Eke 61,0 ht. HUNTINGDON, PA Wednesday morning, Jan. 15,.1868. LOCAL 8.1 PERSONA", Local Adveitleementa Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ten cents a line single insertion, counting seven words to a line.. , tf. tirlef Items —Mr. A. Tyhurst has our thanks for a copy of the report of the Surveyor 'General. —lt is unlawful to kill deer on and after the Ist of January. Hunters will stick this in their caps. —Devotional exercises were held each evening last week in the Presby terian church, in this place. —Looks happy: the large number -of marriages that we see in neighbor ing papers. —Looks healthy: the small number of deaths that we see in the same jour nals. —A merchant in Mifflin is out in a card in the papers against the counter loafers that frequent his store. The men in this place have no excuse now that we have a Christian Association in which they can bo benefttted. —Warm your bridle bits before put ting them into the mouths of your hor ses during the cold weather. If you want to know why, you can tell by painful experience by putting a piece of cold iron to your own-tongue. —Business being dull this season, a firm in one of our principal cities com menced advertising as a last resort, and devoted ton thousand dollars to the purpose. Result, a business of over ono million of dollars—larger than they ever transacted before. Let our busi mess men take the hint. William Nicholson, Resident Secretary of the State Temperance Union delivered an interesting lecture on Temperance in the Court House, on Tuesday evening last. We regret -to state that• there was a very slim at. •tendance, owing, however, to the revi -vals in the different churches. —The demand for buildings and houses to rent is increasing with the .approach of Spring. So long as the demand exists there is no probability of rents decre.asing ;Itnd under the cir cumstances it is better for a person who intends to reside for some time in our borough, to build for himself. —Huntingdon county was formed from a part of Bedford, September 20, 1787. The population in 1860 was 23,100; number of square miles 840; number of acres 537,600. The latitude of Huntingdon, the county seat, is 40° 20' , N., and longitude from Washing ton 1° 5' W. —William Harvey, of Newton Ham ilton, Mifflin county, who was employ ed as a. fireman on engine 89, on the Northern Central H. It., was knocked from his engine by an iron bridge, a short distance below the springs.- His skull was fractured-and he was-other wise injured. His 'remains were sent `to his friends, at'Newton'Harnilton. Town Hall and MarkeiHorise Company has been ,organized in Altoo na. It is the intention of the compa ny to proceed at once to sell the am -ount of stock necessary to. be sold in order, to erect the building, and to commence its erection as'early as'the season will permit. All we - can say is that Altoona is farther - akpad with their Town Hall than we tire, and yet Altoona is only about twenty years old, and Huntingdon is about a hun dred. Shame! —The Hollidaysburg Standard pub lishes-the following : A rather genteel looking woman, giving her name as Russell, and who said she came from Ohio, - whilst laboring under the effects of an overdo - se of laudanum, made' a raid on the Court House windows, on Wednesday afternoon last, a number 'of which she succeeded in smashing in the moss approved kyle. Sbo was ar rested and-locked up till Thursday Af ternoon, when oho was shipped to Hun tingdon, near: which place she alleged she had friends residing. JURIES QUASHED. The decision of the Court, to-day, Tuesday, quashing the array of jurors, because of the irregularities of the drawing by the Jury Commissioners, will dispense with the attendance of all jurors, witnesses, and suitor, next week,_being the second week of Court. Grape Wine We take pleasure in directing the at tention of _the public to Spoor's cele brated Port Grape Wine, a pure and unadulterated grape wino, upon which every one having occasion to use wine may most implicitly rely. The wine is made at Spoor's vine yards, Passaic, N. S. It has a rich fla vor, mellow juiciness, and brilliant col- Or, and is not only an akreeablo bever age, but highly beneficial in its prop erties. We know this to be the fact, hiving -tried the article thoroughly. Use Speer's Bottled Wines with his signature on - the cork, and you are sure of getting a pare article.—Daven port Democrat. Teachers Institute There- will be a Teachers Institute held in Cassville, on Friday and Salmi.. day, the last day of the present month and the Ist day of next. Among other subjects the following will bo discussed, "Why should-we educate and how can our common schools be made more efficient ?" Tenefietz-and the friends - of efilfcittion arc respectfully invite(' to attend. D. F. TUSSEY, Co. Supt. Importalia to Everybody. You will find everything you want in the way of School and Miscellane ous Books; Diaries for 1868, Pocket Books, Periodicals and Magazines of all kinds at Blair's Book Store, on Railroad Street. Justice Blanks, such as •Warrants, Deeds, Mortgages, Sum -mons; Fox-Scalp - Orders, &e., &c. Daily '::Papers-received twice a day. 