(lobe. HUNTING'OONp PA. Wednesday morning, Jan. 8 1868. LOCAL & PERSONA Local Advertisements. . . Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ton cents a line single insertion, counting seven words to a line. tf. 1:=1 —The County Auditors aro busy this week auditing the county affairs. —The spell of weather we have bad for a week past has been more benefi cial to the doctors than to the farmers. —Our carrier boy returns his heart felt, thanks to those who contributed to swell his pocket book on New Year's day. —Juniper thinks 'that coughing in church could be obviated to sorne ex tent by sweeping the dust Off the floor before services. He is right. —The revival in the Methodist church of this place, progresses with great success. The usual annual watch meeting services were observed. —Mr. 'H. Frysinger, editor of the Lewistown Democrat, has accepted a clerkship in the Treasury Department "at Washington. "Pat take.", —Near-sighted the sportsmen who lately "blazed away" at a guinea hen _supposing it to be a pheasant. They had the satisfaction of crippling it and ying damages. —Mr. Henry McMonigall has pur chased the mill property at Graysville, and will take possession in the spring.. Henry has boon a good citizen, and we %don% like to lose him. - -Somebody removed Mr. Thomas Burchinell's twenty pound gobblet;' _ from his roost. Mr. B had the satis• faction of finding some of the feathers —only these, and nothing more. —A, friend in Mercer county, 111., 'writes us that while wo are enjoying ' our sleighing, they have not had two inches of snow this winter, and very little rain since the 4th of July last. —We have received the first regular number of the Temperance Vindicator, published at Williamsburg, Blair co. Now is your time to subscribe for a good temperance paper. Sohn. Hight, of this place, out hunting last week, chased a rabbit into the trunk of a tree. While using an axe to get the animal out, ho cut his foot in a serious manlier. MeMonigal's Livery Stable has fallen into the hands of Wm. Brick ' or. Mr. B. knows how to run the .stable and give satisfaction. Wo wish :him success. —Miller & Armitage, Fire and Lifo Insurance Agents, of-this place, have , now established a Real Estate Agency for the accommodation of persons de siring to purchase, sell or rent. See advertisement. —All our subscribers who desire to keep posted as to dates throughout , the year should post up the calendar published in another part of this paper. _ 'They can also bo had gratis at Lewis' 13ookStore: — ' —The deed made by the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company to the Pennsyl vania Canal Company is now in our Register's office to be recorded. The Government stamps upon it amount to $750. —Times are said to be dull in town. They generally are if the people from the country around fail to stir us up There is nothins• b looks more cheerful than a big crowd of country wagons, sleds and sleighs. —A daughter of Rev. 0. 0. McLain of Lewistown, and several others, while skating on the Juniata near that place, were treated to a cold bath, by the ice suddenly moving off, caused by a rise in the water. We don't think that party willtrouble tkat ice again, 7 —An Odd Fellows Lodge — was open ed at Bloody Run on the Ist inst. The Band, and_a. :: delegation of :Brothers from the Lodge of this place were there and returned bighly pleased with the general good time and particularly with the reception they received. —Colirt commences next Monday. We hcipe our friends whom we bare reminded of arrearages will please call and settle, and thus commence the new year with the smiles and blessings of the printer. Those who have given us a friendly reply have our thanks. —One of our young townsmen while on a visit to New York during the holidays lost- his overcoat. lie didn't suppose there would be anybody about the hotel mean enough to pick up a coat lying around loose. A cheap les son, John, but we hope others will profit by it, but not by the coat. —The rooms of the Young Men's Christian Association in Brown's buil ding, are now open for the reception of visitors. The papers and maga zines taken at present are somewhat limited, but it is hoped War the Asso ciation will meet with such encourage ment as to merit the extension of this sphere of its usefulness. . —The telegraph office of the Penne, R. R. Co., which had been located at Mount Union for several years, has been removed to the terminus of the double track above . Mapleton. We suppose it will be 0 K when the dou ble track between that point' and _Bridgeport is laid in the spring. When this is completed the Company will have double tracks between Pittsburg and Philadelphia. —lf other communities are feverish with the "button mania," ours has ta ken the infection in another form— that of "Jacks," as the boys and girls call them. This is a game played with five pebbles or blunt-pointed pieces of metal, aed before the play is finished tha "Jacks" go through many ovolu tions—every evolution having a name which we cannot recall, but the chief among them being "potatoes in the pot," "horses in the stable," "long tail blue," etc. This innocent pastime is quite popular among the juveniles. im,,More than one Hundred different modifications of Fairbank's Standard Scales are made, adapted for business of every kind where weight is to be ascertained. In all departments they are acknowledged to be of unequaled convenience, accuracy and durability. The Paris Exposition awarded them the highest premiums. IMPORTANT TO LAND OWNERS—ARE YOUR LAMM PATENTED.