrchant Tailor