Ely Olobe, HUNTINGDON. PR. DIPOr Arrb •ri i - 441.1 ( 1 go --, of Balti in (re, is an able Judge and pious man. le knows for what the island of Jamaica is chief ly celebrated, and thinks with Lord Byron' thai "tlio two things most con solatory.to .fallon men_ are rum and true religion." Disdalping,o imbibe perpendicular ly in bar-rooms, ho keeps a demijohn of eonceded'Otard in his office, and there slacks , his thirst as inclination prompts: •- The Judge has a son who knows his habits, and emulates them with filial assiduity. po a Sunday morning the Jtidge would say : "Well,-Rufus, going to ;UM: first Presbyterian with me this morning ?" "No, father, I reckon I'll go down to the Second Xetkodist," But on his way to thatedifien, Rufus uniformly stopped at the office, unlock ed the old gentleman's private closet, and - indulged himself with pleasant lluid." Every Sunday morning the Judge repeated his laudable inquiry, but Mt : fits preferred the Second Methodist. The Judge soon began to notice a mar ked diminution in the contents of the detnijoltu . and rightly suspected, who was-the ttulprit. The Judge emptied theremainingliquid into another vessel and placed - it la a secluded place." Next Stinday.tapyning came file usual inter rogatory "Going with me'this morning, ltii CBE "No, father, I reckon I'll stick to the Second Methodist." On-reaching tho:ofilee and taking hold of the demijohn; ho noc only saw with disgust the empty jug, but no ticed asomll piece of white paper at tkii•biltidlo, on which was legibly ir t scrihed hose words : "Secoad 31 . 6ibb'diSt ClOsed'forrepairs!" After thuroh,father and son met,and looliogouriousli at each _other,- sinil ed'A little Smile ; but said nothing. The "repairs? 4:1 u that !Methodist : building have not been - completed. So Rufus ` ave r s e' , zap., c.v.-row colored witness wiiexaMin ed in aYashington city court, to prove the identity of a white man, the other day. • District Attorney—Did you see the enitn,7 "Yes, sir, I seT.l him." "Was be a `what . ) rriaia ?" iinow, sir." . Diets i s AttOrney—"Do you tell Inc you saw the matrand can'tsay what' or ho was white or black ?" "Yes sir, 1 seed him, but dares so many, white fellows calling themselves niggei,i round 'here- I can't _tell one from tod'er !" Thetrne-preed of a man is his-cliar actor !eonfeeised: akitt - Zacybiucall dein tinge vit long and make a nein - b-z-z zr" said a, , i'reneliman, the - other day. "Wood-cock," we replied. !-I zis' morningbefoie mine breakfast, twenty-five wood cock." "The deuce you 'did ! 'Whore slid 3;09 find them y.": • • "In mine chamber bed." "Twonty:fi*o- - wood. - eocks in your bed-chamber ?" Yon intuit mean quitoes." "Eh hien I - ten_ I kill twenty five mosquitoes." °• _ 'flW . Alow-years ago in a village in Chester county, the Methodist and Presbyterians each built a church at about the sanetiina; Soon a rivalry arose between them.,espechilly among the juvenih4Ohion of the 'congroga• lions.' Cit'one o(icasion the _Methodist party got the bei3t of an •aai•i;tilnent in this way.", = • •. ' "Ah ! I guess wo beat you now." "How "Why we've got six buried in our graveyard, and you've only got four; and there's old Mr. Cooper is going to die soon, and he'll make seven." tar•On Saturday evening when the congregation of one of. the up town churches Were leaving the house, it commenced milling. The lady said to the gentleman who accompanied her and her sister, "why, it rains—send and get an umbrella." "Why, my dear," said the getleman, "you aro neither sugar nor salt, and rain will not'hurt you - ." "No," said the lady, "but we are las: see." It is heedless to say he sent for an umbrella. DV-One of the preachers at the Wil limantic Camp Meeting, on Tuesday, said :—"There sits brother P—, who used to he one of the meanest men in this section of country, but the grace of God took hold of him and shook him to pieces. A hearty. "Amon" was indulged iu by the congregation, and the voice of the man referred to rang clear and loud aboVe the rest. . - see-A - sick 'min, just recovering'his appetite, ate eighteen dumplings, and was about entering pnAho nineteenth and last in the dish, when his'little son asked his father to give it to him. "Why, my son, would you take the last dumpling from your pour sick father ?" gr" This is the smallest horse I over saw," said a, countryman on viewing a Shetland 'pony. "Indade, now," replied the Irish companion, "but I've soon one as small as two of him." ItEBIEpT, INDIAN COMPOUND Internal and External Moiling, MEE= MEI Diarrh,a, Bloody Flux in one day, Artr headache and Earache in three minnlea. Toothache in one minute. 4s• Neuralgia in five minutes, Co- Sprain, in twenty minutes, Soro Throat in ten minutes, AST` Chun.: and Clamp in fire minutes, *V- Rheumatism in one day, 14., Pain in the Back or Side in, ton :ninnies,. Oa. Bad Coughs of Colds in one dai, Paver and Ague In one day. Cutes Deafness, Asthma; 11 - a_ Bronchitie Affections, Dyspepsia, ' llitS:lnfLinnation or the Kidneys, Er3sipelas, 01,4,Liree Complaint and Palpitation of tlin Heart Keep it in' your Families—Sickness . comesloteniletist expected. , I pt otionu to dmcly nni offeclutilly di/Initiate more aclio and pain, nod to aertnoplleli more perfect equilibrium of ell the circulating Mil& in the ,buinttn system, than exit be orected by any other, or 01l bluer methods of inotheal abl in the Kona eraoe of time. . TATS POPULAR REMEDY in fast coming into one, for the fact tint I core, tree of charge, all theta cont. plaiuta WiIOPOTOr there Wan opportunity to do no. As soon as it ix applied it Mutest .mirapalottsly kills,the pain. I do net ask you to bay before you aro certain of Its cilia (14..7. It you have an echoer pain, it is warranted to do oil it purports on the label. I do not propose to cum nosy disease—only a clans named by my dueetions. My Hutment operates on chem. hal and electric pi inciples, and is, therefore. appliable, to the CUM or natural aestoiativn of all organic derange meot arising (tom an improper citculation of the nerve Hai Prof. 3. 