The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 11, 1867, Image 2

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    .. ~~.
' nH , TPN T IN"Ot N-;' ' ? 4!:
ii . :Ei,; .ro , s '
7!:a..seriar.• "Repi•e'sentative•
OgliVrfsA ffpin I tiiis did not
laipes.ah men t of
!: Perliapk •was on
o bolliCsiaes,of '
/‘ RIS#4I: giltherinwpt: loading Dem
r.ltdatqtwin ,AYaellington lately; General
the: faVciiiteqni the Isi;es
is-All'e"?tiOnlge.4, - an' the
1 4. ci
:irt, ?itosion
F l ll6 Vitt' .
ti11.5%;cr.. ,51 " - -.76,itryiszl cO ,
C:..: De: . -.7:
.1.°4 4utrAen , it
cdiv*.se4.4-itch4liAti:4l3d. inquifing:mo6ev`
rombabelitivecity.oti kn:eNg Nalitit;tl:lob`l - ti'tis i
th : erfutiiib?l , , 7
- I Lcf : 19 4 1 410 7 -Preiideittli Mesgage!
TbiA i tutorial VState•pefpor bas been
Siff4Y 4 lPOir itteltott to,t• by 4111 men:feeling
.gs4ttei'etit::l'n tho'utfaira of our •obun
-1-)' It - 4ias in' igtlilickaeespii
publish It en tire
guy pp.trops, may. Wave an opptir
;itunity to .read if.
.11e6Gun. Gruuscb tio:party to serve.
As Secretary-Of he :is deilypavieg
the fijib,oiteceils of.clolfere by
Icaiserliargiuglieekere:Mi who were kept
plaoe..tbreugh the influence sif Con
all tnen.impower would
,valy. net ' as independent, the better
times" wciit,ld'soon come
sR mai-Gen. Hutieoel,'Uow in ddinivand
Undoing porno of
etbe ivAti ) Otbep. Sheridan. G9ll. llan
,,e,e,ek'n leyulty-fiannot :bet doubted, Gut
s_Eitillbe.isidenoulieed" , by the Oxti•eme
iii`O to' believe
flune9ett will.. not do any
basimiosed to.
' 'We huffs reeeive
:seN•eral num
. - 7 --
Ilers,qt,tha , nelVdtepabliean paper, the
J E 5Y . ,9(,..9uc4rd,, published at 'Harrisburg.
Itis;thiiteitlobicink paper thyro; and
iivttbly'beinillietcil;:i . :t*ll,be
. success,
110: it' is' nds.
raptibn: .": • r :*
' • • '•
IzililifrForitando Wood; - of 'the' . "Wood
Fittn'?Of eortuptieniatei iri New. Y4k,
W ~ .
Was laltelji,ba,dly;'6eateo.O3' , inOre.hon 7
9T .quiPcplocrstic 'party. This
the good sense of New
bOt thero: fis • still: room` fOr re-
Nyoo d i st;.eS - 11re top, a
paper very llopuja - r :w4h" the • radical
`..'0,,,e40 . ,e - yae;3, -, " .. deink the war:
. ;
-', •1.11 - ~,,, •
mga Nv'n , wore tin c.neniy
.0 ~ •.
zwarad o th.o. radicalism of
thc.-Republivpli party. l Aseeon SIB the
th'e, , Nerth
. 49t; fired 114:
c'x'penses pro
_tlie South, the
sgrpp., t)3ere, discover that their
epinfort. come fronts tliose', they
hivOilbobiviiistrueted ''Co' 'lank iiiYo'a:as .
.1 •
b r efr ihifPg: • •
:W,:dretrt: G"rilift ititliO:Vg_iti•Oli`ti :'di;tl4.
ican's ca d idi4OTorPretsidin joast
47ii n e:ei):for I t4ehop : ,
el - liter& have
;publish: - the: General's leBti-
mony :the -, `-irep ; edahlneiit Coin
tnitfeej u Wtikt i li i Nrong 1 ontl'em'e n- certainly our, v decsr.}reuld, 1
like to
re . c.‘cAiielpqrtpirft;evidence comiogt from
your.. ce'nctidate;34-
Ong or the;rine (about
WaiMinikaon: duriniri the miit•lrtrying
lime of-411 , k'. w
M i ca 443 is - fugitive .
809 n a& ha can .be ar
re, I.lllllle, put .upon trial for poi
juryie Hifi! ftietuls'lLire now fe'iv in'
bI e 'hi ni t rto keep opt
of prison. Congressman Ashley oought,
to ihsi.:qo mei I ed !to," witli
tta,btiv_ ery body , should thankful•
for.tbilt!rosultii:of!tlie jute: eleotiono:4'
Re'rsit 'Wrt'e irk% r's:
of congt•4 bavota,lcom
,the. hint,
baie - _,:oMeinnqcCto
,giye kOmo atten herJr ants el , the peoliltb ilf the
eigna:oflthil tiniefg
. indiciatik•WnYthiNt;•
theielaidiffi Thi r st liOliti6al Iligish ion
by).414 poogrese : t,htm : tti ern
wigrduifpg,lhim ,jast, if.A,...,majority.- of
thaonombens vtonld•like tote ietiirtiea ,
at thVnii*VOkatiiiri, brit it is='poeitively_
oeitalo:piAt i lll;ilizt . !unlees OeYOboy
•.:qa - e:lt4-payorif.,...s he
oceppplket4 t of tho, mere party mon of
both:par:ties bivalibut played Out. Oaf:
Grid ff the:ROOS be;
eatiTiO' j ngitUi.,pi&ey
groPepffiliga anili:oogro pol4iati,l
- • ,
, tiy.'pe s grci
equalit~*, and hthi; you propose to pre- .
vent it."—Journal & American.
and,td h¢ voted fOr-Ltohold,Any Coun
ty, I) . istriet or State Office---to be'elec
ied, Vice President and'President
and- 7 6Y cirijOy'' any' other' . politichl' pray
ilege;o'►tj yid by white me,~t. ; . 1 1Ye pro ;
posel,toilivant-negro political equality
by refasioglto.give • him the . !right:to
enj ItJl-What' . lB your poaftion,,
borki•P' :Don't" sneak s around corners„
. 1 . ?i3 - pftyiltiii and take , a poeition, for
ur a . gainsi„„lor.,tile, : questioo is. now be:
fore.the -pcdp!wand- they wit! . itocia•cle-
vide ''"
NEGRO SUFFRAGE.—We have said re•
reatedly that we are opPoied to giving
the ballot to the negro race in America.
