610bc. HUNTINGDON, PA Wekesday morning, Nov. 13,1867. 1,6C)A1. & PERSONAL. Local. AdirvriAsements. Advertisements (puffs or notices) published in local columns at ten cents a line single insertion, counting seven worde to a line. tf.• To Subsirlbers Those sullseribing' kr' three, six or twelve months with theenderstanding that the paper be discontinued unless subscription is renewed, receiving a Pa vermarked with a t before'the name tivill . understand that the time for - which,thoy, subscribed is uP. If they the, Paper -continued they will venew their -subscription . through the mail.or.otherwise ==l • ' —Two bears Were shot near NOWton last week. - .One was a cub. —Farmers will find some items for their consideration on the fourth page. .The Grand .Tury,le is hoped, have Tnado or will make an inspection of our county jail. —Washington Isott, of Blair county, -was found • guilty of eOinmitting a; rape on Mrs. Loving Wilt. • .• brass band has been organized in Williamsburg,, Blair county, with Prof. E. W. Thomas of this place, as ;teacher. . • —Circus day was the dullest day in . - town_for a mouth. Some of eml'uaer •ehantEi Couldn't see where expmises --were to come,from; . -The Good' Vemplars of Tyrone --held a fnirthe:,other c. week, and netted - -"lli4sAollie StUtfv, was. voted t he' IVr - eti test lady,' a `10: Ola the Most popular preacher. —Two men were badly bu rned by the explosion of Babbit,metal, in Lew istown, last week. The metal was be ing pdurod into an -iron box, which was.topdanip. —Thieves are' again ,prevalent in Lewistown. To stay the progress of the infection the citizens are preparing to give the -first appearances a shot injection. . 7 -Those who "wish I were a baby" should rend Disadvantages of Infancy by John Quill, on the first page. We guarantee a cure for all such "baby dreams," and we'.know of not -a few who arc thus afflicted. -True : a small debt is easier to pay than a large one, and ono year's sub •scription to The Globe is easier to pay_ in advance than at the end of the year. Our books are open for advance sub scribers. —Brie]: pavements are still the or. clor of the - dak-in tho ancient borough. ;Anotheriyar of 'brick on • the brain' 32Tvd , tfs best paved town in the State. Go in on the brick—we're out of tkpressure.. . —The editor of the Johnstown Dem 49crat says he saw a young lady buy .and pay for "her oivn hair, her own -cheeks, hips and buzzims." Oh. you .naughty fellow, von should have hid your face and kept mum. —The Blair county commissioners 'have adopted a plan for the erection •of a new county jail with nil the mod .ern improvements. The work will cemmence next spring. Let Hunting don follow suit. —The District Quarterly Conven tion of Good Templars assembles at 'Tyrone to-day, the 12th. The dole gates from Standing Stone Lodge are Dr A. B. Brumbaugb,Robt. D. Jacob, Miss Lettio Thomas, and Miss ➢Lary Gwin —A coroner's jury after investiga ting the death of a child in Buffalo, brought in a - verdict of "death _Worn the injudicious administration of Win drow's Soothing; Syrup, which caused ConvulsionS "and congestion of the brain." ' I —There is some talk of something going oh in Huntingdon next summer. 'fhere is - certainly wealth enough in this neighborhood to make work for the mechanic and laborer. We hope the men of means 'will try to do some thing-to 'swell' ott town. —Gardner, Hemmings Sr, Co's circus was here on Thursday. last. It did not exhibit in the afternoon, in conse luence of a lac* , of patrinage; in the ;theCrowd. was pretty large, but as the air was chilly the circusites ;hurried Up the programme. —We: ! ittrderctaed ! that about five - thousand persons-have recommended the pardon of William Johnston, of Altoona, who was convicted of coun terfeiting at the last term of the Uni ted States District Court and sontonced to the Western Penitentiary. —The Hollidaysburg Standard says that town will have five diald—four in -the tower of tho, Court louse, (which can be seen and rend of all men—cast, west, north and south,) and one in the court room, to admonish longwinded attorneys to "dry up." • _.