11. MeEntyros INDIAN COMPOUND acts di rectly oh Ilia absot bents ' reducing glandular and other swellings In incredible short tiles, without any potsibte lianocr.from its MC tinder no 3 possible circumstances. This is an iii lei nal and ex lei nil meilivino—composed of roots, herbs and barks, such as oar folotathers used.— There is a bountiful supply on earth to catcall complaints tf wo only know what they wore. Thla 1ia.1.4 bean a great study with the Medical Faculty for many yeat 4, to bind out the kinds bent :eta pled to the above eomplaisita—how to put thorn together, and what propottions to use. J. IL ‘teliNTYllll, Proprietor, Reading, Pa. For sale at Lewis' Book Store Thintiagilon, Pa., Srpt. 6,180. MeBNTYRB'S DANDELION PILLS, For all diseases arieltig from ono (.111F10, viz: Nevor and Ago.., Ilyxpepsia, Cat:trill in Um - Head, Weak and Ntonmeli, such an Indigestion, Sick Headache, Old dines of the llend. Weakness of Sight, Windy Ailinonts, Rheumatism, mid Rheumatic Pams, Polon In tho Back or Nervous Debility, Lowness of tipiritn, Itmco ity of the Blornl, Illotelsen or Ninon 111 l sof 11,0 Body, Orme!, Worms, d.e., d.e. Hold at 25 eento pet 110 , L. • McENTYRE'S 710) IA N rEG ILI: '/Y)IJIAM Thkinfallible medicine is warranted to expel worinx in all cases and may tin given to euildron of Ail ageei, As they are purely vegetable and perfectly hanillesd. VW. Can be tint at Lewis Book don!, Illantingdon, Pa ‘ NJL S011001:lioOKS, FOR SALE AT LEITIS' 1:00"i, STATIONERY k MIiVIC STOitll, OSGOOD'S Speller. lot, 0.1, 4th atid lith - DOT ErS Speller and Readers. SANDER'S do do do 'form n's Speller and Dauer, (old and-new editions.) liullten's and Brown'. Giammars. Fitt l'h3 steal Geography. il'arren*s Physical Getup aptly. Mitchell's, Monteith and Me:lolly's Geographies d Atlases. Camp's Geogiapliy, with Key to Mitchell', Outline Maps. Webster's and Worcester's Diet (Dileiambus' First Lessons to Composition. itomkenlio's Composition and Rhetoric. Gs...ideal 'a. Stoddard's and Brooks' Ai all/astir-v. Peterson's Familiar Science. theenlears and Stoddard's Keys to Aril hmeties. Greenleaf's and Davies' Algebras. themilears Key to Algebra. Parker's Juvenile Philosophy. Parker's First Lessons in Natural Philosophy. Pukes's Philosophy. Willard's History of the United Stales. Chlda " Goodrich'e " - u " Payson, Bunton and Scilimer's Penmanship, in eleven numbers. Potter k Hainmond's Penmanship in twelve numbers. Academic-at, Controllers' and other Copy Rooks., DAYIele Elementary Geometry and Trigtnometry. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Greenleaf Geometry. Fulton & Eastman's Rook-keeping. Bonk Keeping by Single Entry, by thinsfoid to Payson • Book Keeping, by Single and Double Entry, by Ilanaloid A Payson. Other hooks mill be added and furnished to order. A full stock of School Stationery alitsyS on band. ; Huntingdon, Pa. - P APER ! PAPER!! PAPER !!! Tracing Paper, ' Impression Paper, Drawing Paper, Deed Piper, , Titl3llo Paper, Silk Paper for Flowers, Porforoted Paper, Bristol Board, • Int Cap Paper, -- Foolscap Btper, Letter Paper, Commercial Note Paper, Ladles' Gilt Edged latter and Nolo taper, ladies' Plain a n d Fiery Note Pape, Wllite.and Colored Card Papor, in Parks and Slseot3, For sale at LEWIS' Book, Stationery and Music Store. D EADY RECKONER - It, A complete Pocket Ready Reckoner; in dollars turd cents, to validh are added forms of Notes, Bills, Re ceipts, Petitions, &c., together nub a sot of useful tables containing rate of interest front ono dollar to twelve thous and, by the single tiny, with a table of wages, and board by tho week and day. For safe at LEWIS' BOOK STORE. OIL CLOTH WINDOW SHADES — 'GILT GOLD SIIADP, MIISDIN SHADES, Rell.LEl" 13 FIXTURES, - TAPE, CORD AND TASSALS . . (ILL ASSORCNIENT AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE r.0001..000 "JE•3OIVS6 FOR EVERYBODY, CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER KINDS. Call at Lewis' Book Store and SEE ASSORTMENT. CHOPCE • CANDIES Oran Liml, fur sale whoNsolo nud iotailat Lewis & Coo Family Grocery. SUPTC/ 1 All kinds 01 Spica for Bale at Limits' family Orocory Huntingdon, Pa. CALL at D. P. GWIN'S if you want GOOD GOODS. IDOOTS AND SHOES, of every va _up lay at CUNNINGLIAM & CAIIMON'S. FOlt THE LADIES. A superior article of Note Paper Rua Envelope sultabla for confidential correspondence, for sale at LE, WM' BOOK ct STATIONERY STORE. MONTHLY TIME BOOKS,. For male I,t LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STONE. BLANK BOOKS, of VARIOUS aine, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK AND SZATIONeItr STOUR SOUR PICKLES ready for the table by the 51 doz.,doz., or IA doz., for sale at Len is' Fatally armory. GANNED PEACHES and Tomatoes I 'toil Pickles, TomatoeGatsup, Popper mance, ke., & for dale ut Male Family Grocery. - MEW GOODS CONSTANTLY RE- Mead at CUrIING HAM &CARMON'S. LOVE'S