11,1t1iLS t1.L013.E. Per 8411.111 M in advance gix. months Three month. TERAS OF ADVERTISING 1 insertion. 2 do. 3 do. 1./us square, (10 linesjor leas $7l . $1 25 $1 50 Two squares 159 2 00 3 00 Three squares, 2 25 3 00 4 50 3 menthe. 6 months. 12 Monti.. 44 00 $6 00 $lO 00 .. 6 00 9 00 15 00 . S 00 12 00 '0:1 00 .10 00 15 00 25 00 .15 00 20 00— ... —.30 00 One square, or less Two equate 5,......... Three 5quare5,........ Your 5quare5,........ 11.111 a column, Ono column ^0 00 35 00— .... ..60 00 Professional and Business Cards not exceeding six lines, O+. Sear, S 6 04 Administrators' and Executors' Notices, $2 50 Auditors' Notices, 2 00 Estray, or other short Notices 1 50 RHY-Ten lines of nonpareil make a square. About eight words constitute a line, so that any person can ea sily calculate a square in manuscript. Advertisementsnot marked whit the number of losers Hone desired, will be continued till forbid and charged ac cording to these terms. One prices for the printing of Blanks, Handbills, etc. are reasonably low. roitssionat Nusincss anOs. TIR. R. R. WIESTLING most respect. _L./fully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon and eternity. • Offtut that of the Into Dr, Snare. IsJDR. A. B: BRUM.BAUGH, lIIIN log permaneutly located at Ilunlingdon, offers orefesWitial services to 1110 community. Office, We same as that laWly occupied by Dr. Loden on Hill street. ap10,1860 TAR: JOHN ISIcOULLOCH, offers his professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon owl vicinity. Office on Hill street, ono door east of Reed's Drug Store. Aug. 28, '65. ALLISON MILLER, ..L.v• • DEYTIST, Hoe removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court Howe. 1859.,dpril 13, TA J. GREENE, , I'4. DENTIST. , 'ft .... Office 'removed to Leister's Nov Building, Will street. Muntingdon. July 31,1867. - WASHINGTON HOTEL, HUNTINGDON, PA. The undersigned respectfully Informs the citisens of 'Huntingdon county and the traveling public generally that he bee lensed the Washington House on the cm , mar of Mil and Charles street, In the borough of Hun. tingdon, and he Is prepared to accommodate all who may favor like( v, Rh a call. Will be pleased to receive e ither- al share of public patronage. AUGUSTUS LETTERMAN. July 31,•67—tf. MILTON S. LirTLE, ATTORNEY AT _LAW; HUNTINGDON, DA. Prompt attention given to all legal business entrusted :to his care. Claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs sgsinst the Government collected without delay. sel2'66 R Mc'EURTRIE, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on fill etroet. . , ' Prompt attention will ba givon to the prosecution of tho claims of tiddlers and soldiers' beim, against tho Gay. eminent. 0u22,1866 A GE ENCY FOR COLLECTING ti t•OLDIEBT CLAIN'S, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND P.O.NSIONS. AU who may have any claims against the Government for Beauty, Back Pay uud Pensions, can hare their claims promptly collected by appl3ing either in person or by lat ter to W. 11. WOODS, ATTOR AT LAW 11UNTINODOIV. PA cl.l .2,1q6.1 Tr ALLEN LOVELL, _Bs • ATTORNEY AT LA TV, HUNTINGDON, PA. Prompt attention trill be Oren to all legal business en. trusted to his .are. Military and other claims of soh tilers and their heirs against the State or Government 4 — collected without delay. OPPION—In the Brick Bow, opposite the Court House jen.1.1867 =I =MEI The name of this firm has been chang ed from SCOTT & BROWN, to SCOTT,.BROWN & BAILEY, under te,timy,wlll.7hcrentier conduct their practice as ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUMINGDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of soldiers nod soldiers' heirs against the Government, will ho promptly prosecuted. May 17, 186S-tf. Nuntino on Nusiness lirttter [The following aside are published gratuitously. chants and business 111(11 generally echo advertise liberally in the columns of 'lns Ghone for sdz months or longer, will hare their Cards inserted here during the continuance of their advertisement. Otherwise, special Business Cizrdsin serted at the usual rates] DR. WM. BREWSTER, MeConnells town. [Cures by lilictropatlty.] P M. GREENE, Dealer in iNfusie,niu joeical instruments, Sewing 3.lnelinee, iu Minter's new building, (second Sour.) WM. LEWIS, Dealer in Books, Sta tionery and Musical Instruments, corner of the Diamond. WB ZEIGLER, Dealer in Ladies and Children's Furnishing Goode, aPP. lo tha First National Bank. WP. RUDOLPH, Dedler in Ladies and Gents' Furnishing Goods, appositettelder's new building OBLEY & MARSH, jiA, Merchant Tailors, opposite, Lewis' Book Store IT GREENBERG, . Merchant Tailor, in the Diamond AT'CAHAN &' SON, proprietors of _at Juniata Stcam Pearl Mill, Neat Huntingdon. ljM. GREENE & 'F. O. BEAVER, • Marble Elauttfacturere, Mifflin Street, near the I,u -erea