Cabe. MI HUNT CWOIO O . N i . E. A . Wednesdai , morning, Jan. 22, 1868, LOCAL tt PERSONAL. Local Advertisements Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ten cents u line single insertion, counting BM)] Words to a lino. brief Itemr. —A pretty thing on ice: A lady at tempting to Tress the canal on skates. —Getting smaller and beautifully less: the ladies' waterfalls. —Gutting tighter and miserably close : the gents' pantaloons. —"We learn by experience ' " as the fellow said, who drew a thimble in a recent prize lottery. —Motto for leap year : If you jump at conclusions, you may take a leap in the dark. —lf a body wants a body hiS store to patronize, shouldn't a body pay a body money to advertise. —Among the late arrivals in Paris, we notice that of "L. W. Hall and wife," who were on their way to Rome. —Better late than never: We forgot to mention that the Mount Union Times bas discontinued. —Busy as ants: The ice-merchants and storers in laying up a stock of that indispensable luxury for summer use. —The young man that asked the +laughter's hand and got the father's boot, bad the consolation of knowing that his wooing was not bootless. leap year for the ladies. We heard of one the other day leaping across one of our gutters. It was a feat indeed—and ten feet also. Eight across and the two she took with her. —The editor of the Juniata Republi can regrets that be was "induced by honied words to publish a seheme of a gift enterprise. It was a humbug and swindle." sore's the pity. —There is a lady living near Spring Run, Franklin county, but twenty three years of age, who is a wife and mother, sister and sister-and-law, an aunt, a 'mother-in law, a step-mother, and a grand-mother. _ the season for advertising von dues is at hand, we would again re mind our friends that we are amply prepared to print handbills, at short notice, in the most attractive style de sired, and at reasonable rates. —Tyrone borough, according to the census recently - taken by the editor of the Bulletin, contains a population of 1,529—0 f whom 783 are males and 740 females; among the number there aro 222 single men and 147 single women. —The Lewistown Democrat says a number of - $2. - notes on the National Union Bank, Kinderhook, New 'York, were put in circulation in that place, and insinuates that the counterfeits came front 'Stone Valley, this county. —There• is an interesting revival meeting in the Lutheran church of Altoona. One hundred and ninety one have made profession of faith in Christ,-and ninety-one have been ad mitted to membership in the church since the meeting began. —The revival in the Methodist church has met with great success, du ring the four weeks of its progress:— There have been about seventy con verts, of whom fifty-four have beon admitted into the church. The meet ing stilt continues. —Under the auspices of the Penn sylvania State Temperance Union, two hundred and sixty temperance meet ings have been held, twenty-eight aux iliary county societies have been form ed, and more than 4800 names have been added to the temperance pledge. —Bev. Alexander Lackey, an old and respected citizen of Carroll town ship, in Perry county, while preaching on New Year's evening, suddenly sank on his seat, and being carried to the door, died in a few minutes thereafter. lie was a local preacher of the United Brethren denomination, and much be loved by all who knew-him. —Liberal, very : The Bedford Inqui rer, (Republican,) in publishing the prospectus of the New - York World, (Democratic.) Of course, editors can do what they please in such matters; but while some may think it somewhat inconsistent, we doubt the propriety of publishing the prospectuses of any city dailies. —The East Baltimore Annual Con ference of the _Methodist "Bpiseopal Church will bold its eleventh annual session in Baltimore, beginning on the 11th of March next : This conference embraces as its territory , the northern and western portions of Maryland, and the central and southern parts of this State. Two-thirds of its area and members are. in this State. It con tains 3,500 communicants and 230 traveling preachers. —ln order to make a paper com plete in its department of town and neighborhood news, it is absolutely essential that its patrons and readers should send the editors en account of all occurrences of interest which come under their notice. We hope that our friends will bear this in mind, and send us such accounts more frequently hereafter. - If you haven't time to put them in shape for publication, no mat ter; just send them along, and wo will fix them up and print thorn for the en tertainment-and edification of all. If you want to know what to write, just give tie such a narrative as you would like to read about somebody else's neighborhood. To Sickly Persons. To persons who aro weak and sick ly, the use of Speer's Port Grape wine will restore their health and strength. 