The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, December 04, 1867, Image 3
'Clje 6.lnbc. HIINTINGDON, Wednesday morning, Dee. LOCAL & PERSONAL. Local Advertisements. Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ten cents -a line single insertion, counting seven words to a line. tf: I=E3= —A colored baby, about six days told, alive and kicking, was found on the streets of Hollidaysburg, one day bast week. —The Johnstown Dinzocrat says the Methodist church of that place is said 'to have the handsomest spire in West ern Pennsylvania. About sixty barrels of coal oil were consumed by fire in the Altoona yard one day last week. The fire was commutieated by sparks from a loco motive. —ISAlin county was formed from !parts of Cumberland and Northumber ..and counties by act of Assembly, Sep tember 19th, 1789. Its length is 39 lcs and breadth 15 miles. N.usual, Trangla of the Holudays :andard, was presented with a ..segivjeg turkey. Clever people •ovor there 4 but why don't they do so there ID. IT. Morrell, , Congressman Ifrom tithe district, •is chairman -of the 'Coinnitteee .on Manufactures, and a member .of the Cammitt•ee -en Freed men's Affairs: —We have had one of winter's se verest blasts, and the certainty - is we will have more. Let everybody -pre pare himself, and see also that those in need are prepared for- them. —Two children, about six,years•dld, ►lost their lives in Harrisburg, last. -week, by eating the berries of the dead- Ily plant 'known as belladenna, or -"night shade." —Seth W. Payne,- a New York pe destrian, started on Monday, the 11th ult., to walk from that city to San Francisco; California, in one hundred .and fifty days. He has passed through the lower counties of this State. -The pork season is upon us. The shrill screams of the dying porkers have taken the place of the "morning call" of the chanticleer, and sausages, per consequence, constitute the "bill of fare" of many households. - paper we have received from friend Dorsey now residing in St. Paul, Minnesota, informs us that during the past six months. over four hundred now buildings, including several very ele gant churches, were erected in that city, and the demand is still for more. —Thanksgiving-day was observed here by . the closing of places of busi ness.. Seriiiees were held in the Pres byterian church in the morning. In the afternoon the Band promenaded the streets in their new and elegant uniforms, and discoursed some of, their sweetest melodies. ' —Who is- ho? • Some scamp in the shape of a man several evenings last week - assaulted_ and .insulted two or three respectable women and young girls while walking on the streets of our town without company. He should and will bo watched and dealt with as .a felon. —The dwelling house of Mr. Jacob Pringle, Sr., of Summer Hill, Cambria .county, was entirely destroyed by fire, as well as his household goods., except ing one or•two beds, on Thursday last. This is more testimony as to what per sons may expect if they fail to exam ine their stovepipes. —One of the juries of the last Bed ford county court failed to.agree upon .a case of larceny, which involved the taking of two pounds of wool off the back of a dead sheep by . a 'That must have been a very interesting trial ; but the jury, we think, should lbave made the county pay the costs, Ito prevefiegiand Juries from county• Aancing any more such foolishness. —A lady writes to an exchange the !following cure for croup, which is said to be infallible; Take one ounce of sweet oil, and add half an ounce of gum .opal. Apply to the chest, under the Arms, the palms of the bands, and the 'hollow of - the feet. It will generally relieve the most severe case of croup :in five minutes. Remember, use ex. ternally; and drink plentifully of cold water. —John Scott, the horse thief, con victed at our late term, and sentenced to eight years and three months in the Western PDDiftintiary, averred after -sentence that be would never go to the Penitentiary. We see by the Pitts burgh commercial that Sheriff Bathurst :with his prisoner handcuffed to his -own band, arrived there on Monday and safely consigned him to prison. —A distressing aeeident occurred at Wilmoro, Cambria county, on Tuesday morning last, by which Henry Martin was instantly killed by a ball from,a rifle in the bands of Valentine Maltzi. The latter pointed the gun at Martin, thinking it was unloaded, and pulling the trigger, the fatal consequence en sued. Some example should be made, if a repetition of such acaidonts is to be prevented. The deceased had a family. —Ex Senator Louis W. Hall, of Al toona, was married on the 25th ult , to Miss Eliza Cameron Warford, of Har risburg. The bride is an adopted daughter of -A. 8.. Warford, Esq., and a neice of !General Simon Cameron.— Mr. Hall and wife sailed for Europe on Wednesday in the steamer Scotia.