—A boy named McDonald was shot on Hallow-o'en, by a man named 'Thompson. He with other boys had been enjoyinghimseif in the customary manner, in front of Thompson's house, when he.took a rifle and shot amongst them,. the ball lodging in the stomach of young -McDonald. Ho died the next morning. train of thirty ears was loaded with railroad iron at the Cambria Iron Works in Johnstown last week, the destination of. which is a point on the Pacific railroad west of Omaha, Ne braska. The distance to be. traversed is over fifteen hundred miles, consider ably more than half the distance from the Atlantic to the Pacific. All this without transhipment. —The following officers of Standing Stone Lodge, I 0. of Gs T, were duly installed on Tuesday evening last : W C, Rev, Thomas Barnhart; W V T, Miss 13;41e Glazier; W S. A. J Reilly; W A S. Miss Mollie Miller; W F'S, Thomas Johnston ; W T. Miss Nan Pie Puttniq W M. Hugh Ludes}; W D M, Mies formic Wallace; \V (, G Barton _ _ Armilatre; W RH S, Rev. Jamos Clarke; V L H S, Miss Ada LOUIUIaS; W I G, Miss Hattie MeCoy • W 0 er, James F. Bathurst; Y W C T, Thomas )!Sytotl. Catholic Mission at Huntingdon. A Mission - will commence in the Catholic Church of this town, at 7 o'clock, Monday, morning, 18th inst. The 'Mission will continuo from the 18th, to the ennint of the •24th inst , when it•will close at 7 o'clock. During that time, there will be Divine Serviee at 10 o'clock, every morning, and at 7 O'clock, every evening. At 10 o'clock, Tuesday morning, 19th inst , and at the sane time, on Sunday 24th inst., there will boa, Solemn High Mass, with Deacon and Sub Deacon. At 3 o'clock P. M., on Sunday 24th inst., Confirutation will take place, The ex ercises of the Mission will be conducted by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Domenec, - Bishop of Pittsburgh, who will bo accompanied bylseveral clergymen, Native Wines. Somo time since we stopped at Pas saic, and were really 'surmised to see the old store house there all filled with wine, on 'storage. • • • ; The amount of Mr. Speer's stock of Port, Grape ,Wino on„ hand 'ls almost fabuldus. Four storehouses are filled, and ,tiers upon tiers of casks up and down stairs, and in some cases huge vats,'oceupy evcry,available spot, leav ing only little" alloy ways- through which to walk.' It is an illimitless, quantity' of wino. , None sold Until it has acquired the ago off Our years, and the 2 . ,„8 :AO Care of the first, second, third'and fourth years vintage. Our-druggists have sonie of the' ,oldest of -the ' abovo, wino direct from Mr. Speer.--.Patersdnian.' ka_ln 1803, David Stoner left Hun , • tingdon county, and settled in Stark county, Ohio. Prior to his leaving this State, he was drafted, ,but obtained re lease by proof that ho was ok;sr, the age at which men are exempted from military service. Tir this he then - snp• posed he was correct,' though not hav ing access t 0 the 'fitniily records, he was unable to fix his age accurately. Raving recently come in possession of the facts of his exact ago, and finding that be was under. age C at.. that time, hir.{SiSiMr has Idepositeduthre'd hun dred . dellars in the Stark,cpunty Bank, to be 'sent tO the Treftsury'DePartment at Washington, that being the sum re quired' '1863 "to pureh'it'se 'Oxeriiptibn from the draft. , --Hollidaysbuig Whig. The Fashionable Ladles Demand the Patent Collapsing Shirt, which , hasjeceived the" meht;flatter ing-encomiumsof theLadios generally. It can be-altered into any shape or size the wearer may desire, instantly. By its collapsing properties the skirt will adjusi,itself to any size•of. the hips, so as to perfectly fit ,all Ladies. Every slcirtis warranted. Pried for 25 springb $2.50 ; for 30 springs, $2.75. Try ono. For sale only at:A. L. Lewis' new Cheap store, Leister's Building, Ibintingdon. Receiving new and desirable styles of Goods daily. ' , . • 1* —The barn, stable, wagon shed and corn-crib attached to a hotel iu LeaM ersville, Blair county, was destroyed by fire on Saturday= a week. Three horses and two mules were, consumed, together with itlarge quantityof hay, oats, wheat, rye, straw, &e. The loss es of personal property, nearly all of which WI upon Mr. Perry G. Trout's shoulders, are estimated us - follows : Contents of the barn, about 83,600; in the stable, about $590 ; and in the corn crib and wagon shed about $730. No insurance. From a Hatt. to a Boat Load _Fairbanlis' Standard . Scales -will wogb accurately the most minute ob jeCt that can turn a balance of the greatest delicacy, or give the correct tonnage of a heavily loaded boat or railway train.. The highest premiums were awarded for these scales at the Great Paris Exposition. • Great Decline Read new advertisement of Glazier &-Bro. Their goods and prices aro warranted to be as represented. Per sons desiring bargains should give them a call. 3t. t 11-Diaries for 1868,—a large assort ment just received at Lewis' Book Store. Also German and English Al manacs. Choice Buckwheat Flour For sale at Lewis' Family Grocery Speer's Wings Are the pure juice of the grape, and are unexcelled by any native vinta g e. Thoveon tain valuable medicinal properties, and