'ihe Exact Weight Of all ponderable bodies may bo truthfully "ascertained by Fairbanks' Standard Scales, to which the highest premium was awarded at the Paris Exposition. eßlank Books for the desk and pocket, for sale at Lewis' BOok Store. United States Bankrupt Law. _ , The object of the law is to enable persons who cannot pay their debts, to get rid of them. Who may, take advantage of this law ? Any person or firm who owes debts to the amount of $3OO or• tipwfirds, whether they be,individualot'partner. ship debts ofboth, and it makes no difference what is the character of the indebtedness, whether it be by bill, note, account, judgment, as principal, or surety, or otherwise. What does the law demand of the applicant? That he shall surrender his property except such as hereafter mentioned, to his creditors, for a pro-rata distribu• tion among thorn. What does the law permit the appli- cant to keep? First. Household and kitchen fur niture and necessaries to the amount of five hundred dollars. Second. The wearing apparel of 'himself and family. Third. The uniform and equipments of any person who is, or has been, a soldier in the militia or the service of the United States. Fourth. If the applicant is the head of a family, his homestead to the value of five hundred dollars. If ho has no homestead, then in lieu thereof,money or personal property to the value of three hundred dollars. . If the applicant has only so much property as is above enumerated, of course he has nothing to give "up to his .... creditors. The result of taking the benefit of this, law, is•a discharge from all his in debtedness. In cases where there is no contest, it requires from silty to ninety days to procure this discharge. This law went into operation on the fist day of Juno, 1807, and persons who propose to avail themselves of its advantages should do so as soon as pos sible, as they cannot do so after one year from its commencement, unless they can pay fifty cents on a dollar of their indebtedness, or get the consent of a majority in number and value of their creditors. Temperance Union Pursuant to adjournment, the Hun ingdon county Temperance Union will hold a public meeting in the Court House, Huntingdon,Tuesday evening, January 1401,1868. The managers in the different townships and boroughs in the county aro urgently requested to be present and also see that there are eight or ten delegates here from their respective townships and bor oughs. The-re is important business to attend to after the public meeting is over and a full turn out of the Uni on is desired. • JOHN SCOTT, President B. M. GREENE, Bee. Secretary. linutin,,don, Jan. 6. 1868. Ladles Dresses and Boys Clothing. The undersigned inform the public that they are prepared to make Ladies Dresses of all kinds in the most- sub stantial and fashionable styles. ' Also Boys' Clothing. They respectfully so licit a share of patronage. B. ANNIE .A.UCAII.E. EMMA OSWALT. Huntingdon, Deo. 16,.1867,—tf. Speer's ♦Vines Are the mire juice of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly per sons and females should try them. MARRIED, On New Year's evening, 1808, at Hollidaysburg, Pa., by Rev. C. L. Rh renfieid, PETER SHAFFER, and Miss SO PHIA GUSSMON, both of Water Street, Huntingdon County. On the 20th of November, by Rev. J. 3. McMurray, Mr. J. E. HENDERSON, and Miss ELLEN J. BLAIR, both of Hun tingdon County. On January Ist, 1868, by Rev. D. S. Monroe, EPHRAIM MEARS, and Miss ELIZABETH STINSON, both of Broad Top City. On December 17th, 1867, at the res idence of the bride's father, by the Rev. J. T. Plowmen, LEWIS WEYER, and Miss MALISSA QUINN, all of Hunting. don County. At the M. E. Parsonage, Dec. 25th, 1867, by Rev. R E. Wilson, Mr. JOHN J. HICKS, and Miss BELLE M. WILSON, all of cromwell township, Huntingdon County, Pa. In this place, on tho 9th inst., by Rev. R E. Wilson, Mr. DAVID MILLER, of Huntingdon, and Miss MARY E. Mc -2d ANANGE, of Patterson, Juniata Coun ty, Pa. On the 25th of December, 1867, by Rev. Robt. Beers, Mr. LEMUEL GREENE, of Springfield twp , and Miss JANE WIL SON, of Cass township. , DIED, On the 7th of January, 1867, HENRI. ETTA, wife of Capt. Samuel Clement, in the 69th year of her age. The deceased was a native of Phila• delphia, but removed with her husband and family to Huntingdon, many years ago, where she has since continued to reside. Warm hearted, unselfish and sincere as a friend; in her relations of wife and mother, none could be more devotedly fond. Deprived ono year since by death of the society of a be loved daughter, with whom she passed much of her time, the shock to ono of her sensitive mind and advanced ago, was too great. She bore the bereave. ment with Christian resignation but the united efforts of a skillful physi cian and kind friends could only serve to smooth her dying pillow. Her pure spirit took its flight, on the wings of the morning, to the place prepared for it by Him in whom she trusted ; there to hold sweet communion with the spirits of ber daughter, and other friends gone before. In lier death the Prows. tent Episcopal Church, of which she . in early life became a communicant, has lost a zealous and useful member. She has left behind to mourn, an aged husband and many friends. W. On Saturday, Jan. 14th, 1868, Mrs. MARGARET PROUDFOOT, aged 35 years, 1 month and 11 days. With purity of spirit blessed, Rest, happy saint in Jesus rest, A sinner saved thrwugh grace forgiven; Redeemed from earth to reign in heaven xt..-11.usical Instruments, fancy and useful articles, for sale at howls' Book Store. ,Ixit-The great American Hair Pre paration, valued at home and abroad, a real Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) A great triumph of sci ence. Mrs. S. A. Allen's improved:' (new style.) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. DEAFNDEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARRH treated with the utmost 811CC084, by J. ESS M. D.. Oculist nod Aurist, (formerly of Leyden, NollitntljNo. 