— They intend to spend the winter in It aly, and, expect, after visiting different places of interest in the old country, to return home in the spring. —"Why don't you trade with me 7" said a close-fisted tradesman to a friend the other day. The reply was charac teristic. "You have never asked 'me, sir. I have looked all through the pa pers for an invitation in the shape of an advertisement, and found none. I never go where 1 am not invited."— This is a hint which merchants with goods to sell, farmers with lands to sell, and the business community at large would do well-to consider. Furs t Furl, Furs Persons wishing Furs, should call and extrnine the very complete stock for sale by Fisher 4-, ions. ?tt Its„Aimecial meeting of tho Y.ll. C. A. evil ho held Wednesday evening et 83 o'cbek. important business. 'United Staten Malls The Postmastei General advertises that proposals will ho received at the Qontract Office of the Post Office De partment, until Wednesday, March, 4, 1868, for' conveying the mails of the United States from, July 11 1868, - to June 30, 1872, in Huntingdon county, on the routes and by the schedule of depaitures and arrivals herein specified: 1836. From Huntingdon by McConnells town, James Creek, Coffee Run, Cove Station, Saxton, Biddlesburg, Hopewell, Cypher's Cut, John's Branch, and Bloody Bun, to Mt. Dallas Station, (n. o.) 44 miles and back, dai ly, except Sunday, by railroad, and by a schedule satisfactory to tho Department, with a branch from Saxton, by Coalmont and Dud ley, to Broad Top, 5 32-100 miles and back, six times a week, in duo succession. 2219. From Spruce Crook, by Colerain Forge, Franklinville,Graysville,Rock Spring, Pine Grove Mills,Boalsburg and Linden Hill, to Centre Hell, 80 miles and back, six times a week. Leave Spruce Croak. daily, except Sunday, at 9 a m; arrive at Centro Hall by 7 p m ; leave Centre Hall daily, except Sunday, at 6 a m ; arrive at Spruce Creek by 4 pm. 2220. From Mount Union, by Augbwick Mills, Shirloysburg and Orbisonia, to Shade Gap, 17 miles and back, six times a week.— Leave Mt. Union daily, except Sunday, at 2 p m ; arrive at Shade Gap by 7 p m ; leave Shade Gap daily, except Sunday, at 7 a ; arrive at Mount Union by 11 a In. 2221. From Mount Union, by Hill Valley, to Three Springs, 14 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Mount Union Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 06:30 p m ; arrive at Three Springs by 10:30 _p in.; leave 'Three Springs Monday, Wednesday and. Friday at 6 a MA arrive at Mount Union by 10n m. 2222. From lluntingdon, by WilsonikDo. nation, and Crownover's Mills, to Ennisville, 19 miles and back,' twice' a , week. Leave Huntingdon, Monday and Friday at 1 p m ; arrive at Ennisville by 7 p m; leave Ennis villa Monday and Friday at 6 a m ; arrive at Huntingdon by 12 m. • 2223. From Shavers Creek, by Cottage, Neff's Mills, Manor Hill, Saulsburg, &pis cine, and MeAlavey's Fort, to Greenwood Furnace, 191 miles, and' back, three times a week. Leave Shaver's Creek Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, at-10;30 am, or - on arri val of cars ; arrive at Greenwood Furnsee by 4:30 p m ; leave Greenwood Furnace Tues day, Thursday and Saturday, at 6 a m; ar rive at Shavers Creek by 12 tn.• 2224. From Orbisonia, by Meadow Gap, Maddeneville, Fort Littleton and ICnobbs ville, to -McConnellsburg, 25 miles and back, twice a week. Leave, Orbisonia, Tuesday and Saturday at 1 p,in ; arrive at Fort-Little ton by 5:30 p m ; leave Fort Littleton Tues day and Saturday at 7:30 11 m ; arrive at Or bisonia by 11:30 a m ; leave Eort Littleton Monday and Friday at 7:30 am ; arrive at McConnelleburg• by 11:30 a m ; leave Mc- Connellsburg Monday and Friday at 1 p m ; arrive at Fort Littleton by 5:30 p 2225. From Three Springs,, by' Hubbels villa, New Grenada and Spoareville, to West Dublin. 16 miles and back, once a week.— Leave Three Springs Thursday at 7 a tn ; ar rive at West Dublin by 12 in ; leave West Dublin Thursday itt 1 p m ; arrive at Three Springs by 6 p m. 2226. froth 13i•0r03 Top, by New Gren&dii; Dublin Mills, and Fort Littleton, to Burnt Cabins, 23 miles and back, twice a week.— Leave Broad Top Tuesday and Friday at 11 a m ; arrive at Burnt Cabins by 4 p in ; leave Burnt Cabins Monday and Thursday at 10 a ; arrive at Broad Top by 3 p m. 2227. From Broad Top, by Eagle Foundry, Tod, Cassville, and Calvin, to Mapleton De pot, 23 miles and back, once a week to Cass ville, and three times a week the residue.