The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 25, 1867, Image 2

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Wednesday morning, Dec. 25, 1867.
HuGH , Lisps , A7y, IiNDITORS
llAttry WINTER ON, THE Pooß —ln
every direction we hear of iron works,
cotton factories and - woolen mills stop
ping Work,': . throw;itig thousands of
bitnds out of
General Grant is too great a smo
ker himself ; to smoked Out by the
',Tho 'leading Radicals at
'lVAsliington; l --thoso who.eontend that
liepablicanistn means negro political
rights:6 tl,e fullest extent—are watch
;ing'_the General closely;, oat!' they say
'that they,havenot yet been able to
'dieeever,:bY any word. or act of his,
that he is in favor of their radicalism.
;.As:the.General'' has Stood, and 'now
- stand's', the:pp4le. ate very willing : to
accept him - -1.1.6 - cannot be claimed as
a,Candidate of any. one party.- Hellas
:not committed himself' as a partisan
eitliei the'Republiean' . or D,emoera
-- ,
"tie parties, and: we would not bo sur
prised, if thelhinoeratie National Con
f-vention would be the'first to nominate
• hiM. • If:General Grant Should be elec
ted,' wo believe:he would act indeperid
omi of the influence, of the party load
,ers ,ot the prominent parties now in
existence, and , in so acting he could
not - fail-to give:almost universal suds
faCtion kind speettily.restore our coups
;try to peace and prosperiti . . The re
form the General has already :intro
-thieed into the' War Department since
removal of -Stanton, would, be Of
',itself enough to, . popular
-with thepeOple, And we have no doubt
ho will continue intlegood'work,even
- sheald the opposition'to it be streigth
,:ened by the influence of politicians
_hanging.: around.
-GratkLis;no party man, he has• no par
ty 'frietids vtd re ward or , party 'enemies
to,punisli..TParty names ,are nothing,
, - everYthing, with
_Grant. .
~ . •
Important Railroad Suit.
it suit
,itozolving questions
•ant both to-the public aneto railroad
Mpa ni es, h hs; recently - •boon tried in
Cambria county, and is noticed in all
ilie;Johnstown'and Eberisbn4,neWs
:papers: •It will' be remembered that
?upon ths occasion of President John
iitOjourney from Pittsburgh to Ifar
joiabtirg a very larmO crowd of persons
assembled:at the .station of the pcnn
-sylvaniii Johnstown. The
platforM nt 'that! station 'consisted in
iDfa,,c ! . .u*il, bridge cictending (ATM
A na about, twOntY feet abovethe' *for
. met; bed,of.the canal., The train upon
'its arrival drew past the usual place
of stopping so that the President could
_addreSS the people-from the rear plat
6form Of the hindmost car. The' crowd
`rushed after the cars, and upon that
:4 - ortion :of the - : ; PlattorM - over' thO old
Under , this ,pressure it- gavo
•way,"and some three :or fonr 'hundred
people were injured'by thefull; save.
• •
ral:were killed, and many permanently
injured. ome two un red suits. Were
brought against the'railroad company
'by the injured parties to recover clam
andtheir aggregate claims would
-- exceed ofdi:ilium — The case
-. tried Ivas : Pavisi qiiijs against the
:Pennsylvania Railroad' Company, and
was donSidored a test ease, and oceu
' pied 'all df the speoad . week of the lalo
term Of Court. .Messrs. Johnston,
McGlanghtin wore el:ma
ne: for-the Plaintiffs,% and Messrs. Scott
and Pershing for the Railroad Compa
ny. judge Taylor decided the case
upon, tbeiegal 00136(0 raised in `it,
._arfd.directed a verdict for
,the defend.
ant! - • •
. .
That, we may not misstate the'6ffeet
of I.4s.decision we requested ono of the
,counsel-,to:furnish .us with the, points
rdied;.and are informed that the ease
;ritis`'..ditjposed of in effect upon• the two
fOliowing "pointspreSented hy : llefend.
Amt'fii i couosel, both of whieli, were
trwored. by the Court, viz;
First. That there no evidence
showing that Plaintiff was either a
paisenef Ode Defendant's railroad,
or at their station for the parpese of
-ee,oming.o,ne, or that.ho . Stood in any
• auclvolation at the time . of his alleged
injury-; As to lealioseluiiiin the . .. Defen
d-ant tho discharge of any, duty towards
him, and therefore the verdict must ber
for: the Defendant..
':- Second. A Railroad Company die.
+charges• their duty by. having at their
passenger•station a platform safe and
stifficient for conducting the ordinary
htisineas'of their road, and. the.undis•
puted.evidence offered‘ by both parties
showing that such platform was provi•
'deli at the Johnstown station, and that
•it was broken down by an extraordin
ptq crowd , of persons 'not passengers,
and not there for the purpose of be
coming:passengers, of whom the Plain
tiff was one, ha is not entitled to reco.
ver for any injury sustained by such
accident, and Atm verdict must be for
We:learn from the Cambria papers
that the case'will bo taken to the
premp . Court. If this.deelsion is sus,
tainad there, it will dispose of all the
cases, and give us all to understand
that if we go into large crowds at rail
road stations to gratify curiosity; we
do it at our own risk.