Wo aro opposed to it from no prejudi•
cial reasons., but because we , conscien
tiously believe it is a wrongi to the na- '
tion and a wrong tQ the..negrocs them
selves. WO'liave hoard it said that
this is a Republican form - of govern
ment, ready
- to nioeivelhe emigrants
from foreign nations, and invest them
with the privileges of Americans.
While wo have done this, as far as con
coma White Men, and will continuo to
do, so, under die ptovisiona of the Con:
stitution, yet we believe there am mo
tives .of - ,good policy which should
-pi s ompt deny the privileges of vo
ting-and.hdhling - office, to blackmen.
We donnethefievetbat thiSia a tiation
Which WOO .lifi2sdohledFxdlasi,,;ely by
s ih,ii:e..leq„Wiwo,flo._lielioto that it is•
ktleittiott , whiblrishouldl,be gOvbraccl ex
ietnelvely by'white"ined; :for we ' &in
t Of.that two; Tenp)os as directlY in
sorqiist, siiqutfly, Mentally and physi-,
4 1 . Y; as AhDO?liiclx• and white races,
,cannot live agreeably tOgctlier, if both
AreAllevied the' satit4 P'dditical
.'.ged. tlhat ' 'they can ,live in the mine
• - -
community; by giving eacheqUal rights
to lifeilibertyand property, is proven
by the aetnat eXistenee of sueli condi
tion; but
i that they can livoin thesame
community, with equal political rights,
is actual experience to i . be un
true and unsafe. The two races are too
spparate and distinct to' admit of any
such equality. We have evidence of
this -in the:Southern States; where Con
gress has assumed the power, against
the will'of the . peoPlO,' to u Oonfor the
suffrageOn the negro element. Alrdady
it hits bred a feud,; which will exist as
Jong as the privilege is permitted. We
- have also evidence's Of the nogre'ne
tun. having in :,those States more
than enough votes to •give; them the
balance, el power,..theybh,vo in many
Instances elected 'negtiies to nfileo; who
will:undoubtedly Conforin in all things
to the wishes,of their own race, oven
to the detriment of -the interests of the
whites. If will not be a:!qaestion of
policy•with-them, but ratlier , a 'ques
tion of self-interest, 'and the country's
'interest will be sacrificed • to..passion,
pruintion and prejudice.,,; The example
of-tho situation of affairs in the• South
as it new 'exists, may be taken as a
if all the ncgroes of the nation be al
lowed the-same privilege of voting and, for we hold that both
these privileges Will and mast go to-
Ohm.., The negroeS will soon under
stand • that they hold- the balance
. of
power, and knowing-this they will use
their knowledge to the best advantage
in promoting - their oWn, interests visa
race. For these reasons We believe it to
be a ,wrong to, the qountry to-give-the
two races equal political privileges,. It
can be easily understood why it would
he a wrong to the negroes themselves,
. e,qual political priv-,
ilegcs ; with. whiteimen. Thedosire'ef
the negroes to obtain' contract ' the
government, throtigh the influence
of the ballot; would engenddr 'a"destrue
tivedheling of animosity,
,and add still
mere to' the - prejudiees . t . now exist.
Thiii'abiinoSitY', Would , show. itself ;at
every opportunity, and there would be
continual strifes between the two race's
so radically different. The stern
,tit© government would
haVO to be exerted ,to, quell disturban
amtshould,thiw means becoMe iri
effectualia war of rade , would ineVita:
bly tili'd'lv:ealiet 'class
• would be tVorsted., Were it not for the
military in, the outbern Suttee; the
'etrifeg Avhich,hay.e alreedy:'eestidditici
'twhen:the two, races 'would hatrore7
stilted in Still,M4O:tirea . tifal cousequen•
thaa:'the ! pffair . at Now Orleans,
.:I,.teraphis,- or still later at Richmond.
,t - Every cousideration' of reason and
'prudence is against inahing . the negro
equal td the whito:tuau„ander any, one.
goihi•aatelit; the eiporience of the past
' i eur,pwn,nation is proof against it,
the lesson' "taught. by the; recent,
j eloction should.tonVlnee every thinhi
,ingindivvjduar that it is,fiptly, to pursue
a . 'course :pf equalityrrnalcing-so die
:EnstefuLtind unreasonable) telhe lar"go .
.mass of White men in'this,gC;VeOpicat..
The: President Not Impeabha,
The impeachment
'fore; th 6 Ilouse fo'r' ;two or three days,
and ipeeehes were Made for and egainet
by the Most prominent merabera..l. Mr:
poutwell - Mrade the principal' speech' In ,
support of Cho' MajOritY'ionetit, On
Saturday the' Vete'Watitaken nn im
peachment, and, it was defeated, by the
deeiSive Veto of, .108 nays ic) , 57 yeas.
I ,IITo never believed. the President wmild
: tie impeached, but we were not piTpar
ed fol• such gdiferal ,back, down _of
,bitter, enemies, The vote is an
impeachment, or the impeachers, and We'
'elMil . hear no more threats from' vene•
mods:Phity, men to iMpeach President,
Johnson, ' ,
The result of the. impeachment Ties
.tion has made some of the : Radicals feel
'very bad,tind 'they talk, cross. Il oar
the Philadelphia
,Aforain . 4 Post :
"To-day we find the Republican par
ty tit ,the feet of its enemy, for we need
•not repea:e_that in :Oengress.alono the
leadership of the „Republicans is found.
tot'ea'ivards say what they will, the
impeachment of:Andrew, Johnson was
a, Measure, ,WhiCh tho • Republican
party 'Was pledged, Andrew Johnson
is' the
.hero of the day."
