El2,e 0131obt. HUNTINGDON, PA Agrioultnral Gleanings. Illotters of interest to • Gardeneo— RooLs of all kinds should be housed be: fore frost affects their flavor and keep ing qualities, A bin of earth in the cellar is useful for packing roots to keep them fresh till late in the season. Turnips and beets are liableto shrivel unless covered with the soil. Asparagus beds May be cleaned with profit now, and covered over with sta ble manure. This can be raked off in the sprifig, and seine that is finer put on and mixed with the soil. Preparatiene for planting dwarf trees, vines, &c., should be made in the gar don this fall. Dig the holes and fill them with manure ; in the spring throw out tho manure and plant the trees, cover ing the roots with the frost ameliora ted:doil. 1 - Make arrangements for the hotbed in the way of: preparing the soil for Covering the Manure. Leaf mold and sharp and makes the beat.. - 1 Hardy vegetables—as peas, lettuce, cabbage find potatoes—that aro desir ed to start extremely early, may be sown in the fall and proteeted by.suf ficient mulching until spring. _Litiik—A sickly cow not only yields a diminished profit, but yields a sickly milk, and sickly in a higher degree than har flesh., _ Ifa.cow. - oaats anything_ that has a strong or disagreeable odor, it aprears in her milk.= If a cow eats anything medicinal it comes out in her,milk. = If She is feverish - her milk shows it IT she has Bores about her, pus may be found - in her milk. - - . If slie iS fed upon decayed or diseas ed food,her milk,since it is derived from her food, will be imperfect. It is as impossible ,to .make -good milk from bad food, as to make a good building froM rotten timber. bahtla Roots should be taken from the ground carefully, and immediately ,transferred to' their winter quarters, where their fibrous roots must be care- fully spread upon a thin layer of sand or earth, and at onto covered with about an inch of the sand, leaving the greaXer part of the tubes bare. They should be alike-•free from_ saturation and dryness, which will' witli equal certainty engender patrefaction. Gatfiering Fodder—C4, and gather in good season your tops and blades.- - TheprOVenifer May be rough but ex perience proves that it contains much .nutritious _matter and it is a wise econ any to husband the finer grasses for deeding, when horses aro again called ,to heavy labor, and their strength .re quirei3 to be amply supported by the best of feeding. - • . Cabbage may be kept very well by simply turning the -mote uppermost and covering the heads . with - soil and then with coarse litter, and it has been kept in excellent condition until spring by simply pulling and inverting them, setting the heads on the fresh earth. The snow forms a good protection. _H"ertilizer—. 7 ln the cultivation ofselo ver, wonderful advantages have been gained by the application of the' sul phate of iron on soils where it is desir ed to produce an early crop. Mulber . ries, peaches, grape vines and wheat, derive advantages from the same treat ment. Bees—A pound or two of syrup or coney fed to a destitute colony will save and encourage it; and as honey must of necessity soon bo abundant in flowers, no bad effect can follow feed- ing for a short time,. Don't have any weak colonies, but if you do have, feed them rather than let-them starve. Good Feeding—Feed liberally. Feed at regular times. There ie no profit in poor animals of any description. They eat more and fare worse than animals liberally fed, and they return less pro fit., See that the food is clean and palatable. Grape Vines trained on the .south wall of a building, with a full southern exposure, will ripen - from two to three weeks earlier than the same kind of vine and the same exposure, with the vines upon an open trellis. Celery—Our gardeners should devote thehaselves more to the culture of cel ery, as it is one of the sources of pro fit. For winter keopihg it can be pack ed ln sand, and 'Asked in a cool Wash for Fruit Trees—A gallon of AO, soap, one pound of flour of sulphur, ,one quart Of fine salt : stir the latter ingredients into the soap, and apply with a paint or whitewash brush. Butter—Clean milking, clean pails, pans, crocks and churns, are the first requisites to the production of a good article of butter. Farmers and house keepers should bear this in mind. The Garden—lntroduce system in your garden operations and plan a ro tation or crops, so you will have the results all the year round. . * Quantity of Seed per Acre—From four to six pecks should be seeded; the larger quantity in all cases to be pre ferrid- where the soil is in good heart. -Paint applied in winter will last twice as long as that applied during hot weather ; Bone Deal Is highly recommended for cows by those who have tried it. A National Thanksgiving, THE PREBIEENT% PROCLAMATION In conformity with a recent custom that may now be regarded as estab lished on national consent, and appro• val, I, Andrew Johnson, !'resident ut the United States, do hereby recom- I mend to my follow-citizens, that - Thursday, the 28th day of ,Aroveniber, next, be set apart and observed