The Philadelphia North American,
(Republican,) thinks that Mr Stanton
has been, materially' damaged by the
President's . Message, giving the rea
cons for suspending him, and express
pB the opinion that his restoration by
the Senate under present eirnumstan,
ces is out of the question. •
of the moat frightful accidents Occur
red on the Lake Shore Railroad near
Angola, above Buffalo, N. Y. on the
18th inst. Thu_ last • car of the Naw
York Express Arain, filled with fifty
passengers, men, women and children,
was thrown over an embankment of
some fifty'or sixty feet and foremost.
A Buffalo paper says :
It is easy to imagine- the frightful
wreck to which the car was reduced
by its terrible descent. All, or nearly
all its passengers, of course,- wore pre
cipitated into a mangled, struggling
mass at the IOWCT end of the car, bur
ied under a heap of ruins, and even
the slightly injured, if any there were,
unable to extricate or help themselves.
The-horror of the situation was sail-
Cient without that which instantly be
came added by the igniting of the
splintorett:wreck from the overturned
Stoves. A moment, as one of the three
sole survivors describes it, and the
whole was wrapped in flames. The
dry wood of the ear burned Lilco a heap
of kindling; and it was little more.
Who can attempt'to depict the un
imaginable horror of the scene that
ensued ? • Nearly fifty human beings
being roasted oithcrin death, or in the
pangs' of dying from horrible. wounds,
or in the full vigor of lifo, buried in an
inextricable position and committed to
the' flames without hope of rescue !
The shrieks, the groans, the impreca
tions—let those who heard them for
got this sido'of eternity if they can.—
now Many the flames devoured in this
car cannot be told with certainty. It
was well filled with passengers, proba
'bly—says ono of the Survivors, not
less than fifty, and only three escaped.
tles..."There is no middle ground be
tween Radicals and Democracy." So
says Forney in his Press of Saturday.
If we are to judge from the opposition
of the Radicals to General Grant, as
their candidate . wo must come to the
conclusion that he occupies the midde
ground—and further, it' is universally
agreed that , the people occupied ••the
middle ground in the results of the fall
elections. -If what Forney says is true,
then* those Republicans, who are oppo
sedt,O negro political equality must
gO over to another extreme. * e don't
believe Forney. We believe the mid.
dle ground is General Grant—and just
whore Gen. Grant has stood, and' now
Important from Washington,
The louse took up Thad Stevens'
supplemental reconstruction bill, and
passed it. - The third section, increas
ing Congressional representation in
the South, was stricken out, and the
bill as passed provides that a majority
of those voting on the question shall
call a Convention, hod that Congress
men shall be voted for vclhen the people
vote on 'ratifying the new Constitu
tion. ' -
In the debate, Mr. Brook; of Now
York, spoke an iir in drawitig his
torical parallels between the negro and
white race, and declared that this was
the last time on which he expected to
'speak before a white audience on the
floor of House, for he said in a few
weeks negroes would come down from
the galleries and be representatives in
Thad 'Stevens replied in a ten min
ute's' speech, in which be offered to put
Fred Douglass and
,Langston against
* Brooks for the thampionship of the
United States. All of the Republican
Members'gathered around Mr. Stevens
during his remarks.
Dec. 21.-:---lutimations arc held out
in the evening papers that a move
ment is on foot among , the Southern
radicals to get up another Presidential
Convention, on : the ground , that the
Southern States will not ho represent
ed in thingress by the 20th of May and
that, therefore, they will be unable to
send delegates to the Chicago Conven
tion. , The new movement is repre
sented' as ining in the interest of
Judge Chase.
[The financial question was discuss
ed for.for two or three days without
coming to any definite action.
Congress adjourned on the 20th to
tho po -of January.]
The Washington correspondent of
the Philadelphia Ledger says: ,As
'matter of newsrof general; interest, the
the fact may be stated • Wat dome of
the . more prominent Democrats here
are urging the National Executive
Committee to issue•the foralre De
moci'atie Convention to nominate ean
didates'forPresident. and •Yiee!Presi
dent, so as - to make it precede that of
the Republidans at Chicago; and from
'what I learn to-day; it is safe to say
that the request will be taken into fa•
vorable consideration. Such it Proceed
ing, it is thought by those who favorit,
would boa , good .stroke of policy, es=
pecially if the Convention should nom
inate Grant. In' that case it is argued
the wind - would be..completely takerx.
ont of the Republican sails, as that
party would•then have no available
candidate of their own to fall back
fts.Those of our patrons who gav - e
us a friendly call during the past two
weeks in , response to our requests, will
please accept our , thanks. We expect
to hoar from all soon who have or may
receive "tickets." Those who may not
reeeiVe"tiakets,"and know themselves
to be indebted, will also please give us
a call.