— Leave Broad Top Thursday at 11 a m ; arrive at Cassuille by 2 p m ; leave Cassville Thurs day at 7 a m ; arrive at Broad Top by 10 a m; leave Cassville Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at 8 a m; arrive at Mapleton Depot by 12 m; leave Mapleton Depot Monday, Wed nesday, and Friday at 4:30 p m ; arrive at Cassville by 8:30 p In. _ County Institute The Huntingdon County Teachers' Institute, will commence in the Court lioude,ln the Borough of Huntingdon, on Tuesday, December 17th, at 2 o'clock, P. M., and continue in session four days. Teachers and others atten ding We Institute will -be accommoda ted at reduced rates. Ifon._J:lP. Wick ersham, State Superintendent; Till de: liver an 'address on Wednesday even ing, Decenlber 18th, and Will continue longer with us iphis time will porrnit. Prof. Edward Brooks,,Principal of tbe Dlillerstillo NorriMl' Scheel and H. W. Fisher, County SuPerintekident °filed:- ford County, will officiate as instruc tors and lecturers. his also expected that the services of - a competent elocu tionist and other instructors will be se,. l cured. R. M. Speer, S. T. Brown, K. A. Lovell, Esq's.; and Dr. J, H. Win trode will deliver evening addresses. It is earnestly hoped that every teach er in the County will bo present if pos. sible. The true.teacher will need no , urging, but will deem it a privilege to meet with such an opportunity for im provement. It is believed tbat• the different School boards will grant teach ers the time to attend, and those who desire better wheels swill urge upon their teachers the importance of being present. It is high time that Hunting don co'u'nty demo offort to have better Schools. The ,Principals a private Schools, land the friends of education generally are cordially - in'- vited to meet with us. ; D, F. TUSSEY, COUilty,Supt Nov. 23, 1.867. Remember the Poor. Winter is at hand. That it will be.a "hard" ono in many rospocts e we' are too sure. Wages are.not as high pro pokiiiiiatelY as family necessaries are, and the poor of course will be thti suf ferers. Now wo believe thorn is not a reader of our paper, in good circum stances, who does not know of some poor family, who would be saved the pangs of hunger the comin g winter by a timely donation of food or money. Let this knowledge exhort those in comfortable circumstances to charity. We may not bo able to give a great amount, but by carefully and kindly looking into the affairs of those whom we know poverty has sorely oppress ed, we can give little at the right time, when it may be of untold service. There is more poverty and suffering from actual want, in oar town, than one in a hundred of our citizens know anything about. And now, as the winter approaches, .and this suffering promises to be greater and greater, lot every rep.der of means make it his or her business to look after :some poor family, in the more' remote localities. Those whose generosity prompts thorn to do this will certainly•find deserving objects of charity. lve anctpretand that a vigilance committee has been organized in this place Lt tale in hand the scamps who have pr May hereafter inaalt ladies cm the street. Thp Pine e -To buy your winter Boots, Shoes, }tats, Caps and Dress Goods the cheap. est is at A, L. Lewis' new cheap store, Huntingdon, Wonderful, Yet True. The ^ following are some of the cures pork:wined in Newport and DI ifflintown,, by Dr. Valentine, who has a gift of healing, without medicine or surgery : Newport : Samuel Woods unable to 'Work for three years, with disease of Kidneys and Liver, pains removed in stantly. Matilda C. Lonaweavor, Heart disease, and affection of Lungs. Peter Brown, operated on for diseases of Liver and Dropsy of head ; on Nov. 20th., visited mo at Mililintown, and says ho feels like a new man. Wm. Glenn, Heart disease. Mifflintown: R. S. Warner, Rheuma tism; Susannah Fasiek, Rheumatism and Palpitation of Heart, stifl e joints, unable to raise her feet, or bond her back or legs. Barbara Long, Palpita tion of.ll.eart and Rheumatism. Sarah Y. Monahan, Fits. Jessie Bice, Deaf in one Ear, for two years, and Gravel. George Brynor, loss of speech for three years, made to speak in ten minutes. • Will be in Lewistown from Decem ber 2d to 16th.; rooms at National House. Huntingdon, December 16th to 30th.; rooms at Franklin House. 2t* A Donatiiin. I wish through yourpaper to return my sincere thanks to my numerous friends in Huntingdon, for the very substantial proof of thoirgood will man ifested in the way of a donation,. on Thanksgiving evening, consisting in part of Flour, Pork, Beef, dreceries, &o:- 'After a few appropriate remarks by Mr. A. J. Riley, in the name of the members of my congregation and the citizens generally, ho handed me a purse!. containing thirty-soven-,dollars, (s37)—twenty-five for myself, and twelve for Mrs. Kerr. Mrs. Kerr and myself express our gratitude and pre sent our thanks to the generous donors. J. JACKSON KERR, Pastor, Evan. L. Chureh Worth More Than Premiums. The testimony of thousands of busi ness mon all over the world to the ex• collence ofTAlltuANKs' Standard scales, from actual use for many years, is more