throughout the republic as a day of' National Thanksgiving and praise to the Almighty Ruler of nations, with whom aro dominion and power, and who maketh peace in his high places. Resting and refraining from secular la bors on that day, let us reverently and devoutly give thanks to our heavenly Father for the mercies and blessings with which He has crowned the now closing year. Especially let us re member that He has covered our land with greatly needed and very abun dant harvests; that He has caused in dustry to prosper, not only in our fields, but also in our workshops, in our mines, and in our forests. Ile has permitted us to" multiply ships upon our lakes and rivers, and upon the high seas, and at the same time to ex tend our iron roads so fur into the se cluded places of the continent, and to guarantee speedy overland intercourse between the two oceans Ile has in elined our hearts to turn away from domestic contentions and commotions, consequent upon a distracting and des olating civil war, and to walk more and more in the ancient ways of loyal ty, conciliation, and •brotherly love.— He hass — blessed the peaceful efforts with which we have established new and important commercial thatieri with.foreign nations, while we have at the same time strengthened out na• tional defenses, and - greatly enlarged our national \ borders. = While thus rendering tho unanimous and heartfelt tribute of national praise and - thOnlogiving, which -is so justly 'dub to - Almighty God, let us not fail to implore Him that the same divine pro tection and care which . wo have hith erto so -undeservedly and yet so con stantly enjoyed, may be continued to our country and our people through out all their generations forever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused-the seal of the United States to be affixed. . Done at the city of Washington, the 26th day of October, in the year of our Lord, 1867, and of the independence of the United• States the ninety:sedond. . ANDREW .tOIINBON Wm. H. SEWARD, SeCretaiy of State Thanksgiving Proclamation. _ •fl arsnuna, Nov. 1, 1867. CommOnwealth of Pennsylvania. From the creation of the world, in all ages and climes, it has been custo mary to set apart certain days for special religious observance. This has not always been influenced by the , light of Christian knowledge, nor by any proper conception of the charac ter of thatOreat Being "who ruleth the earth in righteousness," and "who daily loadeth us with his benefits :" but by an innate sense of the existence of an overruling power, by which all the world and all it contains' are- -gov erned and controlled. Aided by the dictates of cultivated' reason and the teachings of Divine revelation, we; however, are taught to recognize in that Supreme Ruler a Heavenly Fath er, to whom we are indebted for 'exis tence and all the blessings we enjoy, and to whom we owe constant and ferven't thanksgiving and praise. It is Ho who "visitetli the earth and wa tereth it ;" who "setteth the furrows and biesseth the . springings thereof;" who "crowneth the year with HisgOod noes, and whose paths drop fatness ;" who "closeth the pastures with flocks - , and covereth the valleys with corn ;" who "maketh the out goings of the morning and.of the evening to rejoice ;" who "is our, xefuge and strength;" who "maketh wars to cease," and "saveth us from our enemies;" and whose throne is forever and ever," and who "blessoth the nations whose God is the Lord." On all sides we have increased as surances of the "loving kindness" of an All-wise Parent of Good, who has conducted our nation through a long and terrible war, and permitted our people to repose once more in safety, "without any. to molest them or to make them afraid." The monstrous sentiment of disunion is no longer tol erated. The flag, the Union, and the Constitution are esteemed as the safe guards of the rights and liberties of the people, and are revered 'and defen ded as the ark of their political safety. A kind Providence has not grown weary of supplying our continuous wants; a bounteous harvest has re warded the labors of the husbandman ; flocks and herds aro scattered in count less number over our valleys and bills; commerce is uninterrupted, and ves sels laden with the products of nature and of art speed unmolested over the trackless deeps. Neither pestilence, famine - , political or social - evils, finau cial embarrassments of commercial dis tress, have been permitted to stay the progress and happiness of the people .of this great Commonwealth ; but peace, health, education, morality, re ligion, social Improvement and refine ment, with their attendant blessings, have filled the cup of comfort and en joyment to overflowing. Recognizing our responsibility to Him who controls the destinies of na tions as well as of individuals, and "from whom cometh down every good and perfect gift,"-to whom we are deeply indebted for all these and the lidher blessings of our common Chris tianity, let us unitedly give our most devout gratitude and hearty thanks giving :—I therefore, do hereby re commend that ThUrsday, the twenty eighth day of November