A Happy Christmas azal New Year to All
Wo wish all our patrons, great and
small:rich and poor, Democrat, Repub
lican, Radical, Conservative, &e., Sm.,
&c., and the rest of mankind, all a
happy time during the Holidays.
er.Williare Edward Hutchinson,
wbo for some years has been the pub
lisher of the Ebensburg Alleghanian,
died in Ebensburg, on the 19th inst.,
in the 20th year of his age. He was a
promising young man, and his loss is
sorely felt in that community. •
It is skid the Committee on Ways
and Dictum Ind that the Government
ought to receive as Whisky tax $305,-
573,400, whereas the actual receipts
wore only . $28,000,000 : Estimating
the product from the.chpacity of the
stills in operation, the Government
ought to have received R 1,260,000,000.
Opinions of the Press,
Thecoming Politioal Revolution at Home
[From Tito New ]orkliertild,, • (lndopentlent Republican.)
It is clear thWilaU'Republicans still
remain . resolved upon carrying out
their reconstruction policy at the South
and will persist in their efforts to bring
the Southern States back into the Un
ion under the political control of - the
brutalized and ignorant negro popula r
Lion, in order that they may add to
the strength of their party in the ap :
proaching Presidential election. . -
Under these circumstances wo pre
dict the culmination in November next
of the political revolution of which we
have already felt the first shock. Prom
all the-s3mptotnsqlfat.Surround us it
is easy to foresee - that the violence anti,
folly of Congress, in forcing upon the
country a policy entirely foreign to
our institutions, and in conflict with
all our ideas of freedom, 'justice,' and
generosity, will .unite the people upon
the Democratic and Conservative nom
inee for the next Presidency, and that
he will be elected by wiarge majority.
The radicals may hope to save them
selves by calling to their aid the gerat
name of General Grant; but if that
distinguished military leader should
accept a nomination upon the African
supremacy platform of the present
Congress,ho will bo defeated at the polls
as easily as Chase or any other candi
date , would be. The principles that
agitate the country at the• present time
are strongenthan men, and no person
al popularity can for an instant blind
the oyes of the people to the impor
tance of the issue. 'The reconstruc
tion policy to which the radical 'party
promises to adhere is an atrocious out
rage upon civilized _society. It de
grades the white race, and, by giving
political power into the uncontrolled
possession of hundreds- of thousands
of ignorant and debased negroes,breaks
down all the safeguards of society, ob
literates the progress of half a century,
reduces ten!Statea of the Union .to
condition of African barbarism', and
demoralizes the national Government.
It is against this policy that the, peo
ple will record-their votes, end it is to
save the country from those evils that
they will defeat the radical Presiden
tial candidate, next fall, whoever he
may be. •
We do.not believe that Gon. Grant
will consent to represent such a party
or such a policy in,-the important can
vass of next year... He is shrewd and
sagacious, and as he begins to•compre
bend the corning revolution he is indi
cating through his nearest friends his
unwillingness to stand upon such a
platform as the radicals are preparing
for him. In this• ho, is
.right. The
election of 1868 would.ho but a repoti•
tion of that of 1852, although ,on-,a
broader and grander scale. .Seott, a
popular and renowned soldier, was d -
ruated by tho'filmoat , nolid-vote-of—the
Union—four States only casting their
electorial vote for him, although . his
opponent.was a• New Etampshire non
entity, unfit for the position, without
any political reputation in his t own
State, and unknown to • the country.
The overthrow of the radical negro
supremacy candidate next year will
be as complete as that of the Whig
nominee in 1852. It is to be hoped
that General Grant may, be spared the
pain of such a defeat, and the conser
vatives and Democrats'may put before
the country- a more desirable man
than poor Pierce. In proportion as
their success is assured they owe it to
the nation to present none but a pa
triot and statesman for the suffrages
of-the people.
'General Hancock
[Ft um The New York Mee]
The prudence and patriotism with
which General Hancock is administer
ing the affairs of his department attest
the wisdom of- President Johnson in
displacing his predecessor. General
Grant's intemperate remonstrance was
more creditable to the, fidelity of his
friendship than to the soundness of his
judgment. While Sheridan was in.
command the department was never
quiet. That meddlesome officer re
sembled the unfortunate people who
never have good neighbors. Ho found
himself under a constant necessity, of
doing strong acts; and the, protests
against his removal assumed that the
department Nt'as so full of turbulent,
mutinous spirits that only his vigor
ous hand could hold them in subjec
tion. But when ho
: left, the rebellious
spirits seemed to depart with him, as
the peace of a neighborhood is restor
ed when the unfortunate .family .that
always has bad neighbors moves away
General Sheridan's removal, which it '
was assorted, before it
_took place,
would make him the next President,
is much more _ likely to_ confer that
honor upon his successor, if General
Hancock continues to evince the con
summate elvil, • prudence. lie - has thus
far exhibited.
• It bids fair'`th place
him among the small number from
whom the Democratic candidate will
be selected, while Sheridan's supposed
claims have gone into a total eclipse.