JUDGE' SiraiiswitOn was sworn into
kitten as' one of the J netioes c;,f,the Sn
prenio Court bf.Penneylwtnia, on MOD.
day ww o k,
The Southern States,
The following article which we copy
from . the Philadelphia -Evening 'Tele•
graph of Saturday, a prominent Repub•
Mean papor,will give the reader a pret
ty correct idea of the character of men
now coutroling the reconstruction of
the Southern" States. It will not do
for the Telegraph to say that it was "by
the merest accident that such men ob
tained the ear of the Southern people"—
the blacks of course, for no other peo
ple in the South would be influenced
by such crazy fanatics. The kind of
men the Telegraph complains of were
encouraged:by the, northern radical par
ty and Congress, and helped 'to posi
tions by the free use of money appro•
piiated by the party. But now that
their works are likely to damage the
Republican party and reconstruction,
thosewhowere foremost in giving aid
aro anxious to.speak out and throw
the blame upon "merest ,accident."' It
won't de, gentlemen—am white ,radi
eals of the South are powerless .with
out-the aid of the Republican party in
the :North, and Whatever evil's are
brought upon the eountry'by the radi
cals of the South, ,the radicals , of the .
North : will be hold responsible for. Ra
dical reconstruction . - was ordered that
voted could be made for party purpos
es, but we predict, that if the present
. plan is persisted in by Congress• and
the Republican party, reconstruction
will fail and the party advocating it
'will•be defeated at the next Presiden
tial election.:
Here is the article from the Tele•
graph :
anxthing is calculated to shako one's
faith in the doctrine that the world
not only moves backward; but - does
not so much as pause in its onward:ca
reer toward a political and social mil
lennium, airs the course pursued 'by
some men who hitve,.b,the morestac
cident, obtained the ear of the South
ern•people; Mr.'.D. H. Bingham, a
member of the Alabama Constitution
al Convention, is 'a fair , ' specimen -of
this class. Ho is it native'of Vermont
but ,having resided in Alabama for
more than.thirty years, it is reasonable
to suppose that he has hadlime to bo
come sufficiently identified with South.
ern interests to desire to Pronuito thorn
in• every possible way. But we regret
the neeessityi . which compels us to say
that Mr. Bingham is nothing more nor
less than a fire-brand in the midst of
very inflammable materials, He'ari
p.elikraito,nameoncetved th e ead .; that
every. other white:man in the State is
on the 'high road to perdition, and wilt
be vastly benefitted by 'a little ••pintga
toilet experience before'ho enters 'into
final amid unceasing torment. There
fore, ho does all that he possibly can
towards fomenting ill-will between the
two races which must dwell together
in the Southern States for a few years,
if not fora!! time. Mr. Binghatngoes
about the matter sySternatically,• add
by the most inconsiderate and nonso,n,
sical harangues endeavors to. foster
and perpetuate in the minds ,of the
freedmen a feeling of antagonism to
wards the white portion of -the popu
lation, In the same spirit he speaks
and votes, as a member of the ,Consti-•
tational Convention ; and if its labors
are to be based altogether upon 'his
platform, then woe to, the unhappy
men who have elevated him and oth
ers of like spirit to power.
This Alabama Convention, in which
Mr. Bieghtim at present figures so'con
spicuously, is overstepping the, bounds
of propriety in more ways, than , one.
Impressed with an idea, that its, pow
ere are altogether sovereign-and • un•
limited, it has undertaken to legislate
upon the subject of divorces, and simi
lar. matters, • thereby ; simply holding
itself op to tlividicele of the country.
There are 'likewise in ,the Louisiana
Convention some men who aro afflict
ed,with a sense of their own, supreme
authority and wisdom ; and they have
pr:Opiised—although the' Convention
has not as yet had foolishness
.to de
clare:---,that no other Convention 'for
the',further revision of the, Constitu
tion shall he authorized by the Legisla
Wye within fi 9y ety 'years. If such a
ridiculous measure is approved by this
body, it will insure to .Lpuisittna, in all
'probability, a repetition of scones simi
lar to those which transpired in Rhode
Island during the Dorr rebellion. Wise
'as' the law-makers of Louisiana may
be,;they shOuld, net attempt : ,to •,lsgis
late'sp fiir into, the feture,forlear,their
grand children ,may 'have good ; cause
to,dthiht their, claim' to the honor of
"staten M anship, „ •
The task. confided by Congress ',to
,Southern Conventions is the great
est and the grayest that, has,,devolved
upon finir,simil A r body sine© the days
when our Federal Constitution itself
ions framed. In the wordspf Abraham
Lincoln, malice towards none,
with charity for" all, and with Armneso
in the'right i !, they,sheuld "strive,on to
finish the work,they are in, to bind up
the nation's,, wounds, and to do
'Which may aehitive and cherish a just
peace," It is their province
,to decide the degree of prescription
4vbich is necessary to their own safety
and die welfare of, the whole country:
Yet; by giving loOse rains to their ani
s they will more' than counter.
act al ft he good they can _possibly, achieve,.
will bring themselves into antagonism
with almost the entire, White popula
tion of the - Southern States, and will,
'moreover, render it necessary for Con
gress to administer to them severe
rebuke, by returning for material re 7
'Vision the Constitution in the framing
of whibli they are now engaged.
.1..3-Some . days ago a friondly
publican requesCed us to call the at
tention. of. Congross to 4 resolution
a,doptod by the Republican County
Convention held in this place in Aug.:
ust last. The resolution is as follows :
' "Eighth, That Akdreiv 'Johnsen
ought to resign, and that we call upon
Congress, immediately after re-assem
bling, to 'pet this desire of the people
in proper form and lay it, before the
person to whom il, refers.".
Now that impeachment is disposed
of, it is to .beloped that Congross will
take up and consider the importance of
the above resolution. Delays are dan
Items of General Interest.
IN the last ten days, says tho
Times, per city has Buirered ,
from a 'number of failures. Failures
have also occurred in New York and
Bostoniand - over the whole .country.
So far, the effect of these misfortunes
has hem happily, limited to a small
circle. But the clan,ceer . is not over.—
Prices are steadily fading, and we arc
aware of nothing that likely to check,
them. Many who laid in great:Am:l6,
when they cost dearly, have them on
hand, and they have declined in value.
The_ people de not buy, hoping for a
further- decline; and, eventually, the
goods must be thrown on the market,
by the holders :or i b ;the Sheriff, at
such prices a's "theyovflf bring; in : order
to meet indebtedness.. These facts are
quito as plain to the purchasers as to
the sellers, and ihe'ettebt is 'to cause a;
stagnetion?of bu inces, Stich d 4 would"
beget failtir6S 'Oren in cnsdipary Urges.'