Pure and Superior Rio Co fee lu packages acute pound, for sale at LEIVIE Fatuity Grocery. ENVE LOPES- , By the box, pack, or lean quantity, for talc at LEWIS' BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE. CI HOUND ADMIT. AND SAMNA LT at CCW,YINGUA,If S CA R.N°A.R. \\ HARION &ITAGUIE, HILL STREET, HiONTEINbOON, riETALE, DEALERS, Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, (I,,(`Jr, Tho'EttLenti6n of MECHANIC'S, IAI HERS, BUMPERS, alai Laws gem:laity, is leyfted to the foot that no aro Bow offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can he found elsewhere in this part of the State, nt prices to suit the times. Our stock comprises nil urtialem in this Eno of business, embracing a general mortment of TOOLS nod MATERIALS used by CARPENTIMS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, .te„ Ac., together with a large stock of iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and .111ining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones; Circular, • Milt and Cross. Cut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain.' Hol low lVare. Coal Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and PrAvder Cans An excellent aNsoameut of Mr 'lime, C:/-1.3.t10a3ry-, Conlin Wm; KNIVES, FORKS, DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS ORS, RAZORS, &C.• BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Hoak%lineal and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns ; CONSTANTLY ON lIAND AND FOR SALE AT .111 - .4IITUFA CTURER,S" PRICES. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Will find a general assortment of material for their use consisting iu part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, iS'pokes, Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Pa • tent and enamelledifeathcr, ' Whips, Toitgues, Hoc ' heti., Shafts, etc. 317-s IS: Sala' 13C . • ANVILS, BELLOWS, - VICES, S LEI) GES, lIAMNILIZS, • HORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron& Steel - CARPENTERS Will linti in our establishment n superior stuck of PLANES, • SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, HAMNIERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOOKS, .1;0111'S, • PULLEYS, . 'SASH-CORDS, &C. MINING AND MINERS' ,GOODS. NAILS and SPIKES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, FUSE, ut7lll. PICK'S' AND ,siro 1 7 ELS. M I ELX • XELOX • Gm Lo accornamtlated with everything fu thuir ;Ulu Aunt a Grain Separator to a Whet-btono. 33 . 13.11c10x•0s Are especially invited to call and examino our stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, and compare our prices n ith others. Agricultural . Implements, Comm ising the tamous Russell Reaper, Mower, and Dropper, combined, Runt First Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, Rakes, Se) Hies, Hoeg, Hay Felks, • Tiaco and It.dlr, Chaiud, Ors all Chains, Case Tics, • Curry Combs, Cards, Se., Among Om specialtica of our llouso, wo desire to call attcution to Um celebrated OHIO PUMP, Tho exclusiro right to sell which is vested in us. Soot! for acircular and got full particulars of same, and satisfy yourself of its superior qualities. SCALES. Scales at all slats and de,criptious, including . Tca and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and Druggists' Scales, Bolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, Miners and Trans. portation, hay, Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRICLS. The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever offered in this niece A GREAT VARIETY OF COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND .BEADS, By the keg,. Very fowl Best Noi ay nail, lod, bar au hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGON , BOXES; • • CARRIAGE SPRINGS, IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating mid Coal Oil, By the barrel or gallon, at very low• figures 4G3 - A call is respectfully FoVcited, feeling confi dent that our goods and prices mill not foil to pleaso. 'WHARTON & 111AGUIRE. Ilarltinplon,"}lg3 N 1867. 'NUE TROPO4N .1316 HAJD \\ ARl' S TOIR E, HUNTINGDON, PA., kz::),,' \► i I ! pe.l 7:: al , t‘ JAS. A. BROWN Now located in the splendid storeroom in his new MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDING, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PENNA. • Offns nt WHOLESALE and RETAIL au Immense stock and endless variety. of FOREICLV AND DOMESTIC HARD r. ARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Oils, Glass,ic AT REDUCED PRICES. ELEVEN YEARS diligent attention to business in the linnlwaro trade in this platy, has gii en no an exp./ h once that:enablee mo to secure greet nol vantages for my eustottlets in the selection of tine best standard brands awl reliable qualities of goods. • Buying for cash direct from the umnufacturers, and be ing in utmost daily receipt of goods, bought since the dc• cline int prices, I can offer rare advantages to buyers. My stock embraces a general assortment of TOOLS AND MATERIALS FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, . Painters, Coachmakers, . Cabinet Makers, Machinists, • Foundrymen And all other kinds of Mechanics. BUILDERS win find hero i superloi stock of I@Tctils atM3.41:1.1011-r....0., LOCKS, BOLTS, SORENS,II.IN - Glass and Putty. Oil and Paints. Colors of all kinds, Paint Brushes, Varnishes, dc 'ass cut to any site. • CARPENTERS Kill find auell selected stocic of DisstoWsand Spear & Jackson's Saws, Chisels and Steel squares, Alw s, Inter Bits, !Gauges, :taw sets, e 4, 1141E:IRAs, 101 l stones, Files. 