For our part, we hope that, a states.'
man of large civil experience may be
run by both parties. We are not like
ly to need military abilities; or if we.
should, the Presidential mansion is not
a fit place for the headquarters of a
fighting army. Great measures of civ
il ,policy and administrative reform
should stand in the foreground under
the next . President.' There, is no fit
ness in choosing a more, military man
to discharge duties requiring 'great
civil experience. But if the Republi
cans attempt to Away the canvass by
the eclat of a, military name, it may
be expedient to neutralize the effort
by putting a popular name into the
other scale. If this necessity should
be 'forced upon us, an accidental ad
ilantage may result from the Republi
can reconstruction scheme by afford
ding a field to test the civil capacity
of one of our most admired and merit
orious soldierS,
The standing electioneering calumny
of the Republicans, that every man
who disapproves of their negro policy
is a Rebel at heart, recoils against its
authers when levelled at so bright a
reputation as General Hancock's. For
loyalty, gallantly, zeal, services, ac
tivity, and the solid value of his ser
vices, there was no officer in-the Union
army, who, with equal opportunities,
left so shining a record. If he had,ever
had a separate command, he might
have acted a more prominent, but ho
could not easily have acted a more
brilliant part.
rk....-14,Saturday last was the shortest
day. The days are'rlow lengthening.
General Grant's Letter,
The Speaker laid before, the House
to-day -about one hundred pages of
written foolscap -correspondeace rela
ting to the removal of Secretary Stan
ton and GeLerals Sheridan and Sick
les, in accordance with-the reesolutien
of tho House. The fidlowing is tho
celebrated private letter wKitteo by
General Grant, which isamong the pa
pers, and is now published for the first
time :
lleadquarlers of the Armies of U. S. 1
Wilshington, D. C., Aug. 1, 1.867.
ilia Excellency Andrew Johnson, VrOfo
Went of the United States.
' Sin take the liberty of address
ing you privately on the subject of the
conversation we had Ibis morning, feel
ing as I do, the great dangeir to the
welfare of the country should you car
ry out the designs their expressed.
First, on the subject of • the displace
ment of tho• Secretary of War. His
removal cannot be effected againt his
the consent of the Senate.
It is but a SilOrtp time since t,ho United
States Senate was in session, and why
novtlien have asked for his removal if
it was desired? It certainly was the
intention of the legislative branch of
the Government to place:Cabinet min
isters boytind the power of Executive
removal, and it is pretty well under
stood that, so far as Cabinet ministers
are : affected by the Tenure of Office
Bill, it was intended especially to pro
tect the Secretary of War, Whom 'the
country felt groat confidence in. The
meaning of the law may be explained
away by an astute lawyer, but com
mon sense and the views of loyal peo
ple will give to it the effect intended
by its•framers. -
Second : On the subject of the remo
val of the very able commander of. the
Fifth Military•distriet, let me ask you
to consider the effect: it would have
upon the public. Ho is universally
and devotedly believed by the people
who sustained this govern ment through
its trials, and feared by those who
would still be the enemies of the gov
ernment. 'lt fell to the lot of but few do as much 'against an armed
enemy as General Sheridan did during
the rebellion; and it is within the scope
of the ability of but few in this or:any
other country to do what he has.
• His civil administration has given
satisfaction. lle has had dif4.-
culties to contend with which no other
district commander has encountered.
Almost, if ,uot„quito, from the,
was appointed district •commander,,to
the present time ; the press has given
out that ,he was to be removed, and
that the administration was dissatisfied
with him. This has emboldened the
opponents to. the laws of Congress
within his command, to oppose him in
every way in their power, and has_
dleved—neeessa-m-s-m easionw- - ..%Thfuli
otherwise may never have been nec
In conclusion, allow me to' say as a
friend desiring peace and quiet, the
welfare of, the whole country, North
and South, that it is in my opinion,
more than the loyal people of the coun
try, I mean those who supported the
government during the great rebellion,
will quietly submit to, to see the very
man, of all others, whom they have
expressed confidence in, removed. I
would not have taken the liberty of
addressing tho executive of the United
Slates thus but for the' conversation
on the subject alluded to in this letter,
and from a sense of duty, and feel
ing that. I know I am right ,in this
With great respect,. your obedient
servant. U. S. GRANT, General.
At the Limo the removals were made
it was feared they. would seriously de
range reconstruction and create confu
sion in the management of the War
Department, buttho change in the War
Department has saved to the country
hundreds of thousands of dollars, and
reconstruction goes on as satisfactorily
now as then.
• The Philadelphia Post, Radical,
speaking of Gen Grantle_letter says :
"\Ve rejoice in this letter, so manly
and straightforward, with its- ringing
words at the end—"l know that I am
right?' And if Gen. Grant was right
four months ago, on the questions with
which the letter deals, we believe that
he is not wrong now. , But it will not
do to assume that the obedience of a
citizen to the laws, the loyalty and the
courage of a soldier,,mean necessarily
the Radicalism of a Presidential candi•
date: ll9nor the men- who faithfully
execute the laws of their country iu
spirit as well as letter.. Honor Sheri
dan fir what.ho, did . in New Orleans,
but, do not forget that Sheridan him
self has said—"if a Democratic Con
gress had made the laws, I should have
earried them .out as earnestly." As
the General of the'Army, Grant is firm
in the faith that the last embers of re
bellion must he trampled out in the
South. He sustained Sheridan in re•
moval of rebels from office, and recom
mended, in strong language, that Mar
tial laW should be declared in Texas.
