The globe. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1856-1877, November 13, 1867, Image 1
TERMS OF THE GLOBE Per annum in advance Six months - !Iron months TERMS OF ADVERTISING 1 insettion. 2 'do. 3 dol One square, (10 Ihmesjor , 75 $3. 25 la 50 Two equareE , 1 60 2 00 3 00 Three squares, 2 25 3 00 4 50 . . • 3 months. 6 months. 12 months. One square, or lees $4 00$6 00 $lO 00 Two !ignores 0 00 9 00 15 00 Tyree squares, - 3 00 12 00 20 00 Your - ',mum, 10 00 15 00 0 5 00 Half a column, 15 00 20 00 ...... ....30 00 Ono column, • 20 - 00 35 00.... ..... .60 00 Professional and Ilueinese Cards not exceeding six linos, Oa year $5 00 Administrator? and Executor? Notices, ' $2 50 Auditor? Notices, 2 00 'Betray, or other short Noticee 1 50 AtiP.Ten lines of nonystreil make a square. About • eight words constititte a line, so that any person can ea -ally calculate a square in manuscript; Advertisements not markod wilt ibe number of inlit tions desired, will be continued till forbid and charged s& -cording to these terms. Our prices for tho printing of Blanks, Handbills, otc are reaeonably DR. it. ILWIEST.LING mosCreapoet _L./folly tenders Ids professional services to the citizens of tl un tingdon and -vicinity. Office that of the late Dr. Snare, DR. A. B: BRUMBAUGII, - - LI Having berrunnontly located nt Huntingdon, offers his professional services to the community. omee. the same us that lntdly ocCapted by'Dr. Loden ' on Bill street. ap10.18136 , . . TAR. JOHN i‘reCHLLOOIT, offers Iris' ki professional services to the citizens of Huntingdon ', and vicinity. Office on Hill street, nue dOor east of Heed's Drug Store. Aug. 25, '55. . , .. . ALLISON MILLER 45'47. E !V; TIST, illas removed to the Brick Row opposite the Court House. April 13, 1859. V A J. GREENS,ffi2P - DENTIST. • OILCs removed to fieltileir's New Building, 711111 street. Iltknting.lots. Jaly 31,1867. _EXCHANGE HOTEL. . . 'Ypiii - 4]•stibBoribers ,lutring leased this I hoist. bitely ocoupirilAty •W McNulty. are ',rewired to accommodate strangers, travelers, and Clii74llß in genii style. Every effort shall Le madam' our part to maku all 'oho stop pith us feel at Lome. • AULTZ & FEE, may 2,lStra Proprietors. WASHINGTON HOTEL ' The undersigned respectfully infants the citinens of Huntingdon county and the traveling public gettoratlY, Clint lie has cooed the Vaehington House on the cor ner of Hill and Chet lee Client, In the boretigh of Hun tingdon. nod he Is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a coll. Will ho }dosed to receive a liber al share of public patronage. AHOU:TUS July 316:67—1f. MORRISON HOUSE, 31E1Cmatinagclocork., .7E!.st. lII.A_VE purchased and entirely ren the large stone and brick building opposite the Pennsylvania ltallroPul Depet,und linen now opened It for the accommodation of the traveling public. The Car- Alois, Furniture, Budi and Bedding are all entirely new and fret cl.u.s, and I ant pare in Paying that I can offer ac contmodatione not excelled iu Central PeunPyltania. Jrsl refer to n'y patrons who lame lot nerly known me while to Marge at the Broad Top City Hotel awl Jack. son Muse. , JUSECII MORMON. Jlay 16, 16.66-tf. C. CLARKE, Ad;:s.r, A * Wholesale . o. ‘ nd Retail Dealer in all hinds of z'at32.[Eat .c$ 111314TINGDON, PA. Xest door to tbe Franklin Douse, In the Diamond. Vounlry trade supplied. apl7'67 GEO. W. SWARTZ, AMERICAN WATCIIES, Fino Gold JEWELRY, 1,.• DEALER IN ALL RINDS OF dc., Am. opposite J. A. Brown's Mammoth 11nr.lware otoro. .(eiji- Watches neatly repaired and warranted. Ituntingdon, Sept Ph ISG7 Gut WATCHES AND JEWELRY. AARON STEWARD, wArmimmt . En. uccesstx to Geo. W. Swartz, Las opened at Lie old stand on Hill stret, op avail° Ili own'aliardware stole, a stock of all kind+ 4_.1 of goods belonging to the trado. Watch and hock Repairing promptly attended to b 3 practical workmen. Huntingdon, April liAm MILTON S. LYTLE, ATTORNEY AT IIUZiTINGDON, PA rrompt attention given to all legal business entrusted to his care. Claims of soldiers and soldiers' heirs agnitist the Government collected Irithoot delay. selT66 K. ALLEN LOVELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, HUNTINGDON, PA. Prompt attention will be given to all legal basinesien• trusted to his care. Illilitary and other claims of sol diers and their heirs against the State or Gvvornment .collected without delay. OFFICIi—In the Brick Itow, opposite the Court House Jan.l.lB6l' MOIURTRIE, o ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Mice on 11111 street. HUNTINGDON, PA. Prompt :Mention will he given to the prosecution or the claims or soldier, and soldiers' heirs, ag.timit the Gov ernment. t1n22,1860 .701 IN SCOTT.. ISMIUSL T. DROWN, JOHN SI. DAILEY The name of this firm has been chang ed from SCOT I & CROWN, to SCOTT, BROWN & BAILEY, under Which name they mill hereafter conduct their imactice ATTORNEYS AT LA II; lIIINY'INGDON, PA. PENSIONS, and all claims of seldiors and soldiers' heit s :against the Government, rill Ito promptly prose.] IeAL May 17, IS6I-tf. . ACENCY, FOR COLLECTING SOLDIERS CLAIMS, BOUNTY, BACK PAY AND PENSIONS. LL who may have any claims a gainst the Government for Bounty, 'Jack Pay and 'anoints, can have their claims promptly collected by air plying either io pers." or by letter to W. H. WOODS, Attorney at Law, Huntingdon, Pa. August 12, 1863. JOHN nine, R. U. WOODS, P. M. BM, R. P. 14 . 