church. .1117 - 11L'WILLIABIS, if V Plain and Ornamental Matide Manufacturer. _TAMES HIGGENS. Manufacturer of ity Purnitiie and Cabinet Ware, Huntingdon, Pa. T M. WISE, Manufacturer of•Furni tnre, &c., Huntingdon. Undertaking attended to WEEA.RTON &:4AGUIRE, Whole sale and retail dealers in foreign and domestic Hardware, Cutlery, &c., Railroad street, Huntingdon. TAMES A. BROWN, Dealer in Rardware, Cutlery, Paints, Olin, to., /lust ingdon, NJ, H. MILLER & SON, Dealers in all . kinds of Fine Leather, Findings, de., ac., near the Preehytorian church. AX7I‘I, AFRICA, Dealer in Boots and y Stoes,in the Dimozz4, Ligntlngdpn, JOHN H. "WESTBROOK, Dealer in 0 Boots, Shoes, Ilosiory, Confectionery, Huntingdon. GEO. SHAEFFER, dealer in Boots, Slioee,Gulters, &c., Huntingdon. A L. LEWIS, Wholesale and retail Meretent, Leistor's New Building, Huntlegdeu. TOHNSTON & WATTSON, Morell o ants, Main et., east of Washington lintel, Iluntiuden LILAZIER & Bib O , Retail Mer u' ehnots, Washington at., near the jail, Huntingdon. ZYENTER, Dealer in Groceries and *Provisions of ull kinds, ilunting4on, Pat. WM. MARCH &,, BRO. Dealers in Dry Good., Qnoenswnro, Ilsrthvare, roots, Shoea, to. fiIINNINGIIA3I & CARAION, Merchants, IlunOtlgdurb Pg. T_T ROMAN, Dealer in Iteady ltltole Clothing, flab and Cope, 11 , 1 P. GIVIN, . Dealer in Dry Goods, Orecerlea,llardwore, Queens pure, Hats and Caps, Houle and shots, &e. Huntingdon E. lI.F4NB:Y St CO., Wholesale and S. Retail Dealers in Dry Oood4, Groceries, linrdware, Queen.3v6 at o, and Provisions of nil kinds, Huntingdon. "For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "Gr.onn Jen PRINTING OFFICE;," at llun tingdon, Pa. ITHE BEST QUALITY OP FRESH m ACK EBEL at CZYMNGHAI M d C4 R.310X S. $2 PO . 1 00 WM. LEWIS, HUGH LINDSAY, Publishers. VOL. XXIIL FIXED FACTS INDELIBLY IM PRESSED will always triumph over simple as sertions. Thus it is that this community gives testimony in fa vor of the well known establishment of mchl343. H. GREENBERG, EMI&ALITIV vaulont, HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON Whilst it is not his purpose to deceive the public by clamoring "low prices and better goods" than other dealers, ho simply Inv lies all who wish to purchase in hie line of business to call and satisfy themselves that with him a patron once gained is never lost, that is, "the proof of the pudding Is in the tasting of it." . Ile has just received his winter sapidy of anolt ov:a c&oironit, FOR MEN-AND'EaIE. Ile lens alio a large assortment of the most eubitantial amf fashionable Hats, Caps, Gots' Famishing Goods, of •eery description, and made up from the beet material Always on hand the fined finality of American, Eng lish and French CLOTHS,CASSIMERES and TIMINGS, which are made up to order by good, experienced work. Men, In a manner the meet fashionable and endurable. Ile eastern city can afford a better or more varied style of goods than can be fiend In my selection. 11. GREENBERG, tfuntingdon, Nov. 13,1807. Merchant Tailor. GREAT OPENING FALL AND WINT.ER GOODS, AT TUE NEWSTORE JOSEPH MARCH & BRO., lIIINTINGDON, PA The enbecribere have received a now and complete as sorted Stock of UDOElsz. Including EL largo and N . Dated assortment of LADIES DRESS 000138, of tho latest styles and fashions. Also GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, • READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, FISh, SALT, BACON, and all ether articles usually kept in a well conducted store, all of which are offered as cheap as at any other es tablishment in th Is section of country. Country t'rodse e taken in exchange for goods Thankful for former patronage, an hereby extend nn invitation to our Trough Creek friends and the public generally for a renewal of the same, promising by a close attention to business and the waits of customers, to fully merit it. CHEAP GROCERY STORE. - 36nOINT9E 3 MIEL.,, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. THE undersigned offers for the in spection and purchase of customers a large and as set ted stock of Glee. ies, Provisions, fie. Ile feels satts fled tiny can be accontodated with anything In his lino. Ills pm icon ate lose, and Lis stuck fresh and good. Ile keeps the best of SUGAR, COFFEE, TEAS, SPICES, SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, BOOTS AND SHOES, - . HATS & CAPS, &e; ALSO— HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, FLOUR RICE, . And NO TIONS of every kind. A acted stock of DRY GOODS., together with QUEENS WARE, and all other articles kept in a wellregulatod establishment for sale at reasonable prices!' - fair ills store is on 11111 street, nearly opposite the Bank, and lea the room formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call and examine. Z. YENTER. linutingdon, Oct. 8,1807 fr o THE LADIES.