'physicians, clergymen and temper ance advocates should encourage the use 'of the Port Grape Wine, and thus aid the cause of temperance and Moderation. We especially recommend it. to families for its purity, exquisite flavor and healthy properties. Medical men certify to its valuable medicinal powers._ Wo understand that Mr. Speer,has been for years engaged in preparing and perfecting it, and that it requires it four years' process before it is fit for market.--E. Y. Baptist. Gar druggiAts httvo - procured some direct from tho vineyard. It is excel lent for females to use. The Meettngof the County To niperainea V glen. Conn Housz, Tuesday Evenirtg, Jan. 14,1868. The Temperanee meeting was called to order by F. H. Lane, -Esq , in the absence of the President, and Rev. J. J. Kerr being called upon led in pray er. - After a few remark's - fliofn. the Chairman, he introduced Wm. Nichol son, Esq., ofPhiladelphia; Secretary of the Penusyl4ania State Temperance Union, who delivered a very able ad dress on the subject of Temperance.—. A-for the lecture the society•reas oar ed to order and proceeded to business. The minutes of the last meeting-read and approved. An amendment to the Constitution at the last meeting strik in out the payment'af a fee in order to become a member of the Union, was unanimously adopted. On motion, it wad resolved that we proceed, to' cleat delegates to the State Temper ance Convention to meet at Harris burg; February 18th.. The following were elected : Hon. John Scott, H. Lane, Esq., and Rev. Thee: Thirnhart. On motion of John Scott, Esq:, the the proper officers of the Union were instructed tofurnish credentiaisias dale. gates. to as many friends 'of . Tein per ance in the County as will'attend the, State Convention. - ' On motion of Dr. Hotchkin, the Secretary was instructed to furnish the managers with blank Constitutions for...township societeii, with instruc tions how' to proceed to organize snob societies.. - '- ' -• On motion; reiOlved. that' . the ,pro ceedings of this meeting- be :published in all the papers in the County, togeth er with a list of the managers appoint ted for the townships and boroughs in the County. [We will*publish the list next week.] On motion,'resolved, that when the Society adjourn; it be to meet the Monday evening of the first week of April court. On motion, adjourned. F. H. LANE, Vice President. 13. M. GREENE, Ree.'Seeretary. Fur the information of any who may wish to attend the State Convention at Harrisburg, commencing 'February 18th, I would say that there will be either excursion tickets issued to dele gates, or return tickets free furnished them at the Convention. Persons in any part of the County wishing to go will be furnished credentials upon ap plication to the President, Hon. John Scott, Huntingdon, or to the Secretary. B. M. GREENE, Rec. Secretary. Meeting with., Republican County Com mittee. An unusually large meeting of the Republican County Committee was hold at this place on the afternoon of Tuesday, the 14th inst. Forty mem bers were present. The object of the meeting, as' announced by the Chair man,-was to select delegates to the State Convention and transact other business which the interests of the party at this time require. On motion, it was agreed. that a di rect veto be taken fur delegates and that the persons selected have author ity to choose their own Conferees. The Committee then proceeded to an election, which resulted in . the choice of Ifilton S. Lytle as Ropresen• tative delegate and Hon. John Scott as Senatorial delegate. A Committee on Resolutions, con sisting of W. F. Cunningham, K. IL King and David Etnier, Jr., was" ap pointed, and reported a series favoring the nomination of Grant and Curtin as the Republican candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency and the renomination of Gen. Hartranft for Auditor General and Gan. Camp. bell for Surveyor General. Among them was the following:— Resolved,. That the course of our Rep resentative in the Legislature, Hon 11. S. Wharton, during the present session, as well as heretofore, is ap proved by this Committee. All the resolutions reported were adopted. The business above men tioned was transacted with gratifying, unanimity, and in considering the oth er matters laid before the Committee the best of feeling prevailed among the members. Poltool Report. • J. P. Wickersham, 'EST, State Su perintendent of Common Schools, has just published his report for the past year. The statistics given by Mr. Wiekersham show a great improve, ment in the schools of the State, as compared with the previous year. For instance : 2,093 school houses were supplied with apparatus in 1867,against 860 in 1866; 2,147 graded schools axis ted in 1867, against 1,921 in 1866, the Bible was road in 9,825 sehools•in 1867, against 9,280 in '66;5,111 directors were present at the examination in 1867, against 4,720 in 1866, 2,726 teachers had attended Normal schools in 1867, against 2,223 in 1866; 7,458 had read books on teaching in 1867, against 6,- 917 in 1866; county superintendents made 13,507 visits to schools in 1807, against 12,969 ; and attended 398 ed ucational meetings in 1867, against 271 in 1866. Our schools