• •
THE Siwingfioldi Republican sari
"One horror is laid
peachnieut eprortS,' shocking
charge Wet Piesidpiit',Jobnson ;mur
dered-his predecespoo,l3 supported by
'not a. wOrd Of i den ed, ',direct or in di-'
,and hem AS,hley . was ffnallY pall
ed 'before the cornMitte,o, on the subject,
he Wait obliged to ennfeS.o,llA he never
had any aiithkity . for;the t 'tiectieatiOn
beyond- the'*erd of:Lhat,Universalliar
and perjurer, Conover.. Butler's as
sessinntton committee Will 'never re
port, 'amid the Congressmen Who so
shocked the country with their—mon
strous"accusatibus ' o the Pyesidont
will be glad to, haVe' their •.offernie'for
gotten' cfpspeedily as possible."
A aiNcus, of, Republican,-Congress
men was held on Wednesday evening,
'Co • bear the report of 'the: e
Comniktede obthe present condition of
tbe Southern campaign. Gon. Schenck
made groliert eliawutg that:s4o,673 50
had been 'speht_and,,.§39,l6o 23 had
been collected., lie, rurged , upon the
'caneug the renowal of its best ,efforts
so that the'RePublican party
full control'of the, Southerntates.
Several speakera urged the members
to cokributh' liberally in money; 'and
a Committee - Wag 'appointed te' - 'l 4 .aiao
funds, and that employees about the
capitol, and 'elsewhere '„in the' pay of
Congress; be • called - on - Or a donation.
Turgarrisburg, Daily Stale Guard
Bays: •!',l'he system of packing conven
tions to secure the objects'of 'rings' in
nominating,unfit Inen:fer ofribe;lß, he
ing condemneeirith , great unanimity
by the Repuhlican press of the - Sta:te.
The 'Tykst Branch' Bulletin,, one bi: the
ablest Republitan organs in the State,
earnestly • , advectiteti the Crawford
cl9ktby,atyaionav- . There - is no:Am:Ter
any doubt Of'the unfairness la
im prs c Lica bi i fif the'd
It is condemned on •all, sides by the
people Who have so often been cheated
in its operation:"
TIM revival of , the trade , :in . whCat
with Great :Britain is causing, soma
feeling' lin the • grain markets in the
Wedif.r 'frFor several yearn we had'
no grain to send to Europe, nor could
we compete-With the grain growers of
the old world. But latterly the de=
mand for' American wheat in the Brit
_tali market has giforCrise to the hope
that the United' States will soon do an
extensive :business in that line with
Europe. - : .
. .
As an argument in favor of the• re
peal of the cotton tax, it is•statod that
the total value of the cotton now in
the South—estimating the quantity at
two and a half millions of bales, and
the 'selling price, at only ten cents per
pound—is one hundred millions of 'dol:'
lars. It is contended that the removal
of the tax would enable the Smith 'to
contribute indirectly to *the revenue a'
good deal more than:the tax 'would
amount to. -; ;"
, Rindnrpest is, now,, proyailing
very fatally amongst the cattle in 13al-'
timore.county, Maryland, and portions
of the adjoining—counties. Howard
McHenry, of-Baltimore county, has, al
ready lost twenty - odd:panic on - his
farm. The - diseae first-appedra in vo
miting and purging,. death almest'in-,
variably ensuing. Hogs and horses
bare been likewise, affected. It has
become a.very serious matter. • ."
• '
Tua quid remark of General ,Grant
to the Congressional 'SU - telling Com
mittee during his 'examination and
cross-examination, was rather good.—
"I 'am not--quito' certain;" Said he;
"whether I am' beinv , triek et, who 16
: being tried." And that, is; just' exaCtly%
the matterthabxercised a g'reat many
people, in the .same'situatiOn. ' But
Grant enjoys the'repntation 'of always '
hitting right•otuthe',"Smellers."l"
GEN. GRANT isdetorpllned to rid the
army of its useless • material, and. has
ordered- that, ort,the?'firsttof .Jatinary,
a large number ;of Assistant Adjutant
Generals, Quartermasters;• , Colonels,
Majors;•Captains•:and Lieutenants be
mustered out of 'service; All this is in
aceordanee:Vitli country's: deas of
economy. • . • • • '
TIFCERouse 'of' Represontatives on
'Wednesday Jasrt . by a vote of 145 to. 20,
'repealed the tax on .cotton;•aftor , the
year ;sphstitute, to 'exempt
,present year's crop from ;tax was
lost by a large .majority.
, GF.NERAL , POPE telegraphed Gh;heral
Swayno Deemnber '2d, Asking, if the
Alabama convention cannot be induelsd.
to adjourn wi'thout, further legislation,
and says the Convention
,is doing hi
calculable injury to reconstruction. ,
THE Virginia
vendor) met on.the 3d"insta,nt, and a
temporary organization Was ha&•1?y
electing ,a white man Chairman,;a
oi•cd man.• Secretaty; and , a' white
man Assistant Secrethry. • - •; • •• -•
HORACE GREELEY !ORS announced in,
his Tribune that he will not aanopt the
mission to Ansta:ia. Ilo.prefers,to re
main at home to watch the upa and
downs of political Movements.•
THE Democratic majority for Mayor,
in New York city, on Thursday last,
was 67,000; Republican vote, 18,465,
Democratic, 85,763.