805 ARCH street, Plaulelpltia. Testimoni als lions the most 'citable sources in this city acid coun try can ho seen at his office. The medical facultyare In vited to accompany their patients, as be has no secrets In his p action. Artificial 10)05 inserted without pain.— No charge for examination. myB-lybm MARKETS. I= PHILADELPHIA, Jun.l3, 1967 Supet fi no Flour at $7,8000,25 extra at $8650,25 fancy mum family $105311, and Pennsylvania family saw@ 12,00, and fancy brands $12,75@d1,00 according to quality nye none Primp is Sallee hare. Choke red at $2,552,60 hito $3,0003,20. Rt eat $1,03:51,70. Corn 1,37 t0:1,.4 0 Oak at 78c. Bat ley malt at $1,55. Cloverseed $7,2458,00 according to quality; Timothy at $2,406i2,65; Flaxseed $2.55552,50 per bushel. Prrmuunnu, Jan. 13.—Flour.—There is a local demand WO quote sales of apt ing a heat Flour at $10,75(011,00, n inter Flour at $11,60M12.00 tancy at $13@;12,75. Windt, winter,52,006465 and No. 1 epilog 02,50,532,55 Col n front llmt bands at;sl,oo. nye, $1,40 per bushel. Oak fo86))70e; Bailey 1,00611,70. Shoulders 120,4 shim 1234 c; hams 161,de, Lard 13340. CilleAoo Jnn, 13.--Flout dull spring extra $9,75©10,50. Mater, $5,6000,50. Spring Wheat is at $2, 05 @.2,07. Coln 1,87. Oats, tans. FINANCIAL. NEW Yonn,yan. 13.—Gold eased al $1,41. HUNTINGDON MARKET'S. CORRECTED WEEKLY BY HENRY d CO WHOLESALE VOICES. Supelfmenour, CO5O Extt a Flour, o ld 10.. , /, Family Flour 12,50 Bed Wheat White Wheat 2 15 Apple Butter 11 gu11uu...1,25 Bark per cord 0,00 Barley 1 00 Butler ........ ............. ...... 35. Buckwheat 1,00 Bock beat Meal la, co t.. 4,00 Bran 1.1 cwt 1,25 Brooms 11 do? 3,00g4,50 Been% ux 11 lb 30 Beans 11 bus "OCI Cluvorseed 11114 1b5......0,60; Chickens2sl Country Soap 101 COrU ' :1,00 Corn sleal rticwt "22 Dried Apples 115tt ...... —2,00 Dated Cherries "el quart....l2 Dried Peaches to lb 15 Dried Beef "0' Moils lb 8 Broad Top Conl ? ton $2,50' t ; Eno "5 ,Festheis 'il lb 50 ,Flaxseed $2,151 1 lops ? lb ...... . ..... ...... ..40 nom, smoked 20 tiny "LA ton 11,00 Lord VV.:: Largo Onions 11 bus 75 .Mixed Chop 225 Onto GO Potatoes 1 1 bus 1 00 ['luster per ton . 10,00 . Rugs 11 lb 4 'Bye 1 '"5 I Ryo Chop , c 1 o, t ^ 5 O lye Straw 11 bundle. 10 Shorts 11 cut 1,60 Shoulder 12 Sides 15 rullow 10 (5 12 Timothy 2,00 Turkeys 11 lb 10 Wool - 0 lb Is Pork ril lb - 9 r lord Beal 41 t0n.... ...... $7,00 SALES THREE - LOTS FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for solo his THREE LOTS front ing on BATH street in the borough of HUNTINGDON, guljuining lots of Jane Woods, C. Colestock, and others. If not sold at private, sato on or beforo THURSDAY, Hith JANUARY, inst., they will bo offered nt public sale at half-nett 1 o'clock ou that day at the Court House in said borough. janS" THOU &S TWEED. AIORR S I A .TON'S COVE FARM FOR This Form is situated on Pinoy C. eel; about four mike from Williamsburg, adjoining tipringlield Furnace prop el ty. It contains 165 ACRES, of which about 25 acres is young chestnut timber, all under good fence. Te improvements are a first class BARN, nearly new, with Wagon Shed. Corn crib, &c.; a stone DWELLING lIOUSE, also new; log Dwelling, large and well selected Orchard, etc., etc. There is an abundant supply of water by means of ca pacious cisterns which in soron years. experience hare never failed in furnishing nit the water required; also by the cinch which bounds:tho farm. Further particulars may be had on application to the undersigned, retidiug iu Huntingdon. Huntingdon, Ho, 15, 150 FARM FOR S A LE. TILL undersigned offers a Farm for sale, being apart of the ono ho resides on in Hans tingtion County. about one mile west of the town of Or blsonin, situated on the Aug,hwiek Creek, containing about 12.5 acres; about 70 acres cleared and ❑t a good state of cultivation, with a good two story log house, and Ills masonry work of a book barn. Also a young apple orchard (MO trees.) of solo t varieties. smith a good site for grape Qatar°. Tho cleared land is good arable bottom land of an eastern slojas7 — TERMS—One thousand dollars on confirmation ornate. the balance in two equal annual pas Inuits with interest secured by bond and mortgage. A good title will be giv en and possession on thu first day of April uoxt. farther particulars apply to the subscriber on the premises. JOHN 11 SHENEFELT. Oct. 9, 15137. iO HERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of write of Lev. Fa. and Vend, Expo directed to me I willexpose to public sale or outcry, at the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on MONDAY. the 13rn of JANUARY, 1828, at 2 o'clock, P. M., the following described property to wit: A tract of unseated land situate in in Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Thomas E. Orblsonia, Ilrowst is heirs, Butler's Improvement, and others, containing 100 act as, mole or less. ALSO, a tract of unseated land situato in Cromwell tp., county aforesaid, adjoining Janus of liteweder's heirs, —McConaugby t and others, containing 100 acres, more or Ir.. . . ALso, n tract of unseated land, situate in Cass town shipicotinty aforesaid, adjoining Abram Taylor and Joe. Stater, containing 61 news, more or teas. Also, a tract of unseated land situate in Case township, county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Abram Taylor, Jos. Stover, and others containiug 34 acres, more or less. ' Also,, a tract of unseated land situate in Cass township, county afmesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel li. a roan and Abram Taylor, containing 25 acres, more or less. ALSO, a tract of unseated land situate in Cass township, county aforesaid, adjoining McConaughy's improvement, Leas St McYltty, and