are of intrinsic worth to the invalid and the con valescent,-strengthening the weak, and restor ing the system to tone and 'vigor. Sickly per sons and females shonld;try tfiem. „ • MARRIED, On the 7th inst., by the Rev. J. S. Kieffer, Mr. VALENTINE GELBAUGH, to Miss SARAH A. MYERS, both of Mark lesburg. . • On the same day, by the same, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr SAmuEr, L. WEarz, of Yellow Springs, to Miss ELIZABETH SPIIANKLE, of the vicinity of Spruce Creek. MARKETS. =2 PHILADELPHIA, NOT. g, ISI Sitiaafino Flour at $7,60@8,50 extra at $9,50®59, fancy extra family $9;15611, and Nullitylvaniu family sll© 12,25, and fancy brands $1.3,00 ®I4,UU according to quality, Rye flour jßiOd. . . Priino \\ * heat Is sear. here. Choico now at $Z,55@2,65 hit° $2,27@3,00. nye at $1,56@1,57. Corn 1,40 to 1,41 Oats at 75c. Barley omit at $1,50. . - Cloverineed $7,2565,00 according to qualit3; Timothy at $06 . 2,25; Flaxseed $2.50@2,55 per bushel. 2.0 . . , Ilirrseurturi, Nov. 9 —Flour.—Thoro Is n flair dermhl. Wu quote sales of spring him rt Hoar at sto,ouptipo, u inter Flour St $12,5U012.7h fancy at $1.3,00@t14. II hoot. w5uter,5.45061.2,C0 sod No. 1 spring $2,2502,20, Cot a from first Winds itt;sl4s. Eye. f 1,50 per bushel. Oats 1,8070 c; Bailey 1,30®51,35. Shoulders 1414 c; sides I.CNe; hams 2302.1 e, I ard la%c. eincacu o.—Flout dull spring extra f8,25@10,45. Winter, $12,50014,00. Sp! lug II beat us at ',5,1,1110)1,95. Corn 1,53. Outs, harta. FINANCIAL, Now roux, Nov. o.—Gold closed nt $1,3£3,1. HUNTINGDON MARKETS. CLIBRECTED WEEKLY BY HENRY k CO, WHIR,WALE PRICE& Surrfincrlonr, t.. 10,00, Eggs rat Hour, old. 11,00 ;FC4l l er B lour 12,00 Flaxseed rigid ...... Z , 30 Hops 11 lb •••••• It late Whoa) 2,34 111111), SWAMI Apply Butter ? [lay Vi ton Bark por cold 9,00 Luta Morley 1 00 Largo Onions l bus. Butter 30.31ixed Chop., .„ Buckwheat I,ooloats Buckwheat Meal It nit. 4.00: Potatoeo . 4A Loo [lron V ewt t 'ot PA' P!1••••• • Brooms °3 doz. 3,01.0;1. 0, Ilagb if, ........ Itrentwor 1b ' Rye . . Bemis 15 bun 1.1;3 o Chop 11 , 21.werneed 64 1h5......S 00 • •1., r Straw V, tundie, Chicketin "4 ' short., V cwt. C.onitt y 6o.tp 10 ihoulder New Corn 1 00 ewl . allow • led Apples Vbo ...... —2,00 l'itnottly.. Di led Cheri it.. II COM t, _l2 nuke) c... Dried Peaches y5ib..15 to 20 Wool l , lb Dried Beef 20 FULLAWAY'S ALL;HEALING and STRENGTHENING SALVE. • f. FULLAWAY will introduce, at his own expense, hie AlLlfealing and Strengthening Salve, a sovereign remedy for lame • back, local rheumatistn, pain in the side and breast, fresh wounds, bruises, sprains, woskness ,In 7 the Joints, crick In the back, old soros, frosted feet, swellings, „nutmegs, acne in the face and breast, cracked hands, bites, corns en the feet, and occasional sores of most kinds to which the human family is subJrct. , , Sta,,For sale at Lewis' Family Grocery. T\EAFNESS, BLINDNESS and CA TARRH treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, M. D., Oculist and Aurist. (formerly nt Loy don, liollund,)Nd, 805 ARCH street Philidelphia. Tostimoni ale front tho most reliableAourcos In the city out c un try can be seen et his office. Tho medical faculty are In vited to accompany their patients, as ho bee no secrete in his p, getice. Artificial Eyes Inserted without rain.— No charge for examination. ntyB-I.)bni 'MIMIC' Conan or Pas IranEn Snares, FOR Tail • M WESTERN DIICT OF PPNN'A. ..Ic-ey N THE MATTER OF FRANKLIN M. BURGER, Bankrupt, IVoatern Bierlet of Penn vent:Lis: ' ' •, i ,'. t . ''_.!„. TIGRIS TO GIVE NOTICE: Tllitritn the eighth day of November. 1867, all/arrant of Bankruptcy was Melted , out of the District Court .of. the United notes for the Western Distriorof •Pruns,ylvaniar,agatnat Mg - In:tato of FRANKLIN M. --BURGER; of McConnellitown, in the county of Huntingdon, In cold District, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt en lila 'BOW - petition s Thlttithirpay. meta of any.dubta and the delivery of any property be longing to said Bankrupt, to him, or, for hie ova and the transfer of any prOperty by hint, ore forbidden ' by law ; and that a meeting of the croditoro of mid Bankrupt. to prove their debts, and to choose ono or more Asstgores of,lde,ostnta, vill be hold at u Court of Bankruptcy. to be holden lie tho Cohit Goose Id Ifuhtingdon,'beforaiJOHN BROTHFIRLINE, Esq.. Register for said dietrici, on tlia ,12Tri-D4,y, og D ,C/1.1112 E It,. Ai D.-1867, ptll o'clock, a-to. . t I I.„ . TKOS. A. BOWLETllE.Bararehali I n013.1t. By a. TIIO4. ELDER, Doputy Marshal. , - -A SPECIALTY.