appear to be in a flourishing condition; though judging from what Mr. Wickersham states there is still room for a great deal of improvement. Advert t We will not say that the Globe has just now a larger list of subscribers than tiny other paper iethe county, but we will say that we believe it has many more readers than any ono of the other papers. Nearly all our sub. scribers complain of being annoyed by borrowers—the very best evidence that men of all parties like to road the (Robe, but they show by their conduct that they are either too strongly partisan or too stingy to subscribe and pay for it. Advertisers should remember that the Globe patrons aro the most liberal class of people, who are always the beet ens , tamers. • Stamps and Blanks. Revenue Stamps of all kinds, I . ),eccis, Mortgages, Bonds, Ju,dgment,"lixerup-. tion and Co,nialop 'Notes, Justice's and Constable's Blanks `of all kinds, School Orders and, ments, Ittsrriago C'ertideates, License Petitions and Bonds, ote., eto., and Blank Books of all }Clads ; I . by sale at Lsvis' Book Store. U. wi,B.usiness_rrion in every eiviliged country testify that actual use during many years proves Fairbardtb' Stars dard Scales to bo CO"VeIiiCIII, accurate and durable in the highest degree. "The Blite Coats, and how they Fought and Died for the Union; with Scenes and Incidents in the Greatßebel ' lion," is tho title of a handsome vol ume, just issued by Brothers & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. There is a certain portion of the War that will never go into the regular his tories, nor be embodied in romance or poetry, which is a very real- part of it, and will, if preserved, convey to suc ceeding generations a bettor idea of the spirit of the conflict than many dry reports or careful narratives of events, and this part may be called the gos. sip, the fun, the paille; of the War, This illustrates the character of the lenders, the humor of the soldiers, the devotion ofwomen, the bravery amen, the pluck of our heroes, the romance and hardships of the service. Prom the beginning of the war, the author has been engaged in collecting - all the an• ecdotcs connected with or illustrative of it, and has grouped and classified thorn under appropriate heads, and in a very attractive form. The volume is profusely illustrated with over 100 fine engravings, by the first artists, and its contents include reminiscences of camp, picket, spy, scout, bivouac, siege, and battle-field, with thrilling feats of bravery, wit, drollery, comical and ludicrous adven tures, etc., etc. Amusement as well- as instruction may be found in every page, as graph ic detail, brilliant wit, and authentic history, are skillfully interwoven in this work of literary art.. It is just sucli , a volume as will find numerous purchasers, and just such a ono as persons seeking to act - as book agents should add to their list. Huntingdon-Va. Agricultural Society. 02.0. - JACKOON, Troaeurer or Huntington County Ag; tleultund Society.' 1866. DrO. 27. To amount In bonne of Trauma At last settlement $ 627 7734 1607, Blpt. 18 To cub from John 8. kliller, committee on eronnde 25 00 Itecelpte of Fair bold 2d, 3d, and 4th of Octet. bee, oe (Ames : 607 annual Member tickets, at $l6O 1000 60 4 Life member ticket, 20 00 1654 single admission tickete at 26 cents 421 00 License on fair ground 27 00 Commissioners' order on county Treasurer ..*. . 100 00 For sole of lumber to different persons on (air ground 594 61 $2615 7834 CR. 1867. March 5. Weld 5. llurdey for haullux....B 100 October. W. F. Miller nod others, night police 18 00 Jarues Port and other.. policemen...... 47 00 " Jno. Nlghtwine and others, policemen 52 00 • Wm. King, auctioneer 300 • John A. Nash and others for printing 108 65 " Officers' compensation 57 00 u Martin Fleuner and others, for labor on grounds 93 123'; " Freight on lumber 80 05 " .W. D. Zcig'er, expellees to long Shoo ti 50 u Michael Mocker and °thers for hauling lumber and harrowing ground 13 50 " Henry & Co. and others, merchandise 19 26 " Geo. Jackson, for hey and straw...... 12 50 • Cornet baud 100 00 • Wm. Stewart k Co. for lumber 362 13 • Miscellaneous 59 72 " Pr...inane awarded to exhibitors at Fah. 879 00 December 28. Balance in hands of Treasurer.,. 705 57 $2.616 And now, December 29, MIT, we, the undersigned Au. diters appointed to audit and setae the aceoun; of Om Jackson, Treasurer, honing examined the accoull to met that the balance in the 'treasury, after allowing all the premiums awarded to seven hundred and eight dollars and cents, ($7OB 07.) . It. BRUCE RETRIREN, TIIEO. CRIIMEIO, T. W. lITTON, Jan, 22,1808. Auditors. Republiein Representative Conference The Republican Representative Con ference met in this place on Saturday last, and appointed as delegates to the State Convention, Milton S. Lytle, Esq., of this place, and N: 0: Wilson, Esq, of Alain. The Con forenoe endorsed Gen. Grant for President and Andrew Curtin for. Vico President. The follow ing resolution was also adopted : Resolved, That our_ Representative in the Legislature, Major