—We are in formed by Milton S. Lytle, Esq., who has recently examined the records in the Land Office at Harrisburgh, that there are In this county nearly twelve hundred tracts of unpateuted lands, and that there is due the State,on these lands, •the sum, of more than fifty thousand dollars This is caused by neglect on the part of.the persons who purchased from the original Proprie• tarios or Commonwealth, to pay the balance due on the lands after issuing of the warrants. On none of these tracts is there a less amount duo than fifteen dollars, that being the office fees alone. On moat of them a great er sun' is due, the highest noticed for any tract in thisi county" being about $2BO. The present holders of these lands have not a clear title, the Com monwealth having a lien equal to the principal and interestunpaid. A strong force of clerks is now at work in the Surveyor General's office ,making ab stracts of the "lands in this Situation, showing the names of the persons by whom the warrants were taken out, and the township in which each tract is located, the number of-acres and the arnountsiclue. As soon as these are com pleted measures will betaken to col lect these sums. It would be well for every _land owner to - make inquiry whether his lands aro patented, and if not, he should take immediate steps to obtain a clear title. understand that our informant has git;eb some at tention to this mattef and that he is ready to obtain and give further infor mation to those Who may desire it. All the data ho requires is tho name of the person to whom the warrant was issued, its date and the township in which the lands lie. Land owners de siring to be more definitely informed, should address Milton S. Lytle, Esq., at this place, or consult him at the law office of Stewart & Lytle.—Journal & American. • Sudden Deaths About six - weeks ago we published an account furnished us by a corres pondent, in which four children of Elias and Mary Fraker, of Burnt Cabins, died between the 26th day of Septem ber and the lst of November, 1867; but now we arc furnished by the same correspondent with a sadder picture of death's inroads, in the same locality, and by the same disease—diptheria. The follo - wing deaths occurred in the family of Amos and Eliza Potts, of 'Burnt Cabins. this county: On Dec. 27th, WILLIAM, aged 0 months. . On the 28th, ANNA, aged 3 years. On the 20th, ELIZABETH, aged 9 years. On the 80th, SAMUEL, ae:ed 12 years. On Jan. let., Er.r.srA. aged Five children in one family dying in about as many days is truly a sad ca lamity. Those parents who have lost but one child, and who know the pangs of distress and sorrow which followed their own bereavement, can but par tially imagine the sorrowing of the Stricken family at Burnt Cabins, in which a new day only appeared to witness the death of another child. ➢fay the bereft parents have Grace sufficient to sustain them in their sore affliction. Assault on a Bay. On New Year's ore a party of a dozen boys, dressed in ~ fantastic cos tumes, and playing a Variety of fan tastic instruments, called at the resi dence of Mr. John Lower, of this place, and after playing a few tunes, went into the house to get their treat. Their unsightly costumes frightened a little girl in the house, when Mr. Low er's son told the boys they had better leave the premises. They hesitated, and young Lower undertook to force them out, and got them as far as the gate, when one of the boys struck him about the head and face with a board, which he had been using us a, banjo, indicting some ugly bruises, besides knocking out two of his teeth. A warrant has been issued for the arrest of the party. Temperance Union Pursuant-to adjournment, the Hun ingdon county Temperance Union will hold a public meeting in the Court House, Huntingdon,TueSday evening, January 14th,1868 The managers in the different townships and boroughs in the county are urgently requested to be present and also see that there are eight or ton delegates here from their refTeztive townships and bor oughs. There is important business to attend to after the public meeting is over and a full turn out of the Uni• on is desired. JOHN SCOTT, President B. M. GaEENE, Rec.Becrotary. Huntingdon, Jan. 6. 