1:01t1X(1 SIACIIINES, with two cranks and three nu ;;,•rs to cacti. FOR HOUSEKEEPERS I baso a line variety of enameled, Tinned and Plain HOLLOWVARE, Pane, Skillets. Dust i'ans, Scrub Brushes, Waffle Dons. Brass Kettles, Bath Bricks. Iron Ten Kettles, Knives and Forks, Coal Buckets and shovels, Tea and 'Pablo Spoons. Itrittannta and SILVER-PLATED WAR ll,Table Castors Brass Stair Rods, and a splendid stock of Harrisburg STONEWARE, including crocks alas Mil as large as six gallons. - EH= Chain Die ceg wheel ClotlQ IP!liger With a late iinproventent. This is now the very beet and most desirable Wringer In the mai het. Having th. agency for this place I Can sell thew strictly at the man ufaetarer's prices. All warranted. BLACKSAITLIS ho supplied with llorqn otiors, Hulse sails, Stocks and Dies, Nom ity Nail Ilotl6, • Rasps, Ytlos, Iron and Steel All{ ils, Buttresses, Vices, Bellows, nod other tools in their lin CARRIAGE & WAGON-MAKERS Will find a supply of Cariisno Oil Cloth, Carriage atd Fire Bolts, Ti awnings, Seat bricks, Drop black coach Varnish, Fulham, Spoken and hubs, arm and enameled Leather, Shafts, Tongues, bpulto Angers, Sleigh ltiuthera, Fenders, and other materials. FINE CUTLERY , ' Comprising Table boles and Fortis of best American and English styles and Finalities, Cars era' Butcher knives, Encore, Shears Scissors, Pruning Knives, anti Pruning, Shears, and the hugest vai idly of styles of POCKET KNIVES To be found in control renusylvania,"incluiling Wes teultoluen fiunon9 IXLcutlory. SHOEMAKERS As heretofore ',Yin find Hero best assortment of Tooth and iihultngs in their lino of trado, consisting of Hammers, Pincers, Lists, Pegs, Awls, ing Sticks and straps N 3 elute ' Shoo Thread, timeliest and shrink Irons, Wax, 13ristles, But slitters, Welt Knives, Steel and iron Shoo Nails, Sticlting Gauges, etc., Round head nails, etcq SADDLERS, & TIARNESS-MAKERS Are also provided for. Saddle Trees of the best Pitts burg inoko, °hitting, Straining, and ltolu Web, Stirrups, limes, Pad 'fives, and a full variety of Silver, Brass and Japanned Harness Mountings, FARMERS And others 15 in sea that my stock comprises many use ful articles in their lion, such as Scythes, Rakes, Spades, Pointing axes, Shovels, Forks, noes, Grindstones, Wove wire, Clal don Hakes ' Muse homes, DISSTUN'S MILL SAWS, Trace Chains, Halter chains, Circular, Cross-cut, Wood Carry rumba, Horse brushes; and Meat Sawa, Wagon Jacks, Post Augurs, Shovel Moulds, Mann's Quest Trowels, Also, two or three kinds of the best HORSE HAY-FORKS. Made in the Miami States and by which M load of hay nut he taken from tho wagon to the mow In about fivo mittatca. These forks sarojabor, hay and money, and no thrifty fu•ntor can afford to do without ono. The EXCELSIOR FORK Las Leen extensively =Mind gives great satisfaction. I warrant all the forks I sell. COALOIL LAMPS &LANTERNS COFFIN LACES and all Trimmings for Cabinet-makers CHEAP WOODEN PUMPS. The merit of these pumps is shown by tho fact that the demand fur them is rapidly increasing everywhere. There is no iron in them to cut rode and Injure the rater. They are light and convenient, HO that every man can put 'ln his OM n pump, the %hole only costing him about one half the pi ice of other pumps. rumps, and wooden ripe to cult them, promptly chipped by railroad on reeeill of or ders. Clive depth from floor to bottom of well. Terra Cotta DRAIN PIPE, Hot Air REGISTERS for Ceilings, COOK STOVES, of any pattern desired. JAMES A. BROWN. Don't forget the SIGN OF THE PADLOCK. Huntirgd u , Art 010, lta. VhilAtlptin .bl)crtisonents. DAINTS FOR: FARMERS AND OTHEIL4.—The Grafton Mineral Paint Co. are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Bumble Paint in use: two coats well put on. mixed • with pure Linseed Oil, 0111 last 10 or 1:1 yearn ; It is urn light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, lead, stone, drab, olive, or errant, to snit the taste of the consumPr. It is valuable for hutt , cu, barns, fences, car. rime and car makers, pails and wooden-ware, ngricultnr. al implements, can d bo Its, S esseis and ships' bottoms, canvas, metal and shingle roofs, (It being fire and water proof), lied)- oil eleths, (tale manufactuter having used GOOD hhts, the wet year,) and as fl paint for any purpose is unhurpms,sl for Ludy, durability, elasticity, and adlie shencss. • Price $6 per bbl. of 800 lbs., which will supply n farmer for 3 ears to come. Warranted in all cars as 111101 . 0. Send for a oil: odor which gives full particulars.-- None genuine unless branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Paint. Address DANIEL BIDWELL, eel Om „ , 254 Pearl street, New York. &if- T•on MVOs of the ahoy° paint for stile It Laub,' Bookliiere, Is 1 , STEVENS HOUSE, 21.23, 25. & 27 BROADWAY, N,l, ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN Thc,STEVENS 7101.13 E is well and a Idely known to thu travelling public. Thu location in especially suitable to inerchnit {.4 Mid illl4loolllooo ; it is ill close pro.y.iml ty to the busine/n part of the City—is on the highivay of South •rn and Western travel—amt totjacont to all tho principal Railroad and Steamboat depots:, TILE STEVENS'IIOUSE haS liberal accommodations for over 300 guests—it is well furnished, and possesses army modern improvement fur the comfort and entertain. snout of its inmates. The rooms are spacious anti well vont lated—provided .with eras and'water—the