others, containing 105 acres, more or Ids. ALSO, a tract of cultivated land eituato in Cass town. Whip, couuty;nforesaid. • udjOining lands of ItWall Sellers and Abram Taylor, contql iiing 1 acro and 52 perches, (no buildings.) Seized, taken to execution, and to Lc sold as She pi operty of Henry Taylor. • Also—All that building located on a lot of ground situate in Warnommark Towneli p, Huntingdon County, fronting on the south side of the Turnpike road lending from liontingdon Furnace to War rioramerk, ono hundred and sev.inty-five Trot, the said lot being it triangle and the other two sides being about 200 feet each, bounded on the east by hinds of Archibald Hutchison, and on the west or South-west by lot of Mary idattitea IlutChisots. The said building Is a two storied name dwelling house, weather hoarded outside and plas tered Inside, with shingle roof, befog 22 by 26 lent, in size, the first story being 114 feet high, and the se. cod story 634 feet high, three common the first floor and four rooms ou the second floor, the ground covored by said building and to much other ground immediately adjs. cent thereto as may ho neces ary for the ordinary and maul porposes of the 80010. Seized, taken in execution end to be sold as tile property of Sarah Patterson, who was in:minded with John Patterson her husband. NOTICE TO PUITCHASERS.—IIiaders at Sheriff's Soles will take notice that immediately up,n the property being knocked down, fifty per cent- of all bids under $lOO. and twenty-five per cent- of all bids over that sum, must be paid to the Sheriff, or the property will bo set op again and sold to other holders who will comply with the above terms. If court continues two weak, deed acknowledged on Wednesday of second week. One week's court. property knocked down on Monday and deed acknowledged on the following daturday. - JAS. F. BATHURST, Sheriff. 311EITIFF . 8 peace, Huntingdon, Dec. 1.8, 186i.} REAL ESTATE AGENCY. THE undersigned have established L ail Agency in the Borough of lIUNTINGDON, PA., For the purchase and sale of all Mode of REAZ ESTATE, And s ill giro prompt attention to the solo and letting of tiouges, Norma, Building Lola, and all other Reid Estate buhiuesh entiusted to their care. FOR SALE A convenient and well finigheit DWELLING in West Huntingdon; pleasantly situated; a null of good linter on the premium; a covered pump, nud other convenien. ces. A handsome RESIDENCE in Me Borough of Hunting don, conveniently located In a central portion of the town. AltiO. a No-story flame DWELL'S° ; Price, $6OO yersops desiring to porellage, sell, or rent, will address or apply in person, to MILLER & ARMITAGE, 001 cc opposite the Court House, &clB Huntingdon, Pa. SILVER'S WASII POWDER ! SAVES TIME, LABOR, MONEY. Viattes Washing a Pastime and Mon day a Festival. FOLD EVERVIVIIIME. TRY IT! Address all cutters to (Ito Manufacturers ZIEGLER & SMITH, C/a/aisle anti 7Vhderale Druggiatr, n0v.27.1y Ii o. 137 Nth. Thud Street, Ph.lad'it. M3OOISMI_II_I=IZ,, And 'Wholesale (did P,etailDwiler in STATIONERY WALL PA.PIR4 Ilimtingdon Circulating Library. TERMS: Annual subscriptions, $5.00; half yearly, $3.00 quarterly, $1.60. This subscription entitles one person to one new end one old book at a time. - . Akt , Subscribers.—For loan of Books per crook, 10 cents per ,°lame. Weekly subscribers will be required in all cues to leave a deposit equal in value to the Book. The now .Thaks will not be allowed to any subscriber for a longer period than four days ; or if detained beyond that time, an additional charge of 3 cents per day; other books seven days, or if detained beyond that time 3 cents per day. Beebe not rem nrd in two wait to be charged. All Books aro considered oht that nava been is the LI- Mary six months. Books damaged seriously will bo charged. Alt p . ayatte in advance. Fpscenl ;arm nod arrangements with persons living out of town. All new and desirable haiku on /Mild ns soon as issued. A complete assortment of pictures for DECALCOMANIA, on, ens ART OF INSTANTLY TRANSFERRING PICTURES To Chinn, Gloss, Tin and Wooden ware. Leather and Pa per Mantle goods, In short, to a❑ articlee of every de Tho following sor'es of Books nlll ho toned constantly a hand: SPELLERS AND READERS. Corker LlVatsou'sMcantley's, TOWIOI, Sargent's, Iroreester's, Sander's Union, I Osgood's, Bank's, &e. lllllara's, ARITHMETICAL. ItZ s rn's, Brooks', &c GEOGRAPHICAL. coitonfOilynt'd, Mouteitlee, 'Comp's. GRAMMARS. r- I etqlerd'a, E=ZI NI itchell's, NI argon's, Greoti's, Ilullion'e, anodr deo, Mina d's, Cobb' e , Jenkitee, Speakers, Dialogue, Classical, Botan ical, Chemistry, and Miscellaneous School Books. BLANK BOOKS From the smell paper cover Pear to the fell bound Rue sin Corner Ledger- A splendid mem tment of HOLIDAY AND TOY BOOKS, of English and American manufaciuro. Satchels, Bottom Flour Sacks, at Jobbing rates—at from $27.50 to je.i pm thousand. Printed with any arum, desired. Alao, Manilla Wrapping, Confantionory and Sugar Bags DAILY, WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAPERS AND MAGAZINES ON ALL KINDS Choice Havana and Yarn MARS, Solace. Century, S.tinnyeld4aud oth.r brands of fins cut CIIkIWINO TO BACCO. Cronin°, Navy, Sp uu u &c. A beautiful stock of Octagon nod Square Cornered Itus tic Walnut and Gilt PICTURE FRAMES. All hinds of Frames no hand and made to order. Imi tattoo Rosewood, and (lilt Imitation, Walnut and Gilt Genuine Walnut and Plain and Fancy Gilt Frames sup plied on abort indica. CARDS OF ALL KINDS. _ __• _____ Music and Periodicals bound in e rrs; at cheap rates. R. R. BRYAN French and common paper stamped any totter or letteri, plain or is color!. Photographs, Albinos, Engravings, Artist's Materials, swdi a 9 Monoctroinate Boards, Tabs Paints, Crayons, de. Also, Agent for the Finger Family and Aranittitetin log SEWING MACIIINESII Machine that will Item, Maid. Cord, Took, Quilt and Bind. Ploa-e call and examine A full asqortnient of t h u dill - emit et) tec colintaatly aB hand. All orders and Inquiries by null will reeelso prompt attention. Dec18,186741'. A PPRAES.