valuable than any premiums. In addition to this, they have received more premiums than all other scales, including the highest at the Paris Ex. position. Speer , . Port Grape Wine. " This noted and excelloat wine— samples of which can bo tasted at all our druggists—we believe to be supe rior in every respect, and in all desira ble qualities, medicinal not excepted, to pure and genuine imported Port, worth ten dollars a gallon. rm. We learn that, a man has boon arrested near Marklesburg, for the al leged stealing of a child near I%feVey town. Rumor has it that ho is the - fa- - thew of the child, and had taken it from its mother, from whom ho had become divorced, and whom ho agreed should keep the child. Fisher LV Sons will open on the 6th of December a large assortment of Buffalo, Raccoon, and Fancy Robes.— Call and examine them. 2ti- rt.,.Toys for tho child= at Lewis' Family Grocery. -Sweet potatoes for Ei a 1 e atlowls' Family Grocery, Speces "%Vines Aro the pure juice of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vintage. They con tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent, strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and vigor. Sickly par sons and females should try them. MARRIED, At the M. E. Parsonage;' on the 29th ult., by. Rev. R. E. Wilson, Mr. Wm. J. Moons, of Spruce Creek, and Miss DIARY C. LEONARD, Of Huntingdon.' On the 27th of November, 1867,. in the Presbyterian church, by Rev G. W. Zahnisor, MILTON S. 'LYTLE, Esq., to. Miss LIZZIE STEELE, both of Hun tingdon. • - On the 28th ult., by Rev. J. S. Kief fer, Mr. ALEXANDER D. MCCALL, and Miss ANNIE M. .WRITE, both of HMI. derson township. . On the 25th tilt., in Hollidaysburg, by Rev. D. H. Barron, NICHOLAS. C. CRESSWELL, of Alexandria, to MARTHA. Lyrtz, of Hollidaysburg. On the 7th ult., SAMUEL WELTS, of Yellow Springs, Blair county, to Liz zrE ..,SPEANICLE, of Spruoo HuntiOgdon county, Pennsylvania. MIULLAWAY'S ALL•HEALING and STGENGTIIENING skive. J. FULLANC&Y will Introduce, at hie own expense, his I.ll4lealing and Strengthening Salve, a sovereign remedy for lame ,back, local rheumatism , pain in the aide and breast, Mash wounds, bruises, sprains, weakness In the joints, crick in the back, old sores, frosted feet, swellings, numbness, agno in the face and breast, cracked hands, biles, corns on the feet, sad occasional sores of most kinds to which the human family is subject. 03.,F0r gale at Lomb? Faintly Grocery. EAFNESS, BLINDNESS ;Ind CA TARIM treated with the utmost telecom, by J. AACS, ?J. D.. OMlist and Aunts!, (formerly of Leyden, Holland) No. 80.5 A RCHetreet, Philadelphia. Testimoni al* from the meet reliable sources in the city a t.d try can batmen at 1. oftice. The medical leen] ty are in • vited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrete in his p aches. Artificial Eyes tusecteti without pain.— No charge for examination. MAlybm MARKETS. I= PamDELrme, Noy. SD, 1807 Superfine Flour at $7,50®8,25 extra at $8,50®59, fancy extra family $lOOll, and Pennsylvania family $9,79® 10,75, and fancy brands $12,76®14,00 according 12 quality, Rye flour $9,00. Prima Wheat is rearms hero. Choice now at $2,0002,50 white $2,4002,55. Rye at $1,70®1,71. Corn 1,40 to 1,42 Oats at 76c. Barley malt at sl,ho. Clovareeed $7,12@8,00 nccording;to quality; Timothy at $2,4.0@2,65; Flaxseed $2,55152,50 per bushel. Prrisaunon, Nor. 30.—Flour.—There Is a local demand We quote sales pf spring wheat Flour at $10,60011,00, winter Flour at $11,606412.50 fancy at $13En12.75. Wheat. winter,s2,4oEo2,so and No. I Boehm $1,5562,80, Corn from nest hands at 31,18. Ryo, $1,50 por bushel. Oats 05066 c; parley 1,10E4E1,45. Shoulders 12%c; sides le%c; hams IQCy2Oo, Lardlo, l (o. CILIOAOO Nov. 00.—Flom dull spring extra $8,60@10,00. Winter, $8,606,0,60. Spring Wheat Is at $1,8101,53. Corn 1,00. Oats, 52ets. FINANCIAL NEW YORE, NOT. 30.1701 d dosed al $1,38. HIINTINGbON MAtIKEITS. CORRECTED WEEKLY DY HENRY S. CO. WHOLESALE PRICES, Superfine Flour, $lO,OO Extra Flour, old 11,0 t), Family Flour 12,00 Red Wheat„..... .......... 2,25 Mite: Wheat,.„.. .......... 2, 3 5 Apple Butter IA ga110n...1,25 FWD per cord 0,00 Barley ,„ Butter Buckwheat 1,00 Buckwheat Meal 40 cwt..4,do Bran r$ exvt 1,25 Brooms 31 des 3,003450 , Beeswax 11 1b 30 Beans TS bus 200 Cloverseed '3l 00 lbs. —.6,50, Obleicps Country Soap Now Corn 00 to 2 . 00 ecru Meal 30 cwt..... 2,20 Dried Apples tThu ...... —2,00 Dried Cherries TA quart...l2 brled Peaches /I lb 15. Third Beef 28 Meet R, 'Eggs 26 ;Feathers V lb 90 Flaxseed $2,00 flops V lb ....,.. 40 Ilam, smoked 25 I Hay V ton 12,00 i Lard 12/ 1 2 Largo Onions V bus 75 Mixed Ch0p..,.„ ......,,....2,25 ~,...2,25 iOntsso ~ ;Potatoes 11 bus 85 Plaster par ton . 10,00 Rage ;l 11l . 