1..L1R111L1S JOHN BARE, & CO., Bankers, 341C - txxxtlxxacl.c:oxi, 3Pza,. Bolted accounts from Banks, Bankers st others. Inter .est allowed on Deposits. MI kinds of Securities, bought and sold for the usual commission. Special attention :given to Government Securities. .Collections made on .all points. Persons depositing Gold and Silver - will recoil. tire ,same in return with interest. Oct. n, IS66—tf. STOVES, GRATES, RANGES, &O. A NY of the above articles can be had jahy addressing the subscriber. Stores of an kinds and sixes asult the wants of all. We call the atteutiou of tbe public to the AUTOCRAT COOKING STOVE, a stove beyond competition. It is a pretty pat, tern, goad baker, with large oven, and suitable for either coal or wood. Stoves fornihlitul at foundry prices. Any person wishing to purchase a stove without cooking utensils can do so, and the prices of all 'the articles rill be deducted. All stoves warrant ed. Samples can be seen at Mr Hughes store, Mill Creek, or at the tesidence of the subscriber. All parlor stoves furnished at low prices. Stoves de livered at any railroad station D. WALKER, Airy Dalo, Ituntingdon couuty, Pa, solB 1 LUMBER, SHINGLES , LATHS. ITEMLOCK, PINE BILL STUFF, _A Boards, Plank. Shingles, Plastering and Shingling ~Lath, constantly on hand. Wrked Flooring, Soak, Blinds, Doors, Door and Wire .dowPrann..s, furnished at manufac urere' prices. Grain and country product generally bought at market rates. WAGONER & BRO., ang2S4f Philipsburg, Centro co., Pa. et Alt PETI GOE ALL KINDS • " I euglythari.A.vv.i,c,iiimo.A",v. ALL KINDS OF TOBACCQ wholcAale and retail, at PDNNINGIIAN & p4EMON'S. U R E S . PICBs CAWNINGAAM & CARMON 5. 42 00 . 1 00 ~~J ~~ ~ VITIVE ; LEWIS, 111701 LINDpAY,'' Publishers. VOL. XXIII, 6ratuittn,ts wytratistinents. follothing Cards are published 'gratuitously. Mer chants and business men generally ;oho advertise (therapy in the columns f Jug ()wag for six months or longer, milt hare their Cards inserted here during lii, continuance of their adrerlisement. Otherwise, sixciat Business Cards in serted at the 11tutti rates ruclll3-13 D110:11 7 31. BREWSTER, licaounells 10%R. [Cures by N.lict opat4,j BM.' GREENE, lleitle'r in Music,mu .sical Instruments, Sewing Machines, Huntingdon _.. , WM. LEWIS, • . YY. Draftin Books, Stationrri• ....,/ Musidul Instrn mesas : Huntingdon, Pa. . . .. I'. RUDOLPII, Dealer iu Ladies • funl Gouts' Furnishing Goadt, Huntingdon. TIOBLEY & MARSH, - Merehint Tailor% Huntingdon, Pa H GitliyiNßEßG, .11erchant Tailor, Huntingdon, Pa CII. MILLER & SON, Dealers in all .Iclntly of Nino' Leather, Fin(hags, Iluntinitdon. 1 0 /1"0AIIAN & SON, proprietors of • 6 Steam Pearl ]lii lluntingdon. JM. GREENE & F, O.Y.EA.VER, Plaiu and Ortizquent,il3prble Manaficturers. Xrill.. Plninund Ornamental Marble Manufacturer. TASIES lIIGGENS; Alo,,nufac r turer of ii.ruittVaial Cabinet Wnre, liuntiniSon, Pn. ' jM. WISE, .Manufitotn rer of Fur n _ t ure, So, Huntingdon. Undin taking • lit tendril to • WIIA RTON & MAGUIRE, Whole. sale and retail dealers in torelgn and domestic Hardware, Cutlery, &c., Itailroul street, Huntingdon. ' JAMES A. BROWN, Dealer in .pardmare, Cutlery, Cal .a tn, At., Runt iugdon, Pa. W. AFRICA, Dealer inßoots and Shues,iti Uri Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. , TOHN IL WESTBROOK, Dealer in ty Roots, Shoes, nosiery, Confectionery, Ifuntingdots. GEO. SHAEFFER, dealer in Boots, Eliues,Gulters, kc., ilunangtivn. A L. LEWIS, IVholesaie and retail .LIL. Merchant, Iddtter's Now Buildfug, Huntingdon. JOIINSTON' & WATTSON, Much- , ants : Main pt., east of Washington hotel, Ituntiagden fl LAZIER - & BRO.: Retail 11Ier- Njrchants, 11"..Itingtou St., near Site Jail, linntingtion. YENTER, Dealer in Groceries and .Provisionis of all kinds, Iluutingdon, r,. WM. MAROII & BRO. Y Donleis in Dry Ooodq, Queen3ware, lin%livare, Boots, Shoes, &c. CUNNINGHAII & CARRON, Merchants, Huntingdon, ROMAN, Dealer In Ready Mode Clothing, Mete and Cups, n P. GWIN, Dealor in Dry Goode., Grocorica, Hardware, Queens 'sore, Hata a n d Cars,4louts and Sims, So. linnlingdon CICI E. lIENRY & CO., Wholesale and Detail Dealers In Dry Goods. Groceries, hardware, queenware, and Provi.,lons of all kinds, Huntingdon. lE5' For neat JOB PRINTING, call at the "Gbonn Jon PRINTING fCti," at nun titmdaa, P - CIAL NOTICE. T o TIIE LADIES.