—Do you really Intend to cease wearing the beautiful styles now so prevalent, or dress less elegantly, because the rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female attitet One moment's calm reflection will surely serve to change your rash resolve. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they had for e. time served to hide the deformities of that Frince of Rebels, the Devil: Can you err in following the examploof Angels? Then having made up your minds that you will continue to dress tastefully regardless at rebelacte, do not forget to colt at the store of the subscri bers, who coal be happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your lath, ere, husbandi, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They cast here be suited in good articles °Moots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Cape, Queens. ware and a general assortment of Groceries, on as rea. sealable terms as at any House in town. Story on South. east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pd. may 31, 1865. FRANC/8 D. WALLACE. TIIM 43-1.1033 M YOB PRINTING OFFICE. T" „ GLOBE JOB 'OFFICE” the most complete of any in the country, and pan. Beane the most ample facilities for promptly executing in the beet style, every variety of Job Printing, such as lIAND BILLS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, POSTERS, OARDS, CALL AND roman ADDDINDNB Cy woyx, LEWIS• BOOK. STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE A. C. CLARKE, AGENT, arid Retail Dealer in all kinds of cMT2.2.1 VOD2MOO N.;t door to the Vranklit Ilonse,ln the Dimond. Country trade supplied. ap17.67 GEO. W. SWARTZ, ou - DE AU, RINDS OP a. AMERICki 'WATCHES, Moo Gold JESTELGY,,,— &a., Le.. opposite J. A. 'Brown's Mammoth Hardware store. LLB Watches neatly repaired and warnmted. linutingdon, Sept 18, 1867.6111 The beat Flour, by the barrel or smaller quantity fur sale at. Lewis' Foully Grocery. COUNTRY PRODUCE. All kinds of country produce taken l oucknugo for Goods at Lewis' Family Grocery. COFFEE RUN, FENN'A JOS. MARCH A IMO SPECIAL NOTICE. BALL TICKETS, PROGRAMMES, BLANKS, LIBELS, &O„ &0., &O LIVNTINGDON, PA FLOUR ! FLOUR ! HUNTINGDON, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEAIBER, 25. 1867. Ely 6lnbc. HUNTINGDON, PA. CHRISTMAS CHORAL Dr DR. W. A DDITLENBURG, Or SEW YORK. It is seldom that we come across anything more truly poetic, expressive and grand, than the following: Hark! ye faithful, rouse from sleeping; Strikes the ADVENT Bell again ; With the Church, go watch, be keeping,. Louder grows her old refrain, Alleluia t Jesus, come to judge and reign. Fast flows the tide of ages ; Oftte fullness signs appear ; Tokens of the prophet pages, . Seem to tell the comma near. Alleluia! Welcome Lord and Saviour dear Waxeth cold the love of many ; Waxeth hot the Devil's spite ; Few the steadfast—hardly any Daring for the True and Right. Alleluia I Jesus come in thine own might. List I the seventh trumphet pealing, While the world keeps on its ways ; Sudden shows the last revealing, Sudden breaks the DAY of days. Alleluia ! Come when thou wilt, we will praise. Join their cry, who've gone before us Longing for their final doom; Their' and our Redemption's chorus, Come, Lord Jesus, quickly come. Alleluia! Even so, Lord Jesus come ! A WOMAN'S "NO," [Frans Harper's Weekly.] "Isn't that the Warburtons' car• riage?" asked Tom Otis. "Yes," replied Gordon. "Who was in it 7" "Florence, and her admirer, Fred Avery." "Is Florence Warburton going to marry that atrocious flirt, after having refused the best moo in Now York ?" Tom Otis was one of those best men who had been refused. -- •Tilbn'ticnoW ; but I scarcely think Fred Avery is much of a marrying man." "Of course you are going Warburtons' ball tomorrow 7" "Oh, of course. Everybody will bo there," "Good-by, then. I stop here—my tailor, you know." "Oh yes. You'll ho there for the rest of the afternoon. But I suppose you'll come out quite new for the ball?" "Ugh !!! groaned Tor# Otis, "what can a man wear at a ball that's fit to be seen? We are condemned to a sot= emn livery like a pack of res taurant waiters."