Although but littlo more than half a year
has elapsed since the steamship line+between
San Francisco and China and Japan began
to run, it is already a complete financial sue•
The President's Message,
besides asking no
,appropriations for the ab
ove objects for the last two years, the Secre
tary of the Navy, on the 30th of September
last, in accordance with the act of miry 1,
1820, requested the Secretary of tho Treas
ury to carry to the surplus fund the sum of
sixty-five millions of dollars, being tho amount
received front the sales of vessels and - other
war property, and the remnants of formei
Postal Affairs
The report of the Postmaster General shows
the business of the Postoflice Department and
the condition of ,the ,postal servienlu. • a
very favorable light, and the attention of
Congress is called to its practical recommen
dations, , The receipts of the Department for
the jeer
,inding .Imie 30; 1867, including all
special appropriations fur sea and land ser
vice and for free mail matter, were $10,973,- -
603.. The expenditdres for all purposes Were
$10,235,183,-,•lee.vicg-an mnexpended bal
. Rue; 1 4 favor of the Department of $743 1 210,
- *lila 'can be opplied toward the ; expenses.
of the Dell:101
, for, the current year„ The
ineiease of T,OsitTievenne,' independent of,
,specific, apprfimiations, for the year' 1867;
over that of Iw, was $850,040. The increase .
of revenue froin the sided stamps and stamp
ed envelopes Was $7 83;4Q4., Increase of
extiebditur,es : for `4d'Veier those 'of the pre--
vioui year Was - owing chiefly 'to the extension
of the-land anil•oeSan mail service. During
the past 'yerir new; raietal :conventions have
been ratified-and exchanged with -the United
Kingdom ,of Great Britian and Ireland, Bel
gium, the Netherlands, Switzerland,,_ the
'North GeriutinATaion, Italy, . and .!•he
nial GlOrerinsietit at Iferig Kong, reducing
'very largely ttie'ratee of ocean and land post
ages to hrid froth and ivithin'Oeptj' countries,
I'! ' Agriculture. ' ",
The 'report of the Acting Commissioner of
Agrieultureleonclio!y presents the condition,
wants, and progress'of :an interest eminently
worthy of the fostering care of Congress, and
exhibits a, large measure .of useful results
achieved during the year to which it refers.
•• • •
Foreign Relations.
The re-establishment of peace at:home and
the resninption, of, e.tended trade, travel and
commerce abroad, have served to increase the
number and variety' of. questions in the de
partment of Fiireigp' Affairs. -None of, these
questions, howeier, have seriously disttirbod
our•relatione with other States.'
The nepeblio of .1114:mice having been 're
lieved from.fornign intervention, is earnestly
engaged, in efforts ; to, rerestablieh .her.
tutional.system of government. ~ ,good un
'der'standing continues to";exist" between our
GOvernment 'and theltepUblies of llnytittirid
San Domingo;and'ObV.eordial relations with
'the Central and South American States re
main unchanged:. The tender. tria'de in con
formity with al resolutiOn of Congress; of the
good offices of the Government, with. ityißV9
to the amicable adjustment 'of peace between
Brazil and her allies, on ,one' side, rind Par
agimy on We 'Other, and" between Chili and
her allies, on one „
side;' and Spain 'On We
other; though kindly'iodeided, has' iii'neither
case beeryfully accepted• by' the-belligerents.
The war in.the:Valley of tlio
vigorously maintained. ,On the other land
actual hostilities ,between ; the ; Pacific
and Spain' Nave beo 2l nrro tilanat,year
peuaed._ ,shallr-Th any proper occasion
that'may_ occur,'Tehew the conciliatory re
oommundationS which have been already
made. 'Brazil, with enlightened 'sagacity
and comprehensive statesmanship, has open
ad .the great channels of the Amazon and its
tributaries AO universal commerce. Ono thing
more seems' needful to assure a rapid and
cheerful progress in South America. I re
fer to' these peaceful habits without which
States and Nations cannot, in this ago, well
expect, materialvresperity or social advance
ment. .
The Exposition of Universal. Industry at
Paris hae passed; and seems to have fully-re
alized the high expectations .of the French
Government.' If due allowance be made,for
the recent political derangement of induStry
here, the part which the United States has
borne in this exhibition of invention and art
may be regarded with very high satisfaction..
During the Exposition, a conference was
held by delegates from the several nations,
the United States being one, in which the
inconvenience' to commerce and social. inter
course ' resulting , ftloin divers standards of,
mousy value were fully discussed; cud Plans
were.developed for establishing' by universal
consent &common principle for the coinage
of gold. !These conferences are expected to
be renewed with the attendance of many for
eign State's not'hithorto represented. , A re
port of these interesting proceedings will be
submitted to Congress, which will no doubt
justly appreciate , the great' object, and
,be adept any measure which may'tend
to facilitate its ultimate accoMplishment.
flu the ,twenty: fifth "of February, 1862,
Congress declared by law that the Treasury
notes without interest, authorized, by that
act . ..should . lsgal l tenders in the 'payment
dell debts, public and private, within the
United States. An annual remittance of
$30,000, less stipulated expense, accrues to
claimants under timeonvention made with
Spain in 1834. These remittances, since the
passage-of the act, have been naid, in Buell
notes. The claimants insist that the Gov
ernment ought to require yayment in coin.
'rhe.subject maybe deenied worthY of
attention. • ' '•
- Our Claims AgelneeMnglana.
No arrangements have' ei been "reached
for the settlement of our claims for British ,
depredations mailer .the ' comnierde 'of 'tlici'
United States. :hate felt it my duty.te:de
' cline a propositiqn •of arbitration -made by.
her Majeaty's , Governm e nt, because ,it has
hitherte - been - hceeeripa'#ied by, reservations
and limitetione`With the rights, interest and
.honor of our'eolidtry. It'is not ,to ha'apprej
headed ,that :Great“Britaiii will persist' iu
her, ; refusal.; to satisfy these just and reason:'
able claims which involves the sacred: prin
"ciPle henceforth not more important , to the:
United'Stittes ,than,all ether commerefal
' Thl4 *est ludia Islands,
• The West , India Islands,were settled and
colonized' European
,States,, simultane-,
ously 'settlenieni arid .eclunizatien
of the Ameriban"Ctintinent.' Met' of the
colonies plarited. here .became 'indepeddent
nations in the 'clOse.ofithe Met, and begin
ning of the present century. Our own'
country ; embraces . communities which at
,period were .the, Colonies of great
Britain;,France,Snain, Poland, Swetdon,and '
Bassin: TIM 'people in the Welt Indies,
'with the'exception of thoie'of thelslands of
Hayti, have neither attained nor aspired to
independeace,.nig have they become .pre-'
'pared for Aelf:deren3e: although possessing
considerable enrumercial, value, they: have
been held by several, European, States which
colonized the eon,cptered, i thom,
chiefly fdi; purpoSos of 'military, arid
,strategy. In carrying'On the Elfropean pol
icy and designs in regard, to this continent'
in our own•revolutiOnary war ports and har
bors in.the West India Islands were used by'
our enemy to the great 'injury and embar
rassment of, the United States. We had the,
same experience in 'Cur• second i - war with
Great Britain, The same E,dropean policy.