—Do you really int.,' to cease wearing the beautiful styles now su prevalent. or dress less elegantly, because tin rebel Jeff. Davis, was captured in Fashionable Female mullet One moment's calm reflection will surely servo to change your rabli resolve. The angels had too much good sense to lay aside their pure chaste robes of white, because they had for a time served to hide the deformities of that Prince of Rebels, tho Devil. Can you err in following the examploof Angels? Then having made up your minds that yen will continuo to dress tastefully regardless of rebel acts, do not forget to call at the store of the subscri bers, who toil! be happy at all times to furnish you with such articles of dress as you may desire. Urge your fall], ers, husbands, brothers, neighbors and children to visit the same store. They can hero be suited in good articles of Roots, Shoes, Clothing Material, Hats, Caps, Queens ware and a general assortment of Groceries, en as rob minable terms as at any house in town. Store on South. east corner of the Diamond, Huntingdon, Pa. may 31, 1865. FRANCIS 11. WALLACE. THE LAMB IMPROVED FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE. Please call and see this valuable Machine, and the stork which it produces. Machines with all the appur tenances, for sale at tho low price of $O5, and warranted as represented. CALL AND SEE IT. —Room, on WASHINGTON Street, (oppmite the LOB r." Pt Doing office,) HUNTINGDON, Pa. An assortment of Knit Goods on hand, for sale, and made to order on short notice, Such as Ladies,' Muses', and Children's Stockings, Bents' Wooten and Cotton Socks also, Scarfs, Afghans, l'ulso Warmers, Caps, Titlys, ,be, Tho LAMB KNITTING Machine is very- eirople, and finishes its work; capable of producing morn than a dozen different stitches; it is unlike any other Machine of the kind In the market; it will do the work of twenty momen and ie suitable for institutes as well as families. It is complete in every particular, nud without a wheel , .17 1 .A.."ELIME3EUEUS And their LADIES should tee this Machine iu operation, so REMEMI3Eit the place and do not fall to see it. WASHINGTON STREET, ( o Olawite the GLOBE" orrice.) z HUNTINGDON, Penn' a. j 1531-0741 S. M. LONGWELL, Agt. IF "2 - 04:T XiNTALIVT I A GOOD PHOTOGRAPH LIKENESS, CALL AT , DONNELL & SLINE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY On Hill Street, two doors west of Lewis Book Store. CALL AND SEE SPECI3IENS. Huntingdon, Oct 4, ,Sa-tf. BIEC:01%T"K ECONOMY IS MONEY SAVED ! Tho subscriber is permanently located in Huntingdon, Xand is prepared to purchase, or repair in the best style, and expeditiously, broken UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. All articles intrusted to him will Ito returned to the residence of the owner as soon as repaired. Utnbrollas and parasols for repair can be left at his residence on St. Clair street near Benedict's. tuay2,lBl36tf WM. FENTI3IAN. s, _REVENUE STAMPS F F l SALE 4T IL I BOOK STORE. HUNTINGDON, PENNA. TF YOU WANT tho BEST SYRUP, I_oo to CUNNINGHAM A. CARMON'S. QEGARS.--Beet quality of Segars t CUNNINGHAM .t ARmoN;s. FITTNTINGDON PA., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13. 1867. ;. COURT AFFAIRS, I ' 110111R0 CLA MATION. MIAS, by a precept to me directed, dated at Huntingdon, the 24th of August, A.' D. 1667, under the hands and seal of the Hon. George VaylOr, President of the Court of Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, Mid genendiall deliv ery of tiro 24th Judicial District of Penns3 Ivania; compo. sed of Huntingdon, Moir anti Cambria counties; and the Ifotts. Anthony J. Ho aver and David Clarkson ' his associ ates, Jtplges of the county of Huntingdon, Justices as signed; appointed to bear, try and determine all and °Net.) Indictments made, or taken for or concerning MI crimes. Which by the laws of the State are made capital, or felon ies of death; and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which hate Wen or shall hereafter ho committed or pet pee Dated, for etiraes'afolrsahr—l am commanded to make public prociaination throughout my whole 'mina ick, that a Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common Pleas and ' (ItiaitCr Sessions, will ha held at the Court Hotiso In the borough, of Huntingdon, on the second Monday hind 11th day) of NOVSMIHIIt, and those who will prosecute the said prisoners, be thou ate! there to prosecute than as It emu be Just, and Abut all auSticea Of tim Peace, Coroner and Constables within said county, be then and there in their propor persons, at 10 o'clock, m. orsaid dal; With their records, luquishions, examinations and t entembron. us, to do those things which to their offices respectively appertani. , , . Lanni at Huntingdon, the 23d of ,October, in the year of o ,,,•*tord one thousand eight totudred and sixty-scren, and the 91st year of American Independence. JAS. F. BA.THURST, Sheriff. IDRO 0.1; A "MATION.---WILE RE A Siby it precept • to me directed,by the ,Judges of the Com mon Pleas of the Minty of IluntiMpltni. 9eitring test the 21th 'of. Almost, 1107, emnmatoted to make public Proclamation throughout my a hole bailiwiek,that n Court of Common Pleas all! be held at the Court house in the borough of Huntingdon. on Alio ard Monday fond nth day) of NOVEMBER, 181.7 for the hint of all is. soca in.stliti Court' which remain Undetermined berme this said :fudges, when and a here nil jurors, witnesses, nod suitors, In the trio§ of all issues are required. . Rated at Huntingdon, the Ind of OCtober, In the year of our Lord one theuanud eight hundred and eta tysieven, and the Stet year of Anwriesm Independence. JAS. F. BATHURST, Sheriff. TRIAL LIST, .. NOVEMBER TERM, 1867. ' FIRST WEEK. W. W. & D. S. Entrain f ti ye :global)! Stone . . . . . _ Same vs Same. Jacob Stearn vs John B. Weaver. Joseph D. iVilsen vs John W. kcott. John Snyder vs 11. St D. T. It. li.Co. John F. Herron ye David Blair. Robert Love vs iTnt. Oweit's wife. • SECOND WEEK. The Com. of Penna. ex eel vs Harriet Millet. Wm. W. Paul A. Co. vs Benj. F. linker, et al. P. N. Lytle vs John W. Slattern. Wm. A. Orbison vs TllOlllll3 Turn and wife. Martin Bell vs John McElwee. Mary Buoy is John K. McCahen. Thomas Turley and wife vs Al. 11. McGrath, et et. Samuel Attila Wilson .h Potrikin vi Simon Cohn;et al. Jacob Dorman '', vs John Fulton, et al. John Bell, et 01, , CI JOhll Morgan, et al. C. W. Bemenderfer vs The bor. of Huntingdon. Winton, aleFarleutre gear- vs The Mifflin Centro Co. It di,,oi It. Co. Win. K. Weigle) . 