next, be set apart as a day of praise and thanks. giving; that all secular and worldly business be suspended, and the people assemble in their various places of worship to acknowledge their mai tude and 'offer up prayers for a contin uance of Divine favor. Given under my band and the great seal of the State, at Harrisburgh, this thirty first day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and of the Commonwealth the ninety second. JOHN W. GEARY By the Governor : F. JORDAN, Secretary of State ,Ya• For plain, fancy and ornamen tal printing ; call at the "Globe" Office. \\HARTON &VAGUIE, BILL STREET, FiUNTINCOON, PA., WH 0 I ESALE Sz RETAIL EIMEII2I Foreign' and Domestic HARDWARE, mrc crc. Th'e attention of MECHANICS, FARMERS, BUILDERS, and buyers iilenerally, is invited to the fact that M e aro now offering a BETTER ASSORTMENT of HARDWARE, CUTLERY &C., than can be found elsewhere In this part of the State, at prices to salt tho times. Our stock comprises all articles In this lino of business, embracing a general assortment of TOOLS and MATERIALS used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE and WAGON MAKERS JOINERS, Sc., Sc., togntber with a largo stock of Iron, Steel, Nails, Spikes, Railroad and Mining Supplies, Saddlery, Rope, Chains, Grindstones, Circular, Mill and CrosssCut Saws, Enamelled, Finished and Plain Hol low Ware. Coal'Oil Lamps and Lanterns, Oil and Powder Cans. An excellent assortment of 3PixLe Ckixtlary., Comptieitig KNIVES, FORKS, 'DESSERT, TEA AND TABLE SPOONS, SCIS OM% RAZORS, &O. BRITTANIA & SILVER PLATED WARE Household, Horticultural and Farm Implements, Of the latest and most improved patterns, CONSTANTLY ON BAND AND FOIL SALE AT MAN UFA O TUBERS" PRIORS. CARRIAGE & WAGON MAKERS Wilt find a general assortment of material for their us , consisting in part of Carriage Trimmings, Hubs, Spokes Rims, Axles, Springs, Nuts, Bolts, Washers, Malleable Irons, Ba- tent andenameiledLeather, Whips, Tongues, Soc kets, Shafts, &c. 00 * ef-t1 Can be tiiippli2d with ANVILS, BELLOWS, VICES, S LEDGES, HAMMERS, GORSE AND MULE SHOES, Horse Nails, and all kinds of Iron & Stee CARPENTERS. Will find in our establishment a !superior stock of PLANES, • - SAWS, AUGERS, HATCHETS, • HAMMERS, FILES, CHISELS, HINGES, SCREWS, LOCKS, MOLTS, PULLEYS, •Vl‘ SASII-COPIF, &C., &V. MINING AND ➢LINERS' GOODS. NAILS. and SPIRES, of all varieties BLASTING POWDER, PUSH, 60AL PICKS AND SHOVELS. ~armars Can be accommodated with everything in their Aim, from a Grata F.eparator to a Whobstone. 3Etiallc:lcz,rst Arc especially invited to call and examine our, stock of BUILDING HARDWARE, , and 'compere our prices with others. Agricultural Implements ! Comprteiug tho famous Russell Reapei, Mower, and Dropper, combined, RundolVe First Premium HORSE PITCHFORK, Rakes, Scythes, • Roes, • Hay Forks, Trace and Halter Chains, Breast Chains, _ Cow Tics, Curry Combs, Cards, Among the specialties of our 'louse, ive desire to call attention to the celebtateil OHIO PUMP, Tile exclusive right to sell which is vested in us. Send for ocirculAr awl got full particulato of same, awl satisf) yourself slits superior qualltlea. SCALES. 2calcs Grail sizes and descriptions, including Tea and Counter Scales, Platform Scales, Grocers' and .Druggists' Scales, Rolling Mill, Wheelbarrow, Pork, Port able, Hopper, .illiners and Trans portation, Hay,' Cattle and Coal Scales, FURNISHED AT MANUFACTURERS' CASH PRIG: S The largest and best assortment of GLASS, PAINTS, OIL & PUTTY, Ever olTerod In this pinco A GREAT VARIETY OP COOK & PARLOR STOVES. ALL SIZES OF NAILS AND BRADS, By the keg. Very loci Bed Norway nail, rod, bar an hoop Iron. STEEL, of all sizes and descriptions WAGONsBOXES, CARRIAGE SPRINGS, • IRON AND BRASS WIRE Lard, Lubricating and Coal Oil, By the !Jamie , . gallon, at very low figurer AZ- A call is respectfully solicited, feeling confi dent that our gonde and prices Will not fail to pleaso:iDlt WHARTON & IHAGIHRE. irriatingdon, 31ny 7, 1807. 1867. 1867_ ** VATROPO,4I4, . 7c4.cp, 4 HARD\\ARE STOIiL HIINTIN6DOg, JAS. A. BROWN Now located In tho splendid storeroom In Ids new MAMMOTH BRICK BUILDING, HILL ST., lIUNTE.cGDON,' PENN A. DMus at WHOLESALE and 1U nu humans° stock and endless variety of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Paints, Offs, GlassAc AT REDUCED PRICES. ELEVEN YEARS diligent attention to busincse in the Hardware trade in this place, has gives use en experi ence that:enablee me to comae great ad santagns for my customere in tam selection of the Gest standard brands and reliable qualities of goods, Buying for rash direct from the manufacturers, and be ing in almost daily receipt of goods, bought since the de cline in prkes, I can offer rare advantages to burrs. My stock embraces a general pesos talent or TOOLS AND I'ATEItIALS FOR Carpenters, Blacksmiths, Gunsmiths, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Painters, Coachmakers, Cabinet Makers, Machinists, Foun (*lumen And all other kinds of Mechanics. BUILDERS Will that here a superior stock of Na.11.2s volaci LOCKS,.BaLTS, SCREWS, BIN GES, FINISHING NAILS, Glass and.2ixtty, OH and