But in, none Of these letters do we find
his Republicanism affirmed. We do
not yet know whethdr he would stand
upon a Radical platform, That he is
bravo and loyal we.. knew well before
these letters were given to the public,
but some thing more than this is need
ed to satisfy Radical Republicans be
fore they.endorse his
,nomination for
the Presidency. There are loyal men
in all parties, but the Repuplican party
is pledged to elect a Republican."
Sa r cramental IVlne
A pure and unintoxieating ' wine,
prepared from the finest native grown
Port Grapes, especially for tho use of
Christian churches,
and guaranteed to
retain Its grateful flavor and essential
qualities unimpaired for any period, by
A. Spe'er, Passaic, N. J., and 208 Broad
way, New York.
Our druggists have soma that is four
years old.
More First Fremiums
Race been awarded to Fairbanks
Standard Scales, than to .all others
combined. Tho opinion of the world
in their favor was confirmed by their
receiving the highest premiums at the
Paris Exposition.,
It is reported that severe distress
among the whites and negroes of the
South, especially the latter, is antici
pated during the winter. The freed
men nro being discharged in large
numbers by their employers on ac
count of a scarcity of food and means,
and starvation, in ninny instances, is
actual)) , at the - doors of both whites
and taachis.-•
Teachers' Conventimi,
The Huntingdon County Teachers'
Institato, assembled pursuant to pub
lic notice, in one of the public school
rooms,on Tuesdaylast, at 2 o'clock P.M.
The meeting was called to order by
Superintendent Tnssey. Prayer was
offered by Prof. A. L. Gust+, of Cass
vine. A. li. Kauffman was appointed
Secretary in chief, with J. S. White,
and 8.. H. Swoope, assistants. After
the enrollment of the teachers present,
a, committee on permanent certificates
was elected as follows : W. 11. Shee
dor, Miss Ellen A. Glazier, P. M. San•
S P ineDiVitt, and Samuel Flom-
The County Superintendent then
introduced to the Convention, W. W.
Woodruff, Esq., County Superinten-
dent of Chester County, who addressed
the teachers on the subject of the im
portance and value of Institutes. His
remarks throughout were well timed
and eminently practical. The Insti
tute then adjourned to meet in the
Court House in the evening.
Eveniny Session.—Met at 7 o'clock.
An Essay was read by A. H. Kauff
man. Subject—"Tbo Teachers' Duty."
S T. Brown, Esq, being introduced,
addressed the Convention on the sub-
ject of teaching, and matters pertaining
to education generally: His remarks
were well timed,, earnest, arid encour
aging, and were received with decided
approbation. Ho •
.concluded' by an
earnest appeal to teachers to be faith
ful in dischargingtheir.duty to others,
while at the same," time educating
themselves that the world might be
the better for their having, lived in it.
Mr. Woodruff folloWed on the same
subject, with some interesting remarks,
containing some very decided hits at
some of the popular errors in the sys
tem of instruction atpresent pursu . ed in
many instances. „
The exercises were opened with pray
erd' by Prof. Guss. , The roll being call-
Mr. Woodruff addressed the Coinyen
tion on the subject of seh,t;ol manlige
=mt.. He urged tho importance' of
teachers making- the acquaintance of
every family in the district:as early as
possible, they securing the friendship
and so-operation of -parents, and also
of securing the confidence of pupils in
their honesty and' willingness to do
Mrs. Shoemaker; of Philadelphia, in
troduced the subject of Elocution 'and
Reading. She spoke of the importance
of proper ventilation,' explained the
mechanism of the' vocal organs, recom•
mending strongly the practice of vocal
The remainder of the morning sos
sion was occupied by Dlr. Woodruff on
the subject of Orthography.
dfterizoon.—Prof. A. S. Manson pre
sented his' method of teaching penman
ship, with his usual ability, 'eliciting
much attention and interest:
Mr. Woodruff, resumed his remarks
on school management. He urged'the
necessity of the teacher being himself,
in order to succeed, and not attempt
ing to imitate others..
Mrs. Shoevakor resumed the subject
of Reading, elucidating her method of
teaching primary classes. She urged
the importance of brovity,and thorough'
mastering of the lessora,.requiring pu
pils to pronounce the words of a sen
tence both for Ward and backward, as
well as off the book.
Evening Session.—An address on the
importance of History as a study, was
delivered by Mr. A. Iti,. McCarthy. The
subject was ably presented. History,
ho said, should form a • connecting link
between the- CoMmon School• Studies,
and higher branches of literature. It
shoutd not be confined to that of . the
United States but extend to that of
foreign countries. '
• Mrs.Shoomaker then'entertained4he
audience, by reading in her own pecu
liar and fascinating style a number of
selected pieces, including" the Now
Year come to-night, Mamma," ''Hiawa
tha," and others. Her reading was
listened to 'with attention and greet
ed with applause.:
Hoe. J P. Wickersham, State Su
perintendent, was then introducedoind
addressed the Convention" at some
length, and with his usual ability, on
the Importance of educating the mass•
es of the people, and the Means best
adapted 'to this ond. His remarks were
forcible, eloquent and eonvineing, and
were received with enthusiasm and ap
plause by the audience: '•
The exercises were opened with a
repetition of the Lord's Prayer in, con
cert led•by Mr. %Woodruff, who then re
,suined his instructions on school man
agement, dwelling specially upon the
importunCe of teaching pupils, good
Prof. E. Brooks, Principal 'of the
State Normal School at Millerstille,
was introduced; and entertained the
audience most agreeably and profitably
on the subject of Arithmetic, including
an illustration of the "Metric System.