.for along time excluded us even from trade
with the West IndloS, Whileivewere at peace'
with all nations. In our.recent , ' civil war
the rebels and their piratical• and blockade
treating allies found facilities in some ports
for work which they too
-successfully accorn-,
plialied, of injuring and devastating a coin-,
merce which we are now engaged in rebuild- .
ing% We labored especially under this dis
advantage when European steam vessels em
ployed by our enemies found friendly shel
ter, protections and supplies in the West In
dian ports, while our own naval operations
were necessarily carried on from our own.
distant shores. There was then a universal
feeling of the want of an advanced naval out
post between the Atlantic coast and Europe.
The duty of obtaining such an outpost peace
fully and lawfully, while neither was daring
nor .menacing injury to the other States,
earnoritli engaged the attention of the Exo
. . .. _ . , ...
~ . ..,
°native Department before tho closo of Cho
war, and it has not boon lost sight of since
that time.
Purchase of Alaska.
A notrop l tiibly, die - similar naval want ro
coaled itself during the - same period on the
Pacific coast, and theiiquired foothold there
Watilortunately `secured by our late treaty
with, the , Emperor:Of Russia, and it now
seems imperative that the:Obvious necessities
of the Atlantic coast should not be less care
fully provided, for a 'good and convenient'
port and harbor capable of easy defence will
supply that want with the possession of such
a the United States.
Neither we nor any other American na
tion need longer apprehend injury or offend
from any trans-Atlantic enomr.r.. J. agree
`With our - early statesmen, 'that the - West In
dies naturally gravitate to, and may be,ex
peeled ultimately,to be absorbed by, the, con
tinental States; including-our own: J Agree
with them also' that it is wise to leave the
question ofsuch absorption to this pro Jess of
natural politicalgravitation. ,The island's of
St. Thomas and 'St., Johns; whioh,oonstitute
a portion of the roup,called Virgin Islands,
seemed to offer us 'ad l :,atitagee ,trconediately
desirable,'while their acquisition 'could be
seoured in harinony' with the principles to
which I have alluded. A' treaty'has, there
fore, been concluded with.the King `of ' Den
mark for the cession of those, islands, and
`Will he submitted to the Sonatefor.considera : "
. •
It will hardly he 'necessary to call the at
tention of Congress to the subject' of,
dinglor: the payment te'Ritsela tlie'sum stip-.
,ulated in the treaty for the cession. of Alaska
possessions, it having been formerly delivered
to our Commissioner., .Tbe territory,,remains
for the present
,m:cliargetof military force,
awaiting aunt' civil ergtiniZtitioll 4 / 1 611 . 1 s )
:diretited bkCiikgrties„ •*-; :
' The Naturalization
The annexation of ,Many small dorMan
States to Prudin; and the reorganization'of
that country under 'it, new and liberal Con
stitution; have 'induced •Me to"rene'vr' the
effort to obtain a just and prompt Settlethent
of a' long vexed question concerning • the
claims of ibieign,States for military service
front their subjects mauralized-jp ithe United
States. In - cminectiou tlue subject, the
'attention of Congresses reSpodtfally'callerto
a' singular and embarrassing Conflict of laws.
The Exduti've Department • of, this' 'oorein
-ment has hitherto uniformly' held; .'es it 'new
holds, that naturalization in eon formity , with
.the Constitution and laws of the United States
absolves the ,reeipient„from, his.nativo allegi
ance' The Courts of Great-Brititiu hold that
allegiance 'to thll
eiiitisli`crOWn Fs' inlet:edi
ble, and id'not absolved by" our laws orntit
uralization,'. and IBritistv;juilkes'jcifeeedrts
and law autliorities.,•of the %United Sfatdin
support of ,that. theory against, the pdition
held by, the Expoutive,authority;of,the United
States, 110 conflict i perN9i,x4,3s , r i the; pi lie
mihd Cinidrning
. 14g1'4 of natnrittr:p.ireiti
'zens:hrid'iranairs national utboritsi,abrhad.
I,ealled , attention'tO this subject iii 'my . lust
annualxnessage, and now again' respectfully
appeal to:Con ,, reav to declare . the nstiOnal
will untnistakitbly,upon this. important And
The African Slave Trade.,,
Abuse of our, la ws. by elandestine,prosecu
lion of the African slave trade. from Ameri-
can ports, or by Amorican citizens,
nA has, al
togetliev to oid, optider--existing ,
stances no apprehension'of its' renewal in
this part of the World ore entertained. ,I.lnd(ir
the circutostauces, , l it becomes. a, question
whether we shall not propose
GovernmeVi a suspension or .discontinu
anconf 'stipuldtio'n'Oor chain tainink:,ti
force for the iti[iproision of 'flint' tilade.' 5
' [Signed] . • -ANDREW. JOHN SON.
Dec: 3, 1867.' • ' • ; ; ;
Important fi'om Washington.
„,: , •
Special ilispetcb,te the Pittsbprgh Coceprroit4l.]
WipiiNCTON, Decombor .7, 186'i. '!
The 'movement to impeadh Andrew
Johnson, as President. of the: United
States, for high,crimes and ..misdetrioa!
nors, which was inaugurated in the'
Hones of Represontatives'on. July 7th,
1857, ended to-day in a rejection ,of
the, articles, of impeachment by a, ; natt--
jority of.fdtpono votes.,t • ,
The question ; should,,the .resolution
of impeachment ,pass i • was•:talt - en;,by ,
yea Sand .The
,call of the. roll•
was, roceeded. with, - and .it, soon ; be.
came evident that the, impeachers were.
n mercifully; weaker than was suppos
od'.' The first three names
ted "no;" then a few-yeas ,came in;
and.then a long, list pf nays...: A. few :
attempts were m ade to explaj before`
voting. Mr. ;B yers; - of Philadelphia,
rose to say he voted J'aya,' ; ',,because ho
could have an opportupitydt.o offer. ,a
resolUtion of censure.,,,-, •.,
The roll had been called and ,the
lioUse was waiting patiently forr ; the
announcement of the result, when the,
silence was broken, by,- a cough -that
sounded like an echo from.tbe.other
world, and Thad. Stevens was seen tot.
tering into, the. hall by a side door.
attempted to Wiilk to, his s•Cat,',:4tipp . or-.
ted by a.friend 'On eaah:Side; l 'hut Was:
unable to prii6eVciTurthiir,tha the' riat,
r o w of
ilbsk,",when'he sat"; doyo:;;:atid,
beino'reCoghied the',Spea4E, f ro 7,
corded his veto iii theaffiria4tiv,,,ma
king, aid ,
The reinitWas'illOU annOune - ef: ,Yeas,s7 j - giiys, '" ,,•.