4 Rye 1.80 Iltye Chop it eel 2,50 ,Rye Stialr Ttil bundle 15 Shorts V cwt... 1,60 Shoulder 18 Sides 20 Fallow 10 ® 12 Timothy 2,00 'Turlitiya V Re 10 Wool V lb 85 Pork 'il lb ............. ... —.B AN ORDINANCE Enacted by the Burgers and Town Council of tho Borough of Huntingdon, the 23,1 day of November, 1667. WHEREAS, Thu (titivte 'of Otis' borough have been annoyed and their persons and property have been in jured from playing of ball and throwing of stones, ke,,. Be Bonneted and it is hereby ordained, that from and aftor the pn4sngo of this Ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any,porson or persons to play ball, throw atones, [WOW balls, or any other missile in the streets of said bo rough._ And he if fa rther'ordained, that iiiiipartion or persons so offending or violating the etdd , OrtlinasMo, shall, for each find orery'offerree, on cout lotion thereof, before the Burgess or a Justice of the roace,-pay a alto not exceed. log are dollars nor loss than ono, and that on Ulm° or refusal to pay saidlairb shall be imprisoned in the county jail for tweuty•four bomb. And it shall,b6 the duty,of the officers of.tbo borough to enforce soil ordinance and all go'od ellizous. are re assist them in the saute, (Signed) G. MILLER, Asst.'Burgoss 11.. MOMPISTME, SOCV. . Presiding. r' AN 0RD1N.440.E , - .Paseed timid, day of November, 1887, for tho re covery of purchase money for burial lots. BE IT ORDAINED, and it is hereby ordained, that the Treasurer of the Borough is hereby directed and empow ered to demand and collect the amount due from all de linquent purchasers of lots in tho "Huntingdon Comets. ry" after giving thirty days notice to such dellquente of the amount duo froth thorn, and if necessary to' cause suit I. be broughA forroakrpurchase Money in the some man ner as suits aro now brought for dobia of like amodat and nature; and he le further directed, in case notice mud wand are not cetnelied with, to re-cuter and take peas.- sion on behalf of the borough, of all lots not,pccupled by graves so fences, giving notice of such re-entry, to the purchasers, and making report thereof at the next-regu lar meeting of Burgesses and Town Council, aim re porting any suite or proceedings commenced egolgat the holders of occupied lots. (signed) E. 0-mantra'B, B. Ofcdfanrnts, SCo'y. ..' Chief Burgess,. 1 - 1 4 IXED FACTS INDELIBLY La x' PRESSED will always triumph over simple as sertions. Thus it is that this community gives testimony in fa. vor of the well known ostablishruent of H. GREENBERG, • liMADA[Enn a a l 1 1 .8.1110[ap HILL STREET, HUNTINGDON, Whilst it is not his purpose to deceive the public by clamoring "low prices and bettor goods" than other denten!, ho simply Invites all who wish to ',turbos° lit his lino of business to call and satisfy"tliemsolves that with hint a patron once gained is 'liver lost, that Is, proof of tho pudding is in the tasting of it." Ile has just received his winter supply of UMW VASME 10 an .0 FOR MEN AND BOYS. Ile has also a large assortment of the most substantial and fashionable • Hats Cos Goats' Foraishing Goods, of every description, and made up from the best material. Always on hand the finest quality of American, rug- Het and French CLOTHS, CASHMERES and VESTINGS, which aro mado up to order by good, experienced work. man, in u monitor tho most fashionable and endurable. No eastorn city can afield a better or more varied stylo of goods than can be found in my selection. 11. GREEN BEM Huntingdon, Nov. 13,1507. Merchant Tailor. REliioV AL PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ROBLEY &I MARSH, MERCHANT TAILORS, AND DEALERS IN READY-MADE CLOTHING; FOIL 3IHIS AND BOSS, — hare7eindied to the-B{{l.l-.Mill till-LUC Will. LIG tit. Diamond, opposite Lewis' Book Store, whore they Intend to keep constantly on hand tho latest styles of Ready , mode Clothing and piece goods, comp{ king AMERICAN, ENULISII AND MUCCI CLOTHS, CASSIA ERRS, AND TEST ENOS. CLOTHS, CASSDIERMIS, AND ' VICSTINUS. cLovie., C.kSSIMERES, AND VESTINGS. Also a large supply of OVERCOATS, made up in the most fasidonitisie sty 10, and sold at greatly' reduced prices. Ming practi cal DDI kitten of maw) , years experience, they aro prepared to make to order Clothing for men and boys, and guarantee neat, durable and fashionable work manship. They are determined to please oreryAiody. All are invited to call and examine their now stock of beautiful patterns before purchasing elsowliele. 11. ItOIILFIY, n 013,1867 ' OEO. F. MARSH. A SPECIALTY. A LAM: AND WELL ASSORTED TOCK OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES, Just received at • RUDOLPH'S VREPIA 0 ' l 2 Taumon • • LADIES' DEPARTMENT. In Oils deportment, which will at all times receive my strict attention, I have a well assorted display of Dress Trimmings, Cloak and Sacriuo Trim mings. Dress Buttons, Gloves, Valle, Zepß) r Knit Shawls, Nobles, Hoods. 