The leCture of Prof. Brooks wasTollow
ed by,a discussion in'regard to the'rel
ative value of the Mathematics, ,Meta
physics, and Literature, which was
participated iirby.Messrs.Pennypack
er, Brooks, Woodruff, and Fisher.
Mrs.Shoema.ker,resu med the subject
of Elocution and Reading; and drilled
the teachers present on the elementary
sounds of the langugo.
Mr. Wickersham, addrdssed the Con•
vontion on the subject of, teaching in
all its relations.' Re regarded it as a
science . , And regultited .•by fixed' Jaws
It was not yet sufficiently understood
to make it a perfect i3eience: He spoke
of the importance of knowing whereto
begin in the instruction of , a child, and
the beautiful relation existing between
Mind and matter.
Afternoon.—The subject of Arithme
tic was resumed by ProfAroOks,' who
illustrated a very simple and logical
method of teaching Notation and Nu
meration, theories for the form Of ..tho
Arabic character, together with some
practical instruction on• the elements
of the science. •
Prof. Green then entertained the au
dience with some choice music, voca
and instrumental.
Mr. Fisher, County Superintendent
of Bedford County, being introduced,
addressed the Institute on the subject
of Grammar. Ho recommended that
pupils be taught to point out the differ
ent parts of speech the reading les
son, rather' than teaching from the
_ .
Mr. Woodruff followed on the same
subject, He also favored the introdue•
tion of a series of oral exercises before
the use of a text book.
Evening Session.—An interesting, in
structive and able lecture, on the sub
ject of Education and the duty of, the
Teacher, mas delivered by B. Milton
Speer, Esq:, at the close of which a
vote of thanks was tendered to the
Prof. Brooks, then delivered a high
ly entertaining lecture on "The Cul
ture of the Itnagination."
Mrs. Shoetnaker entertained the very
large and attentive audience by read
ing selections, amongst which were
"The Sacrifice of Abraham," "Barbara
Freitehie," "The
,Raven," and "Mrs.
Candle's Lecture on Buttons?'
After a piece of Music by Prof. Green
and others, the Institute adjourned.
Mr: Woodruff lectured on School
GOverardent,. in whit& he urged the
importance of goodness of heart on the
part of the teacher, as well as the culti!,
vation of cheerfulness of disposition in
order to impart life and energy to his
school..-' _
. .
Mrs..Shoeinaker instructed
,t,t;e In•
stitiite'on "the-subject of reading, dwel
ling principally, on Articulation and
Modulation. She concluded by read
ing "Sheridan's Ride!' which was re
ceived with demonstintions of applause.
After a short recess, Mr. Fisher re
sumed the subject of Grammar, illus
trating a rational and easy method of
teaching the elements to beginners.-
Afternoon.—Mr. Woodruff • presented
the subject Of 'spelling; and defiditions.
He spoke of.the method of committing
the definitions to memory as inefficient,
the 'definitions given being More Oa
cult than the words defined.
'Mr. Fieher followed oil the:lame sub
led. 116 recommended ;thestu y f
Etymology, and would ,require pupils
to commit the definitions ofprefixes and
suffixes. •
After a recess of a few minutes the
subject' Was resumed ,
He instructed tlie Institute in - regard
to Clark's' ,rnethod'of analYzfng son
tenses._by; means of•diagram,s.. .
Mr. Woodruff conducted ab exercise
in the pronunciaticiii:of difficult; wordS
in common use, requiring the teachers
to name and spell such words as they
found,diffieult to • pronounce. , •
Evening.—M.K. Fisher delivered a
very able and Well prepared lecture on
P. BSI. Sangree, Esq , read an able
and elaborate Essay on "The Teachers
Woodieiff delivCied a brief part
ing address,-congratulating the teach
ers on the success, pf . the Convention,
and admonishing them to be faithful
in the path of duty. .•
Mrs. Shoemaker read the "Ode to
the Passioirs," “Bingen on the Rhine,"
"ThCFamine," from Hiawatha, &c.
On motion of W. 11. Sheeder, a ris
ing vote of thanks was tendered to
the lecturers and instructors for, ser
vices during:the Cony,enCiou. •
Mr. T. IV. Mcelairi•of Philadelphia
was introdUced arid proceeded, at the
request °idle county Superintendent,to
instruct the Institnte upon the subject
of Geography and the use of the globes,
demonstrating the change of Seasons,
day and night and othet . phenomena.
The roll was called, the teachers
present rising and responding in an
appropriate sentiment. •
tissey, County Superintendent
then addressed the teachers present,
in a.few pertinent remarks, thanking
them for their attendance and co ope
ration; and expressing the hope that
future meetings might be productive
of greater success. lle also expressed
his thanks to the editorial fraternity
for favors, and assistadee.,
It. McDivitt, on the - part of the press,
returned his thanks to the "Secretaries
fortbe full and accurate record of the
proceedings fuTnisbed,proffering to the
Institute the gratuitous publication of
all matters pertaining tO'the public in
terest.' ' • . .