1 vs 3ohn IV. Matter', ' J. It. SIMPoON, Protley. Prothonotary's Office, Oct. 14,1861. • • GRAND JURORS. Alexander nugge t farmer, Tell George Berkstresser, farmer, Hopewell Abraham Buckwalter, farmer, Juniata Hezekfah Ewing, farmer, Franklin ' Henry Hawn, farmer, Juniata William Jeffries, farmer, Tell. John Moyer, blacksmith, Cassville John Noble, pumpmaker, Cassville John Numer, farmer, Hendergon Benjamin Neff, farmer, Porter John Neff, farmer, West Daniel Piper, farmer, Oneida 'Henry Peightal, fanner, Walker • . _ Jacob Rider, carpenter, Warriorsmark James T. Read, Coahnont Harriaßichison, farmer, Hopewell George W. States, Walker David Summers, farmer, Hopewell John Taylor, farmer, Shirley John R. Thompson, merchant, Warriormark Samuel Thompson, farmer, Franklin Jacob Weaver, farmer, Hopewell James Ward, farmer, Walker William P. Davis, farmer, West TRAVERSE JURORS-ARST WEEK. Jacob Baker, carpenter, Alexandria Eli P. Brumbaugh, farmer, Hopewell Peter 11. Burket, farmer, Warriorsmark Samuel Barr, farmer, Jackson William Bricker, teamster, Huntingdon Caleb Brown, Jr., farmer, Shirley William Bice, carpenter, Franklin Henry Curnpropst, farmer, Barree Mordecai Chilcote, farmer, Tod John Carmen, mason, Huntingdon William Christy, J. 1 3., Alexandria James Cree, merchant, Dublin Samuel Croyles, farmer, Barree George Chilcote, farmer, Tod • Hugh B. Cunningham, gentleman, Porter Abraham Carothers, inn keeper, Orbisonia Benjamin F. Douglass, clerk, Shirley Joseph Forest, farmer, Barree Charles Geissinger, farmer, Union Alexander Gettys, farmer, Bence Robert Gehrett, J. P., Orbisonia Benson M. Greene, musician, Huntingdon Joseph Hannah, farmer, Porter Andrew S. Harrison, Huntingdon William Harper, merchant, Jaekeon Joseph Hudson, farmer, Dublin Jacob Isett, farmer, Penn John Johnston, farmer, Porter Thomas Keenan, It It boss, Penn Isaac Lininger, cabinet maker, Huntingdon Michael M. Logan, teacher, Cromwell Nathaniel Lytle, saddler, Morrie Benjamin P. Lytle, J P, Hopewell John S. Miller, gentleman, Huntingdon David Miller, farmer, Tod Jacob Nearhoof, farmer, Warriorsmark David Painter, manager, Brady Levi Putt, farmer, Hopewell John Read, druggist, Huntingdon George W. Stewart, farmer, Franklin John Smith, farmer, Barreo Benjamin Spt'hnkle, farmer, Morris ' William White, laborer, Walker Isaac Wagoner, farmer, Brady Abraham Weight, farmer, Franklin William Wright, farmer, Union Pennet Wakefield, fanner, Brady John T. Whittaker, farmer, Porter TRAVERSE JURORS--SECOND WEEK. Simon Bales, farmer, Henderson Samuel Brooks, J. P., Coalmont Thomas Cesney, farmer, Tell Henry Carman, wagonmaker, Morris Nicholas Crum, miller, Tod David Cesney, farmer, Dublin Andrew J. Donaldson, farmer, Carbon William Eckley, farmer, Berme James Franks, farmer, Jackson Robert Fleming, farmer, judger) Jesse Fisher, former, Franklin John Ganshnoro, farmer, Warriorsmark Abraham Grubb, carpenter, Walker George Hawn, farmer, Brady William M. Heaton, merchant, Cassvillo Benjamin Isenberg, farmer, Porter George W. Kuhn, grocer,'Morris David Long, farmer, Shirley Samuel Lather°, farmer, Shirley William Long, inn keeper, Huntingdon Charles 11. Miller, tanner, Huntingdon Samuel McVitty, Esq., tanner, Clay William Moore, merchant, West John Madden, farmer, 'Springfield Samuel Mat tern, Merchant, Fihnkliti Andrew Myten, farmer, lyeSt Abraham Megahan, 3. P:, P,enn • Jacob Prouir,li; Jr., farmer, Oneida John M. Smith, farmer, Jackson' ' Jacob Stayer, farmer, pass Bainael SteffeY, inn keeper, Jackson Isaac Taylor, farmer, Tod Franklin Wolf kill; farme'r, Brady John F. Wright, farmer, UniOn Anthony White, laborer, Walker Samuel 11. Anderson, farmer, Springfield nirSolaool Books of all kinds for sale at Lewis' Book Store, tf. -PERSEVERE.- L b c ; J..b c. HUNTINGDON, PA [Fur the Glob° DEATH I= blighUng, cruol Death ; Desna on the wings of a pitiless heath, Like the sweep of a Typhoon gust; litithlossly old and young lie bears along in one vast dyke, Into the vault of Dust. Font ful nod dark are the myriad akin*, Lurid and ghastly the narrow defiles, Through which he crowds the souls; His lipids are legions, who wandoyti'er earth, Forgoing bolts of destruction and death, Horrid, hadean ghouls; But 'tie only here, the 914011 of min; With its cruet suffering and horrid din, Can rack the mortal' with woo; 'Tit only otiearth, his ralnfonh aro free To throw the lance of agony, That hurls us above or below. Our idols are laid ' the turf every day , And still the groat grief knows no decay, Nor do we foci less forsaken; Wo look into Death's dark, blank night, With feces pitiful, cold and white, And mondur why, they are token ? :Like a smooth glassy lakeoshose impth 1A uster seen , Though the gleam of its waves is as