attend. once is prompt andiespectiol—and tho table is gener ously provided milli every delicacy of the season—at mod elate rates. Tito rooms having been refurnished anti rentodolvd, no aro enabled to offer extra facilities for the comfort and plessura or our Gpests, F°ll' BITUMINOUS COAL; ' D USTI, NO GA SI . NO. .D..titiPERS J. REYNOLDS & SON; , N. W. Corner 13th & Filbert streets, =I WHO UGHT-IRO4N,,AIR-TIGHT GAS-CONSUMING H EA T E R, For case of numagement n Moat any darm,r, !ditty, Simplicity, told Economy, ail Ileator Isafito int l. Mr in this country. They are ail guaranteed to give satisfaction. kali:states mode free of charge. Cooking Ranges, Latrobe Heaters; Slate .1 1 / a ntics, Low Down Grates, Portable Heaters, Registers, Svngl for ono of our Illustrated Pamithlets— [nplo-ly Late Powell's Embrocation, For all Diseases Incident to HORSES CATTLE, and the HUMAN FLESH, Re4uiring the use of an External Application. This new Ccmpound, prepared by it practical Chemist liavingn full Imo, ledge of all the seediest virtties of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warranted to exceed anything of the hind ever yet offered to the Public no un external application for the diseases far MiliCh is is recommended. We are satisfied that it will work its own•roed into the confidence of 101 l oho use it, sod thew who try it once still never be without it, and then °fore wo rely on experience no the best test of its MO, fulneos. It is pronounced by Farriers, and ull who hose toted it to be tlso beat implication over used.- This, Em• brocation has beesi pot up for over eight years, and it is only through the increasing demand and urgent sequest of my freesia and the Public that I send it foods os too grand remedial agent for the 'various diseases to which that noble and useful animal, the horse, is subject - Many remedies have been olfered to Cm Public under different forms, some of these are injurious, soars sit best of little use, stud many wholly improper to tutswer the urposes for which they sire recommended. A jodisious and really useful composition, free from those objections, Lae therefore long been desired by massy gentlemen who have valuable horses, and are unwilling to toust them to the case of designing and metended Folders. Their wi.-Les ate at length folly gratified, by Dr. Beals being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Embrocation (which has proved so effiesseloos to the vari ous diseases) to be prepared and btought out to the pub lic. mi. Embrocation uas extensively used by the Govern ment during the war. Address all Otders to Dr. EDMUND BEALE, SOS South Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. For rule nt Lewis' Book Store, and by Store keepers generally. may 'o7—tm. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WINE! Excellent for Females and Weakly Persons. Used by hundreds of Congregations for Church or Con 11111111011 purposes. TINEYARDS—Los Angelus, California, and Passaic, New Jersey. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE. WINE, Pour Your, Old. This Justly celeMated netts o Wino is rondo from tlso juice of the Operjo Grope raised its this country. Its invaluable Tonic and Sticagilmaing Properties aro unsurpassed by nay other asthe o Me. Using the pure juice of the grapo produced under Mr. Spoor's own personal supervision, Its purity and genuineness ate guaranteed. The young. est child may partake of its gown one qualities, and the weakest invalid any use it to advantage. It Is particular. ly benefizial to tho aged and debilitated, and mite(' to the valioub ailments that afflict Um' weaker sex. It is in ev ery respect A InicE TO BE RELIED ON. Invalids use Spoor's Port Grotto Wino; Females Uso Specs's Port Grape Wine; Weakly Persons Fuld a Benefit by Its Use; Speer's Wines in hospitals aro profened to other Wines. Principalolllce, A, SPEER, No. 243 BROADWAY, oppolite City Hall Park, N. Y Sold by John Rood, aua tiaumul Swith, Druggists, Hun tingdon. ._ selB 628. HOOP SKIRTS. 628 W M. T. HOPKINS "OWN MAKE." After more thou./imputes experience and experiment ing in the manufacture of bTRIt.TLY FIRST QUALITY HOOP SKIRTS, we offer our Justly celebrated goods to merchants and the public In full confidence of their sit perloi ity over till others in the Atnerican market, and they aro so acknowledged by till who wear or deal iu them, as they glee more satisfaction than any other Skirt and recommend themselves In every respect. Deal eta ht hoop Skirts should make a note of this fact. Ev ery lady who has not given them a trial should do so without further delay. Our :view anent embraces every style, length and size for Lattice, Misses and Children. Also, Skirts made to order, altered and repaired. Ask for "Hopkin's Own Malce," and lee not deceived.— See that the letter' ll'' is woven on the 'fillies between each !loop, nod that they are stamped 'IV. T. HOPKINS, MANUFACTURER, 628 ARCH STREET, PHILAIYA," upon each tape. No others are genuine. Also, eo.tantly on hands fall lino of good Now Yolk and Eastern made Skirts at very lose prices, IVholosalo and Retail. at the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Manufactory and Emporium, NO. 025 ARCH STREET, PIIILAD'A. a 1E25 .:ni OPPOSITE BOWLING GREEN CLIASE S CO. PHOPRIF.TORS E= PHILADELPHIA, PA., I= Ventilators, cf7c., cf:c 13EA1_,E'S =MI wm. T. HOPKINS - • A *4 , „ rf.„.• ' ' ' ENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD.: TIME OF LEAVING OF iIiAINS WINTER ARRANGEMENT. • .1 EASTWARD rEI ral ' 59 • STATIONS. 