A muss members', WC. ttte,
imniediate)Y,ramen,g ihoi'tllr. Ashley
who 'Wes so much disgtisted the,
-fat§ Of hisliet:'B:6fieine, th - atWhph,,ask•
f ed Wliat lie'thoUgh,l; of he'. - replied
tattributedhe , go's
Lew Isiise'rables:ta Cariitii
fish '
,genifelten. palled".on,
the 'grklent•lllig - e,vdpipaf,,4N ; nrat'frk-t
ly congratulated to-day's result
on impeachment.
ariTliere; Was it large:Grant meet
ing' held . in New 'York on the' night of
the 4th inst. The:Pali for the meeting
was signed by 'a l4rge tiuMbir, of,, Qle
Most - substUntial . .and
tens of that pity, et both ;politieal par
ties. Judge Riltoty:offePed tihe follciwr•
ing resolutions whidll'iveie unanimous
ly n.d4ted : "
Bpiolved, Thßtthe t American poople hare
ever been true to the :est:nets' of patriotism
in maintaining the find honor of, the
nation; and that did tioltnowl'edginent'of
tinguished services in the national' cauSe eatih= .
not fail to be regarded as a , grateful duty -by'
a free and,intelhgentlieople: • • • ,
Re,olved, That; r reliink in perfect 'on&
dente on. the, sagacity, judgmetit;:tprtident:
energy and unfalteriug,patrimism so striking
ly displayed throughout - his whole career, we
•present General U. S. Grant, as the candidate
of the loyal Union people, for the' office of.]
President - of the United Stales. ' •'
Several .;peePhos'weie made—one by
General Sickle's, while of it plea- .
sod the - Radicals, displeased • t
he Gen,
servatives. The majority of leading
Republicans in New,York,as elsewher , e,
are oppOsed to `maklng Grant thbir‘
candidate, and Will ootiti nue_ opposed
to him to the bitter, - end if lie fails to
plaq9 himself fair and square upon the
negro suffrage platform.
AV.Z:' tor plain, Jamey and ornamen,
tal printing, oa]l at the "lobo" Offlco,
A handsome and convenient residence in . .a% do ut iablo
locution 'ln the Borough- of. n
ALSO—too other dwellings, end a businWSs , stind.
Apply to - • SIILLEIt & AP.3IITAUF.,.
Huntingdon. Pa.
A amell dwelling (lonia . , in the borough of Hunting
don, wilt aulliciont rootu•to erects ebop in front or rear
NOTESILVE:R' 25;'1891::
North and North-West for., Pnigt . nziana,:Naw
Tatiaqi, 'ASELIND, Lmisnon,
ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EPHRATA, - Line ' LescAsTEl4 pound-
Mane leave Hnrriabues foc.l , lm,v Xerk, f na follows t At
2;00, 25 and 6,10 M„ '2 05 and 9,36 P. AN - connect.
ing-with similar traineonllioPintisilvanialt-n,nrrlvlng
at Now York 6,10, 1015 - 3111 - 11 60 A,, AL, and 3,40, and
3{) Y,.; Al: 9 leeping cars accompany the 300 a m and
9 33p. m. !Atha without change.
-, Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottev ) 116, Tamaqua,
litlnerSville, Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown. and Phila.
delphia at 8 10 A.llE,"and 2 05 and 410 P. M.; 'stopping at
Lobancn and principal sva3i afationtn.the4 / 0 -Pi in. train
making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only.
-For Pottavilln, Schuylkill Haven and Kubutn,tria:Sehayl
kill and Supgushannalt.R., leave Ilarrisbitt - ti tit 3 65 6'AL
, Itotnizilng, Jew& bigrelditi at 9 A. 111.,12 Ncon, - 5 &
1"..614 Philadelphia atiB,ls A. - 34., and 330 P.-11j Way Pas
senger train lentos ..Phiitidelphlu 051,30 A. ?If -rater - DIP&
from Tteadini at' 6 30P: le.; stops at al statfrizon kottsville.
',at 8,4¢ A. x.. and 2 45 R. M.; Aahland 0 00'and12,1.91t'm
and 2,00 P 'Tamaqua ak8.30 4Ma padl Aia) 0 . 46 R 04.
• I Leave P 041341110 for illarrisbarg, via Schuylkill and - 4
Susquehanna Railroad at 7,10 aAm.
An Accommodation Passenger "Vain 1eayr!1L 34 703&,1
',30 A. DI.; and ,ratunai frimi 4t:4,00
Pottstotin Acco=iodation •Trairi Leaves Peit - alvit at
8,45 a. m„ roturnliielmives:Philadalplibt at 0,00 p.
Ituilroe,4 . '200.411 leave Readlite 02! A
31 and 6i6 51 for Eitrittllsltillitt' bettgattiliflCol•
&o. • .
tha Suisdals leave Now Norliiat:l3 Off.P it” . l.l,llodel.
pltia,.B a m and 315 P..37.„tbe 8 a in trod ritiming only
to 71eadingt Pottsville 8 A. DI., Harr' burg,s 25
,a- ro t and
410 andiB 35, pm, and Readinglllso, iind m: ' •lor
Ifarrbiburgoind 7 05 ii, tn., aßcV.l4opiu . t.,fit,r,geyiy9Tl4,Otid
'4:25 p. mi for Philadelphia.
TICKETS to and from all ptntEt, at recinced rates. •
! Baggage ebeekoil - :lodiounctstdigagetialortod.
each Peasengor. • , ,
9. ^ A.
• 7 el n.ral '
Beading; Nov . 25;1901: ,Ouperfix
it; ir •
" The La
- UI
-" j r . - -
.- - 11V.191-31QV,.