bright as the Of star-Sothis, that spanglo tho night; [sheen] So the Riser of Math to us is Unknown; To us, its mysteries never are shown, Nor the barques of human freight. They aro borne through suffering on to the shore, By an unseen pilot ferried o'er Into the silent land; We kon not on this earth-sido, What those mariners betide, When they reach the hidden strand. Do sombre belts raise the Iron Pate, Usher them to an uncertain fate, Down through Plutonhi's realm? Du they full 'mid dark and dreamless space, Till they reach the depth of the fiend race, By horrors ovorwheltneili Do bands of seraphs with spirits bright, Dear thorn up through either light, To the glories of the Eternal? Do they find the diamond, the crown and the robe, Ito they %%elk with those in that blest shade, Who blaze In splendor supernal? Who A book ever open yet ever enlist. 11 bun MI the vriwhl'e bartered Aye Death for weal or woe, For joys abOve or doom below— For one orthoee Ilythee all are chartered. DISADVANTAGES OF INFANCY. BY JOBB QUILL A friend of mine who lives in Old castle, Del., writes to me in' an indig nant manner about, a things that bo considers "fudge and lioneentie!! ile is a practical man of about forty-eight years; he has also two daughters and an inflammatory rheumatism in his left leg. In religion he is a democrat, and ho always votes the Reformed Dutch tick et. Although ho is in the hardware business, he says he thinks he would make a good Indian fighter, for he wouldn't scalp well. lie head is as bald as a slate roof, and a gentro sav age might clutch and grub all over it for a hold, and ho couldn't get the very first particle of purchase, because it's so slippery. But that is neither here nor there, although it is rather more there than here. De writes in regard to a piece of popular folly. Forgive bis freedom of style, for he is eccentric, and wher ever it seems as if ho was Just going to swear, but the language bears-the ap pearance of having been altered by me, the gentle reader must reflect that at these points the rheumatism probably gave him a twist and caused him to get up and howl. "John," says ho, "if there's any ono thing I'm more disgusted with than another, it is this idea that is going around, that it is a good thing to be young again. Every girl in this town who has got a piano, is banging away ut it, morning and night, until you would think they would burst the lids off the old music boxes, and at the same time bellowing out songs about the ad vantages of bayhood. 'I would I were a boy again,' sing they, just as if they ever could be boys again, when they were anything else but girls. 'Rock me to sleep, mother,' Give me back my childhood days,' etc. These were backed away at until you would actu ally think it was a good thing to be an infant. "But it ain't, I'll leave it to any sensible grown person, if they would like to go back to the time when they were mewing, squalling, hiocoughing babies? How would you like to be dressed in frocks about a mile too long for you, and have a lot of old rags and ono thing and another wrapped around you so you could hardly breathe? "But ain't that the way they treat babies? Don't you know that they pin your clothes on, and if a pin hap pens to- jab into your flesh at any place, that is the very identical spot some person or other is a going to grab yoff fly and hold on like grim death 'while you yell? "And ain't you cognizant of the fact ? also, that while you aro lying asleep in the cradle, with the flies blistering you and lifting the blood out of the top of your bald bead, and you, very proba bly, writhing with a first class stomach ache, just as like as not your mother is standing over you, and gtiggetitilik that the apggis are whispUring'to you, because you happen to forget your agOliy for a minute and smile ? ""That's CO; Oue. And you nau§t be aware of how they sEick at you a bot tle filled with curds and whey, and with a gum thing on a nozzle, and how you can stick fur a Nyeek and then the curds won't come thrtigih, and you start your music because you don't like that' whey of taking your diet. "Arid then when they ones get your insides crammedfull;what do they 0? Why*, in all human prOhithility, some old hag, who is a 'friend of the family, drops in and gets grip on you, and when you cry because you have the 1-. 4..'i0.-' 2 tl_ ‘ • ••:: ' l ' :„ ,. .i . j ," . ... i . ~..,: i... .:„,.. „; ..r.'., : :-, - . k . i . .,_ ,4 ......,:.. ~,„ I good taste not to admire her style of beauty, she commits ravages on the English language,and jolts you up and down until you have about a pound and a half of garlicky butter inside of you, and you got dyspepsia because you haven't got gastric juice enough to digest a lot of grease. "That is what babies have to endure. It is one of the penalties of having been born. Infancy? Why, I tell you I would rather any time be born an old man and live backward, taking the chances of dying in the middle life. "I know, also, the abominable way they have of dragging up your petti coats and setting you ~on the floor to see if you can walk, while every min. ute you find yourself growing handy 'legged, and probably getting &Termed for life, with a dead certainty of never getting a pair of