-- "A very • nice style of dress," said Gordon. "What would you have?" "Why, colors, of course. Rich vel vet coats, and satin breeches, and—" "Bless me ! you'd look like an actor." "That's better than looking like a man-servant." "Well, good by to you, once more." "Opera tonight?" "I. think so. But club afterward, sure." As these gentlemen separated, the %adage which they had noticed stop ped at the door of a handsome house in Thirtieth Street." "Don't let my dress brush against that dirty wheel," said a light, merry voice from inside the carriage as Fred Avery sprang upon the pavement and extended his hand. • "Oh dear, no. I'd rather be broken on a wheel a dozen times than permit your dress'to be soiled against one." "Any orders, Miss?" asked the coach man, touching his hat. "Why, let me see," said Miss War burton. "You will come in with me, will you not, Mr. Avery ?" "Too happy." "Then the carriage may as well wait for you. Stay hero, Jones, and take Mr.. Avery wherever he wishes when he leaves hero." The man said nothing, but ileliben ately getting llown off his seat, unfold, ed a couple of blankets, with which he carefully covered the heated horse's. "In fur a long stay, ho is," was the coachman's comment on the length of time he must, in all probability, wait for the conclusion of Mr. Avery's visit. The coachman must have been a keen observer. Two hours had passed by the coachman's great silver watch, on whose large round face the snow flakes fell as he pulled it out at the moment Fred Avery stepped on the doorstep. "Where obeli I take you, Sir, please?" said the coachman, slipping on his In dia rubber coat ever his gray livery-, for the snow was now falling thick and fast. Um—drive down Broadway till I call to you to stop." Off they, went—down Broadway with a whirl. The horses, chilled with long standing, now dashed on madly to put some warmth in their blood. - Outside, the coachman swung his arms and boat his bands to keep them warm. Inside, Fred Avery, with his feet on the warm fur rug, thelap:robe over his knees, and the collar of his over•coaC turned up snugly about his ears, indulged in soliloquy "She loves me—loves me dearly ! That's plainly to be seen. And 1 love her—l do indeed. I shall propose to lier at once—propose to her, and if she will have me, marry her ; and then set tle down and stop flirting." As ho spoke ho looked out of the window on the hurrying - crowd which filled Broadway, and was hastening on through the driving snow. how much more fortunate, ho reflected, was he than the generality of people ! With a comfortable fortune, an agreeable pres ence 9 all those successful flirtations of his could testify to that—and now, best of all, the love of the sweetest, most elegant girl in their set! He would show his gratitude for the many blessings which had been showered upon him by ceasing his frivolous life of flirtation. -PERSEVERE.-- Could it be possible that that was Edith Rowson- standing there on the corner of Broadway, trying in vain to induce one of the overcrowded stages to stop for her, while the ;snow 101 l heavily on her pretty head ?; She had not even an umbrella! Ah ! now, this isan exceptional ease; and, besides, it need not noclossarily be a case of flirtation. "Driver, stop ! There—draw np to that- curb where that young lady is standing•." The driver had drawn up before Mr. Avery had quite finished• speaking; and before the horses had altogether made up their minds to remain entire ly quiescent Fred Avery was on the pavement. , "My dear Mis - i - Rowson," he eiclalm ed, "who over would have thought of seeing you out on such a day ?" "On such a day!" returned Miss how. son, shivering with the cold; "why, the day was fine enough when I came out, not moro than a couple of hours ago." Fred suddenly remembers it was fine enough when ho went in with Florence Warburton, and snowing when ho came out. Ho must have staid a good while, ho thinks. "The worst of it is," said Miss Row son, "all the stages are full, and I can't get home." "Just step' in the carriage and I'll take you home," said Mr. Avery: She did not require a second' invita tion. In a blinding snow-storm one is not apt to be squeamish about getting a shelter. "What is your number , now—Madi son Avenue ?" asked Fred. She gave it, and ho repeated it to the coachman, who, Mr. Avery fancied, looked cross. "As if it were any of his business," said Mr. Avery to himself, with a shrug. As the carriage rolled smoothly on Edith began to thank him for his kind ness in picking her up. It was so good of him, she said; and, • by-the•way is this his carriage? now very elegant It is! iilorenen Wayhtirtop! .t i carriage, to take him where he wishes. "Ah !" and Edith Howson bit her lip and became suddenly pettish. Little by little it came out. how all the girls say Florence is crazy for love of Fred Avery; and all the gentlemen say that Fred Avery is awfully "spoo ny" on Florence. "Spoony, indeed !" ejaculated Fred. "A hateful word! sow, Edith, can you believe a man like me capable of being 'spoony' on any woman ?" His arguments were very convin- Mug. How handsome he was ! Oh dear, here's the house in Madison Avenue. flow short the driVe has been ! Will Mr. Avery come in with her ? Yes, Mr. Avery will. Mr. Avery has much to sayjto her. Ile must beg her to deny all those reports. Ile went in with her, and bade the driver wait for him again. :The driver, thinking .this would only be a short stay, was careles's enough not to trouble himself to cover