'Jottings, Hand kerchief& Fall Hats. Hat and Bonnet Frames, Velvet Ribbons. Corsets; Hosiery, and latest style Encases from $5 to vo. GENTS' DEPARTMENT, Hats and Cum all styles, from 50 cents to SIO, Shirts, Dowers, Gloves, Nock Ties, Col lars, Hosiery, and every article kept in a first class Furnishing Store. BY Malang my business a specialty, I hope to moot wills such patronage from the public as will. enable me to keep continually on haled a large and well selected stock of first class goods, Whilst keeping up to the fashion in eyery article, I will also sell cheaper than the cheapest. W. P. RUDOLPH, Opposite Lelster's Nesi Building. Huntingdon, Oct. 10, 1807. TO '1 1 33471331 T-2421.11,X3E1119 W. B. ZEIGLER I Would respectfully Inform the Ladies of Irunfintalon and the country generally, 00 hp has just returned from New York and kdkiladelphia wherek th e,haa Tur chased a large stock of goals alined " EXCLUSIVE:LT FOR LADIES AND CIULDREII. Ladies' Fgrnishing goods, Fancy and plait; Dress Trimmings, Ladies' Under. garments, Marina Yeets and Drawers, Corsets s Balmq• rale, Hoop Skirts, Shawls, Scarfs, Ileods, knit of vaaleue styles and patterns, Ladies', and Children's Stockings of all styles and colors, Also,• Dross Goods, Prints, Detains., Plaids, Al, paeans, Ginglimas, Worm and Blenched Bias. . tins, Sc. Gents' Undershirts, Drawers, and Stockings. All goods cold at the lowest cash Drices, and as cheap as the cheapest. Mullins and Prints, from .9 cts Hoary unbleached Shootings, yard wide, 1,5 cis, Mary yard wide Ticking., 30 cis, Bast lYintor Do laipe., 22 and 2,) ctii, All Wool Dolalnos, 45 to 65 cts, Double width Wool Plaids, 60 cte, Hoary Plaid Poplins, $l.OO, Wool Flannels, 28 to 60 to a yard, Wool Blankets, $3.00 to $lO.OO a pair, Wool Shawls $1.25 to. $lO.OO Balmoral Sart., $1.25 to $1.60. Other Goods in proportion. OPPOSITE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OILAMBIL 4 Ili°. Huntingdon, Noy, 0,1067. Huntingdon, Nor. 0,1847, GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS. Mothers, are you oppressed with anxiety for your littlo ones? Aro your slumbers and hearts broken by their cries? Do you awake in the morning unrefrealted and ap prehensive ? If so, procure at once n bottle of Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy and you will havo uo were weary hours of watching and anxiety. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, Has stood the test of years. Thonsande of nurses and =thanker witness that it never falls to give relief if need in season. It is a mild, yet suro and eitemly cure fory• Colic, Cramps and Windy Pains, and Is invaluable for all complaints incident to Teething. Told by Druggists throughout the United litotes. Ad. dress all orders to ZIEGLER & SOLE PROPRIETORS, n0.27•1y No. 13: Nth. Third Street, rhita(ra, WANTED, - • - - Io an old.cstablislied wholosalo DRY-GOODS ITOUSg, in Philadelphia, an acti•q, ontacflrtsigg SALESMAN, who cap influence a Good trade. AddreHl 1% lib name, reference, SC, fn no2(111. BOX NO. 1608, Philadelphia P. O. QEGARS.—Best quality of Sugars .r; at CTINNINGIIA:I t CARMON'Ef• THE PUCE-TO-BUY NEW ATP G0,0r4 ili t l • • WIWI A RHO, Respectfully inform the' public . gen'etally that they have just received u largeAndopleudid stock of goods-at their store to Iluittinf, , lon;6ol.l44-40glUlP” Pr SILKS, Dit/TOODS; DRESSIIO OS, 4 JEOOTSIIICOIS;" ; 1 HATS, ;CAP,S,..;TIN WARE, LADIES' MANGY GS: HOOP BKIRTS,VoisvErs, BUTTONS ,WOQD O WILPOr 'IV A it Ej QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, 'GROCERIES, CRACKERS,' NOTIONS, TqßAccopsEG4 - 4s, CLASS; NAILS, Ff§ll; SALT, &c. , Also ; CARPETS anil OIL-CLOTH:„ - - And in fact everything that is usually kept Inn Reddenstore, store, all which were bought low for multi and will ' sold at correspondingly low prices for cask, or country produce. and request the public to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere, feeling satisfied we can eller supe rior inducements to cash buyers. We respectfully solicit the patronage of all, mad the public ero cordially invited to examine cur goads. - - Everything taken in exchange for goods except promi ses. WU. MARCLI & BRO Iluntingd., oc. 9,1897 GREAT OPENING FALL AND WINTER .GOODS, AT TIM W-UNV . STOP JOSEPH MARCH & BRO., COFFEE RUN, PENN'A The subscribers have received a now end annploto as• sorted stock of DAV V30E3c.1, Including a large mid waled' awortment at Li:TUNIS. DRESS GOODS, of tho latest styles and fashions. Alw GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE, . , READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS'AND SHOES, . HATS AND CAPS, ' FISH, SALT, BACON, . . ondoll ether. articled usnolly• kept in n well conducted store, nit of which two offered as cheap on nt any other es tabllshownt. in this section of country. Country Produce taken In exchange for