II S. %Thar ; ton, has at all times faithfully, consci enseiotudy and ably performed his duty to his constituents, and that we hearti ly endorse his course during the pres ent session in endeavoring to secure independent action and untrammeled .pegislation by-the body of which he is a member. • EcomiurgroA TED.] EEC= An accident occurred about - a mile °hove Tyrone, on Saturday, 18th inst. William Layfay, his wife, and another woman, were coming up on the South track;"when,they met the mail train going East, the two womenjumped'off the track in time to receive no injury, but Mr. Layfay seemed to be bewilder ed, and turned around several times, when the Locomotivehithim,knocking him a distance of 55 feet, ,and killing him almost instantly. His remains were taken to his home in Tyrone. Ho had only.beim married since Monday the 13th inst. Court Court for the second week was call ed Monday afternoon. But two jury men answered to their names. The irregularities in. selecting and drawing the jurymen for the present term anti year will make it necessary for the Legislature to give authority to do the work over again, WM It Fall I An effort is being mado by our libe ral and enterprising citizens to do something for the good of the town and 'country. If this effort fails it will bo beettuso the wealth of the "ancient borough" is in the wrong bands. MARKETS. =2 PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 20, 1867 Superfine Flour at $7,50@8,25 extra at SS@IA2f, fancy extra family $10(011, and Pennsylvania family POO@ 12,25, and fancy brands $12,75@14,00 according to quality Bye flour 0,76. Primo Wheat is scarce hare. Choice red at $2.52@2,62 white $3,00@3,20. Ityefat $1,05g1,67. Corn 1,23 to 428 Pate at 78c. Barley malt nt $1,56. Clovereeed $7.25@3,00 according to quality; Timothy at $2,400p2,65; Flaxseed $2,15(2P2,50 per bushel. PITTS.I.III.OII, Jun. 18.—Flour.—There is a local demand We quote salLs of spring wheat Flom at $10,00811,00, winter Flour at $1.1,80Q12.15 fancy at $13@1 . 2,45. Wheat, winter,52,6082,65 and No, 1 spring $2,30,82,53 Corn from first hands Byo, $1,85 per bushel. Oats hi@6sc; Barley Shouldei 1044; sides 1.2 . 1 ,.,q; hams 1.8 . 34 e, rd 1434 c. Culesat dan. 18 lent dull oralug eztra 19.75Q10,50, Wiuter t $8,80@9,80. Spring Wheat is at t1,05©2,07. Corn 1,87. Oats, Oats, - I;INAISCIAL, NEW YORE, Jan. 15.—Gold olosod at $1,a534. gIJ#TINGDON MARKETS, CORRECTS'? REEIfLI I.IIC lIEZiIIY d CO. 11110LrliAL4 001.003. I 0 60. rollfiettlli lb Flux.9oed ' , ' 11014 11 lb '...... . ....... , Haul, atnokod nay li ton 11,00 Lard ' ..i2ki I Larpo 0010t1 . 8 V bt.l4 ,( 151krrl Clapp _ 1 • 1 25 Opts" •" " • 60 Fotatorrr It bus •. ' 1,00 015ato per too; ' — lo,oo Toga it lb, •" 4 lllse Tye Choi) li, exx t ' ' 2 , 00 Ryo Straw li lAntllol .. 5 ...10 Shortbli ern ' 1,6 1 :f Shoulder ....... .. : ...... . ...... 12 Woe ‘ .r•••••• 15 tallow 10 i 1.2 Tiknotby ' ;OP, Tnrkoys li lb ...................10 Woolli lb 35 Fork li Lb ~ • 1/ illard • :col il t0n.... 57,00 1 1 rig Metal '0 ton ..... .5.35(y00 1 Lumber IA 1000 11.....51'101140, I bla uglee, Laps,"o do $lO , 014, I .. Joint. " blit&e.' ,ICkeose 16A2D rte. 'l4 So BoperlineFlour. $9,501 Extra Flour, old 10,%; 'balmily Flour 12,50 lied Wheat,.......... ...... 2,25 White Wheal.— ... , ...... 2,35 Apple Butter %i ga11uu...1,25 Bark per cord 0,00 Barley 100 1 Rutter ......... ............ ...... 35, Buckwheat 1,0011 Buckwheat Moot V ex L. 4,00 Brun V evt 125 Brooms V loz ' 3,000400' Beesclag 11 Lb' " 30 Beaus'{,] bus " 2,ool Cikkcjteus "5 , Collutry soctyr 10 Corti ... $l,OO Copt Meal• - f cwt— ........ 2,20 Dried Apples Vbu ...... —2,00 Drted Cherries V quart...]. Dried Peaches 11 lb 15 Dried Deef "0 80,-f Vt lb S Broad Trip Coal V ton-02,50j Green Apples 1t bee sl,oo Cloverseed v 611b3.V to 7,00 Sllellbm Ice ' l O bus $5,00 Waluut4 bus 50 block L10gn...-5@5 Cie. V rb Ladles Dreato6 and Bova C lothing. • • The undersigned inform the public that they are prepared to make Ladies Dresses °fah kinds in the most sub stantial and fashionable styles. Also Boys' Clothing. They respectfully so licit a share of patronage. • B. ANNIE 14l'CABE. EMMA OBWALT. Huntingdon, Dee: 16, 1867,—tf. X., Al. C. A. A special meeting of the' Young Alen's Christian Association will be held on Thursday evening next, at 8 &clock. A fan attendance ie. request• ed. By order of the President,. I. D. Mummy, See'y. 14*— The great American Hair Pro paration, valued at home and abroad, a real Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one battle.) A' great, triumph of sci ence. Mrs. S. A. Allen's improved, (new style.) Every Druggist sells it. Prico One. Dollar. Speer'. %Wove Are the pure juice of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They,con tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the.system to tone and vigor. Sickly per sons and females should try them. MARRIED, On the 12th inst., by Rev. A. Yeo man, Mr. T. T. SHIRK, of Juniata Coun ty, to Miss ANNIE MCELROY, of Barre°, Huntingdon County. On Tuesday, January 14, 1868, by Rev. `J. W. Plannett, at the residence of the bride's father, J. B. SPAIN; Esq., of Harrisburg, to Miss Mauna WU SON, of Huntingdon County, Pa.