the hor ses. But when three quarters of an hour had passed, and evening came, and the snow kept falling faster and faster, the driver made his horses and himself as comfortable as possible un der the uncomfortable circumstances. At length Fred Avery came out. He had had two or three glasses of wine, and being of a temperament easily af fected by the spirituous, the intellectual was not so clear as it might have been. "Drive to the club !" her said, huski ly, and puffing a breath laden-with wine-odor straight in the coachman's face. "Drive there, and hurry—.then you can go;" At the club he was again “chaffed" for his penchant for Florence. He de nied it stoutly, with another bottle open before him, and half of its con tents down from his stomach to his head. And yot, spite of his tipsiness, spito of the stuff he is talking, Florence War, burton was the only woman Fred ever loved. Back at the house the coachman was desirous of knowing whether Miss Florence had any further orders; and, while seeking that knowledge, he also took occasion to impart acme whi3h was not altogether pleasant knowledge for Florence. Sho learned of Mr. Avery's having found a lady in the street whom tie took home, and'tvith whom he staid a long, long time. The number and the street of this house being given her, sho recognized the residence of Edith Rowson, who was knoWn to be as des. porate a flirt feminine as Fred Avery's reputation made him a flirt masculine. Tho.nezt clay was the day of her hall. Fred did not come to see her. Butit was just as well. She was so busy; and, besides, he would be sure to come early to the ball in the even ing. He came very late. Tom Otis and his friend Gordon had been there dan• cing away for two hours. At length he came, and Moreno() met him in the "You aro late," she said, coldly. "Yes; a fellow from the West whom was obliged to dine, and couldn't get rid of afterward. Ah Florence," ho whispered in her ear, and meant it too, deeply, "how dearly I love you !" Her frame quivered with delight, for she loved him with every fibre of her being. Fred entered the ball-room, and the first person ho saw was Edith Rowson. Witching little creature How pi quanto she looked, in her clouds of tulle and her coral ornaments! He in stantly remembered that she was en gaged to him for the first dance. The - first dance, and the second, and the third t Are they engaged to each other for all the dances ; Florence 1,1 , 111 5 • • • O. . .. . , . i ',:', W. ,4 • ' i . 1p!",.. :•'''''' 4, V :, \A. • IN* ' : ' 45 ,!' ",(ii .:. ' `' t • , looked at them with amazement. With her head and her heart throbbing with, neatest pain, she whispered -to her mother that she was so ill she must go up stairs, but there need bo no cessa tion of the festivities. Up stairs her maid met her• and caught her in her arms just as she was on the point of falling. "Why, Miss," sho said, "how pale you look ! Sha'nt some one go for the doctor 7" No; no doctor. Miss Warburton says no doctor can help her. In the morning Fred Avery review ed his conduct with supromest disgust. "Was I insane to act as I did? Is there a fatality which drives me from the woman I love to a woman who is nothing to me—whom I despise-- loathe—as I do myself?" Ho shuddered with disgust. "But I will see her," he said ; "tell her I love her—love her dearly—in spite of all my folly. She loves me, I know. She will not refuse to see me." Ile went at once to the house. Miss Warburton was too ill to see any one. Days passed; she was still ill. "I will write to her," he said at last. He wrote this note, and sent it : "On MY D.tarANo,—Lan you forgive my folly—wickedness? 'Will you mar ry me? Answer, if but one-word." The answer came very promptly. It was but one word: • "NO." No more flitting now for Fred Avery. No; but there is Loth° in the wine cup, as there is oblivion in opium-cat Down,down he goes, sinking steadily from one grade to another until ho has reached the lowest. But long before this stage his former friends have cut him, and in the fashionable circle, where he 4 Was oncea brilliant light, his name is almost forgotten. Mrs. Warburton wondered. it her daughter had forgotten it. She know Fred Avery once proposed to Florence, and that she rejected him. "Do you think Florence ever loved him ?" n4cock ..Vippqneu's _aunt-of- her kiraier - :.6.65. Warburton. "Never. She never mentions his name, and she wrote 'No' to him when ho proposed to her." One day they wore at breakfast,and they read in the morning paper of a handsome young man who, crossing Broadway in a state of intoxication, was knocked down by a heavy truck and killed. "What name?" asked Florence. "Frederick Avery." Florence said nothing further. They ordered the and went out. She went through- the routine of visiting and shopping and visiting gal leries