1868 =l= The installation of the officers of Standing Stone Chapter, and 31ount Munich Ledge, for the ensuing year, took place on St. John's day. For the Chapter, R. A. Miller, H. P., Rev. T. Barnhart, K., Joseph Watson', S., Thos. Johnson, Secretary, and W. Lewis, Treasurer. For the Lodge, Joseph Watson, W. M., C. S. Faxon, S. W., D. W. Artley, J. W., W. F. Cunning ham, Secretary, and Graffus Treasurer. k supper was prepared at the Exchange Hotel, for the brethren, and it could not have been better. Station Agent at Mapleton. Ambrose Taylor has been appointed Ticket and Freight Agent at Maple ton, (vice A IL Bauman, resigned,) in trust for Wm. A. Donaldson, minor son of Col. John Donaldson, demand. Col. D. filled the position from the opening of theionnsylvania Railroad until his death, two years ago, and the appointment of his son at the present time by Superintendent Black, we are assured will give general satisfaction to the business community in that vicinity. The "Curtin Honee." We are informed that our old friend Martin Dolan, has built a large first class Hotel at Milesbnrg at the Rail road Station, where he intends to ac commodate in the best style all who may call upon him. We'll bet friend Dolan knows bow to keep a hotel, and we advisq-bur friends visiting his lo• cality tdliitop with him and give him a trial. Mr The great American Hair Pro. paration, valued at home and abroad, a real Hair Restorer or Dressing, (in one bottle.) A great triumph of sci ence. Mrs. S. A. Allen's improved, (nett; style.) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. Address °film Committee on Washington. City and Lake Jtrie ttallroad. The National Railroad Convention of November 12, 1867, which met ut the Court House, in Huntingdon, ap pointed a Committee to attend to the preparatory affairs necessary to ad vance the object in view, who in fur therance thereof, beg leave to say that the advantages to accrue from the proposed work are such as to make the early construction thereof a vital importance to the comfort and pros. perity of the citizens along the propo sed route, and deserving of National aid. The Eastern Divison (46 miles in length,) following the Conocoche-. ague and Aughwick Valleys, requiring neither tunnelling or heavy grades would shorten the distance by rail from the National Capitol to Pittsburg, and tho Western States, upwards of eighty miles; open a good and con venient market for the products of Franklin, Fulton, and other interior counties of Pennsylvania; render pro ductive the East Broad Top Coal fields; give access to valuable iron ores along this route; and employment for nu merous water powers now running waste. And with a second link in the proposed chain of railways (thirty miles in length,) would shorten the distance from the lakes to Washington City, one hundred and fifty miles, and throw thereon (for all future time) a largo amount of products required to be exchanged between the South and North: such as coffee, tobacco, rice, turpentine, sugar, molasses, spices, fish oysters, fruits and early vegetables of the Southern Atlantic Sea Board States, - and the West Indies; and the wheat, flour, corn, bacon, butter,cheese, cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, hops, hemp, lumber, copper, iron ores, coal and pe troleum of the North.* From the falls of the Potomac to the falls of Niagara, one continuous avalanche of available water powers from lake and mountain, amidst coal, lumber and oil, wherewith to smolt the iron and copper ores of the Lake regions; grind the wheat and corn of the North-west; and transmute into beautiful wares the crude products of all those regions. A great National and Commercial Metropolis on the Sea Board ; a score of en treports on the Lakes ! two thou sand miles of Lake navigation ! thous sands of miles of Ocean commerce ! twenty thousand miles of railroad, (a dozen trunk line railways from East to West,) each part and parcel of this National highway throwing .thereon their accumulated tonnage,an building up one continuous workshop and ware house from Ocean to our Inland Seas, waere converge all that is necessary to make vend; and distribute most readily and cheaply tho wares and pro ducts of North, South, East and West. PREPARATORY WORK. Prepare bill and endeavor to obtain an Act of the Legislature of Penn sylvania, incorporatin g a Company to build the proposed work ; epwAro con cert of action amongst parties interes ted therein by calling public meetings to adopt means in aid of the proposed work; ririso money for parliamentary expenditures, and publishing proceed ings in noWspapers printed at Wash ington and elstw bare ; memorialize the City Council; ; s Washington, Alexan dria and Gctitatown, D. C., the Secre tary of War, Congress, and interestio: railroad companies, urging the advan tages of a direct military and postal railway from the Commercial, political and military Emporium of the Union to our Northern frontier and States west of the Allegbanies, and the duty of Congress to aid a work that would add to the wealth of the nation, whilst building a groat center of industry at the Capitol of this reunited confedera cy. All which your committee respect fully submit fur consideration due. JOIN DOUGHERTY, Chairman of Committee. lift. Union, Dcc. 24, 1867. REOORD YOUR DEEDS.