15..1 A. 514 112 151 1228 - 12 40 12 50 1 OS 3 35 1 30 1 401 1 50 2 05 2161 4 21 2 22 2 2'4 0 2 0 8 051 4 47 Mt. Mapleton,' Mill Creek,— liiintingdou, Potersburg,... 'Barren ISprucocreel,, Birmingham, Tyrone, Tipton, ' Mtn Bell's 31111 e, Altoottn,.... 8 25 I A. M. FAS and a Cincr tT LINE East arrives at Hut VINA PRI. and arrives at ST LINE We and arrives ai 1867. MEEMEI A. M , Th. 4 25 Th 746 uktingdon at 1 29 A. 1. Ess EUSIW:taI 10.1V0A Aitoll it HuntingdOn at 5 10 P 11. outward, leaves Iluntingd, It Altoona at 9 90 1. X P., AI. v. 24, RV NTINGDON & BROAD 'IOP . , RAILROAD. , - - after BIOZ , :DAY, ,OCT. Passenger 111 arrive and depart as follows - AINS. - DOWN TRAINS. On an , Trams UP T STATIONS, . -------'----, Accomn.l min., ' AOCO3M. M.ui P. M. I A.M. . ; „ .A. M. •P. 31 I 1 SIDINGS'.' ' 56 4 40 LE 7 50111untinpldn, ' All' 930 on 4 17 5,02 .; 810 MeConnollatown; '.9 OS 3 ST - ; I 514 822 Pleasant tkovo , ; .8,55 - 3,49 531 '- '8 38 Marklesburg,, ,*8 38 330 , 5 50 8 53 Cotreo Run,B 23 • 3 15 , 600 901 Itotig,4 - Ready ' 8 13 8 2 3 08 _ 1 7 •7 5 51 • 610 912 Cove, 6 201 -9 16 Fishor's Summit ' L 7 53 250 en 6 38Ina 933 ~ ,„,• An, 7 35 in 2 35 lie 940 -'''", , ,An 2 2 26 10 00 111,141051meg . 2 - 08 10 08 llopovrell, , 2 00 10 24 Piper'. Run, ' 144 10 42 TateseHlti,• -•- lEt 10 55 Bloody Run,''' 1 or AR 11 05 Mount Wiwi, 1 fie,l 00 E3IIOUPS RUN BEAN, LE 40 :LE 0 50IF.axtou 551 10 05 Conlmont, 7 00, 10 10 Crawford, in 7 10 20 Dudley, Broad Top City,— Huntingdon Oct. 23, 1867. JOHN . 0 . 1 ,WM01 1 111. , Ikke, tD3 t-L ;;.^.:43 READING RAIL' ROAD, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT; APRIL 8, 1887. GREAT TIIIINK LINE FROIII THE North , and North-West for PIULADELPIII4, NEW YORE, lILADINO, POTTSVILLE, TAMAQUA, j'ASIILAND, LEI/ANON, ALLENTOWN, EASTON, EIOIRATA, 1.4412, LANCASTER, MAW. Ac., Ac. .Trains leave Harrisburg fur New Yolk, as follows I At 3 00, 8,10 and 9 35 A. M., and 210 and 0,00 P. 31., connect ing with similar trains on' the Pennsylvania ILliatrrivlng nt Now York 5,00 nud 10 10A, & 4.40, 5,20.10 23 P. 31 Sleeping cars accompany Ulna 00 a ra and 0 00 p.m.trains without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, 'Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minersville, Ashland, Pino Grove, Allentown nod Plata-, delpliia at 10 A. M., and 210 and 410 P. 31., stopping at EutniiiCaL...ll pl itielpal way tb s ., 4 10 p. tn. trash] making connections for-Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven and Antl., via Schuyl kill and Susquehanna R.R., leave Harrisburg at 3 20 I! M. Returning, leave New-Yong at 9 A. M., 12 Noon, 5 & 8 P. 31.; Philadelphia at 5,15 A. IL, and 3 30 I'. II; Way Pas !tenger train leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 A. 11. returning from Reading at 630 P. 3f., stops at all stations: Pottsville at 8.45 A. 34. and 2 45 P. 11.; Ashland 6 00 and 11,30 a m, and 1,05 P 111; Tamaqua at 0.43 A 31., and I and 8.05 P M. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at 7,00 a nt. An Accommodation Pte,songer Train leaves READING at 7.30 A. 'IL, and returns from l'intsaetruie at 5,00 P. M Pottsville Accommodation Train: Leaves Pottstoon at 6,20 n.m., returning leaves rhiladellibit at 0,30 p. tn. - Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading at 7 00 A M., and 615 P. IL, for Ephrata, Linz, Laucait:r, Col umbia, Ac. On Sundays, leave Nov York at S 00 P. M., Philadol• plan, 8 a at awl 015 P. M., thu 8 a M It aill I alining only. to Bending; Pottsvillo 8 A. M., Hard burg,4 35 a in, tool Heading 1 20,7 20 a. nt., fur Harrisburg, 1122 it in:for New York, and 4.25 p. in. for Plailadelphia. • COMMUTATION, MILEAGE, SEWN, SellOOL, and HSU/11910N TMKETS to and from all 'muts at redocod bites. Baggage checked through: SUN:lnds Baggage allowed each Passenger. O. A. NICOLL% Beading, April 8, 1867. Ce'nerai Superintendant. 4sz .' ,rd - co•Z4 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND SEWING MACHINES. . M. GREENE' has removed his 13. Music Store, to the second floor of Leister's build ing, Micro he keeps constantly oh habil STEINWAY & SONS' and s3AISIILE'S Piano Manufileturing Company's PIANOS, MASON & lIA3ILIN'S CABINET ORGANS and CARET ART, NEEDHAM & CO.S' 3l ISLODEONS: Guinn s, Violins, Fifes, Flutes; Guitar and Violin Strings. MUSIC BOONS—Golden Chain, Gulden Ohm% or, Golden Censer. Golden,Trio, Ac., &c. SHEET MUSIC.—Us is constantly receiving from Phil. adolphla all the latest music, which poisons at a distance hlshing.can order, and have sent them by mail. Also GROVER & BAKER'S Celebrated SEWING MA CIIINES—the only machine that, in addition to every kind of sewing, embroldois perfectly; sewing Silk and Cotton of all kinds and colors for machinbs. Persons buying Sewing Machines fully instructed in the use of them. 41 , E0- Pianos and Organs Warranted for fleeyeare Thoso wishing to buy any of the abovo articles aro in vited to call and examine 'nine before purchasing else. here lily prices are the same as in New York and Philadelphia. Circa:are of Instruments or Machines, sent: promptly upon application with any additional inforni.ition desired. 