goods Thankful ter former patronage, we hereby extend an Invitation to our Tretigh Creek fliende end the nubile generally for a renewal of the same, premising by a cline attention to business nail the waats of customers, to fay merit .309: 1 &BOIT & into MEDICAL DR:-WILLIANI-13REWSTEIW NVCONNELLSTOAri, PA. • vow T..,..TacTultlt or a... proposing; to undertake .treatMent,for , diseastia weatlva (Itr the following, list a few of the more_prontluent "an 1 most common - comjilaintti'met with in our tice, in nll of svhich We tire moat Igtmeessfol. TN NIMBLY - ALL 00003 OF gnuolie Inssiun, Falcamiet- TO 12 A SURE 5031000, 000 IN ALT. CASES BENEFICIAL. IP PROP& I.l' APPLIED. Titoso, TIINFOTorff, olllicted with complain to not here enumerated, need have ao heiitatton in npplying,ond whether onIynELIEP, or FERMI:FENT CMS can be enbeted, they Will receive replies accordingly. All communications flee. 1 Epilepsy, Chm en, St. Vitus' Dance, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness, Palpita tion of tho Ileart, Lock-Jaw, etc. 2 Sore Throat, Dyspepsia,Diarrlima. Dysentery, Obbfinate Constipation, Hmuorthohl4, or Piles, Bilious, liatuhint, and Painter's Colic, and nit affections of the Liver and Spleen. 5 Catarrh, Coligh, Influenza, Author), (where not caused by organic disease of tho heart,) Bronchitis, Me,,, icy, Rheumatism of the Chest, Consumption in the early stages. 4 Gras ol,Miabeti% and Kipnoy Complaints. 5 Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago. Stiff Nrck, Spinal Diseases, hip ,Disofises. Cancers, 'Ti,. mare; (those taut named always rated with. out pato, or rutting. or plasters In any form) lit a Yrotd, no pi opus(' to cure all mumble dis eases. We liars no connection whatever with any oafer:Eh:chic:it °thee in this or any other county All totters addicts to • WM. ItREWST'ER, McConnellstown, IMZEI E tyQUARTERS ' • • ioi!" ". • • • NE*. • • • INFORMS THE PUBLIC) THAT HE HAS JUST OPENED A SPLENDID STOCK of ,NEW GOODS THAT CAN'T BE:BEAT I IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE: P. P. GWIN, Huntingdon, October 0, '67. CLAZIER BRO.i DNALEIte IN DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS,•IIA7 S, NOTIONS,•BOOTS AND SHOES. QURENSWARE, &c., Washington street, near the Jail Haring purchased our Winter Goods since the Into heavy decline, we con afford to otter superior Induceutents to buyers. .READ OUR PRIDES.-t. 1867.. • 1867. CLOTHING. H. ROMAN. N N - - • CLOTHING ion - , JVIST lIECRIVSD . sr H. ROMAN'S CHEAP Ul QTHINO STOPS, . For aentlealea'e Clothing of the beet Mete del, and made iq the lied wationatilike mamm', call at 11. ROMAN'S, • • opposite th e Ir Ke ttlign Otiose Market S q uate t Iltitath ik dad, Po. (I AR PE T IN G OF ALT. KINDS 77 Jat CUNNINGHA M dCA HAMM'S. TIURE SPICES rat CUNSINGUAM • jok j -_ Ns , ro44 „ \vArls. . l4 ,.. TARN pleasure in announcing to the eitiAeuslphrpatragilrlilauitli ttetaity that Attu ba Y ° i u . W it 6 APPq4.fl" q.M 1 1Mi l li " r- ;0.1 LARGE STOCK OF GOODS, Which they ha`vo Justppenciouectt. thekrric'w Rtpro, ;ONE DOOlt EAST OS Tll.ll NirASITRiatON HOTEL Their stock collage of 1 DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, . . HATS AND CAPS', • •• • BOOTS' AND SHOES; • GROCERIES, ••, • • FLOUR AND FEED, TOBACCO, SEGARS, CANNED FRUITS, ' HARDWARE, .‘ CEDAR' , WARE, QUEENSWARE, .OIL' CLOTHS, ' OILS, ' •, • , PAINTS, &C., • : =I DRUGS, " , CARPETS CARPET CHAIN, FISH, SALT; 'CIIEKSE, TRUNKS; • .• • • HAMS, SHOULDERS, SIDES, 8,4. 82c. They hare a large stock of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consfeting of SILKS, MOIIAIRS, ALPACAS. POPLINS, LUSTRES, GINGIIAMS, MRIUNOS, PLAIDS, DE LA INKS, Sc,. Zoe., AT: Also, a largo as sortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS, EMDROIDE Ry, riosrpiny,. GLOVES, ' )131G,TT,GNS, Kc. , A FULL LINE OF.,WHITE GOODS Wa a9llscll )1110LESALp and ITTAIL. , • . All Roods delivered to residences in town and depots. tree of charge. ' •!. Give ue a trial before purchasing elSewbuie: JOIINSTaN h WATTSON. Huntingdon. April 8 3 1887. By Csaff4l4,A4ilrQad. We are now receiving' by Ca'- nal and Railroad from the' east ern and western cities, , DRY• GOODS & GROCERIES Of every deScripition,,, CARPETS, OIL-CLOTITS, 3L=DJrcalNz•i_sal9. - nt., Of all kinds fo® -BiALm. Anthracite; Pittsbnrgh, and Broad Top Coal for. sald,by ,the Cart or Boat load. • . LUMBER. Boards 'Plank- Shin.les Plas terin,g Lath, in large or,,,small quantities. , Nails and Bar ron, at mann: -facturers' prices.' ''." - ' ' ,", HENRY"! CO. ; Huntingdon, Pa. ,Ctfoic'e' GROCERIES JUST RECEIVED. • - • - Also, - Canned PritChon;'tomatOei, , iiits and Corn. t '4llllO, Spiced LotleteT, °Mere, chow thole,. Worceetorelglre lance, French 31netard, nom Radish, Pepper sauce, Cat eup, 01Ito 011, &c., &c, and All kinds of S'y'rups, such nil