—The follow ing extract from the law, in reference to the recording of deeds, maybe read with advantage by many of our citi zens:4nd is published for their infor mation: Whereas, by thb different and secret ways'ef convoying lands,tenemen is and hereditaments, such as are ill disposed to have it in their power to commit frauds, by means whereof divers per sons my ,be injured in their purchases and mortgages by prior and secret cony veyances: For the remedy whereof, be it enacted, That all deeds and conveyances which shall be made and executed within this province, of or concerning any lauds, tenements or hereditaments in this province, or whereby the same may be in any way affected in law or ,equity, shall he recorded in the office for the recording Deeds in the county where such lands or hereditaments are lying and being within six months af ter the execution of such deeds and conveyances; and every such deed and conveyance that shall at any time after the publication hereof, or prior to this publication be made and exe cuted, and which shall not be record ed as aforesaid, shall be adjusted frau dulent and void against any purchaser or mortage for valuable consideration, unless such deed or conveyance be re corded as aforesaid, before the record ing of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgage shall claim, No deed or mortgage, or defensible deed in the nature of mortgages, to be made, shall be good or sufficient to convey or pass any freeholder or in heritance, or to grant any estate there in for life or years, unless such deed he recorded within six months after the date thereof; where such lands lie, herein before directed. CARELESS LETTER IVRITERS.-Ac cording to the Post Master General's report, not less than a million letters wore mailed last year, without signa tures, and misdirected,or so badly three ted that the address was totally unin telligible. These were destroyed. More than a million and a half oth ers-1,611,686--were restored to their writers by the care of the dead-letter office. Thus it seems that at least two and a half million of mistakes were made, in an operation which one would think likely to enlist the sufficient care of the writer, the addressing of a let ter. These letters contained nearly $150,000 in money, bills of exchange, deeds, chocks, &c., to the value of over $5,000,000, and over 40,000 contained photographs, jewelry, &e. us„Blank Books for the desk and pocket, for sale at Lewis' Book Store. EM 8 1868_—C.A=IT2DA:R.-1868. JANUARY. JUNE, 1 1 AUGUST. ; I , - t (.) S S rIITIwITIFIs s m T Ihr T r s s M T i wIT I F Is f 4 I 11 23 4 123 4 5 6 -- r I 1 I , d 6 7 81 9 1 10111 7 8 9,10 11 12'1S, 21 3, 4 51 6 7 8. ( ( c1 12 13 14 15 16117 18 14 15116117 18 . 19 20, 9 111,11 12 13 14 15 1 ,3 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22.23124 2D 26 ...71,,30 3116 17 18 ,1 19 22,21 22 13 1 . 26 27 28 29 30131 28 291301 123 24 246 2,128 29 ul I 1 I , * 1 3 FEBRUARY, 1 SEPTEMBER. - ECDOIC.S ; 1 ( .) SMT'W T7S l i__ S NI LW II 1_F_1 .... S AND „ x ~.m , x xx, „ 1 1 2. 1 34 5 , 6 71 fi 91011 12 1 23124125'2127128 29 OF ALL, KINDS, 131 14 15 16 1 17 18 19 ~ 20 21 22 23124 25 26,, ~ 1 WALL PAPER 127 28 29 30; I '1 /1 1 i 16 92 1 18 71 1 18 14 11 15 9 2 2 138 0,2 11 1 2 158 2 .°IIIAALI"aX 1 8 I I I PAPER, 1 1 27 o Window Shades & OCTOBER, ( I Fixtures, I MARCH, s hilriwlTlols _ 1 slmlTlwiTiols , Revenue Stamps, I --1-- —,--,—,-- I I t 1 21 31 4 5 1 6 1 7 ' l' 21 3 1 ) 8 1 9 1 10111 12113114 Fancy Articles, 4. 1 5 6 71 S 9'101 ( 1 1 1 1 15116117 18 19 20,21 8 ,,c ., g t c . 111 12 13 14,15 16,17 1 . 122 1 23124 1 25,26 27128 • ' 181 19 20 21122 23124. R 29130 1 31 1 1 FOR SALE 95 26 27 28129 30 1 31 n; I 1 1111 - 1 At LEWIS' s m A T II I: I T ' l F S ' BOOK STORE, ' - NOVE - MBER, 'NI T'W T F S 2. — 5 l-1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 2 ' il2l 3 4 ituNTINGDos, Pt. l' 2 3 1 41 5 6 7 g. t 5 6 7 1 8 1 6 1 10 n ...THE GLOBE ~ 8 9 10'11 12 13 14 Q; 6 12 13 14 15,16;17 18 ' I 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 3, 0 19.20 21 22123 24 25 $2 a year in advance.' 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 .9,1 20127 28 29 1 3) JOH PRINTINO . OF All, KIND., 1 29 30 I 1 0 , —..........—..---.. I ; ' MAY. JULY, DECEMBER, I, I : slm T'W T F S S NI T W T F S S'IVI TIWIT FIS 3 1 3 „ I I --- I ' 2, , 5 , 345,6 1 7 1 8 5 6.7 1 8 ' 2 5 10 11 1 6 7 1 8 9 1 4 11 12 PY 1011,121311415'16 12 13114 15 1 16 17'181 13 14 1 15 16 17 18 19 8 , 17 18 19 1 20 21 22123 19 20 1 21 22123 24 25, 1 20 2.1 1 22 23 24 25 26 r , 24 2526,27 28 29 30 26 27; 1 28 1 29 1 30 1 31 1127 _8:29 30 31 1 . ) I 31 I 1 I 1 () 0,5:). , 0a=0 -0c0.DQQQ.7.,0000cc.:.