/iPr'';: .-i; ~; •'. In‘.--;•11,0 , It ,:
' -If ' ' ' ' T ' t '' ; ' •,l -"I' : • :ti" ' i ,,. ‘ 4“ .. 4 7 ' 1 !-:: I. ' •
i AIR ligtBgll4 --
, ',
iVeWo t A l e 1 i1i 6 . 11 dEO I i'ai ' ...
will,q*kly, restore', Gray - Hair - ,
fi ,
'in, f its,na tural cnlor f : Mid; f ls,eau,iy,, jf f
and produCeluixiniant'.' p grnyi . tli. it is, ,
perfectly harmless, and, is; preferred
."over every „9t et. 1 preparation by , f
. 'those wlio;hMo a' fine' bead ' 'of' hhir,
as well as thode yho'-iiiish - iq `restore .
it: "The beautiful' glois' andp f ei-fulne ` • ''
inip . ''aited'o the Hair make it desirAfe ''.'
•' ; " 1 for old' and young: f •• ' ,
-' 1 ';'' 174;.r Salo ' lii all Dritgrilitli. '
:::P_ l :o4oS . g*,4 l )a,
09Y -E, p'ARM FOR
This Faral'is situated on Piney qteelf.,abflt four 'udleal
Mon Wllliamsbufg;adjohiini t•pringtleld Ferule° prop,
erty. It 'contains'l6 - 5 ACHES, Of which Went ' 26 abie's is
young chestnut thnbor, all under good feaC'e.'
'The haproreineuts.are a first clitss_TAßNlnearly hew,
with 'Wagon Shed. Corn crib, de.; e !done. //S9ELLING
ITOIL4?, also new; log Divolling, large and well selected
Orchard, eta,
Thera is an abundant supply of water by means of ca
pacious cisterns a Lich fyZiare experience have
never failed in furniping, all the water required ; :also by
the ctefle wliich hounds' the farm, , . '
may . boiled on . apPlicatian togto
undersigned, , Nukiding in' Huntingdon. ' _
.11oulingAln, Nov. 15;1867
. .
By vlrtua ?ran:order of.thti Orphans', Court'of Mint•
inaloii county ; I will expop to pubilo !Meat. MITI Creek,
in 'county, _
attune o'clock, P. 114 ail thiicorialn messuago, tenement
and tract of land situate In Dradktoimeldi,ln'eald'couit
ty of gun tlegclea, adjoining lands of 'Josiah ateeit,'Heo,:'
, Eby, feaacOoryneh,leorgo Hawn, James Shopeohl helm,
i David lIIIIISCILI, Jolla Wolf kill, Mad s othere, and, contain, ;-
ing , Sli linridred and line A creenndElghty7ihtnekerehee '
and allo‘iance. Atiouc 200 alms of udi leh, are cleared and
under cultluatioit, end the reeidue'le' covered with exc'et•
%lent tllnlser.:Jitriing thereon any excellent etoit'e'Ofiee'
Saw Hill, 3 /Og prelllngt llousai; and
and Otht:r outbniltiluge.,,Ds. E, W, Hale 'FM Jpin in'the
.deed to the purchaser, that, the hole title may, isalscl,a2lK
,of hlsdelereht therein'ilitMlit;Cby eourioay: ! . „t •
Tillt3l3 OF SALE.=One-lialf oftge pur . cliMimoney . oia
iconSittuallou of Bale and,,the
iter.w4ll PlPSeAt9 i PkYicilred by the lhoud'and
of the , , • 1101fsi
to ' of Harry Steely:Haled .
• o f
,; • • • t .
B • • : •
V , ri e_of riaorderof . the Court,9l,Comaion Fleas, of
liuntgdou county directad to me, as the Colritalttee ,of
licitiamth Wallaceo:l.. lunutic , tliere "win be expoirdth
public adlo•at the iloust(of R: F. Height, in Spytice preek,
lituttlngdon'couniy, Ponna.,: : ';: '
'ON TII.IIRBDAir;DECE3I4EN 20;1887 ' -
„ , ' ' l BE 10 ti . • ” •
. 01 •
Situated PitAtYtet ! lN and 11ORR1d tovikikyta, Untie,
f'i" l !oN.`iowtsSltip;Viir co:, Pa t ,
.k O . - 1. i
Conefsts'br n tract of iwprp-ed land In Franklin antl
Morrie townships; II nit tingtkof cdunty, - on the little' Ju,
nuits, river '
about;one rolls abaye zprude Creek; boended
by ititufd of Daniel' Shuitr., -- --; liege:9ly, and others,
knowy us the :;O • dgac - leland.Property/it -•- " ,
.• . coptaiqing abotit4?..dcres,,
of which cpniiiets74,ltio smell Aillehdo An the little.
Juniata ifeci, add' a email trait 'of acres on, the
south aide ofputid Ms Coot is findfarthing laadj
nod is now under cultivatton,,
• Consists of a trsct. of nuimpraood , lend lying on Canon
7llounnow,'ll. Morris township. Ilunttuk4on county, and
yrouo township, yjorsountyi•ra.,
containing gpoy 245 , 4cre5, •
1;1111 botniqeti by ion of Robert W.tlisco's heirs MeV
•Corter j 'ind Mime.
AO . . 3.
ComiaM of a small tractor uniumroicd mountain land.,
1) mg .o .tii r qalll4o tontalt.pc and &muck% •• r • •
• • - conto(ning about :9 Acres,; - 2
and bounded by latuct.ot Janige „13tudelthaugh,: John 9,
14 "6t; cud others:
TERM:Yin of the plitehaso money
't'o lie paid 'eontirtpation of the sale-at .loolttkry Court,
Wlieti deed Will he made;, nod the residue in two equal
annual pa) meets thereafter; witli intetbst, to do eieettred•
by theiti,lgolent bowls of the purchaser ; -
• 3.l.lltriN WALLFR
Conunittee °Mogi:wain o'. Wallace.,
*.io:iids, Plank, Shingles, Plititering and Shingling
th, constantly on hand.
Workeil.Plooring. Bases, Blinds; Doors,:Door and Win
dow Dames, furnished at inanntlic ore) s' prices.
• Grain And country product generally bought at market
rates. WAGONER & DUO., la
ang',l-tf Philipsburg, Centro co., Pa : _
• tl; • •