of paintings and a matinee at the Opera. But every where she sat off' alone, and said nothing. "Do you think she could have loved him ?" asked the mother now, in turn, of the aunt. "I can not say," she replied. In less than a month Florence was stricken with a fever. ' • "Is there no hope, doctor ?" came the mother's last agonizing question. "No. There is no hope. Frame too emaciated by a previous, silent wast ing away to resist this hot tyrant of a typhoid." An anniversary came, and found Florence still alive. It was the anni versary of the ball which took place five years ago. Just as the crock pointed to the hour when Fred Avery came that night, so late, and meeting Florsnee in the hall• way, whispered in her ear "How tlear ly I love you r she turned to her mother and said : tiAlother l" , "Yes, dear." 4 th.fother, good by, Come, dry your tears. 'Kiss me good-by, dear mother I am dying !" That night she died, whispering; "Bury me by his side:" AN INDIGNANT WOMAN.—Some "hor rid wretch" having ventured on the opinion that "a woman who locos urf sought, deserves tho•scorn of the man she loves," is shot dead by the follow ing from a lady correspondent: "Heaven forgive me! but may the man who penned that never see an other bonnet ! May no white, dimpled arms ever encircle his cravat, or but tons vegetate on his shirt. May no rosy lips over press his moustache,and the fates grant that his dicky strings break short off every morning. May no woman's heart ever learn to beat faster—except with indignation—at the mention of his name, and may his stockings always need darning. And when his nerves are unstrung by disease, and his head throbs with pain, as though an earthquake wore brewing in it, may we have nothing in his sick chamber but boot heels, and see not one inch of muslin or crino line, Give her love unasked I 0, with a true-hearted man this would, me thinks, bo the reason of reasons why ho should love her, She gives to him her whole heart—for in these things woman does not work by halves—not from gratitude, because he loves her; not from pity or charity, because he has begged it of' her; but because—be cause—dear met it will take more of a philosopher than I am to,aocount for the undeniable fact that woman do sometimes love the horrid creatures called men. rec*Reader, did you ever enjoy the ecstatic bliss of courting ? You didn't ! Then you had bettor get a lit tle Gal-an-try. IM-Why is a young man reclining on the henna of his wife like a fellow indulging in u spree? BeCallse) lte is on, a, bitsk. TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. Reconstruction and its Enemies--The Disturbing Element in the Republi can Party. [From tbo Now York Times, [Republican.' Wendell Phillips was not far •wrong when, with the fate' of impeachment before his eyes, he affirmed the -pres ence of conflicting elements in the Re publican party. Ho was evidently right, too, when, in the same connec tion, he predicted the renewal of an at tempt on the part or' the extremists to control the Republican policy, and to engraft upon it views at variance with the scheme of reconstruction now in progress. The current reports of interviews held within the last few days by South ern deputations, blank and. white, with sundry leaders of the extreme faction, afford a timely illustration of the for ces which are at work to prevent the restoration of the Union. They show that the Southern opponents of the law who meet in Conservative Con ventions and bewail the departure from the cardinal article of their faith -- r that"this a white man'sgovernment" —are not the only or the most dangerous foes of the pacification which the coun• try most anxiously awaits. They prove that whatever be the result of pending operations in the excluded States, the finality of the scheme.isthreatened by politicians who do battle under the Republican Standard, and who will re new in Congrosi the delays and distur bances which have already been ,so productive of mischief.- • - • According to the statementejrara milted from. Washington through dif forent but in the main concurrent chan nels, Messrs. Sumner,' Stevens, and Butler severally declare themselves dissatisfied with the alleged moderate character of the present law, and court. so! the Southern deputations who •call on them for "advice" to adopt more proscriptive measures. Thus; Mr:Sum ner advises the conventions yet to be held to widen the disfranchising claus es of the Congressional plan, and to impose disabilities which would have the effect of excluding the great body of Southern intelligence from partici pation in the Government: Mr. But ler favors, substantially, the same course.. Mr, Stevens, as usual, is not behind either. He would allow a bare majority of those who vote to. determine the matters submitted to