-;CQ.Dr) 1 Agri* MARRIED, At the M. E. Parsonage - in Cassvillo, Dec., 31st, by Rev..T' F. Brown, Mr. IsA CURFINIAN, and Miss LUCY A. Movt• MOSTAR, of Huntingdon county, Pu. At the residence of Mrs. Fraker, in Shirleysburg,.Dee., 31st, by Rev. S. A. °reveling, Mr. Ansm INETER, of Three Springs, and -Miss SIAUX DRAKE, of blirleysburg. On the °veiling of the 24th of Dec. 1867, at the rdsidenee of Mr. Solomon Rough, by Rity. J 13rfids, Mr. Wm. Pr- PER, to Miss MOLLIE F. MITCHRRL,both of Alexandria, Pennsylvania. Dec. 31st, al the M. E Parsonage, in Petersburg, by the same, Mr. AMOS KELLER, to Miss KATE E. SNYDER. At the same time, and same place. by the same, Mr. JonN HCiOMYER, and Miss MARY SNYDER, all of Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania. 'Dec. 26th., 1867, by Rev. James Brads, Mr. Wm. Ross, of Centre Co , to Afiga MARY MYTON, of Mooresville. Huntingdon Same day, by the same, Mr. J. II FRIDAY, of Osceola Mills, Clearfield Co to M isslIANNAtt Bitvfaux,near Moores vine. • Dec. 29th, 1597, at Bayne, by the same, Mr. WM. WItAItTON, to Miss ELIZ ABETH-IRVIN, both of this County. At the residence of the bride, in Al. Rfnyille, on the 9th of-D?c. ember, 1897 by Rev. J. M. Steek, Mr. Ron'T. IluEy of Huntingdon county, to Miss Fdaz.l J. WHEILER. Dec. 17th. 1867, near Wilsontown by. Rev. R. L. McCune, Capt. J. C. 11 Ilamr,•roN, and Miss Lizziii A. WILSON all of Huntingdon county, Pa. On the 10th inst., by Rev. George W. Zahnizer, MV. JAS. GILT ND, to Miss MADOARETTA MORISON, both of Huntingdon county, Pa., On the 24th inst , by the same, Mr JAB. O'NElr,of Canoe Valley,Pa to Miss TAME A.. LLOYD, of Coffee Run, Pa. On Christmas morning, by Rev. J. W. Lovc,_Alr. J. 1). AURANDT, to Miss KATE KEdErt, both or Canoe valley, Blair county, Pa. DIED, In this borough, on Monday, Dec. 23d., 1867,•ANNIR MARY CARMON, aged 2 years. 7 mouths and 4 days. On December 24th, 1807, in North Ilendersen, Mercer county, 111., of con sumption, Mr. JNO. ALLISON, • formerly of Henderson township, Huntingdon county, Pa., aged about 40 years. At the same place and of the same disease, on December 26th, Miss MAR THA B. Ar.msosr, daughter of John Al lison, aged 16 years. On the 18th of October, 1867, at the residence of his father, in Stone Val. ley, Hunt. Co., Isaac, son of Jona than W. hough, aged 20 years and 8 days. MARKETS. = PHILADELPHIA, Jxn. 6, 1867 Puma fine floor nt 5.0005,25 oxtm nt 4.10(it1I fancy extra family $11(a)12, and Pennsylvania family sl2.7b@ 13,00, and fancy Maud, $12,7:1E 9 '1400 asccordinz, to quality Ityc fluor $ll,OO. Prime W heat is scarce hem Choice rod at $25002.00 aline 52,1002,20. By° nt $1,68g.1,69. - Corn 1,42 to 1,42 Oats at 78c. Barley malt at $1,65. CluverseNl $i 25(x18,00 °remitting to quality; Timothy at $2,406,2,65; k lavwed szsug2,su per bushel. Pint:Tatman, Jan. 6 --Plour.—Thero is a local &wind NVo quote sales of spring a licat Hour at $ 1 0.75@10,75, a Inter Flour nt $11,506)112.25 Luny at $13412,75. brat. winter.s2,so@2.ss and No. 1 sin jag .f.2,60,@2,62 Corn from first hands at'Sl,oo. Rye. $1.50 per bushel. Oats 08070 e; Barley 1.60(a)51,65. Shoulders, 12c; aides 134 , •; limua lhtor, Lard 1334 c. Cases. Jan. o—Floe dull spring eaten $9.15®9,50. Winter. $8,6069.50. Spring Wheat is at $1,5601,72. Corn 1,00. Oats, 6.lcts. FINANCIAL, NEW YOrtli . ..7:111. cloaed at $1,33. lIIINTINGDON MARKETS. CORRECTED WEEILLY Ily HENRY k CO I= Superfine Flour. 5000 Egg', ^b Warm 0100 r, old lo.li' Felthorgr lh 80 Family Nloor 12 20 klomoued $2,00 Hod Wheat ' 2,24 flops - if% ...... ........... -40 White Wheat,... 210 1111t11, atuokcji 20 Applo Better il g0110u...1,22 flay '-0 too MOO Bork per cord 8,00 ~erd 12 , 4 li. rlvy 1,00 Large 011i1,115 // NM 7o . ... ... .... But te:e .. . .. 115:51Pi;,1 Chop ' ... , ..6 Buckwheat 1,00 Onto 130 IMO:w M 4 heat Meal ven .4.00 Potion. V los 100 Bias V owl • 1 'Ai Plastet per ton . 10,00 Brooms 'p dwt. 3,00®4,00; Bags Vlb 4 13reswax V lb 20 ;Rye 1 ^5 Beans V bun 20(11170 Chop ' cwt 2,50 Clovorseed . 0 04 th....... 6,59; nye Straw VI bundle..... .10 Chickens 25 Shorts V Cwt 1,51.1 Country Socip 10, Shoulder 12 Corn • 31,00 Sides 15 Corn Meal In cwt..— ..... .2,2, follow to @l2 Dried Applue h°bu 2,00 Timothy . 