• A LARGE AND WELL ASSUIITED STOCK OF • - • -LADIES' AND GENTS' , FURNISHING._ GOODS, AT REDUCED PRICES, Just recoiled at RTIDOLPLI'S IrEtrEPUI:OT Pamaon LAtores , DEPAE.TMENT; . - .. In MIA department, which will id nil tiriciiieeive4ny strict atteittion,l linen a well assorted display of Dress ,Trimminga,•Cloak and Swipe Trim. wings. Dcw , s, Buttons, Gloves, Valls, Zephyr Knit Shawls, Nobles, IfeedS. kerchiefs. lrap thati.'llat and Bennet Frames, Velvet Ribbons. Corsets, Hosiery, ,end Wrest style &vines from $5 to s'3o. \ • • GENTS' DEPASTiVIENT.' Hats mid Clips, all styles, from SONcents to SIU, Shirts, Drawers, Mores, Neck 'ries, Cob Lire, Rosiery,slind every article kept hi a first dass Furnishing Store. Dy makluglnyliuslness. a specialty, I hope to meet with such patronage from the public as will enable ma to troop continually.ea hand a largo and selected stock of Mar class Whilst keeping up to the fashion in every article, I will also sell cheaper than the cheapest( T,• , • ,C; " f. ; 11,,` nunoixtc, Opposite Leister's New iloinking. 'jliustingtien, Oct. 30. 1817. °MC) . 1 30.1—X - M I.a.LLTZI X3E615; IC'S: ZEIGLER Would respectfully inforM the Ladles of Huntingdon and the country generally, that .ho has Jitet returned from New York and Philadelphia, where he hos pur chased a largo stack of goads almost EXCLUSIVELY Ffin LADIES AND CHILDEEN Ladies' Furnishing Goods, nines and plain , Dress Trionnings, Ladies' Under• garments, - Morino Vests and Drawers, Corsets, Dahlia. rats, !loop Skirts, Sltawls, scams, hoods, knit ars-dons ityles'and patterns, Ladles' sad . Children's Stockings of all styles and color*" 'Also; • ' - Drem Goods, Prints, Detainee, Plaids, Al ' 0 inglunts, Blown and Bleached' - Le. . - - Gents' Undershirts, Drawers, rind Stockings. All goods told at the lowest cash prices and 44 cheap as the cheapest. OPPOSITE TIIE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Huntlugdon, Noy. 0,1807. GLAZIER & BRO., DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, HATS, NOTIDNS„BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES, QUEENSIVARE, &c., &c. Washington street, near the Jail Having purchased our Winter Goods sine° thin Into heavy deellue, eve eau afford to offer auporior indacenteuta to buyera. ifirltEAD OUR PRICES. slnolins and Prints, from S up, Heavy Unbleached Shootings, yard wide, 15 do, Hoary yard wide 'fickings, 30 eta, Bast Winter Dolalnes, 22 and Is eta, All Woul notables 45 to 65 cts, Booblo width Wool Plaids, 50 eta, Heavy Plaid Poplins, 3100, Wool Flannels, IN to OU cts a yard. Wool Illnukon, $3.00 to $lO.OO a pair, Wool Shawls 31.25 to 3,10.00 Bahnoml Shlrta, $1.25 to $1 50. Other Goods in proportion lluntlngshm, Nor. 6,1867. E NERGETIE MEN , AND LA.DIES _WASTED to Canvass for the ORIGLIV AND msronr OP THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE BY PROF, CALVIN B. STOW 11, 1).1) Showing what the Bible is not; what It is, owl how to use it.; hawing the history of each book up to its origin with Gm Inspired authors, and completely answering all Infidel cavils nod objections to the Scriptmes. It is an ordinarylibrary of lliblieut History inn single volume, brief, clear, aecurate, conclusive awl highly interesting. A master-pleco of common sense, It is needed in ovary tinnily where the Bible Is read, as well as by every Sob. bath School teacher, student and clergyman, and being the only hook on the subject ever published or sold to this country, agents can easily toe the advantago of can. casting for this work. Send for circulars containing no. aces and indorsements from leafing ministers of all nominations. Addrutts • ZIEGLER, IdcIURDY ,t; CO., naUim No. 613 Arch street, Philadelphia. FARM FOR SALE. THE undersigned offers a Farm for sale, being apart of the one ho resides on in Hun tingdon County. about ono mile west of the town of Or. bisonia, situated on the Aughwick Creek, containing about 125' acres; about 70 acres cleated and in a good state of cultivation, with a good two story log 1.11310, and Cm masonry work of a bank barn. Alto a young epplo orchard (Ito trees,) of sole t varieties. with a good site for grotto culture. Thu cleared laud Is goo I arable bottom loud of on eastern slope. T 319-ono thousand (lanais op confirmation of ante. tho balance ru two equal annual pdyinouts with interest secured by band and mortgage. A good title wilt be giv en nod possession On the first day of April next. Wlror further particulars apply to the sub•eriber on the premises. JAIN B SHENEFELT. Oct. 0, MI. SELLING- OFF CHEAP. DESIRING TO SELL OUT THIS 3 ear's styles of IWALI, PAPER, to make roonr for next Eyeing stock, persona intending to paper this Fall should call at LEAFFS' BOOK STOKE, and examine stock. A large 'minker of bandsotno patterns on baud, all of whirls nn ill bo sold cheap. oet2-tf W. M. NUNES. ' C. E. ESSINGTON HOUIES & ESSINGTON, , giNUFACTURERS OF SUPERIOR 11.EKNED CAST-STF,Fai Double Bats, Polo, Broad and Peeßrig AXES rind Broad lIATCIIETc, of v. , ruuo PaMcmg, ainwiyatired front best relined Csst. Steel. ALSO, CRUIPHOES, MATTOCKS, RAILROAD ANA MINERS' PICKS. Ordoro solicited. Orders solicited. Milesburg, Centre Co., Penna. septll.3m 13111 . 