- January 14th, 1868, at Shade Gap, Huntingdon' County, Pa. ' by Rev: R. Lewis McCune, Mr. WM. A. Muses of Quincy, Illinois, to Miss MATT= MON TAGUE eldest daughter of Thos. Mon tague,' Bag. January 16th,1868, by Peter Swoop°, Erni , Mr. G. W. LONG, of Clay twp., told iss ELIZABETH C. QUEIIRY, of-Cuss township, Huntingdon County. On the 26th of December, at Moores ville, by Rev. J. A. DeMoyer, Mr. Wzs- LEY GaEoOaY, to 51435 LOUISA MYTON, both of West township, Huntingdon County, Pa. On the 7th of January, 1868, at the M. B. Parsonage, Manor Hill, Mr. SAM UEL itinoLD, of Greenwood Furnace, to Miss ANNA RANDOLPH, of Barren twp., Huntingdon County, Pa. At the M. E. Parsonage, in Hunt ingdon, on the 16th, inst , by Rev. R. E. Wilson, Mr. GEORGE W. TAYLOR, of Cass twp., to Miss BELL WRIGHT, Of Union twp., all of this County. DIED, In Huntingdon, Monday evening, January 13th, 1ga7;41r.-MARTIN Nan, in the 62d 3 car of his ago. In Henderson township, suddenly of Heart Disease, MARTHA, wife of David Thompson, in the 67th year of her ago. "IP. ~ . EA.PNESS, 13L1ND.NESS and CA - TARIM treated with the utmost ahccees, by J. IS ADS: M. D.. oMillseend'Auriet, (formerly of Leyden, Rolland.) No. 80.5'Alte1Lntrect. Phil..delphia. Teetinedoh Ms from the meet reliable sources in the city as a cone. try can boeeen.athia ofilca— The medical ithently ers'in• cited to accompany their pal irate, as he has no secret. In hie p notice. Artificial Eyes inserted without rain.— No charge fur OXlllllillltaoll. myS•lybin SALES. THREE LOTS FOR SALE. The subroriber offers for nate 1119 THREE LOTA front ing on BATH atreot in lho borough of HUNTINGDON, adjoining lots of Jane Woods, O. Coleateek. and ethers. If not aohl at prleato solo on or Wore THURSDAY, lath JANUARY, lust., they will bo offered at public eat° at haif•paet I o'clock au that day at the Court House In said borough. janS° THOM .S TAVERD. MORRISON'S COVE FARM FIR SALI. Th's Form is si.nated on Piney Crook about four miler from Williamsburg, adjoining :pringlield Furnace prop erty. It contains 165 ACRES, or which About II acres Is young chestnut timber, all under good fena. The improsernente ere a first class BARN, nearly now, with Wagon Shed. Corn crib, &c.; a atone DWELLING DOUSE, also now; log Dwelling , largo and well selected Orchard, etc., etc, There is an abundant supply of water by means of ca pacious cisterns 11 hick iu seven years experience have never failed iu furnishing all the water required; also by the creek which bounds the farm. Further particulate may bo had on application to the undereigned, cackling in Huntingdon; Huntingdon, NOT. 13, 1867 FARM FOR SALE, TILE undersigneti offers a Farm for sale, Wag apart or the ono he resides on In Hun tingdon County. about OUP mile west of the town of or biennia, eltuated on the Angh wick Creek, Containing about 12A,ecres; about 79 arra bleared and in n good state of cultivation, with !it good two story fog bone., and the maeonry work of t bank barn. Also a young apple orchard (1.10 trees.) of selo t varieties. with a good elle for grape culture. ,The clearo4 lend Is good arable bottom land of an eastern elope. - TEBISIB—One thousand dollare on confirmation of sale, the balance in two - cqual annual paynteuts with interest secured by bond and mortgage. A good title wtil be sir en cud posaeselou on the Brat day of April next. All.'For further particulars apply to the sal:weigher on the premises. JOHN B 1111BNBFELT. Oct, 9,1861 e REAL ESTATE AGENCY. TEE undersigned have established an Agency in the Borough of HUNTINGDON, PA., For the purchase and sale of all kinds of REAL ESTATE, And will give pronlid attention to the sale and letting of 110,1E.5, Farms, Building Lots, and ail other !teal Estate business entrusted to their cane, ]'OR SALE A convenient and well finished DwELtpui i A West lituttiugdon ; pleasantly situated; n well of good water on the practices; a coveted pu R , a‘l.l otter convenien. cue. A handsome WESID,ENCE intim, Borough of Hunting don, conveuieutly located in a neutral portion of the town. A very desirable Let in West Houtitigdon; cheap for cash. Tiro otbur Lots favorably located; soma of whirl' ore feuded. Paymolits to suit purchancrs. Pereent desiring to rurclin.e, sell, or mt, ly ill addreaq or apply to person; to MILLER & ARMtTAGE, Ofitce opposite the Coyart de02,8 Itnntingdon, Po. TO TIE LADIES. The Intel Ke.ortmcut of Just received, title flay trap, goie ark and for ado at the cheap cash stereo; IVM. MARCH &BRO. A spistAl(l asaortrueut of • LADIES' DRESS 4Q,ODS, Eva.l3gYaßznenvilNG4 4N-4 VPITONS Juat received tide day from New York And for eale cheep at • " tutay't) vt.t. Dr.atOtt dt 'DUO. 80 SELLERS , & FOLWELL, INIIOLEB.LI4% CONFECTIONERS & FRUITERERS', No. 161 North Third Street, .Ift4r. Orden promptly attended to. dceblt F YOU WANT the BEST SX-Mn.'