00 Dried Cherries 11 quart..,.l2 Torkeys 31 lb 10 Dried Peaches Vlb 11 Wool - 0 lb 35 Drial Ileuf '0 l'ork 14 IA q Beer 3i lb AlilawiCcal V lon $7,00 Broad Top V ton $2,00 5-92,501 "2 STRAY STEEDS. Came to the premises of the subscriber, lirhig in rod townehip. Huntingdon county. two litre). STIMIS. One is a red yearling mdley. and no mark on the ears; tho other le tiro years and a half old, chiefly white, his bend and neck red. largo borne and abort tail, and on mark on the ears. The owner is requested i 4 come for ward, prove propel ty, pay charges, and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. ISAAC Mel lc. toci tsp., Del. 4, ISE. SALES MRIORSON'S COVE FARM FOR SALE. This taint is situated on Piney Cued . , ab,nt four miles from Williamsburg, adjoining Furnace 'troll arty. It contains 165 ACRES, of which about 23 acres is young clisstunt timber, all nndar good tenet. The lin pl ovements are a find class BARN, neatly new, with Wagon Shed. Cot n et it, Le.; n stone DWELLING oleo now; log Dwelling, large and well soloctwl Orchard, etc ;Mc. Theta 6 an abundant supply of crater by means of ea parlous cisterns which in seven years exporienee hare never failed In furnishing all the water required; also by the creek which bounds the farm. Further partiotlais mad be bad on application to the nilerAgned, re.iding in Huntingdon. llontingtlm, Nor. 13, 1867 FARM FOR SALE. rr"r. undersigned offers a Farm for sale, being n p srt of the one he resides on in Hon tingdon Conic. about ono toile west of the town of Or bisouin situated on the Anghnick Creek, contninfng about 125 acres; about 70 acres cleared and In it good State or cultivation, with onod two store log house, and 1111 masonry work of a ' hank burn. Also ne,olct apple mehard (130 trees of sole t vat', o a good Mtn a t , , colt ore. Tho cleared land let good limbic, bottom land of one tstern slope. TERMS—One thon , and dollars on confirmation of soh, the 1..01mm in two equal annual pal 'neon with iiiturnst becured by bond and mortgage. A goad title ndi be gle. en and 11164000 n 011 the hint 1103' of April next. CV•For further particulars apply to the sub.eriber on Ito premises. JOIIN II 2111:NEFELT, (Jct. 9, 1807. CUIERIFF'S SALES.—By virtue of wilts of Lee. Fa. and Vend, Expo. directed to me I n ill exp..° to public sale or outcry. at Ito Court Hauge, In the Botough of Iloototgdon. no MONDAY. thu 120 of JANUARY, UsfS , of 2 o'clock, I'. M., the fonowing described property to oil: A. tract of unseated land' situate in in Crr,nwoll township. Huntingdon county, 'Adjoining . lands of Tholll4. K. OrbkoniA, Browst r'a heirs. Butler's improvement, and °then+, containing 100 acres, more or ?Aso, n trait of unseated land situate in Cromwell fp, county nfolevaid, adjoining Innun of Brewstsr's heirs, --.4c.Cortuglty, and o[ll,ll, lOU fovea, MUM or less. Al so. n !rut of unseated land, situate in Om toe” .hlp. county aforembl, adjoining Abram Tnyle: and Joe. MA • .71, Colttniillnr.,6l gee 04, 1110r0 or loot. 1111.80, It tract of un9.,tied land sitnato to Cnas too nehlp. doubly aforesaid, adjoining lauds of Abram Taylor, Joe. Stever, and others containing 34 acres. more or free. Also, n tract of unstinted Into! , itu ate In Coin totaniltip, conn.y aforesaid, adjoining lands of Samuel IL Green nod Aln am Taylor, containing 25 terra, more or lasi. ALSO, a [tact of moatate.l land situate to Coq, toatnAtin, county aforrattitl, adjoining Maonaugh) , l ittsproventunt, Laos S 31cYllty, awl utitare, euntoinini, so., mon or loos. ALSO, a tract of rult'vato4l Dual shoats in Ca. town. ship, county arm ebald adjoining lands of Elijah Sonora and Abram Taylor, cont,ining I acre and 02 perche, (no buildings) brazed, t.Lkon in exeunt on, and to bo sold as the Nolan ty of Henry TS) lot. Also—AU Ow, building located on a lot of ground situate in Won joists.. k Thwnsb p. Huntingdon Comity, fronting on the tionth side of the Tontine road leading froin linntingdon Forbes° to War riot-smirk, ono Immirod and so nuts-tiro teat, the sold lot being a triangle and the other two olden being about 200 feet each, bounded on the east by lands of Archibald Ilnichi-on. and On the west or South-west by lot of Mary Matthea Ilutchnion. The said building is it two storied flame dwelling house. weather bolo dad outside and plus. (prod inside, with :Mingle loot. being 22 by 20 toot. in Bice, the first story being 7 . 1 , feet high, ant the wood ntory ti;xi feet high, titan rowan on thalirst floor Hll4 four rooms on the second floor, the ground covered by said building nail so much other groanil iminediAtely adja cent that eto no nmy ha lieges my for the ordinaiy and useful purposes of the same. Seized, taken in execution sod to be sold as the property or Sarah Puttonon, satin tens unpleaded with John Patterson her husband. NOTICZ TO PUROOMMI9.-131dders at Sheriff's Sales will take notice that immediately upon the property being knocked down, fifty per cent. of elf bide under .