- _EJLThe County Commilsiondrs oil liold their Appeals fur the year 1803, between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock. nt the following places in the several townships and boroughs, to nit Huntingdon, Thursday, the 23d January, at the COM minwiuners' Office. Juniata township, Irkl y , 21t11 January, at Ilattn'a .ehool house. Walker township Monday, 27th January, nt the public onto of John Dean. Cachou township and Coalinont borough, on Duchy. 2801 January, in Coahnont, at the public house of John H. Herbert. Ilopeu oil township, 'Wednesday, 29th January, at the echool bout° near (leo Itolkstreaber'a, Lincoln township, Thursday, 30th January, at Ander awns hotel. • Tod ton ushlp, Fria ty, 31st Jammu, at the school houso near Henry S. Ureetis, Penn township, Saturday, Ist February, In 3larklos burg, at 7.teglet's hotol. Tell Lk/Wilda'', 4th February, at the Union school house. at or near. Nossville. Dublin ton nen), Wedut tulny, sth Pebrunry, at Shade Gap, at the publtc hoziao of W. Alctiowatt. Cromwell tommhip, Thoteilay. allt February, at the übilo boum of A. Carothers, in Orbisonta. Springfield township, Friday, 7th *February, at the -thee' house at Meadow Gap. Clay township, Satinilay, 9th of February, at the .chool house in Scottsville. Cass township and Camillo borough. Monday, lOrb February, at the public Isom° 0‘ Philip Plie.is.Ant, in Casevillo. Union township and Mapleton bar nigh on TUVili nth Fan nary, at the public house of John Weston, in Mapleton. thilleysburg, and that part of Shirley township is lath votes at Shit leysburg, Wednesday, 12111 February, at the public boom, at Perry llarris. . . Mount Union, and that part of Shirley township which votes at Mount Union. Thursday, lath Felt tiny, at the public house of S.ll. Shaver. Brady township, Fliday 14th February, at Mill Creek at the public school house. Henderson townehip, EhLtnrday, 15th Februlry, at the Union helmet house. ittekhon township, Monday, Vith February at El' A levy's Fort, at the hotel of George E. Little. Barre° totsrteltlit, Tuesday, 1811, Fobruary,at Stulaburg, at the hotel of Jacob [Allman. West township, Wednesday, 19th February. at the school house at Shaver's Creek bridge, near the house or Henry Davis Porter township and 41exandria borough. Thursday, 20th Febtuary, in Alexandria, et the hotel of Henry• Chanibat North, tawnxidp, Friday, net February, at the public house in Wnterstrect. nltnklin town Phip. Saturday, 22d February, at the schnol home in Frank!Wyllie. . . . _ Wortiorsnun k township, Monday, 24th Felt nary, In riorsmark, at the hotel of Jmm•v Chamberlain. Oneida township, Tnesday, 25th February, at the hotel at the %Yam Springs. 2 Dec. 25, 1867.-3 t rrAVERN LICENSES.- The following persons have filed In the office of tit Cloth of the Court of Quarter SOSBIOIIII of Huntingdon county, their petitions for licenses to keep Inns or Tav erns in said county end NI hick pill be pc esented to the Judge of Bald Court on the second Monday of January for allowance Valentine Brown, Huntingdon. ‘‘ to T. Pearson, Ili oat Top city. Abner A nderson ' ColTeo kiln. John Pheasant, Mapleton. • EATING HOUSE. 53 treater W. Haslet, Spruce Creek. J. It. SIMPSON, Clerk. Huntingdon, Dec. IS, 1167. _DISSOLUTION Ole PARTNER- Tito partnership Ilvretoforo exigting btd +recta If. ROD LEY and GRU. F. MARSH. Merolla. Tailors, Itan boon dissolved by mutual consent. Tho books am in tho hands of Goo. F. Marsh, aho trill settle the business of the firm. 11. ROBLEY. The undersignel sompoctfully announces to the public that ho continua the business at the old stand on the toner of the Diamond, opposite bowls' Rook Store, CiliO. F. Huntingdon, nee. 18,1867 4t SELLERS & FOLIYELL, IVUOLESALE CONFECTIONERS & FRUITERERS, No. 161 North Third Street, Or dorm promptly ottemlo4 to. *ISAAC H. STAUFFER,LA WARMMAKER and JEWELER, No, 148 Noi th id Streot, corner of Quarry, PIUGADFILPIIIA. • An assortment of IV:ltches, Jwelry, Sitror nod Plated Ware constantly on hand. SUITABLE FOlt HOLIDAY PRESENTS! 114-Ropairlog of Watchos nod .Tewelry promptly at telaledlto. nac.:47-Iyr J. C. BLAIR, Clark's, ' I Foram Ma's, [Brut, h's, Parker's. HISTORIES. Pin flock's, \Silleni°[:::' DICTIONARIES. Reed's, ` Webster's, .a Bobbin's.er. Worcester's, 'Start! nd.tle's, Worcester's. J. C.: BLAIR, HUNTINGDON, PA, Next to Broad ;Cop Ticket (Brice ADAM WARFEL, ADAM FOUSE, SAMUEL CU3IMINS, ' [Cumintaeforiors OEO. F. MARSH PHILADELPIIIA CM 11 ) E he G re I b3 S . g T i tl n ltT rc N 11 por t3 so % .1. 1 O E r 4 N o h O a t t i. C t fo i s howing named persons have settled their accounts in the Register's °ince, at Huntingdon, and that tlih said accounts will be presented for confirmation and alloivance at an Orphans' Court, to be hold at ltontingdon, in and foi the county of Huntingdon ' on Monday, the lab day of JANUARY next, (lgils,)to wit: 1 The final account of Ephraim Hazlet, Executor of the last will and testament of Maria Fleming, late of Brady township, deceased. 2 Gunrdiandup account of Isla,: Ordenkirk, guardian of the minor eltildt en of Marti u Flaming, late of Brady twp deceased. 