40Da60 25 72,00 1 2;4_ ,75 „, 2,25 4M-Cli.ir,MM . 'S • FOR EIVERYBODY„ OHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER KINDS. Call at Lewis' Book Store and SEE ASSORTMENT. OV,OO ...10Ey 12 2,00 75 E 0 1,50 ROUND ILUIIf. AND SAMNA ,31 - Bukur at CUNNINGHAM & CAR MON'.!3. DEALEItS CILAZILIC &JIRO THE PLACE TO BUY . NEW AND CHEAP GOODS • FOR FALL AND WINTER ; , , t.t om iy . jAßcit, , t T.unu. Respectfully inform the public generally that they have knot redelved Rimy° andmplenclid stook of goods at theirAtore in-Liuntingdon, consisting in part of - SII;RBrec, •-. DRS * .G : 9OReS, t • ' ' DRESS - G,OQ.DS, , 13001'S 86 - SROES, HATS, CAPS;TINIVAR-E,' IVO9 0, A...N4 ~.);VI I ,LIF O NY... Tir A E, ,PROsy.ISIOZIS,t.GRO(3ERIES, qIntOK.ERS, NOTIONS,' Ib/ - ---0113A:C,c0 - ‘,OGAP, t r-T -ko I ..fi And'l.o-CLOT.H., And in fitct everything neif7a usually kept' in a Ilmt class atom, - all which. were bought lc& for _cash and-ivill sold at ,O t t rieisptpidingly. low pities for,cludr, onf cpun try troduce. and 'request the-public give MY aMill before purchasing e,lsewhere, feeling Butletiod,wo olinr,uupo lor inducements to cash buyers. ,•11)rorrerpeerfelly seflicit , p licit itl). tufitthe • public ar e cordially invited to examine , any geode. - Everything taken in exchange fur govu except krona- seed- •' • • ' MARCH 3: nip. Huntingdon, ob?.. 0, 1807. •' ; ~ti ItE,A ~ Qn F.~vINE~ 7P ;, 0 ~, ~ f; FAIL AND WINTER GOODS; - AT TEE • STEW STORE JOSEPH MARCH' BaRO. , COMTE RUN, PENN'A The 4040011,0 s 11000 rocolved a 1,19 w and complete n 4 sorted stock of or.av Kot:m Including 4x largo and Talied agtortment of LADIES DICE:I6 uoups,, ot the latesc. styles and fashions. All o . . . GROCERIES, • WEENSWARE, READY-MADE CEOTHINC, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS' AND CAPS, FISH, SALT, BACON, and all other articles initially kept to a veil conducted atom all of witch my offered us cheap as at any other ed. tnbliihmont in this secitm of country. Country 'Produce Wit, In exchange for goods Thankful for Miner patronage, wo hereby extend an Invitation to our Trough Creek friends and the public generally , for a 'veneuat of the 93010, promising by a close attention to businesa tind the uaats of customers, tas fully JOY 31ATICII S lIRO EL - i'JCTRICITY m. WILI;Tillf. ki:EWSTER, -NrociniLLsioWN, For the benefit of those urnpwling to undertake El Electrical &mamma for diseases we give In the following list a few Of the; trio re' prominent tin I most common Coniplitflipi loot with In oar mac • L Bee, in all of ti filch we met ituwf sicii‘ssful. IT ARAIIIIT, ILL OtS1:3,01 , Cunene DISEASE, k.trurnicr- Tlt IS A MR Bement!, ANIt IN Al.!. CMS BElarletth. IF Pltoret IX APPLIED. These. therefore, Itithetetii E it lilt complaints not here enumerated, need have no hesitation In applylng,and min tiler mile limner, or. a PERMANENT cons can be effected, they will M C receive replies lieeol dingly. All communications Orr. 1 Epreusy, Chorea, St..Vitos'ltanee, Paralysis, Neuralgia, Hysteria XobVitusinisti, ,Palpita• T lion of the ileart,Lo'cit.,TASe, etc. S. SoroThront.Dyspepsia,lbarrlimit, Dysentery, Obstinate Constipation, Ileinorihold., or 11 • Piles, Bilious, Flatulent, and Palmer's Colic ; and all diet:nous of the Liver and Spleen. 3 Catarrh, Cough, Influenza, Asthma, (whore I .. not causal by organic disease of the boart,) Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Rheumatism of the Chest, Comounution in the early stages. lc 4 (Bevel, Diahotis, and Kinney Complaints. 5 Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago ' Stiff net:, Spinal Diseases, 11111 Diseases. Cancers, Tu mors; (those last named Ma aye cured with- I out pain, or cutting. or plasters In any form) In ur word, Ito In 0110. to cure di curable dis eases. We have no connection whatever with any T other; Electrical office In this or any other county All letters midi ens to WM. BREWSTER, M. T., Ti - 51cConnellstown, Pa. EMI HEAD QUARTERS FOR NEW GOODS. D. P. OWIN INFORMS THE PUBLIC , . . THAT HE lIAS • JUST OPENED ' ' A SPLENDISE STOCK of NEW GOODS THAT - CAN'T BE BEAT ' IN CHEAPNESS AND QUALITY. COME AND SEE. D. P. GWIN. llonticglon, October 9, '67. 