. .
11...11.1: Speer; the close of
the s ' e'ssion, and 'in behalf of Abe citi
zens of the place delivered a brief, but
very appropriate - and touching address
congratulating the Convention upon
the good already accomplished and
bidding them God speed-in the good
work. -.- ,
The Convention tliOn adjourned
jr A. P9LLOcK ?
Will attond to Surveyink In all' its branches, and Will
buy and oat! nealEstate In any part of the United states.
Send for circular.. ; ; • dec29•tf
It is the best chance ever offered to Agepts!
One on two days' time will memo a good .
Sewing Machine, "Watch, Silk Dress; Revolver,
Or some other article of equal value,-Fars OP Cast! •
Agents wanted everywhere, male and, female„ fur the
beet One Dollar Pawnbroker's Salo in the country.
Semi for circular. ” S. C. TIIOIIIPSON4 CO.,
dec26.3m* 30 Hanover street, Boston, Mace.
s: BEItI BTI E Eft
_ waif •
E. A/TEO-RAW: Sc 0.; -
Manufacitriera and Dealers in
53 and 55 Hand 'Street, and 31
St.. Clair Street,
dec2s:lm* • • • •
Hare removed to the store room on the corner of the
Diamond, opposite Lewis' Book iterc, where he intends
to keep constantly on hand the latest styles of Beady
mode Clothing and piece goods, comprising
Also a large supply of OVERCOATS, made up in the
most fashionable style, and sold at greatly reduced prices.
Being a - practical svothinart of many years experience,
ho is prepared 0 make to order Clothing for men and
boys, and guarantee need, durable and fashionable work•
manship. Ho is determined to please everybody.
Zip 411 are invited to, call and examine my flea
stock of beautiful patterns before purchasing elseriliou
II ^61867
..La . :the County CApannifelloners will bold their Appeals
for the year IgoB, between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock,
at (110 following placos in the sclera townships anti
bormiglA: to wit:
Aursdny, linuaVy, at filo Coal
miqlionoz officd.
Juniata township, Friday, 24th January, at pawn
cbool 1101180. •
IVulker township Monday, 2.lth January, at the public
louse ofJohn Prue.
- . .
Cot bon township and Coahnont borough, on Tneaday;
28th January, in Coohnont, at tho public house of Johtb
ff. lint bort.
Hopewell township, Wednesday, 20th January, at tho
school houto near Goo , Ilerkstresser's.
Lincoln township, Thursday, 30th Jauuary t at Ander
eon's hotel.
Tod township, Ftiday, 31st Jammu, at the school ,
house near Henry S. Green's,
Peon township, Saturday, lot February; in Markles
burg, at Ziegler's hotel.
Tell tewuelilp, 4th -February, at the Union school
hens°, at or near Nossville.
, .
Dublin ton uship, Ivedateday,sth February, at Slikdo
Gap, at the,public house or W. McGowan.
Cromwell townnhtp, Thuraday. oth February, at the
public houso of A. Carothers, in Orbisonla.
Springfield township,_ Friday, 7th ,February, at ,the
school houso at 3loadow Gap.
Clay towushlp, Saturday, Oth of February, at the
school house in Scottsville.
Cass township and Caserille borough, Monday, 10th
Y'clatary, at too public hou4e .of Philip Phontant, la
Cassvlllo. „
Union townibip and Mapleton borough on Tuesday
.11th I.:Ornery, at the public house of John Weston, in
bilificYllhurg, and that poet of Shfilo) , township which
Voles ut Liblrluynblirg, Wednesday, 12th February, at the
public house of Perry liarris.
Mount Union, and that part of Shirley townehip which
video at Mount Union. - Thursday, -lath Febreary,;at
the public house of S. B. Sharer.
. .
Brady township, Friday 14th February, at Mill. Creek,
at tho public school houso.
Ilendoreen township, Saturday, 15th February, at the
Union school houso. -
. ••
. . _ . . ..
Jackson township,Monclay, 17th February,at 3FAlevy's
Fort, at the hotel of Ueorge II Little. ..
Ferree township, Tuesday, 18th Fehruary,ai VulibuFg,
at the hotel of Jacob Hallman.
"%Feat townahip, Wednesday, 19th February, at the
let house at Shaver's Creek bridge, near the holm or
theory Darts.
- Porter township and Aloxandria borough, Thursday,.
20th Fobruary,•tn Alexandria, at the hotel of floury
Morris township, Friday, 21st February, at rho public
house in Waterstreet.
-, Franklin township.. Saturday, 22‘l•February. at too
shoal hour° in Franklinrilla.