Paints Colors of all Paint Brushes, Varnishes, &c Cass cut to nay ezo. CARPENTER§ Will Bad a well selected stock of Disston's and Spear & Jackson's Saws, Chisols and Planes,iStcal squares, Angora, Auger Bite, IGaugee, Saw sots, Bracco, Hatchets, • lOil stones, Dies. BORING MACHINES., with two crank, and three nu gems to each, FOR HOUSEKEEPERS I have a fine variety of enameled, Tinned and Plain HOLLOW -WARE, Pane Skillets. Dust Pans, Scrub Brushes, Wade Irene. Brass Kettles, Bath Bricks. Iron Tea Kettles, ICnives and Perks, Coal Buckets and shovels, Tea and Table SpoSus. Brittannta and SILYER•PLATED WARE,TabIe Castois Brass Stair Rods, and a splendid stock of Harilsburg STONEWARE, including crocks with lids as large ad six gallons. Ff23= 3 •GM AGENT,.',i" 1 Also, the Champion co OW Clothes WrinEer, With a late improvenn nt. This is now the very best nod most desirable Wringer in tho market. Having the agency fin this place I can sell them strictly at the man ufacturer's priest. All warranted. BLACKSXLITIIS Will bo supplied ulth 'torso shoos; Norco nails, Stocks mid Dies, Norway Nall hods, limps, Files, Iron and Steel Anvils, Buttressus, Vices, Bellows, and other tools in their line CARRIAGE WAGON-MAKERS iVill tina a supply of Carriage Oil Cloth. Carriage and Flt 0 lit/ni t humings, Seat sticks, Ds op black Coach Vstettids, Fellow, Spokes and Hubs, 1).01 and enameled Leather, Shafts, Tongues, Spoke Augers, Sleigh ltussuese, Fenders, stud other matesials. FINE CUTLERY, Comprising Table Knives and Forks of best American and English styles and qualities, Carvers' Butcher knives, Razors, Shears Scissors, Pruning thrives, and Pruning Shears, and the largest varietiy of styles of POCKET KIVIVES To be found in control Pennsylvania, including Wos tenholues furious I.XL cutle4. suogiNLAKERS As hereikire hero the beet assortment al Tools and Findings in their line of trade, consisting of Itammeis, Pincers, . Luta, Pegs, Awls. Measuring Sticks and straps Eyelets,Blum Thread, For sport and shank Irons, Was. Bristles, Burnishers, Welt Knives, Steel and lion Shoe Nails, Pitching Gauges, etc., Bound head nails, vie. SADDLERS & HARNESS MAKERS Are also provided for. Saddle Trees of the best Pitts burg snake, (Halting, Straining, and Hein veb, Stirrups, Homes, Pad Tacos, and a full variety of Silver, Mass and Japanned Harness Mountings, Pc., &c. FARMERS And otllera M in see that my stock conipi ises many me ful articles In their line, such as Scythes, Rakes, Spades, Pointing axne„ Shovels, Forks, Hoes, Griudstones, Wove wire, Garden Hakes, II ,rse !lames, DISSTON'S MILL SAWS, Trace Chains, Halter chains. Circular. Cru;s-cat, Wood Cat my condri, Horse brushes: and Meat Saws, Wagon Jacks, ' 'Post Augers, Shovel : Menlds, Mann's axes I Trowels, &c. Also, two or thee kinds of tho best HORSE HAY FORKS. Made in the United States and by which "a load of hay can bo taken from the wagon to the mow in about, firo minutes. These forks save labor, hay and money, wo no thrifty firmer can alma to do without ono. Tho EXCELSIOR FORK bee been extensively used and gives great sat isfactlon. I warrant nil the forks I sell. COALOIL LAMPS &LANTERNS COFFIN LACES and all Trlmmings Sro Cabinet-rankers CHEAP WOODEN PUMPS. The merit of these pumps is shown by the fact that the demand for them he rapidly increasing everywhere. There Is no Iron in them to corrode and injure the seater. They ire light and convenient, so that every man can put in his own pump, the whole only coating him about one half the price of other pumps. Pumps, and wooden pipe to suit them, promptly shipped by railroad on receipt of or ders. Give depth from floor to bottom of well. Terra Gotta BRAIN PIPE, Hot Mr REGISTERS for Ceilings, COOK STOVES, of any pattern desired. JAMES A. BROWN. Don't forget the SIGN OF THE PADLOCK. Hun tingrion, April /0,1067. pilitbetflia Nbtrtistmcnts. PAINTS FOR FARMERS AND OTl3ißs.—The Grafton "Mineral Paint Co. are now manufacturing the Best, Cheapest and most Durable. Paint in use: two coats well put on, mixed with pore I.lnieed 011, will last 10 or 15 years ; it Is °fa light brown or beautiful alit - wide° color, mid can bo changed to green, lead, stone, drab. olive, or cream, to suit the taste of the consumer. It is valuable fur houses, barns; fences, car ringr( and car Makers, pails and wooden-were, agileultur al implenients, canal boats, vessels and ships' bottoms, Cartons, metal and shingle roofs, (it being fire and water proof), floor oil clothe, (ono manufacturer .bavnig used WOO bbls. the past year,) and as a point for ally put Ode is unsurti.elsed for body, durability, elasticity, and adhe siveness. Price 3r, per bbl. of 000 lbs., which will supply former for years to come. Warranted iu all cases as above. - Send for a circular u lick gbieB Gill particulal None genuine unless branded in a trade Mark Oration faint. Address - DANIEL eel Gin 251 Pearl street, New York. ' FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. ,_, 1 iv. DUST! NO S DAMPERS!! a ) J. REYNOLDS .&*SON,, N.