$lOO. and twenty-five per cent. of all bids over !bait auto, must be paid to the Sheriff: or the property will be set op again and sold to other bidden who will comply in ida the above term,. If court continues two weeks deer acknowledged on Wednesday of second week. One week's court, propel ty knocked down on Monday and deed acknowledged on the following daturday. BA.TIIURST, Sheriff. SIIERIFI'I9 OFFICE, Ilktritingtion, Dee. 18, 1867.1 REAL ESTATE AGENCY. THE undersigned have established I an Agency in the Borough of • HUNTINGDON, PA., For the purchase and sale of all hinds of REAL ESTATE, Anil will give prompt nttentieu In the sale and lotting of liens., Farm% Building Lots. and all other Real Estate business entrusted to their care. FOR SALE A convenient and well finished DWELLING In Welt Huntingdon; pleat:wily eituatoil; a well of good cantor on tho premises; a covered pomp, and other COUVUDI1:11. A 11:M180111C RESIDWE in the Borough of Hunting doli, conveniently located hi a central portion of tho town. Also a tmkatory frame DWELLING; Price, $6OO Persons desiring to purultaw, sell, or rant, will addrets or apply in porson, to MILLER & ARMITAGE, Office opposite tint Court MusD, decl3 Huntingdon, Pa. SILVER'S WASH POWDER ! SAVES TLI7E, LABOR, MONEY. Makes Washing a Pastime and Mon day a Festival. SOLD EVERYWHERE. TRY IT! A ddrem all orders to the Manufacturers ZIEGLER 4t. Chemists and Whalaah Dragguts, n0w.27.1y N 0.137 Nth. Third Street, Philltd'a ISAAC K. STAUFFER,&, WATCHMAREP, and JEWELER, No. 148 lotto 2A Street, corner of Qiiarrk, =I An APEOr t went of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plattal Waro eaustantly an hand. SUITABLE FOR 110LIDA3 EBEREIITS Zilonepatflog rtf Watclten and So welry promptly at tended to. n0v.774.). Rii--31STag\VATTS0_\ 'I'.AKE pleasure. in annul:icing to the d0z.,,,,r tlntwlnplon county anti vicinity that they have !tot rpturtnal from the East with a LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they love Just opened out at their new store. ONE noon EAST OF THE WASUINGTON HOTEL Thar stock consists of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HATS AN]) CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, G ROCERIES, FLOUR AND FEED, _ TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANNED FRUITS, HARDWARE, CEDAR'-'WARE, QUEENSWARE,. OIL CLOTHS, OILS, PAINTS, &C, DRUGS, CARPETS, CARPET CHAIN, - FISH, SALT, CHEESE, TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, &c. &c. 'rimy lone a large stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, ConelbiDv.; of SILKS. MOIIAIRS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, LUSTREd, OINDOAdIS, MERINOS, wan's, DE LA INES, de., ke„ Bee. Alen, a !Argo as aco talent of DRESS TRIMMINGS ; EMBROIDE RY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, BUTTONS, &e. A FULL LINE OF WRITE GOODS 1=1! All good,' delivered to residences In town and depots. bro of charge. Give us a trial befere purchasing, elsewhere ITuntlugl•m, April 2., Ifiti By Canal & Railroad. We Are now receiving by Ca nal and Railroad from the east ern and _western cities, DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Of every description, B. It. IIItYAN CARPETS, OIL-CLOTHS, FLOUR, PEED, r Ti i®x.9 0 C:1.A..1..Ai. Anthracite, Pittsburgh, and Broad Top Coal for sale by the Cart or Boat load. . LUMBER. Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plas tering Lath, in large or small quantities. Nails and Bar ron,_at manu facturers' prices. HENRY & Ca., je2G Huntingdon, Pa. ~~ ~~. Choice GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED Also, Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, Peas and Corn Also, Spired Lohßter. Oysters, Chow chow, Froverstorshiro sillier, Freech horse radish, Pepper game, Gait bop, Olive Oil, , and All kinds of Syrup; each as at t am - berry, pineapple, blackberry, at CALL AND SEE. MEDICAL TiLI;CTRIGITY DR, WILLIAM BREWSTER, IVI'CONNELLSTOWN, PA. laFor the benefit of those iwripoelitg to undertoke Electrical treatment for diseases WO give iu the following list a few of tho more prominent ant most common complaints met with in our prac tice, in all of which we ate most sumessful. Is !snuff ALL CASES or unnosito DISEA°E, ELECTRIC:- ETY IS A SURE REMEDY, AND IN ALL CASES BENEFICIAL. IP PROPEELY APPLIED. Theft', thetefofe, afflicted with complaints not here enumerated, treed have no hesitation io applying,and whether dnly RELIEF, OF a PERMANENT CURE Can .he effected, they will receive replies lACCOFilillgiy. MI colutdonkatidhe lice. 1 Eprepsy, Charon, St. Vitirs'llance, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita tion of the Ileart,Lo'clt-Jaw, etc. T 2 F.ore Throat, Dyspepsin.Diarrlima, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, 11 enrorrhclil., or Piles, Bilious, flatulent, and Painior's Colic, and all al:Wetlyea of tho Liver and Spleen. 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (whets not ranstd by oi genic disease of the heart.) Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Rheumatism the Chest. Consumption In the early esprit. 