• to MtvrEelia n Mot eAma tELLS BELLS ! BELLS ! ! THE LARGEST STOOK OF BUM ALLS, Ever exhibited at 'HUNTING- DON, Loose, and Strapped, in every style, NOW OPENED, and being sold at very LOW PRICES, JAS. A. BROWN'S HARDWARE STOR E, HUNTINGDON, PA, SLEIGH RUNNERS, FENDERS, 811,A.PTS, SOLES, STEEL SOLES, WILLOW SLEIGH BASKETS, StEIGII and WAGON WHIPS, D. R. DDYAN A good stock of well seasoned NUBS, SPOI(ES, . FELLOES, and a general stock of HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Ols, Glass, Inelwling the late Patent "ECLIPSE" COOK STOVE, Wi - AielA throws 41 other Stoves in the shade and pleases so well that everybody ,wants THE ECLIPSE, Duet forgetthe SIGN OF TER PLIMO OK. Eton tinatinti. :Tun •IA 'Rp~..l MIN FIN E HARNESS MQ UN TIN GS dloc., J. C. BLAIR, asool.s_mm,mimp.„ And Wheysalo and Retailponlerin STATIONERY AND ' WALL PAH& Proprietor of the linutinaen Circulating Library. . TEEM Anntml subscriptions, ss.oo;balf yearly, $3.00 quarterly, $1.60. Mb subscription entitles one person to Cue new and one old book at a time. Widely Bubsersbert.—.Por loan of Booke per week, 10 rents per volume. Weekly eubecribero will be required In all wing to leave a depoelt equal is value to the Book. The new Boala will not be allowed to any eubscribor for a longer period than four daye ; or I/detained beyond that time, an additional charge of 3 mite per day; other books men days, or If detained beyond ihrtt throe 8 cents per day. !looks not returned is two totes to be charged. All Booke ere moldered old that hare Leon In the LI. brary es month. Books damaged rerloualp will he charged: All payable fu ottrance. Special terms and arratigitneiiis with persons living tut of town. MI neer mad desirable books on hand as soon al tsettad ♦ complete assortment of picture, (or DECALCOMANIA, on, TEM ART OF INSTANTLY TRANSFRRAING tIOTORRS To China Gime, Tin and Wooden ware, Leather nod Pa per Mache goods ; lo whorl, to all 'articles of every di. ecription. The following sa:e. of Book. will be fouOd ceentoutly on hand: SPELLERS AND READERS. Parker • Watain'arcauffere, Sander's, Sargen Worcester's, Sander'. Union, o.gaod'e, Bank's, Ao. 1111.1arta's, ARITHMETICAL Gra.nleara, Davie% Robinson% Kay's, Brooks', Stoddard'', GEOGRAPHICAL !Colton & IGuyoni, [Monteith's, Oacap'ii. GRAMMARS. Mitchell's, Warren's, 'Clark'', Brown's, Green's Bullion's UISTORIES Goodrich's, Millard's, iPinnock's, Willson% Lo sing% DICTIONARIES Cobb.e 39n4dn's, lit ead's, Webstaes, R orcestat'e, Speakers, Dialogize, Classical, Botan ical, Chemistry, and Miscellaneous School Books. BLANK BOOKS P om the small paper cover Pas, to the fell bound Rue eta Corner Lodger- A splendid assortment or 'HOLIDAY AND TOY BOOKS, or &Ott and American manufacture. Salrholx, Rottom Flour Snag, at Jobbing rataa—at front $27.50 to $65 par thousand. Printed It ith any name dewed. Also, Manilla Wrapping, Confectionery and Sugar Eno DAILY, WEEKLY AND 31ONTIILY PAPERS AND MAGAZINES OF ALL KINDS. Choice Havana and Yarn MARS, Solace. Century, Suuuysitle t uud other brands of fine cut CUEVVING TO BACCO. Oronoco, Navy, Spun, &c., &c. A beautiful stock of Ociegon and Square. Cornered Rus tic Walnut and Gilt - PIOTUTIE. FRAMES. All kinds of Frames au liana and ;nada to order. totion Kola wood, and Gilt Imitation 'Walnut and Gilt Gennino Walnut and llaln and Fancy Gilt Frames sup plied on short notice. CARDS OF ALL KINDS. Music and Periodicals bolaad In.evcry stile at chew rates. French nod common viper etempod any letter or lettere, plata or In colors. Photographs, Alburos,'Engrasings, Artist's Materials, sutras atenuetrotuate Boards, Tutr - Points, Crayons, An; Aled, Agent for'the Singer Fatally and afflnufacturing SNIPING SIACIIINItS.-t Machina that Will Ham, Braid Cord, Tuck, Qulit and Bind. Plea., call and examine A full assqlmoot of the diffortnit otyloo foulfOon.Y 0 1 1 hand. MI orders and Inquiries by mail will - Tetra prompt ottention. J. C. BLAIR, HUNTINGDON, PA., Next to Broad Top Ticket OWO DeclB,lBo .1 f. SPECIAL NOTICE; To TILE LADIES.—Do you really intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent; or dress loss elegant:lY, because the rebel Jolt Davis, woe captured in Fashioaable Percale attire? One moment's calm reflection will surety Serve to'cliange your rash reeolvo. The angels had too much pod sense to toy astde their pure chaste robes of white, because they bad for a time served to hide the deformities of that PrinCe of Rebels, the Devil. Can you err in following the exampleof Angels? Then having made up 'your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully regerdless2of rebel acts, do not Awe! to call al Me store of Me subseri- acre, who tad! be happy ut all yams to famish you lath such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your Path, ere, husbande, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can hare bo suited In good article, of Boots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Ilats, Caps, Queens• ware and a general aesortment of Oroceries, on As rea. sortable terms as at any House in tows. Store on South east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, 1805. FRANCIS D. WALLACE. NOTICE TO ALL, FULL STREET MARKET, OPPOSITE TIIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. . 