• COriter 13th'& Filbert streets, 'Sole Illanutlicturere of the Celebrated WllO U GUT-I RON, AIR-TIGHT . GAS-CONSUMING ABATE A, For ease of management v. lama any dampers, Dura bility, Simplicity, and Econoiny,this neater line no no porter In thidcountry. They aro ail guaranteed to givo satisfaction. Estimates made froo of charge. Cooking Ranges, • • . Latrobe—Heaters, . • - - Slate - .Mantles, Low Down Grates, Portable Heaters, . Registers, ' " Ventilators, &c., (be £end,for ono of our,lllustrated Pumpl lets. [aplo.l3' SILVER'S WASII POWDER. ! SAVES TIME, LABOR, MONEY. Makes Washing a Pastiffie and Mon - . day a Festival. SOLD EVERYWHERE. TRY IT Address nil oultrs to the Ntanttfocturets mc11204) Late Powell's Embrocation, Diseaes Incident to HORSES CATTLE,, and the 4IIMAN FLESH, Requiring the use of an External Application. This new Compound, prepared by a practical Chemist lowing a full knowledge oral] the medical virtues of each ingredient that enters into its composition, is warranted to exceed anything of the kind ever yet offered to the Public no an external application for the diseases for which is is recommended. We are satisfied that it will work its own road into the confidence of all who use it, and those who tty it once urn never be without it, and therefore we arty on experience as the best lean of its use fulness. It is pronounced by Farriet it, and all who hare ti led it to be the beat application over used. This Ent. brocation has been put up for over eight years, and it is only through the increasing demand and urgent request of my friends and the Public that I send it forth sty the grand remedial agent for tine various diseases to which that noble and monad animal, the horse, is subject Many remedies hero been offered to two Public under different forms, same of these aro injui ions, others at best of little use, and many wholly improper to answer tine urposes for which they are recommended. A judicious and really useful composition, free from those objections, has therefore long been desired by many g.thinten who have valuable horses, mind are unwilling to trust them to the care of designing and pretended Farriers. Their wishes ate nt length fully gratified, by Inc. Peale being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Embrocation (Mitch lots proved so efficacious to the ven ous diseases) to be prepared and brought out to the pub lic. This Embrocation was exteusivel3 used by the Govern ment during the u ar. Address all Ordure to Dr. EDMUND BEALE, GO2 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. For sale at bosh' Desk Store, and by Stole keepers generally.. may 1, 'O7-6211. PEEWS.PORT GRAPE WINE! Excellent for Eonsles null Weakly Persons. toed by hunilicils of Congregations for Church or Com. amnion pnrpohes. YINEYARDS—Los Angeios, California, and Passaic, Now Jet soy. SPEER'S PORT GRAPE WING, Folw Years Old. This justly celebrated native Wino is made from the Juice of the Oporto Grape raised in this country. Its Invaluable Tonic and Strengthening l'roperties are unsurpassed by any other native wine. Being the pure juice of the grape produced under Mr. Spoor's own personal supervision, its purity and gee Oneness are guaranteed. The young est child clay partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invalid may use it to advantage. It is particular my I amen:3.ll to the aged and debilitated, and suited to the rations ailments that enact the weaker sex. It is in ev ery rmemeet A WINE TO RE RELIED ON. Invalids uso Speer's Port Grape Wino; Females Uxo Speer's l'ort Grupo Wine; Weakly Persons Find a Benefit by its Use; Speer's Wines In hospitals ate preformed to other Wines.: ineirilit tinter, A. SPEER, No. 243 BROADWAY, °pita site City Hall Park, N. Y. Sold by JCIIIN ItltED,Druggis t, Iluutingdon. F.lB GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHERS Mothers, are you oppressed with anxiety for your little ones? Are your sin:libels and hearts broken by their cries? Do you awake in the morning unrefresbed and ap prehensive? If so, procure at once n bottle of Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy and you mill have no more weary hours of marching and anxiety. - DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY, nes stood the test of years. Thousands; .of nurses and mothers bear witness that it never fails to give relief if used in season. It is a mild, yet turo nod speedy curd for Colic,Cramps and Windy Pains, and is laminable for all compaints incident to Teething. Sold by Druggists throughout the United States. Ad dress all orders to mll2O-1y BILLIARDS ! BILLIARDS!! JOSEPH L. POULTON, Strawberry Alley, near Third Street, Respectfully informs the public that he has opened for their use his new and elegantly Ilt.lod up Billiard ROOM. it coutains FOUR NEW TABLES OP SHARP'S MANUFACTURE, superior to soy now in the city. This lhlliard Room challenge,' comparison with any room in the State, seat of Philadelphia. CUNNINGITAM & CARBON ARE gelting rtfF at p,rcatly rqucE.i Firm!. M= PIIILADELPIIIA, PA., WITII PATENT DUST-SCREEN ZIEGLER & SMITH, Monists. and ll'holesUte N 0.137 Nth. Third Sheet, BEALE'S ZIEGLER & SMITH, SOLE PROPRIETOR AS', No. 137 Nth. Third Street, HARRISBURG, ' 4 AR . . - - fq:E' • 114) +~. a s'on mm~ DENNSYT • TIM VA NIA RP IL ROAD. OF I;KAVINO CF TRAINS 'AfiltA VGA' MENT. EASTWARD :H r INTE wiesr 117.4 It D. ~ ~ A. 1 , (.1 - IN. Hamiltrin, Mt. Union,... Mapleton, - Mill Creek,..., 3 20Huntingdon, !Petri aburg,.,. illarree, • iSpruceCreoh, ...... Birmingham, 4 10, Tyrone, • 'Tipton . ' ' Fostoria, Boll'e Mills, 4 48 A1t00na,..... A. M. PAST VINE Ilmtward leaves , and arrives nt I luntingdon at I I CINCINNATI ExtmE93 Enstward and arrive% nt-linntingdon FAST Westward, lenv 1.