pantaloons to sot right on you afterward. • "It's malice, my boy, malice afore thought, and there is no more use of denying that they• do it, on purpose, than there is to say that your father don't hate you when ho tosses you up and down in the air, and with murder rankling in his heart, tries to commit infanticide by, jolting some of your or gans out of place or dislocating a joint. "Any man, my boy, who desires to go back and ondure this unutterable agony ain't in his right mind, and ho ought to be looked after to see that ho don't go around and set fire to the premises. `As for nurses, I suppose you know what they aro designed for, don't you? I suppose you are aware that they kiss you and slobber over you when your mother is around, and spank you, like the very nation to relieve their pent-up feelings when her back is turnod.-- •'`nd they call them dry nurses, too. Dry? I should think they were, for every intelligent infant knows that they take you in and lay you on the pantry shelf, while they go through the rum and old ale, and breathe on you until you are nearly suffocated Ftrkd falling-into a fit. "And then don't they strap you in a gig, and then take you out and cook you for hours in the boiling sun, yes, literally cook, I say, and this,, without any regard to the fact that they are absent minded, and just as like as not, when they got you home, let you hang for an hour or more by one leg until your head begins to swell with apo plexy. "Want to be a baby again, do you, and would like your mother to rock you to sleep ? - I..should think •so. And she used to do it, didn't she ? In your second Summer, for instance, when you were cutting your teeth, and had cholera infant= on you so 'strong that I thought you would die. Did she rock you to sleep then ? Not much. I reck on the old man used to got out of bed in his night shirt and g i tirl savagely as he pinked you up lillfrany piooo of old carrion, and' , kept the wrong hold on you while he walked you up and down, and 'then when' 'you wouldn't keep quiet, instead of rocking you to sleep ho went and got down a bottle of some soothing poison and endeavored to kill you off with a teaspoonful. "You may say what you please, but it ain't in human nature to like that sort of thin. No man wants to go back to any such first princplo as that. An inscrutable Providence has ordain ed that you cannot bo born at the ago of twenty-one. You have to be a baby, whether you want to or not, and its all' very welrto put up with it and to en dure it with (34,istiun resignation, but to want to be a baby again is all drive ling nonsense, and the people who aro anxious about it ought to be fed on pap or compelled to suck a bottle for their daily bread, until they get cured of their folly." Se-The Wicked may escape human laws, but can never fly from natural copsequences. lie who abandons him self to intemperance, will shorten his existence. If addicted to vice, he will perish under fatal habits. Look into the hearts of those wretches whose countenances would disguise their an guished consciences. See the covetous miser, haggard and emaciated, groan ing udder wealth acquired by the sac rifice of himself. View the gay volup tuary, speretly suffering under 4 bro ken constitution. See the liar, depri ved of all confidence; the icy heart of ingratitude, which no acts of kindness pan dissolve; the iron soul of the inex orable, whom the sight of misfortune could never soften; . the vindictive, nourishing in his bosom the gnawing vipers that consume. him. Observe the sleep of the murderer, the iniqui tous judge, or the oppressor, whose couches are surrounded by the torches of the furies Avoiding their errors, and finding our consciences the con stant abodes of quietness and peace, we shall be happy in the enjoyment of a lasting satisfaction and self-congrat ulation. • 461? -It is an ill thing for a man not to k:now tho gilago of his own atom. ach, nor to consider that men do many things in their dritik that they are ashamed of when sober : drankeenesq being' nothing hut vciluntary mad noset it emboldens men to undertake ali sorts of niischief j it bqth irritates wickedness, and discovers it ; it does not only make men vicious, but shows them to be so; and the end of it is either &hump or repentance. 21d5' ; '.1f you happen to fall into coin puny where the talk runs into party, obscenity, scandal, folly, oFsict3 of apy you had better pass for morose or unsocial among people whose gam! opinion is not fvorth haying,. than shock your own conscience tit loirung in conversation which yoU must disap prove of. ItarThe most, mischievous liars are I,hosp who keep on the verge of truth. TERMS, $2,00 a year in advance. Division of Color. - Fred Douglas has given his views of the situation, which are intended as a warning to his Republican associates. Fred don't mean that one complexion shall absorb everything. What he in tends to accomplish is thus explained : Somebody yesterday asked Fred Douglas (black man). why he didn't go down South along with the rest of the• Republican orators, to help enligh ten the minds of the freedmen, us to their political duties, etc. "Because, • said Fred., "I want to train alone. I want to wait until those moan whites get through