3 The final account of John W. Malian. administra tor de booms non cum testament° anneal) of John Into of Brady township, deceased. 4 Administration account of James McElroy, adminis trator of the estates of P. CL Davis, deceased. 6 Administration account of Abraham Ifarnish and Lewis 11. Knode, executors of the last will and testament of Horgan:Da Swoopo, Into of Porter township, deceased.. 6 Administration account of David Etnier, adminis. trator of Robert Gifford, Into of the borough of Orbisco Ma, deceased. 7 Final account of William Madden, administrator cum testa fumes° of Jacob Booliar, late of Springfield township;dec'd. 8 Account of .)latthine F. Roop,eleentor of the Net will and testament of Jane Piper, late of Tell twp., deceased. 9 Administration eceount. of Janice Miller end James Stewart. executors of Thomas Miller, Woof Barrels twp., deceased. 10 Administration account of Sand I. Leonard, adminis trator of Lydia Irwin, late of Cromwell township, dec'd. 11 Final administration account of Blichael.l. Martin an d Asnplt Price, administrators of the estate of Joseph S Martin, late of Tod township, deceased. 12 Administration account of David Ashton, adminis trator of Thomas Ashton, late of Ipringlleid township, deceased. 13 Guardianship account of Sand. (Timmins, guardian of Win. C. Cummins; late of Jackson township, decea,ed. 14 Guardianship account of Calm,.filo B. Sharer, now Catharine, Stowart, guardian of Catharine E. chaser, a minor daughter of Wm. Shaven., deceased. 11 Final administration account of Geo. Jackson and Robert Flaming, administrators of James Stowal t, late of Jackson township, deceased. 10 Administration account of A. W. Swoop° and John Dayton, Sr.. I xecutors of Glint Gilleland. late of Union tow nship, dee'd. Filed by 41, W. Swoops, acting executor S3lllCli Ott, Register's Office, 1 Register. Hunt.. Dec. 10, j NOTICE is hereby 'given to all per sons interested that the following Inventoties of the goods and Chattels set to widows, under the In °vis ions of the net of 14th of April, 1951, have been filed In the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Com t of lien Ong don county and will be presented for 'l4 preen! by the Cum t" on Wednesday the 15th of JANUAnY, (1168,): 1. The Inventory and appralsement of 'the goods and chattels which were of John Bolinger, late of Cromwell townshrp, deceasod. ne taken by his widow, Margaret Bo linger. Dec. 18, 1867 PATRONIZEHOME INDUSTRY GEO. F. MARSH, MERCHANT TAILOR , AND DEMME IN READY-MADE CLOTHING, FOR MEN AND BOYS, Mayo removed to tho Mere room on the corner of the Diamond, opposite Lewis' Book Store, where ho intends to keep constantly on bond the latest styles of Ready medo Clothing and place goods, comprising AJIERICAN, ENGLISH AND FILENCII CLOTHS, CASSDIERES, AND VESTINGS. CLO'f I IS, CASSIM ER ES, AND V ESTINGS. CLOTHS, CASSIMERBS, AND TESTINGS. Also a large supply of OVERCOATS, made up in the most fashionable style, and sold at greatly reduced prices. Being a practical workman of many years experience, ho is prepared to make to order Clothing for men and boys, and guarantee neat, durable and fashionable work manship. Ile is determined to please everybody. 47ca • All are invited to call Ind examine my new stock of beautiful patterns before purclasslng elsewhere de26 ISGi" GEO. F 4IARSIL IXED FACTS INDELIBLY DI - PliEssmn aisia ) a tt length over simple AZ set MRS. Thus it is that this community gives testimony in fn for of then ell known establishment of H. GREEN A FERG, T.d . 2rAMI4IS , JV 11 1 Auga0ifs, HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON. Whilst it Is not his purpose to deceive the public by clamoring "low prieds and bettor goods" than other dealers, be simply Inc Res oil who wish to purchase In his line of business to call and satisfy themselves that with .him a patron once gained Is never lost, that is, "the proof of the padding is in the tailing of ff." • - Ito hoe just received his wibter supply of 51E.AVY 61:A6E C&DVIIPIiti FOIL MEN AND 'BOYS. Ito lets also a large assortment of the most substantial and fashionablo Hats, Cap, Gents' Furnishing Goods, of every description, nod made up front the host material. Always on hand the finest quality of American, Eng lish and Franck CLOTHS, CASSIDERES and VESTINGS which are tondo up to order by good, experienced work men, in a manner the most fashioxablo and endurable. No eastern city can Word a better or more varied style of goods than can be four I in my selection, 11. GREENBERG, II it ntingdon, Nov. 13,1867. Merchant Taller. JUNIATA STEAM PEARL MILL, HUNTINGDON, PA THIS MILL is a complete success in I the manuft;cturo of FLOM Sc. It has lately been thoroughly repaired and 15 now in good running Ender and in full operation. The burrs and choppers aro new and of superior mtel ity—cannot be excelled. And wo are gratitiod to know that our work has given entire sstisfactiou to our custo mers, to whom we tender our thanks. We have in our employ one of the best millers in the county, and a faithful and capable engineer. thus equip pod and encouraged, we are determined :o persevere in our efforts to acrommodAte and please the public, hoping thereby to merit and receive a liberal share of patronage to sustain us in our enterprise for the public interest. Market price paid for the different kinds of grain on &livery. Flour and Chop, on hand, for ado. JOHN IC. McCAIIAS & SON Huntingdon, Nov. 20,1867 No more Bald Heads! Ho more Gray locks ! DR. LEON'S ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is pronounced by all who hare used it the very best I,l,p:tuition fur the Hair. It is a positive cure for Bald ness, medicates Dandruff nut Humors, Mops the hair from fling ont, and speedily restorer Dray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions and fills the glands with new life and coloring matter. Thin, dead, feted or gray hair will always be Leonia bade by a few applications, to its youthful abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to arrange. my, airy and intraclable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to rem.,in in any desired position. As a Hair Dressing it has no equal.