11. M. GREENE, 11111 street, lluntingdon, Pa.' intlyS,'67 Second fluor otleister's now brick building • • BILLIARDS ! BILLIARDS !! JOSEPH. L. POTJLTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, HARRISBURG, Respectfully informs the 'public that he has opened for their use his new awl Oagantly fitted up Billiard Roost. It contains FOUR NEW TABLES OF MAP'S MANUFACTURE, anperior to any now in the city. This Billiard Boom challenges comparison with any room In the State, west or Philadelphia. LUMBER. SOLD ON COHESION. S. E. HENRY & CO:, Aro receiving all kinds of LUMBER. comprising all the different grades of BOARDS, FRAME STUFF, ' • " " JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATH, PLANK, WORKED FLOORING, WEATIIER BOARDING, ' • FENCING, RAILING, Ac., Ac., Ac Which x ill be sold at prices at the mill, with freight loa dud. no 7 • SPECTACLES. . - A fine and large assortment always on - Band AT LEWIS' BOOK STORE. 47tm-XM , I'llll OYTITARA!--The Pro eh y t ori a n Psalmodist—no " Shawn—TheJobiloe — litinteu'a and 1301 tini's enlarged and improved in4nuetors—Wetland's New and Implored Method for the 0 nitar—Leland'a Accor dean, Violin end Flute Instructors—Winner's and Ilowe'a Violin Instructors—Bell:Ws Melodeon .Inetructor—ltur row& Piano-Porto Primer—do. Thorough•ltaeo Primer— Howo's lhas, tug 1100111 Dances—The Chorus Glee Book— Turn's Harp, for sale at LEWIS' DOOR, STATIONERY & MUSIC STORE ALEXANDRIA BREWERY. THOMAS N. COLDER.' The undersigned having now entered Into the ialtta t%lexat o ir u ta Ittewe i ry, the . pu t hite_ urn t , Informet 9Rm orders 0. N. '.7 . 1. 9 . 6 .ll"ntic".. u n 'at" to lilt TRIOS. N. COLDER. Ale:cued' la, Oct. 23.1866-ti. T)AItCIIMENT DE ED PAPER f)r °ale lt 7EWLS' BOOK ,Y.TORE. SPEAR'S-'PANENT 3 - - FOR THE PRESEEYATION OF ALL EINEO - Er, Fit oil's, CES,JBLLI ES, WI , RS, 43rD Without Sugnrond Without Exitttilish:p f~ , dr Air-tight Jars. , • • - Otte Bottle mil Prescroe 12 romultuf /Si 1 , 7% 43 '04; tons of WineW Cair. 4 ; : .... 4 F gF . t 4. 1 0 • , CII.IP, 11EALrlIFIR:';AND EiPECTUAL :This Solution; when properly wed, 'effectually Pre : Vents fermentation or decay of Fruits. diq,liy the must simple and inexpensive process every variety may Lu kept iu a Errol. and perfectly, wholsoine condition the Year round. It is no new and uncertain A:m.40961, but has been in practical use for tho ,past eight 'yours, yet has been, for thilanest'part. kept from, thel nubile for th° purpooo of ascertaining this result of , a.sores of ex • petimen of which Laveptdred ' the' validity 'of all. that is now compiontly claimed • Fruits 'pret.orved 'fly this Solution aro es good As the: best ••canned" fruits, while the use of the solution evade the trouble of sealing. costly jars or c.ins, keeping from the air and light. frequent examin'ationx' ariwn and the :many -other troubles and annoyances well.k)tOlevery housewife. ' P, If I 2.M 501 4 a 6 a•as 4 30 23 0 3 66 3 48 33 3,28 3.17 3 12, 3 081 2 50' MI 39 34 9 4'2 9 271 99 201 9 13 DI 953 58 45 10 08 Froth nodes fruits the year round have flecoin4 rattiest a household necessity, both on account of their healthful -• hess and as a luxury; and by the tile of this solutiOn`this great luxury is within the nasal , of every Emily, rich or pour, in the tend, 4 all kinds of fruit may IM pre4orved,.. during pleasure at lase data oie-half the expense +orally • other metbe'l. I • The setuti M is perfectly 'free froth? , Objection on the of health.— Professor' nacho, tindor'Slato — O. ti.. tYa van Laboratory; Near — Torte:SoOtoniber 14, 1564,h says ; I dhection °inn, Chief or the litiresot of Mn dohs ands' urgery, 1 liars examined your Preserving Solution,and• meats and'''. uits iltaarvod tiy it. haven high opinion• of its value, runt believe it can ,be used in the ortiserra— [ion of those articles Ina fresh we, to' for tidi army - and envy very ntlyniongeomly.! The pirfectlyZ 'f• free from objection on the ncoru of „ '". Other certilkaten front diginguishod chemintiOontlim.' - tug the above, can be suck and hid*libro•theeelation sold. It is chsitned: =INS EED I.. That 'Spittr's Solution preserves the,llavor • • kinds uf nutty° fra`ts more perfectly and dumb! All LI ill) done In any 'other tiny, atuFat touch less ti and espouse; - , , 2. That the us° of the Suhition reinferS it unnacsisary io use airtight or . expensive jars or cans, and also avoids' the inconveniancu of hounutically scaling and hosphsg h om the air, heat, light, etc ' • ' 3. That the nu of the Solution .ailntlts of thotreo - plug_ of the fruit in vesseli of any size, oioq hi hogs or barrels if deolrable • ; - • , • • , 4. That the tea ot tho Solution allows the shipluotak of • the fruit by Salt or frreb 'water,`lit the Hottest ti - e • athOe - • itlauut danger of loss or.lnjury r .r• ' • - • G. That it is invaluable in the preserving of-Tomato. hatch, Pour, Arndt,. Quince and other Sauces, Nine, and Cider; also fur all kinda of Spiced Fruits; Clot thoso alone -rucommand it to ever); family, and' to use It once hllt guarantco approval. . . L. IL SPEAR, Praprlotor.', • .03P. For Bala at 'LEWIS' FAMILY .01tOWSKY 4 . Haat: ingdan, . Pa. . , Lau2Ltf en 7 301mtf‘.' 30 '7 151 2 15 710 210 ,LO 7 05 LE 2 05 THE, CIIEAPEST 'A:ND BEST AB-:- =LE 011 T. . • , , • ' - - - A PERFECT TI.VE-PZAVE FOR O.Y.Y DOLLAR. - 1,4 every IlehsUl:eopet . ;.earmor; at 4 yrivrel - WATCH, or Perpetual Portable Sufi-Dial:' - IY.tranuted to, keoi) True Vim forOvOrY)Day Of tho Your MEI MEM . This valuableluslinm'eni; Which is warrinted by Oslo give the true time, of day throughout the year. been structed on strictly Scientific principles, being based on astraMornical tables:ind•ealctifations, and affording the ta soot measure of time which human ingenuity andsklll can devise 'exceeding iu aticairacy mid reliability the moat perfect chronometers, whilit the low 'price at which - we offer it to the public places 1t wit Lin the reach atoll.. Its portability Intakes it convenient for travelers, and to every farmer or:householder it must prove, invaluable to rope s late their clocks and watches by the most infallible test recognized by science. .