with_their talk, and then I will begin. I notice that in all the speeches that Wilson, Kelley, ,and the rest of them have been making, the• colored folks at Richmond, Mobile, New Orleans and other places, nothing is ever paid about giving the colored men Vice President of their own color. But they have got to make that concession to us, and that is just what am going down South to toll our folks to insist upon." "But, Fred., do you think the Radi cal managers will accede to that ar rangement ?" "I have no doubt of it, ear; none at all. Wendell Phillips and Horace Gree• ley say they are in favor of it, and what they say has got to be done. They are the men who run the Repub lioan party along with old Ben. Butler, and whoever would run with that par ty must do as they say." "But, do you think, if they nomin ate Grant for President, that Grant will consent to have a darkey on the same ticket as Vice ?" 'Won't think anything about it, sar, Grant only counts ono. It is not for Grant, or any other man to dictate to the people. We are the people. Grant is one of our servants, ear. If ho does not like his company, lot him resign. Plenty 'of others, sar, ready to take his . place ; plenty of others Bar." "But, even if they nominate a dar key for Vice President, what goad will that do you or your race 7" "Don't talk coolish, child. It will do us a heap of good. In do first plaCe, it will make a colored man presiding officer of the Senate, and then, as the President may die, ho may be Presi dent of the United States. That's my plan of reconstruction, sar, the Union will never bo restored, and the country will never have peace." There were other queries about to be submitted to the distinguished man and brother, but just at this moment Reverend •Doctor Cheevor came along, and after introducing Fred. to a blush ing damsel (who was hanging loving. ly on his arm,) the whole party vanish. ed in the direction of the office of the Anti-Slavery Standard. "DON'T STAY LONO."—It is rarely, indeed, that we have read anything more truthfully pathetic than the sub joined Waif, which Nre find iloating among our exchanges. Would that every husband ip, our land might read and profit by it : • , "Don't stay long, hUsband !" said a young bride tenderly in my presence one evening, as her husband was preparing to go out. The words themielves were insignificant, but the look of melting fondness with which they wore accom panied, spoke volumes. It told the whole vast depth of woman's love—of her grief when the light of • his smile, the source of all her joy, beamed not brightly upon her. "Don't stay long, husband!" and I fandied I Km the loving, gentle wife, sitting alone, anxiously counting the moments of hor husband's absence, ev ery few moments running to the - door to see if he was not in sight, and find ing that he was not, I thought I . could hear hor exclaiming, in disappointed tones, ‘cnot vet." "Don't stay long, husband;" and I again thought I could see the young wife rocking nervously in her great arm chair and weeping as though her heart would break, as her thoughtless "lord and master" prolonged his stay to a wearisome length of time. Oh, you that have wives to say:— "Don't, stay long," when you go forth, think of them kindly when you aro mingling in the 'may hive of life, and try just a little to make their homes and hearts happy, for they are gems too seldom replaced. you- can -nob find amid the pleasures of the world, the peace and joy that a quiet home, blessed with such a woman's presence will afford. "Don't stay long, husband!" and the young wife's look seemed to say—for here in your own sweet lionse is 4. lov ing heart whose music is hushed when you are absont—hero is a soft breast to lay your hea4 upon, and her pure lips, unsoiled by sjn, that will PAY doµ kisses for coming back so sage• set-A. sketch writer in Californis 4e livered a Sunday School adciress,whieh is bettor than anything Mark Twain can do, and of which the following is an example : "You boys ought to be very kind to your little sisters. I once knew a bad bqy who struck his sister a blow over the eye. Although she didn't -fade and die in the early slimmer time, when June roses were mowing, with words of sweet forgiveness on hpr pallid lips, she rose up and hit him over the head with a rolling pin, so that he couldn't go to Sondsy Sobools for more than a month, on account of not being 4410 it/ put his best hat on I" uga „A. verdant young man entered a fancy - store in a city out west,recently, while the lady proprietor was arrang ing a lot of party: eery. She enquired of him if be would not likp to' have some musk bags to pat in his drovers. After a close examination of the arti cle, be told the young lady that he did not wear "drawers." - THE G-IJOIBM JOB PRINTUspa CTFTPE, THE "GLOBE JOB OFFICE" the RI oavcampleie of any In tito country, find P n .; senses the moat Ample' &clinic]; for promptly executing lii the bag style, ovary variety of doh ritsiting, eachm HAND BILLS, • CIRCULARS, • BILL -HEADS, POSTE#SI CARDS, NO, 18. CALL AND EICALINTI e r ViCIitENS OF wait, LEWIS' BOOK. STATIONERY & 111/13i0 STORE, M it, Num mr VdTobront, Objects' to serenading : A :yoting gentleinan in Darby was anxious to serenade his