1 G.; MORRISON raspokttfully'in'• . forms the citizens of Iftintingdqn and vielvilY t a t he continues-the meat market biathlon in all ita va rious brunches, and will keep constantly on baud Fresh Beef, Pork, Pudding and Sausage, salt Beef and Pork, Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Spleen of all kind4,Cataupe and Sauces, Teas, Seam Cheosa, Salt, Lard, lee , All of whicb be will continue to Nell at remenable prises The hlghast price/ paid fur hides and tallow. Thomee Colder, at Alexandria. and March & Lire, at_Collee Erin, are my agents to purchase at their places. Thankful for pest patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. H. cr. MOBBED(. Huntingdon, Oct. 80, 1867. ENERGETto MEN AND LADIES • WANTED to Canvass for the ORIGIN ANEILTSTORY OF THE BOOKS OF TBEF4.BIBLE. BY PRO?. OAGYIN B. STOWS, D. D. Showing what the Batt* Is ant whet it Is , sod how to use It.; tracing the hiitoiy of each book up to Its origin with the ineplrerl authors, and prunpletely auswering all Infidel' cavils and objections to the Scriptures. It Is en ordinary lihrary of Biblical Illetury Ina single volume, brier, clear accurate, conclusive and highly interenting. A mitater.plece of common tense, It is needed in every family where the Bible is read, as well en by every Sab bath School teacher, student and clergyman, and being the only book on the subject ever published or sold in this country, agents can easily see the advantage of can vassing for this work. Send for circulara containing no tices aud Indorsements from leading minlaing 0 - All de nominations.' Address MEG GER, McCUItlaY 614 Arch erect, Philadelphia. no 6-4 STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, &O. ANY all() above articles can be bad .L by addressing the subset @e{. Stores of all kinde and sizes to suit the wants of all. We cell the attention of the public to the AUTOCRAT COOKING STOVE, a stovo beyond competition. It Is a pretty pat. • tern, goal bakey, with large oven, and Bailable for either coal or wood. Stoves furnished at foundry Mira. Ally parson wishing to purchase ' a stove without cooking utensils can do so, and the prices of tho articles Bill bp deducted. All ;Wyss warrant ed. Samples can be seen at Mr II ughe's store, Mill Creek, or at the residence of the subscriber. Ail 'parlor stoves furOishod ikt low ii.rices. Straw de livered at any railroad station. • D. WALE EE, • selfi•tf Airy Dale, Huntingdon cuanty, Da ,FAT oJ:l'± 4 CHEAP., _ DESIRING TO SELL OUT THIS pee styles of WALL PAPER, to make room for ooxt Spring stock, perms intending to paper tide Fall stionld call at LEWIS' BOOK STORE, and ekeraine stock. argc number of handsome patterns on hand, all of whieh 141 l be sold cheap. ottErd. ri RODND 9.14 UM. AND SALINA , IjrSALT at OV:V. h'INGHAIf CM lidlON'§. rilp BEST QUALITY OF FRESH. THE PLisi C E TO BUY NEW. AlfrOfitAir 4157-11, W.MA6CII d BRO. Respectfully Info= the and genengly that th at lan,* jut recelTeds Urge and eplandld stook of inx.di fit thelr One In Huntingdon, consisting In part'ot - - - - PRY GOODS;. DRESS GOODS,. BOOTS & SHOES,. HATS, CAPS, TINWARE, LADIES' FANCY TRIMMINGS, HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNETs, OUTTONS, WOOD AN D WILLOW rW 4 R QUEENS WARE,,HARDWARE',. PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO; BEGARS, GLASS, NAILS, - . 7 FISH, SALT, - &o.; &o. Also. CARPETS and OIL-CLOTH, And In tact everything that hl nubility kept In a firetclaaa store, all which were bouglit,low. for and will sold at corroepondingly low prices for cash, or country produce. and request the publlo to giro no a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling buttoned we can offer sups. rior inducements to cash buyere,. We reepectfully eelielt the pationege of ell, and the public are cordially invited to examine cur goods. Everything taken In exchange tar geode eSPeet.prOtot• its. Wif. MISCH A lino. Hun tingdoil, 00. 9,1807 MEDICAL ELECTRICITY DR. WILLIAM BREWSTER, WCONNiILLEITOWN, PA. rLeati'a CoMum'', oomy, &o, ac 11 1 11 For the benegrof those proposing to undertake EleCtiical treatment for diseases we give Its the following Hat a few of the more prominent mad most common complaints met with In our prao-1 Mee, In all of which we ere most rumoured. IN NEARLY ALL 00554 or CIMONIO DIsEA9E, RLIMEICI- E YT IS A ERRE xuaror, AND IN ALL CABLE SINEVICIA% LE PROPERLY APPLIED. Them, therefore, sancta • with complaints; nothere enumerated, need hats no hesitation in applying,andwhether onlyaium, or a Seamiest!". cam can Is effected, they. will Ireceive replice accordingly. All communication* free. - I Fewornith'i, I Parker's. %tarn allele's, Worceettes. 1 RPitePsY,Chorea, St. VltarlDance, Paralythr, Neuralgia, Uysterie, Nervousness, Fslpita. time of the Ueart,Locit-Jaw, Ito. 2 Sore Throat,DyspepslaDlarrhres, BytenterN Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhoids, or Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, and Painter's Celle, and all affections of the Liver and Spleen. Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma. (where not caused by organic disease of the heart,) "ironclad., Pleurisy, Rheumatism of the Chest, Consumption In the early eters. 4 Grovel, Diabetle, and iflpney Complaints. - b Rheumatism. Gout,' Lumbago, Stiff Neal, Epinal Diseases, Hip Blames, Cancer., Tu mors ; (those lest named always cured with out pain, or cutting', or Plasters in any form) In a word, we propose to cure all 'untold* dia. moo.. We have no connecifori whatever with Any other:Electrical office la this or any other county'. 'All letters address to WM. BREWSTER, M. D., bicConnellitown, Pa. Vralker'm Rebbin'•. I= PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY GEO. F. MARSH. MERCHANT TAILOR, READY-MADE CLOMNG, Hive removed to tho stare room on ,thi4inei of the Diamond, oppoalto Lewis; BMA Steire,Nehere be intends to keep - constantly on band the tablet styles of Beady mode Clothing and piece geode, comprising Allning , Arl;x:tairen ApO mina CLOTHS, CASSISIERRS, AND VESTINGB CLOTHS, ...OABSIILERES, AND. CLOTHS, tiVSSItiNitES, AND *EgTINGS Also a_ large supply • of-0y1314C04T.F, tirade up In the most fashionable style, and sold at greatly reduced prices. Doing n , practlonlistnittaPll or-Anemy pare experketott; lie Is prepared to make to order Clotling for men and boys, and guarantee neat, tturable,ond &Atonable work manship. Ile Is determined to please eserybody. 4,51-All are Invited to call and examine my new stock of beautiful pattefil belch+ pniclotalnketeewbere d 46,1867 FIXED FACTS INDELIBLY PRESS;D wilt always rtriempb Amis. simple AS. asrtions. ' " Thus It in that this community eyes. testimony 4 f► vor of the wall known ettabllohnumt of 11 qR`NBErf f G,: : BILL STREET, fIUNTINGDONVi Millet It is not his purpose , to deceive the pahlla *- clamoring "low prioei and better goody" then .thy; ; dealers, he *lmply Inv Reef all who wish a nrchate tu his line of business to colt etd !Orgy then:waves that ulna Min a patron (we gglgcfl is. lova loot; that Ip, "thoiniati of the pudding le in the tasting of It." He has just receivedwinter eappli of ,- 7 talAolt vat CISTISINIS, He h a s ales a law assortesedo of the nesse substautial sad fashionable Hats, Caps, Gantslaraistin of.erery doecriptfoth and made up from the beet Matotiod. Always on tia , a‘l the finest 4tudity , or American, Ur III& and French cf,oiiiB,oA9Bl6llolESsirt4rOTlNait arblch are mad, up to order by Scrod, egparionced , wean. mon, In a manner the moss fambtoaablo and•enderable. Na eastern city can neer& a bettor er more varied style of goods than can be b. 4 my selection. - • 011132103250, Huntingdon, Vov. 18,1807. Iforchant ToiJor. N IMPROVEMENT IN LIGHT T tl We take pleasure in putting before the public a LAME for burning fat, lard or tallow, which is superior to any of the kind ever introduced. It differs , from all others, as it dues not require the fat to be nulled belbt* lighting. 'lt heats the fat by a topper' pipe, wllteh eon, ducts the heat under the fat and melts it immediately. Thousands of the lamps been been _ sold end no iglu plaints hare been made. All Lumps warraqte4 toi4iSe general satisfaction, or the Whey refunded. A rare opportunity is &gored to any person 0r persons that may winheto engage n the business. littaltrunlos and Millliu counties will bo sold in townships at reason. Able terms to suit purchasers. A sample lamp will be forwarded to any person on referpt of rep!), xtrige, 81,150, and forwarded at my expense. Will either sell territory or pay agents by tbs . day or'. piece. Agents are making from $5 to $l6 per day, for they sell very foot. 'ploy are what every person needs. All letters wilt receive prompt attention. Addressor call on - D. WALIDR, Airy Dab, Bunt}neon county, Pa. Ady-Lya.Th may be seen at.the Franklin Howe I tilluna: ingdon t Mr. Hughes' Store, Mill Creek, and at the hotel, lu Caenvillu. eeli4f GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS. Mothers. are yonopitressed ertth anxiety for year little ones ? Are your shimbers aid hearts broken by their cries? Do you awake in ace opening unrefrestied and, ap prehensive? IA so, procure at owe o bottle of Dr. Leon's Infant Remidy and you will bare no more weary boar. of watching and anxiety, - • DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, Ilse stood tin• test of years. Thouslnds of nurses and mothers boar wituets that It never cslirs to gkre seller Jr used in season It Nlllllll , l, yet snranna spoedy eons (or Colic. c ram p. s a d windy Pains, Artil invulauKo wr 611 Complaluts incbleut to Teething. rold by Druggists throughout the United Stakes. /13• dreeaetlordure to ZIEGL:Eit & SMITH, SOLIC PHOPRIBTORII. Xe. 137: I , l4,Tbird Street, Phlhello.. = SILVER'S WASH POWDER SAVES TIME, L4B9R, MONEY. Makes Washing a, pastime and Mon day a Festival. . SOLD BVERYWFLERI. TICI IT I Addreps all cadets to tile BfanoCaqtyxora FOR MEN AND BOYS, QEO. I' MAXS,If. FOR MN AND BOYS. ZIF.GT.EIL do suga, MBtetials axd 1V Adesals Drug s,