thorn—in- Stood of a majority of the registered voters, as required by law, He pro poses to increase the, Congressional 'representation by allowing to the two fifths hitherto excluded, members to be voted for on a general ticket or as Congressmen at large ; and= lie con templates the organization of provis ional governments, to be -established by the conventions, and to take the place of the district commanders. This last proposition is intended to se cure the existence of "loyal govern• intuits" to rule the States in which the• measures of the Conventions may be voted down or otherwise defeated,and is a foretaste of what gentlemen like Mr: Hunter may expect as the alterna tive of "nea t' r° rule" under the law as it stands. Mr. Stevens clings, more over, to his old idea of "mild confisca tion ." and Mr. Butler suggests that for die better securing the supremacy of the "loyal element" the disfranchis ed class shall be debarred participa flan in the management of banks, rail roads, or other chartered commercial enterprises. To crown the whole, Mr. Sumner insists that the problem of na tionality which he has striven pro. foundly to elucidate, shall be solved by the enactment de political rights bill, milking political 00-extensive with civil rights in all the States of the. U nion. It is not easy to speak with patience of projects so obviously' at variance with the policy of the itepublican par ty, so injurious to the country, or so calculated to add to the dangers and difficulties. of 'the. South. And yet nothing is gained by refusing to look at plans and propotitions which indi cate the purposes, and throw some light upon the probable tactics, of the faction whose confidences are shared by Alessrs. Sumner Stevens, and But. ler in common with the special contri butor of the Anti-Slavery Standard. The folly and enormity of what these persons propose is not a reason for passing it over unnoticed. The spirit it reveals cannot be safely disregarded, since its influence will be felt, imme diately, throughout the South, and again in Congress when the question shall come up for . final adjustment. The first effect will perhaps be the worst. There can be no doubt that the absence of faith in the finality of the Constitutional Amendment, con tributed not a little to the failure of that measure in the Southern Legisla tures. They declined to acquiesce in unpalatable conditions, which, after all, might not be the ultimatum of the National Government. The distrust was, in our judgment, unfounded, and the refusal unwise, but we must nev ertheless admit the plausibility of the reasoning in which both originated. A similar argument against the Recon struction law is now furnished by the extremists; though the effect may not be so distinctly traceable—the tendon- Cy is unquestionably the same. It will put a powerful weapon in the bands of those who dwell upon the bad faith of Congress as a motive to opposition. On the more violent members of the Conventions the influence will be still more mischievous. From the Caroli nas and from Virginia they have sent to Washington to learn the views of politicians who claim to be considered leaders. The trio whose extravagan ces now come before us have been vie ited for this purpose, and their opin-,, ions will be reported to the Conven tions with all the weight of gospel. The delegates who reached Washing ton in search—it may be an honest Those subseribing for three, six or twelve months with the understanding that the paper be discontinued unless subscription is rene wed, receivingu p 4. per marked with a 1 - before the name will understood that the time :fur which they subscribed is' up: —lf they wish the paper continued they will renew their subscription through the mail or otherwise. * ra„, All kinds of plain, fancy and ornamental Job Printing neatly and expeditiously executed at the "GLom4", office. ,Terms moderate,. • NO, 24. searchafter information, go back to Riehmond'and the Carolinas assured that the action of the Conventions ear, : not be too extreme for 'Congress.. Tit this manner, strength - Will hp •itilpafto ed to the demand for proscriptive measores, to the delightand profit of the demagogues and incendiaries with whOm "loyal" pretenses area cover for outrage. - Nor can the Republiean party afford to be indifferenent to these exhibitions of the'temper "which animates its eict treme members. We do not appre hend that Mr.Samner, or Mr; Stevens, or, Mr. Butler will be . more potent when the time for revising ; the work of reconstruction shall arive than they were when the law was passed, Harsh as it is, RA:lad-been - mneh Worse 'warn they able to dictate the course. of the party. They were beaten:then, how ever, as signally as they have since been beaten on the subject of impeach. nient; and we believe-that they