strawberry, pineapple, blackberry, &c CALL AND SEE. ' CHEAP GROCERY STORE. - yemenTimmort., lIILL ST:, lIUNTINGDO.IsT, PA. THE undersigned offers for the in 'Troth:in nto ntirphnne, prcustoinern a largetuld ar sorted stock of , Grocorics, ProvlsiJns, &c. (Ms 'skis tied they can ho accomodatea with anything In tics Ilho. Me paces nro low, and his stock fresh and good. Ile kociw 'pelt of • ' . SUGAR, COFFEE, • TEAS, SPICES, SALT ; TOBACCO &'SEGARS, %`, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS & CAPS, &e: A LSO— .TIAAIS, SII01:11J DE leS, MOLASSES;•OILS;r VIN EC/ A R, FISU, MEESE, FLOUR fifeb3, And NOTIONS of 'oliery kind • A sieleet /Ouch of DRY GOODS, logeGier with (WRENS. WARE, and sdl oihur arthnea kept in a well regulated establisliniont.far gale al re iuomihio Prim , • . - , XY0 , 111.1 &taro is on" Hill kraal, noarly . otquisite the, Hank, and in tho loom Wl wady-occupied by D. Grove. Call and examine, , Z. VENTER. Huntingdon, Oct. 8,1867 COUNTRYPRODUCE. - All kinds of country produce taken in exchange rex Goo& et ValaY articery• • • •••• •‘•., FLOUR t rll.O . „ The beat Flour, ft a barrel or amaller qnaotits gala atietria' Family Grocery. .. . . E vE. 4 y FA 111 Will find at Lerle' Family Osivery, evil article usually kept in first clam GroN•ry stores, Call .. ... for 7bat you want CUNNINAIKT ASARNO.PI_ MEW& ASHIONAtLEtOODS , From the enigma mulatto, whieln tlioy can, with' iptofit, Roll at loner figures than min ,o epithet, any other boost) ho the openly-. i; ; , , f; ; ; PRIetS TICE S.V.3IE AS BEFORE TICE WAR • ":.• •x .. 11 1:,,f A.ecrod C&lido Di eseifor" a TYIE' kEST - REAtY MITSLIXS'' Loraq's psast thor,ooo.,no„oonot 105 . .049 . of pb#l4oo:o3 IJNIISIVAXS74 Conatttiug,of everythlstg, that appal/ finey4 hiait wtila COME 'AN D 'SEE' oUI spo Olt; and do not pay CV/ prices any 'ranger. Cunningham ,&' Cannon.'' ThitAitelfin, 024 1 4. , LEwis, masi.Eß 6 law BUILDING • Xl.ti gCICI XL. Via. WHOLESALE AND' R.ErikiLI)ALER FOREIGN &DOMESTIC I)IRtY - "01.,;P:0.1.0S: 9 , IMI OIL CLOTHS, QUEENSWARI REMEMBERI., •This zs the Store, Where dObati July 17,:67-tf. CUNNINGHAM,BE , CARMON OP EVERY:DtBCRIPTIO4, For Sale at Wholesale Prices-, SIICILA§, ALL NTOl..'„ GRAIN,, VENITIA I N - , CO TV CAI AGE . I., • 1:0 • i ITEM 11.untiugdon, Jul,T S, 1567. ±,l • 'JOHN FARtMA'S, • O,LD ESTAB TAILED ,." it itoitssaaii.r.stetcmg 718 ARCH Street, above Sevedtb; PEtiA..• " • • di • E haps now in .lore of r own Ihiportatioa and anilthicture, end' of the R,O ,I 1 S T and moat BAUTIPOL selections of Fahey Furs,'' LADIES' and CUM , LEN'S WEAR, In the ty, Also, a qua lusaort lue 'of Gent's Fur ,os and Collars. „ am enabled to divo t s° my good. at Tory IASONARLE PRICES 1 I would therefore telt a 611 from my fade, of Huntingdon tnty and vicinity. Ci umber and &tut 1 , JOHN PAREIRA, 7111 ARCH Street, above 'Rh, South aide , oc2-4m PHILADELPHIA. W, Or 1 lIATE NO PARTNER, NOR CONNECTION ITH ANT OTHER STORE IN PIII.ADELPHIA, . . - A N' IM.PROVEMENS IN , LIGHT ! iWo take pleasure in putting. beflii the piiblio a 'LAB, L'io'i• burning fat, lard or 'talltuy, which ie superior tO any of the kind, ever introduced, it differs from all otbAis,` as it'dlies not require the flit to be melted before lighting. It bents the fat by a copper pipe, whiCil duets tlie beat under the but and melts it immediately. Tflodgands nf the 'MUM 111 00 been cold 011,1 gem. nave been made. All Lamps warranted to give general satisiaction, yr the money lefutalpal. , A rare opportunity Is offered to may'petiton or nelsons -that t a t , wish to engage II MO liminess. lluntinadou Mid 311111 in comities will ho geld In townships at reason , ' nglo terms to snit pprcheeprs. A sample, lamp - wilt iue forwarded to 'ally pardon 'on i ecelpt of retail price, $1,50, and forwarded at my expense. , Will either sell territory or pay agents by the daY or piece. Agents aremaking from $5 to $l5 ,per ply, for they Ada very fact. They are what Every person heeds, All letters ,will receive prompt attention.. ~• • Address °Volt on IYAMOIt, Airy Pale, Huntingiban ciutrity, Pc, 4S-Lamp martin aeon at the Ftealtlln 11,olt§e in 'Oat , ingdun ; Flo Hughes' Store, pltll Oteelkoktiti:at thn hotel, iu eitisvillo.- selB,-tf . . hiro 6,q;;l : da" •1 11 •; 1. • 10,000--DOLLARS WORTH 1 ill U I-1 _t - • I) -.; ,I,;-„ Come.ulsee,their flee assortment et y . • 7, '• , o .li I C 3 ROICE I SYRILTP; 'f''.” • : 7 ( .!;-•1! (1' • ' 'WWI?, tbathavqr before abm •:i •1 • EVERY KIND Cit'%ildiiit • ! • At greatly reduced prices LL NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS; 'CARPEITIBrdS,' • AND GROCERIES. =Eli are Sold 'CHEAP,: MO 'l,4orwfApic7l.l.U4Sl;:. ,'.. PHOTOGRAPH.ApUMA , PoIiTRAiTS Ats iSU rUn k" 4 " 4 * 941* 3 ;V•k 4el° ' 1?0,11 SAWA AT LEWIS' DOOR AND STATIONERY STORE. CHEESE. CHEESE. The best alwayS for PRIG LEWIS' PAIIILT GROCERY.. =NEI