„ M. and arril en at Altoona at ! .7. 1367. TI u .M., Thu 10 The 46 I Oct ITUNTING DON ' "B - RAILROAD. t, On and after MONDAY, OCT. IGru, 1667, Doseenksi Trains will arrivo and depart se follows : • • . • . , DT TRAINS. , 7pOI7:ATTRAINS. MEM Accomm SIDINGS ts 7 50111ntIngdon, , 8 10 Matointoll6totVn, 8 22 Plowntu t Grove,- .4 36 31nrklosburg,..,... .8 53 Cotloo Ituu, 9 01 Rough& Iteculy;.. 9 12 Covo, , •918 FieltorW§lnntnit. , AR 9 331 us 9 .101S^xt" ^ ." • ...... •••• 10 0011tiddleslutm 10 08j1lopetvoll . -' 10 2-111'ipur's Hun, 10 42iTateavillo, • 10 55 Bloody ltun . 00 11 05 51u3ut Dollos, ..... tr. 440 5 02 5 14 5 31 5 50 6 00 6 20 AR 6 33 SIIOUI"S ICUR BRAN/ /i 0 40 1 LE 0 50 1 0.nxton , 6 551 1,10 05 Conlmout, 700 10 10 Grn A ford, A! , 7.151 AA 10 20 DlldiOY, ' I - , I , . . n ittread Top Clt7,, ..... . , Huntingdon Oct-25 1567. ,JOll5l - t rum ;,:,-.".. r. ,-17-71.!::::,;•G-:,....-..._sf...---.1..:0 , OA . . :: , eat. -- - RAIL ,, , R' , READING . ,•_! §IIIIIIiER A r itRANGE.NIE;NT, 18c7. , „ (1 REAT TRUNK LINE ritom TIT E Njr:North rind, North-West for PHIL ADEL4RIA, New YOUR, READING, POTTSI 11.1,E, TA)I \ QUA, lASRLAND. LEBANON, ALLENTOWN, BARON. LUIZ, LANCASTER, COLUM BIA, be., be. -Trains leave Ilarrislong for Now York, as follows 1 At 3 90, 8,10 and 9 35 A. 51., atiil 210 awl o,ool*. 31., connect. ing,with similar trains on the Penliaylvania It.lt„rriving 'at New York 3,00 and 10 10A, 31., & 4.40, 5;20. 10""_; 1 1 . 31 Sleeping cars accompany the 3 00 a m and 11,83 p.m : trains without change.' - - Lcavo Harrisburg fur Evading, Pottsville, Tamaritt, MinerSville ' Ashland, Pine Crave. Allentown and Phila delphia at 830 A.M., nod 2 10 and 4 10 P. 31., stopping at Labancn and Melva' way Stations; the I llkp. In. train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville, Schuylkill !Loren and Auburn, via Schuyl kill am/ Susquehanna lilt , leave Harrishargat 3 20 P Returning, leave biltivtlinitir at 9 A. 31.02.51001 b 5 k 8 P. 31; Philadelphia nt 8,10 A. 'IL, and 3 30 P. 31'3 Way Pan. sanger train leaVes Philadelphia at 7 30. A. 3L returning, from Reading 01 030 P. or.. stops at all citation. Pottsville at 8.45 A. 3r.. and 245 P. 314' Ashland 600 and 11,30 nt, and 1,05 I' Di; Tamaqua at 9.4:3'A 31., all.l and 855 P M. Leave Pottsville for Hal risburg,. via Scbuylklll omit nt 7.00 a In. An Accommodation Passimger Train leaves ltrAntrici al 7.30 A. 31., and returns 54300 Pau.ston.rmrA at 5,00 P. 71 Pottsville Accommodation Train: Lawns Pottstocvn (t MO a. in., rotaraiiig loaves Ph iladdi ph la at 0,30 p in. Columbia Milhaud Trahri Irate !tending at 700 A nod 0 10, P. 31.,•f0r Jlphrata,'Litis, Col umbia, to. , ' , On Sonlinys. leave New 'York at 00 P. 'll , Phihold. phis, Sam a1t.115 P. NI., the 8a In train muting only to .14888c,C; laa feline 8 A, NI.. Hord borg.o a. - , and Iteadnig 1.2 U, 720 11. m. , far llarri.blirg, 1! 22'0 In for New York, and 4.20 p.m. fur Philadulphin. C O MAIUTATION,3III.Ptor, Sant); 84810014 mid EXCUnSto TICOITS to and front nil poiritA At I educed rates. Baggage checked through: 8U pounds Baggage allolNeo each l'aooonger. fl. A. NICOLLIii, flooding, April 5, 1867. Cenerul Superintendent. No more Bald Heads! . 7 To more Gray Locks! DR. LEON'S • ELECTRIC HAIR RENEWER, Is pronounced by all who lutes used it the vary best pr,parntion for the Mir. It iv a positive core for Bald ness, eradicates Dandruff nod Humors, stops the hair from Lilting out, and speedily restores Gray Locks to their original hue and luxuriance. It operates on Clip secretions and fills the glands with new life and coloring mat ter. Thin, dead, faded or gray hair still always be brought back by a few applicatious, to its youthful abundanee, vitality and color. It makes thc hair soft, glossy, fragrant, pleasant to the touch and easy to riming& hey, wiry and intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain in any desired pesitien. As a Hair Dressing It Lan no equal.— The Wes are cum mons and it is a univei cal favoi ito with old and young of both sexes. Sold by Doggish tin unghout the United Staten. Ad dress all ordeis to — ZEIGLER & SMITE, mcb2o-ly SOLE PROPRIBrORS. 