1867. 1867. CLOTHING. H. 'ROMAN. N 17W cLo:r II I N,G FOR. ' • FALL AND WINTER, JUST RECEIVED AT 11. ROMAN'S CHEAP CLOTEING STORE. Nor Oentlionen's Clothing of the boat milterfol, and made in tlio beat a othinaul ilce manner, call at 11. ROMAN'S, opposito [no Franklin Home in Marko'. Erqp, Hunting don, Pa. NOTICE TO ALL. HILL STREET MARKET, OPPOSITE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK G. MORRISON respectfully in. I~ forms tho citizens of Ifuntingdon and vicinity th,tt no continues the meet market business in all its vs limas branches, and will keep constantly on hand Fr. .1, Beef, Pork, Pudding and Sausage, salt Penland Pork, Canned PriPtand Vegetal.,lee, Spices of nll khaki, Clumps and Sauces, Teas, Soaps, Cheese, Snit, 1.4v4, All of which ho will continue to sell at reasonable prices The higloisto KWh pa%U fiiir lan ;pia tallmy. Thomas Colder, at Alexandria, and Minch &8r0 , ., at Cage° Run, are my agents t'o purchase at their plhcea.' • Thankful for past patronage, I eoliclt a continuance of the crone. R .q. IddIUITSON. lituttingdon, Oct, 30, 1,1,01. COUNTRY PEATJERS can buy ELI:RHINO from Me in Huntingdon at WHOLESALE asCheltp mi'they can M the bee. as I have a wholesale stoTll l 9 1 1 ,111111 .11 1 1 11 a. U. HOMAN. SOAPS AND CANDLE. IT4blng and Toilet Soaps—the best kildp—for Bala k 4 LEWIS cf CO'S F3.111L I' GROCERY:. TAKE pleasure in announcing to the 1 citizens of flootiogclen county and vicinity that they have Juserottititett Ircan'the Rust with LARGE STOCK OF GOODS Which they hays Just opotuntourat their now More, ONE DOGE :114.5T0:17 TILE WASHINGTON HOTEL Their Mock conel4e of ". 'CI , 1 4 DRY.GOODS, NOTIONS; HATS AN]) -CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOI s G OCRIES, • IouR,ANDPE ETRS, ; BACCsEG CANND FRUITS, lIARDWAsita i • I eEDiO,:-'1VA:11E) QUE INSWARE„ olb CLOTHS,: 1 „ OILS, . PAINTS; &C., ti- • DRUGS, - ARPETS,, CARPET CHAIN, FISH, SALT, CHEESE, , TRUNKS, HAMS, SHOULDERS SIDES,. &c. &c. Thoy have o largo stook of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Consiqting of SILKS, MOIIAIRS, ALPACAS, POPLINS, Id/STILES, GINGHAM, DIEItINOS; PLAID.% PE LAINES, Also, a largo as sortinent of DIN SS EMBROIDE i PLY, HOSIERY, GLOVES, ." BUTTONSO,T. t • , 1 A J P U E, q oops. tiro NI WHOIAS.II,I , I and It I.:TAIL. AllArindi tiolidnatl to!;teni , l'Ait depbts, ('cc of chargo. °lvo n•i a trial I,,ciffr inifolUilirni ;olden here. • .1 , • , ,211NSTON S )9A1790.N. Huntingdon. .A tail ay 1867. BY Calia/41{4dii 1 6 ad Q , „ We are now receiving. 'by Ca nal and Railroad from the east ern and western cities, DRY GOODS & GROCERIES Otevery description, CARPETS, OIL-SLOTHS, FILOUR„ FEED, .1 ;AND P,rotrl i ri~- Of all kinds. _ 41D C:34..a..1-n. Anthracite, Pittsburgh, and Broad Top- Coal for sale by the Cart or Boat load. LUMBER. Boards, Plank, Shingles, Plas tering Lath, in large or small quantities. I Nails and Bar roirat manu -facturers',prices: - •, • HENRY & CO.,' Huntingdon, Pa IME E JUST RECEIVED. Also, Canned Peaches, Tomatoes, ,Pens nud Corp. Also,. Spiced I.obstor; Oysters, Chow chow, Worcester:litho sauce, French Mustard, Horse Radish, Pepper sauce, Cat sup, Olive 011,&c., &c, nud • AU 4inds of Syrups, end, ns strawherry, pineapple, blackberry, &c CALL AND. SEE, CHEAP WIOCERY STORE; ..imq - upoonsr„, HILL ST., HUNTINGDON, PA. THE undersigned offers for the , in spection and purchase of customers a large and as sorted stock of Groceries, Provislans, Itc. Ile feels antis• fled they coo be accomodated with anything in his lino. Ills prtcoo are low, and his stuck fresh and good. He keeps the beet of •• • SUGAR, COFFEE,: • ; :TEAS, SPICES; SALT, TOBACCO & SEGARS, pip,OTS AND SHOES, HATS'& CAPS, &c. , HAMS, SHOULDERS; SIDES, - MOLASSES, OILS, VINEGAR, FISH, CHEESE, Fulpit RICE, And NOTI N S tit evory kind. A select stock of DRY GOODS, together with QUEENS WARE, and all other articles kept in a Well regulated establishment for sale at reasonnblo prices. 91?" Ilia Alore is on Hill street, nearly °Melte the Bank, and in ttto room formerly occupied by D. Grove. Call and examine. Z. YZNTEIt, Huntingdon, Oct. 8, 1867 POUNTRY. PRODUCE. All kinde of country ',induce taken in exchange for Geode Lor I lle' , 1a!ll!ly, Grocery. . • FLOUR 1 FLOUR ! Thnbest !lour, by the barrel or mealier quantity for sale at Leiviu' Penni). Grocery. THE BEST QUALITY OF PRESFI JL MACKEREL at CONN.L.VG/fAM c CA.IO/011'4. CUNNINGHAM & CARMON EZZIIMS 10,000' DOLLARS Wail" s 0 NEW:'& FASHIONABLE GOODS , . . From the eastern markets, which they can, with profit, Roll at lower figures than caw hi sold at Any other Musa In the county. • • ';; PU10E8,2'111: SA3III,ASI lOill TUE WAIL A goOd Calico Dress fora Dollar & ram, THE BEST ..11BA:VY 11IISLINS 14 ' Wei thitu'lhoS , can be bought outside 'of Phiht'dolphio , STOCK IS iMMEMSA, Consizting of nverytnliik that 'eye can fency:drlehrt,cish .If. r . :c. , „ 'l,; .