— Tim sales are enormous and it Is a tit:thereat fool Ito with old and young of both sexes, Cold by Diuggiets tbroughout the United Stoles. Ad dress nil °Weis to ZEIGLER & SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia n0v.27.1y CHEAP GROCERY STORE. d. , Z3MN°I I 6OIEL, lIILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. rEIHE undersigned offers for the in ." spretion and purchase of customers a large and as sorted stock of nroeet les, Provisions, Sc. Ile feels Falls. lied they can be accomodated with anything in his lino. Ills prices are low, and his stock fresh and good. Ile keeps the hest of SUGrIIZ, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, • BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &c: ALso— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, •VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, And NO TIONS of every kipd A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with WHEN& WARE. and alt other articles, kept In a well regulated establishment for sale at reasonable prices. 413 ilia store is on Hill street, nearly opposite the Sank, and in the room formerly occupied by D. Orem Call and examine. Z. TENTER. Huntingdon, Oct. 8,1867 NOTICE. JTISTON&WATTS2N pleaqure in atilidtaibiliglckhe eltiveot of Huntingdon county and Ticinity that they have Just returned from the East with d LARGE STOCK OF GOODS; Which they here just opened out at their now store, ONE DOOR EAST OS THE WASIIINOTON HOTEL Their Mock conaisto of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE,' CEDAR - WARE, RUE ENSWARE, OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, S7,C DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CRAIN, SALT, (MEESE, TRUNKS, II AMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &c. &c LADIES' DRESS GOODS; Consisting of siras, - 1101IATILS, ALPACAS, POPLIN - 3, MIMES, GINO HAMS, MERINOS, PLAIDS, DE LAINES, Ac., Lc. Also, a largo as sortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &c. J. E. SMUCKER, Olei 1 A FULL LINE OF WHITE GOODS = All goods delivered to residences in town awl depots, bee of charge. Give us a trial before purchasing elsewhere. Huntingdon. April ii 1661 By Canal Railroad. We are now receiving by Ca nal and Railroad from the east ern and western cities, DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Of every description, , - CARPETS,OIL-CLOTHS, FLOUR, FEED, I=Dx-4zxlvi.fa.iez)ori,, ' Anthracite, 'Pittsburgh, and Broad Top Coal for :sale by the Cart or Boat load: LUMBER. - Boards, Plaulc„ , 9liiilgles, Plas tering Lath, in large or small quantities. Nails and Bar ron, at • manu facturers' prices. je26 EDICAL DR, WILLIAM BREWSTER, M'CONNELLSTOWN, PA. XFor the hems(' t of those proposing to undert•the !Peels scat trillllll.lllt for 11111111,1,1 ae gine in iiie r.1111W1111 . 1; list n few of the mole prominent no lint common . complaints flint with in our peas • in all of wit lett we sue moot SUN 1 , 431. IN S 1,1113: iI.L Cf itA OF DISIISP I'l,oll 11:1- EIY IR A sonolal,lLllY, 8015 IN ALL clone 14,111:1g.. it P 11,441. LY 0111.110 Thine°, th, t °fore. afflicted w ith complaints not here enumerated, need have no heiiiitit ion in apply ing,and whether mil n at.Ltl P, or f 1 Pl-.11.11c1,11i cone can he effected, they will receive tepliea accoldingly. All communication; free, Epreply, Chorea. St. Vitas' Doors, Paralysis. Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervoitenem, Palpit Non of the Ileart,Lock-Jaw; etc. I 2 Sore Throat, Dyspepsirt,Diarrlicea. Dysentery. Obstinate Constipation, ,hemorrhoids, or Piles, Bilious. Flatulent, and Pain'er's Colic. and all affections et the Liver and :Spleen. 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (whore not caused by organic disease of the heart,) C Bronchitis, Pleurisy, ilitellmatism of the! Chest, Consumption in the early stages. 1 . 1 4 (Third, Dinbetis. and Kipney Complaints. 5 -Coat, Lumbago.. Stiff Neck, Spinal Diseases, flip Diseases. 'Cancers, Tn• niers ; (those last named always cured with out pain, or cutting, or plastet In any form) In a word, wo propose to curo all curable dis eases. We have no connection whatever with any I !other:Electrical office in Niftier any other county All Inters address to s••• WM. BREWSTER, 51. P. 51cConnellston n, to. I= Till 3 LADIES.