4 (trarol, Diabetes, and Kipney Cordpialnin. S Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago. Stiff A / ck. Spinal Diseases, 111)1 Diseases. CAncers, Tu mors (thoso last named al WAYs cured with out pain, or ctittlng. or plasters In any (ores) Ina word, too prelim)e tb cure all curable dis eases. Wo have no coanettlon whatever with any other:Electrical nffiee is this or any other county. All letters address to WM. BREWSTER, M. H, MeCennelletown, re. IMMI3 ger New Styles of Wall Paper for 1868, now arriving at Lewis' Book Store. I= El 0 Of all kinds THE PLAC E Mil NEW AND CHEAP GOODS FOR PALI. AND WINTER. W.VARCII ht BRO. Respectfully Inform tho public generally that they hare just received a large and splendid /Wok of goods Mf their store In Iluntlngdon, crnsfollng In part df SILKS, • , DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, BOOTS &-SHOES, HATS, CAPS, 'TINWARE, - LADIES' TANGY HOOP SKIRTS,BoNNErs, BUTTONS, WOOD. AND WILLOW TV A It J, QU EENS WAR E, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, GROCERIES, CRACKERS, NOTIONS, TOBACCO, SEGARS, - GLASS, NAILS, FISH, SALT, &o. Also ; CARPETS and 01L.C1,0111, And in fact everything that Is usually kept in a ilratclaps store, all Which were bought low for =eh and wilt sold at correspondingly lo* prices Ere cash, or Country produce. and rsqUent the 'allis to give Re n call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisged tie fail Offer en:Te ller inducements to cash buyers. - We respectfully solicit the petionage of all. MO the public are cordially invited to examine cur goads.. Everything taken in exchange for goods except prom'- s:a. I= linnting,lon, oc 9, 1867 REAL) QUARTERS Pon NEW GOODS D. P. CWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED SPLENDID STOOK of NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE BEAT CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY COME AND SEE Huntingdon, October 0, '67 AOLLEWIS, LENTnEt's NEW BUILDING, .3E-3Eurctizaacicork, DPEt. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN FOTEN a DOESTIC DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, snorts, HATS, CAPS, CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, QIIHEINSWAHH AND GROCERIES REMEMBER 1 . This is the Store, Where Goods are Sold CHEAP. July 17, 'O7-11. NOTICE TO ALL. HILL STREET MARKET, OTrosTIE TITS FiRSTICATIONAG liAlkiK 1) G. MORMSOI4 tespeetrully in forms the citizens of llnntinkdon and vicinity that cc continues the meat market kindness in nit its Va rious branches, and will keep constantly on baud Fresh Beer, Park, Pudding and Arnisngs. Fait Beef and Pork, Canned Freit aird Vegetables, Spices of all kinds, Citsups and Sauces, Teas, fignin3, Cheese, Salt, Lard, 3c, &e., All of which he will continue to sell at reasenable prices The highest prices paid for hides and tallow. Thomas Colder, at Alexandria. and March & Bro., at Coffee Run, are my agents 'to purchase at then. phioci. Thankful for post patronage, I solicit a continuance, of the some. R. O. MORRISON% Huntingdon, Oct. 30, ISO 7. IMPROVEMENT IS MOAT ! We lake pleasure In ptittleg belbre the public a e BIP for burning fat, lard or tallow, *ldeb is sitparlot to any of the blurt ever Introduced. It differs from all others, as it does not require the fot to be melted before lighting. It heats the fat by a topper pipe. ivhtele con due the heat tinder the fat and motto iv immediately. Thousands of the lamps hare been Sold and no esen. plaints have been made. All Lantos warranted to glee general satisfaction, or the money tellinded. A rare opportunity is offered to any persoti or persona Ileit may Irish to engage n the bbsiltetts: fiffetirsodoss end Niftlin counties will be Bold In townships at reason ; able terms to suit purchasers. A loofa lamp will be forwarded to any person on receipt of retail price, $1,60, end fore arded at my espertße. Will either sell territory or PAY agents by the day or piece. Agontb aro Making from $5 to $l5 per day, for they 801 l WY fag. They ate what every potion needs. All letters will receive prompt iliteutlon, filitircas or coil ors D. TrALFIRII. Airy IMTo, ITuntlngdnn cranny, res. .01F-Earsi, may be seen at the Franklin House In Hrint linkrakm linglsee MIII Creek, nud at Ike hotel nCas.vdle. nelft•ll GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS. Mothers, am on oppressed with nnxlety for your llttio nnoll Are ygllr itltimhorn and heßrte brot.n th.jr cries? you Batlike In the morning tin:refreshed and ap prehend, of Iran, procure at once n nottle of Dr. Leon's Infant .Itrinntly aitnt you will hare uo rare treaty hours of warchlng and anilety. DR: LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, lfaa sto'dd the teat of years. Thailand+ of mimes and inothersbear ivitoeu that It clover fang to give relief it tiled in Reagan. It lea mild, yet gore and speedy care for Colic. Cramp, and Windy Paint, and is invaluable tor all complain to Incident to Toethtug. - • • -• Sold by Drugglets ihrougliont the Vatted States. Ad dross all orders to ZIEGLER & SMUT. SOLE! PHOPRIATORS. No. 137 Nth. Third Streot. l'hilturk, EEO WINDOW CURTAIN PAPERS, A LARG.E 7'061( AND SPLENDID A SSOTITM EN T OF Window Curtain Papers, JUST RECEIVED AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE,, ri ROUND &LUX!. AND BATIK& irSALT at CCW2C6I(4 4r (.7.4Rstawf- D. P. Gvnrt,