- The mode,of using I' , . iSol - ar Watch", is the simplest, that can bo de'vised. After screwing the Style or 'Ono. mon in its place 'intim moveable brass head end git directly an or the straight line corresponding to the date, or that nearest to it on the cylinder, she Metal:Meet le - placed upright in the sunshine in ouch a position as will ,throw the abodes , of thwntylictlirectly - upon the line att , der it. Atter placing the plumlnllue, by. means:of Its brass attachment, at a right nngle'vrith and td the left of the Style, in order to sot the cylinder perfectly level, the point where the extremity of the shadow falls,and distance from any of the wavy Orciosa - lines exhibiting.' the morning and corresponding afternoon hours, will In-: Pirate tics Erne time of day. The whole upparatus, consisting of a Cylinder' and Mi gnon. moveable Brass Head, Style,,Plumb line, and firma attachment for the same, neatly put ep in compact is sold by us at tics incredibly low price of ONE DOLLAIL. 3husufact urea and sold, wholesale nod retail, by • ' : k CO.; 31 North Ninth Street,,Philida. srM-FOr sale, wholesale end retaii, at Win. Lewis' Beek Stole, ilmit brden, Pa. Agents wanted Melon the artists —apply ; immediately, . - WM. MOT'S, se4 ; Agent for lluntlegdon clienty. 'UNITED STATES Authorized WAR CLAIM. AGENCY: 11Ubl TIN Gll ON, 'EiA SOLDIERS' 'HEIRS, ATTENTION ! The act of Gingresi approved Thirch 2. 1S07; giros to. Heirs of Soldiers who died prieonera of Oar, COIIIIUTATION FOlt RATIONS, for the time - die" coldier iva's so' hold pris'oher, at the rate of twenty 4 ea coats per day, to be paid in the follow— ing order: lot. T. tha w.d no, if untn.triliel ; To tho children • 3d. To the porento, to both Jointly if they are lit ileither is dead, to the burviror; .Ith. To the bro. tilers and sisters: ' • • - ,„, • The act 'of Yebre•try 29:18q7. provil", for the Wand ing of the $3OO Cow mutittioli Mewl. where the snide her. sou vovi 1,,0tt0 drafted. sod was, teynirvd to toter the lip vice or tar n ish n substitute DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. The act of March 2,1867,"e1i0 le skis pro:alone for the • pnyment of the. - ' ! i $lOO ADDITIONAL BOUNTY "• • to ouch soldiers as IWO itechl•ntilly lout their disiihar All persons having noiciainishilider bay of the above mentioned Acts, or any oilier kind of. claim sgainst. the United eititev or State Goiornmants, can 'tlfork promptly collected, by iiildeesiing the undeisigned... , llVi• formation and advice cheerfully given to soldiers or their fi lends, tree of charge. "W.1 . 1.7,-NVQODS,. , AuVinri.red Army and Navy War-Ctaira,Agent. - , may 0,2186 7, .1 LINTIXODpN, Miptingdon cO., Pa, HTJ'N~ ° =I\T.G~LIIIT Iltail3LE YARD, J. M. GREEN R F. O. BEAVER , Having entered into yartnornhip, inform tho puhltc thetk they nro prepared to axecuto all °Vico ot • • Plain andornaniental litayble Wait Each as MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, also Inn!ding Work, at as low ptlees ns any . shop in'the comity. • Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Shop oU MIFFLIN street, a few doors cast of the Lit theran church = ,MA13,1867- ,The undersigned l 4 w lt oi ß ld L rost'C l ifully ih atiCation pf the citleene of Huntingdon and Ilurhitfoining counties to the Stock of beautiful marble nots.atillsud. _Ma Is prop4red at the shorteit notice, Monumental Marble, Tdmk, Tat:doer and Stones of every desired alze'and form' of Itallah or Eastern blarple, highly finished, and carved ,with appro priate deVices, or plain, an may milt. ' '2 Building Marble, Door and ;Window Bills, le., will be furnished to order, W. W. pledges himself to furnish material and work mancliip equal to any in the, country, at a fair price. .Call and see, befoio you purchase elsewhere.. Shop on the% oruor of Montgomery and Mifflin 'we:. Huntingdon, Pa. , , • WM. WILLIAMS.. Huntingdon,May,lo 1855. .. • , ,B•*s PPLANKS! BLANKS! BLANKS! • UNSTABLE'S SALES, ATTACIPT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, ' EXECUTIONS, SUMMONS, , DEEDS, SURPCENAS, MORTGAGES, scuonr, ORDERS, ' ' JUDGMENT NOTES. LEASES FOR HOUSES, NATURALIZATION ICES, ,'O3IIION BONDS, JUDGMENT BONDS, WARRANTS, ' FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO Law. JUDO3IENT NOTES, with a waiver of the $3OO lA*. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers, MAItIIIAGB CERTIFICATES, for Juitices of the Peace end Ministers of the Gospel. COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT„ is case of Assault and Battery, and Affray. , r•CI ERE FACIAS, to recover aniolint of Judgment. - COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County, School, Borough and Township Taxes. • , ' Printed on superior paper. and for sale at the Ott 01. the HUNTINGDON GLOBE. BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly at short notice, and on good Paper. pEST BLEACHED At -S N jUlalwaya un halal at - CUNNING/TAM, CAR MOATA A _L RGE VARIETY of articles tog 111011110 U. 10r sole ' f; I'MV4 2 otooi Grocery. Cali •ol I .5.,0 (111010 E Teab, Coffee, Sugirs 4124 9ar sale at L.w ramily.Grucu. 111 11