charmer. He blows the cornet and the bass drum in a most artistic and highly inflated' manner. As a drummist he is without a peer. A. bass-drum is not exactly the thing to serenade a lady with. Neither is a cornet: Ho desired company on his serenading expedition, and engaged the services of a _colored guitarist., They were going it, these two, at high old rate, mixing the music of the guitar and cornet in a sort of !musical p arta, healthfuL_and vinspiring, • t the gal, the dulcenra,.the.divinitylii a waterfall and a gored dress; didn't like it. She raisedlhe window; she drew from its hidden recesses a utensil; her• beautiful lips unclosed ; she spoke in strains as musical as the first low whispered notes of love; "Now, see here, if you dirkieS don't go away from there, I'll make things unpleasant for you." And she would have done They left before the fall. A boy's first composition : The Terre Haute, Indiana, Album gives the fol- lowing essay on "The Ox," from one of its young contributorsjust ae,it came from his pen : "Oxen is a very slow animal; they are good . to brimig 'ground up. I would 'drather have horses if they didn't have kolick,Which. they say is wind collected in a bunch, which makes it dangerer for to keep horsei than an ox. If - there was no horses the people would have to wheel there wood on a wheelbarrer. It would take them ,two or three days to wheel a cord a mile. Cows is useful too. I have heard some say ibitt if they had to be tother or an ox they would be a cow. But I think when it cum to have their tits pulled of a cold morning they, would wish they, wasn't, for oxen dont generally have calves. If I had to be any I would rather be a heifer, but if coUldnt be a heifer, and had to be both, I would be a ox. • A short sermon A certain Madam Cresswell, infairiously celebrated in the plays of Charles•the Second's time, died-In Bridewell, and bequeathed ten. pounds to have a sermon preached in which nothing but what was well of her should be said. The 'sermon is said to have been - written by the Duke of Buckingham, and was as facials "All I shall say of her is" this : 'She was born well, she ,married Well; she lived well, and she died well—for she was born_ at Shad-well, married_ to Cress-, well, she, lived at Clarkeewell died at Bridewell.'" , , a A dietingulehed'elergyman in Con, neetiont town recently attended a cir cus on the same afternoon on which. ho engaged to: officiate at a, funeral,. and, watch in hand, enjoyed the ,evo lutione in the ring till compelled re, luctantlyleaye and fulfill his Inner, al engagement. .He had, iiya an eye witness the oympath,i , of the entire dience. 'One of the laziest Men' in thiS try resides. in lo`wa. As , a Sample of his inertia, we .would mention that the, only reason he don't get married is be•_ cause he is" too lazy to stand up. 7 -t. Whenever he gaping ho has to employ a-small boy to pull open his. mouth. Wonder if he ever eats,'and how does ho make money to pay the boy. Some wag in England hit off the. salvage mania there, a few years ago,. by issuing a prospectus for apint stock : company to drain the Red Sea, to re cover the valuables that the Egyptians. lost when Pharoah and his host were. overwhelmed by.the rushing waters in their pursuit of the children of Israel. Among the patents granted last, week was one by jersernen for "improved composition for sausagee t ' We have heard of a mixture of dog,. red flannel and turnips, as a composi tion for sausage, but it is. not likely that it was ever patented. What the improvement may he we are at a loss to imagine. The way it is done in Utah : At 4. late Tabernacle meeting one of the Mormon elders read off, a list of young. Mormons, of various trades and Pape:. ities, who had been selected to go into a southern part of the territory and found a new settlement. They were ordered to ftnd themselves plenty of and start. - Rev. M. H. Gallagher, in noticing. sqme ipstmlees iv( the edeasetion,of chit,. dren, said he knew of a woman who. used to tie her boy to a bed-post on, Sunday, while she went to church And made bias learn the hymn beginning, "Thine earthly Sabbath, Ford, we. love." • ".A. Chinese maxim says "We re-_ quire four things of woman : "That, virtue dwell in her heart; that modes ty. play on lor brow; that aweetnesa flow from her lips, and that industry: occupy her band. A Boston journal contains the fol lowing advertisement; gA young geu, titan:l4llCM the point of getting married is desirous of meeting a man of expe rience who will dissuade him from On step." An Ohio editor refused to speak to the tonst."woman," op the ground that woman was able 'to speak for herself, and any man who undertook to dP it for her would get into troibie, An old lady announced in Court in georgia Oat she had no counsel in her case excepting god. "My' dear mad, am," said ' the • Judge, "He does not praetiee at this bar l" 4 swept young lass pays that melee are of rici appount front the time the ladies stop ifistaing them as infeets till they commer.pp kissing, oprn as lovers. DuringlB66, twq handred lives were lost and $6,000,000 of- property de• stroyed by kerosene exploeions. 4 rather dear commodity, we think Pi.A.LL TICKETS, PROGRAMMPS t BLANK, LABELS, &C., &C., &O