• Ciono end see their fine sisortivint of CHOICE , SYRUP, f.OWER than 6ver befoto alga i 1;2 - R VERY, KIN]) SUGAR' greatlk;miticeff OO~SL ~l~ID ; 5 °T ,STOOK, ` and do g nat j4i r gh 11~kee ` hny longoi: Cunningham & Carmon. A. L. LEWIS, iiiSTE4i74;„*W BUILDING { 73E•u_iiikila±tEce,11*11, WHOLESALE RETAIL DEALER IN FOREIGN & ➢ONESTIC „ . DRY G 0.0 DS No,T.ToNs, p;,; HATS, CAPS, CARPPTINGi3,.. OIL CLOTHS, QUESENSWARE . AND GRoCERD3B. . • REMEMBER ! Thi's tlie Store,'Where Goods axe Sold OHEAF.•: • ~;; READ" AND-BE POSTED ! TO THE NEir_.r. iii/JRNO AND ALL IN WANT AT New Furniture / de. 1 1 1 11 E undei'signed would nispectfully aunounco that ho manufactures and keeps constantly on bniitt Ingo and splendid assortment of DINING AND BREAKFAST TABLES, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, WAR!, AND CANDLE STANDS Windsor Ana cane seat 'chairs: cupboards, gilt and, rose wood moulding for mirror and picture frames, and a vari ety of ai ticks not mentioned, at „prices that cannot fall to ho satisfactory. Ile is also agent for the well known Bailey 3 _Decamp patent spring DedEottom. • The public are invited to call and exainino his Mick before purchasing clamber°. . ' Work soil sole, room on 11111 street, neer Smith, one door west of Yenter`e gore. 19tIngtlun, Aug. 1, 1866 TgLi - v - 51E121 - vil " , , Manufactlirer and Dealer in 3E' 3Et. - 'IV I TILT - kL 313 . Respectfully invitee the , attention of the Public to his stand' on Hill et., Huntingdon, in the rear of George IV Swartz' Watch and Jee dry store, whore he untutifitcturos and keeps all kinds of Furniture at redoced prices.. Per sons wisliing to purchase, will db Well to glae welt call. ltepalring of ell kinds attended to promptly and charges re.wanahlo. &if-Also, Undertaking carried on , and Coffins 'made in Any style desired, nt short notice: - f The subscritmi hada NEir A ti'D'..ELEGA/V HEARSE and is prepared to attend Funerali at any place In town Or country.„ I J. M. WISH. Huntingdon, May 5, ISGO-tf • Can't 'Be. • Beaten:l. ...• • JOAN li. IVESTIMOOK Itelipectfully informs the citizens of lluntingdo9 tf.d vicinity that ho Ims,just. received frdin the city a NEIY and splendid stock ef ; • , • ~, I GROCERIES COIiF4TIONERIES BO.OTS. & SHOES,.IIATS & CAPS, Hosiery,,, sm,e Findings,. Carpet Sac*, "Minks, (oq., tEc., &q.) dc. all of which ho is prepared to sell at greatly reduced prices. Don't forget the old shind to fhe Diamond. Old casta mere nod thti publia, generally aro Wilted to call. lituttlogdoo,my l ? 1867 , .; ; • .• ; NEW BOOT AND SHOE .' WM:AFRICA " llntOrme the public that be has just," opened at his old stand in the Diamond, Iluntiagdon j A 'Fine Assortoient of , all 'kinds of BOOTS AND • SNOES, roe Ladies, Gentleinen and Children. . , All of which he will sell at fair prices. Quiiksales and snsailprgfits. Call and examine my stock. Mittwfaeturipgand Repairing done to order as usual. Huntingdon nay 1, 1567. . ggq, -- §IjAFFER. m...:.ll g 4Just niturrie4 fitim the, wet with 0410 prLE,NDIp STOCF 890T,5; &WIZ% GAITERAF, &C., WWI he Went to Os lospection of his customers nod the public generally.. .111 i i.fttl atocli at:tho•most REASONABLE PAIOES, and those who purchase once will sip.°ly call agaht, BOOTS & SHOES MADE TO ORDER, and REPAIRING done - M the neatest and most expodi Onus manner. • • • •• Call upon Mr. Schaeffer at hie shop on Hill street, s fear doors west of Diamond. • ' • my 2 • NEW' •: • ! LEATHER, 'slag. : f• TEUB unliereigned Would respect:fully tinnottaaa that, in connection with choir TANNoT t they havtiNat oPoMttitapletvitd 1gi0r41!"1.4.94. FINE T.EAIN.E4, '•' : Cahristirig in,part „ FRENCH CALF SK/N - KIP, - MOROCCO, . .• • -•- BINDINGS, , • •• ' •501,7 E ;, • • UPPER; ,‘: • HARNESS, ,; •., .• ,- SKIRTING, AC., Together with iitenoriii ask:dote:it ' " EljthltV ' The ti'addid to cull and ettick. Btortiou I.lllipstrootitwd doord.west of tho, Prqbyto rlau church. The higheat.pricepdfd for RIDES turi,BARK. , O. A. MILLER, & SCiN may,1,16,67 CUNNINGHAM & CARMON CAIPRTJS, pF ETERY,DESCEIPTIO.INT, For Sale 'at Wholesale Frioes,, • siiou As, Jill ivooi. • ):' . , co TTAbo.E,J 7 7.: • • ,s , ' I.IIEM t‘liuutingdon,liliy 5,1867.. STEVENS;HOUSE), 21. 23.26.