Warriorsmark township, Monday, 2.ith'Fablifiry, in
Warriorsmark, nt the hotel of.lames Chamhorlain.,
Oneida township, Tiunsitty, 26th Felirnary, at.the'hotol
At the Warm 6prinr: _ ;
Dec. 25,1967.-3 t
, _l2/ . Ckstrite of Seranel Krieger, deed.l
, .I,etteia testamentary,'On tho estate of gables! Krieger,
late of Lincolit township, ThantingdOn cd., dec'd4 having
been granted 'to 'the Midereigned, elf peteohe - indebted
to the eatato aro requested to make Mix:0011Mo iddmerkt,
and those 'miring claim, to present them'duly -Metbenti
cated for eettleinent. • • -'
I cc.lB '67-8t
The followind'ifersons have filed hi die ' , alive or
t ie Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon
bounty, their pdtitiime for lidenses to keep Inns or Tav
erns In said county and which will be presented to the
Judge of sold Court onitho second Monday of January
for allowance;
- • • •,• •
Valentine Brown, Huntingdon.
In. T. Pearson, Broad Top city. • .
Abner Anderson ' Coffee Run.-
ohn Pheasant, Mapleton.
Sylvester W. Haslet, Spruce Crook. • -
J. K. SIMPSON, Clerk.
Huntingdon, Dec. 18, 1867
lie partnership heretofore existing between" H. RCM
LEY and GEO. F. MARSH. Merchant Tailors, has been
dissolved by mutual conseat. The b•mke are In the
hands of Geo. F. Mardi, who will settle the buiinese of
the Arm. it: ROBV.F.
GEO. F:5141188111.
The undersigned seepoctrulls announces , to the public
that he will continuo tho business at the old stand on the
corner of the Diamond, opposite Lewis' Rook Store.
Huntingdon, Dec. 18, 1367.4 t
No. 161 North -Third Street,
Z - , - t:-Ortleis promptly otteuded to
And {Tholes:do-and RetailDeolor in
Ilalltiaidoll CircalatiaL Library. •
Teams: Annual subseriptiuns, $5.00; halt yearly, $3.00
quarterly, $1,510. This subdcription oatitios ono parson
to ono now and ono old book at a limo.
. .
iffxfay Subscribcrs.—For luau of Books per wook,lo
coots per volume
Weekly subscribers will bo required in nil cases to
leave a drpodt equal in value to the nook.
no new "looks will not bo allowed to any subscriber
for a longer period than four days; or if detained beyond
that time, au additional 'Largo of 3 cent.; per day; other
books scrim days, or if detained beyond i hat time 3 cents
per day. hooks not returned hi two wee.,s to be charged.
All Books are considered old that have been in the Li
brary six months.
"Books damaged seriously will be charged.
.41/payable in advance. •
Special terms and arrangements with parsons Bring
out of town..
All new and desirable bosks on hand Rs soon as Issued
A complete assortment of pictures for
To China, Glass. Tin anaiWoOdeu"waro. Leather and Pa-.
por Also!o goods, in short,,to all articles of over de,
The following ser:eu of Booko Rill ho found conotantly
on hand : * •
Parker & Watson's McGruire'y's,, Town's, •
Sander's, Sargent's, Worcester's,
Sender's Union, Oegeocrs, Bank's, ao.
Da vio's,
'lelarles,; • • :IFewenalth's,;
Bullion's,' 'Brown's,- 'Parker's:
Jenkin ~
• Speakers, Dialogue, G'laSsical,
Schobl Books. -
• From the small paper cover Pass to the full bouud Rue
eta Corner Ledger-
A splendid assortment of
of English and American manufacture.
Satchels, Bottom Flour Sacks, at Jobbing rates—a 4
from $27.50 to $65 per thousand. Prtuced with an, name.
Alen, Manilla Wrapping, CW..0110110) , awl Sugar Bags.
Choice Barmen aqd 'Yarn SEGARS, Solace. Century,
Sunnysido,aud otter brands of ❑uo cut CREWING T 0•
RAMO. °ranee°, Navy, Spuu, dc,
A beautiful stock of Octagon and Square Cornered Rue;
tic Walnut and Gilt '
All kinds of 'Frames an hand and mado to ardor. Imi
tation Rosewood, and Gilt Imitation IValnut and Gilt
Genuine Walnut and Plain and Fancy Gilt Faunas sup.
piled on short notice.
Music unit roriodiculg bound in every styli, at than)
' French and common paper etomped any letter or letters,
plain or in colors
photographs, Albums Engiaringa, Artist's Materials,
such as Illouocti mato lloards, Tube Paints, Crayons, &c.
. . .
Moo, Agent for the Singer Family and Manutacturlng
SEWING .iACIIIS liS—a Machine that will Ltinn,
Cord, Tuck, Quilt and Bh,d. Plea.o cull and examino.
A full amorimett t of the ditlerent sQles constantly on
All orders and inquiries by avail -will reeel.No.Kompt
MiiisiTlNG DON,
Dec18,1867-If. Next to Broad Top Tieket Office
jFor School Books and School
Stationery of all kinds call at Lewis'
Book Store.
rlro. P. MAI }1
Proprletoi of tho
011, TOO
- Robinsoree, iloates
leolburn's. -
7 " Lomita' Ali, ao
Colton fOuyot'e,
I 24out9ith'e, 101,1;ap',1.
1 . 40 , 1'4 '-
di - ct4t