137 Nth. Third St., Philadelphia. LIMBER SOLD ON COMMISSION. S. B. HENRY & CO.; Are leceiving all hinds of LUMBIM, comprising nil the different grades of BOABDS, FRAME STUFF. JOINT AND LAP SHINGLES, PLASTERING LATH, PLAN N, WORKED 'FLOORING, WEATHER BOARDING, FENCING, RAILING, Ac., Ac, Ac Which will be sold at prices at the mill, with freight lea ded. 007 9mainriNVlC7 6l:i THE CYTHARA , ---Tl2O t Presbyterian Psalmodist—The Shawn—TheJubilec—llunten's and Bertini's enlarged and improved instructors—Welland's New and Improved Method for the O altar—Leland's Accor deon, Violin and Flute Instt uctore—Winner's and llowe's Violin lush netors—Bellak's Melodeon Instructer—bur rowes' Piano-Vol to imer—do. Thorough-Base Primer— Howe's Drawing Roem Dances—The Chorus Glee Book— Tara's Harp, for sale at LEWIS' BOOK, STATIONERY Sr. MUSIC STORE ALEXANDRIA BREWERY, THOMAS N. COLDER. The inttleriigned ham in.. now entered into the AA) orders on the shortest notice, THOS. N. CORER. Alexandria, Oct. tla.181:41-tf. pARCHM ENT DEED PAPER "I'd' r'r °4le TETTIS' BOOK STORE. SPEAII,! ;PATENT ; Fruit Preserving Solution, FOR TOE PAEHERVATIOS-OP ALL .KINDi OP .V.8.131,T5, VEGETABLES, JELLIES, tß6lit &lai:, and - .liiinyi E_Xppueli,e ,9„ . c . Fillng or Air•tigbLJara. th' .;••. tr. One iktik tosU Preserve 128 Ponn4n sit Fruit, or 48 Got lone of Wine or Olsten WU CHEAP, 'lbis Solution, when propetly. elteitually pro vents fermentation or decay of Fruits, and, by the most simple and inexpensive process everk, _variety may 'be kept in a fresh and perfectly wboistnno condition the your round. It is no new and 'entertain 'experiment,- but has been in practical, use for the past eight years. 3 et has been, for the most part, kept from, the,nublic for the purpose of ascertaining the result Of - a series of ex perimente, all of which have proved_ the validity of all that is now Confidently claimed fork.. - ' Fruits preserved by, this Solution urn as good as the beit."canned".. fruits, while the use of the kb - loth:di nvoitis thetrouble of sealing, costly jars or cane, keeping Prone, thank and light, frequent exaMinutiens, and the Anally other troubles and annoyances well known to every' housewife. Fresh native friths the year round bare Income Minot ' a household necessity, both ou account of their healthful ness and as n luxury; and by thedue of this solution this great luxury is within the reach of every family, rich or pour, in the land, as all kinds of frau may be preiterred„ during pleasure at leas than ono-half the expense of any other method. , ' The volution perfectly 'free from - objection" on the score of health. Professor Sache t under date, S. Na vel Laboratory, New York;'September 14, 1861," saye r "fly direction of the Chief of tho Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, I have examined vonerreseriing Solutien t and I matte null fruits preserved by it. I have a high opinions of its value, and believe it cats he used in the, preserve- - tied of those articles in a fresh et to for the army and t navy very -advantageously: --The Solution Is - perfectly free from objection on the score of healthfultnaLyt Other certificates front distinguished chemists, confirm- . big the above, can be soon And bad'where the solution la sold. It is claimed; lt • 1. That Spear's Solution preserves tho flavor of all kinds of native,fre to more perfectly and•durably tbun, can be done In any other way, and at much less trouble • and exPettse; ,;, ; ' • 2. Tit/n[llo use of the Solution renders it unnecessary= to use nintiglicar eirmtmire Jam or cans, and able avoids the inconvenience of hermetindly sealing and keeping Irons the air, heat, light, etc.; • 3 That the use of the Solution' admits of the keeping • of the fruit in, vessels of any size, even Its kegs or barrels if desirable; f :rr ' • • • • 4. glint t hin oso of tao &Mien allows -the shipment of : ' (ho-frutt by salt or' fresh Water, hi, the 'latest weather without danger of lose or if•sfury,rf ; ! •. •t. ; i i. That It is invaluable in the preserving of Tomato,.. Peach, Pear, Apple, Qainse afifitothen•Sattces, Wines and Cider; also for ail kinds off• Spited Stotts; that then 311011 k, recommend tit to every family, and to 'nor 'lt onco•ytidli guarantee their oppretsai._,,,•: ; J. :PRA li,,Propriutor. Aro— For Mlle at LEWIS' 1 , 21311 LY OttOOEßlL'llunt. Ingtlon, Pa. . • [an2l,tf 0 001 e 9 5 9 42. 9 271 9,201 913 TB'4s 110'56 Elm Altoona' at 12 01 16 A.M. leaves Albion& at at 523 P M. a Huntingdon at , 00 P. M. LOAD TOP 13112121213 CEBEE2 lAtt 9 30 9 08 8 30 8 38 8 23 B'l3 ' 7 58 An 4 17 3 57 3 49 I 7 03 AR 7 35 2 20 LE 2 10 kR 2 20 2 OS 2 00 1 44 1 19 1 (7 LL I 00 'Ail 7 al ME 151 .2.15 10 210 0 , tie 2 05 rp - HE 'CHEAPEST AND BEST AR, OdT. ' - - A PERFECT TIDE-PIECE FOR ONE DOLLAR. Lot overy, Housekeeper, Fp.tmet, Madam ic,•and Tnnol orbuy our • '•" 6012 PS, Supt SOTZLA.: . ' - 'or Perpetual Portable`Sun-Dfal. iYarrantC.lio kcrj, l'rfie - '.rinlo for every Day of the Year. , . This valuable instrument, which is warranted by us to give the true timid, of dvy •throttehout , the year. Iv con structed on strictly scientific .principles, being. based on istivittoniicid , fables-mud Calculations: and affording the truest rucpurg of time human ingenuity and skill can devim 'Czeeding in nectai,tcy'and reliability the most potions chronontelent; whilst the low price at which we offer it to the public places it »hist» the reach »fall. Its portability makes it convenient for travelers, and to every farmer or householder it must prove , invalltable to regu late ttidie cludlci:nod witches by tbd