*'27 , 8R0ADWAY i OPPOSITE EGNILING ' '‘ ". ' ON TliE Thai STEVENS ROUSE is well and widely lid Own to the travelling public. The location, is especially Imitable to merchants and business men; It is In dose 'provlaiity to. the baldness part ofthe city—la on the highway of South, 'ra and Western travel—end adjacent to all thoprinclpsl Railroad and Steamboat depots. THE STEVENS 'HOUSE' haillbetai 'acdoniatodations fur over, 300 guests—it is:well, furnished, and possess°. every tne,arnimpttrfilment Rir the consort aid entertain ment of Its inmatee. Tho !moms ;are spacious,and well veldt lated—provided' Willi 'gas and water—the 'attend ance Is prompt end respectful—end the table IS gener, ously provided with every delleiey of the sesson—• at mod-. crate rates. ,The ropms having sheep refurnished and. remodeled,wo are enabled to offer extra facilities for the Comfort and pleasnro, of our Guests. . cirAst: & • i 1 v.-a Fa.ofigrron!. , q 7 s#t LADIES' FANCY FURS ; , ,•# ' q,7 ' AA 1 4'E . 3P 1 11.r , 11/Leaaaufekia, , tic?l o 3 o, 718 ARCH Street, above Seventh, pncy. Furs; ADJES"Aud, HEIL. DVS 'WEAR, In the Also, a flue assort or.Ge'nt's' F ur as and:Collars. tot enabled to dtepose al goods At very IASONADLETIIIOES I would, therefore . 2.- tall from my PI 1 41 1 8881P.V°R 013 llPo'gtO p nO ot lD. -- .Itvel..lB • PAREIRA, oaLlin 4! , Aboyq /(I*, South elle • PHILADELPHIA. tly• 1 HATE -NO. PARTNE.E. NON.. L'ONNECTIO4 WITH ANY orlitit STORE IN PIII;;AD.DLPIIIA, LAIN u4.I) . IIOITEIEENT LIGLIT I • We•talte - pleitirure In putting' before the pUbliO a for burning fat, lard or tallow, which is superior to any of the' kind' ever introduced: • It differs from ill Others, es it,does not,require the fat to be molted Isefore lighting: It Nate the fat by a copper pipe, which con ducts the heat under the fat and melts it immediately ' Thousands of the lamps 'hove been sold and no'cum •plaints bavehoen made. All Lamps warranted to We general satielabtion, Or'tbe money refunded. • A rare opportnotty is offered to any poison or persons 'that:may wish to engage n the business. huntingdos and Mifflin counties will be sold in townships ot rettson able terms to suit purchasers. A sample lamp wilt be forwerged,to auy person on receipt of retail price, 81,50, andlcirti orded at my espense.• '•• ' =I either sell territory, or, pny agents byrhy Ay. piece. ~A gents'arti making from $5 to $l5 pet: ility,Tor they sell very fast.. They ere what every; person needs. All letters will receive prompt attention. ' • Address or call on D. WALKER, Airy Dalo, Huntingdon - county, Pa. ' ire-Lamp may be soon at the Franklin House' n Hunt ingdon ; Mr. Dtiglies' Store, - Mill Creek, and at Ike hotel in Cowin°. • ' • . • 401841- 628. 'HOOP SKIRTS,' 628. M. T. 11.-drk'lN§. Anti more thaklive Mara eXtliAlidi and experiment ing in the, manufacture of.bTattirtiYi Mtn QUALITY Emit' sKlivrs, wo offer our 'justly :elobritied goods to merchants nod the nubile tu,full'coufidence of their am_ periority over sit' othate in the Amerleen Market, affil, they are so acknowledged by all ,who y i reikr them, as they give morn' satiafitalori thsu any other Skirt and recommend theause‘micceaciy lmpet. Deal ers iu Hoop Skirts should make a note of this fact. 'Ev ery lady who has not given them a WO. shottiti:do so without further delay. Our aseortleam inbracee. glory etyle, Imagth mad size for , tenfies,llloses and' Children. Alqo, 'Ekats"mOde to " rsfi'L l r " Z i aMn`sT iTe k Ot celv d Nylk . o, o e e . 89. c 11{14 qt., lottyr 11".,i5-woven On the Tapes ,betwep 'roan Mop, and that they are stamped nIV. T. 110PKINS. B,TANEFACTUEtEIt, 828 AROU,•STEENT,. g wa44," upon each tape. No others ere 'gimulue. Also: coustantly oq luttula tun lino of gold.liew, York, and Eastern made Skirts nt very low prices, Wkoksale and Retail. at the Philadelphia Hoop, Sltirp../lan.utactory sod Emporium, . . . . . NO, 628 ARCH STREET, VPILAV,A,". FPM. T.13.P.PK1.N.5. • „_._ a . ug23-5m STEAM eig-ARk, RT,RwmpoN 174, A,fir NQW' ME IN cQ4PEBTE RIJNNINO.ORDER; FOR VIE MEINUFALM,RB OF„F,I4IAR, The patronage of the town and cp4ndry,!4 .reipeetfultr; GR./IMo* every deseriptlon, Bough&A gtig Ifuntingdoti, 11137, 2,1)360, TO T-1 - E: Tho best assortment of, mi,zmiz)s - 41e , P.; r ir•St. Juet received thia.day from gout York shel . fortmde strike. cheap cosh store of TFal.>htlt9frltf BRO.. • ' t A splendid assortm,enta , LADIES' DRESS e(0,0D5.,, FANCY TRIMMINGS AND ELNATONS Jit4 received thin flay front New York and for sale chew, et' • • [may7 I • MI. ItIA.ROH B BIM, SPECTACLES. . . sot P: - • i"7". • A. fine and large assortraent ef t Band AT LEWIS' BOOS HAN(I4 pfILA]riISLPB2A'. lave' now In store of; Ism Importation an* srecture, ous Of 'the It OM 8 T and most 13TIFITL selections( "OWN MARL". JCINIA;r. eolldted 8,L.Vi,11AN..1. BON.,