—Do you really intend to cease wearing the . beautiful stylee nom so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, booming tho lobe! Jolt Doyle, was captured in lasittonaltlo Female attire? Otte trioluenVe calm reflection will lanitly servo to change your rash resolve. The ringeAs bad top much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of xt bite, because they bad for 4 time nerved to hide the deformities of that Prince ofßebels, the Devil. Can you err in following the bXampleof Angels? Then having mule up your minds that you will continuo to diem tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to coil at the store of the subscri bers, who will be harry at dH limes to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your fath, era, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can bore be suited In good articles of Beets, Shoes, Clothing, Material, nato, Cans, Queens• ware and a general assortment of Groceries, on no rea sonable terms as at any Ileum in town. Storo on South• east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, 1865, Fit ANCIS B, WA LLACE. A C. CLARKE, AGENT, s lYholotaln and Detail bottler in all hinds of MUNTINODON, PA. Next door to tho Franklin house, in the Diamond. Coutryh Me supplied. aptVB7 G EO, W. SWARTZ, MUER IN ALL KINDS OP AMERICAN WATCHES, Fin° Gold JEW.ELRY,AO &a., Se., opposito J. A. Brown's Mammoth Hardware storo. .ISZ- Watches neatly repaired and warranted. Iluntingdon, Sept 18,18674ns EXECUTOR'S NOTICB,— rp.,l.t. or Samuel Ictiegor, deed.] Letters testanientars, on the estate of Samuel Krieger, aeongranted Moe°ltt township, Huntingdon indebted Mon g,runted to the undersigned, all persons to the estate ore requested to make immediate payment, sod those having claims, to present them duty authenti cated for settlement. pec. 18, , 87-6 t. pBecticor, y has e a large stock of JOHNSTON & WATTSON Of all kinds 40 CO.A.T.-m. HENRY & CO., Huntingdon . , Pa SPECIAL NOTICE. THE PLACE TO BUT - NEW AND CHEAP GOOD' roil PALL AND WINTER', WINCH Respectfully Inform therti . geneisjill o tb_ .. tbaj i i: w 1 to j6st received 8 large and atof o f hat their store In Ifuntingdoo, consisting hit parval • SILKS, DRY GOODS;. ,DRESS GOODS,.. BOOTS & SHOES,. _„ HATS, CAPS,:TINWAILE, LADIES' FANCY TRIIIIINGS; HOOP SKIRTS,BoxstrvRUTTONS, WOOD AND WILLOW .117 A R .E, QUEENS WARE, lIARDWARR, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES', , CRACKERS, NOTIONS,' TOBACCO, SEGARS,. GLASS, NAILS I FISH, SALT, &c., &a. Also. CARPETS and Of.L-o.t.di'ir,. And in f.tct everything that Is usually kepi in a..Cdatis , store, all which were bought low for' calsli and Will sold at correspondingly low prices for alit; or cOuntze produce, and request tho public to give us, a call hero - rel . ' putchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied:WO can offer sups:* tier inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit the patronititi ot 4 all: and dm public aro cordially Invited to exonithe cur gdesti: Everything taken in exchange for goods except Rremis • 805. WM: 11110. Ittoting,lon, oc. 9, 1867 HEAD QUARTERS NEW GOODS:. D. P. CWlllif INFORMS THE"..PO3iTe:- THAT ,lIE ItAa JUST OPENETiI SPLENDID STOOK of rikW GOotig THAT CAN'T BE BEAD' CHEAPNESS AND Ql.l4ltlt, COME AND SEE Huntingdon, October 0, '67 A. L LEWIS LEISTER S NEW BUILDING, I. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN F . 031111GN. - 4,EDMRTIC tp_R v Vi..Q..0,. NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, CARPI/TINOS. OIL CLOTHS, QUEENSWAREI AND GROCERIES REMEMBER! • This is the Store, Where Goods are Sold CHEAP. July 17, '6741. vN IMPROVEMENT IN LIGHT! sve take pleasure in putting before the public a hA NW for burning fat, lard or tallow which is superior to any of the kind erer introduced. It differs from all others. ns it does not regain, the fa to be melted before [mining. It heats the fat by a copper pipai, which Con ducts the heat under the fat and melts it Immediately. Thousands of the lamps have been sold and no com plaints hare been made. All Lamps' warranted to give general satisfaction, or the money refunded. A rare oppot [may is offered to any person or persons tint may what to engage p the business. limn tingdua nod Mifflin Counties will bp sold in townships at reason able terms to snit purchasers. A sample lamp will be forwarded to any.porson on receipt of retail pried, $1,50, and forwarded at my expense. Will either sell territory or pay agents by the day or piece. Agents aro making from $5 to sto per day, for they sell very fast. They are what every :person needs. All letters will receive prompt attention Address or, call on , . . , , Airy bale, Muntingdon spumy, N. 4*-Lrimp may be scan at the Frelakiih Hones in Hunt ingdon ; Mr. Hughes' Store, Mill Creek, and at the hotel In Cassville. 201841 GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS. Mothers, are you oppressed with anxiety for your 81Ua ones? Are your slumbers and heart; broken by their cries? Do you awake In the woxiiing unrefreshed and api preliensive ? If so procure, at once a bottlo of Dr. Leon'a Infant Remedy and, i,: o a will liar? pp itigre pear of watching and•modety, DR, LEON'S INFANT REAM, hot stood the test of years. Thotptar4l of Atwood dud mothers bear witness that It never (hits to give rata ir nerd in semen. It is a mild, yet sun:land speedy ours for Colic, Cramps god Windy Pains, and Is limNIVAla lax all complaints incident to Teething. Fag by Dragslets tbroagtkratt the United Stalaa, Ad dress ell Orders to &, pRoP4ISToRS. No. 137 Nth. ThiN Stroot, MEI WINDOW CURTAIN ,PAPERS, A LARGE STOCK ' EMI SPLENDID ASSOUTMENT OF Window Cur* Papers, JUST RECEIVED dT LEWIS' BOOK STORTA, ENVELOPE MANUTACTORY, Nos. 323 and 325 :Narita sired, HAPRISBIIRG, PA, Euvelopoo or alt the standard sizes, colors , Ind qualities to 4 ether with Ladtis' Note, Wedding and Manroisql cckopes, furni4ted at Liss WAN NEIr rolls PRVESt All gomla vi armrest. Address orders to SING kIItLY & mins. Nor. 323 awl 325 Market at., Harrisburg. MEI LUMBER, SHINGLES, 'LATHS, HEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, i Boards. Plonk. Shingles, Plastering and Shingling I nth, onnstsntly or. hand. Worked Flooring. Saab, Blinds, Doors, Door sad Win, dow Fronton, furnished at mannlaci nrers' prices. - Grain and country product geusrally bought at market rates. 'WAGONER tt BRO., ang24.lf Phlllphburg, Centro co., Pet D. P. GI N . D. WALKRR,