most Inallible test , recognized by science. ' • - , - , =I • The mode of using Vie “Solar Watch'', the simplest tliat cite be devised. After 'screwing the Style or Gun men in its place In the luoveable brass letaul and setting it m er the straigheline cot responding to the thou. or that merest to it on the cylinder, the inntl l ttnietit is placed upright in the Ofnnelliiio In SUCh a positiim ne will tlirow the shadoit of the Style directly upon lh,a line en ds,' it., • After Ridding? the plumb.liiiet• by minas hr brass attachinent,' - at a right angle with,and to the loft of th r o Style, in' iirder to not the'aylitider perfectly' Niel, the paint uheto the oxtreipity of the, shadow Lilt, and •its distance front any of the navy ,or cross lines exhibiting the morning and carreapaiult4nfteirtsuun hours, will In. Oiettte the tt'oe time of day., , • Then hole apparatus, ennaisting of n Cylinder and pia groin, inoVenbill Bram Iledd,,Style. Plumb and Brass attachment fur the same, neatly put up In compact boxes, . is sold, by tie nt the incredibly low price of ONO 1101,1,A1t. Matiutlictured and sold, wholesale and retell, by , ' IIIOYIINS, FA lilt E (10., 34 North ,Ninth Street, PlaladC wholemle end retail, at Ifte. Lewis' Book Store, linutingdon, en. Agents wanted to sell the inflate —apply ie in Mutely. WM. I,RIVIS„. sod Agent fur Huntingdon county. . ErNITED, STATES - . • Authorized WAR PLABIAGENCr IRTINTUN9I.)(I,, PA, SOLDLEES HEIRS, ATTENTION r The oct of Congress approved March 2. 1367, gives to. Ilea, of Soldiers who died prisoners of war, COMMUTATION FOR RATIONS, fur the time the soldier woo so held a prisOner, at -the rate of tire:ay-tiro cents per day, to be pald in the follow ing order: Ist. Tu the sold nv, if unmarried ; 211. To Um children • 3d. To the parent., to both Hotly if they aro living, Walther is dead, to thu survivor; 4th. To the bro. thm s and sisters. The net of February as. 1807, providoa for the refund ing of the $lOO Commutation 11oney. Mims the IMMO per eoll cons %wan drafted. and *Ol required to tutor the oar vice or furnish a Pulpit lintel. DISCHARGED SOLDIERS. The net of March 2, BM, also as ekes - pros Wane (Jr the 1,03 meat of the £lOO ADDITIONAL.I3OIINTY to stieh soldiet's as Lure weld dally lost the it d!sohor sea • - All persons having, any claims ender any of the abovo mentioned Acts, or any other kind of claim against the Untied State, or State- Governments, can. have them promptly collected, by addr . ce , ing tho'nedergigeed.' In• formation and advicp chcorfully given to suldiors or thuir friends, flee of charge. W. H. WOODS,' Authorial Army and i\ War-Claim Agent. 1nny9,21807 II yyrisYnoy, Huntingdon po., Pa 1 -3 CT_TIVUL I ITST.CI-312P OPT `• t 4 i .94 MARBLE YARD. J. M.-GREEN & F. 0. BEAVER , Having ontered into partnership , inform tho public that thoy are prepared to execute ail styles of, , • Plain and ornamental Marble-Work Such as MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES, also Banding Work, at al low prices as any shop in the county. Ot darn from a diet:taco promptly attended to. Shop on MIFFLIN street, a few doors cast 'of the Lu theran church natho,lB67 a l f l f All.2L re l, YARD._ The undersigned ,:dpeefullyealiis attention of tscs(n; t N Inntingdon and the adjoining counties to the stock of beautiful marblo now on hopd. He is propsred to furnish, at the shortest notice, Monumental Marble, Tomb, Tables and Stones of every desired size and form of Italian or Eastern Marble, highly finished, and carved with appro., priatn devices ' or plain, as may Snit.' Building Marble, Door and Window Sills, ac., will be furnished to order. W. W. pledgee himself to Swath material and work manship equal to any in the country, ate fair price, , Cell and see. before you purchase elsewhere.' Shop on the. orner of Montgomery and Mint n a 8.. Huntingdon, Se. WM. WILLIAMS. littotingdon , May 16 1855 PR - 4W ylk.o BLANKS! BLANI.S; IMT44ll"fq CONSTABLE'S SALES, • ATTAbitT EXECUTIONS, ATTACHMENTS, • EXECUTIONS, , SUMMONS, DEEDS SUBP(ENAS, ' MORTGAGES, ; SCHOOL ORDERS. JUDGMENT NOTES, LEASES FOR ROUSES, NATURALIZATION WEB. COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT.BONDS,. WARRANTS, FEE BILLS, NOTES, with a waiver of tho $3OO Law. JUDGMENT NOTES. with a waiver of the $3OO Low. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, with Teachers. MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES; for Justices of the Pantie and Ministers of tho Gospel. ' COMPLAINT, WARRANT, and COMMITMENT, in case of Aesault nod Battery, and Affray. , • " cCIERE EACIAS, lo recover amount of Judgment. COLLECTORS' RECEIPTS, for State, County,' School, Borough and Township Taxes. ; ' Printed on superior paper, and for • sale itt the 0111 a of the HUNTINGDON GLOOM.. • • • BLANKS, of every description, printed to order, neatly, at effort notice, and on good Paper. pEsT BLEACITV I D, p jjatlways on band at • • • CUNNINGHAM ,cf; CARMON' LARGE VARIETY of articles too • • numerous to mention t 'for safe ni . LEIVIg arsceryf see. , ' ' CHOICE - Teas, Coffee, Sugars and, N, /MaMese., for Oslo at Leine' Faroily:Grorcery. 111