Will not appear to better advantage when they shall attempt to fasten their -fan atisin and intolerance on States seek ing admission - under Mix. But, not. withstanding 'their numerical weak. ness—notwithstanding the' fact that they are a mere corpural's guard eon. pared to the great army, of Repnbll, cons—their projects,, so impudeptly paraded and so persistently renewed, entail disaster and disgrace upon the party. with which they are -unfortu, nately allied. It .suffers in every re speet from their „proceedings. A re gard for its own usefulness and welfare, then; not less than for the interests of the'South and the_linor of the -coun try, seems to suggest the. most. sum mary disposal which., the. practice .of Congress, permits of whatever. memo• uses they introduce for giving effect to 'their disorganiking •poliey. - The appointment of a Reconstruction Corn. mitten in the House, with Mr. !Stevens at its head,' opens Alm door*to 11111i01111+ ces of this nature, and,we may expect to hear of them often, ' - '-But -the duty of the ruling party is clear. '.lt can not, without imperilling its: power, even entertain the propositions, the Sumiters and Stevens and butlers of Congress stand ready to introduce ; ner can it without dishonor lend' - en. couragoment to those' who in its name are plotting fur supremacy and for of fice in the Southern States. Tt may not:.perhaps, be politic to in advance a - readiness to be more liberal than the law; but .the party does owe to itselfand to the people ,who, repose confidence in the capacity of its states. manship, such a display Of - firmness and moderatiO -is Shall free' it front 'the'suspieion of 'complicity with 'the violence which 118Salifil and endangers its unity. OLD SOENE.S.---W e believe there id oftentimes as:much pain as pleasure in revisiting old scenes. For what has once gono by can never be seen again, and we return not to the old haunts with the feelings with which we left 'them. We find the old picture changed; new figures are painted in; or old painted out. It does look quite like the.original it does not quitecome up tJhe image that' has dwelt 'with us smce- we left it,and with the throb of pleasure comes a touch of pain, or an undefined pang. It may be ditoront in extreme old age, when time hais to a certain extent blunted the feelings and bridgit over the gulf that roars 'and' foams bet Ween our childhood and latter - days. ,When the silver cord is nearly loosened, and as we draw nearer the shores of the great kingdom, we become again' as little children; our minds purified from the dross that clogs them on the. bat tle field of life, our weapons laid aside, and the evening time is„flooded with a gentle light, a soft light, soft -and mellow like a 'delieious autumn 'day; the sun has lost its burning heat, and shines steadily and mildly; 'and by the aid of those chastened rays we perhaps see more clearly than we could when the noontide light was dazzling us; the shadoWs . then melt into the landscape, and' they are - not so hard'or so defined. There is a hush and in that. bush we look upon tfte pest calmly and trustingly. Wild regrets are silenced, hot tears have ceased 'to flow, befirt wounds are healed; for the life dream is coming 'to a close and will soon fade away hi l ,the joyful to eternity. r , A FROG Sioav:—A writer.in Science Gossip says': "A near • neighbor, upon whose" veracity I can rely, recently opened a drain - in - Kent,' when he made the following discovery the mouth of the drain were placed two large stones, in measurement nearly' two it. square and 3 inches *thick ; the one at the top rested closely upon the one be: rieath. - Upon litting;it from the lower stone, the skeletons of five frogs were discovered ; they were in a circle in centre of the stones, 'quite flat. ,- Upon taking one ot them up and .holding it' to the light, there was only a thread like appearance of bones between the dry, flattened and fleshless skins; these skins were clear and beautifully mark ed. In this state they were• seen by several persons, and by each of them the frogs wore thought to be dead; but when the water commenced to flow over them there was a-slight gas ping perceived in the throats of each,, and by degrees the bodies swell ; cr . and life and motion returned. 'Rion,' to the surprise of the beholders,, tho; frogs sprung up and ran away inteAbo, drain. flow did these tyoga 035104 r. neath the stone that, eo . izerest 0;0 or one closely? There was Ala Woo for them to enter or depart, and woo the surface there was not tho slightest indentation made by tlso frogs. It was supposed to, be thirty years ago that, the stones were placed over the drain!), Atir&A ball struck a little boy in the eye last week. Strange to say, the, bawl immediately came oat of hia mouth. TO SUBSCRIBERS.